The Golden Veil Of Globalization- The Seen And The Hidden

“THE GOLDEN VEIL OF GLOBALIZATION” Submitted to: Kurukshetra University,Kurukshetra by Pallavi Chauhan


we all suck from inflation,recession,greedy companies and "not always healthy" products. but do we always understand their integration?the big picture? which connects all of them.. it is 21st century- Globalization.explore how much do we get to SEE and how many things are HIDDEN?

Transcript of The Golden Veil Of Globalization- The Seen And The Hidden

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Submitted to: Kurukshetra University,Kurukshetra by Pallavi Chauhan

Page 2: The Golden Veil Of Globalization- The Seen And The Hidden

Acknowledgement“You are therefore I am”

It brings pleasure to me remembering all the people who contributed towards preperation of this project ,directly or indirectly.I would try to list all of them one by one

because they deserve a heartfelt appreciation for their contribution.

First of all, I am highly grateful to my parents and my brother who provided me the much needed courage,moral support and stood by me with their fruitful blessings.

I express a genuine thanks to all my teachers who by their gracious presence helped me clearing my doubts and believed in me and my project that's why I owe a special

thanks to Miss Aditi (Business environment), Mr. Yogesh Goel(Accounts), Mr.P.K.Seth( Financial management), Mrs. Sonia Chadha( Marketing/Project instructor), Miss

Seema Pandey( Income Tax), Miss Neeru Singla (Sales Force Management) and my sincere thanks to Dr. Desh Bandhu (Principal, S.D.College) who provided me the

opportunity of this one month training as well as preperation of project report.

It would be my ignorance if I don't mention the special support, I received from the teachers of our liabrary department. When all the teachers mentioned above were

focusing on their respective subjects of study, our library teachers, welcoming everyone to explore more than 50000 books on diverse backgrounds, played the role

of 'Silent Teacher'. I would like to thank all the teachers of library department for providing me the mental freedom which is the crucial of all, Mr. Balesh, Mr. Jagdish,

Mrs. Rita, Mr. Angrez Singh, Mr. Ramesh Chandra, Mr Harinder Pal, Dr. T.C. Mittal, Mr. Kulbeer, Mr. Raj kumar Batra, truly no one can neglect their Passion and Dedication at


Also, my special thanks is deserved by my dear friends, who might be called the sole inspiration for me to work on the project like this. There words of encouragement were

the lubricant for my dedicated efforts.

And last but the Most Important Thanks to My best friend- GOD without whom I could have never ever reached to all the resources mentioned above.

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Chapters Page no. Chapter 1- Why?- “The Golden Veil Of Globalization-The Seen And Hidden”.............. 4-8

Chapter 2- What is Globalization ?................................................................................9-15

Chapter-3- Globalised US- The 21st century Guy..........................................................16-17-18

Chapter-4 The 21st century guy- what's on its mind?.....................................................19-22

Chapter-5 What's its face?..............................................................................................23-26

Chapter-6 What's its Body?- Economical Needs.............................................................27-57

Chapter-7 What's its body?-Environmental needs...........................................................58-75

Chapter-8 Globalization and Third world.........................................................................76-88

Chapter-9 Another Way....................................................................................................89-99


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Why the “The Golden veil of Globalization -the seen and the hidden”?


Have you ever felt that there are so many things that we believe in but actually know nothing about and if you look around, it includes a wide range of beliefs

Belief in Ideologies/cultural values

Belief in Governments

Belief in economy

Belief in education

Belief in Products we use/lifestyle

But there is a fundamental difference between BELIEVING and KNOWING . When you know something you don't have to believe on it but if you know nothing about something, you have got no option but to believe on it. We do it daily in our next governemnts,advertisements,education and businesses. So there is no Believe Me- This Product Is Good For You kind of thing going on here. Rather it would be interesting to Question.!

You would say it's not always that we believe in the stuff, we do ask for quality checks, investigation reports.. we control it, we are modern citizens. But I am here saying right onto your face that we don't, yes, we don't question because if we had been questioning then this should have never happened-

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If today is a typical day on earth we will lose 116 square miles of our rainforest or about an acre a second.we will lose another 72 square miles to encroaching deserts, as a result of human mismanagement and overpopulation.

We will lose 40 to 100 species, and no one knows whether the number will be 40 or 100. today the human population will increase by 250,000. and today we will add 2700 tons of clorofluorocarbon to the atmosphere and 15 million tons of carbon. Tonight the earth will be a little hotter, its waters more acidic, and the fabric of Life more threadbare.

The truth is that many things on which our future health and prosperity depend are in dire jeopardy:Climate stability, the resilience and productivity of natural systems, the beauty of the natural world,and biological diversity.

It is worth noting that this is not the work of ignorant people . It is , rather, largely the result of work by people with BAs ,BSCs, LLBs, MBAs and PHDs.

Elie wiesel made a similar point to the global forum last winter when he said that the designers and perpetrators of the holocaust were the heirs of Kant & most respects the Germans were the best educated people on earth, but their education did not serve as an adequate barrier to barabarity. What was wrong with their values, concepts rather than human beings, abstarction rather than conciousness, answers instead of questions, ideology and effeciency rather than conscience.


From “What Is EducationFor?”

(winter 1991)

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was ugly huh!, shockingly true, these are only some of the realities that we are being faced today in 21st century. But have you wondered what makes us to not to question- IGNORANCE !And we have our own excuses to numb our dragons, the best one is -“we have got no time”

I have got to study to get marks or got to go on the job for earning more money.

I have casted my vote and now it's government's job to make policies for me And my family.

And thus it's acceptable for us to neglect our responsibilities.

Yet questions similar to these keeps on gripping our minds-

What do Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy,Hu Zintao,Manmohan Singh really do in those Multilateral Treaties? Why they are unable to create sufficient jobs and income for everyone around the world?

What is this INFLATION and RECESSION? How does it happen that when a stock market crash, I lose my job,food ,oil, health care and how come products' prices go high due to inflation?

Is there any way that I can investigate the manufacturing process of Products I use ,daily. Come on ! Advertisements don't show us how they are made and dumped?

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Seeing smiling advertisements faces numbs all the questions and we are convinced that, yes world is going to be a better palce if we continue with our present education , jobs and beliefs.

Mathew Taylor of, who is one of the modern minds of our century explores the fundamentals of our behaviour in society that dates back in history when foundation of our perceptions and knowledge of spheres like Human Atonomy, Reason, Enlightenment, Progress, Secularism And The Centrality Of Politics- were laid upon. It was the minds of scholars of that time who gave our society -The Three Logics.

Science and technology- what is discovered is to be discovered.Markets- what is sold is to be sold.Bureaucracy -Rules.. Rules and New Rules..!

We forget to explore ✗ what these values are and what they mean to us?✗ Do they still work for us?✗ Whether they meet the challenges we face now?

So, we are not yet in the state of denying our modern culture, ideologies- our rigid structure based upon science and technologies, global markets and our bureaucracy. We still think that

Science and technology- has discovered a whole lot of meaningful things for man like machines, gadgets what has turned our whole planet into a global village and made the work very easy for everyone and if we would be having any collapse , then the same scientist will find another way out and save the planet..! - NO BIG DEAL Markets-There are periods of Bull and Bear (recession and boom), it's a cycle and as long as we are having our basic amenities satisfied through bunch of multinational's production. Then there is no problem with that too.. ! - NO BIG DEAL Bureaucracy- Curroption is everywhere, there is no hope for next Mahatma Gandhi. Solution – be like them- curropted. - NO BIG DEAL

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If you are one of those NO BIG DEAL guys then this piece of paper is just another waste of your precious time.

But, if you want to know rather than believing then come along with me and QUESTION and try to answer them with the help of some of the most advanced minds and concerned souls of our time who'll help us to look at the flipside of the golden veil . I have tried to present the whole complicated jargon in such a way that it becomes possible from a common man's perspective to look at the Big Hidden Picture !

So, allow me to take you on a journey... journey to know the town we live in.


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What is the GLOBALIZATION?A global – business- economic perspective If we look at this phenomena from Charles.W.L.Hill (Hughes M. Blake Professor of International Business at the school of Business, University of Washington) then

so it's that big and making us interdependent on each other? But why there is any need of globalization ? Can't we remain self-sustained and isolated entities with our own culture?

Yes, we could and we had been also, till the fall of communism(authority from top to the bottom) in the 1930's. It fuelled the world with unemployment and growing demands so there was a need of integration at that time and for fulfilling this need different nation's governments' policies swang toward a free market end of economic spectrum. Regulatory and administrative barriers for doing business in foreign nations had come down, increasing compitition and facilitating foreign investments. People were free to conduct their domestic businesses in other countries and expanded globally.

It's a fundamental shift occuring in the world economy. We are moving rapidly away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities,isolated from each other by barriers of cross-border trade and investment; by distance time-zones, and business systems. And we are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross border trade and investments are tumbling; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an inter-dependent global economic system. The process by which it is occuring is commonly reffered as theglobalization.

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So, the first need of globalization wasgrowing people's demands for more products on cheap rates and governemnts had to develop a system through which they could facilitate such transactions , so they invented international monetary system (for establishing values of different nation's currencies) ,foreign exchange market (where they conducted there international trade transactions) and association bodies like IMF- international monetary fund and World Bank, first one to maintain order in international monetary system and the second one to promote general economic development.

Individual businesses bacame international businesses using this system and since everything was getting Globalized so there was a need to develop a work force who will run the system and upkeep it which laid the foundation of our factory education system. People were given choices to choose a particular field from a range of spheres of this system-

Science and technologyBusiness operationsHumanitiesReligion etc.

Studying in that system would enable them in entering into this Global system, where they could earn their salary in money and could get the things they wanted to have and thus their demands were fulfilled. It's the people who created a need for it by demanding more and more products and services with less possible effort on their part.!

But the words Global, Economic system may be confusing.

That's what I thought about those textbooks definitions,well we will explain each technical part of this picture, later in this presentation, in an easy and interesting way.

But before that it would be nice to see how we are immersed into globalization, in our daily lives?

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What is Globalisation?Daily life perspective

In this global economy, an American might drive to work in a car designed in Germany that was assembled in Mexico by DaimlerChrysler from components made in the United Sates and Japan that were fabricated in Korean steel and Malaysian Rubber.

She may have filled the car with Gasoline at a service station owned by a British multinational company that changed its name from British Petroleum to BP to hide its national origins. The Gasoline could have been made from oil pumped out of well off the coast of Africa by a French oil company that it transported it to the United states in a ship owned by a Greek shipping line.

While driving to work, the American might talk to her stockbroker on a Nokia cell phone that was designed in Finland and assembled in Texas using chip sets produced in Taiwan that were designed by Indian engineers working at a firm in San diego,California,called Qualcomm. She could tell the stockbroker to purchase shares in Duetsche Telekom, a German telecommunications firm transformed from a former state-owned monopoly into a global company by an energetic Israeli CEO.

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She may turn on the car radio, which was made in Malaysia by a Japanese firm, to hear a popular hip-hop song composed by a Swede and sung by a group of Danes in English who signed a record contract with a French music company to promote their record in America. The driver might pull into a drive-through coffee stall run by a Korean immigrant and order “single-tall-non-fat latte” and choclate-covered biscotti. The coffee beans come from Brazil and the choclate from Peru, while the biscotti was made locally using an old Italian recipe. After the song ends, a news announcer might inform the American listener that anti-globalization protests at a meeting of heads of statein Geanoa,Italy, have turned violent.the announcer then turns to the next item, a story about how an economic slowdown in America has sent Japan's Nikkei stock market index to 16-year lows.

This is the world we live in. It is a world where the volume of goods and services,and investments crossing national borders has expanded faster than world output every year for the past two is a world where the symbols of material and polular culture are increasingly global: from Coca-Cola and McDonald's to Sony PlayStations,Nokia cell phones, MTV shows, and Disney films. It is a world where products are made from inputs that come from all over the world. It is a world in which an economic crisis in Asia can cause a recession in the united states, and a slowdown in the United States really did help drive Japan's Nikkei index in 2001 to lows not seen since 1985. it is alos a world in which a vigorous and vocal minority is protesting against globalization,which they blame for a list of ills, from unemployment in developed nations to environmental degradation and the Americanization of popular culture. And yes these protests have really turned voilent.

From the above example you can relate yourself with the globalization in the form of products and services you receive from it directly and indirectly.

So, if you have a relation with this system then it is imperative that it must be effecting/affecting you also,that's the answer of your second question that you are connected with globalization clearly on every level ,for every product and service ,for all your needs.

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hmm, I got the basics of whole game of globalization -✔ Our needs are satisfied by governments through businesses who again produces

products not only in their country but with the help of raw materials and services around the globe- globalised products- Globalization.

