The King of Expectation

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  • 7/31/2019 The King of Expectation


    The king of expectation


  • 7/31/2019 The King of Expectation


    The king of expectation

    The King of Expectation

    Atlas Ray

    [email protected]


    You could never see it just by looking at him, how deep the

    scars really went.

    Like a man under water desperate for air, he had fled after

    the death of his father. Deep into the meanders where sights and

    sounds do not reach. Deep into the valley where one man cometh but

    seldom leave. Once though, Sam Hayden was a part of something.

    Something he could fathom, yet believe in. Growing up in a small

    family as an only child, Sammy found soothing comfort and strength

    in the sole existence of the mundane traits that made up his

    everyday life. School treated him knowledge, interpretation gave

    him wisdom. Life was framed by subtlety in tender and slow moving

    motions. Sammy was one of those children that, even though he did

    not lack friends and company, had a really built and fervent

    imagination to boost his senses. He felt and was everything in his

    mind and he saw anything anywhere that he wished. Sammy used to

    imagine that growing up in the realms around the facts of his life

    was a bit structured like a tree. His parents were like the roots

    and stem, but the branches and all the colors of the leaves, they

    were all him. This combined with the universally suggested life he

    was offered growing up in a small Arcadian town in the dull midst


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    of anywhere anytime made his youth surroundings a beautiful sort

    of marriage between him and the world just outside his frame of


    His mother was an image, a bird perched in a tree, very

    subtle in her love to Sammy but the gestures were there however

    delicate and Sammy understood how to grasp them from an early age.

    Never one to holler, never one to kneel, she wore her presence

    like a silhouette shaded by the secret fashions of her mind. But

    for Sammy, his father was the real hero to end all heroes. He used

    to boast about him even, of how he took precious time to sit up

    with him half the nights on in reading through his manuscripts for

    him with great passion as if his audience were there seeing and

    feeling him trough the wide hunger in little Sammy's blue eyes.

    Oh, he was a genius, Sammy always chanted like a true believer,

    how he managed to capture all the emotions using all of those

    little tricks of the trade he had picked up from working with

    different actors and directors all of his professional life. I

    guess a therapist would easily consider Sammys love for his

    father an act of persuasion towards the ever-changing present. One

    could say that his fathers presence was as much imagined as it

    was real as Sammy seldom saw his father more than once or twice a


    Sammys mother was a homemaker not needed to work thanks to

    his father who spent most of his time either in Los Angeles or on

    Broadway, leaving Sammy to fill in the blanks of his character. I

    mean, he was not a bad father as one may assume, he was still


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    caring towards his family, it was just that success had come in

    the way.

    Just snippets of time here and there were called upon to

    craft magic in the eyes of Sammy, creating a formula of essence

    and hollowness just keeping his sanity budding towards wonderment

    and imagination. Soon in the days of his youth he had a mind of

    sound faculty, truly the spawn of great influence and expectation.

    His relationship to his mother was that of a small craft to

    the earth it belongs.

    Always by and near in dependence, but with both eyes and

    ears in constant analogue with the broader horizon far off and

    away. He always found her charming with great convenience since

    her subtlety gave way to few conflicts and arguments.

    In fact, there were never any conflicts too fierce to

    mention between Sammy and his mother. It was as if she was one of

    those hosts on TV coming in and out of ones life leaving few

    chances of emotion whilst catering to those lonely needs making

    themselves heard on a shallow everyday level. Distance and

    attachment, bound and prevented, never shall they meet. It is like

    there is a hidden principle of just fitting into the social

    patterns to such an extent that the real ways of communication

    that remains is so universal that anyone could join in at any one

    time. I guess it is like using mathematics instead of philosophy.

    Numbers instead of emotions.

    Sammys relation to his father then, was very different in

    this sense. It was in all absolutes unique and powerful, like a

    true sender and receiver relationship should be, and Sammy based


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    his whole adolescence and life on the traits and ideas that he

    gained from those rare moments with his father. No one was really

    close to Sammy as in the way he had built his enchanted little

    world fit enough for him and his father. In there, they were truly

    two of one kind.

