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Page - 1 The Communicator Knights of Columbus Immaculate Conception Council 11991, Goose Creek, SC Volume 21, Issue 3 Senior Editor: Lenny Tittle September 2018 Grand Knights Message Well, we have made it through another month. I say, we because the ship has had soft winds and smooth seas. When it becomes a submarine it will become a “I”. Really was a quiet month, not to0 much going on. Our Social last night was very well attended. We had over 70 brothers/wives for the “Pot Luck” dinner and believe me, we had enough food to feed an Army. It was also back to School supplies collection. Approximately 100 pounds of supplies will be delivered to St. John Catholic School in North Charleston (got it right this time) beginning next month. I thank You and I am sure the Kids will Thank You. There was a new twist last night. We had four members celebrate their birthday. It was a surprise. They were greeted with the Birthday song and a cupcake. I forgot to have them stand on their chair and do the “Chicken Dance”. The fifty/fifty drawing was profitable for Jimmy Hernandez “ The Camera Man” and our Family of the month was awarded to Larry and Ann Rocco. A well-deserved couple. You call they come. Larry and Ann do not hesitate to assist any time. The Knight of the month went to a member that is normally in the shadows and nobody thinks about all the involvement he does at Church. Brother Mike Wilson was honored and will be presented his certificate at the vigil mass. Next Month, we have slated in/on (whatever) the books for Highway Clean-up on Saturday 8 th . Always use help there, I understand that Chris’s motto is “Clean & Feed”.

Transcript of The Knightly 2018.pdf · 2018-09-07 · Page - 1 The...

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The Communicator Knights of Columbus

Immaculate Conception Council 11991, Goose Creek, SC

Volume 21, Issue 3 Senior Editor: Lenny Tittle September 2018

Grand Knight’s Message

Well, we have made it through another month. I say, we because the ship has had soft winds

and smooth seas. When it becomes a submarine – it will become a “I”. Really was a quiet month,

not to0 much going on.

Our Social last night was very well attended. We had over 70 brothers/wives for the “Pot

Luck” dinner and believe me, we had enough food to feed an Army. It was also back to School

supplies collection. Approximately 100 pounds of supplies will be delivered to St. John Catholic

School in North Charleston (got it right this time) beginning next month. I thank You and I am

sure the Kids will Thank You.

There was a new twist last night. We had four members celebrate their birthday. It was a surprise.

They were greeted with the Birthday song and a cupcake. I forgot to have them stand on their

chair and do the “Chicken Dance”.

The fifty/fifty drawing was profitable for Jimmy Hernandez “ The Camera Man” and our Family

of the month was awarded to Larry and Ann Rocco. A well-deserved couple. You call – they

come. Larry and Ann do not hesitate to assist any time.

The Knight of the month went to a member that is normally in the shadows and nobody thinks

about all the involvement he does at Church. Brother Mike Wilson was honored and will be

presented his certificate at the vigil mass.

Next Month, we have slated in/on (whatever) the books for Highway Clean-up on Saturday 8th .

Always use help there, I understand that Chris’s motto is “Clean & Feed”.

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Grand Knight’s message continued…

We have the Blood Drive on Sunday 9th with Service Sunday.

And then we are back to another Fun filled Social. Football is just starting up – and what do you

do for a game, Yup! Got it right. Pizza and Beer. It is also the month we collect Diapers (more

Info later). Floppy Lips here has said enuff.

Bon Voyage

Your Grand Knight

SK Frank Strunk

A message from our Grand Knight and Council 11991 Admission Degree Captain SK Frank Strunk

Gentlemen / Brother Knights

I am going out again to all Knights of our Council 2nd Degree and above to join the Admission (1st) Degree

Team. Except for the Aids, all parts/positions have a speaking part in the Degree. It is not mandatory to have it

memorized but recommended. The positions are as follows;

Grand Knight – speaking. Controls the exemplification.

Deputy Grand Knight – speaking. Uses props/aids

Chancellor – speaking. Uses prop/aids

Financial Secretary – speaking. Instructs new candidates

Warden – speaking. Oversees the exemplification

Inside Guard - speaking ( one line ). Also escorts candidates

Outside Guard – Controls traffic during exemplification

Aids – Escorts candidates before and after exemplification

This is great time to support the new members requesting admittance into the Knights of Columbus and

show them and the council we are made of or what YOU are made of and what they can become.

Please contact me if you are interested…

Deputy Grand Knight’s Message

Joe O'Saben, DGK No message this month

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District Deputy’s Message


When was the last time you did something for your spiritual life?

I can honestly answer that I attended a special curriculum put on by the Dioses of Charleston

beginning last Thursday and finishing on Sunday Afternoon. WOW!!!

