THE SUN FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1000 I 7 i- f THEATRICAL MATTE rilK JIOHH Of JIALAHAH with n omlr Opera br 1 Sheerer Cl o- l end ludwll Knilad rllop Booth Farcical In Donut Hen j yilfon was himself ncnln at tli- tnckerbCkM I haIr la t nIght He tried I dtlung else make the audlo- ncbc 11 dovolel lloithc- ouifl oiM mrlf ved his liat year K ir t eirlcniur of a irenchmnn India tlw act of the new piece II- hdMfl rl behind In I1nrl1 M bout to wed Of but kr iur m it J hf raolf forth bride and mpfled h her That c4T8 him opportunities to be the vie ilm ot tirniiifinnt In the Mcom- I returned from a Journey In tb of Bifiiv of the country having e wd from matrimony through a I rreten- cI v ureil by a tiger nut III- i was turned to grief when learnei hit il urp l widow hid not to near cremation In accordance wIth the lllndo0 law No put on the dre of monk ostensibly hre to Attend the of five hin really to nave her life whloi he lid iigccstlng to rape Ooui RJ thai e l e sold at auo ton Il counted n burins her but he wa- oiilbld bY a wealthy and amorous Prince h hurl therefore chance to chsngi nml thus gave n variety iet to bm familiar trick of gpovch Mr what used to callrd i protean rflle Impersonated four dlf ii face clothing at though thev worn nil alike In WllM nl m iU drollery WM nor for a minute Ineffeotuiil- ibil roo l of he lime It Wee restlessly combo There was rMili ir The Monks of Malabar- tetd Mr Wilson to make It an enter uinment libretto wag claimed ni- by J Hietver Goodwin and tli cor by Iudwle Englander No hint riven in th playbill of a French tourw of cry of th matter It wai- eeruin thAt while the subject and character Parisian in manner the wording was In Mr G0d ln wellknown ftyln o colloQuial loklnz and easy rhyming Most of IIUM aid h best of them were In Mr Eoiianders otin vein of pleasant melody So ii U af to proUe those two men work niirelv their own They made n comic epm mucb to the liking of a bIg and tine p d oce cad distinctly abovo the average Tho ni of tli pi C wan b the way in which II was prrwuwd The company Mpful t H Mailti IPMIIII was mi eirfe attractive heroine pretty Mia altogether the be i companion Hll on hud etr n his ipuke and danced welt and doing the b tt ahe could all MIt merit not alwny shown comlo operawomrn KeiiMelaer Whol rand lid n e eiivllent In both icd Maud Hnllln and Edith llrad lord lookd will and were witl fa lory vocally Th chorus wore n voritl et of hwy rotuin ant lle vno spiny woe but good had directed coloN anu i hud brought about a mnooth- jnil rapid performance Hope Booth gilredBotre notoriety a few year ago br cihlbllng herali In a wrnblarce of nudity In roof 4ardM and raudovllle theatr t The teen tilt to uv her boldn Mi a th CM tra pont of a re- mit H A Wife tn Pa n a farce by Chance E Blaney and Charle Taylor und U now at the Grand Opera House and list rich to Sew York It l vulcar n language and artloa Mm Booth raid retenJ y h notilj not cnitlnu It alter purists hay i ron U to b MiMred that not pr T a lad of HkinR for pruriency- ontUtigo The senlnc aslux of the fnr e h duitimply to it w rthlesiii ssa an ontortain- cMt A few vile pinyi will alwayt thrvo but to rimlr Muiil rniio tu dcc nt theatri- cal ditersloin A ta In Pawn wai nrltu n- ariud MUi Bontlia fltfure wich i nearly a bid u the play A countri clcreymanH- da it r marnis on actor ho pa ne all hr jpwelry and llnallv hurnrlf After h- arfl t iidience lnvi mibjectrd- o man Insults IIBP hubnrd corner to r- and im wife Is put up to b by iit auf l0ii as in aKcjit halt of the May Th other bait no Ptoiivhievcr SIn t ih third act iiuid n ihootr n the front or which are hum nude i Uturns of Mi Hooih her bv t own cit nni ihi of tln tfh Ir which n he wrotid ri K wthMir sm f tlioacior In a ptot oiniun and ino iarp purport to I numiconc Mv Booth M re l d In Crab f 1 undine tRI used to lIp the ilu ry elT t of the ckigii MIM Hooih1pMillltlon Then te voDian roMd in a spaco enclosine o- n areininir a And fmiientlv A7Hfr rn th box make r Jt MS 0 tlon If not In Tfc rrr i nan R new vautvlp hou0 atSIitich strwt and Hroadivay will be Mondaysvenlnc t Mnn ind tlarlrt- r tvnn ar iu nianuirir They protnlia a jncoe ion of DrttclaM hlll and Hin a per tTeMif hut Sunday with noun and Saturday A morii ilartime pfonnince during which moling ami hestl of beverages will bo pro WUd ma b nrluded In their scheme Mr Oienns hui a indicated hr the ter rmershred w he a pifiintnir one KJnau Buv imtnnt1al oncouracetne- ntt eompatiT by KiibocriblriB lor SuiftAi o i i j- itlNeen un s on of thirty wiekii- manaverof a travelling company other ulr tleT te J1 dtrat VwrTf alld direct ttentlVri f1i hr sketch In lw b iiu the m- anind provlfl1 irlit Mano mat 5lirnleSi l vt n a Woman Paulino Iliil B- I in th West KILLKlt I mil Thrown and Itt Skull Wa Fractured wi 7W IWr rd avenue and The avenue uh npp Ilt and wee h died night 8tl l 13- f llntmlulu She hm If In the Tlen NEW 7 r TIt 1 I Unkkbcckr a do laulh ald fun purioo In prt ot The of he ot alproul a In Ill a an o to marry A dl UI he he ceremony b th twCe of and a tlc hit be lon wen I and Ioal UI re the tot U Ir an Ilndn A lute Ida Th mal tar t go sin e I m n laU hut ta bot the l n Old lrd Inside r r 1 1 11 a e orI om Th- In a l Wire In brazen pudI To ar Ic W for PIt I l duro for mal 10 Whit Ilk ttii ot r t3 ° r II I 111lp hI a n pIRI In DC nlt d 111 hYh 11 IIIJonRtr note Ihe In one ar I nld 0 e or IIlo111 CtP nv IUI of Orllda Thu d Ihl U bad r t the II b of iii crcumtrle of laNe I 11 P In KDr lookJ droll K to lead lake Ier h011 II his Curiae I to r l Shor nlt QUilr wll from OXy llaI mother Crclnr Mora to o ila roan ahead onp Ri nn I h Jro- I 11 01 hBty krnba IOM YI Jai aIl In Whe- rol n nroldhull faro A r Oat W or I In n Ia tldd t carriage I I Ihe a arJ101u1 removed to St last Sl I Ih ltl and Wounded I 14anl Slnt to front China V Ph oaldd home Tea lon nteen b I Cant I 5ZLOS FIl7 I- ini n 7 IIgln- fl LIP than jpltbd tile tIit- to Monks MAlabar- grsI fully with iirLoui yen A Iur dir the- nI act fled In- tact Fl tlltle lion and the all I oq heIghtened wee olflt tile uii wai- t the has upon nay A Its the rroo that the rLce ibm bean t I tin tiorne l ticket thcr I Ins Ii 4r a I alt lox f t1T4 It r LIt rn la Li I re Ira miii C C fit ir 11 rIIDIITII Cr901 Hut tIa iNea Ivtvtil acre at n IrlIan dd tim Ifl t opened Pelt eno oa raidi alt i oVeIuIIh u The ISA the ctreti rt Tfl arid r I I ilvn I it nil i A lie r I n n e dO rllI t tie audI I i a raIrecntm IfT tIi n hr lie rL di d fniit at and i Co a 10 act In p fl I dwirita la rIitr lila flhli lIo Ia o l IIn racy got C rare hare Crg bIi uiran tiiit ohItirptta fttVAlr41- wrI tiaC f l barrel ot Iledlord avenue ccli Lac tu a carriae Yeiterdgy afternoon td btane lrIglitnj Albany larlc Ieee the Ira FarrelL out to Street thin auatatnd frac She wa Tb lInm The tntted Stnte 1 arrived night b war and aj T the Tobert- l wound < > > > > > > < ¬ < ¬ > > ° > < < < < ° < < visif xToitii TUB avir- I U Nlrlket LnuhUna and Adjarrnt Hlth fltvrrltrnirf i Illown XKW ONIKANK la a pt On hurricane ruck thulx MU U li roast thin morning coining from Tiizos Th centru of tho ntoriu wan Jut off Iort Fads the mouth of the Mlwln lppl blowlne down wires und for the necond time In a week aevei log the connection Iwtween Port Birt and Orleans Htornt algnnh were burg out ve Kel about lo put to ea were detained The lonl vlllt arid Na hviii Itnllrond Miffere- eoniewhat front iif bridge And the overflowing of Us track freight train wa blown from tho track at Look nut by the wind which renched fifty inllm ai hour The destruction of the telephone and tale graph wlrn render t Impowlbln to reach place where the dorm Ullkely to have doue the great rat harm The velocity of the hurricane at Port Kad Just before the telegrai wlrM hew away a 400 mUM It will be Impomlbl ti get any Information front south of tlw river ex oplln what cornea by boat It In believed the WraUirr Uureail hero that the utorm I ruuchtnoro never near Ileauuiont Tex than anywhere nine and UU feared that great dsm age U beIng done M all wires seem to he down MoDlLt Ala Sept 13During last night gale formed In the Gulf and today It made way northward the centre striking the coast o Mississippi somewhere between New Orlean and Day HI All along the coast from thU lty to New Orleans the force of the storm wee tell generally and report re celved tonight front many places tell of dam sustaIned from property destroyed the district from flay Bt Kotils to New Orlean- oann t benaohed s all the wires are down It Is believed from what say that there hai been great dainag done on tin bridges and tnmtlos of the Ixjulivllle and Nash vllle Railroad which a continuous line between the clllea wind attained maximum velocity of thirtysix an hour while nt Fort Morgan sixty was re- ported up to the hour of noon when wIres broke The revenue cutter Wlnona which left here tide morning for Galveiton with relief supplies hat not left the lower bay fearing to faoa the storm Some fears ore entertained for the revenue cut Onondaea anil S nilnole which were due here today and hive not arrived They were In th beavlest part of the storm They were to convey relief uppliei to Gal- veston Forecn ter Kmery received word from blrf Moirw of the Weiiher llurfan tha n oyolotie had iruck Inland from th hut It was central near New Orleans In the mornl E and at 8 oclock lant night U had t with Its centre Tho barometer there at that true wnsnt iiirl the iiinxlinuin velocity of the wind was mllix The wires aro iJown at many pliers and this buy pr vniit tni- oflllal prophets iralng the course of dorm anniXKit ciiAnae1 IHSHISSKII Tbe Governor Ss Offrncef Are Nut Gray Fnoalb n Warrant ll mOT AiBAsr N V Sopt l3Attnrni yOfnernl DevIce this afternoon made iiublliOuv Koo- svcItsiJeieloT In the matter of the ihorcw preferred acnUnt Cot Bird Gardiner District Attorney of New York count by thu City Club The Governor dlsmlwo the hftrRM on ground that the evidence submitted was Insul- flcletit tokinaln t cni The charcoB wero come In number and contiilned about IiX i clflcatlcns Governor In his memorandum ays The report of ConuiilsKloner falU- to uliow any upeclflc net of innlroAnHiice or mlfen anro grave pnmigli to HID extreme step of removing Ircm- ofllco an elective i meet Certain of acts complained of ditch an for liiitnnnn the DUtriot Attorney wholly Improper attitude In the Hemivwoy case camo nnr the border line but In a proceeding so groat because of ito own conviiuenee nnd be c ue of tlin y wnt sot lli n must IIP no- rrusonihln doubt of the guilt and no question as to the gravity of the ffenie It U not to chow at tItus testimony lieforo me mibwtantlally ilo i sbor ofllvnl not the roncvptltn of the tllKMiiv of hit position or that ho ooininiltod foolish or even that he bus OAr liU discretion in euoh inunnor at lo gIn inuw to the l lnf he hoc been Influenced by political considerations v bo tiki n Into ac- count by the people when Judgment upon at poll hut morAl on that n public U until or the fact tli at hi iiondiiot hv cauMHl great and Justi- fiable ill iitlufurtinn to poiMclentlfiiucltl70 a quite dl tlnot from legal proof of abort to sorlous us to warrant rimotal from office to which he tins been elected by the l plo Tl nre dUml ned DKDIAMOI KD IfOJrlV IX A CFlt Drunk llrandr for Illnei anti rail lined In llro J v j Comm From LeuUvllle An etpcnKely dreved young woman tud- denly fell to the tidcnolk In Uroadway near Twentyfourth street about 730 oclock loot evonlcg liar tailormade gown rcture but und eencrous dlplny of diamond had rUready attracted omo attention lo her and when she fell a crowd quickly gathered around her rollceman Hells of the Tenderloin station picked her up HIT wrm cut and her none wee split Shn was dipd and the pollcotnnn- iullpil an nmUiliuiCH and took her to Sew York Ilixpltul- Sbowtld that sb niw Irene Mc llll years old of Ixiulsvlllp and that she was Hartboldl Hotel Inquiry there brought the re txa u that no person was known ut the hotel Tbn the voutur woman wild she lied bepn flnylne at the HoffniHC HOUJO or the Hotel ho not be Urn u t whirl hospital people and the police loan thoiitfiit that tance slm hd h tlf r t taWcui to th iiollcn station houv- Shews tnlciti there and In a cell A haritftof Intfixlontlon entered niMlnst her Word wa en to the Hollmi and pre at a oih ilrove io the a woman who ald sit wi Mr Ilrundi p She with Sll and hit r Clerk IVscock of the lloffman Hxuon furnlvhed bali for the prisoner Peacock to talk about the woman- It