The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014...

w: t: +44 (0)1892 870 681 THE GAUNTLET COMPETITOR GUIDE Castle Howard Triathlon National Sponsors: CASTLE HOWARD Castletriathlonseries @CastleTriathlon

Transcript of The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014...

Page 1: The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014 Contents It is a fantastic Series in wonderful settings. If you are looking for something

w: t: +44 (0)1892 870 681

The GaunTleT CompeTiTor GuideCastle Howard Triathlon

National Sponsors:


Castletriathlonseries @CastleTriathlon

Page 2: The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014 Contents It is a fantastic Series in wonderful settings. If you are looking for something

03.Time to throw down The Gauntlet




08.The swim course

10.The cycle course

11.The cycle route

12.Cycle course tips

16.The run course

17.Run course tips

19.Race nutrition

22.Race timing

23.The rules

24.Prize money and rewards

25.Spectators view

28.More information

Lough Cutra Castle, Galway (Ireland)Sunday 25th May 2014

Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire (UK)Sunday 29th June 2014

Event dates in 2014:The Bastion, Kent (UK)Sunday 13th July 2014: Full Iron Distance at Hever Castle

Castle Howard, York (UK)Saturday 26th/Sunday 27th July 2014

Chateau de Chantilly, Chantilly (France)Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th August 2014

Hever Castle, Kent (UK)Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014

ContentsIt is a fantastic Series in wonderful settings. If you are looking for something tough, but really enjoyable, in beautiful grounds – I wouldn’t look anyfurther. I will certainly be takingon The Gauntlet!Rhys DaveyWorld Challenger Triathlon Club Leeds

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Dear Competitors,

Congratulations on rising to the challenge of The Gauntlet and signing up for the first half iron distance race at the Castle Howard Triathlon. You will be one of 150 competitors taking part in this iconic race within a triathlon festival.

Good luck and most importantly enjoy!Regards,

The Gauntlet is a natural extension to our current competitor offering; we want there to be a race for everyone at our stunning castle venues nurturing the growth of the sport.

For those of you who don’t know the rationale for the race name, it was chosen in keeping with our castle theme. The Gauntlet not only symbolises a protective glove used as a form of armour during historical battles, but celebrates the two idioms ‘running the gauntlet’ (originally running the gantlope), which means running between two confining rows

of adversaries and ‘throwing down the gauntlet’, which was an old fashioned way of challenging someone to mortal combat! We appreciate your armour for the day will be made of lycra rather than steel and hope you can enjoy the historical land stunning landscape you will be competing in.

Castle Howard, which plays host to the triathlon has a rich and varied history dating back to the early 17th century. The owners, The Howard family, have lived here since the castle was completed. The Great Lake plays host to the swim whilst the 90K cycle, covering two loops of the Howardian

Hills, will present you with a stern test of bike handling and endurance. The run, through the beautiful grounds of the castle estate and surrounding forestry, provides a fitting finale to your epic undertaking.

This guide aims to provide you with more details about key aspects of the event to help you prepare for the day. I have no doubt you will have a memorable race and look forward to seeing you at the finishing line.

Brian AdcockRace DirectorCastle Triathlon Series

Time to throw downThe Gauntlet

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You will be parking in the Triathlon Car Park as shown on the map above. Yellow AA signage will direct you from the A64.

In essence carry straight on at the obelisk at the main entrance of the Castle and the car park is a further 600m down the Avenue (very long straight road lined with beech and lime trees) on the right hand side in a field called The Dairies.

It is a 5 minute walk from the car park to Registration.


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Registration for The Gauntlet competitors opens at 16.00 on the Saturday before the event (26th July) until 17.00. If you are unable to attend this, registration will be open from 6.45am on Sunday (27th July) where we will provide you with a race pack including:

• An individual coloured race number that is worn during the cycle and the run (safety pins are provided if you don’t have a race belt)

• Three numbered labels – one for the front of your helmet, one for the back of your helmet and one for the bike frame

• A coloured swim hat (the colour relates to the wave that you are in)

• A timing chip device to be worn around your left ankle – this must be worn throughout all 3 disciplines and will need to be handed in at the finish line

• A bike timing device which is attached by a sticker underneath your saddle

• A wrist band to be worn on your right wrist identifying you as a Gauntlet competitor

If you choose to register on Sunday morning please arrive at least an hour before your wave time (we would recommend you are with us for 6.45am)

Our staff at registration will provide you with a race number and will body mark your hand.

Wetsuits will be mandatory for this race.

There is no facility for overnight racking at Castle Howard.

No friends or family will be allowed in the Transition area

The Gauntlet wave briefing will commence at 07:40 at the boathouse down by the Great Lake before the wave starts at 08.00.


