The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1922-12-29 … · 2013-03-05 · ia in ID00....

WANTS HIGHWAYS BUT NOT B0:"3S Senator Johnsnn cf A'lencialc Would iV.y For System by Tax Levy Aheadalo. Do;-. 111. : i bond 1 for : .>. ;. i:: :i ol igfaways i.: the : i:uc \v; - t ?re today by J. IL :;ry do>-n.-;cr. c.... \ t v v .-. v " 5'jrui.jr i. e favors the build'ng of hi..;i:v>'a;. oi < :.tazo through the gasoline ar. : ;vmo;i:e taxes together wi:I a s:n?J! opertv tax. The interest on $50,000,000 w; i\h bonds, which he says he bel'ev; ; ould be the smallest sum feasible?, ould amount to $2,UOO,OCO a year id this sum could as well be s">ont n the roans. lie was discussing t' ran broi-hed at a recent meeting of tizenn at Columbia which is now i.i he hands of a committee of seven formal preparation of a plan to i laid before the legislature after J . mother ma-s meeting. declaring ho was againct the prmos bo?:d issue the continued. j. j.__: 4.-4. v,; .v,_ 1 UU lavur ii, Slate Vi. ^ys, however, but believe that nth Carolina can construct and Vrv.ain same without a bond ' my op'nion, it would be neccsary "?3U? bonds in the sail of $50,090,.. * 1 the annual interest on which i Id amount to approximately $2,; "*.000, and, sincc v*o could r.oz v/o'l ->end more th:ir. $5.0.09,000 a year, v . Mieve that this sum could be raised "ears of the gasoline tn:>. the auv. - . ]hiie license foes and a small rra* t.:x. The two million dollars ~! interest on the .:ond issue : thus be expended in bu:!d!n~ ; to a bottsr advantage than cx??ng it as interest.'' Senator Johnson, who is 35 years i, has served two terms as sta> t? ^naior, on? from Barnwell. county v nd the other from Allemb.Jo. He :s elected last fall for his second -m from Allendale. He' is an a;*"x*T. having graduated from the j '-' -?.?1 in 1906, and the law depart. - t of the University of Scu:h Ca f ia in ID00. mm E. *>- >.?TAIN BLACK'S PLAN FAVORED BY JOHNSON ___ o the Editor of The St?.;c: In your issue of Christmas day here appeared what p-irrorted to live been an interview given .by me r,v > yoir Allendale correspondent. sains: forth my views on the pronosal g"t- % | o issue state honds for the eonst.-uei >n and maintenance of a s'.aLe sys mo? permanent hitrhwj vs. $r " *" ! * stci.cs:Tis cl s 5>v -mo v."j. \n '' iswer to one of a numcer of inqniR* ,, , -v , >mt^ rr o ^ f-s, 7*11'] I ^ 1 r J e by J. Ii. J n&in3, - corresponds t E* * the Associated Press, asking for i; 7* age, o:eup tion, denomination, > names of the socre: orders to :'ch I belong,* the schools attended Pn me, previous publ'c offices held -nr |? . . , ctc., and I understood that the j^. 'orsisitlon was .des ;ed for he *o cf compiling ?. Tetcrd of the 1 rubers of the general assembly and the purpose of polling the memship on certain questions of stately do interest. I had no id^a I was K. "sking for publication and no one fcv :s more surprised than I when I . w mv statement in prm.. 1" ~ Fearing, therefore, that the publi ;-r> r.,y< mov )il 1 VliC Ci ULiv ia \juuo .ivu misunderstood, and that sonic (if our readers may accord to me credII'' "it an idea that belongs to aioth I wish to ^tate that so far as I . Cap":. W. D. Black of Williston the first person to advance the -~ht credited to me bv the article ~ d to. Captain Black has lone: "v interested in the subject of A roads." In fuet, the first pub- : SI J \H7 ti v e. Vv at : .. > i. F ' , to k t fact to p I ' pap? r oi a W: in n . * I I in t r 1\- a.; vos.s i>!i till - -ul'.Lv: i <" : . r Y. U-- :'.M ; b.V v" t : .ii': Ki.-i: at ; country school house bei^en Willhtcn ami Springfield, 'v.'!;. ? I^va a ' 1/ o b:v? held in Columbia. he was ap >' rd.d the ro > jslv.t-r've <;? our c n:r;".'S3ionai d'sirivt. Since liiat oc. . .. h.i vS: " v\ u.scu a i.- .r.' ami ha-* advocated th<: u :;<n el crmanent roads ::i aceo .l.iirv wiJi the plan favored by r.w*"In ri' r'-1 ..'jr d. In lavi. it v.;. ; af:cr hearing t"2Pta:n JSiacH dr. ",i > th'N v t/.nr I \ ejr.rnc a convert t i b 3 i It:: end ! wifh your readers to understand dearly that. In a:: wer"n<* t .e qunaire of "I. . Jenkins. I had no thought of ere t:n<r the * impression that I was the original author of the pun outlined. Ar stated sbovs, so far as I knerw. <r Cr.r:a n Black, who for' many years and without any reward, has freely rk m his time and talent to nromofci" c t h" civie cf C">od ro?.ds in South Carel'na. was the first i">er.? :i to advo:r.te the plan attributed to *r.e. ; J. Henry Johnson. Allendale. DARLINGTON MEN SLAIN AT DAiNL'L. I. hi. ant' Reuben Anderson Rc.celvc rr.ial V/o-ntls ?.t VVocd.ncn Kail The Darin Igtcn, Dec. 24. As the rc. oi*s shooting aiiray last ni.rht, >:hout 10 o'clock, I. M. Pilgrirn and his son-in-law, Reuben Anderson, arc d:ad and Paul Frauer .n jail charged with the killing. i The shooting took place a. a dancc being held in tne v. ooc.nien nun m the cot.on mill villa;:? in the western section of the town. Frr'ier : is ueen separated from his wife for months and njrently taw her r a '113 in Reuben Anderson's car. He warned Anderson to discontinue thi", ar.u la?t ni.Th: when he entered ;he. dance hall he saw Andersen dar.ri "ith his Wife. It is alleged that he immediately opened fire with a S2-caI'bre pistol and shot Anderson 1-1Voivi- L-ilhno- VlTil ill- i.:ic i:v.i. I, p, 'stnntiy. He ??.w Pilgrim, :he fit her- in-!:av of Anderson, coming in and turned his gun upon him, hitting rlir.i tv.*Le, onec in the arm and or.:c near *V"~ J razrr then i: said to have attempted .0 shoot his wife, rushing to her ar.ct :trjr?riinT with her. but v-:: or-' oroowrrod rna t;> jr. . : y JocLowry. ore of the cottrn ml* 1 Pilgsim was immediately rushed up vown to the drug v en :v. :.ico! a d was given hi:r>, hut te die a, in a very few, without speaking a word. The car.:j 61 the le k.niin' ss'lc? t*> h~ve he0'1 on a o**,iL ef 'ralou*y eti the part "of Fsul Frazcr. It i"? &:;?