The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan...


Transcript of The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan...

Page 1: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand
Page 2: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand

The Following Pages Are the Best Available

Page 3: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand

. ,(' , . ,, .... , ,,,, 10 .,,. ,

llu trierte 3eitun

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-.lrr1Yal 1n B erl1n, lfoYember 1941

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Page 6: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand

- I ..


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Kutt1 and his Berlin starr.

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The undlaputed leader or the Arab f l lht •«alnat t he

pa r tition or Paleatlne i a KaJ Ami n el Hus aa l ni , the ex-Yuttl or

Jaruaelea. I n t h is fi«ht , --<!lreeted troa hh raa!li onabl!t retreat

at ley Leba~on , --the ex- Uutt1 Is or awlo upon a rich expe r ience

I n •~e techniques or aabot a&e , sedit ion and aass propaganda,

'htch be gained as • close collaborat or ur .t1tl er. •le wi ll

co~tlnue hls errort • t o des t roy the nascent Je•lah St at e unleaa ,

aa seems ~ost unl i kely , he i s br oU(ht t o t r ial , . a war cri~inal ,

or u11tU , as Is not h:, robabl e , hls ror caa sur rer a ae ries or

cruabtnc blow a.

1 . Who i s Haj Aain al Huaaein1, a11d why is he such an Impor t an t ri~re in t he Arab worl d?

lla j J.a ln el lluue1n1 was roraerly the lluft1 or J oruuleu .

~~ s uch , he •as tho apiritual leader ot thv Palestinian Arabs.

li la "OSltion carried rt th it r : s ronai billty ror lbe collection

. ,, exoend ltur e or Moalaa r ellcious tunda, the apcoint aent ot

preachers or the Yoaquaa , ana the adainistr£ t i on ot the Moal aa

Judi cial 8ystee. ile shrewdly CODibl ned political runc t i ona with

h i a r eligious controla and thereby aucc eedad in bui lding up a

huce rellglous and ol i t1cal following in Pales tine.

=. Toby WllS lle exiled rro .. Pal estine?

In ~prtl , 19)6, an Arab band l aunched en attack on Tel

~•1• , Ki llin« sixteen Jaws ana seriously woundi nr I@Y~ty-fiYa

o:h~rl. Tb1t att ack t ouched ott a Svries or riots Which co~tlnuad

unabated fo r thr e e years . In Oct ob r , 19) 6 th@ Bri t ish govcrnaent

appointed a Royal Couiui on to as certain tho ca use or the civil

atrlte ln Palestine. Tho Royal Commission, after en exhaustive

1!1• eat1ga t1on , l aid t he blame tor t he •Ara b atrika• (a s the

l rab attacks were called) squarely at t ba door or t be Arab Hi bar

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Coaaittee. And it aneetrically r ound that • the -utt i , as Pree­

ldent or the Co:.ittea, aust bear his due ebare or r aeponslbility•.

On October 1, 19)7, the Bri t ish governinc au thor1t1oe

in P&laetlne undertook to arrest lead1nc aeaber e or the Arab

Htghcr Co~ltteo bae~uae or their complicity in the "Arab strike•.

The kutt1 stood at the top o r the list or those scheduled to be

a rrested . By eoce r use , howeve r , he manaaed to eeeape t o Lebanon.

f lse• ha re on t h ia paa~ you see the di~iee which the Vutt i wore

a t the time or h i s aaeap~ to Lebanon . Many pe rsona have char aed

that Br itish I ntelli cence for ces anaineered the Mufti ' s e scape.

No satisfactory evidence has ever bean adduced t o substantiate

t h!s char ge.

) • \,,., t he Uuft1 over 1n the pey or the !la~U?