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Transition is located immediately next to the registration tent and a five minute walk from the swim start.

You will be sharing transition with Olympic competitors who will be starting in later waves than yourselves.

There will be allocated racks for your race but not numbered places.

Before entering transition you should have placed your numbered labels on the bike and bike helmet. Transition staff will check your helmet and brakes for optimum safety.

Bike helmets should be placed on the bike handlebars in transition.

Each competitor is allocated a 1 metre space for their belongings.

It’s recommended that you name your property so any lost items can be returned to their owner.

Please exercise caution in transition, particularly at T2 as this will be a very busy time during the race programme.

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The swim course

The course is a 950m loop in the Great Lake.

The Gauntlet wave briefing will start at 07.40 ahead of the start at 08.00.

Race Director, Brian Adcock will brief all competitors on the course and safety at this point. If you are in a relay team, please ensure the whole team comes to the briefing.

The swim course will take triathletes out in a straight line to the 150m point where they will turn left and swim alongside the lake bank until they reach the 450m buoy which is adjacent to the caravan park. Swimmers will then double back, via a 10m separation buoy and head for a yellow marker buoy that will provide

a gate at 850m to avoid the corner being cut. Swimmers will then head for another yellow buoy gate adjacent to the start line.

Swimmers then go back through the start to begin the 2nd lap of two. Swimmers follow the same route for the second lap apart from when they reach the final yellow gate buoy where they will head right, directly towards the swim exit.

Swim buoys will be placed at the intervals shown on the map.

Wetsuits, due to the distance of the swim, will be mandatory for this race. The swim cut off will be 75 minutes.

Safety is at the heart of the event – we have 2 safety boats and 6 kayaks manned by fully trained life safety representatives out on the lake for your swim. If you feel that you in trouble please roll on to your back and raise your arm and someone will be with you immediately. Resting on the boat or kayak at any time during the race is acceptable with no implication on the race qualification.

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The cycle course

Once competitors have finished the swim leg, the route to transition is 400m across grass on the north lawn of the castle. The “Bike Out” will be at opposite ends of transition and take competitors out of the Castle Howard estate via the main avenue and a metaled estate road.

At the end of the estate road after approximately 600 meters, you will reach a roundabout and the huge obelisk at the entrance to the castle where you will turn right onto the cycle course and a minor road called the Avenue (which is a beech and lime tree lined 5 mile straight). Once out on the public road, cyclists are reminded that the roads are not closed to traffic and that they must follow the rules of the Highway Code at all times.

The first 5K is along the avenue which has a series of blind summits at the top of ever increasing humps. The last hump takes you up onto what is called the Slingsby Bank and on a clear day affords a great view of the North York Moors. At the end of the Avenue turn left at a traffic managed crossroads in the village of Slingsby and head along a flatish B-road for 3K to Hovingham. There will be a water station here.

The next 2K is uphill through the beautiful Hovingham Estate on newly made road before a brief respite and

fast decent to the Coulton crossroads before a 3K ascent to the high point of the course at the top of Black Hill. Both of these climbs are Category 4 in difficulty. A left turn at the top and a couple of K of undulation will see you rewarded with a 5K descent from the village of Brandsby to the village of Stillington where you will find the feed station.

At Stillington turn left and descend for a few hundred meters to the Rover Foss before climbing back up through Marton-In-The-Forest and descending to Farlington at 26.5K. A steady climb of a couple of K will then take you into Sherriff Hutton and the second water station. Head south downhill out of the village for 1K and turn left onto Goose Lane and continue for 3K more before turning left onto Moor Lane and 4K of relative flat. Pass through the village of Foston before rejoining Mains Lane which is the main access road for Castle Howard. After a steep (category 5) 1K climb up to the impressive war memorial you will hit The Avenue again and have a final rollercoaster cycle back to the front entrance of the estate, via 2 impressive gatehouses and the striking obelisk.

Once the first loop has been completed, cyclists do not re-enter the castle estate but carry on for a second lap. After the second lap cyclists should then turn right at the obelisk

roundabout and head back up the estate drive towards transition and the de-mount point.

Towards the end of your first lap or on the early part of your second lap you will be joined by other cyclists from the Olympic distance race. They will have different coloured race numbers and also no seat post stickers so please do not be demoralised if you are suddenly overtaken by fast moving bicycles with fresh legged riders!

The cut off time for the bike leg is 5 hours 45 minutes. In other words, if you are not back in transition 7 hours after race start, you will not be allowed to continue out onto the run section.

