The Importance of Toothbrushing for Children


Transcript of The Importance of Toothbrushing for Children

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Introduction Dentist Dr. Ophir Alalouf owns and serves as managing

member at Kids Teeth, LLC, located in Rockville, Maryland. Drawing on advanced training in pediatric dentistry, Ophir Alalouf, DDS, provides children with dental care and advises on the importance of brushing their teeth.

When it comes to preventing the buildup of plaque throughout a child's teeth and gums, there is no better defense than correct toothbrushing practices. Brushing a child's teeth, along with flossing, can also help dislodge small food particles that might otherwise lead to the spread of bacteria. Left unchecked, this bacteria can lead to cavities and other matters of oral health.

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Toothbrushing While brushing teeth is an important element of proper

hygiene, some parents maintain concerns about fluoride brand toothpaste, as younger children can demonstrate sensitivity to fluoride. To this end, dental professional advise parents to avoid toothpaste containing fluoride until at least 24 months of age. Until then, parents can use a specially designed infant's toothbrush and water. There are also several brands of fluoride-free toothpaste made specifically for children. Children aged six or younger, meanwhile, require a very small amount of toothpaste and should rinse their mouths often, as they may still be sensitive to fluoride.

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Conclusion As children age, parents must impart the importance of

teeth brushing so that children can maintain their own oral health. While infant's may only need to have their teeth brushed in the morning and evening, most dental professionals suggest that older children, like adults, should brush their teeth at least three times a day, preferably after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

If a child enjoys a snack at any point during the day, parents should have the child quickly brush or floss to remove stray food particles. A normal brushing routine should last for about two minutes. Parents must emphasize the brushing of the back molars, as most childhood cavities occur here.