Through this game of globalization,there is an easy availability of goods and services, world wide for ALL who participate in it, I get McAloo tikki at 25 Rs. Only,MTV in rural areas, Sony playstation ,Levi's jeans next to Khadi store, all my basic food items – ALL SO EASILY and AT CHEAP RATES !

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What's wrong?

Isn't that good? You were going to say something about the “glitch” part in it, what's wrong with this system?

This is all what seems, the seen part of Globalization, what we see in advertisements, government's “development” programs.We believe in its credibility and we enter into this system through our education, we set up businesses or opt for some job,we use the economic system- brought to us by our governments, via different policies about 'just' use of human and natural resource.

thus we are dependent on three things hereEducation, then Businesses and lastly governments.

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Before I explain the glitch at each level, I want to ask you when will you deny the existence and credibility of this system at educational => businesses=>governemnetal level ?Tell me, when will you say that “It Is No More Working”?

let me think-About Education - when our studies are not useful for us in real time then - It Is No More Working.

About Businesses- if they are no more providing the solutions we need ,doesn't support R&D and fulfill only their profit objectives, then, - It Is No More Working.

And Governments- are not providing equal and just lifestyle to each and every group that participate in globalization, then for me - It Is No More Working.

To sum it all up--

✔ Our Education system- why it is not useful in our real life? Causing huge amount of unemployed graduates?

✔ Our Businesses-Apart from providing goods and services , what's wrong with their inside and outside workings? Causing Recesion and Inflation over and over again?

✔ Our Governemnts- What's wrong with their objectives? How do they implement their wills?

✔ By all of above how I am affecting the Mother nature? What's my environmental responsibility?And lastly,What's Hidden in Globalization?

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The seen

A 21st century kid, adored with funky outfit- looks cool ! :)

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Globalised US The hidden X-Ray

This is the X Ray of 21st century Guy- who is everywhere-Globalised,let's know something about him,

He has got his Pinky lifestyle on top of his mind, what he affords from jobs and products- which are brought to him by businesses. He has been made blinded by this daily lifestyle !

The face of jobs -product-business lifestyle has its veins to money -it's heart, facilitated by greedy banks,(which has made him Fat) and are supported (belt) by ever changing GOVERNMENTS and weak arms Stock Markets and Foreign Exchange Market .

It has got weak legs (foundation) but Strong shoes what he uses to Crush our NATURAL AND HUMAN RESOURCE.

Does it look cool? Chaos to the 21st century Guy..!

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You want to know how it comes to be like this?What's on its mind?- Holy-factory-education system with Seetha Ananthasivan who is the director of Prakriya Green Wisdom School and Bhoomi Network,Editor of “Eternal Bhoomi” Magazine.

What's its face?-Consumer-EmployeeThe educated product from schools enters into job and businesses,it produce as well as consume the products,is that all?

What's its body?-Businesses and governmentsAfter moving from the educated employee and consumer, let us explore more about how businesses and governments work?in this part, Economical needs are exposed by Jane D'Arista

who is a research associate with the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts, Amherst.For more than thirty years, Jane D'Arista has been one of the most insightful analysts of financial markets and regulation.

And Environmental needs are exposed by Annie leonardAnnie Leonard is an American proponent of sustainability and critic of excessive consumerism.Leonard is best known as the creator and narrator of the animated documentary about the life-cycle of material goods,The Story of Stuff.

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What's on its mind?

Who would deny that our thoughts are our actions, the most responsible thing for today's actions is education- but is it as modern as we proclaim our lifestyle?

It's a Holy-factory-education system- Seetha Ananthasivan, who is the director of Prakriya Green Wisdom School and Bhoomi Network,Editor of “Eternal Bhoomi” Magazine digs the whole educational scenario at deeper unconscious levels ,

She questions-“Educational planners designs content for various courses- but do we take into account the power of what children learn unconciously?”Most students – and Most of us – hold some or all these notions and beliefs subconciously as a kind of template for the way we live life:

✔ A narrow, short term definition of success✔ A self seeking way of life as legitimate✔ Means are not as important as ends✔ A good life is a life of high consumption and minimum physical labor✔ Think within a boundary- not of the whole✔ Put up with a split inner world✔ Accept authority figures unquestioningly

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These are a few of the meta frame works for our living today there must be more and they have their “inner” and “outer” ecological consequences. Taken together they can keep us dead locked in illusion and conditioning that makes it easy for us to go into denial or withdraw into “business as usual” when confronted with huge and complex crisis like climate change.

Perhaps understanding them will help us awaken to the importance of adding new dimensions to education- especially of fostering the ecological self within and engaging in ecological wise ways without.

A narrow definition of success-

For ten to fifteen years in school and college, life revolves around tests, exams and marks. Marks determines success in school life and money determines success in later life.

This narrow definition of success is an essential part of the prevalent development paradigm- but it has led to an impoverishment in many other spheres, those of artistic sensibility, holistic thinking and spiritual search.

It has effectively blinded us to the civilization. Most importantly following the western model determined by Macaulay,Descrates, Newton and Bacon. This narrow definition of success has completely undervalue the ecological widom of our culture, which could have provided the model not only for education but also foe sustainibility.

Selfishness is legitimate- allowedThrough out the years of formal education, a student is used to bothering his books, his asignments, his tests, etc. never before in any age, have children and youth been so thoroughly groomed to be consumeristic and immersed in self-interest. Without opportunities to “learn” co-operation , since it is not required for school tasks- children get the implicit message that selfishness is fine as a way of life.

As einstein said

“ This crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism- our whole educational system suffers from this evil: an exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. “

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Means are not as important as ends-Parents and teachers encourage rote learning and tutions as the means to score high marks in exams without the understanding of or interest in,what is learnt.A student may opt for a medical seat if she can't get in to the engineering without worrying about whether she is interested in healing or caring for other's health, the lucrative career – the end is all that matter.Innumerable examples exist of unethical behaviour they may have co-evolved with our factories governments and malls, but aren't they fostered by education?

A good life is a life of high consumption and a minimum physical work-

At school , children spend almost all their time in book related leasrning. In mainstream schools, doing physical work as a part of learning is unheard of. Very little part is allocated for experimental learning or even for games or sports,.

Children in many homes in cities today are rarely required to do any physical work in the house- either because parents wants the child to focus on studies and “spare” the child such distractions. The hangover of our caste system perhaps plays a part as well in looking down on physical work.

The TV and movies shows celebrity promoting a high consumption life-style, subtly encouraging everyone of us to consume as much as we can.

Children pick up dreams of good life which makes it difficult for them to comprehend the need to think in fresh and natural ways, to critique the system and create new visions for sustainability.

Think within a boundary- not of the wholeWear blinkers, follow instructions. Do not question, be a good soldier- don't think for yourself. See connections only selectively do not see long term connections or connections that are many links away. These are the messages that children pick up unconsciously in school when they have to focus on a subject without given a choice and lessons foa a day, a day after day for 10-18 years of their life.

Schools and colleges have designed syllabi, which are content heavy. The unintended consequence is thatther is no focus on critical thinking and taking initiative for as larger

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cause even if a few try to see the larger picture, most of us have forgotten to respond to real life- issues all around us. Wearing blinkers also means that we don't think for whole school, the whole community or the whole earth- often not even for the whole family.

Put up with a split inner world

The school system and parents wants all children to learn same subjects without considering the child's talent and innate interests.from years of tolerating work which we do not value or like , we learn to live with an un resolved lack of alignment in our thought, feelin ga nad action. This split spills over into many things in life. I may have no interest or enthusiasm for my work, bit will persuit in it without looking for alternatives. I may understand my child love for music, but may push her into more science tuitionsinstead and deny her music classes. This ability to live with a split inner world. The pathology within- is reflected in the world outsidethat we have created.

Unquestioning acceptance of authority-

The class seating system seems designed to hard over power to the authority figure and to make children submit to the system, when the school system is almost universally accepted, it's fundamentals are not questioned.

Our centralised authoritarian system may possibly wish good education for all, but it simply kills initiative and the ability to question and hence we look for top- down solutions to all problems.

Therfore hopefully we can also search for ways in which education can stem the tide. Many educational thinkers believe this is needed and possible to introduce new paradigms in education and most importantly make it such comprehensive that it is valued for the ends it is used for.

Now all what further Generates from it ,is in its mind..!!

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What's it's Face?

He is the one who is the target from both sides, he is the consumer, he is the employee too.Consumer-He is the one who is blinded and distracted. How?Every week a new product is designed by businesses and their need is fed upon our minds with the tons of Advertisements-

Hey ! “You suck”- Buy this and Rock..!

We watch 153 hours of Television and 10,000 advertisements a month..!and all this is thrown to us so secretly that we would not ever know that most toxic food today is not in the countries like Somalia- but it's human breast milk.

• More than 500 products sold in the U.S. contain ingredients banned in cosmetics in Japan, Canada or the European Union.

• Nearly 100 products contain ingredients considered unsafe by the International Fragrance Association.

• A wide range of nanomaterials whose safety is in question may be common in personal care products.

• 22% of all personal care products may be contaminated with the cancer-causing impurity 1,4-dioxane, including many children’s products.

• 60% of sunscreens contain the potential hormone disruptor oxybenzone that readily penetrates the skin and contaminates the bodies of 97% of Americans.

• 61% of tested lipstick brands contain residues of lead.

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He is the one ,who is told by his education to abide by the rules of Game, don't question- work harder ,earn more money so that you can afford the American Dream and then You will be happy.

He is the one who enjoys McDonalds culture without getting a sound that farmers who produce the raw matrial for the company are commiting suicides at an alarming rate due to debt burden and hunger.!and even after abiding the rules of the game, he is the one,who is the victim of INFLATION and RECESSION having no job and money's value-security when he hits by Financial crisis and Stock market crashes..!

But some may argue that not all the businesses are bad, there are lots of good businesses also but question is not whether your business is bad or their business is bad. That's a different issue.All I am telling you is that these things are happening..

-two lakh farmers are committing suicides in third world countries while Mcdonald is earning more than $22.8 Billion in revenues.

-Despite using all those “Natural” and “Pure” cosmetics and food items- human breast milk is the most toxic.

-INFLATION and RECESSION is still there and may hit us any minute.!

And how come is this happening? By our present system of Education, Businesses and Governments- the products we either demand or being imposed – with “Take Care” slogan..!when we enter into jobs for earning more money even knowing that recession may take all that from us- we are dreaming the same thing, doing the same thing and when they take away everything then we complain the SYSTEM- not knowing what are the Problems in this system that we accept so dearly ?

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I want to ask you-how can it is possible to even move towards solutions without knowing that problem is us?- our own Face!

How we have acquired such ugliness? Who has supported it?It's indeed the body and clothes of it- Businesses and Governments are bodies and economy is their clothes.

What's its body ?how businesses are possible to give us such a ugly face? Here we will see what do businesses need to work?

Businesses needs-Businesses need two most important things to get themselves movingFirst is Money -Economical need

let us flip the picture to know the first need -Money !

Money comes from Governmentsmove to banks and has its value at Foreign exchange market and Stock markets .

Second is Raw material for Production and Human labor-Environmental need.

Governments own the natural resources, it makes the policies for businesses about how would they use country's natural and human resource.

This relation joins us-the people to businesses and governments, it makes for us a necessity to watch news ,the next budget, stock market situation.

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but why I need to know about Banks ,Stock markets and Foreign exchange ,Natural and Human Resources– blah, blah.. ?

Because they are giving you Freaky Haircuts and you don't know what's wrong with them?

To get the answer for-

Q- How come the products and services you buy go highly expensive with the one word in news- INFLATION ?

Q- You lose your job and your Boss go out of capital (bankrupt) with one word in news- RECESSION ?

Q-To suspect that the money towards you are lured 24/7 , can be the cause of above two,when the regulators of money- Banks and Governments fail or simply Lie to People ?

Q- To know what lies in your cosmetics and food, how they are processed and dumped?

that's why you need to know how businesses work , how do they fulfill their both economical and environmental needs so that people can have products and lifestyle or have recession and inflation, environment degradation on other side.

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What's its body? -Economical needs

Q-What is Money?

Q-What is Money, Governments and banks?

Q-What is the relation between money and businesses? from banks ,stock market and foreign exchange market (FOREX)?

, you will get on your own the connection of

1. INFLATION ==== Money,Governments and Banks2. RECESSION=== Money and Businesses

What is Money? As the good that makes exchange possible, it's the foundation of every economic activity. In the earliest times, people traded goods and services directly. This form of exchange is known as "barter."

But barter had limitations in the marketplace.People perceived pretty quickly problems with that direct exchange: if you wanted, for example, fish and you had wheat, but the people who had fish didn't desire the wheat, you were stuck. Unless you went out and found some other good, possibly berries, that everyone in that society consumed. Then you would trade the wheat for the berries in full confidence that you could turn around and trade the berries for the fish or anything else you desired.