There will be feed and water stations out on the bike course. Please see the nutrition page for more detail Relay teams must ensure they pass the timing chip between team members during each transition.

An automatic 2 minute penalty will be issued to triathletes if any litter is dropped on the course!

The Gauntlet cycle route will take cyclists on two loops of a 45K course which circumnavigates the Howardian Hills, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty.

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Howard Cycle Route (40km)Key

Swim Route

The Howard Run Route (5km)

Swim StartSwim FinishBouysWater Point

Gauntlet Run Route (10.5km)

Gauntlet Cycle Route (45km)

Feed Station

Mapping supplied by Maps International. Based on Ordnance Survey digital map data with the

permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Castle Triathlon Series, Castle Howard Triathlon - Sunday


The cycle route

Distance (KM)

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Cycle course tips

Slingsby Crossroads – 5.5K After 5K on the fast and undulating

A49 you will need your wits about you as you approach the Slingsby Crossroads. This is a traffic managed junction but and you should be able to turn left without having to slow down but please listen to the instructions from the marshals.

Left Turn in Hovingham – 9K At just under 9K you will enter the

village of Hovingham and you are taking the third left which will take you up through the Hovingham Estate on Park St. Beware sleepy villagers crossing the road to get their Sunday newspapers!

Exit of the Estate, The Obelisk – 0.6K

As you exit the estate and turn right remember you are on the public road. Listen carefully to the marshal at the junction and you should get an unhindered passage onto The Avenue. Be aware at the start of your second lap you may have cyclists joining you from the right.

Please take note of the following 10 key junctions/ points of interest on the cycle course:




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Black Hill – 16K At the top of Black Hill be careful

as you turn left onto the B1363 as this is a fast section of road. It will be traffic managed but please listen to the instructions on the marshals who will be controlling the traffic for you at this point.

Stillington – 24K Entering Stillington village reduce

speed to turn left onto Mill lane. Feed Station will be in this location so please be careful to avoid other slow moving or stationary cyclists in the vicinity.

Coulton Cross – 12.5K At just after 12.5K and still on

Park St beware the crossroads at the bottom of the hill. You will be travelling quickly at this point.

Cycle course tips continued




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T-Junction at the foot of Mains Lane – 40.5K

At the t-junction turn left but beware cars coming from the A64 direction who will be on their way to the event.


Sheriff Hutton – 31K Entering the village of Sheriff Hutton you

will come to a roundabout where you will turn right and head downhill through the village. On your second lap there will be cyclists heading straight on at this roundabout who are competing in the Olympic distance race.

Gatehouses – 44K & 44.8K Take care at both Gatehouses which

have single track entrances. Both are traffic managed but please listen to the instruction of the marshals.

Cycle course tips continued

Welburn Crossroads – 43.5K Beware at this very fast crossroads.

You have right of way but there will be cyclists on the Olympic distance route joining from the left.





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The run course

A large proportion of the run route is on estate tracks and paths and many competitors choose to wear trail running shoes for the extra grip they afford. Although the route is entirely on the estate please exercise caution when running along all sections of the route as there may be other walkers, people on horseback and motorists using the same tracks, bridleways, paths and roads.

After exiting transition competitors retrace their steps downhill across the north lawn towards the swim exit. At the bottom of the hill bear right onto an estate bridle track that circumnavigates Ray Wood. At the end of Ry Wood continue straight on. The Olympic distance competitors will turn right here onto their shorter 5K course so don’t be tempted to follow them!

After another 400m you will arrive at a farm complex called Bog Hall. Continue straight on here and follow the track which becomes a path in a north easterly direction towards an escarpment called Spring Wood. Contour along the edge of the lower part of the wood into the corner of the field to what is called the Alamo Trekking Centre on OS Maps (not

much evidence of trekking going on I must say) and the water station. From here head south and then south west on a bridle track called Thackadale Lane. At this point look back towards the castle over your right shoulder and you will see the colossal structure of the Howard family mausoleum on the hill towering above you.

After turning right and running along the edge of a field you will join a metaled road that descends into a little sheltered bowl/ spinney with farm buildings before turning left into Pretty Wood and the feed station at 6K. Pretty wood will afford you views of the gardens that are little seen including the stunning Pyramid and curious Statue of the Four Faces. Continue downhill and over a beck (small stream to southerners) before picking up a bridle track and then returning over the same stream and taking in a short and sharp climb over East Moor Banks.