*> r-a'd th.Vt Frazer had at term tea to buy a pistol from -a friend during t:_>c day, ;>u<: ,v.\is unsuccessful. ) one seems to know where he secured til? pistol that he usedMr. pilgrim was a respected farmer living a.cout a mile from town. He I is survived by his wife and several children, 3.irs. Pilgrim, is in a critical condition, suffering from the shock. Mr. Anderson leaves, his widow and two small children. Paul Frazer has a wife and small, child, he married a daughter of- J. E. Bailey and her brother was lulled during the past summer in a shooting scrrpe. Fraser servejl in the local* company of the Thirteenth division in France during the World war. The double killing last night makes the fourth white man. that has been shot to death in Darlington during 1922. i It, I Oil :eep in mine! the that in addition rinting this newnr we do job work ny kind. When 90 eed of anything 7 G 1 his line be sure 1 r* w ? O *380 Us 4 faicolum.%* u, v-V.'iiV'ui I :: c (.'ha.aU i < Co.-v.KU-rii.* Succctdias Dfsr-:.:c the Doil Wcovli L . v . ^ i \ v ^, 11 i V. .. .\.v/ o'Ty ; Y;"h.;.:r>v\ has proves hi* aiiiiiy i:s. fc v. 0* v '.I c*. .It'I \ v v V4: v 2 id.tiOIIS. I-'!'. 0p?i'Sv9 hi cot: ;i fo? 1a;1 six h-ji.-t-. ii. farm is lo-.-atou i: the aacly oi the -J3un y ana the : ji: ,\s v.iac coi-i in -he iipvinjf. : her;: fare h (Ii* j.O* C' vy : w 0.1 o'j ' \ (' ci 1 t * Afte.* prep<uai:on lie baga nin.'.in;-: liay t:ie .ath an.: :;a^a\i ;; May the 10 th. i>r. Drown, beia^' r.n up f.o dac farn.iT, rctat:oi;. Thi land w::r> i.! y*r..i , i'o-bv.x-d by cv pea:: in lav la:ri alsi :.:ceivo a liberal aoylication o: barnya:\l i :: r.urc, of \vhi';h a I.;rg? a::-:>u:: is pre ('.acec! ->n this farm. The o:>ly ec:r :acr:':;d fertilizer luea war. 300 lb. cf li.'ii r.p .too as anaiyzin.;- 8-3per acre' applied abou: the tine a planting. The variety cf reed piante I \v;: the lates; : nprovcd Cleveland Bi {i w.l! add t--:. in'. vark-:y :::: proven to bo t;ie bo-:t for this sectio i.iUDr;x th'j shori staples). As soon as t!\e cotton was chonns out it received an application of po .-Ti, calcium arseiiatc-niolnsses mi: calcittn: arsenate were ducted on y; ch h-.:nd mac hi no. Fallen squares were picked ap an !; a' ;rut }./.o dr. i of A a? Hi*.. The crop was cuitiva.ed ont*o v.cck when pos::ole. Somcisnios th lain would not prrml! ci' a thoroa^ c jit Ivan on tnac often. I* 10i.i .no iU civ.i cj v.ci7. ha: vestc y) baits of cotton ave:-- *in<j 400 lb. ::nt cotton. V Dr. Brown \iocs not attribute hi success to an;;-one tiling tha: he d: out to a comoination ot thirds. 1. He had improved his soil by th !.n iTY>p<!. h;^-n vard manuK ^ - J -"4"- v etc. 2. He thoroughly prepared the see Oe:l. 3. He planted the rest improve s?"d suited to his locality. -i He cultivated intensively. 5. ile used po.son and picked u iillen squares. 6. And greatest of all, he stayed o ihe job both nigh,; and day an i-juent till the finish. Dr. Drown practices divc/snui'arming and grows all his neeessar reed and fucti a: home; therefore h has come out ahead of the game fir a. ::al!y. He has proven that we ca :;:o\v co.ton unier boll weevil ejnui i on- and ar.y othrr farmer can do a veil as Dr. Urovcn has; ( if he wil tae same v.? to d;te methods the came amount of gray matte air. :arm::r; operations and put u ihe same relentless light that D: Urown has put up. On Fc^dir.f; For Clenison College, Dcc*. 27. I feeding poultry for e^ products we must boar in mind certain fun J? mental principles, anions; which r safTicion: nutrients in correct pro portions, anu correct feeding, says IS R. Mohrhof, extension poultry 4. us band in an, who gives the folio win suggestions. Grain Mixture. Cracked corn 10 pounds, wheat 100 pounds, oat:; 10 pounds. Mash Mixture. Wheat hran 10 pounds, wheat middlings 100 pound; ground oats, 100 pounds, com meg 2 00 pounds, mt < s-ran ; j09 pound' Mineral Feeds. Grit is essentia as iL assists the b'rds in crind'nj t'l feed. Oyster shell suppl'es the lini material for the errs: shell. Grit an oyster shell should be kept in hop pcrs no the birds will have access t it throughout thn day. Succulence. Green feed acts a<= tonic, aids in digestion, acts as -:i appetizer, and is a laxative. Alfalf clover pasture, sprouted oats, beet and cabbage are .too,! succulcn feeds. Methods of feeding A bird shoul be .allowed to consume practically a' it desires of the r'-xht feed, fo'r hie: czz production depends unon heav feed consumption. No definiie rule ear. be riven as to the amount of fee each poultryman should feed. Th biros' appetites vary and it is onl by a careful watch of the fleck tha the birds are properly fed. Grain must be in the litter to com pel exercise and should never be fe on i ' are ground. It is much bette to ft od <rrain sparingly in the morr in*, so that the birds will be huntrr onougrh to consume mash throuprhou the day. The evening: grrain ratio should bo a heavy one, for tn birds dlcrest food at nijrht as well a fl'.vnip" tho (inv. 'S ho*-* f"'I '.!.* * 1 !> " '* :*.> .. c 1- . (*: i e.. i ... : . I -.1 :ii no*>n !* ?. "* t :.. v I. . ..' t.i i i:.i; t..i \ . i a 1 1 i .... .. /! . i 1 l...: . i" " > .! b( LO. o .* ! * " '; ; . ' ^ r n .,iY. , .V l. ciil* .. * 1' '.I/O 3 T-r/U'JIr..; c . , : ; > c'~ t c: rion or the v;; ;i\vay o'* iV.' . : ;> ! -r. th.- fit'! cj.-l.-: tho f.:.mer* of i^aih m 11: .::s of cl.>;iav ll , ever} y; Pivip.r tji-.acmg is the i:i nr. VL-ni'n;.-; this b.- \ This ti--' r.f i.mva of th? v".*." give G .to tcrrace making. i'he-T ' ...) '.'v.'.: i\J v^C Ot t: V I r 1u:: nny l s vsz'L the bv nr!i oi ( n i"row t :c brond-baso : 'I 'i } i v r> r. nv J Ic of two kinds, liA'd or on a grade. The bro:id-br graded terrace io known as the Mangum terrace. (> ^ t. While the bench t?rrn::e i> the tve that Has been generally used in this i ate, ll is rapidly being replaced by , i.i br^a-i-base terrace except 011 very ] slopes. The bench terrace ; v :,:iL:ai.H a sleep land terrace and should not be used where it is possi lie t:i on Li uroad-base terrace, ad\ \. 