Eventually, the most widely accepted goods in a society became valued for their use in indirect exchange. Money is simply another name for the most generally accepted medium of exchange.

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'Money is simply another name for the most generally accepted medium of exchange.'

AmericaYou might think back, we can think back to a time when iron was used as money, for example in Africa, but imagine going into the Sears-Roebuck and trying to purchase, say, a lawnmower for $350. That would take a ton of iron, whereas it only takes an ounce of gold.

Origin of coins and paper money (notes)-In 1536, less than fifty years after Christopher Columbus set foot on the American soil, a Spanish mint in Mexico City struck the first coins made in the New world. These silver coins eventually found their way into the British Colonies. Great Britain's mercantilist policies deliberately tried to keep precious metals out of America, so the Spanish milled dollar became the unofficial currency. It was often divided into eight pieces for smaller transactions, hence the term "pieces of eight," with 1/4 of the coin being "two bits."

In 1792, Thomas Jefferson adopted the dollar as this country's official monetary unit. He looked around. He investigated to see what the American people were using, and that was the dollar.

So that's why the dollar became the standard in the United States. And we went onto a gold and silver standard, and started minting gold coins with the American eagle, a $10 gold coin.

Through our history, many goods have served as money. Feathers from the Quetzal birds were used for exchange by the Mayan Indians up to the 15th century in Central America. Tealeaves compressed into bricks were traded in East Asia through the 1800s. Wampum shells were money to North American Indians, while early American colonists traded beaver pelts, which had a high value both at home and abroad. Metal coins first emerged in Greece and Asia Minor during the 7th century BC. Gold and silver were valued for their use in beauty and jewelry and the decorative arts. They were durable, easily divisible, and limited in supply. These precious metals also had a high value-to-weight ratio, making them easily transportable.

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What is Money-(gold) & Banks?

The Gold standard ?As early as the 16th century in Europe, goldsmiths stored gold coins for their customers for a fee and issued receipts for the gold to the depositor. Thus began the use of paper as money.

In other words, if you came in and deposited 10 ounces of gold for safekeeping, you got back receipts in the amount of 10 gold ounces and those receipts entitled you to instantaneously redeem that gold.

thus,there was an implication,when people exchanged those receipts with each other, any one of them could go to the goldsmith and could got their valuable gold- genuine scenario of money to gold conversion- termed safekeeping.

But it was assumed that there are equal amount of money notes moving in economy as the value of gold is stored with bankers.So ,These first bankers then took that process one step further.

The origin of Inflation -when bankers started printing money-

In effect, if the goldsmith had 1,000 ounces of gold and 1,000 ounces of legitimate receipts being held by the depositor of that gold, he could increase his profits by merely printing another thousand ounces worth of receipts, and lending them out. In which case he would effectively get fifty-percent reserve banking, or fractional reserve banking. Only a fraction — 50% of the receipts — were now backed by gold.

There was no longer a one-to-one ratio of paper to gold. Now there could be three or four pieces of

paper in circulation for every unit of gold in the vault. These bankers were no longer simply storing or warehousing gold for a fee, they were artificially inflating the money supply and loaning out these phony receipts at interest. This system became known as "fractional reserve banking" and was later transported to the early American colonies. It formed the root of the American commercial banking and ultimately the Federal Reserve System.

what is Inflation? (Here regarding gold-Standard)In it's most traditional meaning,When people had more money but less gold to convert it, then there is inflation, it is also called inflationary money because it doesn't fulfil bankers' promise to convert it into gold.

Gold to moneyThese receipts soon became widely accepted as means of exchange, since it was easier and safer to use the receipts for significant transactions. This was the origin of banknotes as money substitutes.

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Isn't it fraud with people's gold and illegal?This is a fraudulent system, it's not allowed in any other business. If you had a grain warehouse that had loaned out the grain it was supposed to have in storage, that's considered criminal, and the guy would go to jail. But the banks are the one industry that's allowed to get away with this and to profit from it.

It's Legal !!!

Government started printing money- what is a Federal Reserve System?

Moving from Goldsmiths to BIG banks, Foundation Of Federal Reserve Bank-Alexander Hamilton became the first treasury secretary and in 1791 set up the first Bank of the United States as America's central bank to expand the supply of paper money for the benefit of the government and the commercial banks, thus officially inflating the money via fractional reserve system.

From Federal Reserve System to Present Federal Reserve Bank:

There are twelve regional reserve banks concentrated in the East and in the Midwest. The board of governors of the Federal Reserve controls and coordinates their activities. The board is made up of seven members appointed by the president.

It appeared to be a sound system,but the control of Fed's open market committee was in the hand of Morgan protégé Benjamin Strong.

In 1908, the National Monetary Commission — headed by John D. Rockefeller Jr's father-in-law, Senator Nelson Aldrich — was set up to push for a central bank.In November of 1910, under the guise of a duck-hunting trip, six men took a secret train ride to an exclusive private club on Jekyll Island, Georgia, to write a Central Banking Act. The classified gathering read like a who's who of American banking. There were two Rockefeller men: Aldrich and Frank Vanderlip of the National City Bank of New York; two Morgan men: Henry P. Davison from Morgan Bank and Charles D. Norton, president of Morgan's First National Bank of New York; Paul Walberg, a Kuhn-Loeb partner; and Assistant Treasury Secretary A.P. Andrew, who was friendly to both camps. They spent a week at the luxurious club as Morgan's guests, crafting the proposal that would form the basis of the Federal Reserve System. It would be three years before their vision was realized.

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How do they regulate these different banks? What are there powers?

First power of FED- They continued with the power of printing more money, in the face of “The Federal Open Market Committee”-

What was the The Federal Open Market Committee? What do they do?The Federal Open Market Committee, now based in Washington, directs the Fed's most important instrument of monetary policy: the purchase and sale of government securities on the open market. To increase the supply of money and credit, that is "to inflate," the Fed buys government securities from a few handpicked firms with newly created money. To tighten money and credit, the Fed sells securities. In this, it can act on its own discretion.From buying government securities which is also called quantitative easing, it has following powers too!

Second power of FED-Another device the Fed uses to control the amount of money in circulation is setting the discount rate: this is the interest rate charged to member banks when they borrow short term from the so-called "discount window." If the Fed lowers the discount rate for its loans, commercial banks will likely borrow more from the Fed. This increases the amount of funds banks have to lend. Bank credit thus becomes cheaper, as reflected in lower interest rates on bank loans and credit cards. The increase in funds available for banks to lend also increases the amount of money in the economy.

Third power of FED-and The Fed can also manipulate the nation's money supply by raising or lowering the reserve requirement. Because Banks are required to set aside a percentage of their deposits as reserves to meet depositors' demands(it's just a percentage- not the whole of depositor's money, as in 100% gold standard happens).

okay, till now we have learnt about the ✔ history of money, ✔ what is the gold standard? ✔ Which was the first government-established-bank?✔ And how today's most important country's (United states) apex bank The Federal

Reserve bank came into existence?✔ What are it's powers?

When the Fed was established in 1913, it cut reserve requirements in half over the next four years, doubling the money supply by the end of World War I.

Although the US was still on the gold standard in 1913, it was quickly eroded as the Fed continued to expand the money supply. The first step was backing Federal Reserve notes by only 40% in gold, allowing the money supply to be increased two and a half times. The inflationary effect to fractional reserve banking was also heightened by the central bank.Inside faulty governments, faulty banks, faulty loans and credit cards-

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That all sounds so regulated, everything seems to be fine till now, they are creating money, regulating it to banks and then to people they are even managing the money supply then what is wrong with it?

Don't Look here

All that Glitters is not GOLD-From Powers to Disasters

Power to Disaster 1- INFLATION

they can print more money,any time, without backing it by gold, such a money is further multiplied into “checkbook” and Credit card money-all these printed notes, checkbooks and credit cards are available to people as “money” in the market and there is overflowing of “money” but no sufficient goods- results =more buyers less products= high prices of less products= also called INFLATION.

"The Federal Reserve System virtually controls the nation's monetary system, yet it is accountable to no one. It has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional Committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations."

These are the words of the late professor Murray N. Rothbard, economist and academic advisor of the Ludwig von Mises Institute .The institute is dedicated to the ideals of a free market and sound money.

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From Power to Disaster 2- Interest rates

It handles the interest rates of those banks by whom people take loans and credit cards, suppose when government had excess printed money with it, it had lowered the interest rates so that more banks could borrow it and banks provided it further in lower interest rates- loans to people like you and me and even governments.We were so happy to get lower interest loans by HSBC or CITIBANK, ICICI, but all of sudden there is a panic in the market that notes or treasuries that government is selling are not backed by gold. They are creating money out of thin air then there is no value of dollar- government is in high Debt (by all the loans it gave to banks and to people through banks) then what it will do?To get back on its feet it will increase the interest rates of its loans ,which would meant banks will have to pay more interset to central banks what banks would get out of increasing the interest rates of people's loans- burden on People who were enjoying their cheap credit.

From Power to Disaster 3-Lowering the reserve requirement

when people deposit their money in banks, Banks are required to set aside a percentage of their deposits as reserves to meet depositors' demands, but it is entirely in central bank's hand to decide what percentage will be there in deposits?As we all know, not 100% gold nor equivalent deposits are always there in banks safe ,from the deposits they have with them and the money they lend -loans are always greater than deposits,so , the Central banks can always lower the reserve requirement for banks and increase the cheap credit-what causes INFLATION.

Why would they want to increase the cheap credit?For two reasons- either they themselves wants to take cheap credit -for any benefit- from financing wars to help a falling compnay save (also called bailout).Or they want to maintain the demand of dollars in world.

Why do they want to maintain the demand of dollars in the world?So that people keep buying it from their savings and the status-quo of dollar is maintained and they can further print more dollars reasoning that people are demanding it-while in disguise they are financing their wars, earning profits in each step.

But why do all the people around the world keep on demanding US dollar? Why it is so important? Even knowing that central banks can print the US dollar out of thin air and nobody puts a check on it, in that case their US dollars will lose all their value,what's the need?

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That's the discussion on another topic-Why US dollar is so important? Can US Dollar collapse?”

For understanding this, we need to listen Jane D'aristawho is Jane D'arista?Jane D'Arista is a research associate with the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts, Amherst where she also co-founded an Economists’ Committee for Financial Reform called SAFER, i.e. stable, accountable, efficient & fair reform.(

She is also a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute. Jane served as a staff economist for the Banking and Commerce Committees of the U.S. House of Representatives, as a principal analyst in the international division of the Congressional Budget Office. Representing Americans for Financial Reform, Jane has currently given Congressional testimony at financial services hearings. Jane has lectured at the Boston University School of Law, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the University of Utah and the New School University and writes and lectures internationally. Her publications includeThe Evolution of U.S. Finance a two-volume history of U.S. monetary policy and financial regulation.

Here is what she has to say about US dollar- the Key currency of World Trade

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from this statement we can derive that how bubble created by printing backless money when goes on as Cheap Credit from banks to governments to people, if burst-cause a world-wide shrinkage in Credit in other words- the financial and economic collapses.I know it's complicated,because your question is-

But why do all the people around the world keep on demanding US dollar? Why it is so important? Even knowing that central banks can print the US dollar out of thin air and nobody puts a check on it, in that case their US dollars will lose all their value,what's the need?

See by yourself in the coversation with her-

What's the relation of US dollar-a key currency and Other currencies?As we all know that before the federal reserve system there was a system of converting gold into valuable money and to further use that most accepted currency as trading means. So every country converted their “found” gold into their currency and there were so many of them now like pounds of Britain, Euro of Euro zone,Yen of Japan. Then there was another problem- how to trade internationally? What should be the key currency?Then the United states stepped in and introduced the international monetray system of semi gold-inflation ,after the world war-II, which is still here in 2011.

Authorised-key currency-US dollarWhat is the semi-gold inflation system?Under this system, US dollar was made (authorised) to be the only currency in the world in which trade can be done by each country on earth.which has made it the all important of all, now if any business man wants to buy anything out of his own country- which most of the globalised businesses do usually, they had to convert their currency into US dollars from their country's Central bank which made it essential for the government of that business man to hold US dollars in its foreign currency reserve so that it can convert them according to the business needs of its people.How it was done?By authorising US dollar be the only currency , convertible into gold by the Federal reserve bank ,United states .The rate fixed for dollar to gold conversion was $35=1 ounce(approx 28 grams) of gold.Now, if any country is willing to do international trade with its neighbor,it would have to earn US dollars and made its foreign currency reserves in US dollars because it was the only currency convertible in gold by the only bank The Fedral reserve bank.

