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Transcript of The Genie Mind Copyright ® 2015 ManifestationIntelligence ... · The Genie Mind Copyright ® 2015...

The Genie Mind Copyright ® 2015 All Rights Reserved

The Genie Mind Copyright ® 2015 All Rights Reserved

Hi everyone,

This is Kads Adams and today I want to talk to you about some amazing secrets of the mind so you

can manifest more of what you want!

I think it’s easy to underestimate the mind because we got it for free at birth. And it tends to be that

the things we get for free, we take for granted, so we don’t really realise their true value or

significance to us.

The things we pay for (like the TV, cars and clothing) are actually very cheap and can be replaced at

any time. But the things we got for free like our mind, happiness, love, friends and family, hearts to

feel and eyes to see - are priceless - and the most important things in life.

Once we realise how amazing and priceless our minds really are, we should learn to respect it and

treat it as a prized asset. But once you do that and get to TRUE grips with it's amazing power, an

awesome amount of inner and outer prosperity is yours!

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, my story was that I used to work in London, UK and I was desperate

for a way out of my situation. I had a high-powered sales job in the financial district in London, and

you’d think that’d be a good thing, but it wasn’t. I didn’t want to be stuck in the rat race as a slave to

someone else, working in a job that I wasn’t truly passionate about, and around people who seemed

to have lost their souls to money. I also had no free time for friends and family then and I would

wonder to myself if this was what the rest of my life was going to look like.

I never gave up hope though because I always thought to myself that there’s many people way

worse off than me and if I worked at it, I’d find a way out. And the secret I found was that the mind

IS the secret.

Actually, I first got interested in the power of the mind when I was a kid, and since then I’ve been

hooked. But it only really went through to the next level when my life was going south and I had to

do some serious soul searching. My first proper business started off in fact as a mind training one

and from there the sky has been the limit.

You should take this little guide as an example of the amazing mind power manifesting knowledge

which is out there.

And at the end of this e-book, I’ll also talk about each of these points through video so you can get a

proper understanding of what things are really about.

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And once you’ve finished, remember to check out the Laws Of Mind® system which is the true secret

to manifesting. The awesome thing is that this a full video series that goes way deeper than the law

of attraction and ties all the loose ends of manifestation together.

To view the text version with information on the course, go here.

To view the Laws Of Mind video presentation, go here.

If you need a payment plan, go here.

Me talking about the mysteries of the mind and manifestation on the Gili Islands, off Bali, Indonesia.

The Genie Mind Copyright ® 2015 All Rights Reserved

I’ve also shot manifestation videos in Singapore and Edinburgh, Scotland, talking about the mysteries

and secrets of true manifestation and how you can achieve more of the things you want with the

power of the mind. This information goes way deeper than simple things like the law of attraction

and is a really comprehensive and interactive guide to success that I think you’ll love.

The main benefit is that you get someone experienced with manifestation to teach you the ins and

outs in person. There’s so much hype and myths nowadays that its clear to me a video course like

this is really needed to help people. This is by far the best information on manifesting that ties all the

loose ends together and explains things from the point of view of the true secret – which is the Laws

Of Mind®

Anyway, let’s get on to the information in this guide which will really help you too!

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Secret 1: Muscle tension can create

limiting beliefs.

This secret is unknown to most people but amazingly, tension in the body and in your muscles is one

of the causes of limiting beliefs. When we feel tense, we can interpret things differently and that

can affect our thinking and mindset.

On the flip side, the amazing thing is that when you learn to fully relax the body and release all and

any bits of tension, you'll quickly remove a lot of limiting beliefs, and that will make you feel great!

I never realised that I had a lot of tension in my body myself until I started relaxing fully and letting

go of everything and anything. I always thought that my mindset was everything in my head, totally

underestimating the importance of the body.

It’s a wonderful feeling to realise that your whole mindset can almost magically change just by

releasing tension. We’ll talk about some things you can do to work on this, but for now, know that

relaxing the muscles can open up your mind to a totally new world.

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The Body-Mind Connection Re-Explored

You've probably heard about the body-mind connection already and this is where tension links in.


KEY POINT: If you release tension in the body, you also release it in the mind – and it’s amazing

because it really does work!


Things like butterflies in our stomach, a slight pull around the chest or just general rigidness in the

shoulder and arms are classic examples of tension that can affect our thinking and beliefs. We can

even have tension in our thighs, legs and back, and all of that affects our thinking and mindset.

One of the other super important areas of tension is in the face – and it was a shock to me when I

almost turned into a completely different person just be relaxing my face more. We have lots of little

muscles in our face and just fully letting go can feel surreal and deeply relaxing the first time you do

it. Just releasing the facial muscles can take a massive weight of your shoulders – and it’s amazing

because it works!

