THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of...


Transcript of THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of...

Page 1: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,
Page 2: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

80 T H E H E I IM E T IS

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Page 3: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

O-EJO? XJ3ST3DHlJBS‘rA.3Srr)XJSr<3-l,

rVoiyiiMt: VI. CHICAGO, DECEM BER, 1898*

T H E H E R M E T I S T , THK BIRTH OF CHRIST.BDDUSHED EVERY MONTH AT ‘'All 11.0 Algols of 0«d shall WOVOhtp Him/ 1 B ' ,

4006 GRAND BOULEVARD, CHICAGO, ILL, A single silent star ,;f ||I nv Camo wandering from afar. :?:€

T H E HERM ETIC BRO THERHOOD , 0“t ™1tc''° P‘"i" 8b”',h“ ‘ls w . w.tcto*tl,olrTo whom all comnitmicuthms may bo addressed. Never before by mortal lingers wore struck

(-------------------- -------------------------- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a<> sweet,Subscrip tion H ates—Olio copy, one year, one Voices melodious heard tho lowly to greet,

dollar, in advance. Single copies ton cents. Sweet as tho zit her's softest and quivering chord,A dvertising R a tes—One inch, one thno, one Spoken with Angel's voice was the gladsome word,

dollar f<Jr '-ach ouo lliousont) circulation, J,,j fnl Hie slwpimnls wore praying, and joyfully wept,~ ' ...................... ~ ..... . All full ot umo, when hearing the whisper* that swept,\V, 1’. I’llKLON, M, J). ( linixous. Swooping through ague, repeating tho bnmosweet story,NANCY McKAY GORDON,) Twining His sacred naino with eternal glory.

................................. ... Shepherds ware watching, and lo, that glorious nightMere* as second class matter at the Chicago Post Office. ,{rollf?1|t thom t,in Hotldohom star, ub promise so bright.HSRIVlETia'BBOTHERHOOU o i l Lfand I ~ S* * 1 h" ul'“ of,,. „ , , , Hid them Hosnmum to sing through eternity;Meets every Simonyevening. I tmo.HsiOo clock- , , „Place. -UJ0U drawl Ronlevnrd. All inquirers after Olmst. tho Savior Lord, is horn to them.

Occult and Mystic ihoughtoii thohiKhcHtspirit- Angels adore Urn Jesus of Hotldohom; ual pianos. sooktng Iruth for the Irnth s sako, . . •me cordially invited, W. I*. Photon, M. I»„ First Angel* in choir will sing o» oach Christmas mom:Fddor Jlrothur; Nancy McKay Cordon, Second j 0bUa, the Savior Lord,-anto ns Is bom I lihlor HiTithi'v; Miss M. Iv. Applegate. Scribe, ,,,,4PH1 Unmd Miitdovanl. Chicago, 111. Wrapped in his swaddling clothes ho lay in a manger—— —..---------- — Seek yo the Savior now, to save you from danger t

Whim this paragraph is marked with a blue Rising to leave, tho Shophordn saw Heaven nglow; cross it shows our friends that their time has Bright was tho sky, ami an migoldik© chorus so lowexpired, and wo shall bo happy to receive a Swells into melody sweet of eternity,

...... renewal of ........... Ringing the aid hem of His nativity.(J0Y1TNTS Softly the notes of tho lingering music float,

1 1 ' Shepherds aro wailing to catch tho lestswoot note.fhc W ith of Christ...................................,....,81 Leaving their flock thou they hasten to entoi;tlie stable,Temple Talks................ 82 Heston to kneel auil adore at tho Infant’s cradle!Full Moon Report for November..............85 The Hastorn sngos loading on ‘A Symbolism of Three Triangles........ ........8 6 To Kingly, I,ordly, Heavenly throhn.As Ye Would..... . . . . . 8 8 To lay thoir gold and odors HwcotA Brother’s Suggestion.................................. 8 8 Hoforo the Savior’slnfnnfcfflot:Light on the Soicnce of Astrology............... 8 !) K»i»l«o, y» .h»pl»r,l.,rtM, o .hut.fUv<mm»li,ea . r,p A nil praise the mighty newborn King,,, *Y “ * *' ‘ ' ' • In Inti'tm and canticles divine,Your.f ractiCill bmves........................ .JO . . An<j miutr|fus Auf$rvl*a -KC«fcse witu tbiue;C utin Prices .for lloiidax Season................ ‘->2 . oive welcome to tho'Honvenly Host,A* Word About Hemittances.......... .............. *U2 * TlieVatW, Bon aud Holy Ghost*!Occult* Sgieuce Libntrv . 1M*' •! •' » * — aiAutn La mb.

Page 4: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

TEMPLE TALKS.• Vol. 7.- . No*. 17 ami IS.


MA N Y of us feel the clays begin too eafly and close too late for the burdens, and discipline laid upon us. We cry out in the silent agony of the. loads bound upon the' sore shoulders, wounded,

bodies and tired limbs, Oh, Lord, how long, how long shall all this b e !” • Year after year, day after day we have tried to do the things set for us to do. Building a portion of the wall of the great city we strive to unfold and manifest our soul forces. As we build, we seem to be doing the utmost that can be done by us. But something rests upon us, some weakness, some mental condition preventing the doing of the utmost .Then coming along the currents of the Unseen, whisperings of'the obstructors, say: “.It is useless. How can we make tins thing stand.” Sometimes listening in spite of what we know, there conies to us a Sort of feeling of suffocation, a binding and bolding down, until we shall have had time enough to rally. We are quite sure all things concerning us will come out just exactly right. We know that which was written for us to do, will all -be done, it is not necessary we lie troubled about its doing. I f it be in the line of expiation it certainly will- be accomplished. I f it be in the line of doing for others, or in the line of self-building we are conscious it also, will be done, for a just and merciful God so permits.

The question which confuses us mostly,is the difference between our conception of time and the conception of those who arc beyond the veil. They know time means nothing, save limitation. Those who have passed into the Formless or Limitless, do not conceive and have no need to conceive of limitation ; blit we, being under the law, are con stantly confronted with limitation. So we forget, in the confinement of the present limitation that we are in something which seems and is not real. The seeming and the reality are two things. Consequently, we also forget there is an omniscient, an omnipotent and an omnipres ent God who has*said, “-I am-the same yesterday, to-day and forever.” I f He so declared in the ages past, that God is Love, the declaration continues thundering down through all time and all eternity. That which He was in the past, He is to-day, and will be to-morrow. We are His children, the children of the kindest, tenderest and most merci-

Page 5: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

Stil Father. When ths shock of tli£, great, rolling tempest of physical onditions break against us; we may, if we will, seek, protection, slick ^ter, upholding, and everything that implies • safety, in the actual pn -

fence of- the ONE who is all. I t is .best for us, not to forget the sen-, J|tence’ quoted : “ He watching over Israel' slumbers notftior sleeps.” m ||,;.Now, analyze that sentence a little. During the coming week,' | 6 r days, when the waters flow hard and, high, engrave on your memory’ lfffchis sentence forever and forever.- ' ^14

%\ r_‘ • Let us see what it means. The word “ He ” is used for dominance,<: power and strength, as a particular symbol. Whether it be truly used

Vor not, matters not.’ But when speaking ‘of .“ He," we always place it /'so as to mean abundant strength. When “ H e ’/ refers to the God of

, the Universe we have in mind omnipotence, omniscience, the compell- g ffiingpower putting aside all. else to accomplish. Watching, watching . ® ® ?6 ver, that is, taking care of. The shepherd watches over his flocks.* ' In all walks and pursuits of life, wherever there is the double relation • ,of weakness or of growing, or unfolding iu any way, that which has

* charge of it, the word watching may be applied. This watching is.not the kind which dictates or iu any sense brings to the watched a feeling ' j j ; of espionage ; it is hut the careful tending the mother gives the child,

■$$$ the gardener gives his plants, that watchfulness which shields and so J^shieldiug, continually holds from all harm. The omnipotent power ^^watching over Israel. . ■ ,/ y / : • W e are very apt to apply this word to a special people. Thus apply- *

ibg it, we lay aside tile relation of attitude of condition in which we l:;4f|are concerned.. / | l W e remember after the great struggle of Jacob with the angel

f in the wilderness, Jacob prevailed. The angel said: “ Thou slialt no ^•iihore be called Jacob, but Israel,” a prince of God, of knowledge,.of p^wisdoiu. The name was given to Jacob under this condition and explana- ,/|;/ion. We then must understand, all who attain the condition of princes ;;j:Of wisdom and of knowledge, or who make for themselves perfection in /^understanding, are princes of God and therefore, Israel. Every Single

i f t 0 1 1 0 ° f us here to-night, who has aught of unfolding and desire for knowl- %, \ edge, is Israel. Having entered the. great gate we pass onward and

. ^.upward from day to day, understanding He watches over us.* We can thus claim, by the divine right of our princeship in the family of God, this careful Watching and guidance. Don’t put this afar from ourselves,

belongs to u£.. I t Is for us to lay hold of the horns of the altai*, so.

