The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study...

The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the Bible says. THE WORD FOR THE WORLD STUDIES IN THE NEW TESTAMENT by Bill DeLaughter

Transcript of The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study...

Page 1: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the

The Gospel of Luke

A study using 18 questions per chapterThe purpose of this study is to find out

What the Bible says.


byBill DeLaughter

Page 2: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the

© Bill DeLaughterP.O. Box 193

Crown Point, In. 46308-0193U.S.A.

Phone - (219) 661-0998

Bill desires that this study be made available to everyone to be used for their furtherunderstanding of What The Bible Says. This study may be photo copied for single church use and/ortranslated into any language where it can be used with permission from the author.

INSTRUCTIONS or suggestions as to how to conduct this study.

I can only suggest how this study was originally conducted and it was very successful. Firstof all, we tried to arrange a very informal atmosphere with the folks sitting in a loose circle. Wewould begin the session by having tea, or cokes and an informal time of fellowship. Then we wouldhave a prayer time with everyone suggesting names of those for whom we should pray. It was alsomentioned each session that we expected that each individual have at least one person for whom theywould agree to pray for in regards to that person’s salvation.

To actually begin the study the entire chapter would be read aloud with each one willing toread, taking the number of verses and dividing it by the number of people present and each onereading a portion.

Then the first one on the left (a habit of mine) would begin by reading the first question andgiving their answer. The verse where their answer was found must also be given. Then the leaderasks if everybody agrees. Let discussion carry on as necessary but not too long. Then go to the nextquestion and the next person until all of the fifteen questions are answered.

For the discussion questions (numbers 16-17-18) each person present should give their answeronce again going from the first one on the left and so on. Answer one question at a time, with eachperson present giving their reasons for their answer to each question. Discussion can be long or shortdepending on how the group feels. Do not carry the class session on too long.

Encourage each one to prepare his answers BEFORE the session begins if at all possible onlybecause they will get more out of the discussion if they have thought about it.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


Page 3: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the



1. Who wrote this Gospel, to whom, and why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Who was the angel who spoke to Zechariah? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Whose throne was Mary's child to be given? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? _____________________________. Verse _____5. Why were the people astonished when Zechariah and Elizabeth named their child John?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Luke got his information from eyewitnesses.7. _____ _____ Zechariah was told that his son would go out in the spirit and power of Elijah.8. _____ _____ Mary was told that nothing is impossible with God.9. _____ _____ John the Baptist was circumcised on the eighth day.10. _____ _____ John lived in the desert all of his life.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Had Zechariah been praying for a son?12. _____ _____ Was John prohibited from drinking even wine all of his life?13. _____ _____ Was Mary a virgin?14. _____ _____ Did Zechariah and Elizabeth live in Jerusalem?15. _____ _____ Did Zechariah know that his son would be a prophet?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem? __________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What did Mary do after the shepherds visited her? ________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What was Simeon waiting for? _____________________________________. Verse _____4. Who was Anna? _________________________________________________. Verse _____5. Where did his parents find Jesus and what was he doing? ____________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Joseph lived in Nazareth.7. _____ _____ The message from the angel to the shepherds was for all the people.8. _____ _____ The shepherds came to worship Jesus.9. _____ _____ Joseph and Mary obeyed the Law of Moses.10. _____ _____ It was a family custom to go to the Feast of the Passover every year.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Were Mary and Joseph married when Jesus was born?12. _____ _____ Did only one angel appear to the shepherds?13. _____ _____ Was everything the angel said proven to be true?14. _____ _____ Were Simeon and Anna convinced that Jesus was the Christ?15. _____ _____ Did Jesus know who he was at 12 years of age?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. What was the purpose of John's baptism? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What advice did John give to the soldiers? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What evil thing did Herod add to his deeds? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What happened when Jesus was baptized? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. How far back does Luke's genealogy go? _____________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ There were two high priests when John began preaching.7. _____ _____ John did not condemn tax collectors.8. _____ _____ John baptized in water.9. _____ _____ Herod put John in prison because he spoke against Herod's wife.10. _____ _____ The Holy Spirit looked like a dove.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Was John a soft spoken man?12. _____ _____ Did John think that God was about to judge Israel?13. _____ _____ Did John condemn all soldiers?14. _____ _____ Were the people thinking that John might be the Messiah?15. _____ _____ Is Jesus listed as the son of Joseph?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. With how many temptations did the devil tempt Jesus? ____________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What was Jesus' custom on the Sabbath Day? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Who said, "Physician, heal thyself." and why? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Why were the people of Capernaum amazed at the teaching of Jesus? _______________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Was Peter married? ________ How do you know? ______________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The devil doubts that Jesus is the Christ.7. _____ _____ Both the devil and Jesus quoted Scripture during the time of temptation.8. _____ _____ Elijah was sent to a Gentile widow, and Elisha healed a Gentile man of