said however Brundage anti Mli McOlll cams rera nt Intervals on vlflt that the yum womani tor nai a call at cite ill anil had taken a a s of i nell known n It WHS said fraivd honbliirnd to In the Iiirkt poli court IKS W II lllTTOX AffWr Kel tf I tn Ihllllpi llrooki and Irenlilent Uayes- WtSNiiEO Manitoba Spt IS Mr Hutton Dr W A H Hutton committed sulcld yesterday afternoon by hootlne herself In tin She was n nleo of Illshor Phillips IrooUs and a relative of President Hares The doctor and Huttrn were Wash ngton about five year ego Muttons had been slightly unbalanced for tome Army and Nary Order WASHINOTOX Sept wets MM or Ctirles T fiord Thlrtysftenlh Infantry flailed as maMtr on the transport Ttolrs on voyage tn Manila where h will loin hi rerlment Urut John S Ilattle FlrrentU Infantry de s Acting Advocate of the hUm naTal orders been iMUfd- Ueiit W Kelst r order tn FhllAielpnla rtiolced tAcit W S Croley lcl leave for thrr- iJeul It P Helps order to Wabash feroVert- IkAMil As lttAtit Surgeon I Unrrls from the Haiti more when oul ol ninBiUtlon to home ami watt orders lUlttraor Dry Goods House Goes flown DALTIMORB Md Sept 13 There wee a ven- ation In bunlnew circles here today when It announced that hodges Ilrother whole al dry merchant hId felled The wee founded In I6M by Mayor James I ide who was one of the men In lalllmore hU death teverHl ago flm was reornonirM Application for a pc versiip was made consent thnflrm It ltlo netween Income and Cost at Home This uhert will be clearly forth In next Sun atpv 1 la uch A way A tamakt It lercsttDf to All ol bomti M will ai toiptcUn owntt tie COlt I lon b and I at tile New I I A at a men for a mIlt the Ira I mOld Incises The the baa Ill 11 th rant ii lou the old tel Sill t t or heRd marie mild 1 the rust lao Judge ml or The I one rio the and the rtortn and In I lie ileetritcUon noon wee Itt Louis aRea railroad Local yea 29Oal till Act the eighty WIlcox war- rant bias that rnair the lion the lip the I ni I 111 lot fun Was talked rca Mr a SIte wilt Jefferson I lit She Wee wIle Mrs TheM army orders These have > granted was house eare this the a it > > < ¬ ¬ > > < < < ¬ > MRS CLARKS WICKED XKHllinOH EHXHT IX COVK- 1TIIKHK TIIHHfS A flXK HOW iliflilratr Ioiil With iin Kit on a Dttta- iIjtwrtr Nelari tht InUwellMwyer III treat Threalenlni lUb Cnrpt lr i Who threw the lat About thiS far trIal John of J 0 bad the wife of lube neighbor Charles sutnmonexl before Magistrate Jool In the York vllle pollen court yesterday He aroued of saying runny thing he didnt like to hIm somehow Mrs Clark got the Magistrate1 llr t anti she told another a cat storj- My child had a oat your Honor said Mr Clark It was Just as old aw girl and was a great pet It sometime walked Into title mans home Thats what It on Aug 16 Mj biiHband wee washing his nt the washstand met before dinner when the cat suddenly whizzed past his and struck wall with a terrible thud It feet scraped my hutbanda as It passed him When we picked the cat It WM stupId H hock Ing and brutal commented Magistrate A warrant for cruelty to animals we had to semi of cruelty society to take It Mrs Clar- I went on seemed to make Mr Erin and blew Into my babys face You that do you asked Magistrate You dont mean to say that at you do you nn your Honor replied Mrs Clark Two warrants the MauWrnte for cruelty lo an animal and another for die Tho two warrants were long In preparation While they were being drawn up not vt lied nn t MttAflk nx that tho Clark cat had a nasty habit nf Into hU hnu e about meal time and doing stunts for example jumping from tbo of the to transom from there to the supper table On the evenIng the cnt out his wIfe bad fM fur dinner and Im lost hU temper when on entxrlna the dining room ha that nnlt pu f hnut had eoua el In th ier on Mo et Adler he WAI reurnilgued and Mr told her story again This time shn added that when the cat wax taken Sway by Uio llergh h r little wot Mcled with convuTtlone also thin color of the cat was You you saw tho cat thrown at your husband that l wai a black rat am hall was dark began Lawyer Adler That U leading put In Magistrate Pool You ask her what ahe saw Will your Honor permit me to crossox amine this witness Yes In the Mho said began Adler She the MagIstrate I hnvo II right to examine began Adler again niwiimliut a defiant attitude You have a only to whnt the law the Court allows the Magistrate now grabbing the gavel and emphajilrlng what he said with It All r WHS iMglnnlng to ear something again about his right hut the Magistrate rose ex- Iy leading from bridge to the floor J down nab on- Pownl Down sir thundered the Magis train the other I am down sir he said still defiantly Hut the Mitxlx Irate who could not Ader was down as far as h could go stIll continued to yell Down down till veied control he grabbod the apiaredf- oentertaln tbti Intention of hurling It at hId Ho relaxed hi hold however antI aiked the prisoner t nit If ho had anything- to nay 1 order you nut to reply said Adler Out out now tie Magistrate All right Ill v out responded Adler hilt Ill have my client cut s eorpim proceedings tomorrow a 1 did on a prevlout- ooasl in Out nnd learn how to l a gentleman add MagIstrate Pool Adler In tliiwitrlcnl ns- he walked toward the door an l Krn t wn held In IJili bull on thin chsrifn of to thin eat Tho complaInt of disorderly conduct against him was KILLED SAVIM HER XLTIIKi- rSliterlnIsw of New Hochelle Mayor Sleet Death In Nrw Sept 13 Mary bray the of Mayor Michael J Dillon of this city wan killed this evening tumid the Mayor flBhtyenr ld son Philip was Injured- in a runaway nt the country place recently pur- chased by the Mayor at Hound Hill Conn about MX miles from Greenwich who liven In Mount Vernon went to Hound Hill thIs morning n short vaciitlun Mayor Dllltiti recently gave huts boy n Shetland jwny und cart this the boy crud hue aunt went driving mile Iwlted MUi nHtclind the reins from h r nephews hand tout the pony had already a atOll down a uteep hill At bottom ol the hill was a stone fence The pony dashed Into It antI was In tiintl killed cart was xmaiihed to and MUM Iluvey and her nephew out Just before theem Mln grabbed tho boy In her arm anti It I e lie broke force of huts fall and saved his life liar nee was broken anti tiled almost Instantly Mlsi was lot nearly twenty chief clerk and malinger Berry dry goods store tn Mount Vcrnnn Mr harry wax n widower nt lila ooo and u handsome house on Chester Hill REFlEYIX AOAIXST DAVID wrII To Recover MOOO Worth of SIlks hchwarientuch llabrr If Co Deputy Sheriff Hadlcy received yet rdav a writ of replevin agulnst Darirl Well anti John Don doing liuineHias the HrooKIrn Vnl t Com- pany at 70s llroadway fur UOiiT front Hiumen- utrel A Hlr o orofS hwartnnbach Huber A Co ton sllkM Illumenttrel t Ilirnch have a sttttenien1 of Mr Wells dated 0 1 I last show- Ing acse s KJIOOCI and llabiiltlei 172000 Of the piBset loidon wi In real estate In New York New Jersey nnd Tennessee Weil wa oil of the references given by hell tho rnemliers of the SeeMtr gang of alleged wlnder to mar hants from whom the genie to ihouandi of dollars iodi on credit The five were arrested n two but on Aug 27 and Sept t blt sntl fl d the p lie at that be wa- n no way with them BROKER ACCUSED OF SlltOOO THEFT Charge Slide by Hli Former rartner nil mixed Once by the Orand JUry Edward A Noblett a broker of Llewellyn Park Grange N J was arrested yesterday on i charge of grand laneny mal by Edward II us Broadway who alleges that he Iot HOiiOO through dealings with Noblelt Tlm formerly his partner In a nislnewH Noblett was tail November m two charges preferred Watson and was indIcted on ono The Grnnd dls other complaint nnd It on this dlcover of that Ml wilts also have resulted the partnership MagIstrate Cornell for examination Judgment lor 11171 wee entered yesterday iiralnst in favor of H Wstwn on a partnership nccouuting the late firm Samuel I Sthleffelln need Samuel Ilradhurst ticblofTelln whose nine letb birthday felt on Fob 2 last died yoi- ecday and will be burled on Monday from late roMdence ash Madison avenue Mr chleffelln wee the s oond son of Henry lamilton SchloITelln who wai the tiNt VOB- re ldent of the New Tork Col Pire of Pharmacy In 18 and who became lie resident on the Incorporation of the college IMl Henry Million Bohlelfclin then ho famous 8chleTelIn drug firm was then lnown nsll II 8ch A bibs fathers retirement In ls a Samuel I became the head of the firm and hurlnei was eatjled on undur till style of Hrother to In ls J S II nelln retired and huh son William Henry who riled in 1H9V heeatnn if this firm the finn name chancing to V II A Co W H was by William Jay KrhlelTelln end the firm la now Co Samuel 1 devoted munh of bis to lIterature writing largely for the religious irnns works Me saK o ltD The foundatlnns of His nrrIM3 for na ns nnd IV 4 anti the Peoples Hymn Book IK married Uicretln Hazard who riled n- ugu tof Hoard ai at home difficult to find In a Urge city Such under 8l ct Board Adr CAT IAn Emit alT t I her Jut I my dId up- I I the urke the nuad I out he a rue mole ono and the of the the dish cue of Brk oel I I tnt thut It and Down down two p bond a luna RoC r n a I ho she fat rIO tot In fa rollan Korntaldt Oallnllhr and Mid mon vI latter lii I after bean I from ward of In It lo- On the r l t lIk IA Word 11- I1lrlollan TlalllN 1817 Mush for Our Ch1lCh In and Ih rrl hllrln crud ItPotorrnd urcb year places ate to be In T East story Maggie I face fare once time went the spat had tall halibut left hunt lie wltnesa nui claIming iIrt Itiero nra a lie 11cr agaIn see out bowing Miss the have were thrown hart Coated Ic 0 lee elI lie Watson wee luir the lute wan SrhleiT iIti k Cataeubeina lt7i lai The itt Li thouugb Bus < < ¬ < < ° IIVH rorica Anovr r rrv When tho millionaire arrived at thou roou thIn hotel and took a whole floor for famll and the retinue of servants tnat aooumi nlc him there won naturally elation among house employees who were called upon I do for him what hIt own suite of attendant could not accomplish Hn was known to b liberal and although lila personal staff Include even a French cook the approach of his de- parture arouxed expectations of largo feei It was naturally somewhat of a shock to Imvi the party go without leaving behind It tin meagerwtt souvenir of the millionaires stay This unexpected result wee eepeclall surprising to one of thou bartenders who had expended much of bis time skill In the preparation of drinks the wraIth niet who enthusiastically no knowlegwl that he had never before thi feature of hot life so much Ho the bar- tenders faith In the generosity of the man wee considerably shaken after the mill lonalrcs departure especially as he had prn pared a bottle of cocktails for the Journey back to York It was only by accIdent that tin circumstances of tho rich man apparent for were In probably does not know to this day how lit d Intentions mlncarrled ot gratuities when ho left the hotel was en- trusted to his valet who recelve a nubstan Hal sum to Iw divided among tin hotel servants lie knew that this visit to the mountains undertaken on account of sickness In the New Yorkers family woe not likely ti- repeatid The of seemed to him tinder circumstances bo It went to swell the earn- ings of servants of this class These profit- tlit hotel Is riot surprising lie result to give title a repu- tation for parsimony until the truth wee known Even a thin facts brought very little comfort to tho dIsappoInted group of fervent of the hotel are for tIme when valet ahull again appear where are Similar cases shown previously that for such pur tic recipients In tho quan- tity Intended Hut few been In their operations to keep everything that came Into Itettlna Glrnnl who IH to be married again received credit for more husbands than sIte l really entitled to altliouidi the present betrothed will ba her fourth husband If the actresss present plane are carried out Arthur Pndelford John J Rafael ringer and Harri- son J Wolfe an actor are the only man to whom sho was ever married The dIvorce courw separated her from nil of them and It wee thought after her last marriage that abs had to Indude abstinence from matri- mony among the reforms accomplished by In a s allotment of cpou still leaves her In thin matter of behind Lillian Iu s ll anti Dn Wolf Hopper whose to- gether In brought out the sug that H chorus of their former husbands and wives would make n liii rm tliiK feature of thin Six hiixbinds erroiieou to Ml- Glrard who Is still In