The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)

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Transcript of The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)


    I e e d : ]ncrc js ae gepyrjlnt ber tnjs ieed! ]njs js Lems \erm ham Lems \erm js brcc! Jt ohy ic gepjcm brcc`y ea geamjtjea tnht tnc tcxt wj`` aet ic gnhalcm!

    Erjljah` Lcroha ieed6 Mhs lressc Cvhalc`juo Fenhaacs .8>38/8>2=*!]njs Ieed 93 js trhas`htcm breo tnc Lcroha ieed JR 2: te 82>!

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)




    HZW Fena6 Zcs ycs yeu mjm tnht `htcr4 iut ja tncicljaajal yeu wcrc ea`y ojamcm hs J nhvc shjm jt(]nc sullcstjea tnht yeu nc`pcm yeursc`b wjtn tnc ljr`s ja

    ea`y h lcat`c ohaacr js h`se aew h gehrsc `jc( Ea`y eac yeunhvc nham`cm h `jtt`c oerc lcat`c ham tnjs whs tnc `hst eacwnca yeur `cgncreusacss bhj`cm yeu tnc geatcoptji`c scrvjgc4tnc bjrst beur yeu nhvc aet sphrcm ja tnc s`jlntcst iut nhvcscrvcm tnco vcry mrchmbu``y( Gha yeu mcay tnjs5 Wcc yeudccp qujct ham hrc snhdjal( Hbtcrwhrms tnc ljr`s httrhgtcm hmhalcreus `cpresy wnjgn eb geursc hggc`crhtcm mchtn4 iut h`seber tnht yeur `cgncreusacss whs tnc hgtuh` ham ea`y mcitichrcr( Iut tnjs gnhptcr js g`escm ham wc hrc oevjal aew teseoctnjal c`sc(T9_ Zeu daew tncrc js stj`` seoctnjal wnjgn `jcs ea yeurgeasgjcagc ham js seoctnjal wnjgn eb geursc js aet htthgncm teyeur wj``4 iut tnc mccm ham tnc geascqucagc js tncrc( ]ncrcberch pcrsea sneu`m acvcr hgt ja rhlc4 sjagc ihm geascqucagcs

    h`whys be``ew tnc mccms ghrrjcm eut murjal h rhlc `jdc h snhmewea tnc ncc`s! Gha yeu stj`` rcocoicr wnca cspcgjh``y yeuroetncr Hl`h wne whs h vcry rcspeasji`c pcrsea ham ghutjeacmyeu scrjeus`y te step yeur mjsse`utc prhads ham `ct le eb yeuracbhrjeus segjcty wnht yeu mjm te ncr5T7_ Whys Verc`6 E lems( J gha vhluc`y rcocoicr seoctnjal`jdc ja h mrcho4 iut J ghat shy haytnjal spcgjbjgh``y hieut jt(]ncrcberc dccp ea spchdjal sjagc yeu hrc ht jt( J daew tnht tnhtJ acvcr mjm seoctnjal cvj` wjtn h prcocmjthtcm cvj` wj``4newcvcr tnht J ho subbcrjal breo vje`cat rhlc J ghat nc`p jt

    fust hs `jtt`c hs h tjlcr gha nc`p jt tnht nc js h i`eem tnjrstytchrjal ichst( Zeu gha spchd aew(T=_ Whys Fena6 \c wj`` hmmrcss tnjs ea`y `htcr4 iut ht tnht tjocyeu scjzcm h pet wnjgn whs `yjal ea h ihad ham b`ual jt wjtn h``yeur strcaltn hlhjast tnc nchm eb yeur oetncr se tnht snc shad

    te tnc lreuam geop`ctc`y mhzcm! Iut yeu jastchm eb nc`pjal ncrteed tnc shjm le`m peuams ham csghpcm ea h pjrhtc snjp te ncrc


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    ham fejacm ber h bcw ychrs tnc ajgc pjrhtcs grhbt ht wnjgneppertuajty yeu h`se icghoc h s`hvc trhmcr! Wnert`y hbtcrwhrmsyeur oetncr mjcm phrt`y hs h rcsu`t eb h scvcrc irhja sdu`` jafuryham phrt`y breo lrjcb hieut yeur jagerrjljij`jty! Ham hs sugn yeu

    h`se nhvc h`ealsjmc h`` yeur ohay etncr sjas h oetncrourmcrcr ea yeur geasgjcagc ham hs h grewa ber yeur ohay cvj`mccms tnc oest ijttcr gursc breo yeur bhtncr hs wc`` hs breoyeur sji`jals rcsts ea yeur nchm( Aew yeu nhvc iccageop`ctc`y rcvch`cm4 wnht hrc yeu shyjal te h`` tnjs hs h pcrseawjtn h seuam rchsea5T3_ Whys Verc`6 \nht sneu`m J shy te h`` tnjs5 Meac js meac hamghaaet ic uameac hayoerc( J aew scc seoc eb tnc tnjals eb oychr`jcr hgtjeas wnjgn wcrc njln`y wreal4 iut wnht usc js h`` tnjsjasjlnt te oc5 Jt js tnc shoc hs jb yeu geu`m ohdc eut eb h tjlcrha jasjlntbu` pcrsea wne `eeds ihgd ham sccs wnht i`eemjcstnerrers nc geoojttcm4 te wnht usc js tnjs h`` te njo5( Geu`m ncohdc wnht js meac uameac nc surc`y weu`m le tnreuln cvcrygeagcjvhi`c treui`c te me se4 iut new geu`m nc nc`pcm jt murjalnjs tjlcr sthtc tnht nc ja bhgt whs h tjlcr ham aet h `hoi5( ]ncrc

    js h`se tnc rcoersc ber h mcspjghi`c mccm ham tnc icst wj`` tegeop`ctc`y rcgtjby hay wrealmejal wnjgn js se ja vhja hs tncstupjm treui`c te ohdc ycstcrmhy tnc gurrcat mhy! Breo aew ea Jgha icgeoc ha catjrc`y mjbbcrcat ham icttcr pcrsea4 iut tncrcwncrc J whs ha cvj` pcrsea J gha jopessji`y ohdc h icttcrpcrsea eb oysc`b tnha J whs! Wneu`m J sncm ijttcr tchrs eb phjaber tnc ohay cvj` mccms J nhvc geoojttcm5 ]njs weu`m ic serjmjgu`eus hs jb h tjlcr tnht icghoc nuoha weu`m sncm tnc oestijttcr tchrs eb rcoersc ber icjal h tjlcr icberc(

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)




    T8_ .Verc`6* Breo oy eawhrms J nhm h vje`cat tcopcrhocat!Jastchm eb mhopjal tnjs iy h sebt ham rchseahi`c upirjaljal hamiy cmughtjea eb tnc ojam J whs gerrcgtcm iy puajsnocat eb cvcry geagcjvhi`c ohaacr! Oy phrcats wcrc h`whys oy ijllcstterturcrs( Jb tncy nhm geoijacm ojam wjtn h leem wj`` tncygeu`m nhvc ohmc ha halc` eb Fcws eb oc4 iut iy tnc tneushampuajsnocats J icghoc h tjlcr( Ham wne ghrrjcs tnc luj`t tnht Jicghoc h tjlcr5 Bjrst`y icberc icjal geagcjvcm ham ijrtnJ geu`m aet sc`cgt oerc wjsc phrcats ham scgeam`y wnca J whsiera J surc`y whs aet h [`hte er [nryljus ham aet h sjla eb hWegrhtcs ham geu`m tncrcberc aet ljvc te oysc`b hay cmughtjea(Iut wnht sneu`m nhvc icca meac tnht J weu`m icgeoc h icttcrpcrsea ham aet h tjlcr5T9_ J rclhrm yeu hs tee wjsc tnht yeu geu`m aet bjam h rchseahi`chaswcr te tnjs qucstjea iy yeursc`b! \jtn yeu Fcws tncrc nhvch`whys icca pcep`c wne nhvc icca pesscsscm iy cvj` spjrjts hsJ nhvc fust h bcw wccds hle nhvc scca eac ht tnc Lhmhrcacs ham

    tnjs weu`m eac eb h icttcr djam4 eac hgtuh``y sneu`m ic yeurFcwjsn mcvj` wne ne`ms jts mrchmbu` sthtc eb hbbhjrs murjal tncmhrdcst ajlnts( Iut tnc mhy/mcvj` whs wertn njs oeacy4 sjagcwne`c grewms eb pcep`c geu`m hgnjcvc aetnjal wjtn njo! Ncghrrjcm eut mccms tnht lhvc h`` ohadjam tnc snjvcrs eb tnc sdjaham ohmc jt wrjad`cm eb bchr! Jb pessji`y sugn h shjm pesscsscmpcrsea geu`m ic nch`cm tc`` oc wnht ex eb h nuoha fumlc geu`mic se i`jam ham l`eeoy stupjm tnht nc snewcm te tnc gurcmpcrsea h`` njs uanchrm htregjtjcs wnjgn nc geoojttcm wncapesscsscm ham rcqujrcs breo njo tchrbu` rcoersc hamicttcrocat5( Geu`m tnc pcrsea nc`p jt tnht nc geoojttcm sugnhtregjtjcs wnca pesscsscm5(T7_ ]c`` oc brjcam bu`` eb wjsmeo6 Breo h ijl ncjlnt h nchvyregd bh``s mewa ham dj``s twcaty pcep`c wne gejagjmcath``y wcrcsthamjal uamcrachtn jt! \ny nhm tnjs te nhppca5 \ne js luj`ty

    ber tnjs gh`hojty5 ]e tnjs J hmm tnc `chst tnjadhi`c pessji`cghsc tnht h ojlnty ohljgjha hppchrs ham trhasberos tnc regd

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    jate h nuoha wjtn h`` jasjlnt ham jatc``jlcagc bjttcm ja tncohaacr eb Mcugh`jea ham [yrrhn! Hs tnc acw pcrsea js sthamjaltncrc h wjsc ham ocrgjbu` fumlc geocs h`eal ham shys te tnjsacw pcrsea6 @eed ht tnht yeu mcspjghi`c( ]njs js yeur cvj`

    werd( \ny mjm yeu bh`` wjtn hs h regd wjtn sugn ojlnt eatetncsc twcaty pcep`c5 Fustjby yeursc`b er rcgcjvc tnc nchvjcstpuajsnocat ber tnjs mccm( \nht weu`m tnc acw pcrsea shy tetnc sj``y fumlc5 Aetnjal c`sc tnha6 Geu`m J hs h nchvy hamhise`utc`y uageasgjeus ieu`mcr nc`p jt tnht J nhvc iccascphrhtcm iy seoc bercjla pewcr breo oy cquh`s ham scgeam`yber tnht tnht J nhvc icca se jagrcmji`y nchvy ham tnjrm`y tnht Jnhvc gh``cm tncsc grusncm pcep`c te sjt ncrc uatj` J bc`` mewa hamdj``cm tnco h``5(T=_ Zeu wj`` nepcbu``y rcgelajzc tnc cxtrcoc`y uarchseahi`chggushtjea eb tnjs acw pcrsea iy h supcr g`cvcr fumlc iutpcrnhps h`se tnht J wne icghoc h acw pcrsea breo h rhw i`egdghaaet ic nc`m rcspeasji`c ber h`` oy cvj` mccms fust `jdc tncregd/acw/pcrsea wnjgn J nhvc snewa te yeu fust aew( Jb yeu meaet what te ic h sj``y fumlc tnca fumlc oc hggermjal te tnc

    fustjgc eb purc rchsea ham aet hbtcr yeur wjsc sccojal oeem( Ich pcrsea fust hs J ho h`se ea`y h pcrsea(


    T8_ Fena icljas te tnjad mccpcr hieut tncsc werms eb Verc` hambjams tnht tncy hrc aet wjtneut hay rchsea ham turas qujct`y janjs nchrt wjtn h qucstjea te Oc ahoc`y wnht nc burtncr sneu`mme wjtn tnjs pcrsea sjagc jt hppchrs tnht nc js sthrtjal te lrewhievc njs nchm!T9_ Iut J shy te Fena6 Ljvc njo seoc tjoc4 J wj`` tnca put jateyeur nchrt ham ea yeur tealuc wnht yeu sneu`m shy te njo hs Jnhvc meac se uatj` aew( Fena be``ews tnjs hmvjgc!T7_ Gyrcajus wne `jstcacm wjtn lrcht httcatjea te tnc

    fustjbjghtjea eb Verc` shjm te Oc6 @erm J oust epca`y geabcss

    te yeu tnht tnjs js qujtc h strhalc nuoha icjal( Jt aew `eedstneuln tnht nc cvca let tnc wjsc mjsgjp`c Fena tnjadjal! Ja

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    snert J ber cxhop`c weu`m ic geop`ctc`y ht ha cam wjtn oywjsmeo ham nhm te rc`chsc njo breo h`` njs luj`t(T=_ Newcvcr jt js jageoprcncasji`c te oc new tnjs gnjcb sgeuamrc` wjtn h`` njs hgtjeas js evcrgeoc iy sugn

    evcrpewcrjal hguoca( ]nht pcep`c `jdc ber jasthagc tnc gnjcb g`crly Wthnhr ham h`se Vjadh geu`m nhvc spedca snhrp`yrchseahi`c te tncjr hmvhathlc icberc ohdjal h g`escrhgquhjathagc wjtn Zeu js uamcrsthamhi`c icghusc tncy wcrc h``cmughtcm pcep`c ham mccp`y cxpcrjcagcm ja ohay etncr tnjals4iut tnjs pcrsea whs surc`y h`whys h bjrst g`hss sgeuamrc` iutacvcrtnc`css tnjs caeroeus hguoca( Hn seoctnjal `jdc tnht Jacvcr ghoc hgress ja oy wne`c `jbc( Fust tc`` oc e @erm newtnjs pcrsea ghoc te jt(T3_ J shjm6 Nc acvcr whs tnht copty4 sjagc tnc Lrccds nhvch`whys icca tnc icst hmveghtcs eb Yeoc( ]ncy daew tncjageasjmcrhtc snhrpacss eb tnc Yeoha `hw ham tncrcberc stumytnco vcry ghrcbu``y se tnht tncy jb h fumlc ne`ms tncohggeuathi`c ber hay djam eb trhaslrcssjea hrc rchmy wjtn tncoest se`jm rcspeasc4 ham sugn pcep`c wne nhvc mcgjmcm te

    mcgcjvc tnc sthtc ja tnc oest scvcrc ohaacr nhvc uausuh``ytnereuln`y ohmc tnc rjlnts eb tnc sthtc ham ohadjam tncjr ewaham nhvc h`se ohmc tnc wrjtjals eb mjbbcrcat wer`m`y wjsc ocacxtrcoc`y jatcasc`y tncjr ewa! Ham te sugn ghtclery ic`ealsh`se tnjs Verc`!T2_ Iut icberc tnc rhpturcs s`ccp nc weu`m aet nhvc spedcawjtn sugn mctcrojacm hguoca4 iut breo njs s`ccp seoc sert eb hbtcr/soc`` nhs rcohjacm ja njs seu` eut eb njs spjrjt ham tnjs jswny nc js se snhrp`y grjtjgh`! Iut tnjs snhrpacss weu`m seea`eesc jtsc`b jb nc weu`m hlhja geatjauc wjtn njs e`m `jbc/spncrc4iut wjtn tnjs djam eb trchtocat nc wj`` icgeoc cvca snhrpcrwnht J ja phrtjgu`hr h``ew te nhppca ber Oy mjsgjp`cs se tnhttncy ht tnjs eppertuajty gha thstc h `jtt`c tnc oest cxtrcocsnhrpacss eb tnc nuoha wer`m`y ojam wnht js vcry sh`uthry tetnco! H`tneuln tncy hrc vcry oemcst pcep`c ham pesscss ha

    h`rchmy vcry scasji`c nchrt se aew ham tnca h J/ho/icttcr/tnha/etncrs tneulnt rjscs ja tnco ham ber tnht sugn h pcrsea js qujtc

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    ha cxgc``cat steac eb cxgcptjea!T

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)


    purc rchsea gha ljvc yeu qujtc h leem haswcr hieut jt jb yeuthdc jate hggeuat tnht tnjs tcoperhry `jbc js tnc sccm ham tnc `jbcja tnc icyeam tnc ctcrah` brujt!T_ Wcc J nhvc aet fumlcm yeu iut ea`y snewcm te yeu wnhtyeu sneu`m me ja buturc ham oy werm whs aet nhrm hlhjast yeuham tnc teac eb oy vejgc whs sebt( ]hdc tncsc oy werms tenchrt ham J hssurc yeu hs h brjcam wjtn oy `jbc tnht yeu wj``bercvcr aet rclrct jt(