At 8K you hit the metaled road again and head north across a field towards New River Bridge from where you will catch your first glimpse of the south of Castle Howard. The next K sees you winding up a series of levels into the formal gardens. You will pass to the north of the iridescent South Lake and

then around the manicured south lawn and famous Atlas Fountain. Another 300m and you will head up the cruel incline to the top of Ray Wood and the small reservoir that provided the castle with its mains water pressure in its early years. A canter down a cherry tree lined slope will see you back adjacent to the castle itself with a tempting view of the finish line straight ahead. At the bottom pass through stone gates and then turn immediately right on a metaled estate road to begin your second lap. Next time round start your sprint finish from this point!

After competitors leave T2 you will begin the run course, which consists

of two loops of a 10.5km route totaling 21km.

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The run course

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Run course tips

Bog Hall – 1.5K Be aware of farm vehicles in and

around Bog Hall and listen carefully to the marshals directions as there is a bit of a rabbit warren of tracks and buildings.

Water Station & The Alamo Trekking Centre – 3K

Take care in and around the water station as there will be competitors taking their time some walking and some stationary. Take the public footpath that has been directed around the old trekking centre which is now a house.

Ray Wood – 1K After 1K you will emerge from the

canopy of Ray Wood and you must continue straight on on the track you are on. Don’t be tempted to follow anyone who turns right here as they will be doing the Olympic distance race.

Please take note of the following 6 key junctions/ points of interest on the run course:




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Run course tipscontinued

Stepped Ponds – 8.0-8.5K From New River Bridge up to South

Lake be careful of your footing as you climb up steeply banked “steps” to access the different levels of the formal gardens.

The Feed Station in Pretty Wood – 6K

Having left the metaled road climb steadily along a woodland track to the feed station. Beware stationary and slow moving competitors in the vicinity.

Ray Wood Reservoir – 10K Having climbed the steep gradient to

the top of Ray Wood skirt the edge of the reservoir and then descend the cherry tree lined grassy path towards

South Lawns and Formal Gardens – 8.5-9.5K

Having reached South Lake you will enter the manicured gardens of the south lawn. The route winds its way along tracks and you must be wary of day dreaming Castle Howard visitors who are not expecting your rapid arrival!





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Race nutrition

On the bike Each station will be preceded by a

football net ready to catch your empty water bottles or litter.

A feed station will be placed at Stillington at 24K on the bike route and also just past the obelisk at the main entrance to Castle Howard. You will pass these feed station two times, once each on each lap.

A team of volunteers will have a selection of food and drink available for you including half bananas, High 5 energy bars, High 5 gels and pre-prepared bottles of water and pre-

mixed High 5 isotonic energy source drink. Furthermore there will be water stations at Hovingham at 9K and at Sheriff Hutton at 31K, again manned by volunteers. Please note that these water stations will also be used by Olympic distance competitors.

On the run A feed station will be placed at 2.5K

into the run. You will therefore pass this four times, once at 2.5K, again at 6.5K and again at 13K and 17K on your second lap.

The team of 4 volunteers will have an identical selection of food and drink

available for you as per the bike feed station, including half bananas, High 5 energy gels, High 5 gels, pre-prepared bottles of water and pre-mixed High 5 isotonic energy drink.

On your run you may well be joined by competitors from the shorter adult races that have departed after your race start time. Do not be put off by fresh legged runners overtaking you (they will have different colour numbers on their vests) and keep following the signs for the 21K race rather than just following others as they will be following the shorter 5K route for the Olympic distance!!

The Castle Triathlon Series will be working with nutrition sponsors, High Five to provide you with comprehensive food and drink stations.


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Page 22: The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014 Contents It is a fantastic Series in wonderful settings. If you are looking for something

Race timing


The first is an ankle worn, Velcro attached, chip that you need to secure to your left ankle. Throughout the course you will pass over a series of mats that record your chip’s signal and update the central timing computer.

This will be used to give you your split timings on all sections of the course and ensure that you have completed the requisite number of laps.

In addition you will be given a seat post timing device that you must attach to the seat post of your bike.

This will give you split timings out on the bike course. The Transmitter/receivers for this timing chip will be at the second feed station (one furthest from Castle Howard) – there are no mats for these devices. This will enable us to give you a more detailed breakdown of your cycle lap times across the course as well as ensuring that everybody completes the entire course.

After the race you will be able to get a print-out of these times at the Results tent in the Event Village and all results will be posted on-line on the evening of the race.

You will be timed during the race using electronic chip timing technology. The timing devices, of which there are 2 being utilised, will be given to you in registration.

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The rules

Although we run our events to British Triathlon Federation (BTF) safety and procedural rules we are an independent event that hopes to break down barriers to entry and relax the competitor’s experience.

This is a non-drafting race. Penalties will be issued to all competitors who are caught drafting out on the course. Unless overtaking, you must remain more than 7m from the back wheel of the nearest cyclist.

