THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad...

4 VHMt rnnLiinmi ArTKRHOON THE HAWAIIAN STAR. J t n cirxTH Tnmi a Mimtnl! leimimuAf, J i i IH AIITAHOSJ. VOL. III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOIJKR j 95 NO 77C Carri Orns Klna Save the Children it By Purifying Tholr Blood Hood's Sarsaparllla Make Pur ' Blood, Curat Scrofula, Ktc. "Mr (iptrlence with Hood'l Sarsaparllla hu bwa M17 affccUse. Mjf tlltla girl, lira ;.m Id, hail lor four yean a bad (kin dlseasa. Iter arms and llmba would break out In a mass of rs, llMhar,liii T'llow matter. She would scratch the though It gara fallal, and tsar open tliaaoni. to Two Bottles of Hood'a tanaparllla caused the eruptions to heal and and the scab pealed off, alter which the skin became soft and smooth. Aa a family medicine) HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES we bellese Hood's Sarsaparilla hu ho eiiull and ot I recommend It." W. U Kiko, Blult Dale, Tex. Hood'a Pills are the best lamllj cathartic, aejoUeaudeffecUTe. Trrafeoi. 23 cants. Uobron Drug Company H'hnlosnlo A emits. Glaus Spreckels & Co., In HONOLULU - - - - II. I. Issue Bight ami Time. Dills of Ex- change, also Commercial and Traveler' a Letters of Credit on the principal parts of the world, Purchase approved Dills. In 9Inko loum on ncccptublc security. Heceive deposits on open account and allow Interest on term deposits. Attendproruptiy to collections, A General Blinking lliialncss Triiiisuclvil. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, FOUNDED 180S. Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $9,000,000 Il&vtnff been appointed agent! of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insur- ances at the lowest rales ot premium, II. W. KCIIM1UT A SONS. Bishop & Company, UANKER8, Honolulu! Hawaiian Islands. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. Transact a general Banking and Ex change Business. Loans made on ap proved security. Bills discounted. Com' mercial credits granted. Deposits re- ceived on current account subject to check. Letters of credit issued on the principal cities of the world. Agents of The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. 0, BREWER & CO,, LTD Queen St., Honolnln, H. I., AGKNTS FOR Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea Sugar Co., Honomu Bugar Co., Wal-luk- u Hn Co.. Walhee Suirar Co.. Makes Sugar Co., Haleakala Ranch Co., Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San Francisco Packets. Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters- - Agents I'nuauejpma uoara 01 unuer, writers. List of 0ticebs : P. C. Joirxs ,. ...President Qio. H. Bobxbtsoh Manager E.'F. Bishop .Treas. and Secy. Col. W. F. Allxit Auditor C. M. Coout j H. Watiehousi.. Directors A. W, CABTia.... ) STMT Castle 1 Cooke, Ltd, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. AGISTS VOB NKW ENGLAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON. JETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF BABTFORD, CONt) THE HAWAI1AH LAND AND IMPROVE- MENT COMPANY, LIMITED, Is now prepared to sell CoffM vki Frail Lamb ' IN HEA.AU, Island of Huwull, in Lots to suit Purchasers. Parties deilrlng to buy land can do so upon tbe INSTALLMENT PLAN, paying for same In monthly install. Call' and examine the map' of the land for sole. For prospectors and Information apply at tb. office ot the Company, Bp Yin, A. JOHKa secretary, in me HAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY'S OFFICE 106 Fort Btbekt, Honolulu. Wuslt Stab, 4,00 V J6"- - A rasr.l That Allaeke nheep. New Zetland has a kind of green parrot called kta that attack sheep anil li held up by evolutionists m one of the most striking Instances of rapid ada)tatlon on record. Mr, Wallace lias argued that It deserted the forests and its natural food ol berries, first for the pickings of the slaughter-house- , then for the live sheep, and finally, by an extraor- dinary refinement, it now only strikes for the delicate fat around the sheep's kidney. A New Zea- land sheep farmer has lately brutal- ly demolished this fable. The kea, he says, is only found above the forest line, and does not feed on berries, but on the lichen's on atones; did not train Itself to eat meat, but probably only took to it by acci- dent, mistaking the long hair of unshorn sheep for lichen. It never touches the kidney now, but only wants blood, and strikes sheep far back, not to reach a special delic- acy, but because the sheep cannot reach it there. The only fact left the evolutionists Is that the par- rot sometimes kills sheep. Llnoolo'e Laughter. He had a great laugh high, muilcal tenor and wbeu he had listened to or told a atory which particularly pleased him hu would walk up and down the room, with one hand on the small of his back and the other rubbing hla hair in all directions, and make things ring with laughter. Lincoln has great fame aa a story teller. and yet the truth Isn't half told. Pint and last, he told thousands' and thousands stories, llo was a wellsprlng of anec dote. Vet, under all hla humor and all hla laughter he was tender, sensitive, roman- tic, oftentimes sad. lie appeared hard and practical, and yet no man ever lived who needed and craved sympathy more than Lincoln, lis was strongly social In hla nature and liked people rather than places. Ltke all men of the highest cour- age, fearing nobody, he hated none. He would oppose a man to the death, but would never halo him. Senator Voorheea Kansas City Times. Cottage Cheese. Heat sour milk until the whev Hsra fa the top. Pour It off. put the curd lu a bair and let It drip six hours without squeezing It. Put In h wooden bowl, chop lino with wooden spoon. Bait to taste and work to the consistency of soft putty, adding ft lit- tle cream and butter an you proceed. Mold with your hands Into round balls and keep a cool place. It li bust when fresh.- - New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n place last evening. Us li wick Was It an epidemic r Dr. Charge well No. The Youns Worn. en's Fin de Slecle club bad a smoking con- cert, Puck. BEATER 8ALOO!Sr. Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co. H. J. NOUTK, Prop'r. First-l- ass Lunches served with Tea, Co Tee Boda watei Ulnger Ale or una. " Smokers' ReanLlte. a Soerialty SHORT TALKS. A loan from a private Individual places you under obligations which in many cases prove burdensome and em baraaatag. A loan from the Pioneer Building & Loan Association is a busi- ness matter pure and simple. Easy terms, and eaay payments. OIIoBjSto.l30Sjn: ClIAMBItk OF COMMHKCU ROOMS. A. V. GEAR, Secretary. CITY FEED STORE, L. H. DEC. Beret anla and Punchbowl, OLD ARMORY. Hay, Grain, Flour, Potatoes Bed Rock and .... Prices. General Mdse. FOR SALE. One All Dross Double Acting Force rump, S inch suction and discharge with 250 feet i inch Hose. At a bargain one English dog One revolving baker's oven. Apply to J. EMMELUTH, 122 tf. No. 6 Nuuanu street. 1 Boiled in Nature's Laboratory. SHRINK GEYSER WATER Pure, Refreshing, Healthful. BENSON, SMITH & CO,', 1 AOBNTS. - ' AVER'S Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR AND PROMOTES is Abundant Growth or ma r HAXB. It cures Itching hu mors, and keeps the km scalp cool, molit. nfaiuir, ana free iron, dftudruff. A 14 writes t ?"I feel compelled to state, lor the 7mjSm benefit of others, Mx )e ar afto I lost nearly halt of toy lialr,hmlml.atasleft turned gray, After Kiliig Ayrr's lljilr Visor several month i, my I, Mr hoRnn to grow again, and with the natural color rentor ed." Ayer's Hair Vigor I'lUTAKED ItT 03. j. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .$. A. rhfp Imitations. The nsme Aivr I I'rotiilumf nn the wrtrfwr, nd 1 bin n In ths .tM of each ot our boltUt, HOLLISTER DRUG CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY. Having resumed business and taken advantage of the past two weeks to renovate our stadio we are better pre- pared than ever to fill orders for views of ancient Hawaii and, of the stirring events of the late troubles. Portraits of the leading characters a specialty. Our portrait department is open for engagements, and our work, as In the post will bo up to all of the modern in our line. Is Jn This space is reserved for the Hawaiian Wine Company. Hawiian Electric Company. The cleaneat- - hriflibwt tufosst nA VmIIw- In the long run, the ch3apet and beet Ught for use in the family residence, i the electric light. Hafe; nothing could be Bftfer. A few dan aim a nrnmlnnt irn- - tleinan of Honolulu came rushing down to me ouice oi me juectric uompany ana s&ia: Give me figures for wiring my house, and I want it none at once: no more lamna for roe. Last njght a lamp tipped over and it came so near setting hre to the house and burning my children and I take no more risks. the past few weeks, who have ordered their nouses ntted with tbe perfect light. Just think It over and make up your mind that you want the best and safest light; send for tbe Hawaiian Electric Company and tell them what vnn want v. e nave a compieie slock or everytmng in this line and have just received a lot of the very wrest assigns in cnanaeuers. BICYCLES A new consignment ot the famous FALCON ROADSTERS just arrived. Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only track wheel made with large ball bearings and large sprockets. These machines are manufactured by the Yost Manu facturing Company of Toledo, Ohio, who give a guarantee for one year with every machine sold. For terms etc. apply to G. WEST. Sole.Aoest. MASONIC TEMPLE. I. Ss IS. Paints & Comports Roofing, Pile Covering and Building Papers, For Sale by WM. 6. IRWIN & Co., jVuvxitisis, Sole Agentt for the Hawaiian Itlandt. The building papers are 1, 2, 8, and 4 ply. They come In rolls, each roll con taining 1000 square feet. They are water proof, acid and alkali proof and vermin orooi. a nouse unea wtin uuua ing paper is rar cooler man one tnat u not. mere is aiso a cneaper graae o paper adapted for use under matting Keeping out insects. Honolulu, July 29th, 1893. Messrs. W, O. Irwin & Co., Ltd. Gentlemen; In reply to your' In qulry as to how the Ideal Roof Paint you sold me lasted; I would say that pointed the root of my house 12 months ago with your Red Ideal Roof Paint, and I find it is as fresh and bright in ap pearance today-a- s when first applied looking as well as others lately painted with other paints. I am more than satisfied. J, O, ROTHWELL, Have you leakr gutter? If J have, nulce it perfectly clean and IT. apply a good coat of No, 8 P, and U. Paint over tbe leaky spots; then tain piece of stout Manns paper, or a piece of common cotton cloth, paint ft well on hnth aidesi lav it over tn urti coat, kiv Ing the 'whole a final coat, and there will be no more leak there. Or if tbe tulm!. tMittr Is hjul make it clean and dry, and apply a paste of P, ft B, Faint and Portland Oeinent. A flral.aa. Wheel, The planters of Louisiana feci deeply Indebted to Alfio Ic lllanc, an old Creole pUnter, says llic New Orleans. l'Icayuiie, for hla recent Invention of a drainage wheel, which will prove of great value In draining plantation lauds after htavy rains. The wheel Is fourteen Inches wide and to feet In diameter, aud operated by a two horse-powe- r engine consuming one cord of wood per day and raising the water five feet high. At a recent test It drained a plantation of twenty-fiv- e acres under cultivation in twelve hours, after a heavy rain lasting three days and nights. The won- derful work of the wheel is readily seen, when, compared with the work on a neighboring plantation .no acres, drained by another kind of wheel, twenty-fou- r feet in diameter aud four feet wide, with a forty-hors- e power engine and a pump of six horse-powe- r, which re- quired fourteen days and nights to drain the erouud, and consumed 400 barrels of coal in that time. Orlaln of th. Ilon.vtnoon. The Neue Iilatt informs us that the term "honeymoon" was not suggested by the sweetness of that period of bliss, but originated turoueh a custom of the Germans of old, which compelled the newly wedded to drink notnlnc but mead made of honey during the thirty days following the marriage. A Point That Should Not 11. Forgotten. At McOUl eollcse. Montreal, which In ro. educational, out ot 11 students graduating who Donors aix are women, ana out or (lv. raedallsts three are womon. A college Stat latlclan, lu going over the figures, fluda that In proportion to their numbers the women have done three time, as well as the men. Still, It must be remembered that these figures are based upon averages. Only exceptional girls are now In be found In the colleGcea. while all aorU and conditions of boys tor all manner of reAsous are sent Into college. One blockhead, whose latnei wans mm to college because the Ixiy too stupid to do anything else, or one wild son sent because the father doesn't know what to do with him. millailnwn clasg average and makes an unfair showlnu comparisons. New, York Sun. RECEIVED ly the m. City of Peking, another lot f Drawn Work. Including I.mill's' Dresses, and a lor of irresistible Silk Ties, at 20c. each or $2,25 per down. A few cosee of Fan San Mineral Water, fullv eaual. if not superior to AdooU linarls. A. BARNES. NEW REPUBLIC BUILDING Seattle Draught Beer, Ei Mlowara. Best Beer in Honolulu at the CRITERION SALOON ORT, NEAR HOTEL STREET. OHAS. J. MCCARTHY. Manager. BEST IN HONOLULU 1 Ah Chock's Restaurant Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. Meals 25 Cents Arrangement can here be made for lenrlng au - avmiticB (tvuiLf; WIIUIU reaaonable dUUinue. CHOCK LOOK, TVI JC HoIIANT TAILOH, No. 48 Nunaiin Avcnne. Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Stylos up to Date. Frices that will satisfy you. Olve me a trial strive to please. SUxktot TmtA, Diagonals, flannels i".DxHnt No. 48 NUUANU AVE. P. O. Box BEST QUALITY RIMER ST1MPS Made at short notice oy the HAWAIIAN NEWS COMPANY LTD. WHY IS. IT So Many Like Our JAPANESE GOODS ? 1 Because they are carefully Mlecled, of pest Quality, and tbe price are what take mostly, You do not care to pay, a high price when we sell the same thing much lower We have all sorts of Goods such as 1311k Press Goods. Crepes, Hosiery, Shades, Fancy Screens, Porcelain and lacquer Vare. Toys, Watches, Fancy Articles of all kinds. S, 0ZAKI, 313 Kino Strkkt, Cob, Smith. 4 Yale's La Freckla In Mm. YftltVn Infallible niro for Frocklm, Tnn and Kunlitim. It H the only rtinnly ever ronijwundol thnt will irmove frock m completely ami nuroly. i no lairur ani more noucntfl tiio nkin, the moreHkelyltlMtofrwkleainl tho worno It will look nfU-- It U freckle.). TbnuNtmH of women, otlHrnlflinAutlful, aro (lUllgiimi l,y thee u nightly, brown Motchea. Nntbinff wlU bUU tlwm. Tliy are a wmrce of mlwry, hut they can lieciireiL. Lrt Freckla fsth (tentli-- arrant to frwkpd. Tlie rrejwiration of Ltt Kreckla In one of Mine. Vale'M cremtwt aclilovementK. Tlifro are many linftMlon, Rome of them vervdan-Reroii- i anil hurtful to tho nkln ; none of tbem really elTuctlre. For safety and certainty, lntltt alnajn on Retttng the genuine and original La Freckla. Trice $1 at ilrnp torm, or by mall. MMK. Ms VLK, Hraltli mmiI llfiutf HneclalUt. lHttKt.t'?ti1f-jir- Pssanlv f JlilJ mII.f free at THE HODRON DRUG CO.. Sole A pent i. PUNTER SPECIAL! A Good Fertilizer, T6 Suit the .Times At 030 per ton of 2000 lbs. Analyzed as follows: 10 per cent. Phosnhorlo Acid. i soluble and nvailahle. 0 per cent. Potash (actual.) 3 per cent. Ammonia, 10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate). FLORIDA PHOSPHATE, HONE MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Double Super Phosphate, 40 iter cent, to 45 per cent, soluble in water, in quantities to suit. Any Special Formula Made to Order by A. F. COOKE, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZINO CO. Weekly 8tr, $4.00 )er year. We bet; to draw. the planters attention the following advantages; THE CUUHIIEK will cut the cane transversely in piece about 11 Inched long and extract atout 50 per cent, of the juice and)delver the crushed cane In a uniform layer to the 3 roller mill, thereby causing a perfect feed und in- creased extraction of juice. THK CItUSlIEIt will leave the "skin' on the cane, thereby giving the juice a better chance to be expelled than if the cane was ripped open subjecting the pulp to the hard packing on the returner bar of the 3 roller mill. THE CUUSHEH will Bave labor In handling of the cane, as an irregular distribution of cane on the carrier will nut materially effect the regular and even feed to the 8 roller mill. THE CKUBUEU will not reuuiro ad ditional steata or boiler power, as it lias amount the Wehave bave but bave 30 or or the vruilne. Stirintf. per cent, the cutting the pieces Ave to ilz lonir and a lerfect. even and Heady feed mill. We ar. iliunif Ul to U tiur ounL more work urdiv mil more it our boiling house Wi tire aarlntt labor men carrier eery day, Everything Crusher smooth and easy, amount of ia trlflinir. u ion mir fur we are ruuolniE engine for tl three mills aud baveeleam toKuare. for tbe Uolllnif one tx'ii boiler. Of rourht with ihl even feed of rrucbed cane from the crunher Heareenauieitocioseaown our mill ranch more than ever before, from exiwrlments of dry In ic there was only 40 to 43 per rem. ui ki i in iv. Our run of irliidlnir nrdtnaryly Is from 80 lowest, to 93 hlifheat. WO clarlflere ui 1 remain, yours respectfully. Manager 1'epeekeaUugarCo. PilA ff.ANTATtni. Mpoh XL 1HUA Honolulu Iron rMt Wn Krajewskl Crusher advantageous In me unuernoieu items: tttcadniut tvtn fud Vie Vires roller mtlt, causing a great deal less on the mill and at the same time giving us from 6 to o percent, oeiier extraction or. juice. at present makinc a Crusher ani explain lis construction to any party HONOLULU Sole East Fort AN OPENER Hulls on Installment. A.IIS to ll 01 I'ants In IS 00 I M l.t 11 4(1) snlis " tor so oil 4 .Ti " " - no) 4 Ml t Dress, 1U to 40 W ( 00 Too TVips Oixxln nre all AVw, Wo fluarnntea a i'erfect Fit .in Every Case. Mcdeiros Co., Muruluuit Taillora, B DKCKhK, M.nster AitUNnTOH Uix)CK, Hotel Street Opposite King Bros. WE. Alu-nv- have on hand a strictly first class stock of . , . , HAY, GRAIN and FEED which wo sell at lowest possible prices. Wo Boliclt your trade. A. MORRIS & CO., mnoH,A. FORT ST. Gloyes for 25c. 1110 your Soiled and 1 will make them New and Clean fur tho small sum of 25 cents. Also prepared to take Orders for Trousseaus mi or Underwear AT VERY LOW PRICES. POULAIN. to machluo tor which we claim in nractlce. tho Increased extraction of juice has the trash as fuel so us to fully make up for the additional of steam to uriro it. THE CUUSHKIt la atronelr built. the rollers are made of solid steel rings on the shafts. The pinion all of steel and tho wheel is provided with segment Us speed is about the same as the mill rollers, thereby giving comiort ami tiateiy m running, ii is so constructed, that should iron parts, such as bolU, car links and pins, cane knives, etc., go through, it will iniure anv of the oarts. The are from plantations where the crusher at present la at worn; mMU 'liie tnuh u veru tiru and canalwasssaintir us with plenty of steam without the of eiiaea wuoti or coai. r ann'uuy juun, J, W, uuLsVlL. lauager. Kekaiia 1'iaNTATioif, March 23, 18'J5. Messrs. Houolulu Iron Works Co.. UK A it Hiiwi bave bten work tbe Krajewskl Crusher since the beulnninir ot October lsyf. without delav and wuuinemotic sat'siaciory msiulu from Uie Ktart. uur dallv work nas increased from O) clarlflers 10 SO ciarlQers tfiUO iaiions wiiu iun same numuer i lauurere ai wm iisutal liHfnrss. KlnrA w mr uatnir the Cruihe) Ilia extraction haM Inrreaited considerably and trash leaves the 2 roller mill drier than and make excellent fuel, adding the Crusher we apprehended that our steam- - inn caLwciijr iiiufui ua luavuiiacioiii. wui n uim Crusher and the three mill to- gether consume less than did S roll- er mill before alone, Tbe extraction of the Crusher amounts to 60 per cent, and S roller mill receives a steady and remilar feed, thereby decreasing the risk of tirttAktiiif roller shafts. We can recommend the Krejewikl Cane urusuer as a vaiuauie audition u a ram w men will pay lor inteix in a suon time. we remain, yours iruiy, a i V. OLAUE, In our shops sliall be pleased to show in teres teu, IRON WORK8 for Hawaiian Islands. and King Streets. KRAJEWSKI CANE CRUSHER Fepkikso March 28, 195. 'irrtwcd of tlaUu wrfc. Owing to Mrssr Honolulu Iron Co. Dear limited cniwiritv of our boiling house we BiHrti used tho Crusher since the I to drive the Crusher stow, If of the eeiuon and had no twiry could do U to cent, more Morlc trouble bitch whatever with It I with It. ItaSntr We save three meu at tbe ot Juice belde cane In laches kIvIok to tbe three roller ivmlil do much capacity would Iwnmt. the of six on the cane about works and the steam consumed iudtre. two House from font and the trash, (uuismrw ttallon In tourieen WorkaOa.-tlsiMTt.- And the of thus strain We are Agents sold easy order order 00 Cull order L. 51 M thU tteon auctual that use nre spur rim. use We Inir the formerly lly that the roller power tbe of the Juice the tlin and Work jmr tbe H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., AND OSALBKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed Corner Briiij Gloves Masonic Trmflk. demonstrated improved coupling following testimonials CO., IMPOKTUKS New Goods rsoelyea by every racket from tbe Eastern H la tee and Europe Frsah California Produoa by every steamer All orders faithfully attended t and goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders soUdUd. Uatlaf action guartnUed Telephone No. Post Offlo Box Ma lia, CHAS. SEYDONE SIGN WRITER and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Nett to the fort Kt. House, DU E. C. SURMANN, Has removed to GAKD15X JVIJ. J. M. MON8ARRAT. . , ATTOHNKY AT LAW AND NOTA11Y I'UBLIC. Cartwrlght Illock, Merchant Bt, Honolulu. E. M, NAKUINA, Coramlssioticr of Private Ways and Water Rights. Nottiry Publlo Agent to Urant Marriage Licenses. 1). J. CASIIMAN, Tout nt HfillimiUor Awnings a Specialty Foot of Nuuanu Street In California Feed Warehouso. Mutol TeIeihone nzft. WILLIAJl AYAGENEtt, CONTUACTOIt AND IIUlLDEIt, Herond Floor Honolulu Haoiiig Mill, tort KU All Kinds ot Jobbing Promptly At' tended to. P.O. Boa W7. lelrpnoneSIO. LEWIS & CO. IMlHlltTKItS. Naval Supplies. Wholesale and Itetail Dealers in Clroceries, Provisions, etc, ill FortBL, Honolulu. II, I. .6-- M. PHILLIPS & CO. Wholwale Iuiortni and Jobbers of AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Corner Fort and Queen Bis., Honolulu. 7tf U. W. SCHMIDT & SONS IMPOKTERS AND COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS. Fort Street. Honolulu. M. S. GllINBAUM & CO. UmlUal. HONOLULU H. I Commission Merchants and Importers of General Merchandise. Ban Francisco Office. 2U Front St, E. YANDOORN & CO., No. 208 FORT ST., Esplanadb, Stop on your way to the wharf and buy a cigar or get an iced cold drink. Americas Liycry aol EoardiD Statics Cor, Merchant and Hlcliard titrcsts. Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hours. JAMES CAItTY, Proprietor, Telephone No. 490. Cd.NHOMDATKI) SODA WATER Yv'OKKS COMPANY, LTD. Ksplanado, corn.- - Alien and Kort streets. HOLLISTER A. CO., Agents PACIFIC TRADING CO., succKssona to "itoimn." IMPORTERS AND DIJAUmS In Jnpanese Provisions and Dry Goods, etc., etc. .... 201 nnd 200 Font St., Honolulu, II. I, lilcycles Itepatrod. Guu and Iock Hmllh VtA nnd 1TO KOHT BTUEET, Opp. Club Stables. Tel 107, The greater part ol the Medals, Emblems, Prizes and such like made in Honolulu have been mauu- - factured by us, and , We Make Jewelry of every description You have only to tell us whit you want and how you want it made, and wc do the rest Jacobson & Pfeiffer, Furt Street Jewellers, Near corner King. SNAPS FOR YOU: Sterling Silver Belts, Complete for 2.BO Handsome Patterns, made to wear, including monogram. Sterling Silver Side Combs. . . . 000. a Pair. Positively Newest Pattern,. Sterling Bicycle Name Plates Reducsd to 7Bo Niimo Eiigriivcd In 1'ull H. F. WIGNMAN FACTS A0OUT A WATCH. fterrwt anMlante It Is Impo-tl- lo Tttiit I'rtrni lut, Tho watch rarrioil by thnnvrrAgc man U enmp'Mtil of pter, and Its man u fart tiro rmhrne mom than 8,000 and N'pnrnto irmtlohs Kome of tit smaller screws am so tidmile that tho iirmldrd rye mn hot distinguish them fnm stit-- filing or speck of dirt t'ndern glass a fierfixt crrw Is The silt In the hmd Is twoonntliouMndths of an Inch wide. It takes fio,0o0of tlw Screws to weigh a Iuund( and a Jiouud Ii worth l,nA5. Tho Imlmprlng la n strip of the finest stel, about Ul Inches long, onemie hun flrwlth Inch wide and tnenty aoen Inch thick It Is rolhd up In spiral fonn and finely tempe red. Thepnc-ea- of trpijierlng theno springs was long held as n secret by the few fortunnte ontu nwslng It and vtn now Is int Their manufacture mpiln-- great skill ami care. The strip Is gnugM to twenty of an Inch, but no ineAsurliig Instrument has yet Nn ih vised rapabloof flneenougli gauging to do tennlno Itcfnrehniid by tho slreof tho strip what tho strength of tho finished spring win iw. jv twenty part of on Inch dlffcrrnco In the thick mw, of the stp makes n difference In the running of n wntch of almtit six minutes nn hour Tho vale of theao up ring, when flnUhl atid phieed In watcluw. Is enonnotuln t tho mnterlAl fmm which they aro iiiiulc A coiiiKiriw)n will gho n giMsl Idea. A ton of steel mmle up Into lialr sprlngawhenluvatchea lsnnrthluorothan 19f times the valuo of tho mme weight In pun . Hairspring wire weighs of a grain to an inch, Ono mile of wire weighs Ua tlian half a imund, Tho ImJanen gives flvo vlbrntlons every seoond, 800 every minute, 1,000 every hour, 482,000 every day ami 157I0b0,OOt) ecry year. At each vibration It rotates nlout IU times, which makes 117,100, noorcvolutlona every year. lu order that wo may Ix'tUr understand tho lunomit of la- bor performed by thso tiny works, let us make a pertinent comparison, Take, fur Illustration, a lurmottvo with six fist driving wheels. lt Its wheels bo run un- til they have ghen tho niiiiu number of revolutions that u watch dtn-- In on . andthoy willhaveeoereda dLttnco equal to B8 completo circuits of tho rnrth. All this n wntch does without other attention than winding onco eery Hi hours. New York Commercial Advertiser. Hope For Young I'oets. Peddler One moment, please. You ars a poet. I am told. Scribbler but I er have not pnl llshul very much of my work as yet. "Exactly. That's why I called." 'Ehf Are you a publUherf" "No, sir; I am general agent for one of the greatest money saving Inventions of the age." "Um I would certainly like to save money," "Yes; that's It, and I've got the thing to enable you to do It. It's a little rubber stamp with tbe words 'Declined with' thanks on It. You writo your poem, put It In an envelope, slip In a piece of paper with those words on it, address the envel- ope to yourself, open the envelope, read the slip, dump the w bole business in the waate-bask- and there you are. You'll save 10 times Ha cent in postage stamps every week," New York Weekly, Clearance Sale. Having no room to place my New Uoods I will inaugurate o Clearance Halo on .... , Saturday, August 31, And to continue two weeks, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Matting, Fine Millinery, China Silks, Etc.. Etc. Goods sold below Cost, Come and .sec our Ilargains. OOO KIM, 411 NUUANU STREET, BIRD CAGES.... Birds and flowers the raising and caring lor these are two of the most pleasant pas times. The care of birds is what wc wish to speak about. A bird in prison is not like one at liberty, and you ought to make its home as pleasant. as you can. We have the homes all sorts for all kinds of birds. We have almost every conceivable style, and you can pay for your cage alt the way from 75c. to f 8.00. Jlipillllll'll, UI si) It's, llruas UO I'arroi u Uri't'illug v " Make your bird happy and he will sing for you all day long (if he is that kind of bird) E. 0, HALL & SOS CASTLE & COOKE 1.1MITHD, Importers, Hardware and Genera Merchandise. Wc call especial attention this week to the fullmrtnir: ISurcka Harness Oil. . . . sSBbhHHHHB Boston Coach Axlo Oil. Mica Axlo Greaso. 11 ALSO Special Carriage Lamp Oil. Special Bicycle Oil. Castle & Cooke, Ltd, IMPORTERS, Hardware ani General Merchandise. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR SOI.K AOKNT l'OR THK " " DOMESTIC Sewing Machine, THE KING OF ALU ' Uvcryllilng a Sewing Machine can do tills doe Stationer and Hewsdialsr. BLANK UOOKS, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GAMES AND TOYS. CASH OJVIW. WHY PAY RENT. When you can apply , the rent money to pur- chase a house f We will sell you a house to be built to suit you by paying month ly installments. Call and examine our plan and satisfy yourself that our proposi tion is one wutcli will be fully sat- - tstaclory to you. IHE HU SAFE DEPOSIT 110 IMYESTr IW WAIT, 08 Fort Stuket, Honolulu. I i

