The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by...

The Government Counter Fraud Profession Protecting public services and fighting economic crime

Transcript of The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by...

Page 1: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

The Government Counter Fraud ProfessionProtecting public services and fighting economic crime

Page 2: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings

together individual and organisational learning from across the public sector, and beyond, into one place.

It will enable us take our next step in the fight against the constant threat of fraud. This is why we are seen as a global

leader in public sector counter fraud.

With the launch of the Government Counter Fraud Profession we are demonstrating that HM Government is committed to finding and

dealing with fraud across the public sector and beyond.

Sadly, fraud is a constant threat faced by both individuals and organisations. It is a hidden crime which evolves quickly, and where it is targeted against the

public sector, it can damage the public services that citizens rely on.

Around 10,000 people work in organisations across the public sector to counter fraud. Fighting fraud takes hard work, dedication and the application of carefully nurtured skills.

The creation of the GCFP recognises this work, and the specialist skills and experience it takes to deliver it.

The Profession sets out to tackle fraud head on by committing to invest in this group of highly skilled people, who are at the forefront of protecting public services and fighting

economic crime. By providing the standards, guidance and tools for GCFP members to develop their knowledge, skills and experience, we will not only ensure public sector organisations benefit from a common understanding of the skills needed

to counter fraud, but also recognise those professionals who lead the fight.

Those who join will play a pivotal role in development of the GCFP and what it becomes. Through the empowerment of its members,

throughout their careers, the community created around the GCFP will continue to grow and develop, to protect public

services and fight economic crime.

Mark Cheeseman Chair, Government Counter Fraud Professionals Board

The Government Counter Fraud Profession will bring the UK public sector together to form a new Profession for those protecting

public services and fighting economic crime


Page 3: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning


The Government Counter Fraud Profession 1

Benefits to individuals 2

Key features: Professional Standards and Competencies 3

Key features: Professional Skills Platform 4

Type of memberships 5

Benefits to organisations 6

A Profession built through collaboration 7

Vision for the future 8

Crown Copyright Notice

All of the material here is owned by the Counter Fraud Profession for HM Government. It is all subject to Crown Copyright 2017.

This material should not be disseminated in any way that may prejudice harm or infringe on the purpose and aims of the Counter Fraud Profession for HM Government.

Community Recognition Empowerment


Page 4: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

The Government Counter Fraud Profession

The Government Counter Fraud Profession (GCFP) is a structure for counter fraud specialists across central government.It aims to bring the counter fraud community together under a common set of standards and develop that community as they protect public services and fight economic crime. As part of this new and active community, members will not only gain recognition and credibility for their specialist skill set, but also have access to the standards, guidance and products to help members develop their own career – not just with a focus on investigation, but now with a move towards new areas of risk prevention and the use of data analytics.

By ensuring that organisations across government know how to effectively prevent and tackle fraud, the GCFP puts the HM Government in a much stronger position to deal with the challenges presented by fraud, bribery and corruption; and enhances the UK’s reputation as a global leader in this field.

What does the GCFP do?

Across the Civil Service

Raises the profile of counter fraud activity

and the complex, evolving skill sets required to do it.

Across all central government


Sets consistent counter fraud

standards across government.

For each organisation

Provides the transparency needed to identify skilled staff

and to tackle fraud efffectively.

For individuals

Empowers a new community of counter

fraud specialists; giving them the recognition and


I see the development of the Counter Fraud Profession as a massive step forward in how we deal with fraud and economic crime in the public sector. It will enable us to understand what expertise looks like, where it lies and help us get it to the right areas. It will also help our people get the best from their jobs, and their careers.

John ManzoniChief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, (Cabinet Office)


Page 5: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

Benefits to individuals

Join an active counter fraud communityThe GCFP has ambitious plans for its members. It hopes to build an active community of counter fraud specialists across the public sector and beyond; and members will receive regular news and updates relevant to counter fraud.

Greater recognition and professional credibility The GCFP gives recognition and credibility to those with counter fraud knowledge, skills and experience. By being recognised as a member of the GCFP, members can show that they have a level of expertise beyond those who are not in the Profession. They will also have a common Code of Ethics.

