THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the...

nmwm& rvvmTwjgm mm y $ . .L' - . ...-- . ?.!' p. a. ' '. likn 1 THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT T TTWi III I. I.JMW ' !. - 111 II1II..H ll ..tli. I. ,J . 3sTo. 103. II. AUGUST 1882. tiubftcrlptlnu HONOLULU, I., WEDNESDAY, 9, SO Uuts iter Month. V 6 THE DAILY BULLETIN Is published every morning by llio Daily Bulletin Co., and circulated throughout thv town, ami forwarded to the other Island' by every oppoitunlty. Subscription, CO cts. per month. O. Causo.v Kknyon, - . . Editor. All business communications to be nil. dros.sed, Manager D.illy Bulletin, Post Onlce Box No. 14. J. Q. Ci.kviok, Manager. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. Alexandria, July 23. It is con- sidered certain that Arabi will de- stroy Cairo unless defeated and cap- tured. An eye witness, from Tan-Ta- h BtateB that eighty-fiv- e Europeans were tortured and torn to pieces, and that women wcro and tortured. Soldiers participated in the atrocities. Alexandria, July 24. The Rifles nud mounted infantry occupied Ramleh early this morning. They stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the canal. The enemy's cavalry appeared and galloped boldly along the roadway, at 300 yards range, but fled upon a volley being fired. After a short time they reappeared with two guns with which they opened fire Ineffectu- ally! upon the British troops, who took to cover. By nino o'clock firing had ceased, but the enemy arc to reappear with reinforce ments. The Inspector of the Cadastra Railroad survey lias arrived from the ' interior. He reports the-- total force of the rebels as about 100,000. He says that a volunteer cavalry regi- ment is forming to attack Alexandria. Madrid, Jury 25. Tho Govern- ment has decided to dispatch three additional frigates to Egypt, one to bo stationed at Port Said, another at Suez, nnd the thitd at Ismnilia. Alexandria, July 25. There arc now here ten English, two Austrian, ' one American, onu German, one Russian, one Greek, and three Itali- an men-of-wa- r. A Turkish corvette arrived to-d- Thcro is nothing .so sad as tho itoniR in tho records in Now York ympors of deaths and prostrations by tho heat, such as tho following: "A woman, namuunkown, "a man, no rcsidcuco, so far as can be ascertain- - o 1," " a woman, no homo and no friends. Matthew Arnold meditates a visit to America. Nothing has yet been settled, but ho will possibly go this autumn. His view is lecturing in the principal Eastern and western cities, but not beyond St. Louis, lie contemplates a course of three lec- - tuics in each, giving an account or summary of each one of the princi- pal subjects which have occupied him during his life one religious, one literary and one bocial and poli- tical. A curious political deadlock re- cently occurred, in Servia. In con- sequence of the refusal of the Presi- dent of the Sakuptschina (the Servi- an Legislature) tocomply with tho request of the Opposition to make a statement by a certain day as to tho intention of the Government in re- gard to the Servian railway, the Op- position, to the number of 57, re- signed in a body. As n consequence, a quorum of the House could not be formed, and its sittings were sus- pended pending the elections of tho vacant seats. A New York telegram says that archaeologists arc excited over a des- patch from the French explorer Charnay, announcing the discovery of a "phantom" city among a hostile and jcaloris people 'in Guatemala. This confirms the stories, hitherto thought to be fabul- ous, of inhabited cities which still exist among the Indians in the same londition as Cortez found them. The Stockholm paper JJutblad states that Sweden has entered into nn alliance with Prussia to invade Finland in the event of a Russo-Germa- war. ! B. F. EHLERS & Co., . DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods 71 HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM "x tew 0 A JVk. GRAND 4fo 5 Goods soid wJr0 from 30 to 50 . per cent below the usual prices during the next 30 days. A- - Mellis, 104 Fort St. New York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $17,000,000. Surplus, S10,000,000. Purely Mutual. This Company issues desirable form of policy. The tontine policy issued by this Company yields better returns than offered by any company. For particulars apply to 71 ' C. O. BURGER, General Agent ilaw'n Islands. MnTjw..lw.ililMlMlJMkvlll!JgmiJ'l.ll..rragf.-ci3CT.-wCTj1rp- . iijJaiPfiiayi A. XRAFT, JEWELER, ljj OPTICIAN, In Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 lug, opposite the Bank. "ft TAX ECKART, Manufacturing Jeweler, No. 113 and 110 Hotel street. 100 Clins. D. Gemsch, Practical S Watchmaker. BS5 Hotel Street, opposite the 123 3in International -- a D. W. CLARK, Watoh Maker and Jeweler, Always on luind a nice stock of JWatchcs, Clocks and Jewehy."a Repairing Watches and a Spoel-alt- y, No. 05 Hotel Street. 32 Drink Fisher's CHAMPAGNE CIDER! So favorably known throughout tho Hawaiian Islands. Sold bj' all lcspectable dealers. No. 1 3 Liliha St., Honolulu 71 PIONEER STEAM AND IJAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry and Baker. No. 71 Hotel ht. Toluphono 74. 59 A LI, PERSONS SEEKING -- - Kmploymi'iit, nnd nil parties cither n Honolulu 'or nt any of thu islands in the Croup in want of Employees will please lnnkr tlirir want to the audcrili!iitl, lio will do all in their power to tllllhi'lr orclir-i- . 1'. C. Jom-H- . jr.. J 11. Athorton, H. P. Ollliiivham, Ewpliyyinoal Committee V. M C. A. 1 Rcooived by every steamer. M. every those other Denier 1X Hotel, Clocks Cool? known INDUCEMENTS . Offered at tho ESECQBTD ANNUAL flL B .. w liofcert Ijiwot, :. Jt. Cool.c. T E W E It S & O OOKB, -- - (sticurssors to Lcwnrs & Dickson.) Inmorlers and in J,umbr and all kinds of Rmlaln;: Materials, Kort street. Houolulr.. 1 WILDER & Co., Dealers m Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Hulldlns M.iteilals of every kind, cor. Fort and Qtiocn sts., Houululu. 1 & IJOllISON, Dealers in J.umlmr and all kinds of Building Material-"- , Paint, Oils, NalN, etc. 71 HOLLISTER & Co., Wholosalo Druggists, and Import- ers ot Pino Tobaccos and Cigars, and Manufacturer of Boda Vfalir, Ginger Ale, S.c, Ac. i;l B ROOTS' & PHILLIPS, Practical Plunibcift, GasFittersand Copper- smiths, No. IS Xtiuauu st., Honolulu. Houho and Ship Job Work piomptly executed. 17 . mi .lT-fI1r- XT l 1 vjiiiv. uimvi, ino. ou rori si. W. Imnnr'i'r mill ili!iir In flpnt's. Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. 03 BROWN & CO., Importers and in Ales, Wines and Spirits. No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12 HONOLULU IRON Works Co. Steam engine, sugar mills, boilers, coolers, iron, brads and lead castings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blscksmlthlng. Job Murk executed an tliurt notice. 1 JAMES H. HANLON 0E.Nr.HAr, Blacksmith and Farrier. Is now pcunaiicntly located at the shop ou King street, lately occupied bv Mr. Ceo. West. 112 Dr. Do Fries, Veterinary Surgeon. The Doctor has just rciuniud from a tour around the Islands, and holds nat- tering recommendations frrtin numerous innuageo and private owneia of horos for his skill and capabilities In curing all manner of dUcaes and complains In stock. All orders to ho left at Jas. Dodd's Pantheon Stables. 110 Shirts and Hosiery, Fancy and Blue Flatinn! Shirts, Yiiit Shirts in great varifity, Imported epiof-s!- for this marlcot. 73 lw A. S. Cleghorn & Co. t EORT STREJUT. hj "UH- - jrawrst rerammMsaB Commission Merchants, Olntiit Hprcckel. Wm. O. Irwin. WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, ' Sugar Factor and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 MACFAKLANE & CO., Importers and Cnmmixsinn Mur. chants. liobhuon's Fire-Pro- Building, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 HHACKFELI) & COMPANY, Agent, Qiipcu street, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLTJGHOKN Co., Importers Commission' Mo.ilIuuh.i, Deal- ers In fiencrnl Mcichandlsc, Queen mid Kmthuuiaiin sts., Honolulu. 78 H. A. 1. C'orlor. 1". C. .lonts, Jr. & CO., Shipping and CoinmUsion Merchants Queun street, Honolulu. 1 qHEO. 11. DAYIES & CO., Import-.- ers and Commission .MeicliHiits; agents for Llod's ami thu 1iveipool Underwriters, llrltish and Poreipn In. suranco Company, and Ndrthcrn Ansur. anco Company. 71 I?D. IIOFFSCHLAEGER A CO., JiniJorturHiindConiiiiissloii Mcr-chaitt- t-, H( nolulu, Oabu. 1 JOHN T. WATKHIIOUSE, Importer nnd Dealer in Oeneral Morchandisc, Queen St., Honolului 1 T S. G RIN H AU M & C O., 1X Importers of npneral Mer- chandise niid Commission MerchautH, Honolulu. j TVT S. GUINBAUM & co7, J-'- -- Commission Morcliants, 211 Callfoinlu street, San Francisco, Cab j 1? T. LE N E HAN & CO ., - Importers and Commission Mcr. chants, Nuuaiiu st., Honolulu. 1 8. N. CMtlc. J. II. Athcrton. n A S T L E & C 0 O K E , Sliliplng and Cominlsslon Mer. chimin. Importers and Dealers in Gun. cr.d MerehandUe, No. 80 King street, Honolulu. j ING WO CHAN & Co., Importers nnd Oeneral Dealers in English. American apd Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white and colored con- tract matting, all qualities and prices. Bfay Xo. 22 Nuuanti Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 Ii.n.Wllllsms, A.CIiombroUSfc, W.Ii.DininnTl WILLIAMS, DIMONI) & Co.. Shipping and Coinmhslou Mer- chants, Union Block, corner Pino and Market streets, San Prauciscq, Cal. AOENTfl H'OK Pacific Mall Steamship Company, PaclUc Steam Nailgutlnu Company, Cunardltoyal Mall Ste:(msliip Company Cal. lino of Packets from 'Now York, Hawaiian Hue of Packets, China Traders Insurance Co. (limited), Marine insurance Coi.of London. 71 QHARLES T. (SUL1CK, KOTAKY PU11LIC, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Labor Contincts, AND OKNT.HAL HUSIXKSS AOKNT. Office, InMakcc's'Ulock, cofnor Queen and Kaahumauu streets. Honolulu. '21 TO UN A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor, Intfrior lUee, Honolulu. T E. WISEMAN, 27 Mercliant ht. " Kcnl Estate Hroker. Employment Agont and Ouneral OIllcc UuMness. Telephone, No. 172.- - , 10 THE CKLKWrtATHlY Lilikalani Miinifesto ! or THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN of February, 1M82, Transjatod by II. L. .Sheldon s publUhed , by T, G, Thrum, Trice., : : SX.reHtx. May bo had at J. KoVertson & Co's 4C ,!W,Ss PEOPLE'S LINE OK tST OMNUIUSS 15 H -- T53 Jamks Doid, ... Piojitlelor. NUUANU VAM.KV ROUTHi Up IrlpK: Luao W. (I, lrln A, OoV. A.M. OilO, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30. r.M. 12:0,"), 2:00, 4:00, 0:10, (i:30, 0:00 Down trtpx: Lent p lies, of .1.11, Puty. a.m. (ii.W, 7:110, BsIlO, 11 :00. CM. 12:15, 2:110, 4:10, , 7 .00, 0:20 Sl'NDAY TiMH TAllU:. tip trips: l,ene Y. (1. Irwin & C.o't. a.m. 0:00, 10:00. r.M. 12:10, 2:00, .1:00, C.t'M, S:10. Down trips; I,unu Hcs. of J II. Pair, ' A.M. 9:TO, 10:80. l'.M. 12:10, 2:.J.0, .1:30, 7:10, 0:10. MP.IIETAXIA & PCKAHOC ST. llOUTR Up trips: Ltftic W G Imlii .t Go's, a.m. G:00, 0:00, 7:10, 10:00. P.M. 12:0.'., 2:00, 1:00, 5:10, :I0, 10: I)ouu trips: Lino l'uiiiilinn utrcot, A.M. 0::i0, 7:2.', 8.10, 11:10. P.M. 12 : 15, II :10, 1 :;I0, 0 :10,7 :10,10:20 Sl'NDAY TlMU TaHI.K. Leae the Stables, cor. Port and Hotel sts., for Punahou Sticet, Long Itrauclt Kaths, faic 00 cts., baths Included: a.m. R:30 to Walklklj 0:00, 10:00. andl2:in. P.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklki: 0:15 and3:JTi. Down trips: Lcmc Pnnsbun street, ' a.m. 8:00, 0:30, 10:M. p.m. 12:10, :):I0, C:0, 7:10, 0:00. WAIKIKI HOUTi:: Out trip?: Leave W. G. Irwin iCo.'a a.m. 7: IR, 10:00. 'w P.M. 2:00, 0:10. Down trips: Leave Walklki. , Hi a. M. 8:20, 10:00. p. M. 2:00, fi:r0. Sunday trips: Leave atahlos. a. m. 0:110. . . " P.M. 2:00, 1:00. Leao WalkllJ: ( a.m. 7:10. ' p.m. 2:50, 5:10. Tlln r.nntr ltr.tnnli ltnMiQ n 111 lit. tltntAf. minus. Professionals. S. DOLE, Lawjcr and Notary I'uli- - 4 N'o. 15 Kaahimiiiuu st. II T M. DAVIDSU.NT,Atturnov :tl '-- ' ' 24 Muicliaut sticet. n: 4 - a 7RANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney i in., 10 ia.iiuunauu st. 2.1 TOIIX HUSSP.LL. Attorney nf Law, f "J Oillce, coiner of Poit and Merchant , sweets jip,- Ho Cm TIGIIAK1) V. H1CKERTON, Attoinpy and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend ou Mm (gages of Pi co- lloids. Olllcii, No. 31 Merchant 1 riECTL BKOWK, ATTORNEY -- s and Counsellor at Law, Notarv Pub- lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg- ments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu street, Hono- lulu. 1 ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor- ney at Law, No. 3C Merchant t street. la im IIAGAN, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, Ofllce, 225 Port sttect. OIllcc hours ,V from 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3 ton p.m. ' I'll Kmiiiiiii tt lot i K. G. THOUSSEAU begs to notify J his friends Hint lie bus rnnnmH ptactlce In Honolulu. JteMdcncc and i consulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st, opposite the linkal gale of the Queen's ' Hospital. C)iisiililng-hour.- s fioiu a.iu to No. lii.l. ,ii; ' DK. TIMEKSON, icsidcnqo and con- - , rooms at No. Kukul fct., i coiner of I'oit. . Telephone No. 140. r!2m A FULLER, Surveyor ifor iJiuvnu -- t'x Veritas. ' , 71 V TRAY TAYLOl!.' Teacher of Plaiio- - fortn mill (IrL'llll. Timlnir In nil llftlllftl i ... n i " """ i to vm, W E. IKWKLT., CoriHiItiiig amlj ' ' Coiwtruttimr Eiii'lneer: ntilcitl 38 Meiehiiut M(icet. , ' J?(j"2inil ' M. T. MoChoBnev & Son Pl01iliitnvH llniinlnlii 'Piiinnr. .'j Doalets iu Hides, Tallow & Leather, 71 l .aw st. r. 12. lm Alo, Gioi'or.ios, Prnviijnnj '. .? !?iiit, etc., etc,, etc. 1 fo- - Jkm s F 2 i" ttu iii 3 I

