1 Abstract This is a comprehensive history of the Salisbury (No1) Branch of the RSA produced by Dick Offord when he was the chairman of the Branch and relies heavily on extracts from previous Branch Minutes still held in their original form. These have also been digitised and can be found at this link: THE HISTORY OF THE SALISBURY BRANCH (THE NUMBER 1 BRANCH) OF THE ROYAL SIGNALS ASSOCIATION 1953 TO 2013 BY MAJOR (RETIRED) DICK OFFORD MBE Introduction On becoming Chairman of the Salisbury Branch of the Royal Signals Association in 2008 I inherited an archive of minutes of monthly meetings held by the Branch since 1953. No records survived prior to that date. Minutes were taken at every meeting since 1953 until the year 2000 after which they have been taken only at Annual General Meetings. Collectively they provide the history of the Branch over the last 60 years. As many of these records are fading and the books in which they are contained falling apart, early in 2013 I decided to preserve this information by digitisation and this record now comprises 633 digital pages. However, it seemed a little pointless to retain this detailed record if, as I suspected, few if anyone would bother to wade through it. So having preserved the original text, I decided to edit the minutes into the abridged, hopefully more readable, record which follows here for the interest of current and future Branch members. It was a significant undertaking taking many weeks to complete. The decision as to what to include was a challenge, too much and it could be boring, too little and it would fail to do justice to the activities of our predecessors. I hope the compromise on which I settled has managed to capture adequately the changing fortunes and events of the Branch over the years as recorded in the minutes of the 529 meetings from which it has been taken. The record includes much of the original including personal details. However, where I considered it to be appropriate, such as when members received financial welfare support, the names of those involved have been anonymised by abbreviation to avoid identification. Whilst it is quite likely that some of those mentioned in this regard are no longer with us, they could still have relatives living in the area, so avoiding the use of their names removes the risk of causing embarrassment to any relative who might hear of this account. Before reading events of more than half a century ago, it is worth reminding ourselves how life has changed from the earliest years when almost no member of the Branch would have owned a car to be able to travel to Branch events or a television to keep them entertained at home. The Welfare State was nothing like as supportive as it is today. Most people were really quite poor by today’s standards. As a result, as will become apparent, the Branch played a much more active role in the lives of its members than it does today. After reading the first few pages you might conclude that the remainder are likely to be a waste of time reading what initially may appear to be a quite uneventful record. It is after all not a novel written to entertain, but an historical record. However, when it moves from the 1950s into the 1960s and beyond, it does become rather more interesting. At the end of the 1960s the Branch had almost ceased to exist but after several years and considerable effort it re-emerged under new management. Amongst the more ordinary events recorded there is mention of both heroism and fame. There are details of generosity, benevolence and unusual welfare support such as a gift of four hundredweight of coal, as well as details of extraordinarily large committees. Sadly also many deaths are recorded.




This is a comprehensive history of the Salisbury (No1) Branch of the RSA produced by Dick Offord

when he was the chairman of the Branch and relies heavily on extracts from previous Branch

Minutes still held in their original form. These have also been digitised and can be found at this link:



1953 TO 2013




On becoming Chairman of the Salisbury Branch of the Royal Signals Association in 2008 I inherited

an archive of minutes of monthly meetings held by the Branch since 1953. No records survived

prior to that date. Minutes were taken at every meeting since 1953 until the year 2000 after which

they have been taken only at Annual General Meetings. Collectively they provide the history of the

Branch over the last 60 years. As many of these records are fading and the books in which they are

contained falling apart, early in 2013 I decided to preserve this information by digitisation and this

record now comprises 633 digital pages. However, it seemed a little pointless to retain this detailed

record if, as I suspected, few if anyone would bother to wade through it. So having preserved the

original text, I decided to edit the minutes into the abridged, hopefully more readable, record which

follows here for the interest of current and future Branch members. It was a significant undertaking

taking many weeks to complete. The decision as to what to include was a challenge, too much and it

could be boring, too little and it would fail to do justice to the activities of our predecessors. I hope

the compromise on which I settled has managed to capture adequately the changing fortunes and

events of the Branch over the years as recorded in the minutes of the 529 meetings from which it has

been taken.

The record includes much of the original including personal details. However, where I considered it

to be appropriate, such as when members received financial welfare support, the names of those

involved have been anonymised by abbreviation to avoid identification. Whilst it is quite likely that

some of those mentioned in this regard are no longer with us, they could still have relatives living in

the area, so avoiding the use of their names removes the risk of causing embarrassment to any

relative who might hear of this account. Before reading events of more than half a century ago, it is

worth reminding ourselves how life has changed from the earliest years when almost no member of

the Branch would have owned a car to be able to travel to Branch events or a television to keep them

entertained at home. The Welfare State was nothing like as supportive as it is today. Most people

were really quite poor by today’s standards. As a result, as will become apparent, the Branch played

a much more active role in the lives of its members than it does today.

After reading the first few pages you might conclude that the remainder are likely to be a waste of

time reading what initially may appear to be a quite uneventful record. It is after all not a novel

written to entertain, but an historical record. However, when it moves from the 1950s into the 1960s

and beyond, it does become rather more interesting. At the end of the 1960s the Branch had almost

ceased to exist but after several years and considerable effort it re-emerged under new management.

Amongst the more ordinary events recorded there is mention of both heroism and fame. There are

details of generosity, benevolence and unusual welfare support such as a gift of four hundredweight

of coal, as well as details of extraordinarily large committees. Sadly also many deaths are recorded.


In what follows I have used a mixture of original wording, edited extracts from the minutes and

where I think it might help, a few comments of my own. I have used abbreviations with which I

think the reader is likely to be familiar. Amongst the Appendices and photos I have referenced at the

end of the document, I have attached, at Appendix A, a list of the principle post holders since 1953,

if for no other reason than this is where I started. The HQ of the RSA had asked my predecessor for

this list and I understand that it may never have been completed. So I went through all the minutes to

find this information and by the time I had finished I wanted to share with the reader some of what

else I had found. The minutes begin in 1953 but the Salisbury Branch, according to one of the

minutes, was actually formed in 1924 just four years after the formation of both the Corps and the

Association. Later we will see that this was probably incorrect. I have been unable to establish for

certain exactly when it became the original, “Number One Branch” of the RSA but the Branch was

almost certainly formed in December 1930. The size of the Branch membership over the years is

only occasionally mentioned. In the early years, when members paid no annual subscription it

seemed to have numbered about fifty but a substantial number of those seldom attended meetings

and so were perhaps members in name only. I have omitted altogether any extracts of meetings

which I considered do not merit a mention. Also omitted are repetitious details of attendance at the

Association Secretaries’ Committee Meetings in London and Remembrance Day Parades which

have taken place routinely every year. Until the last few years, without the benefit of email,

considerable Branch expenditure went on postage, mainly to members informing them of Branch

news and events. It seems most members failed to respond to these letters.

As we will see, in the early years, from 1953 onwards (and probably from before that), there was a

very close relationship between the Branch, the serving Regular Army and in particular the local TA.

The Chief Signals Officer (CSO) for Southern Command normally accepted the Branch invitation to

become its President and Branch members were often serving Regular or TA soldiers. From 1955

for many years the Branch used TA social facilities for its events but starting in Mar 1953 meetings

were held at the West End Hotel on Wilton Road.

Minutes of meetings commencing 1953

1953 (Coronation Year) In May the Town Clerk wrote regarding the Coronation Church Parade on

Sun 31 May. Later the Royal Engineer (RE) Assoc wrote requesting the attendance of the Branch at

the Drumhead Service on Sun 28 Jun. The final arrangements were agreed for Members to attend the

Royal Review of ex-Servicemen by the Queen in Hyde Park on 5 Jul. A first hand account of the

event is at Appendix B. In Aug the RAF Association wrote requesting the Branch attend their Battle

of Britain Church Parade on Sun 20 Sep. The following month the Branch decided to change venue

for its meetings moving to The New Inn Wilton but after just three meetings it moved again to The

London Hotel Fisherton Street. The fee for the new venue was 7s 6d in Winter and 5s in Summer.

Summary of events (attended by one or more Branch members) this year: Coronation Church

Parade, RE Drumhead Service, Royal Review of ex Servicemen in Hyde Park, Battle of Britain

Church Parade, Xmas Social.

1954 The AGM took place in Feb when it was decided the Branch would hold a dinner for which the

Secretary would send out letters to members. But in Mar it was decided that owing to lack of

support, no Branch dinner would be held this year and letters to members who had replied to the

original letter would be sent informing them of the decision. In Apr the Secretary was asked to send

letters to members regarding an invitation to Southern Command Sig Regt Weekend at the end of the

month and to The West Country Reunion at Exeter in May. The following month the Secretary

reported that only six members were willing to attend the West Country Reunion. The meeting

agreed that the expense of hiring a coach would be excessive and that the trip should be called off. In

Jul the meeting agreed to accept the Wilts & Dorset Omnibus Company quotation of £9 for the


annual Branch Summer outing to Swanage on 5 Sep. In Oct the meeting agreed to attend the Home

Guard Social. In Nov it was agreed to hold a Branch supper on 10 Dec, followed by a social.

Summary of events attended this year: Branch Outing to Swanage, Battle of Britain Church

Parade, Home Guard Social, Branch Supper & Social.

1955 At the AGM in Feb it was agreed that the monthly meetings would be followed by a small

social to which ladies and friends could be invited. The Chairman said that he would like to see

more members attend meetings. In Mar it was proposed to purchase a copy of the Wire magazine

for members to read. It was decided at the meeting the following month that the Branch would be

represented at the West Country Reunion in May, that a car would be hired and members subsidised

from Branch funds. In Jun a Branch outing to Swanage on Sun 28 Aug was agreed. At the

following meeting the Secretary agreed to send a letter to Capt Stock OC 340 Sig Sqn TA about the

possibility of using the TA Hut at Stratford Road for Branch meetings. Col Sladen subsequently

replied agreeing to this request. This arrangement was to last more than 11 years. In Nov the

meeting discussed arrangements for the Annual Pantomime outing to Bournemouth and the

Children’s Party. In Dec it was proposed that the Branch pay expenses to send Mrs R and her family

on holiday.

Summary of events attended this year: Bournemouth Pantomime, West Country Reunion, Outing

to Swanage, Battle of Britain Church Parade.

1956 This year was relatively uneventful. In Feb a letter was received from Mrs M thanking the

Branch for the flowers sent to her on the death of her husband. It was decided that the Branch pay

the expenses to send Mrs R and Family on holiday to Liverpool. In Jun Brig Bell accepted the

Presidency in succession to Brig Gardiner. It was decided to purchase 12 Corps ties from HQ to be

held as stock for members to purchase. In Sep a vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Cooper for repair

work done on the Branch Standard (the first of many such repairs).

Summary of events attended this year: Children’s party, Bournemouth Pantomime, Outing to

Swanage, Battle of Britain Church Parade.

1957 In Feb it was proposed that a loan of £4.5s.0d to Mrs R be made a grant. It was proposed after

a long discussion that the Branch send one guinea to the Mayor to help establish a mobile YMCA

canteen. A vote of thanks was passed to the TA for all their help to the Branch during 1956. In Aug

Brig Bell wrote to resign as Branch President on leaving the Army. The meeting agreed to accept the

TA offer of moving into their new hall when the time came. In Dec it was decided that the Branch

Dinner be held at the Cathedral Hotel at a charge of 10s per head and that the General Secretary of

the RSA along with Maj and Mrs Stock be invited as guests. Drinks for toasts to the Queen would

be paid for from Branch funds. It was decided that the usual Xmas Cards (to local dignitaries)

would be sent and that a small present be given to Mrs Jolliffe for her help during the year.

Summary of events attended this year: Branch outing to Weymouth, Pantomime, Branch Dinner.

1958 In Jan for the second successive month, meeting attendance was very low. The Secretary

presented Mrs Jolliffe with the present decided at the previous meeting. In Feb the Secretary in his

report said that events last year were not well attended and he hoped attendance would improve in

the coming year. Letters had been sent to members but only about 10 per cent had replied. In Mar

at the AGM the Committee was asked to make arrangements for running ‘Housey-Housey’ (later to

be called Tombola and then Bingo) in an effort to raise funds. This was an inspired decision as

Housey-Housey was to become a huge money spinner for the Branch. In Apr it was decided that

Housey-Housey would be held in conjunction with the TA commencing Fri 9 May. In May owing

to the first Housey-Housey being held, the meeting was very informal and no points were raised for

discussion. In Jun the Secretary told the meeting that an invitation had been received from the TA to

attend a parade at Salisbury Market Square on 29 Jun. In Jul the Chairman thanked Mr Hart for

attending the Memorial Service to the late Gen Hadgate. The meeting observed a brief silence,


standing in memory of the late Gen. The Treasurer reported the Branch funds totalled £71.18s.11d;

using the Retail Price Index this was equivalent to more than £1500 in 2013. In Aug it was decided

to attend the 21st Annual Dinner of the Bournemouth RSA. The Entertainments Committee was

authorised to give to those ladies who had kindly helped to make the Housey-Housey meetings such

a marked success, a small gift in appreciation of their services. The accounts no longer exist but

Housey–Housey was already making a great deal of money for Branch funds. In Oct Maj Dowie

raised complaints about the outing to Weymouth. After a lengthy discussion the Secretary said he

wished to resign as he could not carry on under such complaints. In Nov the meeting expressed its

full and unanimous confidence in the elected Officers: Chairman Mr Hand, Secretary Mr Softly and

Treasurer Major Wattley. Following the vote of confidence, the Secretary was asked to carry on and

he accepted. It was proposed this year’s pantomime visit to Bournemouth be made on a date in Feb

and that non-members be invited in order to fill transport to capacity, first offers to be made to

friends of the Branch, J Troop (TA). It was agreed that the annual dinner would be held on Sat 31

Jan at the TA Club Room, Stratford Road, that the CO be requested to give the necessary permission

and that CO 43 Div Sigs, OC J Tp and helpers of Housey-Housey be invited as guests.

Summary of events attended this year: Outing to Weymouth, RAF Assoc Church Parade,

Bournemouth RSA Dinner.

1959 In Jan it was proposed that £1 be spent on amenities for Mr C in hospital and £2 on pantomime

expenses for Mrs C and her boy. Brig Bradford presided at the AGM at the next meeting. The

Treasurer in his report stated Branch funds were in a healthy position. The Branch had made a profit

of £120, equivalent to about £2500 in 2013, during the year, mainly on the Housey-Housey sessions.

The Chairman Mr Hand said he no longer wished to stand as Chairman. The case of Mr C was

raised as minutes arising from the previous meeting. It was decided to make Mr C a donation of one

guinea. The Secretary was asked to write to Mr C’s employers to enquire about his financial

position. He was also asked to enquire from Mrs C with regard to her financial side. A vote of

thanks was passed to the Press for attending both the Branch dinner and the meeting. The case of Mr

C was reviewed at the next meeting and the Secretary told the members what financial help he had

received from HQ. It was agreed that the sum of one guinea be spent on amenities for him. It was

agreed that Mr Hand be made a Vice President of the Branch. In Apr it was proposed that the

mortgage for Mr C for the month of Apr be paid. A discussion took place regarding the selling of

Mercury House at Bournemouth and how the money should be spent. (I think Mercury House was

probably a property owned by and perhaps previously gifted as a legacy to the Corps). Two

suggested recommendations had been sent to Branches: the purchase of a new organ for St Martins

Church Catterick and the provision of a well furnished rest room at HQ in London. A decision by

the Branch would be made at the May meeting. It was proposed to pay a further guinea to Mr C. At

the meeting in May it was decided to recommend that the monies expected to be realised from the

sale of Mercury House should be allocated to the assistance in apprentice and/or career training for

those dependants of R Sigs who were in need of such assistance. The outcome of the sale was not

recorded in the Branch minutes. In Jun it was proposed to present a Corps tie to each recruit of ‘J’

Troop TA on completion of their initial training. It was also proposed that the Branch present a

trophy to the value of not more than £5 to ‘J’ Troop for the most outstanding soldier up till Xmas.