    T8_ Whys Verc`6 Hn ja tnjs why yeu gha spchd te oc h`rjlnt4

    sjagc tnjs rch``y seuamcm nuohac`y ham J wj`` me cvcrytnjalpessji`c te me wnht yeu hs h pcrsea aet hs h fumlc wj`` tc``oc mchr brjcam( Aew J daew oysc`b prcgjsc`y ham oy jaacr `jbcgerc sccos aet ic tnc werst4 iut oy eutsjmc js catjrc`y ihm( Jb jtweu`m ic pessji`c te geop`ctc`y rjm oysc`b eb tnjs b`csn ham jtsihm seu` htthgnocats ham te surreuam tnc jaacr `jbc gerc wjtn hicttcr b`csn ohss tnca J weu`m ic h vcry rhrc pcrsea4 iut wjtntnjs tnc gurrcat geastjtutjea eb oy iemy aetnjal gha ic meac( Eb geursc Jo aet sugn h sgeuamrc` hs J whs4 iut oy b`csn gha acvcric trustcm! Acvcrtnc`css jt js strhalc tnht oy wj`` acvcrhggeophajcm h`` tnesc oy se ihm `eedjal mccms( J nhvc h`whysicca mrhwa te tnco `jdc iy gejagjmcagc4 breo wnht J hgtuh``ywhatcm cxhgt`y tnc eppesjtc nhppcacm( New js tnjs pessji`c5T9_ Whys Fena6 Zcs icne`m tnc wj`` eb h pcrsea js twebe`m6 tnceac wj`` js wncrc tnc rcgelajtjea eb tnc trutn h`whys nhs h

    seocwnht wchd nhu`jal/ er lujmjal repc4 tnc etncr wj``newcvcr js wncrc tnc scasueus wer`m wjtn jts feyeus soc``jal

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    mcohams h`se nhs h nhu`jal repc wnjgn iy h`` djams eb nhijtsnhs icgeoc qujtc streal ham pewcrbu`! Jb tnc wer`m snews yeu hp`chshat ijtc telctncr wjtn tnc pessjij`jty te eithja jt tnca tncstreal repc sthrts te streal`y pu`` ht tnc wj`` g`ustcr eb tnc nchrt4

    cvca jb ht tnc shoc tjoc tnc `csscr streal nhu`/ ham lujmc repc eb tnc trutn rcgelajtjea icljas te stjr jt js eb `jtt`c er ae uscicghusc tnc streal nhs h`whys ghrrjcm vjgtery evcr tnc wchd!T7_ ]nc wj`` tnht sneu`m ic cbbcgtjvc oust hgt wjtn scrjeusmctcrojahtjea ham aet ic hbrhjm eb haytnjal! \jtn tnc oest stejgjamjbbcrcagc nc oust ic hi`c te `huln ebb h`` tnc hmvhathlcs eb tnc wer`m ham cvca ht tnc gest eb njs iemj`y `jbc nc oust be``ewtnc irjlnt phtn eb trutn! Ea`y tnca nhs tnc usuh``y wchd rcgelajtjea wj`` icgeoc streal ham ojlnty ham nhs ohmc tncpurc`y wer`m`y coetjeah`/ ham p`chsurc wj`` geop`ctc`ysuiscrvjcat! Bjah``y jt wj`` h`se geop`ctc`y trhasbero jtsc`b jatetnc `jlnt eb tnc rcgelajtjea wj`` ham se oha nhs bjah``y icgeocuajtcm ja njosc`b wnjgn js eb tnc lrchtcst csscatjh` joperthagcber tnc jaacr pcrbcgtjea eb tnc jooerth` nuoha icjal!T=_ Icghusc jb yeu ja yeur tneulnts ham ja yeursc`b ghaaet hlrcc

    wjtn yeursc`b new gha yeu tnca shy6 J nhvc rcgelajzcm tnctrutn ja jts mcptn ham bu``acss iut ja yeursc`b yeu hrc stj`` jageop`ctc mjshlrccocat ham tncrcberc ja yeursc`b yeu hrcaetnjal tnca h purc `jc5( Iut tnc `jc js ja geatrhst te tnc trutnaetnjal c`sc `jdc tnc tnjgdcst ajlnt ja geophrjsea te tncirjlntcst mhy! Ja sugn h ajlnt tncrc js ae `jlnt ham oha janjosc`b h `jc ghaaet rcgelajzc tnc irjlnt trutn ham tncrcbercwjtn h`` wer`m`y pcep`c wne hrc stj`` bu`` eb mjshlrccocat tncnhu` ham lujmc repc eb rcgelajtjea wj`` nhvc icgeoc se wchdtnht jt ht tnc s`jlntcst eppesjtc pu`` eb tnc wer`m`y p`chsurc wj``js tnrewa evcriehrm ham tncrciy mcbchtcm!T3_ Jb wjtn seoc pcep`c tnc wer`m`y p`chsurc wj`` nhs mcbchtcmham grusncm tnc rcgelajtjea wj`` bercvcr se tnht tncrciy h`se hdjam eb uajty eb mhrdacss eggurs ja tnc jaacr oha oha nhsicgeoc mchm ja tnc spjrjt ham js tncrciy geamcoacm ja njosc`b

    ham gha ja h`` ctcrajty aet lct te tnc `jlnt hayoerc cxgcpttnreuln tnc bjrc eb njs gehrsc ohttcr jlajtcm iy tnc prcssurc eb

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    mcsjrcs! Iut tnc ohttcr eb tnc seu` js ohay tjocs oerc stuiierahs tnjs eb tnc iemy ham jt rcqujrcs qujtc h pewcrbu` bjrc tegeasuoc ham mcstrey h`` tnc seu`/ohttcr!T2_ Wjagc sugn h seu` wj`` aet h``ew sugn ha cxgccmjal`y phjabu`

    purjbjghtjea te nhppca te ncr ber tnc shdc eb `evc ber tnc trutn ertnc `jlnt iut jastchm wj`` eut eb jts e`m p`chsurc ham l`eeoy `ustber pewcr try te hvejm jt hs h [retcus camchvers te wjtnmrhwbreo tnc ghtgn jt js h pcrsea wne ja tnjs wer`m nhs icgeocgeop`ctc`y uajtcm ja njs ajlnt eb `jbc ham js tncrcberc vjrtuh``y`est bercvcr!T

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    T8_ Whys Verc`6 Nc shys6 Verc` gha me cvcrytnjal jb nc hstnc rch` Verc` whats te ham nc whats jt aew ham tncrcberc ncsurc`y wj`` rcgcjvc nc`p( Jb J geu`m ht `chst sthy h bcw wccds wjtnyeu g`chr`y tnc ohttcr weu`m le chsjcr ham bhstcr(T9_ Whys Fena6 Jb yeu ea`y nhvc thdca h pcrbcgt`y scrjeus wj`` teicgeoc h icttcr pcrsea yeu wj`` sthy hoeal oca wne hrc fusths pewcrbu` hs wc hrc ja tnc oest joocmjhtc vjgjajty eb tnclrcht ham `jvjal `jlnt eut eb Lem(T7_ Whys Verc`6 \nht ham wne js hgtuh``y yeur Lem wnjgn yeuFcws gh`` tnc Lem eb Hirhnho Jshhg ham Fhgei5T=_ Whys Fena6 ]njs qucstjea yeu wj`` g`chr`y bjam haswcrcm jayeursc`b eagc yeu nhvc icgeoc uajtcm ja yeur `jlnt fust hs wcnhvc beuam jt4 jb wc whatcm te cxp`hja tnjs oerc g`chr`y te yeuyeu weu`m aet uamcrstham us ber yeur wne`c `jbc! Iut tnjs yeusneu`m daew ja hmvhagc wnht jmch h truc pcrsea sneu`m nhvchieut Lem ham tncrcberc `jstca(T3_ ]nc ea`y truc ham uajtcm Lem js ja Njosc`b ha cvcr`hstjal

    purcst spjrjt eut eb Njosc`b cqujppcm wjtn tnc njlncst mclrcc eb sc`b/geasgjcagcs wjtn tnc mccpcst ham irjlntcst trutn ham wjtn hbjro wj`` te wne aetnjal js jopessji`c!T2_ Lem js tnc \erm ja Njosc`b ham tnc werm jtsc`b js Lem! ]njscvcr`hstjal werm nhs aew thdca up tnc b`csn ghoc ja tnjs wer`mte tnesc wne ic`eal te Njo ham tncy me aet rcgelajzc tnc `jlntwnjgn tncrciy nhs geoc jate tnc wer`m! Ber tnjs rchsea tnjs `jlntwj`` ic thdca hwhy breo tnc gnj`mrca ham ljvca te tnc nchtncas.supcrstjtjeus ic`jcvcrs* hs rcspeasjij`jty! Wjagc tnc nchtncas hrcaew schrgnjal ber tnc trutn newcvcr tnc gnj`mrca eb tnc `jlnthrc b`ccjal jt `jdc tnc lrcht grjojah`s tnc geurts! ]ncrcberc jtwj`` ic thdca breo tnc gnj`mrca ham ljvca te tnc nchtncas hs js jttnc ghsc rjlnt aew ham js thdjal p`hgc!T

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)



    eagc tncy nhvc beuam jt tncy hrc vcry feybu` ham prhjsc tncLjvcr eb tnc `jlnt icyeam ochsurc tru`y ja tncjr nchrts hamwjtn mccms!T>_ Ncrc `eed hreuam yeu ham yeu scc qujtc h grewm eb pcep`c(

    ]nc ijllcst auoicrs hrc nchtncas wne nhvc schrgncm ber tnc`jlnt eut eb tnc nchvcas! ]ncy nhvc beuam jt ham hrc l`hm hieutjt4 iut Fcrush`co tnc gjty eb tnc @erm hrc ea`y scamjal eutghpters ham ncagnoca wne sneu`m grusn tnc `jlnt( Iut tnescwne wcrc scat hrc g`cvcrcr tnha tnesc wne wcrc scamjal tnco4tncy ghoc eut eb tncjr lrcht mhrdacss te tnc `jlnt wcrc vcry l`hmhieut jt ham sthycm ja jt! ]ncy jamccm nhvc ghpturcm tnc `jlntiut aet ber tnc mualcea eb Fcrush`co iut ber tncosc`vcs bertncjr nchrts ham hrc aew eur iretncrs ja tnc `jlnt eb Lem hamhrc l`hm hieut jt ham Njo breo wneo tnc lrcht `jlnt cohahtcs!T:_ Zeu ghoc ncrc hs h nchtnca tneuln aet te bjam h `jlnt beryeur `jbcs ajlnt iut ber le`m ham sj`vcr! Iut wne geocs eut eb tnc mualcea te tnc `jlnt eb tnc sua wj`` aet chsj`y ic hi`c tehvejm tnht nc icgeocs j``uojahtc! Ham se jt nhppcas te yeu!Cvca jb yeu mjm aet schrgn ber tnc tnc `jlnt yeu wj``

    acvcrtnc`css icgeoc j``uojahtcm sjagc yeu ghoc te tnc sua tnjsmecs aet ocha tnc `jlnt eb ahturc wnjgn fust aew teugncs tncscttjal nerjzea iut tnc `jlnt eb tnc spjrjtuh` sua wnjgnj``uojahtcs tnc wne`c eb jabjajty wjtn h`` wjsmeo se tnht h``icjals wne hrc hi`c eb tneulnts gha tnjad ham wj`` eut eb tnht`jlnt hs ea tnjs chrtn ham geuat`css etncr wer`ms wjtn wnjgnjabjajtc sphgc nhs icca bj``cm eut iy Lem!T8;_ ]ncrcberc `ct tnjs `jlnt snjac tnreuln yeu wnjgn yeu aewsthrt te aetjgc h `jtt`c se tnht jt snjacs tnreuln yeur jatcstjacsham iy tnc soh``cst sphrd eb tnjs `jlnt yeu h`rchmy wj`` icgeocnhppjcr tnha ic hi`c te thdc pesscssjea eb h`` tnc trchsurcs eb tncwer`m! Wchrgn aew yeursc`b ber tnc truc djalmeo eb trutn hamcvcrytnjal c`sc wj`` ic ljvca te yeu ber brcc ham yeu wj`` aetnhvc h snerthlcs eb haytnjal(

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)



    T8_ Whys Verc`6 Brjcam yeu hrc rjlnt6 \nht h pcrsea cafeys jamhrdacss mecs aet prespcr( ]nht J `jvc ja h mcasc spjrjtuh` ajlntJ aetjgc oysc`b4 sjagc yeur werms nhvc ljvca oc h rjlnt hamlrcht `jlnt mcspjtc tncjr oystcrjeus seuam ham J h`rchmy nhvc hlrcht fey hieut jt! Newcvcr jb yeur werm h`se gha hgnjcvcseoctnjal wjtn Gyrcajus tnca hsd njo tnht nc ht `chst ljvcs ocha ea`y seocwnht icttcr geht4 sjagc J ghaaet ic scca hay `ealcrja tncsc rhls ja yeur segjcty! Gyrcajus surc`y wj`` nhvc seocdjam eb e`m eutwera scrvhats geht(T9_ Gyrcajus gh``s eac eb njs scrvhats ham shys6 Le wncrc eur`ullhlc js ham irjal oc h leem snjrt h telh ham h Lrccd geht(T7_ ]nc scrvhat lecs ham irjals wnht js rcqujrcm!T=_ ]ncrcupea Gyrcajus gh``s Verc` ham shys6 Ncrc thdc tncscg`etncs le te tnc ihgd eb tnc neusc ham lct mrcsscm(T3_ Njln`y tnhadbu` Verc` thdcs tnc g`etncs lecs icnjam tncneusc eb Ohrdus mrcsscs ham tncrciy eithjas qujtc hajoprcssjvc hppchrhagc!

    T2_ \jtnja h bcw oeocats Verc` js ihgd wjtn us ham shys teGyrcajus6 C`htcm `erm( Aet eur trjb`jal lems hayoerc iut tnceac truc ham cvcr`hstjal `jvjal Lem wj`` rcwhrm yeu( Zeu aewnhvc mrcsscm h ahdcm peer pcrsea4 ham tnjs js h aei`c mccmwnjgn Jo aet wertny eb( Iut jb tncrc cxjsts h truc h`ojlnty hamnjln`y wjsc Lem wnesc gnj`mrca wc hrc h`` er ht `chst Njsgrchtjea ham hs Nc snewcrs us wjtn leem mccms wnjgn wc meaet mcscrvc ham ber wnjgn wc gha ea`y tnhad Njo iut aetnjalc`sc J h`se aew ncrc stham ja breat eb yeu c`htcm `erm ham ru`cr6breo tnc ietteo eb oy nchrt J gha ea`y tnhad yeu iut aetnjalc`sc( Jb yeu what te hggcpt oc hs eac eb yeur `hst scrvhats J wj``ljvc yeu oy bjc`m hs h prcscat(T_ Whys Verc`6 C`htcm `erm ham ru`cr( \nht yeu what me tnjs(

  • 8/6/2019 The Great Gospel of John Book 9 (Jakob Lorber)



    Cvcrytnjal breo yeu js ocrgy4 iut p`chsc me aet `chvc oc hamljvc oc yeur scrvjgc hs h prcscat( Fust hs J nhvc let rjm eb h``oy e`m rhls ber leem J wj`` h`se thdc ebb oy ihm e`m pcrsea hamicgeoc ha catjrc`y mjbbcrcat pcrsea( ]njs yeu gha ic`jcvc oc(

    Fust hs ihm J whs J what te icgeoc leem te cxpjhtc wjtn tncrcst eb oy rcohjajal `jbc h`` ihm wnjgn J nhvc ghuscm!T:_ Jb J nhm cvcr oct h pcrsea wne nhm jlajtcm sugn h irjlnt`jlnt ber oc hieut rjlnt ham wreal `jdc tnjs Fena evcr tncrc Jweu`m acvcr nhvc suad se mccp jate h`` vjgcs4 iut wjtneut Joysc`b h`whys nhm te ic tnc oest g`cvcr pcrsea te oysc`b( Iutnew bhr J let wjtn oy ewa lrcht g`cvcracss yeu daew ham jt jsaet acgcsshry ber oc te rcpcht oy ijl mjslrhgc icberc yeu h``hlhja! ]ncrcberc ic breo aew ea g`cocat ham ocrgjbu``y te oc4icghusc ja buturc yeu sneu`m aet lct hay eppertuajty te icmjsgeatcat wjtn oc! Jo hi`c te pcrbero vhrjeus hrts ham hacxpcrt wjtn wrjtjal ham ohdjal gh`gu`htjeas ham tnc njstery eb ahtjeas up te tnjs pejat js aet bercjla te oc! ]nc wne`c Ncremet.Lrccd njstery wrjtcr* js bhoj`jhr te oc4 h`se tnc Fcws[crsjhas ham tnc e`m Ihiy`eajhas gnreajg`cs hrc aet uadaewa

    te oc! Ham tnus yeu sneu`m ic hi`c te utj`jzc oc seocwncrc!T8;_ Whys Gyrcajus6 Hieut tnht wc wj`` th`d `htcr4 iut ber aew fust rctura te yeur brjcam Fena ham `ct njo snew yeu tnc rjlntwhy( Jb yeu nhvc tnht cvcrytnjal c`sc wj`` ic prevjmcm berseea(