Transcript of THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the...

Page 1: THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the canal. The enemy's cavalry appeared and galloped boldly along the roadway, at 300 yards

nmwm& rvvmTwjgm mm y $. .L' - . ...-- . ?.!' p. a. ' '. likn

1 THE JJAILI Jill&& RTTT T TTWiIII I. I.JMW ' !. - 111 II1II..H ll ..tli. I.,J


3sTo. 103. II. AUGUST 1882. tiubftcrlptlnuHONOLULU, I., WEDNESDAY, 9, SO Uuts iter Month.



THE DAILY BULLETINIs published every morning by llio

Daily Bulletin Co.,and circulated throughout thv town, amiforwarded to the other Island' by everyoppoitunlty.

Subscription, CO cts. per month.O. Causo.v Kknyon, - . . Editor.All business communications to be nil.

dros.sed, Manager D.illy Bulletin, PostOnlce Box No. 14.

J. Q. Ci.kviok, Manager.


Alexandria, July 23. It is con-

sidered certain that Arabi will de-

stroy Cairo unless defeated and cap-

tured.An eye witness, from Tan-Ta- h

BtateB that eighty-fiv- e Europeanswere tortured and torn to pieces,and that women wcro andtortured. Soldiers participated inthe atrocities.

Alexandria, July 24. The Riflesnud mounted infantry occupiedRamleh early this morning. Theystationed one Gatling and one fieldgun at the bridge over the canal.The enemy's cavalry appeared andgalloped boldly along the roadway,at 300 yards range, but fled upon avolley being fired. After a shorttime they reappeared with two gunswith which they opened fire Ineffectu-ally! upon the British troops, whotook to cover. By nino o'clock firinghad ceased, but the enemy arc

to reappear with reinforcements.

The Inspector of the CadastraRailroad survey lias arrived from the

' interior. He reports the-- total forceof the rebels as about 100,000. Hesays that a volunteer cavalry regi-ment is forming to attack Alexandria.

Madrid, Jury 25. Tho Govern-ment has decided to dispatch threeadditional frigates to Egypt, one tobo stationed at Port Said, anotherat Suez, nnd the thitd at Ismnilia.