Mr Jolliffe, a WO with the TA and Branch Committee member, invited the Branch to a TA social on

13 Jun. At the Jul meeting the President made a presentation to Mr Hand on behalf of the Branch for

his past services. In Sep it was decided to hold the tie presentation to members of ‘J’ Troop on Tue

29 Sep at 8.30pm. Brig Bradford would be asked to make the presentations. At the following

meeting it was decided to attend the Remembrance Sunday Parade with 63 (M) Sig Regt TA and

specifically NOT with the RBL, reflecting perhaps one of the occasional fallings out that have

occurred over the years with the RBL. In Nov it was proposed to invite Col and The Hon Mrs John

Morrison, OC 43 Div Sigs & his wife, The General Secretary and his Secretary, OC 63 Sigs and his

wife, Mr and Mrs Hand, OC ‘J’ Troop and his wife and the ladies who helped with Housey-Housey

to a Branch Dinner to be held at Stratford Road on 6 Feb. It was proposed that £25 be expended on


the Dinner to include dinner for those invited. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Matthews for his

services in visiting the sick. In Dec the case of Mr T was discussed following which a grant of £10,

worth about £200 in 2013, was agreed, to see him over Xmas.

Summary of events attended this year: Bournemouth Pantomime, Annual Dinner, Outing to

Weymouth, Battle of Britain Parade.

1960 At the AGM in Feb the Treasurer said that the Branch had made a profit of £60 over the year.

The appreciation of the Branch for Mr Softly’s work on relinquishing the appointment of Secretary

after 10 years was placed on record. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Matthews for his welfare

work and to Mr Cooper and Mr Bent for their outstanding attendances at parades as Standard Bearer

and Escort respectively. In Mar it was proposed that a loan of £5 be made from Branch funds to Mr

T to help him over his immediate financial difficulties, the date of repayment to be decided at a

future date. This case, as we will see later, unfortunately drags on for years. In Apr the Treasurer

Maj Wattley opened the meeting which paid silent tribute to the Branch Chairman Mr Eric Timmins,

whose decease on 27 Mar 1960 had come as a great shock to the members. It was decided to accept

SSM Jolliffe ‘J’ Troop 43 (Wessex) Inf Div as temporary Branch Chairman until the following

AGM. The meeting agreed that the sum of one shilling per Branch member, currently totalling 50,

would be donated from Branch funds towards a present to be given by the RSA and Branches to Maj

Gen White Chairman and Honorary Treasurer of the RSA on his retirement this year. The sum

would be recovered from members, if agreeable, with any deficiency being made up from proceeds

from raffles. At the request of Mrs Timmins it was decided to donate two guineas to the R Sigs

Benevolent Fund in lieu of a wreath for the funeral of her late husband. Brig White CSO Southern

Command expressed his pleasure at being elected President of the Branch to fill the vacancy caused

by the retirement from the Army of Brig Bradford. In May the Chairman spoke of the sad loss of

Vice President, Brig Willan who died on 3 May 1960. All present stood in silent tribute. It was

agreed that the Branch would make a gift to Mr B who was in ill health of a crate of beer and some

cigarettes (oh dear!), the cost to be met from Branch Funds. CO 3 Sig Regt had kindly invited the

Branch Members and their families to the Regt’s Annual Reunion Weekend events taking place at

Bulford over the period 17-19 Jun. In Jul the Chairman spoke of the deaths of Mr Bennett and Mrs

Bent, wife of member Mr W Bent. All stood in silent tribute. It was decided with the agreement of

Mr Bent, to send two guineas from Branch funds to the Benevolent Fund of the Salisbury Branch of

The Old Contemptibles Assoc in lieu of a wreath for the funeral of the late Mrs Bent. It was decided

that the name of the donor, Col AC Allen DSO MC and date of presentation of the Branch Standard

be inscribed on the band on the Standard Pole. The Secretary spoke about the ill health of Branch

member Mr Watts. As a result, Mr Matthews undertook to pay him a visit. The Secretary read a

letter from Mrs E Parker forwarding the sum of £1 for the R Sigs Benevolent Fund as a token of her

gratitude to the late Mrs Bent, her neighbour, for the time she had known her. In Jul it was decided

to invite Mrs Timmins, Mrs Bennett and her daughter to the Annual Outing as guests of the Branch

and that the sum of ten shillings be given to each towards their expenses. The Branch Secretary and

the Entertainments Committee were given discretion to decide the number of coaches required and

which of the Branch Tombola Helpers to invite to the Outing at reduced cost. In Oct it was decided t

Maj Wattley should command a detachment from the Branch at the Remembrance Parade. A further

12 Corps ties would be ordered for presentation to members of ‘J’ Troop. In Nov it was decided to

invite the following guests to the Branch Dinner in Feb: the Chairman of the Assoc Maj Gen

Morrison, The General Secretary Brig Firth, The Hon Col 63 Command (M) Sig Regt TA and his

wife, CO 3 Div Sig Regt and his wife and the RSM of 3 Div Sig Regt. A small band would be hired

for dancing after the meal. A press representative from the Salisbury Journal and Western Gazette

would be invited to the Dinner. A letter would be sent to the Junior Leaders Regt, R Sigs offering

congratulations to Junior SSM Ronald Butcher on being awarded the Queen’s Commendation for

brave conduct. In Dec it was decided to invite all known widows and children of deceased members

to the Pantomime on 21 Jan and that the children would be free of charge as guests of the Branch.


Summary of events attended this year: Bournemouth Pantomime, Branch Dinner at the TA

Clubroom, 3 Div Sig Regt Reunion Weekend, Coach trip to Weymouth, Old Comrades Reunion.

1961 In Jan it was decided that a cheque for £100, equivalent to approx £2000(!) in 2013, from

Branch Funds be handed to the Chairman of the Assoc Maj Gen Morrison at the Annual Dinner to be

used as HQ RSA thought fit. This considerable sum of money that the Branch found surplus to its

needs, clearly came mainly from the Branch’s Housey-Housey nights. In Feb the appreciation of

the Branch of Mr Softly’s work as Branch Secretary for the 10 years to Feb 1960 was placed on

record and a memento would be purchased for presentation to him, the choice and cost of which

would be left to the Committee. The Treasurer reported that the Branch had made a profit of £50

over the year. It was decided that not less than three Committee Members including an Executive

Officer of the Branch should be considered a quorum for the purpose of making any significant

decision affecting the Branch. The Secretary informed the Branch of the meeting he had attended at

the Royal British Legion (RBL) where it was decided that the 1961 Parade and Service should take

place on the Guildhall Square rather than previously at the Cathedral. The Secretary mentioned the

ill health of Mr W and Mr J. Mr Hand undertook to pay these members a home visit in order to find

out if the Branch could help in any way. In Mar Mr Hand asked the Secretary to enquire at the

Branch Representatives Meeting in London if there was any possibility of the Annual Reunion being

held at a future date at Blandford instead of at Catterick in view of the forthcoming move of the

School of Signals to Blandford Camp. The Welfare member gave a report on his visit to Mr W and

Mr J. The Chairman welcomed the RSM of 3 Div Sig Regt to the meeting. In Apr it was decided the

Branch should invite 340 Sig Sqn TA and wives/lady friends to a games evening on Sat 20 May. The

RSM proposed that a Games Evening be held between the Regt’s Sgts Mess and the Branch on Sat 6

May. The Chairman presented Mr Softly with an inscribed R Sigs plaque in recognition of his work

as Branch Secretary for the preceding 10 years. It was decided to invite 340 Sig Sqn TA to join the

Branch as opponents of 3 Div Sig Regt at the games evening. It was also decided to show the

gratitude of the Branch for help given in the past by making a gift of £3 to Mrs Smith on the

occasion of the birth of her baby. In Jul it was stated that the Branch was being overlooked by

Regular Units when functions such as the visits of HRH The Princess Royal and the R Sigs Band to

Blandford were not brought to the attention of the Branch nor had any invitations been received from

30 Sig Regt. The Secretary was asked to write to HQ bringing this complaint to their notice.

Following a financial loss on the previous year’s outing due to lack of support, it was agreed that the

Branch would not organise an outing to a seaside resort in the current year. Mr Hand gave a report

of his welfare visits to Branch members in ill health. It was decided to send a gift to Mrs M, wife of

member Mr A M, who was in hospital. The question of the Branch Welfare Officer visiting wives of

members in hospital was raised. It was decided not to change the existing policy of visiting only

members. Mr Hand gave particulars of an ex soldier, Sig S who had been ‘black listed’ by various

Armed Service organisations in Salisbury. The Chairman and Treasurer spoke of the present state of

the Branch weekly Tombola sessions and the possible affect on them of the Bingo clubs opening in

Salisbury. In Oct the Treasurer informed the Branch of the low state of funds stressing that in his

opinion the cost of transport hired for the Pantomime to Bournemouth should not fall on Branch

funds. If Branch funds had become low, perhaps the Branch had been rather too generous with its

donation to the Association just a few months previous. The Chairman read a letter received from a

Mr B, civilian RQMS of 63 Comd Sig Regt TA asking if the Branch could make him a loan of £100

towards the deposit on a house which he hoped to purchase. As the Branch had been making

considerable profit from its Housey-Housey activities it is likely that it may have developed a

reputation for making charitable donations to those in need connected to the Branch, but this request

coming from a civilian non member does seem very cheeky. It was decided to refer the matter to

the Services Committee of the RBL for their advice. In Nov the Treasurer read a letter from the

Chairman Mr Jolliffe expressing his intention of giving up the office of Chairman forthwith for

personal reasons. The Branch decided that a vote of thanks should be sent to Mr Jolliffe together

with the hope that he would continue in office. It was decided that as there had been no response


from the RBL regarding the loan requested by Mr B the matter should be closed. In Nov the

Secretary agreed to write a letter of condolence to Mrs Ball, widow of the late Mr GH Ball,

Chairman of the Salisbury Branch of the RBL who had just died. Regret was expressed that due to

insufficient support, it would not be possible to arrange a trip to the Xmas Pantomime.

Summary of events attended this year: Branch Dinner, Games Evening versus 3 Div Sig Regt,

Catterick Reunion, Battle of Britain Parade.

(The average meeting attendance for the years that now follow is shown in brackets).

1962 ( 9 ) In Jan SSM Jolliffe resumed the chair and welcomed to the meeting Lt Col Sir Evan

Nepean, Bart

Vice President of the Branch and Mr Trott. SSM Jolliffe explained his reasons for giving up the

appointment of Chairman but the President had since asked him to continue until either re-elected or

a new Chairman had been voted in at this meeting. Mr Jolliffe declined the appointment but accepted

the position of Vice Chairman. Mr Softly was later elected Chairman. During the ‘50s and early

‘60s the size of the Committee seems to have been unnecessarily large. Despite the Branch being

more active than in later years, it seems Vice Presidents were keen to hold the title mainly just to

make the post holder sound more important. With few exceptions they tended to do very little for the

Branch. Here for example is the Committee of 1962:

President: Brig D White OBE

Vice Presidents: Maj Gen RHR Steward CB, CBE, DSO, MC

Brig AC Sykes CBE, Brig CD Clapp CBE, Brig FW Nicholls CBE,

Col AC Allen, DSO Lt Col Sir Evan Y Nepean Bart

Lt Col AJ Sladen, Mr EJ Hand

Treasurer: Maj HV Wattley BEM

Hon Sec: Mr SJ Hart MBE

Branch & Thurs

Evening Committee: Mr W Trott, Mr FM Sweet, Mr RJ Calloway, Mr W Sartain

Mr AG Matthews, Mr RC Scovell

Mr EG Hand (to be co-opted for Branch Committee only if required)

RBL Services Committee: Mr FM Sweet

Welfare: Mr EG Hand

Regarding the annual Dinner, it was decided that the Secretary should write to OC 340 Sig Sqn to

formally request the use of the TA Centre, that the following guests be invited: OC 340 Sig Sqn TA

and his wife, Mrs Timmins and Bennett widows of late members and the two barmen from 340 Sig

Sqn and that Port wine be purchased for the toasts. SSM Jolliffe undertook to obtain white wine at

cost price. Col Nepean and Mr Pearce said they could help with the provision of an amplifier for

dancing. The Chairman expressed regret that the number of members attending Branch meetings

was gradually declining. The Secretary was asked to draft a letter to members for the Chairman’s

and President’s approval urging more frequent attendance. The RAF Assoc had written inviting the

Branch to send members to their Annual Dinner at a cost of 17s 6d per head. It was agreed to send

up to four members, the cost to be borne by Branch funds. In Mar the Vice Chairman spoke of the

death of member Mr R Watts. All present stood in silent tribute. The possibility of recommencing

the tombola (previously known as Housey-Housey) sessions with wives attending after Branch

meetings was discussed. It was thought that wives had become discouraged by the time they were

kept waiting for the meetings to end. In order to trial short games evenings it was decided to start

meetings at 7.30 pm and to close at 8.30 pm sharp, any unfinished business would be held over to

the next meeting. Wives and children if they wished and all ranks of 340 Sig Sqn would also be

invited. In Apr it was decided to donate two guineas towards a farewell present to Brig Firth who

was to retire at the end of the year. No Member was prepared to travel to Catterick for the Annual

Reunion as the Branch was no longer helping towards the costs. Mr Hand asked if it was thought

that the Branch could give any financial assistance to the Junior Leaders Regt at Denbury where two

boys had lost their lives in a fire. The Chairman said that HQ had given immediate and practical


assistance. However, it was agreed that a letter of commendation for the conduct of Junior/RSM J

Wraith at the fire would be sent to his CO. (Lt Col (Retd) Jack Wraith attended the Branch Annual

Lunch in 2012 as guest speaker. On reading about this incident that happened more than 50 years

ago, I contacted Jack and asked him about it. He confirmed that he was the Junior RSM John

Wraith mentioned in our minutes all those years ago but I suspect modesty prevented him providing

very much more detail other than to say the cause of the fire may have been an electrical heater.

However, he did subsequently send me two newspaper cuttings which he had kept from the time

(Appendices C & D)). In Jun it was decided to write off a £5 grant that had been given to Mr T.

