The Lance - Issue 17

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2013 WWW.EVANGELLANCE.COM KEEPING EVANGEL UNIVERSITY CONNECTED AND INFORMED SINCE 1955 VOLUME LVIIII | ISSUE XVIII More content and discussions online On most smart- phones, scan with a QR reader application or download the code scanner at @evangellance evangellance Index News......... Opinion...... Feature...... Sports........ Page 1 Page 3 Page 4 Page 6 LANCE THE Weekend Weather Saturday Sunday 55 | 39* F 49 | 31* F Partly Cloudy Sunny Students volunteer to combat hunger in Springfield Page 5 For a preview on this semester’s film, visit us online How to fight the flu on campus Page 2 Prepping for the Super Bowl BY BRETT BOSTON Staff Writer Evangel students give CBC students tour of campus Rentschler, Smallwood speak to CBC students about Evangel community, resident life BY MICHAELA SMITH News Editor Approximately 40 Central Bible College students met in Barnett Recital Hall Monday night to dis- cuss community and residential life at Evangel, which is soon to be their home if the consolidation is approved. Gina Rentschler, director of community life, explained the ba- sics of community life at Evangel. She addressed Evangel’s standards and how a biblical basis, safety and harmony with community living are keys to campus life. She told CBC students that they should connect by knowing their options and by becoming involved with others through programs such as Adopt-a-Student. She advised them to cultivate themselves by fine-tuning their strengths and to challenge themselves by rethink- ing their behaviors. Rentschler also presented what she thought was the best advice she had gathered from Evangel students: to expect something dif- ferent, to accept God’s challenges, to spread oneself out and to fight against stereotyping, gossiping and comparing. Rentschler also told CBC students that if they are interested in applying for resident assistant or another campus lead- ership position, they are required, like Evangel students, to take LEAD 200, which she said they can still enroll in this semester. Pam Smallwood, housing di- rector, then discussed residential living. She addressed CBC stu- dents’ concerns about living off campus and the age limit for stu- dents who wish to live on campus. At CBC, due to its low enroll- ment rate, students over the age of 23 are able to live in a special residence hall. However, at Evan- gel these students will have to find off-campus housing unless an ex- ception is made A student who is enrolled at CBC, De Andre Whitlock, said that he has attended every town hall meeting that CBC has held regarding consolidation. “I think it is a good way to get information from people who are working with and on committees for consolidation,” Whitlock said. “That way, students aren’t receiv- ing secondhand information.” Whitlock said that if he could encourage more CBC students to go to the meetings he would. He said he has also invited people he knows from Evangel to attend the meetings. “It’s a good way for Evangel students to help us out, and for everyone to give their opinion about their concerns of consolidation.” Smallwood said that, based on previous enrollment numbers for CBC and Evangel, she does not think there will be a problem with occupancy in the residence halls. However, she said some single- occupancy rooms might have to accommodate two residents once the institution is consolidated. Following the meeting, CBC students toured Evangel’s campus. Jesse Vaughn, junior and one of the tour guides, said the tour helped CBC students become more aware of what will be avail- able for them at Evangel. Vaughn also said that this might have been the first time CBC students have interacted with Evangel students, so it gave them an opportunity to meet new people. Jim Vigil, vice president for Student Development of CBC, said this is not the first town hall meeting CBC students have had the opportunity to attend. So far, students have been invited to at- tend meetings about academics, finances and spiritual formation. Vigil said the meetings offer CBC students ownership in the consol- idation process and surface more unaddressed issues for the faculty to consider. Vigil also said CBC students will likely be able to go to two more town hall meetings: one about student organizations and possibly another about the newly- appointed president. Leading CBC students on a tour of Evangel, Jesse Tucker, senior, shows the students Riggs Hall. The tour followed a town hall meeting where students asked questions about Evangel’s community and residence life. JESSICA NUNLEY | THE LANCE Understanding academic probation Poor academics affects participation in campus life BY IAN RICHARDSON Copy Editor Academic probation may only account for two brief paragraphs in the student handbook, but ig- noring its importance and conse- quences could cause a student to end up in a world of trouble. According to the 2012 to 2013 undergraduate catalog, a stu- dent falls on academic probation when his or her GPA falls below a certain number at the end of a semester. The GPA requirement is determined on a sliding scale based on the number of semester hours a student has completed. Glenn Bernet, vice president for Academic Affairs, said that academic probation has been a long-standing policy at Evangel, a policy similar to those at other universities. “It basically is rooted in the idea that if a student early on shows signs of not being able to cut it, then we ought to let them know early,” Bernet said. After the final grades for the semester have been submitted, Records and Registration runs a grade report for each student, according to registrar Cathy Wil- liams. She said that a student who falls on academic probation is then notified by email, and Lay- nah Rogers, director of the Aca- demic Support Center, is also no- tified. According to the catalog, a stu- dent on academic probation may only attend events open to the public or events where attendance is required for a grade. This ex- cludes participation in athletics, leadership roles or student events. The catalog also states that a student who remains on academ- ic probation for two semesters in a row can be suspended. Howev- er, Bernet said that when it comes to suspensions, Evangel cuts stu- dents some slack following the fall semester since most stu- dents live on campus. “We’ve made it an un- derstanding that we will generally not suspend somebody at mid-year,” Ber- net said. According to the catalog, a stu- dent serving an academic suspen- sion can be readmitted if he or she has passed a minimum of nine hours of college courses with at least a C grade or has been away from Evangel for one academic year. Once readmitted, the student remains on probation for the first semester and can take no more than 13 credits. The student must take a study skills course and meet with the director of the Academic Support Center. According to Rogers, Aca- demic Support willingly provides assistance to anyone on academic probation. “We sit down and work with them on forming a plan for suc- cess,” said Rogers. “Sometimes it’s a time-management issue; they don’t know how much time to study.” Sometimes, Rogers said, stu- dents find that they need to re- evaluate their course loads or even their majors. Other times, academic probation is just the wake-up call students need to start applying themselves more. Students that are interested in academic support can visit the Academic Support Center. [Academic proba- tion] basically is rooted in the idea that if a student early on shows signs of not being able to cut it, then we ought to let them know early. -Glenn Bernet Minimum Required GPA Semester Hours Freshman 1-29.5 1.5 Sophomore 1.7 30-44.5 Sophomore 1.9 45-59.5 Junior/Senior 2.0 60+ PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY JOANNA FORD | THE LANCE Hype. Emotion. Pressure. Me- dia scrutiny. Those are just a few things leading up to the big game this Sunday, the Super Bowl XL- VII. The Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers are not only closely matched on the field, but on paper as well. According to the NFL, San Francisco averages about nine yards more per game than Bal- timore. Defensively, they allow about 55 yards less than the Ra- vens. One ESPN poll shows peo- ple favoring the 49ers over the Ravens 55 percent to 45 percent. Super Bowl spawns several other activities as well. An ad- vertisement in this year’s Super Bowl will cost roughly $4 million, according to Creative Review’s website. Voxxi’s website estimates that there will be over 1.2 billion chicken wings and over 25 mil- lion slices of pizza consumed during the Super Bowl. Also according to Collegiate Times, one problem people will face this year are bad Super Bowl parties. The Collegiate Times suggests loading up on party plat- ters from Taco Bell and, as well, hot wings. The Collegiate Times addition- ally recognizes the lack of op- portunities to use the restroom during the Super Bowl. It states that people cannot go during the game because they do not want to miss the action. They also cannot go during commercials, because they do not want to miss the hi- larious ads. “It’s a good way for Evangel students to help us out, and for everyone to give their opinion about their concerns of consolidation. -De Andre Whitlock GRAPHIC BY JORDAN SJOSTRUM | THE LANCE Consequences for being placed on academic probation include exclusion from campus activities and required tutoring.


