The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor:...

(Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE INTRODUCTION Editor’s Notes In the December 2010 issue of The HOPE Bulletin, we published the 17 December 2010 edition of A Spiritual Note, in which the Editor, Riaz Ahmadali, related an experience of spiritual phenomenon, supported by Quranic evidence, which many of us can relate to in our lives. In this regard, we had made the following request from our readers: “There are many other favours of Allah received by ‘believe and do good’ momins in our Jama‘at. If anyone would like to share their experiences with us, as Br Riaz Ahmadali has done, we will be happy to publish their blessings in this magazine.” We thank those who shared their experiences with us, but, with due regard to their requests for privacy, we will not publish their responses. However, we are very much disappointed that none of the members expressed any interest in communicating with our new convert, Dave Salyers (Muslim name Dawud), who wanted to participate in our community affairs. Dawud wanted to know if we have chat groups and where we congregate for our meetings and prayers. We purposely did not publish his e-mail address, lest it comes to the knowledge of non-Ahmadi Muslims and others who would take advantage of dissuading Dawud from his faith in Ahmadiyyat. Dave’s e-mail address will be provided to our Ahmadi readers on a request basis only. The disinterest of our Jama‘at in not making an attempt to communicate with the new convert is supported by an observation made by an prominent member of our Jama‘at, who wrote, “...One of the reasons why we have a large dropout rate among converts is that we do not have a good support structure like the Qadianis have. Converts feel isolated and not part of a community. With electronic media, we should be Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful .......... The HOPE Bulletin ……….. H ealth, O ngoing P rojects, E ducation

Transcript of The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor:...

Page 1: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE

(Vol. 5:7&8)

Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah



Editor’s Notes In the December 2010 issue of The HOPE Bulletin, we published the 17 December 2010 edition of A

Spiritual Note, in which the Editor, Riaz Ahmadali, related an experience of spiritual phenomenon,

supported by Quranic evidence, which many of us can relate to in our lives.

In this regard, we had made the following request from our readers: “There are many other favours of

Allah received by ‘believe and do good’ momins in our Jama‘at. If anyone would like to share their

experiences with us, as Br Riaz Ahmadali has done, we will be happy to publish their blessings in this


We thank those who shared their experiences with us, but, with due regard to their requests for privacy, we

will not publish their responses.

However, we are very much disappointed that none of the members expressed any interest in

communicating with our new convert, Dave Salyers (Muslim name Dawud), who wanted to participate in

our community affairs. Dawud wanted to know if we have chat groups and where we congregate for our

meetings and prayers. We purposely did not publish his e-mail address, lest it comes to the knowledge of

non-Ahmadi Muslims and others who would take advantage of dissuading Dawud from his faith in

Ahmadiyyat. Dave’s e-mail address will be provided to our Ahmadi readers on a request basis only.

The disinterest of our Jama‘at in not making an attempt to communicate with the new convert is supported

by an observation made by an prominent member of our Jama‘at, who wrote, “...One of the reasons why

we have a large dropout rate among converts is that we do not have a good support structure like the

Qadianis have. Converts feel isolated and not part of a community. With electronic media, we should be

Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

.......... The HOPE Bulletin ………..

Health, Ongoing Projects, Education

Page 2: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE


able to overcome this problem somewhat, if members communicate with the new converts and give them a

sense of fellowship...”

If we desire that Dave Salyers stays steadfast in his newly acquired deen of Ahmadiyyat and Islam, it is

important that at least one member from each of our worldwide Jama‘ats must start communicating with

him and welcome him to our Lahori Jama‘at and worldwide community.

“They shall have with their Lord what they please. Such is the reward of the doers of good” (39:34).



AAIIL General Secretary tours European and Caribbean/South America Jama‘ats Amir Aziz informed us that from 18 January to 6 February he will visit the Holland and Berlin Jama‘ats,

and then from 6 February to 6 March he will tour the Jama‘ats of Suriname, Guyana and Trinidad. The

final leg of his tour will be a return to Holland on 6 March, from where he will make another trip to Berlin

before his return to Pakistan. He will make adjustments in his tentative schedule as need be.

During his absence from Lahore, Brig. Mohammad Saeed will assume the responsibilities of Acting

General Secretary.