Unfortunately it seems the Treasurer did not get the message. The debt did not get written off. The

Branch subsequently lost sight of this decision and actively pursued repayment for many years. In

Jul it was decided to make a gift, cost not to exceed £5 to Mrs S who was in hospital. The President

Brig White informed the meeting that he would be retiring from the Army at the end of Sep. A vote

of thanks was passed for the help he had given to the Branch. In Sep the Secretary was asked to

write to the CSO asking if he would fill the position of Branch President. In Oct welfare issues were

discussed and the Secretary said he had borrowed the film “Three Roads Ahead” It would be shown at the conclusion of the meeting. In

Nov Mr Jolliffe asked the meeting for support for the TA’s comic football match versus the

“Engineers Arms” to be held at Bishopdown Estate football ground on Boxing Day in aid of East

Knoyle Children’s Home. In Dec it was decided to invite the following to the Annual Dinner: the

General Secretary Maj and Mrs Stock, Mrs Timmins, Lay, Rodder, Bennett and Watts all widows of

late members and the two barmen provided by 340 Sig Sqn. The Secretary said he would write to

the RSM of 3 Div Sig Regt in case any of the Regt wished to attend. Messrs Hand and Trott gave

full reports of their welfare work on behalf of the Branch and the latter as a member of the RBL

Joint (welfare) Services Committee. The Branch agreed to send a Xmas present to Mr C who had

been off work for some time on account of sickness but who nevertheless attended this meeting. It

was agreed to send Xmas cards to The General Secretary, The Branch President, Mrs Watts, Bennett

and Sartain, Mr Johnson and Maj Stock.

Summary of events attended this year: Bournemouth Pantomime, Annual Dinner, RAF Assoc

Annual Dinner, Dunkirk Veterans Church Parade at Amesbury, Farewell Dinner to Brig Firth.

1963 ( 7 ) In Jan it was decided to make a grant of £6 to Mrs C who was in financial need. Maj

Wattley agreed to call on Mrs C to give her the money and possibly obtain more information about

her financial state. Mr Trott thought the RBL might be able to assist Mrs C with grocery vouchers if

it was justified. Messrs Hand and Trott gave long reports on their welfare activities. The Chairman

said that members in need should in his view be brought to the notice of the Gen Secretary. (This

was before the introduction of the serving soldiers One Day’s Pay scheme where serving Officers

and soldiers elect to voluntarily give one day’s pay per year to the Corps Benevolent Fund which

now supports welfare cases.) In Feb at the AGM it was decided to invite the ladies who help at the

weekly tombola sessions to the Dinner. Mr Trott reported that the RBL Joint Services Committee,

of which he was a member, had made Mrs C a gift of four hundredweight of coal(!). The Treasurer

reported the Branch funds stood at £125. In voting in a new committee Mr Softly accepted the

position of Chairman but did so under protest and only because no-one else would take the post. He

felt that Branch activities were not getting enough support and it was fighting a losing battle with

attendances getting progressively smaller. It was decided to write to members asking if they would

prefer a different meeting day to the current Fri and pointing out that the Branch would have to close

if more support was not forthcoming. In Mar it was decided on a three monthly trial basis that the

meetings would be held on the first Wed of the month. It was agreed to make a £5 grant to Mr L for

immediate relief, in the meantime the RBL would be invited to help and an approach would be made

to the National Assistance Board and also Mr L’s case should be referred to HQ. SSM Jolliffe said

he would ask for his CO’s agreement to a “recruiting drive” to try to get a greater number of younger

members from the TA to join the Assoc. In Apr a letter of resignation was received from the

Chairman Mr Softly giving his reasons. It was decided that the Secretary should write to Mr Softly


thanking him for his loyal services and asking him to reconsider his resignation after a period of

three months had elapsed. Mr Jolliffe said he would carry on but only for three months. Mr Trott

said he would give what assistance he could to Mrs B in a forthcoming court case concerning

eviction from her house. The May meeting had to be cancelled as there were too few members

present to form a quorum. In Jun it was decided to make a grant of £5 to Mr C to help him meet

expenses during his holiday. As the change of meeting day had had little effect on membership

attendance it was decided to revert to the second Fri of the month. In Sep it was decided to form a

Social Committee to determine how to make the weekly bingo sessions more attractive. In Oct the

new Social Committee reported their progress regarding trying to improve the bingo sessions. Mr

Hand said that with regret, for reasons which he gave, he would have to give up the position of

Branch Welfare Officer. Maj Wattley volunteered to take over from Mr Hand for the time being.

The Secretary reported that Mr C was not happy in his present council flat at West Harnham due to

the distance from buses and the city centre. Mr C felt that Mrs C and he would like a house or flat at

Bishopdown. The Secretary said he would try to find out if anyone would exchange houses with Mr

C. In Nov the Chairman told the meeting of the non availability of tickets for admission to the

Cathedral on Remembrance Sunday. The Secretary was asked to write a strong letter of protest to

HQ Southern Command. In Dec Maj Wattley said that he had seen SSAFA regarding Mr & Mrs C’s

housing and they would take up the matter. The Secretary told the meeting of a nice gesture by Mrs

Lay who had presented a Xmas cake to the Branch for raffling in aid of Branch funds. It was

decided to send Xmas presents to Mr & Mrs S and Mr & Mrs C and Xmas cards to the General

Secretary, HQ RSA, Branch President, Maj Stock, Mr & Mrs S, Mr & Mrs C and Mrs F.

Summary of events attended this year: Annual Dinner, Dunkirk Veterans Assoc Church Parade at

Middle Woodford, Old Comrades Reunion at Catterick, Battle of Britain Parade.

1964 ( 6 ) In Jan the Chairman informed the meeting that the raffle for the cake donated by Mrs Lay

had realised £7.1s.9d but the owner of the winning ticket had not be traced so members agreed that a

further raffle should take place and should the original winner be traced a sum equal to the agreed

value of the cake should be paid to him. The Chairman informed the meeting that HQ RSA had sent

a cheque for £10 as a gift to Mr C. In Feb at the AGM Mr Jolliffe reported that the second raffling

of the cake had raised a further £4.11s.0d making a total of £11.12s.9d. This is the equivalent of

about £200 in 2013. It was agreed that the cake would be valued at £3 and this would be paid to the

original winner if they could be traced by the end of Feb 1964. The Branch Welfare Officer said he

would check on the widows of deceased members to see if they needed help. The Chairman said

that whilst Mrs R was not in need herself, she had asked if the Branch could do anything to help her

son obtain a free apprenticeship. Maj Wattley said he would enquire of the Salisbury Youth

Employment Officer. He said the number wishing to attend the Dinner that had been proposed was

so small, it should be cancelled. Instead it was decided to hold an informal dinner at the Chinese

Restaurant on Sat 11 Apr. Those wishing to do so could adjourn to the TA Centre for drinks after the

dinner. In Apr Maj Wattley said as the son of Mrs R had a further year at school, the matter would

be deferred until a later date. In Jun the Treasurer told the meeting of his efforts to get financial

assistance for a lady towards her removal expenses (£30). After a somewhat heated argument on

whether the Branch or HQ was in any way obliged to help the lady who was in no way connected

with the Branch, the Chairman ruled that before any commitment was made it should be discussed at

a subsequent Branch meeting. In Jul a long discussion took place on the running of the weekly

Bingo sessions as it was stated that they were now barely paying their way. Mr Jolliffe said he would

arrange a meeting of the Bingo Committee to discuss the subject. In Sep members stood for two

minutes in a mark of respect to late member Mr C who died on 5 Sep. The Chairman expressed his

thanks to members who had attended the funeral. The Chairman read a letter from the General

Secretary which asked the Branch to send his sympathy to Mrs C and offered financial help if

required. Mr Collins asked if the Branch had been informed of a “Beating of Retreat” ceremony

being given by the R Sigs Junior Leaders Regt at Bulford on 23 Sep. The Secretary said that no such

information had been received. Members felt that R Sigs Units in the area did not seem to know of


the existence of the Branch. It was decided the Secretary should write to Brig Horsfield CSO

Southern Command inviting him to accept the appointment of Branch President and telling him of

the shortcomings of Signals Units by way of invitations to Unit functions which were open to the

general public. Mr Jolliffe made a report on behalf of the Bingo Committee summarising by saying

that a small profit was being made but a much bigger one could be obtained if there was support

from Branch members and R Sigs personnel who live in the area but as things stood it could only be

a matter of time before the end of a very enjoyable number of years of Housey-Housey run by the

Branch. In Oct due to the lack of new members and the drop in attendance at meetings and Bingo

the Chairman said he would contact the Salisbury Journal with a view to placing a notice in the

newspaper drawing attention to the existence of the Branch, the time and place of monthly meetings

and Bingo. It was agreed to send Mr C who was in hospital a small present and a letter with the best

wishes of the Branch offering him help if it was needed. In Nov the Remembrance parade was

discussed. Members felt that the parade would have a better look if all the Standards of ex-service

organisations were carried in front of the parade with the members following in one body behind.

This might obviate comments from the public on the small numbers attending from each Branch.

The Secretary agreed to write to HQ Southern Command with this suggestion. In Dec Mrs Lay had

kindly provided another cake to be raffled for Branch funds. It was agreed that the Secretary should

send Xmas cards to the usual addressees and small presents to the widows of the Branch.

Summary of events attended this year: Chinese Restaurant dinner, Battle of Britain Parade.

1965 ( 9 ) In Jan the Chairman reported the enrolment of four new members including Ivan Light

who would in due course become its longest serving Chairman to date. Mrs Lay’s Xmas cake was

first raffled and then having been won by the Treasurer who declined to accept it, auctioned. A total

of £7 was raised for Branch funds. The Treasurer stated that Branch funds were getting low and

following his suggestion it was agreed to write to Maj Stock OC 340 Sig Sqn to ask if his Unit could

afford to make the Branch a grant from profits made on the “one arm bandit” as a lot of money was

put in by guests attending our Bingo sessions in their Club. In Feb at the AGM Mr Jolliffe said that

he thought his OC Maj Stock, in response to the Branch request for financial help, would make a

grant sufficient to wipe out our debt to the Sqn amounting to approx £12 which was owing for rental

of the TA Centre on Bingo nights. The thanks of the Branch were accorded to Mr Jolliffe for his

help in the matter. It was decided that a letter should be sent to Mr T asking him to make some

effort to repay the £5 loaned to him by the Branch, five years earlier. The Branch had clearly lost

sight of the fact that it had agreed to write this loan off at a meeting in Jun 1962. The retiring

Chairman and the Secretary were warmly thanked for their work for the Branch over the previous

two and five years respectively and also the Treasurer for a much longer period. In reply to a

complaint that the Branch was forgotten by Signals Units in the district when it came to inviting it to

social functions, the President said he would remind COs of their duty in this respect by sending

periodic letters to them so this was not forgotten in the frequent changes of CO. Mr Collins told the

President that although Salisbury should be a good recruiting area for new members for the Branch,

it was very seldom if ever that we got any apart from those of 340 Sig Sqn TA. The Secretary said

whenever a soldier left the Army and settled in the area the Secretary wrote to him drawing attention

to the Branch. He said to date the Branch had had no replies to these letters. Mr Jolliffe gave a

report of a Social Evening attended by 38 held on Sat 6 Mar. The event was run at a loss to the TA

Sqn of £3.18s.0d. It was decided to pay the TA £1.10s.0d from Branch funds, the TA meeting the

balance of the remainder. The Treasurer gave the balance of the Branch funds as £133.6s.4d. In Apr

the Chairman welcomed RSM Schofield and YofS Glendenning Secretary of the 3 Div Sig Regt

Branch of the RSA. The RSM made a long statement about the forthcoming weekend of his Regt’s

Reunion Club at Bulford and informed the Branch at which functions our Branch would be

welcome. The RSM explained the reason why it might have appeared that the Branch had been

overlooked when the Regt was holding functions was due to frequent overseas tours which meant

that no functions had actually been held. The Secretary thanked Mr Bent for his kind donation of £1

towards Branch Funds, equivalent to about £17 in 2013. It was decided that a sum not to exceed £5


be spent on the purchase of a suitable trophy for presentation to 3 Div Sig Regt in appreciation of the

invitation to events at the Regimental Weekend. The Sick Visitor reported on his latest visit to Mr J

at Ludgershall and stated that there was no change in his condition. In Aug Mr Sartain told the

meeting that he had a photograph of the 1923 Royal Review showing ‘D’ Troop passing the Royal

Saluting Base which he thought the R Sigs Museum might like. In Sep the Treasurer reported that

Mr Sartain had handed his photograph to the Historical Officer Col Adams at the Corps Museum. In

Oct the Chairman referred to the death of our late Vice President, Mr Ernie Hand on 10 Sep and

asked all members to stand in silence as a token of respect and remembrance. The Secretary read a

letter of sympathy he had sent to Mrs Hand on behalf of the Branch and both himself and his wife. It

was agreed that the sterling work for the Branch carried out by Mr Hand from 1924 when the Branch

was formed until his death should be recorded in the minute book. As a founding Member, Mr Hand

had clearly been a stalwart of the Branch for its entire existence (31 years). (Note: at the time of

writing no other reference has been found that supports the suggestion that the Branch had been

formed in 1924 – see the record of 1991 for further information). The Secretary informed the

meeting that Mrs L had been admitted to Odstock Hospital. It was decided to send her a small gift.

In reply to a question, the Secretary stated that there were now approximately 32 Branch members,

20 of whom were members of 340 Sig Sqn TA. However, on average only nine of them were

turning up for meetings. They did not have to pay a membership fee so the active membership was

quite small. In Nov it was reported that Mrs L was out of hospital. The Secretary agreed to write to

former RSM Schofield, 3 Div & Sig Regt congratulating him on obtaining a commission. The

Chairman closed the meeting by expressing his pleasure at such a large attendance (12) and the

pleasant evening. In Dec the Chairman expressed his regret that there was such a small attendance

from the Branch at the Remembrance Parade, due mainly to TA members being on exercise. Mr

Softly remarked that the attendance was the smallest ever. It was agreed to send small Xmas gifts to

the value of approx ten shillings to five widows of late members and Xmas cards to the General

Secretary and staff, the CSO and CO 3 Div Sig Regt in addition to the five widows. Mr Callaway,

on behalf of 340 Sig Sqn TA invited Branch members to the Sqn party on 21 Dec at the TA Centre.

The Chairman referred to the possibility of the TA Sqn being disbanded and the need to give serious

thought to finding alternative accommodation for Branch meetings and functions. The Chairman

informed the meeting that Capt W was in hospital after a car accident. He would send him a “Get

Well Soon” card from the Branch.

Summary of events attended this year: 3 Div Sig Regt Weekend, TA Xmas Party.

1966 ( 8 ) In Jan Welfare Officer Maj Wattley said he thought the sums gifted to the widows, approx

10 shillings, was somewhat paltry particularly in view of their needing to work to supplement their

pensions. However, given the small income the Branch had, it could hardly afford more. The

Chairman suggested a voluntary donation should be given by members present at each meeting.

Any sum from 2/6d upwards per member, the amount collected to be set aside, separate from other

Branch funds. If successful, at Xmas it might be possible to make the ladies a fair sized cash grant.