Yea . Aaont the Nazi records which ware r ound by Asor-

lean prosecutor s at the Nurember c t rial , was a re por t to Admiral

Canaria , f ormer Chie f of the Abwebr (Geraan Intelligence Unit

ch• rgad with es pionage, sabotage, sedition nnd countarintelli aence)

which at;; ted: •Only throuch the runds 11.ade ave Llabll' b7 Gera&IIJ'

t o t he Gnnd " urt i of Jeruaaleca was it possible to carry out t he

revolt in Palestine. Gerwany will keep up the eonnectlon with

the Gr an.d Uufti. •

In anothe r captured docu.ent -- a secret eo .. un!eetion

written on behnlf or hitler to t he uft i in •ar ch, 1941 by von

•ei&aekcr, ex-Naz! diplomat now on ~rial •• a wer e r is1nal at

Nur emberg -- the following appear••

2 .

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•The Qeraana and the Ar~b• ha • e co..on 1n Eacl•nd •nd the Jew1 , and ar e uni ted

th ...

• ffttler' a nro•i•e t.o aupply •al l po!t l.ible m111U ry 111nd tlnanclal

hel p• t o the Wuttl • ••• ln ract , ccnerou1ly tulrllle4. Thua, at tbe ·urtl ' a requeat, Hi tler Olapat ehed a atlltar.y aiaaioe and

~arch, 19~2 , a totel or 57, 11,. ••rka woro credited to the M·utt1' s account a t tha Oenaa:n Consulate ln Tttuan , llorocco. ! ubaecuently, a acrea~ent • •• ent ered i nto between t he V~tl and t be Ja al Forel cn Ottlee under the t t raa ot wblch

• an account 1~ belnl! opened tor the lluf'tl trlth the •• elchltreaaurer. The ~utt1 oan draw 50 , 000 . relohaaark a a mont h •a•t~•t th11 u~tll ru rtb~r notice . •

4. that, lt any, acr•Lce dtd the Yuttl render to the Wa &ll durt.n1 tbe •a..r?

rolto~Ln& ar• typical :

(a) Be or . anlzed wldeapread aabot~•• end aed1t1oua

aeU•ttr aca tnrt t he All loa lJl tho lllddl un. Tho

~•or~ ror thia act.L•lty • • • laid &t a 1ecret confer­ence between the Jutt1 and Adciral Canar la , Cbier or the

C6ra~n Abwehr , on July l) , 194~. T ~ la eon/erenee le reoorttd

as tollo•• ln th• eapLured teeret dJarr or »•Jor C•neral "'"rwln Lahoutm, tb.e lo . 2 e va 1n t.h.e 1-bwehr :

) ,

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•A • ••t ina bet• ••n the Chier or the Abwthr '"•"• "'" ' and the Or a nd llu!tl ot Jen111l~ t.ook 'h• r t•tnt ot the Cht et. I (Lahouaen)

(b) t~ L~rla~atory ra41o broadca att rnd leatltt•,

the vttl called UP04 the •~•1••• tn~~bout tbe •o r l d t o

hel, ~· &•la 1n theiP • ~11 • ar• l(llnat tbe A111ea. tn

1~ the ~-~• ot the !oran he b4 aouaht Arabt to blow u, brlds•• ~nd To,da • lone the Alli ed ltnea or eo .. unlc~t ton ,

•~t ~• at the al lied troo~•. ~nd contrAlly do ••~ryth1na ?Oallbla to h\nder t h•t r oge r~ttona. t ll~atrstl•e ot bl a

att .. pt a t o s tir u~ ~ reJudtce ·~• lntt the Alllta I t bl t

thort-wa~• broadc• at or ka ren 19 , 194), tn whteh he Jaldt

•the Artbt •111 nev~ r rt•• •r•to t r , Ood forbid , '-'"rica

and her all l ea aay be •lctorioua 1n thia •ar.• A! thouCb

t~,. ~cc••• ot tbeae brotdcaa~s cannot be •••.ur•4 •t\b any deer•• or -prec1a1on , the rhtrt1 n.t•••~t, tn an 1nterY1t• with the Berl l n Volk1 tchtr Beobecbter, boAJted that 11 a r t ault or thta prooacanda • the Araba tore~ tbt Br1ttah to

• aintaln t"or.sous ca rr1eon to~,, t~r lU~bout the 1141J t

(o) he orva nt~ec 1 ectal s .s . leeton• f roa the 1oalt&l ln the Balkan countries . t he Oeraan Tranaocean

b70tdeaat or o.c .. b4r 21 , 19'J r•~r~•d th~ t •xoal &aa ot t Qutht laL rn £uro~• are f1£bt1na ln ~he • art*" £ .8.