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad...

Page 1: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n place last evening. Us li wick Was It an epidemic r Dr. Charge well




t n cirxTHTnmi

a Mimtnl!

leimimuAf, Jii IH AIITAHOSJ.


Carri Orns Klna

Save the Children itBy Purifying Tholr Blood

Hood's Sarsaparllla Make Pur' Blood, Curat Scrofula, Ktc.

"Mr (iptrlence with Hood'l Sarsaparllla hubwa M17 affccUse. Mjf tlltla girl, lira ;.m

Id, hail lor four yean a bad (kin dlseasa. Iterarms and llmba would break out In a mass ofrs, llMhar,liii T'llow matter. She wouldscratch the though It gara fallal,and tsar open tliaaoni. to

Two Bottles of Hood'atanaparllla caused the eruptions to heal andand the scab pealed off, alter which the skinbecame soft and smooth. Aa a family medicine)


we bellese Hood's Sarsaparilla hu ho eiiull and otI recommend It." W. U Kiko, Blult Dale, Tex.

Hood'a Pills are the best lamllj cathartic,aejoUeaudeffecUTe. Trrafeoi. 23 cants.

Uobron Drug CompanyH'hnlosnlo A emits.

Glaus Spreckels & Co.,In

HONOLULU - - - - II. I.

Issue Bight ami Time. Dills of Ex-change, also Commercial and Traveler' aLetters of Credit on the principal partsof the world,

Purchase approved Dills. In9Inko loum on ncccptublc

security.Heceive deposits on open account and

allow Interest on term deposits.Attendproruptiy to collections,A General Blinking lliialncss



FOUNDED 180S.Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

Il&vtnff been appointed agent! of the aboveCompany we are now ready to effect Insur-ances at the lowest rales ot premium,


Bishop & Company,UANKER8,

Honolulu! Hawaiian Islands.


Transact a general Banking and Exchange Business. Loans made on approved security. Bills discounted. Com'mercial credits granted. Deposits re-ceived on current account subject tocheck. Letters of credit issued on theprincipal cities of the world.

Agents of The Liverpool and Londonand Globe Insurance Company.


Queen St., Honolnln, H. I.,


Hawaiian Agricultural Co., OnomeaSugar Co., Honomu Bugar Co., Wal-luk- u

Hn Co.. Walhee Suirar Co..Makes Sugar Co., Haleakala RanchCo., Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Francisco Packets.Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

Packets.Agents Boston Board of Underwriters- -

Agents I'nuauejpma uoara 01 unuer,writers.

List of 0ticebs :

P. C. Joirxs ,. ...PresidentQio. H. Bobxbtsoh ManagerE.'F. Bishop .Treas. and Secy.Col. W. F. Allxit AuditorC. M. Coout jH. Watiehousi.. DirectorsA. W, CABTia.... )


Castle 1 Cooke, Ltd,


Insurance Agents.



Life Insurance Co.OF BOSTON.







Is now prepared to sell

CoffM vki Frail Lamb' IN

HEA.AU, Island of Huwull,in Lots to suit Purchasers.

Parties deilrlng to buy land can do soupon tbe


paying for same In monthly install.

Call' and examine the map' of theland for sole.

For prospectors and Information applyat tb. office ot the Company, Bp Yin, A.JOHKa secretary, in me


106 Fort Btbekt, Honolulu.

Wuslt Stab, 4,00 V J6"--

A rasr.l That Allaeke nheep.New Zetland has a kind of green

parrot called kta that attack sheepanil li held up by evolutionists mone of the most striking Instancesof rapid ada)tatlon on record. Mr,Wallace lias argued that It desertedthe forests and its natural food olberries, first for the pickings of theslaughter-house- , then for the livesheep, and finally, by an extraor-dinary refinement, it now onlystrikes for the delicate fat aroundthe sheep's kidney. A New Zea-land sheep farmer has lately brutal-ly demolished this fable. The kea,he says, is only found above theforest line, and does not feed onberries, but on the lichen's on atones;

did not train Itself to eat meat, butprobably only took to it by acci-

dent, mistaking the long hair ofunshorn sheep for lichen. It nevertouches the kidney now, but onlywants blood, and strikes sheep farback, not to reach a special delic-acy, but because the sheep cannotreach it there. The only fact left

the evolutionists Is that the par-rot sometimes kills sheep.

Llnoolo'e Laughter.He had a great laugh high, muilcal

tenor and wbeu he had listened to or told aatory which particularly pleased him huwould walk up and down the room, withone hand on the small of his back and theother rubbing hla hair in all directions,and make things ring with laughter.

Lincoln has great fame aa a story teller.and yet the truth Isn't half told. Pintand last, he told thousands' and thousands

stories, llo was a wellsprlng of anecdote. Vet, under all hla humor and all hlalaughter he was tender, sensitive, roman-tic, oftentimes sad. lie appeared hard andpractical, and yet no man ever lived whoneeded and craved sympathy more thanLincoln, lis was strongly social In hlanature and liked people rather thanplaces. Ltke all men of the highest cour-age, fearing nobody, he hated none. Hewould oppose a man to the death, butwould never halo him. Senator Voorheea

Kansas City Times.

Cottage Cheese.Heat sour milk until the whev Hsra fa

the top. Pour It off. put the curd lu a bairand let It drip six hours without squeezingIt. Put In h wooden bowl, chop lino with

wooden spoon. Bait to taste and work tothe consistency of soft putty, adding ft lit-tle cream and butter an you proceed. Moldwith your hands Into round balls and keep

a cool place. It li bust when fresh.- -New York Prraa.

Emancipated.Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n

place last evening.Us li wick Was It an epidemic rDr. Charge well No. The Youns Worn.

en's Fin de Slecle club bad a smoking con-cert, Puck.

BEATER 8ALOO!Sr.Fort Street. - Opposite Wilder & Co.

H. J. NOUTK, Prop'r.First-l- ass Lunches served with Tea, Co Tee

Boda watei Ulnger Ale or una." Smokers' ReanLlte. a Soerialty


A loan from a private Individualplaces you under obligations which inmany cases prove burdensome and embaraaatag. A loan from the PioneerBuilding & Loan Association is a busi-ness matter pure and simple. Easyterms, and eaay payments.


A. V. GEAR,Secretary.


Beretanla and Punchbowl,

OLD ARMORY.Hay, Grain,

Flour, Potatoes Bed Rock

and .... Prices.

General Mdse.


One All Dross Double Acting Force

rump, S inch suction and dischargewith 250 feet i inch Hose.

At a bargain one English dog

One revolving baker's oven.Apply to

J. EMMELUTH,122 tf. No. 6 Nuuanu street.








1 AOBNTS.- '

AVER'SHair Vigor




Abundant Growthor ma r

HAXB.It cures Itching hu

mors, and keeps thekm scalp cool, molit.nfaiuir, ana free iron,dftudruff.

A 14writes t

?"I feelcompelledto state,lor the7mjSm benefit ofothers, Mx )e ar afto I lost nearly halt of toylialr,hmlml.atasleft turned gray, AfterKiliig Ayrr's lljilr Visor several month i,my I, Mr hoRnn to grow again, and with thenatural color rentor ed."

Ayer's Hair VigorI'lUTAKED ItT

03. j. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .$. A.

rhfp Imitations. The nsmeAivr I I'rotiilumf nn the wrtrfwr, nd 1

bin n In ths .tM of each ot our boltUt,




Having resumed business and takenadvantage of the past two weeks torenovate our stadio we are better pre-pared than ever to fill orders for viewsof ancient Hawaii and, of the stirringevents of the late troubles. Portraitsof the leading characters a specialty.

Our portrait department is open forengagements, and our work, as In thepost will bo up to all of the modern

in our line.



This spaceis

reservedfor the

Hawaiian Wine Company.


The cleaneat- - hriflibwt tufosst nA VmIIw-In the long run, the ch3apet and beet Ughtfor use in the family residence, i the

electric light. Hafe; nothing couldbe Bftfer. A few dan aim a nrnmlnnt irn- -tleinan of Honolulu came rushing down tome ouice oi me juectric uompany ana s&ia:

Give me figures for wiring my house, and Iwant it none at once: no more lamna for roe.Last njght a lamp tipped over and it cameso near setting hre to the house and burningmy children and I take no more risks.

the past few weeks, who have ordered theirnouses ntted with tbe perfect light.

Just think It over and make up your mindthat you want the best and safest light; sendfor tbe Hawaiian Electric Company and tellthem what vnn want

v. e nave a compieie slock or everytmng inthis line and have just received a lot of thevery wrest assigns in cnanaeuers.


A new consignment ot the famousFALCON ROADSTERS just arrived.Also a 17 lb. Track Racer, the only trackwheel made with large ball bearingsand large sprockets. These machinesare manufactured by the Yost Manufacturing Company of Toledo, Ohio,who give a guarantee for one year withevery machine sold.

For terms etc. apply to


I. Ss IS.

Paints & ComportsRoofing,Pile Covering andBuilding Papers,

For Sale by

WM. 6. IRWIN & Co.,

jVuvxitisis,Sole Agentt for the Hawaiian Itlandt.

The building papers are 1, 2, 8, and 4ply. They come In rolls, each roll containing 1000 square feet. They arewater proof, acid and alkali proof andvermin orooi. a nouse unea wtin uuuaing paper is rar cooler man one tnat u

not. mere is aiso a cneaper graae opaper adapted for use under mattingKeeping out insects.

Honolulu, July 29th, 1893.

Messrs. W, O. Irwin & Co., Ltd.Gentlemen; In reply to your' In

qulry as to how the Ideal Roof Paintyou sold me lasted; I would say thatpointed the root of my house 12 monthsago with your Red Ideal Roof Paint,

and I find it is as fresh and bright in ap

pearance today-a- s when first appliedlooking as well as others lately painted

with other paints. I am more than

satisfied.J, O, ROTHWELL,

Have you leakr gutter? If Jhave, nulce it perfectly clean and IT.apply a good coat of No, 8 P, and U.Paint over tbe leaky spots; then tainpiece of stout Manns paper, or a pieceof common cotton cloth, paint ft well onhnth aidesi lav it over tn urti coat, kivIng the 'whole a final coat, and therewill be no more leak there. Or if tbetulm!. tMittr Is hjul make it clean anddry, and apply a paste of P, ft B, Faintand Portland Oeinent.

A flral.aa. Wheel,

The planters of Louisiana fecideeply Indebted to Alfio Ic lllanc,an old Creole pUnter, says llic NewOrleans. l'Icayuiie, for hla recentInvention of a drainage wheel,which will prove of great value Indraining plantation lauds afterhtavy rains.

The wheel Is fourteen Incheswide and to feet In diameter, aud

operated by a two horse-powe- r

engine consuming one cord of woodper day and raising the water fivefeet high. At a recent test Itdrained a plantation of twenty-fiv- e

acres under cultivation in twelvehours, after a heavy rain lastingthree days and nights. The won-derful work of the wheel is readilyseen, when, compared with thework on a neighboring plantation

.no acres, drained by anotherkind of wheel, twenty-fou- r feet indiameter aud four feet wide, with aforty-hors- e power engine and apump of six horse-powe- r, which re-

quired fourteen days and nights todrain the erouud, and consumed

400 barrels of coal in that time.