leprosy.9. _____ _____ A demon and an evil spirit are the same thing.10. _____ _____ When they tried to keep him with them, Jesus left because he was tired.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did Jesus completely overcome the devil once and for all?12. _____ _____ Was Jesus very popular with the people at this time?13. _____ _____ Did the demons know who Jesus was?14. _____ _____ Did Simon live in Nazareth?15. _____ _____ Did Jesus get up early?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did Simon let down his nets? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Who were Simon's partners in the fishing business? _______________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. How did Jesus heal the leper? ______________________________________. Verse _____4. What did Jesus do to prove that he could forgive sins? ______________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. Why did the Lord's disciples eat and drink rather than fast? ___________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Peter was alone on his boat with Jesus.7. _____ _____ Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.8. _____ _____ Jesus taught a lesson when he healed the man who was paralyzed.9. _____ _____ Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners.10. _____ _____ New wine is best when put into old wine skins.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Were large crowds following Jesus?12. _____ _____ Did Jesus want those he healed to tell everyone?13. _____ _____ Can anyone forgive sins other than God?14. _____ _____ Did Jesus' first disciples take time to settle their affairs before following

Jesus?15. _____ _____ Does Jesus say that his disciples will never fast?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why were the teachers of the Law furious? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Who came to hear Jesus and be healed? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. How were the true prophets treated and how were the false prophets treated? __________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Who is it that loves those who love them? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. To what is a person who is fully trained compared? _______________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Jesus had only 12 disciples.7. _____ _____ You should do to others before they do to you.8 _____ _____ A condition for forgiveness is to forgive.9. _____ _____ Each tree bears its own kind of fruit.10. _____ _____ The man who puts Christ's words into practice is like a man who built his

house on a rock.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did David do something illegal?12. _____ _____ Are all Jesus’ disciples called apostles?13. _____ _____ Will the tables turn for those who are well fed now?14. _____ _____ Should a person love his enemies?15. _____ _____ Can a blind man lead a blind man?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What have you learned from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did the elders of the Jews come to Jesus? __________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What happened to make people say,"God has come to help his people" ________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Who is greater than John the Baptist? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What happened to Jesus while he was eating at the Pharisee's house? _________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Who is it that loves the most? ______________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Jesus could heal people from a distance.7. _____ _____ The widow's son was only asleep.8. _____ _____ John the Baptist doubted that Jesus was the Christ. (See references in Luke

3:21-22 and John 1:29-34)9. _____ _____ John the Baptist was NOT a Christian.10. _____ _____ The story of Jesus' being anointed is the same in Luke 7 and John 12.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did the Centurian understand the authority of Jesus?12. _____ _____ Were the men sent from John satisfied with the answer Jesus gave?13. _____ _____ Had the Pharisees been baptized by John?14. _____ _____ Did Jesus drink wine?15. _____ _____ Did Jesus condemn the sinful woman?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Who went with Jesus as he traveled about? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Why did Jesus doubt the faith of the 12? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Who is Legion? _________________________________________________. Verse _____4. What happened to the demons? ________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. Why was Jesus going to the house of Jairus? ______________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ when you light a lamp it should be put under the bed.7. _____ _____ Putting into practice God's Word makes you a member of his family.8. _____ _____ The Disciples were not really in any danger in the storm.9. _____ _____ A demon possessed man has great strength.10. _____ _____ Jesus healed someone without intending to.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Were the women mentioned in the first part of this chapter giving financial aidto Jesus and his disciples?