The matter was left for future discussion. The Secretary informed the meeting that the Reunion later

in the year would be the last one at Catterick due to the move of the School of Signals to Blandford

but that it was going to be some time before a Reunion could take place at Blandford. In fact a

Northern Reunion would recommence at Catterick three years later. In Feb at the AGM after much

discussion it was decided to have two collection boxes made for the new fund discussed at the

previous meeting, one for Branch meetings, the other for 340 Sig Sqn. The Treasurer pointed out

that despite letters to Mr T, he had still not refunded the £5 loaned to him by the Branch (six years

previously). After discussion it was decided that the Secretary should write one more letter to Mr T

telling him that unless the loan was refunded by the date of the next meeting the Branch would write

to the Joint Services Committee of the RBL and put the facts before them and suggest he should be

put on their ‘Black List’ which would mean he could expect no further help from Ex Service

Organisations. The Branch had lost sight of the fact that it had previously agreed to write this loan

off as mentioned earlier. The Chairman reported that the average weekly attendance at the Bingo


evenings was 37 and that the takings and expenses were just about breaking even. The members

decided that the Bingo should continue. The Chairman pointed out that no ex or serving Officer had

attended the Branch meeting in the last year. In Mar the Chairman welcomed to the meeting Lt Col

F Parker CO 63(M) Sig Regt TA who had accepted the office of Vice President of the Branch. The

Secretary read a letter from Mr T forwarding half of the debt of £5 and promising to pay the balance

shortly. So the ‘Black List’ warning had worked at least in part! Capt G Schofield 3 Div Sig Regt

having been elected in his absence to the position of Branch President at the AGM in the previous

month with regret declined the proposition of the Branch that he should become President, owing to

the fact that he would not be in the area for much longer. It was decided to offer the position to Brig

Horsfield’s successor, Brig Gray when these postings took place the following month. Capt

Schofield had written a second letter inviting the members of the Branch and their wives to 3 Div

Sig Regt at Bulford on Sat 7 May when the Corps Band and the Band of The Junior Leaders Regt

would be Beating Retreat. In addition, he invited the Branch to send two members with their wives

to a Cocktail Party at the Officers Mess after the Band performance. In Apr Lt Col Parker produced

a suitably inscribed Dimple Whisky bottle for sixpences to be donated for the recently set up gift

fund. He said he would have a second bottle put in the mess at Bishopdown House. The acceptance

of the office of a Vice President of the Branch by Col Allen and his donation of £1 for Branch funds

were gratefully acknowledged. In May the Secretary gave dates of the visit of the R Sigs

Motorcycle Display Team to Victoria Park Salisbury on 21st May and the Corps Band to

Bournemouth during the period 15-21st May. Mr Softly told the meeting that Mrs R had asked if the

Branch could give assistance to her son who was an apprentice carpenter. This was passed to the

Welfare Officer for his attention. The Chairman said that Mr Baker and he would arrange to help

Mrs H in getting some large poles sawn and chopped (for firewood). Col Parker had asked for a list

of the widows of Branch members. Seven ladies were identified. In Jul the Secretary told the

meeting that there had been insufficient members present to form a quorum so no meeting was held

in Jun. The Secretary confirmed that the CSO, Brig Gray was delighted to accept the position of

Branch President. In Aug the drop in attendance at Branch meetings was discussed. At the

members’ suggestion, the Chairman said he would try to contact those members who had not

attended recently to find out why they had not been attending. Mr Softly complained that Committee

Members were not pulling their weight at social functions and Branch meetings. It was agreed that

in future, Committee Members would be chosen from volunteers for each particular Branch function

which required a committee. In Oct the Chairman said that with the closure of the TA in Salisbury

in a few months, there would be a requirement for jobs for the civilian TA personnel similar to those

they were currently doing. The Secretary was asked to write to the CSO at the School of Signals to

enquire if jobs could be offered to Branch personnel on the move of the School to Blandford in

1967. The Chairman said that very shortly we would not have the use of 340 Sig Sqn TA Centre for

meetings and functions. Possible alternative accommodation was discussed but further discussion

would be left until the next meeting. In Dec the Chairman welcomed Brig Gray the President to his

first visit to the Branch. The subject of Xmas gifts to Branch widows was discussed at length. It

was decided to give cash gifts up to the value of £5 to each widow. The President said he would

help with the new Branch accommodation and civilian jobs for the TA if necessary. He expressed

his pleasure with the work the Branch was doing particularly with regard to helping the widows. The

Chairman informed the members that OC 340 Sig Sqn had invited the Branch to partake in a buffet

supper which was then being held in the Centre.

Summary of events attended this year: 3 Div Sig Regt Beating Retreat, Dunkirk Assoc Church

Parade, Battle of Britain Parade.

1967 ( 9 ) In Jan the Secretary read out letters from the Branch widows gratefully acknowledging

their Xmas gifts. The meeting passed a vote of thanks to the Treasurer for his work over the past

year particularly with regard to visits and the distribution of Xmas gifts. The Chairman expressed

his wish that when members were voted on to the Committee, they would endeavour to attend as

many meetings and functions as possible and thus be able to carry out their duties that their


appointment entailed. The membership had become so small that every Committee member should

be a working member. At the AGM in Feb the Treasurer informed the meeting that the sum of

£2.10s.0d was still owed by Mr T. The Chairman asked the Secretary to send a reminder. This debt

repayment chase had now been going on for seven years (how embarrassing!). The Chairman said

the TA Centre was definitely closing down on 8 Mar and the Landlord of “The Butt of Ale” public

house had kindly given permission for the Branch to use one of his rooms for meetings. As a result

meetings would take place from the following month at the new venue. The Secretary read out a

letter from CEPO Bovington Camp giving a list of jobs to be filled at the new School of Signals at

Blandford. It would be circulated to all interested TA personnel. The Treasurer reported that the

Branch had £127 in the bank. The Chairman expressed his regret that Maj Wattley’s term of office

as Treasurer had come to an end after 10 years and accorded him the grateful thanks of the Branch.

Maj Wattley had agreed to continue as Branch Welfare Officer. In Mar, at the new venue, Mr

Calloway noted that no Vice Chairman had been elected at the AGM and said he was willing to

stand again if voted for, following which he was duly elected. In Apr a long discussion took place

on the purpose of the existence of the Branch. Whilst due credit was given to the welfare work, the

members agreed that social activities were needed to restore the Branch to life. The new meeting

venue was not large enough for such activities and the Branch would discuss this again after

members had time to think it over. In May the Chairman said that permission had been given to hold

weekly Bingo sessions at the Old TA Centre but to avoid a clash of dates it would be necessary to

move the monthly Branch meeting to the second Tue of the month. Meetings continued on the

second Tue of the month for the next six years but the previously very popular and for the Branch

lucrative Bingo sessions must finally have failed perhaps due to alternative attractions such as

commercial Bingo in Salisbury and home television, as they were never mentioned again. In Jun the

Chairman read a copy of a letter sent to Mr Sartain expressing sympathy of the Branch on the death

of Mrs Sartain. He then read Mr Sartain’s reply. Following a member’s suggestion, pointing out that

there was insufficient Branch business to justify a meeting every month, it was decided to move to

bi-monthly meetings for the rest of the year. (Interestingly perhaps, this gives the impression that

the purpose of the meetings at this time was to discuss Branch business rather than meeting as the

Branch does now in the main purely for social purposes). In Oct permission had been received for a

social evening to take place in Nov at the old TA Hut for the benefit of the Branch and ex 340 Sig

Sqn. In Dec Maj Stock said he thought that the social evening with about 100 attendees (members

and friends) had been a success. He would enquire from Brig Platt if the TA Centre would be

available for another social event at the end of Jan. It was decided that the gap of two months

between meetings was too long and the Branch would revert to monthly meetings. It was agreed that

Xmas grants to widows would be left to the discretion of the Welfare Officer.

Summary of events attended this year: Battle of Britain parade, Branch Social.

1968 ( 5 ) In Jan the death of Mr Johnson after a long illness was announced. Maj Wattley

represented the Branch at his funeral. The next social evening on 27 Jan was discussed. It was

planned to be a simpler event than the previous social. Food and subsidised taxis arranged for the

earlier event would not be provided. In Feb at the AGM regarding the outstanding debt of £2.10.0

owed by Mr T, it was agreed that no further action would be taken for its recovery (at last after 8

years!). Maj Stock spoke about the social evening held on 27 Jan. It was not a success due to too

few attending. It was decided to make no further arrangements for social evenings until it had been

discussed at a meeting. Members stayed away for the meetings in Apr and May so formal meetings

did not take place. In Jun it was agreed to pay the rail fare for the Secretary to represent the Branch

with its Standard at the Reunion at Catterick. The following month it was suggested that the Branch

was wasting money by writing to members who had no intention of attending and did not even reply

to letters. The Secretary said he would write to all members asking if they wished to still receive

these letters. In his opinion he thought that about 20 out of 30 members would not reply. In Sep

Maj Wattley was asked to take the Chair and read out a letter the Secretary had received from Mr

Jolliffe relinquishing the office of Chairman. It was agreed that the Secretary should write to Mr


Jolliffe accepting his resignation, expressing the great regret of the Branch and thanking him for his

past work and effort to keep the Branch going. The question of a successor would be dealt with at a

later date. In Nov as only three members attended no formal meeting was held.

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, Battle of Britain Parade

1969 ( 3 )! Following the disbandment of the TA and the loss of support of its members and use of

its facilities, 1969 was to prove the start of a difficult period for the Branch as membership fell. In

Jan a vote of thanks was accorded to Maj Wattley for his gift of two guineas towards Branch funds.

Due to the small number of members present no formal meeting was held in the months of Mar and

Apr. In May the Secretary reported that the Treasurer Mr Smith had submitted his resignation owing

to pressure of work making his attendance at meetings impossible. It was agreed to fund the

attendance at the Reunion at Catterick for the Secretary and Mr Pearce. In Jun and Jul due to small

numbers attending, no Branch business was carried out. In Aug the wife of the Secretary Mrs Hart

was elected as temporary Treasurer to enable Branch cheques to be signed. In Sep, Oct and Nov

again there were no formal meetings due to lack of sufficient attendance. In Dec it was announced

that the first Corps Reunion would take place at Blandford in Jun the following year.

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion.

1970 (between 3 and 4) Attendance during the year reached a maximum of five (on just one

occasion) such that virtually no Branch business was recorded or took place at any meeting.

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, Blandford Reunion.

1971 ( 5 ) The Branch continued to meet at “The Butt of Ale” most months. However, until May

not more than four members attended any of the meetings but in May seven attended including a

new member, Mr G Brooker. It was agreed that the Standard Bearer and two Escorts would attend

the Catterick Reunion in Jun. Major Wattley said he would approach The Salisbury Branch of the

RBL with a view to holding Branch meetings at their Club in the Market Place. Major Wattley

kindly donated £2 to the Branch Funds. In Jul after four years of meeting at “The Butt of Ale”, the

first meeting took place at the RBL Club. It was agreed to purchase the publication “Through to

1970” for circulation among the members. It was also agreed to put announcements in local

newspapers with the new Branch meeting arrangements. At the Sep meeting the Secretary was

asked to write to Mr Styrin to ask him to return the Branch copy of “Through to 1970” which he had

borrowed. In Nov Maj Wattley pointed out that there was no official Branch Chairman (there had

been no AGM since 1968) so the meeting voted him in as Chairman for the meeting. Maj Wattley

had been acting as Chairman for the previous three years and had been signing the Minutes of

meetings to this effect. Mr Styrin attended the meeting, had returned the book and requested a copy

be ordered for him.

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion.

1972 ( 6 ) In Feb at the first AGM for four years it was decided to drop entertainments, disband the

Widows Fund and write off debts. It was agreed to send a letter to HQ to thank them for their

prompt and generous help to Mr P following an accident in Paris. In Mar it was decided to ask the

CSO to be President of the Branch. In Apr Brig Proudman wrote to say he regretted that he would be

unable to accept the Branch Presidency as he had left the area. The meeting was asked to give

thought to any possible money raising ideas they might have. In Sep discussion revolved around the

costs of four members to go to the Catterick Reunion. Following a letter to HQ, Brig Hobson had

replied enclosing a cheque for £10 and a further £15 would be provided from Branch funds. The

Secretary was to write to HQ to thank them for their donation which was really needed. Wiltshire

Social Services had written to ask if the Branch could visit a Mr B living locally who was both blind

and disabled. Maj Wattley said he would carry out an exploratory visit. In Oct only two members

were present. Maj Wattley gave a report of his efforts to help Mr B. In Dec there were insufficient

members present to enable any business to be conducted.


Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, Dunkirk Veterans Service, Battle of

Britain Service.

1973 ( 10 ) It was in this year that the Branch recovered and meeting attendance started to increase.

In Mar the Chairman reported that due to inclement weather at neither the Jan nor Feb meetings

were there enough members present to discuss any business. In Apr at the AGM the Secretary said

he had sent letters to 25 members to acquaint them with the details of the AGM. The following

Officers were elected, Secretary Mr Hart and Treasurer Mrs Hart. There was no nomination for

Chairman. It was agreed to leave this matter until the following month. A letter would be sent to all

members and known ex R Sigs in the area giving meeting details and the urgency to save the Branch

from closure through lack of support. It was agreed to send a letter to Mr Blackler, a retired R Sigs

Maj, Manager of the Salisbury Branch of the National Provincial Bank asking if he would kindly

consent to becoming President of the Branch. In May fourteen members attended, the most for

many years. Mr Styrin was elected Chairman and Mr Brady Vice Chairman. Mr Blackler accepted

the Presidency and expressed his desire to put the Branch back on its feet. A meeting was arranged

at Mr Blackler’s bank at 7pm on Thu 10 May along with all the Branch Officials to audit and review

the accounts. At the Secretaries’ meeting in London, Brig Hobson expressed the HQ’s special

interest in the Salisbury Branch aware that it was on the brink of closure and offered to help in any

way it could to revive support to enable the Branch to survive. Six Branch members said they would

attend the Catterick Reunion, five of them by coach. It was decided that Branch funds would pay

half the coach fares. However Maj Wattley claiming he personally had helped to build up the funds

by more than £100, which was equivalent to more than £1000 in 2013, said he should have a voice

as to how the funds should be spent. He disagreed that Branch funds could be legitimately used for

this purpose. In due course he would be proved right as we will see. The President said if Branch

funds could not be used he would personally pay. In Jun apologies were received from Maj Wattley

who was unwell. There is no record of him ever being unwell previously after having been

Treasurer, Welfare Officer and acting Chairman for the previous 15 years. He never returned to the

Branch and sadly died soon afterwards. Fifteen members had indicated their intention to attend the

Blandford Reunion and would travel in convoy by car. A letter received from Maj Gen Price offered

to help keep the Branch alive. The Secretary was asked to reply, thanking Maj Gen Price for his

letter and saying we would very much appreciate means of contact with 3 Div Sig Regt with a view

to an occasional social meeting at Bulford. In reply to a letter received from the Chairman of the

Alamein Memorial Church Appeal the Branch decided to send £5 with an apology for the smallness

of the donation. As some members were unable to attend Tue meetings, it was decided to change the

meeting day to the second Wed of the month continuing at the RBL if the Branch could be

accommodated. In Jul the RBL responded that whilst the Conference Room was available on the

first Thu of the month, on the Weds the Branch wanted, it was fully booked. The meeting was

informed of the death of Mrs Softly and was unanimous in its appreciation of the work done by Mr

and Mrs Softly over many years. A letter of sympathy would be sent to Mr Softly. The Secretary

reported a phone conversation with HQ that in future, members must pay their own expenses for

Reunions etc. The Branch was informed that whilst it was not illegal to use Branch funds towards

the cost of such outings, it was against the rules and policy of the Central Committee and the wishes

of the Commander. This bore out the previously expressed view of the late Maj Wattley. The only

exception was that Branch funds could legitimately be used to send the Colours and Escort to the

Colours. It was noted that the Branch Standard was in poor condition. The Treasurer said she would

try to repair it again. Mr Light was welcomed back into the Branch. In Aug the members agreed to

the RBL offer of the Committee room for Branch meetings for the third Wed of the Month. In Nov

Mrs Etwell had written to say her husband had died and a Mr Johnson had written to say his Father

(who had been a member) had died six years previously. The Branch had not previously been aware

of the death of Mr Johnson. A letter of sympathy was to be sent to Mrs Etwell. Col Sladen wrote

apologising for being unable to attend meetings and sent a donation of £5 for Branch funds. The

Chairman said he had been offered the use of the ballroom at the Civil Service Club free of charge


for 4 Dec and on behalf of the Branch he had accepted. The Treasurer agreed to see the Caterer at

the Civil Service Club about refreshments. In Dec the Chairman said that Mr Brady and three other

members had been invited to and had enjoyed a social evening at 3 Div Sig Regt Bulford. Between

35 and 40 members and wives had had a most enjoyable evening at the Civil Service Club on 4 Dec.