But when did you last go to a Bible study? A men’s group? Or maybe something the Pastor was

doing (mine likes to do the books of the Bible)? Any and all are great answers. We as Knights

should be involved in the spiritual opportunities of our faith. But how can we maintain to be

practical Catholics if all we rely on is the information we learned for our Confirmation? After all

for many of us it’s been more than a few years ago.

Consider this your invitation to expand your knowledge of our faith.

On the lighter side… Our Field Agent Brandon Chambers was with me last weekend. He practiced

what I preach. He talked to many, many men about becoming a knight. He managed to recruit 3

men for the state (and not a one in our District). But he was on fire-and all I wanted to do was

sleep when the chance came.

So Brothers please consider what I have asked you. I will not be monitoring you. But maybe your

family and friends will, I know God will notice.

Pat Davis Vivat Jesus! District 13

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Our Field Agent’s Message

We Stand Strong On Ethical Ground

Some people believe that ethics in business is a contradiction in terms. They think that in order to

be profitable, a company and its leaders must abandon morality and embrace the dark, greedy side

that they see so often in the news and in movies.

At the Knights of Columbus, we know this isn’t true. A business can be both ethical and

successful. We are.

As a Catholic organization, we understand the value and importance of our core beliefs and the

original mission of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. In fact, much of the strength and

financial security we provide to members and their families can be attributed to our ethical, moral


More than 96 percent of Knights who buy our life insurance keep it, year in and year out. The

Order takes this commitment to our members very seriously. This means carefully planning when

it comes time to invest. Our professional staff researches all transactions to insure that they fall in

line with Catholic values. If a transaction makes them uncomfortable, they don’t make it.

“We exclude any company engaged in activity that conflicts with Catholic moral teaching:

companies directly involved in abortion, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell

research, for-profit health care that pays for any of these, or pornography,” said Supreme Knight

Carl Anderson. “There are many companies in the pharmaceutical and communications industries

that would undoubtedly provide excellent returns for us, but which are not in our portfolio because

they engage in research and development or programming in ways that violate the sanctity or

dignity of human life.”

In the end, the Knights of Columbus investment strategy is motivated by morality, not money.

Yet, each year we remain profitable, increase our assets and stay dedicated to this vision that will

keep the Order financially sound for generations to come.

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Field Agent’s Report continued

But don’t just take our word for it. In 2018 the Knights of Columbus was named a “World’s Most

Ethical Company” by the Ethisphere Institute for the fifth year in a row. We were one of only two

life insurance companies to earn the honor.

“Faithful Catholics have choices when buying life insurance,” said the Supreme Knight. “But they

know that at the Knights of Columbus their policy is supplied by an insurer that shares their moral

and ethical values and is guided in all of its investment and sales practices by those values.”

Contact me today to learn more about our products.

Yours in Christ Brandon Chambers 843-224-3022

[email protected]

Remember-Knights proud of their membership will

wear their name badges anytime they are at Church

Note from the Editor

I am looking for a Brother Knight who would be willing to co-edit and publish

our Council Newsletter-The Communicator.

My life is changing and I would like to free up some time to re-direct to another

church ministry.

It’s not hard and can be done from the comfort of your home.

Requirements include a decent computer with email access and a working

knowledge of MS Word and Adobe Acrobat.

You will also be granted access to Admin rights in Uknight!

Please contact Lenny Tittle if you are interested. I have all the ‘How To’s files

and boilerplates available to get you started!

St. Francis Caracciolo Café

Council 11991 members and wives volunteer at the St. Francis Caracciolo Café every

second Tuesday serving from 11:30 – 1:30 at the Community Center of the Immaculate

Conception Church. The Café is a Soup Kitchen Ministry that serves the homeless, needy

and lonely people of the community. The café offers food and fellowship. Come join us and


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Our Active Military

Our Parish Members Serving…

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVE DUTY PERSONNEL: Mohse E. Alcantara, USN; Sgt Bruce Gene Alexander, Jr, USMC; David B. Blom, USN; A1C Dominic Zuniga Brinker USAF; MSgt Jason Brown, USAF; LCDR Samuel N. Caoile MD, USN; PV2 Carlos B. Eraula, USA; PO2 Francisco B. Eraula, USN; A1C Matthew Godbold, USAF; Sgt Milton Grant, Jr, USMC; SPC Jerehmy Guerry, USA; PFC Drew Haught, USA; SPC Marten James Jackson, USA; Major Melissa Jones, PO1 John V. Lleva, USN; Private Michael Luker, USAR; SGT William Lynch, USA; EDMC Scott MacFarlane, USN; TSgt James McLarty, Army National Guard; SGT Arbie Ignatius Melendrez, USA; David & Zita Merrick, USAF; PFC Ken Mitre, USA; ESN EJ Morales, USN; L.A. Morales, USN; Matthew Mullenniex, USCG; SSG James Munro, USA; FN Daniel Murphy, USN; Capt Melissa K. Opheim, USAF; LT Benjamin Pearson, USAF; Anthony Dainell Pettigrew II, USA; LCpl Chris Schneider, USMC; SGT William H. Stasiek, USA; Ben Stolz, USAF; Saji Thomas; SGT David J. Turner, USA; TSgt Wilsen B. Villareal, USAF; Matt Winters, USAF; PO1 Michael Worthem, USN; Chief Robert W. Zahrn.

