THE JBOUBBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY 71907 7 SEPT o c r Sold by W C DODSON Paris Ky I take this method of announcing to my friends that I have jusfe opened a New Grocery at the corner of Eighth and Henderson streets and to solicit a share of their I will at times have a fresh clean stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries Country Produce Fresh Vege tables Fruits EtcEtc Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Both Phones 269 Calllme up NEW GROCERY NEW STOCK patr- onage ASL VELL ppIputs all pI CA55ITY BR5 CHAS CASSITY AARON CASSITY Main Street Over Bowling Alley Paris Ky I LADIES GARMENTS DRY CLEANER Anything from a pair of to ball or opera gowns W and from draperies to oriental will made JUST LIKE cleaned by our exclusive 1 FRENCH BENZOL PROCESS We are the ONLY house in the country the Benzol A method for dry cleaning This exclusive keeps clean three times as as those cleaned all info Tft6 FrsnGH B6nZOl Dry Gleaning Go 4ft Hats Cleaned and Blocked while you wait AS Phone No 78 UPTODATE GROCER ng Your Patronage Solicited il 1 I i NE W I toK oMm t process W J IfII BRUtE I f i New I and Clean l L A j I fIIIIl 1 T ar- m 1 00 a r1 4 I HOLLADAY- s Feb I I BothPhones Maul St neavEifth I iii ii < Convalescents need a large amount of nourish ment in easily digested Scott Emulsion is powerful nourish MMOOMOMMOOtMwM tOt nn t s X 1 = ment highly concentrated It makes bone muscle without putting any tax on the digestion ALL DRUGGISTS 50c AND 100 o bloodand S OOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOO o Will Protect Taylor Governor Beckham Tuesday address ed a letter to Commonwealths Attor ney Robert B Franklin of the judicial district in which he gives assurance of cooperation with that officer in granting immunity to State to testify for Caleb Powers The Governor expresses the opinion thathe and the Commonwealths At torney can absolutely insure Taylor immunity and a safe return to Indiana should he desire to come to Kentucky to testify The letter of the Governor which is in response to a communication from the Commonwealths Attroney written a few days since reads as follows Commonwealth of Kentucky Execu tive Ky August 27 1907 To the Hon Rober B Franklin Commonwealths Frankfort Sir In response to your communication of August 15 in reference to the matter of assuring William S Taylor from arrest in the event of his coming to Kentucky to testify in the case of the Commonwealth vs Caleb Powers I wish to state to you that in every way possible I shall cooperate with you in seeing that said Taylor if he comes to testify in that case shall be protected from arrest and allowed to return to Indiana monealths Attorney of the district in which he is indicted can absolutely in sure him such immunity from arrest and a safe return to Indiana You may therefore upon my aid if needed to carry out assurance Four- teenth fugitivefor DepartmentFrankfort KyDear questionthat respectfully Attor- ney immu- nity ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ J C BECKHAM Governor of Kentucky Williams Carbolic Salve With Arnica and Witch Hazel The best Salve in the world foi Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Tetter Chapped Hands and fnnded Price 25c by Druggists WILLIAMS MFG PropsCleveland O For sale by Oberdorfer Thrusts From Childish Tongues A remark addressed to Paul C Barth of Louisville tragically end ed his life is believed by his friends and family to have flashed an acme of supposed disgrace to Mr Barth and force the conclusion in his mind that escape from fancied persecution rested only in the grave Papa lets move out of the neighborhood Every time I go out some boy yells Your father is a horse thief The story of the innocent remark by the son to his father was told for the time Tuesday and was one of the sections of the fabric that was woven by tongue and pen his friends saythat suddenly converted itself into a robe of death and mercilessly enveloped its vic tim Kentucky Fair Dates The follownig are the dates fixed for holding the Kentucky fairs for 1907 as far as reported daysElizabethtown days daysFlorence Springfield August days daysPARIS DAYS September 3 Four Bardstown September days daysHodgenville days Glasgow September 11 Four days daysKentucky tember days Lexington September days daysMayfield Bardwell October days Cures Blood Skin Diseases Can cer 6reatest Blood Purifier If your blood is impure thin diseas sores scrofula eczema itching ris ings and bumps scabby skin bone pains catarrh rehumatism or any blood or skin disease take Botanic heal aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich Drug gists or by express 1 per large bottle Sample free by writing Blood Balm cases as it cures after all else fails 26feb08 The Bluegrass Traction Company Scedule December 1906 m 9 30 and 11 p m Cars leave Lexington for Versailles 6 a m and every hour until 8 p m 9 30 and 11 p m Cars leave Lexington for Paris 6 a m anrt every hour until 7 p mf 9 and 11 p m Cars leave Georgetown for Lexington 6 a m and every hour until 7 p m 8 45 and 10 15 p m Cars leave Versailles for Lexington 6 a m and every hour until 7 p m m Cars leave Paris for Eexin ion 6 a m and tour aU18p JB sold m guarahteedto by one of his sons on the the for merMayor first 28Four Hardinbu 4Four 16Six 23Six 15Two haveblood Blood Balm B B B Soon all sores especially Georgetown 845 anti 1 15 p lOp days every ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = County Court Days to Paris MondayBath Bourbon Paris 1st Monday MondayBreathitt Clark Winchester 4th Monday Estill Irvine 3d Monday MondayFleming Franklin Frankfort 1st Monday Garrard Lancaster 4th MondayHarrison Henry Newcastle 1st Monday MondayLee MondayMadison MondayMercer