Alexandria, July 25. There arcnow here ten English, two Austrian,

' one American, onu German, oneRussian, one Greek, and three Itali-an men-of-wa- r. A Turkish corvettearrived to-d-

Thcro is nothing .so sad as thoitoniR in tho records in Now Yorkympors of deaths and prostrations bytho heat, such as tho following: "Awoman, namuunkown, "a man, norcsidcuco, so far as can be ascertain- -

o 1," " a woman, no homo and nofriends.

Matthew Arnold meditates a visitto America. Nothing has yet beensettled, but ho will possibly go thisautumn. His view is lecturing in theprincipal Eastern and westerncities, but not beyond St. Louis, liecontemplates a course of three lec- -

tuics in each, giving an account orsummary of each one of the princi-pal subjects which have occupiedhim during his life one religious,one literary and one bocial and poli-

tical.A curious political deadlock re-

cently occurred, in Servia. In con-

sequence of the refusal of the Presi-dent of the Sakuptschina (the Servi-an Legislature) tocomply with thorequest of the Opposition to make astatement by a certain day as to thointention of the Government in re-

gard to the Servian railway, the Op-

position, to the number of 57, re-

signed in a body. As n consequence,a quorum of the House could not beformed, and its sittings were sus-

pended pending the elections of thovacant seats.

A New York telegram says thatarchaeologists arc excited over a des-

patch from the French explorerCharnay, announcing the discoveryof a "phantom" cityamong a hostile and jcaloris people

'in Guatemala. This confirms thestories, hitherto thought to be fabul-ous, of inhabited cities which stillexist among the Indians in the samelondition as Cortez found them.

The Stockholm paper JJutbladstates that Sweden has entered intonn alliance with Prussia to invadeFinland in the event of a Russo-Germa-



B. F. EHLERS & Co., .

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the latest Novelties in Fancy Goods71



tew 0 A JVk. GRAND


Goods soid wJr0from 30 to 50


per cent below theusual prices during thenext 30 days.

A- - Mellis, 104 Fort St.

New York Life Insurance Co.Assets, $17,000,000. Surplus, S10,000,000.

Purely Mutual.This Company issues desirable form of policy.The tontine policy issued by this Company yields better returns than

offered by any company. For particulars apply to71 ' C. O. BURGER, General Agent ilaw'n Islands.

MnTjw..lw.ililMlMlJMkvlll!JgmiJ'l.ll..rragf.-ci3CT.-wCTj1rp- . iijJaiPfiiayi


In Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

lug, opposite the Bank.

"ft TAX ECKART, ManufacturingJeweler, No. 113 and 110 Hotel

street. 100

Clins. D. Gemsch,Practical S Watchmaker.

BS5 Hotel Street, opposite the123 3in International -- a

D. W. CLARK,Watoh Maker and Jeweler,

Always on luind a nice stock of

JWatchcs, Clocks and Jewehy."aRepairing Watches and a Spoel-alt- y,

No. 05 Hotel Street. 32


So favorably known throughout thoHawaiian Islands. Sold bj' all

lcspectable dealers.No. 1 3 Liliha St., Honolulu 71


AND IJAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry and Baker.No. 71 Hotel ht. Toluphono 74. 59

A LI, PERSONS SEEKING-- - Kmploymi'iit, nnd nil parties cithern Honolulu 'or nt any of thu islands inthe Croup in want of Employees willplease lnnkr tlirir want to theaudcrili!iitl, lio will do all in theirpower to tllllhi'lr orclir-i- .

1'. C. Jom-H- . jr.. J 11. Athorton, H. P.Ollliiivham, Ewpliyyinoal Committee V.M C. A. 1

Rcooived by every steamer.



those other








Offered at tho


flL B .. w

liofcert Ijiwot, :. Jt. Cool.c.T E W E It S & O OOKB,-- - (sticurssors to Lcwnrs & Dickson.)Inmorlers and in J,umbr and allkinds of Rmlaln;: Materials, Kort street.Houolulr.. 1

WILDER & Co., Dealers mPaints, Oils, Nails, Salt

and Hulldlns M.iteilals of every kind,cor. Fort and Qtiocn sts., Houululu. 1

& IJOllISON, Dealers inJ.umlmr and all kinds of Building

Material-"- , Paint, Oils, NalN, etc. 71

HOLLISTER & Co., WholosaloDruggists, and Import-

ers ot Pino Tobaccos and Cigars, andManufacturer of Boda Vfalir, GingerAle, S.c, Ac. i;l

BROOTS' & PHILLIPS, PracticalPlunibcift, GasFittersand Copper-

smiths, No. IS Xtiuauu st., Honolulu.Houho and Ship Job Work piomptlyexecuted. 17

.mi .lT-fI1r- XT l 1

vjiiiv. uimvi, ino. ou rori si.W. Imnnr'i'r mill ili!iir In flpnt's.

Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes andslippers. 03

BROWN & CO., Importers andin Ales, Wines and Spirits.

No. U Merchant St., Honolulu. 12

HONOLULU IRONWorks Co. Steam engine, sugarmills, boilers, coolers, iron, brads

and lead castings; machinery of everydescription made to order. Particularattention paid to ship's blscksmlthlng.Job Murk executed an tliurt notice. 1


Blacksmith and Farrier.Is now pcunaiicntly located at the

shop ou King street, lately occupied bvMr. Ceo. West. 112

Dr. Do Fries,Veterinary Surgeon.

The Doctor has just rciuniud from atour around the Islands, and holds nat-tering recommendations frrtin numerousinnuageo and private owneia of horosfor his skill and capabilities In curingall manner of dUcaes and complainsIn stock.

All orders to ho left at Jas. Dodd'sPantheon Stables. 110

Shirts and Hosiery,Fancy and Blue Flatinn! Shirts,Yiiit Shirts in great varifity,

Imported epiof-s!- for this marlcot.73 lw A. S. Cleghorn & Co.


EORT STREJUT.hj "UH-- jrawrst rerammMsaBCommission Merchants,

Olntiit Hprcckel. Wm. O. Irwin.

WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY,' Sugar Factor and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

MACFAKLANE & CO.,Importers and Cnmmixsinn Mur.

chants. liobhuon's Fire-Pro- Building,Queen street, Honolulu. 1


Qiipcu street, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLTJGHOKN Co., ImportersCommission' Mo.ilIuuh.i, Deal-

ers In fiencrnl Mcichandlsc, Queen midKmthuuiaiin sts., Honolulu. 78

H. A. 1. C'orlor. 1". C. .lonts, Jr.& CO.,

Shipping and CoinmUsion MerchantsQueun street, Honolulu. 1

qHEO. 11. DAYIES & CO., Import-.-ers and Commission .MeicliHiits;

agents for Llod's ami thu 1iveipoolUnderwriters, llrltish and Poreipn In.suranco Company, and Ndrthcrn Ansur.anco Company. 71

I?D. IIOFFSCHLAEGER A CO.,JiniJorturHiindConiiiiissloii Mcr-chaitt- t-,

H( nolulu, Oabu. 1

JOHN T. WATKHIIOUSE,Importer nnd Dealer in Oeneral

Morchandisc, Queen St., Honolului 1

T S. G R I N H A U M & C O.,1X Importers of npneral Mer-chandise niid Commission MerchautH,Honolulu. j

TVT S. GUINBAUM & co7,J-'-

-- Commission Morcliants, 211Callfoinlu street, San Francisco,Cab j

1? T. L E N E HAN & C O .,- Importers and Commission Mcr.

chants, Nuuaiiu st., Honolulu. 1

8. N. CMtlc. J. II. Athcrton.n A S T L E & C 0 O K E ,Sliliplng and Cominlsslon Mer.

chimin. Importers and Dealers in MerehandUe, No. 80 King street,Honolulu. j

ING WO CHAN & Co.,Importers nnd Oeneral Dealers

in English. American apd Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white and colored con-tract matting, all qualities and prices.

Bfay Xo. 22 Nuuanti Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

Ii.n.Wllllsms, A.CIiombroUSfc, W.Ii.DininnTl

WILLIAMS, DIMONI) & Co..Shipping and Coinmhslou Mer-

chants, Union Block, corner Pino andMarket streets, San Prauciscq, Cal.


Pacific Mall Steamship Company,PaclUc Steam Nailgutlnu Company,Cunardltoyal Mall Ste:(msliip CompanyCal. lino of Packets from 'Now York,Hawaiian Hue of Packets,China Traders Insurance Co. (limited),Marine insurance Coi.of London. 71


Agent to take Acknowledgments toLabor Contincts,

AND OKNT.HAL HUSIXKSS AOKNT.Office, InMakcc's'Ulock, cofnor Queen

and Kaahumauu streets. Honolulu. '21

TO UN A. HASSINGER,Agent to take Acknowledgment to

Contracts for Labor, Intfrior lUee,Honolulu.

T E. WISEMAN, 27 Mercliant ht." Kcnl Estate Hroker. EmploymentAgont and Ouneral OIllcc UuMness.