The next thing to say is that when the beliefs are gone, you feel free, alive and energised! You're

able to invest your mental and positive energy more easily for anything you want. Every part of your

life then improves automatically, and that releases even more tension because you feel great about

what's manifesting in your life and what can come up next.

When things go well in our lives, we tend to relax physically, in terms of being more chilled out,

emotionally in control and more smiley and happy. And that’s what reinforces the manifestation


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Ways we can release the tension to release

subconscious beliefs that hold us back

So, we’ve talked really briefly about how relaxing certain parts of the body is key, but how exactly do

we do that? That’s what this section is about….

Here’s a few things you can try:

Get a regular massage - body, foot, shoulder or head

A deep massage is a great way to release everything in your body. It feels great to fully unwind and

relax and your mindset and perspective in life can always stay fresh, with clear energy from a regular


There’s so many different types of massage out there too, like hot stone, body, foot, shoulder or

head - so see what works for you or experiment!

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Chilling on the beach, going for a walk somewhere tranquil, getting fresh air regularly

I love going for a walk on the beach and recently had an awesome trip to Bali which was an amazing

experience, because it was a totally different world from back home. We also went on the Gili

Islands nearby where the water is crystal clear and everything is more relaxing.

Even back in Scotland, there’s plenty of greenery and places for fresh air and it really helps clear your

mind out. Getting around nature is truly just plain powerful for letting to go of everything that can

be lurking in your body and mind. It’s the natural energy and force of nature that replenishes and

cleanses your whole system inside and out!

Experiencing the natural beauty of the world can also expand your horizons and make you see that

in the big scheme of things, anything and everything is part of the wonderful and amazing whole.

Having a good laugh – comedy and hanging out with good friends

Good friends can turn your mood around when you least expect it. You can be yourself and this

helps you to relax and release more.

Eating good food that lightens your body

Lots of fruit and vegetables is a fantastic way to lighten the body and activate your mind. Foods that

are best avoided are:

MSG - also known as Monosodium Glutamate or E621 – though it might taste good and add taste to

food it’s actually pretty dangerous for your mind and should be avoided as much as possible. Sadly

it's in a lot of foods so you’ll need to check the ingredients. Personally for me, MSG really ruins my

day by making me lazy, clogging my mind and stopping concentration.

Foods like noodles, crisps, biscuits, canned food, seasoning and pastas normally have MSG in them.

All kinds of artificial sweeteners, preservatives and colors

All kinds of junk foods

White foods - e.g. things with white flour e.g. white bread (these make you fat)

The fact is, when your mind is clear, you think about things better, feel happier and more confident.

Learning to relax your facial muscles

We’ve touched on this briefly already but since your face is close to your brain, learning to relax your

face can have a massive impact on how you feel overall.

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The way to do this is just to sit there and relax the muscles of your jaw and cheeks. This might feel

awkward at first and it takes a bit of time to get the hang of how to relax them, but once you do,

you’ll realise just how much tension there was in your face. You’ll feel way better too!

Going on holiday and discovering new cultures and civilisations

Discovering the world and going to a place you've never been is a great way to feel differently about

yourself and realise that the things you thought were important or were bugging you, really aren't

that important or real after all. There’s so many places to choose from here – Asia is massive, as is

Africa and South America – the possibilities and experiences here are just plain amazing to think


The amazing thing about getting in a new place where nobody knows you is it can also help you feel

at ease to just be yourself. Holiday places are great for just generally chilling out, doing things

differently, finding out more about yourself and more!

Meeting new people and expanding your horizons

Meeting cool new people can help you see things from a different perspective and help you develop

yourself as a person too. You learn more about yourself, and especially when you meet people who

are totally relaxed and open to sharing their life experiences with you.

People actually connect with one another more on the subconscious level, and there's lot of weird

and wonderful signals being transferred between people all the time, like energy transfer signals,

body language, intonation, facial expressions and so on.

With energy transfer, what happens is that you pick up the energy of the other person. So if they are

really relaxed, you pick up on that energy and mirror it. What someone else feels is basically the

same as what you would feel yourself.

Getting in the gym or outdoors to have a vigorous workout

Getting the hormones flowing is great for changing your mindset. The way we think about things is

affected by the chemicals and hormones in our body, and its true to say that getting lots of

confidence and happiness boosting hormones through your system will only help you feel great!

You’ll interpret things more positively, like yourself more and get more return from your efforts –

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Secret 2: You have an energy field around

you called an aura which influences your

manifestation - just getting around the

powerful auras of other people can boost

your manifesting too

I remember a few years back when I went to my first ever business event which taught me a massive

lesson about the aura. I went there because I was totally new to business and my business at the

time was just getting off the ground, with me making just a sale or two a day.

