The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a...

1 The Joyful Noise Newsletter Schoeneck Moravian Church April 2019 Christian fasting - what does the Bible say? The Bible presents fasting as something that is good, profitable, and beneficial. The book of Acts records believers fasting before they made important decisions. In Acts 13:2 and 14:23, the Apostle Paul prayed and fasted with fellow believers. It was through this period of fasting that the Apostle Paul knew with certainty what the will of the Lord was concerning his call and where he was to go next to spread the gospel. In fact, in verse four of Acts 13, the Scripture was clear in saying, “so, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went …” They knew the certain will of God, in this circumstance, only through prayer and fasting, so much so that the Scripture didn’t say they went where they wanted. Rather, they were sent by the Holy Spirit. In today’s age, we are often told that we cannot know the will of God, we cannot truly know what God says of things. This is absolutely false. While this is a whole other subject matter, it goes without saying that fasting is one means by which the Bible is clear we can come to know exactly what the Lord’s will is for our call and direction. Fasting and prayer are often linked together as found in Luke 2:37 and Luke 5:33. Too often, the focus of fasting is on the lack of food. While this is a component of the spiritual discipline of fasting, fasting looses its vital significance when we place it in the context of the following statement, “What are you giving up for Lent?” Fasting, is not a spiritual discipline when one simply gives up something or a particular food if it is not accompanied by the heart’s desire to want to draw near to God. Furthermore fasting must also be accompanied by intentional prayer and reading of the word of God during the time allotted for any fast. Throughout Scripture, in every context where fasting is mentioned, it is always followed up with deliberate mention of prayer or a visual description of the act of prayer the person or persons are engaged in. They didn’t just give something up for selfish reasons and went on ahead with their daily routine without even giving Christ a second thought throughout the day. Brothers and Sisters, the purpose of fasting should be to take your eyes off the things of this world to focus completely on God. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to ourselves, that we are serious about our relationship with Him. Fasting helps us gain a new perspective and a renewed reliance upon God. When taken together, the Scripture points to fasting as meaning, “to bring our flesh under the authority and discipline of God.” Although fasting in Scripture is almost always a fasting from food, there are other ways to fast. Anything given up temporarily in order to focus all our attention on God can be considered a fast as found in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5. You may fast from the food or things which you feel are a hindrance to your intimacy with Christ. In other words, maybe you have been using television as a way to feel better, pass the time, or feel motivated. In this scenario, you are using television to do for you temporarily what God can do for you permanently when you bring your needs, thoughts, and desires under His authority through prayer. Fasting from television for a period of time will help you shift your dependency on television to dependency on Jesus Christ. Continue on page 2

Transcript of The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a...

Page 1: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


The Joyful Noise Newsletter

Schoeneck Moravian Church April 2019

Christian fasting - what does the Bible say? The Bible presents fasting as something that is good, profitable, and beneficial. The book of Acts records believers fasting before they made important decisions. In Acts 13:2 and 14:23, the Apostle Paul prayed and fasted with fellow believers. It was through this period of fasting that the Apostle Paul knew with certainty what the will of the Lord was concerning his call and where he was to go next to spread the gospel. In fact, in verse four of Acts 13, the Scripture was clear in saying, “so, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went …” They knew the certain will of God, in this circumstance, only through prayer and fasting, so much so that the Scripture didn’t say they went where they wanted. Rather, they were sent by the Holy Spirit. In today’s age, we are often told that we cannot know the will of God, we cannot truly know what God says of things. This is absolutely false. While this is a whole other subject matter, it goes without saying that fasting is one means by which the Bible is clear we can come to know exactly what the Lord’s will is for our call and direction. Fasting and prayer are often linked together as found in Luke 2:37 and Luke 5:33. Too often, the focus of fasting is on the lack of food. While this is a component of the spiritual discipline of fasting, fasting looses its vital significance when we place it in the context of the following statement, “What are you giving up for Lent?” Fasting, is not a spiritual discipline when one simply gives up something or a particular food if it is not accompanied by the heart’s desire to want to draw near to God. Furthermore fasting must also be accompanied by intentional prayer and reading of the word of God during the time allotted for any fast. Throughout Scripture, in every context where fasting is mentioned, it is always followed up with deliberate mention of prayer or a visual description of the act of prayer the person or persons are engaged in. They didn’t just give something up for selfish reasons and went on ahead with their daily routine without even giving Christ a second thought throughout the day. Brothers and Sisters, the purpose of fasting should be to take your eyes off the things of this world to focus completely on God. Fasting is a way to demonstrate to God, and to ourselves, that we are serious about our relationship with Him. Fasting helps us gain a new perspective and a renewed reliance upon God. When taken together, the Scripture points to fasting as meaning, “to bring our flesh under the authority and discipline of God.” Although fasting in Scripture is almost always a fasting from food, there are other ways to fast. Anything given up temporarily in order to focus all our attention on God can be considered a fast as found in 1 Corinthians 7:1-5. You may fast from the food or things which you feel are a hindrance to your intimacy with Christ. In