Empowered to control your own developmentThe GCFP provides transparency across all disciplines used to counter fraud. Members are able to self-assess themselves against a set of common Professional Standards and Competencies, and develop their own personal development plans against a range of Disciplines. For example, those working in Investigation will be able to assess their skills in carrying out risk assessments.

I have a skill set that didn’t seem to fit into any organisation back in 1994. Now it does. For 25 years I’ve been looking for this! It’s great to have recognition and credibility for the skills I have and hard work that I do. The people that work for the government are motivated to keep the public purse safe.

Heather Morgan GCFP Advisory Panel Member, (NHS CFA)

As Head of the CPS Specialist Fraud Division, which provides and independent prosecution service to a number of Government Departments and Law Enforcement Agencies, I see great public benefit in the creation and promotion of a single Profession for those who investigate public sector fraud. I believe this will recognise and distinguish those with capability from those who don’t. In turn, this will help raise the quality of fraud investigations and will help the CPS bring offenders to justice, seizing the proceeds of their crimes and reducing the impact on victims.

Kristin Jones Head of Specialist Fraud Division, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)

We welcome the introduction of the GCFP and are fully committed to supporting its development. This programme will enhance the capability of our investigators through access to a common set of professional standards and guidance. This is an important milestone in providing a consistent approach to tackling fraud across government and improving career pathways for fraud specialists.

Paul Golightly Deputy Director, DHSC Anti-Fraud Unit, Department of Health and Social Care


Page 6: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

Key features: Professional Standards and Competencies

Core Disciplines set out the knowledge, skills and experience that are called upon to deliver an effective counter fraud response. The ten Core Disciplines are set out in the framework above. Nine of the Core Disciplines cover the full range of competencies required to have an effective counter fraud response; moving beyond a focus on ‘Investigation’ only. Counter fraud professional will work in different Disciplines, and sometimes across many.Leadership, Management & Strategy’ is the tenth Core Discipline. It sets out the required competencies for an organisation’s counter fraud leader. This includes an awareness across all specialist areas, the capability to define an effective counter fraud response and how to deploy the specialisms in the business.

Core Disciplines

Sub Disciplines

The framework also includes five Sub Disciplines. There are areas where knowledge, skills and experience overlap across Core Disciplines, and offer development of expertise relevant to those other areas. For example, the ‘Bribery and Corruption’ Sub Discipline does this by defining the additional skills required to prevent, risk assess and investigate bribery and corruption.

The threat that fraud poses to the UK’s public services is constantly evolving, and so it is crucial that the skills and knowledge we have in the public sector to protect these services also evolves. The GCFP addresses this by not only providing proper and welcome recognition of the talented and skilled counter fraud specialists in the public sector, but also by ensuring that we have the right standards and the right culture to detect, report and counter fraud consistently across the whole of government.

Neil Green Head of Counter Fraud and Investigation, Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA)

Risk Assessment


and Deterrence

Use of Data and



and Analysis

InvestigationSanctions, Redress &


Core Disciplines

Leadership, Management & Strategy

An awareness across all specialist areas and the capability to define an effective counter fraud response and how to deploy the specialisms in the business.

Bribery and Corruption

Money Laundering

Disruption Cyber FraudCriminal Justice

Sub Disciplines

The GCFP provides pathways for individual capability building and career development, through access to the Professional Standards and Competencies.These detail the knowledge, skills and experience expected of those working in a variety of counter fraud roles across the public sector. They will include risk assessment and the use of data analytics, formally developing the GCFP beyond the historical focus on investigation. These also offer a framework through which an organisation’s learning environments or an individual’s knowledge, skills and experience can be assessed when they apply to the GCFP, and as they develop throughout their career. The Professional Standards and Competencies are broken down into Core Disciplines and Sub-Disciplines, recognising the variety in counter fraud activity.

The GCFP will evolve to incorporate all other Disciplines

First Discipline to be rolled out

Second Discipline to be rolled out


Page 7: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

Key Features: Professional Skills Platform

The Professional Skills Platform (PSP) is a key tool of the GCFP for members.As a web-based platform, the PSP – which acts as the formal register of the Profession – has a wide range of functions for members.