Telephone, No. 172.- - , 10


Lilikalani Miinifesto !

or THE


Transjatod by II. L. .Sheldon s publUhed, by T, G, Thrum,

Trice., : : SX.reHtx.May bo had at J. KoVertson & Co's





Jamks Doid, ... Piojitlelor.

NUUANU VAM.KV ROUTHiUp IrlpK: Luao W. (I, lrln A, OoV.

A.M. OilO, 7:00, 8:00, 10:30.r.M. 12:0,"), 2:00, 4:00, 0:10, (i:30, 0:00

Down trtpx: Lent p lies, of .1.11, Puty.a.m. (ii.W, 7:110, BsIlO, 11 :00.CM. 12:15, 2:110, 4:10, , 7 .00, 0:20

Sl'NDAY TiMH TAllU:.tip trips: l,ene Y. (1. Irwin & C.o't.

a.m. 0:00, 10:00.r.M. 12:10, 2:00, .1:00, C.t'M, S:10.

Down trips; I,unu Hcs. of J II. Pair, 'A.M. 9:TO, 10:80.l'.M. 12:10, 2:.J.0, .1:30, 7:10, 0:10.

MP.IIETAXIA & PCKAHOC ST. llOUTRUp trips: Ltftic W G Imlii .t Go's,

a.m. G:00, 0:00, 7:10, 10:00.P.M. 12:0.'., 2:00, 1:00, 5:10, :I0, 10:

I)ouu trips: Lino l'uiiiilinn utrcot,A.M. 0::i0, 7:2.', 8.10, 11:10.P.M. 12 : 15, II :10, 1 :;I0, 0 :10,7 :10,10:20

Sl'NDAY TlMU TaHI.K.Leae the Stables, cor. Port and Hotel

sts., for Punahou Sticet, Long ItraucltKaths, faic 00 cts., baths Included:

a.m. R:30 to Walklklj 0:00, 10:00.andl2:in.

P.M. 2:00, 4:00 to Walklki: 0:15and3:JTi.Down trips: Lcmc Pnnsbun street, '

a.m. 8:00, 0:30, 10:M.p.m. 12:10, :):I0, C:0, 7:10, 0:00.

WAIKIKI HOUTi::Out trip?: Leave W. G. Irwin iCo.'a

a.m. 7: IR, 10:00. 'wP.M. 2:00, 0:10.

Down trips: Leave Walklki. ,

Hia. M. 8:20, 10:00.p. M. 2:00, fi:r0.

Sunday trips: Leave atahlos.a. m. 0:110. . . "P.M. 2:00, 1:00.

Leao WalkllJ:(

a.m. 7:10. '

p.m. 2:50, 5:10.Tlln r.nntr ltr.tnnli ltnMiQ n 111 lit. tltntAf.minus.


S. DOLE, Lawjcr and Notary I'uli- - 4N'o. 15 Kaahimiiiuu st. II

T M. DAVIDSU.NT,Atturnov :tl'-- ' ' 24 Muicliaut sticet. n: 4- a7RANCIS M. HATCH, Attorney i

in., 10 ia.iiuunauu st. 2.1

TOIIX HUSSP.LL. Attorney nf Law, f"J Oillce, coiner of Poit and Merchant ,

sweets jip,- Ho Cm

TIGIIAK1) V. H1CKERTON,Attoinpy and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend ou Mm (gages of Pi co-lloids. Olllcii, No. 31 Merchant 1

riECTL BKOWK, ATTORNEY--s and Counsellor at Law, Notarv Pub-

lic, and Agent for taking Acknowledg-ments of Instruments for the Island ofOahu. No. 8 Kaahumauu street, Hono-lulu. 1

ILLIAM O. SMITH, Attor-ney at Law, No. 3C Merchant t

street. la im

IIAGAN, M. D.,Physician & Surgeon,

Ofllce, 225 Port sttect. OIllcc hours ,Vfrom 10 to 12 a.m.; and 3 ton p.m. '

I'll Kmiiiiiii tt lot i

K. G. THOUSSEAU begs to notify Jhis friends Hint lie bus rnnnmH

ptactlce In Honolulu. JteMdcncc and iconsulting rooms, No. 73 Punchbowl st,opposite the linkal gale of the Queen's '

Hospital. C)iisiililng-hour.- s fioiu a.iuto No. lii.l. ,ii; '

DK. TIMEKSON, icsidcnqo and con- - ,rooms at No. Kukul fct., i

coiner of I'oit. .

Telephone No. 140. r!2mA FULLER, Surveyor ifor iJiuvnu

--t'x Veritas. ', 71 V

TRAY TAYLOl!.' Teacher of Plaiio- -fortn mill (IrL'llll. Timlnir In nil

llftlllftl i ... ni " """ i to vm,

W E. IKWKLT., CoriHiItiiig amlj' ' Coiwtruttimr Eiii'lneer: ntilcitl

38 Meiehiiut M(icet. ,' J?(j"2inil

'M. T. MoChoBnev & SonPl01iliitnvH llniinlnlii 'Piiinnr. .'j

Doalets iu Hides, Tallow & Leather,






12. lm

Alo, Gioi'or.ios, Prnviijnnj '. .?

!?iiit, etc., etc,, etc.


fo- -






ttu iii



Page 2: THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the canal. The enemy's cavalry appeared and galloped boldly along the roadway, at 300 yards

IfflP& WT





'!vW,wjwowiwiTJgTnvTwmniiw uw

'Jie Spaiiii 1alicliit.WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1882.



Bethel : "Us mil members' meeting,

at 7:30.Fort Street: Usual members'

meeting, at 7:!)0.

St. Andrew's Cathedral: Usual

service, at 7:30.

of olllccs took

place in the Ministry yesterday. His

Ex. S. K. Kaai takes charge of the

Finance Department, and His Ex.J. E. Hush goe3 into the InteriorDepartment.

APATHY.Wherever w& go, wc liear of the

various discordant elements in ourmidst. Go to one place and the'down towners" arc cursed as the

cause of every pilikia that ever

happened; to another, and " Kipikona " is an. arch angel of Satan, atleast, and so on with the wholeToundof affairs. Not politics in alone,

but even in social and municipalnffairs we. as a people, aro ex-

tremely apathetic. Go when) youwill, attend what meetings you like,the samo trouble prevails. Every-

body is willing to talk and to agrcoor disagree, but when it really coniesto doing anything, why, then, thebacking out commences. Grumblingis rife ; many things seem to wantamendment; but people lack themoral courago (not to state theiropinions, there is enough of that) tootand up and do what necessary,to take tho lead in the reform work.

Why is this vico (for so wo thinkit) so general? Is it the climate, orwhat? Why do meetings for usefulpurposes fall through ? Why is it sodifficult to get men to do the prac-

tical work necessary both in politicsand private affairo? Why is the sup-

port of the people withhold fromthoso who do start, especially ifthoy aro poor.

Why is there no voico of publicsentiment expressed on the nffairs oftho nation, when so many individuals

are of one mind? Wo expect a greatmany will answer the question in

words, and veryfow will do anythingto answer it.

The Pith of tho Weeklies.

Hawaiian Gazette of last Wednes-day says :

"The Appropriation Bill is a curio-

sity as a matter of financial legisla-ton.- "

"It i3 a matter of considerableamusement to watch the squirming

and wriggling of tho Primnto'sorgan, in order to make points in

favor of its inspirers."Tho present Cabinet, far from

ruling the house, has allowed thehouse to tako tho bit. in its teeth,and fairly run away with everything.

"There was a time when the charRcter of the P.O. A. stood high asan outspoken journal, but that timehas gone by."

"There can bo no Hawaii for theHawaiians any moro than there canbo a North America for tho Indians,&c."

"Tho Anglo-Saxo- n has ever beenanxious to help his brother ofHawaii."

P.C.A. of Saturday 6ays:"Tho Assembly has not been un-

mindful of tho cause of education."JWhy Portuguese Immigration waa

checked."The Government deemed Portu-

guese Immigration very desirable;but when a bill of charges as per

lonarcn lor oz,uuu is presented,and on trustworthy information it is

11 i jttjvo.T-el- , provisioning, fitting and otherexpenditures are about $28,000;there is reason to pnuse."

"Tho powers that be aro Hawaiianand must continue to be so."

"We counsel them, therefore, tobecomo good citizens and behavethemselves more seemly." (In replyto the Gazette.)

"If we want to rcpopulnte the

country, a different policy must bopursued with these lands, as theleases fall in."

"The new liquor law. Finally letit be remembered that on tho face ofit, this now law is declared to bo anexperiment only."

Saturday Press says :

"Too great a tendency has beendisplayed in the conduct of affairsof Government by Cabinets, sueceeding in power to ignore tho netsof their predecessors."

