The Geeks at False Utopia present -

1 | Page The Geeks at False Utopia present Arena team sport fun In The Fields of Blood Grand Tournament! A crazy idea from the warped brain of Andy t and Chris whitehead

Transcript of The Geeks at False Utopia present -

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The Geeks at False Utopia present

Arena team sport fun In The

Fields of Blood Grand Tournament!

A crazy idea from the warped brain of Andy t and Chris whitehead

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Legal Bit

We at False Utopia love fantasy team sports and have grown up around amazing games, books, and films that have ultimately inspired this LRP system. This system is a not for profit system and as with our other ventures, none of the profit gained from this system is spent in a way that is not for the benefit of False Utopia events. I.e. the hiring of sites for which to run future F.U. events and buying safety gear for crew. The remainder of the profit is given to a charity of our choosing which at this time is “Help is for Heroes”.

This game is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Epic, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Battlefleet Gothic, the Battlefleet Gothic logo, Necromunda, the Necromunda Plate logo, the Necromuinda Stencil logo, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, City of the Damned, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl font, the Blood Bowl logo, the Blood Bowl Spike device, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Warmaster and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, Warhammer 40,000 universe and the Warhammer World are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Glossary of terms There are several terms used throughout this rule book which are explained below: LRP – Live Roleplay REF – Referee (or Marshall) this is someone either running the event or who has been nominated by the person running the event to be able to make character-affecting rules calls during the event. NPC – Non Player Character IC – In character, this is when you are considered to be roleplaying your character and as such all actions and words are viewed as spoken or performed by your character. Players are encouraged to stay in character as much as possible during time in. OOC – Out Of Character, this is a state where you are not IC and as such nothing you say or do has an impact on the game world. STONE – An audible drum beat denoting a unit of In Character time measurement roughly equal to 1 second played during a game of Arena.


All the people who play tested and proof read the rules, Everyone who got involved on the forums,

Everyone who helped and encouraged us to do this, Andrea Craddock for the artwork, which is beyond awesome!

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Section 1: Introduction Contents Page Number Spirit of the Game 5 History and Origins of the Game 6 Nations of the world – The Great Nation of Narl 7 The Imperial Kingdom of Mercia 8 The Island Nation of Sheeara 9 The Great Plains of Saha 10 The Forests of Mystvale 11 The Southern Wastelands 12 The Frozen Wastes of Northland 13 The Spires of Altaraan 14 The Pyramids of Baast 15

Section 2: Character Creation Choose a character concept 16 Choose a race 17-18 Statlines explained 19

Section 3: Create a Team Create a team and a note on currency 20 Buying players 21 Nations and Team selection 22-24 Buying Equipment 25-26 Example Team Roster: “The Callous Ratboyz” 27

Section 4: Players Manager 28 Necromancer 29 Apothecary 30 Mage 31 Cheerleader/Hooligan 32 Thrower 33 Runner 34 Blitzer 35 Blocker 36 Lineman 37 Player Scrolls, Stealing Scrolls, Spending XP and the effect of Fame 38

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Section 5: How to play Arena The Pitch and its Zones 39-40 The Rules of Arena 41-42 Apothecaries and Healing 43-44 Combat outside of the Arena 44

Section 6: Calls and Effects OOC Calls 45 IC Calls and effects 46-47

Section 7: Mutations Mutations explained 48-49

Resources Blank Player Scroll (Front) 50 Blank Player Scroll (Reverse) 51 Blank Team Roster (Front) 52 Blank Team Roster (Reverse) 53

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Section 1.0: Introduction “Arena: The Fields of Blood Tournament” is a fantasy team sport set within a live role-playing setting that immerses the player (you!) in to an alternative world of roleplay within a world where rival nations plot and scheme against each other both in the shadows and in an ancient tournament where champions from across the known world battle for supremacy over 20 minutes of hard fought play with sword, magic, shield, spear and pigskin! Players have a choice of nations, races and classes they can play, each with their own advantages and disadvantages which define what you have to use in the game and how you will be able to develop your character. Teams new and old look for new ways to score touchdowns and injure opponents to achieve top position in the League of Arena Rules and Participation‟s (L.A.R.P) most notable and prestigious fantasy football tournament.

Section 1.1: Spirit of the Game Arena: The Fields of Blood Tournament is above all things homage to the great fantasy team sports genre that we feel has been so rudely passed over. We encourage all our players to have fun, this game is about the spirit of the game rather than being hung up on complicated rules. All players are asked to have respect for each other, the event organisers and themselves. Please do not play outside the rules and please do not challenge others when you think they are cheating, rather approach a referee who will happily deal with the situation for you.

IMPORTANT BIT! We know that all team sports, fantasy or otherwise, have the potential to create moments of high adrenaline and highly charged situations. We would ask you all to consider your actions during the event and be mindful that this is a game and others have paid just as much as you to be there. If you have any issues, please speak to a referee or go the Games Operations Desk where we are more than happy to help you work through whatever issue has arisen.

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Section 1.2: Origins of the Arena The war of Mercia and Narl had waged for longer than either Warchief Grotfang or King Darius could remember, day by day reports reached both sides of how the Orc Warrior Horde would push the Human Shield Wall back only to be pushed back again by the Knights of the Mercian Empire, who would in turn meet the Orc Warrior horde and eventually…you guessed it…fall back… No one was getting anywhere and the rest of the world watched what was now fast becoming a farcical display of how not to wage war. Eventually, Warchief Grotfang sent word to King Darius for the two too meet and discuss terms in the one uncontested realm that stood between Narl and Mercia, The Mountains of Fierrond. These talks lasted months as the Warchief and the King argued over whose land the mountains belonged too. It was during these talks that Sir Silas Blakstar and his retinue became somewhat bored of the talks between the Orcs and humans and started to play a game where a helm had to be carried over a certain distance in order to make a score. This team sport was observed by an Orc band named the “The Green Fangs” who quickly created their own version of the game. Once Silas found out about the Orcs he and his men approached the Orc group and they agreed terms of conflict. Over the next few hours a pitch was drawn out and the two teams “The Green Fangs” and “The Black Hearts” set to playing against each other. The match lasted some 4 hours and drew the attention of both sides and both King Darius and Warchief Grotfang. Both the King and Warchief agreed that the winner of the match would be hailed the winner of the battle and watched the match unfold. The final score as agreed by both was 178-177 in favour of the “Green Fangs” and the Orc Warchief claimed the Mountains of Fierrond for himself. Since then, the Orcs of Narl and the Humans of Mercia have continued to challenge each other every year in a grand tournament now named “The Fields of Blood”. Over the years, more and more races have joined the tournament and recently a league and governing body has been set up to administrate the growing Arena sport.

Artwork Here

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Section 1.3: Nations of the world

The Great Nation of Narl Populated almost entirely of Orc Clans, the nation of Narl is a dangerous place to visit. Traditions of honour must be obeyed at all time and the martial, if not savage nature of the Orc‟s can make them quick tempered. Within Narl, Only one thing holds any real power; respect. Respect is gained from deeds, not words and citizens of Narl are always looking to prove themselves in the eyes of War Chiefs, Shaman and other notables, hoping to get elevated above their positions. Those who have respect are afforded respect by all those who are of lower station, it is proper that within Narl, offerings should be made to your betters upon visiting. Failure to provide a suitable gift has meant the demise of many visitors both within and from without Narl.

Races in Narl

Orc By far the most numerous race in Narl, the Orcs are tough, strong and have a very rigid code of honour within their society. Not the most intelligent creatures, they suffer with spell casting greatly, relying on skill at arms over magic.

Troll Not as numerous as the Orcs, the Trolls are a larger than human sized race that have evolved some ability to regenerate. Residing in the marshes and near the great lakes of Narl; the Troll population are well known for their less than adequate intelligence and there sheer brutality in the Arena.

Goblin In Narl, the Goblin tribes are the least numerous and by far the most vicious. Living high in the mountains, they survive by hunting and raiding travellers unlucky enough to stray within their territory. Goblins are by nature cowardly, preferring to attack in packs, using numbers and their natural agility to their advantage.

Human Slaves In Narl, Humans are often slaves to powerful Orcs. In some rare instances they are allowed to have a minor station but this never really amounts to anything more than a more important slave in the eyes of their masters. The Slaves of Narl have been known to rebel against their slavers in the past, but these poor unfortunates are usually conscripted to the armies or worse still…the arena; playing for their right to carry on living as a slave.

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The imperial Kingdom of Mercia Nowhere in the world is the touch of civilisation felt as much as the Kingdom of Mercia. Stone cities, roads, sewers, farms and many more marvels exist within its extensive borders. The capital city of Middenbourogh stands as a shining light to the nation and the Imperial Palace and seat of the King and Queen of Mercia, stands as the single largest, and most opulent, structure in the known world. It is within the walls of the Imperial Palace that Knights, Lords, Ladies and Bureaucrat‟s from every corner of the realm engage in political manoeuvring to gain more control, more title and greater wealth while outside the walls peasants work themselves to death in the farms and peasant villages. Far from the protection of the Cities and their lords, these poor unfortunates suffer while the rich and powerful dine on the fruits of their labour and dissention grows ever closer…

Races in Mercia

Human Noble To be born with a silver spoon in one‟s mouth, that‟s the term that accurately fits the noble born elite of Mercia. Never engaging in any actual combat, they are the fops with the money that buys them the best equipment and players for the Arena games. Enjoying tea parties, cake parties, and any other party you care to dream up; the nobles of Mercia are a rich bunch of fops with more money than sense.

Human Knight Serving a lord of Mercia is an honour, to have served as a former knight‟s squire and worked to the rank of Knight is a noble quest. These honour bound elite warriors are often called to a Nobles retinue and sworn to service. Sometimes they are sent to the Arena to uphold Mercia‟s reputation against the other nations.

