THE HAWAIIAN STAR....By a young man with a good, general bus. inses expei ieii"e, a rapid a id...

RVKHT PUB AFTKHNOOlf I.ISIIKII THE HAWAIIAN STAR. i UMi EXCEPT SUNDAY. ' T n (1ST- - Mo.M II IN AIM AM K. VOL III. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, PKI A EVENING, SEPTEMBER 1804. NO. 142 The Hawaiian Star. FUBLI8HKU KVERY APTBRNOON KXC.K1T SUNDAY BY THE; HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA- PER ASSOCIATION, Ltd. ARTHUR JOHNSTONS, - . EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION IIATKS. Pel Year In Advanoo, - - - - M.00 Per Month In Advance, - .T6 foreign, per Year In Advance. - 12.00 AnTKKTIHINO HATH: Kulei tor transient and regular advertising ran be obtained at the publication office. To secure prompt Insertion all advertlee-meut- must be delivered at the Business 'nice before 10 a. lb. Tides, Nun and Mucin. 1 Day. n 1 u r 2- - o. p.m. p m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Mon.... 8 O A), ' n. 0 v le t "11 ' Tue...... t .741! S 6u 0.80 I SO: 6 44j i Wed.... 7.W 1 Si S Sjl 5.M1 0.11 1 -- ill Thur.... o 10.26 50! 1- 0 i.tS 6.45 e.ll a.m. Frl- - 11 till. 0, 7.SU 6 46, 8.10 p.m. a.m. Hat .. ;i 4-- o! O 7 Hun.. M IP 35 .lo 8 40 I - 0 First quarter of the moon sept. 8 at 2:i p.m. Time Wnnale Blows at in., '"in., tun. p.m. of Honolulu tlmu. which is the name as uih.,uni.. Ue. of Greenwich time. For evert 10U0 feet of distance of the ob- server (from the Custom House) allow one second for transmission of sound, or 6 seconds to a statute mile. MKTKOHO LOGICAL, RKCOKU. Hy the Government Survey, Published Kvery Monday. IIAKIlM. 25 IB ft 3 Iff b S --I Ir if r . ; : I'tW i 71 .'. 4Ui" 67 1 (ink 3 68 he 86 2 '2 7. 03 ,0.01 50 1 NNK )J8 86 0401 n 1 lit i 08 08 un 71 2 NC 4 07 O.OOi 81 I HI 8 80 06 'II- - Ol 01 4 S 8 . a sun. li a !. shift 01 Mon I27I.H.U4 r) Iff Tue. n .win a 97 W'd 2':l .01 w. Thu :ti .. 7 30.0 Frl. .11 30.07 .( Mat. llSj.Otl ltu.1.0 Barometer corrected for temperature anil elevation but nut fur latitude. Illlll KIN MAIL si KVK K. Steamships will leave for and arrive from Ban Francisco on the followiug dates, ti the close of 1894 : Arrive at HVluldLkave Honolulu for from Han F uisco Ban Francisco ob or Vancouver . Vancouver. On or About On or About China ..Sent 4 Warrimoo bept 1 Australia.. ... sept 0 Australia. Sept 16 Warrimoo. ..beptOI Monuwal essi'tidti Mariposa.. ...sent il Arawa Oct Oceanic ....Oct I Australia Oct 3 Australia. Oct 0 Ul.yoi fekln OctS Arawa ...Oct 28 Alameda ..Oct 1 Monowai.. ...Oct 26 Warrimoo ..Nov 1 Nov 3 Australia. Nov in China Nov 13 Mariposa .Nov If. Alameda. Nov Peru .Nov 111 Warrimoo ov 23 Arawa .. Dec Oceanic Dec 1 Australia ...Dec Australia lieu 1 .Uonowal Hit 1. Mariposa. Dec M China Dec ill Arawa Dec 23 I SUB. Australia Dec a Warrimoo Jai. 1 1898. itaellc Feb In China Jan tl Peru Mara Oceuulo Feb Is Oaelic....- - Apr China April 2 UAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S time; table. From and After June 1st, 1 K.V I V TO EWA MILL. a. a. A. 1. A.M. P.M. P.M. P. a l,eave Honolulu 8:46 1:46 4:36 6:11 Leave Pearl City 0:30 2:30 6:10 8:6i Arrive Ewa Mill :67 M 6:36 Mi TO HONOLULU. C. B. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Ewa Mill 6:31 10:48 8:43 6:4. Leave Pearl City 6:66 11:15 4:16 6:li Arrive Honolulu 7:30 11:56 4:66 6:46 A Saturday's only. C Sunday's excepted. 11 Daily D ststurdal '0 eceple BOST. LSWRKS. C M. COOKS. r. J. LOWRBV LEWERS & COOKE, Lumber, Builders' Hardware, doors, sash, blinds, paints, oils, glass, wall paper, matting, corrugated iron, lime, cement, etc. BISMARK FEED and LIVERY STABLES, WAILUKU. HAUL WILLIAM COOONESS, Prop. Carriages to meet every steamer at Kahului and Maalaea Bay. Horses for Haleakala or any part of the island, at reasonable prices. W. GOODNESS, 376tf Proprietor. REMOVAL HUSTACE & CO have moved to Morgan's Au tion Rook for a short time. We are still selling Departure Bay Coa. CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD io any quantity. 'Both Telephones 414. 8Mtf Employment Wanted. By a young man with a good, general bus. inses expei ieii"e, a rapid a id excellent pen- man; can keep books, writo ins irance, oper- ate and furhish tyiiewriter without extra chirge, and will iierform anv kind of mau-ua- l lalsir even if offered at low wages. Address H. I. A., Utah Office. 438-l- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. Kxccutivi Council. . B. Dole, Prenldin. of the Republic of HftWBtl. K. M Hutch, Minister of Foreign AfTaira. 1. A. KIiik, MltitHterof thn Interior. M. Uaiuou, MiniHterof Finauce. A', O. Hmlth, Attorney tlenerai. AuviftiiRV Council. V. C. Wilder. Chairman of the AdlKor .'iM,i ii of thu Kt uubi.t of ii evil urutTU, i i' tenuey. loha Noit. C. Uolte, ohn Ena. V. F. Allen, lames F. Morian, Henry Waierhotine, Ii A. McCandienH, A. Vounit, a H. Meudouca, L. H. Smith, ohn hmineluth. !. T. Kodtfera, secretary Executive and Ad- visory CouqcIIm. Strut- Ml COURT. ion. A. F. Judd, Chief .luntloe. Ion. ft. F. Hlckerton, Flrat An!Hciate Justice. Hon. W. h Frear, hecond Associate Justice. Henry mith. Chief Clerk. Jeorge Lucaa, First Iteputv Clerk. C. F. FeUrou, Second Ueiiuty Cierk. J. Waiter Joues, StenoKrapher. Circuit Judgkh. First Circuit : H. E. Cooper. W. A. Whiting, Oahn. tlecond Circuit : Maui, J- W. Kalua. Third And Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Austin. Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hard v. Offices and Court-roo- in Judlclary riulldlng, Kinc H.reet. Sitting in Honolulu: Flrat Monday In February, May. August and November. Department or Foreign Affairs. iffliT In Executive Building, King Street Francis M. Hatch, Minister ot Forelgu Alfairs C. Potter, Chief Clerk. I. W. Olrvln, Lionel Hart. Clerks. Department op the Interior. Office in Executive Building, King Street J. A. King, Minister of the interior, .hief Clerk, Joun A. Hasslnger. vsslstant Clerks, James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole, tius Hoe, Stephen Muha ulu, (ieorge C. Hons, Edward a. Hoyd. hikph or BuREArs, Department finrvej W. I). Alexander. Supi. Public Works, W. E. Howell, dupt. Water V ork3, Andrew Br wn. Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassidy. Keglstrar of Conveyances, T. O. Thrum. Deputy kegiutrar of Conveyances, H. W. Audiews Knml tiupervleor, Honolulu, W. H. a. Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. J. H. Hunt, aupt. Insane Aayium. Dr. (eo. tietlwrt. Bukkau or Aqkicultuhb. President J. A. Kinn. Minister of the interior. Mwiubeni: W. ii. Irwiu, A. Jaeger, A. lier- hort tinU .it, hi, uotuiuiHBiouer of Agriculture anil ex offlclo acreUir of tnu boar: Jonvpii Aiurauen. Dkpautuicnt of Finance, Minister of Finance. H. M. Damon. Audilor-Oeuera- l, li. L.aW8. lteKutrar of Accounts. t . U. Ashley. i iii. t itiiti ttl of CUutoLua, J. b. hM If. ittl .Um' our, UauU, .Inn. ill, ti btisw ujput ANteoaor, , . W eeilon. I'oeiiuaaior-oeiiera- l, J. M. '..i Hi k i Oflk-e- , C'Ubtoin liouwj, ,.in..-.- Fort &t. ColiecUir-Uclirra- i, J. H. Caetio. r. (ft. .... ker. ttarSM Aiaater. i aiiaun A. ..... t ort BUi vejor, M a. AaiuU'ts. storekeeper. Ueo. C. atiatenieer. DkPAHTHlCNT or A ; km . i u o it ict in Kxecutive Bmltliuic, KIiik kH Attorney-ueuera- l, . U. bmitn. JJepuly Atioriiev-cieuera- i, O. i W ilder. Clerk, J. M Kea. Marahal. K. ti. lilichcuck. Clork to Marauai, H. M Dow. Deputy Maranul, Artnur M. Urown. Jailor Oauu i'riaou, JaineH A. Low. 1'rUon , Dr. C. U. Cooper. BOAHD Or IMMIOHATION. Office, lopartnient of luterlor, Judiciar building. King Uireot. Fretudeut, J. A. King. MembAra of the Hoard of Immigration: J. H. Atherton, Jan. li. Caatle, A. b. (Jlegborn, Jamen Huencer, Mark 1'. UobiAMOu. bocreuary, Wray Taylor. Boakd or Health. Office in grouuila of Judiciary Building corner of Jillilaui auu tjueeu ntreetn. Membera: Dr. Day, Ur. Wo d, Dr. AndruWo. J. I'. Waterliouae, Jr., John hiia, heKlor V. Lanidiug and Altoruey-Oeuera- l toiullh. Fresident, ilou. W. ti. bmiih. Secretary, Cbai. Wilcox. .executive Officer, C. B. iienoidH. Agent Board of Heallli, J. D. fctoVttsjb iuHpeotor and Manager of Uarbage HsrVlOtf U. L, La PlerrS. iuapector, O. W. C. Jouea. Port l'bsiclau. Dr. K. P. Mjen. DUpeuaary, Dr. Henry W. Howard. Leper riettleineut. Dr. it. K. uliver. Boakd or Education. Office, Judiciary Building. King Utreet. Preidut, W, iL Caatle. Clerk, J. F. 8coit. I inspector ol Schoout, A. T. Atkinson. Boakd oe Chown Land CoMHiHtiioNEita. J. K. King, Minister of tbe Interior; W. O. Hmlth, Attorney-uener- and C. F. laukoa. Offioe in JudlcUry hut id tug. i Mr in. Couttr. Police Station Building, Merchant Street. A. U. M. Koberteon, Mttglstrate. James Thompson, Clerk. POBTOrriCE Buheau. Poetmaater-Oenera- l, J. Mort Oat. Secretary, W. O. Atwater. Hup't PoNtal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouse. Money Order Department, F, B. Oat. Oeneral Iellvery, I.. T. Keiiake. iteguitry l'eparttnent, a L. Desha. Clerks. J. D. Holt, It. A. Dexter, S. L. Kekn- F. B. Angus. J. H Nui. Henry Kala JUU Uiram. K. Narita. J. T. r Iguei eda. THE ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS Candy Factory. Hake Bakery. FINE HOT IOE CREAMS, OOFFEE, CAKES. CANDIES. TEA, CHOCOLATE ISLAND CURIOS. Our EBtftbliihment im the Ketort in the Cttv. Cl' nd m u. Open till 11 p. m CASTLE & COOKE, LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. -- AO E NTS FOI- l- inaw &NO LAND MUTUAL Life Insurance Oo. OF H'JSTON. .ETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. OP HARTFORD. CONH Castle & Oke. IMPORTERS, Hardware and Commission Merchants, General Merchandise Agricultural ana Plantation Supplies. This Space is Reserved for the EpitaMe Life Assurance Society of lie Uaitefl Slates. BRUCE 4 A. J, CARTWRIGHT. Genera Managers for tie Hawaiian Islands. Ti-t- r PACSFtS COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. 76 cents Per Month. $2 Per Quarter, Subscriptions Payable Strictly In Advance. Hawaiian Gazette Co. Earl Times Mean Close Prices lo Housekeepers, If you are in nteil of any New ur MMtt-Haa-d rTURHITUXK, rugs, STOVES, SEWING MACHINES, Etc. call at the IXL FURNITURE & CCfMISSION HOUSF CHAS. HUSTACE, Lincoln Block, Kino Stkekt, Hutween Furt ami Alakea Sts. DEAI.KK IN Groceries and Provisions. Freah California Roll Butter and Island Butter always on hand. Fresh Goods teieivcd by eirty Steamer from San Francisco. ZT HATIHKAl THIS O l' Alt AMKKII. Jti For Sole. !C" lot i I'liiiuhu iit.-- bt ai feet. !lon nlltiiilir ntii.itl-- llIliWlu; ronfll. till'.' b ii rnintn, hifi raorn -- hn n tui wnt tic : tHi e utid .,!'.(.. Iinn-i'- r. lit- HttrtinUfl Ul Weil Illlll Milt III irtlit II' t n I, Knr imr.lciilm, ' Iri-n- A. H.. llil oflTcP. aw if COM SOLID .TED SODA WATER WORES 00HPANY, ltd. ENplAiiaile, coriior Allen and Fort stroeta. HOLLUTER A CO.. Agents. P. 11. Hox ml, ieleitlmiie Mu. LEWIS & CO. l.l'iK'IKI. Naval Hnppllva, WhtilaMl iiiiiI Ifetnii IAsaWth hi tit". "Cern s. Prill Itfliilia, elc 111 rori M lioliilu. II. I. M. l'lllLUrsTT'oT" Wholes-li- Inipoitei-- uili JnlilM-inn- f AMERICAN 4 EOflOPLM OttY GOODS. ' Corner Fort and Cti en St., Honolulu, J. ALFliEI) MAtiOUN. ATTORNEY and L'OUN8ELOH-A- T LAW, (MM, 42 Merchant Street. Honolulu, H I J. M. MONSARKAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. t'artwright Blix'k, Merchimt St., Honolulu, M. 11. LUHE1DE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. BCLL TBLIPHONI 15'. Qf All Onlrrs Prumptly Attended tO, II. W. SCHMIDT & SUNS. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M.S. GRINBAUM & CO. Lhuitfd. HONOIA A H. I Commission McrrhnntM snd Importers of Gen ral Merchandise San FrSSelsOO OtBoe, Slfi Front St. C. B. RIPLEY. AKTIIUR REYNOLDS, "Vi'31ilt eots. OrriCB New Safe Deposit Building. Honolulu, II. I. Plsnt, KpcdflbstJoni nl RapsHsteArlenes tfiven forever) dehoriptlnti of Bittldlng. old Bnildi S lucremfuil) reoioOeH . and exUerind. IVhIithh for lit'contllmiM. nape or Heehsnltiu iirnum . m .. Bloei'tinileg, fffDrawings for Bnks or New-pap- Illus-- i rat 'on Old Kona Coilee POH SAI.H AT f. T. WATERHOUSE'S KGNOL i - " - ' - t. . BISHOP & CO., amiiUrtwd in mm, BANKERS. HomoLOLOi Hawaiian Islandr. UIJAW EXCHANGE ON HE BANK OF mmK SIN FRAhCISCO. AND TIIKIU AOKNTH IN New York. Chicago, Boston, Paris, MESSR& I M, RJTH HILO & SONS, LONDON, PRANK Pl U N Til TIhj COttunsroiaJ Blinking Co. of Sydney, N. M. W. 1 hi Hank of New Zenlnnil, AurklAnd, nml its 1. 1. hi iif. in CbTiatchurch, llmiwlli miii Wellington. The Bmnkol Iti iti h Columbta, Vi. t- t in, anil its lintuehi's, Vmih-- hi it, klntuUniOi U'ist Miini-te- r, B, C , anil I'ortiun l. UftfOtt. he kiofnailil Mmlena iBWUMSi Ktockbobo rlwtitoi. 1 he CfMUtArid Bunk of Imlin, Autmlia ami The Hoiufkoiiff iind sluiiighni. ' hina: din Vnkiitiii ue, Hi j" and Nfuumki, Jiimiii Av( trs'i-'i- 't n wtMiPaJ FmUI I IM BuflltMMi C. BREWER S CO., LIP 0 36 St., Honolulu, H. I. AOENT9 i'nR i .. A if ii'lllt llr;i t 8affNf Co.. Utinumtl SUkini 0m U;.i tllRU Snnr V, Wiiilu-e- ' ( . M.ik.r Siiirnr Co., Hali'iiknla m t Co.. Kap up nil Runoht PI iiiIitm' Lint San Frnnciscn Pnrkitr-Chun- , Hrt'wcr & Co.'b Line of Bi?si' i Ak.'tntH Bottotl B"urd of Under writ PbUttdelpbU Uoanl of UikU i writers, List of Officers : P. C. Jonks Preaiilent GEO. H. HotiKUTHON ManttgiT E. F. Bishop Troas. nnd Secy. Col. V. K. Auilitor 0. M. Cooke I H, WATSHaotTSB.. r Directors C. L. Carter ) ?7t.. WILDER & CO. (Established in 187a.) Estate S. G, WILDER - W. C. IMPOU1 AMI I'. M IN Lumber and Coal Building- - Materials SUCH AS DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Builders' Hardware, Paints, (HI, (luss. WALL PAPER, ETC. Cor, foil and Queen Streets, HOXOI.UUT, H. I. JLU SOA QMS vrtrw VTrw7w wyw7tar Sells the vcrv b( quality ( t Soap r $4.50 per hund red lbs , and i? 1'trs ol honest weight, for $1.25. German Bine Castile Soap, manufactured by Grans Bros, Mannheim, Germany, at lOo per lb. Toilet Soaps, retail at wholesale prices. Soft Soap, in tins of 42IDS., $1.25. Stearic Wax mining Candles, manu factured by the Emery Candle works, of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, 12 candles for 25c. Kiawe Fire Wood, $10 per cord; same cut in blocks 12 inches lone;, in any quantity, from $1.00 up, delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Kiawe Charcoal at 40c a sack. Richmond, Va., Cedar Wood Poi Pails finished with brass hoops, small size 50c, large size 75c. Empty vinegar and wine barrels, as uater receivers, at $1.00. Kitchen Salt in sacks of ioolbs 50c; Table Salt given away. Highest price paid for Hides, Skins and Tallow. 3 packages containing 30 boxes of Tokio Parlor Matches only 10 cents. sutttf Suur WILDER. 1ST. BREHAM, Mutual Tjlmllftnt fit) HEl'HEl. HALL. QEM9 in verse. Wttt'(l 0Hrrtlltltllf. The man ho fHtt tip, A flll'd fBcal from the Imnmirt, and drain off hi cup, Seen the ln-- t liimpextinguMird, hheln rrfuU IieHU, (urn Well coiitenirft to hvt nnl rnji - it renow. But In- who Mppfd at the tahle of king" And yet Mancil in the sfgnt of luxurious uitagHj Whohnih wn'rlird the Mine (low hy himself but half faMed; Heard the n, im. snd yet miM-- i the tune: who bnih waHtnl One part of Ufe'fl rrand tofatUUIUsi friend. That nuiti v. ,11 with him, bt to tho end, A tlpvrlSMv, a rancor within. You nisy call ii a vtttue 1 rail it a sin. -- Oweu Meredith. V011 Know Vtm VFottldl s.i,... IrSN NSxttni StSSS wonderful turne That led. jou ny bm k In the pant, Tlllulth hrttttftsj nml lyktlatf in Atiirnn or RiWRM Vou' fSfflil In wliut nin juu writ it; Uupp(i-- c inif tl.u-- . "Ui. " nu kSSfd wpe voice And felt a tinmll band n your Lnee, WssM the wui Id ui the piesent or pant he your choice At ibe sound of lliat UttlS "Teko me?" Oh. now! He honest! What would you do? Ir1 You'd "take" Tiny Toddler and hu him to you. SuppoM- - you had been in ihc city all day. In the trouble and turmoi! of trade. Till your brain was o weury you felt the dl. may Of an overtaxed surface enr Jade; Suppose you were tin m and taking your eaHe, And In should come little Hoy "play hory" with papa, nml "wouldu't he please To kick up" and raeta antics fo through? Oh, come, now Rt hODSStl What would ou doy You'd prance antl play horsy" with little Hoy Blue! Suppose you were ihlnking of thinifs. Of guestloiiM mortality usk", Till life, with he prnhlems perpiexini? It briniis. Seemed a round of imptisslble tasks: Suppose whlh thus puzzleil, a fn.wn ofl your brow. And )our face lookiinx solemn nnd grim, Little laddie j uu ahall be a "bow-wow- Or KtOff "Heyl Diddle, diddle!" to him. Oh, come, now Be holiest What would you do?'