thn thirties Hut chic makes no attempt to isli under colors and modestly the marrIage to next month will only hr fourth entry Into the married state Complacent groups of bareheaded women now walk through the streets In the evening usually on their way to and from the theatres and look ut the natives wearing their liatn with an expression of mild surprise that a great city like New York should Mtlll be so far behind In the fashions as not to know that It U good form- at night to go without headgear III the streets an well a at the theatres For these women tire all visitors to New York from cities where this custom huts been accepted for several years In lloMtan Washington mo t of the towns outside New York women look upon a hat on u hummer night not as unnecessary hut rather the mark a failure to nitb th list word In modes New Yorker an accustomed to their mildly patronizing attlmdn when conic hern In autumn Jill have so far ro- fu U to follow their Ai thin visitors shOw their looks that find It hard to realize how Nnv York remain so far behind thus tUnes both are Hut the an It was decided by greater degreo- of comfort rather the visitors on the recent wanu nIghts mprlere Prlngle who has returned this year to b ono of tho leading singers In thin company to give opera In English nt the thi fall has been for several yean a valuable memtwr of foreign company although he huts appeared hitherto only In thn less Important roles Once lat winter he had opportunity to sing UrpAi fj Ae7r owing to the Illnesi of M Planoon anti showed that In any group of singers less brilliant than that customarily heard At the Metropolitan hn could take a creditable place Hut the New York public Is exacting In thus matter of stare and will lIsten only to the most famous so younger and less known singers have little opportunity to attract attention At Covent Garden Mr Iringle always sings leading rOles but the public has not yet reached tho point at which It will bo dtaatlMlpd when every artist in n performance Is not ot the highest Pringle are wllllne to endure the of mein- berMblp In the regular company bnoausn thin compensation Is much greater then abroad even coiiditlons era not no satis- factory Mm Mantelll who is not to slug at Metropolitan his winter remain III wa weary of In- fmaf r et although re a salary here than Khn will In Lisbon But th opportunities for an Italian contralto at the are few antI while Mme Maui telli occasionally hail the opportunity to u petiT us or was much more frequently call d on for SfenAano or ono of the maidens Mr Is this to have regularly the leading basso rolo with tho company and one of hU cations for the work lit hits knowledge of the He was born In New South Wales and while h has bMn heard at the Metro olltnn hitherto only In French German and tiillan U not experience In English The presence of the buyers for the outof firms Is one of thin Incidents of hotel life this itcason It has Indicated Itself In new way Some of the manufacturer that situated In cities not visited by these agents sent their representatives here with specl- nens of their stock to compete on their own round with the New Yorkers Many of these men lire situated the hotels whose hallways now look like some kind of a bazaar a a sign inngs on every door or protrudes Into the cor- ridors All kinds of goods are offered by these taco and one display led recently to a curious incIdent In one of the Urnndwny hotels A Iniulred of the clerk the way to the small lining room on the second floor as hl wife was to take her m ali there The clerk imwered that there was no such dining room uist returned In a repeated that he knew there room there ai his wife lft1 first told him existent arid Uien- olnte1 It out to him had atnj thus clerks denlsl to tier All that the roAn In the office could do wax to repent the truth that no such room as hn hal I iwcrlbe I WAS to l fount In the house Dut I lucre It from our room on thin opposite f the mitt the guest uiictr thn he a t mg deprlvol of his I CHI hue with beautiful cut is anylK y else The reference to the cut s I the situation The room wa- levotol to the display made by a We t rn low was a table set with samples of output The who come to to pur ihases of tock am enorgetl- oo local business m n not accustomed to Hi tr netho1 lintel dining rooms are filled with visitors as early as 7 oclock In the mom nfl mot of are down town at work before d 1 w llollenhaner In a Sanitarium RelBtlves of J William Mollenhauer of iVUIlamiburg have had him removed to a lanl- arltim at White Plains The removal was decided upon after a consultation of doctors has not In pood health several months He la a member of th Iambic or tell ers and It of trs Mollenhaur who recently that shn and a woman with had a cake walk were a nulted In staMeln and that she had been robbed of five diamond ring Why Does The 8un It U especially adapted to do your advertising BecaUse New York there no of no man DO citizen of atandlns and of honorable ambition bo not read Tu KOK H hits the and for ew Je Iht relIne from nuany ted their that lOnftsrjlIon Of woNt WA mon during resolved performance hll ala IO milk I thin II IUId 11c1 lO 1 lit ecu h 11 uena ar Enllll town tiers a arc have In 111 crud n Its fa grout impression IIllll think have M much to 8111 there firm ot IIln win meet the Mr for A believe hat I men doss wealthy In I the No the this has been earl take the ran Met- ropolitan lie lie London SIngers like Mr appearing opera amid guest was or slain stile see we by one its been ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ < < > PROM PENURY TO WEALTh nnrxMtAKEn AWAITIM rncTio1I- KAH1 ins AN IIEIUKSH Was renolleii and a Dlipraieie Notice Was lh Hens e When New elm That a Portnn of asOOO wit Awsllla tier In Ilitil AmerIcan Kind tn Lift I Mica Goorglana Edith Hlmonson a dress tanker hlrexJ rooms at 403 Park avenue wwiks She had little money and little work to do Yesterday at noon stun penniless will hor landlord had served n IKMseos notice on her for nonpayment of rent An hour later arepre Hosen thai 4 Rosenthal lawyers at 113 Grand street collrti on hunt and told her that she was heIress to IJ5000 Hn said thou word tutu bee received from RussIa to that effect Ml Hlmonson did not try te prevent the executlni of thus dispossess writ Hhe paroallenl her fur nlture out to the other families living In house and disappeared No one In the hou last night knew where she lied gone All I know of the case U this said Alexander Jtoscnthat when naked about MU- Hlmonsons fortune My brother who U m partner received a letter from a tea merchant In Bt Petersburg who Is a friend of his stat tow that Frank Slovens an American had there and that In lute will he had bequeathed to Mice Blinonson There was a post- script of a few lines from a HussUn lawyer who stated that wo would shortly receive of flclal news from the American Consul at St Petersburg- Mr Rosenthal said that Miss Hlmonson hued told hIm that she was wealthy nt OIM time her father having teen a prosperous horse breeder but she had lout the bulk of her money In a savlrurs hank crash In ISHI And since that time she had had many other misfortune In 1604 she WM driving In Central Park carriage In which Htoveni and Mrs Stevens wore takIng a drive wits run away with Mrs Stevens was slightly hurt and MUs Hlmonwr offered all the help shn could She afterward called on Mrs Stevens who WAS staying at the Windsor Hotel Hlmoason told Mr Itosenthal that Mr Stevens was n retired com mlsHlon merchant antI that hu and his wife went to Europe In 1891 She added that Slovens died H few nlontlm ago svrrrnixa tx nniTisn iionrtTAis- Nineoae With the Army Say IlnrdettCoot- lKisiiersted the lutler- Krftlai Cubit DiipaHh It TUB tune PREIORIA Sept 1 Tlio testimony of medl etch men here generally U to the effect that statements by Mr tho condition of the hospitals were greatl exaggerated At Illoemfontnln and Kroon htad there was BOIIIB extra nufferUiB when the pressure became great owing to the of skilled orderlies but there was nothing warrant Mr statements hen Roberts showed that In Januiry hi ordered the cutting of the transport Ho to march a large army quickly through to to the railway to Illoemfontelrt HU polio wasjiwtltlcd There was dllTlculty In coping the sick and wounded on the march For thi tiNt glxtuen days the Illoomfonteln pupplj trains that arrived were Innuflldcnt for the dally rcfjulre m nb4 Then they egan slowly- to accumulate a reserve until they had fortyflvi- da stock when they moved forward tie time the enemy was niaxxlng ojid threaten In Gcii Ilobertss communications He ordered till possible meaiuivs taken for the care of the tick Tin wounded were sent down with the least possible delay hen Roberts frequently visIted the hospltnls and was satIsfied that thn army and civil surgeons did their duty well Mr Stanley testified that the war wer allowed to make unrestricted re- ports Only trlegrnms were read Letters sent to the press were neer read an the corre- spondents throughout the war could testify Mr UurdottCoutts was allowed on the lines as an extra Virtue correspondent to vIsit the hospitals when be requested He achiest to see a field horpltol In operation arid this request was also granted nfnaiiEiis HKSIXTIXO rnrxcn Operation of the llrltlh Army In Africa lluller Scnttcri lilt Adreriarlee- Sftrlal ruble Imialtli la Tint SlvI- X KDON Sept 13 A Pretoria despatch of todays date says lord Roberts yesterday started for the eastern part of the Transvaal then PoleCarew has advanced along Eland Valley to Xoollsedacht Gen French has been heavIly engaged on hU right flank and Gen hutton ban gone to reenforoe him The War Office has received thus following from lord Roberts Sept 12 Owing to the dlflloult nature of tho country our advance Is alow but we are gradually gaining ground PoleCnrew with the Guards Brigade Is at Xooltgidacht and propones to move to Goodwan station tomorrow Hutton Is hold- Ing OM high ground south of tho railway and protecting PoleCarcws right flank Hutton hearing that French was heavily engaged signalled that h was going to his support lodny French crosed tho Komatl River at Slonio lot on Sept 10 and went In thin direction of West llnrborton- Buller has occupied tho rrossrondi near 3pltzkop The enemy divided sonic going toward NeUprult and the rest northward- Ian Hamiltons command arrived at Helvetia today and will Roto Watervalondertomorrow Tho enemy attacked Douglass on Sept II Between Ottoshoop and IJcbtonbcrg After IOIDO hours fighting Douglass drove the enemy off and captured a quantity of grain and stores Seven Rrltlsh wore wounded Clements In clearing the country between ffrtlgersdorp and Ruotenburg lie engaged elarey on Sept 10 and drove the enemy from positions The IlrltUh lots was two killed and fourteen wounded KttvaEit WAITS FOil ms WIFE tier to Join Him In Ills Tnnrney lo- llelUndlartntal Watching Him Kfftlal CaW lliiixUthn lo TilE SUN Iixnox Sept llA despatch to tIme rtnily- Vtitf from Ix renzo Mnriuos ears tht Prei lent Krtlger will awaIt hi11 wit thTe before iallln for Holland Th Prrtorln correspond- ent of the Yeim says that Mrs KrUgcr calved a telegram from her husband aiklng her- o Join him at Lorenzo JUrque Stun replied that cbs would do so If her health permitted ier to travel Sfntlal Dtiratth Co TimE Sure ElatioN Sept II Instructions have been sent to the Governor of Iorenzo Marnuot- onoenilrur the measures to be taken In regard o Pn ldent Krtlger who is now at that plai and who will remain under the protection and urvelllnnco of the Portuguese authorities MARTIAL LAW FOn TIIK DOERS Proclaimed by Lard Roberts ThreaRhovt th TrsniTsntS- jvwlol CeMt DiipaUh to Taut Surf From TUB SUNS Correapondrnt at Pretoria PliKloniA Sept 12 JM P M Lord Roberts ai proclaimed martial law over the entire ranovail Hejiublln now known as the Tool Ulcer Colony and Germany Heady to Send More Troop Special Cable Dnpalth lo TUB lure IlKnUK Sept Frankturltr Ztitung Oonttantlnople say thatalx Itukalan trawports with 8WO men a quantity of munition and railway ma lariat will sell for China In ten days The papers say that Germany is ready to scud more they are nece ary- Prndne Dealer a Nnlrlde 43 years old a produce dealer- of 201 Graham avenue Wllllamaburg cnm- iltted suicide yesterday by outline hula throat a raeor I In Shed titan I ago got was of the I the dIed and- a Ira the hiurdettCouttn regarding lack to had with All MAl APotlonr on two caSh Russia ISThe publIshes a from and John Stheler