Solidarity Day meeting at the Berlin Mosque Amir Aziz, General Secretary of the Central Anjuman, extends an invitation to the members of the

worldwide Jama‘ats to attend a solidarity jalsa scheduled at the Berlin Mosque on 19 March 2011, as


Assalamu Alaikum

Hope to find you all in good health.

I would like to inform you that on behalf of Central Anjuman we are organizing a solidarity day

for Berlin Mosque and for peaceful existence of Muslim Community in German society, on

Saturday 19th March 2011 in Berlin. It will also be a fund raising activity for the Berlin Mosque

and Mission.

We would like to invite you to attend this very important occasion to show your commitment to

this grand Mission.

We request that those who wish to attend the Solidarity Day should also attend Friday Prayer on

18th March in the Berlin Mosque.

You are requested to inform us well in advance so that arrangements can be made accordingly.

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Congratulations to the NZ Jama‘at on the purchase of their Center

Alhamdollillah! We have learnt from Br Shabir Buksh, General Secretary, NZ Jama‘at, that our small

Jama‘at in Auckland, New Zealand got together and purchased a building on mortgage, which will be

used for congregational prayers, board meetings, propagation work, and to celebrate Islamic festivals.

Jazak Allah!

Insha Allah, we shall publish more details of the property such as location, size and other features, and

possibly photographs, as we receive them from the General Secretary of Auckland Jama‘at.

Reminiscence! Capt. Abdus Salam Khan sent us the photograph below (and wrote the caption) of Br Ross Mahmood, who

resides in England.

Ross Mahmood is a grandson of the late Dr. Basharat Ahmad, and cousin of Brs Hamid Rahman of San

Diego, California, and Capt. Abdus Salam Khan of Cucamonga, California, U.S.A.

Maulvi Fazal Haq of Masjid Noor celebrates walima of his marriage held in Pakistan We have prepared for your viewing and reading pleasure a special supplement with a photographic

presentation of the walima party given by the members of Masjid Noor in honour of the marriage of

Maulvi Fazal Haq, Imam and muballig of the Masjid, and his bride that was solemnized in Pakistan.

Parveen and I extend our good wishes and blessings to Maulvi Fazal Haq and his wife in their sacred bond

for a blissful married life.

For those who are not aware, Maulvi Fazal Haq solemnized the sacred bond between Parveen and me at

Masjid Noor on the blessed day of September 9, 2007.

May Allah bless him and his newly-wedded bride. Aameen.

Here is a forty-year-old photograph of cousin

Ross Mahmood (carrying my son, Mubarik,

now a practising physician in Virginia, USA),

with my wife, Najma, when he came down all

the way to Falmouth from London to spend a

day with us onboard the Pakistani ship,


The photo was taken by me.

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Photographic presentation of 2010 Salana Duaiyya To view our photographic presentation of the Salana Duaiyya held at Lahore at the end of December

2010, kindly click on the link

Eid Milad un Nabi function held at Masjid Noor, Suva, Fiji We acknowledge with thanks Rizwan ud Dean, receipt of the following report of the Holy Prophet’s

birthday celebration, and of the aqiqa of Mr. & Mrs. Naushad Buksh’s son, and also of the photographs,

which we have placed in the “Photographic Presentation” section for your viewing pleasure.

Br Rizwan ud Dean wrote:

“Attached are pictures of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday event held at Masjid Noor in Suva on

13 February 2011. The event was held in conjunction with the aqiqa of Mr. & Mrs. Naushad

Buksh’s son.

Regrettably the camera failed to function during the former part of the program and finally came to

life only during the final speaker’s address.

There were a range of speakers: Hashim Aziz (Abdul Naseem’s son), Saliha Buksh (Mr. & Mrs.

Naushad Buksh’s only daughter), Uncle Mehboob, Fazal Haq, [and] Abdul Naseem, and a

sprinkling of nazams by Uncle Imran Sahu Khan. The topics were all focused on the life of the

Holy Prophet and the work he had done during his time, which lives on today.

Today (14 February 2011) is a public holiday in Fiji as a mark of respect for the Holy Prophet’s


The Aqiqa was presided over by Abdul Naseem, who delivered his address on the responsibilities

of parents to their children and the responsibilities of children to their parents.”



Demise of a beloved mother in Rawalpindi, Pakistan On February 18

th 2010, the beloved mother of Brs Zahoor, Hamood, Noor and Shafiq breathed her last and

returned to Allah for good. Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ilehi Rahjeoon.