MondayNicholas MondayOwen MondayScott MondayWayne Woodford Versailles 4th Monday Courtsheld MondayPowell Church Dedication a point near the junction of Clark Bourbon and Montgomery coun ties which is at least five miles from a church of any denomination To re lieve this dearth of church facilities the people of the community raised the money and have built a handsome little church which is known as Donald son Union Church It is not the prop erty of any denomination but it free for the use of all protestant It will be dedicated the fifth Sunday in September the services to be conducted by Elder J M Rash of Winchester There will be dinner on the ground and everybody is invited to be present J No man is really and truly in love if he doesnt act foolish Piles Piles Piles Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding ulcerated and itching piles It absorbs the tumrs allays the itching at once acts as poul ticegives instant relief Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itching of the private parts Every box is guaranteed Sold by all druggists by mail for 50c and 100 Free Reclining Chair Cars The Southern Railway has inaugur ated free reclining chair car service between Louisville and Evansville on their fast through trains leaving Lou isville at 730 a m and 5 m and running solid to Evansville with out This line also operates Pullman Sleeper through from Danville to St The Southern Railway is 23 miles the shortest from Louisville to Nashville and fortythree miles the shortest to St Louis tf Any man who buys a mule is sure to have a kick coming Williams Kidney Pills system and caused trouble with kidneys and bladder Have you in loins side back groin and bladder Have you a flabby appearance of th face especially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine If so Williams Mfg Co Props Cleveland 0 STRANGE ADVICE Thereis I predict nightLexington kidneysHave yout pin youSample denomi- nations r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ires alert attest to his great humanitarian contract fln our Almanac for years past have unusual advice to ted with coughs colds throat or lung troubles or We have bottle of German Syrup to consult their doctor We not ask them or them to use a large number bottles as is the case the advertising of other remedies Our in Syrup makes it possible for us to give by the ex bottle of German Syrup will speedily re lieve oc cure the worst bronchial oc lung troubles and that even in bad cases consumption one large bottle of Syrup work New trial 250 ref ttiUr MM 7jc At all dnifgwU Dr G G Greek we given specialbenefit of i ma y of over years that one 7Scent cou nKV RDEN otf Ger- man q Ve Hence ram L- I ¬ The Adaptability of Jimmy By Troy Allison Copyright 1907 by C H Sutcliffe Ive waited for him long enough I found a gray hair today voice a comical reproduction of grief Jim Hartley Interrupted the fascinat ing occupation of punching with his scarf pin a lace pattern around a leaf on the large rubber looked at her reproachfully You know you always have me to fall back on he suggested placidly Of course I might not come up to your exact ideas of what a Prince Charm ing ought to be but could you me a little eh Elizabeth My dear boy you dont seem to realize your er nose in the least Now could you imagine prince r I I abeths I was I plantand 1 the hlh ideal- Ize ¬ < I j you NEEDNT SAY ANY with such a feature As merely a j nose Jimmy Ill grant its the noblest as much out of place on my prince as as a Falstafflan front would on RomeoHe with honest admiration the deaths head and crossbones he bad punched in the center of the leaf Your dainty and aesthetic prince would be grieved to hear your slight coarseness of expression Elizabeth my child You are not supposed t9 refer to anatomical subjects She sniffed her disdain and turning her back to him put her little worn slippers against the steam radiator You are so terribly prim too and so absolutely expected I have known you so long that I know you through and through There is any room for speculation Maybe one could for get about your nose if you would ever do 1 He and she ar ranged her rumpled hair her eyes blazing at him angrily believed it of you And to think Ive known you six years A little startled at his reckless ness he picked up a paper knife from her writing desk and commenced on the abused rubber plant with assumed nonchalance You wanted me to do something un expected he suggested mildly Any man might have done that with withering sarcasm Elizabeth Lent I am more than shocked at such an admission for Ive wanted to try it for six years and have been too cowardly p yoRE I Roman ot them all but it look I never i I anythingunexpected didimmediately James I own op- erations I I would HartleyInever would have ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ She grew more confusedly Make a joke of it if you like she blazed It probably serves me right for thinking there was one man that could be trusted He turned abruptly and took his hat from the top of the piano You neednt say any more His had me at your beck and call for all these years and you never would take me seriously As for jokes my love always Im tired of It add if Im never to be taken seriously well put an end to it all I apologize most hum my recent rudeness and he went out closing the flat door with an unmistakable evidence of temper be fore she could realize that there had actually been a quarrel She stood up mechanically and com menced rearranging the furniture of the little She broke off the demolished of the rubber plant and started to the dining room to put them in the wastebasket Her roommate sat at the dining ta ble working on a sketch Jimmy gone this early asked in surprise Not coming any more