Orlaln of th. Ilon.vtnoon.The Neue Iilatt informs us that

the term "honeymoon" was notsuggested by the sweetness of thatperiod of bliss, but originatedturoueh a custom of the Germansof old, which compelled the newlywedded to drink notnlnc but meadmade of honey during the thirtydays following the marriage.

A Point That Should Not 11. Forgotten.At McOUl eollcse. Montreal, which In ro.

educational, out ot 11 students graduatingwho Donors aix are women, ana out or (lv.raedallsts three are womon. A college Statlatlclan, lu going over the figures, fludathat In proportion to their numbers thewomen have done three time, as well as themen. Still, It must be remembered thatthese figures are based upon averages.Only exceptional girls are now In befound In the colleGcea. while all aorU andconditions of boys tor all manner of reAsousare sent Into college. One blockhead, whoselatnei wans mm to college because the Ixiy

too stupid to do anything else, or onewild son sent because the father doesn'tknow what to do with him. millailnwnclasg average and makes an unfair showlnu

comparisons. New, York Sun.

RECEIVEDly the m. City of Peking, another lotf Drawn Work. Including I.mill's'

Dresses, and a lor of irresistible

Silk Ties,at 20c. each or $2,25 per down. Afew cosee of

Fan San Mineral Water,fullv eaual. if not superior to AdooUlinarls.


SeattleDraught Beer,

Ei Mlowara.

Best Beer in Honolulu at the




Ah Chock's RestaurantCor. Hotel and Union Sts.

Meals 25 CentsArrangement can here be made for lenrlng

au - avmiticB (tvuiLf; WIIUIUreaaonable dUUinue.


No. 48 Nunaiin Avcnne.

Fine Cloths. Perfect Fits. Stylos upto Date. Frices that will satisfy

you. Olve me a trialstrive to please.

SUxktot TmtA, Diagonals, flannels i".DxHnt

No. 48 NUUANU AVE.P. O. Box



ST1MPSMade at shortnotice oy the






Like Our



Because they are carefullyMlecled, of pest Quality, andtbe price are what takemostly, You do not care topay, a high price when we sellthe same thing much lowerWe have all sorts of Goods

such as 1311k Press Goods.

Crepes, Hosiery, Shades,Fancy Screens, Porcelain andlacquer Vare. Toys, Watches,Fancy Articles of all kinds.

S, 0ZAKI,313 Kino Strkkt, Cob, Smith.


Yale'sLa Freckla

In Mm. YftltVn Infallible niro for Frocklm,Tnn and Kunlitim. It H the only rtinnlyever ronijwundol thnt will irmove frock mcompletely ami nuroly.

i no lairur ani more noucntfl tiio nkin, themoreHkelyltlMtofrwkleainl tho worno Itwill look nfU-- It U freckle.).

TbnuNtmH of women, otlHrnlflinAutlful,aro (lUllgiimi l,y thee u nightly, brownMotchea. Nntbinff wlU bUU tlwm. Tliyare a wmrce of mlwry, hut they can lieciireiL.Lrt Freckla fsth (tentli-- arrant to frwkpd.

Tlie rrejwiration of Ltt Kreckla In one ofMine. Vale'M cremtwt aclilovementK. Tlifroare many linftMlon, Rome of them vervdan-Reroii- i

anil hurtful to tho nkln ; none of tbemreally elTuctlre. For safety and certainty,lntltt alnajn on Retttng the genuine andoriginal La Freckla.

Trice $1 at ilrnp torm, or by mall. MMK.Ms VLK, Hraltli mmiI llfiutf HneclalUt.lHttKt.t'?ti1f-jir- Pssanlv f JlilJ mII.f


Sole A pent i.

PUNTER SPECIAL!A Good Fertilizer,

T6 Suit the .TimesAt 030 per ton of 2000 lbs.Analyzed as follows:

10 per cent. Phosnhorlo Acid. isoluble and nvailahle.

0 per cent. Potash (actual.)3 per cent. Ammonia,10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate).




Double Super Phosphate,40 iter cent, to 45 per cent, solublein water, in quantities to suit.

Any Special Formula Made to Orderby


Weekly 8tr, $4.00 )er year.

We bet; to draw. the planters attentionthe following advantages;

THE CUUHIIEK will cut the canetransversely in piece about 11 Inchedlong and extract atout 50 per cent, ofthe juice and)delver the crushed cane Ina uniform layer to the 3 roller mill,thereby causing a perfect feed und in-

creased extraction of juice.THK CItUSlIEIt will leave the "skin'

on the cane, thereby giving the juice abetter chance to be expelled than if thecane was ripped open subjecting thepulp to the hard packing on the returnerbar of the 3 roller mill.

THE CUUSHEH will Bave labor Inhandling of the cane, as an irregulardistribution of cane on the carrier willnut materially effect the regular andeven feed to the 8 roller mill.

THE CKUBUEU will not reuuiro additional steata or boiler power, as it lias


Wehave bave butbave 30

or or thevruilne. Stirintf.

per cent, the cutting thepieces Ave to ilz lonir and a

lerfect. even and Heady feedmill. We ar. iliunif Ul to U tiur ounL

more work urdiv mil more itour boiling house Witire aarlntt labor mencarrier eery day,

Everything Crushersmooth and easy, amount of

ia trlflinir. u ion mir fur weare ruuolniE engine for tl three millsaud baveeleam toKuare. for tbe Uolllnif

one tx'ii boiler. Of rourht with ihleven feed of rrucbed cane from the crunherHeareenauieitocioseaown our mill ranchmore than ever before, from exiwrlmentsof dry In ic there was only 40 to 43 perrem. ui ki i in iv.

Our run of irliidlnir nrdtnaryly Is from 80lowest, to 93 hlifheat. WO clarlflere

ui1 remain, yours respectfully.

Manager 1'epeekeaUugarCo.

PilA ff.ANTATtni. Mpoh XL 1HUA

Honolulu Iron rMt WnKrajewskl Crusher advantageous In

me unuernoieu items:tttcadniut tvtn fud Vie Vires roller mtlt,

causing a great deal less on themill and at the same time giving us from 6 too percent, oeiier extraction or. juice.

at present makinc a Crusherani explain lis construction to any party


East Fort


OPENERHulls on

Installment.A.IIS to ll 01 I'ants In IS 00

I Ml.t 11 4(1)

snlis " tor so oil 4

.Ti " " - no) 4 Ml

tDress, 1Uto 40 W ( 00


TVips Oixxln nre all AVw,

Wo fluarnntea a i'erfect Fit .in EveryCase.

Mcdeiros Co.,Muruluuit Taillora,

B DKCKhK, M.nsterAitUNnTOH Uix)CK, Hotel StreetOpposite King Bros.

WE.Alu-nv- have on hand a strictlyfirst class stock of . , . ,



which wo sell at lowest possibleprices.

Wo Boliclt your trade.


Gloyes for 25c.

1110 your Soiledand 1 will make them

New and Cleanfur tho small sum of 25 cents.

Also prepared to take

Orders for Trousseaus

mi or UnderwearAT VERY LOW PRICES.


to machluo tor which we claim

in nractlce.tho Increased extraction of juice

has the trash as fuel so us tofully make up for the additional ofsteam to uriro it.

THE CUUSHKIt la atronelr built.the rollers are made of solid steel ringson the shafts. The pinion all ofsteel and tho wheel is provided withsegment Us speed is about thesame as the mill rollers, thereby givingcomiort ami tiateiy m running, ii is soconstructed, that should iron parts, suchas bolU, car links and pins,cane knives, etc., go through, it williniure anv of the oarts.

The are fromplantations where the crusher at presentla at worn;

mMU'liie tnuh u veru tiru and canalwasssaintir

us with plenty of steam without the ofeiiaea wuoti or coai. r ann'uuy juun,

J, W, uuLsVlL. lauager.

Kekaiia 1'iaNTATioif, March 23, 18'J5.

Messrs. Houolulu Iron Works Co.. UK A itHiiwi bave bten work tbe KrajewsklCrusher since the beulnninir ot October lsyf.without delav and wuuinemotic sat'siaciorymsiulu from Uie Ktart. uur dallv work nasincreased from O) clarlflers 10 SO ciarlQers tfiUO

iaiions wiiu iun same numuer i lauurere aiwm iisutal liHfnrss. KlnrA w mr uatnir the Cruihe)Ilia extraction haM Inrreaited considerably and

trash leaves the 2 roller mill drier thanand make excellent fuel, adding

the Crusher we apprehended that our steam- -

inn caLwciijr iiiufui ua luavuiiacioiii. wui n uimCrusher and the three mill to-

gether consume less than did S roll-er mill before alone, Tbe extraction of theCrusher amounts to 60 per cent,and S roller mill receives a steady andremilar feed, thereby decreasing the risk oftirttAktiiif roller shafts.

We can recommend the Krejewikl Caneurusuer as a vaiuauie audition u a ram w menwill pay lor inteix in a suon time. we remain,yours iruiy, a


In our shops sliall be pleased to showin teres teu,

IRON WORK8for Hawaiian Islands.

and King Streets.


Fepkikso March 28, 195. 'irrtwcd of tlaUu wrfc. Owing toMrssr Honolulu Iron Co. Dear limited cniwiritv of our boiling house we

BiHrti used tho Crusher since the I to drive the Crusher stow, Ifof the eeiuon and had no twiry could do U to cent, more Morlc

trouble bitch whatever with It I with It.ItaSntr We save three meu at tbe

ot Juice belde caneIn laches kIvIok

to tbe threeroller

ivmlil do muchcapacity would Iwnmt.

the of six on the cane

about worksand the steam

consumed iudtre.two

Housefrom font

andthe trash,


ttallon Intourieen


And the

ofthus strain

We are



order order






tteon auctualthat





We Inir

theformerly lly

that the rollerpower tbe

of the Juicethe







Groceries, Provisions and Feed


Briiij Gloves

Masonic Trmflk.




following testimonials



New Goods rsoelyea by every racket from tbe Eastern H la tee and EuropeFrsah California Produoa by every steamer All orders faithfully attended tand goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.

Island orders soUdUd. Uatlafaction guartnUed Telephone No.

Post Offlo Box Ma lia,


Nett to the fort Kt. House,


Has removed to


. ,



Cartwrlght Illock, Merchant Bt, Honolulu.

E. M, NAKUINA,Coramlssioticr of Private Ways and

Water Rights.

Nottiry PublloAgent to Urant Marriage Licenses.


Tout nt HfillimiUorAwnings a Specialty

Foot of Nuuanu Street In CaliforniaFeed Warehouso.

Mutol TeIeihone nzft.


Herond Floor HonoluluHaoiiig Mill, tort KU

All Kinds ot Jobbing Promptly At'tended to.

P.O. Boa W7. lelrpnoneSIO.


Naval Supplies. Wholesale and ItetailDealers in Clroceries, Provisions, etc,

ill FortBL, Honolulu. II, I..6--

M. PHILLIPS & CO.Wholwale Iuiortni and Jobbers of


Corner Fort and Queen Bis., Honolulu.7tf



MEItCIIANTS.Fort Street. Honolulu.

M. S. GllINBAUM & CO.UmlUal.

HONOLULU H. ICommission Merchants and Importers

of General Merchandise.Ban Francisco Office. 2U Front St,


No. 208 FORT ST., Esplanadb,Stop on your way to the wharf andbuy a cigar or get an iced cold drink.

Americas Liycry aol EoardiD StaticsCor, Merchant and Hlcliard titrcsts.

Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at allhours.

JAMES CAItTY, Proprietor,Telephone No. 490.




Ksplanado, corn.- - Alien and Kort streets.


PACIFIC TRADING CO.,succKssona to "itoimn."

IMPORTERS AND DIJAUmSIn Jnpanese Provisions andDry Goods, etc., etc. ....

201 nnd 200 Font St., Honolulu, II. I,

lilcycles Itepatrod. Guu and Iock HmllhVtA nnd 1TO KOHT BTUEET,

Opp. Club Stables. Tel 107,

The greater part ol the Medals,Emblems, Prizes and such likemade in Honolulu have been mauu- -

factured by us, and ,


of every description You haveonly to tell us whit you want andhow you want it made, and wc dothe rest

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,Furt Street Jewellers,

Near corner King.



Sterling Silver Belts,

Complete for 2.BOHandsome Patterns, made towear, including monogram.

Sterling Silver Side Combs.

. . . 000. a Pair.Positively Newest Pattern,.

Sterling Bicycle Name Plates

Reducsd to 7BoNiimo Eiigriivcd In 1'ull



fterrwt anMlante It Is Impo-tl- loTttiit I'rtrni lut,

Tho watch rarrioil by thnnvrrAgc man Uenmp'Mtil of pter, and Its man u fart tirormhrne mom than 8,000 andN'pnrnto irmtlohs Kome of tit smallerscrews am so tidmile that tho iirmldrd ryemn hot distinguish them fnm stit-- filingor speck of dirt t'ndern

glass a fierfixt crrw IsThe silt In the hmd Is twoonntliouMndthsof an Inch wide. It takes fio,0o0of tlwScrews to weigh a Iuund( and a Jiouud Iiworth l,nA5.

Tho Imlmprlng la n strip of the fineststel, about Ul Inches long, onemie hunflrwlth Inch wide and tnenty aoen

Inch thick It Is rolhd up Inspiral fonn and finely tempe red. Thepnc-ea-

of trpijierlng theno springs was longheld as n secret by the few fortunnte ontunwslng It and vtn now Is int

Their manufacture mpiln--great skill ami care. The strip Is gnugMto twenty of an Inch, butno ineAsurliig Instrument has yet Nn ihvised rapabloof flneenougli gauging to dotennlno Itcfnrehniid by tho slreof tho stripwhat tho strength of tho finished springwin iw. jv twenty part ofon Inch dlffcrrnco In the thick mw, of thestp makes n difference In the running ofn wntch of almtit six minutes nn hour

Tho vale of theao up ring, when flnUhlatid phieed In watcluw. Is enonnotuln

t tho mnterlAl fmm which theyaro iiiiulc A coiiiKiriw)n will gho n giMslIdea. A ton of steel mmle up Into lialrsprlngawhenluvatchea lsnnrthluorothan19f times the valuo of tho mme weightIn pun . Hairspring wire weighs

of a grain to an inch, Ono mileof wire weighs Ua tlian half a imund,

Tho ImJanen gives flvo vlbrntlons everyseoond, 800 every minute, 1,000 everyhour, 482,000 every day ami 157I0b0,OOt)ecry year.

At each vibration It rotates nlout IUtimes, which makes 117,100, noorcvolutlonaevery year. lu order that wo may Ix'tUrunderstand tho lunomit of la-bor performed by thso tiny works, let usmake a pertinent comparison, Take, furIllustration, a lurmottvo with six fistdriving wheels. lt Its wheels bo run un-til they have ghen tho niiiiu number ofrevolutions that u watch dtn-- In on .

andthoy willhaveeoereda dLttnco equalto B8 completo circuits of tho rnrth. Allthis n wntch does without other attentionthan winding onco eery Hi hours. NewYork Commercial Advertiser.

Hope For Young I'oets.Peddler One moment, please. You ars

a poet. I am told.Scribbler but I er have not pnl

llshul very much of my work as yet."Exactly. That's why I called."'Ehf Are you a publUherf"

"No, sir; I am general agent for one ofthe greatest money saving Inventions ofthe age."

"Um I would certainly like to savemoney,"

"Yes; that's It, and I've got the thing toenable you to do It. It's a little rubberstamp with tbe words 'Declined with'thanks on It. You writo your poem, putIt In an envelope, slip In a piece of paperwith those words on it, address the envel-ope to yourself, open the envelope, read theslip, dump the w bole business in the waate-bask-

and there you are. You'll save 10times Ha cent in postage stamps everyweek," New York Weekly,

Clearance Sale.

Having no room to place myNew Uoods I will inaugurate oClearance Halo on .... ,

Saturday, August 31,And to continue two weeks,

Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,Matting,Fine Millinery,

China Silks, Etc.. Etc.

Goods sold below Cost,

Come and .sec our Ilargains.




Birds and flowers the

raising and caring lor these are

two of the most pleasant pas

times. The care of birds is

what wc wish to speak about.

A bird in prison is not like

one at liberty, and you oughtto make its home as you can. We have thehomes all sorts for all kindsof birds. We have almost everyconceivable style, and you can

pay for your cage alt the wayfrom 75c. to f 8.00.Jlipillllll'll, UI si) It's,llruas UO

I'arroi uUri't'illug v "

Make your bird happy and hewill sing for you all day long(if he is that kind of bird)

E. 0, HALL & SOS




Wc call especial attention thisweek to the fullmrtnir:


HarnessOil. . . .


Boston Coach Axlo Oil.


Greaso. 11


Special Carriage Lamp Oil.

Special Bicycle Oil.

Castle & Cooke, Ltd,

IMPORTERS,Hardware ani General Merchandise.






Sewing Machine,THE KING OF ALU '

Uvcryllilng a Sewing Machine can dotills doe

Stationer and Hewsdialsr.









RENT.When you can apply ,

the rent money to pur-

chase a house f

We will sell you a house to bebuilt to suit you by paying monthly installments.

Call and examine our plan andsatisfy yourself that our proposition is one wutcli will be fully sat- -tstaclory to you.


IW WAIT,08 Fort Stuket, Honolulu.



Page 2: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n place last evening. Us li wick Was It an epidemic r Dr. Charge well





Clotha tha Ghildran Tha Adalina Tha AdalinaTin Kiliihiln will noon ! Tlitiy tuny LEAD!MRifVT ipwtuv niCliirCHTC PErsm THEM ALLI ntnll tip nxmii iit xl .Momlny if tlio mltiatlmi reiiiniiiti

The ADHIjIKH Hlnrk .Storking U the Htmll WW MilTOll GUM Htoukllitfntt It m to day I liuw ten-ive- nil fxculleiit ntoek of lu tlioft U ifMHK, - IMptftWM Mnrkel, Ihuy nro :::!::mill tliii-- it tli.'i..ii,ji,U t It ..1 ihi iinxtMiMsimrtnw mint ullbotiVf initial tli xniiu ( itm ll liif-- t i k imi i f Outfits for Boys and Girls ABSOLUTELY

ff F III AtlC'M' .oi all tin' iliNxlonuitK A In 'UK tint .Hillift- - Umh tn AiHmm, .7 STAINLESSmnni, i r Vr hi Adorn--, ltoi , iScliil the children to well clad. I IlilVu

Very l'JaHtie mid o,ood wenrinjj. A full linn of wiresTIIUHSIUY. ooTuiuiit , m, in limply Hiillioii'iil to iiuiki fr mi Two t,i just what in reitiired ami will will outfits for young

I.KT Ihe trade tabu, If any at nil Twenty Onllons, dluis nt very low liguren. 1 linvo niendid lines to KOH LADIES, KOH UUNTLKMHN,is to lie maintained, be more reason of ullonj; ilinilifYrtitin llliiil ehoosi) from, IttHpoction Invited. FOll CHIIiDHUN, KOH INFANTS,able.

Mr. R. CASTUtwillbavetliecolnolatlon of knowing he is notthe first man who talked too inucb.

"Bkwakk of the awful late ofthe water drunkard!" is the waytlicy warn against cholera contagionIn San l'raticisco.

IT is hoped for the sake of Ho-

nolulu that direct cargoes from thecoast to new ports on the otherIslands will be the exception ratherthan the tutc.

Tim town shows a remarkableweakness lor the filibuster story,It gloats over the most absurdrumors just as San l'raucisco rolls

the sweet morsel of the miserable

Durraut trial under its diseasedtongue.

Uv this death of l'oomakelanlthere passes away a Hawaiianwoman held lu the highest esteemby all. She loved her people audwas always exerting herself in theirbehalf. In return the princess hadthe unreserved regard aud aloha ofthe entire race.