Keeping Evangel University connected and informed since 1955

Transcript of The Lance - Issue 17

Page 1: The Lance - Issue 17




More content and discussions onlineOn most smart-phones, scan with a QR reader application or download the code scanner at



Page 1Page 3Page 4Page 6


Weekend Weather

Saturday Sunday55 | 39* F49 | 31* F

Partly Cloudy Sunny

Students volunteer to

combat hunger in Springfield

Page 5

For a preview on this semester’s film,

visit us online

How to fight the flu on campusPage 2

Prepping for the Super Bowl


Evangel students give CBC students tour of campusRentschler, Smallwood speak to CBC students about Evangel community, resident life


Approximately 40 Central Bible College students met in Barnett Recital Hall Monday night to dis-cuss community and residential life at Evangel, which is soon to be their home if the consolidation is approved.

Gina Rentschler, director of community life, explained the ba-sics of community life at Evangel. She addressed Evangel’s standards and how a biblical basis, safety and harmony with community living

are keys to campus life. She told CBC students that they should connect by knowing their options and by becoming involved with others through programs such as Adopt-a-Student. She advised them to cultivate themselves by fine-tuning their strengths and to challenge themselves by rethink-ing their behaviors.

Rentschler also presented what she thought was the best advice she had gathered from Evangel students: to expect something dif-ferent, to accept God’s challenges, to spread oneself out and to fight

against stereotyping, gossiping and comparing. Rentschler also told CBC students that if they are interested in applying for resident assistant or another campus lead-ership position, they are required, like Evangel students, to take LEAD 200, which she said they can still enroll in this semester.

Pam Smallwood, housing di-rector, then discussed residential living. She addressed CBC stu-dents’ concerns about living off campus and the age limit for stu-dents who wish to live on campus.

At CBC, due to its low enroll-

ment rate, students over the age of 23 are able to live in a special residence hall. However, at Evan-gel these students will have to find off-campus housing unless an ex-ception is made

A student who is enrolled at CBC, De Andre Whitlock, said that he has attended every town hall meeting that CBC has held regarding consolidation.

“I think it is a good way to get information from people who are working with and on committees for consolidation,” Whitlock said. “That way, students aren’t receiv-ing secondhand information.”

Whitlock said that if he could encourage more CBC students to go to the meetings he would. He said he has also invited people he knows from Evangel to attend the meetings. “It’s a good way for Evangel students to help us out, and for everyone to give their opinion about their concerns of consolidation.”

Smallwood said that, based on previous enrollment numbers for CBC and Evangel, she does not think there will be a problem with occupancy in the residence halls. However, she said some single-occupancy rooms might have to accommodate two residents once the institution is consolidated.

Following the meeting, CBC students toured Evangel’s campus.

Jesse Vaughn, junior and one of the tour guides, said the tour helped CBC students become more aware of what will be avail-able for them at Evangel. Vaughn also said that this might have been the first time CBC students have interacted with Evangel students, so it gave them an opportunity to meet new people.

Jim Vigil, vice president for Student Development of CBC, said this is not the first town hall meeting CBC students have had the opportunity to attend. So far, students have been invited to at-tend meetings about academics, finances and spiritual formation. Vigil said the meetings offer CBC students ownership in the consol-idation process and surface more unaddressed issues for the faculty to consider.

Vigil also said CBC students will likely be able to go to two more town hall meetings: one about student organizations and possibly another about the newly-appointed president.

Leading CBC students on a tour of Evangel, Jesse Tucker, senior, shows the students Riggs Hall. The tour followed a town hall meeting where students asked questions about Evangel’s community and residence life.


Understanding academic probation

Poor academics affects participation in campus life


Academic probation may only account for two brief paragraphs in the student handbook, but ig-noring its importance and conse-quences could cause a student to end up in a world of trouble.

According to the 2012 to 2013 undergraduate catalog, a stu-dent falls on academic probation when his or her GPA falls below a certain number at the end of a semester. The GPA requirement is determined on a sliding scale based on the number of semester hours a student has completed.

Glenn Bernet, vice president for Academic Affairs, said that

academic probation has been a long-standing policy at Evangel, a policy similar to those at other universities.

“It basically is rooted in the idea that if a student early on shows signs of not being able to cut it, then we ought to let them know early,” Bernet said.

After the final grades for the semester have been submitted, Records and Registration runs a grade report for each student, according to registrar Cathy Wil-liams. She said that a student who falls on academic probation is then notified by email, and Lay-nah Rogers, director of the Aca-demic Support Center, is also no-tified.

According to the catalog, a stu-dent on academic probation may only attend events open to the public or events where attendance is required for a grade. This ex-cludes participation in athletics, leadership roles or student events.