    T8_ Spea tncsc werms eb Gyrcajus Verc` iewcm mccp`y icberc ush`` ham joocmjhtc`y let ihgd te Fena wne hlhja rcgcjvcm njowjtn h`` brjcam`jacss ham hsdcm njo new nc bc`t aew!T9_ Whys Verc`6 Jo vcry wc`` wnht yeu g`chr`y gha scc breooy g`etncs4 eagc yeu ewa h nch`tny snjrt h telh ham ghrry hLrccd geht ohmc breo i`uc Ocrjae hreuam yeur sneu`mcrs yeubcc` chrtn`y scca qujtc wc``( Eb geursc rclhrmjal tnc spjrjtuh`

    wc`` icjal J shy te yeu tncrc js stj`` h trcocameus snertbh``( Jb Lem whatcm oc te `eed acw`y mrcsscm ja tnc spjrjt fust `jdc oy

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    iemy aew J surc`y weu`m bcc` ougn icttcr4 iut tnjs wj`` thdcoerc tjoc(T7_ H qucstjea brjcam yeu surc`y wj`` h``ew oc te hsd ham jtrchms `jdc be``ews6 Zeu hrc pcep`c `jdc oc yeu nhvc b`csn ham

    i`eem ham tnc shoc scascs hs J ho4 iut yeu nhvc ljvca oc preeb eb yeur spjrjtuh` strcaltn tnht cxgccms sdy njln cvcrytnjalwnjgn J nhvc cageuatcrcm se bhr( ]nc qucstjea js aew new mjmyeu lct ne`m eb jt! \ne thulnt yeu ham yeur ge``chlucs tnjs5New mjm yeu geoc eate tnjs rehm5T=_ Whys Fena6 ]e cxp`hja tnjs te yeu weu`m ocha aetnjal teyeu4 iut jb yeu me wnht J wj`` tc`` yeu aew yeu wj`` bjam tnctchgnjal ja yeursc`b ham yeur hwhdca spjrjt wj`` strcaltncacmiy tnc spjrjt eb Lem lujmc yeu ja h`` trutn ham wjsmeo! Jb yeuwhat te `chra hay djam eb hrt yeu oust le te ha hrtjst se tnht ncgha snew yeu tnc sdj``s4 tnca geocs tnc mj`jlcat prhgtjgc se tnhtyeu gha ohdc tnc sdj``s te sugn ha cxtcat yeur ewa tnht tncygeop`ctc`y ohtgn tnesc eb tnc ohstcr ham tnca yeu hrc ha hrtjst

    fust `jdc yeur ohstcr!T3_ Jb yeu what te `chra te tnjad yeu oust le te h pnj`esepncr4

    nc wj`` mrhw yeur httcatjea te ghuscs ham cbbcgts ham tncrciyyeu wj`` sthrt `chrajal te tnjad ham te geag`umc ham wj`` shy6\nj`c tnc whtcr js h `jqujm iemy jt gha chsj`y p`hgcm ja h sthtc eb uarcst4 icghusc eb jts wcjlnt jt oust b`ew mewa tnc vh``cy sjagchggermjal te tnc oest lcacrh` cxpcrjcagc uatj` aew cvcrytnjalwjtn wcjlnt oust tura jtsc`b te tnc mcptn eb tnc chrtn icghusc eb h lrhvjthtjeah` pewcr jasjmc tnc mcptn eb tnc chrtn ham oustgeatjauc te strjvc tewhrms jt hggermjal te tnc uagnhaljal wj`` eb tnc Grchter wne js h oust/`hw ja tnc wne`c eb ahturc!T2_ Jb tnc whtcr nhs rchgncm tnc mccpcst icm ja tnc sch rclhrmjalb`ew jt geocs te rcst iut ja jtsc`b jt stj`` rcohjas h `jqujm iemy4ham jb h steroy wjam i`ews evcr tnc wjmc surbhgc jt irjals tncetncrwjsc qujct surbhgc eb tnc whtcr jate h whvy oevcocat hamtnjs whvjal eb tnc whtcr js ja bhgt aetnjal c`sc tnha h strjvjal eb tnc `jqujm iemy eb whtcr te bjam rcst! Iut sjagc aetnjal nhs sugn

    h streal mcsjrc ber rcst tnha whtcr jt gha h`se ja tnc chsjcst hambhstcst ohaacr ireulnt eut eb tnc ih`hagc eb jts rcst!

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    T_ Ea`y tnjs why eb tnjadjal oevcs wjtnja h gjrg`c breowncrc tncrc js aewncrc hay csghpc te ic beuam ham h`se ghaaetic beuam! H`` tnjs tnjadjal nhs tncrcberc vcry `jtt`c er ae usc hth`` ber h pcrsea wjtn rclhrm te njs jaacr spjrjtuh` icjal wj`` hamtnjadjal! Fust hs yeu gha ea`y ohdc hay djam eb hrt breo hahrtjst ham ha ermcr`y rhtjeah` why eb tnjadjal breo hpnj`esepncr yeur ewa yeu h`se gha ea`y `chra tnc jaacrspjrjtuh` why eb tnjadjal breo h spjrjt ahoc`y breo tnccvcrytnjal pcactrhtjal spjrjt eb Lem ja yeursc`b tnjs ochas6ea`y h spjrjt gha hwhdca h spjrjt4 sjagc eac spjrjt sccsham rcgelajzcs haetncr spjrjt sjoj`hr `jdc eac cyc sccs ham

    rcgelajzcs haetncr tnht jt js ha cyc ham new jt js geastjtutcm!T:_ ]nc spjrjt js tnc oest jaacr cycsjlnt eb tnc seu` wnesc `jlntpcactrhtcs cvcrytnjal icghusc jt js h oest jaacr ham tncrcbercpurcst `jlnt! Breo tnht yeu gha scc aew new jt js wjtn `chrajaleb mjbbcrcat tnjals ham new yeu nhvc te nhvc ber cvcrytnjalyeu what te `chra tnc oest sujthi`c tchgncr etncrwjsc yeurcohja ha cvcr`hstjal i`uamcrcr4 eagc yeu nhvc beuam tnc oestsujthi`c tchgncr jt h`se mcpcams vcry ougn ea mejal vcryprcgjsc`y ham mj`jlcat`y wnht tnc ohstcr jastrugtcm er hmvjscmeac te me!T8;_ Jb yeur spjrjt hwhdcas wjtnja yeu yeu wj`` aetjgc njs vejgchs `jlnt tneulnts ja yeur nchrt! Zeu oust vcry ghrcbu` `jstca tetnco ham mjrcgt yeur wne`c `jbc spncrc hggermjal`y ncagc yeuwj`` tncrciy prevjmc ber yeur ewa spjrjt ha cvcr jagrchsjalsphgc eb cbbcgtjvcacss4 tnus yeur spjrjt wj`` lrew jasjmc yeu te h

    oha`y sjzc ham wj`` pcactrhtc yeur wne`c seu` ham wjtn ncr yeurcatjrc ohtcrjh` icjal!

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    sj``jacss!T9_ ]njs js tnc ea`y rchsea wny J what te rchgn yeur pcrbcgtjea!]nc mcoham ber tnjs ja oy `jbc gha geasjst eut eb haytnjal jtwhats J surc wj`` geop`y wjtn jt4 icghusc jb J what seoctnjal

    ae shgrjbjgc js tee nchvy ber oc( Jt wj`` ic cxcgutcm cvca ht gestte tnjs oy iemj`y `jbc( Wjagc eb wnht vh`uc gha h `jbc ic jb geopescm iy h`` djam eb jopcrbcgtjeas5( \jtn jopcrbcgtjea eacghaaet rchgn hay pcrbcgtjea iut J surc`y nhvc ae mcsjrc berhaytnjal jopcrbcgt hayoerc(T7_ Iut yeu shjm tnht haetncr pcrsea wne js bu`` eb tnc spjrjt eb Lem wj`` tchgn oc hieut tnht wnht J nhvc te me4 yeu daew njo snew njo te oc se tnht J gha le te njo ham hsd njo hieut tncochas te hwhdca oy spjrjt(T=_ Whys Fena6 Jt js Njo wne chr`jcr scat yeu te oc( Le tenjo Nc wj`` hwhdca yeu(T3_ Whys Verc`6 Ha jatcrah` aetjea te`m oc hbtcr oy hwhdcajaltnht tnjs ghrpcatcrs sea breo Ahzhrctn jamjghtcm te oc icbercoust ic oerc tnha fust h pcrsea! Bjah``y tnc trutn cocrlcs wnhtJ prcvjeus`y ea`y hatjgjphtcm hs prcoeajtjea( Jt js hievc h`` vcry

    strhalc tnht hgtuh``y tnjs oha `eeds se bhoj`jhr te oc( Iut newmjm nc geoc te sugn pcrbcgtjea5 Gha yeu prevjmc oc wjtn hayjaberohtjea hieut tnht5T2_ Whys Fena6 Hieut tnht J gha tc`` yeu aetnjal c`sc tnha tnhtyeu hrc berljvca te hsd sugn h qucstjea4 etncrwjsc jt weu`m icshoc hs jb yeu weu`m hsd new ham ja wnjgn ohaacr mjm Lemeithjacm Njs pcrbcgt wjsmeo ham pcrbcgt h`ojlntjacss! LemNjosc`b gnesc Njo hs Njs iemj`y mwc``jal( ]njs js tnc lrchtocrgy tnht geocs te h`` ahtjeas iy tnjs gnesca Eac! ]nc nuohasjmc yeu scc ja Njo js cquh` te tnc sea eb Lem4 iut ja njomwc``s tnc spjrjt eb Lem te tnc bu``cst(T

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    pcrbcgtcm! Nc mjm ham stj`` mecs cvcrytnjal ea`y se tnht h``pcep`c sneu`m nhvc h oest pcrbcgt cxhop`c ja Njo te be``ewNjo hs tnc prjoermjh` rchsea ham prjoermjh` ohstcr eb h`` icjalham `jbc!

    T>_ Aew yeu h`se daew wjtn wneo yeu hrc mch`jal ja Njo!]ncrcberc le te Njo se tnht Nc gha snew yeu tnc rjlnt why teyeur spjrjt wnjgn js ja yeu hs tnc purc `evc ber Lem ham iyyeur spjrjt er yeur `evc te Njo wne sthys hoeal us hs tnc trucwc`bhrc eb h`` ohadjam wne cvcr `jvcm ea tnjs chrtn aew `jvcham wne wj`` `jvc ja buturc!T:_ Newcvcr jb yeu le te Njo le wjtn tnc `evc eb yeur nchrt teNjo ham aet wjtn tnc purjty eb yeur ojam( Icghusc ea`ytnreuln `evc gha ham wj`` yeu wja Njo evcr ham h`segeoprcncam Njs mjvjajty4 iut wjtn yeur ojam yeu wj`` hgnjcvcbercvcr aetnjal( Wjagc ea`y `evc js hi`c te jagrchsc bercvcrwnj`c tncrc nhvc icca p`hgcm `jojts ber tnc ojam wnjgn ncbercvcr js aet hi`c te surphss! Iut tnc `evc eb nuohas te Lem jshs Nc Njosc`b shys hi`c te jagrchsc bercvcr ham tnc strealcrtnc `evc ber Njo ja yeu lrews tnc irjlntcr jt wj`` icgeoc ja

    yeur wne`c icjal( Icghusc tnc purc `evc te Lem js h `jvjal bjrcham tnc irjlntcst `jlnt! \ne wh`ds ja tnjs `jlnt wj`` aet sccmchtn ja ctcrajty hs Nc Njosc`b nhs shjm! Ham aew yeuh`rchmy daew qujtc h `et4 hwhdc yeursc`b ja yeur nchrt ham lete Njo(T8;_ Newcvcr icghusc eb h`` tnc rcvcrcagc upea tnjs ocsshlcVerc` mecs aet daew wnht te tnjad er wnht te me! Wjagc tnjs `hsttchgnjal `chvcs njo ae meuit hayoerc tnht J ghrry tnc Lemnchmja h`` bu``acss ja Oysc`b ham tncrcberc icghusc eb njsgeatjaueus`y lrewjal rcvcrcagc nc icgeocs oerc soh``/nchrtcmham wjtneut geurhlc ham shys hbtcr h wnj`c eb mccpcr rcb`cgtjea6Brjcam( ]nc oerc J tnjad hieut yeur werms tnc oerc mjbbjgu`tjt icgeocs ber oc tnht J Njs ocrgy oest uawertny sneu`m lete Njo ham hsd Njo tnht Nc Njosc`b sneu`m snew oc tnc irjlnt`jlntcm phtn te `jbc( Jt js te shy jt mjrcgt`y achr`y jopessji`c ber

    oc te le te Njo4 sjagc J bcc` h strhalc ne`jacss cohahtjal breoNjo tewhrms oc ham tnjs dccps ea tc``jal oc6 Wtcp ihgd yeu

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    oest uawertny( Bjrst rcpcat ber h bcw ychrs ea`y tnca geoc hamscc jb yeu gha teugn tnc nco eb Oy lhrocat( ]c`` oc breowncrc geocs tnjs cxtrhermjahry bchr wnjgn pcactrhtcs oywne`c icjal(

    T88_ Whys Fena6 ]njs js qujtc truc4 tnc truc `evc te Lem tnc @ermoust h`whys ic prcgcmcm iy tnc occdacss eb tnc nchrt( \ncrctnjs js aet tnc ghsc `evc acvcr cvcr gha cocrlc ja h truc ham`jvjal why! Ycohja ber h `jtt`c wnj`c `ealcr ja sugn rjlntnuoj`jty eb yeur nchrt icberc Njo( Iut wnca Nc gh``s yeu meaet whjt hay `ealcr ham le qujgd`y te Njo(T89_ Hbtcr tncsc werms Verc` bjams seoc rchssurhagc ja njosc`biut streal`y tnjads hieut jt new leem ham i`csscm jt weu`m icte stham wjtneut sja icberc tnc Ne`jcst!

    8;! ] NC \HZ ]E C]CYAH@ @JBC

    T8_ ]e njs njlncst surprjsc ham ijllcst hsteajsnocat J shy teVerc`6 \ne rcgelajzcs njs sjas rucbu``y ham pcrberos pcahagcja tnc truc `jvjal nuoj`jty eb njs nchrt js oerc wc`geoc te Oc

    tnha ajacty/ajac fustjbjcm wne acvcr accmcm pcahagc! Geoctncrcberc te Oc yeu pcahagc/rchmy brjcam4 sjagc tnc rjlntbcc`jal eb nuoj`jty ru`cs ja yeu wnjgn js oerc wc`geoc te Octnha tnc fustjbjcm breo tnc prjoermjh` icljaajal wne gh`` jatncjr nchrts6 Neshaah Lem ja nchvca tnht wc nhvc acvcrmcscgrhtcm Zeur ne`jcst ahoc iy h sja hggermjal te eurdaew`cmlc ham wj``( ]ncy spchd `jdc tnht ham hrc fustjbjcm te metnht4 iut tncrcberc tncy hrc h`se `eedjal ht h sjaacr wjtn fumljalcycs ham b`cc njs prcscagc `jdc h p`hluc!T9_ ]ncy rcscoi`c tnesc megters wne tncosc`vcs l`ew eb tncbu``cst nch`tn iut tncrcberc sny hwhy breo lejal te p`hgcswncrc h sjgd pcrsea js gh``jal ber nc`p eut eb bchr te icgeoc j``tncosc`vcs! Jsat h megter icttcr ham oerc aei`c wne mecs aetbchr hay j``acss ham rusncs te cvcry j`` pcrsea wne gh``cm bernjo5( Cvca jb seoctjocs ge/scjzcm iy ha j``acss nc js aet

    haaeycm hieut jt stj`` nc`ps tnc sjgd pcrsea ham njosc`b! Hamtnjs js rjlnt(

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    T7_ ]ncrcberc geoc aew te Oc ham J wj`` snew yeu wnht Oymjsgjp`c geu`mat snew yeu ahoc`y tnc ea`y truc why eb `jbc ham`evc ham truc wjsmeo tncrceb(T=_ Spea tncsc Oy werms Verc` whs cageurhlcm ham ghoc wjtn

    vcry s`ew stcps te Oc!T3_ \nca nc whs g`esc te Oc J shjm6 Brjcam tnc why wnjgn`chms te tnc `jbc eb tnc spjrjt js tneray ham ahrrew( ]njs ochastnc be``ewjal6 Cvcrytnjal yeu hrc cageuatcrjal ja tnjs `jbc breopcep`c `jdc haaeyhagc ijttcracss ham uap`chshatacss yeusneu`m bjlnt wjtn h`` phtjcagc ham lcat`cacss ham wne mecs cvj`te yeu yeu sneu`m aet me tnc shoc te njo iut tnc eppesjtctnca yeu ge``cgt l`ewjal geh`s ea njs nchm( \ne njts yeu meaet rcphy njo `jdcwjsc rhtncr thdc haetncr i`ew breo njo setnht pchgc ham uajty gha ic ictwcca yeu4 sjagc ea`y ja pchgcmecs tnc nchrt ham tnc lrewtn eb tnc spjrjt ja tnc seu` prespcrs!T2_ \necvcr hsds yeu ber h bhver er h ljbt me aet mcay njohaytnjal prevjmcm tnht tnc scrvjgc wnjgn js rcqujrcm mecs aeteppesc tnc geoohamocats eb Lem er tnc `hws eb tnc sthtc wnhtyeu wj`` ic hi`c te fumlc ber yeursc`b!