D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. •

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On lanu"'f'Y 21 , 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll' t •the

Grand •uttl ot J&rutal em, A~in e.l lluate1n1 , l:ho la apendtn.a

t lu·ee d11ys •l~h t b e n e• lY eatabllahed S. S . Moe.lell Oh·tatona,

lnapaeted ~roopa 1n tratnina • nd pr ayed wlth the~ .·

tlae•h•r~ on these r•«•• you $ee pietur aa ot the Wurt1 •~ •ttns

wltb the Yosles S .S.Ot•tsiona bo had organized .

S. The V.utt1 h • • re~ea tedly atat~ tha t tr an Ar ab St1te •ere e~teblt•hed t o all of Palestine , the J ews would b~t tr~ated with Juat1ce ano ln tbo • • • e ••1 tb~t J ews are treated tn Br1~1n &nd t he United Statee. Ooea the Vurt1'a r ecord inspire eonfl denee ln such statement•?

Emphatically notl Aa a Je• - baltor , the Kuft1 h•• te•

eQu&ls in all history. Ula a ttacks u ;on the J••• h~ •e been ••

Ylle end violent as those or Julius Strelch~r i n his heyday &I

editor or t he roul " Der Stuerater.• 'l'yp1c:al or the :t:u.tt1 1 s

tnrlammatory tirades 1t hi a rad io • peecb 1n Karch, 1944 in which

he at at ed t •Ar•ba l kt ae as one sod fight ro r your sac:re4 righta .

Kill the J ews .,he-reve r you fin(! t hes . 'fh13 please• God , history

and relJaion. This aa•ea your hono r . Ood 1a with you. • It would

be d!rricUlt to taactne a mo re direct lnc1t~m•~t t o murder.

In add ition to exbort in& oth• r a t o ki ll t he Jews, tbe

WU tt l himael! ~cti•ely participated in the laz1 •xa at 5r Plenft to

eJ:tel'l\lnete the Jewa. I t 11 coc•on k:no• led&• t hat the chief

*Zecutloners o r tbe Nazi "~aster Plan• , under •hlch over sl~

c1ll1on J tWI •ere -utbleaaly mur4ered, were Blcaler and ~lch&ann.

·r ne Wuft 1 • • • a close f riend ot bot h, and worked hand in Jlo~e

with the~ . the or oot on this point 11 clear and direct.

Thus , under date or October 6 , 194), t he Murt1 wrote t o

H1Jm.ler: 5.

J •

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Any "0111bl• douht • • t o •oat the L~tt 1 aean~ b7 •our

mutu" l .. u.a• 1-a d lap•lltd by lltuler' • ttltt:rsa t.o the Mu.ft.l

atcd o•••~r 1, 19~J , 1n .~en he said:

• t he Mo tional boclal1at ? t rt.y baa lnscrl~ on Jtl (lAC 1 tbe IXttr~lnation ot •orld Je• ryt o Our ~arty a,_rat bizta with t b1 titht ot 'ht Arabt , ~• ~ectal17 ~~· lr•b• or Pa~e.tin•• •c•laa~ Lbt f lrt1'" J wo t oday, on thta esor 1• 1 day or th• Balro?ur t ec:l aratto'l , l aend c:.y c r4:let1naca aoc1 Wilhtl tor IUCCOI I 1n your ft&ht.•

f ht ~aitl • c s oo l ess 1nt1 •tt • l th ~~r- ao Llc~a~.