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And what was the way to earn that only currency?Two ways are there-

Either EXPORT your goods to US or simply BORROW U.S. DOLLARS by purchasing it's Governments treasuries.US has been benifitting in both ways as, all the countries started exporting their goods to it- there is no shortage of cheap goods (why cheap?- later) inside US.And governments started demanding US dollars by borrowing it through US treasuries(loans), what increased its value in open market(foreign exchange market) where value is determined by Demand of a currency, Also to serve that debt they had to earn more US dollars- two ways again- Take more debt to service previous debt or export the goods!It's a vicious permanently created the demand for US dollars and made it most important currency.So, it is the lifeline of all the global businesses who provide people jobs all around the world further providing products to each and every person- globally. That's why Us Dollar is so important.!

So the BIG question is“Can dollar collapse? What will happen if it will collapse?”Yes, it can collapse if they- who create it, fail to convert it into gold, it will lose all its value.

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How is it possible?Did it ever collapsed? What happened when it collapsed?In 1930- the era of GREAT DEPRESSION, dollar collapsed, in 1971,it collapsed again when they failed to convert all the US dollars around the world into gold since there wasn't enough gold for conversion as it was moving around in the market ,caused inflation.

Why there were extra US dollars moving into market?Because people were demanding it (key currency)and it was in the hands of Federal reserve system to print money.People were totally dependent on their credibility that there is enough gold to support that currency they are going to print, but the bankers fooled the people, this time the whole world with US dollars in their hands, was hit badly.In 1971, President Richard Nixxon closed the window of converting US dollars into gold,coz they simply ran out of Gold.What was the after effect of it?

As Nixxon denied the payment system, he handed the monetary system into the hands of private banks-like we see today, CITIBANK,HSBC etc.and they started speculating-done for earning profits, about the values of different currencies- including US dollar,

causing the collapse in the dollar value in 1970's when Paul Aolph Volcker( Federal Banker and Economist) rushed in and incresed the interest rates of all the US dollar debts- GIVEN to other countries up to 20%, to earn more US dollars (FED used its power to Disaster-2)- to serve it's own debts or public debts.

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So the after effect of it was-

✗ People lost all the value of their investments, savings ,stocks that were in US dollars.

✗ Investments ,savings and stock capital is the lifeline of all the businesses around the world so when businesses lost their money value, they could no longer buy the raw material nor pay the wages to its labor- people lost jobs- there was a acute shortage of products- inflation skyrocketed.

✗ Countries who were made to take laons in US dollars by the IMF(International Monetary Fund) had to pay back it in increased interest rates( from 1 or 2 %- 20 %)

✗ Throwing them into hell further- now they had to earn more US dollars- either by exports or taking more US loan.

✗ What happened inside those countries that had taken loan?-suck your natural resources -make products and export so that you can earn those dollars to pay back the high interest loan.

Okay, so what I do get is that- US currency has been made the Main( Key )currency for doing world trade which creates the demand of it, but all didn't went well with it, when it didn't serve it's promise to be convertible into gold- resulting tons of inflationary money invested in funds, worlwide- went valueless-causing Recessions, and hit the whole world-simply because people were holding US dollars in their hands,everywhere- Thanks to the Key currency- system.


What does the dollar devaluation or “collapse” mean to you?the devaluation of the U.S. dollar means a decline in the purchasing power of the dollar, which leads to a decline in living standards. For example, if the US dollar declines 40% and you had a million US dollars, the million dollars will only buy $600,000.00 worth of goods and services. You would have lost $400,000.00 in purchasing power.Any type of investment in dollars, such as saving accounts, saving bonds, annuities, pensions, etc., will suffer from this decline.

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Then why don't they scarp it? Are US people benefitted by this system?They might thought so, when they implemented this US as key currency system, thinking that the whole world will start exporting goods to it- which would make products cheap in US and US people without producing anything will enjoy cheap products.!

Then has it been so?No, not exactly, but entirely opposite of it has happened because of two things- 1) People inside the US were being told to buy only, that is not to produce- why?.2)To buy products, they were not given increased wages, but cheap credit- why?.Now the mystery lies in two statements that why they had been told to buy only and that is too not by wages but by cheap credit?

Why -BUY only?

It dates back in history when National Association of Manufacturers(Ohio,US), complained:

“You've(FED) driven up the value of the dollar to a point where we can sell nothing abroad and we can't sell anything in our own country-due to excessive cheap exports to US”. They tried to bring down the value of the dollar toward the middle of the 1980s, but not sufficiently. And there was no real response., dollar had been made overpriced (for the reasons we'll discover later)

so, what US manufacturers did?, They moved to the countries where there was cheap currency and cheap labor and started manufacturing things in foreign countries because dollar in the united states was too high driving their costs high, cheap country would mean cheap costs and they could now come back in US and sell those goods on competitive rates to earn larger profits.

But that was not all, due to businesses moving out of country,people didn't have jobs with them, lacking money to buy those goods that were offered to them,by exports and their own manufactures.

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There was no demand of goods, causing no demand of US dollar in open market, which would mean the collapse of US dollar and economy.

Take Cheap credit-

So the US governmnet played its move and provided people cheap credit - and they can keep buying the products and dollar remain in its value, countries keep on exporting goods, there is no shortage of good quality products in US and there is a demand of US dollar in Market .How did they provide cheap credit?

It printed money- lent it on less rates to banks, banks lent it further more on less rates by checkbook money and credit cards- causing boom in initial years when US people bought rapidly the exported goods,

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but soon after hitting the news that government is in great debt (debt means no backed curreny or gold is there with the government-all printed notes are now debt) people-money lost its value, they could no longer buy products with it, all the attraction of trade with US faded away and there was a Financial crisis(2008-09) and Recession inside the Country and outside the country.

Fiat Money- Quantitative easing- the hollow attraction of US dollar-quick recap>>>Previously, Dollar was the only key currency which was convertible into gold but when Nixxon scrapped this system in 1971, then there was no demand of US dollar causing great depression within US,and then US made its people rich (by providing cheap credit) which attracted trade to US, causing demand of US dollar again in the market.But this was crashed again with the financial crisis of 2008-09.

now the US has been tackling with this problem, governments are investing in other countries,trading with their citzens by buying their currencies- US is not the only player now.To move out from the deflation- recession what do they do now?

What is Fiat Currency?Currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, despite the fact that it has no intrinsic value and is not backed by reserves. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is based solely on faith. Most of the world's paper money is fiat money. Because fiat money is not linked to physical reserves, it risks becoming worthless due to hyperinflation. If people lose faith in a nation's paper currency, the money will no longer hold any value.

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Money thus produced out of faith is used for Quantitaive easing,

what is it?Quantitative" refers to the fact that a specific quantity of money is being created; "easing" refers to reducing the pressure on banks.

So, what really happens in quantitative easing, governments print more money, out of thin air,then they either take debt from banks or pension funds companies- increasing its debt.

make it highly valued by showing its economy profitable – which creates demand of currency (dollar or any), now people buy it, they use it in the way of doing trade with that country. Easy supply of goods and services is maintained with in the country- globalization maintained!

Concept of Quantitative easing-

Ordinarily, the central bank uses its control of interest rates, or sometimes reserve requirements,to indirectly influence the supply of money.In some situations, such as very low inflation or deflation, setting a low interest rate is not enough to maintain an adequate money supply, and so quantitative easing is employed to further boost the amount of money in the financial system.This is often considered a "last resort" to increase the money supply.The first step is for the bank to create more money ex nihilo (“out of nothing") by crediting its own account. It can then use these funds to buy investments like Government bonds from financial firms such as banks, insurance companies and pension funds,in a process known as "monetising the debt".

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But Alas !, it is a bubble with money produced out of thin air there is only a PROMISE of economy as a profitable one-Faith.

And what happens if same US economy is going in $14 trillion deficit?To pay the promised high interest on given-debt -they can increase the taxes, reduce their public welfare spending,(to reduce the expenditure and increase the income within the country)or they would increase the interest rates of third world country loans or simply create money out of thin air but they would pay you your high interest debt on the money that you had lent it or going to lend it- that's the Government security brought to you by Quantitative easing.

Why don't US Government and Federal reserve scrap this system?Because there is no other system for them- they are trapped by previous debtsWe can't scrap quantitative easing-What do they say in news?“because this is the only solution to fight Recession and deflation-stagflation”for them it's legitimate, they say first there is deflation in a country because CPI (Consumer Price Index) says sowhile actually food prices , gas prices, health care prices, tuition prices, taxes, subway fares, stock prices and bond prices are always higher than a year ago.

so what you are telling me is that the fed thinks prices are going down, when in fact they are going up?


and they think during the recession, with the high unemployment, it is better if the things people need to buy cost more money?

Correct. According to the ben bernanke(Federal reserve chief), the inflation will create the jobs and improve the housing market, it will create demand for US dollar and people would come and trade with US- cheap products and More jobs.

has this ever been tried before?

yes. just last year the fed tried the quantitative easing with 2 trillion dollars.

did that create the jobs?


did it help the housing market?

not at all.

did it help anybody at all?

yes, it helped the goldman sachs(an investment bank,which gives loan to US for its printed dollars for high interest).

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how much of the money are they printing now?

600 billion dollars.

so even though the first 2 trillion did not create the jobs or improve the housing market, the fed decided to do another 600 billion anyway?


who put the ben bernanke in charge?

the ben bernanke was first appointed by the president bush. then he was reappointed by the president obama.but wasn’t the president obama supposed to bring the change?


how is putting in charge the same fool, who has been wrong about everything, the change?

well, under the president bush the ben bernanke only blew up the American economy. Under the president obama, he is working on blowing up the entire global economy.

that does not sound like the change we can believe in.

definitely not.

who else supports the ben bernanke?

most economists around the world think the quantitative easing is very dangerous.

does anyone think it is a good idea?

yes. the people at the goldman sachs

Oh my god, do these people don't have shame?When you are lying to people for more than 70 years, you forget about shame!

The point that needs to be repeated over and over again is that they know they're creating a bubble, they know the bubble's going to burst someday, but it doesn't matter because the guys that are doing all this are cashing out at every step of the way, either through bonuses or other ways.

Federal reserve bank and US government-

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we can't scrap this system-2) what is happening in those big buildings?

So how in the world did things get to the point where the Federal Reserve feels forced to recklessly print gigantic piles of money?Well, it didn't happen overnight. Back during the 1980s and 1990s there were many people that desperately tried to warn about what would happen if U.S. government debt was not brought under control.Unfortunately, our politicians did not heed those warnings.

Today, the U.S. national debt has reached a grand total of $14,137,541,098,872.71. It is 14 times larger than it was just 30 years ago. It is the largest single debt in the history of the world.So why don't our politicians just balance the budget now so that we don't keep having to borrow so much money?Well, there are some huge problems.First of all, when you combine entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare with interest on the national debt, it comes to approximately 64 percent of all federal government spending.But that is not the bad news.In the years ahead, entitlement spending and interest on the national debt are both projected to absolutely explode.We are rapidly approaching a time when spending on entitlement programs and interest on the national debt will be significantly greater than all of the revenue that the federal government brings in each year. All federal revenues will be spoken for even before a single penny is spent on defense, education, running the government or anything else.

Either entitlement programs are going to have to be seriously reformed or the U.S. government is going to have to come up with a massive amount of extra money from

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somewhere or the U.S. government is going to have to borrow increasingly large piles of money from someone.Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions and most of our politicians are scared to death to touch entitlement programs because it will mean that they will lose votes.But our entitlement programs were never meant to be as massive as they are today. Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 American is on Medicaid.Obviously something has to be done, because the debt that we are passing on to future generations is absolutely criminal.

For example, every single child born in America today inherits $45,000 in U.S. government debt.Isn't that lovely?

Of course our liberal friends believe that the answer is just to raise taxes.Oh really?The truth is that our taxation system is deeply broken.

No tax income :(Small business owners and middle class Americans are being taxed into oblivion while those at the top of the food chain often pay no federal taxes whatsoever.

For example, did you know that Citigroup did not pay a dime of federal taxes in the third quarter? Meanwhile, their executives continue to bring in bonus packages worth millions.Did you know that even though Boeing receives billions in federal subsidies every year and even though it has a bunch of juicy government contracts it did not pay a single penny in federal corporate income taxes from 2008 to 2010?

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Did you know that while Exxon-Mobil did pay $15 billion in taxes in 2009, not a single penny went to the U.S. Government?

Meanwhile, their CEO brought in over 29 million dollars in total compensation that year.

Our entire system is broken beyond repair and needs to be reconstructed from the ground up.But of course that simply is not going to happen.So what can be done?Not a whole heck of a lot.The truth is that the U.S. economy is on the verge of a major collapse.Marc Faber, the author of the Gloom, Boom and Doom report recently gave a speech in which he declared that the U.S. financial system is in such disastrous shape that only a "reboot" will be able to save it....