other words, maybe you have been using television as a way to feel better, pass the time, or feel motivated. In this scenario, you are using television to do for you temporarily what God can do for you permanently when you bring your needs, thoughts, and desires under His authority through prayer. Fasting from television for a period of time will help you shift your dependency on television to dependency on Jesus Christ.

Continue on page 2

Page 2: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


Highlights from the Board of Elders and Board of Trustees

March Meetings

Board of Elders

Pictorial Directory

Lovefeast carts

Food bank supply in February and July

Technology Committee looking for members/website updated

Board of Trustees

Thanks and appreciation given to Frank Johnson for his donations of labor and materials in changing lighting to LED. The results, so far, have been striking.

Working on water usage at the church and parsonage.

Church currently has a year-to-date deficit of $13,750.

Continued from page 1

Fasting from something doesn’t necessarily mean that that thing is bad, This is not the case at all. Rather, fasting from something, food or otherwise, is to develop spiritual disciplines that will deepen our relationship with Christ. God said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Fasting from food, helps us to draw closer to God and be reminded that the true sustenance for our souls isn’t from earthly food but heavenly food, the word of God. This passage also reminds us that fasting from food or things or activities isn’t the Biblical understanding of fasting if we don’t spend quality time in prayer and the study of the Word which comes forth from the mouth of God. Also, it is important to know that whether in the Bible or in a secular dictionary, fasting isn’t choosing to do more "good deeds,” or “doing charitable work,” or “taking on something extra.” No matter how wonderful and well meaning a gesture, extra good deeds will not achieve the same spiritual goals, discipline, and intimacy with God. Fasting requires the refraining from, or giving up the pleasure of, a food or thing. In summation, fasting should be limited to a set time, especially when fasting from food. Extended periods of time without eating can be harmful to the body. Fasting is not intended to punish the flesh, but to redirect attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight, but rather to gain deeper fellowship with God. Anyone can fast, but some may not be able to fast from food (diabetics, for example). Everyone can temporarily give up something in order to draw closer to God. By taking our eyes off the things of this world, we can more successfully turn our attention to Christ. Fasting is not a way to get God to do what we want. Fasting changes us, not God. Fasting is not a way to appear more spiritual than others. Fasting is to be done in a spirit of humility and a joyful attitude. Matthew 6:16-18 declares, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

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Worship the Lord with Us!

Palm Sunday: April 14 On Palm Sunday we remember the celebration of palms and honor that accompanied Jesus as He entered

Jerusalem for the last time before His crucifixion. It’s a bittersweet day, as we remember that as our Lord rode

into the city that “kills the prophets” (Matthew 23:37), He entered not to celebrate as all would for the

Passover, but that He would go through hardship as He prepared for His death. Jesus would pray with great

sorrow that the cup of suffering would be passed (Matthew 26:38), but He would soldier on for God and for

our sake. And in the end there would be a resurrection, a joy to be had for His suffering. Let us worship our

loving Savior on this day, who loved us even to the point of death.

Holy Week Readings: April 15-17, 7 p.m. Join us for a dynamic and engaging time as we read together our “Holy Week Readings” — a compilation of

the Gospel accounts concerning Jesus’ last week before His death. These readings tie together the Scriptures in

a story-like format accompanied by hymns of praise and contemplation. Our time reading together will include

opportunities for you to ask the pastors questions about the Scriptures being read so that we all may seek the

Lord together for a better understanding of the Scriptures’ meaning and importance.

