The Havens Community Diary November 2014

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Transcript of The Havens Community Diary November 2014

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


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    by the 20th to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th



    Ea"& ' havens("a#)*)!%


    The Havens on theSmall Screen!

    Breaking BroadwalkNews!


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Comment from the Landowers!

    Raymond and I would just like to say a massive well done!! Watching all theeffort you and so many people in Broad Haven have given is quiteunbelievable!! You and all should be very very proud! Wish we had agovernment that was so focused on people and had half the drive that hasbeen displayed by you all.

    Breaking Broadwalk News!In July 2014, Support the boardwalkvolunteers applied to SITA for grant

    funding to refurbish the boardwalk.On Oct 18th STB received writtenconfirmation that the application was

    successful and have been awarded the full amount applied for:58'422 !

    The application was based on quotations and costings to replace thedecking boards with GripDeck - each board has 2 strips of aggregatethat aids grip. The existing wooden base will be replaced with agalvanized steel frame. It is anticipated that the work will begin inMarch 2015 and it will be completed in stages to minimise disruption.

    More details will be in the next issue of the Diary - watch this space!

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Haven Wild Bird & PetFood

    Open Monday to Saturdays 9am - 5pmOpen Sundays 10am - 4pm

    We Stock a large range of wild bird and pet foods

    and accessories including Burns Real Food for Pets,

    Country Choice and Royal Canin. We have a large

    range of pet beds, cages, harnesses, collars and

    leads in stock. Free parking outside the shop. We will

    Sunset Bed & BreakfastQuiet family run business in Broad Haven.

    Double en-suite rooms with sea views.

    Only a few minutes walk to the beach.

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    100 Club Winners July 2014 50 No 37 Mr N. Evens 30 No 61 Mrs A. Bauer

    20 No 107 Mrs C. Porter 10 No 139 Mr A. Main 10 No 82 Mrs P. Davies100 Club Winners September 2014 120 No 112 Mr D. James 50 No 115 Mrs K. Jones 30 No 80 Mrs S. Gardener 20 No 94 Mr D. Thomas

    10 No 25 Mrs T. Phillips 10 No 159 Mr E James


    Quality care for 2-4 year olds

    9am - 12 noonMon - Fri

    Bowen Memorial Hall 100Club Draw.

    Please note that the 100 clubs 10fee were due on the 1st October 2015.All proceeds go towards helping runand maintain the Broad Haven VillageHall.

    Christmas Tea!

    Bowen Memorial Hall,

    Little Haven

    on 14th December from 3 - 5pm.

    Proceeds for St Mary's Church,



    Everybody welcome.

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Londis BroadHaven

    Now Open

    8am - 7 pm Daily

    Big Thank you!We would like to thank everybody fortheir forbearance and good wishesduring our recent problems. Thankfully

    nobody was hurt due to the quickactions of one of our customers stayingabove the shop.

    All our tills and computer equipment,however, have been well and truly fried!!The roof needs some tender loving careand there is a major redecoration job todo, but hopefully by the time you read

    this normal service will have resumed.Please note that as from Monday Nov3rd we will be reverting to our winteropening hours and closing at 7:00pmevery evening

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Broad Haven FireworksNight

    Wednesday 5thNov@ Broad haven football club

    (Weather permitting)6pm start

    Hot food available to fill you up and keep you warm

    A great evening out for the whole family so come alongand enjoy the display, a delicious hotdog or burger and

    plenty of ooohs and aahhs!

    Fireworks are funded each year by local businesses and your donations, pleasehelp us to continue the success of the event by sparing us your pocket change on

    the evening

    Plenty of car parking available in the car park adjacent to the youth hostel

    Due to insurance purposes could you please refrain for bringing and using spar-

    klers!!!! Whilst every attempt is made to keep this event safe please be aware thatyou come at your own risk and are responsible for the safety of your own children

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    LOGS FOR SALESeasoned Softwood ready to burn

    Builders Bag - 4010KG net bag - 2

    Kindling -3

    Free delivery within 10 miles of Dale

    for builders bags or a minimum of fivenet bags

    To order or for more informationcontact :

    Daniel 07827331006Or Fran 07807585414

    Crystal HealingEnergy Healing

    Subtle Energy Management

    Stress Management Training

    Workshops and Courses

    Bsc (Hons(, MVHF, MCHF, Dip, SMT

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Are you looking for a venue to hold your party?

    Then look no further...

    Broad Haven Village Hall is available!

    20 for 2 hours hall hire

    (to include heating and use of the kitchen)

    Dont delay, book your party here today!!

    To check availability and book call:

    Charlie Alexander on 07734 818 336

    Using gentlemassage to reflex

    areas in the feet orhands, reflexologytreats the wholeperson and can

    have a therapeuticeffect on various


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th


    It's now November and progress is being made towards repairing last yearsdamaged motifs, installing the necessary infrastructure on the lighting columns andproviding an up to date feeder supply to the Christmas Tree. Boring stuff perhapsbut it gives some indication to our supporters that a fair amount of work needs to bedone before the lights are switched on.

    Subject to sufficient funding the plan remains the same. We have bought an extrafive motifs and intend to fit one to all ten columns on the seafront, we will also dressthe Christmas tree with some decorative lights.

    All the above work is not without its costs and anticipate that we will need to raisein excess of 2500 to complete the work.

    Having said that, fund raising is gathering pace and to date we have had a numberof generous donations that have given us a good start and set us on our way tomeeting the above mentioned target.

    Hopefully by the time this issue of the diary is distributed some of you will have

    participated in the Curry and Quiz night held at The Ocean. To those who didattend we thank you very much for your support.

