The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

The Historical development of photography and photographic purposes By keesha Anderson



Transcript of The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

Page 1: The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

The Historical development of photography and photographic purposes

By keesha Anderson

Page 2: The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

The first Picture• The first camera was invented by Nicéphore Niépce he was

French he is one of the most famous inventors for producing the first photograph in 1825; When he took his first photograph it soon faded away and was not permanent because he used a silver and chalk mixture darkens under exposure to light, so when he took the picture out into the light it just got dark almost black straight away; This was the first recorded introduction to photography, but some people think that it can be traced further back to “book of optics” (this is the way in which people discovered light can be changed and manipulated) discovered by scientists in Iraq.

Keesha Anderson

Page 3: The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

History of photography processes• “book of optics” the Iraqi scientists were not the people to take a

photograph but they were one of the first people to discover that you can project an manipulate light.

• Nicéphore Niépce used silver and chalk mixture darkens under exposure to light but this was not permanent.

• After Nicéphore Niépce discovered photography other scientists and mathematicians took his idea and managed to make the pictures more permanent such as Gemma Frisius, Roger Bacon and Giambattista della Porta; as they adapted the camera the camera started getting a lot bigger and became as big as rooms with only a few people being able to fit in.

• Johann Zhan was a man who created a more practical camera one that you can carry around but this was over 150 years after the 1st development

Keesha Anderson

Page 4: The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

The impact of photography on history, as a method of recording and reporting events and as

a form of historical evidence

By Keesha Anderson

Page 5: The historical development of photography and photographic purposes

How people used cameras to record events

• In 1850-1930 people would use cameras to record a moment such as if they had a family occasion they would record the moment.

• The 1940s–1950s cameras were more used for advertisement and propaganda because these were the decades of world war 2 the government was really influential in the way they tried to get people to join.

• 1960s-the millennium cameras are more famously known for if you are in the modelling industry

• Now days people use photography to record events such as the Olympics, world disasters and cleberities.

Keesha Anderson