answered Miss Lent with studied indifference Frances Carson ran the background of the sketch into the Grecian face she had finished and let it drop on the table a hopeless blur What have you done to Jimmy she demanded accusingly Hes the best fellow I ever saw x Is he indeed Miss Lent dropped the leaves into the basket ture of superior scorn Glad think o f Th woman commenced wash nix feer jttl t torosfe and tteew Mr angry face Was pale with anger Youye for you has been a huge joke to you blyfor leaves witha you other w she gee t- 1r z 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ported sketch lit the basket 00 fop the leaves v You have treated him nil these years she said loci squarely into the others wrathful You have been dreaming of ler e and ideals meanwhile hawf been taking all Auld iymr nothing f best type of man that exists X only hope that you havent treated Mm I so badly if s beyond making up Miss Lent toward the ba room door defiantly Hell get over it and come back itf few days she said with calm MH surance But Jimmy did nothing of the sort Weeks passed and Miss that she need one Chop for dinner for the other was never loach ed Elizabeth grew thinner and and the doctor finally looked Worried when he asked about her cough Frances Carson had never been a be lever in the doctrine that it was good policy to let things drift She believed In the judicious application of help ing hand She watched her friend r listless face one night after Dinner As she sat in the Morris chair her boob lying forgotten on her lap I cant bear to see you looking so wretched she said rising energetically Im going out and get something else for your cough you simply must make up your to go to Florida for the rest of the winter as the doctor advises She put on her coat and hat went not to the druggists but to the nearest telephone booth Is that you Jimmy she called when she had got her number- I may be a traitress a and everything else that indicates th double dyed feminine conspirator I couldnt resist the temptation of ing you up and telling you that you are an idiot Dont get huffy Ive just cause foe complaint Did you know that Eliza beth has been too ill to go to her office for over a month I thought you didnt The doctor told me privately he didnt believe she would stand the winter unless could be induced to go south Ifa say a word to me Im ot going back to the flat for two hours and she is really too ill to be left aloe If anything happens to her while Im away it will be your fault I left the key under the hall mat near our door Before I ring off Ill tell you I found your picture under her pillow when I was fixing her bed this morning 1 left the bed unfixed and she doesnt dream I saw it So you see why you are am idiot Goodby When Elizabeth heard the key in the door half hour later she spoke without turning her head Youve tried nearly every brand of4 patent medicine on the market I only hope this one will not be bitter to take So do I Jimmy put a chair in front of her sat down as calmly as if he been out of the room fifteen She started to rise from her chair hilt Tell Back from weakness back faintly Ive come back to make the doctors prescription he said thinking of the picture under tlJj pillow You need managing beth and Im going to see what I do in that line You are going to to Florida tomorrow afternoon and Im going with you to keep off the and things But you cant she gasped her face flushing her eyes fixed upon his in a dazed fascination I can do all manner of unexpected things he said taking both her hands for instance Im going to marry you at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon He looked at her triumphantly felt the nervous grip of her fingers but never relaxed his gaze The color wavered over her face and finally covered the wanness that had startled him when he first saw Jimmy I wouldnt be the least bit angry now if she commenced in a whisper and Jimmys intelligence was entirely comprehensive I I I the the too cook only a Ant I villain but 1 sit hushdont an and ba minutes Y ute you EI cam star alli- gators her shah e eyes and I fi y Elizabeth min an call that Fran- ces r come she said f tike ho- ly ¬ I Impaled on a Buffalo 1 Many years ago a son of an Iroquois half breed vent out one day with other Indians to run buffaloes along the river but he never returned found his horse and his gun and knife but could not find the man About a year later as the Indians in another part of the country buffalo cow was seen which had some thing peculiar on her head They chased and killed her and found singular head ornament was the pelvis of a man one of her horns hay j ing pierced the thin part of the bone which was wedged on so tightly that they could scarcely get it off Much of the hair on the head neck and shoulders of the cow was worn off short and on the side on which the bone was the hair looked new as if it had been worn off the skin and was beginning to grow out again it 1s supposed that this bone was part of the missing halfbreed who had been hooked by the cow and carried about her head until his body fell to pieces When the Astrologers Not all ot the ancients were Pious Where wilt thou spend asked Henry VH of Evans a noted astrologer May it please your majesty I am unable to tell Then wiser than thou said the king for I know it will be in prison astrologer told John Gall zz6 duke of Milan that he would die early And how long do you expect to live asked the duke in return Mjr loril my star premises me long life 2 er er trust your You are lw hanged before night cried Sake And sure enough he WM fast by king thrown out 6t a Tftodoif tfc were t a r I I lat- her I Were Wr ti I r- am man to tIM 4 J Red They hunt- ing t- on a sly Chris- tmas An- other ash Mde a roQ ¬