The catalog also states that a student who remains on academ-ic probation for two semesters in a row can be suspended. Howev-er, Bernet said that when it comes to suspensions, Evangel cuts stu-

dents some slack following the fall semester since most stu-

dents live on campus. “We’ve made it an un-derstanding that we

will generally not suspend somebody

at mid-year,” Ber-net said.

According to the catalog, a stu-dent serving an academic suspen-sion can be readmitted if he or she has passed a minimum of nine hours of college courses with at least a C grade or has been away from Evangel for one academic year.

Once readmitted, the student remains on probation for the first semester and can take no more than 13 credits. The student must take a study skills course and meet with the director of the Academic Support Center.

According to Rogers, Aca-demic Support willingly provides assistance to anyone on academic probation.

“We sit down and work with them on forming a plan for suc-cess,” said Rogers. “Sometimes it’s a time-management issue; they don’t know how much time to study.”

Sometimes, Rogers said, stu-dents find that they need to re-evaluate their course loads or even their majors. Other times, academic probation is just the wake-up call students need to start applying themselves more.

Students that are interested in academic support can visit the Academic Support Center.

[Academic proba-tion] basically is

rooted in the idea that if a student early

on shows signs of not being able to cut it, then we ought to let them know early.

-Glenn Bernet





d G


Semester Hours

Freshman 1-29.51.5

Sophomore1.7 30-44.5

Sophomore1.9 45-59.5

Junior/Senior2.0 60+










D |




Hype. Emotion. Pressure. Me-dia scrutiny. Those are just a few things leading up to the big game this Sunday, the Super Bowl XL-VII.

The Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers are not only closely matched on the field, but on paper as well.

According to the NFL, San Francisco averages about nine yards more per game than Bal-timore. Defensively, they allow about 55 yards less than the Ra-vens. One ESPN poll shows peo-ple favoring the 49ers over the Ravens 55 percent to 45 percent.

Super Bowl spawns several other activities as well. An ad-vertisement in this year’s Super Bowl will cost roughly $4 million, according to Creative Review’s website.

Voxxi’s website estimates that there will be over 1.2 billion chicken wings and over 25 mil-lion slices of pizza consumed during the Super Bowl.

Also according to Collegiate Times, one problem people will face this year are bad Super Bowl parties. The Collegiate Times suggests loading up on party plat-ters from Taco Bell and, as well, hot wings.

The Collegiate Times addition-ally recognizes the lack of op-portunities to use the restroom during the Super Bowl. It states that people cannot go during the game because they do not want to miss the action. They also cannot go during commercials, because they do not want to miss the hi-larious ads.

“It’s a good way for Evangel students to help us out, and

for everyone to give their opinion

about their concerns of

consolidation.-De Andre Whitlock


Consequences for being placed on academic probation include exclusion from campus activities and required tutoring.

Page 2: The Lance - Issue 17

The Springfield Business Journal has named Andy Denton, vice president for Enrollment Management, to its 2013 class of “40 under 40,” according to a press release.

According to an article on the journal’s website, each year a group of judges selects 40 individuals from a group of nominees based on their professional accomplishments and work in the community.

“It’s humbling,” Denton said. “I see it as an award that is really an honor for my family and the team that I’m a part of.”

Denton specifically mentioned

the help of his wife, Linda, who has put her career on hold to stay at home with the Denton’s three children, who are currently eight, six and five years old.

“It really is a reflection of a great partnership I have with my wife,” Denton said. “She’s a very sharp lady as well. She could easily have been one of these if she’d pursued her career.”

Denton also expressed

appreciation for the mentoring he has experienced under Robert Spence, president, who Denton said has invested a lot in him.

A 1998 graduate of Evangel, Denton said he began working for Evangel directly following his graduation. He spent two years as an admissions counselor followed by two and a half years as director of undergraduate admissions.

After working four years as an associate pastor, Denton returned to become the first vice president for Enrollment Management, a position he has held since 2007.

“What brought me back is my love for my alma mater,” Denton said. “I just believe in what we’re doing here.”

“Evangel University is very

blessed to have a man with so much accomplished in such a short time,” Angela Dense, Denton’s executive assistant to the vice president of enrollment management, said.

Dense has worked with Denton since last semester, and she said that she can see why he has been selected for such an award.

“Dr. Denton’s very easy to get along with,” she said. “He’s an incredibly intelligent professional.”

Denton said he will appear for a photo shoot and will be profiled in a future issue of the journal.

The journal has also invited all 40 of the individuals to be recognized at a ceremony on March 7.

NEWS2 | Friday, February 1, 2013 | The Lance

The ScoopBattle of the BandsEvangel will host its first Battle of the Bands, Feb. 21 from 8-11 pm. If you are in a band or interested in forming one together, contact William Studioso.

EU Visit DayThe Department of Undergraduate Admissions will host an EU Visit today for prospective students and their families.

Nominate a ProfessorStudents can nominate one faculty member to honor at the graduation ceremony by receiving the E.M. and Estella Clark Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching. Nomination forms should be filled out and returned to the Academics Affairs Office.

Tea for ThreeThe Barnett Theater will house the play “Tea For Three,” starring Emmy Award-winning Elaine Bromka Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free and open to the public.

Yearbook PhotosStudents can have their yearbook photos taken today in the side room of Crusader Hall from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and again from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The floor with the highest participation will win $100.

Softball CampThe softball team will host a camp titled “Play Like an Olympian,” which will feature softball player, Crystyl Bustos, a three-time Pan-American Games gold medalist and two-time Olympian. The camp, which will take place on Saturday, will consist of two sessions: skills and hitting.

Andy Denton added to ‘40 under 40’BY IAN RICHARDSON

Copy Editor

Andy Denton

Premarital retreat available for students


Krans recoversslowly

BY ELLIOTT SCOTTAssistant News Editor

Milton Krans has a Facebook page designated to his recovery process. Students can search, “Pray for Dr. Milt Krans.”


Flu bug bites on campusBY MICHAELA SMITH

News Editor

“AH-CHOOO!” The sound of someone

sneezing can mean a multitude of things. For some, it could mean allergies. But for others, it could mean the flu.