I was just being social in the foyer and I bumped into a gentleman in the marketing field who had an

amazing aura about him. I could just see the concentration and focus in this guy’s eyes, and I felt

sucked in by his presence and demeanour. I could tell he was a really successful person just from the

energy he was giving off and the power in his eyes affected my own mindset and thinking right

away. The amazing thing is that on that same day, I noticed my business sales suddenly shoot up like

crazy! And I hadn’t changed or done a single thing differently, except for going to that business event

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and talking to that guy – and I knew straight away it was that conversation that did it, because the

energy transfer I was getting was just phenomenal!

You see…the aura and energy of another person can create powerful changes in your life very

quickly. Energy is such a weird and wonderful thing – it’s all around us and has amazing power. The

subtle energy field around super manifesters is just awesome, and it will definitely help you to get

around them and get some of that special magnetic power!


Key Point: If you want to manifest quickly, a quick shortcut you can use is just to get around super

successful people who ARE manifesting themselves. The influence and energy of those people will

simply rub off on you, and you'll end up getting the same results as them. It’s bizarre but it’s true.


It's also a good idea to clean your aura every now and again so you’ve only got good energies

floating about - and you can do that by clapping around your aura (with your hands) as that can

dissolve negative energies, or also things like smudging, bathing in sea salt and a cold shower (to

reset your chakras).

Some other things to try:

If you're looking to attract wealth, hang about with wealthy people. Even 10 minutes with them is

enough to create enough changes in your aura system. You can find wealthy people at business

events, business seminars or exclusive clubs like a golf club. Business events are especially good as

they normally have networking opportunities where it’s easy to introduce yourself and meet people.

If you’re looking to attract or get good with people, get around social people. For this, go to socials,

join a meetup group, or take part in a hobby where they have regular get togethers. This gives you

opportunities to meet people.

If you’re looking to attract spirituality, get around spiritual people. There’s plenty of places here –

any temple, place of worship or similar is the place to go.

If you’re looking to attract happiness, get around happy people and away from negative people.

Happy people are literally everywhere.

And so on….

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Secret 3: Deep breaths through the stomach

help release subconscious blocks and limiting

beliefs – so you can manifest more naturally

It’s amazing to think that just taking deep breaths can have such an amazing impact on how

you think and feel, but it's true. Most people breath shallow, meaning through their upper

chest. The real power though lies in breathing from your stomach and abdomen area

because here you're able to take on more oxygen and air.

Most of my life I used to breath shallow and wondered why I didn’t feel grounded! But the

thing is, I was never taught how to breath the right way so just breathed in what I thought

was “normal”. So…take a look at your breathing pattern right now and see where you’re

breathing from – from the chest or the stomach? How deep is your natural breaths? Shallow

or deep? That can tell you a lot about your state of mind and it can affect your beliefs,

thinking and a whole load of other things.

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Just breathing in from the stomach helps you become more genuine, more relaxed, more

centered and connected to everything around you. It basically helps get rid of all the

garbage that could be flying around so you’re totally able to be yourself.

Deep breaths mean more energy for your brain and body and it stops your brain being in a

"flight or fight response" the whole time, which can happen with shallow breathing. It helps

you to calm down and relax more.

So, the important thing is to make breathing from your stomach a habit, instead of through

the chest, because it'll have a massive impact on your life. You'll feel and interpret things

differently and you'll feel a lot of tension releasing in your body.

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Secret 4: Thinking too much bogs down your

manifestation and can create limiting beliefs

on the fly – living in the moment is the key

Years ago I used to be an over thinker – I think having a philosophy degree doesn’t help me

either because it can make you think in a complicated way! But…the truth is, thinking too

much in general can definitely bog your manifestations down if you’re not careful, and it

took me a while to figure this out, but it’s true.

Sometimes we aren’t aware of how much we’re thinking in our heads because it comes

across as normal, and we might be doing it our whole lives. But it’s definitely important to

have a balance between thinking “internally” on the inside and putting your whole attention

“externally” on the outside. Mental balance is what’s needed.

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So, when I realised this, what I did was learn instead to live in the moment. That means

putting your whole attention on the here and now instead of in some fantasy mental world

with no basis in reality and having random thoughts flying about (also called the “monkey


Living in the moment makes you concentrate in on the moment and you get a sort of

“mental bliss” that makes you feel enlightened almost and full of joy (when it reaches a

certain point). Eventually living in the moment gets you into The Zone of peak performance

and productivity. Living in the moment is just plain amazing for helping to calm and clear

your mind down and has a lot of the same benefits as meditation.

Another important note is that what you’re thinking in your head isn’t necessarily

significant. Sometimes we can overrate our own thoughts or give them too much

importance, when they actually mean very little. So, that means its ok to ignore thoughts

that come in your head, instead of trying to react and base your decisions on them. This can

be a bit awkward to do at first if you’re not used to it, but you’ll get the hang of it over time.