Page 6: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

to speak, and believe and understand. Especially when we are over- 'T- whelmed by the feeling of fear, weakness and worry, let us feel and re-

‘ new,within ourselves the consciousness that He is still watching, He ~ sees all who are part of Him, have only to lay hold of all He has ",

promised, to bring us into the concentered condition whereby may be cut. off all physical obstruction approaching or attempting to impinge upon us.’ He who so watches, who so loves us as to watch constant^, slumbers not nor sleeps.

There seems to be a little difference between the slumber and the sleeping. He who slumbers is in the state of quietude, of essential quietness that passes on into deeper sleep. .Slumber is of the lighter kind, the little dropping into forgetfulness and a starting back in the effort to keep ourselves wide awake. It is the blessed sleep coming to some of us when forgetting entirely the nagging conditions of the earth, the impinging pursuits and roughness of the cares that drive against us, that carries us out into the beauty and gloriousness of the fu ll understanding of how He watches over Israel. I t is in the deeper sleep we realize, He slumbers not. There can be no intermittance in H is watching; no holding up in tpe constant, wakeful, vigilant care which the omhieient omnipotence grants to those who have claim upon H im . A ll whom He has created can claim notice and care from Him.H e who is LO V E never,*never, never refuses nor will refuse.

When the limitations have been put aside, we shall stand princes of God, having accomplished on the spiritual plane, through the experi ences of the physical living and laws.

Therefore, whenever we feel ourselves wading through deep waters, with seemingly no help at hand, then may we recall this sentence: u He watching over Israel slumbers not nor sleeps.” Whatsoever shall be done, or be attempted; whatsoever be accomplished or set for accomp lishment will be done exactl}’ as it was determined from the beginning. But we have the volition of obstructing or of being obstructed, and this volition is the cause of conditions differing about' us. Let us remem ber, with the laying aside of the physical and all impeding us in the ..physical line, we fall into the arms of our Father, who art in rest, peace, harmony and love from the beginning to the now and through the forever.

On e o f t h e M a g i .

Page 7: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

g r o u , MOOS MEETING FOR HOYEMBER,; A HoinoTomplfl, 40lXi Grand Roul'tl, Chicago.

Few, Moos Mkbt ixq, Nov. at. 18518.IHE opening meditation, “ We have seen

His* star in the Hast” was a season of wonderful uplifting. The fact these

meditations are growing more precious, not plily at the time of the regular meeting, but at jte hour of tryst, is a most conclusive iiulica-

fiton of our progress in one direction at least, flp'eaim to “ Seek first the kingdom of God,” flot the power of God, which lies in the Silence paiiil is the Silence, trusting and believing in the ^promise that if we so do, all the rest will be lidded.|lThe address of the Elder Brother was some-

| | : 5what retrospective, as this is the last Full •gbf;Moon Meeting of the year 1 8 9 8 . Review's are ff^fprofitable; from this came the assurance that

indeed made full day’s journey. * '^ l56' reading of the Scribe's report was fol*

o• j^iiJowed by short talks from the members present. f^?or many, it has been a period of strong con- prasts of lights and shadows, but through it all • |Jias been given the power to stand steadfastly.

And after Girding ourselves, a voicing of our most earnest wish and' desire, we adjourned.

The brief space of a month has held within igg&lte confines many events and experiences along

the lines of the outer overshadowing the high-' ]J|!p:ef lines of growth and unfolding. But as we

y Utter the demand: “ Peace, be still!” the storm passes over; we perceive the interval of an ap- '

* ( t parent standstill has been but the re-calling of • scattered forces, for a leap forward so soon as

• ••. there shall be seasonable opportunity.An unknown writer has given us in a few

words a conception sublime:"S o manifold is opportunity, so open is the

’road of higher success to ability, industry and "character,” (soul-building) "that human life

VyJ?irmay be fairly described as a divine chance to -;iJ|4 '':do and to be Upit which lies in the imagination

youth.■I " Life does not lie to those who trust its

y y y promises. It is commonplace only to those p l l^ ’whose natures, tastes and aims are common- ^®|j;.place. To those who have eyes for what Car- ^ ^ y y le so well called ‘ the open secret,’ life is .; # |;ohen severe, painful and even tragical in its

^ /happenings; but it is never less than great.”) And if it is a •truth we 'ran apply it dose at

')} home, not only individually, but as a Brotlier- hood also. • '

Are not the opportunities for helping mani fold,?

As a Brotherhood wc have a chance to do and be. It rests with us individually to tjtake the possibility a reality in truth ap|l in fact.

While many have been .awakened and thrilled with the magnitLcle of the work, do.all ; realize fully the obligation of their potenby^i If we advance, it will be by tfieunjted effort of; all, so fitly expressed in our motto: “ One for all and all for one ” We have ndvanced—jt seems but a little way, and the road before u s : stretches out into the limitless spaces. I,et us not feel that we have come to a stopping place, but press onward and upward.

When we 'ask our comrades far and near: " Watchman, what of the night? Teliuswhat its signs of promise are,” let the response come fully and freely.

Some are inclined to think: "Oh, well, I have nothing of special interest this time. I don't believe its worth while to write. There will be plenty of others who will have more of importance to report than I. My letter or re port wont be missed.”

If it is only: "All is well," it serves to let every Brother who reads the monthly report; know that you a>c still at your post. Tims the word may be passed on.

Our business for the month has been about the average; we are confident in the universal prosperity so certainly promised by the news papers, the Brotherhood will participate. But we are particularly anxious that at this season of the year the membership hold Headquarters in earnest remembrance when there may be oc casion for seeking the aid of the book depart ment in selecting at least some of your gifts.

We have report from the Sun Francisco Knots: “ The Full Moon Meeting of Oct. 3 0 th was well attended. After the chanting of the tuantrim, the usual work was taken up. The Master of Ceremonies read a scriptural lesson 011 the nature and meaning of sacrifice. The meditation upon this gave varied results, agree ing, however, in Us ultimate perception. Con centration for the union and potency of the Brotherhood was followed by-reading of min utes of previous nieetiug; treasurer’s report also accepted. Closed with, the Gildings. O. Gilbert, Scribe.”

There is one thing we should like to present to the local members and also to th? Brother hood at large. Many of our brothers are. talk-

• ing about ■some sort of a co-operative retreat.

Page 8: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

This does not mean a transfer of Headquar ters to such a place, but merely a retreat for those who seek quiet, rest and change for a time.

We should like t© hear the opinion of the Brothers as to whether such a place would be desirable or feasible.

It is thought that a few hundred dollars would btiy a ten-acre lot conveniently located in the fruit belt of some of the Southern States, which would be an ideal spot' for restaud recre* tion during the winter season.

Knot 3 1 now’ meets at Comrade Chamber lain’s residence, 6 9 3 , 5 7 th Street, on Monday evening, at 8 o’clock. Visitors will receive a cordial welcome.