.l "lark" or recite "MotbeT Goose; wouldn't you? William S. Lord. The pays That AN No More. Ob! to have lived hen earth wn ) oiing. And evtrytbiofj eras obarni!tig When bears uml ligt rn ueie like lainbr.. And inshri wSrs sol k4sW8xl&l When ever da the ItIO sbODe out The wholf mrld went And iovel) lunula on ewt y hand Through forests deinse Were btraiiinl Oh! to have know u tin pterlSH khiuiitn Who went out dromon killing. And who l MM cor ISttOueMS Distreeatd mrrs more tliau wlllingl Oh! lu have mi ned the pnr-e- s which With sold w ere alwii) a irlisi'iiinyl Oli! to have seen the fail fen come To every babj 'h ohrIetttlns Oh! 1.1 liuvo beefl for one hour on A ihukU arpet sittlmr. Ami lo in- twinkling Ol uu eye From land to land go (lit tint,'! JuM to have once it ciani cen, Though al t ivil di tain- , And to a pnin in dUtresa Have offered boom HMistanoe, Oh! lo have had he lamps, the nn.:s T..ut friendly genii, ranted Oh! to Daw met lie law IM and su tins Which nlmi) s wen euobaoledJ Oh! to have lived wl. n brHBEaT men Great klostluiiu could Inner 1, When prii.e :...t en-I- marry . ..urls. And wisiiing wae a ueritl When iieaH.ii.1 lad- and m-- mirt hs' sune Wen eqwlly nnda-SBtt- When evei y tfec and r. t k and stream Was by xOttM fairy hiiunted. Oh! to have lUMWe the UrOO ht n tears Were ala s t ui ned 10 laughter. And gthi 10 j y, nml ueople lived llappio evei eiterl -- New Y..rk THsSUMs Tba Worst ..r All, Tlirri' ar mini) IbolstiMM WfllTy Ull Wgrkt ii sits till, ami in 1. sfiio'ri youiur, Fisiis with ion mn ... awl foola wit bout, Rails wim dosjsiatlsfs fofils who duvbr, Bsols who snloktr. and fools who shout, Fisiis who nsvttf kaow whal Ihsy'rs aboat. Ami motsall tilt,'., and loaxitttj Fimj.s t l.'rt- , ftw s Wh0rs fail.. Fool m 1,,,'ro graibsards, sad i .. i - wbo'rs FimiIh Willi niunisH. fool, with fad., Fools with cameras, tool, with irasti, . w ho ilou) the rtebborasst Fools in insor'ss. fonin in sets, Fool, who (jtiurri-1- ami fool, ttlioquuck; In fact, thsiw ars all softs ol fools in tho psok. Fool., ful. thin, short nnl lull; But of all sorts of fools, the fool with a gun (Who point. 11 it. some ous -- of ooorw, hl fun"- - Aliil fools all aroitml till ohaAOS miirilnr 1. Mttai Is the worstfst fool of tlit-i- all! Ijontlon rum b. Tli .Jiilt-- Tollrr. Tla nut ha tt bo jiarailf n His deeds be I or.- tin- it , Iloldinir aloft their worth, rVhoss DMTAOfj lit,- In. pearled In tin- hsarta of a UMinl. ttlo-- K Tbo raars hara died away, Hut r.i Mm- loan t oo loll. sj Oa Qulstly day by day. "i'is li who, at Ills ta.k Be it lils-l- i or US 1. lowly Stilt,. Mill, iit'vt-r- (lions-li- t Of Ball ami prajss, bttl wholly Lo.t iu tin- luvu of Duty, WhodaSIM no limn his Anil iUiflly toil, tat'li day To stsks .he syorM ever i it,-r- tieoru'i- Nrwt'll livt-juy- . Iddea Thlasjs, Tht-r-- aya lum-- l SSFS1 loar; Tln iv art mini, list ifo uu.iokin; Tlu-rt- are wsoplnsw ttith no Ami IsjM that uitt-- mi lokt-n- . Tlii'rr an. nsvar raadi uifi. of frioajdahla ssiel ttiti-ti- ; Litflit lhal . no. oviThfad; Ilia, routes Sot, thouli we're striven. Tlo-r- art1 hsr no tlnn- touth; 'i'lit-rt- arr viblatloit m ; Thore art' thoutihls unultfrcd such As wiml. liiiluurtnlirius aver. ThtTf ara lona-ln;- unsttalnt-tl- ; Thf rt- an- alatit t'. ut'Vr IraM.latfth There set Ibal are aol ifAinadi Thf at art- sottli that ao iminult-tt- It IT,. lo News. Life's fallssspby. Two kinds of trouble there's no its. In BPsyvlag u'rr, young man. Fw i. iltina. yon sanuol ranssfly, Ami, v.n ' in. Matliriuattrs aotl louey. Bnabud Aoooixllug to your own iIk- - ures, you spent orartlOO this yinrin obsap fripparias wbloh hail to bs thrown away sftar orjos sraarlnA, Thai 1100 would aan laiiluhlii pittv of i,ce .ha. would bas lasli ti a lift t i mi' in fart, ciilllil In Ust-t- h your fm . ions. Wife Well, Kite lot' S1.I0, anil I w ill buy tho lint fur next yi'ar. 1 tinlut ii1 I in SalVer mi ml. I ih.n't think Kaea Is swaooilria to your styli of III fur auotiier ruflle New Vork Weekly. SCHWATKA'S SEARCH f On CLEVE O? FRANKLIN'S LOT ARC- TIC EXPEDITION. Bleitso jsirttj of TTTrx Ttiit e Thimesnd It Ore romineteti un xtltrasff Mettsoda, the i iptrtrers Safes Isting rr More Hum Year KTpOH OSSM Tnhen ti tlie Way. Ctipyrlghi. I 14. by Amerh nn Vtp ASstS u. Jm k rights ( II W A TR a trip tu King W il lUun Iduid rno hsfs boon anl lug iri tSfM of tin pict un KtM nnd iimr ehnis 1 t Hi e- nf t Initio vny oires and pledge lourneyi wbl h if ti to s- Ivj the rolcntUQo nnd in - , t'ti( 4 or the rtost n noHto r Dftvigsfip the tip p poUut sea, hut It vi1rd all ntxfMMM its to the tni f;i'.- of Kninklin efrWi It Madsd Ip our Irnowlsdfl o in tln bLmer latitiMlo. rovtd 1:1 ctvili--.- i int.y accu tutn ihotr if dl 1 to i!, uitettssoold wf imaidr lot)g tbe svvrnth rh poraJlc and tlx Irdl ottlve ratutbo food WAlofa the Harav in Ives i:c! ml v l.ich tln rep it Hi pp di: ner.illy In MbOBdstflQa KninlJin was lost btsird frosa in Mtt in ilsiT1n'ehfiT movtag srestward, with open water U the oath of bUoouras. At t!ie end nf two ytafs sn aspoditioci ssl atn fiaiu sTnalsiad for his relief, rbllowad hf oUsSSi ur Inter rali until 1800, when Mut )hitick found luitnl takut erltlofiess thnt Isdli of Frnnklln'! ships bad been wn cked In Un vicinity of Ring Wtlltan Load, and that ran ninny of tboolSoon nml the crew bad lint the skolotoOS PBpaftOd by' un nattvas as having Uvn seen nml the rolloa from tbt ebipe and boaai fMiml bfJ k nil apposrad In the region hy the BskiUO the yoor rmtuil, Sttd the belief WOUM not die out of men's minds thai BOUM of the puny, perhnpH tho Ireedof ataotny athsta, miii Ungassd on the notes of Buffln'e boy of MoljrlUo iound. Dsaldoe, King WlUlan LaadtUp bo the date Bobaratko? BOMeb in ISTJaad sofas I a n properiy earplotvd. MeOifateoN was on the tsland In May, awasati when the urfaoa Uei bnrlod In taow and lee. in II 7.' and again in IsTT relics of the pnrty bad been eeenred by wbatesa from fa&a- -l UIsS of l.Uimo met sevcnil Imndntl intlet south of the SO80S af the reported ill:u-ier-. and these same people pave uceountN ol ' buried felloe and doonrnenai loft by wbleo j men on Klnp William yeara U'tore. The Inst of wh, tiers insecure trust worthy data wat Captain Itarry, and his rSDOft lod tO lhoSehwat!,ae:p-ijlhn- The par fy left New York In June, IsTh, BDIUM fofl Rapulae baj, a point when the bwIbm balling frnai Kiag:WUUam Land bndlison twice OnOOUBtOfOd, The leader. I.ieilteli mil Kreihriek Seliwothu, was a Polllh A marl con, an army ofltoor aomewnaO dls-- fetOgnlaaed In the war m. well ns mi the wild alalns. Colonal w. 11. Olldor, M asooad in oommand, bad also boon ti aol- dier. Henry KlutsehoU, the engineer M the OXpedlUOn, had already made an trip, and the guide, known as Baklmo loe, was a native t.f the north ami u trained expimvr. The ramalnlna; n rfihoi of (he original crew, cfrank Mi ims, hud ratvad on an arctto wnali r. The military training of the loajdasi gate the undertaking tbo eborncter tit sunpalj n snd perhaps Ineurnd o eut achi. veil. There WSS to 1m no turiiiai riaido for mere sdvonturo, but a patient. steady pliahlinp on tuwnnl the pial, withi no woato of tJme or ormnry. AU would i. r led In ffOttlUfl fil and in ti iverdiiM the lonir. long ley rood from Hudson ha; to the kliorca f X IvlUe aonnd. The winter tf ItlTeVfl the rdOfurM paaasdon tbe north sborai ff Rud oa'i ii iy. whore they landed In Aogual nnd es ' tahllshsd a camp. Doga and Kaklmo ori rs nnd servants of both BQXfa were added !ntii party tboro, and the syajdofrfa on Mped lo oBovoroooursoof training f r Ua l ardnhirw tbrd awaltod Ustm bj maltlnj 'oftg audgo journeys in tbe aavcrc t a at h rand by starving tbomaelvoa to a poini -- m n t - Mm l KAQI tut WAKf when' the ftssl supply t.f i hi' tiaild it satcn without tii.sin sa This t ml oon. lists of fypfsen flab and meat. One of Its nml tbo plfiasfintesl of nil, U that 1. fortlflss Mm Issiy aariltiftt sold In fact, jeBnoTatai huornaj hsat After eight months ptuM-t- It. "siii.s,iii llMb" tin' party ml nut northward on tbt lunsjast sladft juurnty known up to that data. Tho outfit 'orsoapriaad three sled drawn hy ii ioaa. Tin' nasi Tin, asTda from Jos. QutsJiaffdJ in. Inolndinsj town children. Tin- sjarhjes wui' not Inadrrl dooro w ith food for wan and boast, as bud h. ' ii tin' fiiM- mi previous "i i h- kind, hut with trims ami ammunition for hanting aswt'Il us for Holt, r and with Dinar urtiiifs of triulo. inly opj iiointitV provision., hatl Is ,11 In sod for a nip. hut j wadostlued to ItvM Marl roar, for Bohwatka reiryernhetrod tint' yiasl I. n hi- - army Hat nnd saanNsal to live ofit the country or in .ho No proTod in all raapouts an ahlo Cnmimtldai and an Ingenious niphirar Tba Internee er Joe spr. ke the dlalocta of many trlls s. Tho ohlei Kuitii' ami hunter, Tnulonnbi nruvsd t. niasier with the dnirs and e mighty KliurodsH tho "lines Aruu-Uwiii- a rnprsuutgpaj44no, booften brought down half gdosaaol tba Baol rulndser before! tht y i'. Isyniul ssn jp aftar tli aiiti'in of shot. Two or throe hunt en. hi I i ill n il ti ii ut nf ii Ingle luirt Anothar sinodlanl saved tin' party from lilt- lillWI-h- iino bJrjOPIsM of I ll. Wolws. Ill burning t'oston signals tin so mvt'i.ou. lUliiuals OOUld Is' aMMud frOBi tht' viotultj uf tho pimpa. A trlnk learned of tbe in- ttves and prat'ili-ot- was thu) nf rjuntlng tho shjdsjsj rnnners with log, TJWMUUal Ur.-- lay n.t-- lull-- , whlth in May nlinosi anttrely bars of mow, iiini travel was vary dlffii nit. gtApr thar atruoh tbe course of u river running oxartbward nnd tDllowed It 110 mllaj AliuiK tin river tiny foil In with a part ol Kskiino bslonglati to a tribe thai luu. bjgaaj agpnlladtam KlUstWflllam Ususd by mornies Oneold man and two apprratub1 nit mlddJoaaa iot,it'tiits-r,v- to bare .m vtiiii men o i the iborss of WlUlan lauM siui also a ship fast In tbe los In the straits sa ,ii h .if the udand PaaslnMotai the rrg. I plorers raaohad Hark run, previously known in while mon .)n the laal day of May an Bsaintn fsunp Tras djain Vnrtd. and the natives pr red tabs sheeuatuios of il a irils- tir.t iie't. iiini. for the tlnw baliuj, tha giaatars of rtlngWUnam Land Tnajr scul au tiiiliasadross to BMei thestraiigers, the ' warriors meanwhile standing in lino of battle In ffoal of their lpJtHs,or lee huts If the Dewoomen were :::,:. and killed u woman, the loss would uo sllphfe compared totbal of fighting moo. When tbestgnal rent h. U lxttd.- nd peace, tho wnrrlur-- . with POO esnpption, Jolaad in a hearty wolootae. The exo ptlon prdvad t ho a man woo had Inet a relative, nnd no- - ronllitf.' t. n si.;i Tditbui ,.f trtl-- the killing of a atraagor would give imp itinera dead: hem,- he was for Uphtlng nnyliew. Amoi g the members of thlatribsaralM of raoolieetlona outild be cloarly trneext OttO oM Womsfl n niemlstred havlog assfl white im 11 in h its ami t. nt ami ni'.illed names which the Int- rpn l.ini! an awored to some of Prat klln'a poop la She old thai th white and herpxnpto ijeeajasj - i Srai d no nit r by the rotting ar tli ,eat and aftarwar ihn empty toats wre found with dead l - in and around taaru. She desrril cd ktilvra, sKMina, Watches and ctothing in a tvoy to leave no doubt bat tbe nafotfjunaaM beiocigad to esanklina After aomrcklng Ad lalda and the ehome of VVahlnrton hny, where the ship had hi :i n, wi) out rcault, Schwatka cm ed SLtitpaan si ndts t King William Laml. On log to th nicldng heal nf mi miner. In v. ling v ta t s DTdlngty dif- ficult. The fnow h ;"! re need to slush daring tbo Unytiirte, and lo molted upon tbe lakes ao that the surface woe covered with asvetal laahoaaf auter. Occoaiounl- - Iff jbC V l the men would sink to the waist In rjatrn hoi as, tin- dogs BotmdeTad In slush and deep watnr, am) th.- sinh'.. diaap. pgarofl between the hunrrnoeki of snow and lee I'liitiinnieiy Toolooah bfought down game sulliuienl for nil the exphm rs i.:iu nallvi i. ii- - well n- - tjio dugs, nllhi'iitrh the nt her hunters had no luck al the ehaaa (in tiie northwestern shon- of the Inland (he whii, in n ,,f (he party spread nui to iiinke a thniviih search of Iheeoasl tbo waters where Hie Krebue audi i'orrtir had been awn by the native. This was .he firM exploration ever mad when the ground was lain-- Kitst two graves wen' dlSOOV. nsl with S.I1U" M'littered I ".Ill's. nnndatakanly titoasof w hite men. Near by it later search unearthed the camp of Cup tain Crosier, luoeesoor to Frankim on his death 111 I81T. The wi ll know n p.inipher-nall- a of an exploring tamp was found In uliundaiii.',! 'tore, clothing, blankets and Implements, and utonsils of isnipis. Irrasa and Iron Hut t important llnil was an ois'li irrave. colitnlulng Miris nf a i ton ami a prize tnedal from the Royal Naval i.,iiep-- awarded to John Irv- ing, tiring was the third officer of the Terror. Tim remains wen gi thcred to-t,- i thor end i Itlmat. Iy sen. to n gland for burial, Ibe only ashes of the lo t explorers ev. r rt rued to lb. ir native soli. Contlnulngthe scaich nlon ttlie western toast .f King William Land, Dumhetieaa rat. i were found with relies to Identify tbem, and tholr i lac were marked with moulimonta at stone. The return jutirney ncn ss tiie Island hnd lobe prosecuted over taregroundi The men bore all the lua gai in on their boohs, for the dogs could iir.iw i lie e':,ptj- si.- 'gi-s- . lie fore tut Inn for Bud n nay told weather ami tiie Ling whit, r night had come OSt, mid the homeward rnarch was the worst lu fuel, aeonstan. strugglo for life. The explorers could nui l ave King William Utnd until tbe lec hrldgoovcr Ulmptwi sir. Its liad form i stn ng enough to hold them. That waa In Novomber. Tbemooth ii December i red In the Journey along Hack rlVin ami in l iking supplies of inlmon lor subsistence. The overland inoivli between i'.. :. river nnd Hudson buyonmmenood Jan I, IES0. The worst iiirius and cold ill thowhi lo trip were durin r the two months follow- ing. T he thurmurufitcr nvtanged H de greoi I. b w rem and reached T. at times. One storm of IS days' duration hindered t!u' maroh, and dm inj February the pnrty trorclod inn 3 days in ail. Diirlngtbia trmoi !;. lived upon Sbaoa Ibth, whii bsoon ran low, and tbobononof i famine hung over them. Rclndtgr In pl. my rould In- teen on distant hills, hut the buqters who ronturud out were driven book In wolves, t:. now terror of the dar- ing explorer. These ravenous beasta somatluies gttaeked the camp, and one night kill .: an i .1 .iniretl four of the sledge dogg, Toolooah alone was a mutch lor them, on one while huiitnig for rrdndecr a pack of sn wolv. s aMnakan blm at unea, Uoontlng a ns-k- , he fbugbt In in i IT with his clubbed gun until he saw a chance to reverse it and makeadeud shot. While tba Ik:i-1- s ipuirrehd over the ui' ,i. i.i the ilrst one -- lain he shot down more of tin in mill I initio the beat of Ids opportunity to assapt on iwaflhlpg Hudaoa bay In March, .ii. after an ahseliee of II months, Hcbwatba ftiunti it, his dlarnay that lbs H re of fissl iimmised him from home bad not arrived. The natives could sup Ply only i, small ananttty of seal mid wnii tu- - meat, uml tbe explorers warn ntlucd tbe efaewlug of walrus skins for nour- Isluuent. At tin ei, il ui il,,. summer they w. it taken up hy a whaler and brought ha Ibe home p 1 A strange circtiuistunee conn,-- , oil with hi. expedition Is the fact that while tbe revelers were nrnsssng tha hills In I ssaag Back river uml Budaeai bay during Jan lary and uy. lssu, with the lem- i.T.iitire inn degrees bslow the fNratng 'int. yet not sulferlng so as Ui delay t lie mirt h, natives uml hardy whalers wiutaa ng bnndaada of relics moth of th. m, and vi ii shaltaiad and wall kui, wear pattablng mm i.dd Qaoaog L, s., OM Cheeses, In the cheese regions nf Switzerland u eusinin formerly prevailed forthe friends of a bride and bridegroom to join in the presentation mi their welding duy Of 1111 elal'iirala llltt-e- . Tills chts-s- was ustsl as n family register, on which the births, marriages and deaths were Hoiue uf those old cheeses date hack to 1000. Exchange. Kvfry Man Knows This. Tom What do you carry a miitch-luf- e for- 1 in ver find mm of any nse. Diok I da It's the one plana ui all my pockets where I know I iiic,ilu't look when I'm hunting for a match. (imago lteenrd. aQgenseewani t'elebriiteil Luwyir Snw, tell me houestly, di. I yog mil tha? bank!1 CUtM (in uf euurso I did. Dn yer s'pose I'd U' able to rii.uu you If 1 didn'tv-T- it