"But this scheme (PortugueseImmigration,) for tho increase ofimmigration, the great disideratumof the country, has already beenstrangled by tho act of the'Cabinctnow in power, to tho vast detrimentof tho largest industry of tho coun-

try.""Again, relativo to the engagement

of Dr. McCartec as Chinese trans-lator, this Government has acted ina way that seriously affects itshonor."

"To talk of self respect with menwho could pen buch editorial articlesas embelliBh the P.C.A. of Satur-las- t,

(2'Jth ult.) would be to put in-

to literal affect, tho throwing ofpearls before Bwine."

"Alas! Alas I for. the misplaced"confidence" of tho natives, whofind their David (Mr. Gibson)turned to a very Judas."

"If the $33,4G5 cannot be fairly-divide- d

between the salutes, flagsand the Band, wc shall lose Mr.Berger himself, without whose in-

valuable services the music of thefuture will materially degenerate."

"It has been said that figures cannot lie ; but this was before tho S.F.Chronicle was established."


Csrrespondcnco is solicited on tho top-ics of the day, or what may become so.

Wo reserve the right to excrciso pure-ly perHonal matter.

We do nut hold oursclvcn rcsponablefor tho opinions exprc-Mtc- by our corrcspoudcnlfl. En.

On tho Bight Shoulders.Hit. Editor, So much hat al-

ready been written and said upontho subject of temperance by intelli-

gent mon and women, that, for me,to attempt to reform or inform anyono on this subjoct would bo absurdin the extreme. I agree with theable lecture delivered in Fort streetChurch a few month since, whichamongst its other points containedthis serious chargo: " If there wereno drinkers, there would be no sell-

ers," thereby laying the responsi-bility on tho true shoulders. Justhere I wish to Btate that this is thefirst time the responsibility has beenbeen laid on tho drinker. Hereto-fore, " the wretch concentred all insolf," who has a sickly wife and fouror five ragged children lacking thecommon comforts of life, and yetsaunters into tho grog-sho- p andspends his last dollar, has been re-

garded with a pitying eye as an in-

jured creature. Yet, he is a greatercriminal than many of those whoparado our streets in their suits ofof " brown and blue," and whomhe should be amongst if our lawswero as strict as they ought to bo.A man, lik tho above, enrichingtho rumto'ler at the expense of hisneedy family, or aged mother, whosehair is bleached and whose totteringfoot-ste- ps aro hastening to an un-

timely end, should be looked uponIto u ui;ilj UUVIIIfJ LUC 1UII1I Ul A IIIUI1,

but without the reasoning powers.. I cannot believe that the man whowin porsisi tn making a sot of him- -

self, aud a disgrace to his family or

:,,Ti7T,', (5i'"fW-T- ? ! T W'V '&ff&4

lwmUMX'JULJ.'JW-ll.MI- "l IM

hc is light I cannot think him other-wlso'tha- n

a coward who devises suchlow-live- d means of committing crimesand still keep beyond the reach of thelaw. It is possible that he docs itout of phllnntropio motives; thatho wishes to be tho " hardest" ofcases so as to reform in the futureand havo a chance of out-doin- g allothers in the depth of his fall andthe heigth of his rise ; and, so, befeted and admired by tho wealthy aswell as tho truly good. It seems tome that tills motive would bo apowerful one, sometimes, as I havoseen at meetings, held in " ThoTempcranco State," tho blackestsheep held up as the greatest hero oftho day. I trust, Mr. Editor, someabler pen than mine will take up thethemo. Yours, &c,

Temferamcr in all Tiiinos.

Kauai Items, (From our own Correspondent.)

Mr. Webb's school, at Waioli, wasexamined on tho 27th and 28th July.A large number of parents andfriends were present. Everythingwent off satisfactorily. Reports ofa new school homo to bo built arcgoing about.

Mr. Moore's school examinationwas held on tho 28th. It waa a com-

plete success. Both Mr. Mooro andMiss Tancr have their heart in thethe work. Tho programme of exer-

cises was an excellent one.The Supreme Court has been sitt-

ing, and when the business has beenconcluded I will send you full par-ticulars.


WiLDnn & Co. arc beginning tobuild a new fire-pro- of warehouse,fl0xl2, on the Esplanade oppositeto Likelikc streeti

The W. II. Meyer, proposes tosail early this morning, for SanFrancisco. Sho was cleared at theCustom House yesterday.

We draw our readers' attention toMr. Max Eckart, manufacturingjeweller's chnngo of location fromKaahumtinu street to 113 and 115

Fort street.

A good second-han- d cut-und- er

carriage and two two-sc- at springwagons can be bought cheap at PhilStein's carriage shop. 158 lw

The steamer Anjcr Head may beexpected with a cargo ofChinamen from San Francisco. Shewas to leave on the 1st, if nothinghappened.

Last Saturday, at 11 p. m., a manjumped ovci the fence of a house onKing street, and broke some plantsin the garden. Ho then knocked atthe door, and as the lady of the housewas awake, she .callod to her hus-

band. When the would-b- e burglarheard this he beat a rapid retreat,and was not to bo seen when thehusband came out.

A luau will be held at Hilo onThursday to celebrate the annivers-

ary of the cease of the lava flow

there, last year. Many went fromhere to be present.

Anotheu Stheet Accident.Yesterday, about 11 a.m., two horsesharnessed to a dray (belonging toMrs. Ward) in charge of a native,became unmanageable and finallyran away down Fort street. Whenabout opposite Lucas' factory theycame into collision with a hand-ca- rt

propelled by a native coming upfrom the wharf. Tho latter hadbarely time to save himself from' thefrightened animals. Damage done:a hand-ca- rt smashed, and tho poloand one swingle tree of the draysnapped off, nnd tho horses' nervesgreatly shattered This is anotherinstance of the necessity of provid- -

t.,, shown tuat actual cost ot charter or mother, It in hit, " right mind;" if nig careful drivovs.f'

-- It'll

The Italian man-of-wa- r, Christo-for- o

Colombo, nnived in tho harborfrom Acapuleo yesterday morning,and anchored about 10:30 a.m.Great excitement was causedthroughout the city when the newsspread, as it was remembered thatSignor Moreno had threatened to re-

turn in an Italian man-of-wa- r. Butwo can assure our readers that SignorMoreno is not on board the Colomboand probably will never return. TheColombo is n barkentinc-rigge- d

steam ram, and carries 10 guns,200 men ; is of 2,900 tons burthen,her engines of 400 horse power, andis 30 months in commission. Shewill go to Yokohama, and thence viaSuez Canal to Italy. Tho followingis her list of officers :

Captain Fcdcrlco Lnbrano,Commander Enrico UualtcrioCorvetto Ciipt. Flliberto Fcrr aclnOlliccrs Giovanni Klcotti, Alcssaudro do

Grcgorio, Erncato Buvuo, Giuliol'tncliia, Cnmillo Corel, GiovanniPutrid, Carlo Scottl, Glralamo Mag.llano,

Paymaster, Carlo Squillacc.Ch'itf Engineer, Ferdinando do Grim,Surgeon, Macario Calcagno,2nd Engineer, Liuigi Cappucino,Midshipman, Alcssandro Guaricnti.

Tun mail closes by tho steamerJames Makce for San Francisco, nt3.30 p.m. She is to sail at 5 p.m.

Tug list of toasts at the luau attho Palace on Monday included"the King," (proposed by Kapena),Queen, ltoynl Family, President oftho Assembly, Nobles, Representa-tives, Ministry, tho Ladies, and thoPress. Amongst tho speakers wereHis Majesty, Dr. Mott Smith, Gib-son, Kaai, Rhodes and Crowuiiig-bur- g.

Last night's Bible Class at theLyceum was well attended, and wasa most enjoyable meeting, led byMrs. J. W. Waterhousc.

Yesterday's charge sheet at thePolice Court : 3 or 4 drunks, one ofwhom was fined $f0 nnd a month'Bimprisonment, for having opium inhis possession. This morning thereis one man in custody as a commonnuisance.

LOST, on Sundnv morning laM, anFELLOWS' PIN Camp

and design. The finder will bewell rewarded by returning name to J.W. Robertson & Co. 1C3 lw

a black and tan TERRIERFOUND, with collar, chain and tag,Ns. 038. Owucr can have the aamo byapplying at the Artesian Ice Works, andpnj-in-g cost of this notice. 103 lw

rpo LET STABLE ON KING ST.,JL rear of A. Kerr's Paint Emporium.Apply to G. AVhst. " 103 lw

Wanted Immediately,A GIRL' to opcrato on a Sowing Ma- -

J.X. cuino; also, two urcssmaKcrs.Apply to Mrs. A. M.' Dress

Making Establishment, 101 Fort St.162 2w

W7-ANTE- a SMART BOY. Applyit at tho Bulletin Olllco.


MUSIC HALLOn Saturday JEv'gAug. 12

" At 8 o'clock, given by tho

Amateur Musical Society'!For tho purpose of raising needy


1. Selection Parlor Orchestra.Clmaroia2. Chorus Gipsy Life Schumann3. Vocal Solo Robert do Diablc

Meyerbeer4. Chorus Madam Angot Lecocq5. Selection Parlor Orchestra..Marqucs

Part Second.Cantata The Roso Maiden

Solos, Chorus, and Orchestra.