11. V*. Hum: on o: the agronomy (iivis'oo. The objections to the, - bin h term.;-. a:v that 1: is < xnen>!-.'(* \I crs r be cultivated, u vnainiy al.oved to grow up m , "weeds and grass that dr.iv.' the plant loj-i :;;vay fro-: elm ac.joimrg crop*, i orevrnis the; ren.!" iv. ?aev cf farm a machinery from one field 10 another, i. U farn*>h ; e::c-:!!ent w;a;orqiv.rlor-- for the b ,1 weevil. : The broad-base terrace dot?s not have a:;.' rf :.iur.e e jeefcions :;n.i therefore should be used where the :;Imc permits. The broad-base kve< * 1 terrace should be used where the soil a :porous eao;:^n i-; absorb the rainfall before it can injure the growing wiUJ i.I Cwii.iL ClllivFUlit. " jto flow over top of the terrace. , TIrs tyye of terrace in preventing: thr-* ; vapid run .ofV' of r:.i:i furnishes mois,:ture to the cr>n in dry weather and r.llovv:* prac;ical':y rone of the soil or fertiliser to escape. The j.Ir.ndrum it I:road-base graded A terrace is exar :)y the same as the broad-base i vel terrace with the ex n rcr/::or. of 'he i nil a ce. Ii'7^ *vr:-:c 1 '" it i. built ~h a laii. This type is ! used or. s-;ii r.:>; ibsrrb rain c. . , ... vap'.uiy arc; 5 aanjfer o: " th.- v.\:tr-r cc'l;: and overflowing n lcvol terrace. Some soil and fertil:tv is !:n-t I:i clr .win? off the water by P v ' tl*.<*but loss ii- in co "inn rod wt;h-wlia' the loss wouiw be with u: ierrncinp;. Detailed i"::t:;uri'or:; :v : > buiirlin;* ' tefrac-s r: y ' h--A i'- o r. the r.':i;v ' n'7?r ts or*:he \L /is:o : rorviee, Cie:n-or- CoIiG'rc. V :find ?:c tsace of robbers i who stole sums in denver n S:3:tcsn Persons Arc Questioned but None Prove to Ee Ones Wanted (j Denver, Colo.. Djc-. 19. Ei.s:h:ecn hours of searching and questioning of sixteen persons ;it police headquar-' ters had failed early today to reveal T ^ any trace of the identity of the banaits who yesterday robbed a federal ^ reserve bank truck pf .$200,000 af:rr a gun right i:i front of the United States mint here in which Charles T. " Linton, one of the guards on the 'j truck was wounded fatally . The truck in charge of J. E. Olesen I cashier of the local federal reserve bank, had called at the mint to transo , fer the money, all in $5 bills, f -.m j J the mint to the bank. The mint guards just had taken the money :o I- , , , the curbing, turnea it over to tne j bank employees and reentered the mint when the bandits drove up and stopped their car behind the truck. The bandits at once opened fire on the main door of the mint. Linton S j was shot in the stomach and died two janrl one-half hours later. Employees of the mint all of whom l! have guns near their posts, seized; ^! their weapons and rushed to the doors and windows, but. were hand!-' VI ' ' ! capped i:i returning the bandits' fire; | because the bank employees were be'I % ' rt !tween tnem and the robbers. While, the gunlie-ht raged one of the robbers *" ' pu: the money in thei. .utomobile' * I 1 Xl_ 1 a n a x n e y a r o v ea w a y. ! During the flight one bandit stood on the running board to fire a final volley at the mint guards. A buiiet rj apparently hit him. for crumpled vun and was dragged inside the car, vi , which continued on :ts wav. '-1'Vx n Another optimist is the man who "!nnv* for a oostaffe-duo hit:e:\ ^ * i riomcnceau mnv be truthful, but * r> n-- ody can >av ho is diplomatic. '< i \ ihe . Ioi :i ::i y a: t\ I'-::' t:. - A 10t k >11 y!!! si ; \I >1 lu* pi'.isha it:!.* '.! t In a'l t :1Jli ! cf i .1 \ ! *. r'..4' ,, 'i . i ill tC. I \ !.: i V: ... . v' ::!v i/cntini! 1 * > r, i. ill. i i. lr'.-t u . A v;; t .:.s ; s c\:r;:s a ' " u.i !>; a -J J"he "Jmaiicst ar.d th"? Mc t D-r.f^rou: T>..- -..v-::!v*t r>c -ie? of rcac-i: th< eonwrcit house roach is the mosl .!:;>] ; : :; * ' v: ar.d ui 1 of : !... !. I: contaminates *o a "i !^ a dr. nuTinc**' to y 'U: health! Wipe out the roaches fro a your hoiv.c- i ODAY For POSITIVh results use i! "yal Guaranteed Roacl Powder. 10 ; L- 25c. Sold and guarart -:* : y Mayes Store. rCTKE TO BORROWERS 1 ; rj.iiiv Vis f r loan: f vm the I': It::1.! Land Bank of Co It. C. JTO-T LOW AY. JY'C.-Treas. .Mt Eethel X. V. L. A. i 2-Tr-It - ' '/ ( AMP "f South Carolina, County o >*? wS - vv. ('our: of Com ion -Pi":is Franris A. I own. E:: ecu tor of tk< will and 1 '.;i:v.ont of Jamc I7. Lov.n, de'jea^ed, piaiiiti.T, versus t: a r. Soozt r, Juli;:;* I*. Booker Kt rc-'Vj K. r>oo::cr, defendants. To the Deft ndants Above Named: V"0:1 a1" hereby summoned and re t; zv. ^ver the Corypiain 1 :i.l ot wnivn a oopv is rieit'w.u ! upon you. ! to serve a c p} of vour Answer upon the subscriber; at cfliee Lvx'nsrton. Souti Carolina. viihin t'.verily days fro:"1 11: s " I- ? h. i eof upon y; u. exelu r've day of such service, an: if .von fail to an/win* the Complain vi'.hir. the ti;n aforesaid, the plain tiff ir- this action \v :i apply to th* ou *! rclivf d'.&a.*ded hi th; complain. EFiRD 6: CARROLL, /..t'.-ovnevs fjr Plaintiff. \~cv 1 . i ;>22 To the* '>< > l:\r.i Eu?rer.e R. Boozer Please t;: !:v- notice. That the origi nsl Summons and Complaint in thi: nr:bn h row filed in the .office of tiv Clerk of Court :y * I^Vvborry Coun EFillD & CARROLL, _ Attorney.:- for PIulntilT. December 7, 1-^2. ' NOTICE C-F F'NAL SETTLEMENT I will nir.l'.o i\ settlement of th< estate of F:.n.r:i E. Rama;?e, deeea:s ( .1, in the .-'rebate Court for Xcv.*bor ' y conr!-;.*, S. (\, o:i Frit'ay. the 5t"> iy ( ' J.-.nurry. 1023. at 10 o'cloel in the forenoon and wii: imme^atel] cXv-cu: " cf said v. tr.t AH persons Having claims ajr<ii:v; Li'C 0 O: i' aai*.- w. lu.iiiapc. CO n*.' v!. ii: C IlC'TL'.'-V iiOtin'J:! t\J f i! L' t. t same, d'.-ly verified, with tfie- under . '.Tr.O'j, ihv^zc indebtei to said ex. tai will please make payraen: iik: JNO. 7.1. KT\ARD. 7.r -:-':tcv c r Last. Will and Testamvn ' .r: K. Ramage, deceased. Nr.CZ C? ANNUAL MEETING Police is her?by given that th< Ki&Ir. r.y f'omni-sion of Newberrj ' v'il hold its An.iual Meeting, on 7 bur 'ay, the -itli day of Jar. 102'*. Ail i5e?'::o*.ir ho! Ii*v l'.