Transcript of THE HAWAIIAN STAR....By a young man with a good, general bus. inses expei ieii"e, a rapid a id...










    Pel Year In Advanoo, - - - - M.00Per Month In Advance, - .T6

    foreign, per Year In Advance. - 12.00

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    Tides, Nun and Mucin.


    n 1 ur 2- - o.p.m. p m. a.m. p.m. p.m.

    Mon.... 8 O A), ' n. 0 v le t "11 'Tue...... t .741! S 6u 0.80 I SO: 6 44j iWed.... 7.W 1 Si S Sjl 5.M1 0.11 1 -- illThur.... o 10.26 50! 1- 0 i.tS 6.45 e.ll

    a.m.Frl- - 11 till. 0, 7.SU 6 46, 8.10

    p.m. a.m.Hat .. ;i 4-- o! O 7Hun.. M IP 35 .lo 8 40 I - 0

    First quarter of the moon sept. 8 at 2:i p.m.Time Wnnale Blows at in., '"in., tun. p.m. of

    Honolulu tlmu. which is the name as uih.,uni..Ue. of Greenwich time.

    For evert 10U0 feet of distance of the ob-server (from the Custom House) allow onesecond for transmission of sound, or 6 secondsto a statute mile.


    Hy the Government Survey, PublishedKvery Monday.

    IIAKIlM. 25 IB ft 3Iffb S --I Ir if r .; : I'tW i71 .'. 4Ui" 67 1 (ink 368 he 86 2 '27. 03 ,0.01 50 1 NNK)J8 86 0401 n 1 lit i08 08 un 71 2 NC 407 O.OOi 81 I HI 880 06 'II- - Ol 01 4 S 8

    . asun. li a !. shift 01Mon I27I.H.U4 r) IffTue. n .win a 97W'd 2':l .01 w.Thu :ti .. 7 30.0Frl. .11 30.07 .(Mat. llSj.Otl ltu.1.0

    Barometer corrected for temperature anilelevation but nut fur latitude.

    Illlll KIN MAIL si KVK K.Steamships will leave for and arrive from

    Ban Francisco on the followiug dates, ti theclose of 1894 :Arrive at HVluldLkave Honolulu forfrom Han F uisco Ban Francisco obor Vancouver . Vancouver.

    On or About On or AboutChina ..Sent 4 Warrimoo bept 1Australia.. ... sept 0 Australia. Sept 16Warrimoo. ..beptOI Monuwal essi'tidtiMariposa.. ...sent il Arawa OctOceanic ....Oct I Australia Oct 3Australia. Oct 0 Ul.yoi fekln OctSArawa ...Oct 28 Alameda ..Oct 1Monowai.. ...Oct 26 Warrimoo ..Nov Nov 3 Australia. Nov inChina Nov 13 Mariposa .Nov If.Alameda. Nov Peru .Nov 111Warrimoo ov 23 Arawa .. DecOceanic Dec 1 Australia ...DecAustralia lieu 1 .Uonowal Hit 1.Mariposa. Dec M China Dec illArawa Dec 23 I SUB.Australia Dec a Warrimoo Jai. 1

    1898. itaellc Feb InChina Jan tl Peru MaraOceuulo Feb Is Oaelic....- - AprChina April 2


    time; table.From and After June 1st,

    1 K.V I V

    TO EWA MILL.a. a. A. 1.

    A.M. P.M. P.M. P. al,eave Honolulu 8:46 1:46 4:36 6:11Leave Pearl City 0:30 2:30 6:10 8:6iArrive Ewa Mill :67 M 6:36 Mi


    A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

    Leave Ewa Mill 6:31 10:48 8:43 6:4.Leave Pearl City 6:66 11:15 4:16 6:liArrive Honolulu 7:30 11:56 4:66 6:46A Saturday's only. C Sunday's excepted.11 Daily D ststurdal '0 eceple


    LEWERS & COOKE,Lumber, Builders' Hardware,

    doors, sash, blinds,paints, oils, glass,

    wall paper, matting,corrugated iron,

    lime, cement, etc.



    Carriages to meet every steamer atKahului and Maalaea Bay.

    Horses for Haleakala or any partof the island, at reasonable prices.

    W. GOODNESS,376tf Proprietor.


    HUSTACE & COhave moved to

    Morgan's Au tion Rookfor a short time. We are still selling

    Departure Bay Coa.CHARCOAL,

    ALGEROBA andKINDLING WOODio any quantity.

    'Both Telephones 414. 8Mtf

    Employment Wanted.By a young man with a good, general bus.

    inses expei ieii"e, a rapid a id excellent pen-man; can keep books, writo ins irance, oper-ate and furhish tyiiewriter without extrachirge, and will iierform anv kind of mau-ua- l

    lalsir even if offered at low wages.Address H. I. A., Utah Office. 438-l-




    Kxccutivi Council.. B. Dole, Prenldin. of the Republic of

    HftWBtl.K. M Hutch, Minister of Foreign AfTaira.1. A. KIiik, MltitHterof thn Interior.

    M. Uaiuou, MiniHterof Finauce.A', O. Hmlth, Attorney tlenerai.

    AuviftiiRV Council.

    V. C. Wilder. Chairman of the AdlKor.'iM,i ii of thu Kt uubi.t of iievil urutTU, i i' tenuey.

    loha Noit. C. Uolte,ohn Ena. V. F. Allen,

    lames F. Morian, Henry Waierhotine,Ii A. McCandienH, A. Vounit,

    a H. Meudouca, L. H. Smith,ohn hmineluth.!. T. Kodtfera, secretary Executive and Ad-

    visory CouqcIIm.

    Strut- Ml COURT.

    ion. A. F. Judd, Chief .luntloe.Ion. ft. F. Hlckerton, Flrat An!Hciate Justice.

    Hon. W. h Frear, hecond Associate Justice.Henry mith. Chief Clerk.Jeorge Lucaa, First Iteputv Clerk.C. F. FeUrou, Second Ueiiuty Cierk.J. Waiter Joues, StenoKrapher.

    Circuit Judgkh.

    First Circuit : H. E. Cooper. W. A. Whiting,Oahn.

    tlecond Circuit : Maui, J- W. Kalua.Third And Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L.Austin.Fifth Circuit: Kauai. J. Hard v.

    Offices and Court-roo- in Judlclaryriulldlng, Kinc H.reet. Sitting in Honolulu:Flrat Monday In February, May. August andNovember.

    Department or Foreign Affairs.iffliT In Executive Building, King Street

    Francis M. Hatch, Minister ot Forelgu AlfairsC. Potter, Chief Clerk.

    I. W. Olrvln, Lionel Hart. Clerks.

    Department op the Interior.Office in Executive Building, King StreetJ. A. King, Minister of the interior,.hief Clerk, Joun A. Hasslnger.vsslstant Clerks, James H. Boyd, M. K.

    Keohokalole, tius Hoe, Stephen Muhaulu, (ieorge C. Hons, Edward a. Hoyd.

    hikph or BuREArs, Department

    finrvej W. I). Alexander.Supi. Public Works, W. E. Howell,dupt. Water V ork3, Andrew Br wn.Inspector Electric Lights, John Cassidy.Keglstrar of Conveyances, T. O. Thrum.Deputy kegiutrar of Conveyances, H. W.

    AudiewsKnml tiupervleor, Honolulu, W. H. a.

    Chief Engineer Fire Dept.. J. H. Hunt,aupt. Insane Aayium. Dr. (eo. tietlwrt.

    Bukkau or Aqkicultuhb.President J. A. Kinn. Minister

    of the interior.Mwiubeni: W. ii. Irwiu, A. Jaeger, A. lier-

    hort tinU .it, hi,

    uotuiuiHBiouer of Agriculture anil ex offlcloacreUir of tnu boar: Jonvpii Aiurauen.

    Dkpautuicnt of Finance,Minister of Finance. H. M. Damon.Audilor-Oeuera- l, li. L.aW8.lteKutrar of Accounts. t . U. Ashley.i iii. t itiiti ttl of CUutoLua, J. b. hM If.ittl .Um' our, UauU, .Inn. ill, ti btiswujput ANteoaor, , . W eeilon.I'oeiiuaaior-oeiiera- l, J. M. '..i

    Hi k i

    Oflk-e- , C'Ubtoin liouwj, ,.in..-.- Fort &t.ColiecUir-Uclirra- i, J. H. Caetio.

    r. (ft. .... ker.ttarSM Aiaater. i aiiaun A. .....t ort BUi vejor, M a. AaiuU'ts.storekeeper. Ueo. C. atiatenieer.

    DkPAHTHlCNT or A ; km . i u

    o it ict in Kxecutive Bmltliuic, KIiik kHAttorney-ueuera- l, . U. bmitn.JJepuly Atioriiev-cieuera- i, O. i W ilder.Clerk, J. M Kea.Marahal. K. ti. lilichcuck.Clork to Marauai, H. M Dow.Deputy Maranul, Artnur M. Urown.Jailor Oauu i'riaou, JaineH A. Low.1'rUon , Dr. C. U. Cooper.


    Office, lopartnient of luterlor, Judiciarbuilding. King Uireot.

    Fretudeut, J. A. King.MembAra of the Hoard of Immigration:

    J. H. Atherton, Jan. li. Caatle, A. b.(Jlegborn, Jamen Huencer, Mark 1'.UobiAMOu.

    bocreuary, Wray Taylor.

    Boakd or Health.Office in grouuila of Judiciary Building

    corner of Jillilaui auu tjueeu ntreetn.Membera: Dr. Day, Ur. Wo d, Dr. AndruWo.

    J. I'. Waterliouae, Jr., John hiia, heKlorV. Lanidiug and Altoruey-Oeuera- l toiullh.Fresident, ilou. W. ti. bmiih.Secretary, Cbai. Wilcox.

    .executive Officer, C. B. iienoidH.Agent Board of Heallli, J. D. fctoVttsjbiuHpeotor and Manager of Uarbage HsrVlOtf

    U. L, La PlerrS.iuapector, O. W. C. Jouea.Port l'bsiclau. Dr. K. P. Mjen.DUpeuaary, Dr. Henry W. Howard.Leper riettleineut. Dr. it. K. uliver.

    Boakd or Education.Office, Judiciary Building. King Utreet.

    Preidut, W, iL Caatle.Clerk, J. F. 8coit.I inspector ol Schoout, A. T. Atkinson.