Human Privateer For some, the thrill of courtly intrigue doesn‟t hold enough excitement. For these, a life of adventure awaits as a pirate on the open seas, a highwayman on the roads or as a bounty hunter working for the nobles and charging extortionate rates for easy captures or quiet assassinations.

Human Scholar Being the most civilised of the nations, Mercia has large universities in 3 of its largest cities; Middenbourogh, Knarwick and Londinium. Scholars at the universities learn healing, magic and skills required of court physicians and the like.

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The Island Nation of Sheeara Rising several kilometres from the ocean and with a diameter of 126 kilometres; Sheeara is a place of wonder for many. The mix of craggy peaks, twisting spires, extensive cavern networks and steep pathways makes the island all but alien to all but its inhabitants. Recently, with a mixture of pulleys and strengthened rope, the island has created a system of lifts that allow visitors the chance to visit many of the colonies in this unusual place. Although the islands inhabitants live in a state of peace currently, there is no formal alliance between them and it is not unheard of for small but brutal altercations to arise from time to time.

Races of Sheeara

Elves The Elves reside at the very top of the island in aeries crafted by ancient powerful magic flowing from the rock as if they were grown by the island itself. Elves are haughty, arrogant and hold themselves aloof to the affairs of others. Conversely, many others shun the Elves as they only gain sustenance from the negative emotions of others, feeding off hate, anger and death. Consummate Spell Caster‟s; they have recently started to look to the world for further trade and found the Arena games in which negative emotions run high. An ideal place for feeding; and some rare occasions…playing!

Roden Woven within the island of Sheerara are extensive tunnel systems that house one of the most common bestial races of Sheeara. These rodent-like humanoids live in vast family groups called clans led by old Mages whose vision guides the clan. Most Ratkin prize gem stones above coin and a Roden‟s worth is measured by his hoard. That said, the Roden are miners and traders for the most part and keep out of the warlike affairs of others. If provoked however, they are capable fighters who use their agility to take down larger, tougher opponents.

Avians One of the most mysterious of races on Sheeara, The Avian‟s reside in the mid to upper tiers of the island where they colonise in great numbers. While some have the ability to use their bird like physiology to hop short distances, Avians are essentially humanoid birdlike creatures without the ability to fly. With no real politics, the Avians seem to live in harmony with each other and have a natural affinity for nature and have a strong alliance with elementals of the Air Court. No surprises then that Avian‟s make excellent sages and scholars are sought out for their ability to negotiation and mediation. Avians of Sheeara are often in bright cours such as Red, Green or Blue. It is extremely rare to find Grey or Black Avians in Sheeara.

Felynx Living on the lowest tier of the island, these catlike creatures have a culture of honour that puts most other cultures to shame. With a strict hierarchy and most of their days spent mastering martial forms such as sword, axe, club and claw they are fierce warriors and intimidating foes in the arena. Visiting the Felynx requires the guest to be very aware of their words, as the smallest slight could find them embroiled in a duel to the death with one of the warriors or warlords.

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The Great Plains of Saha Dividing the nation of Narl and the Forests of Mystvale are the vast deserts of the Saha. It is here that several cultures call home where survival is bred in to the core of every living creature calling this harsh and unforgiving mixture of sand, rock and oasis home. Although there are several settlements within the Great Plains, there are also several nomadic tribes that move from place to place, never staying to long in one place. Altercations between tribes of Saha are frequent when they meet at a site of interest for both, ritual combat through the Arena‟s and sacrifice (also sometimes part of the Arena fun) are also rumoured to be core to the beliefs of some of the Great Plain dwellers.

Human Dervish These humans spend their life surviving in the harshness of Saha. They are no stranger to combat are extremely aggressive when the needs arises. Fiercely proud and unwilling to back away from a fight, the Dervishes of Saha have little fear of outsiders and prefer not to speak to them unless they have something of interest to the caravan. Within Dervish tribes, status is determined by the size of the caravan they travel in; slaves, horses, camels, women and children all count towards the respect afforded by other nomadic tribes. To this end it is not unheard of for Dervishes to leave Saha and go on protracted slave hunts throughout the bordering lands of Mercia.

Lizardman These snake like humanoids reside in the rocky places of the plains; extremely adept at hunting, the Lizardmen have extremely acute senses and a hunting instinct almost second to none. Living in small communities within the rocks of 10-20, they rely on quick strikes and their natural armour and speed to compensate for their lack of fortitude. Lizardmen are mistrustful creatures whose loyalty is earned by outsmarting them in hunting or games of martial skill.

Yynsid The Yynsid are extremely secretive and dwell in hidden tunnels below the surface of the sand. Living in groups of up to 60, these insectoids all swear fealty to a queen who assigns them station and purpose within their hive. Single minded and extremely tough, they are ambushers of extreme skill and their ferocity offsets their inability with magic. Yynsid are rarely wasteful however, and will only ambush and kill when the hive needs food or resources; if the hive is sufficiently stocked then no one has anything to fear

Controversy! The first Yynsid team to enter the arena caused controversy after its third game in the tournament, when the ref’s and league commissioner were informed of illegal substitions from the dugout, as injured Yynsid players were exchanged for an identical looking healthy player from a secret entrance in the dugout. This was deemed Improper Conduct by the referee leading the match, who ordered the tournaments entire hot water supply from catering being poured down the hole before sealing it over. The Yynsid team forfeited the match at the end of the next down due to lack of players.

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The Forests of Mystvale Mystvale spans most of the western side of the continent of Taranasia from the Desert of Saha to its East, The Galantic Ocean to its North and West and stretching south to the northern border of the Wastelands. This diverse forest is where a striking variety of races and cultures call home. With no official governing body, the races of Mystvale govern themselves and in times of need will pull together to repel invaders or other threats.

The Human tribes of the Celts Situated on the Northern Coastal area of the forest, these human tribes live in relative harmony with the forest and its creatures. Predominantly farmers and hunters, they are extremely territorial and will go to war to protect their livelihood. In recent years however, the popularity of the Arena has tempted more than one Celt to form a team and try their luck. With their proud heritage, Warrior Woading and Kilts, they can be a fearsome sight on the pitch.

Fae The Fae of Mystvale move from place to place so often no one could really say in which area they mostly live. What is known is that Fae are vicious creatures who hunt their prey in packs. When Fae visit, most forest dwellers lock their doors or take up arms. In recent years; Arena Games have proved a distraction for some however, a chance to test their abilities against a wider choice of prey not usually accessible to them.

Treant Treant‟s are the gentle caretakers of the Forests of Mystvale. They use their 1000 year life span to move around the forest, ensuring the balance of new growth sustains the great forest. Not concerned with mortal affairs for the most part, it is not often that a Treant leaves the forests for any reason. When they do however, it is usually with a group of Feral Elves to go to the Arena Tournaments and use their size and strength to bully other races where the Feral Elves cannot.

Ursine These bear-like humanoids live in and around the Northern Forest and enjoy a good relationship with the Celts. Ursine usually travel in small family units and are excellent hosts with their cheerful dispositions and love of story and song. Occasionally, the Celts manage to convince one to join them in the arena, to lend their formidable strength to their teams. This mostly appeals to these creatures as the chance to tell stories of victories or write songs and drink heartily at the Arena bar is right up the Ursine‟s street!

Feral Elf The Feral Elves are the protectors of the southern and western borders of Mystvale and are fiercely xenophobic to any creature alien to the woods. Feral elves are extremely intolerant of outsiders and have a taste for the flesh of outsiders. This persuasion towards cannibalism is central to the beliefs of the Feral Elves, believing that by consuming the body and soul of their Victims, they also take its strength. Feral elves as Arena combatants can be extremely effective but suffer from their xenophobia. Oddly, Treant‟s are held in high regard by the Feral Elves and are seen as deities by most tribes. No surprise that Feral Elves may sometimes have a Treant along with them when they visit the Arena.

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The Southern Wastelands The south west corner of Tarranasia was once much as Mystvale Forest is now; that is until “the corruption” started. No one really knows what started it but rumours include ancient gods, demons, a maddened council of mages and much more. What is known is that the forest has all but withered and warped, the rivers have a strange reddish taint, the mountains grow in impossible angles and the people that dwell there are some of the most violent and the most bizarre of the known world. The wastes is a place travelled only by the most confident, and in the Arena; most prefer to not face the raw rage and love of killing that is synonymous with its population.

Beastkin The Beastkin of the wastes are tribal in nature and fiercely protect their settlements against invaders. Led by a Shaman, the Beastkin are feral creatures with a deep connection to the wastes and the environment. The tribes revere mutation believing it to be a way that the wastes touch them and reward them for their service to the land and often Beastkin champions are chosen due to their mutations. With their natural toughness, strength, and mutations; expect to see a Beastkin team do well at the Fields of Blood Tournament soon.

Roden Under the wastes lives a vast empire of Roden. These Roden will live their entire lives as part of the vast colony under the leadership of a Roden Queen that directs the will of the colony. Roden from the wastes are much less tolerant than their cousins from Sheeara and are not averse to dining on travellers who stray too close to their warrens. With little desire for trade, a vicious streak a mile wide and claws that can slice through armour; it‟s no surprise the Queen sends her favoured Roden to compete against others in the Arena matches.

Minotaur The Minotaur is a solitary beast that stalks the wastelands in search of violence. Feared by even the toughest Ogre the Minotaur‟s are a frightening opponent at the best of times; unwilling to back down from a challenge and brutal on a whole new level. It is no surprise that Minotaur‟s have found the Arena and have bullied their way in to teams in order to fuel their bloodlust. Great for the teams until a Minotaur does not get its way and eats the head coach.