*niaii'"ii ,* ? i* Vat T'K* tountv a;' required by law to file '.he same v;it? ihe undersigned on before Jan. i 1923. No claim against the county will be valid and payable unless filet during the fiscal year in which :z i contracted or tn-j next thereafter. GEO. P. BOUIAYARE, Chairman. II. C. HOLLO WAY, Clerk. 12-S-4t Up NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL 25 TATE 0 : Monday, salesday, January 1st 1023. immediately .-.f:er the cour sale, J will s?il to the highest bidder before Ibe court houso at Newberry South Carolina, all that p'ece. paree or tract of land lying an^i be:#.-' sit u.-'te i t -he county of Newberry, ,>f.nt< of South Carolina, containing fiftv one and 23-100 (51 23-100) acres more or less, bounded by lar.d of. o' formerly of Mrs. Nora Werts. b;< Innds of. or foraterlv of, G. M. Werts and by a pubi c road: this tract aisc adjoins lands of G. Washington Su bcr. and vca5 formerly owned by him on lite following terms, one hali (1-2) cash-and the'balance in twr (2) equal anral payments, with in terest from da e of ssle at the rate oi ^ S> per cent per annum, internet payable annually. The credit portion to be secured by a mortgage oi thf premises sold. Purchaser to paj for paners. JOHN M. KIXARD, Secretary and Treasurer. i 2-o-trI \ AN ORDINANCE State of South Carolina, Town of Newberry. Be it oi*d:ii"*trd by the Mayor am Aldermen of 'he Town of Newberry in resembled: I. That, 011 and after the first da5 of January, A. D.. 1923, no person association of persons or corporation -hall operate a bucket shop or ex- i nan-re where what is corrmonlv known as dealing in future? is carried on in the Town of Newjcrry without first obtaining1 a license fron :b.s Clerk and Trea>urer of ssici Town. sr.M license shall be Two Hundred Dollars, payable in advar.e?, foi i-ach and every day ?ait! bucket sho; :>r exchange is ooc-rat- i1. II. The term? bucke* shop or ox r..:e as used in :hi ord'nan *e . a <!''' s. iT. v.* olr place '.vht'i'i- cQ !i.I'.'ii'i ; or ;;; - :.I . * * *:cr V< ai ' or i ". ii in ... -f }' i : H>r: .) ! i" 01' .1 \ 'V' i\\ r, .. .v iV!ic:it, co; !. o;> ( o i>: ), . 1!r v i j. ' .. <!.' :* : or corp; ration. wh< i!i fsci !i is not in jrood faith inu*i! U'd by :>ar\i rha an actual delivery >;l' the articles or 5 things shall be made, vrhethc r sard I.mtl /:> Ptv.l i f> Hi- ".vhisi! V nerfori.ieu v. .h!u th > ;. v.a, or pariiv within a no. partly w.lnout the awn; it beinjr inter-d;to : tiui-ia Urease to operate or rarry on any business where contracts or :- y::" are rr.a-le for the ; : ' or cac* ?e iv or othe~ tiia? of value v. margin, .. eo.-y.-r.only calie.i dealiajf in ' at when th." intention or umh : ^ar.ilin;; of pa.tier i> to receive ;.r pay the difference between the a.rrcr i pricc I ' . i aa;' the; mr.rket price a: the time of r it! : i'HOVIDED, That nothi " _ \ In response to the in( subscribers: "What ca ice?" this advertisemej I I y f! The Right Way ! To End a Call 1 f ! j j. ;! It is always good f tice to ciose your 1| phone talk by sa ; '"goodbye." t ! -i * J * r/\i * T- f\ ^ A* 1 * li JUU Ild.11^ UjJ til Ing so. the party to may continue to tali : i the telephone, wastir jj the line from being u The "goodbye"- at talk is an infallible t ! '! receiver without del ;j telephone talk graci ;i and when both parti ously it helps the op : i t 3 I j SOUTHERN BELL 1 4 R.TTTV T*T-1 T F'/'tn 3i T>T 7 A L i r.L,E.UKKrri w t .1 .} > i * ! -" ~ 'if 1 r P3TATr ^'r :\"D3; >* <*. j i c~ . i i jj, .S a .t a t r r " < - *-ri a |i COLUMBIA WASHJ] And >:i ;j uO"J >: Hi: j! 1 HOUR AND Quicker i -!{ EFFECTIVE SUND. ;; "AUGUSTS . \ I V"9 "j (Read Down) >| 1:30 PM Leave 1:40 PM 2:30 PM : 1G PM 3:53 PM 4:35 PM " 5:34 PM G:1D PM G :">2 PM 7:r>5 I'M 7:30 AM Arrive 9:05 AM ! 11:13 AM 1:30 PM Cons:.-;: Modern Steel Pulin-a change Modern Steel Day Coach R. R. Cars for all meals. No. 32 Connects at Washington Cotonial Express, Arrive Buffalo Day express. Ar 1 DOUBLE TRACK LIXE ATLAXT Fo>- information. Puilman re?cr Agents. i: ; !i Tt'";n contained shall be con :i c i .' apply to tra; suctions by :\l\ or wire between persons in this ! person* outside of this . ,} iv ;!: p: .--on outside of ts * i\ ;>vcscute.i in this ly ; -y hrvk.-r, a^ent or attorney in sai l ': an.-.u'Llon. li'. An\ pir.-on, or persons or c-rv :,::r vy o! I ;e provis o ' ov ! nance. shall, upon ;-onvivt::-a :.wvv-i finv.l no. more than one hundred dollars, or impris! r.\oi-v i :a:i thirty days ' >: -.u i :i.-v. and the entering: >, ). i>v u\i:<u' or selling of /or.iravt vith. 't nrst ub<r.r:ng said ilr-i n;-", shail V" 'ksn.r'd a separate ro.:r <s iid rat inc. I by the Town Coup il of he Town of Newberry un.icr it.? corporate sea! this the loth <k.y of DA. i1;)22. V. . W. CROMER, Mayor. ^ : \ aii>i . J. vV. ( hapman, Clerk & Treasurer. : (Legal Seal) ' 12-i0-2t juiry of many telephone n I do to help my serv- at is published. ying e receiver without &owhom you are talking c or at least remain at ig his time and keeping ised by somebody else. the end of a telephone signal to hang up the ay it terminates the ^ 4 / / f 4 ously ana errectiveiy, es hang up simultaneierator in her work. I 'ELEPHONE fjl _ ' COMPANY \iMJ t JOYED SERVICE V t^cen AIKEN MGTON WfciW y UKiVj le EasJ; t ,TI Til\\f L2L ?Al .blDlkl 30 MiNUTES schedules kY, DEC. 2 7, 1922 L SPECIAL" No. 31. \ A fvivfl 1 *15 PAT Aiken " l:\0 PM Trenton " 12:15 PM Batesburg " 11:20 AM Lexington " 10:41 AM Columbia " 10:05 AM Winnsboro 9:00 AM Chester " 8:11 AM Rock Kill " 7:40 AM Charlotte 4i ' 6:55 AM Washington Leave 7:00 PM Baltimore (PRR) " 5:30 PM Phila. " " 3:20 PM Xew York " " 1:10 PM n Drawing Room Cars without es. Southern Railway and Penna. Boston 8:05 PM rive Buffalo 8:00 PM A. CHARLOTTE, WASHINGTON rations. e:e., apply to Ticket-