    The funeral

    Samuel Sam Hayden said the minister in a gentle proud

    voice and looked to Sammy whose eyes where inside him carefully

    upright in the front row to the left at his fathers funeral. Eyes

    black as night in November and not even with a whisper over his

    lips he slightly attempted to get up, but nobody noticed. His

    shoes shone dark of polished leather, he was no more a little boy

    seeing caring faces all around him, he had been brutally turned

    into something else. The small chapel was packed to the brim with

    acquaintances and adornment, all whom his father in some capacity

    worked with over the years. Adulation cut through the atmosphere

    like a knife, leaving a still sea carried by a martyr. There were

    even some reporters there covering the event, people with big

    black cameras with giant lenses eyeing the famed parts of the

    audience like hawks and lions. None of this mattered to Sammy

    however, as he was as alone as a man ever could be in that moment.

    The murmur around him kept him in like walls, his emotions faded

    for each living minute. The ministers second calling of his name

    out loud barely acted out as a faint echo in Sammys veiled mind.

    Do you wish to say something, something you would share

    with all of us present, asked the minister now standing just in


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    front of Sammy, so close even that one could see the pale blue

    inscriptions on the sleeve of her ceremonial robe. We would love

    to hear your voice, she said, and Sammy locked eyes with her in a

    manner a grown man looks into the eyes of child. Without a word he

    then rose from his seat on the pew and almost marched up to the

    stand so he could face everyone and really see who all those

    people were around him, who up and till now had the bare

    characteristics of a sounded blur. He must have taken at least a

    minute or so because the silence of his study felt really

    prolonged until he started speaking.

    There is so many of you here that I have never seen before,

    he said in a worthy and propitious voice, I guess you all were in

    some fashion apart of my fathers life.

    After that he suddenly sort of changed his agenda, as his

    posture sunk and his eyes steered away past folk and the fairies

    of the chapels cipher. You will have to excuse me now, but this is

    my funeral too he said with words said in haste and without any

    real desire behind them other than those wishes desolate of

    functioning thought. Kind of frowned he stared into the vapors of

    the saddened aura which by now made up the whole mental state of

    the little chapel. Moving on from there his words had forsaken him

    as emptiness took over his resolve. Imagination and thought turned

    into speech was a process long gone forgotten. Sammy stepped down

    from the stand not relieved but with eyes still of some conviction

    as he walked past the minister, walked down the isle and out past

    the gates of the little chapel as something new, long before the

    funeral were really over. The clouds just past under the sun


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    meeting his face with a fresh wind of change as the small

    virescent alleyway sunk into his mind frame as he walked down the

    centre of it seeing his whole life coming towards him, painted

    from destiny itself. Pebbles and stones put sound to every step he

    took. He never turned his head again, and he was never to forget

    his father.

    Coming back

    An indigo spring morning was an old and well used

    expression in town and it was certainly one of those that day. The

    preparations for a summer festival in honor of the splendor and

    beauty of the Indigo bush made the town's inner parts literally

    glow upon the opening of their flowers early morning to the coming

    of the first late April sun. Sammy turned the corner again into

    heart of town for the first time in nine years since the funeral,

    now a man not only by force but in numbers as well.

    He had inherited almost all of his fathers money, so the

    word in town around his unexpected exodus was that he probably

    chose to spend his mindless fortunes in Europe somewhere carefree

    and fancy. No one had really worried for him, such poise and

    permeability in the society had his fathers name given him. This

    added to the simple fact that nobody had ever been close to him

    like his father had been, left everyone only speculating upon

    where Sammy may have gone so abruptly on that black day at the

    chapel. There he was no less, handsome as crafted by a master in

    the arts of masculinity, his roughed and tender shapes gave

    promise to an alliance that had beauty as its foreword.


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    Fitted into a slim lined dark brown Armani suit his

    carefully cut hair just reached and matched his chocolaty colored

    beard as to once and for all establish his manhood.

    At thirty now, Sammy looked like he could be the

    mysterious leading man in an old Fellini film as he elegantly

    strolled across the city square towards the real estate agents

    office in town. Sammy quickly reached the wide and big old

    building with built in wooden sidewalk taking up the whole north

    side of the city's main square.