It would not be out of the wayat all for the Government to undertake to supply fish. Let the uncontaminated article be secured andhandled by officials. Any othersystem would tend to encouragethe methods of monopoly. Thestrict tabu ou a home article Is ahardship to many foreigners as wellas to all the natives. It does seemthat with a little effort in the direetion of management this really imnortant matter of fish could beeasily and satistactorily arranged

TniiKit has been another case ofthe Hawaiian cholera. The victimis an aged inmate of the insaneasylum. This institution is in auinfected district. It is surroundedby taro patches irrigated from con

taminated sources, ihe case isplain as a suicide, a shooting, arailroad or building accident. Thanany of these it is no more threatening to the health of people here orelsewhere. Very soon now thepossibility of another case of taropatch cholera will be removed. Thepolluted waters are being attendedto very thoroughly. Even thegrowing taro is being destroyed.The many springs in that localityare posted kapu and are guarded.The asylum inmates will be keptfrom the fields till the cleansing isfinished. This man took on theinfection five days before he wasstricken.

Tint Nuuanu stream trouble willnot down. Every day new difficul-

ties and new problems confrontthose wrestling with the project.The matter of expense is ever present. This involves dealing withscores of people. Then the eugin'eers, the sanitary experts, the

and the laymen offer vary'ing plans requiring money ofamount from within the allowanceto ten times that sum. The sug-

gestion brought forward by TubStak, aud given again on a localpage, is from practical men and hasmet with favorable consideration.Its strong point is that it will ob-

viate the necessity of extensivepurchase transactions by the use ofland now owned by 'the Govern-ment. It should be evident andprobably is evident to every citizenthat here aud now in the life of Ho-

nolulu aud Hawaii this stream mustbe purified aud placed under control. In it-- ) present condition it isa menace to health and a draggingweight on the train of progress.

O.sci! more a plea is made for thebusiness men of Honolulu. TheHealth Board is not giving themthe consideration which is theirdue. Repeatedly at meetings allmembers of the Board have agreed,each speaking for himself, thatthere was absolutely no danger orrisk attendiug the shipment ofgoods. Then, aud without otherreason than flimsy sentiment, theBoard regularly votes to postponeeven consideration of a partial resumption of traffic. This may be

all very well from some mysterious,unexplained standpoint. TheHoard members may be satisfied intheir own minds with the conclu

sions they have reached. But how

about the merchant who hasn'tbeen able to send a thing from his

tock for six weeks aud who sees

trade slipping from his grasp? Howabout the heavy proportion of thecommunity havingits days of prop-

erty or adversity regulated by thebig and little houses? How aboutthe small dealers who have expen-ses piling up and with whom theabsence of receipts conjures up avivid outlook of ruin? How aboutthe scores upon scores of peoplewho depend on tourists patronage?How about the schools? Are all

these to suffer on account of Inde-

cision? Is the present and discour-

aging condition to continue whenit is a positive fact that there Is noepidemic here?

Octobtr , iSgs

The Australia brought us avery largo invoice of goodsthat we intend to keep on theOceanic wharf for shipment tothe other islands. Everythingin the appended list can bshipped aud the attention ofbuyers is called to the assort-ment of goods.

Plated Ware.

Water Closets.

Paint Burners.

Hendry's Mixed Paints.

Hose in all sizes and qualities.

Ideal Coffee Pots.


Bicycle Lamps.

Metallic Paint in oil.

Tanks 3 and 5000 gals.

Steel Wire Cloth.

Shooting Coats.

Flour Sifters.

Blacksmith's Bellows.

Wire Mats.


Feather Dusters.

Hoe Handles.

California Lawn Sprinklers



Rice Plows.

W. W. Heads.

Paint Brushes.

Bath Tub Enamel.


Assorted Hardware.

Disston's No.2 Cano Knives,

Mill Saw Files.

Sole Leather.



307 Fort street,



Automatic Dry


linn on Exhibition mi Automatic Dry ICattli Closet ofhis own make, tlio iirraiigi'iiieiilH of which nro Hiiiiplo mmwill not readily (jot out of tinier. Call mid teo it.




Hale of lease of Ouvt mm nt IxU Not,

82, 83, 81 and 85 on H4pUn;ilo, Houolulu, Oalu, liaa been ijtUi.iird untilFRIDAY, October 4th, Ibtti, at 12 o'clock

noon at front entrraiice of Kxc:utheBuilding.

J. A. KINOMit:Uter of the Interior,

Interior Office,October 3, 18WS. 1i It


of Hawaii,' Adjutant (Ienkual'h Offick,

Hoi olulu, H. I., October 1, 1891.


An election Is ordered to bo held atRegimental Hcntlijuarleic, on WEDNESDAY, October ICth, 1WT. at 7rfW for the electiotiof thofolloulnj; FieldOtHcera, In thu National Guard ofHawaii.

One Lieutenant Colonel,Two Major.Major (leo. C. Potter of the (leneml

Stall, will pretnde at said election.

Ujr order of thu Commandi-r!n-C"l.Ief- ,

(Signed) JNO. H. SOI'KIt,Adjutant (leneral, N. O. II.


rtntice Is hereby kIvhi Hint uponSATUMUY, October Bth, IK'J'i, nl 12

o'clock noon, h jury iluly drawn nnJsubpoenaed "In the mutter of uiileuinj;the roml running from the upper ormain Walklki road to Kulitt bridge- alongthe landi of Messrs. Wldeuiunn undUobron" will meet nt the otltce of theMarshal, Honolulu, Oahu, nnd thenceadjourn to the site of the proposed roadway, there to Inspect and examine suchlocality and uscertatu ull facts ns mayhare a bearing on the matter.

All persons In any way whatsoeverconcerned in the aboe mentionedroadway, are therefore notified to bepresent at such time and place, therH tobe heard by the jury in relation to tiieproposed improvement.

Ar M, HltOWN,Marshal. KepuMic of Hawaii.

Honolulu, Oaliu. October 1st, lb9)."75-3- t


Ferful KffVcUortliv lllte of IUftletnake ou "lllk."

To our earn thera have come many wonderful rattlesnake fctorlett, pat ii ted w it ti theglowing colon ol trutululueM. but neverIn our long experience has tutnaoue athere related been reported.

It is an entirely modern snake story, and.It relefcatca the old rusly laktt out of ftlglit.It truly belongs to the new era. It H abicycle nuake btory a regular safety, pneu-matic tire hQAke story a snake btory thatwould make the balr rise ou a tler'a backand make IliUKye turn ureeu with envy.

But It U a true suul.e btory aud wan re-

lated to ua by a young gentleman who Ugood looking aud truthful. While tellingthe adventure to uh liU soft black eyesdilated and hU black mustache bristled.

"I took a ride on my bicycle," aatd he."on an embankment near Augusta, Tlienun was blazing down at u South Afrlcaurate. Working on my trusty steed theayhome, after a good lung spin, suddeuly myattention was drawn to au object in thedistance ot Immense proportion). Comingnearer I aoou saw that it wan a large rattlesnake,

"Keturn I could not, neither was I willing If I could, and I supposed that by thlitime tue snake nail uicoverer me, ror itlay sullenly lu my puth. As I approachednearer and nearer It coiled tighter andtighter for battle. Ou seeing thin I ofcourse formed my plan for action also.There was no escape, and a quick an light-ning I rode over the rattler to nit tie nomore. Hli suakpslitp rebounded au If hewere made of rubtter.

'I glanced hastily overlay shoulder andsaw a disjointed nias. I then Uuew that Ihad killed the reptile. On arriving home I

put my safety in Its usual place."The next morning I wUlu-- to use it to

take my usual exercise. On bringing It be-

fore the light I found the liuter of thetubing faded away, aud In its place therewas a dark, dull, blue color overspreadingmy once magnificent aud shining tthtel.Since then the pneumatic the has decayedso that 1 had to nave It completely over-hauled. The cause of the complete dilapidation of my prided wheel Is that the snakein its rage sank its poionou fangs In Uvtire, thus causing the poison to spread allover the cycle.

"On going back to the scene of the combat a few days later I found the dried boutsof my antagonist and 2! largo laities, thenake measuring exactly 8 feet aud

Inches." JUJllen llernul.Uevealed by Ueath.

"Ufe Is perfected by death,'' and it is alsorevealed. A story told In the "Life of FirRichard Burton" illustrates the clearnesswith which death reveals a man Ui his comradea.

A lieutenant lu a British regiment wasuoneai, steauy. quiet ana run or sterllnsqualities, but he waa dull, reserved andreligiously Inclined. Ills brother officerslaughed at him aud associated but littlewith him. Though well born, he was joorand had no powerful friends, He thereforeremained without promotion or society, buthe never complained and did his best.

A battery waa to be taken In the Crimea,and the lieutenant's regiment waa selectedas the storming party. It assaulted audwaa driven back. The lieutenant rallied hisown company, and with a laugh flung hisshako before him and rushed through thebrsacn into tee oattery, follow ed by a handfulofmeu. They never came out uualn.

That night at the regimental mess therewas not a man but regretted that he hadnot better understood the officer whose valiant death had revealed bis superiority, AUremembered a thousand good quail tie andIncidents which ought to have endeared himto thern; They were ashamed of the contempt with which they had treated him andof the fact that they had never shown himthe (cut junaness. Youtb't l'onpnbm


Earth Closets


nntftl Hie dual. f

A trlfllnglucldentnhlch is worth remembering tli nanus connected irtlh Itare so memorable oicum-- atHiot iwud. InStonthani, Mum., one day during the eailydajsof this century.

A measure party was tlrmng that war.aud when they came to the lake the ladiesexclaimed over the water lilies In bluMtotuthere and expressed the inott eager dehireto wither them; uut.aia: iney were loo laran ay to Jmj reached, except by boat, andlamentations were many over tue

state of thing. ,

At leugtn uamei weusierexcimnieii:"Oh, If I were as young as I was a few

years ago! I would ransack the shores uu--

til I found some boat or board by which Icould reach those lilies,"

No sootier were the words out of hismouth thau uearlyallthe young men ofthe party bounded ofT In search of imansfor lily gathering. One only, Rimutl J.May, then a student lu college, remained,aud the glauces of surprise with which theladies viewed his lack uf spirit lecame al-

most contemptuous.Nevertheless be stood by unmoved until

his comrades were well out of sight undthen calmly waded into the iiondaud gath-ered the lilies. Hhouls of applause greetedthe exploit, and Mr. Webtitrwas not be-

hindhand in commending It.'Ab, sir," said May, "the ladles owe these

lilies less to my gallantry than to)ourelo-uutne- e.

I could not stand ) our appeal un-moved."

"I have lit er before gained a lily by myelopjtiite, said Mr. Webster.

'No, sir," auswered young May, "but Ithas often reen crowned w tth laurels."

Joking and laughter with at their heightwhen the other young men appeared, drag-ging an old dory, only to find the entireparty adorned by lilies, Youth's Compan-ion.

i:oc)Uh I toJul l'eti.Queen Victoria's favorite dog4, who

her w here er sh goes, are Spot, afox terrier; a black and tan collie namedHoy, und a brown colored Spitz calledMarco. The Prince of Wales has a specialanTection for a little IMiidie Dinmout,Yeuus by name, which formerly Mongedto the late Duke of Clartnce and is nowrarely away from the prince's side. Thejiarticular Jet of the princess, which has oc-

cupied a ierth In a royal misti-CH- dressingroom for the last 15 or !W years, is a whitecockatoo, with a salmon colored crest surmounting Its quaint auu somewhat venerable countenance.

Cockle (foiuthat Is bis name) objects towearing feathers during the hot summerweather and carefully removes from hisperson each one as It grows, with the soleexception of those ou his head, neck andtall, which he possibly believes add dignityto his opuearance aud enable him better tosupport his character as the chief jwt of the

rlncess. ills lung power is lernuc anumay possibly Lave contributed to tho nriocess deafness. He 1b a most affectionatebird and loves to rub his head against her:beek while grasping her shapely fingerswith his big black claw. New York Tribune.

A Unlqu Marriage Certificate,In the good old days when It was not so

easy to find a parson as It Is now a couplecalled upon a newly elected J, I1, of Peoriacounty. Ills., who had not received hiscommission aud stated their desire to beduly spliced. He Informed them that hehad not recti ei nis commission, nut theyInsisted that they must get married andasked him to find a way to help them out.At length a bright Idea seized him, and hegave them a certificate, a copy of whichyou will find below verbatim et literatimet punctuatim. This Is no fiction, but thecertificate is now actually ou me:Bute i Illinois, Peoria Co

Know all men by this presonts that JohnSmith anil Polly M vers Is entitled to icu Iou ether aod do as all folks does anywhere Copersprecinct and when my commission cornea Iam to marry em good and date em back toalver accidents. J

J ustls or ieThit justice was elected for Coperas pre--

cluct, C, U. (J. lu ureen J lag.

CaUbluic Cold.Yery soveru colds are caught Indoors,

tho result of Indigestion orfoul ulr. A coldIs frequently brought on by eating heartydinner, Isjcomlng mentally absorbed fortwo or threu hours Immediately afterwardand retiring to n wurin, clou room. Thofood Is not dlgesUxl, tho toinis?ruture oftho body Is ml sod by tlw exertions of thestomach, the sleep U broken, and the In-

dividual rises and 111. Had relaxa-tion followed thu dinner und the roombeen supplied with refreshing air, every-thing would have been different. Philadelphia Times.

An Ktep Uxchauge,First Speculator I have sumo valuable

land In u new suburban place, which willbe worth a fortune as soon ua tho branchrailroad und trolloy lino ronch It. Havelou anything to offer In oxchanguf

Second Speculator I can gUoyouacltydwelling cloo to tho elevated railroad. Itwill bo a chariulntr nlaco of resldeuoosoon us tho engines and cars are furnishedwith pneumatic tiros. New York eckly.



Parties MuIn will makemoney buying uf me, as I taise all mystock in California and can sell cheaperthau thorn who huy to sell. My Mulesare from 4 to o years old aua weigufrom iuvu to ivou ounus,

3f Call or addressII. T, JlcCUI.LLOlil,

773-I- Ailington jlotel.

Patronize Home Industry

Firsf-Gla- ss LimeFor Commercial Use,At Ruling Market Price


Building Stone.

Hawaiian Stene and Lima

Company,T.l.ptiou i7, no-t- f

You tlmjili )Kiy n nfrlijIhr ii iHukiiye i it (''.tml rhttc it mmr in imy tfnm,

Tht liln lif rff.

(let it of



Miss HI la M. Friend of Nas--

ma, is. II,. spent several weeksat one of America's famous seaside resorts. She went in bathnir and cot sunburned. After

returning home and using

Hind's HoneyandAlmond Cream.

she writes:Nasmita, N. M , August, lfnT.

Mil. A. K.Dfiir sin iline weeks nuo I tame home

from In Ij.hi h llti mv fat h at id arms tut erel with Mtrcfli unit! 1 hv I lie sun anil salt wat'ifwhile. In halMutr. A week airti I l'e?Hii to use

Otir W. IHlT.UI 1IONKV ANI jM.WOMI LHEAMficrlpilnu hi icrul nilier tfiliiL'fl w Itliout SUP

auk). and UmImi iiiv fat ? Is as Miionth and softuntune rnukl nltli, I think jour Ckeam Isnnn'iu uoit'h run, anu i iieiriuy reeommenu11 iu f ery iH'iy.

Very irnlr. EI.IA U Fit I KM

Get it of


Try the

"Star" lilectrie Works


"Fine Printing.


Many infectiousdiseases can bewarded off by keep-

ing the body in ahealthy condition,and being properlyclothed. The bestunderwear that canbe worn is




Clothingpreventing chillsand securinghealth and . com-


A Treatise on Health,Diseuso Uerms and Banitation hy Dr. Jaeger can bebe"ured free by calling atour fitore.

An elegant line of


4 to tro cheap. Afine assortment of

i colors


Merchant and Fort Sts.



onsolidated Soda

Are made from waterw the Hyatt process.

Under this system the water from thewells does not come inuntil drawn into the

All fountains inWater supplied by them are filled with thiswater.



um, io ocaie,contains no ou or

Not affected by heatWill stop leaks andWill stop rust or corrosion en metal raefs.

We guarantee all

Estimates given

Look at

Yer. Ji, - it 1

New Goods by

JUSTPer Barkentine IrmgardA Very Pretty Line of

White Dimitie,Black and White

anotherRattan Chairs Rockers,Sets, Chiffoniers,tion Uookcase, tables,month.


of Fort and Beretnnla

Silt Dress Goods,

Japanese Dry Goods,

Cotton Crape.


tht"Star" Electric


LEVY,Fort Street


All the product10

Water Works Co.

has been nurificd

contact with the airdass for consumntioncity that disperse Soda

or ran., reyoporative.

or aalty atmosphoro.'dteav in akinola

work. dene, us.

f eiaige.your reef.

r r

every Steamer!

25c. per yard,

Double Width Veiling.


also Bedroom' Sets, .DiningroomLadies Writing Desks, Conbinaetc., etc. New goods every

&16; Itesidence, W9.

Waring Block.


Will probably carry life assurance, protect her husband and

ren when the bread winnergone, and thus prevent the poor,weak man from having to battlewith the cold, hard world.

f.ven many women' need life as much as

men. Bo tue need it morethan men. A man dies andhis wife, who will probably beable to provide for theA leaves no one to protectand care for the little ones. Inthe Equitable Life AssuranceSociety women's policies are Is-

sued at the same rate as those formen.

For particulars apply to

Bruce Cartwright,(leneral Manager of the

EpitaMe Assurance Society1 or tdi United Statu,

We keep always on hand Ladies' Fast Black Stockings,

Children's Fast Black Stockings and Men's Fast Black




Will shortly receive large assortment ot Reed andami

China Closets,rancy



















Very Finest Morocco Nulllflor


Kon Dancinu or IIovxk.

caused our business

40S ST ,


proportions. Knowledge of the business,

good goods and low prices have done it.

Anybody who will come into our store can

see the evidence for themselves.






Good Cookers

to its

Our Boys' School 8hoi

Size 11 to S's'.


! . .


No Black- Nor



Thatassume present



Maui Potatoes

SpecksHollow Centers.



That our goods suit tho people who buy

from us

We have a lot of now styles in



Wo like to have you come and"

see and tell us what you think .of


J. HOPP & CO.,Kino and

EX 8. S.

1 firtee of

From the most

It Is




reliable Factories.







Page 3: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n place last evening. Us li wick Was It an epidemic r Dr. Charge well


COLLEGE TRACT.I taring placeO on tlie market tills

magnlllcent tract of land, divided. Into I

a minilier of large liouso lota we moatcorillatly rail the. atteiillnii of Iioiiih IIaeekera to II.

Tills Ir let la by llaklkl street,AVilder Avenue antl I'unahoii street, atau elefullun of alaiut 75 feet, gentlysloping towards tho aca. A flue paho. Urania view ran lie liail from the upper O

ixirllnns.Tlierw lola ore offered at a very rea Must

lonable figure. II)- - calling fit our olllre .1.1we. ahall I hi pleased pi Rive further In-

formation In reiarJ to prlrea ami lernia.


KH Port Street, near Kinf Street.

No charge for iiinkliiR Deeds, It








a KMAHT llflV. WHO CAN FEED AlY Job l'rwi, la antoil In tbo HtabOlllce. T7S-t- r

I ADIK'8 RLACK CAI'K. ItETUHN1J to Wabrruoiwe'a, Queen atreet.


fllWO HTORY COTTAGE. CONTAINSX. Parlor, .1 Dei Hooiiia, Dining Ilooin,

llutb. Kte. Hlgbt of way through to Ilere- -tjinli. Rtrit. Hltimtnl on Klnau atreet.rttable,tc. Rent $.'111 lier month. Inquire of inU. u. UUAlli, 4UU ton nireei.


TEAL ESTATE AND OKNERAL UUHI.XV neas AgenL Ileal Katate boaght am:Mild. Houwm llentetl. IOANS NeOOTIATKO.CoUectlona inado. Hooka posted. Aocountae.purtoL Copying neatly done.

All buslneaa entrusted to me will receivenroinut and careful attention. A share ofthe publie patronage respectfully solicited.

Telephone 139.GEO. A. TURNER.

SftH Merchant Street.OtBce formerly occupied by C. T. Oullckv


C. R. McVeigh is making a

business trip to the Coast.

Albert Lucas is aboard the AustralU. and will beou the Coast sometime.


Another Caae at SlekneM rroui TaroPateli lafeetlon.