:.: . 6 . fa.uptaturmt"\ tthrtr 111l l ctnt , tonaer C"'fi.'!O.ID ad vlsttr on

J a&llh i f 'a l ra ·~ a ~tt~~•• for ~ ~ ~ rottcutlo~ . , the lure• btr&

trlr.l, C0:"1Ci f'"!.f'd tl'll f""'llo.-tr. i"1I.Orn IUtt:~tent. lt. lur .. b._ rl:

• t he oft l wt• ' hltttr srca-eo~ or t bt J••• a nd taa always bo•n the ~rotaaonlat o r \.be t oe a or

t ·•• annlhtlatlon o r tbt J•••· t . t :;. tcca t ne kuft1 hll elwayt adwanc ed in hll eonveraa tion wltb t1ch­~nn • • • • o Th• Uurt t •~s l lao one of the 1 ~ lt1-

ator• or the tJ&t..at1c ~xt•ratnati~ or ~urorean J ••ry bf •b• i1r.ans and bat baen t t e • • • a: •ttt r of £te~tnn and H1aa1Pr 1n the executton of t hla "~ltn o •

6 o •oul d ..... uable • •ldenc• ••r-ra::1t brln&lD& thl IUftl to trlll I t a

" "' ' crlmt nal t

Y••· t tt t vi.Ct-nce olea rlt e at eblt s:!le a Utat the ¥"u1't1

11 c~tl ty nr crt ••• , lnl~ huxantty • • pre. cr 1btd b.1 tnternattonal

]Aw. ~be ~uft1'• t~cJt~'ntl t o aurder tere no leas helnous t han

t bo• • or ! tralcher i a"t : r • • • b&nJed !e>r h-11 crlac• . t a

.~olltbor,.U on wtth Klal@r t '1d Ftctu&a._n ln the tl&n to l'Jtt"' rlllnate

tb• Je..-s rut a hta on the aut ol t :tl •• iCal te::abrunne r; and -•lten­

bru.nn r llo • • • hrn.,ed t or 1'1.11 c r1Jnll o

6 .

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? . t r t na ••a-o•t Goc-rln

wurtt 1 1 • • •r crlalnal , • hy h~ brouch~ t o t r ttl •ttb

ano oth r la:ta at aure•berc~

r . JulllCI J•c'-•~n • ~• co .. taatoned by the t re•t~•nt

t o 1nd1ot '"'d co.,vt ct t.ha t.uron••o AJ:h trar er1Qlna1 a . for tl'\t'4t

raaa~ eo o ~. t~. Ja~an a~ • r cr1~1n l , ror axa~~.a , • r•

broucbt to trtal t ~r~~borc. It ••• ro&arded--• tth cood e•u••-­th~t th• t . t~k. or 1..rytn Coertnc and o\.h• r l atdlnc !uropeo.n Na &la • •• v1tt1eult e~ou4h • 1thout c~~ltcattnr ll wi th ~on-EU?Ooaen

8 .. 1.n&t 1 r• tbs cb&nc:•• tb• t t he luttl wt ll be br~u&ht to t rial 'sa •tr crl~1~al ln the neer ruture?

Vtrt~ally nil . Brl tadler Canara l Telford Taylor, •uccaaaor to ~r. Juatlce Jac~aon aL fu r .. t.r r , baa a~nounced t ha t nl a job .tll b• concluded upon the coaplat1on o r the trl~l• "ow i n procreaa . Lack or run I l• c~a1ellln1 G~neral Taylor to clo•e o~aop ••eo thOJ&h Ute Job ls acblt.te411 onlJ p.artlallJ

~r 1~ thtre .ucb chtnce tb t eny other nation • lll br lna th• Kuttl to t rtA1. The fr ineh an4 ln&llah have bean •o•~ rullJ' la& 1~ proaac~tlnc Jx la ••r cr1aloala on their o~ 1~1t1a~ tl•e• •~d Lhv~e 11 ~o reaaon to t upvost that they would undert•~• to prootJcute the .Yutt1. In t.hel,. own 1n1•luble t31hloo- - pltonty co~/e111ona b• t ore ho&tlle Ju~ • •--tne Rut tlans ba•• trleJ ~~•raua ·~on~c~o~•rA t1•e• J a&la; but there ts little llk•l tbood tha t the7 would at~IRPL to b r1n& the ~uttl to ~ria l. ror auch • tr1a l •oul~ ~rdlJ tlt t~to t~•lr curr~nt ~ ro,r .. or attea~tlnc t o • oo the Arabs.