General Admission, COcts.: Gallery 25ctsReserved scats 25 cts extra.

Doors open at 7:80: Concert beginslw promptly at 8. 101


FOR SALE In quantities to suit,

At Lowest Prices,131 By Castle & Cooke

"Redwood and Cedar

ry FET.T LONG, for lc in any quanI tines, tiy

31 Af.t-E- St RontKSON.

JPasturaoo Notice.persona having horses or other

animals in tho pastures at KEWA-LO- ,

(residence of Mr. 8. M. Carter,) arohereby notified to communicate in

to pasturage charges with thoundersigned, othcrwifcc such animalswill bo llablo to be impounded.July 31, 1882. (150 lw) W. L. Wilcox- -

LET. Two d RoomsTO to No. 4 Garden Lane. 160 lw

nPYVO OFFICES TO LET, on the sec-J- L

ond flour of the building occupiedby J. W. Robcitson & Co 13'J

IJiOR SALE, LOT No. lit, in Kaplo-- L'

lanl Park, dimensions ot x 300,facing tho bench, and well lenceu. Anply to C. O. IiKnoKU. 143

SALE, a two-seat- wngonI70R pole and thafts, and adouble harness, nearly new, prico5150. May bo seen in rear of No.20 School st. W. G. Nccdham. 72

FOR SALE, a MULE CaIIT.Apply to . .

102 H. IlacttlciU ss uo.

TjIORSALFj, ono new Scow, capable ofJL1 holdliiL'' 10 tons, built by G. Kmmcs,and now in good order. For further parHoniara apply to Tiibo. II Davies & Co.

on Saturday evening, on thoLOST, Road, between Mr. HenryCarter's and Mr. J. S. Walker's pro-

mises, two pieces oJ MUSIC "Tanhau-fcer,- "

and "Secret Love." Tho underwill receive the thanks of the owner bylenvlncr the same at tho ofllce of J. W.Robertson x Co's. Wi

ICE MANUFACTORY.Ice delivered to all parts of tho

City. Shipping supplied In quantitiesto suit. Telephone, No. C8. Ofllco atWilder &Co.'. 1&

Artesian Ice Works

DKLIVEREI) to aU parts of thoICr,city and suburbs at all hours of thoday.

Orders from tho other Islands prompt-ly attended to.

Onica at W. E. Foster's, Saddlor,Fort street.150 Telephone No. 111. 2ra

HARD SOAP,Toilet Soaps, Blue Mottled Soap,

just received. Our toilet soaps arobeautiful and cheap, families would dowell to examine.

DC A. S. Clzoborx; CO

G-- . WEST,Carriage) Builder.

Buggifts, Carriages, Express Wagonsand every kind of vehicle .


Blaoksmithing, horse-shoein- g,

and all kinds of repairing done.

THE Hawaiian Journal, " KoPae Aina," owned and

edited by Kawainui Bros. ; has a.weekly edition of 3,200 copies, andis tho best advertising medium. Of-

fice, No. C Merchant st. 1

Drink Palmer & Co's

GINGER ALE75 cent per dozen iS


IRRIGATION after this date (Junois ltmited to (4) four

hours per day,From 0 to 8 In tho morning, andFrom 4 to 0 in tho evening. '

Permission to irrigate during moroconvenient hours will be granted on ap-plication to the Superlntenpcnt.

Permits found Irrigating except dur-ing specified hour's will have their pri-vileges suspended without notice,

G. D. Fnr.r.Tii,. Supt. Water Works.

Approvod: Signed, S. K. Kaai,Minuter of Interior. 134

" G. II. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

In town. Telephone Vn. 05. ' 15

A live man with moilorWANTED. who Is both mer-chant and accountant, can hear of agood luiRlness opportunity by address-ing C 1' D., lliillotin ofUec. Principalsonlv. All ootnuuinicatious strictly


e- -


W'- - ii


. i

rv..H 4:


v Kf.B

Ri V





Page 3: THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the canal. The enemy's cavalry appeared and galloped boldly along the roadway, at 300 yards


'.JW Vh

TELEPHONIC.Dimond Head, Aug. 0, 0:30 n.m

Light E. wind.Nothing in sight.

Arrivals.August 8

H.I.M.S. Chriutoforo Colombo fromAcapulco

Departures.August 8

Schr Emma for Wninlua & WnianaeC II Bishop for KnuniStmr Lchua for Molokni anil MauiStmr Mokolii for KoolauStmr Kilauca Hon for KahuluiStmr Likelike for llilo

VessolB Leaving this day.Stmr Jas Makec, for San Francisco,W II Meyer for San FranciscoSchr Maiion for KukuihacloSehr Mary E Foster for IlonuapoSchr Prince for NawiliwiliSchr Jenny for NawiliwiliSchr Mana for LaupahochooSchr Kaluna for "WaialuaSch Kauikcaouli, for Hawaii

Passengers.For Windward Ports, per 6teamcr

Lilkelike, Aug 8 II R II Kckaulike,Mifes Robertson, Miss Andrews, MrsE P Adams, W R Seal, W'S Akana,A T Atkinson and daughter, J MKauwila and daughter, S Aiwohi, JNakookoo, L Aholo wife and daugh-ter, J Gray, J Nawalii, Mrs Kamnu-kol- i,

J D Ilayscldon, Mrs G C Bcck-l- y,

child and servant, Mr Handle.Hon. J P Parker, G W Pilipo andwife, Miss E Rodger, J U Kawainuiand wife, W F and M II Jones, CStiics, Ah Tim and wife, Mrs. AhTui, A Chapin, Mrs. J Keakaoka-lan- i,

II M Alexander, Miss Benflcld,Master and Miss Hyde, Miss Green,II J Kaukau, Hon. S G "Wilder, IIand W II Cornwall, C II Mangle, JF Nohle and 85 deck.

For Kauai, per steamer C RBishop, Aug 8 Mr Palohau, IIGardner, II Peters, "W E Rowell, WForbes, J R Cooke, Hon P P Kanoaand wife; J Blackie, W Carson, AYoung and 15 deck passengers.

For Kahului, per Kilauca Hon,Aug 8 Miss Jones, Miss Carter, WII Bailey. J W Kalua, wife and childKuihclani and family, Mr Townscndand 77 deck.

For Maui, per Lchua, Aug. 8thMrs Ah Chuck and 2 children, and25 deck.

For San Francisco, per W. H.Meyer, Aug 9 E D Swenney, M S.Corrca, A Francisco, P A Donovan,M C Helmken.

Vessels in Port.H. B. M. R. Suppho, Clark.H.I.M.S. Clirlstoforo Colombo,Gr bk Adolph, KoppelmannGer Bk Paiadox,Haw biig Nlnlto, CameronAm bk 1). C. Murray, .tanks.Am bk E L Pcttlnglil,Am bark Edward May, JohnsonAm tern HciaAm bklno Jane A Falkinburg, ForbesAm bk Calbartcn, Ilnbbard.Am bgtno W II Mcjcr, MonoAm bktno Ella, Brown.Am bgtno Consuelo, Howard

Vessels Expected.Itlg Nnmo from nunUawbk Kale, fm Bremen SeptHaw bk Iolani, from Bremen, OctBk Joscfa, fm C.udlff, AugBk Oberon, fm Lherpool, AugBr bk Glcng.ibcr, fm Liverpool,Am bk Martha D.ivW, fiom Boston SpBrit ship British Ambassador, NC.NSWNlc bk Remljlo, from Nc, NSW dueGer bk l'elho. fm HonskonirAm bktnc Monitor, from Humbold, for

Mahukona,Bt stmr Hansa, fm St Michaels, AugStmr City of Sydney from S F, Sept 3Brit stm Suez, Doild, fin S F, Aug UBr stmr Canton, fm Sun Fran, Aug 12SS Australia, from Sj dney, Aug 28Am bktno Uncle John, from Eureka, for

Kahului.Nor bk Imacos, fm New York, Oct 17Am bk Emerald fin l't Gamble, JulyHaw bk Chlclago fm Ncwcasclc, July


I ARTISTIC MANNERA nvW Isidor Rosencrantz.0 Communications to be

Leftjat J. W. Robertson & co's

E6S JVb need of fjainrj barefootedifyu can yet your Moots, Shoesund Slippers f)U ceiil.t cheaper atthe Honolulu Clothing Empompmthan elsewhere. A. M. Mr.LLis.

Cs Medium Broad,cx'Calbiilen, for sale in

auqutltle.s to suit byDC A. S. & Co.

Oceanio Steamship Comp'y.THE A 1

Iron Stoamor Suez,DODD, .... COMMANDKll

Will leave Honolulu

FOR SAN FRANCISCOon August 22nd,

For freight or passage, having superioraccomodations, apply to124 Wm. G. InwiN t Co., Agonts.