Another case of cholera was re-

ported last night at the Insaneasylum. The name of the victimis Wheeler and he is supposed tohave drank water from one of the ainfected taro patches in. the neighborhood of the Asylum. This isbelieved to have occurred on Saturday moraine and the case only developed last night. Wheeler ismatured in age and at .atehour last night there were "veryslight chancel of his recovery,There are now eighty-eigh- t cases,seventy-si- x of whom are Hawaiians,four Americans, two Portuguese,one Chinese, one Japanee and threehalfcastes.

Oo ;to the Women'a Exchange, 111King street, for borne made poi, cake--,

bread, pies, etc. Also fine Hawaiianand Portugaeae work, curios, flowers,pictures and fancy articles.

V, 1'. S. C. K.

At the meeting of the Y. P. S.C. E held in the Central Unionchurch yesterday evening. MissGrace Richards was elected president and Miss Ethel Rice record'ing secretary. The junior branchelected LyleA. Dickey as presidentRev. Dr. Uirilie was presentthroughout the meeting aud madesuggestions which were mucn appreciated by those present.

That Tired FeelingIs a danreroua condition directly due to de.plated or impure blood. It should not beallowed to continue, aa in ita debility the sys-tem U especially liable to serious attacka ofUlneee. llood'a HaraapariUa la the remedylor aucu a conuuion, a auo tor luat weaness which prevails at the change or aeaaou.cumaieor uie.

riooa s rnif are purely vegetable,prepared from the beat Ingredient

Watch this space for5 -




G. D. CHASE,Ht Drpoall llnllclhiK,

400 1'ort St. Telephone 184


.MIItNIIIKIl IIOI'HR. I'KMHAl.t.YI in ami, farlor, illnlnt rnnm and a

ffiiie. t iIMIKMSIIKII lllll'HK It MIM-1K- FIKIM

l .tel..- linn ami rnrnllnrfi .litsant, slew iiisninil,rniii.l lr, MaMe.He. lUBiifrlfatMtiirllie Mali lMiilr

nil, In lie anne a months. Ileal Ml, Uon.lclrraitiin, IMiymilirn,tfAUANT I a IT, I'OIINKR IIICIIAIII1H

ami Uneri, streets. l JU ftWill alle li'M tr IS rrs This hillstl.eInest tieelraule one 10 lie Hail nrar Hie new

lull Atarerl. Al'lilr ' terms, Mf.

. D. Chat. llanerel Aaent OlncliinsltlMt Isal Co.. sella safes fnim Hie ry

direct. Hear tills In mlli'l when iiU

want prlrea.

rlMlltKK DKKIl'KH ON HKTUNI. Mnill.centrally Laaleil, llalil ami air), huh

will lie erranireu in iu tnm.M.



riOTTAIIK "N Nl'I'Asr HI UKKT 111. NTIJ7JI) per monlli.


Al'lllM. TWO HOUSES AN1,,ii,n.rrl situated Jiist abore Klrctrli-l.lllli- t

nation. Nuiienu Valley, '(mall.lenly water, etcellent lUw. I'rlre ftw.

li anltl,

AlMtKS KAI.illI VAI.I.KY.H'ITAHI.Kfur pastnrsita ami taro, plrntr mater.

ItimrK ANII MIT ON rilltT --irlttXT.

Increaie In lalua. Price ( Inn.

Accident Policies In tin l'frl In- -

aurannComHtnuf New York. CMJ.CUaMlleneralAaeutllanallau Islands, are putaa aood an Investment as Ileal hstute.llettertr one.

1T0U8K AMI U)T ON miwI'KOTstreet, lot lias a f rontaue of ISO feet.

Water oil preuiUes, I'rlre Itww.

nuiuiiNa urr counkii Klnun itree a. IMVtlxtM. Will

up 10 rood advantage, limine and Htalilepremises. Hood ualer tuplilr.

ANO un ON MAIIA7.INKHOUHK Ilouaenew. Iit M X. SCO. Uoodwater aupplr. Price $ WIO.

Pearl City Lots, 1 will irlve lou lirieeaand tenua on any lot lul'earK.'ltrortliePenlnaula.

l.iuurt nuiuiiNo urrs. cohnkiihllreen, llackftld and Kiienrer lreet.

near realdenre of Mr. Hackfeld. Ut ariuledfenceii, p'entc aoll and Kater. Mew !

isurnlllcent and rannot be cut olt. Tlieae M

iinquestlonablv tlie montdeBlrable liullillota In Honolulu.

imv llllir.lltsrl UlT ON PIIKOItreet. iionoalti. l.unallto Home. Front- -

of IM feel on 1'ilkol atrtt. rrlte e,imi.Teriui. half cath, bntanre on morlaaae.

W() HUll.DINO LOTH ON LIIKAI.IMItiu.t. irru.le.1 Mini fenrfll. lilts

betneen Alupat and Kaolalaiil Mrteta.Plenty aoll, gooa waier anppn.

Several other Demlrsble Pieces of Propertylor &aie.


Government OIHelal Talks Frankly ufWays and Sleaue.

'It is going to cost a prettypenuy if it's done," said a Govern

ment official last evening. , He re

ferred to the proposed street along

the Waikiki bank of Nuuauustre.nnfrom King street to Vineyard.'Property claims already m, as I

understand it, foot up $05000, withmore to come. This cannot be reduced more than thirty per centand then there will be proceedings

pourt. The matter of expense isbecoming a really serious consider-ation. After paying for all thisproperty the walls come in, andthey are not eoiuff to be a present.It will be well to take up tnescheme suggested in Tim Starlately. If the wall for the Waikikiside of the proposed conduit isplaced in mid stream and the otherwail on laud owned uy tne Government, there will be a great saving even if some excavation is required for the new channel. Ifconfined as proposed, the streamshould make a new road for itselfbetween St. Louis college and Kingstreet. In any event the streamshould be deepened to ten feet up toSmith street. This would allow afree play of fresh sea, water eachday and it might prove the cheap-est and an entirely, safe and soundsolution of all our difficulties inconnection with the troublesomewater course."

Keep Well Clothed.

In order to ward off disease, onerequires to have a souud mind in

sound body. But in order to attain this desirable end, 'it will benecessary to keep tne body wellclothed. By calling at Kerr's, onemay get his pick of the fine lot oltowels, serges and worsteds everimported into this country. Asingle yard at "wholesale" pricer.

Ueavy Mall.

By the S. S. Australia which leftyesterday for San Francisco, thefollowing unusually large mail wastaken from the post othce: 12,304letters and 4933 papers. It is saidto be the biggest mail ever despatched at one time from the postottice.

You can put 'up tne most delicatefruits, uncooked, by using Antifermen-tin- e,

and in alx months they will be aanatural in appearance ana i&sto as wnenurei picueu.

Provisions for Walanaa.A train was run to Waianae to-

day with provisions for the peopleat that place. It is said that bagsof rice were selling at if 15 aud if 16as soon as tue quarantine wasraised yesterday the Waianae peopie ordered .provisions aud a trainto carry them to Waianae.

THAT JOYFULWith tlie exhilarating Benae of ronewwlhealth and strength and Internal clean

ness, which follows the use of Syrup olFigs, is unknown to the few who havenot prog reased beyond tne old time medicines and the cheap substituted Bonie- -

t lines offered. ,but never accepted by the

ii -Heumivnuwi. '

BUling of Bargains.

'! i M.l!t.

Our AIM is to Please,Our HOTTO to Excel."

r).M t A Ml an Ml.

Watch Ihe aliorr wlnitovr t TlieTenHl of I'mlilon

The tloint ofllialtli will mtrtJlils flrlli()Oii at j o'clock.


The tc ul Uovtftimcnt Jot onthe mplanailc lui betu iolontcl.

Two mounted nalrolnirii haveliecn illachirKcd for ttnbecomlugcomluct.

Two rottueiicae liov were finedcncli Tor niitllciotia Injury In the

District Court today.

Tomorrow inornltit! at ten o'clocktotttaii will sell nn Invoice of new

furniture nt the store, 410 Hotelstreet.

It U (relieved the jltirlckbhnwa.vhlch n Jntianesc hul proposes toIntroduce here are aboard the Klo

e Janeiro.

The young ladies and gentlemenwho will attend the new bitrlischool are particularly anxious fortlie opeiilnn day,

A number of prominent Government officials this luomliiir levlew- -

ed tlie site of the proposed streamwalls and c.irtli lillui.

I'rank l'oor, purser of lhc steamer I.lkclikc, is mixed up with theHoard of Health regulations byleglccliug to get a permit to move.

The second cholera bulletin wassent from the I'oreign Office yes-terday to all agents of this Govern-ment in other countries.

Hcv. T. I). Garvin's new churchcannot be completed till the windows arrive from the Coast persailing vessel now on the way.


An liieorporatlan-l'ahl- le Meeting WorkHeine; Hone.

Tlie l'ree Kindergarten andChildren's Aid Association has re-

ceived a charter of incorporation,so as to have a legal title to thecontrol of invested funds and otherproperty. The Association willhold a public meeting tomorrowmorning in the Y. M. C. A. ball at10: to o clock for tlie election ot omcers aud committees. All membersof the Association are requested tobe present, and all others interested in Kindergarten work are cordi-

ally' invited to attend.The Association has five Kinder

gartens in operation. The ChineseKindergarten, the first ever opened,is in the basement of the ChineseChurch, The Portuguese Kindergarten, has its own building onMiller street. The Hawaiian, tneJapanese, the Foreign, have theirrooms 111 Queen liiuma Han, whichis also the headquarters of the As-

sociation, the Teachers' TrainingClass, and the Woman's Kindergarten Club. The! Kindergartenswill open at the same time as tuepublic schools.

U. ft. Sanitary Inspector.

Dr. C. C. Ryder, who has recententered on practice here, aud

who served as a volunteer throughthe epidemic, has been appointedsanitary inspector of the Unitedbtates marine hospital service torthis port. Consul Mills made theselection aud the latter aud the doctor bad a big day's work with theAustralia yesterday. Dr. Ryderwill also act as medical examinerfor the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium


The Insane Asylum Inmate Taken to thaHospital.

The second insane asylum inmate adjudged to have choleragives his name as William HenryHarrison Hiram Wheeler. He isquite a character, just crazy enoughto be at times interesting and generally obstinate. With others hehas been 111 strict quarantine sincelast Saturday. Un one occasionbefore, he assaulted an attendantwho tried to stop him from drink'ing hydrant water. For this hewas locked in a chair till he surrendered. Wheeler wasthe Bible. He said the acceptededition was full of mistakes. Be'sides this he had constructedmodel of a warship to demolish thenavies of the world. Wheelerclaimed to be the son of GeorgeWashington . The patient has beenvery contrary at the hospital. Herefused to ' swallow medicine,Though aged, the man had quite arugged constitution.

It is a strange thing that thisman, who is rewriting the Biblecannot write at all. He makes theprinted characters and likely neverbad great familiarity even withthese.

No Dnlns from burns and acalda whereHeadings' iiussia naive isuaea. Aiiurug'gists. 23 cents. IIOLL13THR Dnuu ComI'ANY, Agents.

Chlucse Celebration.The Chinese residents celebrated

yesterday the fifteenth day of theeighth month of the moon, in thetwenty-firs- t year of the reign ofItmperor Kwong Su. Thecelebratiou during the day was quiet, butas soon as the moon arose in theevening and bombswere exploded and a general goodtime was had. More especiallywas this towards Waikiki, wherebombs were fired up to nearly midnight. The merchants gave dinners at which invited guests werepresent.


Household Furniturej.

On Friday. October 4thAt 10 o'clock a. ui.,

At the Stare. No. 410 Hotel atreet. onedoor west of Nuuanu "street, I will aellat public auction, an invoice or r urni.ture just received ex "Aloha" fromSan Francisco, comprising


Ash Uedrooni Suit, BlackWalnut Bedsteads, , , ,

Bureaus and Washstands,Upholstered Parlor Seta,

' Marble Top Tables, Cham,


Folding Beds, Uattraases,Etc., Etc, Etc., Eto.

floods on view all day THURSDAY,

James' F. Morgan773-- it Auunontiat.


lit 1,0 IS Ul'UN AIIAINJ

Will, hlt'Mtr! At I. tlllTllimHirlnlir tp.NT I hull miimiii I It

Aliaa Maal aad Hawaii lis. dine

aad Kllaata.

A7ieW, That the S. 8. CUudinelie allowed to proceed aud dischargeher ftclght it any port of the Islandof I In wall without further fumiga-tion, and that any Vcaicl from thexrtol Honolulu having n clean bill

of health (from the Hoard of Health)be permitted to land her freight at IIany port on this Maud withoutfurther fumigation,

The foregoing was unanimouslyadopted at a meeting of the HawaiiHealth Hoard on September 26th.Sheriff Hitchcock was in thechair. In letters to W. O. Smiththe Hawaii people only urge thatthe utmost care be taken and thatthe matter of allowing travel beconsidered in all its bearings. Mr.Smith was more than pleased withthis news from Hilo. He intimat-ed this morning that the way to aclearance was now opening up andthat there would be great cautionas to both passengers and freight.There will probably continue to be

quarantine Tor passengers.

Tint Star's advices per KilaucaHon are even more encourging thanthe above and are as follows:

The Hilo quarantine was raisedon Saturday evening last, September 28, after arrival of Ktlauea IsHon. A soecial nieetintr of theCommittee of Safety was held. Itwas even voted to permit Kilauea'screw members ashore on necessarywork, but not to' mingle every-where.

A verv large number of passengers may be expected in Honoluluby the returning Claudlne. Sheshould reach her home port Satur-day morning or afternoon.

No difficulty was experienced bythe Kilauca Hou in landing Chin-ese laborers or freight on Hawaiiand Maui.

Hilo people praise and congratulate the Honolulu Hoard of Healthon their gtand work in stampingout the plague.

At Wholesale I'rlre..Why pay 50 per cent, profit to

the middleman? When you canobtain a single yard or article fromI,. 11. Kerr at strictly wholesaleprices.


Comment of "An Old Hallor" on HomePopular .Fallacies.

Editor Stak: I saw by yesterday's Advtrtistr that the "philo- -

huckster" bogey had got looseagain, and am very sorry that ithappens so, for if this industrybooms periodically as heretofore, itwill soon take its place in the frontrank with the saw dust, greengoods and cheque swindles andfrighten the usual number of oldladles in breeches aud becomestandard article in the news market.

The whole thing reminds me ofan altercation I once witnessed betweeu two rogues (which collecteda crowd) and gave their confreresin rascality, an opportunity to mixwith, and pick the pockets of thepublic.

I saw by the papers also thatsome of our Solons deem thefeucingin of the Nuuauu stream (or thefencing out of the disease) a nccessary measure. I would say, l'eneeit in by all means and hang the ex-pense.

We want to be famous, and aswe have no ancient history to speakof let us go thundering down theages as people who were quite aswise as our old country kinsmenthe men of Mevagizzy in Cornwallwho advertised their intelligence bycovering their town with fishingnets to keep a former choleraepidemic out. The measure mayhave been effective of good, and thetuibuster story may have somefoundation in fact, as Tub Stakneatly suggests, but both itemslook mouldy and belief in themseems rather odd to an

Oi.u Sailok.


That Bodr 1'etlilone For Mitigationof Quarantine.

An important meeting of theChamber of Commerce was heldthis morning. I'resideut V. A.Sch'aefer was in the chair. V. M.Swanzy acted as secretary in theabsence of J. H. Atberton. Therewas ,a good attendance of prominent business men.

President Schaefer stated themeeting was the outgrowth of informal talk among gentlemen .whobelieved that the strict embargo 011

traffic was no longer warranted. Itwas plain that the epidemic-ha- d

ceased and that any sickness nowwas merely local, not'dangerous toothers and not sufficient pretext forsuppression of I rathe.

Resolutions were presented byMr. Swanzy aud seconded by Mr,Una. The petition is in effect a representation to the Board of Healthof the changed condition with relation to the public health, and amention of the hardship to merchants. It is requested that therebe permitted the shipment of allAmerican and lturopean goodsfrom Honolulu, as well as Hawaiian produce.

The petition will be taken up atthe jioard ot tiealtli meeting tinafternoon at 3 o'clock.

Kauai Contingent.Geo. H. Fairchild, Kufus Spald

ing and the number of other Kauaipeople who have been "on theisland," celebrated the ending ofquarantine last night. They set offfireworks and had a general goodUme. .

Committed aad Hailed.George Houghtaillng was com

mitted to the Circuit Court fortrial by Judge Perry today on thecharge of perjury. Houghtaillugwas fined for selling liquorwithout a license recently andfined (100. During the progress of the trial the defendant testified that two othersmen mentioned were not In theroom. Witnesses for the prosecution swore they had seen themhowever. Hence the arrest andtrial for perjury. The bond wasfixed at 1,000. Bondsmen wereeasily secured and Houghtaillng isagain at liberty.

STAK 1III USDAV nt Tonrm t mimMr




IIIIIMI AttAI' tWIII AN I1IMTI.II11.11 1. It al I'l l.l.

Has l'an.e,l SUnr He. II.. Ilia Iliaf'nntraet In Hie Hanils of In. pee-l-


J. A. I.ow, who has given splelldid service for the cause of Mtulla-tlo- u

in I'dlamn and rCnllhi, is nowfinishing up his labor by disposingof Waipilopito spring nnd stream.This waterway became contami-nated soon nflcr the appearance ofcholera. Its Hwa bank for n dis-

tance of a couple of miles was lined

with homes of natives. Thesehad wells 011 the edge of the

stream, visited nnd used pools audponds along the course and hadouthouses and pig pens near thewells and the streams. One bousecontributed thirteen cases of cholera to the hospital and the diseasemade itself manifest from thcspriiigto the sea. Quite a number of thehouses were burned, S, M. Damon

providing new homes lor thesepeople, who in the meantime havebeen housed by the (iovcrmncut

After the houses were disposedof the wells were filled nnd theother nuisances abated, The springand stream alone remained, Mr,

I.ow, who had managed all theoperations, was requested to carelor the creek and its soutcc. liefirst provided system water for allthe people. Now the stream is being filled and the water of the springwill be pitied beyond a point wherepeople will reach it. This work willbe completed in a couple of daysnow. It includes a summit forabout four acres of n rice

one of Ah In s holdings. It ishoped to make d partial saving ofthe crop. Quite a iorce ol nativeshas been engaged in this work andthey have labored most faithfully.

The sight of thousands offish andshrimp was so aggravating to themen that Mr. I.oiv, simply to lie onthe safe side used a few gallons ofdisinfecting fluid left over fromcleaning day. The death of thewater dcnizenssurnrisedand frightened the laborers.

They have been extremely careless in Waipilopilo. Only yester-day a cesspool above and withinten feet of the spring was uncover,cd. It was attached to a pig pen,Nearly every native in the neigh-borhood owns both pigs aud chick-ens. Most of the residents areready and willing to assist in thecleaning. There was but one notable rsfusal. A man, prominentseveral years ago, bad a lot of fineupholstered furniture stored 111 acottage, while with his entire family he lived outdoors. 1 Ins personsaid the Government could act itself if it objected to his mode ofliving. I he action was taken.

In a couple of days all possibilityof further contagion from the strctinwill be gone. Waipilopilo springmust have been a trifle "off" fromthe carlv years. The name meansfouled, impure or dirty water.

Temple of l'a.lilon.The Temple of p'asbion clearance

sale is now in progress and notwith-standing tho so called hard times,the store is thronged witli peopleevery day. The goods are disposedof at very low prices. The specialties for and baturday will bemerinoes, cashmeres and all woolchallics reduced lrom 50 and 75cents to 25 cents a yard. At thislow price the goods will not remainycry long on the shelves.

It ypu to buy, aell or exchangestampif, go to John T, Hrmvn, ArlingtonBlock, Hotel atreet. Note change ofadd rea.


e Au.trellan Marllug Machine TheAulouialle Indicator.

President A. H. Spreckels hasannounced that the starting at thenew Ingleside track will be done byGray's Australian starting machine.One of the machines was recentlyImported from the antipodes, wherethey are now in general vogue, andgive marked sattslactinn. the machine consists of two bauds ofstrong webbing, each baud aboutfour incites in width, made fast atboth ends to a frame, which slidesupward and away from the horsesat an angle ot about 45 degrees.

As soon as all the horses are Uned up, facing the webbing, thestarter pulls a lever, which releasesthe triggers, sends the webbing Hying swiftly and noiselessly upwardand outward, aud the horses are offin a line.

