The Incredible Hoax (How Monetary System Causes World Catastrophes) (2003)

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Transcript of The Incredible Hoax (How Monetary System Causes World Catastrophes) (2003)



By FRED KIRKMAN A Fascinating Alternate Look at History

CREATIVE FRAUD I Crown or Credit? CREATIVE FRAUD I is written as revisionist history of monetary economics. It destroys many myths and sacred cows, and it reveals the missing dimensions that should be known about the anti-Constitutional and unconstitutional nature of contemporary practices including the deliberate causing of debt, inflation and taxes. It lets you discover the secret connections and manipulations by governments and banks, which, if you tried to get away with, would land you in jail for CONSPIRACY, USURY, COUNTERFEITING AND FRAUD. CREATIVE FRAUD reveals what Congressmen in the U.S.A. and Members of Parliament in Canada will not nor dare tell about the incredible hoax they indulge that steals us blind. CREATIVE FRAUD is the history of money that is not taught in schools or university. It deals with the destabilization of world affairs from the "llluminati" of yore to the 'Corporate world federalists' of today. The banking system is legalized crime. It encompasses the creation of money out of thin air and the abuse of credit by the private Federal Reserve Corporation Banks; THE 'EURO' AND VARIOUS NATIONAL OR CHARTERED BANKS. The fractional reserve system is the art or faculty of Creative Fraud.

CREATIVE FRAUD II"THE INCREDIBLE HOAX' CREATIVE FRAUD II is a lighthearted, lucid, cynical and sardonic evaluation of our monetary system, economic order and civilization in relation to the nature of man. It is written, with tongue in cheek, and presented in conversational, first-person prose, by me, Horus, the Master Conniver of the private ownership system of political monetary economics. CREATIVE FRAUD II drives home the lesson that the public is exploited, manipulated, and controlled for and by a handful of people, who have assumed command and put in place regulatory structures that are designed to perpetuate serfdom and poverty as suppressive measures.


Contents of Creative Fraud I Crown or Credit



2. THE USURPED, CORPORATE CROWN OF "LAW," and "CREDIT AND DEBT" MONETARY ECONOMICS Also, there is a chasm and schism between Constitutional Sovereign Monetary Economics and Statutory Political Monetary Economics. "Nationalomics" and "Prospemomics" versus "Bankonomics" and "Debtonomics"

The MONARCHIAL CROWN is the symbol of Common Law, Constitutional, Peoples' democratic power, Guarantee of freedom, liberty and "Justice before the Law:" Control over monetary economics assuring debt-free sufficiency, fair trade, fair value and sovereign integrity. The CORPORATE CROWN is the usurped badge of purloined authority by private, corporate domination, purporting to represent control by government substituting for, and setting aside but not displacing, the Constitutional supremacy of the Monarchial Crown. The Corporate Crown is used to impose "legalized," ultra-licitum debt, fraud and hoax; admit foreign, private, corporate commercial "Law," to take precedence and profits, over Common Law and "Justice;" and by-pass sovereign integrity in matters of political monetary economics and trade.

The Corporate Crown prevails, but only the Monarchial Crown (The People) preserves Canada from conquest and sell-out. The Pretender Corporate Crown cannot prevail at law against the Constitutional Monarchial Crown. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN


ANNOUNCEMENTBecause the few other writers who had approached the same subject matter of this book had done so on an intellectual basis, without impact upon the general public, or had zeroed in on specific topics in the form of subjective magazine and newspaper articles, the author of Creative Fraud (1978) made no excuse or apology for the "soap box" style and the tenor of presentation. The purpose of this publication is to drive home, to all levels of people, the fact that events simply do not happen by chance. They are the product of planning by a small group of elite and apathy on the part of the masses who are entrapped. The intensity, with which the subject is presented, is a rare example of the findings and conclusions reached as the result of investigative reporting. If the research materials were to be put forward in support of each statement and conclusion as they appear, this volume would be twenty-times greater and be top-heavy with stodgy references, quotations, extracts, names, dates and documentation. As it is, the essence is given in digest form allowing the reader to get the feeling and excitement of the race without the tedium, training and stable work that precedes and supports horse and jockey. CREATIVE FRAUD is the most dramatic "How To" book ever issued because it exposes the formula and mechanics of the greatest 'legalized' con game in the world - how a handful of private financiers and bankers, for their own gain, defraud the peoples of the world - and get away with it. The alternate title "Crown or Credit?" is just as significant, though less sensational, as the struggle is between the supremacy of constitutional, national real worth versus private, corporate counterfeit currency and fictitious credit as the basis for money, political economics and international trade. Represented as "Crown or Credit" respectively.

When written (1978) CREATIVE FRAUD was declined for mainstream publication on the explanation, it was not 'politically correct.' In addition, publishing houses feared for their operating line of credit from their bank. It was self-printed. Almost 10,000 have been circulated. Political 'thinking' has been stimulated. It has become a model for subsequent authors to follow: Yet, it continues to suffer the "silent treatment" at the hands of the Establishment press, media and political puppets.


FOREWORD (1978)Contemporary political monetary economics and corporate concomitance are an incestuous, cocopulating Establishment. The motives of persons in sensitive positions and high places are apostate in dutiful subservience to the Corporate Baron(s) of Wall Street. Every deliberation, every action, every technique in use is one of sell-out, submission or compliance to the desires and dictates of the cabal that is the Stock Market, the I.M.M., the I.M.F. and the World Bank. Destabilizing Energy, Fuel, Transportation, Livestock, Produce and Commodity pricing policies, Bank interest rates, Industrial and Commercial practices, Labor agitation, Unemployment, Economic performance and Cultural confrontations are all subtly implanted as the objects of purchased, manipulated statecraft. Malignancy is in the very core of leadership and spreads perdition outward to the edges of society. Priorities are inverted, Integrity is perverted and beneficence towards the people is discounted upon the altar of Corporate Command and profits. Each consideration is based upon the improper precept of Canada last, the U.S.A. first, with the I.M.F. above all as the dogma and Deity. An ignominious course prescribed by the Trilateral Commission (more latterly the W.T.O. operated via the Federal Reserve) predestined to set up Canada into material bankruptcy via debauchery of currency and demoralization. Turpitude in national political monetary economic husbandry is the doctrine to which National Management is indentured, fully realizing that the lessons of history are being ignored and the provisions and safeguards in the constitution set aside and trashed. The future of Canada should be up to Canadians ... Not dictated by envious outsiders. The decision must be made to restore constitutional integrity, because the choices are:Democratic Sovereignty Or Corporate Enthronement? National Currency OrCorporate Counterfeit? Prosperous Solvency Or Perpetual Debt? Free Trade Or Mega monopolies? Stability Or Inflation? Crown Or Credit

"There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the basis of society than debauch the currency" John Maynard Keynes. While written from the point of view of a Canadian, this book is cogent to any national...


INTRODUCTION "CROWN OR CREDIT?"MONEY is man-created. Initially, it was a tangible means whereby to unitize the value of labor when barter in goods was the basis of economics and trade. With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, it covered both labor and goods as a convenient means of recording exchange because goods were too big, too heavy and static to haul to market. It was not intended to be a commodity in itself- nor should it be! As money is not a commodity; nor should it be contrived to be made so, profit should not be made from money nor should it be interloped as a private, corporate commodity of debt. The services of those who expend their labor attending the recording of money have to be equated but gain made over and above that service value is amoral and morally improper. The use of private, corporate money as a commodity is the prime improper action that starts the cycle and generates the impetus of debt, devaluation, inflation and taxes. The cost of gains made from the using of private, corporate counterfeit money as a commodity, plus the higher the rate of devaluation and inflation because of debt and taxes, additionally depletes the residual amount of money in circulation, which then has to be made up either by extra labor or the creation of the paper or ciphers that conjure as counterfeit currency but which, in fact, have no value behind them to make them of worth. The sectors of man responsible for such offensive conditions include private financier money creators, Corporate Bankers and all who thrive off them. These parasites are solely liable for the poor conditions of world trade, the imbalance of world exchange rates, their usurious money system and the interest rates they contrive and yoke upon the countries that submit to their system. They manipulate one sector against another, deprive people so that many subscribe to the wealth of a few; and use their counterfeit as a commodity to commit creative fraud. The "corporate" profit system is promoted as opposed to the "society" cooperative system: The monolithic system as opposed to the principles of parliamentary democracy. A typical political ploy, using corporate money as a commodity, is to imply that a devalued, inflated national currency, exchanged at a low rate, makes goods cheaper and more available to the wealthier buyer country, thus helping the producer country export more goods and keep people employed. This way, they induce puppet politicians and others under them, to think employment is more important than the value of currency. But it is a false, mischievous dichotomy. All gains and profits derived go to the corporate financier! The proper way to have both a strong currency and high employment is to increase productivity to keep costs and prices low, which, in turn, increases domestic consumption, export sales and employment. The benefits are high employment, high exports, abundant home supply and a stable, high value, strong currency. Advantages that come with the retention, creation and distribution of constitutional, national money supply. FUNDAMENTLY, land is there, energy is there and man's labor is there. None of these things has to be made. All exist as cost-free natural assets. Like the Richter scale, which records the impact level of earthquakes, each 1% added to the cost of money compounds adversely to devastate the value of currency, the balance of exchange or trade and destabilization of the economy. Private, corporate counterfeit currency yields gain and profit for the creator, from the application of Interest Rates charged for borrowing, when needed to meet debt obligations, and/or when paid as a premium to acquire funds for capital purposes. Private, corporate money is never available unless paid for plus interest and/or a discount. Another meaning of - "User Pay.!" National currency carries no such charges or costs! Prosperity comes from the application of labor to natural elements and resources that are fundamentally available. The value of labor or design put into machines produced to process and adapts these fundamentals, has to be equated as part of the cost process. On the premise that man is not providing his labor for nothing, but on a fair barter basis, with a little over to compensate for 'effort' as well as labor, profit becomes a moral consideration. 9