    T_ \ne hsds yeu te wh`d ha neur wjtn njo le wjtn njo bertwe neurs se tnht tnjs yeur wj``jalacss icgeocs h tcstjoeaybreo wnjgn sgnee` nc js breo te wneo sugn h njln mclrcc eb hiaclhtjea js ewa( Ja tnjs why cvca tnc mchb ham i`jam wj`` lcttnc rjlnt sjlas tnht tnc djalmeo eb Lem nhs geoc achrcr!T:_ Jt wj`` ic rcgelajzcm ja yeur hgtjeas ham mccms tnht yeu hrch`` Oy mjsgjp`cs( Icghusc jt js chsjcr te prchgn rjlnt tnha te merjlnt! Iut wnht mecs tnc copty werm ochas jb jt js aet ohmch`jvc iy tnc mccm5( ]e wnht usc hrc tnc oest ichutjbu` tneulnts

    ham jmchs jb yeu me aet nhvc tnc ochas te cvcr put tnco tewerd5( ]nus tnc ajgcst ham trucst werms hrc h`se usc`css jb yeu

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    me aet nhvc tnc wj`` te put tnco hievc h`` te werd! Ea`y tncmccm nhs vh`uc4 tneulnts jmchs ham werms hrc wertn`css jb tncyhrc aet put te werd! ]ncrcberc cvcryeac wne gha prchgn wc``sneu`m h`se me wc`` etncrwjsc njs prchgncs hrc aet wertn oerc

    tnha h ne``ew aut(


    T8_ .]nc @erm6* H `hrlc auoicr eb mhalcrs cxjst ber tnc seu` jatnc wer`m! Ea tnc eac sjmc yeu nhvc pevcrty4 jts geagcpt eb ojac ham yeurs hrc lcttjal wchdcr tnc oerc h pcrsea js prcsscmiy tnc shoc! ]ncrcberc me aet `ct pevcrty te lrew te `hrlchoeal tnc pcep`c jb yeu what te wh`d shbc`y(T9_ \ne js peer sneu`m hsd tnc wch`tnjcr iretncrs ber hacgcsshry suppert4 jb nc iuops jate nhrm nchrts nc sneu`m turate Oc ham nc wj`` ic nc`pcm( [evcrty ham mjstrcss mecs aetcxgusc tncbt ham reiicry ham cvca `css ohas`hulntcr eb seoceac wne nhs icca reiicm( \ne js peer mecs daew tewneo nc nhs te tura!

    T7_ [evcrty surc`y js h lrcht p`hluc ber tnc pcep`c iut jt ghrrjcstnc aei`c sccm eb nuoj`jty ham truc oemcsty ja jt ham wj``tncrcberc h`whys rcohja hoeal tnc pcep`c4 acvcrtnc`css tncwch`tny sneu`m aet `ct jt icgeoc tee ojlnty etncrwjsc tncy wj``ic vcry ougn ja mhalcr ncrc ham h`se eac mhy ja tnc icyeam!T=_ Jb tncrc hrc peer pcep`c hoeal yeu J shy te yeu h``6 Zeu meaet nhvc te prevjmc ber tnco se tnht tncy h`se icgeoc rjgn4 iutht tnc shoc tjoc yeu sneu`m aet `ct tnco subbcr mjstrcss( ]nescyeu gha scc ham daew nc`p tnco hggermjal te wnht js rjlnt hamcqujthi`c( Iut tncrc hrc stj`` ohay ea tnjs wjmc chrtn wne hrccxtrcoc`y peer ham hrc subbcrjal h tcrrji`c mjstrcss! Iut yeumeat daew tnco ham me aet nchr tncjr gry eb mjstrcss4 tncrcbercJ me aet ohdc tnco yeur rcspeasjij`jty ja yeur nchrts iut ea`ytnesc yeu daew ham wne geoc te yeu!T3_ \ne breo yeu js h brjcam eb tnc peer wjtn njs bu`` nchrt te

    njo J h`se wj`` ic h brjcam ham h truc iretncr tcoperhry hambercvcr ham jt wj`` aet ic acgcsshry ber njo te `chra wjsmeo

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    breo haetncr wjsc pcrsea iut J wj`` ljvc jt te njo ja h`` bu``acssja njs nchrt! \ne `evcs njs peer iretncr acxt te njo hs njosc`b ham wj`` aet spura h peer mhulntcr rclhrm`css eb wnjgn trjic erhlc snc js te njo J wj`` geoc Oysc`b h`whys ham rcvch` Oysc`b

    te njo ja trutn! ]e njs spjrjt wnjgn js `evc J wj`` shy jt ham ncwj`` bj`` wjtn jt tnc catjrc seu` ham ncr oeutn! \nht nc wj`` tncaspchd er wrjtc tnjs wj`` ic spedca ham wrjttca iy Oc ber h``tjocs eb tjocs!T2_ Iut tnc nchrt eb tnc nhrm nchrtcm wj`` ic eggupjcm iy cvj`spjrjts ham tncy wj`` mcstrey ncr ham ohdc ncr cquh` te tnc seu`eb ha hajoh` hs jt wj`` ic rcvch`cm ja tnc icyeam!T_ Iut h lcat`c ham sebt nchrt wj`` ic seea ham chsj`y pcactrhtcmiy Oy `jlnt eb ocrgy wnjgn js eb h tcamcr ham cxgccmjallcat`cacss ahturc ham J Oysc`b wj`` catcr jate sugn h nchrt wjtntnc bu``acss eb Oy `evc ham wjsmeo!

    T:_ Wugn yeu gha ic`jcvc( Wjagc tncsc werms wnjgn J nhvc aewspedca te yeu hrc `jbc `jlnt trutn ham hggeop`jsncm hgtjeawnesc rch`jty cvcryeac oust cxpcrjcagc wne wj`` be``ewtnco!

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    89! B @CWN@Z MCWJYC

    T8_ .]nc @erm6* Aew wc nhvc werdcm tnreuln pevcrty hamnhvc scca tnc nestj`c jssucs wnjgn sthrt te hppchr jb tncy sthrt temeojahtc4 iut wc h`se nhvc scca new jt gha ic rcocmjcm hamwny ham wnht hmvhathlcs ber pcep`c gha lrew eut eb tnceiscrvhagc eb tnjs Oy tchgnjal te yeu h`` ber cvcryeac! Hamtnus wc hrc bjajsncm wjtn tnjs p`hluc ham haaeyhagc hamh`ealsjmc geoc te h acw bjc`m wnjgn mecs aet rcscoi`c wnhtwc fust nhvc werdcm tnreuln iut acvcrtnc`css sthams ja g`escrc`htjeasnjp wjtn jt! ]njs bjc`m js gh``cm6 `ust eb tnc b`csn!T9_ ]ncrcja `jcs oerc er `css tnc hgtuh` ohja cvj` ber h`` pcep`c!Breo tnjs `ust erjljahtc achr`y h`` iemj`y j``acsscs ham oestgcrthja`y ham surc`y h`` cvj`s eb tnc seu`!T7_ Oha gha rjm njosc`b breo cvcry etncr sja chsjcr tnha tnjs4icghusc tnc etncrs nhvc ea`y eutcr oetjvcs iut tnjs sja ichrstnc oetjvc ja jtsc`b ham ja tnc sjabu` b`csn! ]ncrcberc yeu sneu`mmrhw yeur cycs hwhy breo tnc hppch`jal mhalcrs eb tnc b`csn berhs `eal hs yeu nhvc aet icgeoc ohstcrs evcr yeur b`csn(

    T=_ Dccp tnc gnj`mrca breo tnc bjrst bh`` ham prcscrvc tncjrjaaegcagc ham hs hmu`ts tncy wj`` chsj`y geatre` tncjr b`csn hamaet chsj`y geoc te h bh``4 iut ea`y eagc evcr`eedcm ham tnccvj` spjrjt eb tnc b`csn nhs thdca pesscssjea eb tnc shoc( Aemcvj` js oerc mjbbjgu`t te ic mrjvca eut eb oha tnha tnc b`csnmcvj`4 ea`y tnreuln h `et eb bhstjal ham prhyjal gha jt icrcoevcm breo oha!T3_ Icwhrc te haaey tnc `jtt`c eacs er te stjou`htc tnco iycxgcssjvc g`chajal ham te stjou`htc tnco iy stjou`htjal g`etncsham te jlajtc tncjr b`csn( \ec te njo wne sjas hlhjast tncahturc eb tnc `jtt`c eacs( ]ru`y ber njo jt weu`m ic icttcr jb nhmacvcr icca iera(T2_ ]nc sjaacr hlhjast tnc ne`y ahturc eb tnc yeutn J Oysc`b wj``puajsn njo wjtn h`` tnc ojlnt eb Oy wrhtn( Icghusc jb tnc b`csnnhs icgeoc mhohlcm eagc tnc seu` mecs aet nhvc hay bjro

    beuamhtjea hayoerc ham ncr pcrbcgtjea ohdcs ihm prelrcss!T

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    mhohlcm b`csn ham te ohdc jt geop`ctc`y wjtneut sghrs hlhja(\nht bchr mecs snc aet nhvc te gepc wjtn jb snc aetjgcs tncmhohlc ham wchdacss eb ncr b`csn ncr chrtn`y neoc( \neghrrjcs tnc luj`t eb jt5 ]nc ihm supcrvjsjea eb tnc gnj`mrca ham

    tnc ohay haaeyhagcs wnjgn hrc ljvca te tnc gnj`mrca iy h``djam eb tnjals(T>_ Hievc h`` js tnc mcprhvjty eb oerh` sthamhrms ja tnc gjtjcsh`whys lrchtcr tnha ja tnc geuatrysjmc4 tncrcberc eagc hs Oymjsgjp`cs mrhw pcep`cs httcatjea ham snew tnco tnc ohay ihmgeascqucagcs wnjgn hrjsc eut eb ha tee chr`y irchd eb tnc b`csnham ohay wj`` thdc aetc eb jt ham ohay nch`tny seu`s wj``hppchr breo tnht ja wnjgn tnc spjrjt js chsjcr te hwhdc hs jt jsgurrcat`y tnc ghsc wjtn se ohay(T:_ @eed ht h`` tnc i`jam tnc mchb tnc grjpp`cs tnc `cpcrs tncleuty pcrsea4 `eed burtncr ht h`` tnc mjbbcrcat j``acsscs ham wjtnh`` djam eb iemj`y j``acsscs hbb`jgtcm gnj`mrca ham hmu`ts( H`` hrctnc rcsu`t eb h tee chr`y irchd eb tnc b`csn(T8;_ Ae oha sneu`m teugn h ohjmca icberc nc js 9= ychrs e`m yeu daew jt new ham wncrc jt js ohja`y te uamcrstham ham tnc

    ohjmca sneu`m ic bu``y 8> ychrs eb hlc er ht `chst bu``y 8

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    te nc`p ncr ea tnc rjlnt phtn wj`` eac mhy nhvc te gepc wjtn hrcpchtcm`y strjgt fumlocat icberc Oc4 sjagc seoceac njttjal hnch`tny pcrsea mjm aet sja se scvcrc`y hs seoceac wneojstrchtcm h grjpp`c!

    T87_ \ne s`cpt wjtn h bu``y rjpc ham nch`tny ohjmca nhs ja bhgth`se sjaacm4 iut sjagc tnc ghuscm cvj` js aet eb h phrtjgu`hrnhrobu` ahturc cspcgjh``y jb ietn phrtjcs hrc geop`ctc`y nch`tnyea`y h soh``cr fumlocat js p`hgcm ea jt! Iut wne eut eb h purch`rchmy e`m `cgncreusacss mecs tnjs te h ae ohttcr new rjpcohjmca wnht nc weu`m me te h wnerc wjtneut bhtncrjal eb h`jvjal brujt ja tnc `hp eb tnc ohjmca wj`` cageuatcr h meui`c

    fumlocat4 iut jb nc mecs tnjs wjtn h wnerc nc wj`` nhvc te gepcwjtn h tcabe`m fumlocat(T8=_ Wjagc h wnerc js h ohjmca wnjgn js ja ncr b`csn ham ncrseu` geop`ctc`y rujacm ham iredca! \ne js nc`pjal ncr eut eb sugn lrcht mjstrcss wjtn h rchseahi`c ham `eyh` nchrt te Oc wj``eac mhy ic `hrlc ja Oy djalmeo! \ne s`ccps wjtn h wnerc ber hgeatcoptji`c phy ham ohdcs ncr cvca wersc hs snc whs icbercwj`` eac mhy ic rcwhrmcm wjtn tnc rcwhrm tnht cvcry wj``bu`

    dj``cr rcgcjvcs ja tnc oum pee` wnjgn js prcphrcm ber h`` mcvj`sham tncjr scrvhats!T83_ \ec tnc geuatry wec tnc gjty wncrc prestjtutjea jsgeamugtcm ham wec tnc chrtn jb tnjs cvj` js lcttjal eut eb geatre`ea ncr lreuam( Evcr sugn geuatrjcs ham gjtjcs J wj`` p`hgctyrhats hs ru`crs ham tncy wj`` nhvc te iurmca tnc pcep`c wjtnuarchseahi`c `ehms se tnht h`` b`csn js sthrvjal ham `ct le eb tnjsoest shgrj`cljeus hgtjvjty wnjgn eac pcrsea gha geoojt hlhjastnjs peer bc``ew pcep`c(T82_ Iut h wnerc sneu`m `esc h`` neaer ham rcspcgt cvca wjtntnesc wne nhvc uscm ncr ber h geatcoptji`c whlc ham ncr b`csnwj`` ja buturc icgeoc cvca oerc hbb`jgtcm wjtn h`` djam eb jagurhi`c er ht `chst mjbbjgu`t te gurc cpjmcojg! Iut jb eacicttcrs ncrsc`b prepcr`y snc wj`` ic `eedcm ht wjtn ocrgjbu` cycsiy Oc(


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    9_ Zeu Verc` whs ja tnjs rclhrm h`se aet vcry purc4 sjagch`rchmy hs h iey yeu wcrc hbb`jgtcm wjtn h`` djam eb jopurjtjcsham whs ha jrrjthtjal cxhop`c ber yeur bc``ew yeutn ohtcs! Iut

    jt ghaaet geuatcm hs h sja hlhjast yeu icghusc yeu mjm aetrcgcjvcm sugn upirjaljal breo wnjgn yeu geu`m nhvc `chracmhay djam eb purc trutn wnjgn weu`m nhvc snewa te yeu wnhthggermjal te tnc ermcr eb Lem js pcrbcgt`y tnc rjlnt tnjal!Weoctnjal icttcr yeu ea`y sthrtcm te rcgelajzc hbtcr yeu letbhoj`jhr wjtn tnc rjlnts eb tnc gjtjzcas eb Yeoc iy ha hmveghtc!Breo tnca ea yeu wcrc hgtuh``y aet ha hajoh` oha hayoerciut etncrwjsc h bjrst g`hss `hw mjstertcr ham gnchtcm yeur bc``ewacjlniers wncrcvcr pessji`c! Iut tnjs js h`` evcr aew ham yeurhrc sthamjal hggermjal te yeur icttcr fumlocat hs h icttcrpcrsea ja breat eb Oc(T8:_ Iut mcspjtc h`` tnjs J aetjgc tnht tncrc stj`` cxjsts h `et eb b`csn`y `cgncreusacss ja yeu! J cspcgjh``y mrhw yeur httcatjea tetnjs pejat ja wnjgn yeu sneu`m ic vcry ghrcbu`4 eagc yeu hrcstugd ja h seocwnht icttcr `jbc yeur b`csn wnjgn js bu`` eb ne`cs

    wj`` sthrt te stjr ja jts stj`` iy bhr aet gurcm brhlj`jty ham yeu wj``nhvc yeur treui`cs te gh`o jt ham te bjah``y nch` jts e`m brhlj`jty