Item ribs Lawyer hilts get correspon- dents Want has tee brig with >> > ¬ ¬ > < ¬ 11 00KB NORTH TOttAY- ll lays the KmpreM Was lladly Advised fhoiiht th flours Would Win WM CaNs niifatthn lo Tint NUN From a Start Ouueapoudtnt of TUP Sure BntKoiixt Sept 12 230 P M II Hun Chang In an Interview with the convMponilen of HUM this mournIng he wits to start for TlnnUIn on Friday He U now pro parexl to begIn negotiation for thus sMtlemen of thus troubles with the foreign Government Prince Chlng the other negotiator ban power similar to those of VM U When asked concerning hli plans for the settle merit arid the method of negotiation to bo em- ployed U liming Chang replied that he would cross that bridge when he reached It TIme then asked U tn explain thin contradictions In tIme Imperial edicts Is sued during this siege of Pekln The Empress was badly advised ho said At first was aaAjred that the Iloxern were Invulnerable and were able to makv It hunt the foreigner Afterward when she found that this was untrue she changed tier opInIon and her attitude Earl U titan asked tIme correspondent why I In Powers were disinclined to accept him as i negotiator He declared that he was bette able to arrive at results fcatl fartory to both sides than any one else Li was very Inquisitive concerning the eventi of thus march of thin relief expedition to Pekln particularly Ln regard to the alleged atrocities committed by Home of the nlllos and the looting laughed heartily on hearing that UnIted States Minister Conger lost seventy pounds li weight during the siege IiNDOv H pt IS A dmpatch to this Timti from Rhanifhai dated Sept II asserts that thi edict recelvoil by Li Hung Chang appoInts hen Yung Lu a peace commissioner In addition to Prince Chlng It adds that hen Yung Iil- a reported to b near Ilngtong Hhnrv Provlnoe with troops protecting Courts retreat Ll Hung hang has AdvUeJ him to admit frankly that Ids troops were beyond control and at tacked the foreigners Ll Hung hang will then Inquire whether the allies are prepared to uo- ueptGnn YunaLuasacommlsKloner A mrsMise from Chang Chlh Tuna report that Yung Lu has expressed lube readi- ness Ui return to Pootlngfu but la reluctant to accept thn appointment The southern Viceroys have communication with the Court a far as Tungkuan which on the boundary between this Provinces ol- Ho nan anti fihsnsl anti thence by couriers The Governor of Slmnsl reports that the Court on Sept 7 was cnie days Journey from Talyuenfu A despatch to the Central News from Shang- hai says the Allies are treating with Prince Citing for an srinlsUco The basin of the negotiations if that Man- churia shall ho made a buffor State that Europe garrisons shall bo established at treaty ports and that the chief of aiiall be put to death rnoMisKi flr ii nuxa CIIAX- On Assure ThU Oorernment That American IJTt and Property Will It Respected WASHIXOTON Sept IS Ll Htintr Chang cabled to Chinese MlnUter ask- ing Mr Vu to acknowledge to the State Depart- ment his receipt of the reply of the tnlted States to the last edict of the Chinese Emperor giving him full discretionary powers Karl Ll rends assurances that be lias full powers to treat for peace and Indemnities and that American lives and property will hereafter he respected In China He that ho has taken such stops as will secure the safety of foreigners Minister Wit handed Li Unrig Changes nice to the Acting Secretary of State Dr Hill this morning end surance thai Karl Ll would carry out the provlMons uf this Govern- ments demand warts recelvod with satIsfactIon More definite Information on steps that Earl IJ has taken will be awaited According to Infoniitlon here Ll Hung Cluing will leave Shanghai for Pekln tomorrow Prince Chlng had on Informal conference with the Ministers In Pekln on Sept 0 and said to them that while ho had full powers to treat with them he could do nothing until Ll Hung hang arrived and he wired Karl IJ to como to IVkln Immediately Prlnco CitIng has been considered one of thou pronreiMvo titan In China anti hue manifested hula proforeign views repeatedly It Is thought he may be a- more character In settling the problem than Ll Hung hang to whom ninny objections have been TKArrEn nr AJIEHICAX tMrtxnr Three Hundred Chlnei Soldiers Narprtied In a TemplelhlrtT Killed SpefaJ Dnratth io THE Sure Ixixnox Sept is A despntoh trout Pekln dated Sept says a troop of American cavalry which had ben sent to convoy cattlo- to the city suprlited 300 Imperial troops who were quartered In the templn of Hhaho The Americans killed thirty and captured 12J rifles Thin ChInese fled to the northward Another Pekln despatch dated Sept 9 says DriKOen Wilson arrived on that day for duty with thin Americans Prlnco Chin on that day pout an unofficial visit to all thfe foreign M mliter A dispatch train Tientsin dated Sept 10 says thin international force under len Pot ward whlrh Is innrehlng against the Boxers in the Tientsin dllrlct after marching fifteen miles cnmped at Yungllnclilng which N fifteen miles due west of Tlantxln There wee no fighting on the way On the morning the denputch wits sent Monday the column ad- vanced to Maochan- gorTRAOKs or stnorxix moors Japanese General Proteete AgaInst Conduct of Krench and Itmlsni taNf Diiraith lo THE Sure Prom a SUB Corrrapondent of TUB Sure PrKtN Sept 3 noon via Chefoo 10 and Shanghai Sept 12 0 P M The French and Huisluji troops who are arriving now are guilty of frightful atrocities At Tungchow they outraged and slaughtered women and killed children Gen Fukunhlma one of Japanese commanders made a personal com- plaint to the RiiMlnti arid French Generals anti urged Gen Chaffee to do likewise The Sixth United States Cavalry reconnoitred is far as Hunting Fork the fork of thus road it IliiAnllnir north of Pelcln and killed two lloxsrs whom they met They destroyed argn stores of rice Owing to the atress of military business len Chaltee refuses to allow thus press corn ipondents the use of wire from Pekln to Paku- IOV KKTTELEnS SLAYEIl CAVOHT- Zoafrtfei nil Crime and I Turned Over I the German Sp aJ Dnt Htl lo THE Sure IiOxnoN Sept 13 A Pekln dMpatcb dated Sept 7 says The Japannvi have arrested thus assassin f Daron von Kettoler the German Minister The aMaasln baa confessed lilt guilt and hai delivered to the commander of the German Ho wit arre ted while trying to sell an Inl- hileil watch to a olflivr At fIrst io only admitted that took watch from of thin German Minister however he that lie was murderer He the Imperial authorities or dared him to comtnt crime M D Olns Vamtlr at NagasakI SvKlo Catlt tlnialck lo Tutu sure HT PCTKiutBttRO Rapt IS The family of M- e Olers tim Hus lau Minister at Pekln arrived it NagasakI Sept H on a RiiMlan on Sept ilspareee Clatters Withdrawn From Amoj- WASHINOTOS Sept is The Department of State has received from lbs Consul at Amoy lo the effect that thus DrltUh and Javanese marines had been withdrawn that was bslig maintained refugees aru turning and the shops and rums acid going correspondent she for lie lie Gnu the Boxers the yesterday says Cage the hut toast Important ChInese raIsed Cab 5 I Special Sept thus also the Cab been force trs the the Stilts confessed thin hoard cruiser t f s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Wlmts wlmt in clothes this laB Como nnd see Autumns now suits And over- coats have been ready some weeks but weather hasnt Fashion is able so cheviots predominate for business suits yet enough fancy worsteds for the men didnt have a smooth suit last Winter Our sack coats are cut like the best tailors are cutting them ItooKK PKET COMPANY 236 Rroadwsr ear Warren coil 7 arid 9 Wntren St asp HroAdtfsy car IrtnroI- 2CO cot aid end S Writ 33J St We nil orders by mall AILEOKD HUSSIAX tITIJlATt31 German Story That Cur II Remanded RetIrement of Empress lnucer laNt Hiiialrft to Tl SIT nuntlK Sept u A news bureau which wns recently established for the purpose of sup plying Fjmt Asian news tias received a despatch from Shanglul saying that HiiMla has the fol- lowing ultimatum lo Ll Hung Chang lbs Emperor of China must re- sume the government and guarantee the appre- hension and punlshmsnt of Prlncn luan and other leaders of the lloxera and exclude the Dowager Empress front all influence In the Gov- ernment The despatch adds that Ll de- clared that tlme proposals with the exception of the first were unacceptable It li further said that Ll Hung hang has abandoned proposed journey north From another souro It Is said thud the report of thin opening of negotiations la untrue 90000 XATIVE CIIRIST1AXS Women Put to Awful Torture br Ilostri- llaiiarr In Cores Too fptclal CaM Diipalthn to TUB Sure HiiANniui Sept II During the month of July 20000 native Christians wore massacred n tine northern provinces Women were sub tided to unspeakable barbarities and In several cases the torture was prolonged for days YOKOHAMA Sept IZ A Japanese who U sta- tioned at Ohioonc Coren reports that two Japanese end several hundred Chinese anti Corean Christians tiers been murdered on the Coreon frontier by Chinese DR HODGE AXn IflPK KILLED MInister Conier telegraphs That Thej 111 Death at r otlmfnW- ASIHNOTOK Sept 13 Under date of Sept Mr Conger has cabled from Pekln- Hodgeii lllled Paotln fu This means Dr Courtland Van R ns laer fledge M D and wife Mr Camp- bell Hodae Dr Hrdge wee a graduate of Princeton University crud afterward tuill d medicine at the Pennsylvania University commenced hU practice as a In Philadelphia H a natIve of Cedar lapld la who graduated from ollece Dr and hU wife agreed to devote their lives to missionary work In t and railed for that list year His fattier Is Dr Edward and or the Presbyterian Hoard of Education 1TIXTEII QVAUTERS FOR 7irMMV5 Those Icavlnc Pekln tn Ja lo T l o and Pert Arthur ifntlal CaKt Dtifauh lo THE Svx- Sr PETEH8BVIHI Sept 13 The Voro Vrf- tnvn says Unit quarters have already been pro- vided at Tientsin for the Russian troops leav- ing Pekln Some detachments will eo o Taku anti remain there Others will return to Port Arthur arid Tallenwan for the scimitar Orders lucre been received at Haratoff cairn this Instructions In regard to thn batteries that wore held In rendlnew to l sent to the Far East end suspending the purchaw- of horses and mllltarv Diplomats on a French Warship at flhanchslt- iptetal CaNt Dtipatth lo Tire Sire PAIIIH Sept 11 The Foreign Office has re- ceived a cable tnosKOsn front Shanghai whlcli this Dutch Minister at Pekln and tbn Austrian CbargA dAffalres have arrived there on a Dutch warrhlp Mrs Wlnslnws SeethIng Syrup children teethIng soften the rums Inltamaiatlon allays pain cures dlairbira aboltle Second Pr i byterlan Church Uemphh T na on Wedae- vd y StpV 11 1910 by the lire Dr Wood Charles r tarmnbe of t tnter Cot to Nancy daughter of tin late James H and Nancy Ed ixniirrt At Wlndermere on Saturday Sept 8 oo Charles 0 Halter of New York rlty Notice ol funeral hereafter VWS At his home In Montevideo Truruay Sept 7 Vlllam U Evans an American cltlte- nUnniNONAt rest site allntetlnr Illness en Wednesday Stct It 1800 Emma XL txlorvd wife ot John W lUrrtviu and dauihur of Ellis end thelate John C Clarke Funeral terrIers at her late rraldtnee 7 lleretr street on Satutday Sept U 1600- t2 P M Inurinent private Kindly omit Cow A K On Wednesday Sept It I 00 Roe b lord wife of James Kane Funeral from tier late rtildenoe le Congress at KMutrtay Sept li BOO at A Mi thence to St Piuli It C Church where a solemn male ol requIem will be eelibratcd for the of her tout IcKKLVnTAl Sharon Sprints on Tuesday Sept II I HOC William J McKelrtr la hit 8ln year Punetslfrom ISasonlcCalhfdraleot Dedfordar arid Hudson st HrjoUlyn on rilday evening Sept 14 lno st s urlotk HCAilret and filttdi re- p rtfully incited irlltrrHIIVOn Ttiutiwtaj Sept toon- S mutl Ittadhutii ScUleflclla In his 93lh year HIatlTts and frIends are milled to attend thus funeral nervtreaat in A M on Monday Sept 17 leon i his late tesldmir Bis MadIson a- rovracss IIILIS CKJIKTEIIT Office I aladlinn av corner 23d it XT- J5irtial Notices rinTiFirTiiiAiisi on laudIng h ith jy new bodies ntatiil frr AIIIPUHKX CO 31nr ubl rntian- tItr Limbs Isles SaMRIlrt Dorian Utc PIIATT Ut tta Cr Special addressed hImself hung Chang his SLAIN the < his Elsie EdIlu was Hodga 1astor of the iresb teriarm hutch at N an that ULllCH 30IICC fist madras aind mile lie the micron En land ItO Jersey CIt era aSa repose suddenly It ers toe ci ilhst I Quo Vadis a 0- S ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > > > < >


Page 1: THE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 7 MATTE FIl7 IAn insTHE SUN FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1000 I 7 i-f THEATRICAL MATTE rilK JIOHH Of JIALAHAH with n omlr Opera br 1 Sheerer Cl o- l end ludwll Knilad








with n omlr Opera br 1 Sheerer Cl o-

l end ludwll Knilad rllop BoothFarcical In Donut Hen

j yilfon was himself ncnln at tli-

tnckerbCkM I haIr la t nIght He tried I

dtlung else make the audlo-ncbc 11 dovolel lloithc-

ouifl oiM mrlf ved his liat year

K ir t eirlcniur of a irenchmnn

India tlw act of the new piece II-

hdMfl rl behind In I1nrl1

M bout to wed Of but

kr iur m it J hf raolf forth bride andmpfled h her That

c4T8 him opportunities to be the vie

ilm ot tirniiifinnt In the Mcom-

I returned from a Journey In tbof Bifiiv of the country having e

wd from matrimony through aI


v ureil by a tiger nut III-

i was turned to grief when learneihit il urp l widow hid not

to near cremation In accordance wIth

the lllndo0 law No put on the dre of

monk ostensibly hre to Attend the

of five hin really to nave her life

whloi he lid iigccstlng to rape

Ooui RJ thai e l e sold at auo

ton Il counted n burins her but he wa-

oiilbld bY a wealthy and amorous Princeh hurl therefore chance to chsngi

nml thus gave n variety

iet to bm familiar trick of gpovch

Mr what used to callrd i

protean rflle Impersonated four dlfii face clothing at

though thev worn nil alike In WllM nl m

iU drollery WM nor for a minute Ineffeotuiil-

ibil roo l of he lime It Wee restlessly combo

There was rMili ir The Monks of Malabar-

tetd Mr Wilson to make It an enteruinment libretto wag claimed ni-

by J Hietver Goodwin andtli cor by Iudwle Englander No hint

riven in th playbill of a French

tourw of cry of th matter It wai-

eeruin thAt while the subject and characterParisian in manner the wording was In

Mr G0d ln wellknown ftyln o colloQuial

loklnz and easy rhyming Most ofIIUM aid h best of them were In

Mr Eoiianders otin vein of pleasantmelody So ii U af to proUe those two men

work niirelv their own They made n comicepm mucb to the liking of a bIg and tine pd oce cad distinctly abovo the average Tho

ni of tli pi C wan b the way

in which II was prrwuwd The companyMpful t H Mailti IPMIIII wasmi eirfe attractive heroine pretty

Mia altogether the be i companionHll on hud etr n hisipuke and danced welt and

doing the b tt ahe could allMIt merit not alwny shown comlo

operawomrn KeiiMelaer Whol rand lidn e eiivllent In both

icd Maud Hnllln and Edith llradlord lookd will and were witl fa loryvocally Th chorus wore n voritl et of hwyrotuin ant lle vno spiny woebut good had directed coloN anui hud brought about a mnooth-jnil rapid performance

Hope Booth gilredBotre notoriety a few yearago br cihlbllng herali In a wrnblarce ofnudity In roof 4ardM and raudovllle theatr t

The teen tilt to uv herboldn Mi a th CM tra pont of a re-

mit H A Wife tn Pa n a farce by Chance EBlaney and Charle Taylor und U now

at the Grand Opera Houseand list rich to Sew York It l vulcar

n language and artloa Mm Booth raidretenJ y h notilj not cnitlnu It alter

purists hay i ronU to b MiMred that

not pr T a lad of HkinR for pruriency-ontUtigo The senlnc aslux of the fnr e hduitimply to it w rthlesiii ssa an ontortain-cMt A few vile pinyi will alwayt thrvo butto rimlr Muiil rniio tu dcc nt theatri-cal ditersloin A ta In Pawn wai nrltu n-

ariud MUi Bontlia fltfure wich i nearly abid u the play A countri clcreymanH-da it r marnis on actor ho pa ne allhr jpwelry and llnallv hurnrlf After h-

arfl t iidience lnvi mibjectrd-o man Insults IIBP hubnrd corner to r-

and im wife Is put up to b byiit auf l0ii as inaKcjit halt of the May Th other bait no

Ptoiivhievcr SIn t ih third actiiuid n ihootr n the front or which are

hum nude i Uturns of Mi Hooih her bvt own cit nni ihi of tln tfh Ir whichn he wrotid ri KwthMir sm f tlioacior In a ptot

oiniun and ino iarp purport to I

numiconc Mv Booth M re l d In Crabf

1 undine tRI used to lIpthe ilu ry elT t of theckigii MIM Hooih1pMillltlon Thente voDian roMd in a spaco enclosine o-

n areininir a And fmiientlvA7Hfr rn th box make r

Jt MS 0 tlon If not In

Tfc rrr i nan R new vautvlp hou0atSIitich strwt and Hroadivay will be

Mondaysvenlnc t Mnn ind tlarlrt-r tvnn ar iu nianuirir They protnlia ajncoe ion of DrttclaM hlll and Hin a per

tTeMif hut Sunday withnoun and Saturday

A morii ilartime pfonnince during whichmoling ami hestl of beverages will bo proWUd ma b nrluded In their schemeMr Oienns hui a indicated hr the terrmershred w he a pifiintnir oneKJnau Buv imtnnt1al oncouracetne-

ntt eompatiT by KiibocriblriBlor SuiftAi o i i j-

itlNeen un s on of thirty wiekii-manaverof a travelling company other

ulrtleT teJ1 dtrat

VwrTf alld direct ttentlVrif1i hr sketch In

lw b iiu the m-anind provlfl1 irlit Mano mat

5lirnleSi l vt n a WomanPaulino Iliil B-

I in th West


mil Thrown and Itt SkullWa Fractured

wi7W IWr rd avenue and


uh npp Ilt and wee

h died night

8tl l 13-

f llntmlulu She hm If

In the Tlen


7 r TIt

1 I Unkkbcckr


dolaulh ald

fun purioo Inprt ot The of


ot alproul aIn



to marry


dl UI



b th

twCe ofand

a tlc

hit be

lonwen I
















I m nlaU hut ta bot the l n




r 1 1 11a

e orI om Th-

In a l WireIn brazen

pudI To




for PIt


l duro

for mal 10 WhitIlkttii otr

t3 °r

III 111lp hI a n pIRI In

DC nlt d

111hYh 11 IIIJonRtr note

Ihe Inone

ar I nld0

e orIIlo111

CtP nv IUI of Orllda Thud Ihl

U bad r t theII b of iii crcumtrle of laNe

I 11 P InKDr lookJ droll K to lead

lake Ier h011 II his CuriaeI to

r l Shor nltQUilr

wll from OXy

llaI mother CrclnrMora too ila

roan aheadonp Ri

nn I h Jro-I 11 01 hBty krnba

IOM YI Jai aIl In Whe-

roln nroldhull faro





I Inn Ia

tlddt carriage

II Ihe a

arJ101u1 removed to Stlast

Sl I Ih ltl and WoundedI

14anl Slnt to front China

VPh oaldd home Tea


b I Cant



n 7 IIgln-fl



jpltbd tile tIit-to Monks MAlabar-grsI

fullywith iirLoui yen



the-n I









oq heIghtenedwee


tileuii wai-

t the

has uponnay


Its therroo that the rLce



I tin tiornel ticketthcr




a I


f t1T4 It r LItrn laLi I

reIra miii

C C fit ir 11 rIIDIITIICr901 Hut tIa iNea

Ivtvtil acre at n IrlIan ddtim Ifl




o a raidi alti oVeIuIIh


TheISA the ctretirt

Tfl arid

r I I ilvnI it nili

A lie rI n ne dOrllI t tie audI

I i a

raIrecntmIfT tIin

hr lie rL di dfniit

at andi Co a10

act Inp fl I

dwirita larIitr lila

flhli lIo Ia ol IIn racy got

Crare hareCrg bIi

uiran tiiitohItirptta



fl barrel ot Iledlord avenue ccliLac tu a carriae Yeiterdgy afternoon

tdbtane lrIglitnj Albany

larlc Ieee theIra FarrelL

out to Street thin auatatnd fracShe wa


The tntted Stnte1

arrived nightb warand aj


the Tobert-l wound











> >










visif xToitii TUB avir-I U Nlrlket LnuhUna and Adjarrnt

Hlth fltvrrltrnirf i IllownXKW ONIKANK la a pt On

hurricane ruck thulx MU U liroast thin morning coining from Tiizos Thcentru of tho ntoriu wan Jut off Iort Fadsthe mouth of the Mlwln lppl blowlne downwires und for the necond time In a week aeveilog the connection Iwtween Port Birt andOrleans Htornt algnnh were burg outve Kel about lo put to ea were detained

The lonl vlllt arid Na hviii Itnllrond Miffere-

eoniewhat frontiif bridge And the overflowing of Us trackfreight train wa blown from tho track at Looknut by the wind which renched fifty inllm aihour The destruction of the telephone and talegraph wlrn render t Impowlbln to reach placewhere the dorm Ullkely to have doue the greatrat harm

The velocity of the hurricane at Port KadJust before the telegrai wlrM hew away a

400 mUM It will be Impomlbl tiget any Information front south of tlw river exoplln what cornea by boat It In believedthe WraUirr Uureail hero that the utorm I

ruuchtnoro never near Ileauuiont Tex thananywhere nine and U U feared that great dsmage U beIng done M all wires seem to he down

MoDlLt Ala Sept 13During last nightgale formed In the Gulf and today It madeway northward the centre striking the coast oMississippi somewhere between New Orleanand Day HI All along the coast fromthU lty to New Orleans the force of thestorm wee tell generally and report recelved tonight front many places tell of dam

sustaIned from property destroyed thedistrict from flay Bt Kotils to New Orlean-oann t benaohed s all the wires are downIt Is believed from what say thatthere hai been great dainag done on tinbridges and tnmtlos of the Ixjulivllle and Nashvllle Railroad which a continuous linebetween the clllea wind attainedmaximum velocity of thirtysix an hourwhile nt Fort Morgan sixty was re-

ported up to the hour of noon when wIresbroke

The revenue cutter Wlnona which left heretide morning for Galveiton with relief supplieshat not left the lower bay fearing to faoa thestorm Some fears ore entertained for therevenue cut Onondaea anil S nilnole whichwere due here today and hive not arrivedThey were In th beavlest part of the stormThey were to convey relief uppliei to Gal-

vestonForecn ter Kmery received word

from blrf Moirw of the Weiiher llurfantha n oyolotie had iruck Inland from th hutIt was central near New Orleans In the mornl Eand at 8 oclock lant night U had

t with Its centreTho barometer there at that true

wnsnt iiirl the iiinxlinuin velocityof the wind was mllix The wires aroiJown at many pliers and this buy pr vniit tni-oflllal prophets iralng thecourse of dorm

anniXKit ciiAnae1 IHSHISSKII

Tbe Governor Ss Offrncef Are Nut GrayFnoalb n Warrant ll mOT

AiBAsr N V Sopt l3Attnrni yOfnernlDevIce this afternoon made iiublliOuv Koo-svcItsiJeieloT In the matter of the ihorcwpreferred acnUnt Cot Bird GardinerDistrict Attorney of New York count by thuCity Club

The Governor dlsmlwo the hftrRM onground that the evidence submitted was Insul-

flcletit tokinaln t cniThe charcoB wero come In number and

contiilned about IiX i clflcatlcnsGovernor In his memorandum ays

The report of ConuiilsKloner falU-

to uliow any upeclflc net of innlroAnHiiceor mlfen anro grave pnmigli to

HID extreme step of removing Ircm-ofllco an elective i meet Certain of

acts complained of ditch anfor liiitnnnn the DUtriot Attorney whollyImproper attitude In the Hemivwoy case camonnr the border line but In a proceeding sogroat because of ito own conviiuenee nnd bec ue of tlin y wnt sot lli n must IIP no-rrusonihln doubt of the guilt and no questionas to the gravity of the ffenie