Profit finds its own natural level sector-to-sector, service-to-service. If the profit demanded by one is out of equation with others, it causes imbalance, discontent and disruption. Immoral and improper gains weighted onto to this balance, or imbalance, by parasites, accelerates and escalates defrauding of the system to the gain of the parasites. On national currency, it is correctable: On private, corporate currency, it is compounded double jeopardy- not correctable. EXPOSURE OF THE EXISTING PARASITICAL, PRIVATE CORPORATE COUNTERFEIT SYSTEM AND THE AVAILABLE, IMMEDIATE, SIMPLE REMEDIES THAT CAN BE ADOPTED TO CORRECT THE SITUATION AND RESTORE NATIONAL CURRENCY IS THE OBJECT AND SUBJECT OF THIS PUBLICATION.


DEFINITIONSThere are two classes of currency. HARD CURRENCY and SOFT CURRENCY: HARD CURRENCY is durable, backed by precious metals such as gold, silver or even platinum. It 'promises to pay' par value, in metal, based upon a fixed standard of weights and measures: It is supposedly stable and cannot be devalued, inflated nor can it be undermined by attack from external influence. Hoax occurs when it supposedly has backing behind it to sustain its quality but the backing is 'short' or pretense. SOFT CURRENCY is not durable. It is based upon paper or some other non-tangible standard. It is a means only of providing 'legal tender' for recording transactions of credit, exchange and trade. It varies in value with change of economic conditions such as when resources and stability are manipulated, borrowed, or purchased from a Hard Currency source. It can be devalued, inflated, revalued or undermined by attack from external influence. Hoax is infinite. There are two kinds of money - BACKED MONEY and COUNTERFEIT MONEY: BACKED MONEY is Constitutional, Crown, Debt-free, hard currency, national coin of full worth calculated against Gross National Assets on the Balance Sheet of the country. COUNTERFEIT MONEY is private and/or corporate-created, credit-based, debt-created paper or cipher, not of parallel worth calculated against Gross National Assets on the Balance Sheet. Any resemblance between constitutional and counterfeit money should not be inferred! There are four classes of political identification pertaining to money: 1. Constitutional, Crown, colonial, democratic, free enterprise sovereign integrity 2. Unconstitutional, Corporate, Private Capitalism, control and profit orientation 3. State Capitalism, control, socialism, public service 4. State Ownership, Communism. State omnipotence and public servitude. These four function tacitly as follows: 1. Despotism. Nepotism. Ancestral descent. Patronage. Marriage 2. Nepotism. Apostasy. Indenture. Acquired wealth. Supplicance. Marriage 3. Election. Public performance. Adherence. Indenture. Patronage 4. Appointment. Survival as the art of endurance against competition in 3 Related Banking systems by general classification: 1. Constitutional. National. Royal Household 2. Private, Corporate. Merchant. Commodity. Exchange. Factor and Trade. 3. Chartered operating Crown-granted licenses to be agents and trustees. 4. Membership. Credit Union. Savings & Loan. Building Society 5. Broker. Mortgage. Finance. Factor. Leverage. Intermediate covenant 6. Money lender. Pawn broker. Thriving on default and tort. Bankers in Class 1 operate on the premise of backed, debt-free money. Bankers in all other Classes operate on whatever currency, dogma or system is convenient just so long as they can turn a profit or annex assets through default- foreclosure They care nothing for national integrity.



The "llluminati" was a Central-Europe secret society of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, that reached its zenith in 1776 and it's Waterloo in 1785: although its presence has been felt ever since. It was initially Semitic in origin and membership as an association of independently wealthy merchants and moneychangers. It was conceived in competition to Freemasonry as a counter-group to the growing wealth, independence and influence of Western Europe as evidenced in the burgeoning Empires of the times. Under these pressures, the society changed its image and broadened its horizons to admit as many as could be induced to join: Noticeably their confreres in the Armenian area on the other side of the Black Sea. Certain modifications were made to accommodate outsiders, but effective control never passed out of the hands of the few families that steered and manipulated it. In later years, the "llluminati" took on a quasi-Christian image due to the presence of the Armenian influence and, from 1625 to 1750, great effort was made to try and penetrate into (then later take over) Freemasonry, the Courts of the day and national governments by way of ingratiation, dual membership or indenture via money-lending; but it was watched with suspicion. Out of the amalgam, grew the "Whig" or Liberal faction in opposition to the Tories of Western Monarchy and Colonization, but their ascendancy did not really come about until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The "llluminati" reached a point of notorious prominence in 1776 when it was used to promote the bizarre doctrines and money creation-control concepts of its then ruling executive ambitious young men Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt: Meyer Amschel Rothschild, a Financier and influential money-changer: Rabbi Mordecai, the son of an almost equally powerful family of moneylenders: Johann von Goethe (Faust), a German philosopher, and his contemporary friend Johann von Schiller, both of whom were prevailed upon by the others to create credence for their doctrines by way of a mantle of social ideals and provide an aura of respectability. Weishaupt, Rothschild and Mordercai used the Society to further their teachings of debt-money creation, supply and circulation as first evidenced in the Bank of England Charter, 1694, touted by them as the solution which would solve world trade and money problems by uniting them under a single system of administration and regulated exchange. But, this doctrine was presaged by the fact that such controls would be in the hands of private individuals who would charge a levy for such service. They so enraged the Roman Catholic Church that the Bavarian Government was compelled to enforce dissolution in 1785. However, such dissolution did not come before the Order had implanted its ideas, fertilized the seed and recruited puppets in Austria, Hungary, Italy, France, Germany, England and the American Colonies. The seeds grew to become the "Reserve" type western, corporate money system, Bank of England, 1694; Federal Reserve, 1913: IMF/World Bank, 1965; W.T.O. and Euro of present times, 2002. The "llluminati" concept of 1776 envisaged the potential of secret world government by Private Interests in perpetuity via descendants, through the control of National Treasuries using, if possible, subsidiary chartered or corporate banks, operating through a central administration by a select committee of executive control and management. In other words, 13

The "Corporate" principle applied to world markets and world exchange by a small, close-knit, profit-taking group of Private Families Such an organization would have a core of "owners" as the 'voting' shareholders, with any other members admitted being profit-participating but "non-voting" shareholders. In this way, the dominant Private Executive Committee would always be at the command of the voting shareholders who would be guaranteed nepotistic succession. Thus was built-in the ability to hand-pick Directors and Officers, establish Indentures, dictate policies and any conditions that would be applied, as well as keep command of the money supply: Thereby inducing countries to subscribe their national wealth and output but which would course into the coffers of the Private and corporate banks and the Private persons behind them. The consequence being, of course, that the Indentures or Bonds taken in exchange for money-supply, debt-created paper or credit, could then be used as a cudgel to keep the country and insubordinates in line through the threats of money supply constriction, bankruptcy, foreclosure or other sanctions if they rebelled against the system, having been drawn or forced into debt. "LET US ISSUE AND CONTROL THE MONEY OF A NATION AND WE CARE NOT WHO MAKES THE LAWS." The "llluminati" 1776 "LET US CONTRIVE WARS, IN THE NAME OF PEACE, AND WE CAN ENSLAVE THE WORLD THROUGH THEIR FINANCING AND THE CREATION OF CREDIT" The "llluminati" 1778 "LET US ADMINISTER AND REGULATE THE TRADE AND EXCHANGE OF THE WORLD THROUGH A CENTRAL SYSTEM AND WE WILL ESTABLISH A SELF-REGULATING AUTHORITY." The "llluminati" 1778 "LET US ESTABLISH BANKS IN ALL NATIONS SIMILAR TO THE CHARTER OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND, IN WHATEVER FORM SATISFIES THE GULLIBILITY OF THE PEOPLE, AND WE WILL COME TO OWN THE WORLD ARISING OUT OF ITS OWN DEFAULT IN BANKRUPTCY." The "llluminati" 1780