Prayer for Our Country’s Military

“Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and

help them live the Commandments. Lord, Jesus, give them courage to serve their Country with

honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger strengthening them when they face

hardships. And Lord, grant that, when their service is finished, they may return to us sound in

mind, body and soul. In particular, we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in

service to their fellow man and Country. Amen.”

Editor’s Note: If you have pictures or progress reports from family or

fellow Knights serving in the Armed Forces, please send them to me

for the next edition

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Good of the Order (Good of the Order is refreshed from previous Business & O&D Meetings)

Please keep in your prayers for healing and spiritual support:

Ed Cavadias, Steve Cavadias, Jophen Cobasko, Pat Davis, Katy Diren, Loretta Gabriel,

Heinz Griebech, Tim Kenefick, Ken Kosa, Sandra Lareau, Wayland Moody, Sue Phillips,

Jerry Tenney, Remi Silva & Naz Yangco, Baba Walters, & Mike Wilson

Almighty and Eternal God, You are the everlasting health of those who believe in You.

Hear us for Your sick servants for whom we implore the aid of Your tender mercy,

that being restored to bodily health, they may give thanks to You in Your Church.

Through Christ our Lord, Amen

September 2018 Birthdays & Anniversaries

Our Birthdays:

2 - Robert Ashton, 4 - Caleb Weston, 7 - Omar Billigue, 9 - Juan Avila, 10 - Robert Lopez

11 - William Davis, 13 - John Enright, 13 - Harold Phillips, 14 - Michael Cousino

16 - Ian Samson, 17 - Kenneth Luengo, 19 – Father Liam Reza Panganiban, 20 - Thomas Arnold

21 - Robert Rose, 27 - Michael Arcady, 28 - Lance Laidlaw, 30 - Jason Brown & Michael Della Croce

Our Anniversaries:

7 -Robert & Joanne Waite, 9 -Eugene & Sophia Alaura, 16 -Edward & Teresa Cavadias

20 -Richard & Loretta Gabriel, 21 -Joseph & Brenda Daning, 22 -Dennis & Cookie Gabel

23 -Daryl & Saundra Lareau, 25 -Benny & Nancy Samson, 27 -Gary & Jean Arquisola

28 -Victor & Janice Nico

Special Announcements: Mark your calendars! See Assembly 3697 & Council 11991 events on our Uknight web page

09/06 Admission Degree & Business Meeting

09/08 Highway Cleanup

09/09 Blood Drive

09/16 Service Sunday

09/20 Council Social/Tailgate Party & Diaper Drive

09/23 Knights Serving Breakfast

09/27 O&D Meeting

See our Calendar at the end of this newsletter for more events!

Editor’s Note: Our Council’s Roster is incomplete as to some member’s wedding anniversaries and

wives’ first names. This information is not captured on the Form 100 which is used to amend our

roster. If you do not see your anniversary listed in our Communicator, please email me with that

information and I will amend the roster to make sure it is included in subsequent issues. Lenny Tittle

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Brothers we have received permission to start are new activity by Father Noly and to place a container in the

vestibule of the church to collect the Box Tops. Box Tops will also be collected at Council activities or they can

be given to me any time. They can be found on these products:

Snacks - Fiber One items, Mott's Fruity Snacks, Fruit Roll Ups, Chex Mix, Bugles, Nature Valley items

Yogurt - Yoplait Original,

Baking & Simple Meals - Bisquick Original Pancake Baking Mix, Old El Paso Dinner Kits,

Frozen Appetizers - Totino's Pizza Rolls, Totino's Stuffed Nachos, Pillsbury Toaster Strudel, Hershey's Bites

Household Items - Ziploc items, Lysol items, Scott Paper Towels, Hefty Items,

All these items have a Box Top$ Education indicated in red and white with a yellow pencil.

Additional information can be obtained on-line. Get your friends, family and co-workers involved to help

Summerville Catholic School.

