The hybrid hype - 10 best insights to use for your events instantly

The Hybrid Hype 10 of our best insights to use for your events instantly


Oliver de Leeuw (from Nameshapers) and Gerdie Schreuders (from Live Online Events) have teamed up and share 10 of their best practice insights in organizing a hybrid event. Do you want to be hybrid, too? Then contact [email protected] for more, free, information.

Transcript of The hybrid hype - 10 best insights to use for your events instantly

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The Hybrid Hype

10 of our best insights to use for your events instantly

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Page 3: The hybrid hype - 10 best insights to use for your events instantly

The  Hybrid  Hype    

1.  Check  which  %  of  your  targetgroup  is  a:ending  your  live  event  

 Less  than  30%?  

Online  event  elements  increase  your  outreach  immediately!                

10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype    

2.  Put  a  no-­‐opAon  in  your  registraAon  form    

Almost  90%  of  the  registra=on  entries  only  serve  a  ‘’Yes,  I  will  aBend’’  op=on.  Why  not  adding  a  ‘’No,  I  will  not  aBend’’  

op=on.  Build  your  community  and  database  with  these  poten=al  online  delegates.    


10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype    

3.  IdenAfy  people  who  don’t  show  up    

If  you  know  who  they  are  you  can  send  them  a  link  to  your  online  event.  



10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype    4.  When  choosing  your  event  venue,  check  its  

internet  faciliAes    

Make  sure  there  is  free,  fast  and  stable  wifi,  especially  for  interna=onal  conferences.  Make  the  internet  connec=on’s  availibility  (uploadspeed  minimum  4MB)  and  affordibility  a  

deciding  factor  if  you  want  to  livestream  your  event.          

10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype    

5.  Appoint  an  online  chair(wo)man    

Regardless  if  hybrid  for  your  event  means  TwiBer,  livestream,  LinkedIn  discussions,  Google  Hangout  or  truly  hybrid  

(live&online  from  the  start):  you  need  someone  to  host  and  moderate  the  conversa=ons.  A  new  role:  the  online  chair  (wo)


10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype  

 6.  Connect  your  live  &  online  event  Reach  out  in  many  ways  but  at  least:  inform  your  speakers  and  ask  them  to  engage  with  their  own  

online  audience.        

10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype  

 7.  Design  a  program  

Just  live  streaming  your  event  is  totally  boring.  You  need  interac=on,  you  need  to  integrate  live  &  online,  you  

need  a  specific  online  program  design.        

10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype    

8.  Expect  33%  extra  audience  This  is  our  experience  working  business  to  

business:  without  extended  marke=ng  campaigns  we  reach  on  average  1/3  extra  audience  real  =me!  Bonus  reach:  extra  

exposure  aZerwards  when  the  videos  get  posted  online.  


10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype  

 9.  Team  up  with  experienced  live  streaming  and  technical  partners  

We  never  met  live  stream  partners  who  blew  up.  Possible  troubles  pop  up  with  sound  and  ligh=ng.  A  good  indicator  is  TV  experience  of  your  AV  partner.  


10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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The  Hybrid  Hype  

 10.  Enjoy  the  ride  and  share  your  

learnings  We  are  all  newbies  in  hybrid  events.  Dare  to  experiment,  

recycle  your  content,  give  a  voice  to  your  online  audience!      

10  of  our  best  insights  to  use  for  your  events  instantly  Feedback?  @gerdie  @odeleeuw  

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Gerdie  Schreuders  gerdie@live-­‐online-­‐      Oliver  de  Leeuw  [email protected]