You simply detach from your whole head, almost like being an external observer that can

look and laugh at all the “mental craziness” going on inside.

The point here is you get full mental and physical relief when you’re able to let go. That

happens when you can detach from your thoughts, or are able to live in the moment.

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Secret 5: Programming your mind just before

bed is super powerful - it works and we

highly recommend it

This has been one of the most powerful ways to re-program your subconscious and I'd highly

recommend you do this every single night as the last thing you do before bed, because it works.

It only works though when your mind power has reached a certain critical level, because otherwise

you aren't able to get deep enough into the subconscious (which is what the Laws Of Mind® course

will help you do)


Key point: The stronger your mind power, the greater access you have to the subconscious. Its

only here that re-programming really shines and works properly for you. If your mind power is

weak, re-programming becomes difficult.


It’s a good idea to use something like Microsoft Word or Pages on a Mac to write down a list of

things you want to program into your subconscious. Write out the list of things you want to achieve

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and feel free to edit your document every now and again to make adjustments (because sometimes

we change our minds or want to word things slightly differently down the line).

A good idea that’s proved really useful for me is to store your document on the cloud - like on free

services like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive, so you can access the doc anywhere you are. That

way you can even download it using your smartphone or tablet before bed to read your document.

What I do is get my smartphone, open up OneDrive and then open up the document. This has a list

of all the goals I want to achieve, and all the things in my life that I want to work on, or are important

to me. The amazing thing is that just by doing this, all of those important things stay at the forefront

of my mind, so I’m able to focus on them more during the day and actually put them into place


Example – Healthy Foods Fell On The Wayside, but Re-Established When Programmed Before Bed

The truth is, the modern life is so hectic that sometimes our important goals can fall by the way side.

For example, I once had the important goal of only eating healthy foods every day, but I

automatically ended up giving up because I had so many other goals at the same time which took up

all my time – like business goals for instance which took up a lot of my mental focus, so that the

healthy food goal wasn’t in my awareness AT ALL.

I would sit there with my munchies every day and wondered why I wasn’t succeeding in eating

healthier – and then it struck me – the goal wasn’t in my awareness or programmed in my mind!

After reading the goal again before bed, it always stays at the forefront of my awareness and that

helps me eat healthier. Otherwise what I’ll find is that I’ll start eating junk again. What habits you

have and how much drive you have to achieve your goals is all a matter of mental programming.


Super Important Point: If you want to achieve a goal, you need to program it in your mind every

single day so that it’s part of your reality and mental awareness on some level. Otherwise what

happens is that it’ll fall on the wayside because your mental focus is on so many different things

throughout the day, that the goal gets lost completely. The subconscious mind is sensitive, and

whatever doesn’t get programmed into it is simply discarded.


You can change every and any aspect of your life - health, relationships, spirituality, confidence,

academics, wealth, creativity etc. Every area of your life can benefit from this - whatever you want

to do, right down what you need to get done or what you want to focus on, and just read it before

bed. Keep doing this and the effects will totally mind boggle you.

Remember I said elsewhere that one of the most amazing secrets is that "you will draw into your life

what you continuously think about" - and all you need to do here is continue to think about the

things you really need created in your life, and it'll be drawn to you.

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Now, if you're asking why you need to do this immediately before bed time and not another part of

the day, then listen up. Whatever you implant in your mind before bed goes deeper into the

subconscious and changes your beliefs and mindset more directly. Whereas during the day, your

conscious mind is fully active and stops the suggestions entering the subconscious that easily.

The key basically is to get deep into the subconscious and change things about in there.

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The Laws Of Mind® System

Please remember to view my story here and how the Laws Of Mind® system can genuinely help you

– the course is basically a full video series shot and comprehensive training to work every area of

manifestation and give you the full lowdown once and for all. This is the true secret at last.

Me talking about the mysteries of the mind and manifestation on the Gili Islands, off Bali, Indonesia.

Im also talking about manifestation in Singapore and Edinburgh, Scotland.

I’d love to teach you everything I’ve learned over the years about the amazing Laws Of Mind®


This is a comprehensive and complete manifestation course that can turn your life around. I’ve read

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hundreds of books and bought so many courses over the years, and the truth is, things still didn’t

work out in the way I’d hoped…until I stumbled on the Laws Of Mind.

I want you to genuinely think and see for yourself whether I have the true secret or not, because

you’re obviously smart or you wouldn’t be reading this information. To me, it’s a dream come true

knowing I can change people’s lives and I believe I have something a bit different that genuinely

does work and will tie all the loose ends of manifestation together for you.

To Your Success!

Kads Adams and the Mind One Digital Team