Transcript of The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1922-12-29 … · 2013-03-05 · ia in ID00....

Page 1: The herald and news (Newberry, S.C.).(Newberry, S.C.) 1922-12-29 … · 2013-03-05 · ia in ID00. f E. mm *>->.?TAIN BLACK'S PLAN FAVORED BY JOHNSON ___ o the Editor of The St?.;c:


Senator Johnsnn cf A'lencialc WouldiV.y For System by Tax


Aheadalo. Do;-. 111. : i

bond 1 for : .>. ;. i:: :i ol

igfaways i.: the : i:uc \v; - t

?re today by J. IL :;ry do>-n.-;cr.c.... \ t v v .-. v

" 5'jrui.jr i.

e favors the build'ng of hi..;i:v>'a;. oi

< :.tazo through the gasoline ar. : ;vmo;i:etaxes together wi:I a s:n?J!opertv tax.

The interest on $50,000,000 w; i\hbonds, which he says he bel'ev; ;

ould be the smallest sum feasible?,ould amount to $2,UOO,OCO a yearid this sum could as well be s">ontn the roans. lie was discussing t'ran broi-hed at a recent meeting oftizenn at Columbia which is now i.ihe hands of a committee of seven

formal preparation of a plan toi laid before the legislature after

J .

mother ma-s meeting.declaring ho was againct the prmosbo?:d issue the continued.

j. j.__: 4.-4. v,; .v,_1 UU lavur ii, Slate Vi.

^ys, however, but believe thatnth Carolina can construct andVrv.ain same without a bond


my op'nion, it would be neccsary"?3U? bonds in the sail of $50,090,..* 1 the annual interest on which

i Id amount to approximately $2,;"*.000, and, sincc v*o could r.oz v/o'l->end more th:ir. $5.0.09,000 a year,

v . Mieve that this sum could be raised"ears of the gasoline tn:>. the auv.-

. ]hiie license foes and a small rra*t.:x. The two million dollars~! interest on the .:ond issue: thus be expended in bu:!d!n~; to a bottsr advantage than cx??ngit as interest.''

Senator Johnson, who is 35 yearsi, has served two terms as sta>

t? ^naior, on? from Barnwell. countyv nd the other from Allemb.Jo. He

:s elected last fall for his second-m from Allendale. He' is an a;*"x*T.having graduated from the

j '-' -?.?1 in 1906, and the law depart.- t of the University of Scu:h Cafia in ID00.




o the Editor of The St?.;c:In your issue of Christmas day

here appeared what p-irrorted to

live been an interview given .by me

r,v > yoir Allendale correspondent. sains:forth my views on the pronosalg"t-


| o issue state honds for the eonst.-uei>n and maintenance of a s'.aLe sysmo? permanent hitrhwj vs.

$r "*"

! *stci.cs:Tis cls 5>v -mo v."j. \n

'' iswer to one of a numcer of inqniR*,, , -v ,>mt^ rr o ^ f-s, 7*11'] I ^ 1 r J

e by J. Ii. J n&in3, - corresponds t

E* * the Associated Press, asking for

i; 7* age, o:eup tion, denomination,> names of the socre: orders to

:'ch I belong,* the schools attendedPn me, previous publ'c offices held -nr

|? . . , ctc., and I understood that the

j^. 'orsisitlon was .des ;ed for he*o cf compiling ?. Tetcrd of the1 rubers of the general assembly andthe purpose of polling the memshipon certain questions of stately

do interest. I had no id^a I was

K. "sking for publication and no one

fcv :s more surprised than I when I. w mv statement in prm..

1" ~ Fearing, therefore, that the publi;-r> r.,y< mov

)il 1 VliC Ci ULiv ia \juuo .ivu

misunderstood, and that sonic (ifour readers may accord to me credII''"it an idea that belongs to aioth

I wish to ^tate that so far as I. Cap":. W. D. Black of Williston

the first person to advance the-~ht credited to me bv the article

~ d to. Captain Black has lone:"v interested in the subject of

A roads." In fuet, the first pub-


SI J \H7ti v e. Vv at: .. >

i.F '

, to kt fact

to pI ' pap?

roi a

W: in n. *I I in t


1\- a.; vos.s i>!i till - -ul'.Lv: i <"

: . r Y. U-- :'.M ; b.V v" t : .ii':Ki.-i: at ; country school house bei^enWillhtcn ami Springfield,

'v.'!;. ? I^va a' 1/ o b:v?

held in Columbia. he was ap>'rd.d the ro > jslv.t-r've <;? our

c n:r;".'S3ionai d'sirivt. Since liiat oc.

. .. h.i vS:"

v\ u.scu a

i.- .r.' ami ha-* advocated th<:u :;<n el crmanent roads ::i

aceo .l.iirv wiJi the plan favored byr.w*"In ri' r'-1 ..'jr d. In v.;. ; af:cr hearing t"2Pta:n JSiacH

dr. ",i > th'N v t/.nr I \ ejr.rnc a

convert t i b 3 i It:: end ! wifh yourreaders to understand dearly that.In a:: wer"n<* t .e qunaire of"I. . Jenkins. I had no thought of ere

t:n<r the * impression that I was the

original author of the pun outlined.Ar stated sbovs, so far as I knerw.


Cr.r:a n Black, who for' many yearsand without any reward, has freelyrk m his time and talent to nromofci"c t h" civie cf C">od ro?.ds in SouthCarel'na. was the first i">er.? :i to advo:r.tethe plan attributed to *r.e.

; J. Henry Johnson.Allendale.


I. hi. ant' Reuben AndersonRc.celvc rr.ial V/o-ntls ?.t

VVocd.ncn Kail

The Igtcn, Dec. 24. As the rc. oi*sshooting aiiray last ni.rht,

>:hout 10 o'clock, I. M. Pilgrirn andhis son-in-law, Reuben Anderson, arc

d:ad and Paul Frauer .n jail chargedwith the killing.

i The shooting took place a. a dancc

being held in tne v. ooc.nien nun m

the cot.on mill villa;:? in the western

section of the town.

Frr'ier : is ueen separated from hiswife for months and njrentlytaw her r a '113 in Reuben Anderson'scar. He warned Anderson to discontinuethi", ar.u la?t ni.Th: when he entered;he. dance hall he saw Andersendar.ri "ith his Wife. It is allegedthat he immediately opened fire witha S2-caI'bre pistol and shot Anderson

1-1Voivi- L-ilhno- VlTil ill-i.:ic i:v.i. I, p,

'stnntiy. He ??.w Pilgrim, :he fit her-in-!:av of Anderson, coming in andturned his gun upon him, hitting rlir.i

tv.*Le, onec in the arm and or.:c near


J razrr then i: said to have attempted.0 shoot his wife, rushing to her

ar.ct :trjr?riinT with her. but v-:: or-'oroowrrod rna t;> jr. . : y JocLowry.ore of the cottrn ml* 1

Pilgsim was immediately rushed upvown to the drug v en :v.:.ico!a d was given hi:r>, hut te die a, ina very few, without speakinga word.The car.:j 61 the le k.niin'

ss'lc? t*> h~ve he0'1 on a o**,iL ef 'ralou*yeti the part "of Fsul Frazcr. It i"?&:;?*> r-a'd th.Vt Frazer had attermtea

to buy a pistol from -a friend duringt:_>c day, ;>u<: ,v.\is unsuccessful. )

one seems to know where he securedtil? pistol that he usedMr.pilgrim was a respected farmerliving a.cout a mile from town. He I

is survived by his wife and severalchildren, 3.irs. Pilgrim, is in a criticalcondition, suffering from the shock.Mr. Anderson leaves, his widow andtwo small children.