Holy Thursday: April 18, 7 p.m. with Holy Communion Along with our Holy Week readings, we will celebrate Holy Communion together in remembrance of the Last

Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples in the Upper Room.

Good Friday: April 19, 1:45, 2:30, 7:00 Join us for 1:45 p.m. on Good Friday for a special Communion service. At our 2:30 P.M. service, we will

continue our journey with Jesus to the cross with our “Holy Week Readings.” The readings will include the

account of Jesus’ death on the cross. At our 7:00 P.M. service, we will once again draw close to our Savior as

we remember His death for our sins through our Tenebrae service, a service of light and darkness. We will use

candles to symbolize the light that was lost as Jesus took His last breath and waited in the grave for His


Great Sabbath: April 20, 7 p.m. Jesus said that the Son of Man “would be handed over to the Gentiles. They will mock Him, insult Him, and

spit on Him; they will flog Him and kill Him. On the third day He will rise again.” (Luke 18:31) Jesus was

about to experience the reward for His suffering as God raised Him back to life, but it wasn’t the third day yet.

On this special worship service, we remember what it’s like to wait for the return of our joy. We wait in hope,

knowing that God’s promise is true: there will be a Resurrection!

RESURRECTION SUNDAY (EASTER) The Week That Changed the World (Holy Week) comes to a resounding climax on Resurrection Sunday

(Easter), the most joyful day of the year for Christians! It is the day of our Lord’s Resurrection from the grave,

the day we celebrate our new life in Christ, and the day we rejoice for loved ones who have died in Christ in

the hope that they will rise with Him. It is, most certainly, a day which calls all Christians together to worship

the True and Living God! Here is our schedule of services for Resurrection Sunday, April 21

6:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service beginning in the sanctuary and concluding at God’s Acre with our

Brass Choir.

7:00 a.m. Our Easter Breakfast in the fellowship hall to which all are invited.

8:00 a.m. Resurrection Sunday Celebration with our inspiring Easter liturgy and special music from

our Senior Voice and Handbell Choirs.

10:30 a.m. Resurrection Sunday Celebration with our Easter liturgy and special music from our Brass,

Handbell, Cherub, and Senior voice choirs.

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We are preparing a Special Mother’s Day Bulletin Insert in honor of living Mothers or in memory of those deceased.

In Whose Name is this tribute (Please Print):____________________________________________________

Please check whether -

____ In Honor of Mother (living) _____ In Memory of Great Grandmother (deceased) ____ In Memory of Mother (deceased) _____ In Honor of Godmother (living) ____ In Honor of Mother-In-Law (living) _____ In Memory of Godmother (deceased) ___ In Memory of Mother-In-Law (deceased) _____ In Honor of Wife (living) ___ In Honor of Grandmother (living) _____ In Memory of Wife (deceased) _____ In Memory of Grandmother (deceased) _____ In Honor of Aunt (living) _____ In Honor of Great Grandmother (living) _____ In Memory of Aunt (deceased) Print your name here: ____________________________________________________________________

Please attach a dollar as a contribution to this effort. Please return this completed form with cash or check no later than April 28 to the church office.

Please use one form for each name submitted.

13th Annual International Moravian Women’s Conference

“Unleash Your Power” is the theme for this year’s conference being held on June 20 - 23. While it says “Moravian

Women,” you do not have to be a Moravian to participate. This international women’s conference is bringing

women from all over the world to converge, many from Moravian Churches, for a weekend to learn how to

unleash the power Christ has given us. There are over 20 programs and workshops to choose from based on what

your spiritual needs are in this season. There will also be a Share and Sell Market for you to see and purchase crafts

and trinkets from various churches and missions groups to support their ministries. Friday evening, you will be

invited to get dressed up for a dinner gala which is an evening of excellence showcasing our cultural and

international diversity. Open to women of all ages. I first went when I was only 17 years of age with my

grandmother. That year turned out to be one of my best memories with her. We were filled up, we were

energized, and we got to grow in our faith together.