The flu is a contagious, respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, the flu attacks a person’s body suddenly. Cases can range from mild to severe cold-like symptoms. Some cases can even end in death. Influenza viruses mainly spread from person to person through respiratory droplets released by coughs and sneezes.

Susan Bryan, director of health services, said this season of the flu has been a particularly bad one, especially for students living in close quarters.

One sophomore Scott Hall resident, Cody Bond, said he caught the flu and had it for five days.

“A big problem for me was that I didn’t have the resources to deal with the flu,” he said.

After being sick for four days, Bond said his suitemate went out and got medicine for him. Bond said that because he was so sick, his roommate stayed

with his resident assistant while Bond remained quarantined to his room.

Bond said that when other students get sick, they should get plenty of rest and eat lots of food.

Bryan said that out of the nine students she saw at the Wellness Center on Monday, only two of them did not have flu-like symptoms and were not treated for having the flu.

Bryan said that only a test can determine whether a student has the flu, but those tests are very expensive – almost $100. She said the only time Evangel administered the flu test was back when the swine flu was spreading in order to determine if the type of flu at the school was that strand. Since treatment for the flu and for flu-like symptoms is the same, Bryan said she writes “flu-like illness” on the medicinal scripts.

One of Bryan’s recommendations for avoiding the flu: getting the shot.

“I have gotten the flu shot every year,” Bryan said. “I’m a big believer in it.” She said that the more flu vaccines the Wellness Center gives, the less the flu normally spreads around campus.

Bryan also said she suggests students frequently wash their

hands, practice good hygiene and cover their mouths and noses when they sneeze. She said that students should keep their distances from those who are sick.

“Living a healthy lifestyle and practicing good nutrition are

key to staying healthy,” Bryan said.

Bryan said that the Wellness Center still has 25 doses of the flu vaccine to administer.

Flu shots are available for students in the Wellness Center for $15.


A student poses to be sick with the flu. Susan Bryan, Wellness Center director, said many students have caught the flu this season.

A month after an accident that hospitalized Milton Krans, associate professor of theology, rehabilitation is still underway. According to a Facebook update posted by Beverley Krans, Milton Krans’ wife, he is supposed to be released from the Walnut Lawn Rehabilitation Center on Wednesday.

“He is making some progress each day - being up and wanting to walk in the hall, talking more and staying awake longer in the evenings,” Beverley Krans posted on Facebook.

Earlier last week, she posted that Milton Krans is continuing to feel discomfort from the body braces that are supporting him and that he is also struggling to effectively swallow food. Krans is unable to consume large

portions of food, Beverly Krans said in a post on Monday. She said that he is currently content using a feeding tube to counter the amount of strength it requires to chew all of his food.

Paul Logsdon, director of public relations and publications, said, “Dr. Krans cannot do a thing without the neck brace, and he is not supposed to move without the body brace.”

Milton Krans faces a significant measure of exhaustion at the end of each day, Beverley Krans said. She mentioned that most nights he has to turn out the lights early in order to get some rest.

Beverley Krans posted on Facebook last Friday that she is concerned about the amount of effort that is going to be required to manage her husband’s braces after he is released.

“I am sure I will need help once he comes home knowing

how to take his upper brace off at night and then putting it back on in the morning for a while until I get comfortable doing it myself,” she said.

She later said that while it is a big deal, she is confident she will be able to handle the changes that will come.

She said she spent the beginning of the week looking at skilled nursing facilities.

“We did decide on three facilities that would be suitable for Milton when the time comes,” Beverley Krans said on Facebook.

She said that he has begun to turn a corner and that he is beginning to appear more positive.

“The personal care that he will require is rather extensive,” Logsdon said.

Beverley Krans is continuing to express her appreciation on Facebook for the support that has been given.

Rehabilitationunderway, set to be released Wednesday

He is making some progress each

day--being up and wanting to walk

in the hall, talking more and staying

awake longer in the evenings.

- Beverley Krans

The Counseling Center will host its annual premarital retreat from Feb. 15 through 17 in Branson, Mo. The retreat will be an event packed with informational sessions and discussion panels designed to prepare Evangel’s young couples for married life, according to Brian Upton, director of counseling services.

The Counseling Center will both plan and host the retreat, and the entire team of Evangel counselors, along with several interns working for the Counseling Center, will have their hands in this event.

The premarital retreat is open to any Evangel couples who are currently engaged or who plan to marry within the next year.

The Counseling Center will invite four to five married couples from the area to counsel and speak to the students during the retreat. Many of the guest speakers will be Evangel alumni who have special experience in areas that may be of interest to the students, such as finances and relational purity, according to the Upton.

Upton said this retreat has been hosted by Evangel for over a decade. Each year, between 20 and 25 couples attend the event.

“We try to make [the retreat] more experiential – we want there to be an applied nature to it,” Upton said. “We want to really equip couples with the skills they need.”

In recent years, the

Counseling Center has updated the format of the retreat to allow for discussion after each of the workshops. According to Upton, this opens the floor for couples to talk through what they have learned and to identify how the content applies to their unique relationships.

Kerry Marsh, part-time staff counselor, is a three-year veteran of this event; she has acted as a counselor during the retreat and spoken on topics such as clear communication and conflict resolution.

This year, she will be involved in the final address of the weekend, which will discuss the meaning of marriage.

“We spend so much time planning for a wedding, and that is only one day [of the year],” Marsh said. “How much time do we really plan on putting into a marriage that could [last] potentially 50 years?”

Marsh says that her desire is for students to learn the basic building blocks of a healthy marriage that they may not have ever been taught by their parents.

“We try to cover a broad overview of all of the different areas that impact their relationship: conflict resolution, sexuality, money management, communication,” Marsh said. “We want them to be successful in marriage by understanding these things better.”

Evangel alumnus Justin Stanton said he attended the premarital retreat several years ago with his wife, Kara. The two met during their time at Evangel and attended several counseling sessions during their engagement.

“Everyone who is considering getting married needs to do counseling,” Stanton said. “Our experience at Evangel’s Counseling Center was very beneficial.”

We want to really equip couples

with the skills they need.

-Brian Upton

Page 3: The Lance - Issue 17

People are likeable, for the most part. It can generally be considered fun to hang

out with people, where the word “people” is used in reference to both male and female “people.”