Chapter 2HOLES IN THE SYSTEM ARE ESCAPE HATCHES Gaps in the "llluminati" system are: (a) Unexpected national bankruptcies, such as those not engineered by the system to break a particular country, so that its economy can be taken over on the pretext of default, or obliged to face the alternate of even deeper debt through enforced refinancing, and (b)The breakaway of a nation as a deliberate act of escape back to independence. Action that is used as pretext for a war in attempt to re-enslave it; or regard it as the "one that got away." The stature and market place strength of the dissenting nation, by way of economic necessity, to the well-being of the llluminati's other holdings being the deciding factor. The pattern of entrapment to control a nation is infiltration, patronage, pillage, debauchery, encumber with debt, foreclosure and annexation. A formula that has been used with devastating effect against nations, industries, businesses and citizens, at their respective levels, by the Private banking system, time upon time. Political monetary economic policies are infiltrated and implanted by political leaders, using the money of the bankers who demand repayment by way of subservience and practices that enable them to perpetrate creative fraud for profit.

"All the perplexities, confusion, distress, strife, economic depressions, instabilities, inflation and devaluation experiences of the world arise, not from defects in Constitutions; not from want of honor or virtue in the common people; not from a desire to be selfish or see others suffer, but from downright ignorance of the nature of money, the nature of credit, and the nature of the Private Interests who control and manipulate them." "Until the privileges and powers of Private Bankers are taken (back) from them, and nations and their people recover that which has been (mis)appropriated by them, great fortunes, indentured servants, exalted elite, demagogues and autocrats in government will remain." Extract from a speech given at University of Texas, 1920, by Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England. Reform, not revolution, must take us away from Private Mega-monopoly, Corporate Republicanism and Corporate Enthronement to permit return to Constitutional Free Enterprise in Solvent Sovereignty and a debt-free economy.



The operations of the I.M.F., International Monetary Fund, and the internal banking systems of countries, which are members of the I.M.F., have, as their precept, the doctrine of the. "Illuminati." They are fronted and operated by private interests and corporate entities, controlled by the elite family owners who are direct descendents of the original "Illuminati" and their recruited elite - inheritance, nepotism, marriage, indenture a go-go The I.M.F. is close-held and controlled by the five major nations: The United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Japan - the only "voting" countries. All other countries are non-effectives, yet entrapped because they are in debt, beholden or indentured to the system one way or another, having surrendered their sovereign resources -in exchange for hologram "promises, promises" of paternal protection. On the face of it, is it not strange that the five nations in control were, up to one year before the formation of the I.M.F., in 1946, at war with each other, financed simultaneously by the same owners of the Illuminati system? Another war fought in the name of "Peace" racking up debt to buy war materials from their corporate manufacturers? The five voting nations are dominated by the United States. Each has its banking system operating on the 'reserve' system. Each banking system is operated by private enterprise, as private businesses, with the controlling portion of votes in those private corporations in the possession of the controlling, elite private families via a maze of corporate and "In Trust" holdings fronted by nominees. All other nation members of the I.M.F. are non-voting participants but, as in the major nations, their money systems are operated and controlled by special interests in the same fashion. These private interests are awarded Charters to be Fiduciary Agents in the country through political manipulation subversively usurping constitutional money supply over to private, counterfeit money supply as legal tender, National Banks or the Central Banks are inverted to become "advised" by the privateers, instead of Central Banks directing the usurper how to behave. Ultra-licitum and ultra-vires collusions set in place conditions whereby the Central Bank is directed by a Committee, drawn from the Boards of Directors of the private Chartered Banks thus placing Private Financiers in control of National Banks and Treasury, bypassing and totally trashing the intent and safeguard provisions in The Constitution. The Executive Committee of the I.M.F. -The Gnomes of Zurich - is drawn from the Central Banks of each voting country under scrutiny by The Trilateral Commission. The majority vote in the hands of the U.S.A. and U.K. as the controllers of the gold standard and sterling bloc respectively. They are inter-related through a network of associate or subsidiary affiliations, Branch or Agent Banks in each other's country, and via the stock exchanges that ring the world in all time zones. An interwoven cabal more vulnerable than it likes to think it is!


Chapter 4THE DIE IS CAST (Written 1978) Prior to 1628, the history of money is such that countries and principalities were financed by the Ruler, be it a large kingdom or a small tribe. Revenues were raised by levy or taxation on the production or accumulations of the people within the command of the Ruler and used to support the upkeep of the jurisdiction, the needs of the people to whatever level kept them in line, and to sustain the Ruler in whatever manner he wished to enjoy. Within these territories, traders and merchants flourished and prospered independently, some amassing great wealth as the result of their enterprise and cunning and who increased their wealth by lending money to others, frequently including the Ruler. Down the ages, some of these merchants, Lombards and families of great wealth have ventured not only to lend their money but also to influence and manipulate policies and politics to betterserve their personal preferences and objectives. A few of these merchants can link back to ancient Biblical times having their roots in antiquity, and can trace back through the scourging of the Temple, Exodus, the Babylonian Empire and the Tribe of Ephraim. It is this connection, which appears to recycle its doctrines from time to time but with subtle changes, that is so apropos of current times and the admonition of the Bible, if it is to be believed, as either an historic record or tome on human nature. As time went by, and as nations and states warred against each other and wars were costly, the victorious nation plundered the vanquished people to try to recover their expenses but, as always, this is negative logic. In increasing their territory, they also increased the cost of services and control measures as the inevitable corollary. All this time, the merchants grew wealthier and stronger as it was they who financed or manufactured and supplied - (usually to both sides at the same time) - the artifacts of war and peace and money when the Ruler needed some to create or sustain an economic or social standard Eventually the point was reached in England, as the most powerful country in the world at the time in the mid seventeenth century; when a small group of supremely wealthy and powerful merchants in Europe were fairly well able to call the shots and arrange things their own way. This they did by bribe and patronization; or impress, because they held it as debt over the individual they wished to subjugate. In this way, they built up indentured servants who would do their bidding constantly under the threats of coercion or impoverishment. The history of England reflects this only too clearly. Down the middle ages Europe, but England in particular, has become impoverished and in debt to the merchants. Yet there were still some wealthy enclaves of debt-free monarchy just as there were countries of power constitutionally intact but in debt. The merchants engineered many of the wars so they could finance them and prosper from them. In this way, they siphoned off what monies there were in national treasuries and put the country under obligation to them, a method that has been used, and continues to be used, even to this day, with catastrophic effects. In or about 1628, a certain handful of powerful merchants of London, Germany and Bavaria consorted together and devised a plan to take over economic control of the Treasury of England. They hoped to do it in about ten years but it eventually took a little longer. They planned to control all banking and money supply in the country and its empire, to become theirs by direct consent or default They set their minds and their indentured underlings to usurping control of parliament from the King and from the people to become a private function at their direction. As a side benefit, they would administer and manipulate the National Treasury. Lamentably, they succeeded. It took sixty years, but they did it. Out of


their plan was later contrived the concept of "secret world government" about a hundred years later, operated with vitriolic affect. To accomplish their objective, the merchants had to impoverish the Common Law Constitution of England and confuse the people, so that when they made their move to become savior and deliverer from the mess they had created, they would be welcomed with open arms, on their own terms. The only way this could be achieved was to instigate a series of wars, including civil war, which they would be called upon to finance. This would get the country into so much debt to them that repayment would be impossible and they would then call their own terms when the country failed to pay them in default. That precept and concept has since been used in the past three centuries with repeated and salutary success on each occasion. Such nations as Germany, France, Italy, the United States of America, Japan and numerous smaller nations have all, with calamitous result, fallen victim to the conspiracies, deceptions, infiltrations and wars that have been yoked upon them. Canada is the next designated victim because the merchants covet the unfolding potential of the country, its wealth of energy, minerals, natural resources and water. Perhaps the most significant factor, and one of surprise and concern, is that these merchantfinanciers, now called International Bankers via their corporate dominance and stock market manipulations, have been allowed, unchallenged, to become almost enthroned in Canada. Or is it that the representatives of the people have been "reached," induced or indentured so that they fear to do anything other than prepare the way, or defend the status quo for their paymaster, and go along with the sedition that occurs? Greasing palms is a well-proven method of business and statecraft. It is interesting to note the timing and pronouncements issued by the Bankers and stock market via their press releases. Always shortly before they want something, or are about to shaft it to the country or the people, they issue statements that are both negative and positive approaches to the same subject. This causes confusion, obfuscation or a deceptive impression is created. They like, of course, to create the image that the Banks' and I.M.F. is one of benign friendliness and philanthropy. The tenor is always, "Come in, come in the water's fine, our terms for a loan are easy and comfortable." It has been successful and worked wonders for years with the borrower, as a citizen or as a nation, being most unsuspecting that the Banker and stock market manipulators can adjust and control events. At their whim and discretion, they can let the borrower off the hook; keep him on a treadmill of debt or box him into default and bankruptcy as may suit their avarice. The only certainties are that "The Bank is not a buddy!" In addition, the banks love "cutting off at the pass" to force foreclosure. The new or future revised role of the merchant-financiers is affectively no different. Subtle changes here and there; up-dated and more sophisticated techniques to hide behind; a fresh exterior under new incarnations "Trilateral" "World Federalism" or "New World Order", but no deviation from the preset object of world ownership, through world government via world materialistic direction, domination and control.