Paul Frazer has a wife and small,child, he married a daughter of- J. E.Bailey and her brother was lulledduring the past summer in a shootingscrrpe. Fraser servejl in the local*company of the Thirteenth divisionin France during the World war.

The double killing last night makesthe fourth white man. that has beenshot to death in Darlington during1922.


It, I Oil

:eep in mine! thethat in additionrinting this newnrwe dojob workny kind. When


eed of anything7 G 1

his line be sure

1 r* w ?

O *380 Us



v-V.'iiV'ui I :: c (.'ha.aU i <


Succctdias Dfsr-:.:c the Doil WcovliL . v . ^ i \ v ^, 11 i V. .. .\.v/ o'Ty ;

Y;"h.;.:r>v\ has proves hi* aiiiiiy i:s.

fcv. 0* v '.I c*. .It'I \ v v

V4: v 2 id.tiOIIS. I-'!'. 0p?i'Sv9

hi cot: ;i fo? 1a;1 six h-ji.-t-. ii.

farm is lo-.-atou i: the aaclyoi the -J3un y ana the : ji: ,\sv.iac coi-i in -he iipvinjf. : her;: fare h(Ii* j.O* C' vy : w 0.1 o'j ' \ (' ci 1 t


Afte.* prep<uai:on lie baganin.'.in;-: liay t:ie .ath an.: :;a^a\i ;;

May the 10 th.i>r. Drown, beia^' r.n up f.o dac

farn.iT, rctat:oi;. Thiland w::r> i.! y*r..i , i'o-bv.x-d by cv

pea:: in lav la:ri alsi :.:ceivoa liberal aoylication o: barnya:\l i ::

r.urc, of \vhi';h a I.;rg? a::-:>u:: is pre('.acec! ->n this farm. The o:>ly ec:r

:acr:':;d fertilizer luea war. 300 li.'ii r.p .tooas anaiyzin.;- 8-3per

acre' applied abou: the tine a

planting.The variety cf reed piante I \v;:

the lates; : nprovcd Cleveland Bi{i w.l! add t--:. in'. vark-:y ::::

proven to bo t;ie bo-:t for this sectioi.iUDr;x th'j shori staples).As soon as t!\e cotton was chonns

out it received an application of po.-Ti, calcium arseiiatc-niolnsses mi:

calcittn: arsenate were ducted on

y; ch h-.:nd machi no.Fallen squares were picked ap an

!; a' ;rut }./.o dr. i of Aa?

Hi*.. The crop was cuitiva.ed ont*o

v.cck when pos::ole. Somcisnios thlain would not prrml! ci' a thoroa^c jitIvanon tnac often.

I* 10i.i .no iU civ.i cj v.ci7. ha: vestcy) baits of cotton ave:-- *in<j 400 lb.::nt cotton. V

Dr. Brown \iocs not attribute hisuccess to an;;-one tiling tha: he d:

out to a comoination ot thirds.1. He had improved his soil by th

!.n iTY>p<!. h;^-n vard manuK^ - J -"4"- v

etc.2. He thoroughly prepared the see

Oe:l.3. He planted the rest improve

s?"d suited to his locality.-i He cultivated intensively.5. ile used po.son and picked u

iillen squares.6. And greatest of all, he stayed o

ihe job both nigh,; and day an

i-juent till the finish.Dr. Drown practices divc/snui'armingand grows all his neeessar

reed and fucti a: home; therefore hhas come out ahead of the game fira. ::al!y. He has proven that we ca

:;:o\v co.ton unier boll weevil ejnuii on- and ar.y othrr farmer can do a

veil as Dr. Urovcn has; ( if he wiltae same v.? to d;te methodsthe came amount of gray matte

air. :arm::r; operations and put u

ihe same relentless light that D:Urown has put up.

On Fc^dir.f; ForClenison College, Dcc*. 27. I

feeding poultry for e^ productswe must boar in mind certain funJ?mental principles, anions; which r

safTicion: nutrients in correct proportions, anu correct feeding, says ISR. Mohrhof, extension poultry 4.usband inan, who gives the foliowinsuggestions.

Grain Mixture. Cracked corn 10pounds, wheat 100 pounds, oat:; 10

pounds.Mash Mixture. Wheat hran 10

pounds, wheat middlings 100 pound;ground oats, 100 pounds, com meg

2 00 pounds, mt < s-ran ; j09 pound'Mineral Feeds. Grit is essentia

as iL assists the b'rds in crind'nj t'lfeed. Oyster shell suppl'es the linimaterial for the errs: shell. Grit an

oyster shell should be kept in hoppcrs no the birds will have access t

it throughout thn day.Succulence. Green feed acts a<=

tonic, aids in digestion, acts as -:i

appetizer, and is a laxative. Alfalfclover pasture, sprouted oats, beetand cabbage are .too,! succulcnfeeds.

Methods of feeding A bird shoulbe .allowed to consume practically a'it desires of the r'-xht feed, fo'r hie:czz production depends unon heavfeed consumption. No definiie ruleear. be riven as to the amount of feeeach poultryman should feed. Thbiros' appetites vary and it is onlby a careful watch of the fleck thathe birds are properly fed.

Grain must be in the litter to com

pel exercise and should never be feon i


are ground. It is much betteto ft od <rrain sparingly in the morr

in*, so that the birds will be huntrronougrh to consume mash throuprhouthe day. The evening: grrain ratioshould bo a heavy one, for tn

birds dlcrest food at nijrht as well a

fl'.vnip" tho (inv.

'S ho*-* f"'I '.!.* * 1 !>

" '* :*.> .. c 1- .

(*: i e.. i ... : . I -.1 :ii no*>n

!* ?."* t

:.. v I. . ..' t.i

i i:.i; t..i \ . ia 1

1 i ....

.. /! . i 1 l...: . i" " >

.! b( LO.o

.*! * " '; ;

.' ^ r

n .,iY. , .V l. ciil* ..

* 1' '.I/O


T-r/U'JIr..;c . , : ; > c'~ t

c: rion or the v;; ;i\vay o'* iV.'. : ;> ! -r. th.- fit'! cj.-l.-: tho f.:.mer*

of i^aih m 11: .::s of cl.>;iavll

, ever} y; Pivip.r tji-.acmg is i:i nr. VL-ni'n;.-; this b.- \ This

ti--' r.f i.mva of th? v".*." giveG

.to tcrrace making.i'he-T '

...) '.'v.'.: i\J v^C Ot t:V

I r 1u:: nny l s vsz'L the bv nr!i oi

(n i"row t :c brond-baso

: 'I 'i } i v r> r. nv

JIc of two kinds, liA'd or on a grade.The bro:id-br graded terrace ioknown as the Mangum terrace.


t. While the bench t?rrn::e i> the tvethat Has been generally used in this i

ate, ll is rapidly being replaced by,

i.i br^a-i-base terrace except 011 very] slopes. The bench terrace ;

v :,:iL:ai.H a sleep land terrace andshould not be used where it is possilie t:i on Li uroad-base terrace, ad\\. 11. V*. Hum: on o: the agronomy(iivis'oo. The objections to the,

- bin h term.;-. a:v that 1: is < xnen>!-.'(*\I crs r be cultivated,

u vnainiy al.oved to grow up m

, "weeds and grass that dr.iv.' the plantloj-i :;;vay fro-: elm ac.joimrg crop*,i orevrnis the; ren.!" iv. ?aev cf farm

amachinery from one field 10 another,i. U farn*>h ; e::c-:!!ent w;a;orqiv.rlor--for the b ,1 weevil.