It U not to chow at tItus testimonylieforo me mibwtantlally ilo i sborofllvnl not the roncvptltn of thetllKMiiv of hit position or that ho ooininiltod

foolish or even that he bus OArliU discretion in euoh inunnor at lo gIn

inuw to the l lnf he hoc been Influencedby political considerations

v bo tiki n Into ac-count by the people when Judgmentupon at poll hut morAlon that n public U until or the

fact tli at hi iiondiiot hv cauMHl great and Justi-fiable ill iitlufurtinn to poiMclentlfiiucltl70 a

quite dl tlnot from legal proof of abortto sorlous us to warrant rimotal

from office to which he tins been electedby the l plo

Tl nre dUml ned

DKDIAMOI KD IfOJrlV IX A CFltDrunk llrandr for Illnei anti rail lined In

llro J v j Comm From LeuUvllle

An etpcnKely dreved young woman tud-denly fell to the tidcnolk In Uroadway nearTwentyfourth street about 730 oclock lootevonlcg liar tailormade gown rcture butund eencrous dlplny of diamond had rUready

attracted omo attention lo her and when shefell a crowd quickly gathered around herrollceman Hells of the Tenderloin stationpicked her up HIT wrm cut and her nonewee split Shn was dipd and the pollcotnnn-iullpil an nmUiliuiCH and took her to SewYork Ilixpltul-

Sbowtld that sb niw Irene Mc llll yearsold of Ixiulsvlllp and that she was

Hartboldl Hotel Inquiry there broughtthe re txa u that no person was knownut the hotel Tbn the voutur woman wild shelied bepn flnylne at the HoffniHC HOUJO orthe Hotel ho not be Urnu t whirl hospital people and the police

loan thoiitfiit that tance slmhd h tlf r t taWcui to th iiollcn station houv-Shews tnlciti there and In a cell Aharitftof Intfixlontlon entered niMlnst her

Word wa en to the Hollmi and preat a oih ilrove io the a woman

who ald sit wi Mr Ilrundi p Shewith Sll and hit r Clerk IVscock of thelloffman Hxuon furnlvhed bali for the prisoner

Peacock to talk about the woman-It said however Brundage antiMli McOlll cams rera nt Intervals on vlflt

that the yum womani tor naia call at cite ill anil had

taken a a s of i nell knownn It WHS said fraivd

honbliirnd to In theIiirkt poli court

IKS W II lllTTOX AffWrKel tf I tn Ihllllpi llrooki and

Irenlilent Uayes-

WtSNiiEO Manitoba Spt IS Mr HuttonDr W A H Hutton committed sulcld

yesterday afternoon by hootlne herself In tinShe was n nleo of Illshor Phillips

IrooUs and a relative of President Hares Thedoctor and Huttrn were Washngton about five year ego Muttons

had been slightly unbalanced for tome

Army and Nary OrderWASHINOTOX Sept wets

MM or Ctirles T fiord Thlrtysftenlh Infantryflailed as maMtr on the transport Ttolrs on

voyage tn Manila where h will loin hi rerlmentUrut John S Ilattle FlrrentU Infantry de

s Acting Advocate of thehUm

naTal orders been iMUfd-Ueiit W Kelst r order tn FhllAielpnla rtiolcedtAcit W S Croley lcl leave for thrr-

iJeul It P Helps order to Wabash feroVert-IkAMil As lttAtit Surgeon I Unrrls from the Haiti

more when oul ol ninBiUtlon to home ami watt orders

lUlttraor Dry Goods House Goes flownDALTIMORB Md Sept 13 There wee a ven-

ation In bunlnew circles here today when It

announced that hodges Ilrother wholeal dry merchant hId felled The

wee founded In I6M by Mayor JamesI ide who was one of the men In

lalllmore hU death teverHl agoflm was reornonirM Application for a

pc versiip was made consentthnflrm

It ltlo netween Income and Costat Home

This uhert will be clearly forth In next Sunatpv 1 la uch A way A tamakt It

lercsttDf to All ol bomti M will aitoiptcUn owntt tie





I attile








for amIlt









11 thrant





t t





rustlao Judge







the rtortn and In I lie ileetritcUon

noon wee





Local yea
















I ni I 111 lot




rca Mr


SIte wilt JeffersonI lit

She Wee



TheM army orders

These have>





















iliflilratr Ioiil With iin Kit on a Dttta-iIjtwrtr Nelari tht InUwellMwyer IIItreat Threalenlni lUb Cnrpt lr iWho threw the lat About thiS far trIal

John of J 0

bad the wife of lube neighbor Charlessutnmonexl before Magistrate Jool In the Yorkvllle pollen court yesterday He arouedof saying runny thing he didnt like to hIm

somehow Mrs Clark got the Magistrate1llr t anti she told another a cat storj-

My child had a oat your Honorsaid Mr Clark It was Just as old aw

girl and was a great pet It sometime walkedInto title mans home Thats what Iton Aug 16 Mj biiHband wee washing hisnt the washstand met before dinnerwhen the cat suddenly whizzed past hisand struck wall with a terriblethud It feet scraped my hutbandaas It passed him When we picked the catIt WM stupId

H hock Ing and brutal commentedMagistrate A warrant for cruelty to animals

we had to semi ofcruelty society to take It Mrs Clar-

I went on seemed to make Mr Erinand blew Into my babys face

You that do you askedMagistrate You dont mean to say that

at you do younn your Honor replied Mrs Clark

Two warrants the MauWrntefor cruelty lo an animal and another for die

Tho two warrants were long In preparationWhile they were being drawn up

not vt lied nn t MttAflk nxthat tho Clark cat had a nasty habit

nf Into hU hnu e about meal timeand doing stunts for example jumping fromtbo of the to transomfrom there to the supper table

On the evenIng the cnt out his wIfebad fM fur dinner and Im lost hU temper whenon entxrlna the dining room ha thatnnlt pu f

hnut had eoua el In th ier onMo et Adler he WAI reurnilguedand Mr told her story again Thistime shn added that when the cat wax takenSway by Uio llergh h r little

wot Mcled with convuTtlone alsothin color of the cat was

You you saw tho cat thrown at yourhusband that l wai a black rat am

hall was dark began Lawyer Adler

That U leading put In Magistrate PoolYou ask her what ahe saw

Will your Honor permit me to crossoxamine this witness

Yes In theMho said began AdlerShe the MagIstrateI hnvo II right to examine

began Adler again niwiimliut a defiant attitudeYou have a only to whnt the law

the Court allows the Magistratenow grabbing the gavel and emphajilrlng whathe said with It

All r WHS iMglnnlng to ear something againabout his right hut the Magistrate rose ex-

Iy leading from bridge to the floorJ down nab on-

Pownl Down sir thundered the Magistrain

the other I am downsir he said still defiantly Hut the MitxlxIrate who could not Ader was downas far as h could go stIll continued to yell

Down down till veied controlhe grabbod the apiaredf-

oentertaln tbti Intention of hurling It athId Ho relaxed hi hold however antIaiked the prisoner t nit If ho had anything-to nay

1 order you nut to reply said AdlerOut out now tie MagistrateAll right Ill v out responded Adler

hilt Ill have my client cut s eorpimproceedings tomorrow a 1 did on a prevlout-ooasl in

Out nnd learn how to l a gentlemanadd MagIstrate Pool

Adler In tliiwitrlcnl ns-

he walked toward the door an l Krn t wn heldIn IJili bull on thin chsrifn of to thin eatTho complaInt of disorderly conduct againsthim was


rSliterlnIsw of New Hochelle Mayor SleetDeath In

Nrw Sept 13 Mary braythe of Mayor Michael J Dillonof this city wan killed this evening tumid theMayor flBhtyenr ld son Philip was Injured-in a runaway nt the country place recently pur-

chased by the Mayor at Hound Hill Connabout MX miles from Greenwichwho liven In Mount Vernon went to HoundHill thIs morning n short vaciitlun MayorDllltiti recently gave huts boy n Shetland jwnyund cart this the boy crud hue aunt wentdriving

mile Iwlted MUinHtclind the reins from h r nephews

hand tout the pony had already aatOll down a uteep hill At bottom ol thehill was a stone fence The pony dashed IntoIt antI was In tiintl killed cart wasxmaiihed to and MUM Iluvey and hernephew out Just before theemMln grabbed tho boy In her arm antiIt I e lie broke force of huts

fall and saved his life liar nee was brokenanti tiled almost Instantly

Mlsi was lot nearly twentychief clerk and malinger Berrydry goods store tn Mount Vcrnnn Mr harrywax n widower nt lilaooo and u handsome house on Chester Hill


hchwarientuch llabrr If Co

Deputy Sheriff Hadlcy received yet rdav awrit of replevin agulnst Darirl Well anti JohnDon doing liuineHias the HrooKIrn Vnl t Com-pany at 70s llroadway fur UOiiT front Hiumen-utrel A Hlro orofS hwartnnbach HuberA Co ton sllkM Illumenttrel t Ilirnch have asttttenien1 of Mr Wells dated 0 1 I last show-Ing acse s KJIOOCI and llabiiltlei 172000 Of thepiBset loidon wi In real estate In NewYork New Jersey nnd Tennessee

Weil wa oil of the references given by

hell tho rnemliers of the SeeMtr gang of allegedwlnder to mar hants from whom the genie

to ihouandi of dollarsiodi on credit The five were arrested

n two but on Aug 27 and Sept t bltsntl fl d the p lie at that be wa-

n no way with them


Charge Slide by Hli Former rartner nilmixed Once by the Orand JUry

Edward A Noblett a broker of LlewellynPark Grange N J was arrested yesterday oni charge of grand laneny mal by Edward II

us Broadway who alleges that he IotHOiiOO through dealings with Noblelt Tlm

formerly his partner In anislnewH Noblett was tail Novemberm two charges preferred Watson and wasindIcted on ono The Grnnd dls

other complaint nnd It on thisdlcover of that

Ml wilts also have resultedthe partnership MagIstrate Cornell

for examinationJudgment lor 11171 wee entered yesterday

iiralnst in favor ofH Wstwn on a partnership nccouuting

the late firm

Samuel I Sthleffelln needSamuel Ilradhurst ticblofTelln whose nine

letb birthday felt on Fob 2 last died yoi-ecday and will be burled on Monday from

late roMdence ash Madison avenue Mrchleffelln wee the s oond son of Henrylamilton SchloITelln who wai the tiNt VOB-

re ldent of the New Tork ColPire of Pharmacy In 18 and who became lie

resident on the Incorporation of the collegeIMl Henry Million Bohlelfclin then

ho famous 8chleTelIn drug firmwas then lnown nsll II 8ch A

bibs fathers retirement In ls a Samuel Ibecame the head of the firm and

hurlnei was eatjled on undur till style ofHrother to In ls J S II

nelln retired and huh son William Henrywho riled in 1H9V heeatnn

if this firm the finn name chancing toV II A Co W H was

by William Jay KrhlelTellnend the firm la now Co Samuel

1 devoted munh of bis tolIterature writing largely for the religiousirnns works Me saK o

ltD The foundatlnns of HisnrrIM3 for na ns nnd

IV 4 anti the Peoples Hymn Book IKmarried Uicretln Hazard who riled n-

ugu tofHoard ai at home

difficult to find In a Urge city Such

under 8l ct Board Adr



Emit alT t

I her








urke the

nuad I out he arue




the of the the dishcue of






It and

Down down two



a lunaRoC




I ho




In fa

rollan Korntaldt Oallnllhr and




I afterbean I




It lo-On


l t

lIkIA Word 11-

I1lrlollan TlalllN 1817 Mush for OurCh1lCh In

and Ih rrl hllrln crud ItPotorrnd urcb


placesate to be In T







time went




tall halibut left





claIming iIrt Itiero nraa lie








were thrownhart



leeelI lie







SrhleiT iIti


Cataeubeina lt7i

lai The



thouugb Bus







IIVH rorica Anovr r rrv

When tho millionaire arrived at thou roouthIn hotel and took a whole floor for famlland the retinue of servants tnat aooumi nlchim there won naturally elation amonghouse employees who were called upon I

do for him what hIt own suite of attendantcould not accomplish Hn was known to b

liberal and although lila personal staff Includeeven a French cook the approach of his de-

parture arouxed expectations of largo feeiIt was naturally somewhat of a shock to Imvithe party go without leaving behind It tinmeagerwtt souvenir of the millionaires stayThis unexpected result wee eepeclallsurprising to one of thou bartenders who hadexpended much of bis timeskill In the preparation of drinksthe wraIth niet who enthusiastically noknowlegwl that he had never beforethi feature of hot life so much Ho the bar-tenders faith In the generosity of theman wee considerably shaken after the milllonalrcs departure especially as he had prnpared a bottle of cocktails for the Journey backto York It was only by accIdent that tincircumstances of tho rich man apparent for

were Inprobably does not know to this day how lit

d Intentions mlncarrledot gratuities when ho left the hotel was en-trusted to his valet who recelve a nubstanHal sum to Iw divided among tinhotel servants lie knew that this visit to themountains undertaken on account of sicknessIn the New Yorkers family woe not likely ti-

repeatid The ofseemed to him tindercircumstances bo It went to swell the earn-ings of servants of this class These profit-

tlit hotel Is riot surprising lieresult to give title a repu-tation for parsimony until the truth wee knownEven a thin facts brought verylittle comfort to tho dIsappoInted group offervent of the hotel are for