I think we are all doomed. I think what will happen is that we are in the midst of a kind of a crack-up boom that is not sustainable, that eventually the economy will deteriorate, that there will be more money-printing, and then you have inflation, and a poor economy, an extreme form of stagflation, and, eventually, in that situation, countries go to war, and, as a whole, derivatives, the market, and everything will collapse, and like a computer when it crashes, you will have to reboot it.

But can we just "reboot" the system and expect things to go back to normal?Of course not.The truth is that when the rest of the world completely loses faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. Treasuries the dominoes are going to start to fall. Eventually we are going to see a financial panic that is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic. Our economic system will massively implode as all of the gigantic mountains of debt and paper money collapse like a house of cards.Right now the Federal Reserve is desperately trying to hold the system together by "papering over" all of the mistakes.But in the end it is not going to work. In fact, what we are witnessing now are the very early stages of hyperinflation.A lot of other nations in the past have thought that they could just print their way out of trouble, but many of those "experiments" ended in total disaster.Marc Faber is certainly right about one thing - all of this money printing is going to give us substantial inflation to go along with the high unemployment that we already have. This is called "stagflation" and anyone that remembers the 1970s knows that it is not a lot of fun.

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But the Federal Reserve seems absolutely determined to print more money. Fed officials are doing the same thing now that they did right before QE2.They are dropping hints about QE3 and they are trying to break it to us gently.Well, it is about time that someone told the American people the truth. All of this money printing is going to end in disaster and so you had better get prepared.

Even as Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke publicly defend the Federal Reserve’s new $600 billion quantitative easing program, top finance officials around the globe are expressing alarm and outrage.

In fact, Barack Obama is very much in Bernanke’s corner. During his trip to India, Barack Obama made it clear that he very much supports this new round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve….

“I will say that the Fed’s mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that’s not just good for the United States, that’s good for the world as a whole.”

This is the exact opposite of what Barack Obama should be doing. He should be demanding accountability from Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve. He should be trying to get the U.S. financial system back on some kind of solid footing.

But we all know that is not going to happen. Obama had no problem renominating Bernanke to another term, and Obama has publicly supported him at every opportunity.

And this time not only US will hit by the US dollar crash, but each and every country who is engaged in Globalized businesses and trade with US.

How long is it going to be until everyone wakes up and starts acknowledging that “the emperor has no clothes” and Bernanke is running the U.S. economy into the ground?

At this point, Bernanke has lost virtually all credibility. In 2009, he promised the U.S. Congress that the Federal Reserve would not monetize U.S. government debt, but now that is exactly what is happening.

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If the rest of the world cuts back on buying U.S. Treasuries, the Federal Reserve is going to find itself with a gigantic mountain of debt that it will be forced to monetize.

So what happens someday when China, Japan, Russia and the major oil producers in the Middle East decide that enough is enough and they are not going to buy any more U.S. debt?

Don’t think it can’t happen – these nations are not stupid and if they realize that the U.S. dollar is going to continually keep falling in value there could be a dramatic move away from U.S. debt.

If the rest of the world quits lending massive amounts of money to the U.S. government, our leaders will be faced with three options.

• The U.S. government could start trying to operate within a balanced budget (which would crash the economy),

• interest rates on U.S. government debt could be raised until people would be willing to invest in Treasuries again (which would probably crash U.S. government finances and the economy),

• or the Federal Reserve could just start monetizing most of the debt on a regular basis (which would likely eventually crash the entire world financial system).

In order for the current world financial system to maintain stability, it is essential for there to be faith in the U.S. dollar and for there to be faith in U.S. Treasuries. Once faith in them is lost, it will only be a matter of time until the world financial system totally crumbles.

This new round of quantitative easing could be the “tipping point” that opens the door to the eventual complete and total collapse of the U.S. Dollar. Let us hope that the dollar does not completely fail any time soon, but with jokers like Bernanke and Obama running the show, there is not much reason for optimism.

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Jane D'arista quotes- People don't know that the US dollar they hold can also lose its value and not even governments, they believe in their governments- who keep on lying to them and increase their debt heavily and it is so important to look at this particular element in the global system and understand that what is happening now as economies are under the gun and very vulnerable, exchange rates are now changing more rapidly than ever, you have an exacerbation in competitiveness of US trade- impacting people inside the country and all who are attracted to it by one way or another.

Quantitative easing around the world-

These charts show how central banks all over the globe have been recklessly printing money. Over the last 30 years virtually the entire world has developed a great love affair with fiat currency....

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So is everyone printing money? The U.S. is printing lots of money.....

Source, The St. Louis FedThe Bank of England is printing lots of money.....

Source: The BoE

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The EU is printing lots of money....

Source: The ECB

Japan is printing lots of money.....

Source: The BoJ

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China is printing lots of money.....

Source: The People’s Bank of China

India is printing lots of money.....

Source: Reserve Bank of India

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Of course anyone with half a brain can see where all of this is ultimately headed. In the end, inflation is going to spiral out of control and we are going to witness financial implosion on a global scale.So why don't these nations just adopt sound money?Well, it turns out that if you are a member of the IMF, you are specifically prohibited from having gold-backed currency.Yes, you read that correctly.

In fact, U.S. Representative Ron Paul once sent an open letter to the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve asking about this and he received no response. The following is the content of that letter....

Dear Sirs:

I am writing regarding Article 4, Section 2b of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s Articles of Agreement. As you may be aware, this language prohibits countries who are members of the IMF from linking their currency to gold. Thus, the IMF is forbidding countries suffering from an erratic monetary policy from adopting the most effective means of stabilizing their currency. This policy could delay a country's recovery from an economic crisis and retard economic growth, thus furthering economic and political instability.

I would greatly appreciate an explanation from both the Treasury and the Federal Reserve of the reasons the United States has continued to acquiesce in this misguided policy. Please contact Mr. Norman Singleton, my legislative director, if you require any further information regarding this request. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Ron PaulU.S. House of Representatives

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Sadly, the truth is that the global elite don't want nations to start adopting gold-backed currencies. They want countries to use fiat currencies that they can openly manipulate for their own benefit.

At this point, every nation on earth (to the best of my knowledge) uses a fiat currency. All of the major global currencies are being continually devalued. In fact, there are times when counties will purposely devalue their currencies even more rapidly in order to gain a competitive advantage in world trade.This is why so many investors now have such an aversion to paper currency. It starts losing value the moment you take possession of it.In some areas of the world, "gold fever" is absolutely exploding. For example, China imported five times as much gold in 2010 as it did in 2009. On the Shanghai Gold Exchange, trading volume soared 43 percent during the first 10 months of 2010.Gold, silver and other precious metals are now seen as a great hedge against inflation worldwide. Investors all over the globe are demonstrating a strong preference for "real money" over "paper money".

So what does all of this mean?It means that some tremendous imbalances are being built up in the global financial system. The central banks of the world must continue to inflate these bubbles with constantly increasing amounts of paper money and debt in order to keep the game going. If at some point the reckless money printing comes to a screeching halt it is going to unleash hell on global financial markets.But if all of this reckless money printing continues we are eventually going to see horrific inflation all over the planet. In fact, we are already seeing significant inflation happening in many areas of the globe. Almost every single day a new headline about inflation in China and india seems to pop up in the financial news. Rising food prices are sparking unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere. Even U.S. consumers are starting to see some uncomfortable price increases at the gas pump and in the supermarket.So it is not just Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that is off his rocker. The whole world is going crazy with money printing.Hopefully this whole thing is not going to end as badly as many of us fear that it will. But right now the central banks of the world are pumping unprecedented amounts of cash into the global financial system, and those in the global financial system are funneling a very large percentage of that cash into hard assets. Unless something changes, that is going to mean that prices for basic necessities such as food and gas are going to continue to rise.This is quite a fine mess that we are in.Does anyone see a way out?

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In the News-High Debt and Fiscal Austerity in Britain-

Currently, Britain faces a budget deficit that is 11 percent of its GDP(Gross domestic product-total value of goods and services produced), slightly greater than that of the United States.

Much like the U.S., Britain accumulated much of its debt as a result of the housing and investment bubble that collapsed in 2008, the recession, and associated government stimulus spending. For conservatives, the resulting record deficit presents a ripe political opportunity to cut spending and lower the deficits. This goal would require budget cuts to the tune of around £81 billion, thus rapidly increasing the pace of fiscal retrenchment. Most of these cuts would entail reductions in public services and welfare spending coupled with an increase of 2.5 percent in the value added tax (VAT).

Unfortunately, the implications of such intensified fiscal austerity could be disastrous for the British economy. To begin, the cut in public spending would result in a loss of 490,000 public sector jobs, the equivalent of three million jobs in the United States, representing nearly 8 percent of the total government workforce.

The Justice Department and the Foreign Office are two of the many major government agencies that will lose a substantial portion of their workforce. Such unprecedented cuts in vital government agencies will end up harming the British people even further.

To make matters worse, economists have predicted that the budget reductions could translate to the loss of as many as half a million jobs in the private sector.

Given that the unemployment rate is already at 8 percent, Britain cannot afford another shock to the labor market. Advocates of fiscal austerity have claimed that deficit cutting instills confidence in businesses and customers by demonstrating the government’s proactivity in economic matters.

In a recent report, however, the International Monetary Fund asserts that this claim is, in fact, a myth. It explains that trying to balance a budget in the short term in the face of falling inflation and high unemployment could lead to further economic depression, which would then, ironically, scare off more business.

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Now,imagine,where the people are standing in such a Business environment? We never know what is happening out there in those white buildings?

We never know about the value of money we hold in our hands will just wipe out due to panic in wall street about inflationary money?

We never know the change we believe in has never been imagined by those who boast to bring it from 70 years?

But a little bit of political and economical knowledge can make this clear to us ,what is the spiral of financial crisis is and Inflation and recession are never tackled by our ever changing and ever stucked governments.

From now on, I will definitely think twice before believing in governments and their promises. It is our responsibility to think beyond present job opportunities, business and economic perks

This is not a Twilight episode

, it has happened during great depression (1930),Financial crisis(2008-2009).

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What's its body?-Environmental needs

Businesses don't create products out of air, they need raw materrial for their production they need human labor that is we the people to turn them into products. We consume them and they make profits, we see them fulfilling our needs, but we never wonder that how they are producing? What's the process of their manufacturing a cell phone , cosmetics, mineral water bottles all the things that we consume and how do they dump it?

For that to know,we need to look beyond the advertisements and false claims that are made by the businesses, we need not to trust blindly what have been fed in our minds and complain later to system rather apply our own reason and make better choices.

In this section we will continue exploring the next need of businesses that is of natural and human resources with the help of researchers like Annie Leonard and P.Sainath.

So that we can interpret that how and why our stuff turn itself.....................

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From this -

To This !!-

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Annie leonardo has made a applaudable attempt to dig deeper in our consumption lifestyle- what she says in her own words is “The system in crisis”here's what she has got-

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so, what is the story of stuff?what the text books said isthat our stuff simply moves along these stages: extraction to production to distribution to consumptionto disposal. All together, it’s called the materials economy.

She spent almost 10 years travelling around the world tackling where the stuff comes from and where it goes? And what she found out that this is not the whole story- there is a lot more missing from the picture.

Annie:For one thing, this system looks like it’s fine. No problem.

But the truth is it’s a system in crisis.And the reason it is in crisis is that it is a linear system and we live on a finite planet and youcan not run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely.

Every step along the way, this system is interacting with the real world. In real life it’s not happening on a blank white page. It’s interacting with societies, cultures, economies, the environment. And all along the way, it’s bumping up against limits. Limits we don’t see here because the diagram is incomplete. So let’s go back through, let’s fill in some of the blanks and see what’s missing.

What's missing from “where the stuff comes from and where it goes”?Let's find out.Well, one of the most important things that is missing is people. Yes, people. People live and work allalong this system.

And some people in this system matter a little more than others; some have a littlemore say. Who are they?Well, let’s start with the government.

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It’s the government’s job is to watch out for us, to take care of us. That’s their job.

Then along came the corporation.

Now, the reason the corporation looks bigger than the governmentis that the corporation is bigger than the government. Of the 100 largest economies on earth now, 51 are corporations.

As the corporations have grown in size and power, we’ve seen a little change in thegovernment where they’re a little more concerned in making sure everything is working out for those guys than for us.

And what else is missing from the picture?ExtractionWe’ll start with extraction which is a fancy word for natural resource exploitation which is a fancy word for trashing the planet. What this looks like is we chop down trees, we blow up mountains to get the metals inside, we use up all the water and we wipe out the animals.

So here we are running up against our first limit. We’re running out of resources.

We are using too much stuff. Now I know this can be hard to hear, but it’s the truth and we’ve gotta deal with it. In the past three decades alone, one-third of the planet’s natural resources base have been consumed.Gone.

In the United States, there are less than 4% of our original forests left. Forty percent ofwaterways have become undrinkable.