These three Ongoing Events are also chaired by our very own SK John Flinn:

EYEGLASSES FOR THE NEEDY – Our Council’s partnership continues with the Lion’s Club in collecting old

or disused eyeglasses and cases in usable condition. At last report, the Council collected 222 eyeglasses and many

cases. If you have some available for donation, please bring them to church with you and deposit them in the

receptacle in the Vestibule.

STAMPS FOR SISTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS – This is another Ongoing Program with the Council. The

stamps we collect and donate are sent to The Sisters of the Holy Cross in Notre Dame, Indiana. They have in their

quarterly publication gratefully acknowledged the donations we have made to their Ministry with the Poor. Please

continue to support this ministry and encourage others to help us. Place used postage stamps in the receptacle in

the vestibule of our church. To date, we have sent the Sisters 13 boxes of stamps!

TABS FOR THE RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE – At last report, John made another delivery of tabs this

month bringing our total to 240 gallons to date with 16 more gallons soon to be delivered! All those individuals

that participate in this simple ministry clearly demonstrate their compassion for others. John Flinn adds: ‘My

brother Knights that provide tabs are some of the greatest people I know. Please communicate to those people who

provide you with tabs our appreciation.’ Bring your pull tabs with you to any of our meetings or socials and give

them to SK John Flinn

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Culture of Life Activities

Sep 15 - Rosary for Life at Planned Parenthood

Sep 26 - Start 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood

Oct 06 - ICC Garage Sale 0800 ICC Parking Lot

Oct 07 - ICC Life Chain 1400 ICC Parking Lot

Oct 20 - ICC Day at 40 Days for Life & Rosary for Life

Nov 03 - EWTN Family Celebration in Jacksonville FL Convention Center

Nov 04 - Last Day of 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign.

Nov 10 & 11 Marian Eucharistic Congress in Greenville

Nov 17 - Rosary for Life at Planned Parenthood

Nov 17 - ICC Christmas Bazaar (Bring your children / grands for pix with the guy in Red.)

Dec 15 - Rosary for Life at Planned Parenthood

Jan 12 - Stand - Up for Life March and Rally in Columbia.

Jan 18 - March For Life in Washington DC We need guys to come and carpool with me or I take the train.

Mar 05 - 1600 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner...$5 a head, plus can use some folks to help cook and clean.

These events serve to qualify members for earning their Ace Wings Award!

The ACE wings award program has been established to recognize those brother Knights and some

community members who publically advocate for the rights of unborn children. ACE is an acronym for

Pro-life without Apology, without Compromise, and without Exception. To be eligible to receive the ACE

award brother Knights must participate in a minimum of 5 public events supporting a culture of life. 4 of

the 5 events must have to do with protecting the unborn and include events like: Pro-Life Sidewalk Counseling Youth/Family Rally

Volunteer Work at Women’s Center Christian Service 4 Life

40 Days for Life California Pro-Life Lobby Day

West Coast Walk for Life Standing for Life Banquets

Host a Pro-Life Rosary Participate in Pro-Life Parades

The 5th event can either be an event supporting the unborn or an event supporting a culture of life. Our

Holy Father called us to protect life from conception to natural death therefore we must include those who

are forgotten and left to die or are neglected. Special Olympics events qualify as the fifth because many

abortions are performed once it is discovered that the baby might have Downs Syndrome, or some other

defect. Example events include: Special Olympics Volunteer

Working/volunteering at a hospice, nursing home, or veterans hospital

Providing entertainment for the residents of a hospice, nursing home, or veteran’s hospital.

Private events do not qualify. All events must be in a public forum.

Brother Knights may request a second set of ACE wings for their Spouse.

Councils may recognize a non-knight once per calendar year by submitting an ACE Wing award

application and a written justification outlining the reasons the council believes the non-knights deserves to

be recognized by the Knights of Columbus as a strong support of a culture of life. The non-knights must be

a strong supporter of the right to life for the unborn.

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Knights of Columbus, Fourth Degree

Saint Francis Caracciolo Assembly 3697

September 2018

For it does not matter what we claim to be, it matters what we are and

what “we” claim to be

The Knights of Columbus has been often called “The strong right arm of the church”. And to

many, the Fourth Degree, is the visible arm of the Knights of Columbus. The Patriotic Degree is

the ultimate completion of the journey into the Knights. A journey that upon completion, awards

you the honors of full Knighthood and the respect of being addressed as “Sir Knight.”

