The Iraq Wars

The Wars in Iraq

Transcript of The Iraq Wars

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The Wars in Iraq

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The Rise of Saddam Hussein(1937 - 2006)

Born in Tikrit: Tribal societyPeasant family with influential army relatives.Joined Baath Party at 20.Aided in failed assassination of Qasim in 1959 and forced to flee

to Syria and Egypt.In 1963, the Baath Party successfully overthrew the government and took

power which allowed Saddam to return to Iraq from exile.

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A Cult of Personality• 1976, the Baath Party again gained power, Saddam rose to General in the military.

• On July 16, 1979, the president of Iraq resigned and Saddam officially took the position.• Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq with a brutal hand, using fear and terror to stay in power.

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A Cult of Personality

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The Anfal Campaign: Kurdish Genocide

From February 23 to September 6, 1988, Saddam Hussein's regime carried out the Anfal (Arabic for "spoils") campaign against the large Kurdish population in northern Iraq.

The purpose was to reassert Iraqi control over the area and to permanently eliminate the Kurds.

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Men were shot and buried in mass graves. The women, children, and elderly were taken to relocation camps where conditions were deplorable. In a few areas, everyone was killed.

Hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled the area, yet it is estimated that up to 182,000 were killed during the Anfal campaign. Many people consider the Anfal campaign an attempt at genocide.

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Gassing the Kurds

1987: The Iraqis used chemical weapons to remove Kurds from their villages in northern Iraq during the Anfal campaign. It is estimated that chemical

weapons were used on approximately 40 Kurdish villages killing 5,000 women, men, and children.

Ali Hasa al-Majid(“Chemical Ali”)

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Persian Gulf War

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Iraq had long ago claimed the land of KuwaitRich deposits of oil are on the border and Iraq claimed that Kuwaiti oil rigs were illegally tapping into Iraqi oil fields

Invasion of Kuwait

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Conflict Occurs:1. In August 1990, Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded Kuwait and seized its oil fields2. The UN demands Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait; Hussein refuses3. UN forces led by American General Norman Schwarzkopf land in Saudi Arabia

UN Security Council Resolution UN Security Council Resolution 678678

(authorized military force to be used against Iraq.)(authorized military force to be used against Iraq.)

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Operation Desert Storm

4. Operation Desert Storm begins on January 17, 1991

U.S. President George H.W. Bush

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Attempt to Escalate the War

Israel & Saudi Arabia:Fear of bio-chemical


The Scud Missile!

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Kuwait is Liberated

5. UN coalition of 28 nations drove Iraq out of Kuwait (March 3, 1991-Iraq accepts cease-fire)

Film ClipIraqi soldiers surrender

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UN forces have to protect an Iraqi minority, the Kurds. UN has to make sure Iraq is dismantling their facilities for nuclear, chemical, and biological


Continuing Problems

400 Oil Fields were set on fire by Iraqi Troops

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Economic sanctions were imposed Dec. 1998 President Clinton suspected Iraq of stockpiling weapons and ordered the

bombing of military installations.

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• Under continual monitoring and sanctions since the end of the Persian Gulf War, intelligence reports from U.S. sources sited Saddam Hussein’s attempts and possible manufacture of weapons of mass destruction.

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• After U.S. claims of Iraqi violations of various UN resolutions, Congress authorizes President Bush to commence a preemptive attack on Iraq.

• The US turns to the United Nations for support, but it is not received. The UN is skeptical of claims of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction.

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•The US starts the war in March, 2003 and President Bush declares Mission Accomplished in May 2003

President George W. Bush lands on board President George W. Bush lands on board the USS Abraham Lincoln (May, 2003)the USS Abraham Lincoln (May, 2003)

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Anti-War Protestors

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•Saddam Hussein is in hiding, but captured in December 2003•After more than 3 years of extensive searching, no WMD’s are found in Iraq.

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Saddam Is Captured!

December, December, 20032003

• Saddam HusseinSaddam Hussein was held prisoner by the United States and was was held prisoner by the United States and was put on trial by Iraqi Government. put on trial by Iraqi Government.

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• Saddam Hussein was executed in December of 2006.Saddam Hussein was executed in December of 2006.

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•Democratic elections were held in January 2005. Some Sunnis boycotted.•The majority Shi’ite now hold power along with the Kurds. •The new government (Iraqi National Assembly) wrote a constitution for Iraq in 2005.

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Former Baathists and foreign Former Baathists and foreign terrorists terrorists

(Al-Qaida, etc.)(Al-Qaida, etc.)• Insurgents, those opposed to the overthrow of Hussein and the American occupation

of Iraq, continue to commit attacks against US soldiers and Iraqi military.

A Growing Insurgency

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• President George Bush orders increase of 20,000 more U.S. Troops to aggressively clear out neighborhoods with insurgents: It was a success

The U.S. Surge: 2007

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4000+ American Casualties

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Pulling U.S. Troops out of Iraq

• President Barack Obama pulled the last remaining troops from Iraq in December 2011 and declared victory for the United States and the Iraqi people.

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The Rise of ISIS

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• Diverse Nation• Conquered in past by:–Persians, Romans, Ottomans, British

• Won Independence from Great Britain in 1919• 1978 Civil War

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1979 Soviet Invasion Beat USSR in 89’ w/ USA aid

1989 – 1996 – Civil War Taliban wins

Taliban “seekers of knowledge” govt. in power•Harsh & repressive government•Radical Muslims•Drug Trade (Heroin) FamineExtreme Poverty

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1989-1996: Civil War won by the Taliban, Islamic FundamentalistsTaliban “seekers of knowledge” govt. in power

Harsh & repressive governmentRadical MuslimsDrug Trade (Heroin) Famine - Extreme Poverty

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1996 Osama bin Laden moves from Sudan to Afghanistan

Leader of Al-Qaeda

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How does this relate to Afghanistan?

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Claims responsibility for attack on USA

Taliban lets Al-Qaeda hide out in their county because they are allies.

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Men who Hijacked planes

• American foreign policy towards the Muslim world – US presence in Saudi Arabia (Home to Mecca)

• US support for Israel in its ongoing “theft” of Arab land

• US support for corrupt and repressive regimes in the Muslim world (Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states).

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Tells Taliban to:• deliver Al-Qaeda leaders to

USA• release all US citizens in jails• protect foreigners in

Afghanistan • Close terrorist facilities

Does the Taliban accept?

Film Clip

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The 9/11 Commission Report determined that the animosity towards the United States felt by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the "principal architect" of the 9/11 attacks, stemmed "not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel".[

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May 2, 2011

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Friend or Foe?

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“Thanks Iran!”

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Long dragged out conflicts with no end in sight.

Can’t tell whose an friend or foe. Not popular at home. Not popular with other governments or

their people. Not winning the hearts and minds of the

people. Fighting primitive people with nothing to


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Friend or Foe? Suicide Bombers IED- Improvised

Explosive Devices Taliban Aid from Iran Taliban Aid from Russia Drug Trade Flourishes

(92% of World’s Heroin) Famine Never known democracy Extreme Islamic Groups

Mountains and Terrain

Border crossing Inadequate

amount of US troops

Untrained Afghani Troops

Legitimate Government?

Civilian Casualties+3,000 Deaths

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New Government in Afghanistan• Unstable however

Taliban no longer in control• Yet have re-emerged

(quadrupled in size) in SE Afghanistan & now parts of Pakistan

• NATO losing control in region Osama bin Laden Sanctuary in Pakistan? Osama

Bin Laden Killed May 1st 2011…By U.S. special forces

Declared a Failed State by U.N.Film Clip

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