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We are cutting and mining and hauling and trashing the place so fast that we’re undermining the planet’s very ability for people to live here.

Annie:And the problem is not just that we’re using too much stuff, but we’re using more than our share.The U.S.has 5% of the world’s population but we’re consuming 30% of the world’s resources and creating 30% of the world’s waste.If everybody consumed at U.S. rates, we would need 3 to 5 planets.

So, the U.S.response to this scarcity of Resources is simply to go take someone else’s!

This is the Third World,which—some would say—is another word for our stuff that somehow got on someone else’s land.So what does that look like?The same thing: trashing the place.• 75% of global fisheries now are fished at or beyond capacity.• 80% of the planet’s original forests are gone.• In the Amazon alone, we’re losing 2000 trees a minute. That is seven football fields a minute.And what about the people who live here? Well. According to these guys, they don’t own these resources even if they’ve been living there for generations, they don’t own the means of production and they’re not buying a lot of stuff. And in this system, if you don’t own or buy a lot of stuff, you don’t have value.

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ProductionSo, next, the materials move to “production“ and what happens there is we use energy to mix toxicchemicals in with the natural resources to make toxic contaminated products.

There are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals in commerce today. Only a handful of these have evenbeen tested for human health impacts and NONE of them have been tested for synergistic healthimpacts, that means when they interact with all the other chemicals we’re exposed to every day.

So, we don’t know the full impact of these toxics on our health and environment of all these toxicchemicals. But we do know one thing: Toxics in, Toxics Out. As long as we keep putting toxics into ourproduction system, we are going to keep getting toxics in the stuff that we bring into our homes, ourworkplaces, and schools , our bodies.

What are we even doing using achemical like this?Yet we put them in our computers, our appliances, couches, mattresses, even some pillows. In fact, we take our pillows, we douse them in a neurotoxin and then we bring them home and put our heads on them for 8 hours a night to sleep. Now, I don’t know, but it seems to me that in this country with so much potential, we could think of a better way to stop our heads from catching on fire at night. These toxics build up in the food chain and concentrate in our bodies.

Like BFRs, brominated flame retardants. They are a chemical that make things more fireproof but they are super toxic.They’re a neurotoxin—that means toxic to the brain. What are we even doing using achemical like this?

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Do you know what is the food at the top of the food chain with the highest levels of many toxic contaminants?

Human breast milkThat means that we have reached a point where the smallest members of our societies—our babies—are getting their highest lifetime dose of toxic chemicals from breastfeeding from their mothers. Is that not an incredible violation?

And this was the result of those , who are taking these contaminated-toxic products, what about those who make them?the people who bear the biggest brunt of these toxic chemicals are the factory workers-

Many of whom are women of reproductive age. They’re working with reproductive toxics, carcinogens and more. Now, I ask you, what kind of woman of reproductive age would work in a job exposed to reproductive toxics, except one who had no other option?

And that is one of the “beauties” of this system. The erosion of local environments and economies here ensures a constant supply of people with no other option. Globally 200,000 people a day are moving from environments that have sustained them for generations, into cities many to live in slums, looking for work, no matter how toxic that work may be.So, you see, it is not just resources that are wasted along this system, but people too. Whole communities get wasted.

toxics in, toxics out. A lot of the toxics leave the factory as products, but even more leave as byproducts, or pollution. And it’s a lot of pollution. In the U.S., industry admits to releasing over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals a year and it’s probably way more since that is only what they admit.

So that’s another limit, because, yuck, who wants to look at and smell 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicalsa year?So, what do they do? Move the dirty factories overseas.Pollute someone else’s land!

But surprise, a lot of that air pollution is coming right back at us, carried by wind currents.

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So, this was all till the production stage, the next step is the Distribution

So, what happens after all these resources are turned into products? Well, it moves here, for distribution.

Now distribution means “selling all this toxic contaminated junk as quickly as possible.”

The goal here is to keep the prices down, keep the people buying and keep the inventory moving.

How do they keep the prices down? Well, they don’t pay the store workers very much and skimp onhealth insurance every time they can. It’s all about externalizing the costs. What that means is the real costs of making stuff aren’t captured in the price. In other words, we aren’t really paying for the stuff we buy.

Here is the shrewed truth of GlobalizationAnnie:I was thinking about this the other day. I was walking to work and I wanted to listen to the news so Ipopped into this Radio Shack to buy a radio. I found a cute little green radio for 4 dollars and 99 cents. I was standing there in line to buy this radio and I wondering how $4.99 could possibly capturethe costs of making this radio and getting it to my hands.

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The metal was probably mined in SouthAfrica, the petroleum was probably drilled in Iraq, the plastics were probably produced in China, and maybe the whole thing was assembled by some 15 year old in a maquiladora in Mexico. $4.99 wouldn’t even pay the rent for the shelf space it occupied until I came along, let alone part of the staff guy’s salary that helped me pick it out, or the multiple ocean cruises and truck rides pieces of this radio went on. That’s how I realized, I didn’t pay for the radio.

So, who did pay?

Well. these people paid with the loss of their natural resource base.These people paid with the loss of their clean air, with increasing asthma and cancer rates.

Kids in the Congo paid with their future—30% of the kids in parts of the Congo now have had to drop out of school to mine coltan, a metal we need for our disposable electronics.

These people even paid, by having to cover their own health insurance. All along this system, people pitched in so I could get this radio for $4.99. And none of these contributions are recorded in any accounts book. That is what I mean by the company ownersexternalize the true costs of production.

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And that brings us to the golden arrow of consumption This is the heart of the system, the engine that drives it. It is so important [to propping up this whole flawed system] that protecting this arrow is a top priority for both these guys.

Remember while we were talking about the US dollar collapse- we read that to maintain the “demand” in US they use all sorts of things- from providing people cheap credit or buying themselves – all for creating a “demand”

why do they do it?To maintain the whole flawed system where dollar is the heart of currency and every other country is secondary, advantaging from following-to gain people savings- increased debtto gain their cheap exports from caught fishesto fill their own pockets by big bonuses.

Annie: That is why, after 9/11, when our country was in shock, President Bush could have suggested any number of appropriate things: to grieve, to pray, to hope. NO. He said to shop.TO SHOP?!

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US has become a nation of consumers. Our primary identity has become that of consumer, not mothers, teachers, farmers, but consumers. The primary way that our value is measured and demonstrated , how much we consume. And do we!We shop and shop and shop. Keep the materials flowing. And flow they do!

So, why did this all happen?it was designed.Shortly after the World War 2, these guys were figuring out how to ramp up the [U.S.] economy.

Retailing analyst Victor Lebow articulated the solution that has become the norm for the whole system.He said:

And President Eisenhower’s Council of Economic Advisors Chairman said that “The American economy’sultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods.”MORE CONSUMER GOODS??? US economy’s ultimate purpose?Not provide health care, or education, or safe transportation, or sustainability or justice? Consumer goods?

Guess what percentage of total material flow through this system is still in product or use 6 months after their sale in North America. Fifty percent? Twenty? NO. One percent. One!

In other words, 99 percent of the stuff we harvest, mine, process, transport—99 percent of the stuff we run through this system is trashed within 6 months. Now how can we run a planet with that rate of materials throughput?

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How did they get people to jump on board this program so enthusiastically?Well, two of their most effective strategies are planned obsolescence and perceived obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is another word for “designed for the dump.” It means they actually make stuff that is designed to be useless as quickly as possible so we will chuck it and go buy a new one. It’s obvious with stuff like plastic bags and coffee cups, but now it’s even big stuff: mops, DVDs, cameras, barbeques even, everything!

Annie:Even computers. Have you noticed that when you buy a computer now, the technology is changing so fast that within a couple years, it’s [your new computer] actually an impediment to communication.I was curious about this so I opened up a big desk top computer to see what was inside. And I found out that the piece that changes each year is just a tiny little piece in the corner. But you can’t just change that one piece, because each new version is a different shape, so you gotta chuck the whole thing and buy a new one.

So, I was reading quotes from industrial design journals from the 1950s when planned obsolescence was really catching on. These designers are so open about it. They actually discuss how fast they can make stuff break and still leaves the consumer with enough faith in the product to go buy anther one.It was so intentional.

But stuff can not break fast enough to keep this arrow afloat, so there’s also “Perceived Obsolescence.”what is it?Now perceived obsolescence convinces us to throw away stuff that is still perfectly useful.

How do they do that? Well, they change the way the stuff looks- changing trends, so if you bought your stuff a couple years ago, everyone can tell that you haven’t contributed to this arrow recently and since the way we demonstrate our value is by contributing to this arrow, it can be embarrassing.

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Annie:[I know.] I’ve have had the same fat white computer monitor on my desk for 5 years. My co-worker just got a new computer. She has a flat shiny sleek flat screen monitor. It matches her computer, it matches her phone, even her pen stand. [It looks cool.] She looks like she is driving in space ship central and I, I look like I have a washing machine on my desk.

Fashion is another prime example of this.

Have you ever wondered why women’s shoe heels go fromfat one year to skinny the next to fat to skinny?

It is not because there is some debate about which heel structure is the most healthy for women’s feet. It’s because wearing fat heels in a skinny heel year shows everyone that you haven’t contributed to that arrow recently so you’re not as valuable as that skinny heeled person next to you or, more likely, in some ad. It’s to keep buying new shoes.

Advertisements, and media in general, plays a big role in this.

Media also helps by hiding all of this and all of this, so the only part of the materials economy we see is the shopping. The extraction, production and disposal all happens outside our field of vision.

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So we are in this ridiculous situation where we go to work, maybe two jobs even, and we come home and we’re exhausted so we plop down on our new couch and watch TV and the commercials tell us “YOU SUCK” so gotta go to the mall to buy something to feel better, then we gotta go to work more to pay for the stuff we just bought so we come home and we’re more tired so you sit down and watch more T.V. and it tells you to go to the mall again and we’re on this crazy work-watch-spend treadmilland we could just stop.!

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DisposalSo in the end, what happens to all the stuff we buy anyway? At this rate of consumption, it can’t fit into our houses even though the average U.S. house size has doubled in this country since the 1970s.It all goes out in the garbage. And that brings us to disposal. This is the part of the materials economy we all know the most because we have to haul the junk out to the curb ourselves. Each one in the United States makes 4 1/2 pounds of garbage a day.That is twice what we each made thirty years ago.

All of this garbage [stuff we bought] either gets dumped in a landfill, which is just a big hole in the ground, or if you’re really unlucky, first it’s burned in an incinerator and then dumped in a landfill. Either way, both pollute the air, land, water and, don’t forget, change the climate.

Incineration is really bad. Remember those toxics back in the production stage? Burning the garbage releases the toxics up into the air. Even worse, it actually makes new super toxics. Like dioxin

Dioxin is the most toxic man made substance known to science

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Now some companies don’t want to deal with building landfills and incinerators here, so they just

export the disposal too!

What about recycling? Does recycling help? Yes, Recycling helps. Recycling reduces the garbage at this end and it reduces the pressure to mine and harvest new stuff at this end.Yes, Yes, Yes, we should all recycle. But recycling is not enough. Recycling will never be enough. For a couple reasons.

First, the waste coming out of our houses is just the tip of the iceberg. For every one garbage can of waste you put out on the curb, 70 garbage cans of waste were made upstream just to make the junk in that one garbage can you put out on the curb.78 So even if we could recycle 100 percent of the waste coming out of our households, it doesn’t get to the core of the problem.

Also much of the garbage can’t be recycled, either because it contains too many toxics or it is actually.

designed NOT to be recyclable in the first place. Like those juice packs with layers of metal and paper and plastic all smooshed together. You can never separate those for true recycling.

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So you see, it is a system in crisis. All along the way, we are bumping up against a lot of limits. From changing climate to declining happiness, it’s just not working.

But the good thing about such an all pervasive problem is that there are so many points of intervention. There are people working here on saving forests and here on clean production. People working on labor rights and fair trade and conscious consuming and blocking landfills and incinerators and, very importantly, on taking back our government so it is really is by the people for the people.

All this work is critically important but things are really gonna start moving when we see the connections,when we see the big picture. When people along this system get united, we can reclaim andtransform this linear system into something new, a system that doesn’t waste resources or people.

Another WayBecause what we really need to chuck is this old-school throw-away mindset. There’s a new schoolof thinking on this stuff and it’s based on sustainability and equity: Green Chemistry,Zero Waste,Closed Loop Production, Renewable Energy, Local living Economies. It’s already happening.Some people say it’s unrealistic, idealistic, that it can’t happen. But I say the ones who are unrealisticare those that want to continue on the old path. That’s dreaming.

Remember that old way didn’t just happen by itself. It’s not like gravity that we just gotta live with.People created it. And we’re people too.