Though it is true that Evangel is a Christian institution, it is not unbiblical for a guy and a girl to watch a movie or three, should the whim take them. But with the school’s current open dorm policy, students are not able to spend time in mixed company in their rooms for longer than four hours. Granted, the lobbies in the dorms are fairly well equipped, and students have access to the academic buildings, but with so many people awkwarding up those possibilities, there are only limited other options. Lobby couples. Blechk.

Students are trusted enough to be in their rooms in mixed company for 10 hours a week; there’s obviously nothing morally wrong with it. If couples felt like misbehaving in their rooms, they’ve got 10 hours worth of opportunity each week if the RAs aren’t patrolling. But that is one of the responsibilities of the resident assistants; to make sure no funny business goes on.

Of course, we don’t expect resident assistants and office assistants to work for free. According to Andrew Goodall, resident director of Scott Hall, that for the addition of another day of hall visitation, RAs would need to be compensated for the extra work. This, however, was made impossible, since the Board of Administration recently voted against a proposal to give RAs a raise.

Goodall offers a solution that would not require more money, as the RAs would already be on duty, and would extend the hall

visitation hours from 10 to 15 each week. That’s an hour more than adding another full shift on a different day. Goodall’s solution is to expand the hours on Monday so that they are from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. and extending the hours during Tuesday and Friday till 12 a.m. as well.

We support Goodall’s suggestion because it would enable students to spend more supervised time in mixed company, and would cut down on entertainment costs for students.

Not only is the current limited time a scheduling nuisance, it also means that students who wish to spend time with someone of the opposite gender have to leave campus for any kind of privacy. This means lots of trips to coffee shops, to the theaters or even just driving around town. All of these cost money students could save by just staying in and watching a movie they already own in their rooms.

So, who to turn to to make changes? That’s what student senators are for. Blake Peterson, senior and senator in charge of the policy changes proposed to senate, is the man for the job. For him to do his job, students have to exercise their rights to contact him and ask for representation.

It is our responsibility as students to call for the changes we want to see. It is time that we use that right and make it cheaper to be able to hang out with our friends, regardless of gender, by spending more time in our rooms.

This editorial was written by Jonathan Gracza, senior, to fulfill a class assignment. Gracza is not a Lance staff member.

OPINION The Lance | Friday, February 1, 2013 | 3

Just Sayin’

Letter to the Editor policy: Letters to the editor are open to all and are printed on a first-received basis. The Lance reserves the right to edit for space, libel and clarity. Letters are limited to 250 words and must be typed, include the author’s full name, phone number and classification or position. Anonymous letters will not be printed. All letters must be received by 6 p.m. Tuesdays. Only three submissions from the same author will be published in the same semester.

CORRECTIONS: The Lance corrects all confirmed errors. Please contact Christine Temple, Editor-in-Chief, at 417.865.2815 ext. 8634 or email [email protected] to report a correction. The Lance is committed to fair, accurate and objective journalism.

The Lance is the student voice of Evangel University, published since the college was founded in 1955. Published weekly in print and online during the academic year, The Lance is the primary source of news for its students, faculty and staff. Opinions expressed in The Lance do not necessarily represent the opinions of Evangel University.

The Lance exists to provide relevant and accurate information that informs, entertains, critiques and serves the Evangel University community.

The Lance is published weekly (Fridays) during the school year. First three copies are free; additional copies are $1.

1998 Inductee Associated Collegiate Press Hall of FameMember, Associated Collegiate Press

Member, Missouri College Media AssociationMember, Association of Christian College Media

1111 N. Glenstone Ave. | Springfield, Mo. 65802

417.865.2815 | 8634

[email protected]

Christine Temple | Editor-in-ChiefJessica Nunley | Managing Editor

Michaela Smith | News EditorElliott Scott | Assistant News Editor

Sean White | Features EditorBriana Goforth | Sports Editor

Jordan Sjostrom | Online EditorIan Richardson | Chief Copy Editor

Joanna Ford | Photo EditorShelly Bazer | Layout Editor

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LANCETHE If you could send

one animal to space, which one and why?

Our VoiceThe Lance

“Spiders. To get them off the Earth.”

-Josh Fedoryszynfreshman

“Kangaroos. To see how high they could jump.”

-Rebecca Oordjunior

“An elephant. To actually see if a space suit could fit.”

-Rebekah Houseknectsophomore

“A panda because it would look cute in an astronaut outfit.”

-Rachel Woodrufffreshman

“Boys. To make life simpler.”

-Desley Jettsophomore

“Squirrels because that would be nuts.”

-Steven Derevenchasophomore

Boston’s Brewin’Brett Boston

Brett Boston is a senior studying advertising.

Ray Lewis has been getting quite a bit of attention lately, mostly because he’ll

be playing the last game of his career this Sunday in the Super Bowl. A few words are often used to describe Lewis: passionate, emotional, leader, football player. When I think of Lewis, though, some other words some to mind, like “alleged” and “murderer” – and “scary as sin.”

If you didn’t know, Lewis was charged with murder back in 2000 because of an incident that took place during the Super Bowl. The charges were dropped as part of a plea bargain, though, and Lewis was convicted on some small charge like obstruction of justice. So we should just forget

about it, right? Well, that’s definitely the road

Warren Sapp would take. Sapp, when asked about the incident recently during an interview, ripped off his microphone and made a comment about how it was “12 years ago” before mentioning that Lewis wouldn’t hurt a flea and that people need to find a new story. Somebody needs to let Sapp know that the year 2000 was actually 13 years ago, and Lewis wasn’t charged with killing a flea; he was charged with killing a human.

Maybe Sapp is right, though. Perhaps people do need to find a new story. But why? If Lewis were anything other than a professional athlete, the murder

case would be brought up every time he applied for a new job, so why should the guy get a free pass just because he’s a really good free throw shooter. That’s what people do in football, right?

Well, the reason he gets a free pass is simple: whether it’s sports or anything in the entertainment world, talent always trumps the law.

That’s why people remember Michael Jackson as some sort of immortal pop icon, not a creepy guy who built a theme park in his backyard so he could lure young boys to his home.