'We Intend to introduce all thelatest improvements in racing," saidMr. Spreckels. "The timing willbe done by electricity. The automalic indicator will also be Introduced by the Pacific Jockey Club,as well as the result indicator. Infact, all oi the latest Inventions willbe tried."

The automatic indicator is placedabove the timer's stand and displaysthe time made to every quarterdirectly the horses pass the pole.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Pair,

Oold Medal-Mldwl- nter Fair.




MOST PERFECT MADE.K pure Gripe Crejm of Tartar Powder, Free

from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs and tue Homes, ur. 1'ricr. a creamHalting Powder holds Its supremacy.

40 Yea? the Standard.

LEWIS. Igents, Hoi H.

BakingPowder I


IN rilAM Mill s M AI nil AITKNIl

Ai iiniMi.t him Kill:! k.

Talk tmllie Haelllili-H- M allowing HarmsViliertli Hl.ea.e Is Heaillr-Mnl- ee

of India,

A dozen doctors from all parts ofthe State were met together in Sanl'rancisco recently discussing thecomma bacillus and his relations.

Mayor Sutio was present and hehappened to mention the name ofl'etteukofer, the great Germanspecialist on epidemic diseases.

Hut," said Dr. Morse, "l'ettcn- -

kofer does not believe in the germtheory of the propagation of cholera.He believes rather that it is of mi- -

asmic origin something in the sub-soil."

"That is true," said Dr. I.aiitc ofSacramento. "l'etteukofer wentso far in support ot his theory as toswallow some third cultures of thecholera bacillus. He did have anattack of diarrhoea in consequence,and some ol the doctors said it wascholera, but in a mild form."

All present, however, were converts of the Koch theory of thecomma bacillus.

Dr. Lovelace, the health officerof the city, remarked: "Cholera Isau absolutely preventive disease.If the right precautious are taken,there is no danger."

.Dr. Winslow Anderson has seena good deal of the comma bacillusin its native wild.

"What do you do with a cholerapatient, doctor? was asked of him

"Ilury him, mostly," said Dr.Anderson. "I have seen men takensick, continued the doctor, "onthe streets of Madras and they weredead in an hour.

"No bacillus? Oh, yes, I knowl'etteukofer says that there is nocholera bacillus. He banks on thefact that he once swallowed someof the cultures by way of experiment. 1 liat proves nothing. Theacids of the stomach of a healthyman will destroy the germ. Imight perhaps swallow the germswith perfect safety. That wouldnot prove anything. Hut if thegerms once get past the stomach itis a had business.

"Why, if cholera germs mightnot be swallowed in some cases withimpunity the whole of India wouldbe depopulated in a short tunc.

"The streams, the rivers, thepools, the ponds in that country areall impregnated with cholera cermsIt is risking death to taste any of itwithout boiling. Yet I have seenthe natives bathe in a pool andthen, when they were through theywould brush away tlie green scum,fill a bucket with the water inwhich they had washed themselvesand take it Home to drink."

I.lue nt I). Corsets, a full line of

sizes in all qualities, tv reducedprices, at N. S. Sachs. 520 KoftSheet, Honolulu.

mitaiu.i: IlKAK.

idlng of the Useful Life of I'rlm1'ooiiiitlkelaiil,

Another of the old aliis haspassed away. Princess Poomaikclani, sister of Queen Dowager KapioUni, died at her home In Kali hivalley shortly before 6 o'clock yesterday evening, The deceased wastaken off suddenly, as she was ingood health and spirits up to a fewminutes ot her death, she wassitting in a chair when she felt painsm tier cuest. hue was lilted intobed, where she died. A telephonemessage to the Hoard of Health office brought out Dr. Wayson, butwhen he arrived it was too late.

Poomaikelani was about fifty-uin- e

years ol age at the time ol herdeath, For over ten years she hasbeen suffering with paralysis in theright leg. Notwithstanding her crippled condition sue was about considerable and she attended servicesat the St. Andrew's cathedral untila few years ago when she becameworse. Recently she was confinedto her home, being deprived of theuse of her limbs. She was a piouswoman and was well liked by allwho knew her. Deceased was unassuming, being generally seen inher own carriage with a singlehorse driving out to Waikiki. Thebody was removed to the residenceof her sister at Honuakaha lastnight.

1 he funeral took place from theresidence of Queen Dowager at 2:30o'clock this afternoon, the followingto the grave being large. IiishopWillis performed the ceremonies.

Deceased was at one time representative of the crown on the Islandof Hawaii, On account of her former prominence in governmentalaffairs the authorities tendered theuse of the baud and of an escort ofhonor of police. These were ac-

cepted.A TKiimiii.i: WF.A1-0N-


Frlghirul Kirectltenesa of the Newaiasliu Ouii.

The new Maxim gun, accordingto latest reports, Is one of the mostterrible weapons known to man.In appearance It is a mere toy,weighing only twenty, five pounds.It can fire 600 shots a miuute, sothat it every man ot a regiment wassupplied with It, 36,000,000 shotscould be fired an hour, each bulletbeing capable of piercing fortyinches of oak.

If even a small percentage of thebullets did their work deadly work,war on a large scale would be impossible and armies would cease tomeet, ho long us tue trigger is ueidback the gun will fire automaticallyas long as ammunition is supplied.When the trigger is released thefiring ceases. 1 lie gun can be unlimbered and fired within fifty-eig-

seconds ol the word ot command,It will prove of especial value iu

a mountainous country, where afew well placed guns could wipeout au army, it is no exaggerationto say that 100 men armed with thegun could mow down 10,000 cava!rymen with ease. liach bulletwould pierce tbe bodies of six menand its muzzle can be moved likethe end of a garden hose.

:am, Ai.OtVn tub ",m!EX" AUSTRALIA.A !: HI' tllll lMMl elctullia

t tlllMIMl t ttilllltfe.

twills ee.l lie Ah ll-- a l eaiiei-hi- ,i

laaea Ilea AtlllfS-Ha- w a aellerbesetted.

The V. S. H. Olympla Is still offI.ahaiua.

The Klnau It on the marine tall-wa-

being cleaned.a :,V Schooner llcrllc Miner,

lumber laden, off Koko Head.The James Makcc towed the

ship John Mcl.cod to sea yesterday.These arc wonderfully beautiful

nights on the bay but there arc noboating parties afloat.

The number of shark in the har-

bor is Increasing and they will beplentiful till the steamers come in-

side again.The Kilauca Hou brought fifty

head of cattle from Hawaii. TheWaialcalc is expected to bringmany more.

The Ke Au Hou will be prettywell loaded when she goes downthis evening to Kauai. She willhave a heavy freight andjpasscngerlist.

The departure of the Australiawas witnessed by a large crowd ofpeople. She took a heavy passenger list. 1 he band played just oilthe dock.

The steamer I.ikelike receivedfreight Irom the Inter-Islan- d wharftoday. She will leave for Hawaiithis evening ami will laice ircigiitaim a nuiuucr Ol passengers now 111

quarantine.The steamer W. G. Hall will

leave on her usual route at 3o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Shewill receive irclgut up to 4 o c ockIlila nftornnnll. Mis f.vlp U'ill lie

n lifissrMiaer liv hor fnr Kona., ..jA sailor of the ship John Mcl.cod .

escaped from irons ycsletday mom-- 'ing, dropped over the side, swamashore and is still in Honolulu,with his vessel many miles at sea.The man was being punished forinsubordination. The captain saidhe was glad the man was gone.



From Kntial lier stm rCenuhoii. OctII Il.irti-la- , A Itlce, nn.t 4 on

leek.From Hawnli nnd Maul, tier elmr

W U Hall. Oct 2- -0 II llnvoi.lrn. Mrsflrau, Mrs Wray Taylor, Mrs Kesaler,Misa Carrie llowland, Mlaa Ward, MissJaegei, and 1) 011 deck.

From Hawaii and Maui ner almrKilauea Hou, Oct 3 S deck iiaaaenser


TllUllKUAV, Oct 3Stnir Kflnuea Hou, Weir, from

Hawaii and Mnul.

ni:i'.llTL'lll:s.TjlunsiiAV. Oct 3

Stnir Mkellke. Weisbarth. for Kalm- -lui, liana, Hniuoa and mid Kiptiliuhi,at h p 111,

Htmr K An Hon, Thomimnn, forNawiliwili, Kulon, Kleele, Makeweli,waiiiiea, llouokua nnd Ilaiminaulu. at6 p 111.


Stnir V (1 Hall. Slmerson. firMaui and Huwnli. at 3 ,mi.

Ex Kilauea Hou, from Hawaii andMaul allot! ska auirar. AO hea l cattle. Mlialea wool.


NAVAL VXHSKLfl.U S H Deiiiiington, Thomas, Mare Island


(Coatera not included In tills list.)Ilk J U Ulade. Htetre. Bremen.Hebr Transit, JorKenfum. H K

Ilktll Amelia, Ward, Kureka, Ollrlg W (1 Irwin, William., H V

Am skip H 1' IllUlieoek, datesIlk Matilda, nwetiMon, t ort iowuncikiliar C I) llryant, Jacolmen, Ijiysnii 1st

llan'n bk Andrew Welch, l)rew,HK


Br bark City of Ailouilde, Newcastle DueIlktne riauter, Dow, 1'ort (laint.lo HueIlk AtnbajMadoi lackimnville HueBk Amy Turner. New York DuoShip Marie Hackfeld, Liverpool 0.1 2tier sh II Hackfeld, New York Oct 2Bark Albert, UrillUM, H F Oct .1

Br bk Allien flroe Liverpool Octtier l,k 1 (J l'lluger, Bremen Oct N

Bktn H N Castle, Hubbard, H FBk H C Allen, Thom,oll, H FGer bark Paul Isentierg, Liverjiool


ItllO.Bk It I' Itltbet, Morrison, H F Oct 10

1'rlvale IlnsrlieUky.A general court martial with

Captain Good as President andLieutenants L,udcwig and Schaefferas members has held the trial ofPrivate Duschalsky, The lattermade a racket on the waterfrontlast week, then was troublesome atthe garrison. The finding and ver-dict of the court will not be publishcd lor some days yet.


Kttntei antl Hull tn the JutllclnryHi. II. Mug.

The widow of the late V. H.Harper, of Koloa, Islaiul of Kauai,has petitioned Judge Cooper thatClarence W. Ash ford, administra-tor, be summoned by due processof law to Ahow cause why he shouldnot be removed for failure to file aninventory of all the estate of saiddeceased intestate.

If. II. llayselden. survivingtrustee of the Hayseldeit estate hasfiled his annual account, showinira balance on hand of $4,566.30.

Win. CowausuesT. II. Pattersonand Ida C. Patterson for $625 forbill of wages as manager of grocerystore.

liucti acji lit Juue.Tell you ntiAt I llkn tat- -

Ijoujr about ki. In June,'Bout tit tlnitf tit bcrrUs tneUl

On lit loe ihjumi lifirritounLike to jet irlt uut autl tvt

And not work at uoihlinf eta,Ortbanl'd w tie re I'd ruUitr beNeedn't tVncti It la tor lue)

Jen the whale ky oterliraiiAnd tlie u bub alrtU uniltrnf atbKurt u' a.'., a man can breathe

Like he ort ami kind u haElbow room to kecrlewlr

Sprawl out lenuthwara on the granaWhrre tbe ahaddtr'e thttk ami aoTt

Aa the kHvcra ou the Aire lu the

Alius when they'e com.any.

March ain't not h In newjApril' altogether too

waah for ine, and Hay- -1 J'Hoiuloate lu prumUee-Little hfuU o amuhlne andGreen around tlie tluitwrlandA ftw bliMMOtna and a fewUrap ealecp, and It turn In'fore fU) light and mo atf'lol

llutwhvn JunetMiroe! ClWr mjr throatWith wild honey! (tenet, mj hair

In the dew and hold iny cuallWhoop out loud and throw mj hatl

June wanta me. and I'm to I1rr(Hree4 them !iaddn any Wre.I'd git down and waller there

And obleetfed to jrou at that!Wfcinea WLHcowb HIUj.

The Mlowlnif fit ma have meteliainlUc on the Deeanle wharf frshipment to the other islands


V.X Al etiui.Mllnim atel Una llaleln. "almnn

in tli; Until r,. M I . ails) I, X. I.CliiM'an, Unions, 1'otMne



LEWIS & GO.Have a full line of


on the Oceanic Wharf for sale.The goods wilt be left thetc untildisposed of,


' I'.x. Al'ttKAl IA.

The follow, ing iruud aroon thelK-eani- r

uhnrfi llux H hole Com, ImtJ'CretUilCorn, llama ami ll.icon, rai (linnedSalmon Tin", oi'ea TableI'ruila, rrnlea Onions, irate liurlmnkPolntiM, bundle. Codfish, culpa fall,fornla ClU't'fC

l',i. Mm Eit." l!ccMor" Flour." A " I'lour.

AIJOlHags Island Hugar.



jjaCFAUIjAXK .V CO., Ltd.. ,

iir.vr.ssr.v Hit xiiv 111. ro. I. 8. AM. llOliltllO.N WIIIHKKY,,.,,,,.,.,. .,.,,.

M H,i 10 .aclairuaanJ a pmallI

,101 01 ..III.US1,II-I1- L e II 1M Mi'llB)

lll'.i:i:ill ((uartfl nnd Pints.


Ex S. 8. Australia.Casks Hnnia, Itoxes Hacks Cod

Fish, Hacks Ilieiida, Hacks Mackerel,Hacks Skipjacks, ,' , llbl. Halt I'illi, CasesHnlnion, Crutea Onions, lloxes (irt'cnApi'Iea, Dried Green lVoa (neiv crop),, llbl. Wit l'urk, Canes llopa, j and 'a,ia llbl. Salmon (now pack), Sucks I'ltiklieana (new crop). Sacks Kiyo lleaus(new crop), A. A, Itolliil O.ita, Cute!Milk, Cuoes Deviled Ham, Hox Drinlrrunes(tiew packKlaaea I. a. I,. t licim

.Table Krulta, llaga Kino Middlings,," ""

I l"K t'atenl r.xcellcnl Hour.-e on

ft W. McCHESNEY & SONS. on


i:.v Ml vi:iia.

Dayton Flourand Bran. . . .



Hx. MlOWl'llA.

CALIFORNIA FEED CO.ltolled lliirlev, Wheat, l'.ran, Oats

Hay end Tip To, Flour in quantitiesIn suit

ill I IV

SPECIAL.I ,Tho following' firms have goods on

tho quarantine wharf, ox schoonerAloha anil brig .W. (1. Irwin. Tliegoods can bo shtp)nil to tho otherinlands without iiernilts:



Uniin 1 Fnd .Company.Whole Uarlcy, Hay, Oats,Middlings. I'lour. Corn andWheat. 766-t- f


Kx MiowmiA.


MIDDLINGS, C. &. C. FLOURon Quarantine Wharf.



Shipment of

No. 1 Island Sugaron Quarantine Wharf.


CASTLE & COOKE.i4lmltotl' - - . f

Ilave tho fi'HowiDKOnodif on thuV.tcincIlia. I tli.irf ro.uly lur ini'i.iji

Vacuoline Engine Oil,




Settled with a Fortune.

The following letter is taken froma late San l'rancisco Examintr anilexplains itself:

A Hitll.rarlory hetlltniriil.Ban Fiunci-co- , iiiUt ill. ImiY

(1KO. II, TVbON, Kmj, (it'iu'rnl ArciiIHerman American Insurance, txni.puny, ri C alifornia aliect, I'll)--,

Dear Bih: With pleasurn as Hell aatlltllka hs b.'it to aiktiouleduu there!clpt uf j our clu ck for ei t nty llioasamluouarsif ,u,iaij, payuieni in run on ) ourlxilick's cuttrlnK our mill undstureutSe.itin, llutr.UiMl, Count)', Col.

Tlie prompt uiiiient us well as themanner oi aclllemt'iit makes it u iiIciiMiutduty for us pi rvcommeinl ihe tlKBVUNAMEIIICAN ISM'liANCK COMIUM' JSlWYohk to all pmiierly i ners kIk) takeout insurance inul ile.Ito eultil securityas well aa prouit atitleiueut. .

Youra truly, 'TIIK l'AlMHO I.UJIlli:U CO..

l'er V, B. llAiiK, Vice Pre.

WILDER & CO,,Agtntt for Ihe Jawaiijii JihnJi,








Tcli'iilioiin 1'JI.

rVas-- Aclv,rtl,iiiiita.Xolicc.

Durinir inv nlneiioe from the Islands,wife, 1i'Isa M, Drk. bolda full

l'.iwvr of Attorney nml will act in allliiniiiieaa iiintlera for me.

I. II. IIKK.Honolulu, Sept. Si.lMll. 771-- w

Notice to the Public.

Tho KuliKvription List of theIMIef Mocletr is now nnrn t

lie olllre of the Unltiti Feed C.imtMiny.Sulieriplinns fur nny amount will lieRl.vlly received


Tflbjtf Hubaiription Cmuuiltlee.

Notice to Shippers.

Slllpjn-- liv Iho ateaiiier "V, O.IIaiI.I ' lire riiiueetei to niako all ahiiMiiieuls for K1111, previous to tlie enilinirday.

No freiicht will lw received after 8o'clock a. 111, on sailing dtir.

W. II. Mcl.EAN,Secretary, I. I. H. N. Co.

Honolulu, AllKUSl 31st, lf'.l").

For llcnt.Oilices, en suite or sini'leon the

ground lloor of the prcmincfl formerlyoccupied by the Dally Itulletlu Company

Merchant street, sli tho laro hafltho eecotul floor of tho same biiild-hit- f.

Apply nt tho office olWJf. CI. 1KWINACO. Lu.

720-- tf

Bromo-Chloral- um

as a

DISINFECTANTis without a

peer. ....Safe






t mimmVCffflfR

you often wish you haila Boila fountain at home.

This ilcsiro can beovercome . by takinghomo a bottle of


AlhambiaXlio addition of n

small quantity to a glassof water makes a delicious drink. It is supe--,rior to grapo juice doesnot havo that "sickishtasto , but possessingall U10 fiuo flavor thatonly good fruit can im-part. Try a bottle.

Quart bottles 60e.


THIS PIPER 11.1sss vaAuverii.ioilie al K,V.

Agrncv. A and rA Mmhanfe rxchatir. fanjrancuiv. tat.. wi.rn lor aairtUiugxan be m (or It.

Page 4: THE HAWAIIAN STAR. · It li bust when fresh.--New York Prraa. Emancipated. Dr. Charlie well I Lad 14 cases at n place last evening. Us li wick Was It an epidemic r Dr. Charge well


lliiM, Ml AMI TM Nr llllix rtm V. . Cast

a.rter T.M...


uJrm,la,lnJn,m. a m.;Un x . HI I I ITSm....! I t .4I M. B.M S 4 SH

I I U, I f t ! t 6i .; J.wle.m.ln tn.

Ttinr... I.n 111 . . iiKri 4. I l: Ut i i i"At I IB 10 l IWI ai i.ii!

in S f I II 10 ttll ll .M, t 11. ilFull tniMii nn Hi. R1. al 1th II in n. tn.rime Whlstl. blows at tm.,U. am. of

Honolulu lime, wbleli It 111 iidi m 110.1010..

r'or titty ion) teet nf dl.tanc of lh. ob-server Itroni the Cnstnra llous.) allow onesesnml for transmission ol soanl,or Mconditn A statute lane.


Ilf the tluvemraent Survey, rubll.taedrlrerr Mond.r,



S In. pMsios'iorc: 7J si o :uMnn 211 .10.1 IN W ?j pi o . Ml 4 Hi 4Ttie. 24 .( W.ST 7S i o.aa II 4 4

Wil iA ..i in M. lie 14 .J V.u. IW ft N K S10 i in in n isII I N K S

Tim JfiilJ ul fla M l 0 01

Frl. 37 I.CA '211.1.1 c; Hi a iiKilt. io!uv 67 11

llirometer corrected for temperature and


Hteanutkltts will leave for anil arrlv fromB in Francisco on the following dates, till tbe!ou of 1S05 1

Aaatvx AT H'N'LfLll Leave IIosolcuj fobrnon Ban Fcisco Bankranciscooh

ob Vanoouvxb. Vancouver.180.1. ISBS.