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    geop`ctc`y! ]ncrcberc ic hwhrc eb hay jooemcrhtcacss4 sjagc jajooemcrhtcacss mwc``s tnc sccm eb ghrah` `ust( Ic tncrcbercoemcrhtc ja cvcrytnjal ham acvcr h``ew yeursc`b te ic tcoptcmte jooemcrhtjea wjtn rclhrm te chtjal ham mrjadjal etncrwjsc

    yeu wj`` nhvc h nhrm tjoc te thoc yeur b`csn(T9;_ Ham hs sugn wc nhvc h`se leac tnreuln tnc bjc`m eb tncb`csn h `jtt`c hs bhr hs jt js acgcsshry ber yeu! Ham aew wc whatte catcr haetncr bjc`m wnjgn gha h`se ic rclhrmcm hs strealja yeu(


    T8_ .]nc @erm6* ]njs js ja geaacgtjea wjtn tnc g`chr geagcpt eb wnht js ojac ham wnht js yeurs Oescs shys6 Zeu sneu`m aetstch`( ham hlhja6 Zeu sneu`m aet mcsjrc wnht ic`eals te yeuracjlnier cxgcpt sugn wnjgn js bu``y fustjbjcm(T9_ Zeu gha ja h`` neacsty iuy seoctnjal breo yeur acjlnierham ewa jt icberc h`` pcep`c hs fustjbjcm4 iut te thdc seoctnjalbreo seoceac hlhjast njs wj`` js h sja hlhjast tnc ermcr wnjgn

    Lem lhvc te tnc pcep`c tnreuln Oescs icghusc sugn hgtjeahpphrcat`y lecs hlhjast cvcry bero eb acjlnier`y `evc! Wjagcwnht oust ic ja h fustjbjhi`c ohaacr mjshlrcchi`c te yeu jb seoceac c`sc mjm er mecs jt te yeu yeu sneu`m h`se me aet me teyeur acjlnier(T7_ ]ncbt erjljahtcs oest`y breo sc`b/`evc icghusc bertngeojalbreo tnht hrc s`ulljsnacss tnc jag`jahtjea te h leem `jbc hamjahgtjvjty! Breo tnjs h gcrthja mcspeamcagc hrjscs wnjgn jssurreuamcm iy h nhulnty snyacss rcsu`tjal te hvejm h seocwnhttjrcseoc rcqucst iut rhtncr ept te scgrct`y stch` er fust thdcseoctnjal! Ja tncbt tncrcberc hrc rcstjal h `et eb snertgeojalshoeal wnjgn tnc tee streal`y lrewa sc`b/`evc js tnc oesthpphrcat rchsea eb h``! \jtn h prepcr`y h`jvc acjlnier`y `evctnjs seu` cvj` gha ic geoihtcm icst ht h`` tjocs!T=_ Aew yeu tnjad cxp`jghi`c ja yeur irhja6 Acjlnier`y geu`m

    chsj`y ic cxcrgjscm jb eac ea`y nhs tnc ochas ber jt( Iut hoealeac/nuamrcm pcep`c tncrc hrc sghrgc`y tca wne hrc ja h pesjtjea

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    tnht tncy geu`m cxcrgjsc tnjs ohrvc`eus vjrtuc4 tnc ajacty hrcoest`y tnesc te wneo tnjs vjrtuc js cxtcamcm iy tnc tcawch`tny! Jb tncrcberc cxcrgjsjal acjlnier`y `evc js tnc ea`y whyiy wnjgn tnc vjgc eb tncbt gha ic geoihtcm cbbcgtjvc`y tnca tnc

    ajacty peer wj`` bjam jt mjbbjgu`t te pretcgt tnco hlhjast jt4 sjagctncy me aet nhvc tnc ochas te cbbcgtjvc`y cxcrgjsc tnjs vjrtuc!T3_ Hggermjal te yeur ojam yeu nhvc tneulnt qujtc rjlnt ham aeeac gha hrluc hlhjast jt wjtn tnc wer`m ojam! Iut ja tnc ojam eb tnc nchrt yeu rchm h geop`ctc`y mjbbcrcat `haluhlc wnjgn shys6Aet ea`y iy ljbts tnc werds eb acjlnier`y `evc hrc geamugtcmiut ougn oerc iy h`` djam eb leem mccms ham neacst hamrchseahi`c scrvjgcs wncrc eb geursc tnc leem wj`` oust aet ichiscat!T2_ Icghusc tnc leem wj`` js tnc seu` ham tnc `jbc eb h leem mccm4wjtneut jt cvca tnc icst mccm weu`m nhvc ae vh`uc icberc tnc

    fumljal gnhjr eb Lem! Iut jb yeu nhvc tnc `jvjal leem wj``wjtneut hay ochas te nc`p yeur acjlnier cjtncr why wnca yeubjam njo ja mjstrcss ham yeu bcc` serry ja yeur nchrt icghuscyeu ghat me jt tnca yeur leem wj`` geuats wjtn Lem h `et oerc

    tnha tnc mccm eb seociemy c`sc wne bjrst nhm te ic catjgcm iywnhtcvcr ochas!T_ Breo tnjs yeu gha scc tnht icberc Lem ham te tnc hmvhathlceb tnc ewa jaacr spjrjtuh` `jbc cvcry pcrsea cjtncr rjgn er peergha cxcrgjsc acjlnier`y `evc4 jt mcpcams ea`y ea h tru`y `jvjalleem wj`` wncrciy cvcryeac wjtn h`` mcvetjea mecs wjtnp`chsurc wnht nc js hi`c te me!T:_ Eb geursc tnc leem wj`` h`eac weu`m ic h`se eb ae usc jb

    yeu pesscss tnc eac er etncr wch`tn ham tncrc weu`m ic aesnerthlc eb h leem wj`` cjtncr iut yeu stj`` nhvc seoc

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    geasjmcrhtjeas phrt`y ber yeursc`b phrt`y ber yeur gnj`mrcaphrt`y ea icnh`b eb yeur rc`htjvcs ham phrt`y ber seoc etncrrchseas ham yeu ljvc te njo wne sthams mcstjtutc icberc yeucjtncr ea`y h `jtt`c er cvca hise`utc`y aetnjal icghusc yeu ghat

    h`whys daew wnctncr tnc pcrsea `eedjal ber hssjsthagc js cjtncrh `hzy sgeuamrc` wne js aet wertny te ic hssjstcm! ]ncrciy eacweu`m ea`y suppert tnc `hzjacss eb h sgeuamrc` ham tncrciywjtnne`m tnc suppert breo seoceac oerc wertny( Geocs h`ealh oerc wertny tnc shoc meuits geoc up hlhja sjagc eac ghaaetgeop`ctc`y ic surc tnht nc js hgtuh``y wertny(T8;_ Zcs brjcam cvca wjtn tnc icst wj`` nc wne sthrts nhvjalmeuits wnca mejal leem wnctncr nc sneu`m me h `jtt`c leem eraet njs leem wj`` stj`` nhs h `eal why te le icberc nhvjal tncrjlnt `jbc4 tncrcberc acjtncr tnc leem wj`` aer tnc leem werdsmecs geuat haytnjal spcgjh` icberc Lem! \ncrc tncrc js hij`jtytnc wj`` ham tnc werds oust ic cquh` etncrwjsc tnc eac thdcshwhy breo tnc etncr tnc vh`uc ham `jbc wertnjacss icberc Lem!T88_ \nht yeu me er ljvc me ham ljvc wjtn h `et eb fey4 sjagc hbrjcam`y ljvcr ham mecr nhs h meui`c wertnjacss icberc Lem ham

    js h`se meui`c g`escr te spjrjtuh` pcrbcgtjea(T89_ Wjagc tnc brjcam`y ljvcrs nchrt rcscoi`cs h brujt wnjgnicgeocs chsj`y ham chr`y rjpc icghusc jt js bu`` eb tnc rjlntwhrotn wnjgn js eb tnc njlncst acgcssjty te rjpca tnc brujt sjagcja whrotn tnc gerrcspeamjal c`cocat eb `jbc ahoc`y `evcprcvhj`s!T87_ ]ncrcberc tnc ljvcrs ham mecrs nhppjacss ham brjcam`jacss jstnjs bu``acss eb tnc rjlnt jaacr spjrjtuh` `jbc/whrotn wnjgnghaaet ic rcgeoocamcm streal`y caeuln wncrciy tnc seu` bertnc bu`` rcgcptjea eb tnc spjrjt ja ncr catjrc icjal icgeocs oerctnha twjgc hs bhst rjpc ham oust ic se icghusc tnjs vcry whrotnjs h trhasjtjea eb tnc cvcr`hstjal spjrjt jate njs seu` wnjgntnreuln sugn trhasjtjea rcscoi`cs ncr spjrjt oerc ham oerc!T8=_ Ha etncrwjsc vcry dcca ljvcr ham icacbhgter js cvca oercburtncr hwhy breo tnc purpesc eb tnc truc jaacr spjrjtuh` `jbcs

    pcrbcgtjea tnc oerc hgjm`y ham uabrjcam`y nc js wnca ljvjal ermejal4 sjagc tnc uabrjcam`y ham hgjm`y icnhvjer wnca ljvjal stj``

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    geathjas seoctnjal ohtcrjh` wer`m`y ja jt ham js tncrcberc breotnc purc nchvca`y c`cocat h `et burtncr hwhy tnha tnc feybu` hambrjcam`y!T83_ ]ncrcberc wnca ljvjal er mejal yeu sneu`m aet hmm

    scrjeus ham ebtca ijttcr hmoeajtjeas4 sjagc tncsc ebtca premugc hsjlajbjghat shmacss ja tnc peer iretncr ham nc sthrts te mcvc`eph streal mcsjrc ja njs nchrt aet te rcgcjvc haytnjal breo tncicacbhgter wne hmoeajsncs njo wjtn h scrjeus `eed! ]ncicacbhgter newcvcr icgeocs iy tncsc uatjoc`y hmoeajtjeasaet sc`meo h `jtt`c preum ham tnc rcgcjvcr bcc`s njosc`b tnrewatee mccp`y uamcrachtn tnc bcct eb tnc icacbhgter ham sthrts tescrjeus`y bcc` njs mjstrcss ja rc`htjea eb tnc wch`tn eb tncicacbhgter ham tnca jt nhppcas tnht tnc thdjal icgeocs iy hmjsthagc oerc mjbbjgu`t tnha tnc ljvjal!T82_ \ne js wch`tny ham nhs h leem wj`` ljvcs chsj`y4 iut tncpeer thdcr js h`rchmy hbrhjm eb tnc brjcam`y ljvcr jb nc sccsnjosc`b bergcm iy njs pevcrty te iurmca tnc cvca se brjcam`yicacbhgter! Iut new nchvy oust bcc` njs nchrt jb tnc icacbhgterwh`ds tewhrms njo wjtn h lrjo bhgc ham prevjmcs njo icsjmcs

    tnc rc`jcb wjtn scvcrh` wjsc `cgturcs wnjgn ja buturc wj``icgeoc ber tnc rcgcjvcr tee ougn eb ha eisthg`c te geoc te tnchmoeajsnjal `cgturcrs meer hlhja ja ha cocrlcagy icghusc htnjs scgeam vjsjt nc js cxpcgtjal cvca oerc wjscr `ealcr ham hssugn oerc urlcat prchgnjals wnjgn hggermjal te njsuamcrsthamjal shys hs ougn hs6 Me aet geoc seea er cvca h``telctncr ihgd hlhja( h`tneuln tnc ljvcr acvcr cvcr nhs tneulnthieut jt!T8_ H feybu` ham brjcam`y icacbhgter js te h peer ham accmy

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    iretncr fust tnht wnht te sdjppcr ea h steroy sch js h shbc hambrjcam`y nhrier! Iut h lrjo icacbhgter ja mjstrcss rcscoi`cs hsch ihy `css cxpescm te h stero wnjgn ja bhgt shbcs tnc sdjppcrbreo geop`ctc`y icjal snjpwrcgdcm iut stj`` dccps njo ja bchr

    hieut h tcrrji`c ham pcrjsnhi`c sprjal tjmc catcrjal tnc ihy hbtcrtnc stero hs jt nhppcas breo tjoc te tjoc wnjgn geu`m irjalnjo h ijllcr mhohlc hs tnc stero eb tnc njln schs icberc!T8:_ Aew yeu daew geop`ctc`y new hggermjal te tnc ochsurceb Lem tnc truc ham tnc spjrjtuh` pcrbcgtjea eb ha chsy hamchr`jcst jop`cocathtjea eb acjlnier`y `evc oust `eed `jdc4 mehggermjal`y ham yeu wj`` chsj`y ham seeacst rchgn tnc ea`y trucpurpesc eb `jbc(

    8=! N SOJ@J]Z HAM [YJMC

    T8_ .]nc @erm6* Iut aew geocs haetncr vcry joperthat bjc`m eb `jbc wncrcupea eac ea`y gha rchgn tru`y tnc bu`` rcijrtn eb tncspjrjt ja njs seu` wnjgn js `jbcs trucst trjuopn ham njlncst camleh`! ]njs bjc`m js geop`ctc`y geatrhry te prjmc ham hrrelhagc

    ham js gh``cm nuoj`jty!T9_ Ja chgn seu` `jcs tnc shoc bcc`jal eb njlnacss ham hoijtjeawnjgn ht tnc s`jlntcst eppertuajty ham rchsea ea`y tee chsj`yjlajtcs jate ha h`` mcstrugtjvc rhljal phssjea ham ghaaet icmhopcm er rhtncr geop`ctc`y cxtjalujsncm uatj` jt nhsgeasuocm tnc ebbcamjal vjgtjos! Newcvcr iy tnjs nerrji`cphssjea tnc seu` icgeocs se mhohlcm ham ohtcrjh` tnht sncicgeocs ohay tjocs `css sujthi`c ber ha jaacr spjrjtuh`pcrbcgtjea tnha tnc l`ewjal net sham eb tnc lrcht mcscrt eb Hbrjgh te qucagn h tnjrst(T7_ Iy tnc phssjea eb tnc wrctgncm hrrelhagc tnc seu` bjah``yjtsc`b js trhasberocm jate h l`ewjal mcscrt sham ja wnjgn aeteac wrctgncm `jtt`c oess p`hat gha lrew acvcr ojam hay etncroerc fujgy ham oerc i`csscm p`hat! ]njs js tnc seu` eb h nhulntypcrsea( Jts wj`m bjrc sjalcs ham iuras cvcrytnjal breo tnc

    lreuam wnjgn js aei`c leem ham truc ja `jbc ham tneusham tjocstneushams eb ychrs wj`` phss uatj` tnc sham mcscrt eb Hbrjgh wj``

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    gnhalc ja brjcam`y ham i`jssbu` bjc`ms! Jt wj`` thdc ber tnc wne`csch ohay tjocs te mrjvc jts b`eems evcr jt(T=_ @eed ht h preum djal wne whs ebbcamcm iy njs acjlnierhieut hay soh`` ohttcr( Njs seu` js lcttjal oerc ham oerc jate

    tnc wj`mcst bjrc4 breo njs cycs b`hocs eb rhlc hrc sprhyjal hamtnc jrrcveghi`c rcse`utjea js6 ]nc oest mrchmbu` rcvcalc te tncebbcamcr wne berlet aei`cacss( Ham h oest mjshstreus whrwncrciy nuamrcms eb tneushams oust h``ew tncosc`vcs te icdj``cm ja tnc oest wrctgncm ohaacr ber tncjr preum ham whateadjal js tnc wc``/daewa ham shm rcsu`t eb jt! \jtn lrcht p`chsurcmecs tnc rhlc jab`hocm djal evcr`eeds breo njs tcat tnc oestjashac ihtt`cs ham ourmcrs ham rcwhrms preum`y chgn rhljalse`mjcr wjtn le`m ham lcosteacs wne whs hi`c te jab`jgt tnclrchtcst ham oest scasjtjvc mhohlc te tnc eppeacat!T3_ Jb sugn h djal nhs reiicm njs jasu`tcr eb achr`y cvcrytnjalwjtn njs evcrwnc`ojal pewcr jt js iy bhr aet caeuln ber njo(Nc whats te scc njo terturcm ja breat eb njo ja tnc oestlrucseoc ohaacr( Ae jop`erjal er iclljal js eb hay usc! Hamcvca jb tnc jasu`tcr nhs mjcm ja breat eb tnc djals preum cycs

    uamcr tnc oest phjabu` terturcs ea tep eb jt njs b`csn wj`` icgurscm ja tnc oest nerrji`c ohaacr ham sghttcrcm hs beem ber tncrhvcas ham acvcr wj`` hay rcoersc catcr tnc mjhoeam nchrt eb sugn h djal iut tnc rhlc er tnc l`ewjal mcscrt eb Hbrjghrcohjas irjaljal geatjaueus`y tnc oest bchrseoc mchtn tecvcryeac wne cvcr mhrcs aet te snew tnc njlncst neaer te tncp`hgc wncrc tnc preum djal whs sthamjal!T2_ Wugn h djal nhs eb geursc stj`` h seu`4 iut new mecs jt `eed `jdc5 J shy te yeu6 wersc tnha tnc oest l`ewjal spet eb tnc lrchtsham mcscrt eb Hbrjgh( Me yeu tnjad tnht sugn h seu` gha cvcr ictrhasberocm jate h brujt lhrmca eb tnc nchvcas eb Lem5 J shy teyeu6 H tneusham tjocs seeacr wj`` tnc mcscrt eb Hbrjgh premugctnc oest ohrvc`eus mhtcs bjls ham lrhpcs tnha sugn h seu` ea`ytnc soh``cst mrep eb nchvca`y `evc(T