It’s why people like George Clooney and Whoopi Goldberg signed a petition for Roman Polanski to be allowed back in the

U.S. even though RoPo drugged and raped multiple underage women back in the ’70s.

Apparently, making a few tickles, singing some memorable songs or making a couple good movies give you a free pass to a life of crime. If that’s the case, then no laws should apply to Gary Busey. The man is a legend. And he’s absolutely gorgeous.

Ultimately though, it may not be a bad thing that talent trumps the law.

I mean, even people who complain about it – like me – still prefer it to be that way. After all, the studio version of “Beat It” probably sounds a lot better than the “San Quentin Cell 302 version of Beat It” would.

Open dorm reform

Professional talent trumps the law

Page 4: The Lance - Issue 17

Sausage and Egg Biscuit

- Thick and filling , this is a great way to put all of the

breakfast offerings together.

1. Get a biscuit, eggs and a sausage.

2. Split the biscuit in half and put on the sausage.

3. Carefully pile on some scrambled eggs.

4. Put on the top half of the biscuit.

Bacon and cream cheese bagel - All the joy of bacon on a bagel with cream cheese spread

- this is a breakfast item.1. Get a plain bagel and toast it.2. Spread a layer of cream cheese on one-half of the bagel.

3. Grab some bacon and put two layers on top of the cream cheese.

4. Put the top half of the bagel on and enjoy.


Peanut butter cereal

- Crunchy and sweet, a twist on regular cereal.

1. Take a bowl and two lumps of peanut butter.

2. Add cereal. The Corn Bursts or Crispy Rice work great, but Coco Roos or

Honey Nut Toasty ‘Os would work too. Add enough cereal to cover the

peanut butter, but not too much.

3. Mix with a spoon until most of the cereal is mixed in with the peanut butter.

Caf-Shake - Simple, creamy and delicious. Mix up one of these and add

any flavors you please.1. Grab a cup and fill it up about two-thirds full with the ice cream of your choice:

vanilla, chocolate or mixed.2. Get some milk . For a medium-thick shake, add milk until it covers the ice cream.

Chocolate milk with chocolate ice cream creates a rich flavor while vanilla

ice cream and chocolate milk do not mix very well. 3. Now is a great time to add a cherry flavor shot. This works well in either a

vanilla or chocolate shake. Only add one; otherwise, it will be too strong.

4. Take a knife from the rack and mix the contents of your cup until it is creamy.

A knife is long enough to reach the bottom of the cup and thin enough to

move through the ice cream without too much resistance.

Internships are valuable tools for college students. While they o� er experience for students’ fu-ture careers, they can also help students � nd jobs quickly a� er college graduation.

In fact, 60 per-cent of intern-ships turn into job o� ers for col-lege graduates, according to an article by Forbes.

“We try our best to get the students out into the � eld as early as possible,” Becky Huechteman, professor of education, said. “We know that it’s best for them to get the hands-on experi-ence that they need.”

Bernie Dana, Busi-ness De-partment chairper-son, has helped many stu-dents with internships over the years. “� e Business Depart-ment has developed relationships with several organizations in the Spring� eld community that are willing to o� er internships,” he said.

According to Dana, the ben-e� ts of interning in Spring� eld depend on the student and may include convenience while taking

classes, superior selection oppor-tunities or proximity to relatives.

When it comes to � nding an internship, Dana said, “Students who are willing to be aggressive in their search are usually very successful.”

He also said that prayer is a valuable part of the process.

� e Career Develop-ment Center, located in the student union, o� ers resources to help students develop a re-sume or � nd

an internship. According to Career Develop-

ment Center o� ce materials, it is dedicated to working with current students, alumni and employers to aid in job search-ing, provide career guid-ance and of-fer job-skill training.

Shannyn Wong, junior advertising and public relations major, said, “Internships are im-portant because they provide real life experience in that particu-lar � eld. � ey give you a tease of what it will be like before com-pletely letting you loose in the work place.” Wong said that she is planning to do an internship this summer.

FEATURES The Lance| Friday, February 1, 2013 |4

� e importance of internships


Bernie Dana Becky Huechteman

The father-son duo of Donald and Barron Ryan performed in the Barnett Recital Hall Tuesday.


This Week:

Jonathan Jones, senior, took this picture at Outer Banks, N.C. John Mark Rhoades, senior, took this multiple exposure photo at Bayfi eld, Colo. and Chicago, Ill.

Katrina Ackerman, sophomore, took this photo at Glacier National Park, Mont. This photo was originality in color.

We try our best to get the students out into the fi eld as early

as possible.- Becky Huechteman

Intern-al Affairs


Page 5: The Lance - Issue 17

Hunger is a reality–a very harsh reality for more than 870 million people. While that number may seem like just another random statistic, it is more than the popu-lations of the United States and the European Union combined.

According to the World Food Programme, hunger is the world’s number-one health risk, killing more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis put together.

Many people and ministries have recognized that hunger is a

problem and are aiding the � ght against it. Convoy of Hope is one of those ministries.

Headquartered in Spring-� eld, Convoy of Hope states on its website that its mission is “to feed millions of people in need in the United States and around the world through children’s nu-trition initiatives, citywide out-reaches and disaster response.”

Convoy does this with feeding programs and donor sponsor-ship. In the past 16 years, Convoy has helped more than 55 million people.

Many of the meals Convoy sends all over the world are

packed in Spring� eld, and much of that work is done by volunteers.

“Getting involved with Convoy of Hope is a great way of reaching out to people, and we are look-ing forward to a long and e� ec-tive partnership with them,” Matt Elenbaas, junior and assistant director of activities and events for CROSSwalk, said. “Students should be looking for opportuni-ties to get involved in Convoy ei-ther by fundraising or volunteer-ing,” he said.

Students interested in becom-ing involved in Convoy’s minis-try through Evangel can contact Chelsea Brookbank, junior and

CROSSwalk assistant director of outreach.

Embassy of Hope Church is another local ministry helping to � ght hunger in America. Ac-cording to their website, Embassy of Hope Church is sponsored by local churches, individuals and Convoy of Hope, and it reaches hundreds of homeless and im-poverished Spring� eld residents every week.