Any wrong turnings onto the wrong course will be penalized with a DNF. It is the responsibility of all competitors to read these notes and listen to the briefings give on the day of the race.

Please stop if you see an injured fellow competitor and find help from the nearest marshal reporting their race number, location and nature of injury. We know it is a race but

your safety and that of your fellow competitors comes first.

There is a team of cycle support representatives on the road. If you have a mechanical fault and would like help, please flag them down with no penalty to your time or race qualification.

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Prize money and rewards

The open category podium winners will receive a trophy along with prize money with each winning male and female receiving;

1st place – £750 2nd place – £375 3rd place – £150

All Gauntlet competitors can have a free shower, massage, and hot meal (in the Gauntlet competitor’s marquee by showing their wristband).

There will also be Age Group trophies for 40+, 50+ and 60+ first places along with prizes for all positions.

The prize giving will take place at approximately 2.00pm in the main event village on the north lawn.

Each Gauntlet competitor will receive the following:

• A well-earned warm meal on completion of the race. (This can be claimed by entering the Gauntlet competitor’s marquee and presenting the wristband worn during the race).

• An exclusive Gauntlet Buff © designed especially for competitors.

• A free massage from one of our sports masseurs.

• A free rucksack with various CTS and sponsored goodies to take home.

• The opportunity to shower in the campsite showers.

• Bespoke medal.

• Speedo swim towel.

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Spectators view

Many of you will be bringing spectators to watch your herculean efforts. Our recommendation for your supporters, based on a 6 hour race completion time for the race, would be to do the following:

0730 Chill out and grab some breakfast in

the Event Village area whilst taking in the atmospheric location.

0800 Watch the swim start of the race and

wonder along the south bank of the lake to within yards of the swimmers.

0830-0900 Make your way back to the boathouse

so you can watch the front-runners exit the water and then cheer your loved one on as they emerge from the clear waters of the lake. Watch them run back up to transition where there is a good view from all sides.

0900-1200 Make your way out onto the cycle

course in your car and find a spot to park up and watch the race. You will get stunning views at 4K from the top of Slingsby Bank, the water station at 9K is on the edge of the beautiful Hovingham estate. Black Hill at 16K provides great views over the Ouse River Valley and any of the villages on route will be lively and interesting places to watch the race from. The Category 5 climb at just after 40K is also a good spot for some much needed roadside support!

Alternatively, particularly if you have got small children, stay and enjoy the atmosphere at the castle. There will be free bouncy castles, a climbing wall, archery, live bands and much more on offer.

1200-1400 You can watch the run from anywhere

you like on the 10.5K route which is entirely within the estate walls. The Castle and immediate surrounds provides the best backdrop for photos but you are welcome to walk any section of the run but please just be careful to stay to the side of the tracks and give way to any competitors on narrow sections.

The lawn directly in front of the castle is a great spot to watch the finishing straight and you are welcome to run the last 100 yards with your competitor, particularly if you have young kids!

1400 The prize giving ceremony is scheduled

for this time directly in front of the castle and adjacent to the finish line.

1445-1700 The children’s races start at 1500 and

this provides a great spectacle and inspiration for younger children. In

addition, more live music and traditional set music will play continuously throughout the afternoon.

If you are looking for a great place

to eat both before, during and after the race we can recommend the Highwayman Inn in Sheriff Hutton, which is on the cycle route.

Make sure your spectators know your

race number and projected times for

each leg of the event. This should give them a good idea of when

they’ll arrive at any point on the course.

There is a fee for spectators £5 for adults,

£3 for 5-15 year olds.

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Dig Deep… Do Your Bit!

To find out more and fundraise for Help for Hereos contact the Running Team on 01725 514124 or email us [email protected]

Proud to be Official Charity of The Castle Triathlon Series

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Page 28: The GaunTleT CompeTiTor Guide - Castle Triathlon Series...Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014 Contents It is a fantastic Series in wonderful settings. If you are looking for something


More information

Best of luck and look forward to seeing you at Castle Howard Tri!

We hope that this competitor guide has answered any questions that you may have had, but please don’t hesitate to contact the office if you have any

further questions. +44 (0)1892 870 681 [email protected]

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Sunday 25th May 2014 Sunday 29th June 2014

Triathlon festivals for all levels, fromfirst-timers and children to elite performers.


Saturday 26th/Sunday 27th July 2014

Saturday 23rd/Sunday 24th August 2014 Saturday 27th/Sunday 28th September 2014



Sunday 13th July 2014: Full Iron Distance at Hever Castle

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The harder the hill, the steeper the climb, the better the view from the finishing line.Paul Newman