Ogre Big, Strong, and too stupid to stay down! Who wouldn‟t want an Ogre on their team! The Ogres that make the wastes their home lives in small settlements in mountains and foothills. Each independent of the other, Ogres are fiercely loyal to those who prove themselves to be friends. A fact that the Tainted Humans and Beastmen use to their advantage when travelling to the Arena.

Tainted Human Tainted Humans is the nickname given to the human tribes who make the wastes their home. Living in war bands of up to 100 people; they are zealots who worship ancient demons. In many cases, the Tainted display mutations like tentacles, two heads and sometimes extra limbs making them an extremely unsettling proposition. Recently, the High Priests have decided to bring the word of the Ancient Demons to the Arena and it is yet to be decided whether the rest of the world wants to hear it or not.

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The Frozen Wastes of Northland Separate from the continent of Tarranasia and a week‟s travel by ship lays the Northern Ice Continent of Northland. This desolate place of Glaciers, Ice Deserts and almost no vegetation to speak of gives rise to four dominant races that have evolved to live in harmony with the sub-zero temperatures and alongside the harshness of the Ice Wastes. These tribes understand hardship and are extremely resilient and tough, ideal for the Arena!

The Human tribes of the Northmen Hardy and proud northern folk, the human tribes of Northland were renowned seaborne raiders renowned for daring attacks upon the coastal villages of many of the great nations. These Northmen, or Vikings as they are also known make fierce Arena players due to their bloodthirsty heritage, Equally adept at running with the ball as they are for forgetting It completely and launching a frenzied attack at the opposing team.

Fae The cousins of the Mystvale Fae are equally as vicious within the Frozen Wastes. Unlike their cousins however, they live in Ice castles in the further Northern parts of the Wastes where the climate is freezing at its warmest. Reclusive, the Fae of the frozen wastes don‟t often venture from their Frozen Keeps; but when they do they are like a plague across the wastes, hunting and feeding to their hearts content. In recent years, small bands of the Fae of the Wastes have ventured to the Arenas and have found enough violence to want to play more.

Elves The Ice Elves of the Frozen Wastes live in encampments spanning the ice wastes. Their mixture of Igloo style homes and animal skin tents forms a community coming together and working together for the mutual benefit of the tribe. The Ice Elves are led by a council of Elders who are rumoured to have great vision and hold secrets of the Elven people from days of old. The emergence of Arena games has given the Elves a way to generate more money, food and supplies for the tribes and so every year teams are created and entered in to the most prestigious of tournaments. With their Ice Blue complexion and natural agility, they can present a dangerous foe to others.

Ursine Nomadic in culture, The Polar Ursine tend to travel in small family groups like their cousins in Mystvale. Unlike their cousins in Mystvale however, they can make camp at one spot for years before moving on; often near or with the Ice Elves. Polar Ursine are not unnecessarily violent by nature but when times are hard they will help the Ice Elves in return for food and shelter by defending their villages or even joining their Arena Teams for seasons at a time.

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The Spires of Altaraan In the North Eastern corner of Tarranasia, lies the Kingdom of the Dark Elves; so called due to their close physiological likeness to the Elves but with a dark and hateful attitude towards others (including other Dark Elves). The Dark elves live in great Spire Cities made of Dark Grey and Black Marble that rise in to the skies above Altaraan. At the heart of the Kingdom lies the capital city; Altaar, the seat of Warlord Drakshear Blacksteel and his Seeress; Kalina. Altaraan is a dictatorship ruled by fear, in the lands of the Dark Elves only the strong survive and the weak become food for the Avian scavengers that live symbiotically alongside the Dark Elves. In addition, The practice of Necromancy is rife within Altaraan; many Dark elves who have become aged and are starting to lose face or reputation will undergo rites and rituals to transform themselves in to undead or rarely; Vampires. These undead are tolerated by the Warlord at this time…but for how much longer?

Dark Elf Cruel and hateful; Dark Elves revel in the torture and pain of others. They live a strange life to many others in which they hold allegiance to the Warlord of Altaar but will happily betray anyone to gain further status and more import in the eyes of the Warlord. It is for this reason that the treacherous Dark Elves travel to the Arenas, their need for station and position can be more easily gained by winning Arena games in the Warlords name than assassinating one of the more favoured lords of Altaar.

Undead Immortal, uncaring of others and will do exactly what their Necromancers say. Undead are perfect for Arena! Although slightly less robust than other players, they are resummonable which make them excellent value for money. In Altaraan, Undead are often the servants, warriors, bodyguards and other positions that surround powerful Necromancers.

Vampire The richest and most powerful dark elves are able to pay for the most powerful of resurrection spells. This ritual lasts several nights and the end result is a strong, tough creature that has claws that can rip through the toughest armour. On the downside, Vampires suffer a hunger that requires them to drink blood regularly or they become weak; worse still some can fall in to unconsciousness or even death! Vampires like the Arena however, as it gives them access to lots of food sources…

Avian Avians that make their home in and around the Spires of Altaraan are more akin to vultures and carrion crows than their vibrant cousins in Sheeara. Hateful scavengers; they are known to attack small groups or individuals in large flocks, tearing carcases limb from limb. As a society, The Avians of Altaraan follow the lead of the largest female of their flock, calling her their Empress and will often adorn her with gifts ranging from trinkets to slaves. The rest of the Avian society is split in to smaller clans who in fight against each other constantly. On the Arena pitch, Avians mostly hire themselves out to Dark Elf teams as mages and apothecaries. On rare occasions however, the Avians of Altaraan have been known to try their hand at the Arena themselves.

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The Pyramids of Bastt Baast is located in the South Eastern corner of Tarranasia and is a mixture of lush green fields in the west to dry barren deserts in the middle to sheer cliffs on its eastern most face. In Baast, all its population believe that beneath Baast lives a diety of the same name. Baast id a catlike goddess who stands for servitude and hunting and the populace are extremely loyal to her. Great Pyramids were built some 2000 years ago to shelter settlements from the harsh summers and equally harsh nights but in later years smaller, less impressive Pyramids have been constructed by its population as places of worship and settlement. Sacrifice of livestock, grain, food, themselves, outsiders and necromancy are all commonplace within the Pyramids of Baast; making it a place travelled to only by those who have cause.

Human Humans of Baast are a deeply superstitious people who believe that one day Baast will rise from her grave and consume the other nations for turning their back on her. (A viewpoint ignored by all other nations) They devote their lives to serving Baast‟s will (as decided by their priests) and often involve themselves in ceremonies

Undead In some cases, when sacrifices are made, the high priest made decide to perform an ancient ritual which summons the sacrifices back to life as undead serving the Pyramids. In the case of Lawbreakers; they are sent to the Arena where they fight for their freedom under the watchful gaze of a Necromancer.

Mummy Whenever a hero of the humans of Baast passes away, they are interred using a great ritual where they are bound in bandages and placed at the heart of the ancient Pyramids where they are slowly infused with Necromancy over 10 years. The final result is a powerful guardian of the lower levels of the Pyramids with strength and toughness that rivals the Ogres of the Southern wastelands. Over the last few years, some of these Mummies have been drafted in to Arena teams where they excel at violence.

Felynx Some 40 years ago, The Felynx of Baast were almost hunted to extinction as the humans saw them as false prophets and agents working to undermine their faith in Baast. In fact, the opposite is true; The Felynx (or Sphinx as they call themselves) are the true children of Baast. Felynx society is rebuilding itself slowly and will take time to fully take its place once again within Baast but deep within every Sphinx is the desire to seek retribution against the humans. The Sphinx have joined the Arena as a way to sharpen their claws against their most hated foe…

Yynsid The Scarabs (as they call themselves) are a race of beetle like creatures that live on the outskirts of human settlements. They are extremely instinctual creatures who live to work as part of hives that are ruled by a single queen. The humans of Baast see the Scarabs as signs of luck when a hive starts moves near to them as the constant work beneath the hive naturally rejuvenates the lands above by fertilisation. The Scarabs have only just become aware of the Arena and are intrigued by it. It remains to be seen how they proceed…

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Section 2: Character Creation Characters in “Arena” are much like characters in a novel or film, except that you control his or her actions. A character is made up of skills and equipment which governs their role and effectiveness in the game but it is you, the player, which creates its personality and takes it from a collection of skills and equipment to being a living, breathing hero in the “Arena”! In order to create a character all you need to do is follow the steps below.

Section 2.1: Choose Concept Choosing the right character package for you is essential in creating a character that you will enjoy playing, it also lends itself to a style of game play that will make your skill and equipment choices easier. Here are some sample backgrounds ideas:

Orc Warrior/Blocker for the “The Green Fangs” Growing up in Texork, the capital city of the nation of Narl, was easy for you; being always a little bigger than the rest of the Orc‟s you found it easy to get your way by intimidation and physical force. By the time you were 17 you had your own little War Band and enjoyed the occasional raid in to human territory to do whatever it is that Orc‟s do when they are bored and have 10-15 likeminded thugs with them. It was soon that War Chief Grotfang noticed you and soon you and your little band were made a unit within his mighty war band. After several years warring and pillaging, you eventually get approached by one of Grotfang‟s Nobz who offers you a place within the Warchief‟s elite fighting force, “The Green Fangs”. Now it is a few more years later and you have been trained to be a killer both in war and on the pitch, using your size and natural toughness to pound the enemy in to submission.