12. _____ _____ Do all seeds produce a crop?13. _____ _____ Will all secrets be made known?14. _____ _____ Did Jesus know when someone touched him in faith?15. _____ _____ Was Jairus's daughter really dead?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. What were the 12 doing now that they had never done before? ______________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to get food for 5,000 men? ________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. When was the kingdom of God to come? _____________________________. Verse _____4. Who was with Jesus on the mountain? ___________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. What 2 incidents occurred to show the lack of maturity on the part of the 12? ____________

______________________________________________________________. Verse ___________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Herod the Tetrarch tried to see Jesus.8. _____ _____ Whoever loses his life will save it.8. _____ _____ When Jesus was transfigured, the 3 disciples told everybody about it.9. _____ _____ Whoever is not against you is for you.10. _____ _____ Jesus did not have a place to rest.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Was Herod perplexed when he heard of what Jesus was doing?12. _____ _____ Did Peter really know who Jesus was?13. _____ _____ Did Jesus discuss his death with Moses and Aaron?14. _____ _____ Is the least to be the greatest?15. _____ _____ Can a man plow by looking back?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Where did the 72 go and why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What is greater than having spirits submit to you? ________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Who can know the Father? ________________________________________. Verse _____4. Who is the neighbor in the parable of the Good Samaritan? ___________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. Why was Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus? ________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The one who preaches should be paid.7. _____ _____ Satan fell from heaven and Christ saw him fall.8. _____ _____ Love is the key word in the Law.9. _____ _____ The man who was stripped of his clothes and beaten was a Samaritan.10. _____ _____ It is wrong to do housework when you have guests?


(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Were the 72 given power to heal the sick and cast out demons?12. _____ _____ Was everything given to Jesus by God?13. _____ _____ Were the 72 seeing and hearing what the prophets and kings saw and heard?14. _____ _____ Was the inn-keeper the Good Samaritan?15. _____ _____ Did the expert in the law understand the lesson Jesus was teaching?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why will a man get up and give bread to someone at night? _________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What was Jesus doing that indicated that the Kingdom of God has come? ______________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What single miraculous sign was going to be given? _______________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What is the lamp of the body? ______________________________________. Verse _____5. Who was going to be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets.? ________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ John taught his disciples to pray and so did Jesus.7. _____ _____ A divided kingdom will come down in ruin.8. _____ _____ Jesus is greater that both Solomon and Jonah.9. _____ _____ Good eyes see the light and lets them completely light the whole body.10. _____ _____ The Pharisees and teachers of the Law thought well of Jesus' teachings.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Is the Holy Spirit yours for the asking?12. _____ _____ Are those who are not with Jesus against him?13. _____ _____ Is a person blessed by hearing the Word of God?14. _____ _____ Were Jesus' hands dirty when he ate with the Pharisees?15. _____ _____ Were the experts in the Law going to enter?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. What is the yeast of the Pharisees? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Why did the man who had a good crop die? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What lesson was Jesus teaching when he spoke about ravens? _______________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Who is going to come unexpectedly? ________________________________. Verse _____5. Why did Jesus come to the earth to bring? ________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ This whole chapter is a teaching session for the disciples.7. _____ _____ The One who can destroy both the body and cast people into hell is God.8. _____ _____ Since we cannot add one hour of time to our life we should not worry.9. _____ _____ Treasures and hearts go together.10. _____ _____ In one parable the servant becomes like the Master and the Master serves table

for the servants.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Are sparrows forgotten by God?12. _____ _____ Is it possible to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and still be saved?13. _____ _____ Is it possible to have a purse that will never wear out?14. _____ _____ Are those who are ignorant to be treated in a different way in the judgment?15. _____ _____ Will Christians get special treatment when put into prison?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. What will happen to people who do not repent? _________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Who was delighted with all of the wonderful things Jesus was doing? _________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What did Jesus compare the kingdom of God to? (1) _______________________________________________ (2) __________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Why are some going to be locked out of the kingdom of God? ______________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Whose house was going to be left to them desolate? ______________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The Galileans died because they did not repent.7. _____ _____ The Synagogue ruler was pleased because Jesus healed in his synagogue.8. _____ _____ The Kingdom of God, though small, will be very large.9. _____ _____ Those who enter the kingdom of God will see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.10. _____ _____ The goal of Jesus was to die in Jerusalem

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did Jesus teach that people who did not bear fruit would be given a chance torepent?

