The Fraud of Modern Science - Stankov's Universal Law Press...• Vol I: Das Universalgesetz in...

1 Georgi Alexandrov Stankov The Fraud of Modern Science * The Greatest Conspiracy of All Times - Essays

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Page 1: The Fraud of Modern Science - Stankov's Universal Law Press...• Vol I: Das Universalgesetz in Physik und Mathematik • Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version)


Georgi Alexandrov Stankov

The Fraud of Modern



The Greatest Conspiracy of All Times

- Essays –

Page 2: The Fraud of Modern Science - Stankov's Universal Law Press...• Vol I: Das Universalgesetz in Physik und Mathematik • Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version)


Stankov, Georgi Alexandrov

The Fraud of Modern Science

Copyright © by Georgi Stankov, 2019. All rights reserved.

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Stankov’s Universal Law Press

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I. The Greatest Conspiracy of the Dark

Ones of All Times

Why Human "Fake Science" Is a Deliberate Total


First published on February 10, 2019

That modern human science is utterly fake, especially physics which is

considered to be the pinnacle of natural sciences as it describes the physical

world with mathematical equations known as "natural laws" and evokes

the false impression of being "exact", has been proven by the author be-

yond any doubt in the most comprehensive way possible. This will be the

topic of the present disquisition - precisely, I will not deal with the fact that

science is fake as this is undeniable as I have shown in my books and arti-

cles listed below, but why it is fake, which I have not discussed so far.


• Vol I: Das Universalgesetz in Physik und Mathematik

• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version)

• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Concise ver-


• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version,


• Vol III: The General Theory of Biological Regulation in Bio-Sci-

ence and Medicine

• Volume IV: Das Universalgesetz im Spiegelbild der Philosophie

and other


• The Universal Law of Nature

• La Legge Universale della Natura

• Das Universalgesetz der Natur

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• The New Axiomatics of the Universal Law

• Nowa Zintegrowana Fizyczna i Matematyczna Aksjomatyka Prawa


• The Greatest Blunder of Science. Charge is a Synonym for Area

• An Easy Propaedeutics Into the New Physical and Mathematical

Science of the Universal Law – ebook

• Gnosis as a Personal Experience

• La Gnosi come un’esperienza personale – ebook, pdf

Science, and all the scientists, have not only got the Nature of All-That-Is

totally wrong, they have done that by design of which they are not aware

of. Basically, science is a thoroughly agnostic, blind categorical system

that completely disregards Human Gnosis - the only true fundamental idea

that all knowledge is available to our souls and we only need to find a full

access to it by identifying with our soul and the I AM Presence, i.e. by way

of re-membrance. This is what will happen after our ascension and even

before that in preparation for this event.

Ultimately, current science, and by default philosophy and all religions, do

not understand the nature of the Primary Term of human consciousness,

from which all human ideas and concepts are derived axiomatically in a

secondary manner, as I explain extensively in all my scientific and philoso-

phical books on Modern Human Gnosis:

• Neue Gnosis: Evolutionssprung der Menschheit

• New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind

• La Nuova Gnosi: Il Salto Evolutivo dell ‘umanita’

• Gnostische Tradition der abendländischen Philosophie

• Neoplatonismus und Christentum

• Philosophische Quellen: Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant

• Gedanken

• The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction – Why and How the

World Economic Order Will Collapse in 2011

• Le leggi cosmiche della Creazione e della Distruzione: Perché e

Come l’Ordine Economico Mondiale crollerà nel 2011

• Die kosmischen Gesetze der Schöpfung und Zerstörung: Warum

und wie die Weltwirtschaftsordnung 2011 zusammenbricht

• The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction (Croatian)

• The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction (Macedonian)

• Ten Reasons Why the New Age Movement Has Declared Intellec-

tual and Moral Bankruptcy

• Dieci ragioni per le quali il movimento New Age ha dichiarato fal-

limento intellettuale e morale – Articolo completo

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• Zehn Gründe, warum die New Age Bewegung den intellektuellen

und moralischen Bankrott erklärt hat – Vollständiger Artikel

• Gnosis as a Personal Experience

• La Gnosi come un’esperienza personale – ebook, pdf

In addition, this website contains more than 3000 publications which all

contribute to various aspects of this most extensive and profound intellect-

tual Proof of Truth = Proof of God ever accomplished in the history of

mankind. This is very important to observe at this place as to eliminate any

misunderstanding or disparagement of the author from the very beginning,

or blunt idolatry of himself by the masses in the aftermath of his ascension.

This will be counter-productive to the ascension aspirations of all my fu-

ture readers, who will soon be in the billions.

As I can foresee it, very soon all humans will want to ascend when they

see what we can achieve as ascended masters. However, as humans are

currently highly conditioned to immediate gratification, which will no

longer work on the new earth, this will be another blunder they may not

avoid that will be as illusory as their current fake science (read also here).

As first comes an idea, a mental concept carried on the creative wings of

our powerful emotions, because all incarnated human beings have a direct

light cord to the Source (humans are God's sparks) and are thus powerful

creator beings, the holographic reality we create on the earth and perceive

as Nature, physical and organic, and as Cosmos is entirely the creation of

our collective thoughts. Nature and the external world do not exist as sep-

arate, distinct entities outside our inner mental and emotional fields. In

other words, everything we perceive with our senses and define as 3D re-

ality is our own inner creation. For ever!

As we, human beings, are also Creation of God's idea, as his image, which

we can also define as "Spirit" as was usual in Antiquity (Platonism and

Neoplatonism), everything we perceive with our senses and process with

our minds and emotions is the Manifestation of Spirit in its Pluripotence.

Modern science has not grasped this fact from the very beginning as it has

evolved entirely as an empirical discipline of agnostic, positivistic thinking

and considers Nature and All-That-Is to be "dead matter", as I explain in

depth in my philosophical books on Human Gnosis (see above). The great-

est failure of science is to reject the existence of Spirit in all manifes-tations

of All-That-Is - physical matter, humans, animals, plants, Gaia as a con-

scious being, the multiverse (perceived as cosmos) are Creation of God's

Divine Mind and are thus living conscious energy.

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In other words, present-day science is fake precisely because it has rejected

the basic transcendental truth of all Life:

This holographic 3D reality, in which we as humans live, is

the Creation of our thoughts and Ideas as Souls.

Essentially, current fake science rejects humans as powerful Creator be-

ings, and in the following I will explain why this has happened by design

- by the most insidious design in the entire multiverse. Thus I will verify

why all scientists are totally blind, blocked, and incapable of grasping the

novel holistic, transcendental approach of the new theory of the Universal

Law, i.e., why they have zero natural intelligence. As this is the new Sci-

ence of Ascension, "it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of

a needle than for a scientist to enter the kingdom of God", if I may quote

at this place my predecessor Apollonius of Tyana, alias Jesus.

In other words, all scientists must totally reject their current science which

is only a means of survival in a hostile, insecure and unpredictable world

that allows them to live as a kind of privileged caste in countless research

institutes, financed by the taxpayers and yielding nothing of value, as once

the priests of religions did and many still do. Scientists and priests are clas-

sical human drones (a drone is a male bee in a colony of social bees, which

does no work but can fertilize a queen or engage in pedophilia as is the

case with the Catholic clergy). That is why not only fake science, but also

all religions will be very soon fully abolished by the new theory of the UL

and will disappear from the new earth once and for all. But as the topic of

my discussion here is Science, I will deal with religions one more time at

a later date.

The fact that Science and all scientists have not grasped the essence of

Nature as conscious intelligent energy and us, humans, being part of it as

powerful creators of same, simultaneously and multidimensionally on nu-

merous levels in the Now (linear time is another human illusion), is the

most wondrous and troublesome phenomenon one can observe on this

planet, and even in the entire infinite multiverse. The scope of human in-

tellectual deception in science is very difficult, almost impossible to com-

prehend when one has grasped the new Theory of the Universal Law (UL)

to the full extent and is aware how simple and beautiful the true Nature of

the Universal Law is.

When I first discovered the UL in 1994 and then developed the new phys-

ical and mathematical theory in the following two years, I was stunned by

the depth and extension of scientific fraud in physics and later on in bio-

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science and medicine. It seemed incomprehensible to me how it was pos-

sible that so many millions of scientists throughout numerous generations,

since modern science emerged about 4 centuries ago with Galilei and Des-

cartes, could not see all the obvious and stark blunders in physics, mathe-

matics and bio-sciences and continued to worship this false deity with an

indoctrinated rigid fervour.

For the sake of objectivity, I must add at this place that mathematics was

found to be in a foundation crisis since 1937, actually much earlier, after

Goedel proved with his famous theorem that mathematics cannot prove its

validity with its own means. As mathematics is a hermeneutic discipline

without any external object of study, it can prove its validity only by means

of mathematical logic. And Goedel proved precisely that - that mathema-

tics cannot prove its own validity with its own means. Each time the prin-

ciples of mathematical formalism, as advocated by Hilbert since 1900,

were applied to the axiomatization of this discipline, it led to two contrary

and mutually exclusive conclusions, both of which seemed to be true. This

is called a profound paradox or antinomy and is the strongest proof that

mathematics as a science must be fake.

Since the foundation crisis of mathematics could not be resolved by any-

body after Goedel's proof, this problem was deliberately swept with a huge

broom under the carpet of forgetfulness by all helpless mathematic-cians

and scientists who are incompetent and insincere seekers of the truth. Now-

adays, nobody in scientific circles is even remotely aware that there is such

a thing as foundation crisis of mathematics and I, myself, have done a lot

of surveys on this topic among academic circles.

By the way, I abolished the foundation crisis of mathematics as an ar-

tifact in 1995, after I discovered the Universal Law and developed

the New Integrated Physical and Mathematical Axiomatics.