May Allah bless her and grant her a special place in Jannate-Firdouse for raising four pious sons, who are

pillars of our Jama‘at in Rawalpindi.

I did not meet her at Rawalpindi, although I had known her late husband quite well.

Muhammad Ali, who was very close to the family, wrote: “I am deeply grieved on Auntie’s return to

Allah, as I knew her very well, for she treated me always like one of her own children.”

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Messages of sympathy and condolences Ameen Sahu Khan, Editor, Bashshaar, Sydney, Australia

My dear Brother Zahoor

Assalaamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakathu.

May it please the Almighty Allah that this mail finds you in the best of health, spiritually more enlightened

and fortified to bear the passing away of your beloved mother. Innalillahe Wa Inna Ilaihe Rajioon.

May Allah Subhanahu-Wa-Ta’ala grant aunty’s soul Jannatul Firdause and may He grant you and every

member of the family the strength and the courage to bear your irreparable loss.

“O soul that art at rest

Return to thy Lord, well-pleased, well-pleasing,

So enter among My servants

And enter My Garden.” (Holy Qur’an 89: 27-30)

Allah Hafiz.

Muhammad Ameen Sahu Khan

Editor, Bashshaar

AAII Sydney

Shaukat A. Ali, Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Region

Dear brother Zahoor-ur Rahman

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu.

We are very deeply saddened to learn that your beloved mother has left this world to meet with our Maker.

Inna-lillahe wa inna ilaihi rajioon.

We pray that Allah Ta’ala grant the departed soul eternal peace and abode in the highest pedestal of

Jannat-ul Firdous – aameen.

Our prayers are also with all the members of your extended families. We pray that Allah swt grant all of

you strength, comfort and sabr to bear this sad loss of one who was near and dear to all of you.

Please convey our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to all the members of your extended family and

may the blessings of Allah be with all of you - aameen.

Allah Hafiz.


Akbar Abdullah, Editor, The HOPE Bulletin My dear Brother Zahoor-ur-Rehman:

Assalam-o-Alaikum wrwb.

I am deeply grieved to learn about the very sad and sudden demise of your beloved mother in Rawalpindi,

Pakistan. Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ilehi Rajeoon.

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Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolence and also extend my sentiments of grief to your

siblings, other family members, and relatives.

May Allah (swt) with His infinite mercy grant Auntie the highest place in Jannate-Firdouse and grant her

surviving family members sabr and fortitude to bear the burden of this irreparable personal loss. Aameen.

Allah Hafiz.

Br. Akbar Abdullah,

Humble seeker of your prayers.

Obituary in Lahore, Pakistan Begum Kaniz Fatima, beloved wife of the late Chaudhary Ahmad Sajjad ( Retd. Squadron Leader) and

sister-in-law of Brs Ahmad Nawaz of Hayward, California, and Masud Akthar Choudary, General

Secretary of AAIIL, California, expired in Lahore, Pakistan on January 11, 2011, after a long illness.

Inna Lillahe Wa Inna Ilehi Rajeoon.

Mahrooma Kaniz Fatima is survived by two married daughters, Abida Sajjad and Moneeza Sajjad.

The Jama‘at is requested to please pray for the Mahrooma’s maghfirat.

Request for du‘a-e-shifa I am requesting Hazrat Ameer, the Jama‘at and members of our “Prayer Circle” to please conduct du‘a-e-

shifa for the speedy healing of my bruised knees and relief from a severe case of bronchitis.

All are also requested to pray for Parveen’s who was recently been hospitalized in War Memorial

Hospital, Suva, with excess body fluids by a cause yet undetermined by the physician. Parveen and I thank

Br Nizam ud Dean and his Begum, Dolly, for visiting Parveen’s brother at home and advising the family

to admit him to the hospital immediately.



The following was taken from the weblog

Benefits of gratefulness

Submitted by Usman.

This article may be of interest to the blog community. It basically talks about the benefits of being

grateful; and who is more worthy of being grateful to than Allah!

Page 7: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE



Grateful People Are Happier, Healthier Long After the Leftovers Are Gobbled Up


It turns out, giving thanks is good for your health. A growing body of research suggests that maintaining

an attitude of gratitude can improve psychological, emotional and physical well-being.

How Grateful Are You?