Thanks were expressed to Brig Nicholls for a donation and to Mr and Mrs Hart for refreshments at

no cost to Branch funds. Dorset RSA wrote with an apology for not managing to get to the social

due to lack of petrol during the oil crisis.

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, Blandford Reunion, Battle of Britain

Service, Branch Social Evening.

1974 ( 15 ) In Jan the Chairman welcomed WO1 Gurr and SSgt Townsend from HQ UKLF Wilton

and Mr Creed an old member of the Branch. Mr Gurr said that the CSO Brig Clarkson and Col

Neilson were both interested in and would like to be associated with the Branch. A cordial invitation

was sent to both Officers verbally via Mr Gurr. Mr Gurr said he would try to arrange a games night

between the Branch and the Mess at Wilton and would also try to interest serving personnel in their

Branch in a concerted effort to get the Branch really alive. The Secretary read an invitation from 3

Div Sig Regt to attend a Dinner night on Fri 8 Feb. The Secretary and three other members and their

ladies were invited. The invitation had been accepted, names to be decided. The Branch revival was

apparent at the AGM in Feb when 22 members attended including new members Brig Clarkson, Lt

Col Davies, WO1 Lee and SSgt Anderson. The President read a copy of his letter to Bulford Mess

President with thanks and appreciation for the wonderful hospitality extended to the Branch

members who had been invited to dinner at Bulford. It was agreed letters would be sent to 3 Div Sig

Regt and Blandford Dorset Branch inviting them to a social evening on 5th Mar at the Civil Service

Club and to UKLF to invite them to a games evening on 18 Apr. An enjoyable social evening

attended by 28 visitors and members from the Dorset Branch was held at the Civil Service Social

Club. In Mar tribute was paid to Maj Wattley, Vice President of the Branch who died suddenly on

Mar 9. The President said he would write to Mrs Wattley who had said she would welcome any

member who wished to go and see her. Mr Light and Mr Collins represented the Branch at his

funeral. The tribute to Maj Wattley went unrecorded but in my view the minutes do not adequately

reflect the very substantial contribution he made to the Branch. He had been simultaneously

Treasurer and Welfare Officer for many years and when the membership faded away in the late

1960s leaving the Branch virtually non existent, he remained loyal. He took on the duties of acting

Chairman and made generous donations to Branch funds to keep it going. But for him I think the

Branch may have failed, possibly for ever. If that is right, we owe Maj Wattley a debt of gratitude in

ensuring the continued existence of the branch. In Apr the Branch welcomed WO2 J Morrison. The

Dorset Branch was to be invited to join the Branch in a games night versus HQ UKLF on 25 Apr. In

May it was recorded that the social event at Wilton had been a very enjoyable evening. The

President said he had written to thank the President and members and for the plaque they had

presented to the Branch. The Branch funds were stated to be £145.73. The escalating expenses were

discussed and whilst membership subscriptions had still yet to be introduced, it was agreed to make

a collection at meetings to augment the funds. At the Secretaries’ meeting in London the HQ

Welfare Officer suggested the Branch might wish to apply for a grant for Mr B who was registered

blind and disabled. It was agreed that Mr Baker would visit Mr B and report back. Mr Baker found

out from his subsequent visit that Mr B had died earlier in the year. HQ would be informed. A total

of twelve members and their wives arranged to attend a Dorset Branch Dinner at Blandford. A

similar number had an enjoyable evening at a Bulford Cocktail Party. The Branch would pay the

transport costs of the Standard Bearer and Escort to attend the Reunion at Catterick. It was agreed

that Lt Col J Russell CO 3 Div Sig Regt should be invited to become a Vice President of the Branch.

In Jun letters had been received from Brig J Brett and Lt Col J Russell accepting invitations to join

the Branch, the latter to become Vice President. An invitation was received for up to 30 members

and ladies to attend a games night on 11th Jul at Bishopdown House. In Jul the newly elected Vice

President Lt Col Russell was welcomed to the meeting. The recent social functions had all been


very enjoyable. Letters of appreciation and thanks would be sent. In Aug Mr J Cordy was

welcomed. It was decided to send a donation of £3 towards a proposed sculpture to be erected at

Catterick Camp to commemorate fifty years of training Signalmen. In Sep Mr Chambers resigned as

Standard Bearer for health reasons. Thanks for his very loyal work were recorded in the minutes.

Mr Baker who had served as Escort for several years kindly consented to become Standard Bearer

and Mr Chambers the new Escort. In Oct it was recorded that a very enjoyable return Games

Evening had taken place on Oct 10. In Nov it was agreed that a social evening should be arranged at

the Civil Service Club on Tue 3 Dec, music to be kindly arranged by Mr Cordy and refreshments by

the Club Steward. Voluntary donations to Branch funds were made, typically totalling between £1

and £2 at each meeting throughout the year.

Summary of events attended this year: Bulford Mess Dinner, Social Evening with Blandford

members, Games Night v HQ UKLF, Bulford Cocktail Party, Dorset Branch Dinner, Blandford

Reunion, Catterick Reunion, Games Evening at Bishopdown House, Battle of Britain Service.

1975 ( 15 ) In Jan the Chairman announced the death of member Mr C who had died the day of the

meeting. Members stood in silence as a mark of respect and remembrance. The Secretary was asked

to write to Mrs C conveying the sympathy of the Branch and thanks for the faithful service rendered

to the Branch over many years by both Mr and Mrs C. A welcome was extended to Capt David

Wooton, a serving Officer from Larkhill. It was agreed that the Social Evening at the Civil Service

Club along with a number of visitors from UKLF and 3 Div Sig Regt had been very enjoyable. The

event had raised £15 from the auction of donors’ gifts for Club funds. In Feb it was decided to

postpone the AGM as only eight members were present. Responding to a Branch request HQ

Welfare had asked SSAFA to visit Mrs C but they subsequently decided that she did not need

support. The Secretary was asked to write to HQ expressing disappointment with this decision and

to press for immediate help. It was also decided to try to find out why Mrs C was not entitled to an

Army Widows Pension. In Mar the Secretary reminded members that their ladies could become

affiliated members but would not be allowed to vote. In Apr as a result of substantial

correspondence written by the Treasurer on behalf of Mrs C to HQ Welfare, a grant of £125, worth

about £1000 in 2013, had been received and passed to Mrs C. Col Sladen for the second successive

month had sent a cheque for £3 to be used in the Branch’s efforts to assist Mrs C. It was recorded in

the minutes that the Branch unanimously thanked Mrs Hart for her tenacious efforts on behalf of Mrs

C. The RBL had written to invite the Branch to attend their monthly committee meetings to aid

liaison between the two organisations. It was agreed that Mr Dukes would attend on behalf of the

Branch. In May WO1 Brodie and Mrs Chambers were welcomed to the meeting. The members also

said goodbye to WO1 Morrison. The death was announced of Mrs C, wife of one of our oldest

members. A letter of sympathy would be sent to Mr C who was himself in very poor health and who

had been virtually totally reliant on Mrs C. The Branch would make tentative enquiries concerning

Mr C. In Jun it was stated that the Standard was again in need of repair. Mrs Hart said she would do

what was necessary to repair the Standard. Some 25 members and families had indicated their

intention to attend the Blandford Reunion and three to attend the Catterick Reunion. WO1 Gurr was

thanked for presenting the Branch with a plaque from UKLF for display in the RBL Branch. In Jul

two new members Capt Martin and Mr McClatchey were welcomed and also Mr Booker after a

prolonged absence from meetings. The welfare of Mr C was discussed. It was decided to approach

Mr C’s doctor to see if help could be gained on health grounds from the RBL. An enjoyable time

was had by all those who attended the Reunion at Blandford. In Aug most of the business concerned

the ongoing welfare of Mrs W and Mr C the latter of whom was recovering from an operation in the

Holiday Home for disabled persons near Bath. The Secretary was to write to HQ for some more

financial support for Mr C. The Branch would send a representative to visit Mrs W when she

returned home from Orchard House (presumably a care home), who it was concerned might sell her

house at a disadvantage. In Sep there was more discussion about the two most recent welfare cases.

Mr C having returned home was not in financial need but needed some help at home. Mrs Chambers

offered to do some shopping for Mr C. Mr Dukes was asked to report to the RBL Welfare


Committee suggesting the War Pensioners Welfare Service may be able to help. In Oct the

Chairman welcomed five new serving members from Larkhill. The Branch decided that as the price

of the Wire magazine had increased from 75p to £1 it would no longer continue subscribing after the

current year. The Branch had earlier written to HQ regarding offering membership to ladies. HQ

had replied the Branch could make its own decisions and any others interested in the Branch could

be invited to join as affiliated members. Affiliated members no longer exist in 2013 but partners

and others, most notably widows, wishing to support the Branch are welcome to become Associate

Members and vote at Branch meetings with the agreement of the Branch Life membership which to

date has never raised any objections. Whilst the Branch could decide on any financial levy to

augment funds, it was agreed to continue with voluntary donations. A games evening versus HQLF

at the Sgts Mess was arranged for Thu 13 Nov. In Nov the meeting was pleased to hear that Mr C

had attended and enjoyed the Games Evening at UKLF. The members were appreciative of the

Curry Supper. Mr Blackler had written to Brig Clarkson to convey the sympathy of the Branch on

the recent tragic loss of his wife. Enquiries were to be made with HQ regarding the cost of

purchasing a new pair of gauntlet gloves for the Standard Bearer. In Dec it was reported that Mr C

was coping for the time being but the Branch would keep in touch and would report if it could help

in any way. HQ had advised that the latest price of gauntlets from the suppliers was £6.50. A letter

to Branches had been received from HQ to say that membership known as Honour Membership

should only be recommended to the RSA when backed by an outstanding service record.

Summary of events attended this year: Brig Hobson’s Farewell, Dunkirk Veteran’s Parade,

Blandford Reunion, Catterick Reunion, Battle of Britain Parade, Games Evening v HQ UKLF.

1976 ( 19 ) In Jan a letter received from Brig Clarkson indicated that serving members had kindly

offered £40 towards the purchase of a new Branch Standard which was needed. It was decided to

purchase a new Standard, cost not to exceed £120, equivalent to about £800 in 2013. In Feb at the

AGM a record attendance of 30 members was recorded. The Chairman noted the Branch bank

balance stood at a healthy £177.47. Following the election of new Branch Officers it was decided to

thank Mrs Hart for her work as Secretary in place of Mr Hart. Mr Hart had been Secretary for the

previous 15 years but the minutes do not reflect this nor the reason for Mrs Hart having taken over

from him mid year. It was agreed that Mrs Hart should continue to look after the welfare interests of

the Branch. Brig Clarkson said that all Branch Standards were dedicated each year at Catterick and

this procedure would cover the new Standard. In Mar Mr Creed reported he had obtained a pair of

Gauntlets from the Life Guards at no cost to the Branch. Regarding the new Standard, Mr Brodie

reported that the regular soldiers’ contribution had reached £74.30 with more to come. Brig

Clarkson would formerly hand over the Standard to the President with the Standard Bearer and

Secretary in attendance at HQ UKLF on 22 Mar with public relations covering the event for local

press. Mrs Hart reported that Mrs W was well but as her main problem was loneliness members

were encouraged to visit her. An appeal from the War Veterans Assoc was considered but the

meeting decided against making a contribution. The meeting recorded a vote of thanks to WO1 Gurr

who was leaving the area on posting to BAOR on commissioning for his help and support over the

previous two years. A similar vote was recorded for the members of 653 Sig Tp at Larkhill which

was to disband shortly. In Apr the Secretary reported that the final amount collected by regular

members of the Corps totalled £81 leaving a balance of just £11.12 to be paid from Branch funds to

complete payment for the new Standard. The Secretary explained that the meeting venue had been

changed from the upstairs Committee room to the Hall in the RBL Club. He added the Branch

might have to revert to the upstairs rooms on occasions when the Hall was required for RBL

functions. In May it was decided not to make a contribution to the 3 Div Sig Regt Reunion Club.

The Secretary reported that following submission of an article at the last meeting for the purpose of

publicising the Branch, it had appeared in local newspapers. However, as a result there had been no

response from the newspapers’ readership. Lt Col Russell had relinquished his appointment of Vice

President on posting overseas. It was agreed that Brig Baynham CSO UKLF be invited to


become Vice President. In Jun it was recorded that arrangements had been made for the Old

Standard to be laid up in St Thomas’s Church. It was agreed that an invitation should be extended to

the units in the area which had contributed towards the cost of the new Standard to send a

representative to the service. The Secretary circulated copies of the Wire which included a

photograph of the handover of the new Standard between Brig Clarkson and Mr Blackler. In Jul the

Secretary reported an account of Branch activities had appeared on the Library notice board. The

following month the Secretary reported that the date for the laying up ceremony of the Old Standard

had been arranged for Sun 5 Dec 1976. It was decided to book the Hall of the RBL Club for after

service refreshments for members and invited guests. In Oct the Chairman welcomed Maj Spooner,

Mrs Styrin and Douscha for the first time. The Secretary reported at the final meeting of the year

that the Laying Up Ceremony took place in St Thomas Church Salisbury at a service conducted by

Canon Brooks on Sun 5th Dec 1976. The President Mr Blackler read the lesson and the Standard

was borne by Mr Baker, escorted by Mr Pearce and Mr Creed. Approximately 100 members of the

Branch, their guests and families attended the service. The principle guests were Maj Gen W

MacFarlane, Maj Gen M Price, Brig D Baynham, Brig F Clarkson, Col R Benbow, Lt Col R Bell, Lt

Col H Morrison and Mrs Wattley. Representatives from eight R Sigs Units also attended. After the

service everyone was invited to the RBL Club for refreshments. It was agreed that a plaque should

be affixed to the church wall close to the laid up Standard with wording as follows: “The Old

Standard of the Salisbury Branch of the Royal Signals Association presented by Col AC Allan,

DSO, MC in 1933 and laid up in this church on 5th December 1976”. Mr Townsend said he would

get the Plaque engraved.

Summary of events attended this year: Games Evening v Sgts Mess 3 Div Sig Regt, Games

Evening v RE Assoc at Bishopdown House, Games Evening v HQLF, 3 Div Sig Regt Reunion,

Blandford Reunion, Catterick Reunion, Dunkirk Veterans Parade, Burma Star Parade & Standard

Dedication, Games Night v RE Assoc & UKLF, Battle of Britain Service, Old Sarum Games Night,

Xmas Social, Laying up of the Old Standard.