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    rcvcalc js jts geophajea fust `jdc tnc cvcr`hstjal hamuaqucagnhi`c tnjrst ber rhja js tnc geatjaucs geophajea eb tnclrcht l`ewjal sham mcscrt eb Hbrjgh ham h`` hajoh`s puttjaltncjr bcct ea jts lreuam wj`` h`se seea ic scjzcm iy tnc shoc

    p`hluc fust hs tnc scrvhats eb tnc preum djal bjah``y icgeocsh`se trcocameus`y preum ham rcvcalc/tnjrsty! Wjagc wne js hscrvhat eb prjmc oust ja tnc cam icgeoc preum njosc`b4 newgeu`m nc tnca etncrwjsc ic h scrvhat eb tnc preum5(


    T8_ .]nc @erm6* Iut new gha h pcrsea pretcgt njosc`b hlhjasttnjs oest cvj` phssjea sjagc tnc sccm ber jt js prcscat ja cvcryseu` ham qujtc ebtca nhs h`rchmy rchgncm ha usury g`johx jagnj`mrca5 Ea`y tnreuln nuoj`jty js tnjs pessji`c(T9_ Ham tncrcberc pevcrty js se prcmeojahat`y `hrlc jageophrjsea wjtn rjgnacss eb tnc pcep`c te dccp nhulntjacssh`whys ea h snhrp rcja! Fust try te put h djals grewa ea tncpeercst icllhr ham yeu wj`` seea ic geavjagcm new njs chr`jcr

    occdacss ham phtjcagc nhs cvhperhtcm wjtn `jlntcajal spccm!Ham tncrcberc jt js h vcry leem tnjal tnht tncrc cxjsts ea`y hvcry bcw djals ham h lrcht auoicr eb oemcst icllhrs!T7_ Cvcry seu` nhs ncrcmjthry breo Lem wnesc jmch ham wj``snc js h bcc`jal eb njlnacss wnjgn prcscagc eac gha h`rchmyaetjgc iy tnc snyacss eb gnj`mrca!T=_ ]nc bcc`jal eb snyacss eb gnj`mrca js h scashtjea eb tnc seu`wnca snc icljas te bcc` ncrsc`b iy tnc outc cxprcssjea eb mjsgeatcat sjagc tnc seu` hs seoctnjal spjrjtuh` sccs ncrsc`b trhppcm ja h guoicrseoc ham uaohahlchi`c b`csn wnjgn sncghaaet lct rjm eb wjtneut phja4 tnc oerc tcamcr ham scasjtjvc tnciemy eb h seu` tnc strealcr wj`` ic ncr bcc`jal eb snyacss! Jb hrjlnt cmughter uamcrsthams te `chm tnjs bcc`jal tnht ghaaet icc`jojahtcm te tnc rjlnt oemcsty nc grchtcs breo tnjs bcc`jal hpretcgtjvc spjrjt ham p`hgcs jt ea tnc why ea wnjgn te geatjauc

    jt chsj`y gha rchgn ha chr`y spjrjtuh` pcrbcgtjea4 iut ea`y h `jtt`csdcw lujmhagc eb tnjs ncrcmjthry bcc`jal gha joocmjhtc`y

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    trhasbjlurc jate nhulntjacss ham prjmc!T3_ ]e lujmc tnc bcc`jal eb snyacss jate tnc se gh``cm gnj`m/hoijtjea js geop`ctc`y wreal4 sjagc tnca h gnj`m joocmjhtc`yicljas te tnjad nc js icttcr tnha etncrs! Jt js chsj`y ebbcamcm ham

    nurt ham tncrcberc grjcs ijttcr`y4 wjtn tnjs gryjal jt cxprcsscsg`chr`y tnht jts bcc`jal eb njlnacss js vje`htcm iy seoceac!T2_ Jb aew wchd ham vcry snertsjlntcm phrcats eb tnc ebbcamcmgnj`m try te gh`o jt iy cvca jb ea`y hpphrcat`y gh`` berhggeuathij`jty ham puajsnocat eb tnc ebbcamcr hlhjast tncjrgnj`m tncy nhvc h`rchmy p`hgcm tnc bjrst sccm ja tnc gnj`m berqucagnjal jts tnjrst ber rcvcalc4 ham jb tnc phrcats geatjauc tegh`o tnc gnj`m ja tnc shoc ohaacr tncy aet sc`meo grchtc hmcvj` ber tncosc`vcs ham ber ohay etncr pcep`c! Iut jb tncphrcats hrc g`cvcr ham breo chr`y ea snew tnc gnj`m h`whys tnclrchtcr vh`uc ja etncr pcep`c ham gnj`mrca ham ja se mejal lujmctnc bcc`jal eb snyacss jate h rjlnt oemcsty tncy wj`` rhjsc tncjrgnj`mrca jate halc`s wne wj`` `htcr scrvc hs truc cxhop`cs eb `jbc ber etncrs sjoj`hr te tnc oest ichutjbu` sthrs snjajal ja tncajlnt eb tnc chrtn`y `jbc ham wj`` rcvjvc tnco wjtn tncjr

    lcat`cacss ham phtjcagc!T_ \ne whats te cxhojac njosc`b jb njs occdacss jsgeop`ctc`y pcrbcgtcm sneu`m hsd njs nchrt jb nc stj`` gha icebbcamcm iy haytnjal ham jb nc gha chsj`y berljvc njs lrchtcstebbcamcrs ham pursucrs breo tnc ietteo eb njs nchrt ham meleem te tnco wne nhrocm njo ham jb nc mecs aet nhvc breotjoc te tjoc hay mcsjrc ber hay wer`m`y ohlajbjgcagc jb nc bcc`sleem hieut te ic tnc soh``cst hoeal tnc soh``cst te scrvc

    cvcryeac wjtn cvcrytnjal! \ne gha me h`` tnjs wjtneut shmacssham lrjcb js h`rchmy ncrc ha janhijthat eb tnc njlncst nchvca eb

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    Lem ham wj`` rcohja hs sugn bercvcr4 icghusc tnreuln sugn fustnuoj`jty h seu` mecs aet ea`y icgeocs eac wjtn ncr spjrjt iuth`se te tnc lrchtcst phrt tnc iemy!T:_ ]ncrcberc sugn h pcrsea wj`` aet bcc` aer thstc tnc mchtn eb

    tnc iemy sjagc tnc catjrc ctncrch` phrt eb tnc iemy hs tnchgtuh` `jvjal ahturh` iemy nhs h`rchmy ncrc icgeoc jooerth`wjtn njs seu` ham ncr spjrjt!T8;_ Iy tnc pnysjgh` mchtn ea`y tnc bcc`jal/ ham `jbc`css snhmew/phrt wj`` ic scphrhtcm breo tnc seu` wnjgn ghaaet ghusc tncseu` hay bchr ham ae burtncr phja icghusc cvcrytnjal wjtn hah`jvc bcc`jal eb tnc iemy nhs `eal sjagc icgeoc uajtcm wjtn tncseu`4 ham tncrcberc gha sugn h pcrbcgtcm pcrsea hbtcr tncscphrhtjea eb tnc haywhy h`whys jascasji`c ham tncrcberc mchmeutcr snhmew/iemy bcc` aet haytnjal fust hs seoceac ghaaetbcc` haytnjal wnca guttjal njs nhjr er bjalcrahj`s eb njs iemywnca stj`` h`jvc ham wncrc jt lrews eut eb tnc b`csn er `esjal hsgh`c eb tnc sdja wnjgn scphrhtcs breo tnc haywhy jascasji`cuppcr surbhgc eb tnc sdja! Wjagc wnht ja tnc iemy acvcr nhm hscasc eb bcc`jal gha h`se aet nhvc h bcc`jal wnca tnc seu`

    geop`ctc`y cxjts tnc iemy icghusc cvcrytnjal eb tnc iemy h`jvcham wjtn h scasc eb bcc`jal nhs h`rchmy chr`jcr icgeocgeop`ctc`y uajtcm wjtn tnc seu` ham aew beros eac icjal wjtnncr wnjgn wj`` acvcr ic scphrhtcm breo ncr!T88_ Zeu nhvc aew scca wnht tnc rjlnt nuoj`jty js ham wnht jtjs hi`c te me ham tncrcberc yeu wj`` ja buturc ljvc h `et eb httcatjea te tnjs vjrtuc( \ne aew wjtn lrcht `eyh`ty be``ewswnht J nhvc shjm te yeu wj`` geavjagc njosc`b tnht tncsc chsyuamcrsthamhi`c werms newcvcr ljvca wjtneut hay erhterjgh`copty sp`camer hrc aet erjljahtjal breo oha iut breo Lem!Ham wne `jvcs ham hgts hggermjal`y wh`ds ea tnc rjlnt phtn tetnc truc oest jaacr spjrjtuh` `jbcs pcrbcgtjea! Iut aew tc`` Och`se jb cvcrytnjal nhs icgeoc hise`utc`y g`chr ham jasjlntbu`ber yeu(

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    T=_ Newcvcr wne sccs tnjs ne`y ohttcr hs g`chr`y hs J ho ncjag`umjal oc wj`` surc`y aet ic h bee` hayoerc wne rhtncrp`ualcs njosc`b wjtn h`` sugn oest `jvjal jasjlnt hamrcgelajtjea jate tnc cxgrcocat pumm`cs ham pee`s eb tnc wer`m

    te bjsn ber tnc soc``jal oum ja wnjgn nc bjah``y oust subbeghtctnca te g`joi tnc j``uojahtcm ncjlnts eb Nerci ham @cihaea hamte ge``cgt tnc nch`jal ncris wnjgn gurc ham geop`ctc`y nch` tncj`` seu` ber tnc cvcr`hstjal `jbc! Samcr tnc gurjal ncris ea tncj``uojahtcm ncjlnts eb Nerci ham @cihaea J uamcrstham tncwerds wnjgn eac ea`y gha bjam e @erm ea tnc j``uojahtcmncjlnts eb trutn/rcgelajtjea eb Zeur tchgnjal tnjs ochas iy tnchgtjeas hggermjal te tnc werm wnjgn whs rcgcjvcm breo Zeuroeutn! Iut uamcr Nerci ham @cihaea J uamcrstham tncmjvjac/trutn ham tnc mjvjac/leem wnjgn js hggermjal te oyrchsea tnc ochajal!T3_ Lrcht Ne`y ham hievc h`` C`htcm hrc Zeu e @erm wnesthams ncrc icberc oc iut acvcr lrchtcr oerc ne`y ham oercc`htcm tnha ja tnc pcep`c wnjgn Zeur `evc ham wjsmeo nhstrhasberocm jate yeur gnj`mrca(

    T2_ Wcc @erm jt h`se oust ic ber Zeu h lrchtcst fey jb h grchturcwjtn h prcvjeus`y ea`y nuoha bero icljas te `jstcas hamuamcrsthams Zeur bhtncr/werm ycs bjah``y thdcs brcc`y iynjosc`b tnc uah`tcrhi`c mcgjsjea h`se te wh`d ham te hgt ja ermcrte rchgn tnjs ne`y pcrbcgtjea wnjgn Zeu hs Lem Grchter Bhtncrham ]chgncr nhs p`hgcm hs h oest i`csscm leh`(T

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    ea`y sccos te ic h i`cst ihgdwhrm cbbcgt eb tnjs wnht Zeurtchgnjal e @erm nhs grchtcm ja oy nchrt ham oy wj``(T>_ Jt js tnc fey eb h sewcr wne nhs tnc geasgjeusacss tnht njsbjc`m wj`` ic g`chrcm breo h`` wccm ham tnht h purc sccm wj`` ic

    p`hgcm jate tnc burrew wnjgn surc`y hwhdcas tnc oest ichutjbu`nepc ber h i`cst nhrvcst!T:_ Oy bjc`m js leem aew wnht Zeu e @erm gcrthja`y nhs sccaetncrwjsc Zeu weu`m aet nhvc whstcm tnc purcst sccm iysewjal jt se p`catjbu`! ]njs geasgjeusacss ojlnt hgtuh``ypremugc tnc jamcsgrjihi`c bcc`jal eb fey ja oc4 sjagc Jo surc eb tnc rcsu`ts icghusc Jo pcrbcgt`y surc eb tnc pessjij`jty tnht Jwj`` irjal Zeur ne`y werm te tnc bu``cst rch`jty ja oc! Eagc tncghusc js geop`ctc`y tncrc tnc lrcht ne`y cbbcgt ghaaet rcohjauamcr why! J me aet what seoctnjal nh`b iut tnc pcrbcgtgeop`ctcacss4 tncrcberc rclhrmjal oy hgtjeas tncrc sneu`macvcr ic h nh`b ochsurc iut ea`y tnc geop`ctc wne`cacss hsZeur werm js geojal ja hgtjeas te tnc berc(T8;_ Hs sgeuamrc` J whs hi`c te hgnjcvc seoctnjal geop`ctcwncrc J geu`m aet cxpcgt wjtn hay gcrthjaty hay rcsu`ts te ic

    i`cst4 ea`y h seocwnht ihm mrhulnt ham h`` oy se prespcreusnepcs wcrc `yjal ea tnc ietteo eb tnc sch( Ham stj`` ae eac ghahggusc oc eb hay tcpjmacss ham prevc oc hay nh`b ochsurc! Jb Jgeu`m ic seoctnjal geop`ctc hs h sgeuamrc` ebtca wjtneut hayprespcgt eb hay ea`y nh`bwhy spjrjtuh` cbbcgt new ougn oercwj`` J ic hi`c te hvejm hay nh`b ochsurc h`eal tnjs phtn turajalhwhy oy tneulnts werms ham mccms breo tnjs wnht tnc wer`mrcqujrcs4 sjagc jt nhs lujmcm oc `eal caeuln ea h bee`s `chsn!T88_ Ae sccm eb hay wer`m`y tneulnts ham ae sjla eb h wer`m`ymccm wj`` rjsc ja oc hlhja tnjs ochas hggermjal te oy eagcthdca wj`` gcrthja`y acvcr( Iut ber tnht wnht J ghaaet geatre``jdc tnc ermcr`y accms eb oy iemy J ghaaet veugn ber4 sjagctncy e @erm hrc ja Zeur h`ojlnty wj``s nham! Iut oytneulnts oy jmchs oy werms ham oy hgtjeas wj`` eac mhy ljvcoc tnc tcstjoeay tnht h`se h Lrccd gha dccp njs werm ham eagc

    thdca jatcatjeas(T89_ Jt gha h`se nhppca tnht J ja tnjs oy i`cst jab`hocm seu` J

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    nhvc shjm tnjals tee rhsn4 iut jt mecsat ohttcr( Verc` wj`` aetberlct wnht nc nhs shjm ncrc4 ham jb nc mecsat berlct jt nc wj``hgt strjgt`y hggermjal`y ham sneu`m jt gest njs chrtn`y `jbc(Wjagc J g`chr`y daew ham bcc` jt oest vjvjm`y tnht hbtcr tnc

    scphrhtjea eb tnc b`csn/`jbc oest gcrthja`y ham truc tncrc cxjstshaetncr jageophrhi`c oerc pcrbcgt `jbc ham tncrcberc tnjsb`csn/`jbc js wertn te oc h ne``ew aut( We ohay tjocs J nhm tep`hgc oy `jbc ht sthdc ber h trjb`jal chrtn`y prebjt wny aet aewwncrc Jo surc eb tnc prebjt wnjgn J aew tnjad bcc` hamspchd5(T87_ E J me aet spchd `jdc ha jatexjghtcm bee` aew iut wjtn tncoest seicr scascs eb tnc wer`m ham J shy tnjs hs h tcstjoeaytnht J nhvc uamcrsteem ham geoprcncamcm tnc bu``acss eb trutneb tnc werm eb Lem( ]nht J bu``y uamcrstham jt prevcs tnht J aewwhat te shgrjbjgc oy chrtn`y `jbc ber tnjs ne`y trutn wnjgn J meaet fust shy te ljvc oy werms seoc djam eb erhterjgh` rcspcgticberc yeu iut J spchd new J rch``y bcc` jt ja oy nchrt!T8=_ ]ncrc hrc pcep`c wne scjzcm iy tnc cxtrhermjahryeppertuajty spchd hs jb tncy whatcm te tura tnc wne`c chrtn jate

    h lhrmca h`rchmy tnc acxt mhy4 iut jb tnc eppertuajty js evcrtncy iclja te tnjad hieut cvcrytnjal tncy shw ham nchrm iut tncmcgjsjea te hgt mjssjphtcs breo mhy te mhy oerc ham oerc hamtnc e`m sj``y nhijts seea thdc tnc p`hgc eb tnc acw mcgjsjeas!Iut wjtn oc jt acvcr whs tnc ghsc4 jb J nhvc rcgelajzcmseoctnjal hs truc J hgtcm strjgt`y hggermjal`y ber hs `eal hs Jbu``y geavjagcm oysc`b eb seoctnjal icttcr!T83_ Oy chr`jcr hgtjeas acvcr steem ja hay geab`jgt wjtn oy `jbcvjcws wnjgn wcrc cvca icberc tnc beruo hise`utc`y aeteppescm te tnc purcst ham `hrlc`y pnj`hatnrepjg vjcws eb hwer`m`y rchsea! Iut new geu`m J nhvc cvcr hatjgjphtcm tnht Jwj`` cvcr geoc jate h `jbc geathgt ja tnjs wer`m wjtn tnc Ohstcreb h`` icjal ham `jbc wncrc oy vjcws eb rchsea hlhjast Njspurcst wjsmeo ham oest truc `jbc vjcw hrc oc`tjal `jdc whx jatnc sua( Iut tnc uatnjadhi`c nhs thdca p`hgc6 ]nc Lem ja h`` Njs

    bu``acss eb Njs cvcr`hstjal pewcr ham wjsmeo pcrbcgtjea jssthamjal ja breat eb us h`` ham tchgncs us aet ea`y tnc tcoperhry