And as the next Full Moon Meeting falls upon the evening of New Year's day, the clos ing year of a most remarkable century—a year for which much has been predicted, we most earnestly bespeak.your helpful and sustaining thought and presence, so that there may be a concentering of potency that shall be beyond anything we have ever known. That it will he wisely directed and used by those who keep watch and ward in the invisible, we can be as sured. M. E. Aiu t .u g a t i?, Scribe.

*il* ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ •


HE key-note playing upon every man's harp strings; the resonance of the deep er organ note vibrating against the

sounding-board of human life ; the cadent wail of every awakened soul of the 19th Century, calls:

“ Where can life everlasting be found ? Where shall re-generation begin ? Whence cometh the resurrected body?”

There are incarnated souls now upon earth, holding within the vibrations of their soulful voice, the seven sounds In one. There are also those, who having entered in through the inner door of the Great, Temple of SOI.-OM-ON ; who have not loitered at the outer gate, but stood behind the Veil, of ISIS and before the three mystical altars, consummating the divine marriage—the union of the two forces. It rests upon these, aspiring, hopibg ami believ ing souls, to unlock the door leading into an other world. Understanding the operations of the creative energies, they are proving that the force of these same energies may be lifted ami

trausmuted until the. more celestial, subtle cur rents of the Divine ether can be successfully handled by man.

Thus, holding the knowledge, who w ill first strike the note that may vibrate through the chords, whose harmony has melted into the si- of many long centuries; and whose re newed resonance will make the deaf hear? What angel—or will it be tbe awakened spirit ual man—woman, who will swing the censer smoking with incense, a “ handful of fire” gathered from the altar of the Most High, that shall touch into renewed energy the fires smouldering upon the altars—the three altars erected in the Temple of the hiving God. This rekindling must necessarily begin on the most material plaup, and on the altar of the earthly kingdom. Flaring upward, for it is the nature of fire to ascend, energizing tbe five of life, until as a symbol of the Iloly Ghost, the while flame will shine forth from the apex of the upper triangle, and the blind shall see. Man will no longer wail in durance at the outer door of the Temple, but shall know how in due form to enter therein.

We use the phrase upper triangle, for so it has been taught by the ancient masters of sym bol. Man’s relation to God ami the Universe Is typified by three triangles, or three altars set up in that Temple of God -Man’s body. In other words the relation of tbe spiritual world can only be expressed by the relation of man's forces, as operated in harmony with each other.

First then, we have the upper triangle called the spiritual brain. It takes in the head ami shoulders of man, representing the trine of the Unmnuifested, the Shadowiest Reflector. Its apex ever lifting itself toward the eternal and everlasting life must be the point of Infirlitc Existence in manifestation. The Divine Elec trical Energy begins here in the ultimate atom; the Divine Ideation also resting in the ultimate atom, moves, ami the journey of creation com mences. The very first unfolding of Divine Law, is the reflection of theultimate atom; God mani fest in bight. The ultimate atom is the point of departure wherein is coiled the whole energy and impulse of power, of growth ami subtle desire, by which the created—existent, man, is.

The second triangle rests with its point down ward, symbolizing the psychic man or mental realm, the reflection of the Shadowless. Iu our mental vision we may picture the two trines, base to base. The everlasting amljfnfi- nite points upward. The second triangle or

Page 9: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

Stfl'e manifesting thought points earthward. II | | 6 ibraces within its outlines, the heart, the dia phragm, lungs and stomach, ending at the solar plexus,-or as lias often been named “ the lower 'astral.” Should the protecting veil be lifted ■jrom the eyes, there would be seen in this %orld, unfinished conditions..^ imagery, like patchwork made up of half-fledged, lialf- [fortned thought patterns. No soul aspiring to ’the highest spiritual attainment will linger long jwithin the dimensions of this triangle. While

our journey heavenward, we may loiter fkwhile at this point of activity- the solar plex us—the psychic realm, perceiving it to he but |k means to an end. It is a station, where miu- |gle the Waters of Life, here changing under the alchemy of right thought and right action into the “ wine that is found in the cluster.” i.Man, still veiled in his pristine condition of

ignorance, is allowed to move on uninjured, to •work out a knotted destiny, the effect of some mysterious cause. At the unrolling of the

^records on the Great Lay, whatever is freshest ■•and most beautiful will be gathered together , and the entire Universe made brighter by the ever growingexprossion of the soul.

. . The last and lowest in our trine, typifies the '■ earthy and manifested man -the shadow of the ^reflection. In symbology, its apex is placed, ©touching the lower point of the psychic or ^manifesting triangle, which point we remcm-' %ber, is pendant from the base of the upper and

first triangle. Necessarily its base must rest upon the earth. The two side lines symbolize ’ or correspond to man's legs and feet. So rest ing upon the earth, the forces winch become the emanations of the seven physical senses, enter in through the feet or base of the lower ■ triangle. Thence passing up to the Hfe-giviug,

creative organs, then still moving upward to ! the middle function they’ mingle, as mix the

waters of river ami ocean, with the Spiritual essence which through the process of involu

t io n have come down, through the organs of • simple vitality and growth,

! Seven paths or fires lead up to the inner ^sanctuary where burns the Fire of Transmuting .^Energy, within the walls of the spiritual home

of the regenerate man. lie who holds the key 10 the mystery shall enter therein. Re-crea-

’ tion is not possible without the conjunction of . these seven paths or fires. He who possesses

power of cVeating a ’fleshly body, must by tv-the same power he able to transmute this crier- g4gy into re-creation of‘his'own ho'ily, * it is no

jnore of a task to rehew an old body than it is to create but of nothing but the couditionsof transmutation, a new body. But they arc two

-separate conditions, we are not to misunder stand. The conditions of the one are not the conditions of the other.. That which belongs ^•generation docs not .belong to regeneration, Here we have hitherto made our mistake. Here, we have found ourselves eating of the

• fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, not cognizing the difference between the Law and that which obstructs the Law. We have been content to let them travel side by side, Man 1ms laid lmld upon the forces from the physical staii !:. nut only, but now bis hand is reaching out into the brightness of the Great Light, amongst the ac tivities of the Infinite ether, feeling there for the touch of the hand of God to lead him into wisdom and understanding. This double office of the life force, corresponds to the duality of the body, the positive and negative, the active and passive principles. For that of which we are talking and writing is principle and not the functions themselves.

Through the fragile curtain ‘of imagination, we have seen the three triangles. The first pointing up, crowned by light, God in immifea- tation, shining by its own Divine effulgence, is called by the Wise Ones the borne of the ego. It is Love—the ultimate atom which dwells at the top of this brain, whence is cast.the reflec tion of the Uumanifcsted, with its node down as the first reflection of the projected atom— Love--God—Fire. Then we find the lowest or third triangle or brain encompassing the func tioning of the physical senses, outcome of the eternal thought, proving man's blessing or curse.

It is the same journey we have so often made, that of involution and evolution. At last we find ourselves returned to the primal principle of physical expression, winch is Love. By right thinking and living this ttmy send up its never-dying flame to the heart center, thereto bo transmuted, purified, thence transmitted—by rapid transit—thought force, to the apex of the upper brain. The fire of transmutation is kindled at the center of th$ lower triangle, the point of creation, which is iti correspondence to the apex of the upper triangle, symbolical of spirit. Love is the progenitor of transmuta tion. Transmutation must begin at the centers of life. Tlu: creative energy is centered where it may be resultant of the greatest ultimate

• good, so We set transmutation or re-generation

Page 10: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

must work from the love principles. The spir- / itualizing of the atoms is induced by fire burn

ing continually at the centers of life, in the three brains or trines.

\ Fire exists in the lowest form of matter, Manifestation, be it high or low, depends upon

, the intensify of the fire, burning on the altars, ' I t is the same great principle—Universal Fire, Love, God, differentiated in expression. It' awaits recognition in the mine/al, to become the vegetable and so on, until it comes into full consciousness, when the Divine soul takes pos session of the human atoms.

These three, symbols, we have representing the three brains, three furnaces and the three fold refitting fire, through which comes final purification. Tire three brains correspond to the three altars in the temples of ancient (lays. The three furnaces are the fires kept burning in attestation of the undying Fire of the Holy Ghost. Each have their distinct uses and pow ers. Out of them must come new growth and power for good. If these three typical furnaces of the body are kept in full operation, the heat o f transmutation passing up from crucible to crucible; the flame of Divinity will appear in the upper triangle; the fire shining from the eyes, words of flame proceeding from the lips. The most powerful furnace lies below the. psy chic or central furnace. It is here the opera tions belonging to fire, fulfill the law of heat and move upward.

Thus we see that man’s regeneration depends upon himself, the within of himself. If lie will but take the trouble to understand that •when Jesus said a “ wsfn must be born again,’' he meant a purification and refining process of fire and water, and was brought about by the chemicalizing of his own physical body, by lifting up that which burns low, to the upper altar.

He who desires to know, let him consult the fire within, seeking by silence, meditation and laying hold of the horns of the altar which stands in the Holy of Holies, where shines everlastingly the light of Divine presence, be sure that that which comes in revelation to his o r her tuind will bring truth. No matter how curious it may seem ; no matter how astonish ing the revelation, hold to it as something given b£ the Higher. Self. Thus will come in all fullness the conditions which we seek to un derstand and profit by. Remember that through centuries of incarnated life the Royal • Ego awaits with infinite patience; the return

from defilement, the life bespangled with ex periences of existence into its home, at the apex of the upper triangle—the realm of .God.

N a n c y M c K a y G o r d o n .4^ 4^ 4* 4* 4* 4*/Jn /pt

- ■ • AS 'Y E WOULD,I f 1 sh o u ld po o

A b ro th e r la n g u is h in g in «oro d is tre s s And 1 sh o u ld tu r n find lenvo h im co m fo rtless

W hen I m ig h t J,D' A m essen g er o f hopo a n d h a p p in e ss ,

H ow co u ld 1 a sk to h a v e whitt, 1 den ied I n m y ow n h o u r o f b itte rn e s s s iipp lind?

I f X m ig h t s in gA i i t t lo s o u k to c h ee r a fa in tin g h e a r t ,And i s h o u ld s e a l m y lip s a n d s i t a p a r t

W h en I m ii-lit brine:A b i t o f s u n sh in e fo r l ife 's a ch e a n d 6in n rt ,

H ow co u ld i h ope to h a v e my g r ie f re lieved I f I k e p t tsMolif, w hen m y b ro th e r g m v m .1?

A nd p o I knowT h a t d ay is lo s t w h e re in 1 fa il to lend A h e lp in g h a n d to sum o w ay fa rin g fr ien d ,

Hut If it showA b u n io n l ig h te n e d by tlw c h e e r I scud ,

T h en do I h o ld th e go lden h o u rs w ell s p e n t A nd lay m o dow n to sloop in sw ee t c o n te n t.

— K dltli V irg in ia B v au d t, in th e J e w is h C om m en t,

«j/ ^ vb ^ 4* 4^ sb^ /p <T>

A BROTHER’S SUGGESTION,“ A m iio fo r th e T e m p le —‘P o s ta g e F u n d .’ A m a tte r

o f tw o cen ts i s n 't m u c h to th o se t h a t on ly w rite occa sional!} ', hut. w hen i t m o u n ts up in to th e h u n d re d s it c o u n ts . W o m o n il e a g e r fo r a few w o rd s fro m H ead- (p in i'to rs , n od I fe a r wo a re fo rg e tfu l o r c a re le s s ab o u t in c lo s in g th e r e tu rn s tu m p . T h in k wo h a d h o t te r have a p o s tag e s ta m p fu n d , if th e re isn ’t ouo a lro u d y , and see to i t s be ing k e p t fu ll ,”

The above business suggestion comes from one of our dear brothers, with a warm, loving heart for all that concerns the prosperity of the Brotherhood. Home of our correspondents al ways remember the stump for reply. Many others, however, forget that lire little stamp, which to them costs but tenor twenty cents per month, is a different story to us. Fifty letters per day, with the postage to pay, costs up to fyy per mouth; nearly $ 4 0 0 pev year. Ho it can readily be seen how the 2 -ceiit stamps so easily sent, if only thought of, cpiiekly become a serious drain upon Headquarters, and make a postage-stamp fund a welcome-suggestion.

*sL» ^ sX* ^p» ^ q s ^

Love, Woman, Man.—Let the world laugh and’ be merry, when I am happy, but let it not know when I am in sorrow.

Woman, man's counterpart, is the perfect, emblem of Love.

Without woman man is n o t— Stm m i Mye- aiutncia.

Page 11: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

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Page 12: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

A 4-J. K/ .ft-%j y *

F ro m g e rm to g«rm , in d w e llin g im p u lse flit-a; N otiiiilR is lo« l, no lifts t h a t ovor d ice.

" G ia il a t L i f e 's m o rn , w o s ig h w hen cornea i(s ovo.A nd s p e a k o f “ d e a th " a n d loss, u n d sad ly gt-Uivo, U n co n sc io u s t h a t b u t ono o te riu il fo rce i n N a tu r e re g n a n t, m a rk s re c u rre n t S ou rce ,I n ohU nrnl flow o f d u a liz in g sw ay,T itle o v o r on u n to m o re p e rfe c t d ay .B e h in d t h e veil o f th o se e x te rn a l th in g s B eh o ld th e sw eep o f L o v e ’s m a je s tic w ings,W h ich , m o th o rw ise , w ith te n d e r p u rp o se b ro o d ,L ow w h isp e r in g th e m essago . “AH is g o o d .1'

—EvuaBT-r I I . H a s i t n o h .

^ ^ ikm ^ ^ /p>

I n Uio m o rn in g w hen I flee from c a re 1 u to Uio c lo s e t o f 'm y d a i ly p ray e r,H ow d ro p o ff a lo n g th e w ayT h o l i t t l e t i l in g s w h ich so beset th e tiny.H o w c le a n 1 am fro m ev ery tilin g t h a t fre ts W h en , b a th e d in L ove’s c le a r essence w h ich beg ets T h e s t r e n g th to m oo t e ac h >1011 r. a n d g iv e c o n i ro i O ’e r a ll th o fo rces b a t t l in g w ith th e s o u l ;T h e re is n o c u p so ta s te f u l ly dosiguod ,A s L o v e 's f a i r c u p w ith re c o g n itio n tw in ed O f th e d iv in e ly b e st, su p re m o co m m and O f H im , w h o filled th e c u p w ith inVmg h a n d .

~ 0 . R.

* \L wL» vL «J/Jf*


Is the title of a 121 page book, published by Ernest Loomis & Co. It is a compilation of tho first seven essays, of the '“Occult Science L ibrary/’ For sale by Urn Hermetic Publish m g Co., <1000 Grand Blvd. Cloth. Sent on receipt of price, $1.25.

Tills is a neatly covered book, artistically arranged and strongly bound, whose pages fairly runpver with occult aphorisms, instruc tions, and practical suggestions. Hut it comes finally to the conclusions of all true teachers: after one has received the sayings of the Wise,and the teachings of Hie Ages,

* unless lie adapts himself In a practical way, and does the things that are urged for practice; the teaching, the reading and the accumulation are of squill advantage. Tho instructions are really along the lino of ‘prac tical occult force. Hut it cannot be expected they cpn be ponied into the hdad. it comes little by little, like the learning of the alphabet of a new language. Hut " Y oi'itT n .u t i c a l Funrivs" are worth both tin; price and the amount of study necessary to adapt to ones' needs.


By E. L. Mason. Paper 50c. Hermetic Pub. Co., 400b Grand Boulevard, Chicago, 1)},This booklet by the author of “ Iliero Salem” 1 ft.synopsls of the teachings of that ' volume, which its readers know were unique and peculiar, and rather in ndvance of the time of its publication, Aa “Iliero Salem” is out of print it may be satisfactory to those who would like a partial synopsis, to possess tills work at its price. We iiavc a few copies on hand, and shall be glad to fill orders, assur ing our patrons that it is well worth the money, although the name may seem to con vey but little of the fullness of thought, and far-reaching effects therein contained.

* *Astrological Almanac: Onnsby’s Eph

emeras, almanac, business and weather guide for 181)8 shows what the future has in store for the people of this Great llepublic.

I t is full of valuable information for young and old, rich and poor alike. The farmer, mechanic, lawyer, doctor, banker and business .man, as well as every teacher and preacher in the land.needs the knowledge given in this work for 18B8, I t gives a horoscope, together with a reading, for every child born during the year.

Times favorable to trading and business generally, are clearly stated. This alone is worth a hundred dollars to any business man.

Price in paper cover, 50 cents. For sale by Hermetic Publishing Co., 4000 Grand Boule vard, Chicago, ill.

* *

AltT MAGIC.One of the most remarkable contributions

to the practical magic treaties of this gene ration, was Emma Hardings Britten's “ Art Magic.’’ We liavq known some of tho for mulas therein given, to work, and that is more limn, can be said of the majority of . books claiming knowledge on these points.I t has, like its companion volume, “ Ghost* land," long been out of print. But has lately been put upon the market in a tastefully bound volume of Miff pages, black cloth, aiqi silver stamp. Sent on receipt of $1.50, Hermetic Pub-Go., 4008 Grand Boulevard, - •* Chicago, Illinois.' '

Page 13: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

PARTH. OF (lflfiRBUNOALOW.nHead what a wise woman says about Part

tt. Of “ Her Bungalow:”| | (Dearest Comr(ule~~lh\& I supposed for one Instant you would have placed my )r!nfc I wotikl have been more aareful in their iliraslng. Lust night 1 satrttp to finish the jecoud part, lteally words fail me, to ex

c e s s my delight. I t is simply entrancing. | i f my praises of the first pages gladdened S$pu, doubly gratified will you bo when I toil

©you that 1 have never read anything in my i p f e that so thrilled my innermost soul as this ^p ic tu re of Osiris and Isis, Sun and Moon, PMlowing in the full depth of their intrinsic Ipeatifcy, clad with the personality of so much ISrgrace, reality, dignity and refinement of soul, ^onsciom tirts, it bespeaks The L ife speaking g>ffco the soul. I t is unlike and far surpasses ^any th ing that has been written on the sub- ^ ject. because of its subtle insight into- the j-past history of that long buried land. The fgbook is an inspiration and revelation from ^beginning to end. As i closed the covers' if-last night, I thought, Oh. how I wish every '.■’one who reads the book had the proper in ydght to its interpretation, for there is much Shat cannot be understood by the ordinary itnind, the feast that the beautiful phvnsing

| so adroitly veils. But surely anyone can but ibe pleased and entertained by its pathos, its Senior and richness of tone and above all its

fbeauty and purity of conception. I intend ||T,to read it again, for one can hardly grasp its pMinnermost sentiment with the first perusal •"^.because so dazzled by its oriental irridesence fvv'and greatness of detail.>M- Please remember to all with love, and be- me yoars fondly,‘ Gkrtruivk nv, Bmi.sia.

* * * * * * *® ‘ S p e c ia l O iler lo r th e H olidays in H oroscopes.

de Bielski announces that she will write the usual Horoscope of five dollars for three dollars, including special directions for

^ :# 'th e p re s e n t year. This is a rare opportunity ; ;.;?^for the subscribers of the H kumk-dst, or f their friends. The oiler is made so as to en- l i v able those of limited, means to avail them

’•.t1^vi8e ves of Wudaiuc’s skill in delineation and suggestions, as well as superior ad-

^^R^Viee for immediate needs.The offer holds good till .lan. loth. In

making application state that it is in reply to l^m T h is offer.i Mlllh.;Give date and piace of birth, and hour as

,^«-heac as possible. If hour is not, known send i p photograph if you have one, and give the

date of two events such as marriage, Ul- i , ness, or parents’ deipli. Be pnrfd-ninr to nb- , nll Uasu diw titm s. . Address Mine, dp^^pt^'Bielskl, care of this otlice. ' .


I t has been nailed to our sUteritiori strongly of late that the Williams t y p e w n t |r | | | i | which’ is one of the best known and popular products ot the Naugatuck valley,' ^ • is tjnitb us important abactor in peace as in war. While it is still liberally remenibejed in both the army and mvvy,U has nil the time hee^ steadily finding its way into the public schools and commercial’ colleges and making friends wherever it has gone, until it is now in use in over 300 typewriting schools in this country, some-of the institutions using mi ny Williams machines.

In a le tte r to the company from Francis Howland, j rM secretary of the Heading (i’a.) School district, under date of October 10, the following occurs:

'‘After using the different makes of stand- ard typewriters in the high schools of Head- ; ing for several years past, and after careful examination of the Williams typewriters, Un> board of control decided to purchase ten Williams typewriters, which are how in use exclusively in the Heading High schools.”

,T. J . Sweugel, principal of the Norlhwestv: ern Normal college a t Grand Forks, X. 1)., writes that they have had five Williams type writers in use in their college for three years without a break, and giving the highest sat isfaction.

Aside from the popularity that the Wil liams has obtained in this country, it has * . found great favor also in Urn schools and col leges of F.uropo, foreign agencies having in troduced a eery large number there. Jt might be a matter of surprise to some that in Ireland alone over sixty schools are using the Williams typewriters for instruction pur-

. poses, but it is the truth nevertheless.. Last month, 47 Williams machines were sold In Gains Town, Africa, some of these to be used in schools.

Tin; Williams is winning along all lines.i f our readers would like to know more of

them, address Hermetic Pub. Co., 40(16 Grand Hiv’d, Chicago.

* * *“ Letting G o” ami “ Holding On,” by

Nancy McKay Gordon. A unique Christ mas card ( From now tmCil Hut II rat of .Jan uary the booklets “ Letting-Go ” mid " Hold ing On,” wifi he offered as an Xmascavd. The twn tied together with a dainty n. and sold* for IB cents. Send at. once beforn the edition is exhausted. Address. ‘Hermetic,

‘ Publishing Co..-fluid Grand lHvd., Chicago.

Page 14: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,


' NVe have a number of miscellaneous boohs, /prices and titles quoted below. WewillliU .all orders, ns long as they last, at ten per cent, discount from these quoted prices:SuuSealed, (McIntyre).............................$ .35Facing the Sphinx, (Farrington).......... .75Looking Backward, (lielnm y)..................... 15Modern Love Story, (O rcut)........................ 75 .W hat is Theosophy, (I*\ T. .S.).....................25Doings of the dualized, (Mason).................30Physics and Metaphysics, (Photon).............. 10Key to Theosophy, (lJlavatski)................ 1.0 0

A r t Magic, (U ardinge-lkitten).................1.00Sema-Kanda, (Turnbull)........................... 125Occult Forces, How to Use Them.

(Loomis).............................................. 1.00Q uaint Crlppen, CJ'hurber)............................75Soul Growth, (ITatt).......................................15Soul Help for Invalids, (Bobbins)................20Mystic Sense of Scriptures, (Guybn).......... 3oHermetic Teachings, (I’helon)........ ............ 25F uture Rulers of America, (Phelotti.......... 25Sphinx and Pyramids, (Phelon)....................15Witch of lblh Century, (Phelon)..................25Divinity and Man, (Roberts)........................ 50Temple Talks, Void. 1 & 2, (Phelonjem-h.. .50Itavaletfe, (Randolph)......... /................... 1.00N ext World interviewed, (Horn)..................50Cure of Disease, (Melendy)....... ............. .50Sou of M an,(Long).......................................5<>Philosophy of I*. P. Quinby, (Dresser}... .50Between the Linus, (K ohaus)............... . .5011 oil biotin , (H a rley ).............................................. . .50Autobiography of Madame Guyon,

(McCalhO............................................... l.ooA Look Upward, (Clark)..............................75Is Protection a Benefit.? (Taylor)................50


400(1 Qraml Boulevard. Chicago, 1U.* *


The best proof, that this little booklet is all that is claimed for it, is its rapidly In creasing sales. There is, in its pages, the ring of true statement. One of its readers said : “ I t speaks as one with authority, and not as the eevihes,” Another snj’s > "1 Nvmit another, I sold mine." ft is likely the edition will sqon be exhausted, and if intending pur chasers wish to have no delay in tilling their orders, they had better older at. once. * Paper cover 50 cents. Sent on receipt of price, Hermetic Pub. Co., long Grand Boulevard, Chicago, Illiuoia. * . *

On our desk lies the portrait of a man, who, in the early part of this century, had an idea. The face is of the true American type. The idea was, he could make just as good graphite yroducts in America, as could be * mude’any where else in the world.

With veal American grit he commenced the manufacture in 1827. From his first ef forts,, lead pencils were made a specialty. The excellence of the materia! used has never been debused. The careful finish always kept to standard, has attracted a constantly widening circle of “ pencil pushers,” in all avocations. Imported pencils, even of the hitherto choicest brands, are disappearing from the desks of American consumers. They are replaced by “ Dixon’s Hexagon American Graphite.” These are matle of American material, in American shops, by American workmen. Joseph Dixon’s name has become a synonym for the best and choicest pencils the world has ever seen. Their main ollices are located at Jersey City, N..L

* *Vtuixir.s'fil Truth is a monthly magazine

teaching that knowledge, health, love and abundance'are omnipresent now, and are for every one who chooses to appropriate them. Annie llix Milit/, is now writing the Inter national B,ible Lessons, and Fanny M. Harley in continuing the Simplified Lessons in the Science of Being, the first of which was pub lished in theOctober number, 1807. All back numbers can be obtained.

Universal T n ith teaches people how by building their lives on a Metaphysical basis, they may attain to the divine ideal, which the Christ held out in liis teachings, when He said: “ Greater things than these ye may do.”

price .51.00 a year. Address, Un iv k k s a l T im.'t h , 87 Washington street, Chicago, 111.

* *Mas. II. (5. Ga u k k u , of Chicago, has sent

us a few of her tracts and leallets on how to prevent and cure Colds, 11 ay Fever and La Grippe, without medicines or drugs: aiso, how to omo Female Weakness, Palling or Displacements, simply by proper exercises. We will semi either of these for 10 cents or both for 15 cents. Hermetic l ’ub. Co- 1000 Grand Blvd., Chicago, HI.

* *.Subscribe for. Th e $ l.0 U‘ a year.

Page 15: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,


Will oiu* * friends in remitting «s kindly pjease to remember that Personal Checks on tycal banks are sufyeet to a fee fo r collection \for which the sender should jwovide. Small

* Amounts can he sent in Postaga Stamps, twos 'Preferred. Currency is safe i t ’sent in Itegis- itqred Letter, and, in thirteen years we have jtost money only twice when sent in unregis- 'tored letters. Send remittance in any form mbcording to your judgment, convenience and' jfeoNsciKNais.

THE TEMPLE . . .Monthly Mayazine published at Denver,

pWsV Colo,, ana Devoted to Unman Bmancipa- tionandlilevation, EditedbyPaul'Tyner.

Address. Hermetic Publishing Co., 4(HR> Grand Jhmlevtird, Chicago,

fc ; This publication is absolutely nni<|uo, both in form -linct in snbatunco. I t has tho gonuiim vitality found

m ^ o u ly in originality of ideas, anil freedom in expression. ie th e first publication in tbo world to procluim and . provo tho actual immortality of man, omboitiod as well

o* disembodied- Every isauo contains ono essay, story <>r lecture. presenting one particular phase of the mnv

iiontiilc thought and discovery, spiritual ami mulorinl, \ Web ia remaking the world. B o d ily Jn u m rta U ti/,

s p i r i t u a l Self-Consciousness, T h e H ose Crons, The S ix th Offense, A Stronger H ome, T h in k in g A l l Over, R c -Incar- b tia tio n , a n d Oneness, arc a m o n g llte subject* o f recent ■ nu m b ers . Tho Magazine is couvonicnt ni size. printed • in largo cloar typo on hnndsomo paper, and bound in

'• ^ '. artistic covers. Subscription price, $1.00 a y<mr. Send •■^^stamp for snmplo copy.% m TH E TEMPLE PUBLISH ING CO., 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 -4 1 4 Barclay B lo ck , D en ver , Colo.

' H prinowood T itles ," b y M elon A u g u staJH isse ll, ilhia*,-, h ra tod , c lo th , Sl.ou. T h is is o n e o f th e best, b ooks th a t: h a v o ev o r com® to o u r n o tic e . I t ia b e a u t ifu l , h e a l th fu l a n d In s tru c tiv e , m iss II . A. F u sa e ll un co v ers th o ch ild n a tu re , show s its l l t t io te m p ta tio n s ,; i t s d e s ir e s ,:W a sp ira t io n s , am i i ts hopes,* a n d i n e a c h s to ry m ak es th o g o o d cornu o i l v ic to r o v o r a l l o rro r , co n d itio u s a n d te m p ta tio n s . Address. llERMF-TIt! PUBLlBlirKO do.. .

111 -

CORRESPONDENCE S0D ICITe|SWITH THE SICK AND DISCOURAGED.r |'liT$RF5 is hope, though every material retii*

1 edy has failed to restore health. Mental Healing is the application of the laws of unhid ami spirit governing matter, ami it is efFica- cions where all else fails. For particulars write M r s , H e l e n P e a k c k , of the Faith.and Hope Association, now at 9 1 6 , i<|th St., N, W„ Wash ington, Specialty, chronic and nervous dis eases of long standing. Most unqualified suc cess with absent treatment.

In sp ira tio n ’s Voice.---A music book com-* plelc for the Spiritualists’ every use. The finest music of any collection known, with suit able words, 5 0 cents and postage 1 0 cents.

H. W. BOOZER, Grand Rapids, Alich.

W A N T E D ^First 5 Volumes of H k h m b u h t

complete. Anyone having them or a portion of them, piottsbwi it.-, <tnt,iug price ivnntnd, etc., to tint, ollioe.




• • 6 6 ♦ed ito rs » B . o . j\m t % Trcftridt atiham Adarai £

• • • • %Monthly, 100 large pages, 0 "

illustrated,—not a dull fine in 4 .WW-* it.. It is fighting your fight;— ♦ it deserves your support, ♦

. . , , . - F" , One dollar a yertr, locenta •* N e w r u n e ' . " L e i m e l a k e t h o s e l o a d s f r o m y o u r b a c k s ' a copy; sample number mailed ♦k ’ for six cents. ♦

THE NEW TIME, 5 6 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO |

• Hiibsevipt iims to The New Tima will bn received and forwarded by TubflisttMisTi.sT. We(offer a year’s subscription for Tbu Neio Time, iit»d T ue H.KRMKTI.ST for Si.25. ’ ‘ \

Page 16: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

On© of our local Brothers has in her family a son, who through sickness has been changed

* from a bright, active child to a youth who is blind, deaf and dumb. Contrary to the usual helplessness of those thus niliicted he has been able, by the help of instructors, to communi cate with the outside world an d . lias ever manifested a disposition to be helpful in the home and for himself. Bo far as one so shut upeould be. Jle has lately by what is called the “ I’in-prieked" process, written a little book, which is of intense interest as the work

m a sum »«> imprisoned. 1 1 is friends have helped him to print It, and tastefully bind it in cloth. And he hopes to bo able, by its sale, to bo a help to himself. We are sure ail the Brotherhood will bo willing to help him dis pose of the edition. The sooner the better. The book is putot 25e. We will receive orders therefor, without any charge for the hand ling. The young man needs the income, both i.or useund for his encouragement. We trust ail our •Brotherhood will make it a personal matter. Address,

J1KBMETK- J’UB. 00,,•iOOf) Grand Boulevard, • Chicago, 111

t hav® used KIpbbs Tabules w ith so m uch satis fac tio n th a t I c an cheerfully recommend (hum. H ave bean troub led for nitout th ree years w ith w ha t I called bilious a ttacks coming on regularly once a week. W as told by d b le ien t physicians th a t I t w as caused by Imd teeth , o f winch I had several. I had tho teeth ex tracted , b u t the a t tacks continued. I had seen advertisem ents of R lpana Tabules in a ll the papers b u t had no fa ith In them ; b u t abou t six w eeks since a friend In duced tuo to try them. Hnvo taken but tw o of tho Small S cout boxes of th e Tabules and have had n o recurrence o f thoaM ncka. H ave never Riven a testim onial fo r anything before, b u t tho g reat am oun t of good w hich I believe has been done me by Hlpans Tabules Induces tuo to add mine to tho m any testim onials you doubtless have in yourpossession now.

X w an t to Inform you, IB w ords o f h ighest p raise, o t th e betwiii X have derived from R ipens Tabules. I am a professional bu rse nn>* In this profeaslon A c l e i n . b ead Is a lw ays needed. R ipens Tabules does It. A fter one of m y cases 1 found myself completely ru n d o w n . Acting on (ho advice o f Mr. Gen. Row e r , Tb. G., 6S8 Newark A re ,, Jersey C ity, 1 took Hlpans Tabules w ith grand results.


A. T. Dk WTt t .

I have been n g roa t sufferer from constipation fo ro v erfl-o years. K vt.dng gave m o any relief. My fe e t an d legs an d abdom en wore b loated SO 1 could n o t w ear shoe* on my fact and only a loose dress. I saw Hlpans Tabules advertised In our dally paper, bought som e and took them a s d irec t ed. H aro taken them about th ree w eeks a n d thorp is such a chnogo ! I am n o t constipated a n y more aud 1 ow e It all to lltpaiis Tabules. l a m th i r ty soveu years old, have no occupation, only m y household du ties and nursing m y s ick husband. Ho has bad tho dropsy aud 1 am try in g Rlpanl Tabules fo r him . Ho feels some be tte r b u t It will tak e som e tim e, he has been sick so long. Vos m ay use m y le tte r and name as you like.


I have been suffering from headaches over since 1 w as a litt le girl. 1 could never ride In a

c a r o r go Into a crowded

M other w as troubled w ith h e a r t b u r n aud slecplcnseneta, caused by Indigestion, fo r a good, m any .'-ears. One dny she saw a testim onial In ib e paper lndorslm,- I f l p o n s Tabules. She determ ined to g ive them a tr ia l, w as g r e a t l y relieved b y th e ir use a n d n o w t a k e s th oTabules regularly . B kckorpsnfow cartons lltpana Tabules In th e houaound nuys situ will n o t bu w ith o u t them . The heartb u rn And sleeplessness huvo d isappeared With tb o Indigestion w ldcb was form erly so g re a ta burden fo r l.ct Our wludo fam ily takothO T abules regularly. cr.;>cckd!y a fte r a hearty meal. .My njoilu-r is fifty years of ago an d Is en joying th o ljo s to f health m v lap h tt.i; also ea ts hearty menls, a n iuiposslM;n.y botbra she took R ipans Tabules. A siux II. Jh.AUuax.

R'1*P*A'N *SuuIQMM

•J The modern stand-H i ard Family Me<li-</> cine; Cures theH i> common every-day*■« ill of humanity.w T R A D E ^ g B j j J f t h a

pluco w ithou t getting e> headache and sick a t my stom ach. I heard about Ripans Tabules from an a u n t of m ine who was taking them for catarrh of tho stom ach. She had found such robo t from th e ir use shoad vised m s to ta k o them too, and I have been doing so since Inst October, aud w ill say they have complete ly cured m y headaches. I am tw enty-nine scare, o ld . You a re wolcoins to use th is testim onial,

Mrs. J . JWOOKttYMh

. ______________________ _&

My seven-year-old boy suffered w ith pains In bis head, constipation an d com plained o t his stom ach. Ha could not o a t liko children o f h it ago do a n d w h a t ha d id c a t d id n o t agree w ith him . I lo w o e th ln and o f a saffron color.

Reading som e o f tho testim onials In favor of RlpatmTnUtilos. I tried them , ltlpnns Tabules not only relieved b u t actually cured, m y youngster, th o headaches Ivavu disappeared, bowels a re In good condition mu! ho ' never com plains o f his stom ach. Ho Is now a red. chubby-f need boy. This w onderful change X aitrlbu to to Hlpans Tabules. I am suthdled th a t they w ill benefit any o n e (from the cradlo to old ago) If taken according to dlreo* tlons. E. W. THICK,

A now ftyte packet containlm- TC.r r.uiCLSW packed In a paper carton (without gloss) is bow for sale i t some drug stores-vou rmvov.-fra. Udi low-priced sort la Intended for tha poor and tho economical. One dozen of tha flT..-c*:>t cnrmr.r ciM ir.huW ) can he bad by mad by Bending forty-eight cents to tho ItDMXS CBKiucjir. Covri.vr. .’*•). to S‘- r i « c « . r » r k - c r a sing 1b atirtviKrot will be sent for Hvocants. BrosOTTADoyoi ms y also W i>t toms i g i - n o r a l storekeepers, news agents aud a t soma liquor stores Bad bather shop*. They b a n i s h pa.u, induce vie#? and prolong lUo. Onu gives relief.

Page 17: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

:■ a volume of over 1 0 0 poems, sealed by the* *Suu and planets, after the fashion of the Ancient

Its author, Geo. P. McIntyre, is a well Iknovvfi writer on various subjects, but has done |h ls best work on the line of these poems. The Ibook is bound in cloth, with hpvelcd edges. It ,IS old gold in color. Gold batik-title, and astro logical side stamp. It is elegantly printed, on |seavy paper, with red edges, and ring in the (back to hold book marker. It is well worth the ;$x.oo that it sold for, when first put on the ^market. We have all that are left of the edition. {We will sell them from now until Christmas for

H3 5 cents. There can be nothing finer for a ^‘Christmas gift to any friend. The number for Ijsale, is small, and we don’t intend to carry any .|over into ’9 9 . Do you waut one ? Send at once. ‘Hermetic Pub. Co., 4 0 0 6 Grand Bl’vd., Chicago.W- * *


v We have the following odd numbers of the ^‘Occult Science Library” in good condition, iiW'hich we will sell for 1 0c cadi. Will fill orders as long as they last. Stamps taken.^Powers of Co-operative Thought to Produce Results in Business and Art; IIovv to Rule Your f'Kiugdotn ; Address, Hermetic Pub. Co., 4 0 0 6 I'Graud Btvd., Chicago.


M od em Astrology,Established 1S90.

P a b l i s M o s th e 1 s t o ! e a c h M on th b y Alan Leo, E d ito r , W est H em p stead , L on d on , M . E n g lan d .

SINGLE C OPIES 2 5 C e n t s * * * * ANNUAL S U B SC R IP T IO N S 3 .0 0 .

S This is a Monthly Magazine devoted solely to the study of Astrology in all its branches.

Its aim la to purify and re-establish the v ancient science of the stars, and its object is

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'T Inequality of the human race, and explains why we sailer from ourselves.

The contents of each monthly issue are ".thoroughly up to date, full of instruction, and |df general interest to all persons who t h in k Jior themselves. I t is philosophic in its tone, rie not connected with any creed, and holds the

|tin ique position of being the only magazine Ilii existence explaining the CAUSE of plane-

try iniluonee. ' _______f fipecim on Coping Bonfc frno to Any a d d re s s on rece ip t Of P o s t C a rd ut. ulmvo uddtkMw,

P R I N T E R a n d P U B L I S H E R , 3&4 D E A R B O R N .S T R E E T .

OR ^W M to M agic v e r su s B lack ,


, Said to bo tho greatest Hii^nphyslciil and occidtgtppy over published. Tho TJiooaophiat, tho OccwHl|itrtiu> divine Scion!jut, tho Jlormofcist, or overyday Liboralist —»uoh of tvuv Unnkors who havo outgrown thu conven tional past, and who are longing for tho fui thcoinhiR ora of llnirm-snl Hrothorlrtiod; will bo intaosoly inter ested in thi* latent and by far the greatest effort of Mr. Thurbor’i. As a hum anitarian work it has noVoc boon equaled. I t deals torsoly with tho problems of to day, and divulges the secret of the spiritual insight without a wusto word or prolix sentence. Tho book contains 350 wido-mnrained pages, and is sot in largo and elegant typo. I t is embellished with several full- page half tone engravings, drawn by aide artists. Tho cover is also original, and done in black and gold. Altogether It is u most lilting souvenir for the season, besides being a valuable addition to the world’s ad vanced literature. ____

Published only in c loth, a t $1 .26 . Sent postpaid an receipt ot price. _ __

HERMETIC PUB. CO.,4 0 0 6 Grand Boulevard. - CHICAGO.


THE. J5S0TKRI0 is devoted to methods, aeieytilieaUy religious, for bringing body,

mind and soul into harmony with God and nature.

Those seeking Holiness of heart and life should read it.

Also those who are studying magic will find in it the secrets of the Power of the Christ, of his knowledge, and of his under standing.

S u b s c r ip t io n $ 1. 0 0 p er year . S a m p le Copy IO C en ts .

Esoteric Publishing Go., - Applegate, Gal.

B u s i n e s s s u c c e s s '

Through Mental Attraction.By CHAS. W. CLOSE, Ph. D ..S .8 .D.

l ’apor. P r ic e 10 cen ts . (SUvor.)H ives n b r ie f s ta tu m o n t o f th o p rin c ip le invo lved in

tho a p p lic a tio n o f M en ta l L aw to th e c o u tso l o f ih in n c ia l co nd itions , w ith e ig h t p ra c tic a l ru in s to In su re thm iuoss SuocqsR. *

SP E C IA L O PPE R I T h o above p a m p h le t w ith THE F n«E Ma n , a m o n th ly n iugiizlno J n th o in te rc u ts o f th o New T h o u g h t.tin t P h ilo so p h y » f H n a lth .n n d tho.,Science o f L ite , tw o m o n th s w ith S p ec ia l o ffer to th o S ick , lo r tOcmita s ilv e r. A d d re ss :

Publisher The Free Man,.■ 124 B irch S t r e o M F . M, X.) .


Page 18: THE HEIIMETIS - IAPSOP · Never before by mortal lingers wore struck (----- ----- Chords of unearthly and heavenly music a sweet, Subscription Hates—Olio copy, one year,

v . « «... .vv>.li«V *y* VMU t'UVt’. 4k 1SU« JliVLIUD MUbliOany ether book no t here in nam ed, we will unlortake to obtain it for thorn. Correspondence on suck matters promptly attended to. Subscriptions for all Occult and Metaphysical magazines received at this oiTlco.

Address. H ERM ETIC PU BLISH IN G 0 0 „ <009 G rand Boulovord, Chicago.Light on the Path , (Mabel Collins,) cloth...............................................................Through the Gates of Gold, (Mabel Collins.) cloth...............................................Christos, (J, 1>. Buck,) doth................ ..................................................................The Future Rulers of America. (W, 1\ Phelon, M. D..) paper............................Hermetic Teachings, (W. P.Fnelon.M.JD.,) paper..............................„ .............Three Sevens, (W. P. Phelon, M. D.,) cloth......... ;...... ........... ...............................Mysteries of the Sphinx and Pyramids, paper................ ....................................Temple Talks, (One of the Magi,) stiff cover.....................................................A Witch of the 19th Century, (W .P. Phelon, M. I).,) paper...............................Esoteric Vibrations, (W. P. Phelon, M. D.,) paper...............................................Letting Go, (JsTnney McKay Gordon,) paper................... •.....................................Holding On, « “ “ d ..........................................................Physics and Metapliyaics, (Mrs. M, M. Phelon, C. S. 1).,) paper............... .......Mystic Sense of the Scriptures, (Coaipiled from 8adaBi G«jo» by Mrs. M, & fldoa.) paper....Sun-Sealed, (George P . McIntyre,) cloth.................................................. ..............The Hidden FaltU, (Alwyn M, Ttiurber,) cloth.....................................

»• *• « “ “ 41 paper...................... ...........Royal Hearts, (Alwyn M. Thurber,) paper.... ........................................... ..........Quaint Crippen, Commercial Traveller, (Alwyn M. Thurber,) paper.......... .Can a Man Lose his Soul? (E. J . Blood,) paper...................................................Seraphita, fBalzac,) half R ussia............................................................ .................The Magic Skin, (Balzac,) half R ussia........................ ..........................................Louis Lambert, (Balzac,) half Russia...................... ..............................................What ail the World’s A-Scekitig, (Ralph Waldo Trine,) cloth..........................The Influence of the Zodiac upon lluman Life, (Eleanor Kirk,) cloth........ .Libra, (Eleanor Kirk,) doth....................................................................................The Bottom Plank of Healing, (Eleanor Kirk,) paper.......................................

# 40, 50. « 0 . 25, 25 *. 1 25

15 . 1 25 . 50

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Suite 601 Tacoma Building,N . K. C o r. M ad iso n a n d L a S a l le S ts .,

Residence, Elmhurst, III. Chicago.

THE SCIENCE OF ASTROLOGY..Given its true expression through the individual Horoscope' by

COUNTESS GERTRUDE DE BIELSKI.Upon application and four cents postage, u descrip

tive circular will be sent containing full particulars.Children's Horoscopes a specialty.Address, oare'of SCHOOL OF H£RM£TI0 PHILOSOPHY,

4008 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, HI.Kxtraeta from two of many testimonials. Names are

omitted as they are confidential.NKW Yo h k C i t x . A pril 29th, 1897.

---- East MSth Street.DBAS MUE. DB BtPLSKI !

Will yon kindly writo mo promptly if you are still in Chicago, ami c a n do some morn work for mo 1

I have been experimenting with Astrologers recently, aud couclnde yon are far the bast, and most careful, and cohscieutious worker wo have. 1*.

Puu.APBI.rmA, Pa ., Feb. 28fk. 1897. * ---------------Street.

JDb a b Mmb. PR Btm.RKt:The Horoscopes reached mo.

If practical Amariann adage, “ Money Talks" is true, then the luclosuio will express whut I think of your cleverness. Two of them aro ractllv wondrrfvt, and should couvlnca tbo most, rk«ptical th a t, V-trology is Scientific, not guess work. Your dcliiiiiminn of me, the tudividnal is my very eel/. . H. II.


Remember the Brotherhood in your Wills— this is a duty you owe to the Os use, «s well us to yourselves, if you desire to ndvmice in the Invisible Section. Here is a form to help you. I f your Will is already made out, make this as an addenda.

KOIiM OF RK<IUKBT,I a iv o a n d b e q u ea th u n to th e H e rm e tic P u b lish in g

C om p an y , o f Cliio.-u-'o. I llin o is , to ho ttppU nd to th o e x p en se P m d r>f th o H e rm e tic B ro th e rh o o d .* ....................... ta n ti I d iv e r t t h a t th e s a id sum s h a l l b e p a id f re e from L eg acy D u ty , out. o f su ch p a r t o f m y p e rso n a l e s ta te n s m ay le g a lly ho dovoiod by W ill to ch av itftb le p u r pose*, a n d iu p re fe re n c e to o th e r logaclos a n d beq u ests th e re o u t.

A D A M S C H A A F - ^ E s t a b i i s M 1873. HEW IMPROVED PIANOFORTES.

The beat in the world for tone und durability and fully warranted.

Awarded higheat hortoia by the jury at the World’s Columbian Exposition, Intending pur- ohnaere are especially invited to cull and examine these mutohlens instruments.

Wo are selling at low prices, either for cosh or on easy payments.

New pianoa to rent, and one year’s rent allowed if puTebwed.

Old iuatmmeHtR taken iu exchange. \2tADAH SCHAAP,

(47-149 W. Madison St., cor. Union St.. CHICAGO.