    There must have been about ten different shops and services

    available next door to each other, and Sammy soon noticed as if

    reminded from deep memory that most of the establishments there

    were old ones, still there as they had been in his childhood.

    Everyone from the barber to the old Jewish butcher. Sammy stood

    upon the sidewalk for a while, reminded of the signs and who and

    what stood behind them, before he saw the door he was looking for

    right there at the corner and entered as the first client of the

    new day.

    No one was around, no one was watching. His fathers

    influence had made him notice these things, to see no one, to not

    see anyone. There is a difference there and well; I think it has

    to do with that imagination of his again. As Sammy walked in the

    door to the small office a huge desk practically by itself

    prompted him to instantly sit down in front of it as a great big

    man of rotund proportions met him with an eager welcome by shiny

    smile and sturdy handshake. The real estate agent was a powerful


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    figure, a piece of south western motif in color and running motion

    rambling enthused of how much he had enjoyed helping Sammy finding

    a home back in town. Eyes green as grass; he looked straight into

    Sammy when he spoke as if curiosity could not keep him any longer.

    Sammy was a bit surprised by the force in the real estate agents

    gestures so early in the morning but soon learned to just see it

    as some sort of flattery catering to his trivial side. I mean

    after all, Sammy was only there to pick up the keys to his new

    house; all the papers had already been signed and done with.

    Apparently the well to do man was an old friend of Sammys

    father since high school, who now obviously felt it to be more or

    less his duty to introduce Sammy back to the intricacies of the

    local society once more. From traveling word to faith in rumor,

    Sammy's absent years had apparently given him the regard and

    luster of an old time Gatsby-esque socialite in the eyes of the

    townspeople. He was a shining silver dollar who the great big man

    had his eyes on collecting.

    A series of dusty miles followed, boring anecdotes of a

    static town and the people turning those corners and walking those

    extra miles for survival. Or something, Sammy was not really

    working the honest ears he usually used until the big man hunched

    across his massive oak desk and in a broad gesticulation stood up

    so he could formally invite Sammy to a welcoming get together that

    evening at his house upon fancy West lane, in the very same

    neighborhood where Sammys new house were. He promised a lovely

    dinner, some friendly folk and the chance to meet his own family,


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    whom he felt were the most important thing in his life. Sammy did

    not mind the invitation there and then; in fact, he was

    surprisingly enough somewhat excited by the thought of being

    offered a free home cooked festive meal on the very first day of

    the rest of his new life back in town. Bemused and at last awoken,

    another handshake past the introduction into friendliness took

    Sammy on his way out unto the pavements of old feet and new

    textures. Your going to love it, shouted the great big man

    confidently from his office door, its got air conditioning!

    Sammy met up with a morning just turning into a clear blue

    day coming out of the great big mans office, and people had

    actually begun showing themselves on the streets walking swiftly

    back and forth as a new working day progressed. There were not

    really any cabs in town as the people had never really showed any

    interest for them for some reason, so Sammy without a driver's

    license decided to take the fresh journey to his new dwelling

    solely by foot. The twenty minute walk through the ample riches of

    growing grass and budding flowers made him a favor though, because

    the first thing he did in his new house was inaugurating his

    specially imported custom-made Spanish black marble Jacuzzi which

    he had gotten placed on strict orders right in the centre of the

    grand patio that made up the eclipse of the house adjacent to the

    garden, which in turn had been filled with red and white

    rosebushes. The roses formed a pattern, a gorgeous smile, like a

    triumphant winning of new land and desires. Sammy wanted to keep

    the walls inside the house clean and had on the whole, with the


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    exception of the Jacuzzi, not spent one cent on seemingly

    unnecessary superficial objects. He saw them as distractions to

    such an extent that he had even made up an exact blueprint over

    the placement of each carefully selected and preordered item or

    furniture. No more than three items in every room was the

    principle giving view to a setup consisting of, for example a big

    cushy sofa, a coffee table and a tall floor lamp shaped like a

    tree trunk.

    He saw beauty and tranquility in the shapes of simplicity

    and the key to these concepts was his disbelief in polarities.