Onorlbouf On or AboutMiowera Sept II VVArrlraoo... OctArAU-- . ...hi.tit 'At AiiatrAtlA (k-- t

Australia fept ai Mariposa --..Oct 17

Australia. -- tlct Mlowera........Nov 1

AlAmeila ....Oct 24 Coptic Nor 6Warrlmoo, tlct 21 Aiawa. Nov 14(Jliltia .... tlctSI Australia Nov auAustralia... ....Nov 15 Warrlmoo 10 2Mariposa.. Nov 21 Peking- - Di'C 0

Mlowera.... ....NOV 24 Alauied- -. Deo 12

Coptic...... ... Nov 2 Mloera....Jan 1.1SMS

AUHSm Ilea 19U arrltuiKi.. ..lieu 24

I'kln lleo 28


TIME TABLEProm and After Jan 1st.


i I3 s 33r.Z , ?.a

2A.H. A.M. P.M.

Llave Honolulu. ..0:40 It. 1145

biave Clty..7.4ll u fi8 2:28nr, VA MUI...S.10 1012 2.42Arrlie Walaliae 10A4 ....

S i Is i-- jj s

& .3 1Kt.a fin

A.M. A.M. P.M.(are Walanae... .... 1)2liove r.w .Mill. .7:1 u.lll ?:W

?ave Pearl Oltr...7J0 2.4H 2 38

irrlve Honolulu. ..sill 10.30


2 a





On Satunlay and Hundar nttftits F.wa Mill1'assenner Train will arrive lu Honolulu ato:va instead oi p m.

Frelitlit Tl alns will carry Second-Clas- Passentfer accominotlatlons.

14 1', UKNiAoir, F. C. HMirit,Superintend nt. Oen. Pais. He Tkt. Aet.


Btkau Engines, Bcoar Milli, Boilers,Coolers, Iron, Brass ahd Lud


Macblnerr of KTery Deeoriptlon liadeOrder. Particular attention Datd to Ship"BLackaniithtniE. Job work executed at Bbort

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,LIMITKD,

Wm. ft, Irwin - Preoldent and ManatrerClaus Spreckels, ... Vice PresidentW. il. OifTard, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. l'orter, ..... Auditor


Commission Agents,AQEltTM Or THE





S. S. AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Iave Honolulu

from S. F. for 8. F.Atis. 9 Aug. 14

Sent. 8 Sept. 7Sept. 30 Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct. 27Nov. 15 Nov. 20

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Ban r rancieco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Ilenoluln.

Mariposa. .Aug. 29 Monoal...Aug. 22MonowaL.Sept. 28 I Alameda. .Sept. 19

Alameda. ..Oct. 21 Mariposa. ..Oct. 17

Oceanic Steamship Co

Australian Mall Service.

For Sydney and Auctland:

The New and Fins Al Steel Steamship"MARIPOSA"

Of the Oceania Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu irom Dan rranCisco on or about

August 30th,And will leave for the above pons withmail ana l'lissengrs on or auoui matdate.

For San Francisco:

The New and Fine Al Hteel Steamship"MONOWAI"

Of the Oceanic Steamahip Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckianu on or anout

August 22d,and will have prompt despatch withslain aim rasHengers mr me aoove pori,

The undersigned are now preparedto issue

TiiroDEli Ticket; to all PoiDlMo tbe

UDitei Stales.

For furl her particulars regardingrretK'it or rassage, 0iily to

Wm. C Irwin Co , L'.,OENEBAL AOENTP, '


nooit complf ilontoatli(nl tW,clett iklu, li iltail mttfr of pure,litttHhjr, throbbing blood, For tlionwomen with poor liralth rtml wrnk

emacUtcU condition In argent need of

a remedy to battel up tholr itrrngtli,rettore TiUlIt nd to enrich Uio

blood, nothing equati


perfected slid taitcleu, of Cod LlrcrOil with Compound Syrup of a,

Kxtracti of Malt and

Wild Cherry Dark, to tono up tlio

yiteni, bring back renewed healthmid strength, so much needed when

weakened by waiting diseases, and toeuro those weaknesses which arc tho

seat of their troubles. Always tf.fectivo in all seaanna. Sold byIIoLLlsTia Druu (Jo; II em son, SmitiiA, Co; Hobrok Drtl'o Co.




or HonOLCLC.

J. A. M AHTItf,Btar Agent, Hlla.

OKO. HONS.oTAn Agent v All ut a and iabain.


Fort HI.


Fort Bt. opjwalU Club Btable.


Tel. SM. Cor. Alain and IIoUl BtreeU

KNOROSS1NQ AND 1LLUMINATINO.VI00O JACOBSEN,130 Nuuanu Ave., next to the White Houaa.

laiefinon MU.


J. II0PPCO.T Kins Bt,


Aetna, Alliance, Mew Kngland Mutual


KMMELUTll CO.,6 liuuanu Bt.

UEUCUANTB a L 8haw, Proprietor


By the bark J. 0. Gladea new supply of thecelebrated


For sale at all principalDrug Stores, Liquor Dealers,Saloons, a

H. Hackftld & Co.SOLE AQENTS.







li prepared to do all Ktcd. ofartlstio Book, Job and News-

paper prlntltur at fair prliw.

Books, Pamphlets, Legal Papers,Hand Bills, Dodgers, Letter andBUI Heads, Business and VisitingCards Tickets, Proa-ram-



Rtlmtaled tn the Army and Promoled to a Captaincy.

V10T0RT TOR THE MAN 01' l)E8TlNr

aTlrvt III tlrsl linn at the arKanf Tnnlnn.altnertM trnm (llnrnrllr ami Ills I'.tIrannllnarr lliarartrr lteealeil 1 !

ttelga nf Terror tn rranrsi,lOoprrlclit, la, t.r John ttark IIM)alh.


lion Apitlo was lilrnil lint Ills cnowas not Iiuk1om. Ho was aliln to leaveOorilea with such n ci Rata liliua flglitliilfcliauce for recovery. Tlirougli-ou- t

Ills life a flulitliiK cliatico wos allthat lie tlomaliileil. Ilr Ills inlsPDiiiluctas au uftlcor lio linil LronKlittlioilltnuteron hlmiclt, lio had ovcrtnlil Ills lentoof absence Ho liad refused to returnwlion aunnoiiotl to lili command. Hisdisobedience was rank.

Duty nmotiK the Jncolilna of tho Coratcnu ton lis, Najiuloou had heeded notthe repoatwl order to retnm to VnlcncaUettlng himself chosen, Tint major, and

KAroLtoN nr wiiessf.l.then lleutenai't-colonc- l in the allegeilNatloual Guards, ho had undertaken toget possession of the citadel of Ajaccio,and had failed. His leadership, liko arod of glass, broko to fragments In hisbands. Ho and tho whole Honapartofamily wero discountenanced, nnd howas glad to get awny being careful tocarry with him n military record whichhe himself had prepared nnd the colonelof the Second Battalion had signed,showing his patriotlo military servicesand bis rank as an oflicer. With this howould regain his lout position in theFrench nimy.

At Valeuco, thero was still ninch inNapoleon's favor. Tho royal army wasliterally going to pieces. Tho organiza-tion of the National Guard In variousparts of tho kingdom had drawn offmany of tbo officers and infected manywore with tho diseaso of patriotism.The oolouol of tho Fourth Regimentwas au old royalist who bad gladly cutoff tho Jacobin llonaparto from his com-

mand It was useless for tho latter toreturn to Valonco, hoping to bo rein-stated at such a court. Ho thereforomade all speed for Paris, where howonld havo a hearing beforo tho minis-ter of war.

By the summer of 17D2 tho roaringwinds of rorolutlou wero shaking notonly tho pitinaclcs, but tho very foundations, of French civilization. Tho old'order was already in ruins. Paris wasIn au uproar. Tho King and court hadbeen obliged In tho preceding autumnto leave Versailles and come, lu tbomost romarkable procession in history,-to Paris. The starving populaco hadgone oat to the royal palace, invaded It,booted around it, drawn forth tbo Kingand Queen and their illfatod sclou, andbad hurried mem oil Into thoclty, dancing about them en ronto and shoutingIn wild jocularity that now they badtho baker aud tbo bakcress and tbo bak-

er's llttlo boy I All this wreck of royal-ty and nobility heaped itself up in tbeTulleries, out of which tho aucientmonarchy of tho Bourbous looked with.wan face at tbo weltering world.

it was to this Paris that Napoleoncame, with a billet of dismissal and pe-

tition for reinstatement. One war min-

ister after another, to tbo uuiubor ofsix, had now filled tho Important officebefore which Bouaparto stood a peti-

tioner for rehoariug. Tho new ministerwas a Nationalist and favorably dispos-ed towards tho Corsicau ndvnuturer; fortbe latter canio with a haggard revolu-tionary face nnd long hair hanging tobis shonlders. There was delay lu thooffice; and Bouaparto, with his formersohoolfellow and futuro secretary,

was well nigh starving in tbostreets.

To. add to his distress, tho RoyalSchool for Qlrls at Halut Cyr, under thelmmedlato patronagu of Mario Antoi-nette, went to pieces llko other exist-ing things; and Elfso Bouaparto wasturned adrift with no friend lu Francoexcept her sullen brother. To tbo crodltof tbe latter, he clung to bis sister, andpresently took advautago of bor preseucoto get another leave of abacacc, "in or-

der to conduct her home." But be didnot do so until his cause in tho e

bod, on tho SOtb of August, beendecided In his favor. Ho was exoner-ated, restored to rank, promoted to acaptaincy, aud to crown all tho now commission was dated back to tho precedingFebruary.

This was a great victory for the manof destiny, lie was Captain Bonaparte.Taking Eliso, by tho hand, ho sped awayto Lyons and Valence where he pausedto be seea In his new reglmoutals andthen to Marseilles and Corsica. His re'turn brought together at Ajaccio all tbemembers of tbe fumily of Bonaparte,He left behind in Paris tho CountessJosephine do BeaubaruaiB, ngod twenty'nine. Aud yonder at Vienna, In herHapsburg cradle, nine mouths old, liestbe e Maria Louisa. Tbcso twohall have relai..,s with history lu the

next two deoadesfFrance bad now booonie an ocean of

molten brass, seething, bubbling, breaklug along tho billows into llauies oflurid light Tbo Revolution was comingto Its crisis. Hunger and despair in thehearts of men bad done their perfectwork. War was on with Prussia andAustria and Englaud. The emigrant no'bllity across tbo borders was In leaguewith the enemies of tbe, French nation.Tbat nation bad sprung up. au Infuriated tigress, and woe be henceforth totraitors I Thero was intrigue betweentbe dying court and the Emigres beyondtbe Rhine. It was now or never. TheTerror came on; chateau wero flaming;the streets were slippery with red; tbeaxe weut always np and down lu theflace de la Revolution; tbe day of deathand extermination was at baud.

This condition of affairs in the ex.tluct kingdom of tbe Bourbons brongbttbe revolutionists of France and thosoof Corsica Into olosest sympathy; forJacobinism Is universal. It Is simplyHumanity in Insurrection. Whether Itbe In France, lu Germany, in Italy, Inthe Mediterranean Islands, in England.or tbe party-curse- cities of the Unitedmates, it is all the same, riio only questlou with Bouaparto now was whetherbis dostluy might be better attained bytbe leadership of tbe corsloan revolutlonists or by allying himself with theJacobins or Paris.

With skillful duplicity be did both.Corsica, on his return, was In a ferment. The popular party was at ouo withtbe French democrats. Tbe NatloualConvention passed a decrco that .tho ex-

iled Corsicau patriots might return.Paoli went home by way of Paris, whorebe was recognized as a hero and madelieutenant-genera- l and military governor of bis native island. Franoo was dlTided into departments, and Corsicawas declared to be one of these.

Meanwhile, the world was turnedupside down Tbo Convention bad takenthe autumnal equinox of 1703 as tbedate of a uew era for mankind. It wasan epoch of universal abolition, Tbe

"V-ip- t-- syiv mfl nest !TaMSJSsjpsjSSHMTlltt HAWAIIAN 1 1STAK, THUH8PAV OCTOBBR j, t9

inatteant Initio was that tiliim tn tunMHtl ndt Hi trek nf the ilrtlmyrt's wamt, the new did tint sprliijf upin lis ilfi The King was Uonslit tottlal and itoalh The prnnil dsuiililrt ntTherm went swiftly after her lord.

Moderate patriots throughout Ft sureand the Wntld were alarmed and angored. Washington would follow Lib-


no further. I'aoll, establishinghlmsrlf at Onto, stint for moderation.Ho was too oi l and rntiserrntlrn tn 1m

rebaiitlsed In the muddy wattrs of Jacobinism, lint Captain llntiapntto alAJaerlowas lint tif such mind and kind,lie found himself at this juncture mitwo military floods, luili going In thesamn , bnt at different rate of

piKil. Ho had never resigned Ills cotmnils. loo us colonel In the Corsicau Na-

tional Guard) but ho now held a rommission as captain In the French army,and was receiving pay from the nation,al treasury. His ciiptalmynnd his colo-

nelcy did not consist. Ho temporisedand Intrigued with tlio revolutionistsduring the winter of 1TI)2-U3- i bad anInterview with Paoll at Corte; deportedwithout satisfaction; broko with thegovernor, who censed to bo a hero In hiseyes; inado n conspiracy to lurndo Sar-

dinia; tried to obtain an independentcommand; fell under condemnation oftho Paollsts, and In Juno of 1703, wasobliged to leave Corsica with all thefamily of Bonaparte.

Napoleon arrived at Nlco on tho 13thof Juno, and thero rejoined his com-

pany. Thu Fourth Regiment, to whichhe belonged, had boon transferred to theoxtromo southeast, as a protection againsttho menaces of the world along thatthreatened coast. Tho whole valley ofthe llhcno was aflame with tho Itevolntlon. Horror on horror had boon heapedthroughout Franco.

Napoleon became a French Republican soldier. He was a soldier of fortunein a sense luoro profound than thatphrase bad ever before conveyed. Itmust bo confessed that the hardshipsand merciless conditions through whichho bad panned, bearing with relentlesspressure on his tremendous mind

as It was with unquenchable am-

bltions aro better calculated to uxcitotho compassion and sympathy of aftertimes than to kindle agaln3t htm thatanger and consorlousncsn which a mere-ly logical consideration of his shortcomings, failures and unprincipled schemeswould suggest. The jndgmeut Is miti-gated In ooutotuplattng such a characteremerging from obscurity, under tlio playof coniplox forces, into the foregrouudoflight aud action.

Tho regiment of Captain Bouapartoconstituted a part of the Army of thoSouth, under command of Goueral

It was tho business of this divi-sion of tlio French national forcos tooperate for tho recovery of Marseillesand Tonlon; for theso cities were heldby tho enemies- - of France. They hadfallen Into the power of the Englishfleots, assisted by tho local loyalists.Tbo situation wus striking. Patriotismwas aflame In both tbo cities; but therepresentatives of the late monarchy,protected by a foreign power, wero notyet down. It was out of Marseilles that,in July of tho preceding year, n bandof patriots, most unique and strong, hadmarched to Purls, singing ou tbo wayand to tho very porches of the Tnilerlcs,that famous war-son- which Clauda Joseph Rouget do Lisle had given to tbeFrench nation and to ail free men.

Bo against Marseilles and Toulon, forwresting them from tho English andloyalists, tho forces of General Cartoauxaro, on tho Otb of October, 1703, divided and sout. Captain Bonaparte rcgirucnt, with others, is directed againstToulon. Ho Is given oommaud of a section of tho artillery, and Is at last Inbis element Now for the first tluio beIs able to direct a battery against theenemy, aud to utter that tremendousword, "Flrol" Hero and now tho cloudof obscurity lifts from tho life of thisextraordinary character, revealing himto tbo world as one of the greatest Intho annals of mankind.

John Clark Ridfatil


Lartlcae's Single Rait Scheme May Eventually So iter teile the Fresent Kriteni.

Wo nWBntly pointed out that expresstrains In England .seldom maintain overfontf distance an nverage speed exceedingWmllwanhouf, andthattbe same thingmlKlit be said ot the United States. Hodoubt cnffl njers have demonstrated on theEnglish Great Northern railway and on ourNew York Central that a short section ofstraight track can he traversed much morerapidly, but It has come, to be accepted as

n axiom tbat under existing mechanicaltonditi oii4 the rate mentioned tn the highestppetxl couMlsteut ltn safety.

What are tho conditions which haveconclusion f It is the curves of

the cxibtfng lines which render long con-tinued movement at a upeed of W or 100miles an hour impossible, unless the weightoi engines ana trains should be increasedfar beyond what tbe bridges nnd roadbedwould bear. Iu the absence of such an Increate of weight and fctrengtb, which is eco-

nomically Impracticable, a 100 mile expresswould fly off the rails at the first sharpcurve. The fact Is familiar to every competent engineer. He knows the mathematical relation of curves to speed. He knows.for Instance, that the force tending at agiven curve to throw oil tbe rails a trainmoving at the rate of ISO miles au hourwould be about CX times greater than thatwhich n train resists when running at CO

miles an hour. It follows that the existinglines must tw both straightened andstrengthened If tho present average speedof express train i is to be materially heighteneu.

Such straightening end .strengthening Ispractically out of the question, owing tothe tremendous outlay that would be in-

volved. Is there, then, auy way of obtaining new rates of speed on the old routes?It appears from the London Spectator thatthis question is answered lu the affirmativebj Mr. Uehr In a pamphlet advocating theapplication to existing routes of tbe Lar- -

tigue single rail RVbtem. in this system.which, as we shall see, Is no visionaryscheme, but Is actually In operation, thecars sit astride a single rail raibed to aheight of four feet from the ground onfcteel trestles, on either bide of which, butSK feet lower. Is a small guide roll.

The wheels on which tho cars run moveon the central rail, while the guide rails oneach side are gripped by smaller wheels.To speak accurately, this ts not a blnglerail, but a treble rail line, although thehard work Is done on the raised central raiLIlut whatever name should be given to thesystem It is said that the stability and se-

curity of the cars, mounted ou the centralrail saddle, with tbe guide rails serving asstirrups, are such that Is almost Impossiblefor a train to be thrown on the track, whencurves are encountered, the rati Is rantedtransversely to a degree calculated to neutralize theceutrifugal force, and if the canting uoes not sutlice the surplus of centrifugal tendency Is counteracted by the joint ac-

tion of tbe central rail and Inner guide raiLAs we have said, the Lartigue system ts

no uutrled proposal. It Is uow workinglor a suort uutauce, vf miles, from Mato-we- l

to Uallybuu'.on In Ireland, and an application of the principle cn a much largerscale lias been made In the department ofthe Ixtire In France. The calculations re-

lating to the stability and safety of carsrun on this plan go to show that, even fora speed of 150 miles au hour, the demandmode upon the Ijtrtlgue lines would notexceed, in tbe cube of the most unfavorablecurre, the normfcl limit of strain at prewntallowed.

If these claims can be seemsclear that the Lartigue system may renderuupreceueuieu rates oi speeu not only me-chanically but financially possible, for thesingle rail can be laid side by side with thepresent lines on the existing routes. Thefinancial difficulty which would be present-ed, were new routes required, being eliminated, the provision of an adequate motorpower mi not stop me way, Mr, Uehr es-

timates that the imt of coustructtm oueither side of tho existing mala line from.MJiiuou 10 imguion a lartigue line to beworked by electricity at u speed of from 130

uhu; nines an uour. including rolllugstock,generating plant and all appliances forworklugtraiuB, would not exceed tt.OW.OOO,It ts contended that by this means llrtghtou,which ts tV) miles away, could be reached laSO or 25 minutes' ride from the UrltUb metropolis. ifew York Bun.

Til f litsesl Tlilug.A teacher, questioning little boys about

the graduation In the wale of Intelligence,asked, "What comes next to mailt"

Whereupon one little shaver, who wusevidently smarting under a sens of prevlous defeat, Immediately distanced All competltorsbr promptly shouting, "1IU flannelshirt, nuWr-Tit-- Hlt

' - At.tfAtk Mm mm a Hi MMiiM iiwiirnii nr m --

l n

TOGS LaMlMBBMr-spe- ai mm vsaemH


of run

or IfA WML


. II. Pole, l'reVnt of the HepuMlc otHawaii.