Adults who frequently feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social connections and more

happiness than those who do not, according to studies conducted over the past decade. They’re also less

likely to be depressed, envious, greedy or alcoholics. They earn more money, sleep more soundly, exercise

more regularly and have greater resistance to viral infections.

Now, researchers are finding that gratitude brings similar benefits in children and adolescents. Kids who

feel and act grateful tend to be less materialistic, get better grades, set higher goals, complain of fewer

headaches and stomach aches and feel more satisfied with their friends, families and schools than those

who don't, studies show.

“A lot of these findings are things we learned in kindergarten or our grandmothers told us, but we now

have scientific evidence to prove them,” says Jeffrey J. Froh, an assistant professor of psychology at

Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., who has conducted much of the research with children.

“The key is not to leave it on the Thanksgiving table,” says Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at

the University of California-Davis and a pioneer in gratitude research. And, he notes, “with the realization

that one has benefited comes the awareness of the need to reciprocate.”

Philosophers as far back as the ancient Greeks and Romans cited gratitude as an indispensable human

virtue, but social scientists are just beginning to study how it develops and the effects it can have.

The research is part of the “positive psychology” movement, which focuses on developing strengths rather

than alleviating disorders. Cultivating gratitude is also a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy, which holds

that changing peoples’ thought patterns can dramatically affect their moods.

It’s possible, of course, to over-do expressions of gratitude, particularly if you try to show it with a gift.

“Thanking someone in such a way that is disproportionate to the relationship—say, a student giving her

teacher an iPod—will create resentment, guilt, anger and a sense of obligation,” says Dr. Froh.

Gratitude can also be misused to exert control over the receiver and enforce loyalty. Dr. Froh says you can

avoid this by being empathic toward the person you are thanking—and by honestly assessing your


In an upcoming paper in the Journal of Happiness Studies, Dr. Froh and colleagues surveyed 1,035 high-

school students and found that the most grateful had more friends and higher GPAs, while the most

materialistic had lower grades, higher levels of envy and less satisfaction with life. “One of the best cures

for materialism is to make somebody grateful for what they have,” says Dr. Froh.

The Juggle

Much of the research on gratitude has looked at associations, not cause-and-effect relationships; it’s

possible that people who are happy, healthy and successful simply have more to be grateful for. But in a

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landmark study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 2003, Dr. Emmons and University

of Miami psychologist Michael McCullough showed that counting blessings can actually make people feel


The researchers randomly divided more than 100 undergraduates into three groups. One group was asked

to list five things they were grateful for during the past week for 10 consecutive weeks. The second group

listed five things that annoyed them each week and the third group simply listed five events that had

occurred. They also completed detailed questionnaires about their physical and mental health before,

during and after.

Those who listed blessings each week had fewer health complaints, exercised more regularly and felt

better about their lives in general than the other two groups.


FEATURE REPORT [Courtesy, Daily Times, Lahore]

Double Standards of Our Kharjites By Yasser Latif Hamdani

Every time the state prints a passport form or form for an identity card describing the founder of the

Ahmedi faith as an impostor, liar and false prophet, it violates 295-A.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973 declares that, for the purposes of the law

and constitution, Ahmedis are non-Muslims. Specifically, the Ahmedis have been mentioned as a non-

Muslim community along with other faiths. It therefore follows that the Ahmedi faith is a separate,

recognised religion of a class of citizens of Pakistan known as Ahmedis under our constitution, which

protects freedom of religion, and law, which protects all classes of citizens in Pakistan in principle against

violence and persecution. If there was any doubt about the legal position of Ahmedis, 298-C of the

Pakistan Penal Code (PPC) crystallises their position as non-Muslims.

Now let us review the blasphemy laws of Pakistan, which are always used to persecute minorities but

never protect them. 295-A for example says, “Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of

outraging the religious feelings of any class of the citizens of Pakistan, by words, either spoken or written,

or by visible representations insults or attempts to insult the religion or the religious beliefs of that class,

shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 10 years, or

with fine, or with both.”