    Opposites and relations. People see, he thought, a man to a woman

    as the heavens to the earth, dependent back to back to keep from

    falling. Sammy did not want to fall, so he always made sure to cut

    off the relation by making every situation count on its own terms.

    He was to take baths in his Jacuzzi, rest in his recliner and

    listen to music in a specially equipped room where he would sit

    down, close his eyes and listen to nothing other than the

    brilliance of his favorite composer, Bach. These were the things

    he wanted to do and enjoy, and nothing more, causing different

    versions to appear in the wake of the one dimension in use. Sammy

    had thusly cherished his fathers imaginative ways to the very

    extent that he did not even need no other source of pleasure whom

    which ideas were sprung. Bach was his only illumination. His own

    mind worked like a template fairytale, a mystery and the facts of

    life arranged just like he saw them, sitting on the ocean floor.

    Oh, and the mirrors. Sammy would not keep as much as a pocket

    mirror around him since the death of his father. He wanted just


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    the truth in reality, having seen the reality in truth.

    Maybe when your view has been changed so radically by death

    and leaving, your eyes change perception? From seeing the story

    come alive to carefully organizing ones thoughts is a change best

    described in the necessity of attention.

    We see only what we want to see, until we figure out what

    we really need to see. After that there is only void, a void for

    no one other to become intimate with or even acknowledge because

    that void is what we give to people. Or take. Sometimes we are

    also forced upon this void.

    The Dinner Party

    An old country song, perhaps Hank Williams, played in the

    background as Sammy turned to the foreground as the centerpiece of

    the delicately orchestrated affair.

    A dinner with the great big man and his family and friends

    had turned out to be an outright festival of local corporate names

    and high end personas. Delicious foods and beverages fluent as the

    dialogue spoken. Perfect lighting, full moon and that warm moving

    light coming from the bottom of the heart shaped pool on the

    patio, giving it a sense of difference about the whole party.

    Everyone wanted to see the long-awaited return of the boy who

    never was. His fathers name hovered like a halo over Sammy, so by

    no fear and suspicion everyone saw it as their prime duty to try

    to welcome him home the best they could. To Sammy though, his

    fathers name sat upon his head like a laurel wreath. Eyes seeing


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    past self and accomplishment, eyes seeing elsewhere and others had

    put it there. Though their curious smiles made him follow, he knew

    he was just a mirror in their eyes. A window to pass, seeing into

    great lengths unto far off places. To them, Sammy was a living

    statue of his father. A risen arch of his fathers vast influence,

    a figurine without apparent flaw. They expected to highly to speak

    to him in person and they expected to fondly to ever compromise

    their wishes. So all of them took their distance, floating gently

    around and around, as if Sammy bare scent were enough. All but

    one. Suddenly a small elderly man with grey hair and red bowed

    glasses introduced himself as the head of the city council, with a

    perplexed kind of expression on his face. His eyes wore a withered

    green tone of respect for Sammy and the sound of his voice had the

    echoes of a man speaking from the debts of his soul. The loss of

    such a citizen, he said, was a great one indeed, and no less would

    all these people agree with me. The elderly man was sure enough a

    stranger, but with his well mannered ways and habit to sympathize,

    he could soon enough acquaint himself with anyone. He wanted to

    assemble a memorial service devoted to Sammys father in the small

    chapel once more, come next Sunday after the sermon. He wanted a

    change of wind, a setting of a new unspoken direction in town once

    again. We all saw your father as a, well, savior I guess, and lord

    knows he did wonders for the spirit and the people of this little

    town, he said as the concrete hope that was Sammy gathered in his

    eyes before him.