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Step 2.2: Choose a Race Races have their own Statlines as per the table on below. The races are also restricted by the nation from which they hail so be sure to read the nations carefully to make sure you choose a nation and race that best suits your roleplay style. Should you want to use these stat lines to create your own tribe or creature, please send all submissions and False Utopia will consider them as a new race. Here are the Base Statlines for all currently playable races in Arena: Fields of Blood

Race MOV STR TOU AGI MAG HIT Notes Avian R 1 -3 0 24 1 Racial Max R 1 0 3 40 1 Phys-Rep Avian Make up, Prosthetics or mask Beastkin R 1 2 0 8 2 1 random 1sp Wasteland Mutation Racial Max R 3 3 1 16 4 May purchase Wasteland Mutations Phys-Rep Beastkin stripe/make up or appropriate mask for Beastkin type Roden R 1T -2 3 8 1 Natural Claws Racial Max R 1T 1 5 16 4 May Purchase Wasteland Mutations Phys-Rep Rat Prosthetics, make up or mask, tail Dark Elf R 1 0 2 12 1 Racial Max R 1 1 5 20 3 Phys-Rep Elf ear prosthetics

Elf R 1 0 1 16 1 Racial Max R 1 1 4 28 2 Phys-Rep Long Elf ear prosthetics

Fae R 1 -1 2 12 1 Terrifying Racial Max R 3 0 5 24 1 May Purchase Mystvale Mutations Phys-Rep Backward facing pointed ears

Felynx R 2 1 1 4 2 Racial Max R 3 3 2 8 5 Phys-Rep Cat mask and Tail, Japanese Samurai/Egyptian influenced clothing dependant on Nation

Feral Elf R 1 -1 2 12 2 Racial Max R 2 0 5 16 3 Phys-Rep Elf ear prosthetics, furs or leather armour consistent with wood elves Goblin R 1 -3 3U 8 1 Free Skill: Foul Racial Max R 2 0 5U 24 2 Phys-Rep Green Skin, long ears, must be under 5ft 8’

Human R 1 1 1 12 1 Racial Max R 3 3 3 16 2 Phys-Rep Appropriate to nation brief

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Lizardman R 1 -1 1 8 2 Light Natural Armour Racial Max R 3 2 2 16 4 May Purchase Saha Mutations Phys-Rep Black/Grey scaled effect make up, tail

Minotaur W 3U 2U 0 0 3 Counts as 2 players on the pitch Racial Max R 3U 3U 0 0 6 May Purchase Legendary Strength at 1lp Phys-Rep Minotaur Mask, Prosthetics with Horns, must be over 6ft

Mummy W 3U 3 0 0 2 Can be re-summoned by a Necromancer. Racial Max W 3U 3 0 0 6 Mutation: Diseased, Counts as 2 players on the

pitch. Phys-Rep Mummy Costume

Ogre W 2 3U 0 0 4 Thick Skull, Counts as 2 players on the pitch Racial Max R 3 3U 0 8 6 Phys-Rep Brown Skin, Single horn on forehead, must be over 6ft

Orc R 2 2 0 4 2 Racial Max R 3 3 1 12 5 Phys-Rep Green Skin, Orc Prosthetics or mask.

Tainted R 1 1 0 8 1 May buy Wasteland Mutations Racial Max R 3 3 2 12 2 Phys-Rep Appropriate to nation brief

Treant W 3U 2U 0 0 4 Mutation: Heavy Natural Armour Racial Max W 3U 3U 0 8 6 Counts as 2 players on the pitch Phys-Rep Tree make up or treant costume

Troll W 3U 3U 0 4 3 Mutation: Regeneration, Counts as 2 players Racial Max R 3U 3U 0 4 6 on the pitch Phys-Rep Blue Skin with warts or Troll mask and costume, must be over 6ft

Ursine R 2T 2 0 0 3 Mutation: Razor Claws Racial Max R 2T 3 1 8 6 Counts as 2 players on the pitch Phys-Rep Bear Mask/Prosthetics and costume with LRP Safe Claws, Must be over 6ft’

Vampire R 2T 2 1 24 2 Counts as 2 players on the pitch, Mutation: Racial max R 2T 3 1 24 4 Razor Claws, Need to Feed! Phys-Rep Pale complexion, blood trickling from mouth

Yynsid R 1 2 0 0 2 Light Natural Armour Racial max R 3 3 2 8 5 May Purchase Saha Mutations Phys-Rep Insect mask/Make up, Mandibles

Undead R 2 1 0 8 2 Can be re-summoned by a Necromancer, bead Racial Max R 3 3 2 16 4 draws are always 1 degree more severe. Phys-Rep Rotting Skin

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Section 2.3: Statlines explained!

Key Title Description MOV Movement speed How fast you can move W Walk Can only move at walking pace R Run Can move at full speed STR Strength How hard you hit 1 Single Strikes for a single point of damage in melee 2 Double Strikes for two points of damage in melee 3 Triple Strikes for three points of damage in melee 4 Quad Strikes for four points of damage +U Unnatural Strength Strikes for KNOCKDOWN in addition to damage call +C Legendary Strength Strikes for CRUSH +T Accurate Strike Strikes for THROUGH in addition to damage call

TOU Toughness How quickly you recover from being down +U Unnatural Toughness -1 stones 3 Extremely Tough 5 stones 2 Very Tough 6 stones 1 Tough 7 stones 0 Average 8 stones -1 Weak 9 stones -2 Very Weak 10 stones -3 Extremely Weak 11 stones -4 Pathetic 12 stones (Stones are explained further on page 42 but a roughly equal to 1 second) AGI Agility How many times you can dodge per play +U Unnatural Agility May dodge +1 blows from melee and ranged per play 5 Legendary Agility May dodge 5 blows from melee and ranged per play 4 Unsurpassed Agility May dodge 4 blows from melee and ranged per play 3 Extremely Agile May dodge 3 blows from melee and ranged per play 2 Very Agile May dodge 2 blows from melee and ranged per play 1 Agile May dodge 1 blows from melee and ranged per play 0 Average unable to dodge MAG Magic Points How many magic points you start with per day HIT Hit Points How many base hits you start with per day

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Section 3: Create a team! Each class has its own set of skills which are available to learn, some of which are free and some which must be purchased. An important thing to bear in mind is that once you have chosen a character class you are locked in to the relevant career path (I.e. Lineman, Blocker, Blitzer, Mage or Apothecary), and the skills in the other career paths are unavailable to you. Teams are constructed from people whose skills complement one another, speak to the people you will be playing with and try to fill all of the gaps. Playing as a team, consider your team‟s logo and what position you all want to play in.

IMPORTANT! All teams that play in the “Fields of Blood” Tournament must have team uniform (minimum phys rep: Tabard) with their numbers on and in their team colours (preferably with their logo). In Addition the following codes or the full postion title must be clearly visible on the tabard/uniform in large letters:

BL Blocker BZ Blitzer LI Lineman TH Thrower RU Runner

A note on currency The currency in the known world is counted in purses; there are three small purses (sp) in a large purse (lp) and 3 large purses in a Prize Purse (pp). Anything buyable from the L.A.R.P is stated in this way: sp Small Purse lp Large Purse pp Prize Purse As teams win games, managers may spend purses on enhancing their players and teams. See Section XX: Spending XP!

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Section 3.1 Buy Players! A team needs players! A Manager gains a 20sp grant from the L.A.R.P to create his team from the table below and in line with the Nation tables on page 23-25. Where a race is highlighted in blue they cost double the stated cost due to their increased size and stats. (With the exception of cheerleaders and managers who remain at the base cost stated below) When creating a team, ensure you have the right mix classes for your matches, pay special attention to who can foul and who can use the ball, a team of 8 blockers is ace to smash your opponent to oblivion, but without the ability to score you are only ever going to draw.

Position Purse Cost Brief Description Able to use ball? Manager 1sp Team leaders and the money man No for a team, the guy that decides who gets what at the end of the game! Cheerleader 1sp Inspiring fans who can influence the No or Hooligan game from off the pitch Lineman 1sp Generic Player with a single medium No weapon Blocker 2sp Specialist Player with shield and No medium weapon or a large weapon Blitzer 2sp Specialist Player with medium weapon No May foul other players Thrower 2sp 1 small weapon and may throw the ball to Yes other players or at the opposition Runner 2sp Specialist player with a single small weapon Yes and a single buckler which may foul other players Mage 2sp Specialist in Offense and Defensive magic No Necromancer 2sp Specialist in Undead magic with some No Offensive spells. Undead Teams Only. Apothecary 3sp Heals players in the dugout No

What if my Manager or Necromancer gets “Retired”? In the event of a Manager being “retired” during an event, one of the other players may take the role of player/manager and may declare themselves a temporary manager at G.O.D. for the rest of the event or until one of the teams back office staff is approved as the teams new manager, unfortunately purchases made by the player manager are 1sp more expensive than stated.

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Section 3.2: Nations and Team Selection The following table shows what races are available to your chosen nation and in what quantity.

Key Race Races in this colour cost twice as much as stated to purchased due to their increased stats

The Great Nation of Narl

Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager Hooligan/


Orc 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-2 1 1 1-5

Goblin ** 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-2 1 1-5

Troll* 1-4 1-5

Human Slaves* 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-2 1-5

* May be bought as part of any Orc or Goblin Team ** May be bought as part of an Orc Team

The Empire of Mercia

Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager Hooligan/


Human Noble 1

Human Knight 1-10 1-4 1-4

Privateer 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-5

Scholar 1 1-2

The Island Nation of Sheeara

Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager Hooligan/


Avian * 1-10 1-2 1 1-2 1

Elves 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Roden 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Felynx 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1 1-5

* Avians may be bought as part of any Nation of Sheeara Team

The Plains of Saha

Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager Hooligan/


Human Dervish 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Lizardmen 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Yynsid 1-10 1-6 1-2 1-4 1-4 1 1 1-5

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The Forest of Mystvale

Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager Hooligan/


Fae 1-10 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Treant * 1-4

Feral Elf 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Ursine ** 1-2 1-2

Human Celt 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

* Treants may only be bought as part of a Feral Elf team ** Ursine can only be bought as part of a Celt Team

The Southern Wastelands Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager

Hooligan/ Cheerleader

Tainted Human 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Beastkin ** 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-6 1 1-2 1 1-5

Roden ** 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Minotaur *** 1 1 1 1-5

Ogre * 1-4 1-2 1-5

* Ogres may be bought as part of any Southern Wasteland team but must be phys-repped as Rat Ogres if part of a Roden Team ** May be bought as part of Tainted Human team *** Minotaur’s may be bought as part of any Southern Wasteland team but will never be a team with another Minotaur.