Transcript of THE JBOUBBON NEWS o c...



Sold by W C DODSON Paris Ky

I take this method of announcing to my friends that Ihave jusfe opened a New Grocery at the corner of Eighthand Henderson streets and to solicit a share of their

I will at times have a fresh clean stock of

Staple and Fancy GroceriesCountry Produce Fresh Vegetables Fruits EtcEtc

Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Both Phones269 Calllme up









Main Street Over Bowling Alley Paris Ky

I LADIES GARMENTS DRY CLEANERAnything from a pair of to ball or opera gowns

W and from draperies to oriental will madeJUST LIKE cleaned by our exclusive

1 FRENCH BENZOL PROCESSWe are the ONLY house in the country the Benzol

A method for dry cleaning This exclusive keepsclean three times as as those cleaned allinfoTft6 FrsnGH B6nZOl Dry Gleaning Go

4ft Hats Cleaned and Blocked while you wait

AS Phone No 78



Your Patronage Solicited

il 1 I


toK oMmtprocess




f i New

I and Clean












IBothPhones Maul St neavEifth

I iii ii


Convalescents need a large amount of nourishment in easily digested

Scott Emulsion is powerful nourish



ment highly concentrated

It makes bone muscle withoutputting any tax on the digestion


o bloodand



Will Protect TaylorGovernor Beckham Tuesday address

ed a letter to Commonwealths Attorney Robert B Franklin of the

judicial district in which hegives assurance of cooperation withthat officer in granting immunity to

State to testify for Caleb PowersThe Governor expresses the opinion

thathe and the Commonwealths Attorney can absolutely insure Taylorimmunity and a safe return to Indianashould he desire to come to Kentuckyto testify

The letter of the Governor which isin response to a communication fromthe Commonwealths Attroney writtena few days since reads as follows

Commonwealth of Kentucky Executive KyAugust 27 1907 To the Hon RoberB Franklin Commonwealths