The Government Counter Fraud Profession has something to offer every individual, whether they are new entrants or have been working in counter fraud for a long time. It will allow us to look at our employees’ learning and development skills paths, giving them the opportunity to not only consolidate their learning to date, but also start to build their capabilities for the future.

‘Investigation’ Discipline case study

How to use the PSP to assess your skills in a Discipline

Within the PSP there is a skills tool that breaks down each Discipline into Key Components and then individual Elements of knowledge, skills and experience from trainee to advanced level. The skills tool allows members to self-assess against these Elements.

Within the ‘Investigation’ Discipline (below) there are ten Key Components, with 53 corresponding Elements.

6.1 Case Progression – Report writing & communications

6.2 Case Progression – Evidence files

6.3 Case Progression – Disclosure

6.4 Case Progression – Operational learning

6.5 Case Progression – Law enforcement referral

6.6 Case Progression – Evidence presentation

Discipline ElementsKey ComponentsInvestigation


Performance & Review

Parallel Multitrack Approach

Evidence Gathering

Investigation Interviewing

Sanctions, Redress &


Legislation & Departmental


Case Initiation

Stakeholder Engagement

Case Progression

The PSP enables members to:

View the established Standards and Guidance across all available Disciplines.

Access the self-assessment tool for self-evaluation and personal development against the knowledge, skills and experience relevant to their role.

Self-assess personal knowledge, skills and experience against other counter fraud roles.

Log personal Learning & Development activities, including training and mentoring.

Self-declare specialisms, including technical and subject matter expertise.

Self-evaluate and record evidence of your skills against the framework.

Chris Freeman GCFP Advisory Panel Member,(Department for Work & Pensions)


Page 8: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

CollectiveBecoming a member under

collective transition (i.e. organisations elect teams, or groups to move into the

Profession together).

Transitional phase* closes

Individual Becoming a member under

individual transition (i.e. organisations put forward


New Entrants Becoming a member after the transitional period has closed.

Types of membership

The GCFP is built around the principle of choice.At launch, a limited number of organisations will be able to choose which specialists from their organisation they would like to put forward for membership under ‘transitional arrangements’. Following the initial onboarding of these organisations, these transitional arrangements will be available more widely.

If your organisation is joining the Profession through transitional arrangements you may become a member either (1) under collective transition, or (2) becoming a member under individual transition.

When the GCFP Board feel the Profession is ready, it will introduce a process for ‘new entrants’. This will be available for those with no experience of counter fraud or those who did not join under transitional arrangements. More information about this route to membership will be published in the future.

The ‘transitional arrangements’ were developed to recognise the existing counter fraud capability across government within the new GCFP. By offering both ‘individual’ and ‘collective’ transitional arrangements, the GCFP will enable experienced specialists to enter this Profession through a straightforward, practical assessment process, while also recognising that many public sector organisations already have mature learning environments to support their specialists in achieving high counter fraud standards.

Samantha des ForgesHead of Fraud Defence,Ministry of Defence

Register of Interest

For those where a formal route into the GCFP is not be available yet, you will be able to register your interest to keep engaged with the counter fraud community.

What do I

do now?

Visit our homepage to find out more:

Visit ‘Civil Service Learning’ to explore the Professional Standards and Guidance here:

Have a discussion with your line manager about future routes into the GCFP.

Don’t work in fraud? Refresh your counter fraud knowledge by re-visiting the counter fraud, bribery and corruption training here:

Do you still have questions? Send us an e-mail at: [email protected]




Page 9: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

Benefits to organisations

A single, central and shared body of knowledgeThe GCFP will enable organisations to strengthen counter fraud capabilities through cross-organisational skills mapping, knowledge sharing and co-ordinated Learning & Development programmes, based on lessons learnt across the public sector and a structure to develop counter fraud capability.

Provides transparency for organisations to identify and effectively deploy specialists in the right areasCounter fraud leads will have a complete view of how counter fraud skill sets are distributed across their organisations, enabling them to be informed when considering their counter fraud response, how they manage resources and how they develop their people.