Chapter 5THE TRIAL BALLOON How it was worked in England. 1629 - Charles I began personal rule. This provided merchants with excuse and opportunity to cry foul against the royal prerogative constitution of parliament; consort and devise a plan to infiltrate, influence, bribe and patronize those members of the ruling class and court as could be "had" or bought. This started and proved the practice of wining, dining and subsidizing the ambitious or vain, yet it was relatively easy because the merchants were dealing with direct debtors, or impoverished nobles who had let their family fortunes fall into decline. 1630 - The plan takes shape, and toll, starting always at the House of Lords, coursing down family connections via the aristocracy, squires, gentry and Commons representatives. 1649 - Charles I executed. A long-drawn-out intrigue and triumph for the merchants. The country became a "Protectorate" under puppet Oliver Cromwell, who was an easy mark for the merchants and their sympathizers. During the period 1630 - 1649, a series of wars were fostered by the merchants, financed by them -usually both sides at the same time - leading to the establishment of what would later become "National Debt." in 1694. 1631 - France and Sweden - v - Germany 1639 - Bishops' War in Scotland 1640 - Second Bishops' War. Long Parliament begins. Abolition of Royal prerogatives. 1641 - Catholics inflamed using malicious agitation. Massacre blind-sided Protestants. 1642 - Charles I attempts to arrest the "Five Members" - Pym, Hampden, Holies, Strode and Hesilridge - all of whom are renegades having been found out as having indentured themselves to the merchants. 1642 - Outbreak of Civil War in England. 1643 - France - v - Spain (England involved on the side) 1648 - Second Civil War. New model army financed by merchants. Defeat of Royalists and Scots. Parliament re-fashioned. First emergence of "Whig politicians. 1649 - England governed as a "Protectorate Commonwealth" under the direction of merchants and an "appointed" House of Commons. Charles I executed. 1651 - Cromwell victory absolute. Charles II invades from Scotland to try to recapture England for elected, semi-democratic rule but failed: Flees to France. 1652 - England - v - Holland. A war fostered by merchants. Lasts two years. Basically, an attempt to impoverish the Dutch, but it did not. 19

1653 - Cromwell made Lord Protector. Dissolves Rump Parliament. Becomes more involved with merchants as money needed to administer affairs of state because Monarchy Money and connections no longer available. 1655 - Major-Generals appointed to supervise "Districts" in England. Required to report on economic status of their command to Cromwell and to a Committee of Merchants. Cromwell dissolves Parliament; turns to merchants for more money. Operates as a dictator but is directed from behind and accountable to merchants. 1656 - England - v - Spain. Merchant mischief! 1657 - Cromwell covets Crown but backs off on orders from merchants. 1658 - Oliver Cromwell dies. Richard Cromwell named as new Protector. People of England start to query things and suspect methods and motives of merchants. 1659 - Richard Cromwell resigns. Charles II called upon to return and restore Monarchial Rule. 1660 - Restoration of Monarchy. Charles II appalled at mount of debt raised by Cromwell. 1661 - Bodies of Cromwell, Ireton and Bradshaw exhumed and hung in chains as examples. Whig faction infuriated and expose their relationship with merchants. Charles II offers all the opportunity to repudiate merchants and atone. Merchants threaten mayhem. Eventual Royalist persecution of non-conformists. 1664 - England - v - Holland again. Deliberate merchant mischief purely for profits. 1666 - England - v - France. War declared by France, instigated by merchants who, by now, had Louis XIV in their palm having commenced their take-over intrigues in France. 1667 - Princess Mary of England marries William of Orange. Merchant mischief having been reconciled. Charles II hoped to get Dutch Alliance to sweep merchant debt out of England but failed. William in no mood to pay merchants anything! 1678 - Habeas Corpus Act passed. Shaftsbury and Whigs bring pressures to bear on Charles II concerning mounting debt and persecution. 1681 - Charles II begins rule with Parliament in attempt to speed up processes: Takes executive action to deal with debt. Superb effort but not enough. William Penn given the grant of land now known as Pennsylvania to accommodate migrants. 1683 - Rye House Plot by merchants to topple Charles II. Merchants escape personally but representatives suffer. 1685 - Death of Charles II. Succession of James II. James succumbs to merchants. 1688 - William of Orange lands in England. James II abdicates and flees to France. 1689 - William and Mary proclaimed King and Queen of England as joint crown. Bill of Rights passed. 20

1690 - Company of Merchants fear repudiation. Petition for all monies due to them. England cannot pay cash and refuses to give up Empire holdings. William urges repudiation. Merchants and Whigs start campaign that there should not be two apparent banking and money systems. This causes confusion, furor and excuse for merchants to try for their objective of a bank and national debt due to them. Public very alarmed, agitated and bewildered, fearsome of bank and money collapse and beguiled into suspecting a "foreign king" as the alternate to distrusting their own countrymen. The ruse worked. It provided merchants and Whigs the opportunity to prevail in debate and put over the reasoning that the easiest way is to give the merchants their bank, and record in it the amount of debt due to them so it can be paid off over a period, in the future, instead of heavy taxation now! This was plausible and just what the merchants wanted. But it was not what the King wanted as he could see past the present and into the future it would create. Nevertheless, the gullibility of the people gave in to what could have become another civil uprising. 1691 - The plan for the merchants' bank


Chapter 6THE CUNNING PLAN FOR THE MERCHANT'S BANK Whig politicians, instructed by the llluminati and merchants, submitted the following proposal to Parliament, 1691. 1. That the names of those who loaned money to the governments of the past seventy years shall remain secret. (To this day, these names are still an official secret but it is common belief that one was from the House of Rothschild, one from the house of Mordecai, one from the Weishaupt family and the names of Montague plus a few other "Lords" are thought to be involved.) 2. That the Charter members of the Bank, which shall be called THE BANK OF ENGLAND, be granted the right, for all time, to appoint the Directors. A right that will inure to the Charter Members, their successors, assigns and nominees. 3. That the Charter Members, their successors, assigns and nominees be designated and known as the BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND. 4. That the Directors be granted the right to establish gold as the standard for currency. 5. That the Bank can make loans to the value of Ten Pounds by way of paper currency for every One Pound it has on deposit in gold, paper currency or secured credit. 6. That the Bank be permitted to consolidate the national debt and secure payments of amounts due as to principal and interest by way of direct taxation or levy upon the people until the national debt is fully discharged. 7. That no Bank, other than the Bank of England, shall be an Agent for the Treasury of England. 8. That no Bank, other than those currently existing, shall be incorporated or chartered except with the approval or participation of the Bank of England.

1693 -The "National Debt" of England was calculated and established. 1694 -The Bank of England was incorporated, Chartered and put into operation with the National Debt due to it as a recorded credit.