Every Saturday, Embassy of Hope Church holds “Inner City Outreach” in Spring� eld. Needy families who attend Inner City Outreach are served a hot meal, receive groceries and hear the

gospel preached. “� e Inner City Outreach is

an opportunity for students to participate in hands on service of ministering to those in need, while sharing the love of Christ,” Brookbank said. She said that Evangel students frequently vol-unteer at Inner City Outreach, and more volunteers are needed and welcome.

With Convoy of Hope, Inner City Outreach and other minis-tries combating hunger, students have several opportunities to be-come involved in ending world hunger.

� ri� stores abound in Spring-� eld, but few purchase clothing from customers while they shop. Plato’s Closet, located on Battle-� eld Road between Fremont Av-enue and National Avenue, is not only known for its discounted name brand clothing but also for its policy of purchasing high-quality used clothing from cus-tomers.

Heather Robichaud, store man-ager, said that the process for sell-ing to Plato’s Closet is simple:

1. Bring in your gently used brand name clothing and acces-sories.

2. � e buyer reviews your clothing while you shop.

3. You receive a quote based on style, condition, brand and the store’s current merchandise levels.

4. If you accept the o� er, you can receive cash or trade your stu� for items of equal value. And bonus, if you trade, your purchase is tax-free, saving you a few extra bucks.

Plato’s Closet works on a � rst-come-� rst-serve basis, Robichaud

said, and it only accepts the latest styles without stains, tears or fad-ing damage. � e shop purchases clothing up to an hour before closing time.

� ough typically young women shop at Plato’s Closet, Robichaud said that the ratio of girls to guys at the store is a 70-30 split.

She said that men’s clothes are in high demand because guys change their clothing less fre-quently than girls, so most men’s clothes are too damaged to resell. � is is why the men’s section of Plato’s is smaller.

Even so, front-end manager Kailee Smith said that many guys are regulars to the store because of the high turnover rate for both men’s and women’s merchandise.

Within a month’s time, most items in the store are sold and replaced with new goods, Smith said.

� e Plato’s Closet website ad-vertises a grab-bag sale on Sat-urday, Feb. 9, where, for $10, customers can � ll up a bag of clearance clothing. All other reg-ularly priced merchandise in the store is discounted 10 percent as well.

Lifetime passions can be launching pads for success. Hannah Arnzen, junior digital arts major, has been taking pictures since she was in second grade. In the last � ve years she has done two art shows to bene� t Ozarks Food Harvest and Speed the Light.

“I have always been intrigued by photography,” Arnzen said. Growing up, she said she began to become interested in cameras because of her mom. When she was in second grade, her mom bought her a camera. She used that camera for the next seven years.

When she was in ninth grade, Arnzen’s parents gave her the choice of getting a new drum set or a pro-fessional camera, and she chose the camera.

From then on, she has con-tinued to pursue her passion for photography.“One photo can create thousands of stories,” Arnzen said, “Each person can interpret a photo in a di� erent way.”

Arnzen said that she feels God has blessed her in her � nances, con-

nections and relationships, so she should bless others.Arnzen hopes to have her pictures published in a maga-

zine someday. But for now, she said she is satis� ed with having someone use one of her photos as a pro� le picture.

Arnzen said she wants to pursue a career in art therapy.

“I really believe in art therapy. I think it can be very e� ective,” she said. A� er she graduates from Evangel, she said she wants to go on to graduate

school. Arnzen said that when she takes photos she tries to

blend in as best as possible. According to her, the best can-did photos are taken when the photographer is invisible.

FEATURES5 | Friday, February 1, 2013 | The Lance

Sell, then shop


Volunteering to � ght hunger in Spring� eld, abroad

BY SEAN WHITEFeatures Editor

When a hobby becomes a passion


Women account

for over 60% of

the world’s


-World Food


870 millionpeople in theworld do not haveenough to eat. -World Food Programme


contributes to

2.6 million deaths

of children under

�ve each year.

Approx. 25,000people will die of

hunger today.-StopHunger

98% of the world'sundernourishedpeople live indevelopingcountries.-United Nations





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Plato’s Closet takes used clothes for cash, sells name brand items

WHERE: 1258 E Battlefield Rd., between Fremont Avenue and National Avenue.HOURS: Mon-Thu; 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.Fri-Sat; 10 a.m.- 9 p.m.Sun; 1 p.m.- 6 p.m.

Arnzen’s photography is not just used for art, but as a way to bless others. She would like to go on to graduate school to practice art therapy.PHOTOS COURTESY OF HANNAH ARNZEN


Page 6: The Lance - Issue 17

SPORTS6 | Friday, February 1, 2013 | The Lance

4 04 0



2/1Women’s Indoor TrackCentral Missouri, Mule RelaysWarrensburg, Mo.

2/2Men’s Indoor TrackCentral Missouri, Mule RelaysWarrensburg, Mo. Women’s BasketballBaker UniversityBaldwin City, Kan.2 p.m.Men’s BasketballBaker UniversityBaldwin City, Kan.4 p.m.

2/5BaseballWilliams BaptistWalnut Ridge, Kan.12 p.m.

2/6JV BaseballNorth ArkansasHarrison, Ark.1 p.m.

2/7Women’s BasketballMissouri ValleyAshcroft Center5:30 p.m. Men’s BasketballMissouri ValleyAshcroft Center7:30 p.m.

Strong beginnings, successful � rst meet


Poor defense results in another loss

Emily Akins hurdles opponent for a hard-fought layup in the match against Benedictine on Saturday. The women’s basketball team fell to Benedictine by a score of 72-41.



Victor spells ‘victory’

PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM GRIFFINVictor Agbasi, senior guard, manages shot against defensive opponent in the game against Benedictine on Jan. 26. The Crusaders came away with a win.

BY CHARLIE WILLIAMSContributing Writer

A� er losing the previous � ve games, the women’s basketball team faced Benedictine at home on Saturday. Benedictine, which is ranked no. 16 in the Heart of America Athletic Conference, had beat the Crusaders earlier this season by a score of 64-51. � is time, the Crusaders fell by a score of 72-41.

“I do not think we should have lost,” Sierra Mc-Spadden, senior forward, said. “I do not like losing to them. I do not like losing anyway, but I especially do not like losing to Benedictine.”