7 . I

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l . tr the Unlted ~t t ea . on lte own , ~·­eldttd t o try t.h~ Yuttt •• a ••r c:rt•t .al , ho• C0\114 It ~ot l<old or hla?

Aa • practical AAtl r . IVtn lf tbe Uolt•d Statea ••r• to dec:lde th~t ~~ttl should t ~t(e t. ana•er ror oia eriata before the b• r o r Jut t. lce, lt. woul~ encounter r reat dtrrtculty tn capturtn& hla. Tb r t 11 no internatl~al F.B.I. • ~l~ can ~11&1 • cr~l~al in ln1 part or the •orld ·~d brln, ~la to trlal . Un~tr tntorn~ tlonal 1 ~•, tr o ne count ry • •nt • a erlalna l •bo h11

1 uaht reru,, tn anot.btr coWltt7, tt a\ut oper•t• b)' •• ,. or e:ru·a­cttl~ . In th~ case or tb~ Wuit l , extradttlon would 1nvol•e a rorAal req~e •t by the On lt~a S tat ta t o th• count ry • hleh ta ahelter1n£ the »urtl to t urn b1a o•er tor t r Lal . It t.~t country reruaed . that, to all intent~ and , urroles , ~uld be the end or tht ma tter.

':he o.,e,..helaln& o·rot.abl11tr 11 tha t the ruttl , ror ea.. tlat t o eo:e , wt!l not atray be7ond the Arab countrltl . It 11 equnlly grob,ble that no~c or t hol e countrtea woulG honor •nt requ at ror ... 1s ertr.adltton. theore\.lca . ly, the Cn1ted St•t•• ~1£bt ~~reatcn th~ 1-poat tton or sar.ct l ona ae.J~at • country • bleb r ttu•ed to ertradt te t~e ~~ttl . But In ~he pr•••nt •tate 3 ( tnternatlonal rel tlo~s lt 11 14le to capect tha t aneh a t hreet , ••en 1f m&dt • •oulO eYer be earrl~ out.

!~. •h• t , lt ar.~bin• , can be do"t to rtulllfy U.e •"uft l I I 4tf,.c rtl to t~ent c1 t 11 .. r l~ P~lesll~tt

Tht 'htt'tt , tn e serJea of oubllc utternanc•• • b•• r reso1Y4d lh~t he wlll do •••ry~bln' ln nil ~ow. r \o •­~eat \he ~ntt•d ~atlon•• ra rtltlon lan Cor Palestine. i"ltt7 d~y he ~r.d h i l hencbstn are et.te•pttn& to ~•k• thAt thrPat 1


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realtty. !ht7 • ~• recruttin( J rab t roopt; orcanlztn toray1 lnto Palettl~t t~ Dtlthbort~r at t a; lot t tnr aa~1t ~e; l""d propac.-n,l tht Areb • • • ••a. ln 1•1 rt , t.hay are P~llflftL.,,, preo• r-tn.- ""' •••1""' •cere •t•• •• roitf:l rse ~· ,,.,• ~ ... ao >b, ~ lt1 na,u"\t •lohtt ol'l .)r tha U'littd htlont ~•rtar.