    We will also be holding a Coffee Morning in 5 Swanswell Close on the 4th Decem-ber between 10am and 12am, the cost will be 1.50. All are invited to come alongfor cake, a cuppa and a chat, so please put the date in your diary's.

    Last year businesses, residents and visitors were extremely generous and it ishoped this generosity will again be repeated. If you would like to support this villageinitiative, donations can be made by either cheque or cash. (Cheques should bemade payable to Broad Haven Festive Lighting Fund.)

    Your donation can be dropped off at The Ocean or if you wish please call me, BrianHenderson, on 01437 781273 and Ill come and collect it.

    Thank you

    Brian Henderson,

    On behalf of the Broad Haven Festive Lighting Committee

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    BIRD WATCHWelcome to this months Bird Watch. Im one of two Ambassadors forthe British Trust for Ornithologys (BTO) Garden BirdWatch Scheme in SouthWales.

    Subject of the Month: Feeding

    The types of food you offer your garden birds will have a big impact on the speciesthat you attract. Remember, where you live will also determine this. Youre unlikelyto attract a Crested Tit, which lives in the Scottish Highlands, if you live in theSwansea Valleys!

    Should I feed the birds all year round?

    Yes. Both the BTO and RSPB advocate offering food throughout the year. In

    springtime it can be difficult for adult birds to find enough natural food forthemselves and their chicks; in the autumn birds will turn to gardens if theres a poorseed/berry crop; frosty ground in the winter keeps worms safe from probing beaks.

    Is bread bad for birds?

    Bread certainly fills birds up and, whilst it isnt harmful, it has very poor nutritionalvalue and should really be fed alongside other food types. Like us, birds need avaried diet. Birds which feed predominantly on bread will be deficient in vital


    Bird food is expensive, is there a cheap alternative?

    Any food you put out should be free from salt. Some foods you could try are:porridge oats (uncooked); mild grated cheese; potatoes; cooked rice (mostattractive to pigeons and doves); tinned dog or cat food as an alternative to worms(but may attract local cats); raw suet and lard (not fat from cooking); finely cut baconand rind; chopped apple; dried fruits (sultanas and raisins can be poisonous todogs); cooked or uncooked pastry, especially if it was made with real fat.

    Who eats what?

    This is just a guide; birds will often feed on more than food type.

    Water: All birds need water, whatever the weather or season for drinking and bathing.

    Peanuts (always feed from a metal mesh feeder): Blue, Coal and Great Tit,Nuthatch Nyger: Goldfinch, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll Sunflower hearts: Greenfinch,

    Chaffinch, House Sparrow, Bullfinch Fat blocks and balls (always remove fromnetting): Great Spotted Woodpecker, Long-tailed Tit, Mealworms: Robin, Blackbird,Starling

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th


    If you would like to contact the council torequest information or express yourviews please see contact details below:


    Cllr Mark Burch 781283Cllr David Faulkner 781640Cllr Matthew Ford 07528103793Cllr Brian Henderson 781273Cllr Lawrence Hughes 781403Cllr Peter Llewellin 781911

    Cllr Joan Phillips 781294Cllr Sue Reynolds 781894Cllr Ian Whitby 781611Cllr Mary Whitewright 781256County Cllr Peter Morgan 781010Clerk: Christine Lewis 781418

    Local Information/Publications

    Any residents who would like toreceive copies of local

    information or publications thatare sent to the Clerk via emailcan join a residents email group.

    Please send your email addressto



    PLAYPARDo you have a few hours to

    spare to help fix some fences,gates and benches in the

    children Play Park?

    All necessary materials willbe provided by HCC

    Please contact Christine!"#$% %&"#"& if you can help

    Havens CommunityCouncil Surgery

    1st December 2014

    A chance for electors totalkto a councillor on aone toone basis regarding issues

    they wish to discuss.

    The Havens CommunityCouncil surgeries will beheld every 3 months, twoCouncillors will be inattendanceto listento yourconcerns, queries and


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

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    by the 20th

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

    Only 30 yards from the beach we are an ideal

    stop for a glass of Welsh Ale, wine, tea or coffee.

    Our varied menu includes fresh local lobster,

    crab and fish, steaks, mixed grills and reds

    famous !amb curry and homemade "teak and

    Ale #ies.

    We have a "pecials board which changes daily,

    yummy puddings and #embrokeshire #ant $awr


    &he beer garden is sheltered, ideal on sunny

    days, on in cooler weather en'oy the log fire in

    the cosy bar .&el 0()3* *+( --

    Mary, Malcolm, Viv and Andrew extend you a warm welcome.Mary, Malcolm, Viv and Andrew extend you a warm welcome.Mary, Malcolm, Viv and Andrew extend you a warm welcome.Mary, Malcolm, Viv and Andrew extend you a warm welcome.


    The position of Clerk of theWalwyns Castle CommunityCouncil will soon become vacant(approximately 11 hours amonth) .

    No previous experiencenecessary.

    If you are interested in this veryinteresting part time position.please inform the clerk Mrs.

    Angela Evans , Little Fenton,Little Haven, HaverfordwestSA62 3TU Tel: 01437 781452 oremail:[email protected]

    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

    by the 20th

  • 8/10/2019 The Havens Community Diary November 2014


    to: havensdiar @ for Next Months Diary

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    by the 20th

    The Havens 50+ Fit ClubThe Havens 50+ Fit ClubThe Havens 50+ Fit ClubThe Havens 50+ Fit Club

    Gentle seated exercise classes andTLC (Tea/laughter/chat)

    Every !nday a"tern!!n #$% t!&$%'

    The illage Hall *r!ad Haven'& $er $ers!n incl' re"resh%ents',uitable "!r %en and -!%en and

    all abilities'

    .ear c!%"!rtable cl!thing and"lat sh!es'

    10 Millmoor Way