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Globalization and Third world

This is an excerpt from the original work by Dr. M.O. Arigbede, in a paper GLOBALISATION: THE MYTH THAT RULES AND RUINS OUR LIVES ,who is an African intellectual who prefers to listen to the victims of economistic globalization and cultural alienation than to the polished theories of neo-liberal consultants and to the trendy platitudes of local and international media.

…....[“Globalisation” has become the new tyranny by which the entire world must be 'managed' by transnational corporate power and insatiable greed. Along with the so-called Free Market, this phenomenon is sold to the world as immutable devine truth which must underpin the success (or failure) of every society. The single mindedness, unrelenting pressure and comprehensive terror with which this new law is being imposed on the world, has, dialectically called forth a counter movement to demystify it so that ordinary human beings, especially in the 'South', can see that it is not necessary to lie prostrate before this global terror and that it can be defeated.

Simple questions by non-pompous people

The basic approach taken in this paper to demystifying this phenomenon is taken from lessons received from my so-called ordinary friends, from both poor rural and deprived urban settings. These non-pompous women and men, living ordinary lives, seeking merely to find their way through the dense fog of impoverishment thrown around them by their ruling elites, have a very simple way of conceptualising and capturing most phenomena with which they have to contend. They proceed from their direct micro-level experiences, asking questions about those phenomena that present them with confusion. In response to their questions, and in a collective setting, we try to tease the problem issues into their constituent strands and examine each strand carefully, linking it with the others to try to understand the whole fabric.

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In such an encounter, simple questions such as the following are presented to the "collective mind" for consideration : -If we say that we became independent in 1960 (in Nigeria), how come we still cannot rule ourselves according to our own long tested systems of governance -which definitely worked well for our forebears - and must now look to Europe and America for systems of governance? -If we say that we are trading and development partners with the people of Europe and America, why are we always having to buy more and more expensively what they make with their machines while selling them in return, more and more cheaply, only those products that we harvest from the land - and we cannot make our own things and also sell to them ? - If our forbears did not have to depend on other peoples for their food, why are we now in a situation where we must import more and more of what we eat. Is it that we have become indolent and incapable of producing our own food? - From our own experiences, if a farmer grows yams in abundance, his family must have the right to eat as much of yams as they may wish to - without having to pay for this commodity the same way the family of a farmer who does not produce yam does in the market. How come that we are forced to pay for those gifts that God blessed us with at home here as if we were strangers seeking to buy these things from our own government ? Or what is all this about other peoples forcing our governments to remove what they call subsidy from all those services that our people need so badly ? - What justice is there in asking that gifts of nature, like petrol, which we have in abundance here, must cost the same here as it does in all other countries of the world whereas, the income of the worker here is about one hundredth of that of the worker in the U.S., for instance ? - Why does our government accept that bigger and richer and more experienced manufacturing companies from Europe and America, can now come into Nigeria and compete on the same terms with smaller and poorer companies owned by our people - with the result that the Nigerian companies go bankrupt and lay off masses of workers ? - Why are our rulers pretending to rule or to have power when it is becoming ever clearer daily, that the policies that they enforce on us are made outside this country and rammed down the throats of other people through their own rulers ?

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- Those of us who know anything about farming know that if corn planted on a piece of land has matured and grown tall to cover the soil, one does not then plant anew, under the tall and older plants, fresh ones that must just sprout and reach for the sun... the smaller ones would definitely not receive any sunshine and must die off. Why do our governments seem not to recognise this simple law of nature and are asking our own weak and young manufacturing outfits to compete on equal basis with better and longer developed ones from outside this country ? - What sort of help are we getting from Europe and America if all the people that we train as doctors of medicine, engineers, etc., leave our country to go to these foreign countries in order to earn what their counterparts there earn - incomes that they cannot earn here at home ? Why is it that it is only these highly qualified 'workers' on whom we have spent so much money and whom we need very badly - not ordinary workers like ourselves - that are allowed or even encouraged to come to these foreign countries ? - Why has our history so abandoned us to the dictations of others such that everything we could be or have must be determined from outside our country to the extent that even our children look, feel, think and act more and more like Americans, for instance, than Nigerians or Africans, for that matter ? - Why, in spite of the fact that we work very hard, from dawn to nightfall, not spending anything on ourselves or our children, not having any luxuries, in fact, not eating enough at any time, why do we continue to be so poor ? - How did we get into this human trap called World Bank - IMF, and how do we spring this trap ? Why should it be possible for two man-made organisations - we learn that those who sat to invent them were actually men, not women who know the pains of childbirth and would not easily create monsters to terrorise their offsprings - to enforce their devastating programmes of so-called adjustment on whole nations ? - We do not understand the meaning of 'National External Debt'. There is no time when the people, that is us, gathered and instructed our leaders to go borrow such huge amounts of monies that we are now alleged to be owing. What did our governments do with these monies?What did they tell their lenders they were going to do with the monies ? Did the money lenders make sure that the monies were actually applied to the purpose/s stated at the time of borrowing ? Is it true that even the interest rates charged on these loans changed from time to time without the agreement or even knowledge of the borrowers ? Should we really be repaying such ‘corrupt' loans for ever and at the cost of our national livelihood ?

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- Does it mean that without the so-called Aid from Europe and America, our nations cannot develop ? Is this how it was with those countries that have developed themselves ? From all that we hear, is it not really our poor countries, almost according to the Christian Bible, that give aid to the developed countries - from he who has nothing, even the little that he has, would be taken and given to he who already has much ? - If two financial organisations can dictate to the rest of the world and make decisions for us all without our participation, what is the meaning of the democracy that those who direct these organisations recommend to us ? - With all these problems and injustices that seem to be permanent, are we not correct to ask : just what are we poor people and nations doing here... in this 'their world'?

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Effect of Industrialization and Globalization in Developing countries- Focus on India

The same shoe doesn't fit in every foot, surely globalization has been devastated for the countries like india- while the governmnet boasts 8.4% “economic” growth in 2011, it is totally ignored that the growth they are projecting is only for already developed businesses, people – the upper and middle high class people- real beneficiaries of globalization.What's happening on the other side of malls?

60% Of Indians Working In Agriculture

✗ 836 million live on 50 cents a day.

✗ Nearly 200,000 farmers suicides since 1997,driven by the debt and distress.

✗ 8 million abandoned farming between 1991-2001.Yet the mainstream media hardly reflects this reality.

✗ 312 indian rupee billionares

✗ The times of india has discovered that india ranks 4th in the world's happiness index.

✗ India 134th in human development index.

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P. Sainath, the Rural Affairs Editor of the Hindu newspaper, has taken upon himself the mission to reveal the severe agrarian crisis India is experiencing, a crisis that is generally ignored in both the local and international media.

In the past 10 years over 200,000 farmers committed suicide, many by drinking pesticide, as result of economic hardship following the effects of globalization on Indian agriculture.

Sainath and his colleagues are creating the national agenda, compelling a government in denial to take notice and act. Through his writing and the lectures he is giving around the country, he tries to propel change, making his readers and audience think about their social responsibility

He defines-

>>What Is Agrarian Crisis? -Five Words

The Drive Towards Corporate Farming.

>>How This Is Agrarian Crisis Commercialised?- Five Words

Predatory Commercialization Of The Country Side.

>>What Does It Achieved?-Five Words

The Biggest Displacement In Indian History.

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P. Sainath makes it his business to increase awareness of the fate of the victims (both the farmers and their families) by publishing their stories in the daily newspaperThe Hindu.

This is unusual, because "Not a single newspaper in this country has a correspondent working full time on poverty." In other words, in the eyes of the Indian elite, 70% of the Indian population is not newsworthy. Such overwhelming poverty is apparently too confronting for the readership. "Is it a sin to be a farmer?" asks one destitute man in desperation.

Sainath uses the suicides to address the issue of the huge wealth disparity in India.

The driven and well-informed journalist repeatedly exposes the distressing lack of social justice in India and the hypocrisy of neoliberalism. He paraphrases Tacitus for his somewhat apathetic highly-educated audience: Nero burned prisoners to provide light at night. His guests stood alongside and watched.

The mainstream media today is totally degenerated and corrupted as it does not cover anything that is not “breaking news” or that is not considered “glamorous” enough to catch eye balls. For this obvious reason, Nero’s Guests has been completely ignored by the mainstream media (both print & electronic) and is not given its due space & visibility.

Directed by Deepa Bhatia, a noted Bollywood film editor with heavy commercial titles such as Taare Zameen Par and My name is Khan to her credit, this one comes out as a brilliant body of work in the script, the fluid edits without any frills and fills.

Globalization- Crisis for Poor

The drive towards Corporate Farming has been a result of Globalization.

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What is “Corporate” Farming? In simple words it is that farming that is done for corporate purposes like exports to foreign countries.Why it is bad?Because government is in high debt of US dollars and Euro, for servicing that debt they need to export more, which means to grow more, which means to take more land and natural resources from local farmers and export the yield of their farms to foreign people-Corporate Farming.

What are its consequences?As farmers are completely ignored of their interests , their income the biggest result has been seen as

In the past 10 years over 200,000 farmers committed suicide, many by drinking pesticide, as result of economic hardship following the effects of globalization on Indian agriculture.

In 1998 it was one suicide a week, by 2003 it was one a day,now every day in every district we hear of two-three deaths.- Jaideep Hardikar (journalist)

what is the main reason of their deaths?More debts than Income,their families are dying of hunger and there is no government help available to them.

A farmer in Vidarbha District,Maharashtra,“Due to this government policy(emphasis on corporate farming) costs have escalated ,yet the crop doesn't yield returns, we get no help from governments. Fertilisers, Pesticides,everything is costlier, Add to that low yield of Cotton(crop) & low prices that's why we are forced to work as Lobourers and leave farming.”

another farmer-” if we owe upto two hundered thousand(Rs.200,000 nearly $4000) what do we do with it?, Buy seeds and Fertilisers for Rs.1000? When the crop is yielding around Rs.25000 only?we are barely able to meet our household expenses.”- (three people in his family has committed suicide)

Sainath explains-” According to World Food security report in 1997-2002,hunger fell in Ethopia and Two Saharan country but rose in so called Globalised country India. Why?

During this period of Rise in Hunger in 2002-2003,India exported 20 million tons of Foodgrains when our own people were starving.

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And the price on which it was exported was Rs.5 per kilograms while selling the same grain at Rs..6 in own country.!Who did we export it to?We export it to the “cattle” of Europe, Cow in the Europe is the most food secured creature on planet, about $2.75 per day is spent on it's daily food and care.

He continues-'So, what's the dream of Indian Farmer? When it was asked by a collegue to my fellow Mr. Jhavandya, He replied tha the dream of Indian farmer is to be born as a European Cow..!!!'

Another reason of farmers plight is not being able to get a good price for their yield in international markets.why?The reason why they are not getting good price in the international markets for their yield is not because their crop is not of good quality, but the US and EU are providing huge subsidies to their farmers.

Value of cotton produced Subsidy from governments2001 $3 billion $3.9 billion2009 $3.9 billion $4.7 billion

This has destroyed the cotton economies of areas from Vidarbha to west Africa- where cotton is lifeline for the people who live there, they too are rocked by farmers suicides.

The presidents of these two nations are also opposed in economic times.

Sainath-“Your subsidies are killing our people and what is WTO doing in this situation, it tells these farmers,it tells these countries to “diversify” their product,in other words US will not lower its subsidies, EU will not lower its subsidies, people are encouraged to grow more there ,the demand of being “Market- Friendly” and “Viable” is for the poorest farmers on earth not for the Richest Farmers.”

As he defines what does this Agrarian crisis achieved?The biggest diplacement in Indian History, millions have taken refuge to towns broken up their structure of family.

Daiily life of Rural Indian Woman working as paid labourers in near towns-

• Wake up at 4am.

• Cook,bath,eat

• Reach railway station at 6am.

• Get back at 11pm

• Eat and drop to bed

• Next day again wake up at 4am.

They are spending up to 20 hours of their day out of their home, the youngest babies and children forget their moms.

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Further Sainath adds that-”there is no sphere of activity in this country where rich are not give 5bucks to a poor, you call that a subsidy, you give 5 billion to a rich, that is called incentive, the richer you are ,the bigger the subsidy you get or rather the incentive you can call.”

“Just within the budget talking about the Indian corporate sector, concession of $ 6 million per hour, out side the budget we give them free land, subsidized electricity,we exempt them from range of municipal taxes.For example look at mumbai (financial capital of India)most of the electricity in this city is consumed by the malls and the multi-plexes,a 20 minute powercut in the main mumbai can give a 2 hour electricity to all the troubled villages in Vidarbha, that just can't happen because you can't take 20 minute power from all the beautifulpeople and their malls and multiplexes.”

“look at the hospitals like “Leelawati” , “Appolo”,huge amount of public land would be transformed to them where only 30% of beds are reserved for Poor !! , this has never changed in theory and practice.”