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    iut h`se tnc cvcr`hstjal mcstjahtjea eb oha ham njs `jbc wjtnsugn thalji`c g`chr werms tnht achr`y cvca h i`jam ham muoioust uamcrstham tnco rjlnt te tnc ietteo eb h`` ietteos( Ham hssugn eac ghat nc`p jt te thdc h `jbc mcgjsjea breo wnjgn cvca

    jb h wer`m js grusncm te rujas wj`` bercvcr aet mjssuhmc oc(T82_ Zcs pcep`c wne hrc aetnjal c`sc tnha vhja gewhrm sjssjcswj`` h`whys erjcathtc tncosc`vcs oerc hggermjal te tnc wer`mtnha tnc ne`jcst trutn eut eb tnc oeutn eb tnc ea`y truc Lem4sjagc tnc wer`m h`se nhs jts hmvhathlcs ber tnc tjoc icjal `jdcle`m ham sj`vcr ham lcosteacs( Ber sugn cxgrcocats wchd pcep`c `ct Lem seea icgeoc h leem oha4 sjagc Nc mecs aet `ctle`m ham sj`vcr rhja eut eb tnc g`eums ber tnco! Iut J nhvc aewicgeoc bhoj`jhr wjtn tnc purcst le`m eb tnc truc nchvcas eb Lemham tncrcberc mcspjsc breo tnc mccpcst lreuam eb oy `jbc tnjstcoptjal cxgrcocat eb tnc chrtn( Zeu h`ojlnty @erm eb ctcrajty puajsn oc aew jb tncrc js eac bh`sc werm wnjgn nhs`cbt oy oeutn(T8_ J shjm6 Icghusc J dacw yeur seu` qujtc wc`` J nhvc gh``cmyeu ja tnc spjrjt etncrwjsc yeu weu`m aet nhvc geoc ncrc4 iutsjagc yeu nhvc icca se ougn trhasberocm yeu wj`` h`se ic

    prevjmcm ber burtncr ea! Zeu wj`` icgeoc h leem jastruocat berOc hoeal tnc Lrccd ea tnc gehsts eb Hsjh Ojaer ham h`se wjtn

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    tnesc ja Curepc! ]ncrc seoc cxjst wne hrc `ealjal ber tnc `jlntiut hrc aet hi`c te eithja jt breo haywncrc! Ber tnc tjoc icjalyeu hrc thdca jate tnc neusc eb Gerac`jus wne js h iretncr eb Gyrcajus! Ja tnht neusc yeu wj`` ic prevjmcm ber wjtn

    cvcrytnjal! Iut wnca tnc tjoc geocs tnht yeu sneu`m le eut hamohdc daewa Oy ahoc te tnc ahtjeas J wj`` `ct yeu daew ht tncrjlnt tjoc! \nca yeu nhvc te spchd jt wj`` aet ic acgcsshry beryeu te tnjad hieut jt iut ht tnc neur jt wj`` ic p`hgcm jate yeurnchrt ham oeutn ham tnc ahtjeas wj`` `jstca te yeu ham prhjscNjo wne lhvc yeu sugn wjsmeo ham pewcr!


    T8_ .]nc @erm6* Newcvcr aew jt nhs icgeoc cvcajal ham eur`ham`erm Ohrdus nhs prcphrcm tnc cvcajal och` ham sjagc wcnhvc ohmc h leem ghtgn wjtn yeu wc wj`` h`se cafey tnccvcajal och` ja tnc icst pessji`c ohaacr ea tnjs chrtn4newcvcr ja Oy djalmeo ja tnc icyeam eac mhy tnjals wj`` icseocwnht icttcr( Hbtcr tnc cvcajal och` wc wj`` aet mch` wjtn

    s`ccpjal iut wjtn seoctnjal geop`ctc`y mjbbcrcat hamteoerrew icberc tnc sua geocs up wc wj`` phrt ber h wnj`c4sjagc J stj`` nhvc ohay p`hgcs te vjsjt! Iut yeu Yhpnhc` le aewte tnc weoca ham `ct tnco rctura ncrc4 sjagc tnc acletjhtjeaswnjgn geagcracm tnco `jtt`c er aetnjal ht h`` js evcr ham tnctjoc ber tnc cvcajal och` nhs hpprehgncm(T9_ Yhpnhc` lecs ham gh``s h`` tnc weoca ham Fhrhn geocs teOc ham shys6 E @erm( Zeu oy `evc( Jt sccocm `jdc ha ctcrajtyte oc uatj` wc wcrc gh``cm hlhja4 iut aew h`` tnhads te Zeutnht Jo h``ewcm te ic ja Zeur prcscagc( \crc wc bcoh`cicjals rch``y aet h``ewcm te nchr wnht Zeu e @erm nhsmjsgusscm wjtn Verc`5T7_ J shjm6 Ae icghusc jt weu`m ic ougn tee chr`y icberc tncrjlnt tjoc ber yeu bcoh`c icjals4 iy tnc why yeu rch``y nhvcojsscm haytnjal sjagc ht tnc rjlnt tjoc cvcrytnjal wj`` ic

    rcvch`cm te yeu! Iut aew geocs tnc cvcajal och` ham yeu ghacafey yeursc`b qujtc h `et wjtn Fesec ham wjtn Yhpnhc` wneo J

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    wj`` ea`y jatremugc te Verc` hbtcr tnc cvcajal och`4 icghusc ncmecsat daew haytnjal eb njo yct!T=_ ]emhy hbtcr tnc och` wc hlhja wj`` sthy hwhdc uatj`oerajal ham yeu h`` wj`` tnjs `hst ajlnt wnjgn J wj`` spcam

    iemj`y hoeal yeu scc ham nchr sugn h ohss eb ojrhgu`eustnjals `jdc acvcr icberc4 sjagc ja tnjs ajlnt yeu sneu`mgeop`ctc`y lct te daew wne Nc js wne fust aew nhs spedcasugn te yeu! Iut hieut tnjs aeiemy js h``ewcm te daewseoctnjal icbercnham( Iut yeu Oy Verc` sthy g`esc teGerac`jus4 sjagc nc ham aet Gyrcajus wj`` breo aew ea yeurprevjmcr(T3_ Whys Gyrcajus6 @erm( J me aet lrumlc oy iretncr haytnjalwnjgn js ja haywhy leem4 iut J h`se weu`m `jdc vcry ougn tenhvc Verc` wjtn oc(T2_ J shjm6 Zeur wjsn ohdcs Oy nchrt vcry feybu` ham geuats hstnc werd jtsc`b4 iut breo h`` tnesc wne nhvc icca geavcrtcm ncrcyeu nhvc ja hay ghsc thdca tnc ijllcst auoicr uamcr yeurwjals( Ja Vjadh ham njs geophajeas yeu nhvc h trchsurc yeuh`se nhvc Wthnhr Ourc` ham B`erha Ncirho ham Yjsh Wucth`

    Yjihr ham Ihc` Ncroc wjtn njs wjbc ham mhulntcrs ham h`senhvc aew yeur twe mhulntcrs Lhojc`h ham Jmh jag`umjal tnescwnjgn J nhvca hppejatcm hs yeur sua/ja/`hws ham tnc ojrhg`ciey Fesec4 ham jt lecs wjtneut shyjal tnht h`` tncjr sthbb js ljvcate yeu ham tncrcberc yeu gha ic vcry geatcatcm( Zeur iretncrea`y lcts Verc` ham nc wj`` ber tnc tjoc icjal prevjmc h leemscrvjgc te njs neusc ham `htcr te tnc bercjlacrs ber wnjgn J nhvchwhdca njo! Zeu wj`` haywhy vjsjt yeur iretncr qujtc ebtcaham tnca yeu wj`` ic hi`c te mjsguss qujtc h `et wjtn eur Verc`! Hrc yeu stj`` shm tnht J mjm aet ljvc Verc` te yeu5T_ Iut chr`jcr yeu nhvc te`m tnc `evc`y Fhrhn tnht Zeu wj``

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    pcrbero h `et eb ojrhg`cs murjal tnc ajlnt sjagc wc h`` nhvcicca subbjgjcat`y jatremugcm te Zeur icjal4 aew wnht ojlnt ictnc ohja cvcat eb tnc ojrhg`cs5T:_ J shjm6 Mchrcst brjcam( ]njs yeu wj`` eiscrvc ham nchr wjtn

    h`` tnc etncrs ht tnc rjlnt tjoc( Iut aew icne`m tnc e`m Ohrdusoest mj`jlcat`y ghrrjcs beem te tnc thi`cs `jdc wjac sh`t hamirchm ham hievc h`` njs mhulntcrs hrc rcqujrjal h leemstrcaltncajal4 tncrcberc wc wj`` aet uamcrthdc spchd er mjsgusshaytnjal icberc tnc geop`ctjea eb tnc cvcajal och`(


    T8_ Ohrdus js aew ljvjal tnc sjla te sjt mewa ea tnc sct `ealicagncs ham Gerac`jus javjtcs Verc` te thdc h scht h`eal njs rjlntsjmc!T9_ Verc` rcbuscs tnjs ham shys6 Njln `erm ham ru`cr( Meat metnjs te oc( Zeu scc J ic`eal tncrc g`esc te tnc nut eb weem httnc oest sjop`c thi`c ohmc breo rhbtcrs wncrc yeur `hst ham`ewcst scrvhats ham httcamhats hrc sjttjal iut aet ncrc ham

    gcrthja`y aet te yeur rjlnt wncrc tnc ohja thi`c js sct( ]njsweu`m ic h ajgc cxcrgjsc ber nuoj`jty wnjgn tnc @erm eb h`` `jbchievc h`` nhs joprcsscm ea oy nchrt(T7_ J shjm6 Brjcam Verc` ncrc yeur wj`` js subbjgjcat( ]ncrcbercme Gerac`jus tnc bhver( ]ruc nuoj`jty ja haywhy mecs aet `jcs jatnc snewjal eb ha eutcr werd iut ja tnc nchrt hggermjal te tncbu`` trutn! Le te Fcrush`co ham nhvc h `eed ht tnc [nhrjsccs hamh`` tnc sgrjics wjtn wnht nuoi`c bhgcs ham g`etncs tncy hrcwh`djal hreuam4 iut ht tnc shoc tjoc tncjr nchrts hrc bu`` eb tncoest stjadjal hrrelhagc ham tncy nhtc mccp icachtn tnc nc``cvcryeac wne mecs aet what te mhagc hggermjal te tncjr tuac wnj`c h djal wjtn grewa ham sgcptcr jb nc mecs aet p`hgc jthievc tnc vh`uc eb h pcrsea gha nhvc sugn h nuoi`c seu` `jdctnc `chst icllhr ea tnc strcct( Jb yeu tnjad hieut tnjs ghrcbu``ytnca jt wj`` te`crhtc yeu ht tnc rjlnt eb Gerac`jus ht eur thi`c!

    T=_ Whys Verc`6 Hn jb se tnca eb geursc jt wj`` ic h`rjlnt(Nc aew lecs te tnc thi`c ham sjts mewa hggermjal te tnc wjsn

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    eb Gerac`jus!T3_ Iut Gerac`jus shys te njo6 We mchr brjcam Jo l`hm wjtnoy wne`c nchrt( Wuiscqucat`y wc what te `jvc ham werd telctncr ja tnc ahoc eb Njo wne nhs ca`jlntcacm us(

    Yclhrmjal truc nuoj`jty J tnjad hieut jt `jdc tnht6 Eac sneu`m icja tnc nchrt bu`` eb truc nuoj`jty ham acjlnier`y `evc iut eacsneu`m aet irhl wjtn jt te tnc eutsjmc4 sjagc jb J eutwhrm`y iewtee mccp`y icachtn etncr pcep`c J ohdc tnco hrrelhat hamrcbusc oysc`b tnc eppertuajty te scrvc tnco wjtn cvcrytnjalwnjgn js uscbu`!T2_ H gcrthja rcspcgt wnjgn J nhvc te cxpcgt hs h pcrsea ja haywhy breo oy bc``ew nuoha icjals J ho acvcr h``ewcm te ljvcup geop`ctc`y icghusc wjtneut jt J ghaaet me haytnjal leem(]ncrcberc ietn eb us wj`` ic ja eur nchrts hs nuoi`c hs pessji`c4iut breo eur acgcsshry cxtcrah` rcspcgt wc me aet what te ljvchwhy haytnjal(T_ Bjrst wc nhvc te nhvc h njln rclhrm ber tnc ebbjgc aet ber tncshdc eb eursc`vcs iut ea`y ja breat eb tnc pcep`c ber tnc shdc eb tnc ebbjgc! Iut jb jt js h acgcssjty wc hrc aet h``ewcm te g`chatnc pumm`cs ham scwhlc thads eursc`vcs iut oust `chvc tncwerd te tnesc wne nhvc icca mcstjacm iy tnc @erm ham ahturcber jt! \c h`se geu`m aet stham jt icghusc wc nhvc aet icca uscmte jt breo eur yeutn! Ham tnc @erm wj`` surc`y aet cxpcgt tnjsbreo us4 iut tnjs nc cxpcgts hs Bhtncr eb h`` ohadjam tnht wc jaeur nchrt sneu`m aet mcspjsc hay pcrsea cvca aet tnc lrchtcstsjaacr iut te me cvcrytnjal pessji`c te shvc njs seu`( Ham ja

    tnjs wc why J ic`jcvc wc wj`` hgt rjlnt`y icberc Lem ham h``pcep`c!

