The How and Why of Windows containers

The Why and How of Windows Containers @Ben_Hall [email protected] /

Transcript of The How and Why of Windows containers

Page 1: The How and Why of Windows containers

The Why and How of Windows Containers@Ben_Hall

[email protected] /

Page 2: The How and Why of Windows containers
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Page 4: The How and Why of Windows containers

The Why and How of Windows Containers@Ben_Hall

[email protected] /

Page 5: The How and Why of Windows containers

@Ben_Hall /

Tech Support > Tester > Developer > Founder > Docker London Organiser

Software Development Studio




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Learn via Interactive Browser-Based

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Agenda• Windows Server 2016• Building and deploying Windows Containers• Differences to Linux• Hyper-V Containers• Docker API / Kubernetes / Swarm• Future

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Batteries included but removable

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Currently TP5 – RTM in two weeks?

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Windows Server Core

Windows Nano

Windows Containers

Windows Hyper-V


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Windows Containers

Windows KernelWindows Server 2016


ASP.NET Docker Engine

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Windows Hyper-V Containers

Windows Kernel

Windows Server 2016



Windows Kernel

Windows Utility VM


Docker Engine

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Windows Server Core• Nearly Win32 Compatible• Same behaviour of Windows• Install all of the same tooling

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Windows Nano• Stripped down• Smallest footprint• 1/20th the size of Windows Server Core• Only essential components– Hyper-V, Clustering, Networking, Storage, .Net,

Core CLR

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Windows Server Core => Ubuntu Linux

Windows Nano => Alpine Linux

Windows Server Core => Legacy Apps?

Windows Nano => Modern Apps?

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Installing Windows Containers

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C:\> Install-WindowsFeature containers

C:\> wget -uri -OutFile C:\Install-ContainerHost.ps1

C:\> powershell.exe -NoProfile C:\Install-ContainerHost.ps1

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C:\> Install-WindowsFeature containers

C:\> Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "$env:TEMP\" -UseBasicParsing

C:\> dockerd --register-serviceC:\> Start-Service Docker

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Windows Linux Subsystem• Completely unrelated• Maybe not in the future…

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What is a Windows Docker Image?

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PS C:\> docker imagesREPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATEDwindowsservercore 10.0.10586.0 6801d964fda5 2 weeks ago windowsservercore latest 6801d964fda5 2 weeks ago nanoserver 10.0.10586.0 8572198a60f1 2 weeks ago nanoserver latest 8572198a60f1 2 weeks ago

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PS C:\> docker run -it \ windowsservercore cmd

Thank you to

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Note: cmd launches a UI

Thank you to

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Building Windows based Docker Images

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PS C:\> docker run -it \ --name iisbase \ windowsservercore cmd [iisbase] C:\>

Thank you to

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PS C:\> docker run -it \ --name iisbase \ windowsservercore cmd C:\> powershell.exe Install-WindowsFeature web-server C:\> exit

PS C:\> docker commit iisbase windowsservercoreiis 4193c9f34e320c4e2c52ec52550df225b2243927ed21f014fbfff3f29474b090

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Running Windows Container

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PS C:\> docker run -it \ -p 80:80 \ windowsservercoreiis cmd

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docker commit is an anti-pattern

Use a Dockerfile

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PS C:\> docker search windowservercore

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C:\SourceCode\App> type Dockerfile

FROM microsoft/iis:10

RUN echo "Hello World - Dockerfile" > c:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.html

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C:\SourceCode> docker build –t app .

PS C:\> docker imagesREPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATEDapp latest k23jjin423d 1 minutes ago iis 10 as4w9c928829 9 minutes ago windowsservercore 10.0.10586.0 6801d964fda5 2 weeks ago windowsservercore latest 6801d964fda5 2 weeks ago nanoserver 10.0.10586.0 8572198a60f1 2 weeks ago nanoserver latest 8572198a60f1 2 weeks ago

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PS C:\> docker run -it -p 80:80 \ app cmd

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PS C:\> docker run -it -p 80:80 \ --isolation=hyperv app cmd

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FROM microsoft/windowsservercore

LABEL Description="Nginx" Vendor=Nginx" Version="1.0.13”

RUN powershell -Command \$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; \Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri -OutFile c:\ ; \

Expand-Archive -Path c:\ -DestinationPath c:\ ; \

Remove-Item c:\ –Force

WORKDIR /nginx-1.9.13CMD ["/nginx-1.9.13/nginx.exe"]

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FROM microsoft/dotnet35

ENV sql_express_download_url ""ENV sa_password _ENV attach_dbs "[]”COPY . /WORKDIR /

RUN powershell -Command (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%sql_express_download_url%', 'sqlexpress.exe') && /sqlexpress.exe /qs /x:setup && /setup/setup.exe /q /ACTION=Install /INSTANCENAME=SQLEXPRESS /FEATURES=SQLEngine /UPDATEENABLED=0 /SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\System" /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS" /TCPENABLED=1 /NPENABLED=0 /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS && del /F /Q sqlexpress.exe && rd /q /s setup

RUN powershell -Command \ set-strictmode -version latest ; \ stop-service MSSQL`$SQLEXPRESS ; \ set-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql12.SQLEXPRESS\mssqlserver\supersocketnetlib\tcp\ipall' -name tcpdynamicports -value '' ; \ set-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql12.SQLEXPRESS\mssqlserver\supersocketnetlib\tcp\ipall' -name tcpport -value 1433 ; \ set-itemproperty -path 'HKLM:\software\microsoft\microsoft sql server\mssql12.SQLEXPRESS\mssqlserver\' -name LoginMode -value 2 ;