Therefore, when we are talking about scientists here, we must be aware

that we are dealing with the most recalcitrant representatives of humanity,

which is also at a very low level of spiritual and intellectual evolution. Hu-

man ignorance and stupidity are very widely distributed among the entire

world population and they have, for the most part, been the product of de-

liberate mind-control and manipulation by evil forces from the astral plane.

Nowhere has, however, the mind-control been so all-pervading and de-

structive as among the human sub-population of present-day scientists.

As original human nature is that of natural curiosity, the current mental

state of total blockage for the Truth, which all scientists currently display,

must have been the result of a very prolonged and massive mind-control of

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the dark ones from the astral plane. By that I mean the Powers That Were

(PTW), the ETs from the Orion / Reptilian Empire, such as reptilians as

shape shifters, the Greys, zeta reticuli and some minor groups of negative

dark entities and the combined evil forces from the astral plane, such as

archons, Luciferian and Ahriman forces; the latter provided the master-

minds that developed the far-reaching plan of total enslavement of human-

ity in the current End Time as to prevent the ascension of Gaia and part of

humanity. I have discussed this topic numerous times in my articles and I

will delve into it one more time below when I discuss the total manipula-

tion of the scientists' minds since time immemorial and why this was done

on purpose.

The present-day form of fierce dogmatic indoctrination manifested as

blind, agnostic, narrow materialistic, rejective mind, which all scientists

without exception currently display, as I have proved beyond any doubt on

numerous occasions, surpasses even the greatest religious extremism as

professed by the worst individuals and institutions on this planet, beginning

with the Vatican's Inquisition and crusades against true Christians that

commenced with the extermination of the Cathars in Europe, Southern

France and then expanded to the Middle East, of which the current derailed

islamic terrorists are the natural karmic relapse. Many thinkers and scien-

tists who questioned the Church doctrine, e.g. the false Ptolemaic (geocen-

tric) system, were burnt at the stake and are still condemned by the Inqui-

sition to the present day. Savonarolas and Ratzingers wherever one looks


There is only one true way to study the history of mankind and that is the

study of the ideas that have shaped this civilisation. And as proven by the

author again and again on this website, all the foundational ideas of hu-

manity that determine this reality and the way of life in the 3D matrix

are utterly false and have only deepened the level of human illusion, igno-

rance and separation from the Source. Nowhere is this more true than in

present-day science that is considered to be the only categorical system of

Truth about physical (physics, chemistry, geology, cosmology, etc.) and

human nature (bio-science, medicine, pharmacology, etc.) which men have

developed so far, although the masses do not understand it and, honestly,

do not care about Truth and real Science at all.

In this sense, any study of the history of mankind is a painstaking analysis

of all the mental blunders the collective and individual human mind has

introduced in science, religion, politics, and economics, that is, in the

realms of human spirit. It is a never-ending Odyssey and a very depressing

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and unrewarding one. I know what I am talking about as this is what I have

done all the time throughout this very intense and difficult incarnation.

Let us be frank, how many individuals are there on this planet who have

dedicated themselves to the noble intellectual goal of seeking the ultimate

Truth - the first (and last) things in human life - and have embraced human

eschatology? I know only a few and I am happy and proud of being in

contact with them or having them as friends. None of them is a scientist-

theoretician, as this is understood today, although they cherish the deep and

powerful quest of their souls to become experts of True Science since their

birth, which is their greatest spiritual advantage over conventional scien-


Just as one cannot have an ecclesiastical career unless one drops his faith

in the eternal existence of the soul and its reincarnation at the entrance of

the seminary, as I have written with respect to the young soul of papa

Ratzinger in my lucid essay, one cannot understand the new holistic, tran-

scendental world view of the new theory of the UL, unless one fully dis-

cards present-day science and all the indoctrination students are exposed

to during their scientific education.

This is an act of highest courage and, as we know in the meantime, all

scientists are the worst cowards. By this I mean the only form of true cour-

age a human being can display - the indomitable pursuit of true know-

ledge, no matter what - and not the petty derailed acts of killing oneself in

the name of fake ideals and ideas as is the case with all soldiers of the

national state or religious fanatics and suicides as we observe in the numer-

ous wars and conflicts on this planet.

Science is Life and cannot be separated from daily life. This will become

obvious after the shift and our ascension will take place. Currently, the

overwhelming majority of the people live their daily lives without science,

many hate science as they were very poor in science at school and at the

university. In the rare cases when some individuals deal with science out-

side a scientific career, their knowledge of science is so appallingly dis-

torted and inept, and their false scientific ideas are so outright scandal-lous,

that they should be put in an educational asylum to study the UL and will

be allowed to leave it, only after they have proved that they will no longer

misuse the Truth in the name of fake science as this is such a popular prac-

tice among all New Agers nowadays. They do that only to appease their

egos and pretend to be wise, being somebody who has something to tell

the world. I am very serious about this issue, just as I am disgusted about

this pseudo-spiritual behaviour.

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These people believe that they can say and write any stupidity in the name

of science as the energies that they are talking about cannot be measured

or assessed by scientists and their material instruments. That much they

know, so that the invalidity of their imbecile scientific ideas can never be

properly exposed. All human impostors have a unique devious charac-

ter and know how to project their false personality onto the collective stage

without being immediately exposed for their fraudulent nature. Nowhere

is this negative trend so pronounced as among the small community of light

proles (workers), and to my surprise and utter disgust, the women are the

leading scammers. So much about feminine energies.

This disingenuous approach of the tiny faction of enlightened people on

this planet towards science is the dialectical mirror image to the total dis-

interest of scientists to discover the ultimate Truth of All-That-Is, but oth-

erwise both groups are very much alike in their insincerity and inherent

spiritual amorality often peaking to distasteful intellectual promiscuity that

is fed by lavish plagiarism. In this sense, the New Age light proles, who

are considered to be the spiritual spearhead of awakening humanity share

the same intellectual and moral vices as the scientists and will have to

transform first into camels if they want to ascend to heaven, that much is


The bitter and unvarnished Truth is that all humanity has been under mas-

sive mind-control with respect to science, some more, some less, since eons

of time. The more an individual deals with science, the more he was sub-

jected to mind-control by the PTW from the former Orion / Reptilian Em-

pire who are responsible for this scientific fraud. These dark negative ETs

were eliminated once and for all from this ascending Gaia by the PAT with

great sacrifice and personal courage as the history of the Planetary Ascen-

sion Team reveals in a seamless chronicle:

The Journey of the Planetary Ascension Team

Let me now elaborate on this issue based on the latest information we are

getting from the HR these days. This is only a preliminary information that

will help us in the imminent introduction of the UL and we expect much

more to come in the near future. Our minds are now expanding exponent-

tially in our ongoing ascension and assuming our mission as Logos Gods

of new Earth. This includes an intimate knowledge as to how the minds of

all scientific oriented people were dumbed down in the most intense and

insidious mind-control ever witnessed in this multiverse and in total breach

with the Universal Law and the spiritual principles of the Source and All-

That-Is. We need to have this knowledge as to design our strategy how to

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introduce the new theory of the UL in the most efficient way according to

the Law of Energy Optimisation.

Before continuing with my discussion, let me make a profound statement

that is indispensable at this point in time: no human being will qualify for

ascension unless he/she has reached the highest level of sincerity, inner

transparency, integrity, and the utmost form of self-critic. Judged by these

spiritual standards, I do not see any of the light workers that are currently

lavishly living out their egomaniac spiritual high-esteem on the Internet

New Age stage to ascend anytime soon. This is a basic and most common

human angst, which they have to overcome first before they can qualify for

ascension. As this same basic angst, disguised as scientific, intellectual

high-esteem, is also very common among scientists that prevents them

from grasping the revolutionary character of the UL, this conclusion also

applies to them.

And here is what we are getting from the Source concerning mind-control

that has been exerted on all humans with respect to science and why this

has been done in this extreme form as to render such a fake science with

respect to ultimate Truth.

Eons of time ago, surely more than 200, 000 years ago earthly time, a group

of very dark and insidious ETs from this universe have begun to mind-

control humanity. These entities had severed their light cord to the Source

long time ago and knew that they are doomed to die as incarnated 4D civ-

ilisations. The reptilians, the Greys and zeta reticuli from the PTW belong

to this group, but there are more dark, evil ET species in this universe, of

which we humans know nothing, although they have had a huge impact on

the evolution of the human race.

These dark entities decided to totally dumb down all humanoid civilisa-

tions who are in a 3D/4D incarnation cycle throughout this universe, and

not only humanity, and to totally sever them from the Source. The reason

for that is that humans are God's sparks and have an intact light cord to

God and the Divine Mind. Thus they have the propensity to ascend when

they, rather their souls, decide so.

Ascension was planned for the earth since its inception as an incarnation

experiment in the highest possible density, as this small planet was created

as a melting pot for all souls from numerous incarnation experiments

throughout the multiverse who did not manage to ascend on their original

planets in a more normal and gradual way and incarnated on the earth. This

planet is considered to be the most toxic and difficult place to incarnate as

it contains the most derailed and negatively tainted soul fragments in the

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entire multiverse who have created for themselves the greatest possible

density and separation from the Source, deliberately of course, as to test

the limits of their souls as powerful creator beings from the higher realms.

In order to compensate for this collective darkness, the most evolved,

bright and courageous souls of this multiverse decided to also incarnate on

the earth to keep the light quotient and counterbalance the darkness of all

the failed incarnated human soul fragments. As these star seeds are all very

powerful creator beings and have huge energy fields, only a tiny fraction

of them was needed to keep the balance of light on this planet. At the same

time this high level of existential severity allowed for a rapid evolution of

all the incarnated human personalities as it activates their light cords and

thus triggers the LBP and the ascension process from within. Before a

planet can ascend, some very daring individuals have to ascend first and

pave the way for the planetary and collective human ascension. This is es-

sentially the role of the PAT.

For this reason, it was decided that Gaia and humanity will ascend within

one lifetime, within one human incarnation - and this has never happened

before in this multiverse. This is the greatest experiment of all times and

that is why the level of mind-control and dumbing down of the human pop-

ulation had to be also unique and the most extreme in the entire multiverse.

