The Last Leaf

The Last Leafby O’ Henry


a short analysis

Transcript of The Last Leaf

  • The Last Leafby O Henry

  • OHenry (1862-1910)Is one of the most famous American short storieswriters.His real name was William Sydney Porter.Was born in Greensboro,North Carolina on september 11,1862.At the age of 20,(1882) he moved to Texas,where he had various jobs.He married Athol Estes in 1887.In 1894 while working for First National Bank in Austin,he was accused for stealing and went to prison for 3 years.In 1902 moved to New York and changed his name to OHenry.1903-1906 OHenry wrote a short story a week for the New York magazines.His short stories are famous for their surprise endings and humor.The most famous are: TheRansom of Red Chief The Gift of the Magi The Furnished Room The Last Leaf In his last years OHenry had financial and health problems.An alchoholic ,he died on June 5,1910 in New York city,virtually broke.

  • Brief SummaryIn May of 1899, in a small Greenwich Village restaurant, Sue and Johnsy meet. They become friends and rent an apartment together to share expenses.In November, Johnsy becomes ill with pneumonia. Her illness lingers. She becomes frail and loses hope of recovering. Outside her window is an old ivy vine on which only a few leaves remain. Johnsy has become so disheartened that she refuses to fight her way back to health and convinces herself that when the last leaf falls off the vine, she will die.It is the day of "house calls" for doctors, and the doctor tells Sue that if Johnsy is to get well, she must get her mind on something other than her sickness. Sue is worried; she goes downstairs and reveals her fears to Mr. Behrman, a grizzled, unsuccessful artist who dreams of one day painting a masterpiece. Only one leaf remains on the vine now, and even Mr. Behrman is worried that tonight it will fall victim to the wind and rain.

  • The next morning, when Sue and Johnsy look out the window, the last leaf is still there. Johnsy thinks about her situation and convinces herself that fate caused the leaf to stay on the vine so that she would not die. With this change in attitude, Johnsy gradually gets well. The doctor comes and verifies Johnsy's recovery. The doctor also tells Sue that Mr. Behrman has pneumonia and is beyond help. He dies that same day.Later that day, Sue discovers how Mr. Behrman became ill. She tells Johnsy that on the stormy night when the last leaf was about to fall, Mr. Behrman took a ladder, climbed the wall, and painted a true masterpiece--a picture of the last leaf on the brick wall.

  • The Title:The Last Leaf is the title of the story,is a symbolic one,because is the symbol of hope that empowers a person for having the strength to fight death.Johnsys believe that the last leaf would make her life too cease with its fall was so firm that no miraculous drug could save her against her rigidity.The last leaf if the ivy vine had the power to sustain Johnsys life an Berhman had the power to sustain the last leaf by creating it.

  • Plot Structure:Exposition:Greenwich village is an old town where people enthralled by paintings and art came. At the topmost floor of an squeaky three-story building lived Sue and Johnsy (nickname for Joanna). They met at a restaurant where they found out that they share the same interests when it comes to art and food.Initial Situation: Sue and Johnsy meet. They become friends and rent an apartment together to share expenses.Rising Action:Six months after Sue and Johnsy started with their joint studio, Johnsy was sick with pneumonia, like others in their town. She had very little chance to live, and Sue was saddened. Johnsy said that if the last leaf on the Ivy vine fell, she would pass away. Sue went on to do an art piece, while she requested Johnsy not to look at what she was painting. She preceded and called Behrmen, Behrmen was an old guy, but after hearing Johnsys plan, he was upset. He went on to go to the duos room, and did something with the thought of Sue.

  • Plot Structure

    Climax:After the sun rose, Johnsy saw the ivy vine and no leaf fell. She was shocked, and watched the leaf for a very one time. Finally, Johnsy realized that she had been a bad girl because of that thought. She finally ate food after not eating because she thought that she would pass away already.

    Falling Action:The doctor arrived at their art studio. He said that Johnsys condition is improving at a very good rate. However, the doctor said that Behrman is also having difficulty because ofpneumonia . He went on to Behrmans studio and tried to treat him. The next day, the doctor came once again and said to Sue : Shes out of danger. You won. Nutrition and care now thats all.

    Denouement:While Sue was talking to Johnsy, they went on and talked about Behrman. He died at the hospital ago, despite being ill in a measly two days. The janitor found him in a bad condition, mainly because his clothing were wet and icy cold. They found a lantern beside him, together with equipment for painting. Sue instructed her to look at the window, and ask her why she thinks thatthe last leaf never fell. It never fell because it was Behrmans masterpiece, and he painted it the night the last leaf fell.

  • Characters:Mr.Behrman:O. Henry wanted to arouse our sympathy for Behrman. Also, he could insure a surprise ending by insinuating that the failed, old artist would never really create a masterpiece. Our first impression of Behrman is quite negative. He seems to be a disagreeable and unlikable man. Later, however, we discover that his crankiness is really a cover-up for his soft heart. This contradiction in Behrman's character heightens the impact we feel when he suddenly and unexpectedly sacrifices himself for Johnsy. Probably. His life was nearly over anyway, whereas Johnsy's was just beginning.

  • JohnsyIs a young woman from California who has come to New York to be an artist.Physically,as we really know about her is that she is small-she is described as a mite of a little woman.She is adventurous and daring or she would not have moved to the artistic community of Greenwhich Village,NY.She is living in a community of artists and she is an artist itself.Johnsy is very weak and does not have a strong constitution initially to fight off the weakness that her body had created after becoming ill.She esentially gives up,which does not seem to make her much of a fighter.She is well cared about and has good friends or the people around her,roommate and the artist below,would not have tried so hard to help her.Once she sees the leaf lasting,Johnsy begins to change.She mentally becomes a stronger personas she tries to endure like the leaf had endured.

  • Themes:The first theme we can conclude is Self-Sacrifice,Mr Behrman sacrificed his own health for Johnsy.The second is Hope.(hope to live)The third is Passion.(passion for art,masterpiece)

  • Main Idea We should never judge someone by what they appear to be,but their actions.Behrman acts fierce and aggressive,but his actions show how much he cares about Johnsy.

  • Stylistic Devices:

    a mite of a little womanEpithet:magnificent scornPersonification:silly ivy leaves

  • Conclusion: The profound meaning of the story, as the main sound of a song, is the deep-felt love between poor artists. That love wins poverty, disease. That love is more valuable than art. It makes art become alive.