tIme when valet ahull again appearwhere are Similar casesshown previously that for such pur

tic recipients In tho quan-tity Intended Hut few been

In their operations to keep everythingthat came Into

Itettlna Glrnnl who IH to be married againreceived credit for more husbands than

sIte l really entitled to altliouidi the presentbetrothed will ba her fourth husband If theactresss present plane are carried out ArthurPndelford John J Rafael ringer and Harri-son J Wolfe an actor are the only man to whomsho was ever married The dIvorce courwseparated her from nil of them and It weethought after her last marriage that abs had

to Indude abstinence from matri-mony among the reforms accomplished by

In a sallotment of cpou still leaves her In thinmatter of behind Lillian Iu s llanti Dn Wolf Hopper whose to-gether In brought out the sug

that H chorus of their former husbandsand wives would make n liii rm tliiKfeature of thin Six hiixbinds

erroiieou to Ml-

Glrard who Is still In thn thirties Hutchic makes no attempt to isli under colorsand modestly the marrIage to

next month will only hrfourth entry Into the married state

Complacent groups of bareheaded womennow walk through the streets In the eveningusually on their way to and from the theatresand look ut the natives wearing their liatn withan expression of mild surprise that a great citylike New York should Mtlll be so far behind Inthe fashions as not to know that It U good form-at night to go without headgear III the streetsan well a at the theatres For these women

tire all visitors to New York from cities wherethis custom huts been accepted for several yearsIn lloMtan Washington mo t of the townsoutside New York women look upon a hat on uhummer night not as unnecessary hut ratherthe mark a failure to nitb th listword In modes New Yorker an accustomedto their mildly patronizing attlmdn whenconic hern In autumn Jill have so far ro-

fu U to follow their Ai thin visitorsshOw their looks that find Ithard to realize how Nnv York remain sofar behind thus tUnes both are Hutthe an It was decided by greater degreo-of comfort rather the visitors onthe recent wanu nIghts

mprlere Prlngle who has returned thisyear to b ono of tho leading singers In thin

company to give opera In English nt thethi fall has been for several yean

a valuable memtwr of foreign companyalthough he huts appeared hitherto only Inthn less Important roles Once lat winterhe had opportunity to sing UrpAi fj Ae7r

owing to the Illnesi of M Planoon anti showedthat In any group of singers less brilliant thanthat customarily heard At the Metropolitanhn could take a creditable place Hut the NewYork public Is exacting In thus matter of stareand will lIsten only to the most famous soyounger and less known singers have littleopportunity to attract attention At CoventGarden Mr Iringle always sings leading rOles

but the public has not yet reached thopoint at which It will bo dtaatlMlpd when everyartist in n performance Is not ot the highest

Pringle are wllllneto endure the of mein-berMblp In the regularcompany bnoausn thin compensation Is muchgreater then abroad even

coiiditlons era not no satis-factory Mm Mantelll who is not to slugat Metropolitan his winter remain III

wa weary of In-

fmaf r et although re asalary here than Khn will In Lisbon But

th opportunities for an Italian contralto atthe are few antI while Mme Mauitelli occasionally hail the opportunity to upetiT us or was muchmore frequently call d on for SfenAano or onoof the maidens Mr Is this

to have regularly the leading basso rolowith tho company and one of hUcations for the work lit hits knowledge of the

He was born In New South Walesand while h has bMn heard at the Metroolltnn hitherto only In French German andtiillan U not experience In English

The presence of the buyers for the outoffirms Is one of thin Incidents of hotel life

this itcason It has Indicated Itself Innew way Some of the manufacturer that

situated In cities not visited by these agentssent their representatives here with specl-

nens of their stock to compete on their own

round with the New Yorkers Many of thesemen lire situated the hotels whose hallwaysnow look like some kind of a bazaar a a signinngs on every door or protrudes Into the cor-

ridors All kinds of goods are offered by thesetaco and one display led recently to a curiousincIdent In one of the Urnndwny hotels A

Iniulred of the clerk the way to the smalllining room on the second floor as hl wife was

to take her m ali there The clerkimwered that there was no such dining room

uist returned In arepeated that he knew there

room there ai his wifelft1 first told him existent arid Uien-olnte1 It out to him had

atnj thus clerks denlsl to tier All that theroAn In the office could do wax to repent thetruth that no such room as hn hal I iwcrlbe IWAS to l fount In the house Dut I lucre

It from our room on thin oppositef the mitt the guest

uiictr thn hea t mg deprlvol of his I CHI

hue with beautiful cut

is anylK y else The reference to the cuts I the situation The room wa-

levotol to the display made by a We t rn

low was a table set with samples of outputThe who come to to purihases of tock am enorgetl-oo local business m n not accustomed to Hi trnetho1 lintel dining rooms are filled with

visitors as early as 7 oclock In the momnfl mot of are down town at work

before d

1 w llollenhaner In a SanitariumRelBtlves of J William Mollenhauer of

iVUIlamiburg have had him removed to a lanl-arltim at White Plains The removal was

decided upon after a consultation of doctorshas not In pood health

several months He la a member of thIambic or tell ers and It oftrs Mollenhaur who recently

that shn and a woman withhad a cake walk were a nulted In

staMeln and that she had beenrobbed of five diamond ring

Why Does The 8unIt U especially adapted to do your

advertising BecaUse New York there noof no man DO

citizen of atandlns and of honorable ambitionbo not read Tu KOK H





Je Iht

relIne from nuany tedtheir that lOnftsrjlIon Of







IO milk








11 uena






fagrout impression

IIllll think have M much to 8111 there

firm ot IIln win





believe hatI




In Ithe












SIngers like Mr






slain stile


by oneits















Was renolleii and a Dlipraieie Notice Waslh Hens e When New elm That a Portnnof asOOO wit Awsllla tier In Ilitil

AmerIcan Kind tn Lift I

Mica Goorglana Edith Hlmonson a dresstanker hlrexJ rooms at 403 Park avenuewwiks She had little money andlittle work to do Yesterday at noon stun

penniless will hor landlord had served nIKMseos notice on her for nonpayment of rent

An hour later arepre Hosenthai 4 Rosenthal lawyers at 113 Grand streetcollrti on hunt and told her that she washeIress to IJ5000 Hn said thou word tutu beereceived from RussIa to that effect Ml

Hlmonson did not try te prevent the executlniof thus dispossess writ Hhe paroallenl her furnlture out to the other families living Inhouse and disappeared No one In the houlast night knew where she lied gone

All I know of the case U this saidAlexander Jtoscnthat when naked about MU-

Hlmonsons fortune My brother who U mpartner received a letter from a tea merchantIn Bt Petersburg who Is a friend of his stattow that Frank Slovens an American hadthere and that In lute will he had bequeathed

to Mice Blinonson There was a post-script of a few lines from a HussUn lawyerwho stated that wo would shortly receive offlclal news from the American Consul at StPetersburg-

Mr Rosenthal said that Miss Hlmonson hued

told hIm that she was wealthy nt OIM timeher father having teen a prosperous horsebreeder but she had lout the bulk of her moneyIn a savlrurs hank crash In ISHI And since thattime she had had many other misfortuneIn 1604 she WM driving In Central Park

carriage In which Htoveni and Mrs Stevenswore takIng a drive wits run away with MrsStevens was slightly hurt and MUs Hlmonwroffered all the help shn could She afterwardcalled on Mrs Stevens who WAS staying atthe Windsor Hotel Hlmoason told MrItosenthal that Mr Stevens was n retired commlsHlon merchant antI that hu and his wifewent to Europe In 1891 She added thatSlovens died H few nlontlm ago

svrrrnixa tx nniTisn iionrtTAis-

Nineoae With the Army Say IlnrdettCoot-lKisiiersted the lutler-

Krftlai Cubit DiipaHh It TUB tune

PREIORIA Sept 1 Tlio testimony of medletch men here generally U to the effect thatstatements by Mrtho condition of the hospitals were greatlexaggerated At Illoemfontnln and Kroonhtad there was BOIIIB extra nufferUiB whenthe pressure became great owing to theof skilled orderlies but there was nothingwarrant Mr statements

hen Roberts showed that In Januiry hi

ordered the cutting of the transport Hoto march a large army quickly through toto the railway to Illoemfontelrt HU poliowasjiwtltlcd There was dllTlculty In copingthe sick and wounded on the march For thitiNt glxtuen days the Illoomfonteln puppljtrains that arrived were Innuflldcnt for thedally rcfjulre m nb4 Then they egan slowly-

to accumulate a reserve until they had fortyflvi-da stock when they moved forwardtie time the enemy was niaxxlng ojid threatenIn Gcii Ilobertss communications He orderedtill possible meaiuivs taken for the care of thetick Tin wounded were sent down with theleast possible delay hen Roberts frequentlyvisIted the hospltnls and was satIsfied that thnarmy and civil surgeons did their duty well

Mr Stanley testified that the warwer allowed to make unrestricted re-

ports Only trlegrnms were read Letterssent to the press were neer read an the corre-spondents throughout the war could testifyMr UurdottCoutts was allowed on the linesas an extra Virtue correspondent to vIsit thehospitals when be requested He achiest to seea field horpltol In operation arid this requestwas also granted

nfnaiiEiis HKSIXTIXO rnrxcnOperation of the llrltlh Army In Africa

lluller Scnttcri lilt Adreriarlee-Sftrlal ruble Imialtli la Tint SlvI-

X KDON Sept 13 A Pretoria despatch oftodays date says lord Roberts yesterdaystarted for the eastern part of the Transvaalthen PoleCarew has advanced along ElandValley to Xoollsedacht

Gen French has been heavIly engaged onhU right flank and Gen hutton ban gone toreenforoe him

The War Office has received thus following

from lord RobertsSept 12

Owing to the dlflloult nature of tho countryour advance Is alow but we are graduallygaining ground

PoleCnrew with the Guards BrigadeIs at Xooltgidacht and propones to move toGoodwan station tomorrow Hutton Is hold-

Ing OM high ground south of tho railway andprotecting PoleCarcws right flank Hutton

hearing that French was heavily engagedsignalled that h was going to his supportlodny French crosed tho Komatl River atSlonio lot on Sept 10 and went In thin directionof West llnrborton-

Buller has occupied tho rrossrondi near3pltzkop The enemy divided sonic goingtoward NeUprult and the rest northward-Ian Hamiltons command arrived at Helvetiatoday and will Roto Watervalondertomorrow

Tho enemy attacked Douglass on Sept IIBetween Ottoshoop and IJcbtonbcrg AfterIOIDO hours fighting Douglass drove the enemyoff and captured a quantity of grain and storesSeven Rrltlsh wore wounded

Clements In clearing the country betweenffrtlgersdorp and Ruotenburg lie engagedelarey on Sept 10 and drove the enemy from

positions The IlrltUh lots was two killedand fourteen wounded

KttvaEit WAITS FOil ms WIFE

tier to Join Him In Ills Tnnrney lo-

llelUndlartntal Watching Him

Kfftlal CaW lliiixUthn lo TilE SUN

Iixnox Sept llA despatch to tIme rtnily-

Vtitf from Ix renzo Mnriuos ears tht Preilent Krtlger will awaIt hi11 wit thTe beforeiallln for Holland Th Prrtorln correspond-

ent of the Yeim says that Mrs KrUgcrcalved a telegram from her husband aiklng her-

o Join him at Lorenzo JUrque Stun repliedthat cbs would do so If her health permittedier to travel

Sfntlal Dtiratth Co TimE SureElatioN Sept II Instructions have been

sent to the Governor of Iorenzo Marnuot-onoenilrur the measures to be taken In regardo Pn ldent Krtlger who is now at that plai

and who will remain under the protection andurvelllnnco of the Portuguese authorities


Proclaimed by Lard Roberts ThreaRhovt thTrsniTsntS-

jvwlol CeMt DiipaUh to Taut Surf

From TUB SUNS Correapondrnt at PretoriaPliKloniA Sept 12 JM P M Lord Roberts

ai proclaimed martial law over the entireranovail Hejiublln now known as the ToolUlcer Colony

and Germany Heady to Send MoreTroop

Special Cable Dnpalth lo TUB lureIlKnUK Sept Frankturltr Ztitung

Oonttantlnople saythatalx Itukalan trawports with 8WO men

a quantity of munition and railway malariat will sell for China In ten days

The papers say that Germany is ready toscud more they are nece ary-

Prndne Dealer a Nnlrlde43 years old a produce dealer-

of 201 Graham avenue Wllllamaburg cnm-iltted suicide yesterday by outline hula throat

a raeor






ago gotwas









thehiurdettCouttn regarding





MAl APotlonr





ISThepublIshes a from


John Stheler








has tee



> >








ll lays the KmpreM Was lladly Advisedfhoiiht th flours Would Win

WM CaNs niifatthn lo Tint NUN

From a Start Ouueapoudtnt of TUP Sure

BntKoiixt Sept 12 230 P M II HunChang In an Interview with the convMponilenof HUM this mournIng he witsto start for TlnnUIn on Friday He U now proparexl to begIn negotiation for thus sMtlemenof thus troubles with the foreign GovernmentPrince Chlng the other negotiator ban powersimilar to those of VM U