The Frozen Wastes of Northland Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager

Hooligan/ Cheerleader

Northmen 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Fae 1-10 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1 1-5

Elves 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-5

Ursine* 1-2 1-2

* Ursine can be bought as part of any Northland Team

The Spires of Altaraan Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager

Hooligan/ Cheerleader

Dark Elves 1-10 1-6 1-4 1-4 1 1-2 1*** 1-5

Avian** 1-10 1-4 1 1-2 1*** 1-5

Undead** 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1* 1-5

Vampire ** 1-10 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1*

* Managers of these teams are always Necromancers instead of Managers ** can be bought as part of any Spires of Altaraan Team *** A manager may swap to become a Necromancer if the team has a Vampire

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The Pyramids of Bastt Lineman Blocker Blitzer Thrower Runner Apothecary Mage Manager

Hooligan/ Cheerleader

Undead 1-10 1-2 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-2 1** 1-5

Mummy * 1-4

Human 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1*** 1-5

Felynx 1-10 1-4 1-4 1-2 1-4 1 1-2 1***

Yynsid 1-10 1-6 1-2 1-4 1-4 1 1 1-5

* Mummies may be bought as part of an Undead or Human Team

** Managers of these teams are always Necromancers *** A manager may swap to become a Necromancer if the team has a Mummy

Oh go on! Let’s have a pic here too!

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Section 3.3: Buying Equipment After spending 20sp on players, a manager gets a further very generous grant of 20sp to spend on equipment for his team from the table below.

Salves Purse Cost Brief Description Adlin‟s Adrenaline Shot 1sp Allows movement speed to increase by one speed bracket higher than normal for one play. Dead Bulls Power Drink 1sp Allows movement speed to increase by one speed bracket higher than normal for the first half. However, due to the excessive quantities of Infused Iguana in the drink, the player will be unable to participate for the 2nd half Granny Bartfarsts Soothing Salve 1sp Allow a player who would otherwise miss the next play to participate but any further injury is one bead draw worse. Additional to that, once the next play is over that player suffers the effects of his original injury. Only useable by Apothecaries Mage Tizzle‟s Magic Tonic 2sp A player who drinks this magically infused tonic regains all their mana up to their current maximum instantly!

Protection Purse Cost Brief Description

Light Leather Armour 1sp 1AV Rigid Leather Armour 2sp 2AV Metal Armour 3sp 3AV, limited to walking pace only while wearing Heavy Metal Armour 4sp 4AV, limited to walking pace only while wearing Buckler 1sp Runners may use bucklers to parry physical blows Shield 2sp Blockers may use shields to parry physical blows Tower Shield 1lp Blockers may use shields to parry physical blows

Team Enhancements The game “Arena” is about Charity and how L.R.P. can support charitable causes in in the process increase its exposure to many people who have previously not considered L.R.P. as a hobby. As a result the following may be bought for your team by donating towards Help for Heroes. Donations can be made at the G.O.D desk in to the Help for Heroes bucket. Bribe £5 Donation The ref can be counted on to look the other way for an entire play for one of the following reasons; Using an Illegal weapon, Fouling, 1 Player handling the ball illegally once. Multiple donations mean multiple bribes! Team Banners £5 Donation A team that has a banner they have made may place it around the Arena as advertising! As a result, The Team gains an extra +1 Fame on every match they play!

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Weapons Purse Cost Brief Description

Dagger/Shiv/Kosh Free small melee weapon up to 20‟ long, may only strike for SINGLE or THROUGH with the relevant weapon and skill.

Sword, Rapier, Falcion 1sp Medium bladed melee weapon between 21‟ and 48‟, may only strike for SINGLE or DOUBLE or THROUGH with the relevant weapon and skill Mace, Flail, Baseball Bat 1sp Medium Clubbing weapon between 21‟ and 48‟ long, may only strike for SINGLE, DOUBLE or TRIPLE with the relevant weapon and skill Zweihander, Spear, Warhammer 2sp Large Weapon between 49‟ and 70‟; it may strike for SINGLE, DOUBLE, TRIPLE, KNOCKDOWN or CRUSH with the relevant weapon and skill Spikey Boot Studs 1sp The player is able to use the skill: Foul as long as they are wearing Spikey boot studs! Extremely Spikey boot studs 2sp The player is able to use the skill: Dirty Foul as long as they are wearing Extremely Spikey boot studs! Chainsaw 1lp ILLEGAL WEAPON! A L.R.P. Safe Chainsaw that strikes for QUAD Ball and Chain 1lp ILLEGAL WEAPON! A L.R.P. Safe Ball and Chain that strikes for whatever damage you are capable of calling plus the effect: KNOCKDOWN Throwing Weapons 1sp ILLEGAL WEAPON! 5 LRP Safe throwing weapons that do SINGLE THROUGH useable by hooligans and Cheerleaders only Crossbow/Bow 1lp ILLEGAL WEAPON! A L.R.P. Safe Crossbow/Bow that does DOUBLE THROUGH Useable by Hooligans or Cheerleaders only Pistol 1lp 1sp ILLEGAL WEAPON! Cap firing flintlock style pistol that does TRIPLE THROUGH Useable by Hooligans and Cheerleaders only Musket 2lp ILLEGAL WEAPON! Cap firing Musket that does QUAD THROUGH Useable by Hooligans and Cheerleaders only Slippery Sam‟s Boot Grease 1sp can be used to coat one player‟s boots in the slipperiest grease ever! The player‟s movement speed is reduced to walk for the next play! Useable by Hooligans and Cheerleaders only Nanny Nog‟s Upset Tummy Juice 1sp POISON: if ingested, the victim misses the next play. Useable by Hooligans and Cheerleaders only Carnivorous Lily Sap 2sp POISON: Lily Sap can be applied to a throwing weapon and thrown at a player that is down alongside the call: Dirty Foul, As a result, the players Next Diagnosis draw is considered 1 step worse. Orcsnic 1lp POISON: If ingested, this poison causes the player to lose a body hit per 5 stones until they reach zero, at which time they also take the Dirty Foul effect. As if that wasn‟t enough, the player‟s next diagnosis draw is 1 step worse as well! Sorry; Orcsnic is bad, mm,k!

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Section 3.4: An Example Starting Team Roster Sheet:

“The Callous Ratboyz” Nation: Sheeara Logo: Race: Roden

Fame: 0

Home Colours: Red/Black

Away Colours: Silver/Black

No. Name Position Cost 00 Carcuss Clawbiter Manager 1sp 01 Gangus Greyseer Apothecary 3sp 02 Mucus Plaugestar, Runner 2sp 03 Feralnail Blackdeath Runner 2sp 04 Rusty Brokentooth Blitzer 2sp 05 Fectious Blowback Blitzer 2sp 06 Gnawtooth Bilerot Blitzer 2sp 07 Longfang Clawbiter Blitzer 2sp 08 Narlifang Stormplague Blocker 2sp 09 Drainspike Rottenhold Lineman 1sp 10 Blackspike Deathclaw Lineman 1sp 11 Razorfang Stormclaw Lineman 1sp

Team Equipment: 12 shivs, 8 suits of light armour, 7 rusty swords, 1 Spikey mace, 1 shield, 2 bucklers,

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Section 4: Players In the following section, we will detail the positions available to Arena teams and what skills and magic they can buy.

The Manager Managers are the people that hold the purse strings; they are certified by the League of Arena Rules and Participation (L.A.R.P) to be able to purchase equipment and but training for their players. Without a manager, no one gets paid! Managers are unable to take an active part in the game. (Unless they can get away with it!)

Skill Cost Explanation Use the loot Free managers may use purses to purchase skills for their players or equipment by going to the L.A.R.P guild house. It‟s not working! Free Managers may swap players over and the end of a play or mid game by calling the players name and substituting them for a different player. Inspiring Speech 1sp Managers may give an inspiring 10 second speech to one player per game that will boost their morale; they gain immunity to the effect FEAR for 1 play. Must be fully role played in the dugout with a ref present. Really Inspiring Speech 1sp Managers may give an inspiring 10 second speech to two players per game that will boost their morale; they gain immunity to the effect FEAR for 1 play. Must be fully role played in the dugout with a ref present. Requires Inspiring Speech! Really, Really, Inspiring Speech 2sp Managers may give an inspiring 10 second speech to his whole team once per game that will boost their morale; they gain immunity to the effect FEAR for 1 play. Must be fully role played in the dugout with a ref present. Requires Really Inspiring Speech Spell: Boost 2sp The Manager may perform a 5 minute rite before teams enter the Arena in order to increase a single stat by 1pt or 4 Mana on any 1 player up to the players racial maximum for the duration of 1 game. The rite costs 8 mana. +4 Mana 1sp The Manager gains +4 mana. May be bought multiple times Well Known 1lp The Manager has an excellent reputation with the L.A.R.P and players and equipment (with the exception of freebooters) are 1sp cheaper than stated to a minimum of 1sp

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The Necromancer Necromancers play the part of the coach in undead teams, using their power over the Undead, they reanimate corpses to play in their teams.

