The Global Adventure : The Science of Giving

The global adventure

Transcript of The Global Adventure : The Science of Giving

The global adventure


Costa Rica

Could it be the most effective country in the world?

What are you optimising for?

what you measure you manage

The Habit of GivingLittle and often

developing the habit in the workplace

True EffectSocial Effect Capital Effect

No risk,No thing.

Dave & Louis

Small Voices Big Ideas!

80,000 views 150 countries

85 applications20 countries

select top 25 interview top 10 1 solvey spotlight

one wave

getting physical in naturegiving permission to talkmaking it desirable

$10 crowd fund?

intelligence // social // financial

What work is worth doing?

Back to Costa Rica!

Social Progress Index : 77.88

More progress than Italy!

At 77.88 is above the UN global goals target 75.00On a mere $10.500 pc income.

Increasing GDP in Poor Countries is good but has diminishing returns and its not destiny.

There is MORE going on Pura Vida!

They have enough because they are enough.

Make something

Create firstLeverage it to scale

The Goal is EduaimoniaHuman flourishing

we can only manage what we can measure

If what we measure is misguided then we are screwed!!!

I dont know whats next

I dont know whats next

The Global Adventure

When you have gone as big as you can, all that is left is to go deeper. deeper into meaning, deeper into love, deeper into the smallest gifts,that come from above.

Once you go as deep as you can, not science nor religion can affect your stance. left only with your observance of matter, it matters where you glance.

We dont know if a tree makes a sound when no-one is there to hear it but we know if you are, then it changes something deep within us.