For more information email Pastor Sanette at [email protected]

or call the church office at 610-759-0376.

Pilgrimage To The Holy Land

How often have you imagined what the scene actually looked like when you are reading the scriptures or listening to the scriptures being read on a Sunday morning? Now is your opportunity to move from imagination to reality. Join in the pilgrimage to the Holy Land and actually walk in the footsteps of Jesus on June 30 - July 9, 2020. Just to give you an idea of what a day in the footsteps of Jesus will be like on this pilgrimage: On July 2 we will take you to Jesus’ boyhood home (Matthew 2:23) in Nazareth and Galilee. Continue on your pilgrimage as you make your way to Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. While there, you will also have the opportunity to see a real boat from Jesus’ time which was excavated from the sea of Galilee. You will then be able to travel on the sea of Galilee on a boat fashioned after the original. From the sea of Galilee, make your way through Matthew 5-7 on the Mount of the Beatitudes. Topping off the day is an opportunity for you to remember your own baptism as you are welcome to dip in the Jordon River Yardenite baptismal Site. If that is just one day, imagine what the other days have to offer in places such a Caesarea, Jericho, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the Dead Sea just to name a few.

For more information, email Pastor Sanette at [email protected] or call the church office at 610-759-0376.

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Please include your name and envelope #

on all offerings!

This is a big help to our financial secretary!











In addi�on to the deficit of $3,031, we were short in paying

our YTD Provincial Obliga�ons in the amount of $10,715.



Time, Talent and Treasure

Sunday Average ~ 147








Sunday, Feb 3 46 122 168 54

Sunday, Feb 10 39 94 133 50

Sunday, Feb 17 48 95 143 47

Sunday, Feb 24 48 95 143 56



Moravian Open Door $168

Provincial Administration $900

Sale of Busy Bees Ornaments 30

Initial Offering 40

Donations - Church

Maintenance - Paint


Anonymous Donation 112

Communion/Lovefeast 600

Nazareth Food Bank 115

Camp Hope Jr. Counselor



TOTAL $2,590

Helping Hand Fund 450


Contact Dave Gillette with questions or to volunteer .

No Experience Needed Very easy to learn - we’ll teach you!

No Need to Volunteer As a Pair

No Special Outfit Needed Flexible, less restrictive attire

Not a Huge Time Commitment Arrive 30 minutes prior to church service.

Usually finished cleaning up by the time the service is over.

No rehearsals or practices.

Serve at 3 or 4 Lovefeasts + Christmas Eve.

Sugar Cake!

We have FUN Serving our Fellow

Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

Page 6: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


Christian Education… for all ages

Cell Phone Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, April 28

Bring your thinking caps meet in the Jr. Youth Room

after the 10:30 am service. Cell phones provided by the leaders.

An ice cream treat will also be provided.

Happy Easter! This month our Sunday School classes will continue with their studies. On Easter Sunday we will provide an all Sunday School Classes and all who would like to participate Church Wide Scavenger Hunt! Please meet in Fellowship Hall at our Sunday School time of 9:15am where we will start. We look forward to seeing you there! Thank you to everyone who made a cake and/or brought a dish for our pot luck lunch and Birthday Social! We had a fantastic time! With 62 people in attendance made this our largest Birthday Social yet! Bingo was a ton of fun too! Looking forward to May:

May 5th is Youth Sunday! You don’t want to miss what our Youth are planning at both Worship Services! May 12th will be our Mother’s Day Tea during the Sunday School hour in Fellowship Hall.

Blessings for a wonderful Easter season,

MaryBeth West

Sunday School Coordinator


April 6

4:00 PM

For ages 0 years to 5th grade

** Games and crafts **

Please bring a snack to share.

Hot dog mountain will make an appearance!

Sr. Youth Egg Decorating Friday, April 5

5:00 PM

SAVE the


July 22 - 26, 2019

Page 7: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


Pasties for Sale! An order form is posted on the bulletin board outside the church office. All orders are due April 7 with pick-up on April 14 in the Fellowship Hall. Pasties are only $6.50 each

for beef/potato/onion or no onion, broccoli/cheese/potato/onion or no onion. Contact Bob Sweitzer for more info.

