The Kana

In Japanese Haiku, the first line has 5 kana, the second has 7 kana, and the third has 5 kana. Kana does not translate to the English syllable. Kana to Syllables is Japanese Haiku and Kana

Transcript of The Kana

1. In Japanese Haiku, the first line has 5 kana, the second has 7 kana, and the third has 5 kana. Kana does not translate to the English syllable. Kana to Syllables is like Apples to Oranges (Cobb) Japanese Haiku and Kana 2. If a 5/7/5 works for you, write on. If you find you are using more words to meet the syllable count per line, quit it! Create three lines of no more than 17 syllables total. For English Haiku and Kana