The Inner Revolution

Q: How can we bring about the Inner Revolution? A: In fact it is very simple! But we can not understand the simplest thing because of our over grown complex mind! We have to begin from the beginning, from the point where we are right now. So first thing is to understand our present situation, our present state of mind. So let us look into this thought factory called mind. There are thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Is there any gap between the thoughts from where we can enter in, to understand, that, which is beyond the thought-mind? Is our body-mind structure sensitive enough to be ready to start this journey? If not, we need to sensitize our senses, our instruments. There are various ways to do so, which we shall see during our practical sessions. We also need to slow down a bit from our present levels of hyper activity of thought mind. This is not just for high flying busy executives, even housewives and retired people are also hyper active as far as mental activity is concern. Please observe your breathing. Is it rhythmic or chaotic? Is it very fast and shallow or slow and deep? Becoming aware of our breath is the first step. This is the simplest secret to remain in the present. Because you can’t breathe – in the past or in the future – at this moment, you have to be here to observe your breath right now! We need to practice this for some time, before we can go ahead further. The next step is to understand this mind, which is nothing but the bundle of thoughts & emotions, fears & phobia, greed & lust, hurt & humiliations. To understand it we will have to observe it properly, aloofly. Right now we are so much caught up into it that aloof observation may not be possible, as the flow of thoughts carries us away. If you enter into the river, it’s easier to get carried away. If you want to observe the running waters, you will have to jump out of the river and sit on the bank. Similarly, if you want to observe this river of thoughts you will have to jump out of it! Become alert and aware. Remain aloof and be vigilant. If you contemplate on what is been said here and practice it sincerely, you will understand the knack of aloof observation of the thought mind. This is the first milestone on the journey. Once you get the grip of it, you need to put lot of intensity into it. A lukewarm approach won’t do! As you put more & more intense efforts by giving more time & channeling your energy to this process of aloof observation, the thought mind starts slowing down. Now you may see some gap between two thoughts. If you watch intensely the entire trajectory of the thought, its beginning, the middle and the end, you will see the gap at the end of it, just before the next thought starts.



Transcript of The Inner Revolution

Page 1: The Inner Revolution

Q: How can we bring about the Inner Revolution?

A: In fact it is very simple! But we can not understand the simplest thing because of our over grown complex mind!

We have to begin from the beginning, from the point where we are right now. So first thing is to understand our

present situation, our present state of mind. So let us look into this thought factory called mind. There are thoughts

and thoughts and thoughts. Is there any gap between the thoughts from where we can enter in, to understand, that,

which is beyond the thought-mind?

Is our body-mind structure sensitive enough to be ready to start this journey? If not, we need to sensitize our senses,

our instruments. There are various ways to do so, which we shall see during our practical sessions. We also need to

slow down a bit from our present levels of hyper activity of thought mind. This is not just for high flying busy

executives, even housewives and retired people are also hyper active as far as mental activity is concern.

Please observe your breathing. Is it rhythmic or chaotic? Is it very fast and shallow or slow and deep? Becoming

aware of our breath is the first step. This is the simplest secret to remain in the present. Because you can’t breathe –

in the past or in the future – at this moment, you have to be here to observe your breath right now!

We need to practice this for some time, before we can go ahead further.

The next step is to understand this mind, which is nothing but the bundle of thoughts & emotions, fears & phobia,

greed & lust, hurt & humiliations. To understand it we will have to observe it properly, aloofly. Right now we are so

much caught up into it that aloof observation may not be possible, as the flow of thoughts carries us away.

If you enter into the river, it’s easier to get carried away. If you want to observe the running waters, you will have to

jump out of the river and sit on the bank. Similarly, if you want to observe this river of thoughts you will have to jump

out of it! Become alert and aware. Remain aloof and be vigilant. If you contemplate on what is been said here and

practice it sincerely, you will understand the knack of aloof observation of the thought mind. This is the first milestone

on the journey.

Once you get the grip of it, you need to put lot of intensity into it. A lukewarm approach won’t do! As you put more &

more intense efforts by giving more time & channeling your energy to this process of aloof observation, the thought

mind starts slowing down. Now you may see some gap between two thoughts. If you watch intensely the entire

trajectory of the thought, its beginning, the middle and the end, you will see the gap at the end of it, just before the

next thought starts.

You need to become sharper and faster to capture the thought, before it captures you! Higher the intensity of your

vigilance, more the gap between two thoughts.

Now the change of gestalt can be advantageous. Instead of focusing on the thought, focus on the gap. If you give

more attention to the gap, it grows!

Page 2: The Inner Revolution

To stay in this thoughtless gap you really need very high degree of alertness that comes with intense aloof


With more & more practice, you get the knack of retrieving the energy that was earlier trapped in thoughts. This adds

to the reservoir of your energy. As you remain more alert & vigilant, this reservoir of energy grows. This added energy

in turn helps you to intensify the vigilance. Now the awareness can become broader, deeper and sharper too! With

this new sensitive vehicle of multi dimensional awareness now available to you, your attention can encompass body

awareness, breathing, thought-emotional activity, ideation etc., all at a time. This is the second milestone on the


To stay in this state of multi dimensional awareness and wait, without any expectation of any kind, is the Sadhana. If

one continues to stay in this state, suddenly, in the mysterious manner, the awareness falls back upon itself. This is

the quantum jump beyond the words. This mysterious process engulfs the ego completely and the new birth

happens! The health is experienced as never before. We usually know sickness and the absence of sickness. The

real health is totally different than this absence of sickness. It’s dimensionally different. This is the process that

rejuvenates each and every cell of the body. It also rejuvenates the neurons of the brain that can be felt inwardly.

This process adds to the sensitivity to a great extant.

In Hindi, we have two different words for ‘Experience’. One is Anubhava and the second is Anubhuti. Normal

experience when the fictitious identification that is very much there is called Anubhava, but what will you say to that

experience when the experiencer is not there? That is Anubhuti. We do not have a parallel word in English, at least I

do not know. The modern science ‘Noetics’ which is the ‘study of Consciousness’, uses the phrase ‘Self referral

consciousness’ for this state. You may also call it as Amrutanu-bhava or Atmanubhava. The one who drinks this

nectar of life from the very source of it becomes Amara, the deathless, eternal one. This is the third major milestone

on the journey.

With this Anubhuti, comes the simple understanding of life. The struggle with the thought-mind stops. Meditation is

more spontaneous. It is like carrying a torch in your hand! You can put it on whenever you like it to dispel the

darkness of confusion of thought mind. This kind of inner revolution brings about the total transformation at the very

core level. You may call it enlightenment or self-realization or no-self realization (as that usual self is not there!) or

whatever you like! The chattering mind with its words has no role to play in this arena.

The new kind of qualitative change reflects onto the outer as well! There are many qualities, which come to fore fronts

as the natural by-product of this happening.

This is the beginning of new life, which is eternal. The journey continues.