Tho clipper bgtne.

W. H. Meyer,Uowo, .... Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the abovoport. For freight or passage apply to

U. Brrwku & Co., Agonts.


Tho clipper barkCaibarion.

Hubbard, ... Master,Will have quick dispatch for tho aboveport. For freight or parage apply to



KaLVL-r-J- ifTho clipper Bark

D. O. Murray,Jonks, ... - Master,

Will hava quick dispatch for tho abovoport. For ncignt or passage apply to

F. A. Scuakfku & Co., Agents


Tho clipper bgtnoConsuolo.

Howard, - - Master,Will have quick dispatch for tho abovopoit. For freight or passage apply to

O. W. JIacfakank &. Co.


Tho clipper bktnoElla,

Jlrown, .... Master,Will have quick dispatch forthc abovoport. For freight or passaije apply to

C. Bhe i:u fc Co., Agents.



Chas. Brewer & Co. will dispatch tho

Bark Amy Turner,Newell, .... Master,

From Boston, on tho 15th October next,If suttloicut Inducement offers.

Ordci.s for goods should go forwardat early date to Insure shipment. Forfui ther particulars apply to141 3v C. Bntfwrit & Co., Agents

PACIFIC MAIL Steamehip Company.

FOR SAN FRANCISCO,Tho Splendid Steamship

Australia,Cargill, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu for San Franciscoon or about August 28- -

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid SteamshipCity of Sydney,

Dearborn -- ' Commander,On er about Sept. 3.

For freight or passace apply toH. IIacui eld & Co., Agents.

T. R. FOSTER & Co.'r

Line of SteamersH

The Iwalani,Baths, .... - Commander

Runs rcgulnrly to Kona and Kau,as per following Time Table:

Leaves Honolulu at 4 p.m. onMonday. July 3 Thursday, Aug. 21Thuihclay, July 13 Monday, Sept. 4Monday, July 24 Thursday, Sept. 14

Thursday, Aug. 3 Monday, Sept. 25Monday, Aug. 1 1

Akjuves at IIonolulhTuesday, July 11 Frldaiy, Sept. 1Friday, July 21 Tuesday, Sept. 12Tucm Jay, Aug 1 Friday, Sept. 22Friday, Aug. 11 Tuesday, Oct. 3Tuctday, Aug. 22

The C. R. Bishop,Bony, Commander

Leaver Honolulu evehyMonday, at fi for Nawiliwili,Koloa, Elccle, and Waiinca, Kauai.

Retukninc. leavesNawiliwili every Friday evening.

Tho James Makoo,McDonald, ... Commander

Leaves Honolulu eveuyTliurbday, at b im., for Kapaa and

Kilauua, Kauai.Reiuunino Leaves

Kapaa every Tufulny evening. 7.0

ttnion n:i:i) company, a W.U Ht'Hit. Mnuuger. See ud vol tli

nii'iit on utlier pigo.

5rvHn '&f' $v . .4 ';,?;5jyv f w yr ivF'BJv AT 5nCX wJC3WIwyP .Tw

, , ,. rnvk'C i. - 'U2pKV,vl ( t'j.


The fine clipper bktno

Jane A Falkinburg,Forbes. .... Master,

Will have qutck dispatch for the aboveport. lor freight or passage apply to

Cahtlu & Cookk, Agents.

t. steamer IiIkoiiko.Kins, - Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lnhaina, Maa-lac- a

Hay, Makcna, Mahukona,Laupahochoo and Hllo.

Returning, will touch at all theulovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a.m. 1

Schooner " Emma,"Will leave Honolulu EVERY TUEB- -


Returning Saturdays.For freight or passage, having superiorcabin accommodations, apply to thoCaptain on. board. 154


The Brig Ninito,Having undcrgono extensive repairs;with a good Inventory, and well foundin sails, rigging, J.c, Is now oileicd forsals. For particulars inquire of

117 A. J. CAivrwniaiiT.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Have just received

Ex " Consuelo,"CO barrels Lime,

20 barrels G. G. Flour,CO coses Medium Bread,

Cases Soda Crackers,

Cases Fancy Crackers,

Leather Belting,

Babbit Metal,

Cano Knives,

Sewing Machlnos,

Sail Twino,

Etc., Etc., EtcFOR SALE BY

H. HACKFELD & Co.Aug 7lh. ici


Tho Following GoodsTo arrive on tho

S.S. " Hansa " from London,Duo hero on August 27th ;

Tons Black Annealed Fencing Wire,assorted(

Tons Galvanized Iron Roofing, storkbrand,

Nests round and oval Golv. Iron Tubs,Gahanlzed Iron Buckets,Tinncd.lron Saucepans and Kottlea,Caics Cane Knives,Cases Taper Saw Fllos,Cases Butcher Knives,Barrels of J. B. Whlto & BreV Portland

Cement,Cases of Box Irons, '

A small assortment of

CUTLEHY.160 2v

tey Fan, Oriental, Olivette andSpanish Maces uill be sold at re-

duced prices during the InventorySale at the Honolulu ClothinoEuronuTM. A. M.



A Large Assortment-- or tug


Eine Wall PapersAND


BORDERS!Just and for by


lk. Call and examine. 17







CHAS. J.124

PHIL. STEIN,Carriage Maker,

Nos. 28 and 30 Fort street,(abovo Hotel.)

New Carriages of all kindton hand and built to order.

Repairing, Painting and Trimming75 promptly executed.

Only Fifty Cts. por PoundssrVANILLA-ts- a

Chocolate Creams !

This delicious and very nutritious


Is manufactured fresa very wook by

3P. HORN,Practical Confectioner and Pastrycook.

Warranted to bo

Strictly PlurelFor sale at his Ploneor Steam Candy

Manufactory, 71 Hotel streot,11C Honolulu. 2m

FOR BALK, a No. 2

Feed MillGrinds from C to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all In goodorder; can bo run by steam or horsepower, just tho article for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Wholo and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

69 LAINE ifc Co., 34 Fort st.

A RARE BARGAIN Iof tho most comfortable and

neatly locitcd cottages in Honoluluto rent, furnished, or will sell furnitureon the most reasonable terms. Housecontains Ave rooms with garden and allconveniences. Rental of nousc, 8110per month. Furniture entirely new andcomplete. Reason for disposal ownerlea lug tho Kingdom. Apply at onceto J. ii. WIBF.MAXN,

138 Real Estate Hroker

VfOTICE I beg to notify my manyJLl good fi lends and customorw

My. N. PetersonHaH chargo of my

DRAYAGB BUSINESS,And that ho W11 bo pleased to accom-

modate them In that lino with tho

Best Teams on tho BoachtesV Ring up Telephone No. flfi-- iu

When you teams,' or Joayo ordersatthe oftHron Quef-- street, betweenWilder' nnd Dowsett's. Don't forgetthe Numbor, (IB.139 lm p. H. Rohkiitson.

CitT" Heavy JiiackJluntiny at05 ci'ite a yard dur(nrj tha Inven-tory Sale at he IIox&ljjlu Cloth-ing EMi'ottiusr. A. M.









L ewers & Cooke,

Lumber Merchants,Ivoop consUintly on hand n full

assortment of

Lumber of all Kinds;Faints, Oils, Varnishes,

Brushes of nil sorta.

"Wall Paper, Nnila,'it.

71 Spikes, &c, &e

Tho Patent IndestructibleShaft-Sprin- g

AMTI- - RATTLER"!By tholr use all tattling of tho shaft

Is pi evented:

Every pair warranted. Try thorn andyou will use no othuri.

Tor balo by

C. WEST,1 U 2w Xo. 70 Qucon stroet.

PILSENER BEER!Just Received por

Brirk Edward May,A small lot of tho colobratod r

PILSENER BEER!"Which wo oilVr, in qunntitioa, to

suit purclinsers. Also

Wines and Liquors!IX ',t

Warranted yood Qualities?120 2w Ed. Hoffscklaoger & Co. '


Californian Mules !

Expected per T.ndy r.nmpson. '

V Apjily toO.

I.UCAS, AA' Contrnclor JfeS

anil Uullilf.r.-arSi- s'.

"".jiua--Honolulu Sienm I'l.inlng MHIn, Espla- -

n.tdc. llnuululii, -Mnnuf.ipturos idl Muds of MoiiidlngH,

Uraclcoln, Window Fr.ime.s, Jdlnds,FaMitm. Doers, and ill'. Kllids Of WoVwI-v.oi- K

Unlxli. Tuinliiu, and .HandSnwit,". All k'mli of Siuin;: Hnd Him.hi'. Moj tloliig nnd Ton tjitlojc. , t'

Older-prompt- ly .tttunded to,and w Orrtni. from the "ither I?slauds bOlh u'l 21







Page 4: THE JJAILI Jill && RTTT TTWi · stationed one Gatling and one field gun at the bridge over the canal. The enemy's cavalry appeared and galloped boldly along the roadway, at 300 yards

muni idBlB$?fflffKs







m. minee"ny;"and Dealer

Clothing-- , Boots and Shoes, Perfumery,Toilet Articles, Foaket Cutlery, etc., cte.