One may also refer to 153-A of the aforesaid PPC which says, “Whoever (a) by words, either spoken or

written, or by signs, or by visible representation or otherwise, promotes or incites, or attempts to promote

or incite, on grounds of religion, race, place of birth, residence, language, caste or community or any other

ground whatsoever, disharmony or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will between different religious, racial,

language or regional groups or castes or communities; or (b) commits or incites any other person to

commit, any act which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmony between different religious, racial,

language or regional, groups or castes or communities or any group of persons identifiable as such on any

ground whatsoever and which disturbs or is likely to disturb public tranquillity; or (c) organises, or incites

any other person to organise, any exercise, movement, drill or other similar activity intending that the

Page 9: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE


participants in any such activity shall use or be trained to use criminal force or violence or knowing it to

be likely that the participants in any such activity will use or be trained to use criminal force of violence,

or participates, or incites any other person to participate, in any such activity intending to use or be trained

to use criminal force or violence, or knowing it to be likely that the participants in any such activity will

use or be trained to use criminal force or violence against any religious, racial, language or regional group

or caste or community or any group of persons identifiable as such on any ground whatsoever and any

such activity for any reason whatsoever causes or is likely to cause fear or alarm or a feeling of insecurity

amongst members of such religious, racial, language or regional group or caste or community, shall be

punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and with fine.”

Now, admittedly, under the law and constitution of Pakistan, the Ahmedi community is a religious

community and class unto itself, which should, in principle, enjoy the same protections of law and

constitution as any citizen of Pakistan must enjoy. Clearly then it follows that the founder of their faith,

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, also enjoys the privilege of 295-A, and to defile his memory ought to be

punishable by incarceration extending up to 10 years. It is also clear that any incitement against Ahmedis

amounts to an incitement against a group of citizens of Pakistan defined by its religious beliefs, which is

punishable under Pakistani law.

The foremost guilty party is the state itself. Every time the state prints a passport form or form for an

identity card describing the founder of the Ahmedi faith as an impostor, liar and false prophet, it violates

295-A. The next guilty party is every mullah and his mother-in-law. If Pakistan applied its laws justly and

fairly, every ignorant mullah using the pulpit to abuse Ahmedis and inciting people to violence against

them would be behind bars for combined sentences of 15 years at the very least.

Instead, the violators of the PPC, like the ignorant Alim Online, are hailed as great scholars. Another

ignorant mullah announces prize money for the death of a poor hapless woman incarcerated under clearly

false charges through a dubious and unfair process and no one has the courage in this country to try him.

Our great and mighty chief justice who has a penchant for suo motu notices has yet to invoke 153-A

against the said mullah.

No sir, in Pakistan the law does not protect the weak, helpless and marginalised. It persecutes them.

Ignorant and hypocritical mullahs have made a mockery of the constitution, law and process in Pakistan.

Justice Sardar Muhammad Iqbal, in his famous judgement in Kaikaus v. President of Pakistan PLD 1976

Lah 1608 (which my colleague Saad Chaudhry was kind enough to point me towards), had described the

petitioners as Kharijites. Thirty-four years later it seems Pakistan is not an Islamic state or a Shia state or a

Sunni state. It is now a Kharijite state held hostage by our Kharijite mullahs who are hell bent on

destroying the rest of us and, in the process, Pakistan itself.

What depths will we not fall to? Could the contrast be any greater to our founding principles? At the

height of the Pakistan Movement, Jinnah refused to endorse a cover for Time magazine on its editor’s

request because it was derogatory and insulting “to the Hindu Community”. Our nation state was built on

positive values, not hatred for others. Yet we now seem to call into question its very existence by our

actions. Incidentally, questioning the creation of Pakistan is also punishable under Section 123-A of the

PPC, though it has never stopped the PPP from sharing power with the JUI-F, a party whose famous

antecedent Maulana Mufti Mahmood, the posthumous godfather of the Taliban and bigoted forces,

historically denounced the creation of Pakistan.


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Web link to The HOPE Bulletin on Central Anjuman’s official website The Webmaster will place online, at, some

selected issues of The HOPE Bulletin and some articles and special photographic supplements which do

not carry any sensitive or confidential matters of our worldwide Jama‘at.

The Light – UK Edition To access current and previous issues, kindly click on the following weblink:

We strongly recommend that you access the blog interaction on the Weblog located on this website.

Central Anjuman’s website on Twitter The Webmaster, Central Anjuman’s Official Website, informs us:

“ For those of you who use Twitter we are: @aaiil ”

Jazak Allah for this new feature.



Jalal Ud Dean, Suva, Fiji Islands Assalaamu ’Alaikum Wr Wb.

Thanks for the reminder.

In fact that Email has been in circulation for some time since year 2010. The initiators have been traced as

Nigerian ring of fraudsters thriving away in London.