I must reflect to you what was brought to my attention recently regarding Charity our first and

foremost pillar of the Knight of Columbus. The statement made was “how about the Assembly

lending more support”. Reflecting on this issue I discovered in comparing rosters of both Council

11991 and Assembly 3697 there are approximately 40% of the members of Council 11991 are 4 th

Degree members and belong to Assembly 3697. Of the 40%, 100% of the members of Assembly

3697 are all 3rd Degree members of Council 11991. Now, if you closely observe, at our Council

meetings, the majority of the Council supporters are Sir Knights belonging to Assembly 3697.

This includes participation in Council business meetings, socials and Council activities. The

leadership of our Council during this 2018-2019 Fraternal year 74% or 11 of the 14 Council

Officers are all 4th Degree Sir Knights representing Assembly 3697. Historically looking back this

seems to have been and will probably continue to be the normal.

The Fourth Degree is the Patriotic Order of the Knights of Columbus and they focus primarily on

ceremonials. When adorned in full traditional regalia these Sir Knights ARE the most recognizable

arm of the Knights of Columbus and fully committed to Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.

“How about the Assembly lending more support”?

Join us and be part of this remarkable group of Sir Knights.

Interested? Talk to any Sir Knight about their experiences and what it feels like to wear the

emblem of our Order and be addressed as “Sir Knight”. The requirements are you need to be a

Third Degree member in “Good Standing”. The next Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held

in Myrtle Beach at the St Andrews Catholic Church on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

Vivat Jesus

Steven P. Gearhart PGK/PFN

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Everything in this world will pass away

In eternity, only Love will remain Pope Benedict XVI from “An Invitation to Faith”

2018 Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis: September 2018: Universal – Young People in Africa

“That young people in Africa may have access to education and work in their own countries.”

Membership: The next Fourth-Degree Exemplification is scheduled for the coastal area on October 27th to be

held at St. Andrews Parish in Myrtle Beach. Now would be an ideal time to talk with our Third-Degree Knights

and encourage them to join the ranks of the Patriotic Degree. Since we are already asked to carry a copy of the

Form 100 with us at all times, we may want to consider carrying a Form 4 as well (right next to our Rosary).

Adoration of the Holy Eucharistic: Every Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm; every Friday following the

6:30pm Holy Mass until 8am Saturday; and every First Friday following the 6:30pm Mass the Most Blessed

Sacrament is present for public Adoration in the Immaculate Conception Church Adoration Chapel. All are invited

and encouraged to give Our Lord at least one hour each week.

Friday-Saturday, September 14-15th – Knights are scheduled Eucharistic Adoration at ICC from 1am to 3am. A

minimum of two Knights are required. Come and spend some quiet time with the Lord.

Veteran’s Victory Home, Walterboro: To honor our continuing patriotic commitment, we ask that all continue

to bring toiletry articles to any of our meetings and socials throughout the year. These items will be collected and

shared between the Walterboro Veteran’s Victory Home and the Felician Sisters in Kingstree. The Veteran’s

Victory Home also asks for craft items, books (prefer large print), periodicals and newspapers. Some of these

items are used in their therapy sessions. The adult coloring books with colored pencils are exceptionally popular.

Our Lady of Joyful Hope: The Felician Sisters in Kingstree continue to help those in desperate need with the

basics of food, clothing and shelter, and humbly ask for help in replenishing their pantry with food, toiletry and

hygiene items. We will continue to collect toiletry and hygiene items to help with restocking. Therefore, at each

meeting, social or gathering we will have a box available in which to put any donated items. The Felician Sisters

at the St. Anne Felician Center remain humbly thankful for our donations and support.

“We are earthen vessels, simple jars of clay.

God let’s each of us do the ridiculous, so He can perform the miraculous.”

Mother Angelica

Respect Life!

As of September 1, over 9,504 babies have been saved!

Every 30 seconds, a baby’s life is taken by abortion.

Human Coalition – We continue to include articles intended to provide scientific, rational and ethical information

rebutting arguments for abortion. The articles by Brian Fisher are very extensive and are based on a global

solicitation for comment and opinion. It will be published monthly through the following individual topics.


My Body/My Choice

Life of the Mother


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The Unborn Child Is Unfit/Unwanted

Abortion Is Already Legal — Stop Trying to Change It

“This month we editorialize the topic of The Unborn Child Being Unfit/Unwanted

Although this was the fifth most popular response in our survey, this is actually the number one reason why men

and women abort their children today. They simply don’t want a child. This argument takes numerous forms:

“If a baby has Down syndrome, she should be aborted. She will have a tough life anyhow, and her family

will struggle with a special needs child.”

“Better to be aborted than adopted by a pervert.”

“The world is overpopulated and resources are limited. We need abortion to control the planet’s


“What will become of a baby born into a drug-infested home?”

“I don’t want a child right now. I can’t afford it.”