What’s Happening…

Spring Rummage Sale Saturday, April 6

8:00 am to 1:00 pm

You may bring gently worn,

unused, or unwanted items to

the church beginning Sunday,

March 31 through Thursday, April 4.

Volunteers are needed during the week to help

set up, on Saturday during the sale, and to help

with cleanup after the sale. This is a fundraiser

for the church - we need all the members of the

church to help make this a success.

We are again asking for donations from you for

the bake sale, which is held during the Rummage

Sale. You can drop them off at the Fellowship Hall

on Friday, April 5.



50% of Camp Hope tuition for each session attended will be reimbursed through

the Kyle Butz Memorial Fund. When registering online, input the Transfer Code: SCHNECK19

(Please note, this is not the GRP ID, just “next” through that field)

Camp booklets are available on the table

outside of the church office.


Please meet us in the church parking lot on Saturday, April 20 at

9:00 AM as we celebrate Earth Day, doing our part to help keep

Jacobsburg Road beautiful. If you have any questions, please contact John Beitel.

Coming Up at Camp Hope!

Camp Work Weekend April 5 - 7 We need both skilled and unskilled helpers, especially people to clean buildings and

pick up branches from the lawn. Help get lower camp opened up for the spring!

Camp Season Kick-Off Dinner Saturday, April 6 Palmyra Moravian Church, Cinnaminson NJ 4 - 6 p.m.

Come support camp and campers! Dinner, silent auction, music, fun!

Confirmation Retreat May 3 - 5 For all confirmands; register through your church office

NEMDR: Intro to Mission May 10 and 11 Learn how to live your faith in service to others with fellow Moravians.

For more information, see your church office

or contact Hope Conference Center at 908 459-4435 or [email protected]

2019 Community Dinners will begin on

Saturday, May 18

Come join us for a meal from 4:30 - 6:30 PM.

Volunteers are also appreciated for food prep, set-up, and clean-up. See Sharon Peters or

Gloria Floyd for more information.

Additional dates for 2019 are: June 29, July 27, August 31, September 28

Schoeneck Men:

We Need Your Help to prepare and serve

Easter Breakfast

Sign up on the bulletin board by the church office or see Jim Makovetz or Lou Dishong for more information.

Sign up sheet for Easter Breakfast

is also posted on the bulletin

board. Please sign

up for this by

April 14th.

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Greetings! Finally, spring is on the way. I think everyone is Thankful for that. I know that I am, it has been a long winter. The past few sunny days have been so wonderful. The topic this month is a very common one: Back pain. Information is from an article in “Brain & Life” Oct/Nov 2018. It is easy to take your back for granted until it hurts. Almost 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their life. Low back pain becomes more common as we grow older because of injuries, weight gain, physical deconditioning, and arthritis in the spine, and loss of hydration and height in the discs, which increases the incidence of compression. There are two types of low back pain: acute and chronic. Acute back pain is short term, and usually resolves naturally within days or weeks; it tends to be musculoskeletal, meaning it stems from a muscle injury or strain or a disruption in the way the spine, discs, or nerves connect and move. By contrast, chronic low back pain is defined as pain that lasts for 12 weeks or longer. It is usually due to muscle sprains, strains, and spasms; disc degeneration or a ruptured or herniated disc; arthritis in the spine; radiculopathy (nerve root compression in the spine); or spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal that puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves), among other causes. It is unclear how or why acute low back pain evolves into chronic low back pain. One theory is that the pain evolves out of changes in the brain. The brain begins to produce a sensation of pain even without the presence of a pain producing stimulus- after an injury has healed for example. Another theory relates to psychological factors. Certain risk factors- including smoking, occupational activities (such as heavy lifting, pushing or pulling) depression, or anxiety can increase the likelihood of developing low back pain. In one case, the patient developed low back pain from having five children and lifting patients in her career as a caregiver. Women are more prone to getting low back pain for reasons that aren’t well understood. But may have to do with hormonal factors, differences in pelvic structure, and a slightly lower bone density. And if you have osteoporosis or use corticosteroids for long periods of time you have an increased risk of compression fractures. A through exam by a doctor to rule out more serious conditions like a tumor or fracture is imperative. Three ways to treat low back pain include: resuming regular routine. Physical and occupational therapy can help. Other therapies: acupuncture, massage therapy, biofeedback, spinal manipulation/ chiropractic therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help. 5 Ways to Keep Back Pain at Bay: Lose weight, stay physically active, check alignment, improve sleep habits and dial down stress. We now know that bed rest is detrimental. It is associated with poorer functioning, more pain, and greater disability. Our next Blood pressure screening will be April 28th after both services. Stop by to have your Blood pressure checked by: JoAnn, Cookie, Lorena or Sally.