1977 ( 23 attendance at only two of the meetings was recorded probably due to oversight) - In

Jan the Secretary read a letter from HQ with reference to the retirement of a Miss M Parker, who

probably worked for the RSA. It was decided to make a donation of £5 for her benefit. It was

agreed that the Branch would attend St Thomas’ Church annually each Dec to pay respects to the

Old Standard and the Secretary would approach Canon Brooks accordingly. This tradition which

included a Branch member reading the lesson would continue for the next 16 years. In Feb Mr

Brodie reported the inscription for the plaque for the Old Standard had been passed to Mr Creed who

was arranging the engraving. In Apr the Branch stood in silence as a tribute to a previous Branch

Chairman the late Mr Jolliffe. The Chairman announced that the plaque had not yet been mounted

on the wall of St Thomas’ Church. Mr Brodie agreed to look into the matter. The Bath Branch

invited the Branch to a Beating the Retreat by the Corps Band at Longleat on 12 Jun. It was decided

that the Standard Bearer and Escort would attend. At the Jul and Aug meetings it was agreed that

members required to take time off work to carry out Assoc business would be compensated from

Branch Funds for loss of earnings to include expenses. This was potentially a risky decision but

there is no indication it was ever abused. In Aug it was agreed that the Branch’s Representative on

the RBL Welfare Committee should enquire if Mr and Mrs H could be given a holiday at the RBL

Convalescent Home at Weston-Super-Mare. The Oct meeting commenced with a few minutes

silence in memory of the late Mr H, who passed away on 17 Oct. In Nov Mrs H thanked the Branch

for its help and sympathy over the death of her husband and added that she would like to donate a

small sum of money to the Branch as a token of the comradeship the Branch had given her husband

during his association with it. The Chairman thanked Mrs H for this gesture. It was agreed the

matter would be given more thought at the Jan meeting. The Branch funds totalled £77.59.

Summary of events attended this year: 3 Div Sig Regt Sgts Mess Games Night, Blandford Branch

Social Evening, Dunkirk Veterans Parade, REs Cheese & Wine Party, RBL Womens Section Laying


up of the Old & Dedication of their new Standard, Blandford Reunion, Catterick Reunion, Battle of

Britain Service, Burma Star Skittle match, Xmas Dance & Draw, Farewell Dinner for the President.

1978 ( 12 ) In Jan it was reported that whilst the Xmas Draw had been poorly attended it was well

organised and worth repeating next year. Mrs H offered to donate £10 to the Branch to use as a

memorial to her late husband. Following a discussion the members thanked her for this offer but

suggested she use the money towards an entry in “The Book of Remembrance” at Salisbury

Crematorium. In Feb the meeting started with a few minutes silence in memory of the Chairman,

Mr Styrin who passed away on 13 Feb. At the AGM in Mar when officials were elected for the

coming year, Mr Ivan Light was elected to the post of Chairman, a position he would hold for the

next 30 years. There was no proposal for the positions of President or Secretary. Despite there

being no volunteer to replace him, the current Secretary made it clear he would be resigning at the

next meeting. In Mar it was decided that the matter of the Plaque for the Old Standard which had

never been mounted in St Thomas Church and which had gone missing should be left in abeyance in

the hope that some day it would turn up. The following month it was agreed that Mr Creed would

become Branch Secretary. In May, Jun and Aug no minutes were taken. In Sep the Secretary

reported that he had still been unable to contact the ex Secretary Capt D Wooton who had not

returned the Branch Minutes book. WO1 Webb said he was going to Blandford shortly and would

attempt to contact Capt Wooton. The Secretary was instructed to order 24 Sigs Diaries. In Oct the

Secretary reported he was then in possession of the Branch Minute book from the previous Secretary

It was planned to hold a Xmas Social with guests to be invited from other Branches. It would

include a raffle which would have a first prize of £5. In Nov the Chairman told the meeting at long

last the plaque in respect of the laid up Old Standard had been found and arrangements were being

made to have it installed in St Thomas’ Church (See Photo at Appendix E).

Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, Annual Branch Social.

1979 ( 10 ) In Feb the AGM was held. The existing Committee was re-elected. In Sep under a new

arrangement R Sigs Records would inform Branches of regular soldiers discharged into their areas.

The Secretary said he had already received three such notifications and had written to those

concerned. In Oct it was confirmed that the Annual Social would be held in the RBL Club on Fri 30

Nov and the Church Service would be on Sun 2 Dec. The minutes of other meetings this year

recorded little of interest.

Summary of events attended this year: Annual Branch Social & Service.

1980 ( 11 ) The Secretary asked if a copy of the Wire could be obtained monthly. He also said that

the Sgts Mess at UKLF would be approached with regard to a Games Night. It was agreed that Mr

Dukes should be refunded his out of pocket expenses of £1 for auditing the accounts. Mr Pearce was

elected to fill the vacant position of Branch President. A discussion took place about holding an

Annual Dinner. The President undertook to investigate and price a dinner for approx 20-25 people

at the ‘Wheatsheaf’ at Woodford. In Mar the President said he had received a quote from the

‘Wheatsheaf’ that could provide a three course meal for £3 per head. At the following meeting the

Branch welcomed Mr WA Robins for the first time. A vote of thanks was extended to the President

for arranging the excellent ‘get together’ and meal at the ‘Wheatsheaf’. In Jun the Secretary read out

a letter from the RBL asking for a donation for their housing project at Hedley Davies Court. Mr

Dukes volunteered to find out more about it. At the following meeting it was decided to donate £10

to the Hedley Davies Court Project. In Nov the Secretary gave advance information that the R Sigs

Band would be giving a concert in the City Hall on 27 Jan in aid of the St Thomas Appeal Fund. He

said that RHQ R Sigs Chelsea had forwarded him a cheque for £50 to assist in the laying up of the

Old Branch Standard in St Thomas Church. He also said that invitations had been received from the

RE Branch to attend their Xmas Social on 17 Dec at Bishopdown House. In Dec (for reasons not

recorded) the Annual Social was cancelled. The Secretary reminded the meeting of the Skittles

Match at the Civil Service Club on 14 Jan.


Summary of events attended this year: Catterick Reunion, HQ UKLF Sgts Mess Games Night,

Blandford Reunion, Catterick Reunion, Dunkirk Veterans Assoc, Annual Church Service.

1981 ( 11 ) In Mar Mr Robins introduced his Brother as a new member. In May it was agreed to

defray the cost of the weekend for those attending the Catterick Reunion. The Branch appears to

have lost sight of the ruling from HQ in 1973 that using Branch funds for this purpose was against

the rules and policy of the Central Committee as well as the wishes of the Comd, the only exception

being for the Colours and the Escort to the Colours. In Jul the Branch was invited to a Cocktail

Party at the residence of Capt and Mrs Beely and organised by The Household Division Assoc. At

the meeting the following month the Secretary read a letter with regard to the Field of Remembrance

at Westminster. Signals RHQ would plant a Poppy Cross with an inscription ‘Salisbury Branch

Royal Signals Association’ at a cost of £1.15. In Dec Mr N Bruton was welcomed as a new member.

The Chairman gave a report on the Annual Social and thanked all those who had helped. The

Secretary said that as he had been in post for four years he would like hand over at the next AGM

Summary of events attended this year: RE Games Evening, Blandford Reunion, Catterick

Reunion, RBL 60th Anniversary Commemorative Service, Dunkirk Veterans Dedication Service,

Household Division Cocktail Party, Branch Annual Social & Church Service.

1982 ( 10 ) In Jan the Treasurer said he wished to hand over his duties at the following month’s

AGM. He provided a statement for the Branch which showed a bank balance of £193.74. At the

AGM in Feb the Chairman spoke about the work done by Mr Brady the Treasurer who was retiring.

A vote of thanks was accorded to him for his efforts. Mr Higdon took over the duties of Treasurer.

The Secretary did not hand over his duties as he had previously indicated he had intended. In Mar

no minutes were taken as the Secretary was away ill. In May Mr Robins was appointed as a Vice

President. The next month it was again decided to use Branch Funds to subsidise the cost of the

Catterick Reunion Weekend. £40 was voted for the benefit of four members. It was agreed that

members attending would contribute £3 each towards the costs. Following a proposition by the

Chairman it was decided that the sum of £20 should be donated to the Corps Benevolent Fund in

recognition of services given by members of our Corps during the Falklands War. In Jul the

Secretary informed the meeting that Mr S was in hospital. It was decided to spend a small sum of

money to buy Mr S a gift. It was agreed that Mr S be made a Life Member of the Assoc. In Nov the

Chairman confirmed that the Annual Social would take place in the RBL Club on Fri 10 Dec and the

Church Service would be on Sun 12 Dec. The Secretary said he would write to CSO Comms HQ

UKLF asking for support for the Social and Church Service. OC 1 Sqn 10 Sig Regt said he would be

away on duty at his HQ in Hounslow that weekend but he would get some of his members to attend.

In Dec Mr H said he would like to speak to the meeting about a personal financial matter. The

Secretary proposed to deal with the question after the meeting and this was agreed.

Summary of events attended this year: Dunkirk Veterans Parade, Blandford Reunion, Catterick

Reunion, RE Cheese and Wine Party, Annual Social, Annual Church Service.

1983 ( 9 ) In Jan the Secretary said that in response to a letter he had written, RHQ RSA had helped

Mr H very favourably on the financial side. Both Mr H and he had written to RHQ thanking them.

In Feb the Secretary informed the meeting that Princess Anne would be attending the Catterick

Reunion this year and RHQ R Sigs had called for two names plus one reserve of our members to be

presented to her. The Secretary suggested that a ballot would be the fairest way to determine those

to be put forward. At the Mar meeting attended by only six members a ballot was held and the

Chairman declared that Mr Creed and Mr Baker had been nominated and Mr Duke would be the

reserve. At the Apr meeting the Secretary, Mr Creed said that although he had been successful in

the ballot to meet Princess Anne due to ‘rumblings’, (presumably amongst members who had not

been present at the time of the ballot), he wished to withdraw. He felt that as there were only six

members present at the time and there were now 13 he would withdraw and not stand again. A

further ballot was held to fill the reserve spot as Mr Dukes, the previous reserve, had been promoted.


The ballot was between Mr Pearce the President and Mr Higdon. On the count by the Chairman Mr

Higdon was successful so he would be the reserve. Mr Pearce stated that he wished it to be recorded

in the Minutes how disappointed he felt having been a member of the Corps and Salisbury Branch

for so many years that he was not selected. The sum of £40 was voted from Branch funds towards

petrol for the Catterick Reunion (so again misusing Branch funds). In Jun it was decided that a

Dinner should be held at The Penruddick Arms on 1 Jul. In Aug the Chairman introduced Mr E

Mahoney as a new member. The Secretary said he would write to the RSM of 10 Sig Regt with a

view to holding quarterly meetings in the Sgts mess at Wilton. In Dec the Chairman expressed his

regrets at the low ‘turn out’ for the annual Church Service and hoped that if the event was to

continue a better show would be needed next year. The Secretary said that following applications,

Mr Woodhouse and White had become life members of the Assoc.

Summary of events attended this year: Summer Dinner, Annual Social and Church Service.

1984 ( 11 ) The Secretary told the members the next meeting would be held in the Sgts Mess HQ

UKLF where the Branch would be welcomed by CO 10 Sig Regt and members of the Regt and their

ladies. It was hoped that quarterly meetings would be held there in future. In Feb the meeting was

held in the Sgts Mess. The Secretary said that he had received a letter from Salisbury Branch POW

Assn inviting members of the Branch to their third Annual Dinner to be held at the Red Lion

Salisbury on 16 Mar. After the meeting a Punch and Cheese Buffet was provided. In May the

Secretary suggested the RSM should be approached with a view to holding a dinner in the Mess later

in the year. In Jun the Secretary gave out tickets to the R Sigs Band Concert to be held on 17 Jul.

There would be drinks in the Mess prior to the concert with cocktails and a buffet after the event.

The Secretary said he had arranged for the Aug meeting to be held in the Sgts Mess Wilton. In Jul

the Secretary told the meeting he had received notice that the Salisbury Branch POW Assn was

holding its first individual parade on 2 Sep and gave details. The Standard Bearer, Mr Baker, said

he would parade the Standard at the event. Others totalling 12 to include wives indicated they would

also attend. In Aug the meeting was again held in the Sgts Mess. The meeting heard with sadness of

the death of Mrs Keys, wife of member Mr J Keys. It was decided to purchase a wreath at a cost of

£10. In Oct a dinner to be held in the Wilton Sgts Mess was discussed. The Secretary said he had

heard from the Chairman that it did not seem feasible to also run a Social that year and suggested a

car boot sale as a fund raiser. The members’ view was that a social should take place and some

volunteered to help organise the event. The Secretary said he would let the Chairman know the

members’ views. At the meeting in Nov in the Sgts Mess the Chairman said the Annual Social

would take place on 14 Dec and the Church Service on 16 Dec. He asked everyone to make an

effort to attend both events. The Secretary said he had received and processed an application for

Membership from Mr Ingram. In Dec it was agreed that the Dinner in the Sgts Mess had been a

great success. The Secretary gave a brief resume as to why the annual social had not taken place but

it was hoped that it would take place in Mar 1985.

Summary of events attended this year: Salisbury Branch POW Assn, Dunkirk Veterans Parade,

Blandford Reunion, Dinner in Sgts Mess Wilton and Annual Church Service.

1985 ( 10 ) At the first meeting of the year it was agreed the Annual Social would take place on Fri

22 Mar. The Secretary announced the next meeting would be the AGM at the Sgts Mess HQ UKLF.

It was decided that owing to a misunderstanding, Branch meetings could not be held in future at the

RBL Club on the third Wed of the month but as far as possible they would take place on the second

Wed except in Feb, May, Aug and Nov when they would be held in the Sgts Mess HQ UKLF on the

third Wed, with the Nov meeting being the Annual Dinner (how to confuse the membership!). In

Mar it was confirmed that the Annual Social would take place on 29th of that month. The Secretary

said he had invited about 150 guests through various Assocs. In the previous year he had invited

about 120 and only 40 turned up. The Treasurer reported the Branch bank balance stood at £196.72.

In May the Secretary said that CO 10 Sig Regt and other members of the Regt had expressed a wish

to attend the Aug meeting. He had told the RSM they were always welcome and did not need an


invitation. In Aug at the Sgts Mess the Chairman asked all members to be upstanding in

remembrance of the late Bill Collins, a member of the Branch for many years. The Secretary read

out a letter from the Winchester Branch inviting the Branch to their Second Annual Dinner on 26

Oct. In Sep the Secretary said an invitation had been received from HQ UKLF for four members to

attend the Mess on Tue 24 Sep on the visit of Princess Anne and that he had had a personal

invitation. After discussion, provisional guests to the event were agreed. In Oct the Secretary gave a

report to HQ UKLF of the visit of Princess Anne and said all those attending had been presented to

HRH. A letter had been sent to the RSM in appreciation of the hospitality received. The Secretary

confirmed the details of the Annual Dinner on 20 Nov at the Sgts Mess HQ UKLF.