12. _____ _____ Did Satan cause the woman's problems?13. _____ _____ Are only a few people going to be saved?14. _____ _____ Will Jews be the only ones in the kingdom?15. _____ _____ Will Jerusalem finally accept Jesus?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Who argued with Jesus when he healed the man with dropsy? _______________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Why should a person pick a least important place when he goes to a banquet? __________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Why were the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame invited to the great feast? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Who is it that cannot be a disciple of Jesus? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. What does a wise man do before going to war? __________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ It is unlawful to heal on the Sabbath Day.7. _____ _____ He who humbles himself will be exalted.8. _____ _____ The way to be paid in the resurrection is to do things for whose who cannot

repay you here on this earth.9. _____ _____ Anyone who gives up a great deal can be a disciple of Jesus.10. _____ _____ It is possible to have ears and still not hear.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Are some things lawful to do on the Sabbath Day in an emergency?12. _____ _____ Does Jesus say that you must not invite your friends over for a meal at your

house?13. _____ _____ Were the first ones invited to the Great Feast Jews?14. _____ _____ Will any who made an excuse, be allowed to come to the feast?15. _____ _____ Does salt ever lose its saltiness?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did the shepherd call his friends together? __________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What did the woman do when she lost a coin? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What did the younger son do with his part of the estate? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What did the Father do when he saw his younger son coming home? (list 6 things) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Why was the older brother angry? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The shepherd initiated the search for the lost sheep.7. _____ _____ The silver coin which was lost was worth the same even it is was lost.8. _____ _____ The younger son was foolish but not immoral.9. _____ _____ The Father loved both of his sons.10. _____ _____ The anger of the older son was justified.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Does God love a sinner more than a righteous man?12. _____ _____ Does Jesus admit that some people do not need to repent?13. _____ _____ Is the term "coming to his senses" the same as repenting?14. _____ _____ Did the Father treat the son like a servant?15. _____ _____ Had the older son been a good son?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. For what purpose should worldly wealth be used? ________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What conclusion can be drawn concerning a man who is not honest with very little.______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What is detestable in God's sight? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. Where did the rich man go after he died? _____________________________. Verse _____5. Who cannot convince the 5 brothers to shape up and avoid the torment of hell? ___________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Jesus was teaching that his followers should be shrewd and dishonest withmoney.

7. _____ _____ A man can be devoted to God and love money.8. _____ _____ Anyone who divorces his wife commits adultery.9. _____ _____ Angels carry away the dead.10. _____ _____ Any man who receives good things now will be in agony when he dies.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Are Christians shrewd in business?12. _____ _____ Did the Pharisees love money?13. _____ _____ Did the Law and the Prophets cease to be proclaimed?14. _____ _____ Did the rich man see Abraham as his father?15. _____ _____ Will someone be convinced about heaven and hell if told by a person raised

from the dead?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. To whom was Jesus speaking when he spoke about faith as small as a mustard seed? _____________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Who eats first, the servant or the master ______________________________. Verse _____3. What did Jesus tell the men who had leprosy to do? ________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____4. What is going to be like the days of Noah? _______________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. Why should we remember Lot's wife? ___________________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ If your brother sins you should rebuke him.7. _____ _____ You have only to do your duty and you will receive praise from the Master.8. _____ _____ The faith of the 10 men with leprosy was what healed them.9. _____ _____ The prophesies in this chapter were fulfilled in Jesus' day.10. _____ _____ Sodom was destroyed the same day Lot left the city.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Do mulberry trees fly through the air when Christians pray?12. _____ _____ Did the men with leprosy come near Jesus?13. _____ _____ Are Samaritans considered foreigners?14. _____ _____ Did Jesus answer the question as to when the Kingdom of God would come?15. _____ _____ Are people going to be aware of it when judgment is about to come upon