: The broad-base terrace dot?s nothave a:;.' rf :.iur.e e jeefcions :;n.itherefore should be used where the:;Imc permits. The broad-base kve<* 1

terrace should be used where the soila:porous eao;:^n i-; absorb the rainfallbefore it can injure the growing

wiUJi.I Cwii.iL ClllivFUlit."

jto flow over top of the terrace., TIrs tyye of terrace in preventing: thr-*

; vapid run .ofV' of r:.i:i furnishes mois,:tureto the cr>n in dry weather andr.llovv:* prac;ical':y rone of the soil or

fertiliser to escape.The j.Ir.ndrum it I:road-base graded

A terrace is exar :)y the same as thebroad-base i vel terrace with the ex


rcr/::or. of 'he i nil a ce. Ii'7^ *vr:-:c1

'" it i. built ~h a laii. This type is! used or. s-;ii r.:>; ibsrrb rain

c. . , ...

vap'.uiy arc; 5 aanjfer o:" th.- v.\:tr-r cc'l;: and overflowing

n lcvol terrace. Some soil and fertil:tvis !:n-t I:i clr .win? off the water byP

v '

tl*.<*but loss ii- inco "innrod wt;h-wlia' the

loss wouiw be with u: ierrncinp;.Detailed i"::t:;uri'or:; :v : > buiirlin;*

' tefrac-s r: y' h--A i'- o r. the r.':i;v

'n'7?r ts or*:he \L /is:o : rorviee, Cie:n-or-CoIiG'rc.


:find ?:c tsace of robbersi who stole sums in denver

nS:3:tcsn Persons Arc Questioned but

None Prove to Ee OnesWanted

(j Denver, Colo.. Djc-. 19. Ei.s:h:ecnhours of searching and questioningof sixteen persons ;it police headquar-'ters had failed early today to reveal

T^ any trace of the identity of the banaitswho yesterday robbed a federal

^ reserve bank truck pf .$200,000 af:rra gun right i:i front of the UnitedStates mint here in which Charles T.

" Linton, one of the guards on the

'j truck was wounded fatally .

The truck in charge of J. E. Olesen

I cashier of the local federal reserve

bank, had called at the mint to transo,

fer the money, all in $5 bills, f -.m

j J the mint to the bank. The mintguards just had taken the money :o

I- , , ,

the curbing, turnea it over to tne

j bank employees and reentered themint when the bandits drove up andstopped their car behind the truck.The bandits at once opened fire on

the main door of the mint. LintonS

j was shot in the stomach and died two

janrl one-half hours later.

Employees of the mint all of whom

l! have guns near their posts, seized;

^! their weapons and rushed to thedoors and windows, but. were hand!-'VI '

' ! capped i:i returning the bandits' fire;| because the bank employees were be'I%


rt!tween tnem and the robbers. While,the gunlie-ht raged one of the robbers


' pu: the money in thei. .utomobile'* I 1 Xl_ 1

a na x ney a rov e awa y.! During the flight one bandit stoodon the running board to fire a finalvolley at the mint guards. A buiiet

rj apparently hit him. for crumpledvun and was dragged inside the car,

vi ,which continued on :ts wav.'-1'Vx

n Another optimist is the man who"!nnv* for a oostaffe-duo hit:e:\^

* i

riomcnceau mnv be truthful, but*

r> n-- ody can >av ho is diplomatic. '<i

\ ihe . Ioi :i ::i y a:

t\ I'-::' t:. - A 10t k >11

y!!! si ;

\I >1 lu* pi'.isha it:!.*'.! t Ina'l t :1Jli

! cf i .1 \ !

*. r'..4' ,,

'i . i ill tC. I \

!.: i V: ... . v' ::!v i/cntini!1 * > r, i. ill.

i i. lr'.-t u .

A v;; t .:.s ; s c\:r;:s a'"

u.i!>; a-J

J"he "Jmaiicst ar.d th"? Mc t D-r.f^rou:T>..- -..v-::!v*t r>c -ie? of rcac-i: th<

eonwrcit house roach is the mosl.!:;>] ; : :; *


v: ar.d ui1 of : !... !. I: contaminates *o

a "i !^ a dr. nuTinc**' to y 'U:

health! Wipe out the roaches froa

your hoiv.c- i ODAY For POSITIVhresults use i! "yal Guaranteed RoaclPowder. 10 ; L- 25c. Sold and guarart -:*: y Mayes Store.

rCTKE TO BORROWERS1 ; rj.iiiv Vis f r loan:

fvm the I': It::1.! Land Bank of Co

It. C. JTO-T LOWAY.JY'C.-Treas. .Mt Eethel X. V. L. A.

i 2-Tr-It- ' '/ ( AMP

"f South Carolina, County o

>*? wS - vv. ('our: of Com ion -Pi":isFranris A. I own. E::ecutor of tk<

will and 1 '.;i:v.ont of JamcI7. Lov.n, de'jea^ed, piaiiiti.T,

versust: a r. Soozt r, Juli;:;* I*. Booker

Kt rc-'Vj K. r>oo::cr, defendants.To the Deft ndants Above Named:

V"0:1 a1" hereby summoned and re

t; zv. ^ver the Corypiain1 :i.l

ot wnivn a oopv is rieit'w.u

! upon you. ! to serve a c p}of vour Answer upon the subscriber;at cfliee Lvx'nsrton. SoutiCarolina. viihin t'.verily days fro:"111: s " I- ? h. i eof upon y; u. exelur've day of such service, an:

if .von fail to an/win* the Complainvi'.hir. the ti;n aforesaid, the plaintiff ir- this action \v :i apply to th*ou *! rclivf d'.&a.*ded hi th;complain.

EFiRD 6: CARROLL,/..t'.-ovnevs fjr Plaintiff.

\~cv 1 . i ;>22

To the* '>< > l:\r.i Eu?rer.e R. BoozerPlease t;: !:v- notice. That the origi

nsl Summons and Complaint in thi:nr:bn h row filed in the .office of tivClerk of Court :y * I^Vvborry Coun


Attorney.:- for PIulntilT.December 7, 1-^2.


NOTICE C-F F'NAL SETTLEMENTI will nir.l'.o i\ settlement of th<

estate of F:.n.r:i E. Rama;?e, deeea:s( .1, in the .-'rebate Court for Xcv.*bor' y conr!-;.*, S. (\, o:i Frit'ay. the 5t">iy (

' J.-.nurry. 1023. at 10 o'cloelin the forenoon and wii: imme^atel]

cXv-cu: " cf said v. tr.tAH persons Having claims ajr<ii:v;

Li'C 0 O: i' aai*.- w. lu.iiiapc. CO

n*.' v!. ii: C IlC'TL'.'-V iiOtin'J:! t\J f i! L' t. t

same, d'.-ly verified, with tfie- under. '.Tr.O'j, ihv^zc indebtei to said ex.

tai will please make payraen: iik:

JNO. 7.1. KT\ARD.7.r -:-':tcv c r Last. Will and Testamvn

' .r: K. Ramage, deceased.