    Boakd oe Chown Land CoMHiHtiioNEita.

    J. K. King, Minister of tbe Interior; W. O.Hmlth, Attorney-uener- and C. F. laukoa.Offioe in JudlcUry hut id tug.

    i Mr in. Couttr.Police Station Building, Merchant Street.A. U. M. Koberteon, Mttglstrate.James Thompson, Clerk.

    POBTOrriCE Buheau.

    Poetmaater-Oenera- l, J. Mort Oat.Secretary, W. O. Atwater.Hup't PoNtal Savings Bank, E. II. Wodehouse.Money Order Department, F, B. Oat.Oeneral Iellvery, I.. T. Keiiake.iteguitry l'eparttnent, a L. Desha.Clerks. J. D. Holt, It. A. Dexter, S. L. Kekn-

    F. B. Angus. J. H Nui. Henry KalaJUU Uiram. K. Narita. J. T. r Iguei eda.



    Candy Factory. Hake Bakery.



    ISLAND CURIOS.Our EBtftbliihment im the Ketort in the

    Cttv. Cl' nd m u. Open till 11 p. m


    Insurance Agents.

    -- AO E NTS FOI- l-

    inaw &NO LAND MUTUAL

    Life Insurance Oo.OF H'JSTON.




    Castle & Oke.IMPORTERS,


    General Merchandise



    This Spaceis

    Reservedfor the

    EpitaMe Life Assurance Society

    of lie Uaitefl Slates.


    Genera Managers for tie Hawaiian

    Islands.Ti-t- r




    76 cents Per Month.

    $2 Per Quarter,


    Hawaiian Gazette Co.

    Earl Times Mean Close Prices lo


    If you are in nteil of any New urMMtt-Haa-d rTURHITUXK, rugs,



    CHAS. HUSTACE,Lincoln Block, Kino Stkekt,

    Hutween Furt ami Alakea Sts.DEAI.KK IN

    Groceries and Provisions.Freah California Roll Butter and Island

    Butter always on hand.

    Fresh Goods teieivcd by eirty Steamerfrom San Francisco.


    For Sole.!C" lot i I'liiiuhu iit.-- bt ai feet. !lonnlltiiilir ntii.itl-- llIliWlu; ronfll. till'.'

    b ii rnintn, hifi raorn --hn n tui wnttic : tHi e utid .,!'.(.. Iinn-i'- r.lit- HttrtinUfl Ul Weil Illlll Milt III irtlit II' t n I,Knr imr.lciilm, ' Iri-n- A. H.. llil oflTcP.

    aw ifCOM SOLID .TED


    ENplAiiaile, coriior Allen and Fort stroeta.

    HOLLUTER A CO.. Agents.

    P. 11. Hox ml, ieleitlmiie Mu.

    LEWIS & CO.l.l'iK'IKI.

    Naval Hnppllva, WhtilaMl iiiiiI IfetniiIAsaWth hi tit". "Cern s. Prill Itfliilia, elc

    111 rori M lioliilu. II. I.

    M. l'lllLUrsTT'oT"Wholes-li- Inipoitei-- uili JnlilM-inn- f


    Corner Fort and Cti en St., Honolulu,


    (MM, 42 Merchant Street.

    Honolulu, H I


    PUBLIC.t'artwright Blix'k, Merchimt St., Honolulu,


    BCLL TBLIPHONI 15'.Qf All Onlrrs Prumptly Attended tO,



    Fort Street, Honolulu.

    M.S. GRINBAUM & CO.Lhuitfd.

    HONOIA A H. ICommission McrrhnntM snd Importers

    of Gen ral MerchandiseSan FrSSelsOO OtBoe, Slfi Front St.


    "Vi'31ilt eots.OrriCB New Safe Deposit Building.

    Honolulu, II. I.

    Plsnt, KpcdflbstJoni nl RapsHsteArlenestfiven forever) dehoriptlnti of Bittldlng.

    old Bnildi S lucremfuil) reoioOeH . andexUerind.

    IVhIithh for lit'contllmiM.nape or Heehsnltiu iirnum . m ..

    Bloei'tinileg,fffDrawings for Bnks or New-pap- Illus-- i

    rat 'on

    Old Kona CoileePOH SAI.H AT



    i- " - '- t. .

    BISHOP & CO.,amiiUrtwd in mm,

    BANKERS.HomoLOLOi Hawaiian Islandr.



    New York. Chicago, Boston, Paris,MESSR& I M, RJTH HILO & SONS, LONDON,

    PRANK Pl U N TilTIhj COttunsroiaJ Blinking Co. of Sydney,

    N. M. W.1 hi Hank of New Zenlnnil, AurklAnd, nml

    its 1. 1. hi iif. in CbTiatchurch, llmiwllimiii Wellington.

    The Bmnkol Iti iti h Columbta, Vi. t- t in, anilits lintuehi's, Vmih-- hi it, klntuUniOi U'istMiini-te- r, B, C , anil I'ortiun l. UftfOtt.

    he kiofnailil Mmlena iBWUMSiKtockbobo rlwtitoi.1 he CfMUtArid Bunk of Imlin, Autmlia ami

    The Hoiufkoiiff iind sluiiighni. ' hina: dinVnkiitiii ue, Hi j" and Nfuumki, JiimiiiAv( trs'i-'i- 't n wtMiPaJ FmUI I IM BuflltMMi


    0 36 St., Honolulu, H. I.

    AOENT9 i'nRi .. A if ii'lllt llr;i t

    8affNf Co.. Utinumtl SUkini 0m U;.itllRU Snnr V, Wiiilu-e- ' ( .M.ik.r Siiirnr Co., Hali'iiknla m tCo.. Kap up nil Runoht

    PI iiiIitm' Lint San Frnnciscn Pnrkitr-Chun- ,Hrt'wcr & Co.'b Line of Bi?si' i

    Ak.'tntH Bottotl B"urd of Under writPbUttdelpbU Uoanl of UikU i

    writers,List of Officers :

    P. C. Jonks PreaiilentGEO. H. HotiKUTHON ManttgiTE. F. Bishop Troas. nnd Secy.Col. V. K. Auilitor0. M. Cooke IH, WATSHaotTSB.. r DirectorsC. L. Carter )


    WILDER & CO.(Established in 187a.)

    Estate S. G, WILDER - W. C.


    Lumber and Coal

    Building- - MaterialsSUCH AS


    Builders' Hardware,Paints, (HI, (luss.


    Cor, foil and Queen Streets,

    HOXOI.UUT, H. I.


    vrtrw VTrw7w wyw7tarSells the vcrv b( quality ( t Soap r

    $4.50 per hund red lbs , and i? 1'trs olhonest weight, for $1.25. German BineCastile Soap, manufactured by GransBros, Mannheim, Germany, at lOo per lb.Toilet Soaps, retail at wholesale prices. SoftSoap, in tins of 42IDS., $1.25.

    Stearic Wax mining Candles, manufactured by the Emery Candle works, of Cin-cinnati, Ohio, 12 candles for 25c.

    Kiawe Fire Wood, $10 per cord;same cut in blocks 12 inches lone;, in anyquantity, from $1.00 up, delivered free ofcharge to any part of the city.

    Kiawe Charcoal at 40c a sack.Richmond, Va., Cedar Wood Poi Pails

    finished with brass hoops, small size 50c,large size 75c.

    Empty vinegar and wine barrels, asuater receivers, at $1.00.

    Kitchen Salt in sacks of ioolbs 50c;Table Salt given away.

    Highest price paid for Hides, Skinsand Tallow.

    3 packages containing 30 boxes of Tokio ParlorMatches only 10 cents.




    1ST. BREHAM,Mutual Tjlmllftnt fit) HEl'HEl. HALL.

    QEM9 in verse.Wttt'(l 0Hrrtlltltllf.

    The man ho fHtt tip,A flll'd fBcal from the Imnmirt, and drain off

    hi cup,Seen the ln-- t liimpextinguMird, hheln rrfuU

    IieHU, (urnWell coiitenirft to hvt nnl rnji - it renow.But In- who Mppfd at the tahle of king"And yet Mancil in the sfgnt of luxurious

    uitagHjWhohnih wn'rlird the Mine (low hy himself

    but half faMed;Heard the n, im. snd yet miM-- i the tune: who

    bnih waHtnlOne part of Ufe'fl rrand tofatUUIUsi friend.That nuiti v. ,11 with him, bt to tho

    end,A tlpvrlSMv, a rancor within.You nisy call ii a vtttue 1 rail it a sin.

    -- Oweu Meredith.

    V011 Know Vtm VFottldls.i,... IrSN NSxttni StSSS wonderful

    turneThat led. jou ny bm k In the pant,

    Tlllulth hrttttftsj nml lyktlatf in Atiirnn orRiWRM

    Vou' fSfflil In wliut nin juu writ it;Uupp(i-- c inif tl.u-- . "Ui. " nu kSSfd wpe

    voiceAnd felt a tinmll band n your Lnee,

    WssM the wui Id ui the piesent or pant he yourchoice

    At ibe sound of lliat UttlS "Teko me?"Oh. now! He honest! What would you

    do? Ir1You'd "take" Tiny Toddler and hu him to


    SuppoM- - you had been in ihc city all day.In the trouble and turmoi! of trade.

    Till your brain was o weury you felt the dl.may

    Of an overtaxed surface enr Jade;Suppose you were tin m and taking your

    eaHe,And In should come little Hoy

    "play hory" with papa, nml "wouldu't heplease

    To kick up" and raeta antics fo through?

    Oh, come, now Rt hODSStl What would oudoy

    You'd prance antl play horsy" with little HoyBlue!

    Suppose you were ihlnking of thinifs.Of guestloiiM mortality usk",

    Till life, with he prnhlems perpiexini? Itbriniis.

    Seemed a round of imptisslble tasks:Suppose whlh thus puzzleil, a fn.wn ofl your

    brow.And )our face lookiinx solemn nnd grim,

    Little laddie j uu ahall be a "bow-wow-Or KtOff "Heyl Diddle, diddle!" to him.

    Oh, come, now Be holiest What would youdo?'.l "lark" or recite "MotbeT Goose;wouldn't you?

    William S. Lord.

    The pays That AN No More.Ob! to have lived hen earth wn ) oiing.

    And evtrytbiofj eras obarni!tigWhen bears uml ligt rn ueie like lainbr..

    And inshri wSrs sol k4sW8xl&lWhen ever da the ItIO sbODe out

    The wholf mrld wentAnd iovel) lunula on ewt y hand

    Through forests deinse Were btraiiinlOh! to have know u tin pterlSH khiuiitn

    Who went out dromon killing.And who l MM cor ISttOueMS

    Distreeatd mrrs more tliau wlllingl

    Oh! lu have mi ned the pnr-e- s whichWith sold w ere alwii) a irlisi'iiinyl

    Oli! to have seen the fail fen comeTo every babj 'h ohrIetttlns

    Oh! 1.1 liuvo beefl for one hour onA ihukU arpet sittlmr.

    Ami lo in- twinkling Ol uu eyeFrom land to land go (lit tint,'!

    JuM to have once it ciani cen,Though al t ivil di tain- ,

    And to a pnin in dUtresaHave offered boom HMistanoe,

    Oh! lo have had he lamps, the nn.:sT..ut friendly genii, ranted

    Oh! to Daw met lie law IM and su tinsWhich nlmi) s wen euobaoledJ

    Oh! to have lived wl. n brHBEaT menGreat klostluiiu could Inner 1,

    When prii.e :...t en-I- marry . ..urls.And wisiiing wae a ueritl

    When iieaH.ii.1 lad- and m-- mirt hs' suneWen eqwlly nnda-SBtt-

    When evei y tfec and r. t k and streamWas by xOttM fairy hiiunted.

    Oh! to have lUMWe the UrOO ht n tearsWere ala s t ui ned 10 laughter.

    And gthi 10 j y, nml ueople livedllappio evei eiterl

    -- New Y..rk THsSUMs

    Tba Worst ..r All,Tlirri' ar mini) IbolstiMM WfllTy Ull Wgrkt

    ii sits till, ami in 1. sfiio'ri youiur,Fisiis with ion mn ... awl foola wit bout,Rails wim dosjsiatlsfs fofils who duvbr,Bsols who snloktr. and fools who shout,Fisiis who nsvttf kaow whal Ihsy'rs aboat.

    Ami motsall tilt,'., and loaxitttjFimj.s t l.'rt- , ftw s Wh0rs fail..Fool m 1,,,'ro graibsards, sad i .. i - wbo'rs

    FimiIh Willi niunisH. fool, with fad.,Fools with cameras, tool, with irasti,

    . w ho ilou) the rtebborasstFools in insor'ss. fonin in sets,Fool, who (jtiurri-1- ami fool, ttlioquuck;In fact, thsiw ars all softs ol fools in tho psok.

    Fool., ful. thin, short nnl lull;But of all sorts of fools, the fool with a gun

    (Who point. 11 it. some ous --of ooorw, hlfun"- -

    Aliil fools all aroitml till ohaAOS miirilnr 1.Mttai

    Is the worstfst fool of tlit-i- all!Ijontlon rum b.

    Tli .Jiilt-- Tollrr.Tla nut ha tt bo jiarailf nHis deeds be I or.- tin- it ,Iloldinir aloft their worth,rVhoss DMTAOfj lit,- In.pearledIn tin- hsarta of a UMinl. ttlo--

    K Tbo raars hara died away,Hut r.i Mm- loan t oo loll.

    sj Oa Qulstly day by day."i'is li who, at Ills ta.kBe it lils-l-i or US 1. lowlyStilt,. Mill, iit'vt-r- (lions-li- tOf Ball ami prajss, bttl whollyLo.t iu tin- luvu of Duty,WhodaSIM no limn hisAnil iUiflly toil, tat'li dayTo stsks .he syorM ever i it,-r-

    tieoru'i- Nrwt'll livt-juy- .

    Iddea Thlasjs,Tht-r-- aya lum-- l SSFS1 loar;

    Tln iv art mini, list ifo uu.iokin;Tlu-rt- are wsoplnsw ttith no

    Ami IsjM that uitt-- mi lokt-n- .

    Tlii'rr an. nsvar raadiuifi. of frioajdahla ssiel ttiti-ti- ;

    Litflit lhal . no. oviThfad;Ilia, routes Sot, thouli we're


    Tlo-r- art1 hsr no tlnn- touth;'i'lit-rt- arr viblatloit m ;

    Thore art' thoutihls unultfrcd suchAs wiml. liiiluurtnlirius aver.

    ThtTf ara lona-ln;- unsttalnt-tl- ;Thf rt- an- alatit t'. ut'Vr IraM.latfth

    There set Ibal are aol ifAinadiThf at art- sottli that ao iminult-tt-

    It IT,. lo News.

    Life's fallssspby.Two kinds of trouble there's no its.

    In BPsyvlag u'rr, young man.Fw i. iltina. yon sanuol ranssfly,

    Ami, v.n ' in.Matliriuattrs aotl louey.

    Bnabud Aoooixllug to your own iIk- -ures, you spent orartlOO this yinrin obsapfripparias wbloh hail to bs thrown awaysftar orjos sraarlnA, Thai 1100 would aanlaiiluhlii pittv of i,ce .ha. would baslasli ti a lift t i mi' in fart, ciilllil In Ust-t- hyour fm . ions.

    Wife Well, Kite lot' S1.I0, anil I w illbuy tho lint fur next yi'ar.

    1 tinlut ii1 I in SalVer mi ml. I ih.n'tthink Kaea Is swaooilria to your styliof III fur auotiierruflle New Vork Weekly.



    Bleitso jsirttj of TTTrx Ttiit e ThimesndItOre romineteti un xtltrasff Mettsoda,the i iptrtrers Safes Isting rr More HumYear KTpOH OSSM Tnhen ti tlie Way.