16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did Jesus tell his disciples the parable on prayer? _____________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What plea did the widow bring to the judge? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. To whom did Jesus tell the parable of the two men who went up to the temple to pray?______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. To whom does the kingdom of God belong? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. How could the rich ruler get treasure in heaven? _________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where your answer was found.)

6. _____ _____ The Pharisee was justified by his prayer.7. _____ _____ It is impossible for a rich man to get into heaven.8. _____ _____ The disciples did not believe that Jesus was to be put to death.9. _____ _____ The blind man at Jericho called Jesus, "Son of David.".10. _____ _____ The people praised God when Jesus healed the blind man.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did the widow receive justice?12. _____ _____ Does everyone who wants to get into the kingdom of God have to become as

a little child?13. _____ _____ Did Jesus disciples know of his resurrection?14. _____ _____ Does Jesus promise that those who give up many things for the kingdom will

receive much more?15. _____ _____ Did the blind man have faith?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


Page 21: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the



1. Who was Zacchaeus? ____________________________________________. Verse _____2. Why did Jesus tell the parable of the Ten Servants? _________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____3. What instructions were given to 2 disciples as they came to the Mount of Olives? _________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What would happen if the disciples were to keep quiet? ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Why didn't the chief priests, teachers and leaders kill Jesus? _________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Zacchaeus was glad to welcome Jesus.7. _____ _____ The man of noble birth was pleased with each of his servants upon his return.8. _____ _____ Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem because he knew what was going to

happen to it.9. _____ _____ When Jesus drove out those who were selling, he quoted Scripture.10. _____ _____ The enemies of Jesus were now all working together in an effort to kill him.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Was Zacchaeus saved that day?12. _____ _____ Did Jesus call Zacchaeus a son of Abraham?13. _____ _____ Even though his subjects hated him, were they still faithful to him?14. _____ _____ Did the new king kill his enemies?15. _____ _____ If the Jews would have really known what they were doing, could they have

spared the city of Jerusalem the destruction later on?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


Page 22: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the



1. What was Jesus doing in the temple courts? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. Why did the tenants of the vineyard, in the parable that Jesus told, kill the owner's son?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Why did the spies sent by the Chief priests and the Teachers of the law become silent afterquestioning Jesus? ______________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What evidence did Jesus give from the Old Testament that the dead rise to life? _________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Which men will be punished more severely? _______________________________________Why? _________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The leaders who wanted to kill Jesus were afraid to admit that John's messagecame from God.

7. _____ _____ Those who wanted to kill Jesus knew what he was saying in the parables thathe told.

8. _____ _____ It is right for us to pay taxes to the government over us.9. _____ _____ Angels do not marry and do not die.10. _____ _____ Jesus warned the people about the teachers of the law.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did all of the people think that John the Baptist was a prophet?12. _____ _____ Did the tenants of the vineyard kill the son of the owner while he was inside

the vineyard?13. _____ _____ Will there be marriage in heaven?14. _____ _____ Were the teachers of the law impressed with the answers that Jesus gave?15. _____ _____ Does David call Christ his Lord in the Psalms?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


Page 23: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the



1. What did Jesus say would happen to the temple? _________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What will be the result of the Apostles being put into prisons? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. How would they know that Jerusalem's desolation was near? ________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What event will take place when the heavenly bodies are shaken? _________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. Where was Jesus teaching every day? ________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ To give to the church all you have to live on is expected of a Christian.7. _____ _____ Jesus said that the end was coming very soon.8. _____ _____ Gentiles were to trample on Jerusalem until the end of their time.9. _____ _____ Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God would not come until Jerusalem was

destroyed.10. _____ _____ Drunkenness and anxieties of life are both warned against.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Is it right to give gifts of money to the Lord?12. _____ _____ Will some men claim to be the returning Christ?13. _____ _____ Did Jesus promise that all men will love Christians?14. _____ _____ Was the fall of Jerusalem foretold by the prophets?15. _____ _____ Was all of this going to happen in just one generation?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Why did Judas betray Jesus? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What discussion arose among the disciples immediately after Jesus told them that one of themwould betray him? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. Who else was Satan after that night? _________________________________. Verse _____4. What did Peter do when the cock crowed? _______________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____5. What question was Jesus asked at daybreak? ______________________________________