1. “I can’t afford a child right now.” With an overwhelming number of abortions being performed because of inconvenience and/or financial

constraints, the Unfit/Unwanted argument is the primary cultural assumption we must aggressively defeat.

Fortunately, it is one of the simplest to refute. Again, I refer to Scott Klusendorf who trains people using a concept

called “trot out the toddler.” If we agree with science, medicine, ethics, and philosophy, then we agree that life in

the womb is equal in value to human life outside the womb. So, when someone claims that if a pregnant woman

wants an abortion because she claims she can’t afford a baby, we have an easy response: “If the mother has a

toddler, why not kill him? The toddler is probably more expensive than the baby anyhow. The mother will save

more money killing the toddler than the unborn child.”

2. “If a baby has Down Syndrome, she should be aborted. She will have a tough life anyhow, and her

family will struggle with a special needs child.” The “trot out the toddler” argument can again be applied to those who claim that “unborn babies with defects

should be aborted. It’s better that they aren’t a burden to society.” Our reply should then be: “Why not kill

toddlers with Down Syndrome, too? How about toddlers in wheelchairs, or toddlers with birth defects or cystic

fibrosis?” If we are okay killing them in the womb, then why not kill them outside the womb as well?

3. “Some babies shouldn’t be born into harmful homes. It’s better if they never have to experience that.” Okay, what about preschoolers who are living in those conditions now? Why not kill them and save them years of

pain and hurt at home? “Trotting out the toddler” forces the abortion advocate to defend why the unborn is less

valuable than those of us already born. ALL of these arguments are based on the assumption that life in the womb

is expendable but life outside of it is not. Would we seriously considering killing a five-year-old because his

parents abuse him? Of course not — we’d work to protect and defend the child. Why are we okay with killing a

child in the womb simply because of the potential that he or she may be born into a difficult home? Would we kill

a child with Down Syndrome because his conditions make caring for him more of a challenge than caring for a

child who does not have Down Syndrome? If that were the case, why do we have unique events like the Special

Olympics that honor kids with disabilities?

Make the abortion advocate define and defend why life in the womb is worthless. It’s an argument that can’t be

won based on science or ethics. The premise of the pro-life position is that the value of an unborn child’s life is

not determined by whether or not her parents want her or will be good parents. The value of the child’s life is

based on the fact that the child is a member of the human race, created by God with a special purpose and amazing

potential — the same value as toddlers.”

With unwavering hope, FOR LIFE! We continue to affirm that abortion will not be ended in the Courts – It will be

ended in our Culture!

So Every Child Makes Their Mark,

Brian Fisher

Co-Founder and President,


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South Carolina Citizens for Life – The first civil right is the RIGHT TO LIFE!

The Issues That Matter to Us: South Carolina Citizens for Life, Inc., is a non-profit, single issue, right-to-life

organization devoted to restoring legal personhood to the unborn and to protecting innocent human life by

eliminating abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia from our society. Our success has depended on maintaining our

single-issue focus on life. By focusing on the single issue of life, we have been able to bring together a broad base

of people – who may disagree on other important issues in our state, but who are dedicated to ensuring that the

protection of our laws is extended to the most vulnerable members of society: the unborn, the elderly, the

medically dependent and persons with disabilities.

You can look in the Yellow Pages under the heading "Abortion Alternatives," or call, toll-free, 1 (800) 848-LOVE,

any time, day or night, to find the nearest Crisis Pregnancy Center in your area. You’ll find someone who

genuinely cares about what happens to you and your unborn baby.

See our state website at

Kathy Schmugge, Director

Family Life Office, Diocese of Charleston

[email protected] or [email protected]


National Right to Life - Quick Facts

“Without a guaranteed right to life, all other rights are legal fictions”

An article in National Right to Life News Today by Dave Andrusko

This is from a guest column written by the Rev. Charles Chaput, the archbishop of the Archdiocese of

Philadelphia, for the Delaware County Daily Times, a Pennsylvania newspaper. Naturally, his column was

exquisitely reasoned, brilliantly composed, and wonderfully persuasive. Archbishop Chaput, as he often does,

ponders the “meaning and dignity of the human person,” and begins with a conference he attended decades ago on

the theme of “Supercomputing and the Human Person.”

What leads him to a discussion of particular interest for us begins with his remembrance that “the nickname for the

human body among the attendees was ‘wetware,’ or more crudely, ‘meat puppet.’” However, he reminds us, “Our

flesh is not morally neutral. It’s not simply ‘wetware’ or raw meat or modeling clay for the will, but a revelation

of God’s glory demanding reverence and stewardship.”