The speed of current ascension is proportional to the level of challenges

and debasement humans encounter on the earth and are ready to overcome

within one lifetime. That is why this incarnation is so turbulent and ex-

hausting for all humans, regardless if they know it consciously as the few

light warriors do or have no clue as is the case with the agnostic masses.

Therefore, the shift that is about to happen very soon, will be the most

dramatic and shocking event a sentient species has ever experienced

in an incarnated state. From the most dumbed down, totally severed from

the Source incarnated humanoid civilisation, humanity will skyrocket to a

highly evolved multidimensional, transgalactic civilisation within the blink

of an eye. This will be the most profound revolution any humanoid civili-

sation has ever experienced in this multiverse and it will reverberate

throughout the entire multiverse and affect numerous other humanoid and

other civilisations, from where many of the earth soul fragments come.

As any true revolution is a revolution of consciousness, the human collec-

tive mind and its Weltanschauung will experience the most radical expan-

sion of awareness - from the deepest level of total agnosticism and separa-

tion from the Source, to the total openness and acceptance of this divine

connection. It is very easy to perceive that this radical transfor-mation will

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be accomplished by the introduction and rapid acceptance of the new the-

ory of the UL which is, in its function, the Theory of Ascension for the

human species.

Needless to say that this transformation will affect in the first place the

scientists and also all the representatives of established religions whose

failure as gnostic teachings I have discussed in depth in my gnostic books

(see above). These human beings will lose all of a sudden their life content

temporarily and will feel like stranded Robinson Crusoes on the shores of

an uninhabited, remote island, before they can gather their wits and under-

stand the bigger picture.

Now back to the evil ETs who decided to dumb down humanity long time

ago, much longer than the history of Lemuria and Atlantis and their subse-

quent destruction 12,000 - 15,000 years ago. Their main target was the sci-

entific mind of humans who are very curious entities in their pristine form

as God's sparks and carry the strong inner impulse to find out who they

truly are. In order to hijack this inner human tendency to search for the

ultimate Truth, these evil ones decided to manipulate in the first place the

two major categorical systems of human knowledge that are in search of

the ultimate eschatological truth - Science and religion.

In fact, at the very beginning these two systems of knowledge were not

separated on earth, but were mere dialectical aspects of one universal sys-

tem of human knowledge as is the new theory of the UL with its General

Theory of Science and Modern Human Gnosis. This was the case in

Lemuria and Atlantis, where the Fall from Grace of these civilisations hap-

pened at the pure personal and ethical level and where science still had an

access to true knowledge, namely that humans are incarnated soul frag-

ments and much more than their physical bodies. Likewise, the technolo-

gies which these two civilisations developed were much more advanced

than those nowadays. This however did not prevent their downfall and ul-

timate catastrophic destruction as they infringed upon the Law of Oneness

as they called the UL at that time.

But as the overarching plan of the dark archontic masterminds from the

astral plane (Luciferian, Ahriman forces) was, after the destruction of

Lemuria and Atlantis, the total enslavement and eventual annihilation of

the human population that survived these catastrophes in order to prevent

their ascension in the current End Time, they decided to accomplish that

by introducing fake religions and fake science of the Divine Mind and

Source - of All-That-Is. The reason for that was that all the numerous col-

onies which Lemuria and Atlantis established on the other continents prior

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to destruction, such as in Asia (mainly India and the Middle East), the two

Americas (Central and South America), Africa (Egypt) and Europe (an-

cient Greece and the Mediterranean space) carried forward the spiritual

knowledge of these two advanced civilisations and the people at that time

were much too intelligent to allow to be dumbed down in such a simple but

profound manner as we experience nowadays on the verge of the planetary


We have in the meantime enough information that individual ascensions

have happened, for instance, in Ancient Egypt after the destruction of At-

lantis and surely in ancient India where the idea of Buddha is firmly estab-

lished in the cultural heritage of this country. I know from Bulgarian chan-

neling sources in the 90s that received this information specially to share

it with me, that there were some local highly evolved sensorial civilisa-

tions on the territory of Bulgaria and southern Romania who became the

prototype of the Olympic Gods in Greek mythology as they had established

a surveillance base on Mount Olymp to control the Mediterranean space as

they were at war at that time with another advanced Atlantean colony in

Egypt. Today, there are numerous excavations of giant human skeletons of

ETs (2.5 meters and even taller up to 10 m) who have lived in Bulgaria and

Romania long time ago, about which archeologists prefer not to talk as this

would question and destroy their entire false discipline.

Even if we look at Ancient Greek knowledge that is the oldest scientific

knowledge modern western humanity has inherited and knows of, such as

the teachings of Aristoteles and Plato, less so of Pythagoras, about whom

we know only from later generations of ancient scientists, it is an inte-

grated system of Human Gnosis where theological and teleological con-

cepts harmoniously unite with exact science as embodied in Geometry, of

which Euclid geometry is a late compilation. In fact, Platonism, including

Pythagoreanism, and its further development Neoplatonism, together with

the categorical systems of human knowledge and science developed by Ar-

istoteles, not only dominated western human history for almost one mil-

lennium (from the 6th century B.C, Pythagoras until the 6th century A.C.,

late Gnostics, when the Christian Byzantine Emperor Justinian closed

down Athens' philosophical schools of Neoplatonism in 529, and ushered

the Dark Ages of Church dogma), but have actually much influenced sci-

ence until the present day, even if most agnostic scientists are not aware of

this spiritual connection.

These ancient teachings were essentially Human Gnosis - the acknowl-

edgement that all true knowledge comes from within, from the soul, and

that the external world of the senses is an utter illusion. That is why ancient

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thinkers did not divide artificially mathematical and geometric knowledge

from religious and gnostic knowledge of the Divine as they knew that all

Creation is Pure Mathematics.

Unfortunately, when these dark ones hijacked Christianity during the time

of the seven ecumenical councils (from 325, the First Council of Nicaea to

the Second Council of Nicaea in 787) when Christian dogma was firmly

established and the original teachings of Apollonius of Tyana, including

Ancient Gnosis and Philosophy, were fully distorted and suppressed (in-

cluding arson of major ancient libraries such as the famous Alexandrian

library), western civilisation entered the Dark Ages. During this time the

unified scientific knowledge and the valid categorical systems of Ancient

Greece were almost fully forgotten, or rather deliberately suppressed by

the dark evil entities from the astral plane, who had only one goal - how to

dumb down humanity and destroy it - which they almost achieved for an-

other millennium - until the onset of Renaissance.

Modern Times in the Western world began with Renaissance which was

essentially the re-discovery of the basic truth that All-That-Is is intelligent

organised energy that shapes the material forms of the sensual external 3D

world according to mathematical rules as advocated by Platonism and Neo-

platonism. Therefore it is not a coincidence that the first modern Neopla-

tonic academy in Florence became the centre of this cultural revival that

changed the history of western civilisation for the better. This is a basic

knowledge of humanity since Pythagoras and was well known in Atlantis

and Lemuria as well as in all their colonies for thousands of years.

All renowned Renaissance architects and artists were excellent geometri-

cians (mathematicians), otherwise they would not have performed such in-

credible architectonic masterpieces and solved numerous challen-ges of

statics, which even present-day architects are incapable of and are it utter

awe. This is also the reason why Florence will very soon become the cul-

tural centre of the new world, while Rome will become the world spiritual

centre as announced by the Elohim after we established the new spiritual

paradigm in Rome on November 12th, 2018

In my gnostic-philosophical book

Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant - Philosophic Sources as Back-

ground to the New Pantheory and Gnosis of the Universal Law

I write about the founder of modern science in late Renaissance Descartes

as follows (p. 18):

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"With the clarity of his thoughts and the rigor of his arguments, Descartes

becomes the model of all later philosophers. His mathematical ideal of

knowledge is upheld by Spinoza, Pascal and Leibniz and influences the

whole European philosophy of Baroque and Enlightenment. It is just a nat-

ural continuation of the enthusiasm of the Neoplatonic Cusanus for the

"magic of numbers" in exploring the visible world of bodily things and the

invisible world of disembodied ideas, Nous. Cusanus shares this enthusi-

asm with G. Bruno, J. Kepler and G. Galilei, the founders of modern phys-


Only the English empiricists, Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, seem to be un-

touched by the mathematical rigor of continental philosophy, though they

look back on some notable role models. So Bacon discards the first scho-

lastic method of medieval theology, which is to answer all questions by

appealing to authorities such as the Bible, Aristotle, and the Fathers of the

Church, replacing them with logical deduction. In his main work with the

subtitle "On the Benefits of the Sciences" he deals with the foundations of

logic, language knowledge and mathematics, with the help of which he

wants to advance physics in order to answer his questions about Nature


As you can see, even at the beginning of modern science in late Renais-

sance and early Baroque, the first modern scientists firmly believed in the

unity of all human knowledge under clear mathematical logic. All philos-

ophers at that time, who were the true scientists, adored geometry and used

it as a universal method of presentation - for instance, Spinoza wrote his

famous Ethics according to the geometric method.

This scientific mathematical ideal was fully distorted by the evil dark ones

who began to extensively mind-control all scientists with the begin of the

Industrial revolution in the 19th century, in particularly in England, which

is the citadel of these dark ones where the Queen is a reptilian shape-shifter

and so are all the major banksters families that control the banks in the city

of London and through it the world finances.

With the beginning of modern science, we can observe an exponential in-

crease of the mind-control of the scientists' minds which reached a detest-

able culmination in the last several decades and in particular after I discov-

ered the UL a quarter of a century ago.