P. Foreign AtTalra.I. A. Klmf, Wlnll-ru- f lbIulfri.r

Minister of FlrtanctVV. C), Kmltli,


Cliarlt M, Coke, Jdhn NultJ, 1'. .ifmlotira, T. II. Murray,J.tori'lj Kaualout, J. A. Kennedy,Cecil Itrown, W. O. Wilder,I M. Jones C. I toll,ft, p. ItoblbKon, 1). 1a, Kaoue,Jolin Klia, A. II. M. Itobcrls

(iew-g- W, Hrolfh.

Ocht,lion, A. F.Judd, Chief Justice.Hon. II. F. Itlckerton, First Associate JastlceHon. W. K. Frear, Hecund Associate JusticeHenry hirlth. Chief Clerk.(Jeurge Lucas, First Deputy Clerk.U. F. leputv Clerk.J. Wslter Junes,

Circuit Juvqkm.

First Circuit! II. K. Cooper. W.A. WhitingO.ilni.

tfer.inl Circuit . Maui, J W. Katua.Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii H.UAust n.Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hard v.

OtnteN and Court-rj-n In Jndlclar)Itulldlng, Kiiiif HireeL SitlliiL In llunoluluFirst Mon.lay In Februar), May, August andNuveinttti

Depakthkrt nr Foiieiqm ArrAiits.

Office In K i ecu live Hull.ling, Klnic HtretFrai.ti-- i M. of Foreign Affairslieo. C. 1'olter, te;retary.A. HI. M. Clerk.11. I. Hxttcutlve Council

W. Olrvln, HecitUr) Chiaess bureau.

)eia ktiieht or tiik Intkkioo.

Ofllce In F.xecutlve Building, King UtreeiJ. A. Klug, 11 ulster of the Interior.Chief Clerk, John A. llassliiger.AsslNtant Clerks, James II. Bu)d, II. C.

Me) em, (Jus Hose, .Stephen Mahaulu, (leorge C. J toss, Edward B. llu)d.



W. L. Alexander.Supt. Public Works, W. K. Howell.riupL Water Works, Andrew brown.Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassldy.llegUtrar of Come auces, T. U. Thrum.Deputy lteglstrar of IL W,

AndrewsRoad Supervisor, Honolulu. W. 11. Com-

mlngs. .Chief Engineer Fire Dept., J. II. HunL

Asluiu. Dr. Heo. Herbert.


President J. A. King, Ministerof the Interior.

Members: W. (1. Irwin, A. Jaeger, A. Herbert and John Kds.

Commissi oner of and ex officio

.Secrete rj of the board; Joseph Marsden.

Depahtwkmt or Fikahce.

Minister of Flosr.ce, H. M. Damon.11. Laws.

Itegiitrar o: Accounts, W. O. Ashley.

Collet toMleneral of Customs, J. H. Castle.Tax Assessor, Oahu, Jonathan Hhaw.Deputy Asnessor, W. C Weedon.

J. M. Oat.


CusTou ItcKEAU.

Office, Custom Houie, FortBt,J. B, Castle,

F. II. McUtocker. Master, Captain A. Fuller.Tort Horve)or, M. N. Handera.

(Jen. C. Utratemeyer.

Depautuent orOfllce In Executive liuilding, King HU

Marshal. Arthur M. Brow n.Deputy .Marshal, It. II. Hitchcock.Clerk, J. M. Ken.

Clerk to Marshal, II. M. Dow.

Jailor Oahu I'rUon, James A. Low,

I'rlson Phi's Ida n, Dr. N. B. Emsrson

lvoAitn or Health,

OMce in erouuds of Judiciary Buildingcorner of Mtlllani and Queen btreets.

Members: Dr. Day. Dr. Wood, Dr, Emerson,J.T. Jr., D.L.F. Lansing snd bmlUnPresident, Hon. W. O. Hmlth.Secretary, Chas. Wilcox.

Executive Officer.CH. Iteynolds.Agent Hoard of Health, J. D. MeVeUh.Inspector and Manager of Garbage Bervice,

L. L. La Tlerre,Inspector, Dr. Wm. MonsarraLPort Physician, Dr. F. IL Day,Dispensary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper HetUeuienL Dr, It. K. Oliver.

Hoard orOffice. Department of Interior, Judiciary

Building, KlngtreeUPresident. J. A. King.Members of the Board of

J. B. Atherton, Job. A. Kennedy, JosephMarsden, James G. Spencer, J. Cordon.

Secretary, Wray Taylor.

Board or Kdocatiov.Office, Judiciary Building, King Street

Presldeut, W. It. Castle.Clerk, J, F. HcolLInspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson.

Uoaiid io crow LavJ, A. King, MlnUUr of the Interior; W. O

Smith. Attorn ey-- enera ana u. r, MaxesOffice In Judiciary Building.

Labor Oomuksio.

W, N. rmatron Chairman.I, T. B. Murray,J. M. Vivas, H. W. Severance.

Dr. C. T. Itodgers, Secretary.

pfiTBior Uocar.Police (Station Building, Merchant Strest.Antonio Perry.James Clerk,

poaTorrici Bureau,

J Mor( Ost.O.Atwater,

Bup't Postal Savings Bank, II. C. JohnsonMoney Order . B. OaLGeneral Delivery. L. T, Keuake.IlegUtrr O. I Pesbo.Ulerkst J, D.Uolt, IL A.Dster, B.U Kskv

mono, O. J, Holt, J, Uwat, Usnry . KalaChas. KoaaoL Narlta J, T, rtfsereds

Niwitt Bicyclis.1'IVIC

(kill. (lit (in, riurvuiril,

Aroteor tii'icl loiiiljlcii'











Audltor-Uenera- l,


Esplanade,Collector-Uenera- l,


Attohnky-CUneka- u

Attorney-Genera- l, W.O.tSmith.

Walerhouse, lililo.Theo.AtUirne-(lener-






postmaster-Gsnera- l,







They Will llerearter Ik, Known l or Theirlearning and Tttelr Tartand TheyWill Also I ii.U t T tat Tliey lata Tr)erLiberty.

The nvcntdlscurwlon of thooundltlon ofsur young women In Kngllsh life In TboNlucU-cut- Century has Ucn suggusUd bytho chaugu which tho higher education ofgirls has form! upon tho Attention ofmothers In Kngllsh society. Tbo daughtersaro being like the sons. And theycrave the lllx-H- And opiMirtiinltlos whichthe sons rnloy. it Is imiMimiblo vt holdtheso young girls in tho mimo social re-

straint which existed Ntiwnhatnand tilrton wero in cxUtenee, and theEnglish mothers are up In arms Ijccausetho girls refuM) to lie complacent maidensaud tako tho tradllional position of youngwomen who aro uendlng all their energiesto socuro favorablo cifhrs of marriage.Whllo this discussion does not exactly fitinto the gnioes ot our own euclol Ilia,there Is a great deal In It that Is suggestiveand Important. Woau relolco at tho opening ol careers for young women, and It Isnot becnuso matrimony Is any tho less thosphere In which woman realizes her highestfunction that wo tho incruosoofagencies through which young women,llko young men, can follow their aptitudes.and not only earn their own living, butdotho things which Imply tlio nillJllmcnt ortheir tastes and capacities. It is a greatthing to havu gained this social and industrial freedom, und where tho demandsaro not too heavy tho Independence Andfreedom which women Imvo gained amhaving tbe liappleat luect upon their personal welfare.

Thero ts another And Increasing class tnthis country who aro being prepared in ourhomes for IlAdclltTe and Wcllesley andSmith colleges, and who aro destined to betho leaders of our social and intellectuallife In the future Thlsclnhs most closelycorresponds to tho daughters of Englishmen In the upper walks or life, arid It Isnut only tn tho education of theso girlsthat a wider rungu of thought and 11 fo 11

to bo possible, but they aro to givoo cer-tain elevation to tho standards of Americanlife. They aro to set forth tho truo posi-tion of woman not as an exception of attalnment among thu few, but us tho nor-mal expression of our irest life, Theso educated women will become, to a great ex-

tent, our teachers of tho higher education,but a largo portion of them will And thofulfillment of their Ambitions tn marriagoand will Itecomo moroor less tho leaders ofsociety. What our higher education Is exjxx:ted to Accomplish Is not to turn outInto tho world two or threo thousand blue-stockings every year, but to send IntoAmerican society hundreds of young wom-en who will reallzu their worth In careers.who will bo eximuslvo In their lnllucnceupon tho world, and who, beyond their po- -sltlun us wh es nnd mothers, will bo knownfor their learning, fur their social tact andfor that Indefinable Influence which makesa woman tbo center of attraction and pow-er In tho social circles lnwhlch shomues.

Ao ono can watch tho progress of thonew education tn tho homes of well to dopeople without seeing tho silent transfor-mation which Is already going on. Ono Isconstantly coming across theso educatedgirls, who wm nonool tbelrnttractlvene&ias women In tlio iMMMcsslon of a trainingwhich enables them to handle the thingsof tho world with tho dexterity and success possessed by their brothers. They arocrowding into tbo ranks of thu professions.Medlclnoana tho law aro luvonto channelsfor them, aud In art, lu muslo and In tholesser professions women aro beginning tobo nearly as numerous as men. Tho fieldIs ample, and thero Is hardly a womanwho aspires to maka n career for herselfthat does not ilnd Iter place.

Tho fact that every year theso educational Institutions uro placing the) youngwomen in tho lielu or opportunity is to bowatched by tbo social student as a veryImportant factor In American life. Theyaro transforming tho homes from whichthey gu forth Into tho world, and they aroready to engage In tho making of newhomes und In tho widening of tho range ofour common life. Tho men and womennow In middle ago hud in few Huston costho advantages, social and Intellectual,which aro now enjoyed by thclrdaughters.and U is greatly to their credit that theyhavo responded to tho demand that theirgirls shall come under tho Influence of thehlghor education to 6uch an extent that tnalmost every social circle tho college wornen begin to bo an appreciable and lnfluentlal element.

Tho question now at thu front ts w hethcrthese girls shall begin to tako tho lead.The effect of their wider training Is tomake a humdrum life Irksome und distasteful, and to make the position of awoman waiting for matrimony, whichmay never como, ono that stifles tho wrytraining which alio has received. Whllo noono would wish that young women shouldneedlessly expose themselves to censure bytaking too much liberty, It is not pusslbhthat girls thu'i educaUxl will consent to'the trivial round" and "the common

task" which aro tho traditional life ofmost young women as wo have knownmom, anu it is in ngiana no less thanIn America that parents need to bo educated to appreciate tbo position in whichtheir daughters, trained in tbe new education, stand. Tlio friction which tn somequarters Is complained of Is largely becausetho fathers and tho mothers of our girlsare not Intelligent in appreciating the po-

sition in which our girls aro placed or thedemands which tho now order of thingscreates. Tho only way of escape Is for thogirls, with such tact and discretion asthey can employ, to toko matters Into theirown hands And insist tbat tho libertywhich is given to their brothers shall be,to a proper extent. Allowed to themselves.What wo want In American society ts togain tho advantages of tho higher education not simply for tho girls who aro intent upon careers, but for those girls whoseprobable mission Is to become center oilnnuenoe In our lioinos, and whose ultlinato pluco will bo that of loaders In thosocial world. Tbo now education wUl no(become effective with our best educatedwomen divorced from tlio practical tutoreat of life In tho senso that It will bo powerful when tho social louder recognizethat tho higher education of women ts anessential step in the conquests which theyaim to tnako. Education without aim Isapt to bo disappointing, but oducatlon ofthe kind which many of our girls aro re-

ceiving today helps them to realize to a verylargo extent tlio truo position of women Intho world. Dos ton Herald.

If. aaerlfle. For llluuMamma Now. Teddr. we roust all tn

to glr up something while times are obard. i

Teddy I'm willing.Mamma What will t be, dearrTeddy iioap. Chicago Inter Ocean.

A r.pal.r Arll.t,Mr. BirdwbUtU You ought to patronlu

my pnotograpuer. lie l. an rtuuTeddr VanderchumD-- Is tbat aotMr. Ulrdwbiatle-rX- H. Hecantbrowez.

preslou )n the moe oommooplace fae,a it m a ruiuMiy.

Common salt as a'remedy for "browague," tbat distressing form of bead.ache, has lately been extolled br tomepbyslolana, Tbe idea in Increasing thoamount of wo pan uea,yitu me roodWas (bat of augmentipg tbe hydrooblo-rl- o

aold In' the lulbe' of the least' considerable' 'suooeas Is clalmodfor this remedy, whioh, however, it isneedles, to say, will not opera to suoocss.folly in all case. Uy the way, sul(flig

mill Bntuy pqnqerea sait op tne nos-tril, of tbej affeoted. tide has been foundhj van ins paiu in ueursujiaw too noa

' ' -Famllr Maaailna.'-- "

Why.Do You Pay

SO ta 40 o.f o.nt.tnore for your Uronl when you ran

nothing hit standard lan.l.n..uinn iYutrmr. .....

VKLLER I II.,Osisslft Untuersi.VARina Dime, Tiu iVO.

Ts my PatronsaM (in PmUIc.

I have j'ut opened at myoffice, ttj llKTHRl, St.,Honolulu, H. I., an


of the lateat ileslc-n- . and nnv.lltra InKmbrotdrry Work, Drawn Work, ltoieHllk, Kensington work and Etching..

I would riwiiectfully Invite you andyour friend, to rail and Inspect thesegoods.

Tbe Hlngrr received 54 first awardsfor Hewing Machine and EmbroideryWork at the) World', I' IIIbeing the largest number ot awards ob-tained by any exhibitor, and more thandouble the number given to all otherKj..t. II. ,.1.1. - 1 I I




Also White and Mack Sand

which we will sell at 'the very low-

est market rates.

1ST Telephone No, 414. JH

Oh, I Say!have you heard of the new firm at the cornMAt 11 I A I. I - - -aiuk ojiu, tuKca BwwtMf wueiv juuuii

Iut. or sell anything from a cambric need! 1

Hew an! Second-ba- nd FornitareAll kinds of second-han- tooks

bought and sold. All kinds ofcontrae'ataaen tor

Fainting anil UpMsterino.tfe are fully preiiared to contract for

any sited Job of painting and repairing,




Oommissioii Mtrchmfs

nclflc Hall 8. 9. Co.Agents" Occidental A. Orltn

tal S. 8. Co.


The Finest Drinksin tho city, made up to sanitarystandard; ingredient first boiled,then froten

Our Ice Cream and Sherbert Soda can'tbe beat.

Try it. It will doyou good.


CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Stkkbt,

Between Fort and Alake Bta.


Groceries and Provisions.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island

Butter always on band.

Fresh Goods received by every SteamerJrom ?an rranctsco.' BATISrACTIOH QCARAXTEED,

H. MAT & CO.Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS98 Fort Street.

Both Telephones 22. P. O. Box 47.

JAS. F. MORGAN.No. 45 Queen Street,

Auctioneer and Stock Broker.

Special attention given to tbehandling of

Real Estate' Stocks, Bonda



STEAM COCKS, and nil other tltttng.tor pipe on hand,

Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

fresh milled Itlce .oraal. la luaulltle. to .ailJ. A. HOPPER, Prop'r.

fort Btre.1, Honolulu.


LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,




Castle & Cooke, Lid

1Airoreisres ,


General Merchandise



T i 1

WILDER & f.OllM.MM.e4 I. llrl,

Ni! I C WILK8 - V, C. WILKR,


Lumber and Coal

Building: Materials

sucit AS


Builders' Hardware,1'alntn, Oils, Glass.


Cor. Fort and Queen Streets,


Metropolitan Meat Go.


Wholesale & Retail Butchers


Navy Contractors.J. WALLER. Manager.


Coffee and Fruit Planters!

llllo Ag;oiloyTHEO. H. DAVIES& CO. Ltd,

Stocks of necessary Tools andImplements, etc., etc., on handat their




Importers and dealers in all kinds otprovisions, Merchandise, Cigars, Etc.


Near King Street.Clothing, Matting, CamphorTrunks, Valise., Ilata and UentsFurnishing Goods


GROCERIES - AND -- : PROVISIONS,Pork, Rice. Bran andUeneral Merchandise.

Cor. Hotel and Nuuanu 8U. Honolulu, IL I.


Gent' Furnishing Goods.Chinese Hllk. Matties:,

Camphor Trunks.No. 43 NUUANU STREET,

F.O. Box 114.

Yee Oxx Co.,Watchmakers and MaDOfacturiDZ

Jlepatrlna of lViafcAes and Jewelry Ch.tap.All Work Guaranteed.

Importer of Watches and Clocks,817 NUUANU STREET. P. O. Box 143


Fine Printing

Try the Vstnr"

Electric Work.


PETER HIGH at CO.and Mill on

near Queen

.to all order

P. O. Boi, 4BO

1Priced on the

- Class - Second

JOHN PHILLIPS'Has remotrd tils Humblng


HOTEL STREET,neat lo Horn'. Ilakety,

wlirr. lirjulll I 'IniimI tnset hi old tions and theiublit genrtally.

m-i- t



333 Nuuanu St. - Telephone 068

Fine mWm Scotch and

American Goods.


WING WO TAI& COMPANY,2?i Nt'ttAfctt Mt.Mv tlark VtUflW.

Carved Hotleeo, Unit an Lounge anilUhnirs,

Mower Tot KUndV.InlaM Rootsmarble (op. Fine

Camphor Trunks, Manila Cigars.. TtUyhont 366. .

Orient Pinning Mill,VI NO FAT & CO.,

CONTRACTORS &- - IWJLDERSFa rat turn of all kinds matin tiid rrnslrvd.

building bouses and inaklsjr rlre mills aBjwtiaiiiT.

P.O. Iloxisn. C'or.KIS and HETIIELSts


Oenernl Alu u 1ii.iacS1sb,Orocerles, Oiina and Japan. Teas,

Matting, Milk, Etc.

Telephone No. 457. :: 417 HOTEL Bt.

WING MOW CHAN,Importers and Commission Merchants.

fJblna and Japan Teas,Manila Cigars, Hillu,Matting, UrocerlesandrrovUluus. ....

01 King Street. Telephone 78.


- No. 80S Ncoaku HT.


Boots and Shoes Hade to Ortler.P. O. Box 2117. . . .We Use tbe Beet Material and Warrant it to

Wear Well.

BOO YINC LUNG,Importer of

Silk doodn. Fine Tea; Manila Cigari,Mat tiny, A'ut Olland General

Merchandise.No. 204 Uaunakea Street, Honolulu, IL L

1. O. Box 104.


Importers and dealers In GeneralMerchandise.

Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants

Cor. Kmo and Maumakia Htrkcth.


Wholesale Dealers In

Liquors and Manila Cigars, English andAmerican Groceries.

403 lIotl Rtnwt. TAlephnnn U1. t

L. AHLO,Dry Goods, llooti, ghocsEtc.

(Liter.! Hire Awnt fur the following dentation, on UaUu: Walpto, Walawa,W.lmalu,jianenne, waiaioa.

Kaneone luce Aim ueei rice lor eaie.Mark A. U

No. 468 Nuuanu 8t Cor. Chaplain Bt.I'. O. Box 111.

110 YEN KEE &


and dealers In

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, EtoWater IMises, laid and llejalred,and plumbing neatly execute! . . .

No. 41 Nuuanu stkekt.

CHINESE P110YISI0N STOREBrick Building ....Cor. Hotel and Smith Bts,

Kl Proprietor.Rice, Tea ana" General ilirchapdist.


Alakea and Richards,Honolulu, H. I. , , .

Telephones: Mutual. M) , Bell. 498.

Mutual Tel. 340

Cf To be the lowest

lefatids to 'buy NRW and

Hand - Furniture

8teel Ranges, Chilled-Iro- nCooking Stores.

HOUSEKEEPING GOODS:Agate V are (White, Gray and Niclcel-platc- Pumps

Water and Sou Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, RubberHose, and Lawo Sprinklers, Bath Tubs and Steel Sinks,O. S. Gutters and Leaders, Shee' Iron Copper, Zincand Lead, Lead Pipe and Pipe Fittings.

Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work.DIMOND BLOCK, 75-- 97 KING STREET








WWOVbT --eVrVD AWltD WORK,Prompt attention







Good aad Clean, at Price to nult the hardtune. 0V and Bold Cheap for Cash. , .

HLgkeil CaihPriesj EM far IT Furniture at the I, X. IkCarnar Nuuanu and King Etreata. najo



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