    Ctipyrlghi. I 14. by Amerh nn Vtp ASstSu. Jm k rights

    ( II W A T R atrip tu King W illUun Iduid rnohsfs boon anllug iri tSfM of tinpict un KtM nndiimr ehnis 1t Hi e- nf t Initio vnyoires and pledgelourneyi wbl hif ti to s- Ivj therolcntUQo nnd

    in -, t'ti( 4 or the rtost n

    noHto r Dftvigsfipthe tip p poUutsea, hut It vi1rdall ntxfMMM its tothe tni f;i'.- of

    Kninklin efrWi It Madsd Ip ourIrnowlsdfl o in tln bLmer latitiMlo.

    rovtd 1:1 ctvili--.- i int.y accu tutnihotr if dl 1 to i!, uitettssoold wf imaidrlot)g tbe svvrnth rh poraJlc and tlx Irdlottlve ratutbo food WAlofa the Harav

    in Ives i:c! ml v l.ich tln rep it Hi pp di:ner.illy In MbOBdstflQa KninlJin was

    lost btsird frosa in Mtt in ilsiT1n'ehfiTmovtag srestward, with open water U theoath of bUoouras. At t!ie end nf two

    ytafs sn aspoditioci ssl atn fiaiu sTnalsiadfor his relief, rbllowad hf oUsSSi ur Interrali until 1800, when Mut )hitick foundluitnl takut erltlofiess thnt Isdli ofFrnnklln'! ships bad been wn cked In Unvicinity of Ring Wtlltan Load, and thatran ninny of tboolSoon nml the crew bad

    lint the skolotoOS PBpaftOd by'un nattvas as having Uvn seen nml therolloa from tbt ebipe and boaai fMiml k nil apposrad In the region

    hy the BskiUO the yoor rmtuil,Sttd the belief WOUM not die out of men'sminds thai BOUM of the puny, perhnpH thoIreedof ataotny athsta, miii Ungassd on thenotes of Buffln'e boy of MoljrlUo iound.Dsaldoe, King WlUlan LaadtUp bo the date

    Bobaratko? BOMeb in ISTJaad sofas Ia n properiy earplotvd. MeOifateoN was

    on the tsland In May, awasati when theurfaoa Uei bnrlod In taow and lee. in

    II 7.' and again in IsTT relics of the pnrtybad been eeenred by wbatesa from fa&a- -lUIsS of l.Uimo met sevcnil Imndntl intletsouth of the SO80S af the reported ill:u-ier-.and these same people pave uceountN ol 'buried felloe and doonrnenai loft by wbleo jmen on Klnp William yeara U'tore.The Inst of wh, tiers insecure trust worthydata wat Captain Itarry, and his rSDOftlod tO lhoSehwat!,ae:p-ijlhn- The parfy left New York In June, IsTh, BDIUM foflRapulae baj, a point when the bwIbmballing frnai Kiag:WUUam Land bndlisontwice OnOOUBtOfOd, The leader. I.ieiltelimil Kreihriek Seliwothu, was a PolllhA marl con, an army ofltoor aomewnaO dls--fetOgnlaaed In the war m. well ns mi thewild alalns. Colonal w. 11. Olldor, Masooad in oommand, bad also boon ti aol-dier. Henry KlutsehoU, the engineer Mthe OXpedlUOn, had already made an

    trip, and the guide, known as Baklmoloe, was a native t.f the north ami utrained expimvr. The ramalnlna; n rfihoiof (he original crew, cfrank Mi ims, hudratvad on an arctto wnali r.

    The military training of the loajdasigate the undertaking tbo eborncter titsunpalj n snd perhaps Ineurnd o eut

    achi. veil. There WSS to 1m no turiiiairiaido for mere sdvonturo, but a patient.steady pliahlinp on tuwnnl the pial, withino woato of tJme or ormnry. AU would i.r led In ffOttlUfl fil and in ti iverdiiMthe lonir. long ley rood from Hudson ha;to the kliorca f X IvlUe aonnd.

    The winter tf ItlTeVfl the rdOfurMpaaasdon tbe north sborai ff Rud oa'iii iy. whore they landed In Aogual nnd es 'tahllshsd a camp. Doga and Kaklmo orirs nnd servants of both BQXfa were added

    !ntii party tboro, and the syajdofrfa onMped lo oBovoroooursoof training f r Ua

    l ardnhirw tbrd awaltod Ustm bj maltlnj'oftg audgo journeys in tbe aavcrc t a at hrand by starving tbomaelvoa to a poini

    --m n t -Mm lKAQI tut WAKf

    when' the ftssl supply t.f i hi' tiaildit satcn without tii.sin sa This t ml oon.lists of fypfsen flab and meat. One of Its

    nml tbo plfiasfintesl of nil, Uthat 1. fortlflss Mm Issiy aariltiftt sold Infact, jeBnoTatai huornaj hsat

    After eight months ptuM-t- It. "siii.s,iiillMb" tin' party ml nut northward on tbtlunsjast sladft juurnty known up to thatdata. Tho outfit 'orsoapriaad three sleddrawn hy ii ioaa. Tin' nasi Tin, asTdafrom Jos. QutsJiaffdJ in. Inolndinsj townchildren. Tin- sjarhjes wui' not Inadrrldooro w ith food for wan and boast, as budh. ' ii tin' fiiM- mi previous "ii h- kind, hut with trims ami ammunitionfor hanting aswt'Il us for Holt, r and withDinar urtiiifs of triulo. inly opj iiointitVprovision., hatl Is ,11 In sod for a nip. hut jwadostlued to ItvM Marl roar, forBohwatka reiryernhetrod tint' yiasl I. hi- - army Hat nnd saanNsal to live ofitthe country or in .ho NoproTod in all raapouts an ahlo Cnmimtldaiand an Ingenious niphirar Tba Interneeer Joe spr. ke the dlalocta of many trlls s.

    Tho ohlei Kuitii' ami hunter, Tnulonnbinruvsd t. niasier with the dnirs and emighty KliurodsH tho "lines Aruu-Uwiii-a rnprsuutgpaj44no, booften brought downhalf gdosaaol tba Baol rulndser before!tht y i'. Isyniul ssn jp aftar tliaiiti'in of shot. Two or throe hunten. hi I i ill n il ti ii ut nf ii Ingle luirtAnothar sinodlanl saved tin' party fromlilt- lillWI-h- iino bJrjOPIsM of I ll. Wolws. Illburning t'oston signals tin so mvt'i.ou.lUliiuals OOUld Is' aMMud frOBi tht' viotultjuf tho pimpa. A trlnk learned of tbe in-ttves and prat'ili-ot- was thu)nf rjuntlng tho shjdsjsj rnnners with log,

    TJWMUUal Ur.-- lay n.t-- lull-- , whlthin May nlinosi anttrely bars ofmow, iiini travel was vary dlffii nit. gtAprthar atruoh tbe course of u river runningoxartbward nnd tDllowed It 110 mllajAliuiK tin river tiny foil In with a partol Kskiino bslonglati to a tribe thai luu.bjgaaj agpnlladtam KlUstWflllam Ususd bymornies Oneold man and two apprratub1nit mlddJoaaa iot,it'tiits-r,v- to bare .m

    vtiiii men o i the iborss of WlUlan lauMsiui also a ship fast In tbe los In the straitssa ,ii h .if the udand PaaslnMotai the rrg.

    I plorers raaohad Hark run, previouslyknown in while mon .)n the laal day ofMay an Bsaintn fsunp Tras djain Vnrtd. andthe natives pr red tabs sheeuatuios of il airils- tir.t iie't. iiini. for the tlnw baliuj, thagiaatars of rtlngWUnam Land Tnajr sculau tiiiliasadross to BMei thestraiigers, the

    ' warriors meanwhile standing in lino of

    battle In ffoal of their lpJtHs,or lee hutsIf the Dewoomen were :::,:. andkilled u woman, the loss would uo sllphfecompared totbal of fighting moo. Whentbestgnal rent h. U lxttd.- n d peace, thownrrlur-- . with POO esnpption, Jolaad in ahearty wolootae. The exo ptlon prdvad tho a man woo had Inet a relative, nnd no- -ronllitf.' t. n si.;i Tditbui ,.f trtl-- thekilling of a atraagor would give imp itinera

    dead: hem,- he was for Uphtlngnnyliew.

    Amoi g the members of thlatribsaralMof raoolieetlona outild be cloarly trneextOttO oM Womsfl n niemlstred havlog assflwhite im 11 in h its ami t. nt ami ni'.illednames which the Int- rpn l.ini! anawored to some of Prat klln'a poop la Sheold thai th white and herpxnpto ijeeajasj

    - i Srai d no nit r by the rotting artli ,eat and aftarwar ihn empty toats wrefound with dead l - in and aroundtaaru. She desrril cd ktilvra, sKMina,Watches and ctothing in a tvoy to leave nodoubt bat tbe nafotfjunaaM beiocigad toesanklina

    After aomrcklng Ad lalda andthe ehome of VVahlnrton hny, where theship had hi :i n, wi) out rcault,Schwatka cm ed SLtitpaan si ndts t KingWilliam Laml. On log to th nicldng healnf mi miner. In v. ling v ta t s DTdlngty dif-ficult. The fnow h ;"! re need to slushdaring tbo Unytiirte, and lo molted upontbe lakes ao that the surface woe coveredwith asvetal laahoaaf auter. Occoaiounl- -

    Iff jbC V

    l the men would sink to the waist Inrjatrn hoias, tin- dogs BotmdeTad In slushand deep watnr, am) th.- sinh'.. diaap.pgarofl between the hunrrnoeki of snowand lee I'liitiinnieiy Toolooah bfoughtdown game sulliuienl for nil the exphm rsi.:iu nallvi i. ii- - well n- - tjio dugs, nllhi'iitrhthe nt her hunters had no luck al the ehaaa

    (in tiie northwestern shon- of the Inland(he whii, in n ,,f (he party spread nui toiiinke a thniviih search of Iheeoasl

    tbo waters where Hie Krebue audii'orrtir had been awn by the native. Thiswas .he firM exploration ever mad whenthe ground was lain-- Kitst two graveswen' dlSOOV. nsl with S.I1U" M'littered I ".Ill's.nnndatakanly titoasof w hite men. Near byit later search unearthed the camp of Cuptain Crosier, luoeesoor to Frankim on hisdeath 111 I81T. The wi ll know n p.inipher-nall- a

    of an exploring tamp was found Inuliundaiii.',! 'tore, clothing, blanketsand Implements, and utonsils of isnipis.Irrasa and Iron Hut t importantllnil was an ois'li irrave. colitnlulng Mirisnf a i ton ami a prize tnedal from theRoyal Naval i.,iiep-- awarded to John Irv-ing, tiring was the third officer of theTerror. Tim remains wen gi thcred to-t,- i

    thor end i Itlmat. Iy sen. to ngland forburial, Ibe only ashes of the lo t explorersev. r rt rued to lb. ir native soli.

    Contlnulngthe scaich nlon ttlie westerntoast .f King William Land, Dumhetieaa

    rat. i were found with relies to Identifytbem, and tholr i lac were marked withmoulimonta at stone. The return jutirneyncn ss tiie Island hnd lobe prosecuted overtaregroundi The men bore all the luagai in on their boohs, for the dogs could

    iir.iw i lie e':,ptj- si.- 'gi-s- . lie foretut Inn for Bud n nay told weather

    ami tiie Ling whit, r night had come OSt,mid the homeward rnarch was the worstlu fuel, aeonstan. strugglo for life. Theexplorers could nui l ave King WilliamUtnd until tbe lec hrldgoovcr Ulmptwisir. Its liad form i stn ng enough to holdthem. That waa In Novomber. Tbemoothii December i red In the Journey alongHack rlVin ami in l iking supplies ofinlmon lor subsistence. The overlandinoivli between i'.. :. river nnd Hudsonbuyonmmenood Jan I, IES0. The worstiiirius and cold ill thowhi lo trip were

    durin r the two months follow-ing. T he thurmurufitcr nvtanged H degreoi I. b w rem and reached T. at times.One storm of IS days' duration hinderedt!u' maroh, and dm inj February the pnrtytrorclod inn 3 days in ail. Diirlngtbiatrmoi !;. lived upon SbaoaIbth, whii bsoon ran low, and tbobononofi famine hung over them. Rclndtgr Inpl. my rould In- teen on distant hills, hutthe buqters who ronturud out were drivenbook In wolves, t:. now terror of the dar-ing explorer. These ravenous beastasomatluies gttaeked the camp, and onenight kill .: an i .1 .iniretl four of thesledge dogg, Toolooah alone was a mutchlor them, on one while huiitnigfor rrdndecr a pack of sn wolv. s aMnakanblm at unea, Uoontlng a ns-k- , he fbugbt

    In in i IT with his clubbed gun until hesaw a chance to reverse it and makeadeudshot. While tba Ik:i-1- s ipuirrehd over theui' ,i. i.i the ilrst one -- lain he shot down

    more of tin in mill I initio the beat of Idsopportunity to assapt

    on iwaflhlpg Hudaoa bay In March,.ii. after an ahseliee of II months,

    Hcbwatba ftiunti it, his dlarnay that lbsH re of fissl iimmised him from homebad not arrived. The natives could supPly only i, small ananttty of seal mid wniitu- - meat, uml tbe explorers warn ntlucd

    tbe efaewlug of walrus skins for nour-Isluuent. At tin ei, il ui il,,. summer theyw. it taken up hy a whaler and brought haIbe home p 1

    A strange circtiuistunee conn,-- , oil withhi. expedition Is the fact that while tberevelers were nrnsssng tha hills In I ssaag

    Back river uml Budaeai bay during Janlary and uy. lssu, with the lem-i.T.iitire inn degrees bslow the fNratng'int. yet not sulferlng so as Ui delay t lie

    mirt h, natives uml hardy whalers wiutaang bnndaada of relics moth of th. m, andvi ii shaltaiad and wall kui, wear pattablngmm i.dd Qaoaog L,

    s., OM Cheeses,In the cheese regions nf Switzerland u

    eusinin formerly prevailed forthe friendsof a bride and bridegroom to join inthe presentation mi their welding duyOf 1111 elal'iirala llltt-e- . Tills chts-s-was ustsl as n family register, on whichthe births, marriages and deaths were

    Hoiue uf those old cheesesdate hack to 1000. Exchange.

    Kvfry Man Knows This.Tom What do you carry a miitch-luf- e

    for- 1 in ver find mm of any nse.Diok I da It's the one plana ui all

    my pockets where I know I iiic,ilu'tlook when I'm hunting for a match.(imago lteenrd.

    aQgenseewanit'elebriiteil Luwyir Snw, tell me

    houestly, di. I yog mil tha? bank!1CUtM (in uf euurso I did.

    Dn yer s'pose I'd U' able to rii.uu youIf 1 didn'tv-T- it

  • Tub 1 1 aw Mian StaiPUULtSHKU bVtKY



    tTBVHirriox kati .

    Pel Year In MfMMi - - - - .Per Month In Advam. - MNntJPV P" TW In Ailvnnw. -

    unmtn katk:KnleB lor tfSMMM ft'11 rrtf ulrtr advertNliH

    run tw OtfMUMd ni ilu" paMUsttloa ottsa.ttSsSOttfl prmnpt IIISSlHlia H SdtrafMaaRMttM must. Ih- - MtlltfSd nttlie HunlmMtll. p iK'forv in b. in.


    TlIK A'ij Leo and Holomua haveceased the struggle lor jourtialisturespectability: the fight was "aginnatur".


    The Oil City Derrick, represen-tative Of the world's petroleum interests. after a column of unpreju-diced review of the new Constitutionof the Republic of Hawaii, closerthus:

    Tin- - new RapUbUc BtiirH out well. 1

    hn devim (1 M eSOSllant COMtttUtlOII I"

    Rulda thti ship of ttata. It has M00m'llstltd a Kreut revolution l,y pMOtfUand orderly means that command it t,

    the good grai'fK of the civiliz, d ,r,lIt Ihir shown that H ileiervfs to bo bringing aboul Its fracdom, ah Ioiin of liberty throughout tha world anits friends, nnd ina.v tin' MMhina of Hiprosperity IndUrt forever, and its flnfforever Hoat over a free and Indapsttdtninat'.on.


    We cat) hardly agree with tinviews of our morning coutemporanregarding the position of the plan-ters on the labor supply question.If it is admitted the planters anacting from the motives alleged bthe Advertiser, it would follow thenwould be a direct conflict betweenthe planter's policy and that whichmust be followed by the Govern-ment as representative of industrialclasses and conditions existent here.As a matter of fact there is no con-flict either apparent or real betweenthe planters and the Republic, be-cause there is a tacit understandingthat the interests of the Republicinclude the planting interests oiHawaii, as well as those of labor am.the mechanical arts.

    We do not understand either thplanters or the Government holdthe extreme views obtaining afew years since, or that sitnilairadical views on the other side artheld by the laboring and mechanicalclasses. The pol.tical and indus-trial evolution of the country andthe necessary establishment of anew political system of Govern-ment in Hawaii have largehaltered the attitude of the politicaland industrial forces of the Islands,until the protection of both hasdemanded more unity of actionin solving the difficulty and estab-lishing necessary harmony.

    What both planters and laborrequire at present is the continua-tion of stable government in Ha-waii; and it is not likelv that anjminor differences of individualopinion, as to the adjustment olthe labor question, will be allowedto assume proportions inimical tothe Republic until such solution ivarrived at. The hope of boththe white planter and laborer -centered in the success of thepresent Government as the larg

    factor in the national movementfor annexation to the UnitedStates of America and the deter-mination has been apparentlyreached by both that such reformsshall be accepted and advocatedas will further, and ensure, if pos-sible, closer and more permanentcommercial and political union withthe Great Republic.

    In reaching this end a majorityof the planters of Hawaii will dotheir part as will the white laboringand mechanical elements. Sacrifices will be made on both sides forthe common good, which, we be-lieve, will result in the planters nothaving to make sugar for fun notin the laboring and mechanicalclasses having to compete with theold system of cheap oriental laboiat personal loss and individualhardship.

    The idea which underlies themovement for a labor commission,to report to the next Legislature, isa systematic means to the endmentioned, and, in fact, the begin-ning of the end of a period of poli-tical discord in Hawaii which hassounded too long already. Let thecommission be appointed at once s,it can get to work; but until its investigation and report place suflieient facts before the public for abasis of intelligent discussion theless said about the plantation laborsupply of the future the better.