“you know what”Standard Chartered” has been paying for decades for occupying 3600 square yards of some of the world's costliest real estate= less than 1Rs. Per square foot...”'s pretty clear for whom government exist for,when the sensitive index BSE fell ,it took two hours for the finance minister to arrive at Bombay Stock Exchange by a special flight to hold the hands of weeping billionares,but it took 10years for the prime minister to visit the farm lands of poor farmers where more than 40000 people have committed suicides since 1995 according to government data.

“The Fastest Growing Sector in Our Country is not IT,not Software ,it's Inequality”-P.Sainath

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“Hungry Bonny Boy

Begs His Mama For Bread

Mama, Tear-Eyed Points To The Sun Glowing Red

Then Give Me That Bread Now!

Then Give Me That Bread Now !

I Haven't Eaten Since Night Stomach Is Growling

Let This Hot Bread Cool Down Son

So Far, Yet So Scorching It May Blister Your Mouth

The Hot Son Journeyed And Dipped Behind The Mountain

And Waiting For His Bread,

Bonny Boy Went To Sleep Hungry Again.

-Late Shri Krishna Kalamb (farmer Poet, Death BySuicide In 2003)

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Where is Globalization now?

In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty"Every year 15 million children die of hungerFor the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for 5 yearsThroughout the 1990's more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation. Those 100 million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or what the world spends on its military in two days!The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one-third is starving- Since you've entered this site at least 200 people have died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year.One in twelve people worldwide is malnourished, including 160 million children under the age of 5. United Nations Food and AgricultureThe Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world's hungry people. Africa and the rest of Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global EconomyNearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per day, while the world's 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world's people. UNICEF

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3 billion people in the world today struggle to survive on US$2/day.In 1994 the Urban Institute in Washington DC estimated that one out of 6 elderly people in the U.S. has an inadequate diet.In the U.S. hunger and race are related. In 1991 46% of African-American children were chronically hungry, and 40% of Latino children were chronically hungry compared to 16% of white children.The infant mortality rate is closely linked to inadequate nutrition among pregnant women. The U.S. ranks 23rd among industrial nations in infant mortality. African-American infants die at nearly twice the rate of white infants.One out of every eight children under the age of twelve in the U.S. goes to bed hungry every night.Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-Saharan Africa are malnourished.In 1997 alone, the lives of at least 300,000 young children were saved by vitamin A supplementation programmes in developing countries.Malnutrition is implicated in more than half of all child deaths worldwide - a proportion unmatched by any infectious disease since the Black DeathAbout 183 million children weigh less than they should for their ageTo satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion- what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each year.The assets of the world's three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the least developed countries on the planet.Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hungerIt is estimated that some 800 million people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, about 100 times as many as those who actually die from it each year.

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Another Way-

As we have talked about all the parts of present crisis and you have lifted the veil of globalization by yourself - the truth is not always golden..!one may argue that problem lies in governments ,currupted banks and only greedy businesses and they are so big, how can we make our imprint to make a difference in each stage ,but as Annie Leonard put it that it were the people who created it and now it's still upto us who can change it.

And she has suggested number of solutions that are already happening likeGreen Chemistry,Zero Waste,Closed Loop Production, Renewable Energy,local living Economies.

We depend on this system for almost everything, from healthcare, food ,security .so it is not that easy to simply walk out from it for the sake of takes a strong will to do that a new kind of knowledge to create things we need to sustain ourselves and a like minded community supporting such vision.

And as the problem is all pervasive, the change would also be needing from bottom to the top. It won't just occur by changing a mode of business, starting recycling our waste and continuing buy high priced luxury bags on other sides, we need a living, which is pervasive in solving problems from broader perspective of People needs & environmental needs

…...... the brand new mindset !

Luckily we have got some, And in this part we'll see some of these examples ,revolutionized by some people within our world.

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Permaculture is an ecological design system for sustainability in all aspects of human endeavor. It teaches us how build natural homes, grow our own food, restore diminished landscapes and ecosystems, catch rainwater, build communities and much more.

Pracices worldwide-

David W. Orr is the Paul Sears Distinguished Professor of Environmental Studies and Politics and Special Assistant to the President of Oberlin College and a James Marsh Professor at the University of Vermont. He is the recipient of five honorary degrees and other awards including The Millennium Leadership Award from Global Green, the Bioneers Award, the National Wildlife Federation Leadership Award, a Lyndhurst Prize acknowledging “persons of exceptional moral character, vision, and energy.”

for him the solution is in one line-

“One of the shifts that system thinking requires is from depending so heavily on quantity to emphasizing quality as a standard for evaluating ideas,decisions and actions.”

In 1995, David Orr, organised an effort with students, faculty and members of the public to design and build an environmental studies centre at Oberlin college.

Students met in Thirteen planning sessions and thereafter with a group of architects and designers to develop the concepts finally embodied in the Adam Joseph Lewis Center.

The goals they selected for the project included Energy, Waste-Water recycling, elimination of Toxic Materials,and a building that would learn overtime while functioning as a microcosm in

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which to study some of the challenges of building sustainability at a community scale, these also became central to the educational mission that evolved from the project.

The result is a building and a landscape that have become a laboratory for the study of ecologically engineered solutions for waste water, solar energy, ecological restoration,ecological design, data gathering, analysis and display, landscape management and horticulture,and the art of communicating these things to the wider public.but these subjects require mastery of skills different from those required to build an industrial society.

He adds-”We've aimed accordingly,to foster in our students the specific capacities to appraise costs on a life-cycle basis,analyze whole systems,and master new tools such as Geography, information system, as well as the practical skills required to harvest sunshine, grow food, design buildings, restore landscapes and initiate change.

The Lewis Centre,in turn ,was instrumental in analyzing the formation of the cleveland Green Building Coalition, a 75 acre community supported farm, a $13 million building project in downtown ,Oberlin organized by three recent graduates,and a new company consisting of three students and one faculty member focused on commercializing the art and science of the analysis and display of Data such as the energy performance of Buildings.

The Lewis Centre was also instrumental in encouraging college,trustees to adopt a comprehensive environmental policy for the college that includes the goal of becoming climatically neutral. In other words, the building was a means to the larger ends of improving ecological competence and ecological design skills, and initiating real changes.

David adds-”The challenge to us as educators is to equip our students with the practical skills,analytical abilities,philosophical depth and moral wherewithal to remake the human presence in the world, in short order, as history measure these things, they must replace the extractive economy with one that functions on current sunlight, eliminates the concept of waste,uses energy and materials with great effeciency, and distributes wealth fairly within and between generations.We will have to recast the systems by which we provision ourselves with food,energy,water,materials and livelihood,and by which we handle our wastes. These ,in turn imply the need to design organizations that are capable of ecological design...The particular skills of ecological design necessary to a future that is sustainable and spiritually sustaining are in turn means to a still larger end of fostering hope in a world of growing despair and anger,and its offspring,terrorism, whether by individuals, organization or governments.

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In india, there has been similar institutes who cultivate transforming knowledge as the learn.Like

Swaraj universityThe mission of this university is to nurture youth leaders who would be able to start ‘green’ enterprises and movements in their own local communities, and experiment with new ways of personally and collectively living with swaraj in the 21st century.

Focusing on following-

1 Organic farming and organic stores2 Zero waste crafts3 Community media and publishing4 Self-healing techniques and products5 Cooking with indigenous local grains and health foods6 Eco-building, architecture and alternative energy7 Natural fabrics and fashions8 Beyond schooling and learning for the 21st century

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Shikshantar- The people's institute of rethinking education and development

Berkana institute

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Gaia university-UK

Chuck Burr is author of Culturequake: The Restoration Revolution. He is a farmer, teacher and serves on nonprofit boards. Chuck planted his first forest garden in the 1990s. Has been an entrepreneur, traveler, mountaineer, rock and ice climber.

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Auroville city-

Aurovilleis a city in the make in south-India, dedicated to human unity, and based on the vision of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother .

People when coming out of such education institutes leads to become problem-solving enterprenuers the ideologies are different from their counterparts

Daily Dump Inc.

Daily Dump is the brand of a company called Playnspeak.As a service, Daily Dump helps you manage your household waste and convert it to useful high-quality compost. It supports you with flexible service plans to achieve your goal of becoming a green citizen.We’re involved in developing a range of composting solutions, and already have a number of simple home Composters that you can find here. The Daily Dump products are designed to ensure that you compost at home, conveniently and hygienically.

Perhaps our companies would do well to consider some of the principles of slow money:

How can we invest 50% of our assets within 50 miles of where we live?What if there were a new generation of companies that gave away 50% of their profits?What if there was 50% more organic matter in our soil 50 years from now?

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Vertical Gardens-

These days, Mr. Riley’s project isn’t that unusual. Vertical gardens — which began as an experiment in 1988 by Patrick Blanc, a French botanist intent on creating a garden without dirt — are becoming increasingly popular at home. Avid and aspiring gardeners, frustrated with little outdoor space, are taking another look at their walls and noticing something new: more space. And a number of companies are selling ready-made systems and all-in-one kits for gardeners like Mr. Riley who want to do it themselves. (For those who prefer to leave it to the professionals, landscape designers can build vertical gardens for a hefty fee.)

In the last few years, companies that sell green wall supplies have seen a jump in sales. ELT, an Ontario company that specializes in green roofs, began selling living wall systems a little over three years ago and is now one of the biggest suppliers to the United States. Greg Garner, the company’s president, said that its green-wall sales have increased 300 percent since 2008. Four months ago, the company introduced a cheaper, lighter kit to make living walls accessible to the average gardener; prices start at about $40 for a one-square-foot panel.

“We’ve turned living walls into something anyone can do,” Mr. Garner said. “The walls have gone from zero percent of our business leads to 80 percent of our business, and it’s happening all over the place, from the Middle East to North America to Europe.

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Eco-Friendly, Low-cost refrigerator

Mr. Manshuk Lal Raghavji Bhai Prajapati Born – 19-10-1965 Village Wankaner (Gujarat) Dis. Rajkot.

Former President APJ Abdul Kalam called him a 'true scientist'. Mitticool, a clay refrigerator that works without electricity had turned the world's attention to its creator Mansukhbhai Prajapati, a craftsman based in Gujarat.Presenting the national award to Mansukhbhai in 2009, President Pratibha Patil appreciated his work and asked him for a Mitticool.

Scientists and journalists from across the world have visited his unit to see how he makes eco-friendly products at a low cost.

A school drop-out, he has achieved a feat that many in the world envy today. The simple and unassuming Mansukhbhai is not keen on money. His ambition is to make more low-cost and eco-friendly products for the masses.

"A good majority of Indians cannot buy a fridge as it is expensive. Besides this, electricity bills and maintenance cost is also high. Mitticool is an eco-friendly product which has no maintenance costs. It also retains the original taste of vegetables, says Mansukhbhai who has sold 1500 units so far.

"I failed in the tenth standard. But I was not disappointed as I knew that I was capable of making something new," says Mansukhbhai who holds a patent for Mitticool.

People who considered him as incapable, now look up to him. They say, "you are the pride of our community!"

He has been popularising earthen products since 1988. The only drawback for him is the lack of stores to sell them.

The products are mostly available in Gujarat and in some stores in Mumbai and Pune only. Besides, the low-cost fridge, he has developed a water filter, non-stick tava and a pressure cooker all made of clay. And he has many more innovative ideas.

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The Bhoomi Conference, 2011 for Students, Teachers and Life-long Learners About Bhoomi Network Bhoomi Network is a not-for-profit organization committed to education and sharing of ideas on sustainable living. they network and provide platforms through: • The ‘Eternal Bhoomi’ Magazine – which offers powerful writings of holistic thinkers and is sent to over 4000 colleges and schools in India. • The Bhoomi Conference – An annual event which is organized as a platform for those concerned about sustainable living. • Programmes – offered through the year on: Learning from Wilderness, Food and Eco-wisdom, Organic Terrace Gardening, Transition to a Conscious Kitchen, Inner and Outer Ecology • Workshops – for school and college students on Food and Sustainable Living.

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REVOLUTION is ON !!, when are you joining?

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Bibliography-1> RSA animate-”Changing education paradigms”

2>Seetha Anansthivian “The Unconscious Learning” article published in Bhoomi Magazine- December,2010

3>”Money,Banking and The Federal Reserve”-

4>”Can US dollar Collapse” at

5>”The story of the stuff” at

6>Nero's guest at

7>David Orr “The learning curve” published in Bhoomi Magazine,December,2010

8>Swaraj University

9>Berkana institute

10>Gaia University

11>Chuck Burr-


13>and businesses

14> by Mr. Mansukhbhai- low cost fridge

15>Bhoomi conference 2011 at bangalore-what's the good life?

16>Books-International Business Environment by Charles.W.L.Hill

17>”Manmohan's India” by V.S. Mahajan


19>permaculture institute

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