On a sad note, none of the persons whose names have been laundered about are aware of the pitiful plight

they are purported to be in. London Metropolitan Police has been inundated with complaints against such

Nigerian fraudsters. T

hese Nigerian fraudsters are neck-deep into all sorts of fast money making schemes.

In addition, these Nigerians are also running lottery schemes through Email outlets using most convincing

and deceptive fliers.

These Nigerians deserve some admiration: their creativity in rigging up fraudulent schemes.

Page 11: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE


Shaukat A. Ali, Coordinator, Asia-Pacific Region Dear brother Akbar Abdullah sahib

Assalamu alaikum.

JazakAllahu khaira for the Salana Duaiyya Supplement, which as usual is well presented.

It may be of interest for our members to note that there were no security or safety fears among the

participants who came from all over Pakistan in full force. Members must realize that this is a purely

religious gathering to seek spiritual enlightenment and as such material and worldly fears have no place

at these gatherings. Our Motto is “Allah is with us” and we “hold religion above the world.” As a result,

they should not be too concerned about the safety and security matters as death can strike us anywhere at

anytime if our term on this planet has come to an end.

In the photo below the one with Sister Samina and Dr. Jawad are Mr. Henk and his son, Alvin, from

Holland. They are also in the next photo between Hazrat Ameer and me.

May the blessings of Allah be always with you and your loved ones - aameen.

Allah hafiz.



Recipe of the Month

Eggplant Curry


• Eggplant, chopped into cubes (with peel)

• Large Onion, sliced

• 2 cloves garlic, chopped

• 2 tsp. paprika

• 2 tsp. coriander

• 2 tsp. cumin seed

• salt

• pepper

• 1 TBs tomato paste

• 1 cup water

• olive oil

Method of Preparation

• Heat olive oil in pan, add onions and sauté until they start to become tender.

• Add garlic.

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• Add the spices: cumin seed, paprika, coriander.

• Add eggplant, and salt and pepper to taste.

• When the eggplant starts to get soft, add the tomato paste and water.

• Let it simmer until the eggplant is fully cooked.

• You can cover it while it's cooking so it doesn't dry out too much. You can also add more tomato

paste and water to your liking.

Serve with bread or rice.

There are some general principles laid down by the Holy Qur’an regarding food.

The first condition is that it should be lawful (halal), which carries the double significance of being earned

lawfully and not being prohibited by Law. The second is that it should be good (tayyib) or fit for eating,

not unclean or such as offends the taste. “O men! Eat the lawful and good things out of what is in the

earth” (2: 168).

It is further stated that the golden rule regarding what one eats and drinks is moderation. As underfeeding

affects the build-up of man, so does also the overloading the stomach. Moderation also requires that no

food should be used to excess. “And eat and drink and be not immoderate, for He does not love the

immoderate” (7: 31).

Self-denying practices by which a man deprives himself of certain kinds of food are expressly denounced:

“O you who believe! Do not forbid yourselves the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and

do not exceed the limits” (5: 87).

Flesh is allowed if the animal is slaughtered in the name of Allah: “And do not eat of that on which

Allah’s name has not been mentioned” (6: 122).

Prohibited foods are detailed: “Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine,

and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled animal, and that

beaten to death, and that killed by a fall, and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which

wild beasts have eaten – except what you slaughter – and what is sacrificed on stones set up for idols” (5:


Game of land and sea is allowed with one exception: “Lawful to you is the game of the sea and its food ...

and the game of the land is forbidden to you so long as you are on pilgrimage” (5: 96).

Intoxicants are prohibited: “O you who believe! Intoxicants and games of chance are only an uncleanness,

the devil’s work; shun them, therefore, that you may be successful” (5: 90).


Page 13: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE



Birthday celebration of the Holy Prophet & Aqiqa function held at Masjid Noor,

Suva, Fiji

Page 14: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE


Page 15: The HOPE Bulletin · 2011. 2. 28. · (Vol. 5:7&8) Jan-Feb 2011 AAIIL Worldwide Edition Editor: Akbar Abdullah CALIFORNIA JAMA‘AT PROJECT: APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL ANJUMAN, LAHORE




Akbar Abdullah

Editor, The HOPE Bulletin Mailing Address: P.O. Box 232811

Sacramento, California 95823-0430, U.S.A.

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Telephone Number: (773) 539-6892