The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-


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Cellulite is formed as a result of accumulation of toxins inside the body. The body stores the toxins in the fat that is deposited underneath the dermis and epidermis of the skin. When there is too much of fat it bulges out and forms the bumps known as cellulite. Hence the build up of toxins and fat deposits under the skin leads to the formation of cellulite.

Transcript of The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-

Page 1: The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-

The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite

Cellulite is formed as a result of accumulation of toxins inside the body. The body

stores the toxins in the fat that is deposited underneath the dermis and epidermis of

the skin. When there is too much of fat it bulges out and forms the bumps known as

cellulite. Hence the build up of toxins and fat deposits under the skin leads to the

formation of cellulite. This toxin build out is due to the toxic content in the food that

one takes. Hence, cellulite can be effectively prevented by adjusting the diet system.

One has to take those types of foods that can enable the body to detoxify. The fat

deposits must be broken so that no bumps will be formed. By way of eating the

selected foods one can make the skin on the thighs smooth as well as sleek to avoid

formation of cellulite. Cellulite can be prevented by way of conscientious combining

of food. One should not take concentrated proteins along with carbohydrates. Bread

and pasta should not be taken along with fish or chicken. Fish and chicken are rich in

concentrated form of proteins. When they are taken with bread the digestion will not

be smooth and as a result, there will be building up of waste in the body thereby

facilitating the formation of cellulite.

Foods that facilitate detoxification

One should take the food that will digest easily and provides more energy to the body

without creating toxin build-up in the body. By way of avoiding junk food and

processed food cellulite can be prevented to a great extent. Instead, one has to take

more of raw fruits and fresh vegetables. It is all the more important to drink 8 – 10

glasses of water daily. Not less than 50% of the food that one takes should be raw

fruits, vegetables and salads. The most effective food items to prevent cellulite

include citrus fruits, parsley, tomatoes, sweet peppers and cabbage. All these food

items are rich in bioflavanoids that prevent the formation of cellulite. Besides

drinking plenty of water, one has to include whole grains such as brown rice and also

herbal tea in the diet. All these can cleanse the body, thereby removing the toxins.

Page 2: The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-

Omega fatty acids

A diet that contains plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and fiber and less

saturated fat as well as processed food is considered as a healthy diet that can avoid

the appearance of cellulite. Besides containing a lot of various nutrients, the food that

one eats must help to make the skin and the connective tissues healthier thereby

minimizing the formation of fat deposits. A healthy, balanced diet is very important

for prevention of cellulite. For prevention of cellulite, the food must contain omega-3

and omega-6 fatty acids. Salmon, sardines, canola, olive oils and walnuts are rich

sources of omega-3 fatty acids, whereas omega-6 fatty acids are available from soya

beans, sunflower oil and safflower. The skin can be maintained healthy by taking

foods that contain mono and polyunsaturated fat. The body gets mono and

polyunsaturated fat from foods that contain nuts and seeds, avocado, fish and

vegetable oils like canola oil and olive oil.

Fiber diet

A high fiber diet can keep the skin healthy, thereby preventing cellulite. High fiber

diet is also essential for weight management. By taking whole grains one can get

dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Wholegrain varieties of bread, cereals, brown

rice, pasta, barley and quinoa are to be included in the diet. Fruits are rich in fluids

and are low in calories. Fruits can help weight loss and prevent cellulite. Since

banana and papaya are rich in potassium, they can prevent cellulite very effectively.

Potassium is believed to have the property of improving lymphatic drainage thereby

curing cellulite. Berries including cranberries are also ideal foods since they contain


Folic acid, plant based proteins and Vitamin C

Among vegetables, asparagus is identified as the most effective in preventing

cellulite since it is rich in folic acid. Folic acid is effective in decreasing the stress

Page 3: The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-

levels, thereby bringing down the fat storage in the body. Legumes, peas, beans,

bulgur and quinoa can prevent cellulite thanks to their plant based protein content.

Plant based proteins facilitate muscle build up instead of fat build up and strengthen

the cells. Citrus fruits like orange and lemon, other fruits like berries and pineapple

are rich sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin C can boost the collagen levels in the

connective tissues of the body, thereby making them stronger so as to prevent


Leafy vegetable, milk and yogurts

The antioxidant known as lutein can increase skin elasticity and keep the skin healthy

thereby preventing cellulite. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are

sources of the antioxidant lutein. Skimmed milk has low-fat content. Those who take

normal milk may reduce the quantity so that consumption of fat content can be

minimized. Plain Bulgarian as well as Swiss type yogurt is also considered as a

highly nutritious food. Cottage cheese made from skimmed milk also has low fat


Those who eat fish, poultry and meat must take them in limited quantities. Since the

poultry skin has very high fat content that must always be removed. Those who take

meat also should make it a point to trim the fat from it. Those who cook the chicken

with its skin must remove the skin completely prior to serving. Meat, poultry and fish

must be either roasted or broiled. Seafood also can be included in the diet.

Prefer vegetarian food

Those who want to prevent cellulite effectively may give preference to vegetarian

food. Those who take vegetarian food can get more energy and prevent toxin build

up thereby preventing the formation of cellulite. Water-rich fruits like melon and

spanspek can boost detoxification thereby preventing cellulite. Fresh vegetables are

better than frozen vegetables. One can include radish, asparagus, carrots, leeks,

artichokes, onions, turnips, string beans, watercress, lettuce and mushrooms in the


Page 4: The foods and drinks which prevent cellulite -Free pdf Report-

Foods to be avoided

Cellulite can be prevented by adhering to the correct diet. While including in the diet

all the food items that can prevent cellulite one should also avoid the food stuffs that

leads to the formation of cellulite by way of facilitating build up of toxins in the

body. Excess salt in the food can lead to blood pressure problems and also formation

of cellulite. It is advisable to avoid tinned food and processed food. One should make

it a point to cook the food every time at home. Those who want to prevent cellulite

must restrict the intake of coffee and tea. It is advisable to switch over to herbal tea.

Canned foods, ice creams, sundaes, popcorn, alcohol, processed meats like salami

and pastrami, potato chips, French fries, pork, bacon, peanut butter, corned beef,

roasted and salted nuts and chocolates are to be avoided in order to prevent the

formation of cellulite.

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