Recognition of multiple ProfessionsPublic sector roles are increasingly complex and in many roles it is necessary to draw on a variety of specialist skills and experience. As such, increasingly people will be need to be able to develop in multiple specialist areas and professions to deliver their roles effectively. The GCFP is built to enable its members to also be members of other Professions.

Vital public funds will increasingly be spent on core business and not lost to fraudImproved access to capability in counter fraud will make organisations more effective in protecting public services and fighting economic crime.

Serious fraud does not respect organisational boundaries. To have a real impact on tackling serious fraud we have to work collaboratively across government and the development of the GCFP will help us do that. The GCFP will also raise the profile of investigation work and give our investigators the professional recognition they deserve.

Simon YorkDirector,Fraud Investigation Service (HMRC)

Improved outcomesThe GCFP will help to deliver better quality fraud products, whether investigations, risk assessments or data analytics, through the harnessing of lessons learnt and capability across the public sector through the structure of the Profession.


Page 10: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

A Profession built through collaboration

Who are the groups involved?

Mark CheesemanDeputy Director, Public Sector Fraud

The Government Counter Fraud Profession BoardThe GCFP Board consists of senior Counter Fraud Leads from across government, each representing an organisation that has significantly invested in counter fraud. This Board is responsible for the development, promotion, and oversight of the GCFP and ultimately decides what the Profession looks like, who is able to join the Profession and what process this entails.

Cross Sector Advisory Group An established group of industry leaders, academics and third sector representative, the Cross Sector Advisory Group provides a forum for ongoing consultation, challenge and support for the development of the Profession.

Practitioners GroupsThe Practitioners Groups consist of current counter fraud specialists at operational level who provide ongoing consultation on the evolution of the GCFP from within the public sector.

Fraud Champions GroupThe cross-government Fraud Champions Group is a forum for discussion and knowledge sharing on a range of more general counter fraud activities across central government.

One of the great features of the GCFP is that it is a product of collaboration. It has been built with the advice and support of a number of organisations; not only from central government but across sectors. What we’ve come up with is a Profession that offers the counter fraud community choice and empowerment in their futures. Built by experts, for experts.

Advisory PanelThe Advisory Panel is a peer-review body consisting of experienced counter fraud specialists from across government. The GCFP Board puts forward candidates for the Advisory Panel based on an individual’s knowledge, skills and experience – not their grade. The panel is responsible for designing the membership application processes, reviewing applications and advising the Board on who enters the Profession.

The GCFP has been, and will continue to be, built through collaboration. Specialists came together to create it from different organisations across government. They had a vision for a more comprehensive, cohesive and recognised structure in which to develop themselves and their skills, and a passion to make it happen.

This is a new Profession built by experts, for experts. For those who join the Profession, it is their profession, and they have the opportunity to shape its future, and how the UK fights fraud and economic crime.


Page 11: The Government Counter Fraud Profession...The Government Counter Fraud Profession has been built by experts, for experts. It brings together individual and organisational learning

Vision for the future

The launch of the GCFP is just the beginning. It will pave the way for public sector organisations and the counter fraud community to evolve together.

The GCFP has ambitious plans for the future.

Over the coming years, the GCFP will evolve, making sure the public sector is ready to fight current and future threats, and reflecting new practitioner demographics and the evolving fraud landscape. The UK’s commitment to the professionalisation of central government counter fraud activity has already been recognised as internationally leading by the International Fraud Forum project, with its partners in the Five Eyes Alliance. And it won’t stop there: the GCFP will continue to grow, lead and help counter fraud specialists get the best from their careers.

The UK continues at the global forefront of counter fraud thinking and implementation practices.

Launch across central Government with an active community and member events.

Extend membership opportunities more widely.

Counter fraud capabilities will be strengthened by developing new Disciplines, for instance data analytics and prevention.

Incorporate fraud risk assessment practitioners into the Profession.

Develop Functional Leads across organisations.

Deliver accreditation for counter fraud specialists that align to the standards of the Profession.


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The Government Counter Fraud Profession is coordinated by the Cabinet Office.