After I re-post his next paragraph, I will offer three brief comments: “This makes us witnesses to a meaning and

dignity of the human person that puts us at odds with the spirit of our age, an age perfectly captured by the 1973

Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision and its license to kill the unborn. The cultural civil war triggered by Roe

and its enshrinement of permissive abortion has never abated, and it continues full force (and rightly so) today.

The stakes are high. Without a guaranteed right to life — a right that includes and recognizes the humanity of

the unborn child — all other rights are legal fictions.”

#1. “The stakes are high.” Why? For the same reason that the right to life is the first of “certain unalienable

rights.” To put it in the negative, without the right not to be killed, all other rights, including “Liberty and the

pursuit of Happiness,” are, in Archbishop Chaput’s perfect description, “legal fictions.”

#2. There truly is a “spirit of our age.” Whatever its origins—and they are legion—the underlining ethos is a

refusal to see the uniqueness of each and every human being. If we are nothing more than glorified (or not so

glorified) “meat,” what follows? For starters, that we are essentially interchangeable. For another, to firmly avow

that you, I, all of us are of transcendent value invites the listener who is a captive to the spirit of the age to roll his

or her eyes in disbelief.

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#3. I have often quoted the following passage from the late Rev. Richard John Neuhaus: “Thousands of medical

ethicists and bioethicists, as they are called, professionally guide the unthinkable on its passage through the

debatable on its way to becoming the justifiable until it is finally established as the unexceptionable.” The

unthinkable eventually becomes the unexceptional because the creed of contemporary bioethics begins with the

rejection that any one of us, let alone all of us, is exceptional in any way that matters. For us, the equality of life

ethic means each man or woman, boy or girl, born or unborn is of equal/inestimable worth. Notice how the

bioethicist, almost all of whom are secularists, twists the equality of life ethic to mean we all are equally


The idea (to quote Archbishop Chaput) that we are an embodied “revelation of God’s glory demanding reverence

and stewardship” is not only unintelligible but an offense to them. That is the Spirit of the Age which we combat

every day. It is a battle for our culture that we cannot afford to lose. Too many powerless people, born and unborn,

are counting on you and me.

We will continue to do battle on behalf of the unborn at every turn.

You are encouraged to visit the National Right to Life website at for additional information.

Join us to help make a difference.

Carol Tobias

National Right to Life President

Charleston 40 Days for Life:

From September 26 to November 4, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking,

coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of

abortion in our city — and beyond. Reminder this is a non-confrontational, prayerful vigil.

Vigil location:

Public right-of-way in front of

Planned Parenthood (PPH),

1312 Ashley River Road

Charleston, South Carolina 29407

(Corner of Ashley River Road and Fuseler Road).

Parking: Please park on the shoulder of the road on the grass across the street from PPH on the right-of-way. You

will see a large steel plate on the ground.

May the Lord bless you,

2018 Team & Alex Palyo

Fall Director, 40 Days for Life/Charleston

Call us! 843-580-6587

Write us! [email protected]

Visit us!

40 Days for Life:

Does praying in front of an abortion facility really make a difference? Short answer–yes!

In fact, former abortion industry workers report that when vigil participants are on site, the no-show rate for

abortion appointments can be as high as 75 percent. When you join your local 40 Days for Life campaign

September 26 to November 4, know that one group NEVER doubts your impact: the abortion industry. Prayer


Overall, it is rare, but sometimes abortion supporters will try to discourage you with a counter-protest. Linda in

Bristol, Tennessee reported that her local abortion business had abortion advocates–as many as 12 at a time–on-site

to try to counteract her team of peaceful prayer warriors! The occasional presence of protesters might be

frustrating, but it’s really the grandest of compliments. The abortion industry only resorts to these silly tactics

because your presence is bad for business!

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The upcoming 40 Days for Life campaign starts in just four weeks. Volunteer at your local campaign to help save

lives where you live.

Shawn Carney

President/CEO, 40 Days for Life


Our Lady of Sorrows and Queen of Martyrs

The Catholic Church dedicates the month of September in Honor of the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Like

many of the lesser-known Marian feasts, the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows is tied to an event in the life of her

Son. On September 14, we celebrate the instrument of Christ's victory over death; and the next day, we remember

the suffering of Mary as she stood at the foot of the Cross and witnessed the torture and death of her Son. We are

also reminded of Simeon's words to Mary (Luke 2:34-35) at the Presentation of the Lord—that a sword would

pierce her soul. Through these prayers for September, we can unite ourselves to Mary in her sorrow, in the hope

that we will one day also share her joy in the triumph of her Son.

In this prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows, we call to mind the pain endured both by Christ on the Cross and Mary, as

she watched her Son be crucified. We ask for the grace to join in that sorrow, so that we may awaken to what is

truly important: Not the passing joys of this life, but the lasting joy of eternal life in Heaven.