Chapter 7THE BEGINNING OF CREATIVE FRAUD 1694 - The BANK OF ENGLAND gets its license to practice creative fraud. 1698 - Merchants and ship owners co-operate in a system of "Guarantees," paid for by the levy of a premium deposited in the Bank of England to collectively subscribe and underwrite shipping losses among themselves. This later gave way to becoming a separate institution called "Lloyds of London" 1774, as the forerunner of the insurance industry that, to this day, is inter-connected to the banking industry. 1710 - First economic depression in England. First exposure to diminishing purchasing power of debased money. First exposure to structured unemployment. 1733 - Second economic depression. First use of debt financing to sustain the economy. Wider unemployment. Commencement of industrial and labor unrest. 1734 - Monetary system of England tacitly bankrupt. Introduction of "Futures" as an allowable basis for credit as an excuse for substantial further issue of debt-created currency. 1755 - First runaway inflation. Interest rates high: 4% to 8%! 1759 - First structural and economic collapse. First industrial collapse. Interest usurious -12% 1762 - Advent of Meyer Amschel Rothschild. 1766 - Second Pitt administration re-constitutes money. Re-value of State and marketplace. Resets English Pound at new par: But makes the mistake of leaving the accrued National Debt as a liability of the nation still due, compounding interest to the private owners of the private Bank of England. He later admitted enough new money should have been created to pay it out, thereby releasing assets from indenture and the people from taxation. From 1694, it can be observed those periods of about 16, 23, 24 totaling 63 years lapse. The significance is that this pattern of recession, depression, devaluation (see diagram page), inflation, re-structuring and re-financing occurs and re-occurs in every nation that adheres to the private monetary system that does not pay off the debt when it re-monetarizes. If they did the cycles would not re-occur, "Shortage" would not occur and stable "Abundance" for all would abound. 1766 to 1925 is covered and reviewed in other parts of this publication. The fact that "National Debt" has been assigned, "sold" or otherwise transferred, does not remove the ability of a nation to fall back on its Constitution and use the next re-monetizing to include pay out as a mandatory action. 1925 until 1931, the gold standard was briefly shifted back to Britain, which had also been on the gold standard up to 1914. It then went on the silver standard as a means of them being in control and able to manipulate both bullion standards, thus able to play a profound part in the performance of commodity, war materials, stock and bond markets. Critical elements to the changes planned for the period 1920 to 1940. 23

1944 - Britain and the U.S.A. were forming the post-war "Bretton Woods Agreement" and the International Monetary Fund. 1946 - "Bretton Woods" was established with Britain, U.S.A., France, Germany and Japan as the founders. Previously in war with each other, financed on all sides by the private monetarists! The I.M.F. - nothing more than a council of Pharisees, also known as The Gnomes of Zurich - is an appointed, handpicked committee doing the bidding of the private powers behind the Bank of England, Federal Reserve and Bank of Germany who retain personal veto over anything that is decided! 1946 - The Bank of England was "officially" "Nationalized" as was the "Federal Reserve Board" in the U.S.A. But it is all a sham. For all practical purposes, corporate and private interests continue to direct, staff, and operate them. Watch must now be kept for the I.M.F. attempting to do at world level what has been done at national level over the past three centuries. No doubt attempt will be made to revise Bretton Woods, Introduce a one World, one government, one Bank, one monetary unit, one currency and one elite, using a range of names designed to assuage public apathy.


Chapter 8REPUDIATION The proper method of money creation is due process through the supreme authority and provisions in The Constitution: National money, National Credit and National Distribution through the National Treasury thus ensuring it all to be cost-free, debt-free and tax-free. One of the "Constitutional" powers is "TO COIN MONEY, REGULATE THE VALUE THEREOF, AND OF FOREIGN COIN, AND FIX THE STANDARDS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES." These Constitutional Powers were, (a) Abrogated by the Government of England as an undermining of the Crown and awarded (ultra-licitum) to the Governors of the Bank of England, 1694, as part of the wider powers of the Charter, thus leading them to be adopted in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States of America, as one of the fundamentals that had caused separation and independence in the first place and, (b) Abrogated by the Government of the United States (ultra-licitum) into the powers of the "FEDERAL RESERVE ACT," 1913. In both instances, the power to create money and credit was removed from the people and placed in the hands of private financiers. The consequences have been diabolical. Creative fraud and hoax have flourished. Nevertheless, the Constitution is still intact and can be invoked to bring about repudiation back to National monetary integrity. The only way nations can alleviate themselves from the presence of an everlasting, perpetually increasing, debilitating "National Debt" and debauchery is to perform the ultimate act that the merchants and private financiers fear, which is repudiate them, their Charters and patriate all that has been appropriated and misappropriated by them over the centuries. They can only slink off because they cannot ultimately sue and win against the Crown or the Constitution. They hold on to power because they always threaten to take their patrons with them! The nice way to do it is (a) Issue a new currency (b) buy off all stockholders (c) nationalize or restore the proper relationship between Banks, Government and people whereby Banks are Agents for the People - not the Government being Agent, Tax-collector-enforcer for the Banks! What it takes to restore the intent and safeguards in the Constitution is an uncorrupted Congress, Parliament, Supreme Court, and Chief Justice. The alternates are (1) continue as we are, saddled with debt, devaluation, fraud, hoax, inflation, poverty and victimization (2) REPUDIATE private monetarism, corporate caprice, bank bunko, and ultra-licitum, ultravires "legalizations."


Chapter 9MOTHER SHIPTON'S POEM Over three hundred years ago, in 1640, Mother Shipton who lived in England and reputed to be a witch, proclaimed for herself the gift of predication. She reputedly wrote a poem descriptive of events that were to take place in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The poem has been published many times. In view of happenings that have taken place, it merits interest. A carriage without a horse shall go. Disasters fill the world with woe: In London, Primrose Hill will be: its centre hold a Bishops' See. Around the world, men's thoughts shall fly: Quick as the twinkling of an eye. And water shall great wonders do: How strange, and yet it shall come true. Thro' towering hills proud men shall ride: No horse nor ass move by his side. Beneath the water men shall walk, shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk. And in the air men shall make fast passage: In marvelous and safe carriage. A great man then shall come and go: For prophecy declares it so. In water, iron and stone shall float: As easy as a wooden boat. Gold shall be found in stream or stone: In land that is as yet, unknown. Water and fire wonders do: And England will admit the Jew: Who will put future "States" in bondage, too. The Jew that once was held in scorn; shall of Christians then be born. A hall of glass shall come to pass in England but, alas, alas! A war will follow in Fifty Three: Where Turks and Pagans live and be. The "States" shall lock in civil strife: And seek to take each others life. Where north shall overcome the south: The eagle build in the lions mouth. Then tax and blood and cruel war; shall come to every humble door. Three times shall lovely, sunny France be led to play a bloody dance. Before her people shall be free: Three tyrant rulers shall she see. Three rulers in succession be. Each sprung from different dynasty.


Then when the fiercest fight is done: England and France will link as one. The English olive shall entwine, in marriage with the German vine. Men walk beneath and over streams - fulfilled shall be our strangest dreams. All England's sons shall plow the land, shall oft be seen with book in hand. The poor shall now most wisdom know: And waters wind where corn doth grow. Great houses stand in far flung vales; all covered over with snow and hail. And now a word, in uncouth rhyme, of what shall be in later time, For, in those wondrous far off days, women shall adopt a craze, To dress like men and trousers wear: And shorten all their locks of hair. They'll ride astride with brazen brow, as witches do on broomsticks now. Then love shall flaunt and marriage cease: And nations wane as babes decrease. And wives will fondle cats and dogs: And men be looked on much as hogs. In nineteen hundred and thirty six, build houses light with straw and sticks. For then shall mighty war be planned, and fire and sword sweep many lands. Those who live the century through: In fear and trembling this shall do. Quakes and tides and new lands be. And famine many nations see. Flee to the mountains and the glens: For storms shall rage and oceans roar. When Gabriel stands on sea and shore and put a halt to holy war. And as he blows his wondrous horn: Old worlds shall die and new be born

- Other notables are: Daniel, Ezekiel, John, Nostradamus, and Cayce.


Chapter 10THE MOLD IS POURED In England, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Meyer Amschel Rothschild used David Ricardo, a noted stockbroker and political analyst, to produce a thesis on the "Principles of Political Economy" knowing that it would be accepted because of his status in London. This thesis was designed to supplement the philosophical precept that had been prepared by Goethe and Schiller. Later, Thomas Robert Malthus, an English clergyman and economist, wrote an anti-thesis entitled "The Principles of Population" which espoused that population increase would (a) outstrip the availability of natural resources, (b) profligate the production of nonessential goods through industrial development and (c) create markets whereby non-essential items took precedence over essential items. Malthus' contention was that only disasters such as famine, disease, or the waging of war, as per the doctrine of the "llluminati," could be looked upon a regulating factor; such as wars fought in the name of peace! Under careful re-editing Rothschild, with the help of a young philosopher named Herbert Spencer of "Survival of the Fittest" fame, was able to correlate all the works of himself, Goethe, Schiller, Adam Smith, Ricardo, Malthus and others who had contributed, pro or con, to the econo-political dogma of the "llluminati." They turned these into a composite science, plausible enough to be implanted into Universities to become the education mold. Indoctrination throughout the broad spectrum of the economy, marketplace, lawmakers and the social strata at every level, was thus made possible in the following years through the interventions of Meyer Amschel's five sons, particularly Nathan in London, and grandson Lionel who became the first Jewish member of the House of Commons. The long-range plans were being entrenched unchallenged. The Rothschilds exported their doctrines and science into the Confederate States of America via Jacob Schiff, who is reviewed later on, and who recruited such personages as Herbert War Beecher and William Graham Sumner, and the influence of "Delmonico's," where prestige of membership counted much more than conscience, it was the ploy of infiltration leading up to Civil War. Thus was brought about the presence of the so-called "Capitalist" bloc, so named in order to deflect the truth, in fact, a "Corporate" bloc as the prelude to a megamonoply era had been created. The "Corporate" system is manipulated as a captive market. The "Free Trade" system is a competitive, open market. The difference is quite plain. The word "capitalist" is a catchall term used to cause deception. The entrapment of free enterprise to be degraded and displaced by corporate arrogance and opulence, were pay-offs the ruthless in the United States marketplace could not resist. Some became tycoons, some settled for Pharisee status, but all were either willingly or unwittingly trapped into the syndrome of a few rich, many poor: with the rich preferring to keep it that way! In the end, conscience overtook many. They became so-called "philanthropists" but if you look closely, what they gave, or still make a show of giving, is miniscule in comparison to what they hold on to under tax-free Trust and Foundation constitutions. Notwithstanding the historical distortions induced by writers in the pay of the bankers and the corporate establishments, which pervade the education fields, the so-called grievances of the American Colonies in the eighteenth century were not warranted against King George III or the people of England. They were antipathies, drummed up as a convenient decoy to 28

