The Hit Parade - Group 2

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Transcript of The Hit Parade - Group 2

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2

    1/8 Word

    1 abscond

    2 amilioriate

    3 arduous

    4 ascetic

    5 austere6 axiom7 axiomatic8 bucolic9 canonical

    10 contentious

    11 convoluted

    12 culpable13 disabuse

    14 eclectic

    15 effrontrey

    16 ephemeral

    17 erudite

    18 eulogy

    19 extemporaneous

    20 facetious

    21 fulminate

    22 hyberbole

    23 lucid24 oscillation25 paean26 penurious

    27 perfidy

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    28 pernicious

    29 perspicacious30 pious

    31 precipitate

    32 precursor

    33 predilection

    34 prolific

    35 ualms

    36 uiesence

    37 recant

    38 redoutable

    39 reticent40 satire41 sordid42 sualid43 suander

    44 stoic

    45 stymie

    46 supplant47 synthesis48 torpid

    49 torue

    50 ubituitos51 veracity52 vilify

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2



    !bscond # ab $ scond% &!bsent in a second'% (hen you )ill absent in a second* +)hen u ,-.!/ . or )hen u .!- secretly%

    -ae the suffix :rate:% (ith the increase in product rate it:s uality )ill also improve%

    ;h )hen the axe is on me )ill tell the truth% -his is surely evident

    .arth is rotating on it:s o)n !?,a @!-. matical statementthat need not be provedbucolic sounds a bit lie bulloc )hich is used in the Acountry sideA%%

    canonical>>loo at the )ord canon$ical>%%%%something that resembles or lie the biblical canon

    Bontentious> ;Bontender$,erious< ne )ho taes competition too serious al)ays fights and uarrels<

    Bonvolution theorem )as very hard to understandCC

    culp; culprit15phermi>real

    erudite has /atin rootL eruditus + e $ rudis + e $ rude;untrained< !fter training ruder he becomes an erudite person

    eulogy + eu>:good: $ log :rootL logue Idialogue tal speechK: +M Food speech

    someone )ho maes funny faces acetiousMMMace is not ,erious

    fulminate sounds lie full $ illuminate uring an explosion or lightning everything is illuminated completely

    hyper;beyond the limit

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2


    )ord can be divided lie per$nicious%%nicious )hen pronounced sounds lie noxious%%%so noxious%% %%so something harmful%%%%%

    sounds lie perspective or perceptive )hich are relatedpi;buy uality of being at rest or stillness

    . ;again< $ B!E- ;cannot< + A have told you this !F!E and !F!E it B!EE- be done it has been .S.B-.%

    redoubtable can be re$doubt;able>M -o be lie a stone means you don:t experience pleasure or pain% Hou are unaffected

    ,tymie is a negative )ord% ,tymie means Atie meA% i%e% prevent from moving for)ard%

    supplant sounds lie implants%% and implant taes the place of originalityC!s in photosynthesis > )hich combines carbondioxide organic material and light to give xygen %%%

    tor>pid lie a tor>toise )e all no) they>are>slo)%%%

    -UN. and BV ;as of in dance< are rhyming )ords% -hey both refer to a production of an oscillatory movement%

    it pronuW lie mosuitos )hich are being every)hereN must have the audacity to exhibit veracityCCCaudacity means courage%%%veracity means truthfulness

    Dilify ;to spea ill of< is to mae someone out to be a villain


  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2



    run a)ay= usually includes taing something or somebody along

    characteriXed by effort to the point of exhaustion= especially physical effort

    someone )ho practices self denial as a spiritual discipline

    evident )ithout proof or argument

    of or relating to or reuired by canon la)

    deserving blame or censure as being )rong or evil or inTuriousfree somebody ;from an erroneous belief<

    someone )ho selects according to the eclectic method

    audacious ;even arrogant< behavior that you have no right to

    lasting for a very short time%

    a formal expression of praise for someone )ho has died recently

    )ith little or no preparation or forethought

    cleverly amusing in tone

    extravagant exaggeration

    ;of language< transparently clear= easily understandable

    not having enough money to pay for necessities

    an act of deliberate betrayal

     to mae better

     of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor= forbidding in aspect a saying that is )idely accepted on its o)n merits

     a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

     inclined or sho)ing an inclination to dispute or disagree even to engage in la) suits

     rolled longitudinally upon itself 

     having or sho)ing profound no)ledge

     a salt or ester of fulminic acid

     ;physics< a regular periodic variation in value about a mean a formal expression of praise

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2


    )oring or spreading in a hidden and usually inTurious )ay

    acutely insightful and )isehaving or sho)ing or expressing reverence for a deity

    a precipitated solid substance in suspension or after settling or filtering

    a predisposition in favor of something a strong liing

    intellectually productive

    an uneasy feeling of doubt )orry or fear especially about one:s o)n conduct= a misgiving%

    a state of uiet ;but possibly temporary< inaction

    temperamentally disinclined to tal

    morally degradedunethical or dishonestmorally degraded foul and run>do)n and repulsive

    spend thoughtlessly= thro) a)ay

    someone )ho is seemingly indifferent to emotions

    a situation in golf )here an opponent:s ball blocs the line bet)een your ball and the hole

    the combination of ideas into a complex )holeslo) and apathetic

    a t)isting force

    being present every)here at onceun)illingness to tell lies

    spread negative information about

     something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone

     formally reTect or disavo) a formerly held belief usually under pressure

     inspiring fear

     )itty language used to convey insults or scorn

     tae the place or move into the position of 

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2




     disillusion undeceive correct



    absuatulate bolt decamp go off mae off

    amend better improve meliorate

    bacbreaing grueling gruelling hard heavy laborious

    ascetical austere spartan

     ascetic ascetical spartan

    self>evident taen for grantedeclogue idyl idyllcanonic sanctioned

     combative disputatious disputative litigious

     byXantine involved notty tangled tortuous

     blamable blameable blameful blame)orthy


    assumption presumption presumptuousness

    transitory transient fleeting passing

    encomium paean panegyric pean

    ad>lib extemporary extempore impromptu

    bantering tongue>in>chee


     crystal clear limpid luculent pellucid perspicuous vibration

    encomium eulogy panegyric peanhard up impecunious in straitened circumstances

    betrayal treachery treason

  • 8/20/2019 The Hit Parade - Group 2


    unemotional person stoical



    baneful deadly pestilent

     sagacious sapientsincere forlorn vain desperate despairing

     hasty overhasty precipitant precipitous

    forerunner harbinger herald predecessor

     orientation preference

    fecund fertile

    misgiving doubt reservation

     dormancy uiescency sleeping

    abTure fors)ear resile retract

     formidable unnerving

    restrained unemotional caustic remar irony sarcasm

     flyblo)n sordid seamy seedy sleaXy sualid

    blo) )aste

     blocade embarrass hinder obstruct stymy

    replace supercede supersede supervene upondeduction deductive reasoning synthetic

    inert sluggish soggy

    truthfulness truth accuracy rail revile vituperate