Frankfort Sir Inresponse to your communication ofAugust 15 in reference to the matterof assuring William S Taylor

from arrest in the event of hiscoming to Kentucky to testify in thecase of the Commonwealth vs CalebPowers I wish to state to you that inevery way possible I shall cooperatewith you in seeing that said Taylor ifhe comes to testify in that case shallbe protected from arrest and allowedto return to Indiana

monealths Attorney of the district inwhich he is indicted can absolutely insure him such immunity from arrestand a safe return to Indiana Youmay therefore upon myaid if needed to carry out assurance
















J C BECKHAMGovernor of Kentucky

Williams Carbolic Salve With Arnicaand Witch Hazel

The best Salve in the world foiCuts Bruises Sores Ulcers SaltRheum Tetter Chapped Hands and

fnnded Price 25c by DruggistsWILLIAMS MFG PropsCleveland

OFor sale by Oberdorfer

Thrusts From Childish TonguesA remark addressed to Paul C Barth

of Louisville tragically ended his life is believed by his friendsand family to have flashed an acme ofsupposed disgrace to Mr Barth andforce the conclusion in his mind thatescape from fancied persecution restedonly in the grave Papa lets moveout of the neighborhood Every timeI go out some boy yells Your fatheris a horse thief

The story of the innocent remark bythe son to his father was told for the

time Tuesday and was one of thesections of the fabric that was wovenby tongue and pen his friends saythatsuddenly converted itself into a robe ofdeath and mercilessly enveloped its victim

Kentucky Fair DatesThe follownig are the dates fixed for

holding the Kentucky fairs for 1907 asfar as reported

daysElizabethtowndaysdaysFlorenceSpringfield August daysdaysPARIS

DAYSSeptember 3 Four

Bardstown September days


Glasgow September 11 Four days

daysKentuckytember days

Lexington September days

daysMayfieldBardwell October days

Cures Blood Skin Diseases Cancer 6reatest Blood

PurifierIf your blood is impure thin diseas

sores scrofula eczema itching risings and bumps scabby skinbone pains catarrh rehumatism orany blood or skin disease take Botanic

heal aches and pains stop and theblood is made pure and rich Druggists or by express 1 per large bottleSample free by writing Blood Balm

cases as it cures after all elsefails 26feb08

The Bluegrass Traction CompanyScedule December 1906

m 9 30 and 11 p mCars leave Lexington for Versailles

6 a m and every hour until 8 p m9 30 and 11 p m

Cars leave Lexington for Paris 6 am anrt every hour until 7 p mf 9 and11 p m

Cars leave Georgetown for Lexington6 a m and every hour until 7 p m8 45 and 10 15 p m

Cars leave Versailles for Lexington6 a m and every hour until 7 p m

mCars leave Paris for Eexin ion 6 a

m and tour aU18p JB soldm


by one of his sons on the the formerMayor






havebloodBlood Balm B B B Soon all sores



845 anti 1 15 p













County Court Days

to Paris

MondayBathBourbon Paris 1st Monday

MondayBreathittClark Winchester 4th MondayEstill Irvine 3d Monday

MondayFlemingFranklin Frankfort 1st MondayGarrard Lancaster 4th

MondayHarrisonHenry Newcastle 1st MondayMondayLeeMondayMadisonMondayMercerMondayNicholasMondayOwen

MondayScottMondayWayneWoodford Versailles 4th Monday



Church Dedicationa point near the junction of

Clark Bourbon and Montgomery counties which is at least five miles froma church of any denomination To relieve this dearth of church facilitiesthe people of the community raisedthe money and have built a handsomelittle church which is known as Donaldson Union Church It is not the property of any denomination but it freefor the use of all protestant

It will be dedicated the fifthSunday in September the services tobe conducted by Elder J M Rash ofWinchester There will be dinner onthe ground and everybody is invited tobe present J

No man is really and truly in love ifhe doesnt act foolish

Piles Piles PilesDr Williams Indian Pile Ointment

will cure blind bleeding ulcerated anditching piles It absorbs the tumrsallays the itching at once acts as poulticegives instant relief Dr WilliamsIndian Pile Ointment is prepared forpiles and itching of the private partsEvery box is guaranteed Sold by alldruggists by mail for 50c and 100

Free Reclining Chair CarsThe Southern Railway has inaugur

ated free reclining chair car servicebetween Louisville and Evansville ontheir fast through trains leaving Louisville at 730 a m and 5 mand running solid to Evansville without This line also operates