    Air. PttUmea m ikes it a condition ofhis duugiit, r's marriage with tie' Au-tii-

    prince that her children shell inherit title as well as estate. Mr. Bull- -man bus never favored distinction inblfthi Tlie uppei costs just as much asthe lowel. St l.ouis

    AITIIOIMTYAll miltlvfeHfllOl V 4101, ltol.liK ptm

    m t uvrfu ii. iim n lagi eel llloltythe Rawauaa Islands, prior tu eVptenvber 1st. ISM. are requested to return

    to the Interior OfltOt, with kMtHtof present NaMaSKC in order thai IBSsame naaj ! renew t4

    J. A KINO.Minister of the Interior.

    Interior tnViSeptember . isin.

    I4fl -;- it

    in aeeordaura itii Section Ml of the111 Oode the Oeatotns ehafges n theIppraiser'fl department are hereby pniVribsd as follows:

    If the appfaleed value of merchandisesttlvjeCt to ad valorwln duly exeeeil by III

    r cent, or more, the value declared onhe entry, then, in addition to the dutiesmpoeod by law on the same, the ohaTRSor appraisal shall be M)ttal t" 20 per

    'etit. of the appraised value of II sui'l. excess loss than Id perent of the value enlere, I, Iheeharge for

    Ippralaal will be .". Laboi at the rate, 4" cents per ton. QeitagS to beihanted by the drayman directly to themporter,

    - M. DAMON,Minister of Finance.

    Department of Finance,Honolulu. July 1. ISM.

    I4 -- 3t


    omci of tn Boabh 01 Health,BOROLCLO, 11. 1.. Sept. 6. ISM.

    Tenders will be leeeiveil at this otlu'einttl 12 M, Vi:inksihv. BBPTBMBBB 211,ifM, for supply Inn the Leper Settlement,t Moiokai with (h Qood Beef Cattle, toweigh not less than 350 lbs. net wheno id; mid (8) Kat Beef Cattle to belelivered ht the Le-e- r Settlement at aniverage of ninety head per month, forix months from October 1. ISM. to theHat day of March. 1888,

    The tender for Fat Beef Cattle mustIS for the price )per pound dressed, andhat for (l')od Beef Cattle per head.

    Bldea and tallow to lie the property ofthe Hoard.

    Hum should be marked "Tenders forleel Cattle, Leper Settlement." The

    Hoard will elect whirl, tender to nee ptinddoeanol bind itself to accept the

    I , west or any bid.WILLIAM . smith

    President of the Hoard of Health.148 8t


    The Board of Registration for theMend of Oahu will in- - in leaaion at the.Id Legislative Ball, Judiclarj Building,rotn I' to 11 o'clock it. ui. unit from 4 too'clock p. ni. every day. from Monday,

    August 87th, until further notice.V. T. KOlJUEUS.L, D. KELUPIO.

    Board of Registration, Island of Oahu,LSO--tf

    Board of Examinera.

    The Board of Kxaminorn for ipecialrights o, HiitTram' to he granted hy theMioiater of Interior in conformity withArticle IT of the ConatitUttOU, will he inleaaion at the old Legialative Hall, v

    Kuilduie;. from Monday, August.'Till, until further notice. BoUre: 0 toII a. 111. and 4 to tt p. m.




    Holders ot water privileges! or those'living water rates, ate lierehy notilledimt the hours lor Irrigation purpureaire from 7 to s o'clock u. m. end r to (1

    clock p. m.A. BROWN,

    Bupt, Honolulu Waterworks.Approved: J. A. KINU.

    Minister of the interior.Office Honolulu Water Worse.

    Honolulu. May 88, 1888,i!57-t-


    Owing to the drought and scarcity ofwater, the residents above Judd streetire requested to collect what water theymay require for household purposes e

    8 o'clock a. mANDREW BROWN,

    ISupt. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, H. I., July 20, 18114.

    tiM-t- f

    ACT 7.An Act Making Special Appropr-

    iations for the Uae of the Go-vernment During the Two YearaWhich will End with the 3latDay of March, A D. 1806

    He it enacted by tlie EseOUtive at.dVdvisory Councils of the Republic ofLewaiiiSertion 1. The following sums

    Imounting to 8489,869.80 are iierehvipprOprinted out of any moneys which.ball he received, bj tlie Treasury dur- -ing tlie biennial period ending March81, A. D, 1HV6, from the loan euthorhvad l" the Act approved .lanuary 11,A. O. lHlia, and by Act 10 or the l'rovi- -sionui Oovesament, approved Pabruerj18th, 1888, from any surplus receipts'from des,sits in the Postal HeeingSB ink, and from current revenue: pro-vided, however, that any nionevs adcanoed from Dttrrent revenue or fromdeposits in the I'ostal Saving- - Bank forthe objects named, may as soon nspracticable, be reiuibtnsed Irom moneysu itained from such loani

    IN'l KHlDlt I)KI'Ak!.MKN P,


    New Wll tries andSea Wall tlis.000

    New Bile Hnver 2,5008 120,500

    boats, SBJDGJM asiliSHPtJM

    WhurfaljN ipoopoo. BOOWharf at Kuwalhae 1,000. Hoa l llasuiuu


    !!., , I Puna. . Sii.linll;. w Ii a,ls K in ... I 0"J;...v Loads S K , I' ,HHI

    . 1; si N K'tfta h nunSew Rued WalloBB M,n ,n

    Beach Road Bono.late... 7.500

    Nuuana Pali Road 1.000Brtdgl Wailim, Kb-

    uni 1,080Road to Kalwlkl

    Bomesteadi Hatrail a.0.10

    it instruction ofH sufs, do andNorth Bile 30.000


    MIW nnu.niNos, VAULTS,maiiazisr and


    Completion of NewMailci. Honolulu! 18,000

    EfSW L.iiiimIi ies. .. 10,000Light Houses M,l 00Central Firs Station U.IHHINew Rulldlnfi at

    Insane Asylum 7.500New J Ul, Blln 3.500Court Bouae, Koloa 1,200

    PVR.OiSS School lli'M-.,- ' sooRapoho ' sou

    8. KON A .

    Bonannnu SchoolHouse son

    Milolii Teacher'sI JottagC and Tank

    Bookena SchoolHouse. 2 rooms

    N. KONA.

    Kailna PrimaryRoom.

    Bolualoa 2 roomedSchool Bouse 2.IKKI


    UlupalakttS 2 room-ed School House 2,000

    Dlupalakna Teach-er's Cottage

    One Room AdditionRealahou 1.21m

    Real thou Cottage. 808Portuguese Settle-

    ment. Baleakala,2 Rooms 2.500

    Cottage 1,11011


    Two Roomed SchoolHoukc, Ewa... 2,000

    Cottage, Bare... 808


    in,. I,'. 10111 Addi- -



    Kahuku 2 roomedSchool Houaa 2.000

    Kahuku Cottage... 800


    Uekawell SchoolHouse 1 room 1.0(H)

    Makaweli Cottage. 800


    Wainilui SchoolHouse 1 room 1,000

    Welnlha lottagi . . sooKoolau School

    House. Enlarged .1011Cottage soo 888




    Honolulu fl 12.000Hilo.. 3..W0Wailuku... 1.1,0(10

    I30..100Volcano Hoad . . 8,088.18K ad II. linages - 20,1119. Illi urchaae of Kuleunas Leper

    Battlement 5 000

    489,889 MiSertion 2. It shall be lawful for t he

    Uiniater of Finance to continue to makepayments in accordance with tbi appro-priation! authorised by this Act until the81st day ot duly A. U. 181)6.

    Section li. The Minister of Financeshall not cause or allow to be paid fromthe Treasury any money for the objectsnamed in this Act. except as herein pro- -vided, and the unauthorized expenditureof any money from the Treasury to bethereafter accounted for to the Legis-lature by iudemiiy bill is hereby ex-pressly prohibited

    Section 4. All and every contract forconstructing or reparing public worksamounting to Five hundred Dollars(8800.), and for furnishing material, andOther supplies, shall be awarded only up-on public advertisement for tenders.excepting the ilm "Roads to KaiwikiHomesteads, Hawaii. 83500;" and nopu' -lie works, material or supplies, tball bedivided or parceled out for the purposeol evading the provisions of this Section.

    Sedion 5. The Act shall be stjledthe "Loan Appropriation Hill."

    Section . This Act shall take etfeiIron and after the date of its publication.

    Approved this 6th day of SeptemberA. I). 1H94.

    (Signed) sanfouu a dole,President of the Republic of

    Hawaii.J. A. KINti,

    iSigmdi Minister of the Interior.Interior Otllce.

    445 H,

    For Sale!- noiisi imvi:k

    r 1 n 1 1tngine and boiler

    For particulars Enquire at DAIBY,or to B. P. nil l lM.iiiti


    M. PHILLIPS & GO.WhiilfhUiB Enpoftall ami Jobbers of


    Uornur Fort and Qu. en .xu. . Honolulu.i7tf


    A change in the name of ourCorporation docs not changeour policy ol cutting. We'restill giving ilic public tbe bene-fit ol an RWful cut in prices.Don't lose sight ol this fact.

    Don't you experience a t hirstsometimes that water doesn'tquench? You crave somethinglour. We have the remedy forthat BOM ol a thirst in "Sassa-fras Sour." It's a cool, refreshi-ng-, satisfying drink. Try it

    II von like Soda Water, witha dash oi ice cream, and flavor-ed with crushed strawberries,grown in Honolulu, the onlvplace to obtain it within 2100miles is at our fountain. Thisis a fact

    "What Congress I las Done."A new pamphlet, Vou canhave one without asking.


    A BIG


    We have an idea that there isConsiderable artistic taste lyingdormant in our midst, which onlyrequires bringing out

    With this in view we have im-ported some very instructive UtileHand Hooks on AIM', such as

    The Hit of Sketchhg from Nature,

    The Art of Landscape Painting in Water Colois,

    The Art of Fbwer Painting,

    System of Water Color Painting,

    Marine Painting in Oils.

    and many others on differenttopics. There is no belter edu-cator than a close study of na-ture, and in order to enable thebeginner to siait in the right

    lion in his efforts to repro-duce what he sees in nature,we suggest a peiusal of theselittle treatise. . . .



    Hon. Wm. S. Warner

    Cordially Endorses Hood'sZ7w llext Blood Purifier.

    lion. William 8. WarriorI'oud du Lac, Wis.

    The following Is fromWarner, a gentleman highly esteemed byall who know him:

    "I can truly say that 1 innslilor Hood's Saria-partl-tlie best medicine fur purifying the blood.

    It did mo ul when physicians and other medi-cines failed, it has laoraass my uppstits saS


    seemed to renew my youth. This Is ab.oluielytrue." W. 8. WAitNEii, Fond Du Lac. Wis.

    Hood'B P1II3 cure Constipation by rectortn the peristaltic sctiun of the aliuieuLarycauaL

    Hoiiron Ntwman (

    Pacific Brass FoundrySTKAM and fJAI.VANIZKD I'IPE.


    STEAM (JOCKS, anil all other fltluinsfor pipe on hand.

    Honolulu Steam Rice Mill,

    Kresh milled HI, v .OTSaiS In uuautlllea In suitJ. A. HOFFEk, Frop r.

    K',rt 01 reel Hnoolliln

    Honolulu, August 1, 6'v.MR. t USTOMER

    Dkak SirIn reply to yours of

    30th ult. we would say that wehaVC all the goods vou as.k for.In most ol the cases the pricesyou quote arc our regular prices,but on some of the items ourprices are lower than vou men-tion, and we shall of course giveyou the benefit of the reducedrates.

    Razors and StropsWe arc glad you have dt cidedto try our new "set blade" ra01 s.and patent swing strops, as inthe country ever man has to dohis own shaving and as shavingbecomes 8 pleasure with thesetools" W0 know you will have a

    large demand for them. In re-gard to Lawn Sprinklerswe will sat that we have sent avery Simple one, which cannotwear out or get out ol order, theprice vou see is low, and thcwill do good work.

    Pocket KniYes We sendwhat you order in this lineand will say that we have latelyreceived a line assortment so canlurnish anything in this line from15 cents to S4.00 each. Yes. wehave the Clauss Knives,hav sold I hem lor a year, eitherin si ts or single bread knives.Our stock ol Butcher anilHunting K nives is also com-plete.

    Soap As you did not sax-ho-many liars y ou wished to the

    100 lbs., we arc sending one caseeach 42 50 60 and 70 bars to100 lbs. We Carry a heavy stockol this article and. as you willnotice, it is a fust grade Laun-dry Soap, and we have put it. inat a very low figure.

    We regret that you got "nip-ped'' on that 'bargain" 111Fence Wire and note thaiin luture you will come to usand get a hist class article. Wethought when you told us of your"buy ' that before it had been uplong you would sec you had a"sell."

    In closing let us say that wehave a large and varied stockot Hardware, Ship Chandlery,Paints oils, and leather, atidwhen tilling your orders willalways charge the lowest prices.

    Truly Vours

    E. 0. Hall & Son,Limited,



    & COOKE,



    When you make up your mindto Spend money you naturally lookto the best market. That meansthe market where you get the bestvalue for your outlay; when onearticle is not sold below cost andanother at a big profit when youknow everything is uniform and atthe prevailing market price, Judi-cious buyers always do this. Har-gai- n

    hunters come to us in timeand become judicious buyers, Oneprice and one profit leaves no doubtin your mind, but assures you thatyou will find good value for yourmoney. We call special attentionthis week to our full line of '', -;.: CUTLERY, compns- -ingsome magnificent sets of (', 1 1- -VE US, KJVIVES, FORKSand S1'()0. VS. These xooils arenood koo('s and worth your whileto inspect and sncakinvr aboutSPOONS Wt have a FORKand Sl'OO.Y made of what is'AZTEC II ARE, a solid metalused by the Aztecs of Mexico forornamental work. It is a species ofsilver ware, offering this advantage

    there is no plate about it as it is'a solid metal running the same allthrough. These goods are goodgoods for little money.

    We also have a large stock ofCALL or TABLE BELLSof all sizes and prices.

    Vou all know the . ,Y. L.POCKET KNIFE-- , thesegoods have stood the test of years.Our stock oi KNIVES, RA-ZORS and R. IZOli STRAPSis a large one, in which you cannothelp but find what vou want.

    REM EM HER we sellPEARL OIL at $1.90 per easedelivered at your door C. O. J).










    Etc., Etc,

    609 and 611 King St.




    Carriages.PHAETON, canopy top, $225PHAETON, basket, canopy, 50PHAETON, folding top, 125CABRIOLET, large and

    roomy, 350SURREY, platform gear, 350PHAETON, English, finely

    finished, 400SKELETON CART, strong

    and light, 50HONOLULU CUTUN--




    i7- -i r


    For and


    and ReliableDRUGS, MEDICINES &



    PACIFIC EffiWffi CO. LTD.402. 404 FORT STREET.


    Picture MouldingsBird Cases

    Canaries Parrots

    Vacuum OilersPor All Kinds of Machinery. Feed oil of

    any density, automatically, by visible drops, rapidlyor slowly as may lie required. Will ked from onedrop in ten minutes to a steady stream of oil. Oiling;by hand wastes enough oil to pay for all necessaryoilers in a short time.


    The ResidenceLately occupied by

    Mr. A. J. Cartwright,Situated on Corner of Lunalilo and

    Keeaumoku Streets, Makiki.

    For further particulars apply toBatUCH CARTWKIGHT

    Trustee.144 tf

    Hollister'sSoda TT'

    Waterhas always ,;if mill,: Him IB l

    been MMtheBest

    We have lately added

    Are far



    Ol the Latest Patterns.

    --a I.are Assortment


    Dpil ICOMPANY.



    on good ri al astate security. Also twovery desirsblS HOUSIOS FOR SALEUpon easy lenns.

    Apply fur particnlariTHE HAWAIIAN SAKE DEPOSIT

    AMi INVESTMENT 0O.408 Fout STitEET, Honolulu.

    181-- tl

    We stilldispense it

    ice cold

    at our


    Fou ntain.

    to if list of syrups


    some new llavors, which lor Dkligutful,Cooling, 1 1 eai.thful,


    Honolahead of anything yet offered to thelulu Public, Fora'first-rat-e dass

    ol soda, properly made and properlydispensed, call on the


    N li. Our cuitomeis receive the benefit id tbe lowest cutrates and have the largest and best stock u : elect IromMMtt


    NAnnow ciuvv on a nttNci- -I'AI. THOHUtlUIIFAHK.

    MtaMHMI t the Mercy of th Wheel.- Wnlks Should be nailed


    Ill' old complaint about the bad condition of the bridge across Nutianustream on King etnet near the depothas been revived, and the hope that theGovernment will take steps to remedythe existing evil is freely expressed.Persons not living in that quarter of thecity, or having business which does notnecessitate the frequent UBe of the bridgementioned, can hardly appreciate the in-convenience and annoyance the presentarrangement is to residents of Palainaand Kalihi and people Hurling businesson the other Bide.

    King street is one of the financialthoroughfares in Honolulu, next in im-portance possibly to Fort street, and nosection of it is more generally used thanthe West end. Besides residents on theWest side, who suffer most perhaps, therailroad, the Oahu jail, Receiving sta-tion, Katnehameha schools, Bishop'sMuseum and other public pl.ices in thatquarter can hardly be reached exceptover the King street bridge and a.e de-pendant DpOB this thoroughfare to reachthe city.

