The Green Web

How businesses and citizens are leveraging the power of the Internet for social and environmental good. by Joey Shepp, Green MBA


How business and community is leveraging the power of the Internet for Environmental and Social Good. Business and individuals are leveraging the power of the Internet to grow the green economy. Principles of interconnectedness, accessibility, transparency, and democracy are powerfully demonstrated in the emerging Web 2.0 landscape. This presentation will provide case studies in Social Media, Online Activism, Green IT, Open Source Software, and Mobile Applications. Come learn how you can go green online.

Transcript of The Green Web

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How businesses and citizens are leveraging the power of the Internet for social and environmental good.

by Joey Shepp, Green MBA

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• Trends• Challenges• Philosophy

• Inform• Inspire• Involve

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Green Gadgets

Electronics that use safe, non-toxic materials, are recyclable, and use clean, renewable energy.


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MacBook Air “Greener” Computing

• Highly recyclable, mercury-free aluminum enclosure

• Mercury-free LCD display with arsenic-free glass

• PVC-free internal cables

• Largely recyclable, low-volume packaging

• Meets ENERGY STAR requirements

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Dell ‘Hybrid’ Bamboo Computer

bamboo case low energy

recycling program

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Zonbu Linux PC

• Free Software

• Backups to the Data Cloud

• Low Energy Use

• Silent

• Compact

• Recyclable

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Solar Fashion

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Mobile Solar

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Green IT

the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently


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Green IT ReachesTipping Point in Europe

• almost half of European enterprises are addressing the green and sustainable challenges facing them

• 34% have a green IT strategy in place now

• 14.5% real cost savings in 12 months

• Company saves nearly 23.2 million euros per year

Source: 2008 IDC survey sponsored by Dell

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• Quick start new “servers”

• No lost resources

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Green Web Hosting

• Renewable Energy Credits

• Renewable Energy Powered

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Collective Knowledge

The collective knowledge and wisdom of many individuals is greater than the sum of the parts.


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• 9 million articles

• 250 Languages

• 160,000 editors

• 25 times larger than the largest encyclopedia, “Encyclopedia Britannica”

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Wiser Earth

• Community directory and networking forum that maps and connects non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses, governments, and individuals.

• 110,260 Organizations• 18,728 People• 921 Groups• 4,845 Resources• 162 Events• 152 Jobs

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The Green Search Engine

• 1,000,000 Pages Searched

• Vetted by Green MBA editors

• Google’s Top 5Custom Search Engines

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Best of the Green Web

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A set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance that they were present, or to have an effect, at a location other than their true location


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• 78% of companies allow some telecommuting

• 68% of companies report increased productivity

• 60% of companies report decreased costs

2008 Study by CompTIA

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“The use of technological advances to continuously do more with less”

~Buckminster Fuller


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• Paperless Office

• Discrete Computing

• Embedded Computing

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Paperless Office

• Character Recognition Software

• Organize/Search Documents

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Video Conferencing

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Natural Interface

Interfacing with technology in a way that is intuitive, transparent, and ergonomic.


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Multi-Touch Interface

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Distance Learning

Distance learning focuses on deliver education to students who are not physically "on site". Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students communicate through technology such as video conferencing, and online discussions.


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Open Courseware

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iTunes U

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Citizen Media

User generated content, specifically video uploaded and shared online.


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Growth of Online Video

• 83.4 million videos

• 3.75 million user channels

• 50,000+ videos uploaded daily!

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A business started with as little capital as possible.

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Near Free Business Software

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Ebay + World of Good

• Fair Trade Market Place

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Kiva, loans that changes lives

• Microloans

• 99.7% repayment rate

• 1 loan is made every 32 seconds

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Open Source

Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.


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Open Source Software

• Transparent

• Collaborative

• Low Cost

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• 44% of browsers run FirefoxOct. 2008 W3Schools

Open Source Success

• 50%+ of servers run on Apache

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Digital Identity

The brokering and protection of personal identity related information.


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Who Owns your Identity?

• Hassle to manage your identity in many locations

• Trusting brokers with your personal information

• Can you export or move your data?

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Own your Identity

• Single Login and Password across all the web

• You choose your data broker

• OpenID User / OpenID Provider

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E-Waste Facts

• In 2007, 157 million computer products were discarded

• Only 18% of computers are being recycled

• About 80-85 percent of discarded electronics were disposed of in landfills

EPA 2008 Study

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Electronics Reuse & Recycling

• Remove Toxic Components

• Recycle and Take-back Programs

• ACCRC Computers in Green Web Pavilion

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Digital Divide

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One Laptop per Child


To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.

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One Laptop per Child Pilot Programs

Mongolia Cambodia

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Energy Waste & Emissions

• nearly half the power coming out of the wall is wasted and never reaches the processor, memory, disks or other components

• a computer that rarely gets turned off could produce close to a ton of C0² emissions per year

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Climate SaversSmart Computing Initiative

• use power saver mode

• unplug from phantom power

• purchase energy star

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Internet as Ecological Model

• Interconnected

• Interdependent

• Diverse

• Evolutionary

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Internet asCollective Consciousness

• “Always On” Culture

• Global Perspective

• Shared Experience

• Shared Wisdom

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Internet asInfinite Creative Marketplace

• Not attached to physical limitations

• Cost of hosting negligible

• Legal Sharing Options

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go further

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