Pullman Sleeper through fromDanville to St The SouthernRailway is 23 miles the shortest fromLouisville to Nashville and fortythreemiles the shortest to St Louis tf

Any man who buys a mule is sure tohave a kick coming

Williams Kidney Pills

system and caused trouble withkidneys and bladder Have youin loins side back groin and bladderHave you a flabby appearance of thface especially under the eyes Toofrequent a desire to pass urine If so

Williams Mfg Co PropsCleveland 0



















Ires alert attestto his great humanitarian contract

fln our Almanac for years pasthave unusual advice toted with coughs colds throat or lungtroubles or We have

bottle of German Syrup to consult theirdoctor We not ask them orthem to use a large number bottles asis the case the advertising ofother remedies Our in

Syrup makes it possible for us togive by the ex

bottle of German Syrup will speedily relieve oc cure the worstbronchial oc lung troubles and thateven in bad cases consumption onelarge bottle of Syrup work

New trial 250 refttiUr MM 7jc At all dnifgwU

Dr G G Greek



i ma y

of over years that one 7Scent


nKV RDEN otf


q VeHence

ram L-



The Adaptabilityof Jimmy

By Troy AllisonCopyright 1907 by C H Sutcliffe

Ive waited for him long enough Ifound a gray hair todayvoice a comical reproduction ofgrief

Jim Hartley Interrupted the fascinating occupation of punching with hisscarf pin a lace pattern around a leafon the large rubber looked ather reproachfully

You know you always have me tofall back on he suggested placidly

Of course I might not come up to yourexact ideas of what a Prince Charming ought to be but could you

me a little eh ElizabethMy dear boy you dont seem to

realize your er nose in the leastNow could you imagine prince
















with such a feature As merely a j

nose Jimmy Ill grant its the noblest

as much out of place on my prince asas a Falstafflan front would on

RomeoHewith honest admiration the

deaths head and crossbones he badpunched in the center of the leaf

Your dainty and aesthetic princewould be grieved to hear your slightcoarseness of expression Elizabethmy child You are not supposed t9refer to anatomical subjects

She sniffed her disdain and turningher back to him put her little wornslippers against the steam radiator

You are so terribly prim too and soabsolutely expected I have known

you so long that I know you throughand through There is any roomfor speculation Maybe one could forget about your nose if you would everdo 1

He and she arranged her rumpled hair her eyesblazing at him angrily

believed it of you And to think Iveknown you six years

A little startled at his recklessness he picked up a paper knife fromher writing desk and commenced

on the abused rubber plantwith assumed nonchalance

You wanted me to do something unexpected he suggested mildly

Any man might have done thatwith withering sarcasm

Elizabeth Lent I am more thanshocked at such an admission for Ivewanted to try it for six years and havebeen too cowardly


yoRE I

Roman ot them all but it look




James I






HartleyInever would have





She grew more confusedlyMake a joke of it if you like she

blazed It probably serves me rightfor thinking there was one man thatcould be trusted

He turned abruptly and took his hatfrom the top of the piano

You neednt say any more His

had me at your beck and call for allthese years and you never would takeme seriously As for jokes my love

always Im tired of It add if Imnever to be taken seriously well putan end to it all I apologize most hum

my recent rudeness and hewent out closing the flat door with anunmistakable evidence of temper before she could realize that there hadactually been a quarrel

She stood up mechanically and commenced rearranging the furniture ofthe little She broke off thedemolished of the rubber plantand started to the dining room to putthem in the wastebasket

Her roommate sat at the dining table working on a sketch

Jimmy gone this early askedin surprise

Not coming any more answeredMiss Lent with studied indifference

Frances Carson ran the backgroundof the sketch into the Grecian face shehad finished and let it drop on thetable a hopeless blur

What have you done to Jimmyshe demanded accusingly Hes thebest fellow I ever saw x

Is he indeed Miss Lent droppedthe leaves into the basketture of superior scorn Gladthink o f

Th woman commenced washnix feer jttl t torosfe and tteew Mr


face Was pale with anger Youye

for you has been a huge joke to you









1r z





ported sketch lit the basket 00 fopthe leaves v

You have treated himnil these years she said locisquarely into the others wrathful