Skill Cost Explanation Use the loot Free Necromancers may use purses to purchase skills for their players or equipment by going to the L.A.R.P guild house. It‟s not working! Free Necromancers may swap players over and the end of a play or mid game by calling the players name and substituting them for a different player. Spell: Animate Corpse 1sp Necromancers can perform a 5 minute rite around a dead player (undead or otherwise) that raises them as a base undead with the position they had in life. The raised/reanimated player loses all player points as a result of this rite. This rite costs 8 mana. Spell: Re-Animate Undead 2sp Necromancers can perform a 5 minute rite around a dead undead player that raises them back from the grave. The reanimated player returns with all player points -1 random stat determined by G.O.D. This rite costs 8 mana Spell: Weaken 2sp The Necromancer may perform a 5 minute rite before teams enter the Arena in order to decrease a single stat by 1pt or 4 Mana on any 1 player for the duration of 1 game. The rite costs 8 mana.

Well Known 1lp The Necromancer has an excellent reputation with the L.A.R.P and players and equipment (with the exception of freebooters) are 1sp cheaper than stated to a minimum of 1sp +4 Mana 1sp The Necromancer gains +4 mana. May be bought multiple times

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The Apothecary Apothecaries are healers that patch up broken players and get them back in to the game. Without the Apothecary and their skills with healing magic and good old surgery, teams would be over before they started. All spells are cast by using the vocals: by the power of the arena; <insert name of spell here>: <Insert Effect here> and indicating clearly the targeted player. i.e. By the power of the arena; Patch: Heal Flesh wound

Skill Cost Explanation Apothecary Free The Apothecary may use a bead bag to determine a players injuries and do appropriate roleplay to fix them (unless they died of course) as per the healing rules on page 43-44 of this Core Rulebook. In addition, the process of diagnosing a patient will highlight any poisons or harmful effects. Experienced Apothecary 1sp The Apothecary gains 1 yellow bead and 1 red bead to add to their apothecary bead bag Veteran Apothecary 1sp The Apothecary gains a further 1 green and 1 yellow bead to add to their apothecary bead bag. Requires Experienced Apothecary Star Apothecary 2sp The Apothecary may re-draw a wound once determined. They must accept the re draw however, even if it‟s worse. Spell: Purge 1sp The Apothecary may use this spell to purge a poison or disease from an affected player instantly. This costs 4 Mana. Spell: Patch 1sp The Apothecary may use this spell to heal a flesh wound instantly. This costs 2 Mana. Spell: Cure 2sp The Apothecary may use this spell to heal a Niggling Injury instantly. This costs 4 Mana. Requires Spell: Patch Spell: Heal 1lp The Apothecary may use this spell to heal an Injury instantly. This costs 6 Mana. Requires Spell: Cure Spell: Miracle 1lp,1sp The Apothecary may use this spell to heal a serious Injury instantly with the exception of the Dead result. (You probably want to get a Necromancer or Undertaker) This costs 8 Mana. Requires Spell: Heal +4 Mana 1sp The Apothecary gains +4 mana. May be bought multiple time‟s up to the racial maximum

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The Mage Mages are able to use the ambient magic of the world to create devastating effects that can be used offensively and defensively to give their teams that little extra firepower during a match. All spells are cast by using the vocals: by the power of the arena; <insert name of spell here>: <Insert Damage + Effect here> and indicating clearly the targeted player. i.e.: By the power of the arena; Pathetic Fireball: SINGLE

Skill Cost Explanation Spell: Pathetic Fireball Free The Mage may cast a pathetic looking fireball that will strike for the damage call: SINGLE and costs 2 mana Spell: Drop it Free The Mage may cast a spell that makes the targeted player FUMBLE the ball. This costs 4 mana Spell: Get down! 1sp The Mage may cast a spell that causes the targeted player to suffer the SINGLE KNOCKDOWN effect. This costs 4 mana Spell: Small Fireball 1sp The Mage may cast a slightly more impressive looking fireball that will strike for the damage call: DOUBLE and costs 4 mana Spell: Fireball 2sp The Mage may cast an impressive looking fireball that will strike for the damage call: TRIPLE. Requires the Spell: Small Fireball and costs 6 mana Spell: Big Fireball 1lp The Mage may cast an awesome looking fireball that will strike for the damage call: QUAD. Requires the Spell: Fireball and costs 8 mana Spell: Lightning Shock 2sp The Mage may summon a pathetic bolt of lightning that can try to fry opposition players. A Lightning Shock causes SINGLE SHOCK and costs 4 mana Spell: Lightning Bolt 1lp The Mage may summon a bolt of lightning that can fry opposition players. A Lightning strike causes DOUBLE SHOCK and costs 8 mana. Requires Lightning Shock Spell Enhancement: Ethereal 1lp The mage may add the damage effect THROUGH to any of Fireball his Fireball spells by including the key word Ethereal to his vocals but this increases the mana cost by 2 points. i.e.: A Fireball doing TRIPLE THROUGH will cost 8 mana and the vocals would be: “By the power of the Arena, Ethereal Fireball <TRIPLE THROUGH>” +4 Mana 1sp The mage gains +4 mana. May be bought multiple time‟s up to the racial maximum

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The Cheerleader/Hooligan Cheer leaders and hooligans are able to cheer and inspire their teams to victory with their good looks and rousing chants …or alternatively they are also adept at stabbing opponents in the back, and throwing rocks, bottles or any other throwing item at the opposing team.

Skill Cost Explanation Throw Free Cheerleaders and Hooligans may throw LRP safe items at the opposition players that cause the damage call: SINGLE Uplifting Chant 1sp Cheerleaders and Hooligans grant some players in their team immunity to FEAR while singing appropriate songs and chants. Players can only take advantage of these chants if they can hear the Cheerleaders/Hooligans Accurate Throw 1sp Cheerleaders and Hooligans may throw LRP safe items at the opposition players that can dislodge the ball causing the effect: FUMBLE Low Throw 1sp Cheerleaders and Hooligans may throw LRP safe items at the opposition players that trip them up causing the damage call: SINGLE KNOCKDOWN Get Down! 2sp Cheerleaders and Hooligans may throw LRP safe items at the opposition players that can cause further damage. This skill may be used on a player that is DOWN and allows the cheerleader or hooligan to make the FOUL call with a successful thrown attack

Stay Down! 1lp With 3 stones concentration, Cheerleaders and Hooligans may throw LRP safe items at the opposition players that can cause further damage. This skill may be used on a player that is DOWN and allows the Cheerleader or Hooligan to make the DIRTY FOUL call with a successful thrown attack. Requires: Get Down!

Stab in the back 1sp Outside of an arena game, Cheerleaders and hooligans may utilise the effect SHIV on a player that is totally unaware of them by striking them once in the back.

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The Thrower As only one of two classes who can handle the ball and the only one that can pass forward, Throwers are a breed of players who often believe their own hype. Able to use magic to infuse balls with magical effects, they are capable of amazing plays and even more amazing touchdowns. All spells are cast by using the vocals: by the power of the arena; <insert name of spell here>: <Insert Damage + Effect here> and indicating clearly the targeted player. i.e. By the power of the arena; Charged Throw: SINGLE SHOCK

Skill Cost Explanation Throw Free Throwers may throw the ball at opposition players and cause the damage call: SINGLE Low Throw Free Throwers may throw the ball at opposition players that trip them up causing the damage call: SINGLE KNOCKDOWN Spell: Charged Throw 1sp Throwers may throw a ball charged with very little lightning at opposition players causing the damage call: SINGLE SHOCK This costs 2 mana Spell: Super Charged Throw 2sp Throwers may throw a ball charged with a reasonable amount of lightning at opposition players causing the damage call: DOUBLE SHOCK. Requires Charged Throw and costs 4 mana Spell: Over Charged Throw 1lp Throwers may throw a ball charged with a large amount of lightning at opposition players causing the damage call: TRIPLE SHOCK. Requires Super Charged Throw and costs 6 mana Spell: Spike 1sp Throwers may spike the ball to the floor to create the effect: MASS KNOCKDOWN. This affects everyone within 10 meters of the Throwers except the Thrower. This costs 4 mana (and is often used wastefully to celebrate touchdowns) +4 Mana 1sp The Thrower gains +4 mana. May be bought multiple time‟s up to the racial maximum Agility Boost 1sp The Thrower gains +1 Agility up to their racial maximum Unnatural Agility 1lp The Thrower May dodge +1 blows from melee and ranged per play. Requires an Agility to be at least 1 and at the racial maximum Safe Hands 1lp The Thrower is not known for dropping the ball! He may call NO EFFECT to FUMBLE. Requires Agility to be at the racial Maximum

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The Runner As only one of two classes who can handle the ball, Runners are a valued member of the team who can wear decent armour and are able to punch through lines to get to the end zone. A few good runners can make a massive difference to a team in terms of scoring. All spells are cast by using the vocals: by the power of the arena; <insert name of spell here>: <Insert Damage + Effect here> and indicating clearly the targeted player. i.e. By the power of the arena; Make this shield hard as rock: NO EFFECT: CRUSH

Skill Cost Explanation Light Armour Free Runners may use light leather armour granting AV1 Foul Free Runners can use the Skill: FOUL with a small weapon Spell: Hard as Rock! 1sp Runners may infuse their buckler to resist 1 CRUSH call. This spell costs 2 mana Dirty Foul 1sp Runners can use the Skill: DIRTY FOUL with a small weapon Spell: Shocking Spike 1sp Runners may spike the ball to the floor to create the effect: MASS SHOCK. This affects everyone within 10 meters of the Runner except the Runner. This costs 4 mana (and is often used wastefully to celebrate touchdowns) Hit Boost 1sp The Runner gains +1 Base Hit up to their racial maximum Toughness Boost 1sp The Runner gains +1 Toughness up to their racial maximum Agility Boost 1sp The Runner gains +1 Agility up to their racial maximum Unnatural Agility 1lp The Runner May dodge +1 blows from melee and ranged per play. Requires an Agility to be at least 1 and at the racial maximum Safe Hands 1sp The Runner is not known for dropping the ball! He may call NO EFFECT to FUMBLE. Requires Agility to be at the racial Maximum

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The Blitzer Blitzers are well armoured and mobile players capable of creating an almighty mess of the opposition. A well trained Blitzer is not only hard to put down but can give vital support to Throwers and Runner while they make their runs and plays.