According to a press release, at hal� ime the Ravens led 31-17, but the Crusaders almost tied the score early in the second half, just 10 points below Benedictine. � e Crusaders fell short as Benedic-tine went on a run and won its seventh game in a row. � is loss was Evangel’s sixth in a row.

“� e � rst half we were in it. � e second half, I think we came in just horribly,” Ariel Robinson, junior forward, said. “� ey just took o� . � ey shot and made all their buckets.”

According to a press release,

Emily Akins, sophomore guard, led the team with 16 points while McSpadden contributed another 14. On the other side of the court, the Raven’s Justice Payne put up 20 points for her team, scoring six three-pointers.

� e Crusaders move on to face Baker University this Saturday in Baldwin City, Kan. � e team took a couple days o� from practice

this week before returning to the gym to pre-pare for its next match.

“We are learn-ing their plays,” M c S p a d d e n said. “Some-times I feel like we know their

plays better than we know our own plays.”

� is will be the � rst time that Evangel faces Baker this season. According to a preseason Heart of America Athletic Conference coaches’ poll, Baker was tied for ninth with Culver-Stockton in the conference with 24 points while Evangel was picked � � h with 56 points.

As the season nears its end, the women’s basketball team contin-ues to ask for a supporting crowd.

“We have big goals to � nish o� the year, so just continue to sup-port us regardless of the situa-tion,” Brown said.

� e indoor track team trav-eled to Principia College in Elsah, Ill. last Friday. � ree of Evangel’s eight relay teams placed � rst in their events, while the rest placed either second or third.

According to a press release, Daniel Garten, senior, Jordan Martin, sophomore, and Sam Wyrick, sophomore, competed on Evangel’s 1600-meter sprint medley relay team and � nished in 3:52.

Wyrick, David Donaldson, freshman, Christopher Groh, sophomore, and Junior Ruckde-schell, junior, � nished the 4x800 meter relay in 8:42, winning the

event by a margin of 10 seconds. � e women’s 4x800 meter relay

team, which consisted of Marga-ret Dorge, junior, Lindsey Woody, freshman, Courtney Orange, se-nior, and Joanna Cogiel, junior, won with a time of 10:48. � e men’s B team took second in the 4x800.

According to a press release, Dorge took second in the wom-en’s individual 500-meter, and Brandon Ho� man took third in the men’s individual 3000-meter.

“Our goal, as a team, is to place third or better at the conference meet in February,” said Ruckde-schell.

� e next women’s meet is to-day, and the next men’s meet is on Feb. 2 at Central Missouri.

Evangel improved to 16-5 this season a� er wins against Central Methodist University and Benedictine College last week. � ough the Crusaders dropped from no. 19 to no. 21 in the NAIA Coaches Poll this week, they are tied for � rst place in the Heart of America Athletic Conference.

“It is good to be tied for � rst place in the league at this point, but there is a lot of bas-ketball le� to be played,” Steve Jenkins, head coach, said. “We have shown good improve-ment over the � rst two-thirds of the season, but we still need to amp it up another notch or two down the stretch.”

� e Crusaders have won eight of their past nine games and are tied with MidAm-erica Nazarene for the top spot in the HAAC. Evangel’s last win came against Benedictine in a battle of the conference’s top two defenses.

Victor Agbasi, senior guard, scored a career high with 23 points as he hit eight of 11 shots in the game.

“I got hot and kept shooting the ball as guys were looking to get me the ball. I can be a streaky shooter and score a lot in a hurry,” Agbasi said.

“� e Benedictine game was a very physical, hard-fought game featuring the best two de-fensive teams in the league, in terms of points allowed in HAAC games thus far this season,” Jenkins said.

A� er building up a nine-point lead midway during the second half, the Ravens went on the attack by hitting three-pointers in bunch-es to bring them back into the game, includ-ing a three-pointer with 14.8 seconds remain-

ing to tie the game at 59 and force overtime. � e Crusaders had no problem putting the game away in overtime as the team went on to win 73-69.

“� e one area that concerned me regarding last week’s games was rebounding,” Jenkins said. “Both Central Methodist and Benedic-tine out-rebounded us, and that has not hap-pened that o� en this entire year.”

At one point the Crusaders held a plus-nine rebound margin this season, but they have seen that number dwindle down to plus- 3.5 this season. � e Crusaders face Baker University on the road tomorrow. Evangel defeated Baker by 41 points at home earlier this season. Baker is tied for � � h place in the HAAC with a 6-5 conference record, and has only one conference home loss this season.

“We expect them to play a lot better,” Ag-basi said. “� ey did not play well in the � rst game and we played extremely well. We ex-pect them to have a much better game.”

“We may have won the � rst game by a large margin, but we are not that much better than Baker,” Jenkins said. “� ey are a very good defensive team and have a good mix of inte-rior and perimeter players. We expect a very tough game.”

With the season winding down in the � nal month before the conference and national tournaments, the Crusaders look to be at their best at this point in the season.

“I hope we are getting close to playing our best right now,” Agbasi said. “We need to still improve in some areas so we can hit our peak as the season ends.”

� e next two games for the men’s basket-ball team are conference games, possibly im-proving its chance for a high standing.

Win provides 16-5 record, tied for � rst in NAIA division 1 HAAC

String of losses provokes much disappointment, players refocus

Q: What got you involved in track? A: I wanted to be like my older brother, and

he ran in high school. So, when my grade school offered cross-country and track, I did it. Even though my fi rst year I ran horribly, I kept at it, and eventually I became somewhat decent.

Q: What is your favorite event to run and why? A: The 4 x 800 meter relay because I love run-

ning the 800. You can mess with other runner’s strategies by staying in the back the fi rst lap. Then … I eventually start picking people off, and it is fun to see their faces when you pass them. I like running relays because it is a team effort.

Q: What are your season goals? A: I would like to break the girl’s 800-meter

school record. With my teammates pushing me at practice, I think it id possible

Q: Where do you hope to be by your senior year?

A: I hope I will be able to qualify and compete in the national meet.

At the indoor track team’s fi rst meet at Principa College, Maggie Dorge, junior, placed second in the 500 meter and fi rst in the 4x800 meter relay

Sometimes I feel like we know their plays better than we know our own

plays.” -Sierra McSpadden