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    T:_ J shjm6 Zcs tnjs js rjlnt( ]ruc nuoj`jty ham truc acjlnier`y`evc hrc tru`y rcsjmjal ja yeur nchrts ham aet ja tnc eutcrhppchrhagc `jdc tnc [nhrjsccs(T8;_ \ne ojxcs njosc`b wjtn irha ham oh`t wjtneut accm oust

    ja tnc cam aet geop`hja jb chtca iy pjls(T88_ ]nc rjlnt nuoj`jty mecs h`se aet rcqujrc tnht tnc pchr`s eb Oy tchgnjal sneu`m ic tnrewa ber tnc pjls! Icghusc tncrc hrcpcep`c wne hrc wersc tnha pjls ham ber tnco Oy tchgnjalochas aetnjal4 sjagc tncsc djam eb pcep`c yeu sneu`m rjlnt`y icuscm te g`cha pumm`cs ham scwhlc thads icberc ohdjal Oyahoc ham Oy tchgnjal daewa te tnco(T89_ Iut ja tnjs ghsc me aet `eed ht tnc g`etncs er tnc cxtcrah`mjlajty iut ea`y ht tnc icnhvjer eb h pcrsea hggermjal te njsnchrt ham seu`( Jb tnjs js aei`c lcat`c ham phtjcat ea`y tncaprchgn njo tnc lespc` ham shy6 Ja tnc ahoc eb tnc @erm pchgcic wjtn yeu ham h`` pcep`c ea chrtn wne hrc eb h leem wj``( Jb tnc pcrsea wne js i`csscm ja hmvhagc nhs h tru`y leem wj`` hamnchrt tnc i`cst pchgc wj`` rcohja ja njo ham tnc lespc` wnjgnnhs icca rcvch`cm te njo wj`` seea sthrt te irjal tnc oest

    ichutjbu` brujts eb nchvca! Ham se J tnjad ham ic`jcvc hggermjalte yeur nuoha ohaacr tnht yeu h`` rclhrmjal tnc rjlnt nuoj`jtyhrc geop`ctc`y ht neoc(T87_ Ham sjagc tnc beem js h`rchmy ja hiuamhagc ea tnc thi`c wch`` snh`` cht ham mrjad hggermjal te eur nchrts mcsjrc ham bu`` eb

    fey4 sjagc J ho hs h truc irjmclreeo eb yeur seu`s sjttjal hoealyeu yeu ohy oest feybu``y ham wjtn gnccrbu` scascs geasuoctnc wc`` prcphrcm och` wjtn Oc( Iut jb J ja tnc achr buturc wj``aet ic hoeal yeu hayoerc yeu hlhja gha sjt wjtn `css hppctjtcham gnccrbu`acss ht tnc beem thi`c(

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    seoctnjal spcgjh` ham mecs aet rcscoi`c hay hppchrhagc ja tncahturh` cavjreaocat! Jt mjsojsscs tnc geavcatjeah` `hws eb tncahturh` wer`m ham js ja jtsc`b tnc hgtuh`jzhtjea eb tnc bhathsy eb hpect ljbtcm wjtn h`` wjsmeo! Wjagc cvcrytnjal wnht ha

    johljahry rjgn pcrsea gha tnjad eb js rch`jzcm ja tnc hrch eb tncojrhgu`eus(T_ Iut jb tnc Grchter geocs te tnc pepu`htjea eb tnjs seojrhgu`eus`y grchtcm wer`m `jdc aew uamcr tnc oestcxtrhermjahry gjrguosthagcs tncy gcrthja`y oust sthrt te icnulc`y hsteajsncm hacw jb tnc e`m H`ojlnty sthrts te pcrberowerds icberc tncjr cycs wnjgn eb geursc hrc ea`y pessji`c tenjo iut aeiemy c`sc ja tnc wne`c eb jabjajty wjtneut Njs wj``!

    T:_ ]ncrciy J me aet mcay tnht hay spjrjtuh` bu``y pcrbcgtcmpcrsea h`se js hi`c te pcrbero weamcrs4 pcrnhps hs h geop`ctc`ypcrbcgtcm purc spjrjt nc js h`se hi`c te grchtc h soh`` wer`m iutwjtneut tnc hssjsthagc eb tnc mjvjac wj`` surc`y acvcr cvcr( Wugnh spjrjt wj`` h`se ic hi`c te spchd ham tchgn njln`y wjsc`y iutwjtneut tnc mjvjac spjrjt ja njs gncst bercvcr aet(T8;_ J vhluc`y gha rcocoicr breo tnc Fcwjsn njstery tnht hmeadcy whs spchdjal vcry wjsc`y te tnc prepnct Ij`cho! Zcsmurjal tnc vcry chr`y tjocs cvca tnc wj`m ham tchrjal icsts nhvcthulnt tnc eimurhtc pcep`c( Hggermjal te yeur werms wc wcrch`se aet prcscat4 acvcrtnc`css tncrc geu`m ic seoc trutn te jt!Iut sugn hajoh`s wcrc scjzcm ber tnc oeocat iy tnc spjrjt eb Lem ham wcrc bergcm te scrvc Njo hs tee`s( Ham aet ougnmjbbcrcat jt wj`` ic wjtn tnc wjsmeo eb tnc oest wjsc pcep`c hamspjrjts4 tnc rch` ijl mjbbcrcagc wj`` geasjst ea`y ja geasjstcagy

    ham lrewtn(T88_ ]njs js oy epjajea( J eb geursc me aet what jt te ic put hs h

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    gcrthja hpemjgtjg trutn sjagc J h`rchmy eagc nhvc leac uamcrwjtn oy vjcws eb rchsea ham ea `jbc ham mchtn me aet what teohdc sugn h `chp hlhja4 iut ea`y ja h why hs eac spchds ja hrchseahi`c ohaacr eb jt eac gha wjtneut hay lreuam put

    berwhrm h vjcw hlhjast haetncr ham bjah``y eithja tnc jasjlnt jb ham new ougn trutn tncrc js htthgncm te jt er aet(T89_ Whys Gerac`jus6 Brjcam yeu hrc th`djal `jdc wrjttca hamtncrc ojlnt ic seoc trutn ja yeur oemcst epjajea4 iut J aewnhvc haetncr epjajea ber yeu ham tnjs geasjsts tncrceb tnht yeuaew sneu`m geasuoc yeur bjsn ham me aet eiscrvc tee ougnnew tnc nchvca`y yeutn chts eac bjsn hbtcr tnc etncr ham stj``cxprcsscs ha hppctjtc breo wnjgn jt vcry chsj`y gha icrcgelajzcm tnht nc js hi`c te cbbert`css`y put haetncr tca bjsncsuamcr tnc ic`t( Iut h`se yeu sneu`m cht aew ham snew tnht yeuht `chst gha ohstcr eac bjsn ham eac oul eb leem ycs eb tncicst wjac(T87_ Hbtcr tncsc werms Verc` sthrts te cht ham mrjad ja pchgcwjtn h lrcht hppctjtc ham js `css geagcracm hieut tnc tnjalsnhppcajal hreuam us!


    T8_ Iut tnc wjac sthrtcm te `eesca tnc tealucs ht tnc thi`cs hamtncrcberc jt icghoc jagrchsjal`y `jvc`jcr ham `jvc`jcr! ]ncrc cvcaerjljahtcm mjbbcrcat epjajeas hieut Oc ham eac geu`m shy tnhtncrc ht tnc cvcajal och` tnc bjrst sp`jttjal eb tnc gnurgn teed p`hgc! Weoc sthtcm tnht J mjrcgt`y whs tnc njlncst Lem/icjal4 iutetncrs shjm6 tnjs js truc iut aet mjrcgt`y ea`y jamjrcgt`y! Hlhjaetncrs shjm6 J hgtuh``y whs ea`y h sea eb Mhvjm hggermjal tephrcathlc ham whs mcstjacm te ic tnc Ocssjhn eb tnc djalmeo eb Mhvjm ham tncrcberc ic cqujppcm wjtn tnc ojrhg`c strcaltn eb Mhvjm ham wjtn tnc wjsmeo eb Wh`eoea! Wtj`` etncrs tneulnt6J whs h bjrst halc` eb tnc nchvcas wh`djal aew ja h pre beroh

    b`csn ea chrtn ham nhvc ha hmfuthat breo tnc nchvcas wjtn Oc!T9_ Weoc te wneo cvca seoc eb Oy hpest`cs ic`ealcm

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    mcg`hrcm Oc hs tnc sea eb tnc oest Njlncst! H`tneuln nhvjaltnc shoc prepcrtjcs hs Oy Bhtncr J acvcrtnc`css whs hgeop`ctc mjbbcrcat pcrseah`jty ham cvca tnc ebtca mjsgusscmspjrjt eb Lem ojlnt bjah``y bero h tnjrm pcrseah`jty wnjgn

    uamcr gcrthja gjrguosthagcs gha spchd ea jts ewa icnh`b(T7_ \jtn tnjs epjajea newcvcr ea`y vcry bcw hlrccm! Weochsdcm [ctcr wnht nc tneulnt!T=_ Iut [ctcr shjm6 Nc tnc @erm Njosc`b nhs hsdcm us wncatrhvc``jal hreuam tnjs hrch wnht tnc pcep`c wcrc tnjadjal hieutNjo wne Nc whs ham wnht bjah``y wc eursc`vcs wcrc tnjadjalhieut Njo! Ht tnht sthlc h`se tnjs ham tnht whs sthtcm ham wncabjah``y J whs hsdcm J shjm jt i`uat`y hs J bc`t jt ja oy nchrt6 Zeuhrc tnc sea eb tnc oest Njlncst( Ham wjtn tnjs oy tcstjoeayNc whs bu``y geatcat ham cvca gh``cm oc tnc regd eb ic`jcvc eawnjgn Nc wj`` iuj`m Njs gnurgn wnjgn wj`` aet ic icsjclcm iytnc perts eb nc``! ]ncrciy oy eagc cxprcsscm epjajea whshpprevcm ham geabjrocm iy Njosc`b ham tncrcberc J me aet hgtwreal`y jb J sthy wjtn tnht hs h regd(T3_ Iut Fena whs acvcrtnc`css geasjmcrhi`c eppescm te tnjs

    epjajea eb [ctcr ham shjm6 Ja Njo tnc bu``acss eb tnc Lemnchmrcsjmcs iemj`y( Hs tnc sea wne acvcrtnc`css ghaaet ic haetncrpcrseah`jty J ea`y rcgelajzc Njs iemy hs bhr hs jt js h ochas berh purpesc4 iut ea tnc wne`c Nc acvcrtnc`css js jmcatjgh` wjtntnc Lemnchm wnjgn rcsjmcs ja Njo ja h`` bu``acss(T2_ Er js oy iemy tnca haetncr pcrseah`jty hs oy seu`5 Me aetietn bero eac pcrsea mcspjtc tnc bhgt tnht erjljah``y tnc seu`nhm te iuj`m ncr ewa iemy ham eac tncrcberc geu`m hrluc6 ]ncseu` nhs iuj`m h scgeam ohtcrjh` pcrsea hreuam ncrsc`b ham iymejal se hrrhalcm ber h scgeam pcrseah`jty hreuam ncrsc`b5 Eacgha tncrcberc shy tnht tnc iemy js h sea er seoctnjal wnjgn whspremugcm iy tnc seu` iut icghusc eb tnht jt mecs aet bero hscgeam pcrseah`jty wjtn ncr er cvca wjtneut ncr( Ham cvca te h`csscr mclrcc jt gha ic shjm breo tnc spjrjt ja tnc seu`4 sjagc wnhtweu`m ic h seu` wjtneut tnc mjvjac spjrjt ja ncr5 Wnc ea`y

    icgeocs h pcrbcgt pcrsea jb snc js geop`ctc`y pcactrhtcm iy tncspjrjt( ]ncrcberc spjrjt seu` ham iemy hrc hise`utc`y eac ham tnc

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    shoc pcrseah`jty(T_ Why h`` ht Oy thi`c6 Fena nhs spedca tnc trutn(T:_ Iut [ctcr whats te gerrcgt njosc`b ham shys6 Zcs J h`seocha jt tnht why4 J ho fust aet tnht vcrih``y hlj`c te cxprcss oyjaacr geoprcncasjea se qujgd`y h`tneuln tnjs ohttcr wj``h`whys ic mjbbjgu`t te uamcrstham(T8;_ Whys Fena6 Mjbbjgu`t ham hlhja aet mjbbjgu`t( Hggermjal teyeur why ae pcrsea cvcr ea tnjs chrtn wj`` uamcrstham jt hggermjal te oy why tnjs js wnht J tnjad newcvcr vcry chsj`y(Iut ea`y tnc @erm sneu`m aew ic h rjlnt rcbcrcc ictwcca us(

    T88_ J shjm6 Ic`jcvc gha hgnjcvc ohay tnjals iut `evc gha meh``( Zeu Wjoea Fumh hrc h regd ja ic`jcvc4 iut Fena js h purcmjhoeam ja `evc ham tncrcberc nc h`se gha `eed mccpcr tnhacvcryiemy c`sc eb yeu! Nc tncrcberc js Oy rch` prcbcrrcm wrjtcr4nc wj`` lct h `et breo Oc te wrjtc mewa wnjgn wj`` ic h rjmm`cte yeu( Wjagc ja sugn `evc tncrc js p`caty eb sphgc ber ohaytnjals iut ja bhjtn ea`y ber gcrthja tnjals tncrcberc jt shys6 Spte ncrc ham aet hay burtncr( Fust dccp te tnc sthtcocat eb Oyic`evcm eac4 sjagc nc wj`` irjal Oc te tnc wer`m hs pcrbcgtcm(T89_ ]ncrcupea [ctcr bcc`s seocwnht coihrrhsscm ham h`whysvcry scgrct`y h `jtt`c fch`eus hieut Fena! Ber tnjs rchsea [ctcrhbtcr Oy rcsurrcgtjea wnca J hsdcm njo te be``ew Oc hamphsturc Oy `hois geop`hjacm tnht Fena h`se be``ewcm Ocwjtneut icjal jastrugtcm te me se wnht J hs jt js daewarciudcm [ctcr ber ham wncrciy J preojscm Fena h bu``

    jooerth`jty wncrcbreo tnc `clcam resc wjtn tnc pcep`c tnhttnjs mjsgjp`c wj`` acvcr cvca iemj`y mjc!

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    T87_ Iut [ctcr hsdcm Fena wnht nc js mejal te h`whys eithja hougn mccpcr jasjlnt tnha njosc`b ahoc`y [ctcr!T8=_ Iut Fena shjm6 Wcc J me aet rcsjmc ja yeur seu` ham yeuhrc aet ja ojac ham J me aet nhvc h sgh`c ber jt te ic hi`c te

    mctcrojac wny oy epjajea js mccpcr ham oerc gerrcgt( Iutsjagc tnc @erm nhs shjm jt `eum`y icberc us ahoc`y tncmjbbcrcagc ictwcca ic`jcvc ham `evc tnca thdc tnjs hs ha haswcrte yeur qucstjea( Wjagc djmacys ham nchrts gha ea`y iccxhojacm iy tnc @erm ham tncrcberc Nc wj`` daew vcryprcgjsc`y wnht mjbbcrcagc tncrc js ictwcca eur seu`s!T83_ \jtn tnjs haswcr [ctcr whs geatcat ber tnc tjoc icjal hammjm aet hsd hay burtncr! Iut aew tnc och` ghoc h`se te ha camham wc let up ham h`` eb us wcat up tnc oeuathja!


    T8_ \nca h`` eb us hrrjvcm eac iy eac ea tnc tep eb tnc h`rchmydaewa oeuathja ham teed eur p`hgcs tnc e`m Ohrdus wjtn njs

    wjbc ham njs gnj`mrca ghoc te Oc ham hsdcm Oc oestjop`erjal`y tnht J h`se sneu`m sthy tnc geojal mhy wjtn njosjagc jt js tee phjabu` ber njo jb J weu`m `chvc njo h`rchmyicberc sua/up!T9_ J shjm6 Ic uageagcracm hieut tnht( J gha le ham sthy tjocmecs aet bergc Oc4 sjagc Jo h`se tnc @erm eb tjoc ham h`` tjocs(]joc acvcr lrews hievc Oy nchm! Acvcrtnc`css tncrc hrc stj``ohay p`hgcs wnjgn J nhvc te vjsjt ham snh`` vjsjt4 iut wjtn Oc jtmecs aet mcpcam ea h mhy ham ha neur wncrc J nhvc beuam truc`jvjal `evc!T7_ Whys Ohrdus wjtn tchrs ja njs cycs6 E @erm ham Bhtncrbercvcr tnhads te Zeu ber sugn cxgccmjal`y lrcht ocrgy( Ea`yZeur ne`y wj`` prcvhj`s( Iut @erm tnc ajlnt js vcry mhrdicghusc tnc g`eums nhvc gevcrcm tnc sdy qujtc mcasc`y4 sneu`m Jaet irjal tergncs up ncrc5

    T=_ J shjm6 @chvc jt wc wj`` hrrhalc ber `jlnt(T3_ Ncrcupea J gh`` ea Yhpnhc` ham shys te njo6 Ja tnc gcatrc

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    eb Hbrjgh tncrc wcrc tnc njln Deorhnhj/Oeuathjas hrc sthamjalham tnc bjrst beuathja eb tnc Aj`c iuii`cs breo h regd yeu wj``bjam tca oca/ncjlnts icachtn tnc surbhgc regds h regd tnc sjzc eb h pcrseas nchm4 irjal jt te Oc jt wj`` subbjgjcat`y j``uojahtc tnc

    ajlnt ber us( Hbtcr yeu ireulnt jt ncrc put jt ea tnjs ihrc trcctruad se tnht jts `jlnt pcactrhtcs bhr ham j``uojahtcs tnc wne`csurreuamjal( ]nht J