Summary of events attended this year: Annual Social, Blandford Reunion, Catterick Union,

Burma Star VJ Parade, POW Assn Parade, Winchester Dinner, Meeting Princess Anne at HQ

UKLF, Annual Dinner & Church Service.

1986 ( 7 ) The Chairman thanked all the members at the AGM for the effort each had made to keep

the Branch alive. Although small in number during the previous year the Branch had held 11

monthly meetings, two social evenings and been represented on numerous military and civil

occasions. In Sep the Chairman called for all members to be upstanding as a mark of respect for the

late President Mr Pearce affectionately known as ‘Abdul’. In Oct the Secretary gave a report of

Abdul’s funeral and said he had written to the ‘Wire’. The Branch had been represented at the

memorial service including Mr Baker who paraded the Standard. In Dec the Secretary spoke of a

problem that one of the members Mr D had the details of which were not recorded. The meeting

decided to make him a grant of £25. The Secretary was asked to speak to RHQ concerning further

help. The Secretary informed the meeting that a member of the Guernsey Branch was in Odstock

Hospital and was paralyzed due to a fall. Guernsey Branch had requested that if possible some of

our members may care to visit him.

Summary of events attended this year: Dunkirk Veterans Parade, Blandford Reunion, Catterick

Reunion, Winchester Branch Dinner, Service of Induction of the Archdeacon of St Thomas’s

Church, POW Assn Parade, Annual Dinner & Service.

1987 ( 8 ) At the AGM in Feb Mr R Robins was elected President. The Chairman had written to the

RBL to say that the Branch wished to continue using the meeting room for monthly meetings on the

third Wed of the month. In May it was agreed that the Secretary and Standard Bearer would attend

the Catterick Reunion with the Branch Standard. The sum of £25 would be granted from Branch

funds towards the cost of transport. This was the last recorded occasion the Branch was represented

at Catterick ending a long tradition. In Oct the RBL wrote to say the Branch could continue to use

the room but there would be a £2 charge. After considering a number of other possible venues it was

decided to hold the annual Dinner at the Penruddocke Arms, Dinton on 26 Nov. It was confirmed in

Nov at the Sgts Mess that the annual church service would be on 6 Dec. The lesson would be read by

Mr Creed. The Chairman urged all members to attend.

Summary of events attended this year: Southampton Dinner, Blandford Reunion, Catterick

Reunion, Ex POW Reunion Concert, Dunkirk Veterans Annual Parade, Annual Dinner & Church


1988 ( 6 ) In May it was reported that despite fewer numbers attending the Winchester Dinner, it

had been greatly enjoyed. In Oct it was confirmed the Annual Dinner was to be held at the

Penruddocke Arms on 30 Nov. The following month the Secretary reported that the Branch had

been represented at the funeral of Lt Col Moore an ex member of the Salisbury Branch.

Summary of events attended this year: POW Annual Dinner, Winchester Branch Dinner, Dunkirk

Veterans Parade, Blandford Reunion, Burma Star Parade, RAF Presentation at City Hall, Annual

Dinner & Church Service.


1989 ( 8 ) In Jan the members stood in silence to remember the Branch’s late Treasurer Mr C

Higdon. At the AGM in Feb the Branch bank balance was £122.68. In Jun the members drank a

toast to the Treasurer Mrs Robins in honour of her being awarded the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday

Honours List. In Nov at the Sgts Mess HQ UKLF members were asked if they still wished to hold

periodic meetings there. They decided to continue meeting at the Mess every three months.

Summary of events attended this year: Winchester Branch, Annual Dinner & Church Service.

1990 ( 8 ) In Aug a visit had been arranged to Heathrow Airport but the proposed visit was called off

as the Airport was unable to accommodate disabled members. In Nov the Branch received the new

rules of the RSA. It was agreed to meet in Dec but the meeting failed to take place.

Summary of events attended this year: Grand Services Reunion Concert, Ex POW Annual

Dinner, Corps Band Concert City Hall, Winchester Branch Annual Dinner, Dunkirk Veterans

Annual Parade & Services, Ex POW Parade, Annual Dinner & Church Service.

1991 ( 9 ) At the first meeting of the year the Chairman said that due to adverse weather only three

members had attended the Annual Church Service in Dec. In Feb a letter was received from RHQ

asking Branches to offer help to wives of R Sigs personnel deployed to the Gulf. At the meeting the

following month the Chairman said he had written to the only affected wife of a serving R Sigs Sgt

in the Salisbury area from whom he had yet to hear. The meeting in Mar proved to be the last that

would be held in the Sgts Mess at HQ UKLF. At the meeting at the RBL in May it was noted that at

the Winchester Dinner, member Frank Dukes met a Major from his service days who kept calling

him “Flash”. This nickname had apparently come about during his service days not because he was

able to get to the front of the dinner queue first but because of his natty ‘civvy’ clothes attire. In Jun

the Branch lost one of its most popular members, Wally Robins. His wife Jean and Brother Robbie

wrote to the members thanking them for a “wonderful turnout” when they had seen Wally off. The

Branch decided to make a donation in his memory of £25 to the Hospice. In Sep the Chairman

welcomed (future Secretary) John Shires who he said held the high honour of being the youngest

Branch member (aged 49 at the time). The Chairman said in Oct after attending the Reading Dinner

with the Standard that it had been noted that the ‘Jimmy’ on our Standard was the wrong way round

(See Photos at Appendices D & F). He asked the Secretary to check on the old minutes as to when

the Standard was obtained and if possible from whom it was purchased. In Nov the Chairman said

he was still investigating what to do about the Standard. The Secretary gave all the information

regarding date of purchase etc that he could find in past records but no subsequent action was

recorded. In 2013 I did some investigating on this issue and found that it had come up again in

2005 when the Standard Bearers on parade at the Annual Reunion at Blandford had noticed that the

Salisbury Standard and the Standard of one other branch had the ‘Jimmy’ facing away from the pole

whilst all the others had him facing towards the pole. The RSM at the time who was in charge of

drilling the Standard Bearers undertook to research which was correct and to let the Standard

Bearers know the following year. By the time of the following Reunion the RSM had been replaced

but his successor having been briefed by his predecessor provided the answer that as the Salisbury

Branch was the No1 and first Branch, it was assumed that the Salisbury Standard was probably the

correct one and the others were therefore wrong. But as we have seen, the Salisbury Standard had

been replaced in 1976 so I thought it was possible that the original in St Thomas’ Church might be

facing the other way and that the new one could be wrong. So I went to St Thomas Church to find

out. I found the engraved plaque (See Photo at Appendix E) is mounted on the wall underneath the

Old Standard (See Photo at Appendix D). The wording of the Old Standard that was presented to

the Branch in 1933 saying ‘Old Comrades Association’ rather than ‘Royal Signals Association’

suggests that the ‘Old Comrades Association’ pre-dates the No 1 Salisbury Branch. The RSA

website says that the RSA was started in 1920 but it seems the Branches, starting with the Salisbury

Branch came later and as discovered by the research of our current Branch member Richard Bull,

the Wire of Dec 1930 suggests that it was in that month that the Branch was formed. I wanted to

see if the ‘Jimmies’ on the Old Standard were facing away from the pole like the present Salisbury


Standard or facing the pole like the Standards of all but one of the other Branches. You can see

from the photos that on one side the Jimmy faces the pole and on the other it faces away from the

pole. So I leave the readers to make up their own mind which way ‘Jimmy’ should face. Given that

the cost of a new Standard is now in the region of £1,000 this does not look like a subject that needs

a definite answer at least until our present Standard becomes no longer fit for purpose, hopefully not

for some years.

Summary of events attended this year: Burma Star Association Annual Dinner, Ex POW Annual

Dinner, Winchester Branch Annual Dinner, 70TH Anniversary of the formation of the RBL,

Blandford Reunion, Reading Branch Dinner, Annual Dinner & Church Service.

1992 ( 10 ) At the first meeting of the year in Jan it was noted that two Branch members, Mr Robins

and Creed had been awarded the R Sigs fifty year badge. In Apr the Branch reached an agreement

with the RBL Club to pay a room charge of £3 every time the Branch used it for a meeting. In Jul

the Branch responded with a £6 donation to an appeal in respect of a daughter of Mr F an Old (Sigs)

Comrade from Guernsey. In Aug the Chairman called for a moment of silence in memory of Mr

Frank Dukes who had passed away whilst on holiday. The Branch held a collection in the memory

of Mr Dukes and as the family had asked for family flowers only, the £72 collected would go to the

R Sigs Benevolent Fund. At this meeting the Branch recognised Associate Members for the first

time. They would be asked for an annual subscription of £1. Four ladies Mrs Peggy Coombes, Kay

Creed, Pam Light and Jean Robins became the first Associate Members. In Sep it was recorded that

the Farewell for Mr Dukes had cost £30. It was agreed that the sum should be paid from Branch

funds. The Secretary read a letter from Brig A de C Leask CBE requesting a donation towards a

new War Memorial at Burbage where a Sig M Hawkins R Signals name appears on the old

memorial. It was agreed to send £5. In Nov Branch funds stood at an all time low of £58.87. There

was still no membership fee at this time. Income was mainly from voluntary donations and mailing

costs were rising. Mrs K Sweet was elected as an Associate Member. John Shires volunteered to be

the RSA Rep on the RBL Welfare Services Committee.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Reading Annual Dinner, Annual

Dinner & Church Service.

1993 ( 10 ) In Mar at the AGM the Chairman questioned whether it was worthwhile continuing with

the Annual Church Parade. He suggested a combined Annual Church Parade and lunch. He

regretted that there had been no increase in membership. In Mar the Secretary produced a list of

Retired Officers of the Corps living in the area. The Chairman said he would write to them. In Jun

the Secretary read a letter from the RBL saying they proposed to place flowers regularly on the

Salisbury War Memorial and asked for a donation of £5 which the Branch agreed. At the Aug

meeting Mr Shears, (this may have been a misspelling of Mr Shires), said he had been approached

regarding the cleaning of the “Fovant Badges”. The Secretary said if Mr Shears (or Shires) arranged

a contact between the Fovant Rep and the Secretary he may be able to help as it had been part of his

responsibility in his previous job. In Sep the Fovant Badges cleaning problem was resolved.

Following an article in the Daily Telegraph a R Sigs Unit at Bulford would be cleaning up “Jimmy”

at Fovant. At the Oct meeting the Chairman welcomed WO2 George and three members of 249 Sig

Sqn. It was agreed that the Annual Dinner organised as usual by the President and Church service

would go ahead. The subsequent church service would, as it turned out, be the last occasion the

Branch would honour the Old Standard with a church service.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Winchester Annual Dinner, Burbage

War Memorial Dedication, Annual Dinner & Church Service.

1994 ( 11 ) In Jan the Chairman welcomed new member Mr Pomeroy to the meeting. The President

Mr R Robins tendered his resignation as President. The Chairman thanked him for the tremendous

amount of work he had done for the Branch and said he would be a hard act to follow. In Mar at the

AGM the Chairman welcomed new member Mr Webber and Mrs Webber. Thanks to donations and


collections the Branch funds stood at £123.94. In Apr two new members Mr Toulson and Dodds

were welcomed. During the course of the evening Mr Dodds realised that the Winchester Branch

was closer to his home and decided to join that Branch instead. The Branch was also honoured by

the attendance of Mr and Mrs Littlejohn, visitors from the USA. Mrs Bairnsfather Littlejohn was an

ex Capt ATS (Sigs) in World War Two and the daughter of the late Bruce Bairnsfather a celebrated

World War 1 cartoonist, see the following refs:– The Chairman welcomed Mr and Mrs Littlejohn

and said he hoped they would come and visit the Branch on future holidays. In reply, they said they

would be delighted to visit again. In Jul the Secretary reported he had contacted the RSM of 3 Div

Sig Regt with a view to holding occasional Branch meetings in his Mess. The proposal was received

favourably and the first meeting would take place on Wed 19 Oct. In Aug Mr Pomeroy said the

meeting would be his last as he was emigrating to Canada late Sep. Mr Creed said he had been

Branch Secretary for more than 16 years and due to ill health he would like someone to take over.

Mr Shires said he was willing and the matter would be raised at the next meeting. In Sep the

Chairman welcomed Colin Brown and Gordon Blake to the meeting. The Chairman expressed his

regrets at the loss of Bert (Mr Creed) as Secretary and felt that the Branch had benefitted greatly

from his term of office over the past 16 years. John Shires having volunteered was elected to the

vacated post. The Pomeroys were at the meeting for the last time before emigrating to Canada.

Members wished them good luck and prosperity in their new venture. It was established in Oct that

the Chairman Ivan Light would be organising the Annual Dinner to be held in the RBL. This was

the first and only meeting held in the Sgts Mess of 3 Div HQ & Sig Regt.

Summary of events attended this year: Harrogate Reunion, Winchester Annual Dinner, Blandford

Reunion, Reading Annual Dinner, Branch Annual Dinner.

1995 ( 11 ) In Jan the Secretary informed the meeting that the Master of Sigs would be attending the

Fovant Badges Drumhead Service on 2 Jul. The Chairman said that due to the success of last year’s

Annual Dinner in the RBL Club it was his intention to invite members of other Branches this year.

In Feb it was decided that the Chairman and his wife would be our official guests at Fovant Badges

Drumhead Service. The Secretary said he had written to RHQ asking for the ‘Jimmy’ at Fovant to

be cleaned. In Jun the Chairman welcomed a new member Taff Williams. Before the meeting in

Nov a silent tribute was observed for the life of Mr Bert Creed the former Branch Secretary. The

minutes had become quite brief after Bert Creed handed over his duties as Secretary and there is no

mention in the minutes of his funeral.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, VE Day Celebration, VJ/VE Day

Parade, Reading Annual Dinner, Branch Annual Dinner.

1996 ( 10 ) The Chairman introduced a new member Mr Frank Brock. In Feb the meeting was told

that the Branch had been asked by RHQ to visit a Capt Freemen from the Guernsey Branch who was

in Odstock Hospital. The Chairman said he had done so. Mr Robbins informed the meeting in Mar

that on 28 Jun he would have been a member of the Corps and Association for 75 years. Taff

Williams informed the members that this was probably going to be his last meeting as he had

secured a job as a Golf Course Manager in Skegness.

Summary of events attended this year: Burbage Parade, RBL 75TH Anniversary Parade, Curry

Lunch Blandford Sgts Mess, 5TH London Corps Reunion, Annual Dinner.

1997 ( 12 ) In Apr the Chairman thanked Mr Baker for carrying the Standard at the Star and Garter

Concert at the City Hall. The Election of the Area 5 Rep was discussed. The members decided Lt

Col Bob Peake would be their nomination. In Aug the Chairman said that our guest for our Annual

Dinner would be Maj Gen Stokoe. The Branch funds stood at £201.00. In Sep the Chairman said

the Annual Dinner would be held in the Salisbury Cycling Club instead of the RBL.

Summary of events attended this year: 2 London Corps Signals OCA, Star & Garter Concert City

Hall, Blandford Reunion, Reading Branch Dinner, Dorset Branch AGM & Lunch, Annual Lunch.


1998 ( 9 ) In Jan the Chairman read out letters from guests who had attended the Annual Lunch. It

was decided that the £56 profit made on the draw would be donated to the R Sigs Benevolent Fund.