However, this sinister plot was planned by the dark evil ones much earlier

and they had an easy game in the 20th century when all modern scientific

disciplines were practically developed from the position of rabid agnostic

materialism and blind empiricism in a complete separation from each

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other: For instance, bio-sciences have nothing in common with physics,

chemistry is also more or less separated from physics. Physics, itself, being

the crown discipline of exact scientific knowledge has completely severed

its natural connection to philosophy and even from the theory and philos-

ophy of mathematics, from which it originally emerged as I have shown in

a lucid manner in my essay on Galilei, the founder of modern physics.

Modern science has completely severed its connection to Human Gnosis

which is now decried as false esotericism and completely disparaged with

an astounding arrogance and pseudo-scientific high esteem.

The compartmentalisation of the scientific mind has achieved mind-bog-

gling proportions in the current End Time and has surpassed even the offi-

cial medical definition of oligophrenia. This annihilating observation

should be stressed at this place without any make-up as to illustrate what

gargantuan educational work lies ahead of us when the shift will come and

we appear officially as ascended masters in front of humanity.

Essentially the dumbing-down of humanity by the evil PTW has pro-

gressed historically with the begin of Modern Time in a two-pronged way

- by falsifying Science and Human Gnosis, beginning with their separation

as two distinct and seamingly incompatible categorical systems of human

knowledge and then continuing with the compartmentalisation of each sci-

entific discipline until they reach a state of total meaninglessness. The cur-

rent narrow specialisation in science that produces professional idiots is the

natural consequence of this atomisation of true Science into fake science.

Thus scientists were hopelessly caught in this inextricable scientific maze

and became an easy prey to further individual mind-control.

Take physics, for instance. This discipline is now divided in numerous dis-

ciplines, such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics,

theory of relativity, quantum physics, QED, QCD, string theory, and then

finally we have the standard model as the pinnacle of scientific obfuscation

as I have written in my open letter to scientists, which I sent, with the help

of Patrick, to 10,000 physicists in June 2017:

Open Letter to All Scientists on This Planet – Accept the Universal

Law or Vanish

"Present-day physics is in big troubles as the standard model cannot ex-

plain most of the phenomena observed. It is unable to integrate gravitation

with the other three fundamental forces and there is no theory of gravita-

tion at all. This deficiency is well-known.

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I made a survey on the main focus of research activities of ca. 1000 repre-

sentative physicists worldwide as they presented themselves on their per-

sonal websites and found out that more than 60% of all physicists have

dedicated their theoretical activities on improving or substituting the

standard model which is still considered, out of inertia and lack of viable

alternative solutions, to be the pinnacle of modern physics, incorporating

classical quantum mechanics, QED and QCD with the theory of relativity,

but not classical mechanics.

This is the most convincing proof that the standard model is “fake sci-

ence” and that it must be substituted as it does not explain anything. It is

very encouraging that the majority of physicists and scientists (theoreti-

cians and mathematicians) understand and accept this stark and shocking


Is it justified to conclude from this historical survey on human ideas that

have shaped the form, scope and content of modern science, all of which

have gone rogue in the last 100 years, that the minds of the scientists have

reached an unprecedented level of mental and spiritual devolution by ex-

tensive mind-control from the astral plane? Indeed, this was the case until

the summer of 2016 when we, Carla and I, with the invisible help of the

PAT, single-handedly eliminated all archons and other 4D evil forces in a

heroic and epic battle and wrapped up the astral plane around the earth in

preparation for its shift to 5D this year. With that the mind-control of the

scientists ceased and, if they still behave like zombies, this is the result of

the sluggishness of the low vibrations of their mental and emotional bodies

that are still thoroughly contaminated by dark patterns of fake thought

ideas that were instilled in their agnostic ego-minds by the archons from

the astral plane for a very long time.

I know how effective and compelling this thought manipulation can be as

I have been attacked (and beamed) numerous times brutally by very dark

archons and Luciferian forces from the astral plane or directly by human

demons in my surroundings before I could eliminate them with my light

saber and special light invocations, so that I am fully aware how easily

such attacks can change the mind and the psyche of the victim. Very few

light warriors are consciously aware or ready to admit this kind of negative

experience, while most light workers deliberately and fearfully reject this

dark aspect of human existence and seek a flight in the "love and light"

illusion of the New Age.

At the same time the ignorant, agnostic masses have no clue what has been

happening on the earth from the astral plane since eons of time until 2016

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when we abolished this plane and how massively humanity has been ma-

nipulated and dumbed down by various heinous dark forces. Although one

only needs to observe how rabidly and insidiously all politicians, main-

stream journalists, and celebrities behave nowadays as they are also a main

target of such massive mind-control or carry demons in their fields. The

latter can only be eliminated by the free will of the victim and most victims

are unaware thereof. That is why there are still many possessed humans on

this ascending Gaia, although the astral plane of the archons no longer ex-

ists, so that one should be very careful and attentive in these last days prior

to the shift when these demons can no longer cope with the high frequency

waves from the Source and their human carriers begin to run amok. I expect

similar behaviour in scientific circles when the UL will be introduced on a

global scale.

Finally, it is very important to stress at this place that I consider all scien-

tists victims of the most evil mind-control and have a lot of compassion for

them as human beings as I know how much they have suffered at the soul

level and will have to suffer before they can overcome this state of total

mental confusion and acquire the clarity of the Divine mind. However, I

am not sure how many of them will be able to comprehend the UL and its

theory in this lifetime and therefore do not consider them important for its


I will explain below why, but essentially the impending introduction of

new advanced technologies from the 5D cities of light that will radically

improve life on earth will happen outside the current established system of

scientific research institutes and state entanglement as also the national

state will be abolished very soon. In other words, we will not need the sci-

entists to introduce new technologies based on the UL but will be happy to

welcome them in the cities of light if they show desire to awaken and

evolve spiritually.

Now, let me finally disclose to you why these evil dark ones dumbed down

all the scientists on this planet in such a profound and horrific manner that

they can now no longer think in a straight logical manner as to understand

the epistemological basis of the simplest equation which the human mind

can build - the rule of three - which happens to be the UL when presented

in a mathematical way:

E = EA f = nhf = SP(A)[1d-space-time][1d-space] f

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These dark evil entities manipulated human science into fake science, just

as they created synthetic worlds in August 2013 in order to prevent our

ascension after Carla, and a week later, I, myself, were the first humans to

transfigure our carbon-based bodies into crystalline light bodies and visit

Shamballa in the Inner Earth Agartha (read also here; actually Shamballa

exists in the 7th dimension and has nothing to do with Inner earth topolog-

ically. Initially we believed we had visited Telos, but we were corrected

much later by our higher sources that it was Shamballa.):

Message From AA Michael: Carla’s Journey on August 28th to the

False Synthetic 4D Worlds Created by the Dark Lords to Trap Ascen-

sion Candidates has Paved the Way for the Detonation of the PAT and

Our Full Ascension.

They have severed their light cord to the Source to such an extent that they

have no chance to ascend at all and are therefore doomed to die as biolog-

ical species. This explains their desperation in 2013 when they tried in vain

to create false synthetic worlds to trap the first ascension candidates which

were able to ascend to the 5D after the PAT opened the stargate 12.12.12 -

12.21.12. At the same time these evil entities exist in the 4D and thus have

a superficial energetic advantage over human soul fragments as long as

they are incarnated in physical vessels, which are very limiting to the cre-

ation potential of human souls. This has given rise to the wrong expecta-

tion, or rather hope of these dark evil ones that they might somehow out-

smart Heaven and enter it through the backdoor.

They believed that if they figure out how human body operates and manip-

ulate its genetic make-up and its chakras, that they would be able to use

such human bodies and also ascend with us by short-circuiting (avoiding)

the law of karma. As they have accumulated such huge karma, while cru-

elly and pitilessly destroying human lives since eons of time, they need an

infinitely long period of incarnations under the law of karma, until they can

redeem themselves and qualify for ascension. However, this is exactly

what these dark evil ones want to avoid at any price as they are completely

possessed by hubris and suffer from the false god-like syndrome.

Since they have manipulated humans for eons of time, they began to be-

lieve that they are special and have even forced humans to worship them

as gods in some past cultures and civilisations on earth as was the case with

the dark ETs, Anunnaki in Sumeria, Assyria and Babylon.

The Anunnaki also meddled with the genetic code of humans as to create

a docile version of humankind that can function as the ideal slave and work

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in their gold mines under terrible conditions, but eventually failed. How-

ever, there have been numerous genetic experiments on humans in the past

by such dark ETs and this negative heritage has additionally dumbed down

the minds of humans and that of scientists in particular. Most humans who

become scientists come from such genetically deficient lineages and repeat

the same negative karmic lessons, which only deepens the level of their

mental insufficiencies and prevents them from grasping the UL.

However, the closer humanity moved to the current End Time and the final

shift to 5D, the more profoundly these dark ones realized how immature

and unrealistic their hope had been to ascend by desecrating human bodies

through numerous abductions and insidious genetic experiments. Since we,

the PAT, opened the stargate 11.11.11 and especially after the ascension

of Gaia and the PAT to 5D at the portal 12.12.12 - 12.21.12 was a full

success, the dark ones from the PTW knew definitely that they have no

chance to ascend and became utterly desperate.

They never considered the basic gnostic Truth that Ascension is a divine

dispensation of the Source and that only souls who have completed with

their karma - that is to say, only old souls at the end of their long incarna-

tion cycle in a human body - can qualify for ascension and begin with the

individual LBP, which is closely coordinated by our soul monads and the

Source. These evil dark ones have no chance with their deficient 4D tech-

nologies to do anything to save their perishing species, even though they

can clone humans, however, with the tacit allowance of the human souls

that decide to incarnate in such clones with a minimal soul essence as to

humanize them.

No living being can exist in All-That-Is if it is not supported in one way or

another by the life-spending force of the soul and the Source. This should

be another basic gnostic knowledge and it is amazing that the dark evil

ones decided to fully reject this obvious fact in their systemic madness,

which is the utmost form of mental and emotional aberration from the Di-

vine mind of All-That-Is.