cover the bankers' conspiracy: but useable as emotional justification to sustain the philosophies and doctrines that the merchants and their political minions wanted to invoke and retain in support of their system. "Let us do it, and then shift the blame on to others either by way of opportunity or by framing them." has always been the creed of the Bankers and their lobby. George III, as The Crown, and the people of England, had undeservedly been made out to be the villains and scapegoats in the minds of Americans. The essence of the matter was, and still is, that the Sovereign (and people of England,) had a deep empathy and sympathy for the plight of the Colonialists but were powerless to intervene at the constitutional level. The common law constitution was in the control of Parliament and Parliament was, and still is, in the hands of Bankers and Merchants! The King was only a figurehead as is the Queen now! In the U.S.A the Peoples' Congress, and the President as their figurehead, are also in the control of Bankers and Merchants who protect and defend their turf with bunker mentality. War is profit for the bankers and corporatists. Lives lost are incidental. The bankers had their caps set on discrediting the Sovereign, toppling the Crown and usurping constitutional control of Parliament, as they wanted to take possession of all Constitutional and Crown assets to tuck away in their own private vaults. They also wanted to enslave the people. These are things they cannot accomplish while the Crown Constitution remains as the right and strength of the people - the big, big difference between Canada and the United States. The US is constantly looking in Canada for politicians who will bend to the will of the Bankers, by bypassing or trashing the provisions and safeguards in the Constitution that keeps Canada from being taken over by default under implanted debt. The Crown saves Canada being taken over, ravaged and subjugated - bondage style 1984! England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Holland, France, Italy, Spain, in fact anywhere where there is a present or suppressed vestige of 'Crown Constitution,' are places that are embattled by the Bankers, I.M.F. and the private financiers behind them: They are constantly under attack and destabilized by way of marketplace manipulation and debasement of their money systems. Bankers and private financiers are tyrannical taskmasters and manipulators. One day, the victim nations of their greed and avarice will wake up, smarten up, repudiate and give them the old heave ho! Be they the "llluminati" the Club of Rome, Trilateralists, World Federalists, or the I.M.F. they all represent the philosophy of world domination, whereby the influence and power of self-created money aggregates as wealth in the hands of a few, and the peoples of the world are their thralls. The real objective of all free and free-thinking men and women, is to have Parliament return to being representative power in the hands of the people, in the right of the people, as a Council of probity and integrity as per The Constitution: And, to see it discontinue acting and drifting, as it does now, in the sole interests of bankers, merchants and their "corporate" lobby as a dictatorial autocracy. When acting as an independent, sovereign nation, that country must create and use its own national currency and credit for exchange and trade. This will ensure multi-nationalism in trade; national multiplicity in finance; enable fair exchange; and, be free from private control or levy. 29

Chapter 11A NEW WORLD TO STEAL PART 1 How it worked in the United States of America. In the period 1660 -1694, the political moves and intrigues in England had been observed from a distance by the Colonialists. The range of wars and the financing of them had not escaped the notice of the leaders of the American colonies, but it was decided to await conclusions before making any moves. With the formation of the Bank of England in 1694, the Colonialists decided to use their own form of debt-free scrip. This would enable them to keep a record of production and growth in the colonies both as an independent record and to stay away from the debt-created money of England, which was worth only two shillings in the Pound (10%) because of the 10:1 loan creation power that had been built into the Charter of the Bank of England. 1699 - American Colonies start to use scrip. 1740 - Benjamin Franklin visits England and boasts that Colonial Scrip is worth 100 cents on the dollar and that it is not like the English Pound, which was only worth 10% of face value. 1741 - The Government of England, on direct orders from the Bank of England, instructs the Colonies to cease using scrip and use the Pound. 1742 - Immediate depression sets in causing, for the first time, unemployment, inflation, devaluation and hardships in the American Colonies. This sparked grumblings of discontent and the events, which built up over the next thirty years to the Declaration of Independence, after having given due warning to the government of England and the Bank of England, both of whom ignored the pleas and over-ruled the King who sympathized with the Colonialists. 1776 - Declaration of Independence - Victory for Colonialists - Canada established as a separate territory, at the same time, by the United Empire Loyalists. 1812 - United States War for Independence - English Government confronted and defeated. As the United Empire Loyalists were in effect, true monarchists in opposition to the U.S. Republicans, who are separatists, friction grew between them even though both wanted to be free of the debt-money doctrine. By mutual agreement and tolerance the prior arrangement of 1776, when Canada was formed, became the demarcation line. The Loyalists established Canada to be their own separate country, loyal to the Crown of England but not loyal to the Bank of England. 1815 - War of Independence won by separatists. This allowed them to establish a debt-free State and operate with debt-free, full-worth money again. It established a sound nation with Confederate, debt-free currency, but set in motion the festering of the Civil War,1851, that the merchants' won and moved in to impose their debasing money system. 1816 - Canada operated on an ad hoc mix of Trade, Confederate money and English Pounds, but kept tight control of exchange values. 30

Commencing from the moment of the loss of the American Colonies, the merchants and bankers of England put into operation much the same kind of conspiracy that they had put to use between 1629 and 1691. However, instead of fostering an immediate war, they used the marketplace as the battleground and cajoled acceptance of the English Pounds, on the promise that these same Pounds could be used for exchange at 10:1 for the Confederate Dollar. What they did not disclose was that export prices to the States were increased to defraud the American buyer. At the same time, the bankers commenced a program of infiltration and patronage from the President down through Secretaries of State, and the providing of money and knowledge to the growing pride of industrialists, who were cropping up all over the country as the covered wagons rolled westward. Eventually, they had enough of them in their pocket and were able to promise them power - if they could oust the Separatist Establishment that had taken the title "Confederates." For the roughnecks and ambitious of those days, the challenge and prizes were too much to resist, so the ingredients leading up to the U.S. Civil War were irrevocably implanted. Presidents such as Harrison, Taylor, Philmore and Pearce were all easy marks, having to answer to their conscience if not the patriot people of the Confederate States. AND SO IT WENT ON It was the winning of the Civil War by Republican forces that decided the fate of the "States" and the downward path into the maw of the Rothschild family: The same fate that had befallen England in 1694, then Austria, France, Germany and Italy in the first half of the nineteenth century. It would destroy Constitutional America, Christmas 1913, with the foisting of the "Federal Reserve Act." 1788 - Christmas Day to be exact, December 25, President George Washington issued a statement to the Salem Gazette, in which he warned the people of the new nation of the United States that there was an organization known as the "llluminati" which was dedicated to secret world government. He was, of course, referring to the unholy trio of Adam Weishaupt, Rabbi Mordecai and Meyer Amschel Rothschild who, in the 1770's, became suspect as being the secret descendents of the secret founders of the Charter of the Bank of England - a fact they would never deny, nor have their descents ever since. As previously noted, Weishaupt was the descendent of a prominent wealthy family of merchants, and was a Canon Law in the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria. Rabbi Mordecai was a descendent of a well-known family of Lombards. The most significant thing coming out from him is that its was his grandson who later changed his name to Karl Marx, the man who wrote the book on Communism and was dedicated to bringing about the downfall of the Czars, toppling a Constitutional Crown and replacing them with Communist rule, counterfeit money and credit. Amschel Rothschild (1743 -1812) was the direct descendent of a long line of Rothschilds, who can trace back to old Biblical times. Meyer Amschel sired five sons who were later to set up in Banks, patterned much on the Charter of the Bank of England, in Vienna, Naples, Paris and London. All Crowns to tilt at! The House of Rothschild was seated in Frankfurt, Germany: Significant even to this day. It was Nathan who was set up in London, and it was Nathan's son, Lionel (1808 -1879) who became the first Jewish member of the House of Commons.


