The Journey of a Cupcake The Digestive System The Journey Begins Little Debby’s journey starts...

The Journey of a Cupcake The Digestive System

Transcript of The Journey of a Cupcake The Digestive System The Journey Begins Little Debby’s journey starts...

Page 1: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

The Journey of a Cupcake

The Digestive System                                             

Page 2: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

The Journey Begins

Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and this is the first stage in digestion.

Page 3: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Little Debby Gets Swallowed

After she gets chewed up, she is swallowed. From the mouth, she goes down the esophagus to the stomach.

Page 4: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Traveling Down the Esophagus

No digestion takes place in the esophagus.

It’s wrapped in sheets of smooth muscle.

Food pushed down by a series of contractions called peristalsis.

Page 5: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Entering the Stomach

Proteins start being dismantled in the stomach.

Juices enter from valves in the stomach wall.

A valve called the sphincter prevents food from going back up the esophagus.

Page 6: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

More Info About the Stomach

The stomach stores and breaks down food.

The stomach chemically & mechanically breaks down proteins.

Gastric juice called HCL is secreted by the stomach’s lining, which has a thick layer of mucus coting it, which prevents it from digesting itself.

Page 7: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Little Debbie Reaches the Small Intestine

Digestion and absorption occur in the small intestine.

Here, it uses enzymes produced by the pancreas.

They enter the small intestine through the pancreatic duct

( Pancreas )

Page 8: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Let’s Not Forget the Liver

The liver is the size of a football. It performs metabolic functions. It supplies quick energy by releasing sugars and makes proteins. The liver also stores vitamins and minerals, and produces bile salts. It also regulates blood clotting, monitors cholesterol, and detoxifies alcohol.

Page 9: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

The Gallbladder

The gallbladder is an active storage shed.

It absorbs minerals, salt and water received from the liver and converts them into bile.

The bile is released when food is in the stomach. Bile emulsifies fat so it can be digested.

Page 10: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Little Debbie Explores the Small Intestine

The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum.

The complete digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins occurs here.

The rest of the small intestine absorbs water.

The inner lining is covered with finger like projections called villi, which increase surface area of the small intestine.

Page 11: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Little Debbie Makes it to the Large Intestine

Solids are compacted in the large intestine. The large intestine is much shorter than the small intestine.Fluid and sodium are absorbed through the walls -- the main job is to act like a trash compacter.

Page 12: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.

Little Debbie’s Journey is Almost Over

After Little Debbie leaves the large intestine, she remains in the rectum, which is an extensive chamber of the large intestine. Finally she leaves through the anus.


Page 13: The Journey of a Cupcake  The Digestive System The Journey Begins  Little Debby’s journey starts in the mouth. She gets chewed up by the teeth, and.


Even though her journey through the digestive system is over, Little Debbie will continue to travel…