______________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The chief priests and officers of the temple guard enticed Judas to betrayJesus.

7. _____ _____ Jesus indicated that someone MUST betray him.8. _____ _____ Jesus wanted his disciples to be armed.9. _____ _____ Prayer helps us to not fall into temptation.10. _____ _____ Jesus said that darkness reigned until that day.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Was Jesus ever going to eat the Passover feast again?12. _____ _____ Did Jesus know ahead of time that Peter would deny him?13. _____ _____ Did Jesus receive help in the Garden?14. _____ _____ Was Jesus beaten by the guards?15. _____ _____ Did Jesus admit to them that he was the Christ?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


Page 25: The Gospel of Luke - Home Page |€¦ ·  · 2017-02-03The Gospel of Luke A study using 18 questions per chapter The purpose of this study is to find out What the



1. To whom is Jesus now taken and what are the charges? ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. How did the relationship between Pilate and Herod change after this? ______________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What were the first words of Jesus after they crucified him? _________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What was the effect of the death of Jesus on the Centurian? _________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. What did the women do after they had seen where and how the body of Jesus was placed inthe tomb? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ Jesus refused to admit that he was the King of the Jews.7. _____ _____ Even though Jesus was pronounced innocent, the people were wanting Jesus

crucified.8. _____ _____ Jesus carried his cross all the way to the place of the skull.9. _____ _____ Neither criminal feared God.10. _____ _____ Everybody stayed close to the cross after Jesus died.

YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did Jesus answer all the charges made against him?12. _____ _____ Did Pilate want to release Jesus?13. _____ _____ Was Jesus more concerned about Jerusalem than himself?14. _____ _____ Is the name "Chosen One", and "Christ of God" the same thing?15. _____ _____ Was the decision of the council unanimous?


16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be


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1. Name those who went to the tomb on Sunday Morning. ___________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

2. What were the men on the road to Emmaus slow to believe? ________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

3. What happened when the men from Emmaus recognized Jesus? _____________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

4. What evidence did Jesus give to prove that he was raised from the dead? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

5. What commands did Jesus give his disciples just before he ascended into heaven?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Verse _____

TRUE OR FALSE(Put T or F and the verse where you found your answer)

6. _____ _____ The Apostles did not believe the first report of Jesus' resurrection.7. _____ _____ Peter saw the strips of linen in the tomb and knew that Jesus had been raised

from the dead.8. _____ _____ All of Jerusalem knew that Jesus had been crucified.9. _____ _____ The Apostles finally believed that Jesus was alive when he showed them his

hands and feet.10. _____ _____ Anyone who believes that Jesus is alive can be an eyewitness of His


YES OR NO(Put Y or N and the verse where you found your answer)

11. _____ _____ Did Jesus foretell his resurrection?12. _____ _____ Was Cleophas a Christian?13. _____ _____ Did the men from Emmaus know all along who Jesus was?14. _____ _____ Can repentance and forgiveness of sin be preached under any other name than

Jesus?15. _____ _____ Did the Apostles mourn when Jesus was taken up into heaven?

THINK FOR YOURSELF16. What is the main theme of this chapter?

17. What is the key verse and why do you think so?

18. What did you learn from this chapter?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY: (The following questions could be used in place of orin addition to the ones in the lessons for those who are more advanced in Bible knowledge.)1. What does this chapter teach about Jesus?2. What does this chapter teach about God?3. What does this chapter teach about the Holy Spirit?4. Does this chapter contain promises to be received, commands to be obeyed or warnings to be

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