Our Heath Ministry wishes everyone A Blessed Easter!

Health Ministry

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FLOWERS - $40.00 BULLETINS - $25.00

4/7 Susan Schalk 4/7 OPEN

4/14 Dave & Barb Butz 4/14 OPEN

4/21 OPEN 4/21 The Haffners

4/28 OPEN 4/28 OPEN



John Beitel & Fran Eckert



APRIL ELDERS 8 AM - Melody Stocker

10:30 AM - Deb Charles

Date Time Ushers Greeters Scripture Readers Nursery

April 7

8:00 AM Brenda & Lawrence

Voll Rich & Carol

Ressler Ann Dalton ---

10:30 AM Bob & Marianne Sweitzer, Mike & Allene Rampulla

John Beitel Nicholas Dorion Lorena Roberts, Catherine Hahn

April 10 (Lent Midweek)

7:00 PM Jim & Brenda

Makovetz Dolores Klipple --- ---

April 14 8:00 AM The Ressler Family Ann Dalton JoAnn Heckman ---

10:30 AM The Schnyderite Family Kevin & Sandy

Love Brian Dishong

Mike & Allene Rampulla

April 15 (Holy Week

Reading Service) 7:00 PM Bill & Katie Elliott TBA

Lou Dishong MaryBeth West


April 16 (Holy Week

Reading Service) 7:00 PM

Cookie & George Knauss

TBA Katie Elliott,

Jim Makovetz ---

April 17 (Holy Week

Reading Service) 7:00 PM Lou & Deb Dishong TBA

Lisa Moyer, Cookie Knauss


April 18 (Maundy Thursday Holy Communion)

7:00 PM Mel & Carol Messinger TBA Carolyn & Glenn

Hertzog ---

April 19 (Good Friday)

1:45 PM John Beitel TBA --- ---

2:30 PM John Beitel TBA Glenn Hertzog ---

7:00 PM Bill & Mary Ann

Orsinger TBA Patricia Alercia ---

April 20 (Great Sabbath

Lovefeast) 7:00 PM Mike & Lois Zibulnik TBA

Carol & Lauren Ressler


April 21 (Easter)

6:00 AM Carolyn & Glenn

Hertzog Michael Rampulla TBA ---

8:00 AM Bill & Katie Elliott Chris & Gail Gagner Gail Gagner ---

10:30 AM Ron & Linda Minnich Deb & Doug Charles

Glenn Hertzog Mim Stoudt Gayle Searock, Mim


April 28

8:00 AM Bob & Carol Hunt Catherine Hahn Katie Elliott ---

10:30 AM Frank & Gayle Searock,

Kevin & Sandy Love Denise Morris-Ng Bill Orsinger

JoAnn Heckman, Tammy & Braden


Page 10: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


PRAYER CONCERNS (Our Church Family)



4 - Renee & Allen Heckman (32)

15 - Dave & Barbara Butz (47) 22 - Katherine & Racie Beam (25)

26 - Dennis & Karin Silvius (44) 27 - Joe & Trudy Brown (28) 28 - Debbie & James Knecht (40)

29 - Mark & Lorna Short (24) 30 - Mike & Lisa Koehler (31) Allen & Sue Marsh (36)

Jeremy & Michelle Searock (14)