    King street is, for the most part, sixtyfeet wide, about four feet of which istaken up by the tramway. South-eas- tof Nuuanu stream it is in excellent con-dition, or as good as circumstances willpermit. But as it approaches the bridgeit draws sharply in and is in no place onthe bridge more than thirty-si- x feetwide which is supposed to accommodatethe tramway, two driveways and twoBidewalks. The sequel is that it doesnot and cannot do the half of it.

    The bridge itself in place of being ofsteel, as its conspicuous position anduse require, is made of wood and this ofa very indifferent character. It wouldbe like a pile of timber in event of fire,and is continuously threatening to col-lapse. Its pillarB are of stone and aresolid, which perhaps accounts for thefact that the structure has not floatedoff before now.

    In the centae of the bridge the tram-way is laid on which the cars go joltingand bumping along. On the maukaside is an excuse for a walk made ofrough plank, raised eighteen inchesabove the street, but almost inaccessibleon account of the holes in the roadwayat either end. Fortunately there is aBlender railing protecting the walkwhich prevents persons, who are braveenough to walk upon it, from tumblinginto the water.

    Makai the walk inclines fully sixteenfeet at the bridge. Here another railingappears which is a jewel of its kind.But no walk is there. Not a plank, nostone, no curbing, and, in fact, not evena little raised earth is to be found to de-signate the route for pedestrians fromthe beaten track of vehicles. So narrowis the space just there and so hemmedis the outwalk by the requirements oftrade that, in case of a theperson caught upon the bridge wouldhave the choice between losing his lifeand jumping into the ( reek.

    This iB where the chief annoyanceand danger comes in. No one can feelsafe upon the bridge and must keep aneye on both ends of the road, whilecrossing, to avo.d a serious accident.Women and childieu are constantlyupon the causeway, and would, insuch circumstances And themselvesperfectly helpless. What ia required issimply that the thoroughfare at thatpoint be made sixty feel in width. Thiscan only be accomplished by wideningthe bridge about twenty feel and mak-ing it absolutely safe and durable, Tnenext point is to extend the sidewalksstraight across the bridge, the materialused being of an indestructible charac.ter. The walks should well protectedby strong railings and kept separatefrom the regular drivea.

    It ia estimated that the improvementscould be made for SHOO, a conditionwhich would be worth thousands topersons having t use the bridge.


    Opinions, Ssrraslle and Otherwise, FromAmerican Newspapers.

    China'B naval policy seems to be toavoid the enemy if it takes all summer.Pittsburg Dispatch.

    The President has received nearly ahundred letters suggesting that he signthe tariff bill with the quill of a crow.Washington Star.

    Does the story that a cuckoo can inclose a snake with cactus and make itbite itself to death disturb Senator Hill

    St. Louis Post Dispatch.Korea's finances were evidently ar

    rauged by an ancient I'opuliBt, as ittakes :iOOO"caah" to make a half dollar.

    St. Louis Globe Democrat."He sat down rich, infamous and con

    tented," is a quotation from Macaulay'shistory and not a reference to Democratic Senators. Boston Journal.

    Under the circumstances it wouh'n'tbe a bad idea to make the Chimsewomen soldiers. Gwiug to the size oftheir feet they can't run, PhiladelphiaTimes.

    Explorer Wellman will come back toAmerica without having discovered theNorth Pole, but he has located the thingand will go after it again. It is securelypacked in ice, and wi 1 keep until he ar-rives. New York Press.

    Governor McKinley Is to open theIndiana campaign at Indianapolis on the25th of September. If the opening is uota suitable one General Harrison willclose the campaign and open i again tosuit himself. Cincinnati Enquirer.

    From The Whole Cloth.s An Leo in an editorial com-

    ments upon a reported recall of Miuiiti rWillis by the Government of the UnitedStates and slates that Consul-Genera- lMills will take charge of the Legationhere. Mr. Mills was seen about the mat-ter this inorniug and said: "There is not

    Nt.W I N A Ml Mil Ml.Do not forget t he Heelsni's

    Tie S'liup-diiii.ter- xill ImTe theirquarterly rifle nice.'


    The Friend for September is at handand is a very interesting number.

    Mr. Edlngs, a young lawyer of Charles-ton- .South Carolina, is in the city.

    This will be "Yale evening" at thehome of Chief Justice and Mrs. Judd.

    Judge Brunson'B household furniture,old this morning, brought very good


    There will be a concert at ThomasSquare this evening, beginning at 7:H0o'clock.

    - -Of all the Bailors on the streets Inst

    night only one was arrested for drunkennesg.

    The Charleston may leave for thescene of hostilities in the Orient nextTuesday.

    Sam Stone, the police olliier accusedof receiving a bribe, has deen dischargedfrom the force.

    J. B. Atherton and family hnve movediiack to the city Iron theii summer resilence, Luakahu.

    Mr. Klengel his reached K iena Pointin his work of paving the way for therailroad extenlion.

    t,u enBtreet, lielween Fort and Alaki asteels, is recurhed, rock being-pu- t

    in the place of wood.

    Commissioner Hawes invested in agreat many household articles at theBrunson sale this morning.

    A small sized racket wa- - stirred up bysailors in Wolter's saloon last night inwhich two men were slapped.

    Several sailors on the Charleston havenever visited Honolulu before and seemgalore over these their first impressions.

    Consul General Ellis Mills made asocial call upon the officers of the U. S.S. Charleston aboard ship this morning,

    H. C. Meyers, late of Hollister & Company, has been appointed to succeedAntonio Perry on the RegistrationBoard.

    The native band will not serenadeCommissioner Hawes Saturday eveningas reported, The concert has been post-- iponed.

    Judge Perry is hearing Ihe case offive Chinamen y charged withassaulting a fellow countryman with apistol.

    Minister Willis and wile have acceptedan invitation from Judge Widemann toattend the officers banquet at the Hoteltonight.

    Ministers of religion are requested bytho Government lo hand in their licensesto perform marriage ceremonies forrenewal.

    The Government band will repeat thecomplemintary concert to the war

    ls in port evening atHawaiian hotel.

    The pavilion at Independence Park isan emblem of beauty for Thedecorations are alone worth goingseveral miles to see.

    There is a Greek on the Charlestonwho wants to bet S500 that no man inHonolulu can lift him from the ground.Where is Hatzopuloa?

    A small blaze in David Knnmka'nbuns P., lama, at r.. :n o'clock Thursdayevening drew out the fire 0 impaniea.No damage was done.

    The German ships expect orders bySaturdav's mail to proceed to Asia. Invi w of this they will hold in readinessto depart on short notice.

    The Honolulu Library and ReadirgR mm is being given a thorough over- -hauling. The workmen are i Hanged inrepairing the walls today.

    Minister Damon's special appropria-tion bill has passed. The new fish-- .market will he completed and there ismoney for the w ater works.

    of side"pay a of Jaokaon aie


    FUherbattalion next.



    range of A Company, N. (i.H., be ready for use in a couple of

    Another company of the bat-talion has already leave use

    new shooting grounds.e

    At a meeting of Athletic ClubThursday evening it was decided to holdthe field Bports during the week in

    Pupils of the schoolswill be invited participate.

    - ejthe Hawaiian Government did not

    submit the proposition for not inter-fering the soft man, llrehamhas ordered two more German men-of-w-

    to the of seventeen barsof soap for 1 25.

    An error appeared in last eveningStar in the statement that, "Misn HelenKinoer.adranddauKbterof J.T. Water- -houae, Sr.. was a pauseiiKer for

    MUs Kinney ia uot ali ve of Mr.

    to theChronicle of August tiih auyc:

    "The steamer KaB wasPort Blakely last at high water.

    vessel to ISan Franciscofor her machinery. Shu is intended for

    in the Hawaiian Inlands whencompleted." the vessel huilt forthe (. 8. N. Jo. to the C. H.Bishop, was lost several monthsago.

    THAT JUVtt'L fr'Kfcl.INUWith the exhilarating sense of renewed

    strength internal cleanli-ness, which follows the use of Syrup ofFigs, to the few

    a scintilla of truth in any of the not progressed beyond the timeThere not a such and the cheap substitutes Bome-- a

    rumor to hang on. The report out tun s offered but never accepted by thethe whole cloth, i absurd." well info.


    CtRCtfLAA u i n u HKOARBINIsi. vi. i HI n:s.

    Agreement ItotWSOa lulled Mtntei nmlOrent Itrltniii of

    Hawaii Desired,

    The following self explanatory letterbMfl PeCCiwd at the Foreign Otflce,

    It is nililti'-s- . d to Frank P. Hasting". Sec-retary of Legation at Washington,is written a few days after the recogni-tion of the Republic by the Governmentof t ha United States:

    DrpAMXMT "I' Statr, IW ishin K, Aug. 10, IBM, i

    DDI nave tne Honor to aoiiress youon subject of the regulations estab- -lished on the eastern si ie of the NorthPocifto Ocean from the thirty fifth degreeof North Latitude to the llehring'sstraits for the proper protectionpreservation of the tor seal species.

    These regulations, wh oh are at presentapplicable only to subjects ofUnited 8 and ol tireat Britain, ereproscribi d by the award ol the Tribunalof Arbitration constituted tender ArticleI of the Treaty concluded betweentwo powers at Washington on theSOthof February, 1609 preservation olthe fur seal species, h being ano jeet ol interest ai d concern to thewhole civilized world, lite high con tractnig parties agr eil liv ill ol theabove mentioned treaty to insecuring t!:e adhesion of other tosuch regulations as tlie arbitrators shoulddeem necessary to carry out the purposein view , having regard to the particularconditions of fur seal hunting in thewaters leferred to.

    Ihe Government of the UnitedStates has given effect by suitable legis-lation to the regulations prescribed liythe aivard, and the time has thereforenow arrived for inviting the adhesionof the other powers thereto Accord-ingly. I have the honor to acopv of the setting out in sub- -stance the provisions of the treaty andprescribing the regulations in question.1 have also the honor to transmit aeonv of the acts of Congress oasaed

    ellect to those regulations as re-gards United Stales vessels and sub-jects.

    It only remains for me to invite theadhesion of your Government to theregulations prescriheil by the award,with a view to their application to the 'vessels and cltisens of your andto their enforcement by appropriateislation.

    This Government will he much grati-- jfieii to learn that the Government ofHawaii willing to support the effortsmade by the Cubed Slates GreatBritain in so henelii-en- t u cause.

    Accept, sir, renewed assurances ofmy high consideration.

    (Signed) W. Q (iUF.SII.VM.


    To he torn up and removed lo Hllo hi Hfew days.

    Hllo Portuguese Sugar Company,of Hawaii, have purchased theof W. II. Comwell others, betterknown as the Wa kapu Sugar Company,located near Wailuka, Maui, for the sumof d,000.

    is purposed to transport thefrom Maalea 'nay t j Hiio, at once. Forthis pin one of Allen v Robinson'sschooners has been chartered, and thework of moving the mill has been placedin the hat. ds of .Mr. Win. Coiiiadt.mill is an old fashioned affair, and count-ing the expense oi moving to Ma lea.shipping and putting up again on Hawaii it would appear well sold.

    CKHON A l..

    Oapta'n John id, F. Company, N.(j. H , is quite ill.

    Win. Henry is over from Koolau, as awitness in the Manilla shooting aftair.

    Judge Bore and Deputy SheriffAndrew- - were in

    Delaware pi crop has failed.but thev anil oontlune to mauufaotuiibeautiful bisque peaches in Uahfjiuia

    of men from tlie of the Cerm..nwarships. The social was in Asquarters at the Armory ufler drill.Captain Smith, us master of ceremonies,was ably assisted by his iii iitenants undnun coins., and Ihe entire company dideverything possible to make the eveningpleasant for the guests. There were

    songs stories of edveuturtby laud and sea. 'ihe high jinks was adecided success. A Company was in-vited to visit the Areona and Alexaiidriuc.

    Captain Will Call.

    The captain and stall of Ihe I'. S. S.s. Char c.iou will upon PresidentD do al the Unvc riiinenl Huilding tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Arran-gements for the were ted thl- -UlUrUlng. Ihe fretldent will pfobablreturn iheoell Monday morning. Iltaister Hutch's Visit to the Charleston t-day was the return of it ea ot theCuplainupon the Min icier of Foreign AtTairr-Thursday

    Hiul lev Uatvli Mils).Francis M. Batch. Miuiraer of Forcigr

    Affairs, visited the U. S s. S. (.'hurlesttmat 11 o'eloek this n.oriiing. He whtakeu to and fio u the vessel in one ofthe Charlestons hurges. On returningMinister Match was given a hulule otsixteen guns.

    Judge Hore the "other sen and ship them Basl. Topeka Journal,tenced a Chinaman to fine and Corbstt still oalllli$500 and to six months Imprisonment at each other all the names ihey cat

    labor. decision has been up- - think of. with those gentle-peale- dfrom. men is t bat won't leave anything

    Lieutenant Colonel has ordered !to tllM Imagimilion.-S- an LeamiroRe--

    drill for Thursday I,0,'ler- -

    Each Company is to parade a detail German High Jinks.Bixteen-fil- e front. F Company will fur-- 1 A Co v rj, H . entertained a numbernish the guard.

    The newwill

    days.asked to



    tlrstOctober. several



    towith soup

    inforce sale


    Adtlltlon Ht-et- .

    Thelaunched at

    nightThe come

    tradeThis is

    I. replacewhich

    health and and

    is uuknowu hatepart old

    Is nail for cineais

    from and men.






    the theales










    TheHllo, mill


    ft mill



    Cox town from Uailua

    The aoh


    QermM and




    badThe The trouble



    toi 111 are heavy anil the 111 thehut ami is uliuoHt unbearable; A drillin the morning ur evening Is consideredsuttolent,

    Korea's lale friendshipto Japan that nh hu grubbed tliecue Wjr.h llszette.

    1'HK HAWAIIAN STAK. fpjijAY, SETPMIiliR f, 194r. M. I, mil Kit in. i .

    a pep last gaelies r,n- r. iti Carerull AI lent. on.

    At the nn ell iir of the officers of th.V. Mi ('. A. last night a proposition "asuggtsted to as'lst J. VVainmii who is

    conducting ihe Y. M. Oi A. at the lepersettlement on Mol ikai. It was favorably received, but action whs de'erreilThere was some talk of sending Mr. Cor-net! to as-i- Mr. Waitnau. but the planmet with disfavor,

    At the meeting three ap Hcatloni forMembership were considered. HatT)Lows and II. M. Whiiney as active and.1 ones M. M lib ill mil for A oeutoMembership,

    It was decided to discontinue themeetings heretofore hel I at Bflto II. illOI Saturday el ningi an i to continuetlt., at ifa Y M. C. A. instead, wherethey will take varied minis, sometimesas illustrated lectures slid Hgain asgospi-- meltings.

    Owing to I he inability of Miss Rnoadsto continue help with the singing tit theSu iday f veniug Meetings, n was d. --plded to secure the services nl pTIlfeSSlitIfitekfiird, who will he placed in chargeuf the mode c nittee. Pr if. Muckford is a recent arrival.

    Ihe mailer of tin- a Ivent of memh is of the SiIvmIihi Army m rmH Is i leceiveil tlisi nssioh. it iviih dee iled to keep iheni in thi-t- workmore es ecislly at ihe beuilllling,

    Appn rmiing fie faithful services ofVI ... IV . I ..IiiiiFi I'lwn in .n ,in tin.,n the ni.etiiius at the iiil ever Sun

    , ,,- moriMii.', it w is iHintjht pMpeT lirjiiiuneratt h r for h r w irk

    Ilt 1NM Mill l DUMBS.

    ,. Net A I id for a License NotInsetted Mis QovernmaMt.

    This morning Mr. William M. Cnnntngham call d at the Stab office nmlrequested the publication of the f .Mow-ing letter, lb' also stated he has notapplied for a license to carry Are armsfor sporting put and that, a- - noapplication has been made, no refusaltherefor could have followed, ai liasbeen stated :

    Honolulu. September 7. 1894Editor Sr.wt: An advertisement was

    sent nv nie ia- -i i in inIlnhnu ua iffice of Which the follow iinis a copy :

    "For Sale Thoroughbred bull ter-riers, out of Pudge, who is a gamefighter, and by Bounce, who has wonmany battles. Anyone wanting a gcattle dog or hog dug w ill do well to iamine pups. Bnqolre of W. M.Cunningham Anchor Saloon."

    When said adveriisment appeared inthe Hototnwi, it was changed withoutmy consent and made to read as it bosbeen published. When noticed it Iimmediately had it changed, I havecalled upon President Hole and the!

    and satisfactorily explainedmatters to them.

    By publishing the above you willoblige. W 1'. Ol nmmiii.vm.

    CBIMK8K TtttCATsvil MUST (ill.

