The Greater Bamboo Lemur researched by Jade Petry

Greater Bamboo Lemur… How is it great? By Jade Petry
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Transcript of The Greater Bamboo Lemur researched by Jade Petry

Greater Bamboo Lemur

Greater Bamboo LemurHow is it great? By Jade Petry

What does the greater Bamboo Lemur Look Like? These broad-nosed lemurs have grey all over their fur and have a distinctive blunt snout. They also have powerful legs so they can jump really high.

Where does the Greater Bamboo Lemur live?Greater bamboo lemurs live in most Jungles and forests in a island known as Madagascar. Madagascar is next to a country called Mozambique.

What does the Greater Bamboo Lemur Eat?Of course Greater Bamboo Lemurs eat bamboo! They also eat pith, shoots, leaves and buds.

How many babies can a Greater Bamboo lemur have?A greater bamboo lemur gives birth to one baby in a lifetime. Baby lemurs are about the size of a jam jar when they are born.

Because humans are cutting down the forests of bamboo that the Greater bamboo lemurs live in. They need bamboo to survive. There is also their predators trying to kill them. That is why there are very few greater bamboo lemurs left.

How did the Greater bamboo lemur become endangered?What are some of the greater bamboo lemurs threats?

Greater bamboo lemurs threats are humans, but its non-human threat is a fusa. A fusa is a cat-like carnivore.What is their habitat?A Greater bamboo lemurs habitat is a forest of bamboo plants. Greater bamboo lemurs need bamboo trees to live in and eat. This habitat also has the right temperature for them to survive. That is why they live in this kind of habitat.

What does it do day and night and in seasons?Greater bamboo lemurs spend most of their time in their home, a bamboo tree. But sometimes greater bamboo lemurs came down to the forest floor to travel.

Fun facts!1.Greater bamboo lemur in Spanish is: Lemur cariancho2. Greater bamboo lemurs live in groups called troops.

Glossary & ReferenceDistinctive = pretty obvious that or or she has got it. E.g. My friend had a distinctive scar on her arm.Pith = A soft part inside the bamboo.Carnivore = A meat eating animal. E.g. A shark is a carnivore.

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