Richert, Scott P. "Catholic Prayers for September." ThoughtCo, March 06, 2017,


“Most holy Virgin and Mother, whose soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the Passion of thy divine Son,

and who in His glorious Resurrection was filled with never-ending joy at His triumph; obtain for us who call

upon thee, so to be partakers in the adversities of Holy Church and the sorrows of the Sovereign Pontiff, as to

be found worthy to rejoice with them in the consolation for which we pray, in the charity and peace of the same

Christ our Lord. Amen.”

“When we do all we can, then God will do what we cannot."

PRAYER FOR OUR CITIZENS: Continue to pray for our citizens, for those misplaced or injured due to the

massive wild fires blanketing the West coast, and for an end to the continuing, seemingly escalating, senseless

violence in our country. Also, pray and for the safety of all members of Law Enforcement, Fire Service and

Emergency Services. Let us also pray that our national leadership will make decisions supporting religious

freedom and Right to Life with positive effects on our entire Country.

PRAYER FOR OUR RELIGIOUS: We ask for your continued prayers for SK Jerry Caoile and SK James

Baker as they continue their studies for the Diaconate program, and for our Adorno and Diocesan Seminarians and

those other young men and women progressing in their religious discernment and studies.

PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS: Continue to keep our military servicemen and women - those who are now

where many of us once were - in your thoughts and prayers, as well as those in public safety.

“Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live

the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their Country with honor and dignity. Be with

them when they are in danger strengthening them when they face hardships. And Lord, grant that, when their

service is finished, they may return to us sound in mind, body and soul. In particular, we remember those who

made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their fellow man and Country. Amen.”

Pray for all those others sick and in distress, relatives, friends and associates, and for all Knights.

“It is a great time to be a Catholic and always a great time to be an active Knight.” We ask all Sir Knights to

keep actively recruiting our patriotic Knights.


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Our Knights in Action

August 8 Father Lawrence 40th Ordination Memorial Mass

August 13 Assembly 3697 Business Meeting

Seminarian Clemente Flores accepts a $500 SK Ron Snyder receives SK Knight of the Month

check from Council 11991 delivered at the 3697 award from Faithful Navigator Frank DeAsis

Business Meeting

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August 14 Family Week Proclamation sighed by Goose Creek Mayor Greg Habib

August 16 Admission Degree at Council 6726

Councils 6726 & 11991 hold the degree at their Council Home Welcome new member John Cardno!

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August 16 Council Back to School Social

Birthday gifts for birthday knights

Council 11991 awarded Ceremonial Award for new membership

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August 17-19 Tootsie Roll Drive II at Super Walmart

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Immaculate Conception Council 11991

Officers and Directors Fraternal Year 2018-2019


Chaplain Reverend Binil Attappattu CRM 843 572-1270

Grand Knight SK Frank Strunk 843 797-8268 [email protected] SK James

Deputy Grand Knight Joseph O’Saben 843 364-7352 [email protected]

Chancellor SK Hoap ‘Chip’ Reeves 843-824-8131 [email protected]

Financial Secretary SK Marty Kozakiewicz PGK 843 572-1645 [email protected]

Recorder SK Joseph Schepisi 301-643-4377 [email protected]

Treasurer SK Ed Cavadias 843 297-2079 [email protected]

Advocate SK Michael Della Croce 843 557-3309 [email protected]

Warden Terry Harrington 910-391-2263 [email protected]

Inside Guard SK Joel Laguitan 843-824-8879 [email protected]

Outside Guard SK Jose Lastica 843-518-1042 [email protected]

3rd Year Trustee SK James Kelly PGK 843 819-9190 [email protected]

2nd Year Trustee Lenny Tittle PGK 843 824-2495 [email protected]

1st Year Trustee SK Steven Gearhart PGK 843 797-6296 [email protected]

Lecturer SK Deacon Dan McNerny 843-761-0870 [email protected]

Directors Faith in Action Programs

Program Director DGK Joseph O’Saben 843 364-7352 [email protected]



Family Frank Bautista 843-276-8913 [email protected]


Community Gene Alaura PGK 843-553-7203 [email protected]


Life John Flinn PGK 843-863-0659 [email protected]

Assistant Tim Kenefick 843-569-5277 [email protected]

Editor’s Note:

Remember, this publication is YOUR newsletter and all of our Council members are free to submit articles or

information but the editors have the final say on content due to space.

Your feedback is welcome. Simply click the Reply button on your email and your input should reach me.



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Monthly Calendar

Council 11991 & Assembly 3697

September 2018

Remember you can see our monthly calendar for many months out at our

Council Uknight web site: