THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM...

i 1 1't'Hi.iaHNii THE HAWAIIAN or ii iii iinimis I I I I IM- - MOM II i v i n i ; wusurt i rbai IN rAN I:. VOL. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: IUi- EVENING. DbCEMBliK iu, NO 234 Bishop's Hank. Post Office. A W0T() to the wise is sulli dent; hut double stores ire adjacent to te above in Htitutions; In cal ti n it it the former, rou present your cheek, receive your money, dun step across to mir tore, make your purchases lorChris tmas; ;uil sucli as require the attention of the I'ost ( )Hice t "which IS next ihiui In us." (nil clerk will be pi cased in look alter f. r vou. Nkw York City, or rather a lair proportion of that great metropolis has just arrived at our store. Remember,, we never take a hack seat during the holi- - riavs. Our iroiids pur- - phased (unci 1111111 ilw Manufacturers, emDraCe a Complete aSSOft-- 1 articles for Xmas Gifts. 27 Laret Cases . . RECfcl ED K s. s. AUSTRALIA. It is utterly impossible to make a list of everything, as the Star isn't large enough, and we don't want to de- prive other advertisers of 1 heir space .... A CALL : and inspection ol the differ-cu- t lines on view will repav von for the trouble of com- ing down as far as Merchant street, as vou will find the largest assortment and low- est prices AMONG THE T1 IOUSAND AND ONE ARTICLES W il l lit-- FOUND Books lor the young people, Monks for the old people, I Games and Calend rs, Albums, Letter Cases, Cigar Cases. Music Rolls. Frames for Paris Panel Photos, Ink Stands, Photograph Albums, Book- lets, Wild West Games, Toilet Sets (an entirely new Unci. Photo 5ox s, Necktie Bdxes, Mirrors, Collar and Cull Boxes, Work Boxes, Shaving Sets, Manicure Siets, Jewel Casts. Music Boxes. Lap Tablets, Port-lolio- Papetries, Paper Knives, Match Ho.xcs. Pen Wipers, Writing Desks, Games, etc.. lor Children. XMAS Inuii AND Kapliat-l- , TntH & Sou NEW A I? YEA R t'CttHlinl it mi iheixf1. CARP . MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Rvarrthiag in U in a first- - alaJH' Sinn-- . I111111 MtM ganra la s Jaw's Harp. Aiw full ' line of ... PACIFIC COAST DIAK1KS. N II. 1SI.AND QgDKRH . . )nuiupti attajaW In i.imhIs BJKHggal 11111I ileli i l t atgganai I'rtu' nf Huiflf 1 Hawaiian vi. .. ga,i. Y. K, CASTLE. ATTORN KY AT LAW nflh omiitiu ifUi, J. ALFRED MAQOON. M' I'i iliNI'.Y mill tmttTlBMfcOnnAT lift IT HBoS, 4L' Minvlmnt Mitt, I J. M. MONSARRAT. vrrnlcM'.Y T I. aw MO) (fOTARt riTiu.n Ciirtwrilil Hl'H-k- Mi'lvliinil Ht., Honolulu. F. N. WAKEFIELD. ATTllHNKY una OOUWSKtjOR tkmi'iiii v nvitm with c. w. ASMardi Manhaal tt, Honolulu. II, I. H PHILLIPS t CO. triiltiili Inrportsr and Jobbers ol AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY MODS. ConMf K'rt Htvi iti'-ct- st-- ., Ronotulu. H7tf C. B. RIPLEY. Aroliltect. linn r tfsw Sufr iHjptolt Bnlldtng. Baaalalg, 11. I. piaiw. mui KiinerintondMMM lv?n 'fir every description of Hnlldlng. ,,, BsllilVg Mccessfollr remodeled and ".'an?' iHHiviiM tor ' nliTlor .rciii'iilinn. Msr or Mechanics! Drawin . Trarlns And f" I'm wins for .ir NsWtMtMir lllus- - trati on. M. II. LOHEIDE, skin hiii ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BULL TKLKPHONI loT. All order Prompt! attended to. Thos. G.Thrum's UPTOWN BOOK-STORE- " Preeenta an am; of HOLIDAY.! ATTRACTION8 in NEW nnd SEAS- ONABLE PRESENTATION BOOK8, 111 Aht. PoRTBV, TbaVRI, mill BBLLbV Lkttbl ALBUMS, all Size. Style ami Bindings. BIBLES, PRAYER ROOKS nml HYMNALS Tin' lineal aaaortment ii CHRISTMAS and NKW VEAR CARDS-Tl- i- several leadtngl An Publishers' offeritlga, nt prices lower even than former aoknowiedgad haraTatna, REMEMBER ' Not s Inst year's card or deaign in the H.ok. Ogllttloid ami otbar Art Novelties. ( ALENDARS for Ikw nml BOOK- - 1J3T8 that are gjema of the printere art. Fim-s- i LEATHER, BILVER PILA- - OREE ami CELLULOID Artiolea for! Baadoir, Library, Parlor or Office in INKSTANDS. PAPER WEIGHTS, FOLDERS PORTFOLIOS, DESK PADS, CARP casks. WALLETS, PURSES, MUSIC ROLLS. Etc. TOILET SKIS, HORN (iool)s. Ni l PICK SKTS. A new line of Austrian Vaaag in Oluss and Porcelain, Krctich Drisqiu' Figure ami Brio a Brao, Work-Boxe- Work-Bag- a, Batlcules, and Baikets. BASKKTN THAT ABE HAS- - KKTS. I Novt'i Mid iitliacli vi' in BtyMM Mill variety. (Made by thf ht Htish't- - MakiuQ tn't' of AmrrivtiH ftldiaw) froiu it lion Bon size to a Hamper; said U- - the first li t Bxported by ttwU Vfiit Mist hh: Skkn TO BR Aitkk- - (JlATMi PA BLOB Bud OUTDOOR OAMES lor DM nml young, gnd TOYS ill ithundance ami variety lor all the good little (litis ami Boya from now till i In n 111111.. Tba array of DOLLS exoeedi that of any previous gagpn nol unit in qnaji-tit- j imi also iii quality, variety and price. In Hi.. Inn- of DOLLS' SUNDRIES wo are also mora ooinpWtg than gvgri in all of which Utapgctiiill Is Invited. toy BOOKS in rariet) fur ail! ura lag. ll oi .lcr ponipil) Hllgl1 I.I. Illltl ;nuil- - l'r siO.ilii in pail,' m illi cure SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS. T. B. MURRAY, Carriage and Wagon MANUFACTURER. Repairing, Painting. Trimming, NftATtsl lli.Ni'- ll Wl.ti, lirllt.lll'i'll 'l il. ' lnwl. III,! Nil Iii nliil in ii. n, tin it. No. 44 Ring airaat. Mull. ul Ti'lrnlii I'. ... II". I' mi si News Co. Ld.!0l(l K,ma rulkr J. T, WA I fcl HOUBI' S Sl.,,1 Kt.iii- - M. S. UIHNRAUM & CO. Mgwnnt HiN(H,'LI , H. I. Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt F. A. 8CHAEFEH ft CO. IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiin M KM 'HANTS. HuMii.ri.i . Hawaiian Iki.amii H. . SCHMIDT ft SUN'S. IMPORTERS m commission l KRCHANTR, Kurt Knot, MiiTiiilnlii. P. II. Hn IW, IVI.111 21 LEWIS ft CO. Naval Hnp.iii.s. Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in Qfooerire, lroTli,torra, ptc 111 Knrl si.. n mni nin, 11 CHR. HERSKIND & J. McMEEKIN, PIANO TV N Kits ANll TKACHKItS. PpiiIihIIiiw Hons'. Lti'ivtntiin Street, atntnal Talptiont14. tsettonl gtseri nn Pimm for Beginners ami Players. Tuning ordern i'i be pmmptlv nttended to. IW 1.1 ii . I . PETBRBOW, NOTARY PUBLIC. Bhrhap1!, Bank. .1. S. EMERSON, BNOINKSR AND si'UVKVnK. ntnxicn Willi W. K. Ro f.i.i. t i Ifllee 1.1 Pnbllc V..rk. iisti WOIIT. t.BAVRkS. LEWERS & COOKE, LUMBER, BUILDERS' HAROWARI inniRS, SASH, IIL1NDS, PAINTS, OILS, (il.Ass, w Al l. PAPER, MATTING, CORRUGATED IRON, LIME, CEMENT, ETC T pT C ' -- JOBBBR ok Wines, Spirits and Beers, Kl. STKF.KT Between Port and Betht W. W. AH AN A Merchant Tailor,'; No. Bfl8 NniKtllll Hl llmtolii 111 yillf. Knit tag u np ansa nml Craps lljt tMi,,n, ALL skits OCAKANTKBD TO ki t ani in THE latest htvi.k. HlOl HM t'l.KANKH AMI liKPAIKKM. lltttiuU Tttoptl No. 6tt0. P. O. Boi 144. UKi M, W. McCHESNEY & SONS, Whol6S3lG GrOCerS, HONOLULU, H. I. A FULL LINE U nil lit KltS Always on llaml. FRESH GOODS ,'i-- Irvt-r- St-:- . nml S.'til KPECIALTIES: Cbeeae, Lardi Ham, Butter, Uodiab, muu iHtkms, t r.v,, fouum italnKM, Mucaroui, Com M, ul, Piekled Hklpjacli Alvicun (II llls I' l.iiH i ii .iii iti im Mi Ml K Mi- - ul Louthor afld Nu''j Pacific Mail S. S. CO. ami THE- - Occidental ( Oriental S. S.Co. utw fit BANK Of lAkfiflNIJ, M iRMlStO, For YOKOHAMA ni mml$kfi Kif S 1, I IIANKI 'l(T u Till: u MS. nisgigigi in Mm mn Oomanln win sail mi et Rkoni the fnlieeiliis nniee i stmr "OM1BA" Nov. r.. IM Slmr "OCRANtl " Dw. , IM Simr "CHINA" . .Feb. 0, 104 Slmr "Ol'KANK " MaiehB, is'.i4 Sour ( IIISA". April Hi. IMI4 For SAN FRANCISCO. Of tin- hImim- in intuitu a I i"nll hi Monrdnhi mi theti ny fmra mui Yokohama to tin ahaee pnrl mi of abatM the I'.illi.w iu,; iliiten : Btmr "OCEANIC, Deo. 4. IM Stmr "CITY OK l'KKINO" Jnn. I, IN4 Btmr "OCEANIC"., 1Mi4 Btmr "CHINA". MnmhtS.tBM Btmr "OAKI.IC". .May 11. IM UTES Of mm MK US FOLLOWS: To voku- - in HOttO BAUA KOffa Kbtn HM n ItTA 00 'ftiiin, it mi ml trip 4 mootha Ml ' atia v PnMn. rottml trip U initiithn 3rti Hi AW i' RnvopMui . . imi noon it 11. ii nml itpl to H. HACKFELD & CO., M-t- f Itenta, CaitadiaD Australian Steamship Line TIME TABLE. For Vancouver, B. C. From Sydney n Brisbane! .11.1,, M.,..l..l S. s. "WARRIMOO Aug. g, I8M I S. S. MHIW Oct. g, 10W 8. 8. "WARRIMOO'V . Nov. 1, 1898 H. 8. "ARAWA" Dec. I WW s. S. Ian. 1. Iksm a,,,, Fop Sydney and Brisbane From Vancouver, II. C. .ii r. Ili.niiliilii s. "HIOWEKA Oct. 'I. IBWI s. s. "WARRIMOO" Nov. HI, I8U8 ARAWA" Deo, 91, tH96 WAKlii.MOO" Jan. 21. 1WM And Monthly Thereafter. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES t. Vancouver, I. ('.. sn khs sium m to Ban Arnnoisoos. OsL Through Tickets tro sll points In Canada or the United Btatsi Oanadiau Psoiflo Railway, Jjp Km- Freight or I'assagt', apply tn theo. 11. davies & co., OeneraJ Agents, ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, "w"w im' Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $!),U00,UU0 II h ifiu i Hpimiliti-- aittin- - tif I lit akoS vs rt mm rrwiy to SgVsol lasar IUuaipaay laa lowssi mlsaoi pfsauaSaVi 11. W. tfCMMIIlT v hin.s. HYMAN BROS. iMfarrlgfsof saS Waalssals LagUan in nkS' c.( i ids M i rs silt ii r (.'l.oTIIINC. NOTION'S imi PANCV coons SB Oueun Btreot, Honolulu. ill athlornUfl , I... in li o. I al. , Tm t ELITE ICE CREAK PARLORS Ci'1 bet on. M Sj r .at ViJHULUtu HO I IS, X f 'Hllll u.ib ittuiib in uauwitsii lauANu UMioa. Uul S.lsbii.lilnsi i . rni,.l S.sw.l m Cm fall ai u Uer .111 11 in BISOP, SL CO BANKERS. HojHM.1 LP. Haw mi n . D ' "ton Ngtional Bank ol Chicago. Hi.' I nnunprrlnl ,, (f smdim Tie cntnmerrijil HimkiiiK Oo ot Sydney, vriney. The Baai at Ben fliwliiiiil. An. klaml. tad iu rmncben In i. Duneriln and Wellington. The H ink "f Hritlh '..11111111111. Portland, Or, TIih taoren and Hadetra KlnmU. Mo Inba, Sweden. ThsClawterad Bankol India, iuatralta and t'i Ina. ftonifkong, Tokohaina, Japan, And araae in OeneraJ banking Mdnaat. CASTLE A: COOKE, LIFE AND FI'M Insurance Aaents. - AHF.NTs VtlU nkw BMOLANtl Mill i I Life Insurance Co. ok KMSTOK. Fire Insurance, Alliance Assurance Co ok LONDON. MTNk INSURANCE CO. OP HARTFORD, conn INSURE IN THE German-Americ- an Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. IS.ffTB.SOS 00 Net Beuptan S,a5b,Sot mi Uiu y n, Oct tin- hKsT hkcTTRITV WILDER x i O., Agenta Hawaiian wine Co. FRANK BROWN, Mgr. 38 and 80 Merchant Bt., Hum. lulu. II. I. The Central Market. ytvayv have on hang aokie Baef , Manaa.Vsal , ...oitrv. w,. m.,k, gsaisgsi tpeclaitr, l.ivi ii., tiial ,mrt l,i- nn vim I'll . Wf liavv tlir ciit iur Cocasd Bssi a ii' eery bent. VVBSTBK4 K iV GARES, Both Tstsphsasi t THE MUTUAL Ufe Insurance Go. N1W YORK. Assuts Dec. 3L 1892, $115,084,156.61 S. B. ROSE, General Agent, Hawaiian Island. - LIME AND CEMENT it k SAl.K AT J. T WATERHOUSL'S Uueen Street Btorea. Hi MAY & CO. Wholesalr anil Krtl.ll GROCERS 's Port Klri-- . i. laid gVleptonea P.O. Boa 47.1 ut Tiiiics mi Clsj Pritej io H"iisdt;i;iit;i's. 1' rou m need "' tt) Nra I Maud I lv MM kh. K IXL iUMIIUM 4 CUMMISSIUN HUUS1 . .. K Mm 11 aa. - 9 T Criterion Saloon AOKNTH I'nK John Wieland Brewing Co, EXTRA Pale Lager Beer Per Austrnlla. A Fresh Km m i hi Cai (for-n- i ( IVBI brs. Oyster Cocktails a Specialty I,, ii Drk, Prap'r, Club Stables Co. s. K. ORAHAM, M ,su:. Livery, Feed and Sale Staples. Port Street, Hctwi'cu Until ami bgretania, Horn TSLBPHONBB No. 477. CONNECTED Willi HACK STAND i 'or. King and Bethel Sta. MOTH TBLjEPHONKS N' 113. CHAS. HUSTACE, Lincoln BLOCK, KING STRBKT, Beta sell Port nml Atskea st DEALER IN Gpoceries and Provisions. Fresh Califnrnm Roll Butter and Islam! t Butter always on hand ( Gooai tfttivtd by tvffy StfttHti front Sn h'uimisoi. HATISKAI'TION 111" AHA NTKKI). ,k-- GO TO IIII-- . EAGLE HOl'Sli NctTANU Avenue, ok to thb ARLINGTON HOTEL, Hotki. Strbrt. Table Board l per day. Board ami I. ileini: if".' " Board nml Lodging ....$14 per weeki lit Speeial Monthlj Prices, T. E. KROUSE, Proprietor. WILDER ii CO. 'Ksiahlislirtl in itf) Estate S. G, WILOcB W, C, WILDER, I MILK I HNS VStl III i, IS Lumber and Coal Building' Materials SCCH AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Builders' Hardware, Paints, on GMrby WALL PAPER. ETC. tor, Fori and Queen Streets, HONOLULU, II. I a few of ouh specialties:. CoatHLSTK Assoktmi-.n- K ;i :i 'ER1I K' STOVES AND RANGES "SURBKA" RANOSS, "CUPPRR" CABOCtaSB, 1. 1UNDRY BTOV8B, PRUNCtl RAMOS! gaj iu Hrick. AOATH IKtiN WAUI., AND TIN WARS, i 111 . .11 - WKitl'l.HT aTMKI -- . Hslraalssa tt s4ts 1 ...1 U 4 in inn .1 Nltal 11 1 it sfHINHI.KNs l,.t'i Mi'.ui iin'ni. I.. 1I1.. . sgasi " ,lal i.. i.i .ni Iggg nt. ggg4 ag n,4 '. igggsfi Full Has u( Igallgfl Una!.. Msili Vglas g)rgliiriss Wain Lsss4s figs gas1 HI Hags U'r ni.. r. If,, m i, Im ui.l k .it nil kn it- - in In i , Mglgl Mini Igggjl gal ag, gugraalg. 'I fg . ... k ....... 1.1 h.,.1 mi.i . is- -. iiisii-risS- .ii in . w . . 1' Ml ' " J. KMMhLUTH k CO. t Heusaw si mi iu mki i the Hawaiian Sale ! 1, CO.MI'A.W, Ha superior facilities for bti) Ing ami -- ell 11. Mtncks and Bonds - Ii n pnattlon to handle large i.ioeks of stoek-- . paying oesh flrr ggirtei or will ell upon lommtgetohi E vrn Plnntnllnn ntvreti nan he dbpoeed of l.v ns in large or small lols at lair prioea, IMgtV Ivrntisll Hum Iges (or the wife keeping ol all son- - of valuables, rented at leaiHitmbie rates, nilvtr Ware and Vnlnnhle rl i.'lc taken on Rtonmri ' or short period, ppi ii partkHjIati to THB llvAllN SAFE DEPOSIT ND I.N KSTMKNT o. KM Fori Btrrrt, HoNOLt'i.c, is;. it J. T. Waterhousc Queen Street stores, PULL I.lNKs in Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery AND FANCY GOODS Of fill ili'M'l iit lulls. Fort Street Store No. IO. in ADDITION TO Tin: LARGf as si iter mi: nt o DRY AND FANCY GOODS HAVE JUST RECEIVED odd Lilian it n pi itian l.iiwns, BmbrolderTi vrl piece, Roman and Quipura Embroidery. Oriental, Platte, and other laces, ii wbtt6f m am ami black, Ihiffon Laoe, all colon, i.i-- Laoe Ni'i, cream ami blaoki Striped and 'iin-- i Hmftj Wide Japanese Crepe, white and oolrd, White, t fream anil Black Burah silk. White and Cream Bilk Orepe, Navv and Cream Sitltc. Siif. and Tennii Flannel. l lic .It niM-s- Miller "Equipoise' waist. Mum kmna and P. I 'orHt-t-.- . Ladles1 Black Hose, Hi HACKFELD i CO,, Bole tgentg for tin Hasrailan blandi for the Genuine Budweiser Beer Brewed by the Anheuser I hi tit h hifwinj; ANtMiria- - Uqn tit LoniBi and "t Jos. Schlitz Mi- lwaukee Brewing Company's PIL- - SENER BEER. Large sliipments Jual 10 hand, and fur sale H. HACKFELD & CO. THE WEEKLY STAR. uuhll 1,1 - I tin M t II v nn ii:lii igr, il . I. ciiuuin t,.,'kiv , laH-- , .r ..1 1.1 Jgnaars 1. I'M. Ii will .11 ,1 II tin' ih'Wm :,il lit, 1'.iin , ajwtignl gMiagi ii. 1.. tin- sla ,11 iiIhil' kssws ..r Hi.- Ii.iil, N m 'ia I I. in, 1. mi, 11 ..I to mo. 11 ami in.. 'toh - will ha I peoflUt ' '"' lie MaH s Mil ateeiaJ HtcN y bj .1 ii- - i I ... Ainiii .10 SUlbilf will I., km, in iin- Ar Ums Kind 111 tout umisf satiy, I'M' si hi sunuia to Ul uhaavi Inert i i pSHaith I 'H I, o altla. Ho,. J( I SlU dd. aw IIAWSIIAN ilh N Wal'AP kS Assui a an it an MMMN " U N TtKMlBLE LUOK On I" li- I"- - I iilldrn Hark on HISS. A (imi' '(: t, wtm rurtloattuif la tL n ni - f .w ITaFigeklrs took r. tni'nji ulut. : i.i N one day 1irw''' T fur in h Kr.ihvr hi ft Vfry ptcny near bis boUM . Sttd t he gSflUSB to cinvtjniM with blm. "Yonr notatoss assm to m u la- pt art f(l in, "Oh, I reckon I'll has a fsw j rajalaed thf farmer drilv, as t Iifn.1 n vf utt Ur virion m, nt tli- - 'Tidk r mnou'Ij tnJcr ihn if1.- t r ' i rtther Afn baV ' Ih. ' t f'bUr I rtstlha I B'pone,' rrplhil ( he farther 'i m, I QMy a i.j 1. J.i- rn'l '. fh(t h - h'HMifi.T im. "But J'lCTfll yvr Jk. how 'tW, pqiiirv," he cutiui't-- l ijtllv I in 111. Ii rt nt, it nlr 'SIPSr in ( "(iii-- i obuaty " "FnrmiiiK my very well tip bara, 1 lapoaa. K I'll, N tit'ii n piiyn nn-- Mtiirv, hill tHd v j f in liiVnigar''' yotum mm." f JblMren turnetl nut had, vhf' .t t I'in- hllll 'Hi ( m hS Immi dead - ti int-- . DauM I i.nnird li nn for Dan' Wi ' r aa uive hirtV a 'edtlicatloQ hc'ii hoM doctor; praciic cm my old mart', an nbs died SEeke vrebt lnlr , what they call the Km-i- umkU business" keimitiK a jrnt'iT i ir. "'jxtv hut he busted up. an he wit-- . tn tltat he'. now work In In a place railed Mnif Sin: ayn h'a fft a uMiI hti'hly joh, hut the pay uinti K'x.!, and h - allern wautlu to rxir-o- r a dollar from nn- tfain an Hi went fer lirak-il- i on 11 ra lroiul. an I hail ter p..y tbs funeral , of l.oth of 'm. Maria Ann K11' uiarriwl to a drummer at tern f on til y fal last f .11. an wenl up In a al Loon, hat tiny limn- town wafe an her uati boneymtKHihi witii me an the old ever siniv. I.i... m younxett, ain't WUth her k.-- ;. ir, I,.- a tea-d- Uie to Jaiy ii'-- n hysui kit tin'. ho hain't laid eyes oo hI-'- i hill aenee tin- wtr I tell ye, "tratmer, I'm the must aiiiorttnti old eriSterjvith my ronog dus thai rer lived' be Kroaia .l. "You osrtalnly have bad bad Ui with your ohlldians1 "frshould say l hail. Now, thsre'a bill ' Hurket- np nr olebrook, he'- - Uiui the Kreat'"t lock with hta They upporta him iu go i styln. an Mill hain't dons a stroke i work fur hvt- year." "All aiiart ant) Steady, ebt" 'That 's u hers yon tnis it, sqntra. They ain't nii on t: ;i t :t ken that way.'' "How is it tiny Kft along so well, then'' "'I hey are all freaks m il haTS all got good at idily Job the year round, ttat Welfths Tjont a ton. Miramly'! (Ctt ire meodoni long hair, an bit olaest Boy wa horn without leaa An lu re I le without even a mammoth or a two hiailel lalf." itgbed the Sired farmer as he went Lack to hit Immmi,;, lioaton .Journal. ni in iii- naakeed The oh) hail come ti ChieaEo to we the World's fair, but he waa inclined to be rasntciOQH and cantlons, Me had K"tie totaellttle hotel that he had ' n told to gOtOvbul hSeyd everyone alont it with more or lean suspicion. He hat! ssSUed down in the otUce to read a paper, when a ( lerk approai blm aritlankeil, "Are you Jacoh WiltlerT" "Hey" in said, inst.mtly on iho alert. "Are you ,Jap"b Wilderf' "Want me tO piaj r,.mN in some-.- , ,TaS h" saked. "No. I simply want to know "I writ my name in thr there hook onre," in- Interrupted, "an I won't nini notion "I dont want you toaign ."nythiug." "I reckon you're goln to tell me me'u yonr fatber was old Mends " "No, I'm not." rplit the exasperated clerk, "hut you're .laeoh Wilder I have e. letter for you. The old man shook hi- - head doutnfull. "John- - thatV my . you know," he Haiti slowly, "d idn t tell tue nothiu ultout auy scheme o1 that wort I reckon you'd better haiiK onto the letit-r- , mister. I aiu't t;k.n no clianct of Imnkoor nimllam." "May In ii from four sou," erHist-- th. chTk "Thef- - s,. it iv" hi aaid. acraU'b Ing ble head, "W ill, jeat yon la) it down on the table, an I'll lakn a liMik at it, hut I ain't ol it till I Hea what- It ia." Uetook a look at the addreaa and then picked up t lie letter "lt'i John's writin," hi said, an I reckon It'a ail right, hut don't you take in. ne o' my out o' the rMt offloeagain. Jesi you till the ptatmater to lay 'em to one mi!. an I'll call fur m nyaelf everyday reg'lar till I ko back." Ofasaco Post Apt at- - ''the Broumatieh 1 riilaM It was on the n and IsOSTsll railroad m a SoborhaC train that was just alowiiiat Hp for the I' (.'atiitaidhie Htation. It Will he letiifUihi-tn- that tin Meitfaele-rate- d railroad ahopa and yard aS hcati quits near tin- Mat ion and that for aom tims paat a flue motlel of the rara baa heu mi exhibition thtr--- It whh htandlua 011 a tingle track thai is carried over the rosd la-- ond, tmd of course It at t racteil nint h at ..nt ion from t he paaweugeni u this particu lar car Suddenly a cbild't voice, ahrlJ and dUtinct, a all children's voiceaa are when the, an- paying something espSniaUi imbsrrssning. criadi "I '.tj.a, papa. Look al be boa hogaar arlM Any Hiif who has Been tin- Meir mode la md noticed the pt Liar angle at a bicb the a In i'U are a t in oidee to otiform to the ftlngle rail idea will appreciate She etdht'l it deacription. Kvitlently almost ever) one 111 thecal had. lot I In m that the rrn.ark bad not Nultoided when the brakeman ahouted: "Next stop Uoatat' httotiV- - Itttstoti Herald. 1,... , When new pair of aboes in brought tioiruf, ii r plui it. im higher tbanyont head if it'll Would hae good luck wh o wear, ag tin in. ami blackeu tlnm lar fore you bate bail on shoes. Of aha yon tuny innt wit), .01 accidiiit and jar ajis MMeV Q death. It is said 1. at i maid believe that when I heir rahoen become untietl and koej ming nt nil, a ih ti i,. iii, it bKif awttt-- bearta are talking ami thinking about them Tin KUeethratt, w hi-- :i his w t.,-- i- bla bul love, aliould hi tt..b right loa, wiU aurel) be aeit-oiije- , hut II as atuba hU efi to, he ma) know be In not wantetl lui innati L'oiniui rcial (ia.i ite, HeiluetBuj Mlwttlec'B n i vrUaiu thuruh iu thin s Iaas4 the vdui) of iu pastor after hia Vitedled aiiaM bla exp - - wouldu'l la a large iftei in hail ..ill lo another ttuTd mil .1 in wr faator w 11b a large lauiily OSUK. hit the alai wa io( l a land i 00 the oui o .. Ilia.-- . Ut4b- - 4") 1 Jrao would w" im able la work - st'f. . ..J l,,.t,lf ll. lt. 1.1 III Ii. I. M.,1 h,. tusl 1. 111. ill 111i.1l laituai Mlii' inrui- -l II, Mi II II II. il .Mi ,.l lUllI M till II I Lu-i- i U.mits lrw,i, lliv lusuls a )iU. sg ' ii, ,.i Uiiiim- - Iii Ni lusliuul I1 la n il In Ls , 1, Tti '.w U. 11,. ., 1. ... . -- I a si m a" o igaaUi s 4 is'

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM...

Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt F. A. 8CHAEFEH ft CO. IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiin M KM 'HANTS.



1't'Hi.iaHNii THE HAWAIIAN or ii iiiiinimis I I I I IM- - MOM IIi v i n i ;

wusurt i rbai IN rAN I:.




Post Office.

A W0T() to the wise is sullident; hut double stores ireadjacent to te above inHtitutions; In cal t i n it it theformer, rou present yourcheek, receive your money,dun step across to mirtore, make your purchases

lorChris tmas; ;uil sucli asrequire the attention of theI'ost ( )Hice t "which IS nextihiui In us." (nil clerk will bepi cased in look alter f. r vou.

Nkw York City,

or rather a lair proportionof that great metropolis hasjust arrived at our store.Remember,, we never takea hack seat during the holi- -

riavs. Our iroiids pur- -

phased (unci 1111111 ilwManufacturers,

emDraCe a Complete aSSOft-- 1

articles for Xmas Gifts.

27 LaretCases . .



It is utterly impossible tomake a list of everything, asthe Star isn't large enough,and we don't want to de-prive other advertisers of1 heir space ....


and inspection ol the differ-cu- tlines on view will repav

von for the trouble of com-

ing down as far as Merchantstreet, as vou will find thelargest assortment and low-est prices



lit-- FOUND

Books lor the young people,Monks for the old people, I

Games and Calend rs,Albums, Letter

Cases, Cigar Cases. MusicRolls. Frames for ParisPanel Photos, Ink Stands,Photograph Albums, Book-lets, Wild West Games,Toilet Sets (an entirely newUnci. Photo 5ox s, NecktieBdxes, Mirrors, Collar andCull Boxes, Work Boxes,Shaving Sets, ManicureSiets, Jewel Casts. MusicBoxes. Lap Tablets, Port-lolio-

Papetries, PaperKnives, Match Ho.xcs. PenWipers, Writing Desks,Games, etc.. lor Children.


AND Kapliat-l- ,

TntH &


YEA R t'CttHlinlit mi iheixf1.



Rvarrthiag in U in a first- -

alaJH' Sinn-- . I111111 MtMganra la s Jaw's Harp. Aiw full '



)nuiupti attajaW In i.imhIsBJKHggal 11111I ileli i l t atgganaiI'rtu' nf Huiflf

1 Hawaiian

vi. .. ga,i.



nflh omiitiu ifUi,

J. ALFRED MAQOON.M' I'i iliNI'.Y mill tmttTlBMfcOnnAT lift IT

HBoS, 4L' Minvlmnt Mitt, I


vrrnlcM'.Y T I. aw MO) (fOTARt

riTiu.nCiirtwrilil Hl'H-k- Mi'lvliinil Ht., Honolulu.


tkmi'iiii v nvitmwith c. w. ASMardi Manhaal tt,

Honolulu. II, I.


triiltiili Inrportsr and Jobbers ol


ConMf K'rt Htvi iti'-ct- st-- ., Ronotulu.H7tf


Aroliltect.linn r tfsw Sufr iHjptolt Bnlldtng.

Baaalalg, 11. I.

piaiw. mui KiinerintondMMMlv?n 'fir every description of Hnlldlng.,,, BsllilVg Mccessfollr remodeled and".'an?'

iHHiviiM tor ' nliTlor .rciii'iilinn.Msr or Mechanics! Drawin . Trarlns And

f" I'm wins for .ir NsWtMtMir lllus- -

trati on.




All order Prompt! attended to.

Thos. G.Thrum's


Preeenta an am; of HOLIDAY.!ATTRACTION8 in NEW nnd SEAS-


LkttblALBUMS, all Size. Style ami


BIBLES, PRAYER ROOKS nmlHYMNALS Tin' lineal aaaortment iiCHRISTMAS and NKW VEARCARDS-Tl- i- several leadtnglAn Publishers' offeritlga, nt priceslower even than former aoknowiedgadharaTatna,

REMEMBER ' Not s Inst year's cardor deaign in the H.ok. Ogllttloid amiotbar Art Novelties.

( ALENDARS for Ikw nml BOOK- -

1J3T8 that are gjema of the printereart.


OREE ami CELLULOID Artiolea for!Baadoir, Library, Parlor or Office in



A new line of Austrian Vaaag in Olussand Porcelain,

Krctich Drisqiu' Figure amiBrio a Brao, Work-Boxe- Work-Bag- a,

Batlcules, and Baikets.BASKKTN THAT ABE HAS- -


Novt'i Mid iitliacli vi' in BtyMM Mill

variety. (Made by thf ht Htish't- -

MakiuQ tn't' of AmrrivtiH ftldiaw)froiu it lion Bon size to a Hamper; said

U- - the first li t Bxported by ttwUVfiit Mist hh: Skkn TO BR Aitkk- -


PA BLOB Bud OUTDOOR OAMESlor DM nml young, gnd TOYS ill

ithundance ami variety lor all the goodlittle (litis ami Boya from now tilli In n 111111..

Tba array of DOLLS exoeedi that ofany previous gagpn nol unit in qnaji-tit- j

imi also iii quality, variety andprice.

In Hi.. Inn- of DOLLS' SUNDRIESwo are also mora ooinpWtg than gvgriin all of which Utapgctiiill Is Invited.

toy BOOKS in rariet) fur ail!ura lag.

ll oi .lcr ponipil) Hllgl1I.I. Illltl ;nuil- - l'r siO.ilii inpail,' m illi cure



Carriage and WagonMANUFACTURER.


Trimming,NftATtsl lli.Ni'-

ll Wl.ti, lirllt.lll'i'll 'l il. ' lnwl. III,! Nil

Iii nliil in ii. n, tin it.

No. 44 Ring airaat.Mull. ul Ti'lrnlii I'. ... II". I'

mi si

News Co. Ld.!0l(l K,ma rulkrJ. T, WA I fcl HOUBI' S

Sl.,,1 Kt.iii--

M. S. UIHNRAUM & CO.Mgwnnt

HiN(H,'LI , H. I.

Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importersof MM i n I

HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt


IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiinM KM 'HANTS.

HuMii.ri.i . Hawaiian Iki.amii



Kurt Knot, MiiTiiilnlii.

P. II. Hn IW, IVI.111 21


Naval Hnp.iii.s. Wholesale nnd RetailDealers in Qfooerire, lroTli,torra, ptc

111 Knrl si.. n mni nin, 11



PpiiIihIIiiw Hons'. Lti'ivtntiin Street,

atntnal Talptiont14.

tsettonl gtseri nn Pimm for Beginners amiPlayers.

Tuning ordern i'i be pmmptlv nttended to.IW 1.1

ii . I . PETBRBOW,


Bhrhap1!, Bank.



Willi W. K. Ro f.i.i.

t i Ifllee 1.1 Pnbllc V..rk.iisti





PAINTS, OILS, (il.Ass,




T pT C '--JOBBBR ok

Wines, Spirits and Beers,


Between Port and Betht


Merchant Tailor,';No. Bfl8 NniKtllll Hl llmtolii 111

yillf. Knit tag u np ansa nml Crapslljt tMi,,n,

ALL skits OCAKANTKBD TO ki tani in THE latest htvi.k.


lltttiuU Tttoptl No. 6tt0. P. O. Boi 144.



Whol6S3lG GrOCerS,



U nil lit KltSAlways on llaml.

FRESH GOODS,'i-- Irvt-r- St-:- . nml S.'til


Cbeeae, Lardi Ham,Butter, Uodiab, muu iHtkms,

t r.v,, fouum italnKM,

Mucaroui, Com M, ul,

Piekled Hklpjacli Alvicun

(II lllsI' l.iiH i ii .iii iti im

Mi Ml K Mi- - ul

Louthor afld Nu''j

Pacific Mail S. S. CO.

ami THE- -

Occidental ( Oriental S. S.Co. utwfit BANK Of lAkfiflNIJ, M iRMlStO,

For YOKOHAMA ni mml$kfiKifS 1,I IIANKI 'l(T u Till: u MS.

nisgigigi in Mm mn Oomanln win sail

mi et Rkoni the fnlieeiliis nniee i

stmr "OM1BA" Nov. r.. IMSlmr "OCRANtl " Dw. , IMSimr "CHINA" . .Feb. 0, 104Slmr "Ol'KANK " MaiehB, is'.i4

Sour ( IIISA". April Hi. IMI4

For SAN FRANCISCO. Of tin- hImim- in intuitu a I i"nll

hi Monrdnhi mi theti ny fmra mui

Yokohama to tin ahaee pnrl mi of abatM the

I'.illi.w iu,; iliiten :

Btmr "OCEANIC, Deo. 4. IMStmr "CITY OK l'KKINO"

Jnn. I, IN4Btmr "OCEANIC"., 1Mi4

Btmr "CHINA". MnmhtS.tBMBtmr "OAKI.IC". .May 11. IM


To voku- - in HOttOBAUA KOffa

Kbtn HM n ItTA 00'ftiiin, it mi ml trip 4

mootha Ml ' atia v

PnMn. rottml trip Uinitiithn 3rti Hi AW i'

RnvopMui . . imi noon

it 11. ii nml itpl to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,M-t- f Itenta,

CaitadiaD Australian

Steamship Line


For Vancouver, B. C.

From Sydney n Brisbane!.11.1,, M.,..l..l

S. s. "WARRIMOO Aug. g, I8M I

S. S. MHIW Oct. g, 10W

8. 8. "WARRIMOO'V . Nov. 1, 1898

H. 8. "ARAWA" Dec. I WW

s. S. Ian. 1. Iksm


Fop Sydney and BrisbaneFrom Vancouver, II. C.

.ii r. Ili.niiliiliis. "HIOWEKA Oct. 'I. IBWI

s. s. "WARRIMOO" Nov. HI, I8U8

ARAWA" Deo, 91, tH96

WAKlii.MOO" Jan. 21. 1WM

And Monthly Thereafter.


t. Vancouver, I. ('.. sn khs sium m to BanArnnoisoos. OsL

Through Ticketstro sll points In Canada or the United Btatsi

Oanadiau Psoiflo Railway,

Jjp Km- Freight or I'assagt', apply tn

theo. 11. davies & co.,OeneraJ Agents,


"w"w im'Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $!),U00,UU0

II h ifiu i Hpimiliti-- aittin- - tif I lit akoSvs rt mm rrwiy to SgVsol lasar

IUuaipaaylaa lowssi mlsaoi pfsauaSaVi

11. W. tfCMMIIlT v hin.s.

HYMAN BROS.iMfarrlgfsof saS Waalssals LagUan in

nkS' c.( i ids M i rs silt iir(.'l.oTIIINC. NOTION'S imi

PANCV coons

SB Oueun Btreot, Honolulu.

ill athlornUfl , I... in li o. I al.,


Ci'1 bet on. M Sjr .at ViJHULUtu HO I

IS, X f 'Hllllu.ib ittuiib in uauwitsii

lauANu UMioa.Uul S.lsbii.lilnsi i . rni,.l S.sw.l m

Cm fall ai u Uer .111 11 in


BANKERS.HojHM.1 LP. Haw mi n .

D ' "ton Ngtional Bank ol Chicago.Hi.' I nnunprrlnl ,, (f smdimTie cntnmerrijil HimkiiiK Oo ot Sydney,

vriney. The Baai at Ben fliwliiiiil.An. klaml. tad iu rmncben In i.

Duneriln and Wellington.The H ink "f Hritlh '..11111111111. Portland, Or,TIih taoren and Hadetra KlnmU.Mo Inba, Sweden.ThsClawterad Bankol India, iuatralta and

t'i Ina.ftonifkong, Tokohaina, Japan, And araae

in OeneraJ banking Mdnaat.


Insurance Aaents.

- AHF.NTs VtlU

nkw BMOLANtl Mill i


Life Insurance Co.ok KMSTOK.

Fire Insurance,Alliance Assurance Co





German-Americ- an

Insurance Co.


IS.ffTB.SOS 00Net Beuptan S,a5b,Sot mi

Uiu y n, Oct tin- hKsThkcTTRITV

WILDER x i O.,Agenta

Hawaiian wine Co.

FRANK BROWN, Mgr.38 and 80 Merchant Bt., Hum. lulu. II. I.

The Central Market.

ytvayv have on hang aokie Baef , Manaa.Vsal, ...oitrv. w,. m.,k, gsaisgsi tpeclaitr,

l.ivi ii., tiial ,mrt l,i- nn vim I'll . Wf liavv tlir

ciit iur Cocasd Bssi a ii' eery bent.


Both Tstsphsasi t


Ufe Insurance Go.N1W YORK.

Assuts Dec. 3L 1892, $115,084,156.61

S. B. ROSE,General Agent, Hawaiian Island.



it k SAl.K AT

J. T WATERHOUSL'SUueen Street Btorea.

Hi MAY & CO.Wholesalr anil Krtl.ll

GROCERS's Port Klri-- . i.

laid gVleptonea P.O. Boa 47.1

ut Tiiiics mi Clsj Pritej io


1' rou m need "' tt) NraI Maud I lv MM kh. K


. .. K Mm 11

aa. - 9


Criterion SaloonAOKNTH I'nK

John Wieland Brewing Co,


Pale Lager BeerPer Austrnlla.

A Fresh Km m i hi Cai (for-n- i

( IVBI brs.

Oyster Cocktails a SpecialtyI,, ii Drk, Prap'r,

Club Stables Co.s. K. ORAHAM, M ,su:.

Livery, Feed and Sale Staples.

Port Street, Hctwi'cu Until

ami bgretania,

Horn TSLBPHONBB No. 477.


i 'or. King and Bethel Sta.



Beta sell Port nml Atskea stDEALER IN

Gpoceries and Provisions.

Fresh Califnrnm Roll Butter and Islam!t Butter always on hand

( Gooai tfttivtd by tvffy StfttHtifront Sn h'uimisoi.



EAGLE HOl'SliNctTANU Avenue, ok to thb


Hotki. Strbrt.

Table Board l per day.Board ami I. ileini: if".' "Board nml Lodging ....$14 per weeki

lit Speeial Monthlj Prices,

T. E. KROUSE, Proprietor.

WILDER ii CO.'Ksiahlislirtl in itf)

Estate S. G, WILOcB W, C, WILDER,


Lumber and Coal

Building' MaterialsSCCH AS


Builders' Hardware,Paints, on GMrby


tor, Fori and Queen Streets,


a few of ouh specialties:.

CoatHLSTK Assoktmi-.n- K

;i :i 'ER1I K'




gaj iu Hrick.AOATH IKtiN WAUI.,

AND TIN WARS,i 111 . .11 - WKitl'l.HT aTMKI -- .

Hslraalssa tt s4ts 1 ...1 U 4

in inn .1 Nltal11 1 it sfHINHI.KNs

l,.t'i Mi'.ui iin'ni. I.. 1I1.. . sgasi " ,lali.. i.i .ni Iggg nt. ggg4 ag n,4 '. igggsfi

Full Has u( Igallgfl Una!.. Msili Vglasg)rgliiriss Wain Lsss4s figs gas1 HI Hags

U'r ni.. r. If,, m i, Im ui.l k .it nil kn it- - in Ini , Mglgl Mini Igggjl gal ag,

gugraalg. 'I fg . ... k ....... 1.1 h.,.1 mi.i. is- -. iiisii-risS- .ii in .

w . . 1' Ml ' "


t Heusaw si mi iu mki i

the Hawaiian

Sale ! 1,

CO.MI'A.W,Ha superior facilities for bti) Ing ami

-- ell 11. Mtncks and Bonds - Ii

n pnattlon to handle large i.ioeks ofstoek-- . paying oesh flrr ggirtei or willell upon lommtgetohi

E vrn Plnntnllnn ntvreti nan he

dbpoeed of l.v ns in large or small lolsat lair prioea,

IMgtV Ivrntisll HumIges (or the wife keeping ol all son- - of

valuables, rented at leaiHitmbie rates,

nilvtr Ware and Vnlnnhlerl i.'lc taken on Rtonmri '

or short period,

ppi ii partkHjIati toTHB llvAllN SAFE DEPOSIT

ND I.N KSTMKNT o.KM Fori Btrrrt, HoNOLt'i.c,

is;. it

J. T. WaterhouscQueen Street stores,

PULL I.lNKs in

Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery


FANCY GOODSOf fill ili'M'l iit lulls.

Fort Street StoreNo. IO.


si iter mi: nt o


HAVE JUST RECEIVEDodd Lilian it n pi itian l.iiwns,

BmbrolderTi vrl piece,Roman and Quipura Embroidery.Oriental, Platte, and other laces, ii

wbtt6f m am ami black,Ihiffon Laoe, all colon,

i.i-- Laoe Ni'i, cream ami blaokiStriped and 'iin-- i Hmftj

Wide Japanese Crepe, white and oolrd,White, t fream anil Black Burah silk.White and Cream Bilk Orepe,

Navv and Cream Sitltc.Siif. and Tennii Flannel.

l lic .It niM-s- Miller "Equipoise' waist.

Mum kmna and P. I 'orHt-t-.- .

Ladles1 Black Hose,


Bole tgentg for tin Hasrailanblandi for the


Brewed by the AnheuserI hi tit h hifwinj; ANtMiria- -

Uqn tit LoniBi and "t

Jos. Schlitz Mi-

lwaukee Brewing

Company's PIL- -


Large sliipments Jual10 hand, and fur sale



STAR.uuhll 1,1 - I tin M t II v

nn ii:lii igr, il . I.

ciiuuin t,.,'kiv , laH--, .r

..1 1.1 Jgnaars 1. I'M. Ii .11 ,1 II tin' ih'Wm :,il lit,

1'.iin , ajwtignl gMiagiii. 1.. tin- sla ,11 iiIhil' kssws..r Hi.- Ii.iil,

N m 'ia I I. in, 1. mi, 11 ..I tomo. 11 ami in.. 'toh - will

ha I peoflUt ' '"' lie MaH s

Mil ateeiaJ HtcN y bj .1 ii- -i I ... Ainiii .10 SUlbilf

will I., km, in iin- Ar Ums

Kind 111 tout umisf satiy,I'M' si h i sunuia to Uluhaavi Inert i i pSHaith

I 'H I, o altla. Ho,. J(I SlU dd. aw

IIAWSIIAN ilh N Wal'AP kSAssui a an it an



On I" li- I"- - I iilldrn Hark onHISS.

A (imi' '(: t, wtm rurtloattuif la tLn ni - f .w ITaFigeklrs took r.

tni'nji ulut. : i.i N one day 1irw''' T

fur in hKr.ihvr hi ft Vfry ptcnynear bis boUM . Sttd t he gSflUSBto cinvtjniM with blm.

"Yonr notatoss assm to m ula- pt art f(l in,

"Oh, I reckon I'll has a fsw j

rajalaed thf farmer drilv, as tIifn.1 n vf utt Ur virion m,

nt tli- - 'Tidk r mnou'Ij tnJcr ihnif1.- t r '

i rtther Afn baV

' Ih. ' t f'bUr I rtstlhaI B'pone,' rrplhil ( he farther 'i m, I QMya i.j 1. J.i- rn'l '. fh(th - h'HMifi.T im. "But J'lCTfll yvr 'tW, pqiiirv," he cutiui't-- l

ijtllv I in 111. Ii rt nt, it nlr 'SIPSrin ( "(iii-- i obuaty "

"FnrmiiiK my very well tip bara,1 lapoaa. K

I'll, N tit'ii n piiyn nn-- Mtiirv, hill tHdv j f in liiVnigar'''

yotum mm." fJblMren turnetl nut had, vhf'

.t t I'in- hllll 'Hi ( m hSImmi dead - ti int-- . DauM I i.nnirdli nn for Dan' Wi ' r a a uive hirtV a

'edtlicatloQ hc'ii hoM doctor; praciic cmmy old mart', an nbs died SEeke vrebt lnlr ,

what they call the Km-i- umkU business"keimitiK a jrnt'iT i ir. "'jxtv hut hebusted up. an he wit-- . tn tltat he'. nowwork In In a place railed Mnif Sin: aynh'a fft a uMiI hti'hly joh, hut the pay uintiK'x.!, and h - allern wautlu to rxir-o- r adollar from nn- tfain an Hi went fer lirak-il- i

on 11 ra lroiul. an I hail ter p..y tbsfuneral , of l.oth of 'm. MariaAnn K11' uiarriwl to a drummer at ternf on til y fal last f .11. an wenl up In a alLoon, hat tiny limn- town wafe an heruati boneymtKHihi witii me an the old

ever siniv. I.i... m younxett, ain'tWUth her k.-- ;. ir, I,.- a tea-d- Uie to Jaiyii'-- n hysui kit tin'. ho hain't laid eyes oohI-'- i hill aenee tin- wtr I tell ye, "tratmer,I'm the must aiiiorttnti old eriSterjvith myronog dus thai rer lived' be Kroaia .l.

"You osrtalnly have bad bad Ui withyour ohlldians1

"frshould say l hail. Now, thsre'a bill 'Hurket- np nr olebrook, he'- - Uiui theKreat'"t lock with hta They upporta himiu go i styln. an Mill hain't dons a strokei work fur hvt- year."

"All aiiart ant) Steady, ebt"'That 's u hers yon tnis it, sqntra. They

ain't nii on t: ;i t :t ken that way.''"How is it tiny Kft along so well, then''"'I hey are all freaks m il haTS all got

good at idily Job the year round, ttatWelfths Tjont a ton. Miramly'! (Ctt iremeodoni long hair, an bit olaest Boy wahorn without leaa An lu re I le withouteven a mammoth or a two hiailellalf." itgbed the Sired farmer as he wentLack to hit Immmi,;, lioaton .Journal.

ni in iii- naakeedThe oh) hail come ti ChieaEo to

we the World's fair, but he waa inclined tobe rasntciOQH and cantlons, Me had K"tietotaellttle hotel that he had ' n told togOtOvbul hSeyd everyone alont it withmore or lean suspicion. He hat! ssSUeddown in the otUce to read a paper, when a( lerk approai blm aritlankeil, "Are youJacoh WiltlerT"

"Hey" in said, inst.mtly on iho alert."Are you ,Jap"b Wilderf'"Want me tO piaj r,.mN in some-.- , ,TaS

h" saked."No. I simply want to know"I writ my name in thr there hook

onre," in- Interrupted, "an I won't nininotion

"I dont want you toaign ."nythiug.""I reckon you're goln to tell me me'u

yonr fatber was old Mends ""No, I'm not." rplit the exasperated

clerk, "hut you're .laeoh Wilder I have e.

letter for you.The old man shook hi- - head doutnfull.

"John- - thatV my . you know," he Haitislowly, "d idn t tell tue nothiu ultout auyscheme o1 that wort I reckon you'd betterhaiiK onto the letit-r- , mister. I aiu't t;k.nno clianct of Imnkoor nimllam."

"May In ii from four sou," erHist-- th.chTk

"Thef- - s,. it iv" hi aaid. acraU'bIng ble head, "W ill, jeat yon la) it downon the table, an I'll lakn a liMik at it, hut I

ain't ol it till I Hea what- It ia."Uetook a look at the addreaa and then

picked up t lie letter "lt'i John's writin,"hi said, an I reckon It'a ail right, hut don'tyou take in. ne o' my out o' the rMtoffloeagain. Jesi you till the ptatmaterto lay 'em to one mi!. an I'll call fur mnyaelf everyday reg'lar till I ko back."Ofasaco Post

Apt at- - ''the Broumatieh 1 riilaMIt was on the n and IsOSTsll railroad

m a SoborhaC train that was just alowiiiatHp for the I' (.'atiitaidhie Htation.

It Will he letiifUihi-tn- that tin Meitfaele-rate- d

railroad ahopa and yard aS hcatiquits near tin- Mat ion and that for aomtims paat a flue motlel of the rara baa heumi exhibition thtr--- It whh htandlua 011 atingle track thai is carried over the rosdla-- ond, tmd of course It at t racteil nint h at..nt ion from t he paaweugeni u this particular car Suddenly a cbild't voice, ahrlJand dUtinct, a all children's voiceaa arewhen the, an- paying something espSniaUiimbsrrssning. criadi

"I '.tj.a, papa. Look al be boa hogaar

arlMAny Hiif who has Been tin- Meir mode la

md noticed the pt Liar angle at a bicb thea In i'U are a t in oidee to otiform to theftlngle rail idea will appreciate She etdht'l

it deacription. Kvitlently almost ever)one 111 thecal had. lot I In m that

the rrn.ark bad not Nultoided whenthe brakeman ahouted: "Next stop Uoatat'httotiV- - Itttstoti Herald.

1,... ,

When new pair of aboes in broughttioiruf, ii r plui it. im higher tbanyonthead if it'll Would hae good luck wh owear, ag tin in. ami blackeu tlnm larfore you bate bail on shoes. Of ahayon tuny innt wit), .01 accidiiit and jar

ajis MMeV Q death.It is said 1. at i maid believe that

when I heir rahoen become untietl and koejming nt nil, a ih ti i,. iii, it bKif awttt--

bearta are talking ami thinking aboutthem

Tin KUeethratt, w hi-- :i his w t.,-- i-

bla bul love, aliould hi tt..b right loa,wiU aurel) be aeit-oiije- , hut II as atuba hUefi to, he ma) know be In not wantetl

lui innati L'oiniui rcial (ia.i ite,

HeiluetBuj Mlwttlec'B ni vrUaiu thuruh iu thin s Iaas4 the

vdui) of iu pastor after hia VitedledaiiaM bla exp - - wouldu'l la a large

iftei in hail ..ill lo another ttuTdmil .1 in wr faator w 11b a large lauiily OSUK.hit the alai wa io( l a land i 00 the oui

o .. Ilia.-- . Ut4b- -4") 1 Jrao would w " im able la work -st'f. . ..J l,,.t,lf

ll. lt. 1.1 III Ii. I. M.,1 h,. tusl1. 111. ill 111i.1l laituai Mlii' inrui- -l

II, Mi II II II. il .Mi ,.l lUllI M till II

I Lu-i- i U.mits lrw,i, lliv lusuls a)iU. sg ' ii, ,.iUiiiim- - Iii Ni lusliuul I1 la n il In Ls

, 1,

Tti '.w U. 11,. ., 1. ....--I a si m

a"o igaaUi s



Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt F. A. 8CHAEFEH ft CO. IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiin M KM 'HANTS.

t- Y I

III. I I t . 1 K.





iwiinit ' . . llanaarlna Bdltnu 11-- 4 BOSUMSI Manase

MTiwitlrnns Your !n - W.W

,'er Month In Ailvt nee, - JW

Vkliin, r Vmr I i A.lvnni... I0.M

AIiVEhTISlNil ratka:s for .i 'iil n "I reKulnr Bdvcrllli

1 'M.wftt the publication office,it all atl "dellversa at tSs Business

. in.DM Niunl'cr :mrk. Mill I'i I- i-




According to common rumor the

BOMBuH Ol HH ii cause ;n e misIttg themselves these line nlghtS in

laying restoration plots. At oiktime we hear of a scheme to raise


kiauing thingsthe repori Bkrunt

byaiu him Cleveland

testimony. Mr


the standard of "Royalty" at Hllo; result ol these procedures, theday Waikiki is mentioned j,U en h id Keen etistated and the

as the theater for a farcical coP I rights of American lawaiiansd'etat; still again we are told that trampled under foot, who canMrs. Dominis organize a paper measure the ignominy that wouldgovernment at Washington Place, have fallen upon Graver Cleveland?proclaim martial law and summon Surely, our escape from harm is hisUoliath Peterson. Tom Thumb escape from shame.Testa. Polonis and the in- -

between THE LAST DESPERATE THROW,evitkble Wilson toher and the last red ditch. The Statement

Of this is very humorous from Washington Place Clans

to those who know how noisy in SpreckeK representing Sugarpeace ami invisible in war these Trust I am', T. W. Davies. (repre-me- n

their fellows have always senting himself) have promised to

been. The only serious question is use their means freely to persuadeas to the e fleet abroad upon Congress to indorse President's

the tourist trade, investment coercive policy towards the Ha-

il our securities, etc., of the sensa- - waiian Islands.-- ial news reports which always As such a promise would be quite

follow the intrigues ot these in Mr. Spreckles' line and as Mrs.

less conspirators. That is a mat-- 1 Dotttinis has usually told all she

ter of dollars and cents. It is ob- -

vioUS that SO long as the Royalist

leaders are pennmea to pia ioetreason, to the

purposes spirators, the

lottg the business and finances

of the country suffer. we

3W is not and



part unreal sourcetheir may credit

Whatueed peace

for those have, the; promptlypeace order the

plotters thiss. Under total publicity.

cannot thrive nor theedit improved, nor can

conditions flourish.

It is from these premises that we

aw the conclusion that the Gov-nme-

ought to enforce, or begin

uoeu.orce. the sedition laws. Theelement revenge has nothing to

,do with the proposal. The ques-- n

is commercial rather than po-a-l

in all its higher phases. As

vhat torm the needed enforce-en- t

the laws should take we

shall'', say that one two

arrests of the most con

spirators would probably answerr all. Everybody rememberslat a blight fell on the treason'.e movements here when Crick.?lair and Walkerody. It took two or three

s for the plotters to recover

uom their fears and them

have not regained theirfidence In this emergency

if the hand the should be-

laid on the collars of the ffolomua

people, or of Wilson or of either of

one or two more a sharpkept on the movements of Mrs.

Domini, we believe there would

no more talk of an uprising aad

hat confidence in the safety

the situation here would soon

n to grow spread.. 'force the sedition laws


To lie rightly appreciated, Dr

Trousseau's last apology should lie

read in conjunction with state- -

ment which called it out.M Here is his story as to Com- -

lAissioner Illount:Alt'iost " wy personal

'.,' . meetings heldStevens' bouse in which tin

of a peaceful revolutionwere Prominent atthese meetings were Chiefliwiiei- Mi' Mr Tluirstiiii

1 ' .Mr. Ihi'twell. t. harles Carter andothers, Captain Wiltse.

, ,.M, r m

11.1'i.iiii'iju'iiii, ii'iiinut,Carter President Dole have

denied tlu charge over their signa-

tures. It is not, however, ol' thiwhich we now intend to

ol the difference between oneof Trou ii .t.---t rtions to Illount

that he has now writtento Pn :. ul Dole. Recall tin

that he told llie American Coinniissioni r that to his fierumalknou'ltiii Mr Dole attendedalleged meetings then leadthi

DRAS Sik n made to MiMount tin sUUim sou lelt i Inin your letter ol j;llt 1 l

lieved tin in to be eoriei t ,n m

lt milium miMi a tbtft I

il Mft " I t' I I ( i tunt,And ic ton Ii it ttliuon) asJbjilllll x colli III iulll I' 1st ' i




Oncoi the mostabout of Mt Is

till' reliance placed himi l ami ( tfesham

iiini , fVfl l,

Blount cfttnc here it teems, to makea judicial inquiry into the acta ol

Stevens. Instead of being




course thatthe


bttti- - theness,

harm- -







judicial he was partisan; ol

lifting testimony he accented astrue that which liore against Mr.Stevens and rejected or discreditedthat which made a casein his favor.Think of a court which the ac-

cused or the friends ol the accusedno chance to cross examine wit

tusss! Think of a tribunal wherethe prosecution had its own wa)and where tlu defendant wasgrudgingly received! We read ofsuch in history of Veniceunder the Doges, and Spain in theday s of Torquemada, w ho could

have looked for them in the last de-

cade of tlu nineteenth centuryunder the auspices of the countryof Marsh. dl Store' If. as a

knows about her own plans and theplans adherents, and as "moneven persuasion is uie ic

this news.The American people their

representatives at Washington

PROM the narrative of the Illountreport we reprint the chapter whichdeals with the appeal of GeorgiaCommissionei from a criticism i

the STAR. That criticism it be-

comes to observe, seems now tohave been much milder than theoccasion warranted. It was onethat merelv implied in a line orof lv,. thai if Mr-- , flnmtnta hnd

revolution she would not have beenwhere she hold private inter-views with a man wiioto Hawaii in a judicial capacity,

circumstances upon whichhe was bound to pass impartialjudgment ami in which her preju- -

dices wen- deeply involved. Blount'sact to our mind was one whichdeserved an emphatic rebuke in-

stead of a mild objection. TheStar regrets thai the rebuke wasnot administered in terms Mr.

of however ami left Monarchistbe, so we accuracy ol

der. we but should be and fullyfor and which formed as to existence and the

le Monarchist have denied details of malign conspiracy.present circumstances Its defeat lies in

ade public



ofmerely or


were into

some ofself-co-

since.of law

and watch




daily,J- - were at




Mr. ami









things the



of her






had come


that, i

lash upon the tenderest part of hisback. He deservei i.isug.mon.

It is reported that one of th am--, . i i .f r, -

t'iiitiii "i utt eniiiiuv uhvicswas to lie uiatk' Hawaiian Ministerto the Court of St. James anpointment that have )ivenhim nitr,, among the sacredand secluded beings who form theBritish nobility With his wardand possibly his daughter-in-la-

on the Hawaiian throne and hisown person bedecked with thepouip and glory of ministerial rank,wuy Mr. Davies would have been;i "ight to observe through smokedglass. And then to think thatChristmas day should have witnessed the defeat of all these plansTheophilus, we weep for you,

Tin-- great mas of newspaper'orresponilciii'i which was safel)

Stowed away on board the CorwiuI r 1 111 . l.... !."liuu sue ten uni scivc loKeeji meAmeric '.n people on the . ;v lorliirlll,.,- UOM ill,- ,ti,,1, .111.1 t I,


idle Here.

That latest "cabinet:" GodfreyBrown, Di. Trousseau, J.O. Carterand c. T. '.ulick. woui.i havtroused the native shunters of "Hawaii lor the I lawaiians' to a (treatpitch "i enthusiasm,

Tiik miii nearly always shines iu

Hawaii and that niaj Le what led

Blouul to make to much bay, irwas it ngai instead of hay ?

lint, In UumlulU a liepOJ it. ol an i,, Uave, bsgUmiMg Willi

Hn- real Uti i iwsir liniiitdurtlsl ' '" ' ot mill lleri lotnre theMtvelil. , it ll,i t.'lili ' "

..Inn ul tl i ' ''


l I I l

ii ii mi ., stilling i Sltnrtsl iiinili'iii " ill Nnvetttbrf SS ISM

Tin country has waited with in-

tense anxiety for the news to hereceived from Hawaii ! last Saturday's steamer, It has come ndIt has brought great relief. Appar-ent!) the policy of Si'crelary (ires-ha-

has been blocked. MinisterW illis had been nearly ten days in

the Islands and had not taken thefirst step to overthrow the republicand restore the monarch) lie hadnot even allowed the Hawaiianpeople to know that such were hisinstruction-- ; Ii he had coininuni- -

c iied them to tlu Provisional Gov-ernment, they had told him thatil,,v sliould rtsist even wilh three;BMf they, too, kept the secret. Its evident thai he found that Mr.Blount had utterly misrepresentedtin.' condition of things, lie supposed 'for Mt Blount said so to

ir. Gresham and Mr. Oreshamsaid so to the President and toMinister Willis that all he had todo was to withdraw the moral sup-port of tlu United States from theProvisional Government, to say-tha-


United Stale- - bayonets wouldnot be used to protect it against theoverwhelming public sentimentwhich supported the Oilten, amtin new Government would falllike a house of cards. He hasfound that such is not the case. Helearns that Mr. Blount deceivedhimself and reported what was nottrue lk has learned that the Ha-

waiian people will have no more ofthe Queen; that the ProvisionalGovernment has the support of thepeople, and has had it from thefirst, and that he cannot restore theQueen without an act of war, fromwhich he shrinks. We are eventold that it may be that his instruc-tions do not contemplate interven-tion by force of the United StatesMarines to remove the present Gov-ernment and replace the Queenwithout further report and direc-tion. We hope that is so; but it isInconsistent with the official publi-cation by Secretary (ireshain ofwhat has been done and must bedone lt that is so, it demonstratesthe intolerable blunder made by

rirMtinn, tT .,,,,1 ll,president and Cabinet have neciigreatly disappointed that thesteamer has not brought news ofthe restoration of the Queen.II there ware no orders lo re-

store her by force, then theyexpected that as soon as MinisterWillis said the word the peoplewould carry her back to her placeon their shoulders. SecretaryOresham was utterly, wofully de-

ceived in this whole matter, liebelieved that what was the act ofthe people, of both its power andits intelligence, wa - I lie act ol alittle cabal which could have donenothing if Steven andCaptain Wiltse of the Boston hadnut conspired with them, andlanded I nited States troo s tooverawe the people. That sillystory, laboriously propagated byMr. Nordhoff till ignorance n

cepted it, is 110W to thewimis. iiawan nas me strongestGovernment known in its history.It has the favor of the people.They w ill not allow it to be over-thrown except by overwhelmingforce. In order to restore the Mon-

archy the Republic of the UnitedSlates of America must make waragainst the Republic of Hawaii.That Minister Willis, much to hiscredit, has hesitated to do.

Hut how intolerable it is thatour Secretary of State and ourPresident should even for a moment have considered such a pro- -

Meet livery one admits that theneen s ( .ovcnimciit was aboinin

servant of theopium Men .nut tile nuierv. It hadjust attempted to disfranchise itswUtc citizens who own liine teuiiisof the proper! and nav nine-tent-

ul the taxes. Ni KitlK or Oueen. . i , rreisna exeem qv leave oi iuc iic- -

pie. No re olnlion was evermoreustified. and it is nothino aarainatMinister Stevens or Captain Wiltsethat they expected the revolutionand Sympathised with its purpose,SO long as they did nothing to helpone side or the other. The newGovernment was established: itwas recognised by the UnitedStates, by England, by Pwnce,Germany, Russia, Japan by thewhole world To this Government ol Hawaii Mr. Illount wascommissioned, and so was Mr.wuns. in attempt tt overtnrow.,.....;.... i, ...e VGil 'HI UJJJ IIBI in i it, i iiiiii, ii, -

ernntent oi a friendly power is acrime; to attempt to overthrow arighteously organised Republic andput ill its place a discreditedmonarchy, is an outrage beyondwords to describe, To laud soldiersto remove such a Government byforce IS an act ol war. e do not.. . . . .. ,1... .nsu-- 101 a iuoineiu iu uie prcicuscthat it is an act of reparation; ilWOUld be an act of violence and

Urimc And vet it is lust such an. . . ;..i,i...,;....act u WHi Mt.

imi uaKuwuiiii iviiulilic. against oni own child that' . is . .... . ,t .i.ltt' .1 nUl 111 III

mother's home, which Mr. (Ireshamand Mr. Cleveland have planned tocrmiinit i l, i, r.r.j, .1111

lllls lml,1'''' ,1,t ,c'"1

It is null' nil 10 iiinl. rataud howth tdmiuistration has managed toinaki such an atrocious liluudcr.Tin most likalj CKplsnatUiH thathaS In ell siiggesk'il lillllgs in u

nnbapp) naroonal ilentcnt.'file ll. St) "I annex. il loll wouldhat e In t n ratified during Mr11 ii risou ii adniiniatralloUi It issaid, il Mi CWvolaild hadnot sent word to the I linoi rain Senators asking for telavIt is known th it Mi i ii. sham was.i aildidsti in - t'.r tin KepuhIII all 'ol tin I'lesi-.i,.,,,, dtleatssJ Lv Mi

II" Oil II Willi IIU gllwill!.. Mi 11. nit-- . ,u Ii, vmiiIovii

ui. ,;..!, i i.i .i uiahl corrupt, th



JfPffJ t.illlVIJ V7 UnUli at tlili() r)q and HousesM rmT Jjl A V

Ware profitable having. () ? U ii jJll I

Wj business is to sell landf ) to you 01 foi you; lo rentl rntVTTfffi houses you ot to vnu.V llVmMilingyoutomak mostmoneyV

U S .. .. ... .

u,,RU,nK Ktms: ,fu '() f 1

A trouble.

to the I i mi "lit'- - Hi ll notwished President Ham-- " policeindorsed. We seem to sec In- - hand II

in the defeat of annexation bj tin ii

Senate last Spring, and it la hissi

blUfldtf which has almost II notunite involved us in War With Mil

own kith and kill. We bclieVi theprotest of the people, and the Indtgnation of Congress, which will ilc

mand an explanation ol such .inunlawful declaration of war, will

defeat the crime and prevent the 0infamy of it.



Semi - Annual Competition


Mr AssDciatlnn

Association'H Range,

Below Hn, WanTfl Piimh,

lM:tnl:itiin." (efltrattr1 ffolll .mill

DMT old Kotobwm WumhoiiM

Oil MONDAY JAN mi onfmencing ii k. :i, in.

i. tiik itKuiiii: i it,Cop presented i .1. Rrodic Hi n.

Alsn a Second Prise of $9.80,( 'ninth inns ol tin' match Open i

members of tin Association; cup to hecome the property of the marksmanwinning it three units ai the regularmeetings of the H, Et Distance, 800yards rounds 10; any military rifleuttili'i I ho rnli'H; limiliil to one rtitn toeach competitor! Entrance fee t,00,

Wuti Jan, I, is!m. byj. H. Fisher.Won Jan, I, ism. by J. VV, Pratt.Won Julv I. 1891, by C. J. Wall.W on Jan. 1. 1899, by H. W, Peok,W on Mar, 17, 1898, by Frank lluslneeWon July I. 1898, by J. B. Pifther.

II. DIRECTORS' PRICE KtFLK,To lie selected by winner Valued

at M0 alnn ii Second Prise of (9,60.Conditions! Open to all members ol

die Association; to become the prop rfcy

nf the marksman winning it three ii inai the regular meetings of the H. R, v20 shots at 800 yards; anj military rtfltunder the rules; limited to oi ntrs l"-

eaoh oompetttor. Entrance fee l

W,m Mar. 17. I!i:t. by J. II. FlsheiWon .Inly I. is:ia. b) Walter E. Wall,


a so a Beoond Prise of .'.' 0,CondUionst Open to members ol the

Association who nave never made n itcord of 7.i per cent in any of the 11. R.A s. regular 900 yard matches. Distance,900 yards; rounds 10; any military riflemull r the rules; entries unlimited,

fee ifl.nn.IV. -- II. K. A. TROPHY.

Valued al liiO; al-- o a s ind Priae ofCompetitors llmtted to inemliers

of t lie Association.Conditions : For the Ii ghesl aggre-

gate score ai 900 and 800 yarrls; 10

rounds at each distance; any militaryrifle under the rules; to become tin- prop-erty of the marksman winning u threetimes at regular meetings ol the H, ll,A. Entrance fee si. on.

Won Mar. 17. isti.t, by J. II. Fisher.Won July l. 1898, by Walter E, Wall.

V, QUEEN'S TROPHY.slued at $100; for the higlii i aggre-

gate score in matohes Nos. l 9 and l : tobecome the property of the marksmanwinning!! three times at the regulaimeetings of the 11. K. A.

Won Mar. 17. 1898, by J. H, Fisher.Won July 1. lstia. by Waller B. w all


INQ RIFLETo be selected by the winner; vniueof

rille limileil to also a S.-- nnil I'rieof $9.80. Competitors limited to mem- -

new ol tne Assooiation who have notiiiaiie a record oi ,.i percent,in Jan. i, IBM many rille match withoonditlonsai riven below. ConditionTolwahotfor at DM andSOO yards; 10rounqaai eaon aiatsno j any militarynne unuer ne nues: umiieu 10 me entrye. eh competitor. fee $1.00.To liecoiiio the iirniiertv of the marl:man winning it three tinn


Valued at 78, Beoond Prize. t9.MConditions: Ten rounds saohai '.'on

and 500 yards. To become the property of lite marksman winning it threetimes. Any military rill" under tharules. Open to all members of tne As-sociation who have never won a first,t'lni. prise previous to Jan. l. 18D9. orlwho have not taken part in any of thefirst-cla- monthly matches. Anyoneentering in this match oannol in- barred!from ootnpetiiig in any future time forthe same. Entrance fee $1,00, Limitedto ons entry lo eneh competitor.

Wen .Ian", i. tun, by F, s. Dodge.Won Mar. IT, IMS, bj I', s. I),1K,..Won July I, isna, by A. 1, W illi.

VU. CITIZENS' M ITCH,A large number of naluabls prises

will Im' given) winners In lake theirohoios sooordlng to rank: any rifle; fiverounds; distance '2utt yardii: no liair nrsei Wiggeri nr telesoops sights sllowed;entries nnlimited. Bntranoe fee

All members of the Association wlminaile uver Hi) per eeitl. tit any

eraj eting of the it. it. a. will not beallOW ti enlnl'i'le.

AU tmtrii I 'ItlifieUH Malt I. ai,to be made at the ramie on the da olI In aiel m wm, will .i,,i mreuiilinu tu lit, i, ll in r on Inir In-,.,,. ,,,: ,, ,..

. .1Hr IUii fon 'll ..i.t' .t..l.Kntries in the A butnn:a is.hI,,,

u'Sh!,?"Mh "SiT. 1 0'''locl1""."' ";'Kntries i all Im' l, null Ill I, II ,11 ,v

Koiin. ,ir to the Seel'i ltuPH tNK III' TAI P.

raasa cuw , P lendHeeri 3 .tin a

Arc you with us?ti.i M im- iii ' Mil mi tin

Jockey Club Cigarettes.I;, (tint H UMi lU Jim m i t h

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S. Kubey & Co.Hi "'" IftifTi

Ale I Iiii fill' u IiuiiiIhuiii' I IgUI t. I mm'it- - ' .'lli-in-

I. O. O. F



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ntiiiii v in lira in sttenet.Ii r. liAWRKNCK, IIKO, II'HNF.H.

,iiii iintiiil. s,.,i.,.,..IW.tyr.

For Hi h I .

i in Mill: ItiH IMS ,,ii ... (in I

ir of Mis Masosn Ti.Mri.K. The-..- .

n sre suitable f.r Htnfes of OfUcsjs,

SrtlrtitatSi R plj iiiVY, I'. ALLEN,

ihatftnan Trustees,i Dank ol Bishop A i iO '.'lO-i-


KJl have. 11 you want nioivW",'t it. I 1

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Typewritersin stock for Immediate delivery,ReAkember they're 'ilil on eaaj In

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iiie iicsi typewriter, 'all in anilwrite a letter .in lite


T. W. HOBRON, Agent.








SACHS,I.rtle'it Uoveltips in Dio'is Gnodn

'it Materials, In tin- N'cwcst Plaklfti Strfptiand Solid 'ilnpi ;it veiv low prlctt

.An Woa ( k mi n HoUKf Cotomts

An eteyant MortoMni olPancj Plfrurrd and Solid Colof Silk'., Shut Silks

ttli,k latest), m all Shade, Plgurad Indtti BlUn In

dim pallcrat. Crystal Silks, India S4lks, Loachsilk-;- . A full line ol bilk in all cokm

Ai Fifty cent n Yard.

IIm Oomla byi Hi. and


. i.JutReceived.

ening New i iods

selected foi tha

(illHssM iii f patterns- -

'i he ;, Uiihe Bowls, Piokl and i Mi

i n,i' Siinr It, I., i . Tuinblfllai Set'. eli

SapniH'KC hliiH, Salt iniei. i iuHets, Vases, Ten and toffee Pota,

Tables, Km

III 1" " . ,! I . I ... M


Hangln i Ho k. i



SINKS, ' Ul i

I'm A

I PI' . .

I (


DiMO i p

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Wholesale & Retail Butchers

Navy Contractors.i. .u.i.iis. nnnflger.

For Sale Cheap.Ponr-Hor- Power l plight

Rnglne and

tilghi'Horsc Power Boiler,




Everything New

Modern Designs.Hllllnble tor XNAfi. ami

m: i EAR'S Presents.

Souvenir JewelryMADE TO ORDER,

i -- . v n i Onnaas Promptly Attended to,




An immense asMirtmrnt "1

White and Colored Cotton Uiess Uoods.

teataal Pattatn Newt-s- New Chall- -

lct New Mucins. Nt ('r,ip-s- .

A hue ;iss..Hinrnl ol

Qtnghama, Prrcaies and Plannaltttaa, Kanrv

Cotum Crlnklaa,

Also an aatottowni o(

Draaa TrlmmlDgv to inutcli oil

Ml:. in N v York it ami arewill hn pficea

he i inn".

HolidayTht Goods.

nt th Art iiooins.Hea n

Berrj Hit. hen. s.iU'l Bowls, I

e l. it Jugs, Einger Bowls, BnInhlets, W ine. Champagne and

srl, K ini a I 'no- iiinl Saucers,Koyal Woroester, DoulUin,

i ipeland in I an Wareiil ami Silvi-- r Wan in eiu,en,


. Picture f laming In the l.aten Styleii

t:i; in Pol andveil low Prices,

rv; AI mi 3r





Pacific HardwareCompany

llaviland,.mi RAttan i 'hairs, rind

Rogers Hie-- .' Forks an




Wrought Steol Ranges, Chilled

iJOUSKKKJOI'INQ GOODS:QATK WAUi: (v Uite, iira and Nickel plated), PUMPS, WATER



Rlunibingi in,













ami ANI

oppei and SheetWork.

ttii .i .1 Ki'.i

Going out of the Dry Goods Business!Everything no SO Id Riani of Com

IS NO FAKE.thisT nf nhnve

Ladies' Cotton lloves, --'.sLadies' MatsMisses' " " , joChildren's Colored I lo i"

LV ,2lTable Napkins .o.SMisses' Slippers,(tents' Linen CollarsLadies' "Gents' NeckwearVelvet Ribbons, yards for "3

2. 50 Corsets bones aSilk ami Pancj I itess llnttonsBoy'S Woolen Suits. I'VBoy's All Wool Suits ,v isColored Woolen Lace,Ladies' Colored Ribbed V t!

.1 f rLadies' White .ane VeStS,Ho s Cambric Collars, pr do.t2.;.iH.i Cents' Suits..( tents' UndershirtsLadies' Dress Heel-- .

" Shields.Clasps for Cloaks, perdu..Whalebone CasingSilk Dress BindingLadies' Lim n I Isters

Leather PursesMisses' White Slipper-- . ....

44 Are you in it?It,,'

Well,"I t Its in the in. i .. .,

the water; bul If yo like

i i ssi mil' t n von to

Tliny Hiecount fot

must illess





ertotnly in It, if an Rttrainnythlnff. They lmvi

sir, WhaIsBR Unit Ball about in water



i K

it p


t iiii every t in- the) nil in ju-t-

arc Toys POR

Then i here arc new PlrfTURKEsBMt; a Rue aaaortmenl of XM AHI'KAMKs ami ALBUM8 mil luisto appreciate,"

Just ReceivedKiii Gloves in s 11

Hi- Mi



IIS, trt



Spools Button TwistSpools Silk

Knitting SpoolsShelf Oilcloth, arils for.. itj

O 7




thatWai reply?

PMUOnftble pricesRati

lollovr maniH't Rayou wwtld

Ki.vr. BROTHRHtl


same aiannsr dnsj-th- ey


things must

White and Colored Dimitys, Muslins,Swisses and Pereules.

these are tin: CHOICEST LIKE DRESS MUSLIM WO bare Brer SHowy


and Cream Point de Irelande Laces





i im

Kill Hun IVimiI, IIiisk itii.l,. I'lll.a, S,ii nil ..llmi l.t

.111,1 Iii i.ik'I e, . ,

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of) slewing 3

for. 1 .IX)



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V6 sttn k anilpn xo WKALE8 : .


the that you


.if Unit one sea




by Last SteamerSEP F Draiis and Gray

.11 Di




1)1 SI'S,

'in to inches.


i. till til III

Side ) i. il l Is,

Exten H H illllts. I'llmwj mriil ul

M.iin, l.t lllll.l'l ollil ,11. I'l.tun l.tli'-- t I. ..I IIII M 11 lll'.SSKH

I., tin i'oiiiiIi, I'll,,. Hint Hi.lti

New Furniture StoreROBINSON BLOCK.


Antique Oak Bed Room Scl


Reed and. Rattan Furniture

UPHOLSTERY.Hiiriiis Hiniu





t.ii,lii'Hsd a Men Knuafismi ini" i iIim, a ..iimrni ,s Iii.ia

'uri'iujti,, UrtuH, Citi.ii ,nt, Hi, It rliiiii'k.


IIS Rl.iHlliUPlll'Uil HilllrMMI











W'i'.il' UN III IKS I'ltlMMINiM,llti l I'tl. 'Il',' Ii "till tit.

Irtetiinl lo I'll lilt. It a I, ,11,11

..I. .111.1 Milking III lilt 11 His

I I , , I'MII I t. I'll! V All

dL PORTER,tu, Horsi HraMN

ni SI II Si. Ill I I litis ll


Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt F. A. 8CHAEFEH ft CO. IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiin M KM 'HANTS.



mi) ilinl 'In i'i hint nl Hi i I

I I thloi hi

We . liitte ur Inttrrating Mrerptafiin tin- itUmtii rppofl with i otmpl r

vUii-- gow to inw how wnnftl w thevisiting Htatntttftti wii nbottl MttrlM Inthin :iiT w hirl, UlTOW Unlit UpOtl hhvptuMQ f iii- dlthotiotiiWB IntfiRiww

Mr. Bfounl to Ut, Grtahnw,, It, ... ftU) I8W.

Sin : Thw hint fcupenrc t In etttiexn( nil ocosimwis innn

endow! nl mi olfenidvecnnrnritei relatingin mj i ll', li luu been dry custom logive no attention to t htm, bet-suit- ofthe greatness ol our own Bovernmenl.Mini tii- weakness nl' ti' ProvisionalQovernmenl ni tin- - Hawaiian hdand

I In inv arrival here- - lbs Opinion ob-

taining through the newspapi espei i

iilly ni American origin, thai l was i"Investigate, amongst other thing, tindiapasltton of thepeoplool the lalanditowards annexation a nampalKit In tinform of signatures to petitlonx for amiagainst annexation eommeneod and hnsbeen rnntintiing until thla hour.

Manifestation 61 the native elementneon became very pronounced agaipalannexation, whereupon the imperii nl

tin' Annoxationiste began tocharge thewith treaaon and to o

upon" her arroet mi l trial foi treaaon oideportation; With thla I had nothintn do,

Thte stale of opinion of a majority oltlir people affainal nnrtexntlnu haabeli mi well defined .i in reus theotj li r her arrest in more ardenttemper.

yesterday afternoon tlie rfaipaiMiiiStar, tin' organ of tin' AnnexationClub, contained mm article, a copj olwhiolMs Intloaed herewith. (IneloatireNo. I.i

I fell aggrieved (ft Ihe dishonorableImplication a to my own conduct a it li

the ijitcen contained therein. I Immedlately add teased l letter to PresidentDole, a oopy of which l Inclosed.

No.Four hours afterward I received :i re-

ply from Mr. Univ. ii copy of which I

end. (Incloeure No. 8.)The language used la not only objec-

tionable in tin offensive reference to my-self, imt wit designed tn Intimidate

in communicatingkeir views to me, and so prevent any

Hccessfttl acquisition of tin- inn- statellu imlilii- mind of these Island., inrelation to tin' Provisional Govern-men- t.

Tlila latter orUlcism I did notto the Provisional Uovern

ment, regarding it us Inconsistent withmy. instructions not to Interfere indOntestl introversles here.

1 :mi. i ll'..J.VMI-.- II. Hl.'il'M.

Bpecial ComlnisalonSi of tin- unitedStales.

li-- . mount ( Mr. Dole,

HoNOLor.i if. I . May :i,

Bii Bxcellenoy Baxtobo B, Dolx, Iyi'b-itii--

ni the Executive and Adelaory('oipi its .of tin1 froTlAional Qovornrini'i.t ol tif il twallan Island i.Sih : In Ihe Hawaiian Mr t May s,

an editorial headed MWhal 4.1' theQueen?1 tt which Invite youi aMi-n-

iioii, utes ins anguaxe :

"(.'iTtatnlv her n; M to with aforeign i'M voj has not In denied, anw ItVeea her unhindered Inl i rvii-- .. W il h( lommieBioncr Blount "

It baa been my purpose in studioualyavoid any word or act calculated to!produce on the mind of anj Individualan impreaaton of a disposition on mypart to Interfere wjth the p'tiii4 :ii at-- 1

rain of these Islands. In this article I;am made t hold unhindered Interviewswiili ilit Liliuokalani 1 hesealleged interviews wlth me are treatedas treasotiabls on her part This cannotbe trtie wlthoul an implication of (lis--

honorable conuncl on mj pari AnHu-l- i ii - Insulting i" the Governmentof l hi' United Sialen.

I have held oho Interview wltli theex --Queen, of which rou had knowledgebefore and afterwards, This tin- onlyone. cannot believe that the editorial,in si. far as ii relatee to myself, can ho

approved by the Provisional Gov ru-

men t. respectfully reoueal :i replv.Willi assurances of ili htglust

I am, etc.,Jambs li. Bloi n i

Bpectal Commissioner ot the UnitedStaten.

Mr. ..i to Mr. Blounl,lKI" AKTMl-N- or PORXIQM All 1! i

Honolulu, II. I , Ma 1. I9IK)

Silt: I haw In honnr li ai'ku.iv. i

iht receipt t' your oommunicutirvt'ii dalf falling my attention i aneditorial In last evening'a leave of theHawaiian Star touching on your Interviews a itli tin

TRio Oovernr&enl ulnoerelj regrel thapublloation referred in your compittnicatfon, and ha.snm to aaaure yout hat it is in n wny reapouaibae for thexpruiaioni of thai or any 6ther paper,

and thoroughly diaaupcovea of anj thingthat may pubjianed that oau be

taken aa Implying anv action on yourit that- is not entirely conaiatonl withir mission,

.'ho management of the Star havet oiiust tl t4 make the ami ruM honorabt

in thla evening!, iHsiioWith the aJnoorc hope that nothing

may arii thai will in an wadlaturb Uie cordial and amicable rela-tions that exist between the autuo'i lUeiof the Provisional Government anilyourself as the honored representativeof a nation that is our nearest ami greats t Mend, I have the honor to in- withtho high m respect ami consideration,Vouf most , etc,

Sanhiko B. EkLB,Minister ol foreign Affairs.

Hon. JaMM II. BtOl KT,

Hpeoial I tommissloner 4f thoUnited statos.

Mr. lUuiiiii In Mi: ( shunt.liOMOM i.t . II. I.. Ka) vi. IN8,

Hut: Baonrritig lo the uorresooudenuehaiaraan Prealdent Dols and nij all inrelation m tin- article in tin- HatcaUctnStar, I Inclose herewith s eopj "I anadditional letter wlih-- I wrote him.(InflloMire No. 'J.l

Subsequently Vioe-P- r kl al Danioncalled tn sea we in relation tn tin mst-tar- ,

ami I said I should nol n tin- altaation of tho UovHmment herenfler toany articles of an offvn.ivi chanicl i In

that paper; that I would forward nujoffensive mnlter couihimoI therein toih. Oate I . ... ..... i , with tinini iii ih. ii it waa the mean "I the Annegation Club, an I thai tin' Uovernin. ut wan unable m control ii i Im I,iV sluillaf slalsinnnl w mode 13 tue loHie Atini M) ii n, ral, llr. Hniitlt

Hlnee thle oorrennindence with I..dent Hole this imim'I Iiuh ihaiiged it"io...' int.. "I fri lUellt culliplillli nl I

myself. I preMiiuu i be Ann i di lull found lliat 111 i in llll n

mil' I. n imt lit. i" nd

,ii. . tin 11 in d . Ii

Viad lienll tin milli.. i tlierefoii i 1.. di

papSt Hili UOUhtUNii.iu..- ponil4liiei . nl. tlie

unit thai could nol ml) it.. inill. Ill I. Ill I ...ll II. nil iln- 1.

tlte id the I idled Sl it. 11 IiI hall prwbabl) inn. 1.

11. il.i .in. 11. m.

ninl have named Ihe nntlve people. mid nliirni. It lin- - restrained

mitward manifestations of Interest ontheir part, These threats were roundedon phafgea thai Ihe Qven and thesenatives won- engaged In treasonable

in urging tin- - natives to votetins) innexatkmiThere In not an Annexatwnlst in theands, so I'm ii I have been able to

itbserve, who would be willing In sub-mit tin' tuestlcn ol gnnexatioii to aimpolat vote, They have men ni workIn all of the tekwids urging the nativesto sign petitions tor anm vii nm. Thej

to intpreja them with ii pinionthat if antrexed tin y w ill be allowedthe right to rotei Quite u htimbei ofpetitions have been signed by nativesashing for snnoxutlon, provided thejware allowed the right to votBi Inother instances delcgntifma made lip ofwhite men and natives have brought In

"nil petitions signed by natives, findon being asked if the natives. were infavor of annexation without the rightio have alwa answered thai they

not While this ii done I haven n-- t foninl an ' .it 'i. whodid nut insiM i'i h (nine orm I'niiui'ii!ronld 01 U' in1 ittn-ii- .o urge :i

rsatrici low Af the MTtiVf Mill- If WOttHIleave political iwor in the IiiuhI i

I Mi' Willi PS.have had ample opportunity to oh

icrve the'feelfng of tin- oativs popula,tlon 4. 11 the anestlon of annexation,There h no doiiot that the whole race-m- en

and wi a are deeply concernedabout the independence 01 their nativeland i Their mind is not turning toKn gland or 10 any other country forprotection, Their devotion to thetint ted States is enntntually asserted,If kite question oi annexation by theUnited stah-- should be mude it dependninn the popular will in these staudaih- iropomttoU had M well be abandoneil at once, There are a tn at man)w bites here in addftlon u tlie n.'ttic--

are opposed to annexa'tion, am)who are now prepared i" nlgn memorialfiot thta characu r to the Pri ildeni ( tin'

ntted Stateshtte bave presented these obai rva-tlo-

I wish here to aaseti that I haveabstained from expreastttg any wish foror against annexation to any person inill. lands, have hp no act of minesmi-'li- tt InflUl nee opinion on this Mih-jeo-

either in was or Ihe otherHereafter shall ultotiss this matter

from official data, ami from the e

of persona who have filed certi--

tii'ii atatementa a it K Htte

i am, etOit.1 KMK II. lii.oiM.

Bpecial 'ommfasloncr l the unitedStates,a

Mr. Blount to fir, OoU,

Honolulu, II. I.. May in.IUn . Banforo B, Doi.b, Minister of

rVrelgn Affairs, Honolulu, II. 1.HiR: Your communication of the 0th

lust., in reply torn letter of the samedate, conceruing a reBeetion upon

as Coramtsaloner of the Dnltedstates, is acknowledged.

It givea mo ph'nmiro to he asstttedi ofwhat. bad previously believed, thai amoaj cordial reeling on the part of yourGovernment existed toward myself asthe representative of tin- Governmentof Ha- United states, and that thearticle referred to would not he Bp--!proved of by your Government,

The disavowal in the Star of yester-day did not at all meet the altuation, I

shall not ask any further notion in rela-tion thereto, preferring to content mytli with your communication rather

than to oNpiisi- my Government to thecharge of ungenerous action in thepresent condition of affairq in thesenndii bv irndfltinv nn PnrthAr mjiH mh,apology on the part of the managers of

ho Star,W itli assurances f the hlgheel con

iderationil am, etc.,

Jambs 11. blount.Hpei lal Commiasionsi of the united



i; I I 1,110 l Atait) AMlam Nauteroni

"Tha hum for a slini k in si ill nn," saidT. V. Hnhron rhl morning, "Ah wan

(hi ihr Star recently wo hail a fairaainple l tin man eater, hut llterailykilled him with kindneaa, He bled toih:it!i when ihe hook waa oul from him.John Defriea haa the achooner Bob Boyoff Puoloa, m ar Pnarl Snrbor, ami is inkeen aeAroh f a hark, to ! ten orftftei 11 feel in IhukIIi. Hi oould Kt alarger one, but wo could not banole it

ai San Pranciaoo, They havo a tankwith the schooner and the Lines out arebailee turtles, tins rood is.verycttractive t sharks, ami I learn overtin- telephone this morning that numhor. ol big h arc mooii daily. hoyseem wary just at this time, but a sattafaoton eaten mai ho reported at anyhour,'

Them hn honll ruhlr.l ctil loot innof the Exhibit '4 mi puny, within th pastfew daya, aeveral features, One in tinjaw of a shark that w as not less I'l.l.l IaM Th.l USD Inches from top to bottom and hasan ariuumeni oi rive rows r teetn.

A tvrelve-foo- t suff boaFfi will go forwar.i In San tfrauclsco, ta Use will beshown hy a native in tho broakers neatthe Cliff House. A man who urn perfit in all .sui ts of foals in tin surf hasbeen engaged and ma) aivean exbibltion at Honolulu ia arew daya, Thoan f board Is unique as a pleasure craft.It calls t ordinary swimming greaterelements ol skill and strength,

M. r.

... tl.e PrOKMMKl N.-.- BulldlUIhi.. I il. Mul.t ClaiMa.

f. It. Ripley and Arthur Rayno Ids araaronitacts ot nians "or exteuaive :iit.T - T

ations uf j ... oommodious andDonvanlanl . M.t'. a. bolldlng, TracitiH showing 'iMt-tii- ol tin' nropoasd

i buildlug' are on exhibition ut tharoowiuf llll' rl .

Under tbe new llllliaainsal thechief faaturea ol tfaaflrst noorwlll ha:tlyuinasluni) B4aa7, with batha, draunn.. rooms and lookers; parlor nndlibrary for members. 98s38; gams room.15x31: biMilin alley; .ulilii-room; reception riom una parloj off thei scretan onlce.

On tbe asoond Boor tbers will bsthree cm ited class n , of fhaandimensions: ITstt. ITIM and r.vti.I'liei'e will be twu ..'iiai-ut.-- Issh mhhh,l?aM ami Bizllti Tha uea audience

nn fi i targa maatlngi will be iv ,;ami i'i. .vi- tin' platform or m i. there

ill In a tall. 'i v.At in. ni there are being nnaxlnt tr l

uudei i in- sMaplcas ol the ajnnlstloii..i.i... Slmrliiuiid and

i . i. aritlng, bj llr. r?orbatt( twort'eeklv; niacbanical drawing, onoe u... b) Mr. Hid. nun: tioolikeeping, b)Mr Uoweu, onoa b wash, rbaas cfasi' II fri to members, Tlie Instrm i

or. ur elMcleiil and the scholsrit'ior) progri

, gaU Al MM tin s 1. ilau d

i. - fin Ka ries Itobtisot J tuna,iilllled "iili

. Heil. I... nn ni bj

ml 'lii. rep

Pol tl imt Sill I" ' "i. Iiii. inn v

li.. I i Mill 1,'Uathi !"'djees m.kiiiH. in. I tli I iiuiiin

i m the Uuaal arhorg Ih di . iiui.i

wii li; I nl'

it n 1 i ii 1. MS ',

I 111 II

A I nhlnet i nnli .1 It til lit s,

mi hi III

tall H

Imply poppy oool.. Thm i

HOlUtelj Ho foundell ion fot wtn'h reportoff tmlkt I :in ROt in I lii' PVOtttl it tm ry

M i:ii tre Wholly ninlonly in ) mpAthy ninl oo opeffttlonwith the l(o lalnnal t rovemment.'These remarki were mada hy Mm-iate-

lahurston thla morning. They wertIn comment on the rttmor that he andeaAttornej General Armstrong Wen '

fMfjaKcn in organising a repuolic, Air.hitiraton aatd further that the origin olthe pi 'i ' in a ooasl p apt f n as .1 mysteito hiiii. Hi-- fiMiii account tor h only asan nn phi mm in lion 4i f;i4 i on tin !Iawatlan maHor.

Tttl atAPAMMI n kstidn.This morning R, vV, Irwin Hawaiian

ICinlstet to Japan, ailed on the cabinetto (list-its- the queittone which hnvparisen between the Japanese and the!Hawaiian Governments, The conference Issted an hour and a half, Mr,Irwin, who is in sympathy, it sot rns.with the Japanese contention, la anxiousiti have a permanent lovernroent estab-lished here so that the question of the

ifranrhiso may in- pasoil upon. Ii i,,not known wn 11 i aa said or none at. theConference though ii not regarded asprobable thai any change In the HaWal-- I

inn stafttf quo will ho mmle for somemil- (ni nino,

HtJNOtn tKO lu Mill.

llll lamna " Ol vi Mrs, lOiiuf ill?l i,., a ita nin. 1.

In yesterdayi Issue the Hotom uaenU I ils fooling as follows:"That tho Queen ahonld haa hosj.

fated in aooepting the conditlona ofPresident Cleveland when he offered torestore her Go rem ment has been apainful surprise to hor lupporters, Aspirii of vengeance has never been dom-inating among her into friends, Llradvisers- - who ever they may bosi no thanks, fur hy their foolish advice, having imperilled the chances of apopular government, ami caused a continuance of the embarrassing and object mable situation of tho Kingdom. li should not he lostBight of that tin- majorityof the people desires restoration of aconstitutional government under whichthe great prinelples i popular rightsare the main features. As far as thneoverelgn is a par! oi Kuch governmenttin- restoration of tho monarchy hasbeen the object tor which the peoplehave agitated and worked, hut ii shouldnever be forgotten that the people desir.' a constitutional government underwhich the sovereign reigns, but doesnot rule, ami they are not willing tosubmit to anv autocrat 10 form of govern-ments never mind under what name it

appi ari-

l-r undor what disguise 11 hid

true h tracter ami Inclinations,"

COAI, on 11 p.

HllC Hr:tiT. in 11... (in j

In iti Ififlna 'i Bl Price.Tin Martha Davla lii oveniUH with '

ii hi I oil, and imt il she irrlves the coin,Dioditjr will In- higt The price hasjumped froin S EW t 13, John Ena is

aid t in' ft heeu ill the way of makinga handaotw Ihiiin on a mill- of evi ralpundced 'i hr oonaumption r tho

il U aij'-u- one thouaand oasis nork.

SOI li l t M.slltsA regular session of the Masonic lodge

is anpounoed for t night,A yearly meeting of tin' Sailers'

Home Society is oaOed forfc renoonal 10, al the Chamber of Commeroe,

Oahu Lodge Knights of Pythias No, 1,will hold an election "t orHoera thisevening,

There will ho a regular meeting thinevening of the Atnenosn League,

Bxcelsior Lodge I. O, willinstall officers on Tuesday, and Polj usMan sncampmenl on rriday,

i hej mil Data,BurveyorGeneraJ Lyons says that

'Hawaiianstant demand in the i nited States andEurope, This seot Ion is able to obsei vnin the sppsamuce ol heavenly bodiesmany psouliaritiet , not to say phenomena. It has been HUentod I nun'abrGad that one t i usee taTands wouldhe a most favorahlo hio.ulon for a


Sai rejri as Hau all,A n effort will lie mads sarlj durh gthe

coming year to ssoure h resurvey of aconsiderable territory on Hawaii. Therets a large traei nf tlnvotmnont Imhlingwhich has formerlj been olai w d as prac

lava beds, It now appears thatmuch of the laud can be usen for "tinculture of coffee, There are said to beextensive areas of rich aoll between thei. I Hows,

Araued u...i submitted.Those oases, having bean beard in ili

Supreme Court, are now, with thejustice, fur determination:

k l.a.aiu.-- .I.m. I.,,. , in--

"" inin iii-- below, Kinno tori.laii.tiiv. Ashford I'm' defeudaut

t;it.- nl .1.1 II iin.lit;. t i n.uieri" ,1. Ilat..-l- i I diiiiulslrator, llart- -

ll and Kinney for beneficiaries

t il e , - si.tiin . ,Mt.Xlie Boajtd ..I Klre Coatmiseloner,

held thou' regular moiithl.t sasskm yesattern.i.-n- hi.-- Iliint

a i i ui hi aotion in lilllna tin i loani .!U-- by tlie iles.--

in nn-v- ni tlie 3ttlb uf Novi mber. whlclih ; pnrovodi Tiii salary f tin drivel

i.i tli stra i srl was raliadft'. I. s.'ill pel- 1111111I ll.


.i. . Iplbnnt ami UJum. It

ill Bw a.t '. v iiAa making ..k

trip int" 1..' eMMtryMl.-- , iliiliiini, line rlsltot tbkt

morning, 'ri aMor waa lady I In.

rental uad tliree lioui .

in... 1. u.f.aUaal..TwWrenativsi olnrged with pwtiei

p.iuiK in various ways In s as fi agajifan- m. trial .11 Hi.- - In m i .tut They

I1' .1 it tl.. laldiabmnl ofPan r. 1.1 made Sunday I tee, 1

fhe I tml N 1. a. retalmid 'Unssl ami.. nl. 1. r i I., il mad11 sdl

lM 11 .. 1. .1

S il- at ..I I.


M H is A tUTSHM.I..

Ob(M lini dropped n SSttl n pound.

Tin' wind was ratbet high hum Bight

A fW iiianni'H mm tomlng "I'inn i lfit

1'rnf '' ni LyOOl if ll- - iouthffi'tweather i iv or two

Thi PhllaMphla lui'i ;i t fromAmelia inhool the other 'ln .

Tlif tiniiness oflk't1 of tlp St it M

alw Rjn opt Ti from n. mi to i p, III.

Major Frank It Utttlgl is in ohnr' olthe Hawaiian Leggtioh at Washington,

ah line f Imatnsss ha visil-- inproved il v ihe (urn pollttoal af


Complain nut' from thj

In r Ul in Ml h' a


Tin' i h :;ant I'asi Maatorn jpwel prelented to andfi w Brown on Thnradaj (

night wn- - made hy F. Jaoobeon,

Lewie Vot are potting an electricelevator into the wholesale department.if heir store,

An artlole in a reo '111 Ctttt h CtaudiWet more deal with t he career f i 'a'-tain W sitae.


i HaniriH i s nnmo should havoIncluded in the Hat of guests atItasonic banquet,

Complalttl is made of frequentorderly oondnct dtirlng tho humircrta at Thoittai Bottare.

The organisation of tho now GermanInt in iti- oal sharp Shooting Club willho p( t loot i'd t his ovuiiiii.


Dlff one o'tdork tiinp signal nlwrtiii to day. probably becaose theelectric wires were crossed.

Ths twelfth volutnt of tha pfanlers'Monthls with tin- Deoetnbefiiniiilii'i', whirh ii now mil.

Thos. W, Hobron Uh attention tothelhaautles of tin- "Gallgtaph" typewriter in a new advsrttaement

There has been but one lire alarm fora mouth. In addition to other drill tinmorning the steamers were fired up.

FlfLy-tW- Chinese ail'l thirty sevenJnp are booked to leave m the Oceanicsteerage, The Ohlnese have return cer-


tliu mihhi'ly to me fdrailhti of thePacific will run mil this month ami I lialto the Sprockets1 steamship line in a

short Inn.--

On acoountol next Monday beingslegal holiday( men on the governmentpayrolls w ill receive December salaries

-Amoi. a Chinees Sued 1100 upon his

plea of guilty of unlawful possession of I

opium, has applied to the Circuit Courtfor a reduction of the penalty.

Reports from Washington Place stalethat an effort will he made to take Mis.

Ooniiniti to one of the other Islandswhere she can eseapr Mil eillanoi .

l.oniiltanois foi HulMcritteiis In IhoSTu. eithei for the dally "r weeklyedition, slonihl he mude hy iHtmlii't'

order, payable to tho businsss rnanamr,

Until the electric power la suppliedthe st a k . people calling for their copies,

of the paper should go to the ofRoeofthe Press Puhlishlng Co.. on Bethel at,

Sixteen new volumes, Inolu Hug thelafesl productions "i famous authors,have boon added t the Catalogue of thfLibrary and Heading room Association.

Iron work for the uew Kohala jail n

Haw aii is being OunitrUOted hero. Bars,framesi et'., for another prison on thetame Island worn forwarded hist week,

It la announced from naval oircltthat ntxl weak will witness the promo-

tion of Commodore Bkerrett to tin- rankof luperssdiog Hoi knap,lotired.

Saui Ledarar ol the I. X. L. tllKeverybody to advertise in the Stab,His bagatelle table went like a hot cakeafter be Inn) let our road em knowabout it.

Jude Cooper has discharged Blh n Vi,

hioknell as oxoonlrix of tho etttatS ufbar l t'- husband, Tbste wan no aecounting as the widow was soli heir amii in estate outside of personal property,is in Tabli I,

i if tha ton murines reported absentwithout Leave from tin' Phlladelpbtainine has, boon returned to tha flagship,The polios ari vet asaroblng for thetenth man, win. i. reported i In- - nl outtown in civilian dress.

E. C. Crick l.tmib IIU.iiiiI'h U olAtiin' w ... . I...

i .. i.(.....I i iv m i.ii. an.Juan, Cavansngh, Dia.. Willing, Cunha,i'i ndez, tJi-il- tOurgUI and Colbutt) are among the otbari which ,wsllI lie li I.

An tit in tbe A'lrevii.n1 bat s meeting of Hawaiian Lodge

No. It, I'', and A. M wn. imII.-.- I for In,1111(111. ilium an eiror, tut tbe meetingof lbs lodge iH mi Moons) night, and sithe request ol our ooutemporsri w. endeavor tn oorreol It.

Annexation hnslnias hnnsa, Utformthe Si it Hint it bag bnga. m.n v nnposeihlc I., e.iliei K..)hIimI a. nunt. fi.i

tx irtOntbj past. inan.v of tindebtn - a wall lo .In it Im.k. iih if concarted acting bad bang taken o SM

ban inue ratioal t Irajui,

tiu) Havs Beea la . m. ......" t it- l ui in i lluresil n n .ml

II III In-- Iuiih and . mi. In Ions II of .

i'i ' Il I .' i t.. n a coot l.'i 'ii.ii' diet.Mill' not Ihe aid Perhaps lie k eat In

... tli 11.. ..11.

. .sV,

di I'

Inituirs "i

mi.UtliklAAMM I 11 Miih'I


Minm t h WitMl It Ml

u l..timm


hf it . ntilr,

nothing ei from the Oceanic.ta

Al :1ft the Mall waa twenty milt's nfl,The Auatraltn la n- with

oflato nee a,

Tho atetimi v .. fail arrived thai allafternoon from Hawaii.

Tht r .0 f number i .laps Itgran tint ahor iii-- ti in- afternoon bythe Nanln a.

Tin Miri of ten days slnee tl ilIJapaneai Hagship is nn her way he

probnMy untrueTho ha !. Cyliie and hai l ;enttne . ( ; hu

wild. ,1 up at Ihe .11

!ust001 1. mi ie S hart.The Reamer stakee unloa4ed her

cargo ' Kealln augar todas Inl theharlo ni in.' iVrkina,

According to the l ist Ban Pranoiilh- tin tihioan now on her way tononoiuin is .1 new commanm r.

The oni departureM to-d- a of localvi'ssoi-- . were bhe Makes to Kapaa, the 1.K nila to MokulelAf and tho .Moiwahiin-

to Kohalfih le.

Silent Lfuklinirs from the menowarflIhOIs lulled ihe dnersj waterfront today int" n mor than usual dullness amino sound disturbed the quiet of thepttot'a office ive the shuffling of thecards as j' new. deal was had at pedro,

The scliounei Morm: waa hauled overthe Waiklkl mil of Paolfl Kail

wharf this mornlnn and ilie irei liavi-

besn busy 'ill itnv benillng the s.iil--- .

Tits ri'w nre ill Jspaneas and aratehlpp tenlny. Captain Vvalket

l'XU II ail int' Manning's I l;iii I onTtiestlav.

A HUM '.I --

'I'm RSDAT Per. U8,

Bttnr Ka Thompson, from Kahuku,

Bttnr James Mali luml. fromKs ia.

Bttnr W Hall. Blmen from Hawaii ami Ii volcano.

in I'.tiiti id --

FB1DAV, I le . 20.Bchr Molv nr. for KohatatolNtinr Kai Thompsoni lor Maktt-Fo- r

Stnir .Linn'. Make 11 nl. Ka--

Uo. I I II 11 III. l; II 1. s.

Br whr . iniri. Uaoquariie, for ran-01- 1

nlng Inland, or about Sunday, Pee110th,

m rot; ami t'ONMldNRRS.

1' Kaala P228 Iuik f4.r

1.1 tn i 1:11

in it IfMii Hntcli Io bo Mi !) ioiHen vai'i Hii.

Whenever the H, It A holds one ofits semi-annu- matches every it sen of

thai 'hllll who has a rifle and a goode o for a bullaeye always wants to knowIf there will be s Cltlaens atatoh, andwhal the prises are. Thanks tit themerchants of Honolulu the list this yearis battel Lhnn ever and every prise Is

worth cuntestinM fr ConiHtfon: ESrHtries to be made on the range; any rifleilive rounds, 900 yards; no hair or sot riggent or telescope sights allow oil: etriesnunlimiti il; entrance fee 1.00,

following Is a list of the prizes, to-

gether w ith the names of tin- donors:50 in t iash i ' intrlbuted bj differ

ioinCaah out Arms and Indi10 In l 'ash ( vi lnals.

II. w. Uei hesney St Sons, lOOlbe Soap.Hyman Bros., 100 I tiger.H, II ickft id a Co., Student Lamp.Hawn. Hardware Co, Hanging Lamp.H. J, NoUp. mni t 'lg irs.w Irwin v I to., lti Sugar,H, W. Schmidt & t'o., Bronae Bust.Haw n. Nou s t 'o.

( Peacock tV Co., Bdox, Beer, ((in.MsMclnorny, Straw liat.s. Both, I'a'ti-- s Pattern.Paoitlo Hardware Co., Picture ami

niii''.M. . I v . pants Pattet n,J, R M artiu, Pair Trousers.nawn Star, one Years Subscription,

(duiiE, i Hall & Son.John Nott, e Pot.i lastle .V i i.oko, 00 feet Harden Ih I

J, 11.. pi- &Co., Beadlii ; H and.llatrouolitan sfexit I ue Sheep.V rtM nop. nip.t !hu I laiumer, I stdles W hip.Henrv Davis iS: o,Henry May ,v t lo., Bos Tea.H. 1'. VVichman, rioee Silverware,Bgau & CI unit Collar and Cuff .1 itrei

' Bhoe Co., Pair si sU, By x dus. Pliott

i,'Hi. ii.. I. r .... Pair lul fllaai

fume i. "i'i. ...

Lewi .v Co., Large Hack lii i i'i,t Hum, Lusts, e, Ho Kugar,t irdv. a .v Porter, "ak Table.WinK' wo Chan ,v t .... Box Sn ptr.B, A. .1 loubsen.

at. ..a Bros., fea Net..1. ,l. William,, i il" Cabinet PhotosJ, Kromeiuth ft Co., Qoods lo the va

In,- ..II al nn. I I .. . r. il 11 ,1

Bag Oats. jiM-- 'Ji

I'llllfl.-MIIC- " 1,1 I II tt.

.1. ...II I ill-- I ...1 I 1.

.. .11. nilli..KepaU ' naiiM-our- irrnignod in Police

this morning declares ' bal be i

,:. 1j.n1 Hi-- , catling ii thai of milbery, Kep mi li ft tin- reel last August,Biuoe tl.atin,

in. in has bsou extreasalylush ai Tim polios have Irgoed

fount I1I1 n nn ilona nnd reaIdeuce. dlt in Kep .11.1. and naarlall of tin- mile, li... Iieeu reoovere I.

lloal of I.i . ictiiue were hinaas and.1 tpnnese, Sti In money was spent, Imtiln- good. were stored at Kepaunab e. Ill . "in i... la.. I againsi theprietmei yt . 1.1 ru ilin Faro iny nfS gold s li , li 7a froui a China.

11. am) afrom a Jap

Ti ,1. w. 111 ,tti tiniiI It in lii. , i. . .1 ;gr giitetwenty nn Mi.' ii. nl ini . nthard iahm ai d IVISIS. So

g Ir 1.1. I aspro, out '" A. II, .1 "1,1

t wen t) ll 1

ll"' M.liri'

Iln 'i .1 .

II... llll

ll.1 111 in

Kim I hllll ( Imim li I It. M.I. .1 H tltl-

Nil Alton.

Ttie old atone church wn well filledlust night on tip' occasion of the concertgiven hy tho Misses Alba in aid of its

nances and a goodly sum must hatsbeen realist 1. whh h w ill no doubt mukithe hearis of tli4' trustees glad. s..much ha- - been aid in these cotnmns olthe charming singing (f these talenb

lies that urn thing more would be batrepetition. Tin tint' Inatrumentallsm olthe Hawaiian string band, the singing

Hessrsi Booth and Bareottt and thecareful accompaniments of fnf, Befger

ad I' d to the pleasure of tho audi netand contributed towards making tinconcert tin1 great Mi'ess thai it was.

is understoo that a Urge number oltickets were sold outside of those repre-sent d at the church,

-run ni in staj nt Heme,

ruder the positive orders of his ptiysiciani Dr, C ih Wood, the present

llness manat'er of ho st h. Mr.

Ohas, W, Day, has been oompellad toave ihe office ami keep t4i his house,

I Manson takea charge of theofllcetVO lift! - illi'l- Hi: III C.l III

iiiss( iisno


in socordftnee with flactlon of chapx 1.1 tin' lawsof MS,

All parsons holding watat ptivHlagas,those paying whim- rates, am herabj

noted that the water nit, s for the termending June 18M, will In iluo andpayalde si the nfllea ol Hu- HonoluluWater Works on Ihe first day of Janu-sr-

Nit 1.

n tncli rntt1, remaining unpaid forliih-i'i- 4ayn after they are due will bisuhjm i to an additional tan r ctenti

li:,n-- :o'i' ia utile 111 the offloe of thawater wnik-- . in tin- Kapualwti building.

Min oi Hon. lulu Water Works,II ihiln. I 1808,

ANDREW BROWN,Baiit, M molulu Water Works

11:1101.10. 11 i.

I'Mlili-lo- il

Kvee, MntMlay. se.oii ' 7 HI SS KHIW.Mini IHiaul 1T0.IS IW Mll 7.. n.sTile III Hjl 1.: 7s 7 s ., s I

WM ' :' fill Tii II 77 l si N

Tim l '.1:. M 7S .1 uo 1.7 NSI'll .'.::'.-- n :U! 71 7sil.HI till 2 XI. 4

Sat ;i 1.1:1 mjn ii 70 ck tl

Baroirtetei: porrectMi for tsmfiersttin anilIr fttlnn but ma for luMtuih'


oau. .in. p. inB SO ll ft il 90 85

p.m. ami :n y . fl M 98 a 19

Wed .ii a a ? n io 11

Tim r. HI a in m ti n v ll Ma.

Kii 4 40 fl '17

Sat BD 0 tn 11 01 4 n i 4' it SJ ii '.'7

Sun ;n a :n n 4 so 7 ti ii SI IM

li-- t qnarti r f th moon ua t lie STtta nt ui1, Ml p. III.

'amn Svblnle I. - t ih.. SSm., :t(s. pm.Hi ae hp, a time, 'I'll Ii 1' saaic a- - In . umUh, 4,i ttrccii fi lea tinii'.

fw ever) tuou foot of dbtanefl iti tfriua th' ' futni Houm) bTIow oBjc

si" oud f': nnsmlsslon t noonui oi nsconaain ii itatote rntli

I olli K.s -- i:U I) K,

Btestnablps will leave for and arrive fromSua rVanelsoo on the fiillowtng datss, t'U tlie,close of :

Aaarva st n Vi.n c Ahkivs ax h's'm'i.l'ik 8sa PsKcuw3o, moM Bas lotaoo,

Warrimon Vam Jan 9 Awera(Van.. Il- MCity PskJns ..JiiaS Oosaaio.. Dec 96j

siiiiiia . .. Jan S Australia Dec RQ

UoBffWAl. ... .inn ti WairutioofVnl Jan'JO(tetanic.. Feb - Maritawi Ian isAustralia - .. Feb :' Australia hut :Y,

Alaaisda . Feb n fliinn ... Feb is

Aiistralla - Mar ' Itonowsl ,Feb Ift

MariiNjm ..Mar s Acmraiia Feb''itin liar SB Ooaualc... Mr$Austnuls .Mar SI Alameda ....Mar IS

Uonuwal M r ' Australta.... Mar StAnstralla. Apr Si Mariposa Mi1aiagneds Mu H Australia Apr ji

tiaelic . Ma) it Monowal.. . Ma b.Australia .Mas China Apr 17

Marl ix) it Ma) Autrala.. . .May laAustralia. Juna W Alameda June?Monowal ... .Jane 38 AntraJla... ..lane ISAustralia.. Jul) Marlpoaa .. la. '

Ahnncfla... Jul) fl Autralta.. July Ujtuatrallu aug ! Honowat tug?Mariposa tus AuatraJta Aas IS

nntniliii.. epi r. iVbuueda ,Aus :11

Monowal si !W ... Scpi sMariiaiSM Haul :aAuairalia t't-- 7

Monnwai (ct 'i

To oloxe out Comtijfnni6nt'

( benefit of the,Ettiade of .1. Goldberg.


Saturdoiy, lice, 9th.i in ell i looslgmnenl nf

BOY'S BQIRT WAISTS (the oelebratedMar Brand) at $6.oo per bttlfdos.

HOY'S sins, rrom $3 50 up.

URN'S SUITS from $12 00 up.

MEN'S EXTRA PANT i i tun $1.50 up.

Wanii Orderit Promptly Attfutirtl Tn.

.1. l.v.s INGHTOIt,


JAS. F. MORGAN.Mi 1. .i Qut Stri i 1,

Auctioneer and Slock Broker.

Real Estate' BtoakS, Bt-iul- s

Cona Coftee

J. T. WA' OUSE'SOum n

STARjob PkJirnNi;.


TIME TAI'.I.K.urn mil Aftat .inn, ,. 1SI

I 11 . I N

in i:w v Mil


vm. r.'i. S.Hi i'.ii.. . Honolulu 1:41 ii'- all

Lasvs IVarl city... n.:l it mi Mtt I

Arrtrs Mill j v. i :x

Tn HomU l i'.

I M . A.M. I'.M I'.M.

UMTS Kwn Mill :2I Will Ml ltdLaarl Patl Ottl AM Dili till :iii:

Am I Reaotall .?S0 u... i.v Mla MAanlsir's mil. C aandsjr's saaatsdi11 imii. b Satonla bxi iptvd

Ihe CaliforniaFeed Company

A10 now located corner NaVanu andQueen itreets, m the warehousss

ooosptod by ). P, Cotburn, W

liino basil compelled to make Ihfls

change on acoountol our fail Int reusingbusiness. Wi now carry a very largetook, as ' Import by the load,

and do our own buying, Wi will xtiiikeep our old place at Leleo, The Ha-

waiian bark Maum AJs Mi hereaboajl Deoemhet let, ISW, with aaotheifull cargo of selected Ua) and drain i"iua, Wi thank our friend, tor thehliberal patronage in the past three j eatWe hope hy strict attention to tho aantsof our patrons 1 ajerit a oontlriuancinf ths same. We will keepin stock ii"

uy BKST to ho had in our line, and n

PRtCRS s ORkAP A'- - Till- CtlRAPWWe do not want tin' earth, only u htnaportion will do us, (live us a trial andare will treat yonrlght, li yoit wantgood fresh Hay and Urain ring up 121

on both telephones.All Order, Mteerwd Promptly,


King A Wright, Prop,

Larg'e Fat Gobblers.FOR



WsrouT II to 10 1. lis.

li: v 1: okdkiis l;l I 10LAUUK HUM.-- .

HENRY DAVIS & to.505 Port Strbkt.


Me ting will ill.'l

Friday Evening, Dec. 29thto organise

International s.liv! 'z ;i Cliiii.

t T o'clock,At the Ball abovs tha Mcrchanl1

Bxchannc.Per Order of Cortiniittoe.

331 It



every nightuntil Xmas.

517 Fort Street.

There yon ran Inul a yl Mng, 'amivt-- i v t hiiir new ami striking in

man v lint ,


and tins year, more than evfore, n re w o n a n sj withtensive and oatchj line of . .

Reasonable' Coorlt..Among nth. r might mention aoholoe'iii ni ill-- .-i Pici i

nnditin' genuine artloli nn twoalike), BuiauuAN Waki:, RkaLDKBWBN, and abovi all a beautifullint' uf


from tin' small, tuespensivo Butti rI'l.ATi'. to the large Bbbrt l)uui,

The Ptocei and Pi losswill please you at both are oorrect




ill.--- !- busyIayiii

ii i.U. ay,ami

Inn u

in..IIHH r

More ui' .1 iiiiii

Hil..:III II


1,1. I ... ,

4 i. j, 1,




Store open This venlnrnnd Soturdny EvonirTon o'clock ....

Grand .

Holiday Bal


Sttirday Evenioi, Dec. 30111,

TICKETS, admitting $1Lady nnd

.i.i s ice t truant Pr- -

lon .o l KH N UURMV.

First-Glas- s






NEW YKAK-'- DAT,JiimiHrj Int,


PACKED IVIIMEFrom the "Philadelphia" and "Adams"

Camo called nt 3 p. m .

t. in- - ill Ip.ivi lldiiolulu Pearli if v snil Ewa I'lantntion at x:45 u.iu.ind l r p. m.

S,,-,-i.- train l leave for IVsrl Oily11 2:1.1 ii.iu,. ri'lurniriK iininetliateiyift, i the ball game.

the day: Peari 'iff unit ii turn, i Eva PUintatihand return,


ette Kerchief



?it,nte Toilet



Hogeh A (j! ALLOT,I . WI i.

Exquijiie forholiday Presents




Llll! rttn-:- .

Ibeei i

lii It

In I v Iln., e

n.lan,lua ,

in lie,- -v ill

I: injure

ami litvriluNWr, Hie

mi ni' me) nut!I "1 'llr It, mi-

Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN - University of Hawaii · Uomtnisalon Merchants Mid Importers of MM i n I HM Krafiiisiii Office IM Front Rt F. A. 8CHAEFEH ft CO. IMPORTRR8 ami io.mmissIiin M KM 'HANTS.





tn 1 nlntltt'il llncl tlnw it irn

A llutiil of frlrmlnlilp n A ViIiii'Ii.ii.

Vpr.'iti i liniiit l.itvt-- mill It l...i,l

Wll n tit.

t in.

f 4



l Aiihmumi I'rt-- Aswm In-

Uott.louts a good fellow and hIxKit. Altliouitli ruembei

hihidelphhi. hruiveaa goodi music, mill at the date ol

bs MM h BlToHti tenor ofbe famous Italian teacher,pt-- ipla Mrhon Unwnrd Bten

urnhertlnt'a wm Mr. Panaon, n

merchant with whom be hadujnnal bn I tie, i abort time

Paxnon dwH tint recount zOil no mid t li i4 how- It came

,fini jnt mention d Mr Pax( tlit lawyer warmly Mud nnid:glad, Mr. Ptanton. to know that

piulj to ki'cp on i ultivatuiif your


In an! ii i" veryTWO ol BlJ children, girls.

fiin: h re. By b " t an- uolnnto bn some (rotwl music and refreshmentsmiiTwafd mi nn lomorntw night.i if w prl '

your coming

line, andthe

hire, ('an I count


"LET 1I1MSK1 F otrr."Mowm-- bad beard of tbeoldeel dnnah

ter oaanty, and no knew t tin' rather i

wealth, so. D" heiittf entitvh unworldly;u'i 'Vi-s- wiili pleasure."

The night when young lands thai the foili i'o i on n i t n nun i Oi inn

like nuil doff, whatever thatnoil tigure nf Ipesoh liny mxl u

mill 'ii hli nnnov.ith'i Iih ooillit nut. (lint Mr.Prxmmi! ,'uril, s'i lie oonoludsd thAl In hftdIttt it lit th offloe. ' He remembered, however, t hut i be bouse wason Oreeo itreel nuttT frotn the etitrnooe tn B'atrmotinfe park,and he h:ul no dottbt but lit.' could And Ii.

lie made i :iv out on a Rtreet ear anilwaalooklng about where he tbotutht theDOOMoliulit tn he when the unumi of mil

mme to hi-- , ear", and he a t hat r neigh-boring house wm lit up.

"All." lie saiil alOUU. "tlli- 1H the pl0e.I'm In tin k

As he went up the pteii- he oonoludedtliat the inirlnii waanot all It ihould he.Then wai " "f a voice, anil hefelt elated at the thought that he wai justthe man I" 11 the iktk'ieliey 111 the bill

He rang the bell, and a neatly dreeeodeoloreii man opened the door.

"Mr- - Paxsonf" aald Howard from the'OUtsn!.'

"Yea, iii Walk riLriit in. iah," aald theervani

The oloreil man took Howard1! coat.oversh i's and umbrella, and ae he did hohe wh. pennl

'Rnit ntght.rah If you Just step Sackto dooVlnin room, you'll tlnd wlneand eraek .'.id step buck, took h Ihsh titherr. and ;i cracker, und bavtng warmed pHCt

iiir.i- .oi ' vi iK nr cut in t liedrawing room.

His name n as announced, and :t pleasantfaced, matronlj lady n et him al the door,and in response to his salutation said souie-'tdi-

he could not n'.i!.,i'.":i!ot.n Howard ndranoi '1 n Jollj looking man

vrho bad been coiuinciii u on himHnd called out. "What part do you take"

"Tenor," was the re;ly.'Capital I That's Just what we want,"d in nu inta.r t In- Inst vigour had joini I

th .up al'out the piano. Mmvard wmiiodtopay Iuh respects to .Mr. Pax win, buthe comforted himself with the knowledgethat he could o later on.