And if you have carefully studied the human character on this planet, you

must have encountered some very dark human entities who carry the exact

same mental and emotional make-up as these dark evil ones from the for-

mer astral plane. I have met quite a few of them and as I have also fought

numerous battles with these dark evil ones from the astral planes in numer-

ous timelines in a conscious manner, before we could fully eliminate them

and close the astral plane in 2016, I know exactly their dark, sticky, dis-

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gusting, low vibrating energetic imprint and how unpleasant and abomina-

ble their energies feel upon contact. In case you have no experience with

such energies, go to a scientific conference or a symposium and you will

know it.

In 2017, I wrote my last book on the UL

An Easy Propaedeutics Into the New Physical and Mathematical Sci-

ence of the Universal Law – ebook

in order to reactivate the codes of the new theory of the UL that was first

written in the 90s, as the Elohim advised me. They also reassured me at

that time that I would soon begin to create the new type of scientists who

will easily understand and accept the new theory of the UL.

This is what we have been doing diligently since then. Everything that has

happened since then, and there have some major energetic events that we

have triggered or introduced by ourselves and about which one can read on

this website and on Carla's website, have contributed to the creation of the

new scientist of the UL.

Essentially, these will be the new crystalline children who are now reach-

ing the biological age to substitute the old caste of scientific drones and to

eliminate them as a social phenomenon. These bright kids will quickly

open to the full knowledge of their HS and I AM Presence and will very

easily and with great grace begin to create the new reality on the 4D earth

in the full knowledge and acceptance of the UL. We as ascended masters

will support them from the HR and will guide them in the early phase when

there will be a huge influx of new 5D technologies that will transform this

planet into a Garden of Eden.

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II. Enlightened Discussion of the PAT on the Falsification of Science

and Religion

Wendy Xia, Patrick Amoroso and Georgi Stankov,

February 13, 2019

Read also: The Greatest Conspiracy of the Dark Ones of All Times.

Why Human “Fake Science” Is a Deliberate Total Deception

Dear George,

Excellent article today! I can hear your big voice. Today's scientists are

total victims of systematic mind-control under the guise of so-called sci-

ence. The tricky part, "Team Dark" uses to fool humanity, is to mingle

element of truth with lie to divert people's mind towards the external world

rather than the inner world. That is where all empirical sciences come

from. Scientists have to observe and prove an idea or theory by using ex-

ternal means, while it should be vise versa when human consciousness can

be expressed as the primary term. Even today this is an established prac-

tice because when a fake idea, itself, is fake, such as those (mathematical

scientific) models which can't be proven to be true and thus, self evidently

fake, while when a principle is genuine, which means that it can be de-

rived from UL, then of course it can be experimentally proven to be truth.

What I found during the translation of UL is that some important mod-

ern equations were obtained in a very limited manner under the condition

of f = 1 (or t = 1). This of course can largely simplify the formula and

expression (I couldn't find immediate example on top of my head, but you

know what I mean). This also was my impression when I studied those

equations in university, but forgot about it later on. Now I am being re-

minded of those derivative steps. It is very important since it proves that

modern science is based on static when time is still or only in one timeline

while in reality the world is in dynamic and the energy is constantly ex-

changing between the dimensions and objects. Therefore, it shows that

modern science is trying to solve dynamic problems with a static tool with-

out knowing that they have been fooled or unaware of from the beginning.

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One of my colleagues who studied and used Scanning Electron Micros-

copy (SEM) for more than 20 years told me that the atom doesn't exist

because when he looked at the supposed atom, he can see nothing. I assume

he can't see energies. This proves that all is energy and there is no solid

matter as we think of.

I am personally very empathetic towards all scientists around me. They are

deeply buried into mud especially those who are high achievers. The cur-

rent system takes its toll upon them. This is how "Team Dark" enslaves the

otherwise bright minds of humanity. I happen to be the witness of it in both

scientific and religious sectors. However, people are noticing the madness

of the society, but there is no established external tools to equip them to re-

think and use. In this situation, UL is emerging and it is arriving on the

scene timely under divine's wing.

For now....

Enjoy the evening

With love and light



Dear Wendy,

thank you so much for your excellent comments - you know the situation

first hand and I have written this article actually for people who avoid sci-

ence as they fear it, and essentially discuss the heinous tactics of "Team

Dark" as you call it to derail true science, which is not known to most peo-


You are absolutely right about setting f = 1 as this is how scientists elimi-

nate dynamics in physics and built the empty static Euclidean space, in

which they then describe movement and gravitation in classical mechanics.

This mathematical trick is actually at the bottom of all human and scientific

illusion that static space exists by eliminating absolute time f = 1/t = 1. I

also speak of "arresting time in the head". With this trick they are able to

measure space and time as distinct static entities, but this is another illusion

as they have to arrest movement of energy that never ceases. In fact space

and time are canonically conjugated as c =λ f, where lambda λ is the wave-

length, and constantly change their values.

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This is actually the key source of all illusion and agnosticism in science

and daily life, as I have proved that there are only two dimensions, space

and time, and all that scientists do is to measure these two quantities by

arresting frequency = absolute time = movement. This is the most insidious

bug that has been inserted in human minds, but I think that this goes back

to our souls as to create this 3D holographic experiment based on illusion

and is not created by the dark ones. But they use it of course to deepen this

illusion in science as they know where the bug lies.

We should probably make another discussion on this topic as it is central

to understanding all scientific illusion.

And of course there is the stress due to senseless competition and the fear

to fail in science which paralyzes the students already when they are young

and they close their minds for the rest of their life. I will send you sepa-

rately a letter from Patrick that tells a good story about this topic (see be-


I am glad that you liked this article as I wanted to write it long time ago

but pushed it in front of me in the distant future as it is not a very jolly topic

to discuss. But now the time was ripe for it to appear.

I wish you a peaceful Sunday evening.

With love and light



Dear George

Yes, "Team Dark" creates illusive science by arresting time or frequency to

completely eliminate the dynamic nature of energy. No wonder physicists

don't understand what energy is, while they supposedly deal with natural

science of energy. I like equation c=λf and the beauty of the rule of

three (the Universal Equation) can be seen from those expressions. What

if physicists know f is a dimensionless number which belongs to the con-

tinuum of numbers and can be infinite, it will blow their minds away.

I like the word "arresting" you use. Actually, time has been hijacked in that

sense and forced to become linear as human's faculty can only cope with

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linear stuff by using linear languages etc.. However, linear time and space

are also the product of karmic law which governs and determines every-

one's 3D holographic life. Therefore, living in 3D world is an interesting

life. Time is different for everyone. We have no time NOW because we

have no karma as an old soul. The key source of time-space illusion affects

every fields in human's life and they are all related. The senseless compe-

tition in every field is another trick to trap human to achieve false sense of


The illusive science has been created as an authority to strengthen the illu-

sion in case religion failed to mire the minds of the people. So they have

two sides to play with. I have been to local church today and felt extreme

heart-broken for those who dedicated their whole life towards something


It is time to change and that our education mission laying ahead is not triv-

ial. The only solution is our ascension and there is no other options. People

are still stubborn. Unless they see our manifestation as ascended masters

with their physical eyes, they will not believe what we say now. We do

need to talk about this subject in a way that non-scientific people can un-

derstand. I like your view on this in your recent reply to Rob a few days

ago. For old soul, it is obvious and we already know it. But for adult and

young soul, this is the tool for them to grasp and learn. I believe it will be

swift when the time is ripe.

With love and light



Dear Wendy,

it is mind-boggling to analyse on how many levels the dark ones have ob-

fuscated science and religion, where empirical agnostic science also ful-

filled the function of sanctioning religion not to become too spiritual and

transcendental and eventually establish a true contact to the soul and the

Source. What actually happened, is that with the beginning of modern time

and the tacit acknowledgement of the Church that the Ptolemaic geocentric

system to which it stuck for no obvious reason is wrong, Christianity gave

up science completely.

Only yesterday Daniela told me that she checked on the Internet and found

that the Vatican has reversed the numerous condemnations of Galilei some

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20-30 years ago and has rehabilitated him at the time of the Polish papa

Wojtila, but that it took them more than 25 years to renounce all pieces of

condemnation. Can you imagine that in the current modern time?

Thus the clergy admitted long time ago that they do not understand science

and since then have a huge complex of inferiority towards science as this

could be seen clearly in the works of Ratzinger who had the ambition to

deal with science, although he had no clue as I write sarcastically in my

essay on him. They know deep in their hearts that if they have to render a

Proof of God, from now on it must be of scientific nature and they have

no knowledge or faculty to do that. I have discussed this topic, dilemma of

the Church, in my book "Evolutionary Leap of Mankind" in the introduc-


The current black Jesuit pope does not even care about science as he does

not think at all - he is not an intellectual, he is actually a rat and a despicable

political opportunist, very much like all secular politicians and he does not

believe in God, very much like Ratzinger but for different reasons.

Ratzinger was a young soul and had no connection to his soul, but this pope

is a real dark archontic soul and a cynic. He does not believe in anything

except power and manipulation as all Jesuits do.

I am not sure how many thinkers in the Church who study philosophy are

really aware that a true religion and a true science must merge into a new

form of scientific spirituality as I discuss this necessary future evolution of

human spirit in my book "The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction".

As it happened, I discussed exactly this topic with somebody I met here in

Italy a few days ago, who is associated with the Vatican and then my HS

urged me to extend this discussion to Leonardo Boff in Brazil, a famous

South American theologian and a proponent of liberation theology, who

was sanctioned by Ratzinger, first as the head of the Inquisition, and later

on as a pope in a very cruel manner, so that he had to leave his church

career and became a professor of theology. This was a big scandal 20-30

years ago but probably today only a few remember this story. He has not

responded to my letter, but I know telepathically that he is in a total shock

of what he learned from me and does not know what to do. He is after all

80 years old, but a good man, he thought his life has finished and now he

sees that there is much more to come.