You have been dreaming of ler eand ideals meanwhile hawfbeen taking all Auld iymr nothing f

best type of man that exists Xonly hope that you havent treated Mm

I so badly ifs beyond making upMiss Lent toward the ba

room door defiantlyHell get over it and come back itffew days she said with calm MH

suranceBut Jimmy did nothing of the sort

Weeks passed and Missthat she need one Chop fordinner for the other was never loached Elizabeth grew thinner andand the doctor finally looked Worriedwhen he asked about her cough

Frances Carson had never been a belever in the doctrine that it was goodpolicy to let things drift She believedIn the judicious application of helping hand She watched her friend rlistless face one night after Dinner Asshe sat in the Morris chair her booblying forgotten on her lap

I cant bear to see youlooking so wretched she said risingenergetically Im going out and getsomething else for your coughyou simply must make up yourto go to Florida for the rest of thewinter as the doctor advises

She put on her coat and hatwent not to the druggists but to thenearest telephone booth

Is that you Jimmy she calledwhen she had got her number-

I may be a traitress aand everything else that indicates thdouble dyed feminine conspiratorI couldnt resist the temptation ofing you up and telling you that you arean idiot

Dont get huffy Ive just cause foecomplaint Did you know that Elizabeth has been too ill to go to her officefor over a month

I thought you didnt The doctortold me privately he didnt believeshe would stand the winter unlesscould be induced to go south Ifa

say a word to me Im otgoing back to the flat for two hoursand she is really too ill to be left aloeIf anything happens to her while Imaway it will be your fault I left thekey under the hall mat near our doorBefore I ring off Ill tell you I foundyour picture under her pillow when Iwas fixing her bed this morning 1 leftthe bed unfixed and she doesnt dreamI saw it So you see why you are amidiot Goodby

When Elizabeth heard the key in thedoor half hour later she spokewithout turning her head

Youve tried nearly every brand of4patent medicine on the market

I only hope this one will not bebitter to take

So do I Jimmy put a chair infront of her sat down as calmly as

if he been out of the roomfifteen

She started to rise from her chairhilt Tell Back from weakness

back faintlyIve come back to make

the doctors prescription he saidthinking of the picture under tlJj

pillow You need managingbeth and Im going to see what Ido in that line You are going toto Florida tomorrow afternoon andIm going with you to keep off the

and thingsBut you cant she gasped her face

flushing her eyes fixed upon his in adazed fascination

I can do all manner of unexpectedthings he said taking both her hands

for instance Im going to marry youat 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon

He looked at her triumphantly feltthe nervous grip of her fingers butnever relaxed his gaze

The color wavered over her face andfinally covered the wanness that hadstartled him when he first saw

Jimmy I wouldnt be the least bitangry now if she commenced in awhisper and Jimmys intelligence wasentirely comprehensive





toocook only











Y uteyou





shah e


and I










come she said ftike




Impaled on a Buffalo 1

Many years ago a son of an Iroquoishalf breed vent out one day with otherIndians to run buffaloes along theriver but he never returnedfound his horse and his gun and knifebut could not find the man About ayear later as the Indians

in another part of the countrybuffalo cow was seen which had something peculiar on her head Theychased and killed her and found

singular head ornament was thepelvis of a man one of her horns hay

j ing pierced the thin part of the bonewhich was wedged on so tightly thatthey could scarcely get it off Muchof the hair on the head neck andshoulders of the cow was worn offshort and on the side on which thebone was the hair looked new as ifit had been worn off the skin and wasbeginning to grow out again it 1ssupposed that this bone was part ofthe missing halfbreed who had beenhooked by the cow and carried about

her head until his body fell topieces

When the AstrologersNot all ot the ancients were

Pious Where wilt thou spendasked Henry VH of Evans a

noted astrologer May it please yourmajesty I am unable to tell Then

wiser than thou said the kingfor I know it will be in prison

astrologer told John Gall zz6duke of Milan that he would die earlyAnd how long do you expect to live

asked the duke in return Mjr lorilmy star premises me long life 2 erer trust your You are lwhanged before night cried SakeAnd sure enough he WM fast byking thrown out 6t a Tftodoif tfc

weret ar





Were Wrti




man totIM











Mde a roQ