In Feb Alan Hooley said he was leaving the area to take up employment in the Aldershot area. The

Chairman thanked him for the support he had given whilst in the Branch during his time at HQ

UKLF and wished him every success in his new venture. In Mar the Chairman introduced a new

member Mr Bob Smithers. The Secretary informed the meeting that Mr Frank Brock, an ex member

of the Branch had died in the Royal Hospital Chelsea. In Jun the Chairman said that Col AF Carter,

the Regimental Secretary would be the guest at our Annual Dinner due to take place again in the

Cycle Club on 18 Nov. In Sep the Secretary apologised for having lost the minutes to the previous

meeting. The Secretary from Fovant Badges had contacted the Branch Secretary to say that the

‘Jimmy’ had been cleaned up by 11 Sig Regt and thanked the Branch for its interest.

Summary of events attended this year: Reading Branch Annual Dinner, Blandford Reunion,

Fovant Drumhead Service, Annual Lunch.

1999 ( 8 ) In Mar Mr Baker indicated he wished to stand down from his duties as Standard Bearer.

The Chairman said he would attempt to find a replacement. In Apr a request had been received

from 32 Sig Regt for donations towards their Pipe Band. It was decided to send them £20. In Nov it

was agreed that a good time was had by all at the Annual Lunch. The raffle made £30 which was

subsequently donated to the R Sigs Benevolent Fund.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Annual Lunch.

2000 ( 6 ) In Jan the Chairman announced that Mr Jack Bruton had died. His funeral was on Thu 27

Jan. In Mar the Chairman said that the Treasurer Mr Usher was ill and wished to hand over the

duties of Branch Treasurer. Maj Dick Offord said he was willing to take over and this was agreed.

The Chairman said he would write to Mr Usher to thank him for his hard work over the years. It was

decided to try to make Branch meetings more interesting by having a formal meeting only annually

rather than every month. In Jul in response to an appeal from RHQ it was decided to donate £15

towards a R Sigs Memorial Garden at Blandford.

Summary of events attended this year: Southampton Annual Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2001 ( 4 ) From 2001, meetings occurred almost every month but without formal minutes being

taken. Due to the more informal nature of the meetings the Branch was now able to hold its

meetings down stairs in the main RBL bar area and no longer needed to hire the meeting room which

at the time was costing £3 per meeting. The meetings were changed from the third Wed in the month

to the third Thu after the Treasurer Dick Offord mentioned that the Wed meetings often meant he

missed being able to watch live European football on television! (I did not expect the meeting day to

be changed but was grateful nonetheless. So now you know why the Branch currently meets on a

Thu). In Oct the Chairman said that Richard Bull, having volunteered would be the new Branch

Standard Bearer.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Dorset Branch

Curry Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2002 ( 8 ) At the AGM in Mar, the Chairman thanked the new Standard Bearer, Richard Bull for

carrying out this duty at two recent funerals. A donation of £5 was agreed towards the War

Memorial Flowers. The raffle at the Annual Lunch raised £50 for the R Sigs Benevolent Fund.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2003 The minutes of this year’s AGM did not get recorded in the Book of Minutes due to the ill

health of the Secretary. Those of the next three years were very brief. The following events

however were attended/organised.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Annual Lunch.


2004 ( 9 ) The Chairman thanked Richard Bull for his efforts as Standard Bearer during the year.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2005 ( 5 ) The Treasurer stated that the Branch funds stood at £108.04.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2006 ( 8 ) The Treasurer said Branch funds stood at £491.81. (The increase from the previous year

resulted mainly from a very generous gift accompanying an apology from Lt Col Jack Wraith who at

short notice was unable to join the Branch at its Annual Lunch as Guest Speaker. In addition, a

profit was made on the Lunch and the Branch had yet to make a gift to charity from the proceeds of

the Annual Lunch raffle). It was decided to donate £100 to the R Sigs Benevolent Fund.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Lunch, Annual Branch


2007 ( 8 ) In Mar at the AGM the Chairman noting that the previous Annual Lunch had been

successful at the Avon Brewery Public House said that the same venue would be used again this

year. The Branch funds stood at £332.21. Richard Bull was thanked by the Chairman for his efforts

in representing the Branch and the Corps throughout the year. The Branch was invited to join the

Wilts and Dorset Regt’s Summer Barbeque at the Wardrobe in Cathedral Close thanks to the

Secretary John Shires who was employed at the Wardrobe.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Summer Barbeque at the Wardrobe,

Southampton Annual Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2008 ( 6 ) In Feb a formal meeting took place following the sad death of the Branch Chairman of

some 30 years, Ivan Light. The Secretary Mr Shires was in the chair. In the absence of other

volunteers Maj Dick Offord offered his services to accept the position of Branch Chairman. The

meeting voted and agreed his appointment. It was agreed to increase the annual membership fee to

£10 following a suggestion by the Treasurer. Dick Offord delivered a tribute to Ivan Light at his

funeral in response to a request by his family, in which he highlighted Ivan’s service career and

contribution to the Branch during his long Chairmanship. He said jokingly that as Ivan had never

revealed what he had been doing during his time with the SAS TA Signals Unit it was no doubt so

secret that if he had told us he would have had to kill us all. The annual lunch took place at the

Avon Brewery.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Summer Barbeque at the Wardrobe,

Reading Annual Dinner, Southampton Annual Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2009 ( 7 ) In Jan it was agreed to make a donation of £50 to the R Sigs Benevolent Fund. In order to

allow members to benefit from membership when they might not be able to afford the annual fee, it

was agreed it would be a voluntary contribution. To date no one has taken advantage of this

provision. The Chairman reported that the present recruiting campaign was going well and that

Branch membership now stood at 19 with possibly more to follow. The raffle at the annual lunch

raised £97 which helped the Branch subsequently to donate £100 to Help for Heroes.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Summer Barbeque at the Wardrobe,

Southampton Annual Lunch, Fovant Badges Drumhead Service, Annual Lunch.

2010 ( 14 ) At the first AGM to be held at the Hampton Inn Bishopdown Farm the Chairman

reported that the Membership continued to grow. The annual lunch at the Rose and Crown Hotel

had gone well and members had attended the Drumhead Service at Fovant Badges and other

functions during the year. He said that Jane Knight, a loyal supporter of our annual lunches from the

Aldershot Branch had recently died. The Branch funds stood at £407 and the meeting decided to

donate a sum of £100 to ‘Help for Heroes’. The Chairman thanked Richard Bull for his attendance


at parades and funerals as Standard Bearer throughout the year. Col (Retd) Phil Whitemore kindly

agreed to be the new Branch President. Maj Gen (Retd) David McDowall accompanied by his wife

Valerie was invited as Guest Speaker at the Annual Lunch when the raffle raised £100 for charity.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Summer Barbeque at the Wardrobe,

Southampton Annual Lunch, Armed Forces Day, Annual Lunch.

2011 ( 14 ) At the AGM at the Hampton Inn in Jan the members decided to support the local charity

Alabare which supports homeless ex-service personnel, with a donation of £100. The Chairman

announced that the Assoc Secretary Col Terry Canham would be visiting the Branch on Thu 21 Apr.

The President presented Dick Offord with his Fifty Year Corps Badge. During the year Richard

Bull, after some sterling work over a number of years, handed over Standard Bearer duties to Martin

Hudson. Later in the year the Branch made a donation to the Corps Benevolent Fund of £181. Maj

Gen (Retd) Ashley Truluck accompanied by his wife Jenny was invited as Guest Speaker at the

Branch Annual Lunch. The raffle raised £150 and with a further £31.22 raised at the Armed Forces

Day, £181.22 was subsequently donated to the R Sigs Benevolent Fund.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Annual Lunch, Armed

Forces Day, Annual Lunch.

2012 ( 10 ) At the AGM in Jan the Chairman paid tribute to the Branch Secretary John Shires who

was seriously ill. John Bryant kindly agreed to take on the duties of Branch Secretary. The

Chairman thanked Dougie and Pauline Edmond who were relocating to Scotland for their support as

members of the Branch. The President thanked Dick and Marilyn Offord for their contribution to the

Branch. As the funds of the Branch were healthy it was decided to reduce the membership fee from

£10 to £5. In Jan Martin Hudson represented the Branch as Standard Bearer at the funeral of ex-

Corps member and former Mayor Derek Alford. In Feb John Shires died. At his funeral attended by

Branch members, Dick Offord paid tribute to John’s life including his Army service and his loyal

support as Branch Secretary over 18 years. As an addition to the social calendar it was decided to

hold an informal Summer Lunch at the Grasmere Hotel. The year came to an end with another

successful Annual Lunch at the Rose and Crown Hotel where Social Member Marilyn Offord

produced a theme celebrating the Queens Diamond Jubilee and the Queen’s visit to Salisbury both of

which took place during the year. Lt Col Jack Wraith accompanied by his wife Margaret was

invited as Guest Speaker at the Annual Lunch. The raffle raised £169, a Branch record and with an

under-spend on the lunch, £207 was subsequently donated to the Blind Veterans UK charity.

Members of the Branch joined family members to say goodbye to one of its own when the funeral of

Lt Col (Retd) Leslie Steane took place with Martin Hudson in attendance as Standard Bearer.

Summary of events attended this year: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Annual Lunch, Summer

Branch Lunch, Annual Lunch.

2013 ( 11 ) In his report at the AGM the Chairman noted the success of previous year’s Summer

Lunch at the Grasmere Hotel which had been well attended. It was decided that the charity the

Branch would support in the current year would be the RBL. The Chairman outlined the case for the

Branch needing to have its own Union Flag for covering coffins at funerals. It was agreed a suitable

flag should be purchased. Following a proposal by Ray Patrickson a vote of thanks was placed on

record to Dick and Marilyn Offord for their continued support of the Branch. Early in the year the

Branch membership totalled 25. In Apr it came to the notice of the Branch that Mrs W, who was

caring for her husband who was permanently confined to bed at home, being quite hard of hearing

was unable to hear callers on their house telephone. As a result, the Branch decided to purchase and

donate a telephone for the hard of hearing to Mr and Mrs W who, on receipt, subsequently expressed

their gratitude. In May the Branch returned to the Grasmere Hotel for its Summer Lunch where a

good turnout from the Branch was joined for the first time by Area 5 Rep Lt Col (Retd) Mike

Macklin and his wife Hilary. In November the Branch returned to the Rose and Crown Hotel

Harnham for its traditional Annual Lunch. Some 40 members and their guests were addressed by

the guest of Honour Maj Gen (Retd) John Stokoe, accompanied by his wife Jenny, who provided an


informative update on the serving Corps. Social Member Marilyn Offord had provided a theme for

the lunch of the Queens Diamond Jubilee with suitable table decorations and a historical display that

included photos of some of the members taken 60 years previously and a selection of confectionary

still available from the period. The raffle made a record £191 for the Royal British Legion.

Summary of events attended during 2013: Blandford Reunion, Southampton Annual Lunch,

Summer Branch Lunch, Annual Lunch.

Major (Retired) Dick Offord MBE


Salisbury RSA Branch Version 1.0(R) dated Jan 2014

Appendix A - RSA Salisbury Branch Post Holders 1953-2013.

Appendix B – Coronation Review by Ex Servicemen and Women by

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in Hyde Park on 5 Jul 1953.

Appendix C - Junior RSM John Wraith – Boy Hero 1962 Lt Col (retd) Jack Wraith – Salisbury RSA

Branch Member 2013.

Appendix D - Image of Old Salisbury Branch Standard in St Thomas’s Church Salisbury.

Appendix E - Image of Commemorative Plaque in St Thomas’s Church Salisbury.

Appendix F - Image of New Salisbury Branch Standard..


Appendix A


1953 - 2013


1953 Major FG Monk Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1954 Brig ES Cole Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1955 Brig AD Gardiner Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1956 Brig AD Gardiner Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1956 Brig Bell Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1957 Brig Bell Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1958 Brig FWP Bradford Mr EG Hand Mr R Softly

1959 Brig FWP Bradford Mr E Timmins Mr R Softly

1960 Brig D White Mr E Timmins Mr SJ Hart

1961 Brig D White Mr RA Jolliffe Mr SJ Hart

1962 Brig D White Mr R Softly Mr SJ Hart

1963 Brig AL Atkinson Mr R Softly Mr SJ Hart

1964 Brig AL Atkinson Mr R Softly Mr SJ Hart

1965 Brig DR Horsfield Mr RA Jolliffe Mr SJ Hart

1966 Capt G Schofield Mr RA Jolliffe Mr SJ Hart

Brig TIG Gray Mr E Timmins Mr SJ Hart

1967 Brig TIG Gray Mr RA Jolliffe Mr SJ Hart

1968 Brig TIG Gray Mr RA Jolliffe Mr SJ Hart

1969 N/A Maj H Wattley Mr SJ Hart

1970 N/A Maj H Wattley Mr SJ Hart

1971 N/A Maj H Wattley Mr SJ Hart

1972 N/A Maj H Wattley Mr SJ Hart

1973 Mr JTL Blackler Mr G Styrin Mr SJ Hart

1974 Mr JTL Blackler Mr G Styrin Mr SJ Hart

1975 Mr JTL Blackler Mr G Styrin Mr SJ Hart

1976 Mr JTL Blackler Mr G Styrin Mr R Brodie

1977 Mr JTL Blackler Mr G Styrin Capt DS Wooton

1978 N/A Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1979 N/A Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1980 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed.

1981 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1982 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1983 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1984 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1985 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1986 Mr Pearce Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1987 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1988 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1989 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1990 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1991 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1992 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1993 Mr R Robins Mr I Light Mr B Creed

1994 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

1995 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires


1996 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

1997 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

1998 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

1999 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2000 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2001 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2002 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2003 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2004 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2005 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2006 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2007 N/A Mr I Light Mr J Shires

2008 N/A Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Shires

2009 N/A Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Shires

2010 Col(Retd) P Whitemore Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Shires

2011 Col(Retd) P Whitemore Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Shires

2012 Col(Retd) P Whitemore Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Bryant

2013 Col(Retd) P Whitemore Maj(Retd) R Offord Mr J Bryant


Appendix B





One of the most colourful events of the Coronation year occurred in Hyde Park on Sunday, July 5th,

which I consider most fortunate to have witnessed and taken part in. This was the revue of ex-

Service men and women by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. It was not until we

were on the march to the parade ground in Hyde Park that the thousands taking part in the parade

struck us, for the parade was nearly a mile long and we were marching 20 deep. After a short

service by the Archbishop of Canterbury the Queen and Prince Philip inspected the 20 divisions in

an open top Land Rover but the greatest thrill was yet to come. At 3.45pm the grand march-past

began. It has been stated that there were 40,000 members of the British Legion and other ex service

organisations, including 2,500 Standard Bearers in the Parade so it was no wonder we had to wait

until about 5.15pm before we had the honour and great pleasure of marching past the royal dais.

This moment was worth all the time we had had to wait. We arrived home just after 10pm, tired but

satisfied after a thrilling day.


Appendix C

Junior RSM John Wraith – Boy Hero 1962

Lt Col (retd) Jack Wraith – Salisbury RSA Branch Member 2013


Appendix D

The Old Salisbury (Number 1) RSA Branch Standard Hanging in St Thomas’s Church, Salisbury


Appendix E

Commemorative Plaque for Salisbury (Number 1) RSA Branch Standard

Hanging in St Thomas’s Church, Salisbury


Appendix F

The New Number 1 Branch (Salisbury) RSA Branch Standard