1 - Joseph Brown

Andrew Clennon Gail Gagner

Janice Hahn 2 - April Silimperi 4 - Alan Kline

Dean McAllister 5 - Sherry Detweiler

Brooklyn Kutz (3) 6 - Gregory Oplinger (19) 7 - Heather Fehr

9 - Lee Clewell 10 - Alivea Jones (15) 11 - Elaine Bittner*

Joseph DeFlores (17) Debra Smith

12 - Marlene Schlachter

13 - Caleah Kostenbader (8)

15 - Austin Graver 16 - Barbara Matheson

Lois Zibulnik 18 - Constance Kraemer Allen Marsh

Jeffrey Marsh 19 - Mary Schweitzer

22 - James West 23 - Abigail Kirst (15) 24 - Shannon Shafnisky

25 - Cynthia McAllister Karl Unger 26 - Ernest Warner

27 - Anthony Stampf (10) 28 - Kayli Silimperi

29 - Anne Millham


Birthday ending in

a “5” or “0”.

*With respect for the rights each one has to privacy, please secure an individual’s permission before adding them to our prayer list, or sharing their concern during worship. Please remember to contact the church office when names should be removed from the list.

We extend our sympathies to Millie Gardo and family on the death of her sister Jeanne Gower on March 5, 2019.

Laurie, Becca, and Evan Toyberg

During deployment, Ryan Love can receive mail at:

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10 AM Busy Bees 6:30 Busy Bees 6:30 Property Committee Rummage Sale Set-up


7 PM Elders

3 Midweek Lent Service at Nazareth Moravian Church 6 PM Meal 7 PM Worship Service


9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir


5 PM Sr. Youth Egg Decorating

6 8 AM - 1 PM Spring Rummage Sale 11 AM Al-Anon 4 PM Easter Egg Hunt

Fifth Sunday in Lent 7 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service

8 10 AM Busy Bees 6 PM Brownies 6:30 Busy Bees


3:30 Private Meeting 6 PM TOPS 7 PM Trustees

10 12 PM Retired Public Employees Midweek Lent Service 6 PM Meal 7 PM Worship Service

11 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6 PM Tigers 6:15 Cub Scouts 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7 PM Scout Committee 7:30 Sr. Choir


6 PM Banquet Set-up

13 11 AM Al-Anon 1 PM Blue & Gold Ban-quet

Palm Sunday 14 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 6:00 PM Troop 81134

15 7 PM Holy Week Reading Service

16 7 PM Holy Week Reading Service


7 PM Holy Week Reading Service

Maundy Thursday 18 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 7 PM Maundy Thursday Holy Commuion

Good Friday 19 1:45 Holy Communion 2:30 Vigils 7 PM Tenebrae

Good Sabbath 20

9 AM Roadside Cleanup 11 AM Al-Anon 7 PM Great Sabbath Lovefeast

Easter Sunday 21 6 AM Sunrise Worship Service 7 AM Easter Breakfast 8 AM Worship Service 10:30 Worship Service

22 6 PM Brownies


6 PM TOPS 6:30 Christian Ed 7 PM Visitation


6:30 Lions 7 PM Webelos

25 9 AM Women’s Bible Study 6 PM Jr. Handbells 6 PM Tigers 6:15 Cub Scouts 6:45 Sr. Handbells 6:45 Jr. Choir 7:30 Sr. Choir


27 11 AM Al-Anon 9 AM Moravian Women’s Event

Second Sunday of Easter 28 8 AM Worship Service 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service ** Blood pressure screening after both services. 6:00 PM Troop 81134


6 PM Brownies


6 PM TOPS 7 PM Music & Worship

Page 12: The Joyful Noise Newsletter - · attention to God. Fasting should not be considered a “dieting method” either. The purpose of a Biblical fast is not to lose weight,


Schoeneck Moravian Church Vol. XXXVII No. 4 April 2019

Our Lamb has conquered, let us follow him. In Essentials, Unity; In Nonessentials, Liberty; In All Things, Love.

Rev. Garritt Fleming, Pastor Rev. Sanette Fleming, Pastor Ryan Morrow, Director of Music Heather Scholtes, Administrative Assistant

8:00 am Worship 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship

Our Mission Statement “To follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to love and serve all.”

Schoeneck Moravian Church 316 North Broad Street Extension Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064-9522

[email protected] 610-759-0376


The Joyful Noise