CMD powershell ./start -sa_password %sa_password% -attach_dbs \"%attach_dbs%\" -Verbose

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FROM microsoft/nanoserver


RUN powershell.exe -Command ; \$handler = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler ; \$client = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient($handler) ; \$client.Timeout = New-Object System.TimeSpan(0, 30, 0) ; \$cancelTokenSource = [System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource]::new() ; \$responseMsg = $client.GetAsync([System.Uri]::new('%GOLANG_DOWNLOAD_URL%'),

$cancelTokenSource.Token) ; \$responseMsg.Wait() ; \$downloadedFileStream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new('c:\',

[System.IO.FileMode]::Create, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Write) ; \$response = $responseMsg.Result ; \$copyStreamOp = $response.Content.CopyToAsync($downloadedFileStream) ; \$copyStreamOp.Wait() ; \$downloadedFileStream.Close() ; \[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('c:\','c:\') ; \Remove-Item c:\ -Force

RUN powershell.exe -Command $path = $env:path + ';c:\go\bin'; Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\' -Name Path -Value $path

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ImmutableDisposable Container Pattern

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Windows Updates?

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Networking> docker run -it --mac="92:d0:c6:0a:29:33" \ windowsservercore cmd

> docker run –it -p 8082:80 \ windowsservercore cmd

> Multi-host out the box

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Persisting Data – Data Volumes

> docker run –v <host-dir>:<container-dir> image

-v C:\source:C:\dest

-v C:\container-share\config.ini

-v d:

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Limit CPU Shares> docker run -it --cpu-shares 2 \ --name dockerdemo \ windowsservercore cmd

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Powershell APIPS C:\> Get-ContainerImageName Publisher Version IsOSImage---- --------- ------- ---------NanoServer CN=Microsoft 10.0.10584.1000 TrueWindowsServerCore CN=Microsoft 10.0.10584.1000 True

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PS C:\> New-Container -ContainerImageName WindowsServerCore -Name demo -ContainerComputerName demo

Name State Uptime ParentImageName---- ----- ------ ---------------demo Off 00:00:00 WindowsServerCore

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What’s happening under the covers?

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{ "schemaVersion": 2, "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json", "manifests": [ { "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.manifest.v2+json", "size": 7143, "digest": "sha256:e692418e4cbaf90ca69d05a66403747baa33ee08806650b51fab815ad7fc331f", "platform": { "architecture": ”amd64", "os": "linux", } }, { "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.manifest.v2+json", "size": 7682, "digest": "sha256:5b0bcabd1ed22e9fb1310cf6c2dec7cdef19f0ad69efa1f392e94a4333501270", "platform": { "architecture": "amd64", "os": ”windows", "features": [ "sse4" ] } } ]}

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No Containerd / RunC

Introducing the Compute Service

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var cs = new ContainerSettings{ SandboxPath = path, Layers = layers, KillOnClose = true, NetworkId = HostComputeService.FindNatNetwork(),};using (var container = HostComputeService.CreateContainer(id.ToString(), cs)){ Console.Out.WriteLine("starting container"); Console.Out.Flush(); container.Start(); var si = new ProcessStartInfo { CommandLine = command }; using (var process = container.CreateProcess(si)) { Console.Out.Write(process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()); process.WaitForExit(5000); Console.Out.WriteLine("process exited with {0}", process.ExitCode); } container.Shutdown(Timeout.Infinite);}

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[DllImport("vmcompute.dll", PreserveSig = false, ExactSpelling = true)]

IntPtr computeSystem;h.CreateComputeSystem(id, JsonHelper.ToJson(hcsSettings), IntPtr.Zero, out computeSystem);return Container.Initialize(id, computeSystem, settings.KillOnClose, h);

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Windows Hyper-V Isolation

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Windows Hyper-V Isolation• Problem: Shared Kernel• Solution: Super lightweight virtual machines

• Intel Clear Containers• Ubuntu LXD• IBM are working on something

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PS C:\> docker run -it -p 80:80 \ --isolation=hyperv app cmd

1) Windows starts 'Utility VM‘ and freezes state2) Forks VM state, brings up a fresh second VM3) Launches container on VM

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Properties of Windows Utility VM• Invisible to Docker and containers• All writes are degraded• Separate Kernel to host• SMB file share to access host data

• In the future used for Linux containers?

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Running Containers in Production

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Constraint Scheduler$ docker run \ -e constraint:ostypelabel==windowscompat \ windowservercore cmd

$ docker run \ -e constraint:ostypelabel==linuxcompat \ ubuntu bash

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Microsoft, Apprenda, Red Hat

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Mesosphere DC/OS

Powering Azure Container Service

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Host Fingerprinting• Constraints based deployment

• Container is based on Nano Server, within cluster, deploy to server capable of running Nano Server (ie. Windows Server 2016)Host Fingerprinting

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The Future?

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SQL Server as a Container

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Visual Studio as a Container?

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Everything as a Container

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Deploy Anywhere

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Next Steps• Katacoda

• Microsoft Ignite Conference in two/three weeks

• Windows Server 2016 on Azure

• Windows 10 Insider Release

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Thank you!

@[email protected]