Strictly speaking, both science and religion are at the same precipice and

look frightened and paralysed at it, even though they will never admit it.

But the utter fear with which they respond to our efforts to open their minds

is very instructive as Patrick made his experience with this new "female

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Einstein", who to me looks very much like an hysteric, frigid woman. Ob-

viously, science needs invalids (like the deceased Stephen Hawking) and

wunderkinds to prop up its image by false compassion as they have no

scientific arguments anymore to convince the masses. After all what has

science actually brought to humanity in the last 100 years apart from the

nuclear bomb and destruction? There is no truly revolutionary invention

and we still use the old power engines from the 19th century to produce

energy. This is ridiculous.

I think that I shall publish this discussion and will include also my corre-

spondence with Patrick.

Thank you so much for this inspiration.

With love and light



Dear George,

The secrecy of Vatican will be disclosed in full one day and it will shock

the whole world. Their bank and library hold accountability to humanity. I

have been to the Sistine Chapel on Sept 11 in 2017 to view the Michelan-

gelo’s Creation. The whole hall was so dark and full of people. I did not

feel very well when I was there. The priest in Brazil you have written to

must have been feeling hope in his heart and he is blessed to have you

contacting him. I read all your articles about Ratzinger who I was interested

in as well as at the time when he was conclaved as a new pope, there was

so much rumors around him, given the fact that he was a German Pope. I

later realized that you have very close connection to him by reading your


The Vatican City, The City of London and Washington DC are the three

cities of PTW which will be replaced by our magnificent three Cities of

Light. Everything comes with three as English saying.

Science and religion go hand in hand and are the two sides of one coin as

PTW designed it to be. They did everything they can to fool humanity and

ensure there is no one to spot them. The moment is coming and the lies can

no longer be hidden any more.

Enjoy the day.

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With love and light



A Magnum Opus

Dear Georgi,

Sir, you have outdone yourself in the consummate presentation posted to-

day, "The Greatest Conspiracy of the Dark Ones of All Times". How any

scientist with any moral rectitude still residing in their egocentric persona

can argue with the merits of what you put forth would be a true exercise in


I have posted the disquisition to both the PAT New Universal Law Page

and the Public one on FaceBook with these brief comments:

"Where True Science and an Elevated Spirituality Transcend the Limita-

tions of Human Consciousness ..... Dr. Georgi Stankov reveals the full ex-

tent of the agnostic, spiritually-deficient and ultimate misleading betrayal

of the scientific community in their egocentric quest to deceive the masses

as Ascension draws near:"


With love and light, Patrick


Dear Patrick,

Actually my goal was to show how the dark ones have manipulated science

through form and direction of study, but first and foremost by atomisation

of the unity consciousness of science by dividing it in numerous disci-

plines, and not to discuss why science is fake as this is what I have done in

all my books and articles on science. I wanted to show how these dark ones

have managed to mind-control the scientists out of the dark and why no-

body has noticed that. I have always wanted to write on this subject but as

it is rather distressing for me, I have pushed it to a future date. Now the

time seems ripe to clear this topic.

Enjoy the day..

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With love and light



Dear Georgi,

I recently came across an article concerning the emergence of what the

scientific community has termed the " Next Einstein". She is a child prod-

igy of a certain intellectual aspiration. Her name is Sabrina Gonzalez Pas-



She graduated from MIT with high honors and is now at Harvard Univer-

sity pursuing a doctorate in theoretical physics at their department known

as the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature.... Imagine that. A few

days back I visited her FB page which is quite protected. In any event, I

quoted as a post to the reference link "An Easy Propaedeutics Into the New

Physical and Mathematical Science of the Universal Law". It stood publi-

cized for an entire night's duration and then was removed from her site and

I am now prohibited from accessing her page. All in all, I had a huge laugh,

but my HS tells me that I kindled a fire. See also:



With love and light,


PS: Her contact information is presented here:

She seems fully ensconced in the traditional realm of Fake Science...... But

who knows? She was probably not one who was notified in our original

10,000 mailing list.


Dear Patrick,

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this is an interesting curiosity and thank you for teasing the elephant in the

room. The reaction was to be expected, but we are used to that. Science is

so decrepit that they now need either invalids like Hawking, who gener-

ously relieved us from his presence in due time and now young wunder-

kinds to pretend to be of any relevance.

Read also: On Hawking and All Representatives of Modern Fake Sci-



The “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities of the

Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions

What a joke!

With love and light


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III. More on the Human Notion of Scarcity as a Scientific Fraud

First published on March 16, 2019

The Minotaur Labyrinth of Science in which modern man is trapped as the Maze Runner...

The intricate network of infinite lies and deceptions that build the current

3D matrix is virtually inextricable. However, if one follows the Ariadne

thread of the new Axiomatics of the Universal Law (UL) and departs

from the Primary Term of human consciousness, which is also the pri-

mary term of any, no matter how expanded, awareness in the multiverse,

one can easily expose the basic lies in science from which all other human

lies in this reality have evolved.

A thorough analysis of these basic lies from a scientific point of view is

indispensable for a number of reasons. First, this topic has never been truly

understood by all scientists and most other alternative critical thinkers who

are in their vast majority not scientists and thus have no clue that this prob-

lem of great import even exists. Human cognizance ends up usually with

the superficial interpretation of obvious facts as they are presented in a

scattered fashion of deliberate obfuscations to the masses by the fake

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MSM. In case there are more in-depth explorations as to the epistemolog-

ical foundation of basic human terms and concepts, this has been reduced

to meaningless pseudo-scientific peas counting void of any deep philo-

sophical or transcendental understanding as one can witness in linguistics

or in any other scientific discipline.

Interdisciplinary theoretical research is virtually non-existent in this 3rd

millennium AD and what was left of it from the previous millennium has

ceased to bother the drowsy minds of scientists and theoreticians. The fun-

damental and very important subject known as "methodology of science"

is no longer taught at universities and one cannot find a single specialist

who has the faculty to deal with this discipline both from a mathematical,

natural scientific and philosophical point of view, while simultaneously in-

cluding psychology, epistemology and linguistics, not to speak of other

more mundane disciplines such as economics and finance. As methodol-

ogy of science deals with scientific models of human thought from a logi-

cal and cognitive point of view, one must consider all sciences at once and

in the current time of narrow specialisation such generalists no longer exist.

This website is the only forum worldwide that presents such a unique syn-

thesis of theoretical analyses and disquisitions, including all Science and

all Gnosis, and human life and I shall continue on this pathway till our

personal ascension and transfiguration happens. After that this kind of dis-

cussion will only intensify as the people will, for the first time in their lives,

grasp its importance for any true human evolution at the personal and col-

lective level.

For that reason, I will highlight in this article some fundamental scientific,

theoretical lies that have been deliberately inserted in the edifice of modern

physics in order to reinforce the primordial idea of separation of the human

incarnated personality from the soul and Source as the chief mechanism of

enslavement and dumbing down humanity by the PTW (Power That Were)

from the Orion /Reptilian empire. I have discussed this topic extensively

in recent publications which should be re-read one more time in the light

of the present disquisition as all my writings are axiomatically linked and

present a very rich mosaic of human life.


• The Greatest Conspiracy of the Dark Ones of All Times

• Enlightened Discussion of the PAT on the Falsification of Sci-

ence and Religion

• Humans Are Changing Rapidly to a New Energetic Species in

Front of Our Eyes and Nobody Notices It

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These disquisitions bear infinite possibilities of unlimited expansion of hu-

man awareness within the holistic world view of the new Axiomatics of

the UL as it prepares the human mind for its merging with the I AM Pres-

ence and the unity field of All-That-Is. That in itself is already unique in

the history of human ideas.

All other categorical and taxonomic systems of knowledge which human-

ity has developed in its short written and massively falsified history are

essentially dead-ends. The only exception is ancient Gnosis as presented

in Platonism and Neoplatonism, but these systems have no sound scientific

background and cannot address the ubiquitous fraud in science and daily

thinking with which mankind is confronted in the current End Time as to

prevent the planetary ascension. Therefore, one cannot use the old Gnosis

in order to resolve the problems and lies of modern science.

That is why I have proceeded in a two-pronged way in my scientific re-

search by first developing a completely new theory of Science of the Uni-

versal Law that includes physics, mathematics, all bio-sciences and all so-

cial sciences (liberal arts). Parallel to that I have developed the new Gnosis

of the Universal Law based on ancient Greek philosophy and Neoplato-

nism by rendering the missing modern scientific foundation of these oth-

erwise correct transcendental teachings. In this way I have practically elim-

inated modern esotericism, in its worst and most debased form known as

"New Age", as all these new esoteric teachings that aspire to substitute the

old organized religions are as void of any scientific basis as all religions


That is why all these aberrations of the human spirit will be eliminated

once and for all on this planet when the Universal Law finds a full and

global acceptance and comprehension by most humans. Actually these

teachings were eliminated a quarter of a century ago when I discovered the

UL in 1994. It is very important to stress this fact at this place, so that there

are no misunderstandings and no ambiguities anymore.

Now let me concentrate on a topic which nobody has ever explored so far

except for myself and even I have not dealt with it from a historical and

gnostic perspective, but only strictly theoretically, within the accepted way

of argumentation in present-day science as to avoid any criticism from a

formalistic point of view and to address the narrow formatted minds of the

scientists. While this approach is still the only appropriate way to reform

human science from the bottom, it stops short of introducing the transcen-

dental dimension which we shall firmly introduce on this planet with our


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That is why I shall enrich my past discussion in physics with some novel

gnostic insights in order to explain why the wrong notion of scarcity in all

human minds leads to their full separation from the soul and source; and

how the deliberate deprivation of their original creationary potential has

been cemented by several fundamental concepts in modern physics that are

blatant deceptions and obvious lies. Therefore, it is all the more surprising

that nobody has so far discovered this scientific fraud and called it by name.

