The inaccessibility of CAPTCHA

34 The inaccessibility of CAPTCHA How you may be undermining the accessibility of your online service

Transcript of The inaccessibility of CAPTCHA

The inaccessibility of CAPTCHAHow you may be undermining the accessibility of your online service


Why use CAPTCHA?

• It’s a way to stop bots from compromising your online service

– Creating accounts

– Spamming users

– Commenting on forums

Why use CAPTCHA?

• It’s free, fully automated and pretty straight forward to add

• Requires no effort to continue using it

How they work

• When a challenge is completed correctly the user can continue the task


• CAPTCHA is not accessible

– Many are difficult to use via the keyboard

• Especially with a screen reader

– Very difficult to use if you’re vision impaired

– Difficult to understand any audio challenge


• Google’s reCaptcha

– Users only need to tick an option

Google reCaptcha

• Uses a range of criteria to determine humanness

– User behaviour on the page

– If the user has a Google account

Problem solved?

• No

– In cases when the risk analysis engine can't confidently predict whether a user is a human or an abusive agent, it will prompt a CAPTCHA to elicit more cues, increasing the number of security checkpoints to confirm the user is valid

Do you feel confident using it?

• If you can’t be sure users will never see a CAPTCHA, can you recommend using it?

– An accessible website is made inaccessible

Captcha has been compromised

• Services exist where people solve in bulk

– CAPTCHA farms, using human labour

Background reading

• Breaking CAPTCHA


• Artificial intelligence smart enough to fool Captcha security check


Other alternatives

• Form submission times

• Honeypot

• Email verification

Form submission times

• If a form has been submitted quickly consider it’s been sent by a bot

– Ignore the input


• Include a hidden form field on the page

– If this is filled ignore the input

Email verification

• Ask a user to confirm their email address by clicking a link emailed to them

All reasonable responses

• Use layered security to improve the security


Email verification

Form submission times


Other approaches

• Asking a user to add two number together

• Asking a question

Number CAPTCHA problem

• If bots can submit a form, bots can probably work out this

Word CAPTCHA problem

• Need to create 100’s of question and answer combinations to ensure they don’t repeat

Besides is this a good look?

• Asking trivial questions doesn’t look good on a government website

– “what colour is the sky?”

The problem

• CAPTCHA is a frontend solution to a backend problem

– Why should users have to prove they are human

Most viable alternative

• SMS text message

• Self declaring on the account signup

• Staff assistance if the user is having problems

• Application behaviour monitoring

SMS text message

• Send a text message with a code before the user can perform a task

SMS text message downside

• Can incur significant cost if all users are now receiving a text message

– Be discerning and provide the text message option for those who actually require it

Self declaration

• Ask if the user requires extra screen reader support

– use the SMS text message option instead of CAPTCHA

Do you require extra screen reader support?

Self declare downside

• Users may not want to self-declare to be identified as different or requiring extra help

Staff assistance

• If you can’t avoid CAPTCHA, ensure there is help available

– Confirm the user outside of CAPTCHA

Staff assistance example

• A link asking the user to contact you if they encounter difficulties

If you are having problems contact us

Staff assistance

• Can be a suitable stop-gap whilst a long-term strategy for moving away from CAPTCHA is decided

– Be pragmatic

Application monitoring

• Large number of unused accounts created

• Large number of requests from the same IP address

– Investigate and block

The trade off

• Security and accessibility can co-exist

– Except when captcha is used to provide the security


• Current CAPTCHA implementations are not accessible

– Some may adhere to certain WCAG 2.0 criteria

– Assume all are inaccessible


• The Digital Service Standard advocates user needs and putting the user first

– What user need is there for using CAPTCHA?

– It’s a business need, not a user need