Skill Cost Explanation Medium Armour Free Blitzers may use rigid leather armour granting AV2 Foul Free Blitzers can use the Skill: FOUL with a small or medium weapon Metal Armour 1sp Blitzers may use Metal armour granting AV3 but restricts the Blitzer to a walking pace only Hit Boost 1sp The Blitzer gains +1 Base Hit up to their racial maximum Toughness Boost 1sp The Blitzer gains +1 Toughness up to their racial maximum Strength Boost 1sp The Blitzer gains +1 Strength up to their racial maximum Accurate Strike 1lp The Blitzer strikes for THROUGH in addition to its damage call while using a medium weapon. I‟m dead hard! 1lp Blitzers may move at full speed in metal armour Veteran 2lp Blitzers may carry the ball

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The Blocker Blockers are the undisputed muscle of the Arena, with the best armour and combinations of sword and shield and large weapons; the Blocker is a Juggernaut that can form a line of impassable steel against their opposition.

Skill Cost Explanation Metal Armour Free Blockers may use Metal Armour granting AV3 but restricts the Blocker to a walking pace only Foul Free Blockers can use the Skill: FOUL with a small, medium or large weapon Wear Heavy Metal Armour 1sp Blockers may use Plate Metal Armour granting AV4 but restricts the Blocker to a walking pace only Hit Boost 1sp The Blocker gains +1 Base Hit up to their racial maximum Toughness Boost 1sp The Blocker gains +1 Toughness up to their racial maximum Unnatural Toughness 1lp The Blocker reduces the time they are down by a further 1 stones. Requires Toughness to be the racial maximum Strength Boost 1sp The Blocker gains +1 Strength up to their racial maximum Unnatural Strength 1lp The Blocker strikes for KNOCKDOWN in addition to its damage call while using a Large weapon. Accurate Strike 1lp The Blocker strikes for THROUGH in addition to its damage call while using a medium weapon. I‟m dead hard! 1lp Blockers may move at full speed in metal armour (but not Heavy Metal armour)

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The Lineman In any team, there are always the players that have not yet found their place in the world. Linemen are just such players! Linemen are able to buy a range of skills which make them quite tough players but most will try to impress the coach enough to allow them to get specialist training as one of the more glamorous positions.

Skill Cost Explanation Light Armour Free Lineman may use Light Leather Armour granting AV1 Wear Medium Armour 1sp Lineman may use Rigid Leather Armour granting AV2 Hit Boost 1sp The Lineman gains +1 Base Hit up to their racial maximum Foul 1sp Lineman can use the Skill: FOUL with a small or medium weapon All the following require manager approval Thrower Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Thrower Runner Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Runner Blitzer Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Blitzer Blocker Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Blocker Apothecary Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Apothecary Mage Training 1lp The Lineman changes career to Mage

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Section 4.2: Player Scrolls Players will gain a scroll with their name, position and a list of skills that are available to their position at the start of every game; it is this scroll that shows what skills and abilities your player has. Taking your scroll to G.O.D. along with the requisite amount of purses will get your scroll stamped from which point you are able to use that skill. Note: Scrolls are the magical link between you and your skills, if you lose it…you lose your skills!

Stealing Scrolls! Like you guys would!! But if you do steal another player‟s scroll, you must immediately bring it to G.O.D. where the player may reclaim it at a later date by making a small donation to the charity bucket. Thank you! If a player comes to get their scroll and you are holding on to it, we will reprint them scrolls so please just bring it to us. Cheers!

Section 4.3: Spending XP! Experience is spent on your career path skills or can be used to buy equipment by your very generous manager; they must be the ones to approve your training with the L.A.R.P. A Manager should take you to G.O.D. and pay the appropriate amount, at this time your players scroll will be stamped and you are free to use that skill immediately. (How do you learn so fast? Magic!)

Section 4.4: Fame A team‟s fame rating affects their position in the great league and more importantly gets the team additional cash incentives as they become more famous. A teams rating may never go below 1. Fame Rating Award 0-9 Nothing 10-19 an extra 1sp per team per event attended 20-30 an extra 2sp per team per event attended 31-40 an extra 1lp per team per event attended

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Section 5: How to play “Arena” The arena game is played on a rectangular playing area of approximately 40 meters by 20 meters and divided in to a pitch of 2 halves of 20 meters, 2 End Zones as wide as the pitch at 20m and 5 meters deep, 2 Dugouts at 20m wide by 5m deep, 2 Offensive Zones and 2 Defensive Zones also at 15m wide and 5 meters deep.

A Sample Pitch

These zones are utilised by teams as follows:

The Pitch Players are able to move freely within the pitch area, this is where the majority of play should occur. During a game there should be 7 players from each team represented and 1 official L.A.R.P referee to officiate the game.

The Dugouts

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Players in the dugouts are limited to Substitutes, the Team Manager, the Team Apothecary, and the official L.A.R.P dugout referee assigned to that team for that game. It is here that the Apothecary treats injured players and Managers give inspiring speeches to their teams or make substitutions mid game.

Offensive and Defensive Zones Offensive and Defensive Zones are only useable by Mages, Cheer Leaders or Hooligans. From here they can use their abilities to try to help their teams to victory or hinder the other team‟s chances with random acts of magic or violence. A Zone may only hold: 1 Mage Up to 3 Cheerleaders or Hooligans

The End Zones Should a Runner or Thrower carry the football in to their opponent‟s End Zone, they will earn a point for their team. As well as players, Mages (not Cheer Leaders or Hooligans) may also leave their zones and use an End Zone to defend a play or help their team score. (Note: Mages may not handle the ball)

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Section 5.1: The Rules of Arena


In a game of Arena, there are 3 referees. 1 Pitch Referee and 2 Dugout Referees. Any one of these referees can make calls based on what they see. Any breach of the game rules can be enforced by a referee by way of warnings, sending off or fines. A referee‟s word is final; assaulting a referee may result in sanctions up to and including death. Referees will have uniforms that are white and black in design to make them easily identifiable to you. Whistles denote match states and if a whistle is blown then teams should do one of the following as directed by a referee “Play Ball” The game starts “Cheat X Player” A player has made an infraction against the rules. They are sin binned for 1 minute “Penalty” A serious infraction of the rules, the player is sin binned for 1 minute and a ball carrying player from the other team is given the ball at the half way line. The team who committed the foul must assign a defender. If the ball carrier can make it to the end zone, they score a point. The only two people involved in this play are the defender and ball carrier. “Time Out” Both teams return to their Dug Outs for 3 minutes between plays “Game Over” Game ends “Refresh” All players involved in the game have all their hits, mana and abilities refreshed. “Chill” Both teams return to their dug outs for 1 minute, used for cooling down over aggressive players.

Team Sizes Teams may have up to 7 players on the pitch at any one time. This does not include Cheer Leaders, Hooligans or Mages who must stay within their allotted zones. A Team must submit a team roster that may have up to 10 total players, 2 mages, 1 apothecary, and 1 manager and up to 6 hooligans/cheerleaders.

Game Length and Timings A game of Arena is made up of 4 plays of 5 minutes and 3 Timeouts of 3 minutes between plays. During a game of Arena, A beat will resound throughout the Arena. Each of these beats is called a “STONE” and is approximately 1 second of real time. All Durations in the Arena work on counting stones. (you count the stones, not count seconds yourself)

Starting a Play/Starting after a Touchdown

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A game of Arena is started with both teams standing in their End Zones and the Football placed on the half way line. The only exception of this rule are offensive Mages, Cheer Leaders and Hooligans; who may start in one of their teams allotted offensive or defensive zone. A game is started by the Pitch Referee blowing a whistle at which time both teams may burst from their End Zone and try to claim the ball.

Moving the football Only Runners and Throwers may handle the football. Throwers may make any number of forward passes for any length but can only throw from their side of the pitch. In the opponent‟s half, throwers may make a pass that travels backwards. Runners may not ever throw the ball forward, but may make a pass that travels backwards in either side of the pitch.

Beating each other up Arena pitches are magically prepared before a match to ensure your perceived safety. Players have global hits equal to their Hits Stat + any Armour they are wearing. When your body hits reach zero, you drop in to unconsciousness. Your toughness stat determines how quickly you regain a single body hit.

i.e.: Rusty Brokentooth , Blitzer for the “Callous Ratboys” is taken to zero hits, he has a toughness stat of 0 and so must stay down for 8 stones. After the 8th stone has struck he may get up and is on 1 base hit.

Armour can be repaired by anyone in a time out. During a time out the player must role-play fixing their armour for the 3 minute duration.

Substitutions Managers may swap players over and the end of a play or mid game by substituting them for a different player. The dugout referee must be made aware of this change.

Scoring Should a Runner or Thrower hold the football in their opponent‟s End Zone, they will earn a point for their team.