Nr.CZ C? ANNUAL MEETINGPolice is her?by given that th<

Ki&Ir. r.y f'omni-sion of Newberrj' v'il hold its An.iual Meeting,on 7bur 'ay, the -itli day of Jar.102'*. Ail i5e?'::o*.ir ho! Ii*v l'.*niaii'"ii,* ? i* Vat T'K* tountv a;'

required by law to file '.he same v;it?ihe undersigned on before Jan. i

1923. No claim against the countywill be valid and payable unless filetduring the fiscal year in which :z icontracted or tn-j next thereafter.




TATE0 : Monday, salesday, January 1st

1023. immediately .-.f:er the cour

sale, J will s?il to the highest bidderbefore Ibe court houso at NewberrySouth Carolina, all that p'ece. pareeor tract of land lying an^i be:#.-' situ.-'te i t -he county of Newberry, ,>f.nt<of South Carolina, containing fiftvone and 23-100 (51 23-100) acresmore or less, bounded by lar.d of. o'

formerly of Mrs. Nora Werts. b;<Innds of. or foraterlv of, G. M. Wertsand by a pubi c road: this tract aiscadjoins lands of G. Washington Subcr. and vca5 formerly owned by himon lite following terms, one hali(1-2) cash-and the'balance in twr(2) equal anral payments, with interest from da e of ssle at the rate oi

^ S> per cent per annum, internetpayable annually. The credit portionto be secured by a mortgage oithf premises sold. Purchaser to pajfor paners.

JOHN M. KIXARD,Secretary and Treasurer.

i 2-o-trI\

AN ORDINANCEState of South Carolina,Town of Newberry.Be it oi*d:ii"*trd by the Mayor am

Aldermen of 'he Town of Newberryin resembled:

I. That, 011 and after the first da5of January, A. D.. 1923, no personassociation of persons or corporation-hall operate a bucket shop or ex-i nan-re where what is corrmonlvknown as dealing in future? is carriedon in the Town of Newjcrrywithout first obtaining1 a license fron:b.s Clerk and Trea>urer of ssiciTown. sr.M license shall be Two HundredDollars, payable in advar.e?, foii-ach and every day ?ait! bucket sho;:>r exchange is ooc-rat- i1.

II. The term? bucke* shop or oxr..:e as used in :hi ord'nan *e

. a <!''' s. iT. v.* olrplace '.vht'i'i- cQ !i.I'.'ii'i ; or

;;; - :.I .

* * *:cr V< ai ' or i ".

ii in ...

-f }' i : H>r:

.) !i" 01' .1 \ 'V'i\\ r, .. .v iV!ic:it, co; !. o;>

(oi>: ), .

1!r v i j. '

.. <!.' :* : or

corp;ration. wh< i!i fsci !i is not injrood faith inu*i! U'd by :>ar\i rhaan actual delivery >;l' the articles or

5 things shall be made, vrhethc r sardI.mtl /:> Ptv.l i f> Hi- ".vhisi! Vnerfori.ieu v. .h!u th > ;. v.a, or pariivwithin a no. partly w.lnout theawn; it beinjr inter-d;to : tiui-iaUrease to operate or rarry on anybusiness where contracts or :-" are rr.a-le for the ; : ' or

cac* ?e iv

or othe~ tiia? of value v. margin,.. eo.-y.-r.only calie.i dealiajf in ' atwhen th." intention or umh : ^ar.ilin;;of pa.tier i> to receive ;.r pay thedifference between the a.rrcr i pricc

I '.

i aa;' the; mr.rket price a: the time ofr it! : i'HOVIDED, That nothi"


In response to the in(subscribers: "What caice?" this advertisemej


I yf!

The Right Way! To End a Call1 f


;! It is always good ftice to ciose your

1| phone talk by sa

; '"goodbye."t !


J * r/\i * T- f\ ^ A* 1 *

li JUU Ild.11^ UjJ til

Ing so. the party tomay continue to tali

: i the telephone, wastir

jj the line from being u

The "goodbye"- attalk is an infallible

t !'! receiver without del

;j telephone talk graci;i and when both parti

ously it helps the op: i


3 I

j SOUTHERN BELL 14 R.TTTV T*T-1 T F'/'tn 3i T>T 7A L i r.L,E.UKKrri

w t


.}> i* ! -" ~


1 rP3TATr ^'r :\"D3;>* <*. j i c~ . i i jj, .S a .t

a t r r " < - *-ri a


;j uO"J >: Hi:j! 1 HOUR AND

Quicker i




I V"9

"j (Read Down)>| 1:30 PM Leave

1:40 PM2:30 PM

: 1G PM3:53 PM4:35 PM "

5:34 PMG:1D PMG :">2 PM7:r>5 I'M7:30 AM Arrive9:05 AM

! 11:13 AM1:30 PM

Cons:.-;: Modern Steel Pulin-achange Modern Steel Day CoachR. R. Cars for all meals.

No. 32 Connects at WashingtonCotonial Express, ArriveBuffalo Day express. Ar


Fo>- information. Puilman re?cr


i: ; !i Tt'";n contained shall be con:ic i .' apply to tra; suctions by

:\l\ or wire between persons in this! person* outside of this

. ,} iv ;!: p: .--on outside ofts

* i\ ;>vcscute.i in thisly ; -y hrvk.-r, a^ent or attorneyin sai l ': an.-.u'Llon.

li'. An\ pir.-on, or persons or c-rv:,::r vy o! I ;e proviso


ov ! nance. shall, upon;-onvivt::-a :.wvv-i finv.l no. more

than one hundred dollars, or impris!r.\oi-v i :a:i thirty days'

>: -.u i :i.-v. and the entering:>, ). i>v u\i:<u' or selling of/or.iravt vith. 't nrst ub<r.r:ng saidilr-i n;-", shail V" 'ksn.r'd a separate

ro.:r <s iid rat inc. I by the TownCoup il of he Town of Newberryun.icr it.? corporate sea! this the loth<k.y ofDA. i1;)22.

V. . W. CROMER,Mayor.

^: \ aii>i .

J. vV. ( hapman,Clerk & Treasurer.

: (Legal Seal)' 12-i0-2t

juiry of many telephonen I do to help my serv-at is published.


e receiver without &owhomyou are talkingc or at least remain atig his time and keepingised by somebody else.

the end of a telephonesignal to hang up theay it terminates the

^ 4 / / f 4

ously ana errectiveiy,es hang up simultaneieratorin her work.










,TI Til\\fL2L ?Al .blDlkl30 MiNUTES


kY, DEC. 2 7, 1922


\ A fvivfl 1 *15 PAT

Aiken " l:\0 PMTrenton " 12:15 PMBatesburg " 11:20 AMLexington " 10:41 AMColumbia " 10:05 AMWinnsboro 9:00 AMChester " 8:11 AMRock Kill " 7:40 AMCharlotte 4i ' 6:55 AMWashington Leave 7:00 PMBaltimore (PRR) " 5:30 PMPhila. " " 3:20 PMXew York " " 1:10 PM

n Drawing Room Cars withoutes. Southern Railway and Penna.

Boston 8:05 PMrive Buffalo 8:00 PM


rations. e:e., apply to Ticket-