    And now you are here, and we are so proud that you have

    decided to return to our community where you can continue on in a


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    happy manner, he said with temper in his lit green eyes. Sammy did

    not say much in response to the elderly man, and the truth was

    that the elderly man did not seem all that interested in actually

    hearing him speak at all. He just wanted to make sure that Sammy

    had heard him, so with no further courtesy the elderly man left

    him with a promise in hand that he would be there as a guest of

    honor for the memorial. Sammy stood around for a while seeing

    those underwater lights float across the green leaved bushes in

    the yard, thinking of his father and a time when he was fifteen

    and had just met and fallen for his first ever girlfriend. As

    painted from the cellars of his mind, his sudden moment of

    loneliness awakened a memory perhaps lost to him in broad

    daylight. Sammy was an innocent, and a rare one at that, and

    unbelievably enough he had managed to find a sweet young girl who

    shared his situation. This particular late summer night had Sammy

    for the first time invited his girlfriend over to watch a rented

    film and his mother had saintly left them in solitude as his

    father was in New York supervising the rehearsals of one of his

    plays. Sammy had rented E.T and made a bowl of popcorn and the

    breeze of the soft summer wind gave the evening just that hint of

    romance that the young couple had hoped for. But as the moon

    entered the darkened skyline and glossed the young pairs milky

    white complexions and seething red lips, a car suddenly drove up

    in front of the house. It was an airport cab, Sammy remembered

    because he just barely saw it leaving as he bewildered got up to

    look. Soon someone had entered the front door, just the short

    hallway down from the room in which Sammy and his girlfriend were.


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    It was his father, but to Sammy it could have been anyone that

    night as the moon in his fathers eyes had made him look like

    nobody he had ever seen before in his life. He had been drinking,

    but Sammy did not understand it at the time. He was too much in

    wonder. Sammy took to the hallway real quick with his girlfriend

    left behind, but as his father entered the moonlit hallway he did

    not really seem to find enough interest in the fact that it was

    his only son who stood there waiting with a curious and surprised

    look on his face. His jacket was kind of slanted and the four top

    buttons on his white shirt were undone as he just passed Sammy

    with a big silent look in his back walking up the stairs to the

    second floor. Sammy felt strange as he restlessly stood around for

    a second or two not knowing what to do or feel before he

    remembered his girlfriend waiting in the next room, who had seen

    what had taken place from her view on the couch. I should leave,

    we can do this tomorrow instead, she said to Sammy in an

    understanding tone of voice as he sat down beside her.

    Sammy had no choice but to see her walking up the stairs to

    get her purse that she had left in his room. No less confused,

    Sammy remembered quite vividly what happened next, the fright that

    was in her eyes as she threw herself violently down the stairs,

    out the door and that split second that he saw her big brown eyes

    in a silent shout as she turned back her head whilst running away

    in horror. Nobody believed her story. Sammys father was larger

    than life itself to him. Sammy stopped feeling.

    The Memorial


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    Anyone carrying a secret always shows hints of it whether

    they like it or not. It is a living thing, an animal fighting to

    come out into the open at any cost. Sammy was at his usual numb

    state of mind as he patted off the fresh yellow color of

    dandelions off of his brown leather shoes. He had taken a shortcut

    across the lawn in front of the chapel. He wore a full-length

    black coat carefully custom stitched and designed to make him look

    like a member of some exclusive and illusive club. Dark Bono-esque

    shades worn right until he had reached his place on the pew added

    to his stature as a man apart from men, a shadow amongst the

    mortals. But no matter the shape and form he gave, the portrayal

    of the prodigal son returned was unavoidable in the eyes of the

    townspeople. It was as close to biblical prophesy come true one

    could come in a small secular town destitute of anything other

    than the chapel itself binding it to a common higher denominator.

    Sermon on Sundays was strictly a social thing, even for the

    elders, a chance to meet those not seen during the week perhaps

    and catch up on local news and the gossip surrounding it. Sammy

    sat down front to the left as the minister silently greeted him

    with still eyes as to welcome him to the parish, the community.

    The clear triangular windows in the ceiling allowed the sun to

    make its grand presence felt, and to the now full chapel it was

    seen reflected on Sammys godlike apparition who took the suns

    gentle rays with great tenderness and gratitude. Sammy had a song

    on his mind when the minister started talking. It was Bluebells

    song, a pet name that his mother had before he was born. It was

    the call sign of innocence, he thought, the manner in which to


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    describe those yet acquainted by the deliverer of faith and

    belief. Sammy thought of it because he had just seen Bluebell

    across the aisle on the other side, for the first time in nine

    long years. She had Sammy when she was just sixteen so her face

    was still fresh and strong towards the expressions she tried to

    hold back upon noticing him in that instant.