Gents' Furnishing Goods, Tnmles, Valises,Traveling Mags, Watches, Diamonds, Jewclery and Silver-war- e, etc.

Northeast Corner of Fort and Merchant sts., Honolulu.


Full Lines of Superior Furnishing. Goods,

May 13



8- - Call and Boloct one of those Cslebratod -- a

Gold Medal Waltham Watches

Bruco Cartwrltfht.

Union Feed Company-- CARRIES THE--

Largest and Best Stockr

HAY, GRAIN AND FEEDOf All description, and to keep a full supply

constantly on hand.

BS"Send orders "W. BUSH, Fort St., Honolulu.



A.t 10 a Cord.Apply to

S.M.CARTER,137 lro P.M.S.S. Wharf.


First quality of best Jlre wood

For Sale Cheap!Either In cord wood or cut and split to

order. KB All wood delivered toany part of the city without

extra charge.Send ordors to

Enterprise Planing Mills,J 27 Tort Btreet.


Just received ex rurness Abbey.

1200 Coils of Manilaand Sisal Ropo, all slies.

For sale low by

2 2n A. W. Pelrco A Co.

$10.00 RewardWill be paid for information thnt

lead the conviction ofwhoever maliciously cut the tailleathers off, nnd plucked the backand brouHt feathers out of n Peacockbclontfinp to me. A further rewardofSlOwiJlbe paid for information

"leading to the conviction of whoever..mole. 3 .Pf iichickB about a month old,"belongitiB to me, from Puwaa onWednesday the 21th ulto.

Geo. II. Luck.Pawaa, Little Britain, June 1), 1882



General Agents for the

Mutual Life Insurance Co.of New York,

The Largest, Safest and Moat

Economical Life Insurance Go

in the world,

Cash, assetfl, - over $90,000,000

For information concerning theCompany and for rates of insuranceapply to "Wildek & Co., GeneralAgents ; or J. E. "Wiseman, Solicit-n- g


ginwmiiwiiW. 8. Luce.



A. W. Bush.


to A.



THE OLD CORNEREstablishes, 1838.

Hart Bhos., : ; Proprietors.

MEALSServed np first-clas- s style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 m.

Always ori hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipesfcc., &c Also,

Iced Ixiiil!75






It !?sk it i: ?


wkwrmmFor sale at

A. W. Ricimiwson's







$he $aUn, igaBefitt,



No. 5.the giiudltig rule of the Moufcttich,it is declined to be exactly as des-

cribed in a 3,000 years papyrus,recently transferred for the BritishMuseum "The tax collector ar-

rives; his ngents aro armed withclubs ; ho has negroes with him whocarry whips. They all cry, 'Giveus your grain,' and ho has no wayof avoiding their extortionato de-

mands. Next the wretch is caught,bound, and sent off to work withoutwages for tho state; his wife istaken and chained : his children arestripped and plundered."

But the removal of the Moufcttichdid not stay tho progress of tho European inquisition. Tho commis-sioners had to report that 'therevenue was still larerelv diverted"par ordro aupcrieur;" an International Commission armed with thefullest power was recommended, andLord Derby, December 19, 1877,informed tho Khedive that this wasu the only means left of extricatinghim from his difficulties." TheKhcdivo nominally consented, andtho decrco was issued, but ho pro-ceeded at once to plot against theCommission and the Native Ministryunder Nubar Pasha. He convenedthe "Chamber of Notables." Hacommunicated with the army. Theresult was a not, Feb. 19, 1879, inwhich the English Commissioner.Mr. Rivers "Wilson, and NubarPasha were mobbed and assaultedby soldiers and officers. The Khe-dive declared that the national senti-ment was opposed to recent changes,dismissed his Ministers, nnd issueda decree the main feature of whichwas "tho open and direct violationof acquired rierhts and of international obligations." The variousLuropeau Commissioners resignedin a body. For a time tho Khedivewas muster. Tho Euroncnn nowerswere at Variance as to which shouldact against the delinquent, and ap-plication was made to the Sultan todismiss Ismail from his position.Ismail during his reign had obtainedlarge concessions from the Porte,not oy tne sword but by the purse.In 18U6 he purchased a finnan ele-vating him in rank from ""Wali," orviceroy, to "Khedive," or king.In 1873 he nurchased a secondfirman, making tho dignity hereditary in tuc person ot the eldest sonof the.reiirnimr sovereign. Subsn.quentlv Ismail obtained the rirrht. tnconclude treaties and to declare waron his own authority. Thus the ticbetween Turkey and Egypt had beennarrowed down to the mere navmentand reception of a tribute. ThePorte, theieforc, was only too happyto seize the opportunity to recover,by a stroke of tho rjen. the nnworwhich had been gradually lost. Itenueavoreu to set aside the heredi-tary principle, and to instal PrlnnnHalim as Pasha, having, it is presumed, made his own terms withthat Prince. And hero we hnvn tin.explanation of the attitude taken bytho Porte towards Aruhi Pnnhn.Tho Porte is not interested . instiengthening the hands of the here-ditary Khedive, but will acceptArabi Pasha or any ruler who willmake suitable concessions of authority to itself. To tho dismissalof Ismail Pasha the Sultnn had notthe smallest objection. The firmanwas issued. I he great powers wereunited, and Ismail retired to Naplesupon an allowance of 50,000 perannum. Not a blow was struck onhis behalf.

Tho English and French Governments rebolved to replace Ismnil hvnis emest son, tho heir apparent,Prince Mohammed Tewfik. As Pre-sident of the Couucll, Tewfik hadshown ' air ability. An observerwrites in 1877: "If I were askedto point out the model gentleniunamong iho younger generation ofCairo, I would select Prince Tow (Ikns one of the most superior types.

(To bo continued.)


asamvi immwn to


and Dealers In

Hardware, Agricultural Implements,HouBe Furnishing Goods, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, &c

Have large additions to their ofgoods

To which they Invito the attention of buyers.

Simple and cheap devices for holding Tubular Lantornsunderneath the body of n carriage, for the purpose of

IllumluatlnK the roadway.

The '"Warner" TubularLantern Holder.

All of



made stock

New styles of Plows, Harrows,Cultivators, &cn &c.

A fall Hue of Tinware, and many Novelties, new so thU murket, toonumerous to mention.

Call anil examine our stock.125

"ergJr: j.i-j- . - iixwrm ji n jjyjgHgwwJi lj gi tj--H y

M 1?PPH 5"!

w.AJUSS&G?AEiBB5!sSt f ofE"4 j

T?"MW""'aM!""'"?"'!!MSSiJ'g'llJ!!!t!!aJOHN N0TT,

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Worker,Plumber, Gas Fitter, &o.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbors' stock and metals.Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.

Just Receivedex Kalakaua,

Table and Pie Fruits,Nice Breakfast Goods, such as

Fish, Salmon andPier Pork In 51b. Tins,

Sultadle for families. For sale by0G A. S. Cleohorn Co.


Olivette.Patience,Claude Dinal,The Pirates of Penzance,Boccaccio,Manoln.'Fatiuitza,



Mothers',Y)a Hallc-T.- u Band. BanjoDip me In de Golden Sea,Blue Alsatian Mountains,Since lust we met,Life,The White Rose from Mother's Grac,The World goes round and round,I)arfi one more rihber for tn nrnsn.The Mdntyre's,Gonr for the cows,The Old Refrain.My little baby brother,

Days of Youth,Up the Thames, marlow woods.La Diva Tnlkn.Jolly Utter Gallop,The new Racquet Galop,nutrs iieno song,






DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street."?TO" VJif i JJJBwpsc f

- ft--

i n ii i


At Mrs. A. M. Mcllis' Clonk andMantle Making Department,

No. 104 Fort Street, : : HonoluhiOrdors executed at short notice. 72

Just Received,Per bktne Knrektt, a full lino of

BYCICLE SHIRTSSilk, merino nnd cotton.

Pajama Suits, Etc.1 A. W. Rlchnrdson & co.

J. W. ROBEETSON & CO.,just Received

The following dew Music:Opera and Bound Music:

Ja Mnncottc,Smith's MiiMcnl Album, 12 3 4 5 6.Children's hour of Pleasure,Prjze JMano School, by Karl Urbach.Gems of Waldtcufol,iuoacrn ueins.

Songs :

arrangement,Blessed Dreams, .'

In the gloaming,The Tryst,Across tho llrlds.My dear fittle Home o'er the Sea,j.u;i it :uurui,Poor little Swallow,Doos vour heart bent, trim tn njtemlnlsccncc.1 hold my heart so still,Her I lo e and her alone,Blight land of gold,

Instrumental :


in in

Caprico Lancers, -


Rural Tcsthal a Recreation, --4Vicissitudes Reverie. ,

nazri mritc t'oilca.







Boccheronl'i. eelubrated Mlntietto,' . Ml