When asked concerning hli plans for the settlemerit arid the method of negotiation to bo em-

ployed U liming Chang replied that he wouldcross that bridge when he reached It

TIme then asked U tn explainthin contradictions In tIme Imperial edicts Is

sued during this siege of PeklnThe Empress was badly advised ho said

At first was aaAjred that the Iloxern wereInvulnerable and were able to makv It hunt

the foreigner Afterward when she foundthat this was untrue she changed tier opInIonand her attitude

Earl U titan asked tIme correspondent why I In

Powers were disinclined to accept him as i

negotiator He declared that he was betteable to arrive at results fcatl fartory to bothsides than any one else

Li was very Inquisitive concerning the eventiof thus march of thin relief expedition to Peklnparticularly Ln regard to the alleged atrocitiescommitted by Home of the nlllos and the looting

laughed heartily on hearing that UnItedStates Minister Conger lost seventy pounds liweight during the siege

IiNDOv H pt IS A dmpatch to this Timtifrom Rhanifhai dated Sept II asserts that thiedict recelvoil by Li Hung Chang appoIntshen Yung Lu a peace commissioner In additionto Prince Chlng It adds that hen Yung Iil-

a reported to b near Ilngtong Hhnrv Provlnoewith troops protecting Courts retreat LlHung hang has AdvUeJ him to admit franklythat Ids troops were beyond control and attacked the foreigners Ll Hung hang will thenInquire whether the allies are prepared to uo-

ueptGnn YunaLuasacommlsKlonerA mrsMise from Chang Chlh Tuna report

that Yung Lu has expressed lube readi-ness Ui return to Pootlngfu but la reluctantto accept thn appointment

The southern Viceroys have communicationwith the Court a far as Tungkuan whichon the boundary between this Provinces ol-

Ho nan anti fihsnsl anti thence by couriersThe Governor of Slmnsl reports that the

Court on Sept 7 was cnie days Journey fromTalyuenfu

A despatch to the Central News from Shang-hai says the Allies are treating with PrinceCiting for an srinlsUco

The basin of the negotiations if that Man-

churia shall ho made a buffor State thatEurope garrisons shall bo established attreaty ports and that the chief ofaiiall be put to death

rnoMisKi flr ii nuxa CIIAX-On Assure ThU Oorernment That American

IJTt and Property Will It RespectedWASHIXOTON Sept IS Ll Htintr Chang

cabled to Chinese MlnUter ask-ing Mr Vu to acknowledge to the State Depart-ment his receipt of the reply of the tnlted Statesto the last edict of the Chinese Emperor givinghim full discretionary powers

Karl Ll rends assurances that be lias fullpowers to treat for peace and Indemnitiesand that American lives and property willhereafter he respected In China He thatho has taken such stops as will secure the safetyof foreigners

Minister Wit handed Li Unrig Changes niceto the Acting Secretary of State Dr Hill

this morning end surance thai Karl Llwould carry out the provlMons uf this Govern-ments demand warts recelvod with satIsfactIonMore definite Information on steps thatEarl IJ has taken will be awaited

According to Infoniitlon here Ll HungCluing will leave Shanghai for Pekln tomorrowPrince Chlng had on Informal conference withthe Ministers In Pekln on Sept 0 and said tothem that while ho had full powers to treatwith them he could do nothing until Ll Hunghang arrived and he wired Karl IJ to comoto IVkln Immediately Prlnco CitIng has beenconsidered one of thou pronreiMvo titanIn China anti hue manifested hula proforeignviews repeatedly It Is thought he may be a-

more character In settling theproblem than Ll Hung hang to whom ninnyobjections have been

TKArrEn nr AJIEHICAX tMrtxnrThree Hundred Chlnei Soldiers Narprtied In

a TemplelhlrtT KilledSpefaJ Dnratth io THE Sure

Ixixnox Sept is A despntoh trout Peklndated Sept says a troop of Americancavalry which had ben sent to convoy cattlo-to the city suprlited 300 Imperial troops whowere quartered In the templn of Hhaho TheAmericans killed thirty and captured 12J riflesThin ChInese fled to the northward

Another Pekln despatch dated Sept 9 saysDriKOen Wilson arrived on that day for dutywith thin Americans Prlnco Chin on thatday pout an unofficial visit to all thfe foreignM mliter

A dispatch train Tientsin dated Sept 10

says thin international force under len Potward whlrh Is innrehlng against the Boxersin the Tientsin dllrlct after marching fifteenmiles cnmped at Yungllnclilng which N

fifteen miles due west of Tlantxln There weeno fighting on the way On the morning thedenputch wits sent Monday the column ad-

vanced to Maochan-

gorTRAOKs or stnorxix moorsJapanese General Proteete AgaInst Conduct of

Krench and ItmlsnitaNf Diiraith lo THE Sure

Prom a SUB Corrrapondent of TUB SurePrKtN Sept 3 noon via Chefoo 10

and Shanghai Sept 12 0 P M The Frenchand Huisluji troops who are arriving now areguilty of frightful atrocities At Tungchowthey outraged and slaughtered women andkilled children Gen Fukunhlma one ofJapanese commanders made a personal com-plaint to the RiiMlnti arid French Generalsanti urged Gen Chaffee to do likewise

The Sixth United States Cavalry reconnoitredis far as Hunting Fork the fork of thus roadit IliiAnllnir north of Pelcln and killed twolloxsrs whom they met They destroyedargn stores of rice

Owing to the atress of military businesslen Chaltee refuses to allow thus press cornipondents the use of wire from Pekln toPaku-


Zoafrtfei nil Crime and I Turned Over I

the GermanSp aJ Dnt Htl lo THE Sure

IiOxnoN Sept 13 A Pekln dMpatcb datedSept 7 says

The Japannvi have arrested thus assassinf Daron von Kettoler the German Minister

The aMaasln baa confessed lilt guilt and haidelivered to the commander of the German

Ho wit arre ted while trying to sell an Inl-

hileil watch to a olflivr At fIrstio only admitted that took watch from

of thin German Ministerhowever he that lie was

murdererHe the Imperial authorities or

dared him to comtnt crime

M D Olns Vamtlr at NagasakISvKlo Catlt tlnialck lo Tutu sure

HT PCTKiutBttRO Rapt IS The family of M-

e Olers tim Hus lau Minister at Pekln arrivedit NagasakI Sept H on a RiiMlan

on Sept

ilspareee Clatters Withdrawn From Amoj-WASHINOTOS Sept is The Department of

State has received from lbs Consul at Amoylo the effect that thus DrltUh

and Javanese marines had been withdrawnthat was bslig maintained refugees aruturning and the shops


rums acid going






the Boxers

the yesterday





Important ChInese












trs thethe Stilts


hoard cruisert

f s






Wlmts wlmt in clothes thislaB

Como nnd seeAutumns now suits And over-

coats have been ready someweeks but weather hasnt

Fashion isable so cheviots predominatefor business suits yetenough fancy worsteds for themen didnt have a smoothsuit last Winter

Our sack coats are cut likethe best tailors are cutting them

ItooKK PKET COMPANY236 Rroadwsr ear Warren

coil 7 arid 9 Wntren Stasp HroAdtfsy car IrtnroI-2CO cot aid

end S Writ 33J St

We nil ordersby mall

AILEOKD HUSSIAX tITIJlATt31German Story That Cur II Remanded

RetIrement of Empress lnucerlaNt Hiiialrft to Tl SIT

nuntlK Sept u A news bureau which wnsrecently established for the purpose of supplying Fjmt Asian news tias receiveda despatch from Shanglul sayingthat HiiMla has the fol-

lowing ultimatum lo Ll Hung Changlbs Emperor of China must re-

sume the government and guarantee the appre-hension and punlshmsnt of Prlncn luan andother leaders of the lloxera and exclude theDowager Empress front all influence In the Gov-

ernmentThe despatch adds that Ll de-

clared that tlme proposals with the exceptionof the first were unacceptable It li furthersaid that Ll Hung hang has abandonedproposed journey north

From another souro It Is said thud the reportof thin opening of negotiations la untrue


Women Put to Awful Torture br Ilostri-llaiiarr In Cores Too

fptclal CaM Diipalthn to TUB SureHiiANniui Sept II During the month of

July 20000 native Christians wore massacredn tine northern provinces Women were subtided to unspeakable barbarities and In severalcases the torture was prolonged for days

YOKOHAMA Sept IZ A Japanese who U sta-

tioned at Ohioonc Coren reports that twoJapanese end several hundred Chinese antiCorean Christians tiers been murdered on theCoreon frontier by Chinese


MInister Conier telegraphs That Thej 111Death at r otlmfnW-

ASIHNOTOK Sept 13 Under date of SeptMr Conger has cabled from Pekln-

Hodgeii lllled Paotln fuThis means Dr Courtland Van R ns laer

fledge M D and wife Mr Camp-bell Hodae

Dr Hrdge wee a graduate of PrincetonUniversity crud afterward tuill d medicine atthe Pennsylvania University commencedhU practice as a In Philadelphia H

a natIveof Cedar lapld la who graduatedfrom ollece Dr and hUwife agreed to devote their lives to missionarywork In t and railed for that listyear His fattier Is Dr Edward

andor the Presbyterian Hoard of Education


Those Icavlnc Pekln tn Ja lo T l o and PertArthur

ifntlal CaKt Dtifauh lo THE Svx-Sr PETEH8BVIHI Sept 13 The Voro Vrf-

tnvn says Unit quarters have already been pro-

vided at Tientsin for the Russian troops leav-

ing Pekln Some detachments will eo o Takuanti remain there Others will return to PortArthur arid Tallenwan for the scimitar

Orders lucre been received at Haratoff cairnthis Instructions In regard to thn

batteries that wore held In rendlnew to l sentto the Far East end suspending the purchaw-of horses and mllltarv

Diplomats on a French Warship at flhanchslt-iptetal CaNt Dtipatth lo Tire Sire

PAIIIH Sept 11 The Foreign Office has re-

ceived a cable tnosKOsn front Shanghai whlclithis Dutch Minister at Pekln and tbn

Austrian CbargA dAffalres have arrived thereon a Dutch warrhlp

Mrs Wlnslnws SeethIng Syrup childrenteethIng soften the rums Inltamaiatlonallays pain cures dlairbira aboltle

Second Pr ibyterlan Church Uemphh T na on Wedae-vd y StpV 11 1910 by the lire Dr Wood

Charles r tarmnbe of t tnter Cot to Nancydaughter of tin late James H and Nancy Ed

ixniirrt At Wlndermere on SaturdaySept 8 oo Charles 0 Halter of New Yorkrlty

Notice ol funeral hereafter

VWS At his home In Montevideo TruruaySept 7 Vlllam U Evans an Americancltlte-

nUnniNONAt rest site allntetlnr Illness enWednesday Stct It 1800 Emma XL txlorvdwife ot John W lUrrtviu and dauihur of Ellisend thelate John C Clarke

Funeral terrIers at her late rraldtnee 7 lleretrstreet on Satutday Sept U 1600-

t 2 P M Inurinent private Kindly omit Cow

A K On Wednesday Sept It I 00 Roe blord wife of James Kane

Funeral from tier late rtildenoe le Congress atKMutrtay Sept li BOO at A Mi thenceto St Piuli It C Church where a solemn maleol requIem will be eelibratcd for the of hertout

IcKKLVnTAl Sharon Sprints onTuesday Sept II I HOC William J McKelrtr lahit 8ln year

Punetslfrom ISasonlcCalhfdraleot Dedfordar aridHudson st HrjoUlyn on rilday evening Sept14 lno st s urlotk HCAilret and filttdi re-

p rtfully incited

irlltrrHIIVOn Ttiutiwtaj Sept toon-S mutl Ittadhutii ScUleflclla In his 93lh year

HIatlTts and frIends are milled to attend thus

funeral nervtreaat in A M on Monday Sept 17leon i his late tesldmir Bis MadIson a-

rovracss IIILIS CKJIKTEIITOffice I aladlinn av corner 23d it XT-

J5irtial Notices

rinTiFirTiiiAiisi on laudIng h ith jynew bodies ntatiil frr AIIIPUHKX CO

31nr ubl rntian-

tItr Limbs Isles SaMRIlrtDorian Utc PIIATT Ut tta





hung Chang





his Elsie


Hodga 1astor of the iresb teriarm hutch atN

an that



aind mile lie



En land


Jersey CIt






ers toeci ilhst

I Quo Vadisa


