The five sons spread their wings and progeny into banks across the world and finance houses of every description: Banks, Merchant Banks, Insurance, Stock Markets, Investment Brokers, money lending, and Chartered Banks throughout the British Empire. They are set up in a maze of corporations and business activities: and holding companies to screen the extent and interconnections of the assets. They have become an intricate web of intrigue and conspiracy entwining all the members of the United Nations through organizations known as the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), and it's sisters the International Monetary Exchange (I.M.E.), International Money Market (I.M.M.), Council of Foreign Relations (C.F.R), Trilateral, Club of Rome, Federal Reserve, World Bank, World Federalists, New World Order etc., and, more recently, the EURO and common market with all that it entails. The doctrines of the "llluminati", 1778, are still the basis of approach with supreme headquarters in London, Secondary Commands in Frankfurt and New York, and puppet patrons everywhere. MORE FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON Inl789, Washington said of the llluminati: "If their art can be applied to set aside the ordinary maxims of society and introduce policies of undermining government and the Constitution, while keeping its true aims secret or disguised, it must be obvious that such science and society may be perverted to all the ill-purposes which have been suspected." From this, it must be assumed that the evil forces were initiated, identified and at work even in those early days of modern times: But what a sad commentary that the warnings were not heeded AND ARE STILL IGNORED -except by a few with perception.


Chapter 12A NEW WORLD TO STEAL PART 2 How it worked in the United States of America President Lincoln was a great man in so many ways, but one of the least talked about and least understood of his achievements was when he refused to bow to the Bankers. Lincoln had more courage and determination than any other President did, since he stood against the Bankers, and he gave his very life for it. President Lincoln, faced with a war and a depleted Treasury, refused to pay the 26%; yes, twenty-six percent, interest the Bankers demanded to supply the nation with the needed money to fight a useless war. A civil war that had been engineered by the Bankers, in the hope of impoverishing the Confederates by bleeding their wealth from them to pay for their side in the war: And in expectation that the Republican government would go into debt to them, thus having to repay the capital, pay interest and take direction. Instead of borrowing from the Bankers, Lincoln went to the Secretary of The Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, and ordered the Treasury to issue $450 million dollars of United States Notes. He paid the war cost with debt-free money. Lincoln's action angered the Bankers. His assassination followed shortly thereafter. It is known that Lincoln's Vice President, Andrew Johnson, and his Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, were in the pay of the Bankers and deeply concerned in the assassination of Lincoln at the hands of John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln by-passed the Bankers who expected the government to print $ 450 million United States Bonds and give them to the Bankers as Promissory Notes for $ 450 million credit in a Rothschild bank. If Lincoln had done that, even at 4% interest and the Bonds, the people of the United States would have paid the Bankers, by 1975, over $ 27 billion interest and still be owing the $450 million capital debt. At 26% interest, the total is unimaginable! Since 1913, the birth of the Federal Reserve, the people of the United States have in fact paid nothing but interest on all the "legal tender" that is in circulation. None of the "money" issued and circulated by the Federal Reserve is "Constitutional American Money." It is unconstitutional, private, counterfeit scrip. All the paper money and electronic credit in circulation is tacitly worthless: the actual value of the United States is still only $450 million plus coin, which is of constitutional worth. The trillions that the country likes to think it is worth are nothing but paper, bookkeeping credits and inflationary devaluation. The real worth is in the Treasuries and Vaults of the Bankers who have used creative fraud, conversion and an incredible hoax to finesse paper for labor, resources and production. The government of the United States still owes the Bankers and it is scammed even more every day. The Bankers of the Federal Reserve, which is a corporation, are conjuring money, lending the conjured money to the government and charging interest on the loans. Not only that, they are allowed to issue credit loans for up to 30 times the amount of money that they have on deposit as either paid-in capital or back-deposited conjured money, at their own decision. The Banks of the United States, in the form of the private banks of the Federal Reserve, are robbing every borrower blind, stealing assets from the nation, other nations and their peoples, in exchange for worthless paper. The same goes for Canada and the Chartered 33

Banks, who lever much of their cash flow from the Federal Reserve in exchange for Government of Canada Bonds. It is all a fraud. Before he died, Lincoln said, "As the result of the Civil War, corporations have been enthroned in lieu of representative government, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. The new money powers of the nation will prolong their reign by working on the unenlightenment and prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated into the hands of a few and which few are connected to the forces of world domination. When they achieve control, within one hundred years, the Republic as we revere it will come to be destroyed. I feel, at this time, more anxiety for the country than ever before, even in the midst of war." The foundations of the Federal Reserve, and the present I.M.F., were laid in the years immediately following the Civil War when the way was made clear through the victory of the Bankers' republican/liberal forces. It is known that Judah Benjamin, Chief Advisor to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederated States of America, was a Rothschild Agent. It is also known that there were mole agents in other Presidents' Cabinets. The only difference was that Lincoln knew who they were in his Cabinet and bluntly rejected them. Shortly after the Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, a young immigrant named Jacob Schiff arrived in New York. Schiff was the son of a Rabbi from Frankfurt, Germany and is believed to be of the House of Mordecai. At an early age, Schiff entered the House of Warburg, a banking house in Hamburg, which is a lower-order House in the Rothschild hierarchy. The Warburgs sent him to London for a short while to work in the firm of Samuel Montagu and Company, gold merchants, where the House of Montagu was another close affiliate of the House of Rothschild. After a short training period, where he learned the ropes and rubbed shoulders with Lionel Rothschild to set up an inside line of communication with London economic politics, Schiff was promoted to the House of Rothschild. It was then when he was ordered to the United States of America. Jacob Schiff left England with instructions to buy into a banking house, which, with support and infusion of as much money as needed, could be used to penetrate into the money system of the United States. After looking around Schiff bought a partnership in a firm called Kuhn & Loeb. Kuhn & Loeb were earlier immigrants from Germany who had started in Lafayette, Indiana, by servicing the "covered wagon" trade, settlers, and in later years, followed up by setting up similar stores in other cities. They expanded and prospered, added pawn broking to their activities and finally "Money Lending." When Schiff bought-in, they were known by the respectable title of being a "Banking Firm." Shortly before becoming a partner in Kuhn & Loeb, Schiff married Loeb's daughter, then bought out Kuhn. The firm then moved to New York and later set up a branch in San Francisco. Thus, we find Jacob H. Schiff, Agent for the House of Rothschild, the absolute owner of Kuhn & Loeb with endless money to back his play. At this time, Wall Street was the accepted heart of the American Money Mart. J.P. Morgan was its dictator; next in line of power were the Drexel's of Philadelphia. Schiff played it close. He started to throw a little Rothschild business in the way of Morgan and Drexel in the form of European stocks and bonds. The bait was in the trap.


It was about this time that U.S. industry began to grow - railroads, mines, oil, steel and textiles. All these needed vast amounts of money to finance them: much of which had to be sought from abroad because the Constitutional Treasury would not issue credit against futures. This paved the way for Schiff to have a 'hey day.' Schiff (Kuhn & Loeb) retained the then-emerging Rockefeller Oil and Harriman Railroad for himself, but did not play it greedy. He opened the doors of the House of Rothschild (Kuhn & Loeb) to Morgan, Biddle, Drexel and others but only on terms of Indenture. Thus, at the turn of the century, Schiff is to be found having tight control of the entire banking fraternity of Wall Street on behalf of the same Houses that controlled and manipulated all the money of the "Western" world, except Russia, and much of the remainder via trade routes and the British Empire. The situation had a profound affect on the later ability for Paul M. Warburg to hoax the American people in 1913, by swindling them out of their rightful heritage under the Constitution to manage and control their own money via Congress. Constitutional monetary controls were usurped and supplanted by the private owners of the Federal Reserve. The same tactics are occurring now in Canada in the late 1970's via the Canadian "Bank Act" through the Canadian Bankers' Association. The C.B.A is endeavoring to have the Chartered Banks implant a similar system over Canadians in order to displace the Crown Constitutional Central Bank of Canada. It would enable Federal Reserve counterfeit to be flooded into Canada by the Chartered Banks via hypothecating Government of Canada Bonds, for money supply that then becomes an ever-growing, never-ending debt, repayable with resources and taxes, all of which can devalue the Canadian dollar. Take over of Canada by war is unproductive. Embattlement via the marketplace and debauching the money is preferable. The trick is to bypass the Crown, and find termites within who will do it and avoid being found out or repudiated!