Howard ' htou Minij well at all times,bat never so tw tonight, He saw thata half core it beautiful girls were watchlug him, and to use his own words, he Iethimseil oui

Haviiu; ;m iil tin programme arfraiiKtd for the evening, Howard sang aMn written and composed byhlmat If, andthe eyes of tin; pretty uirU btfamed ri blfnBMfa aweetly than ever.

After this the lady who bad met htmbrought up the pretthtit of .ill lie uirU andliitroduce.l her Howardcottld uot catch the name, hut as it endedin "won" he knew it was all right.

He this yoiin lady to supper.Ho whs tn such a sevi-- r h lieaven f delightthat he wholly forgot tu hunt up Mr. Taxson, his boat.

Mlsa Kate, t hough si ill in her terns, hadthe easy grace of one accustomed to society,aud she soon showed that she had a tasteas w ll as a love tor music

Taking it tor granted that the youngman knew all about what she called "OUT

own musical set," Mis-- - Kate rattlwl on ina Way that would have been charming hadIt uot begun to dawn slowlj aud painfully

i on Howard's mind that he hail blunderedluto tlu- wrong bouse. It he had any doubtson this point, they were set at. rest whenthe young lady aald;

"Mamma Is a recognised leaUr or muskJn this part ..I the Strang thai shedid not uieu' ion you to nio when she wasmaking out ber list. l recall, a grantmany were prop. sed and rejected. Hy theway, did you hear that then- is a lady onthis street who, Jealous of mamma's suc-

cess, has started a musical dcoie of berowuf"

"No," said Howard, suppressing coldshiver "I was not aware ot that met. MayI avk the name of this audacious person

' "Mrs. Fay son wii of the Hen wool motchant. Her datmhtt n and I WVt3 BOhoo

Tiiatas, and they ure very nice, bright girlsKvr meet tin oi

'1 must oonfuaa 1 Dover haveAgnes, tho elder i engaged t" man

twice borage. Don't think she loves him;but. then, he's rlcfa and that OOUUfel formuch. Oh, forgot tq twk you how youlikt-- my father xcouductiug this evening."

MBxoolontly, stem moron Howard, andhe was now sure he had put hi tool in it

Hedoes very well, but being a dooUNwith a large practice la cannot of courseone as much time to prai nee as he wantsput Uow mat o.i calh d u willlearn to like hint Is tt r " and SO thegrotty rul rati u

Bo wai d u'.ed to exphdn hU iHisttitm toMrs Tyson it he ,m .1 i, i iturrouuotwlby friend- - shout to lak- tic ir h nawaoujcht .,ut In T and drawiug hirugait of th. hearing ot ..i , 4 lold of InsOiistake.

i he li.iiuiinl heaciih, xhook tinjroui.a in. ui

"Oh. Ik;jruii UiSdiwe aaviiigh' wt'll a ri hj

4f US "lloWMItl

and ibsfSAilei WMt on

.1 if

well, i Mm dadH antuttt and ss

rirrj 4u midaisj haannM nu

WUtll) Hlli .it tn tit.ii vUiUf ui li

features, is pretty mitdh the name litover Tiits n i ll lllttat r 11' aeriminal i that was htoni t m lluhJlasf year In Turkey, not far It m CottOtlt Inople

During a testix.'il of bf Mohammedan nwell to do merchant named Pundit-'.-dressrd Ids (lulil, a boi ol B, in his Aneatcostume, whith Included n at lb ntet oaj01 ilium litis) w ith a imiu'er or goM BOimThe child vraa always In ehaegaat a faithfnl slave, an old negro wminm. Wwt hadboon his attend tnt dnec hi- hinh

The w ooiao, boiu oalled Int i tbo houseOil some left the Dbtld - a ted tothe open court, which in Tnrky. ns InWntMfH Spain, ts pfbUHoM to the battelolaaa ol reanleticoa, On the return of (henittM tboohtld whs gone, mid nithounh anIraBiadlate search waa inati toted no trai t

Of the little follow WM found.In his aori st mils the lu .in brokefl fathei

ftppltod for help to tho at raak lor, or mltltarjvominainlcr, ot the district.

The othcer on reflection eiuue to the conelusion that the child, on aoCOttltt of iticries, con id DOt haTO boOD taken far. Mini

that some of the neighbors were roaponatble tor the anductiun.

Without oommunlootlnaj bi- suspicionsto any one the offlotf dtfOcttd a motnbtfof his st it iT to enter the nolMhboHtiH rnoaquethat eveninu it the hour of prayer and lit avoice that the worshipers DOtltd bOM to;anmiDoa the iman, vr prtaat, to come Itome.iiat ly t t he palMOO.

Thouuh a vitv unusual prooeedltllj tiepriest obeyed. When he came LotO tlet 00lilh-r'- prenenc'. he received tins inler andwas more puaalod than tvon

"Come buck here in the inornum andhne forme the name of the person Whotlrtt OMM to ask you why I had sent 001

pou"The Turks are, as a rule. OS wanting In

coriosity as t lie North Am ri. in IndianaConaoqtrantly on rattutttng to the mosqueonly one man cone to the pi tat to ask t noreason for snob an extraordinary snmmomvThe prloat gave an oracular repl and Itported the circumstance i. the ofBoaTMcommanded.

With tbo promptnaaa of man now sureof his ground, the etask tol set t soHUtM tnnvst the InQUiolt I man. i. as brougbtInto the oonittModWi preaence and obnrgiwiih the murder of the chil Btotttl and

earing by the holy name of t he prop, et,the ooouaed dented bis guilt

Meanwhile OtDOf OKUOrs w ho hud betOmaking a search of the man's house put inan appoaronco, having with them the bodsof the murdered child that had betn foundburled under the atairs tn ths houaoof the'man who on their return in a swearing tnhis 0WH innocence.

i It taonly tn Turkey, where lego methodare arbitrary, that detection OOUld have0O0M so quickly, and it ts only In SUOfa

next the. lawyet penalty. ois heels of he






lose on he

Within one houi the oulpril wae tried,enteooed anil drow bad In t ae waters of t he

tea of Marmora.

Modern lllfmelo,EorhapS there is not a countr clergym in

in all tin- United Btatenwbo d es not ahudder wheu his parishioners bint to him thaitbo are going to give him "a donationparty,' If the ptnaeherojccelvoo this newiwith Christian rosignation, it BUTO to uplot bis wUo and Uirow her into wild hys-

terics, for alic knows that she is expootedto set out a good supper in exchange foithe wilted cabnageOaStonj apples end Eroaonturnips dumped into her k;. n by way oidon a ions,

I wm- - inclined to think Unit thteeoftofChrist an philanthropy w is couttned en-

tiri'ly to this tide of the Atlattt ;c. but a h t

tcr recently received from Trance gives mcthe oomfooting assurance that we are notneonltar in our clerical donal ions.

Father PtofOt, a parish rlest, nearUergarac in t rance, lie is sn tueai CUrfand much h loved for bis pure lite andgenerous deeds, not only h nil own people,but by all who knew him.

It chanced last year, at tlm time of ati tinusually tine vintage, one of Kalln r PieTOt'lcmgregatioTi. in onler toehOW his rrganlfor the prit, suggested to the w inenuti erronndabont that they secure a new barrel.

i the cure's cellar, and that itibonld be Riled by each onu s ponring Intoit a gallon oi w lue as a grattiity.

The knggeotion aaa promptly acted on.and the barrel was ftlled.

After the wine harvest, was over, thepric-t-, to show his appreciation 'f the penpie's kindness, invited tin m to supper alhis ho"isi-- and. like the professional American donatOT, they accepted at once.

When all were seated, Kat her I'ii-ro- aeJd"My friend'), I am sure you are all as

anxioui as I ion to know what the resultw ill be of blending so mans different kindiof winea together. If the result isasgo-s-,isth motive that prompted our graciousconduct, the wine should he Somethingmeasurably Sne Jaoqnei (turning to tinservant), go down to the cellar and brinyup a large pitcher of that n inc.'

The servant did as he wai octnmanded,and soon returning with the veasel In bothbands ami a puaaled smile on hi face litbegan tilling flic glasses.

The fluid looked like water, ami it didnot require starching analysis to provithai il waa water, Expecting that everyone eli,' w otild bring wine, and t hat hi owtikm ion ot water w ould not be d tecttsirtiiiu1": th-- ' !nt. ear i one of tl ise i lielDUland pious parisbicMierK Including the manw ho h id sinrtfd the id a, had broughtWater, and th'-r- was not a drop of w ine iftht- - ves--

The people looked shenplshlj at eachother aoioas the board, but the good onnrose equal to tht- - occasion. 'M friends,'he said, "we read iu the sacred writing?that at Cane ot tialiU-- the Master turnedwater into wine. That waa an ancient mireolo. But it has been reserved tor tie goodChristians of modem times to do soim;hing quite as wonderful, and that it, nturn wine Into water."

AjttfUU) l CALHoUV



stka.M ( (( ks. and all otter tUtin&a

for pipe mi tend

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

nlUod Hlue .or sale tttOOanlitiM to Mill

J. A. HOPPER Prop'r.



Honolulu 8981 fjiii Ctipat


Laundry Soapi :tiM I t bun CttSf

( tur I I until i

HICHEtlPin i


I'All)Fi ij


Tons & Tons & Tons


have ttii'n pouring into ourStore and Warehouses the piitlew weeks K. barks "Pwil I sen-berg- "

anil "J. (.'. Pflugcr" tromEurope, and the dlfferenl sleani.ers and sailing vessels Irotu SanFrancisco. Our stocks ol heavygoods, such ;is Black and (i;d- -

anizei Chain, Onl anieed SheetIron, Sheel Znn. Pig Lead,Sheet Lead) Lead Pipe, LumpChalk) Shot, liar Iron, Etc, hasnevei been so large and com-

plete it in-d- Pencewire Our stock on 4 6 blackami i j (' ii 12 gfllvanieett is

very large, and we claim il is asfine a lot oi wirr as cvi't cameIn thediin't a

lit it it yout i mil' in ama piece o"in out bincan t ist ii




i i word1. iii I to

it it


. bend it . t it- mit. it tn your heart'sContent, alter have

asked the price ol it

to buysome.

Galvanised Buckets Tubs,Sauce Pans, KettlesBlueing, down Soap. FineClay Daj , Martin's ShoeBlacking we plentv "t

stoek ol GalvanisedFlexible Steel WireRope Is complete .'4 to 4inches Hubbuck Boiled

l.msoi d CasterWhite Lenand )xidc

dm rar,bergoffered




arc "( tin:The new

workstin- watei


lives Sprillk'ci

tuntry. However, wem ti take oui

wish Histwe vvill let you cutail) coil and put

isi1 upstairs andkm

and listami you dune

this andyou will be pretty sure

and'lea Hall


havenow. and our

and Irontrom

andRaw ami Oil.





il .ind inc. Red LeadColza Oil ami Stock-il- l

came by tin1 "Isen-fin- e

order and arclow prices, Now is

to ave v ui Ci flfin

the hundred sets ol

urniture" jusl receivedofl like "hot cakes."

"Pumping Plantmd you can gel all

m soour new I

theever sold hen


w n


parts to Weal out, as it does no!revolve, and is jjood for eitherlight or heavy pressure ofwater.

Electrical Goods. Outstock is more complete thanever, and wo have live men hardii work wiring houses lor Elcctrie Lights. We can Furnishwou t he fixtures, shade amilamps in any st vie. and ii wtwire your house vou can (eelsine it is done according to thelatest Underwriters rules.

Game is said to be plenty.We have the right kind t.iSchultze, Wood, or Black Powdei Cartridges to get bir batjs.v ith.

E. 0. Hall & Son,

Cor. F



I.i Mil ED,

ami Kim; St;

Rich Red BloodResults from taking Hocd's


Mr. Chan. H'atkcroi s ia prandiani


For laearej feari I have ataa toanMsd withbiutuiic utui phaplM on my Easa tod iu(i.whh h were vei f aaaOTlfiA I Mad ' '

sod also ether sjuirllrinti. ui un--

HGOd S SSS Clii uSh i i ' tmm i" b n fit me. LaetfattaMantf

advttedmsui try Ifoed's Htnstaryit i wasietornuned to iv- it

A Yh rouBh Trial.After iiiiifj iW'i hut:le. my skin returned to It

ura Ktale. I etUI ue It. It gbiaf tuueuftfa ami vlaor. lusver hiei better jtealtt

in i.i tiw an i i n Ui ukmu Hood Hanuu rifla.' t'iti ukmi, m.Hi CsniU Mtstu.. 4 i.ijii u t. sii naasNrft

Mood'o P. Is are int hssl iftrr illneaiPUIS, SShUI 'tl. lU 'U. cuie beu'ta he. 3fc

lliiliriiiihulflwle i

JH - M vi .1 I.I- - .Hi.

mmI t.ii'itt't iii


HAftAiiAlt HOTEL,II. .1.1 I in i .it II I'., i. i hi,)

Noun JAM If '

.J la T JO i inMul l" rtpMI M

mm Hawaiian mw. IRIIMY, ItfiCtMBBH m. iftuj


W. C. Peacock & Co.




The American

ST. U. S. A.

The A 11 v Hcer

the Com- -

the IV! Made work, extra part.

into this

v. s. a.


Packed in Screw


Every bottle ol which bears

Ccrl ilicali' ul Aire and th

F.ncisc Seal ol tinul


J. J.

C. I. G.

A. iV (i.








Full and

Woolens, Comprising Worsteds. Cassimeres

i si n s nniKit m si nthl itoM mn i

Brewing Co. h. s. tregloan son.LOUIS,


BEIVSOM, SMITH & (X).," Bohemian "

brewed above SOlK AOENTS1. iinrlotibterllv exprewly

Rimported country,

Pahst Brewing Cn.,



Stock Brewery,


Cyrus Noble Whis--



Hiram Walker

Son's "Canadian

Club" "Whiskey.



"Elephant" Gin,


Vaughan Jones,




Koval Blend"

Jno. Jameson Son's


Or. Honolulu



Complete Assortment

and Tweeds.


Excels any Soan on theio


For the VolcanoNatures Wonder.

The Popular and Scenic

Wilder's Steamship Company's

A i STEAMER KIN AU.Pitted with Blectric Lights Bells Courteous and Attentive Service



Arriving Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings.

From Hilo to the Yolcano--o Miles

Scotch are Conveyed inOver a Splendid Macadamizeij Roaii, most ol ilic




way Dense Tropical Fofesl iile aloneworth i trio.


Mitchell ' Co. imcludinc all

ruiakeen for the Round FiftyWhiskey.





For Further Inlortnation, Cai.i. al THE Okwck,Corner Fori and Ounttn Streets,

l- - Cicxirls "till ;tt bed-roc-k

MILL,allowed lot Caih.

PETER HICH, Proprietor.

in 1 ii it 1 1 i iniM. . in i vnii Miixom Mnkai aod ilicluutU, mm Qimm St..I. ii. ii...



Howard iron

ii au Kaiiiai. Himat ll III"., I11A tH l.t M.


U. litn.-- ..I Ktrr ' Mitrii

Mill, .11, J'.l "If


siM TO JV, iv tuonin






ui iei




Pnwipl to i'l ra,

II J. (I.

tl Ii i I in If wlKI Nll Mi it .1 I.utl. - ...I "III. I

k II. ..! k !. UUI .1

II. tl .


it ss n v

it v




.1 il.- Milk

I,. ,n. l. Illl Ill II

Is l'. III



ill ein t Kltllell , ,H




Ni 'IT Pfup

.ll.ttlluil I


i i

..,!. ...ii It Ul I

..tin II..I. .il.-- ill. kilt I.IIHH.

i i.i ii i Him W Ui ID a m .') u. I 11 miu ' . Ill Kl Mutt II .1 n tl u Ii.

!,...uh.ll llMUIll. ' ' -' Il.. MUI..I till... ItalicIt.


EQUITABLElife of the United States

Qffkr Im hm ! o am tiik Plans, vis:

Ordlnnn Life t'lnn. Totittnc ltfntalmeril Won fNRW, IRRaPnTKMUVIIli III I I.'IU. HUM BTTRALTIVKh" s. mi i Tontine Plan, Joint Llfo IfiHkn.rrot Tnntlho Plntit, Pnrtnvtohlt) Umurftnet',

Bond Plon (Onupoti Bond Children! Kndowtnento,lit natuHtyi If donrod), innnltlest

Rndowmoni Bond Ploti (ft por oonti (tttutunwed), Term lnnnranoi etc.. etc i

Ii n ill cost you nothing! to chII nt (tic idlicc of (In1 undersigned nndmoke further Inquiries, Bhotild ntt onnolude to Insure, it will he n inynnr pnoket

Bkvce c: A. J.Maiuiifeis for Hie llHwaiinn Islntnif Life Asstirnnce Society of V. B.



. it



HARDWARE, Builders ft General,Always up to the Times in Quality, Stile anil Price.

Plantation Supplies,A Full .HHortnnnt t suit tin1 vnriouH dermoid.

Steel Plows,is finest t for Wand with





r Him'k, Shovtds. Mattockh. etc., etc


J Screw Plates, Taps and Dies,

r S Twist Drills, Paints and Oils,



Brushes, Glass, Asbestos Hair Feltand Felt Mixture

BtiAKKH' HTMAM PtTMPS, WKKTOttK' l KM Iill l i. tl.vw


t Oils, t quality and efficiency surpassed0Q

: GeneralIt is not pomible to show we have; if there Is anything

vou want, ootne ami aah for it. you will he polltelv treated.No trouble to show goods.


Groceries, Provisions and

Esi Corner Fort am Kim; Streets.

New Oodds receivoil bi tents Paoket froni ths Bastrn Rtates and Euruue'rev.h California Produce by everj steamer. All orders faithfully attended u

and triMMis delivsma to an part f the city tree of charge,Island orders solicited Aafelsf action guaranteiNL Ti lepbone N". B2

vsi Orooe B.x So. I4A,

The Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every 10 DaysLEMDNADE WORKS CO.,


Pass6111,8 Carriages,

23 H I


Irish 7 Water.

Lawn" Dollars.Irish



W, works






Assurance Society









Nuuanu, Honolulu,








Ginger Ale, I lop Ale,


Plain Soda

Sarsaparilla andIron Water,

Seltzer Water,etc.. etc., etc.

A Trial Order Solicited


(.I N I