    Her hair followed closely the features on her face, leaving

    her eyes, nose and mouth fine, framed like a Degas painting by her

    unusually shaped elliptical black earrings. Sammy looked at her

    but he could not find her eyes, it was if they were long gone into

    a mind best undisturbed. Sammy froze for a long second, took his

    eyes to a softer place straight ahead and still felt nothing. The

    minister spoke for a while, but soon did he let over his place to

    Sammy in a heartfelt greeting along with vows of glad tidings from

    the returned son of the late great man which had been his father.

    But as Sammy rose to walk up to the microphone right in front of

    the packed chapel, some other mindset carried his conviction. His

    blue eyes were like those in some melancholic renaissance

    portrait, two cold stones in water mirroring nothing.

    No one could ever have been ready for what he was to say

    when he opened his mouth to speak.

    I want to tell you a story, he said with great dignity in

    his voice, in fact, I want to tell you the very same story that my

    mother told me on the day my father died.

    The small chapel went so silent upon those words spoken one


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    could easily have heard each soft breath Sammy took inside each

    word and sentence. It was a story about a man trapped between two

    worlds. One held with chains of responsibility and the principles

    of being an adult and the other permitted by the freewheeling

    nature of those inner most desires. And this other world, where

    lust ruled decisions, was the one that also ruled over him. Only

    his own body's imagination towards reality could make him act any

    differently than his urges suggested. And those urges were

    plentiful in the land of lonely, and so when he was about thirty

    years of age, he met a young girl in a bar in town. She was

    fifteen years old, but looked twenty-five, so by the time he had

    seen her properly across the old wooden counter he had already

    made up his mind about her. She had gotten in for the first time,

    wearing black high heeled shoes and a tight pink dress that had no

    intentions of hiding her budding femininity from showing. She was

    stunning and beautiful and her golden curled hair made her look

    like Marilyn Monroe. Sammy's mother looked at him with eyes

    speaking both of defeat and curiosity as he quickly in the corner

    of his left eye saw into hers and thought and felt nothing more

    than the notion of going on with his story.

    The man, he said, was handsome and charming as any man, but

    most importantly he had that aura that a mass of apparent virtues

    gave which only people carrying real success in the world had. He

    was like a magnet, a force loaded by norms of fortune and glory.

    His sand dune tanned, chiseled face went to her teenage milky

    complexion like chocolate to vanilla. His blue eyes deeply to her

    innocent bare shoulders, though slowly on did she realize that her


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    teenage wisdom were not what had drawn him to her, no, those

    powers at work were far more primitive. Sammy paused suddenly and

    as he took some deep breaths that almost echoed on the chapel

    walls, he gazed out as to look everyone present straight in the

    eyes. You see, he said with his index finger in the air, the

    reason we don't really need salvation is that we can not act on

    the past, a savior would just be a guide to new mistakes. We can

    not change who we have become, we can only change who we aspire to

    be. That night my mothers voice were kept in vain, her body taken

    and her identity shaped for all times to come.

    Shame and pride prevented her from abortion; I was a small

    prize to pay for the upkeep of his pleasures. But now I stand

    here. And he lay there. And nothing could ever change that no

    matter the person he shaped me to be, feeding me images of the

    outside world of wonder and hope, of faith and disappointment. The

    silent echo turned slightly faint in to a collective murmur all

    across the pews. Still, nobody did or said anything loudly.

    Sammys mother looked up as if realizing that her shame was

    unjustified and this time Sammy's eyes were there waiting for her

    and for the first time in his whole life he actually saw someone

    in her eyes. A person absolved by the reality of truth and the

    words carrying it into the present onward unto past.

    Sammy pushed for tears unknowingly, but he was incapable of

    giving them their freedom as he realized that he had actually had

    a mother all along. That family shattered on that day was still

    enough a family, how lonely one mind thoughts ever may have been.

    Sammy had to clear his throat as compose himself and the attention


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    of the crowd, and so he continued his speech seemingly unaffected

    by the emotions unlocked inside of him.