Chapter 13A NEW WORLD TO STEAL PART 3 How it worked in the United States of America. There was, in America, a long tradition of resistance against inflicting a private, central banking system on the finances of the country and there had been, up to 1896, a continuous struggle against authoritarian domination of the nation's finances and resources. It had begun with Jefferson in his fight against Alexander Hamilton's scheme for the First Bank of the United States. It has continued with Andrew Jackson's successful struggle against Nicolas Biddle's Second Bank of the United States. Biddle had been backed by James Rothschild of Paris, one of the international bankers. This struggle ended up in the setting up of the independent subtreasury system that supposedly kept the United States out of the hands of the great bankers, but it all collapsed with the defeat of William Jennings Bryan's silver crusade. Because the United States' funds were in the sub-treasury system, the bankers deliberately engineered and precipitated the money panics of 1873, 1893 and 1907 causing widespread suffering throughout the country, and arousing the public to demand that Congress enact legislation to prevent the recurrence of artificially inspired money panics. However, it opened an opportunity for Warburg to weave a web. In 1907, the National Monetary Commission was appointed by Congress in response to public feeling against big bankers after the artificial panic of that year. Senator Nelson Aldrich was its head. He was a millionaire several times over, and was tied up with the Rubber Trust and the Tobacco Trust. This was a fine man to have as the head of a Congressional Committee that had been set up to offer legislation to get the power of money out of the hands of the few, and return it to the people. Senator Nelson Aldrich and his Commission spent nearly two years jaunting around Europe at the expense of the people. They spent more than $ 300,000 of public money. They met all the so-called "important" European Financiers of the day but, in fact, met only a closely-knit few. They came back to solve all the problems: having been "advised" by the Rothschilds! On November 22 1910, a group of men met together at Hoboken, New Jersey railway station. First to arrive was Senator Aldrich together with A. Piatt Andrew, a professional economist and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Reporters from most New York daily newspapers were present, but they failed to get a story. Aldrich entered his private car at the end of the train and the shades were immediately drawn down over the windows. Next to enter the private car was Frank Vanderlip, President of the National Bank of New York, the most powerful bank in the country, representing the Rockefeller oil interests and the railroad systems owned by the banking house of Kuhn & Loeb. Kuhn & Loeb was the same bank charged, in 1898, with urging the United States to go to war with Spain. Whether the charge was right or not, the National City Bank came out of the Spanish-American war as the proprietor of Cuba's sugar industry. With Vanderlip was Henry P. Davidson, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Co., and shortly to arrive was Charles D. Norton, President of Morgan's First National Bank of New York. Mr. 36

Vanderlip declared to reporters that they were only going away for a quiet weekend in the country. These men controlled banking, oil, railroads, communications, heavy industry, mining, steel, and labor, and tobacco, pharmaceutical and illicit drugs in the United States of America. They embodied Lincoln's premonition of Corporate Enthronement plus more wars, corporate greed, private power and international-multinational capitalism. The next figure to appear was not well known. He was Paul Moritz Warburg, a German immigrant who had been in the U.S.A. less than eight years but was already a partner in the banking house of Kuhn & Loeb and who, in less than twenty years, was to achieve unchallenged domination over the entire country. Paul Warburg, upon entering the country, spent much of his time writing and lecturing on the doctrine he stood for, on the subject of political monetary economics. With Warburg was Benjamin Strong, an able lieutenant of J.P. Morgan. J.P. Morgan and Kuhn & Loeb had formed an alliance in 1901 known as Northern Securities Company. The company consolidated the Rothschild Empire in America to which had been added, and could be added, anything and everything it could come by. The idiom paralleled Cie du Nord in France, which served the same function there. J.P. Morgan was the banker who swindled the United States Government during the Civil War by selling to the Union Army, from a federal arsenal, carbines that the army had already condemned. The whole affair, as with the backgrounds of the other tycoons, is thoroughly documented in Gustavus Myer's "History of the Great American Fortunes." The group on the train went to Jekyll Island, Georgia, to hide in the Jekyll Hunt Club, owned by J.P. Morgan and, small elite of New York bankers. Why all the secrecy? Why this thousand mile trip in a closed railway car? No prize for guessing. This group cooked-up the banking and currency legislation the National Monetary Commission had been entrusted to prepare. Paul Warburg was charged with doing most of the drafting and planning. Senator Nelson Aldrich was there to see that it came in a form to deceive, and could be sidled through Congress. The other Bankers were there to offer suggestions but mostly out of polite patronage. Out of the meeting, which lasted almost two weeks, came the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT of 1913 that was signed by President Woodrow Wilson, and foisted on the American people when they were not looking, as a terrible Christmas present. "LET US ISSUE AND CONTROL THE MONEY OF A NATION AND WE CARE NOT WHO MAKES THE LAWS." A quote "Illuminates" What a postscript - What a conspiracy! But the melody lingers on.


Chapter 14PIPELINE OF PLUNDER (1978) Federal Reserve Corporation Part 1 CREATION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE Please remember: "Any similarity between Constitutional, National Money and Federal Reserve 'Funny Money' is a figment of imagination." We now review the manifestation of the "llluminati" system as patent in the United States Federal Reserve system of handling money. Remember, that at the back of it is the epitome of the admonition that, since time began, men can be bribed or blackmailed into carrying out the wishes of a few. In 1913, the Private Bankers had the people of the United States completely confused on matters of money. The nation was on the edge of tremendous industrial growth with people everywhere willing to work to build a great country. The international bankers, up to 1913, had pretty well controlled the economy since 1901, but had never tried to take over completely because they knew the country had too many patriots who would rise up and block them. So began the program of brainwashing and engineered confusion in 1910 to lead the people into believing that the only way to have a stable economy, without recessions, depressions and runs on money, was to turn over the absolute control of money to an all-powerful organization. Arising from this, the international bankers were able to beguile Congress into passing the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. Neither the United States government nor the people own one red cent of the Federal Reserve or the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. Sometime, no doubt, in the future when the timing is right, there will be, like the Bank of England, a sham to "Officialize" it as a government agency. However, rest assured, administration, control, direction and nepotistic domination will never pass out of the hands of the elite establishment already behind the scenes. In addition, it will remain so until the intent and provision in The Constitution are reasserted and restored. Although it is a private corporation, it is quite easy to see how it managed to get the "official" sounding name "Federal Reserve." It was misrepresented to be a function of government. What was not disclosed was that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation with private owners but that the peoples' taxes were to be paid to the corporation and not to the Treasury of the United States. This was an incredible hoax. Adroit manipulation and hidden controls exist to retain ultimate command in private hands. The Federal Reserve is still commanded. It is used for the private gain of the private families who are behind the scenes, via a network of remote controls, devices and, of course, control of the stock exchanges, bond markets and money exchange rates, in the areas of the world under their influence: Command Headquarters, Frankfurt, Germany, and Tactical Field-Command Operations Rooms - London. England, and New York, U.S.A.: With well-drilled armies of front and second line apostate, indentured and supplicant nominees, industrialists, statesmen, politicians, and commercial bankers, kept well-greased and elite to form the "Establishments" that protects and serve the "House" behind the scenes. R and R does not stand for Rest and Recreation!


The Federal Reserve System was organized in 1914. As constituted in 1960 the system comprised of 1: Board of Governors 2: Twelve Federal Reserve Banks 3: Federal Open Market Committee, 4: Federal Advisory Council 5: Member Banks. The Board of Governors is composed of seven members. Their appointments are made by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate after approval from Frankfurt and London. They are recommended and selected from the twelve Federal Reserve Banks and appointed for a period of fourteen years. This Board orders the operations of the entire Federal Reserve organization, and has its offices in Washington, D.C. Although unofficial, the appointments are carefully screened before any nominations are put forward. The influential moneymen of the nation are consulted, along with the Cabinet, Luminaries of Wall Street, and the Gnomes of Zurich who front for the "House." It is tacitly conceded that only men with credentials of indenture to the system who can be ruined if the system collapses, will be appointed. It is also a defense against possible repudiation. Each of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks serves a district comprising several States or parts of States. Each is a private corporation. The stockholders are the member banks within the district, but the members are non-voting participants who have no say as to decisions and proceedings. They do as they are told. They are subject to eviction if they dissent or do not go along with the dictates handed down to them from above. Naturally, as they hold their power and personal wealth courtesy of the higher power, they obey and perform as instructed, and are rewarded accordingly. The Federal Open Market Committee comprises the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board plus five representatives from the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. In this way, majorityvoting control is retained. The Committee directs the open market operations of the twelveFederal Reserve Banks. It monopolizes and purchases the sale of U.S. Government Securities and other Instruments of Obligation that are supposedly offered on the open market, such as Stocks, Bonds, Debentures, State and Municipal Bonds etc., all in