At the end of the 4th play, the team with the most touchdowns wins. In the case of a draw an extra “SUDDEN DEATH” play is initiated. A “SUDDEN DEATH” play lasts as long as it takes for a team to go 2 clear touchdowns ahead. If the referees get bored, they may declare a draw. A team winning a normal match gains 1 large purse and gains 1 Fame per victory A team losing a normal match gains 1 small purse because we feel sorry for them but lose 1 Fame A team winning a Tournament Final gains 1 Prize Purse and 2 Fame A team losing a Tournament Final gain 1 Large Purse and gains 1 Fame because they worked hard!

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In the event of a draw, both teams get 1sp and lose 1 Fame because the referees got bored!

Section 5.2: Apothecaries and healing

When the teams Veteran thrower has his head stamped on by an angry horde of Goblins, it is the job of the Apothecary to patch them back up. A Player which has been the subject of a DIRTY FOUL requires diagnosis and treatment from its teams Apothecary. This happens by dragging the injured player in to the team dugout and the Apothecary making a bead draw from an Apothecary bag to diagnose the wound. (Which should be made from a material that is NOT see through at all) This is called the Diagnosis Draw. Diagnosis‟s are as follows:

Diagnosis Draw Description Treatment Time Green Bead It‟s a flesh wound! 1 minute Yellow Bead Gonna hurt a bit 3 minutes Red Bead Gonna hurt a lot 3 minutes Black Bead Your buggered 3 minutes (if applicable, see Black Injuries below) Once a diagnosis has been made, the bead is replaced in to the bag and a second bead is drawn again for the type of injury the player has sustained. This is called the Injury Draw. For every injury a Diagnosis draw and an injury draw must be made and in the presence of your dugout referee.

Green Injuries Nothing, just patch „em up for a minute and send „em back on the field

Yellow Injuries

Injury Draw Result Effect Green Flesh Wound as per Green Diagnosis result Yellow Stubbed Toe For the next play, the player has their MOV stat decreased one level. Walk becomes Walk. Red Dead Arm For the next play, the player is unable to use his main hand, should an arm result get drawn a second time due to further injury it is applied to the off arm. Black Gouged Eye Miss next Play

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Red Injuries

Injury Draw Result Effect Green Gouged Eye Miss next Play Yellow Broken Ankle Walk pace only for rest of the match Red Broken Arm For the rest of the match, the player is unable to use his main hand, should an arm result get drawn a second time due to further injury it applied to the off arm. Black Concussion Miss rest of game

Black Injuries

Injury Draw Result Effect Green Concussion Miss rest of game Yellow Crushed Leg Miss the rest of the game and Permanently at Walk Pace Red Crushed Arm Miss the rest of the game and lose use of the main hand Black Dead You is dead…

Section 5.3: Combat outside the Arena Combat outside the Arena pitch will happen; we know that and frankly we are ok with it The entire IC area of an Arena Event is covered in the same magical effect that is placed on the Arena pitch itself. Therefore, Combat outside the Arena is exactly as it is inside the arena except that players who have to take effects that are counted by stones must count seconds in their head instead. Also, the subject of a Dirty Foul outside the Arena pitch recovers after 5 minutes on the floor but may only crawl to an apothecary; they may not use any skills or engage in combat until diagnosed and treated.

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Section 6: Calls and their effects!

Section 6.1: Calls There are many calls in Fields of Blood, in the table below; we have listed them and their effect. Please memorise them as they are important to the smooth running of Arena games.

OOC Safety Calls Effect SAFETY FIRE/MAN DOWN/FIRST AID etc If you hear a command with the Prefix: SAFETY; Please stop what you are doing and listen to the referees directions. This call denotes that something has happened that requires the game to stop. I.e.: There is a fire, someone has hurt themselves etc CHILL Both teams return to their dug outs for 1 minute, used for cooling down over aggressive players.

IC Offensive Calls Effect SINGLE Strikes for a single point of damage DOUBLE Strikes for two points of damage TRIPLE Strikes for three points of damage QUAD Strikes for four points of damage KNOCKDOWN Unless parried by a shield or melee weapon, this blow knocks the target to their knees for 2 stones in which time they may only block. Unless otherwise stated as part of the damage call, this effect causes a SINGLE point of damage. CRUSH This Blow will destroy a suit of Armour, Buckler or Shield or if a target has 0AV they are taken straight to 0 body hits. THROUGH This blow ignores armour. Unless otherwise stated as part of the damage call, this effect causes a SINGLE point of damage SHOCK This Effect causes the target to convulse as if electrified for 3 stones. Unless otherwise stated as part of the damage call, this effect causes a SINGLE point of damage

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FOUL Foul can only be called on a prone player and by a player with the relevant skill. This causes the player who is down to stay down a further 3 stones. DIRTY FOUL Dirty Foul can only be called on a prone player and by a player with the relevant skill following 3 stones appropriate role-play. This causes the player who is down to stay down for the remainder of the play or until they can be given to an Apothecary to be healed. SHIV This call is a through hit that reduces body hits to zero. The opponent must be completely unaware of the attack and the attack must strike the back

FUMBLE This spell targets a single weapon, buckler, shield or ball and forces it to be dropped. The Target item must remain on the floor for at least 3 stones before it is picked up again. MASS This prefix causes a damage call or effect to affect everyone within 10 meters of the thing creating the MASS effect. FEAR This effect causes the target to flee in terror from the cause of the FEAR effect for 3 stones

IC Defensive Calls Effect DODGE The call dodge, allows the player to ignore the damage and effect of one physical blow made by a melee or ranged weapon. The dodge should be role- played and the call made clearly NO EFFECT <X> This call denotes you are immune to <X> effect that has been aimed at you. Please ensure this call is made clearly THICK SKULL If a player with a Thick Skull is affected by the FOUL call, they are only DOWN for 2 extra Stones instead of 3.

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Referee Calls Effect

PLAY BALL! The game starts CHEAT <PLAYER NAME/NUMBER> A player has made an infraction against the rules. They are sin binned for 1 minute PENALTY! A serious infraction of the rules, the player is sin binned for 1 minute and a ball carrying player from the other team is given the ball at the half way line. The team who committed the foul must assign a defender. If the ball carrier can make it to the end zone, they score a point. The only two people involved in this play are the defender and ball carrier. TIME OUT! Both teams return to their Dug Outs for 3 minutes between plays GAME OVER! Game ends

CHILL Both teams return to their dug outs for 1 minute, used for cooling down over aggressive players.

Another fly Andrea pic here!

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Section 7: Mutations

In this section we deal with the small issue of mutation in some players. It is a disturbing fact that some players live in radiated wastelands that can wreak havoc with their bodies. In most cases these unfortunates become little more than dribbling loons; but in some cases…they gain mutations that actually give them extra bonuses in Arena matches! Here is a list of Mutations that are able to be bought and by what races.

Narl Mutations Races: Troll

Mutation Effect Cost Regeneration Stackable -1 Stones recover time NA

Wasteland Mutations

Races: Tainted, Beastman, Roden

Mutation Effect Cost Light Natural Armour Non-Stackable 1AV 1sp Upgrade Light to Medium Natural Armour Non-Stackable 2AV 2sp Upgrade Medium to Heavy Natural Armour Non-Stackable 3AV 1lp Tentacle may use the tentacle to strike for FUMBLE 1sp Natural Claws Paired weapon claws of between 18‟-20‟ long 1sp that count as small weapons that strike for SINGLE THROUGH Extra Arm! Immune to FUMBLE once per play 1sp Upgrade Extra Arm to 4 Arms! Immune to FUMBLE Twice per play 2sp Upgrade 4 Arms to 5 Arms!!! Immune to FUMBLE Three times per play 1lp Tail Immune to KNOCKDOWN once per play 1sp Two Heads Stackable +1 AGI 1lp

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Mystvale Mutations

Races: Treants, Fae

Mutation Effect Cost Super Heavy Natural Armour Non-Stackable 4AV (Treants Only) 2sp Terrifying may cast FEAR once per play (Fae Only) NA Very Terrifying may cast FEAR twice per play (requires Terrifying) (Fae Only) 1sp Extremely Terrifying may cast FEAR three times per play (requires Very Terrifying) 1sp (Fae Only)

Saha Mutations

Races: Yynsid, Lizardmen

Mutation Effect Cost Light Natural Armour Non-Stackable 1AV 1sp Upgrade Light to Medium Natural Armour Non-Stackable 2AV 2sp Upgrade Medium to Heavy Natural Armour Non-Stackable 3AV 1lp Upgrade Heavy to Super Heavy Natural Armour Non-Stackable 4AV 1lp 1sp Natural Claws Paired weapon claws of between 18‟-20‟ long that count as 1sp small weapons that strike for SINGLE THROUGH Razor Claws Paired weapon claws of between 18‟-20‟ long that count as 2sp small weapons and strike for DOUBLE THROUGH

Undead Mutations

Races: Mummy, Vampire

Mutation Effect Cost Diseased Mummies are able to infect others with their nasty diseases NA With 3 stones roleplay the mummy may give a yellow ribbon to The target. This ribbon means that until cured, any diagnosis bead draw is 1 degree worse Need to feed Vampires must feed on a living victim‟s blood for 10 stones NA During or between plays or they suffer 1- base hit point per play they don‟t feed. In addition they are only able to strike for SINGLE

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with their claws, losing the ability to call THROUGH; if they reach 0 hits they are rendered unconscious until fed blood from a living target.

Player Scroll (Front)

Name …………………………….. Team ………………..……………… Position …………………………….. Number ……………………………….. Nation: …………………………….. Manager: ………………………………..


Modified Statline

Modified Statline


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Player Scroll (Reverse)

Skill Cost Explanation Learned

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Team Roster (Front)


Nation: Logo: Race: Home Colours: Away Colours:



No. Name Position Cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



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Team Roster (Reverse)

Team Equipment Name Description Cost

Team Stats:

Wins: Losses:

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