    Building Will bs Sold Tor Ihe Lussbevand Demolished-

    At a meeting of the Cabinet held thismorning it was decided todvntolish theChinese theater on King str et. T eh itlding requires considerable repairingan has become more of a tax upon iheGovernment than a prod . l side..,tie character of the instituti n hasbecome such that it ia anyihiug hut acredit to Ihe c ly. The lumbui of thetheater will be sold ami the premisesc eaued up when it will he decidt d w batfurther of the lot ' in bemad . It bai been suggested t lull thesite be used for the lies UoVeriim.'Utwash Louses.

    out 1. 1 mi s i s di i in: i.i;i:m.nm.I Itiiliijllel ulld l.ttll Iii b tilVSO

    hi, I, tn li ll.

    Judge Widemann will given banquetalld I, ill lo otllci Is of Ihe Herman

    ill poll at the Hawaii.,.. Holl It Hevening. No OHlUS have been issued,out verbal invitations have beeu esieifn d lo a large number, and many will l.eptesent,

    Minister W illis and wife, ( ' Usui Gen.eial Mills, Viei CotlsUl Hold linoAciiig Consul S ii r. CommissionerHawes, Siguor Canavarm and ollnrluembers ol diplomatic oircl s, il is

    wlllattend, T ivnathmnl handwill furnish music for the occasion,

    Pablls Coneert.The Hawaiian band, under the leader-

    ship of Professor BergST, will givea concert this evening at 7:30o'clock, at Thomas Square. The follow-ing is the program :

    Mgr. i.1. Marrli H Kilcnltt-n-

    Uvcriur "Jullv Sludciils" Sui.uei:. VVuliz siuiV .4. btfltfOlioQ "R. lin HuimI"

    De KovenI'AKI 11.

    5. Medley " DftlUftlODl"Selueiner

    ti. raiitaHiti "Mount (JuitniBt nlmrK

    7. Wttlll ' v hikiki Jiearh" Hi rjrefNruh "0 trrjf Arnm '

    L liuliitrtlt" Hawaii Ponoi.'

    RmUmI iti. 11 TiiMlgbts

    Kvery thing i in Win Inrsa Tor he hallai ndependenee pMrk tlilstveni g 'I he

    ilioii has been beautiful v decora dami arranged, attd will be t illianthlighted by electi ieity A ba ill ol it nmMilciani II he on hand an i ihe musiowill be o the hsfj quail y tffirh-tnent-

    iiu hiding evervtlung, exc pi liquilt, will irf fei . '1 he sale of Cl elttaabean very hire. Afler the dancicars w ill he in wakltlttn to lake attend) nt ) their homes in an phi of the citj

    mibuhii Tbelr emneeloa.An tons Freadas, a snail Portugoess

    boy, waa attaekud by about a olbis playmates rtursdav sfterio m nml

    Ihe employ of Mr, Hills m tits UnitedSlates Consulate,

    i'l'ie niHilem SjVwM iii ul nun utHoUUttr d) ' Omjxiajf'j and Imptei thi iratuck uj a. h. j). ptfm, iiinr andttjuntt kLiJm n14 si rlnni.

    nOms ootnulalut is heard against Cap badly bruited up. The little feow rst tin Kinic taking bis Oompaoy out forlceived several kicks in tin- rjii. durinsdrill in lbs heat Uf nuon-da- y. Tlicir nni tlie srulll i, r'readas' elder brother in in











    Mi: A.M. ii.pim;.

    IVAt (II MllVr III NT IN TUPt .TI. I l.tTI S.

    Ni Noel BelUUag Caa be Oeavsrtsd late Cruisers lapremee

    In the I'nclflr.

    Two years ng t ingress enacted a lawfor tin- - Immediate snpotirageinem of

    iin rloari steamship co Retract inn, Thato i permitted the tntrrnstlonel Naeiialion Company to buy and place under

    imerionn flag two of the largest aadswiftest sieemshlpsof Bngllah r onstrnoHon. v iz.: he City of NV v rk and Ihe

    Hty of Palis. This act was OOUpled withthe condition that oilier Hemshlpl ofequal or higher DlatS should be con- -tructed in this oountry, 'ihe law sn

    ' nterad smne hostility, partly fromIhe impression thai o would lie evaded,and that no new ships of equal capacitywould be btttll in this errantry.

    So from evading the provision,there are now two Ann riean steamship

    SllOh ll shite i f forwardness ihal Ihevwill he l iiinehed in a short lime. Tl esesteamships are ihe largest ever Isnill loro 'inner, i d purposes in this eouliti v.The) " ill lake th.- - u mi r,! St, Psnl, A marine Journal glvi a

    t ie ''iniai'sioiM of these vessels. Thevire " 'I bet ie length, iind will have a

    rot 11,01)0 ions. They nlllhsiein ran (cmenia fisr carrj Ing '. lirst elmspisseligels. Ms) ml ,1 a dttOen --grams They will havea sp, e,i ol tweul jknots.

    These ships are oonstracted so thattoey can lie ouieklv converted intoarmed cruisers carrying fMneh UXhpound rapid lire guns, and will heplaced at the disposal of lift FederalGovernment whenever there is a demaud for them. They are Constructedof American material, and are designedand built by American mechanics,three other steamships are about tofollow, lis large as those now on the

    ti cka, and as quickly as the plans canlie completed, These live ships willrepresent a total expenditure of aboutgl,000,000, Thus, in a short lime,without any expenditure on the part ofthe Federal Government, seven steam-ships of Ihe largest class will lie in readi-ness lo augment the Federal fleetThese would all be last cruisers, havinga speed equal to the swiftest war vesselsnow afloat.

    Here is tl e beginning of the greatmerchant thai of the future. ll istwenty ears or more since ths largestolasaof commercial steamships had beenbuilt in this collntrj : ai d at no previoustime have any commercial ships of thisela-- s been constructed ill Americanyards, when the Act of Congress tookeffect it was predicted that it wouldmark ihe revival of a great home industry. The two ships now approaohingcompletion, it is reported, in construc-tion and equipment, will be Ihe largestand last in (lie world. Those that arelo follow will not fall short of this stan- -dard, When the (wo foreign ships Citvof New York and City of Paris werebought they represented the largest andswiftest commercial steerashlpe thenuAoat. It was tauntingly said abroadt ha l Aiuei icans had hoi ghl then i becausethev c hM not hllihl such ehlne nl liiinnThese shiiis weie owned by AlneriOSIlUapitalislS long Ie ore they were pinedll .ili r the 11 ig ol the country.

    Tlie iffori I nstruil a commercialHavy equal In Ihe bee) i, ihe w. r. I,Ii el its inception in the act past by hI; publican Administration. I here w asa e when ihe great Cttilttafd Steam-ship Lkiiiipany, with large GoveTi nt

    de-s- e Ulld dctv all eolllllell.lolI. had as go .1 is broken down the

    jAineilian Collins line of jI.t iiiuahiBt, established nearly foiiv

    ears as t, Ihe situation has change, .In Uuiiiiard t'oiupi iy now reouguiavs

    A eeriean Dolllpelition as Ihe innslrr,.lal n has ever encour.lere.1.It his onlv jii i hegiin. The sain,geuins and skill t lat h is pro-.- e I il,Amerioau War fleet, which now namhi ts solie ol Ihe swiltOst ships ill lb,

    is working in the uotistrnvtioiol ll.e-- e glial eon. uu tl eial SU aUUdllperhs live in leocees of iii-

    si r 'id ion or planned in e e pioie ers idIhe new lie I .hit promises In win gre.,1coiiiinerctal i lotoriee,

    Some of these great ships of Ihe futUhw ill he built on Ihe PaOiflo Coast. ThenL recently been htuni bed at this portone of the largest ami most powerfulwarships in the world, to sav nothing olother Ships constructed here that are nowclassed among Ihe best in the AmericanNavy. It is at this and other purls onthis side of the OQUUtry that we are lolook for the construction at 00 distantday of ships thai will win and hold the',,"ii-'cih- bUpr4iiiai.- ol the Pacific

    MA KINK herrM.

    Tlie P. le naileil lor Kauai WeitucHiIiiyafteinintii.

    The Robert lowers left forIrtht el totHiV

    The f. 1. Bryant willc lort.ori'o

    f te Mai tha l)a is was atl "i o'clo k in Ua .

    The W. (i. Hall arriveil from Muuiand Maw ,11 ibis afternoon,

    The Hawaii will will for the big islai '1Monday afternoon at o'clock.

    The Australia will arrive tomorrow,iih advices 1. September 1st InelosivaMate fJndsrwood, of the fi V, Castle,

    hai taken 1. unman. I ul tie I'hinter dnr-in- gthe IlluesS iii Captain I'dh .

    'I he Ahum n un baft eyl.n , Captainul In iu 11 . arrived tweiity-fiu.- r

    days from in Francisco. ExperiencedUgh) nude, The Ceylon ulwugui ag neral Cargo but 00 a leugelS,

    11. M. l ean ni Csotdsa, Is buildingtwo four- - iMtil nchtoners. The liilwill a Vrest I il leuu Ions, anil isbring IV USt ruoted for Captain AmosUUdaalli of Tumi's river, N.J. Herplanking is eg ij letad, die a M lied,the upper betins 111 going in, and shewill ne laiimhed inr Iir. sfeeh inAugust. An experiment Is being triedwith thi. vassal, aii her timbeis insideare covered with crude oil lo keep themfiom luiuu,, iwew tne tops of the heaiui-- .

    .1 o' era , n pglhg. up a iid chips ll a -- hi, iv r i h H In a pint

    vfn i oil b el ii pill. .1 the chip.ver.- lOtlii I. W here II I he of he, Slolteii Csptsln I W. Slici mail nli lamden, oi f the most sin sinlatsetst mariners thai ever sailed out ofa Maine port, states that while going I"-- ea he frequently had kerosene pouredon lop of Ihe masthead and allowed itto run down to the eyes of the riggingand cries-tree- and he never had arotten stick. Work has just hegnn onthe keel of Mr. Mean's second foermatter, the will he aboot LgOO tons,and is being hunt for Captain J.ihnHolmes, of vTsrretnwn, N. j. she willhe Isum hi d laic in October, AmericanShipbuilder.


    FlIlliAY, Sept 7.Bk Ceylon, Cslhoun, from Ban Pram

    olson,Hi hk Martha Davis, from San Fran-

    cis. HI,Mmr w i. ll di, Miruerson, from Maul

    and iw an.

    DKPAHI I ill s.

    Flttiivv S pi 7.Am eh ii hen Lower, i! ii Iman, fur

    L sun Islanil,

    Ms , i. r.


    inMi Rysdntbs, Mar. BsaolmalLs. M. m. ll ifuieior, nil iul1 .VI. s. Alexioii.rii.e t i ,11,...U. s. ri. Charleston, tviflhi, stars Island.

    sen ii v v r.iis.x.Bsrk R l' Rfthet, H rrl Nan Pmnolsoo,ll' hk Alex illllfS, BsHlead Ne veaslie.iik. ne it i, tteiiMsnn, Livm imoiiv. s. Tai.Hit, Binh.n, Newvastle.ok U. li. Bryant, an rreaclcuBS Velisil,, ,ia ti , Uoji, Kong.tir h i Hmsru. Brown Newcastle.

    ' i.n. i l. KAl-- ll Allen A, Nan KiMiiclsi'ii, HueBktae 1'ianier, LayBan uland, Auj :sihk .Melius... Newcastle, Ana .4iIlk I mil hcnU-rg- Bremen, Nov IHk U N vv lloox, Mhidlrsborotu Aug gMBe Routsnbsee, Ltvei puol, Nov HO

    All.ilon PLATRfl

    lies, ill i,f the Invefttlicathn, ,if Ihe II,, useCossmlttM.

    The House Committee on NavalAffairs has made a partial report con-cerning the result of the Investigationof armor-plat- e billets furnished b) theCarnegie Steel Company, The Com-mittee Bnd charges of fraud sustainedand recommend that fifty nine plah s inUse on dilferent vessels he tested. Thereis nothing said in the preliminary reportabout arresting the partieson a criminal charge, hut such a coursemav be adopted later on, It Isdiffinollto conceive of a worse crime than theCarnegie Company is accused of. itnot only involves lb" taking of life, billthe taking of hundreds of lives. Abattleship is exposed on ihe assumptionthat Bach plale of bci armor has beentested and is known to he sound.

    If a shell from an enemy strike a de-fective plate and SXplodas in the vesselthe total loss ol the vessel and all onboard IS likely to follow . If the vesselhad been unai morcd it would not huebeen exposed in the service an arm Ivessel is designed for. Tne crime ofw hiel i the Carnegie pie are gniliy istrea-ot- i of theworsl dye The act.ilit can he established, that Carnegiehimself did not give orders to pass de-fective plates tiMin the Goernmenidoes not release him from resp insibil tyIt was his business lo know thai hisemployes tuned out honest aork. Theline imposed upon his company for b utaork already discovered was ret punishinc. it at dl He o ily lone ted a littlemore mon y than he had made bv

    e ting lull price ior defective work.S. F. Call.

    CO.Ni hi i i x i inn ;

    n,r Men From , .,, ftUlps Present n.Perse,

    The bund i cert al the Hotel Thurs-day eve. iing was wed attended by officerand men from the wnr.--h ns in port

    as civilians. The officeri wereteat d on the hiiiai, while the Am ricanilerman aid English tars assembled ingroups around the hevi dstatid.

    Bttveml tiuniheif weru eiithuiAUicftllvAppUud d. When 'Watch "iiRhine" w& betug pinyei, gfoapi oin'.tv offivoN umI men from ib Uernanirttribipi wo and Mikg in 0011a tl with(lie bftld tt iil when the biml tftftf ed 10

    "Slnr Span'le-- Hanin-r- Iho meirom the Charleston stepped out in In e

    with tared beadi a uhh in lilanoeuntil the lut note Inn) heen kouikUhI.

    Th W i iiiiu i m il.During his viwit to Pari n dlfHo

    gniihed Jermnn prot laov nrcwiiitfiiihimself ut the house of a well knowslady, to whom lie had sent litters of introd action for a dance.

    When the servant oened the di i:iud ntceived his c;ud, uho couduotodhim to tlie boudoir and (old hlni to heseated, saying:

    "Madiim will oome immediately. "Preacutly tlie lady entered She was

    in dishabille, and teat feet were bare,covered only with )oso sJippera. Bhebowed ( bun rnfnlsaelj ami Hani:

    "Ah, good noruinnSin- thrt w herself on a eiiair. t fall

    L u ,,nT und xtinded her niettvfnotto the professir. He was naturally emu- -pletely astounded, hut he reuieinberelthat at his home in (. ruiaiiy it was tlierllsl. nil Miillll tlltll S to Ll-- si 11 hlllv'v ll. llill..m,i Ka annn ,1 Ifcwai th.. Prin tnnA,to kiss hat fools Therefore he did not

    itate to imprint a kts upon the lassinating foot so m ar him.

    Tho laily jumped up, highly Indig-taut-.

    "Who are you, fir, ami what do yonuu an?"

    lie gave ins name,'Then you aro uot a chiropoiiiNt?"

    "I 11111 charmed to Kay, madam, thatI am not. "

    "Hut von scut nie a chiropodist'sjardr"

    ll waa trna The professor in g' inguu iu it morning had pinked sp theard of a chiropodist from his humanUtd put it in his pooltef, This, w it K. use.'lancing at it, he hail giv, 11 to the SSfT1111, who had taken it to her mistrevKrbore was notbiiig t. he done but tolaugh over the joke. Life's Calendar.

    Tu. Katheslastls,When (iem ral I.afnyelte atlenilisl I. a

    aiarqae'S funeral, the crowd took Iheout of his carriage and drew bin.

    home tbssQselvsa"Win- you not honored and pleased?1

    isked a friend"Very muc h pleas. il, " replied Lafav- -

    ette, "but 1 never saw my horsesagain, " Argonaut


    or HOIrOLOLC.


    Stab Agent. HlloUEl IROK HONS.

    Stab AgsM, vTsihUtfl

    Ii. IltiWAKIi inn in orKjim Merchant st




    CKCtL HKtnVN214 Merchant St.

    t PARKSi.t gasktrmsntts fit,

    WILLIAM KosTElt19 Kaahtiui oiini St


    Port ,t oppostts Chih Btabls


    :.14 Fort SI.

    PueNiTUaa and upnui.sitKtss.OROWAY ,v loltl'i:it

    Hotel Bt.1. llol p, CO,

    U King St

    HOKSS SHOtKS.J. W. MCllONAl.ll.

    hoii otUpposUe Pantheon Stah'es.


    BtRBOF t'o.Firemen'- - Fund, l.iindiin and Ulnl-

    CASTLE a C IOKEAetna, Allniin e, sw Rugtand Mutual


    J. K. DOMESnr.i Fort si.


    Kxeelsu.r, Niumini St.


    MLKCHANTSs. J. Bhaw, rrepristar

    PACIFICB. ii v Wi.hers, v snagsr

    ROTALt i H.i 'v k i Manager.

    COM HERCIAL11. pTJsmnsS, Manager.

    PARTRSOnJim lii.ld Prop,


    Infirmary "JOo King St,


    Fort St.. corner Mercliaut.


    atNl Merchant St

    CJO"lCining. j j MmW


    Every DayIii The Year.

    We have now ready acatchy and novel line ofSouvenirs iliat are Mire tobe prize winners.

    Tlie issue of