    On that same night as my mother had told me this story, he

    said, my father came home early into the hallway looking sharper

    and healthier than ever before.

    He was Hollywood by then, virtually timeless in appearance

    by the radiance of glamour and myth. He wore a brand new suit,

    sand beige Armani with a slim black necktie arrogantly tied around

    the milky white shirt, and his face was smooth and tanned to go

    with his short brown cropped hairstyle. He could have served as a

    poster model for the American dream looking the way he did. But in

    my eyes I saw an intruder, a perfect heretic, like a mirage

    standing in the hallway carrying new rules and principles. He

    asked me something but I did not answer, he called for me but I

    did not respond. He was dead on arrival, as sent by his own free

    will. Mothers story had stirred my views to such extremes that my

    fathers very presence inside what was our special place no longer,

    did not make me feel anything at all. It was if I had been burnt

    by the truth for the first time leaving my senses numb and cold to

    any impression. Sammy took strength to each new word out of his

    mouth as his deepest; long-awaited truth began to find its place

    in the open sphere. Initially he had been nervous but found ways

    to hide it, by now, he spoke from his hearth.

    A clear toned voice cut trough the stunned atmospheric

    silence in the small chapel as he said; and then I became him

    Truth shall liberate you I thought, said Sammy cautiously, maybe


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    The king of expectation

    if I confront him I can see it with my own eyes. But I just froze

    as he came out of the bathroom in his blue robe after a long

    soothing shower. I wanted to ask him, was it true, look deep into

    his blue eyes about what my mother had told me, but I could not do

    it. This man was the man who had been my role model, my guide to

    my future self. He looked me silently in the eyes as he past me in

    the hallway on the second floor outside my old room as if he knew

    I wanted to tell him something he did not want to hear. And, said

    Sammy with a surge of emotion to his words, my eyes must have

    spoken of a million thoughts because as he reached the stairs he

    suddenly stopped as if to remember something with his head lowered

    seeking thought in the deepest of memories. He just stood there in

    the yellowish-red light from the setting sun, thinking god knows

    what, with me just a few feet away. It was poetry, he was so

    beautiful. He was my father. Twenty seconds later he was dead

    pushed down the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck.

    Though there is no right or wrong, nor black or white one

    must ultimately choose between truth and salvation.

    I chose truth. After my fathers funeral nine years ago which many

    of you attended, they were kind enough to keep my whole litigation

    under subtle wings as they took me to a small prison in California

    right after I left the chapel on that day. I guess my fathers good

    name through and through has hidden me for all kinds of reasons

    over the years amongst people like you, but now I'm telling you


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    The king of expectation

    the truth. I will hide no more. The crowd was no longer stunned in

    their silence; they were simply listening to what he was saying to

    them, taking in every word and thinking about what they really

    meant. Is there a thing such as true salvation, he posed a

    retorical question. No, I have seen no such occasion in my

    lifetime. Salvation will always try to lead you somewhere whilst

    truth is happy with where you are at the moment. It is here now

    and never lost tomorrow. Sammy looked quietly to his empty seat

    and noticed the fine wood in the pew. The intricate lines in the

    fibers underneath, which formed the foundation of the smooth, oak

    brown exterior. He felt like he was under water as applause and

    voices drummed across his field of senses like if they were coming

    from somewhere totally different.

    It was never to turn into a travesty; his confession had been too

    honest, as if everyone refused to shut their eyes to the truth.

    The eyes are the windows to the soul, thought Sammy as he shut his

    eyes to see inwards as everyone else opened theirs to finally see

    him, the real him. Sammy saw, but he did not realize what he was

    seeing. He felt, but his emotions were so deeply buried down

    within that he could not comprehend them. He actually felt again,

    as time struck his body like a hard punch in the gut, he shivered

    but he realized for the first time the actual meaning of the words

    he had been saying. He had not become his father at all, no; the

    person he had become was someone far more important. Someone a

    person struggles long years to become. He had become himself. This

    time after his speech was over he did not leave directly, he did


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    The king of expectation

    not have to. The organist began playing his final hymn for the day

    as Sammy sat down on his seat like anyone would on a sermon on


    The end.

    Thank you.