In my previous article I explained how the false physical dogma that pho-

tons have no mass has precluded the exploitation of free photon energy

as unlimited source of energetic consumption and has decisively contrib-

uted to the current enslavement of humanity, mainly through leading per-

ennial wars to control the scarce fossil resources such as oil and gas on the

earth. Although these resources, as already pointed out, are not even fossil,

but of anorganic carbon-based origin. This particular fact is though irrele-

vant for our theoretical discussion here as the only important psychological

fact is that these energy resources are considered to be scarce and all na-

tions need to fight for them in a bitter global geopolitical battle in order to

survive, mostly from foreign aggression by the Empire of Evil (see Vene-


The concept of free photon energy was veiled with utmost brutality by the

PTW in order to enslave humanity in the End Time and prevent its ascen-

sion as they themselves, being extremely dark entities, cannot ascend and

need to go first through a very long and painful incarnation cycle of karma

redemption before they can qualify for this divine dispensation in the far

distant future. They have to begin, so to say, from the lowest rung of the

evolution & ascension ladder in order to enter heaven some day. At the

same time these heinous beings are so much enamored in their false god-

like complex while being able to manipulate the incarnated human beings

from the astral plane that they really believed that they are exceptional as

also their political stooges in the Empire of Evil now claim with an increas-

ing level of aggression and a vast spectrum of derangement syndromes, of

which Russia and Trump are only tiny scratches on the surface of their

deeply seated pathological insanity.

That is why they have introduced such an inextricable network of infinite

lies and deceptions that have trapped humanity in a huge Minotaur laby-

rinth and in the centre of it is present-day science. This is the most insidious

part of all human deception as science is considered to assess the truth

about Nature (natural sciences) and us as biological beings (bio-sciences)

and currently no person, who considers himself to be intelligent ever dares

to challenge this claim. For the vast majority of humans nowadays science

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is not a topic at all and they have such confused and distorted ideas about

what science should be and how it should address Nature that their ama-

teurish views are no better than their daily prejudices and judgments over

which they constantly stumble and barely manage to arrange their private


How it All Began

The era of massive scientific fraud began when the results of the Michel-

son-Morley experiment to prove the existence of ether were entirely

falsely interpreted at the end of the 19th century. Essentially this interpre-

tation led to the abolition of the ether as the initial term for photon space-

time. Before this experiment all physicists believed, and rightly so, that

ether was a form of matter only more ethereal and displays all the features

observed in solid matter. For further in-depth discussion of this historical

experiment and its consequences for the thorough obfuscation of physics

as natural science read this article:

The Concept of Relativity in Electromagnetism

With the discovery of the Universal Law, I have proved beyond any doubt

that the original and then rejected idea in physics that ether = photon

space-time exists is absolutely true by showing how one can very easily

calculate the mass of all elementary particles and molecules and thus the

mass of any macroscopic material object from the mass of the elementary

action potential of photon space-time.

Read here: Mass, Matter and Photons – How to Calculate the Mass of

Matter From the Mass of Photon Space-Time

The wrong and deliberate abolition of ether and thus of photon-space time

as the source of unlimited energy for humanity was the first major stroke

of the PTW from the archontic Orion /Reptilian empire and their human

stooges in science in order to derail physics as exact natural science and

prevent any research in this direction.

It was followed by a series of further critical blunders that deepened this

obfuscation in physics. For instance, the abolition of ether after the wrong

interpretation of the results of the Michelson-Morley experiment gave birth

shortly thereafter to the special theory of relativity presented first by Ein-

stein in 1905 and later on to the general theory of relativity which remained

incomplete to the present day and serves nobody. Also nobody seems to

understand it as it is essentially wrong and makes no sense.

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The special theory of relativity is actually Einstein's biggest plagiarism, of

which there are many (he even stole some key ideas and results from his

first Slavonic wife Mileva Marić, who was an excellent physicist herself,

and then abandoned her to marry a well-to-do Jewish woman when he be-

came famous), as this concept was already developed by other physicists

before him for electromagnetism. I have discussed this topic in great detail

in my volumes on physics and in the new Propaedeutics and will only refer

to these books at this place:

• Vol I: Das Universalgesetz in Physik und Mathematik

• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version)

• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Concise ver-


• Vol II: The Universal Law in Physics and Cosmology (Full version,


The actual theory of relativity is an application of Lorentz transfor-

mations of electromagnetism, with which the space-time of all material

objects is mathematically assessed, while at the same time photon space-

time is regarded as an empty, homogeneous entity. This mathematical

presentation of space-time and its abstract quantities, such as mass and mo-

mentum, is called “relativistic“. Hence the terms: relativistic energy, rel-

ativistic mass and relativistic momentum. These quantities are built

within mathematics according to the principle of circular argument by se-

lecting "empty" photon space-time (the speed of light c) as the initial ref-

erence frame.

When I analysed the so called FitzGerald length contraction and Lo-

rentz time dilation the way they are expressed mathematically within the

theory of relativity, I immediately recognized that they are actually an-

other tautological mathematical presentation (iteration) of the Kolmo-

goroff's probability set (0,1) in the theory of probability. I have though

proved in the theory of the UL that this set is equivalent to the continuum

set in mathematics. Hence we have a series of tautological presentations of

the continuum set = Primary Term of the new Axiomatics of the UL dis-

guised under distinct physical disciplines. This is how confusion arises in

science and expands to fully mire the minds of all physicists and scientists.

And it gets ever worse. It was not enough for the PTW that with the aboli-

tion of photon space-time as real level of All-That-Is the exploitation of

this form of ubiquitous energy was prevented for a very long time. From

now on space-time (the space-time humans can perceive and assess is pho-

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ton space-time) was considered to be entirely empty space where gravita-

tion is propagated with the speed of light as "action at a distance", also

defined as "long-range correlation".

It can't get more idiotic than that, one would think. Wait and see. In order

to keep up pace with these major first blunders, subsequent scientists had

to introduce new blunders in order to explain, rather excuse, their previous

blunders. They decided to introduce the totally ridiculous and unverified

dogma that photons have no mass (?). This happened to be easy as the very

definition of mass was a complete disaster and the greatest blunder of sci-

ence, together with the wrong definition of electric charge.

Truly, I have tried to find any explanation in the literature how one had

argued on behalf of this idiotic dogmatic conclusion and when this had

happened exactly and have found none. Because there is none. The dogma

that photons should have no mass is a complete and utter fraud. But this

fully arbitrary decision has led to the total inability of scientists to integrate

gravitation with the other three fundamental forces in the standard model

as I argue in my open letter to scientists - a fact that even physicists must

admit (Wikipedia):

"The Standard Model of particle physics is the theory describing three of the four

known fundamental forces (the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, and

not including the gravitational force) in the universe, as well as classifying all

known elementary particles."

Then, when it was shown recently that neutrinos which are considered for

the same obscure reason to have no mass as photons might actually have a

mass, this almost derailed the world view of the entire scientific commu-

nity and even that of the Reptilian Nobel Prize committee, which is not

known to be very sensitive, as I have discussed in this article:

How to Calculate the Mass of Neutrinos?

I hope this gives you an idea how one blatantly false concept, or rather a

lie, leads to another false idea or blunder and so on and on until you have

the Minotaur labyrinth of science, where the Minotaur represents the

Reptilian shape-shifters or the archons from the astral plane, the abomina-

ble dark entities, which we have fought for many years and defeated finally

in 2016 as to secure the planetary ascension:

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The Greek mythology holds the key to explanation of everything we expe-

rience nowadays - on this planet and throughout the dimensions as light

warriors of the first and the last hour and incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia

and humanity.

But the archons and dark aliens from the Orion / Reptilian empire could

never be sure that all these lies and deliberate obfuscation in physics will

be effective enough to prevent humans from realizing the infinite energetic

potential of free photon energy. They had the example with Tesla as a

dreadful challenge to their heinous plan to enslave humanity and prevent

its ascension in the current End Time by making it energetically vulnerable

and dependent entirely on scarce fossil energy.

Tesla, guided by his I AM Presence, not only invented the first alternating

electric current power aggregates as dynamos and electric motors and thus

ushered the modern technological era of mankind at the turn of the 20th

century by enabling broad electrification. He also showed that one can gain

energy directly from photon space-time with his famous tower experiment.

The PTW summoned quickly their human hangmen, the reptilians J.P.

Morgan, J.D.Rockefeller and H.Ford who prevented Tesla from bestowing

humanity with this unlimited free source of energy, and thus accelerating

the ascension process, by financially ruining him and stealing all his pa-

tents. This is a well-known and very sad, and dark chapter of human his-


The PTW realized that they needed some more powerful scientific dogmas

to offset the search for free photon energy by subsequent free spirited sci-

entists and researchers whom they feared most as I can testify. After all,

these sick dark ones knew that one only needs to depart from the law of

conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics,

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to easily come to the idea to develop free photon energy as perpetuum mo-

bile. For that reason they looked hastily for any possibility to offset this

law, which was first formulated in a modern form by the German physician

(medical doctor as the author) Julius Robert von Mayer in 1842. This man was immediately punished for this pivotal discovery by the PTW - he was declared insane by his peers, including the much ac-claimed Helmholtz, and then tortured for many years in a kind of a medieval asylum as was usual at that time (19th century) in dark Germany.

For that reason the PTW needed to introduce a second law of thermody-

namics that practically offset the law of conservation of energy which de-

scribes exactly and ubiquitously the closed character of All-That-Is = En-

ergy and the availability of infinite Source energy to be used by humankind

or any sentient being in the multiverse.

Indeed, in the late 30s of the 20th century they finally managed to commit

this capital crime by introducing the law of entropy with the help of their

Zionist stooge von Neumann who presented the modern mathematical ver-

sion of entropy - the so called 'von Neumann entropy". This dark entity,

considered to be a brilliant mathematician, also decisively contributed to

the development of the first atomic bomb in the Manhattan project. One

capital crime never comes alone.

The law of entropy practically rejects the law of conservation of energy as

it postulates the heat death of the universe as an eschatological end of the

world. This is an entirely archontic idea, believe me, as only derailed dark

entities fully separated from the Source can develop such an insidious idea.

Forget science for a moment and concentrate on the malignancy of these

dark entities and their human marionettes in science and what monstrous

ideas they have developed to dumb down humanity.

Essentially, what the second law of thermodynamics of entropy claims is

that there is a constant irreversible dissipation of thermodynamic energy in

the entire universe, as one observes in all adiabatic thermodynamic pro-

cesses. By the way, even the "Big Bang" hypothesis of the adiabatically

expanding hot universe goes back to the false notion of entropy and was

developed around the same time.

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Read also:

III: Why Modern Cosmology Is a Fake Science

• III.1. Modern Cosmology Revised in the Light of the Universal Law

– a Critical Survey

• III.2. Hubble’s Law Is an Application of the Universal Law for the

Visible Universe

• III.3. The Role of the CBR-Constant in Cosmology

• III.4. Pitfalls in the Interpretation of Redshifts in Failed Present-Day


• III.5. The “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities

of the Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions

For instance, when a metallic rod is heated at the one end the heat flows

through the rod to the other cold end and it gets warmer until thermal equi-

librium is reached. However, most of the heat energy is radiated in the air,

in the atmosphere, or in the surroundings, such as adjacent material objects,

and gets lost for practical purposes. For that reason all electric devices and

also the entire electric grid have a low coefficient of efficacy as most of the

electric energy is wasted as radiated heat.

The same holds true for human metabolism where about 60% of the energy

gained from the food is given up to the surroundings as heat and cannot be

used for the cell metabolism as I show in Volume III, Part I, chapter 1.2,

where I calculate the energetic balance of the human cells and the body and

prove the validity of the UL for organic matter and the human organism.

This calculation is based on the Universal equation as an application of the

law of conservation of energy for the human metabolism as a particular

energy exchange in All-That-Is.

By the way, the use of free photon energy will automatically resolve the

problem of the dissipation of thermodynamic energy as it brings with it

another basic energetic condition of the higher realms - superconductiv-

ity. Superconductivity is the dialectical aspect of free photon energy.

Read also:

The Perfection of All-That-Is through Universal Superconductivity of

the Infinite Consciousness – Message 5

Superconductivity is the Foundation of Unlimited Free Energy, An-

tigravity and Easy Bilocation

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Magnetism, Polarity and Superconductivity as the Basis of Creation –

Message 6

Superconductivity of Mind Leads to Superconductivity of Matter and

Photon Space-Time

Please observe that all the aforementioned examples of dissipation of ther-

modynamic energy (heat) are only one-sided perception of energy ex-

change and do not consider what happens with the thermodynamic energy

that is released to the surroundings and only seems to be unavailable for

further use by humans. The dissipation of thermodynamic energy as pos-

tulated in the law of entropy is probably the biggest fraud in human science

as it was introduced deliberately in order to prevent the development of

new advanced technologies based on free photon energy after Tesla suc-

ceeded to achieve precisely that in the early 20th century.

I have debunked the second law of entropy in the new theory of the UL

and eradicated it from science for ever.

Read: Volume II, chapter 5,6. Entropy and the second law of thermo-

dynamics (ND) p. 208

I have shown that this law builds an antinomy - a fundamental paradox -

with the law of conservation of energy and is the most unscientific fraud-

ulent idea ever introduced in science. It is no coincidence that it has been

reported that von Neumann had advised all his students after WW2 to write

a doctor thesis on entropy as nobody understood what it meant and they

would have an easy job graduating, which they surely did as they had their

evil master, von Neumann as a protector. This is how the zionist dark en-

tities operate on a human level in order to dumb down humanity in the most

obnoxious manner.

And now comes the final highlight of this discussion. It is quite easy to

prove that the law of entropy contradicts the law of conservation of energy,

which is directly derived from the primary axiom of the new Axiomatics

of the UL and why it should be eradicated from science as the greatest


But it is not that easy to prove scientifically that every thermodynamic gra-

dient that we observe in matter until it dissipates creates an equal in mag-

nitude thermodynamic gradient at the level of photon space-time (elec-

tromagnetic spectrum). If such a law can be mathematically derived, then

this is the ultimate proof that free photon energy is very easily available to

mankind and can be immediately used to create infinite abundance on this

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planet. This new law will be a derivation or a special application of the

Universal Law for photon space-time and it can be very easily experimen-

tally proven as it will contain physical quantities and fundamental con-

stants whose values are known in physics and can be experimentally meas-


In this way one can easily measure every thermodynamic gradient in pho-

ton space-time that is built when an equivalent thermodynamic gradient

dissipates in physical matter and creates the illusion of entropy or heat

death of the universe. It is cogent that what one can measure in science,

can also be very easily reproduced and harnessed for further practical use

by humans.

However, no scientist has ever tried that before as all scientists believe in

the idiotic concept of entropy and have no clue that thermodynamic gradi-

ents also exist in photon space-time.

Further reason for their ignorance is that they firmly believe in the abso-

lutely fake scientific dogma that photons have no mass and that photon

space-time is empty. For this same reason they cannot integrate gravitation

with the other three fundamental forces in the standard model. With that

the vicious circle of total scientific derangement syndrome closes. Not

yet..., it is much more convoluted.

Please observe that we, humans, can only observe, perceive and assess

physical matter and photon space-time and that our physical world view is

built entirely on the energy exchange between these two energetic levels

of All-That-Is. Even our physical bodies are the result of this energy ex-

change as I prove in volume III on the General Theory of Biological Reg-

ulation. This is a basic conclusion of the new theory of the UL.

Unfortunately, scientists do not know what energy is as the great physicist

Richard Feynman frankly admits in his Lectures on Physics, although

physics is a science of energy interactions. Furthermore, they do not even

have the faintest idea that with their limited senses and linearly operating

mind humans can perceive energy only as space-time.

This is the most profound illusion which is, however, created this time by

our souls and not by the evil PTW in order to have the illusion of the current

3D incarnation experiment. Otherwise this experiment cannot be set in

place if human awareness is as expanded as in 5D and higher dimensions.

Therefore, this expanded awareness is attached to the carbon-based physi-

cal brain and operates as limited human ego-mind due to the very slow

propagation of neuronal signals in the synaptic junctions.

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What scientists should have easily discovered, but have utterly failed to

understand, is that space-time has only two dimensions (constituents)

- space and time - as the term says it, and not six or seven fundamental

dimensions as they claim with respect to the SI system.

Read: Why Space-Time = Energy Has Only Two Dimensions (Constit-

uents) – Space and Time (Part 1); Essay: Systems of Measurements

and Units in Physics

In addition, they should have known - that is why they developed the the-

ory of relativity - that the space-time they describe is not empty as they

believe but full of energy. The reason for this fundamental cognitive blun-

der is that they did not revise the empty Euclidean space of classical me-

chanics where all macroscopic gravitational interactions are observed and

only added to it a fourth dimension of time in the still empty Minkovski

space in the theory of relativity as Otfried writes in his latest article "Re-

alitas infinita – Unlimited reality".

Therefore, scientists can only observe any energy interaction if they artifi-

cially, apriori eliminate energy exchange as movement by arresting abso-

lute time f (frequency) in their heads. In this way they transform space-

time, whose two dimensions are canonically conjugated and in a constant

state of expansion and contraction so that they change their magnitudes all

the time, into static empty space where they can comfortably make their

experimental measurements with the SI system. This is the greatest illusion

of all and it is a product of the agnostic minds of the scientists that has to

be resolved from within - through spiritual evolution of awareness. It is not

a matter of futile experimental empiric research as it is done nowadays with

zero practical effect.

And to top it all, this illusion of static empty space in science has been

cemented by the use of closed rational numbers in mathematics and from

there in physics and other exact natural sciences. This leads to a determin-

istic approach in science. In reality, energy = space-time can only be de-

scribed by open transcendental numbers. However, humanity has not yet

been able to develop mathematics based on open transcendental numbers

that allows for infinite solutions, which is the true nature of All-That-Is.

But the biggest gnostic blunder of all is that scientists do not understand

that energy =space-time = external physical world = Primary Term of hu-

man consciousness is not inanimate physical matter, but conscious energy.

Therefore, there can be no separation between human consciousness and

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the external physical world as conscious energy is All-That-Is. And fi-

nally, scientists need to understand that this 3D reality is the creation of

our souls just as we human beings are creations of our souls and the Source.

Brethren, this is really a dystopian world of infinite illusions and decep-

tions and modern man is the proverbial maze runner trying desperately to

put the pieces together to find out the ultimate truth and thus the way out

of this nightmare. This is what this article is all about.

Let us now turn back to physics one more time and eliminate the final dark

vestiges of this fake Orion science. After much trial and error, I could de-

rive a new law in 1996 that proves the existence of free photon energy

everywhere and called it:

Stankov’s law of photon thermodynamics

Read: Volume II, Chapter 5,7, page 217

I will refrain from deriving this law mathematically in this article as this is

not necessary and because this article is dedicated to non-scientists to

whom I want to convey the systematic effort of the PTW to falsify physics

and science with the only sinister objective in mind:

To prevent humanity from grasping the truth that they have

unlimited access to Source energy, and by default to free pho-

ton energy, and that they themselves are sparks of God and

thus very powerful creator beings who can harness and use

these energies the moment they open their minds to this idea

- to the idea that they are immortal souls, powerful multidi-

mensional creator beings, who have only incarnated in a

physical human body as to experience the opposite of this con-

dition. That is to say, to experience the illusory separation

from the Source and the alleged loss of creative power as an

incarnated human personality in order to learn to appreciate

the true nature of who we truly are - immortal powerful cre-

ator beings who have created this illusion for ourselves as to

prove to ourselves that we are capable of overcoming it and

ascend. Now!