Tbt ~~rtt ' a lana ct~ ~nd auat b t ruatrltad (l) lt t)e 'nlt~ - • t t l llft tnc tb~ •~barto en t he 11le or munlt1ona to "'leltlnl and (~) ~ tbe cre•tton or an l ~~•rn•tlo al ol lce rorce , un~er the ae~tt or the United No ttuna , to ~rurce the ;artttl~ ~ ta., ~nd re~l all att •c•• u~ the na~ Je•1ah ~tate. 1•ced wltb a ~olica force lart• and atron1 anou&b t o protect t !le nn Jewlth Stu .• , u,, ii:u/t1 •oul-. SOO"'\ l ose 1101t or h1a follo• 1nl &nO ult1aataly tall lnto obllYlon .

~ .

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Kutti reTiewing Bosnian Wat~en ss.

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Mu~ti with hie aide-de-camp .

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Mufti reading a Nazi propaganda pamphlet 1n Arabic.

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Dear S:m•

'l'heae ousbt t.o 'be 1n 7our rs1ee .

ao ..

' •


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I '

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On Januar.r 20, 1941 , three monthe before the beg1nn1Ji ot the I r aqi Revolt againat the Bri tish, the llutti aent his eecretar.r , Dr. llusWa Wak1l , with a loog • morandu.a , to Hitler. The following ia Hitler's reply, conveyed through Freiherr 't'On Weizacker ot the Oen~&~~ Ford~ ottice. In the French traru~letion , tcund 1n the llutti 1 s tiles 1n Oel'lii&D;T, annotations 1n the llutti 1 • halldwr1 ting are • di.a­cernabla.

Hitler's Raplr

Copy Pol. VII 188 g. Rs.

Secret llarch 1941

The Fuehrer recehed your let~r dated Jalltl&l7' 2oth eent through your private secretary. He .f'ook great interest 1n what you wrote him about the national struggle ot the Arabs; and he took cognizance, with great interest a!ld s:y~~pathy, ot your re• port concerning the national struggle or the Arabs. He was pleased with the friendly words addressed to him in the name or Arab Nationali .. and 1n your 01111 name.

Your printe secretary began the d1acusa1ons which you. 1n your latter requested. ln response to your desire to heve a clarification ot Qenun pollq toward the Arabs , I a.11 ••powered to state the tol16w1ng to you:

Germany baa never occupied any Arab countries and has no amibions whatsoever in Arab lands. Our ?iew 1a that Arabs , who posseae an ancient culture and he?e proved their administrative, judiciary and military maturity ere capable of self-government. Germany recogni2es the tull independence or the Arab countries, or where this has not yet been atteinod, their r ight to it.

Tbe Gem•oa and U.. 4rabs_llave COIIUIIQn egerties in Enelend a!ld the 'Jews; a!ld are united 1n the tight against them. Ge~, traditilmall,y friendly to the Araba, aiiil !ri accordance with d•s1rea expressed to your private secretary, is reagy to cooeer­ate with you and to give you aU possible military and tinancial belp required by your preparations to tight against the British for the realization ot your people ' s aspirations. IiiOrder to• enable the Arabs to begin tbe necessary preparations tor their


I I ll

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Abtghrltt. Ppl . ¥11 10§ •·-•· mebehn

ara l9U ..


etnu dea ••• Orotat.liU att.aqebeACiu. Soh.reUeu u 4.1taa n~ a~o~. o.a~u·ae lc.U.a •• ftUata•tkretar ••• &~t•&rU .• • n ""- •·

&llintna ,

o.r I J.brtr 1\a\ •• a u lrhf ••• ?0 • .,,,..,., erballt!'i , den SU U. ••u•ot. YeraHthl• & lhr .. r . tntut.,..ure ,, .. _., M'Mrt. £1' hat • on lbHn AWif bnan""n .aber llen nauonahc ICMpt ••r Arabtr ·~' crolta lnt•r•••• vnd &r?l tr Sy.patblt Ktnrtt.nls ceno.aen un6 detl !.U.t r dh fH'III'I•Heht ll Wortt &•fuyt, dlt Sit ll.l Ju.t A 4u arw\lacbt a latto~ll~ u~ l a • t &tnt n l a .. n an atl .. A4rtaat

1 n tcb ut haben. • r lilt lbntft dY.rch Yt ratUluna du Hu ·m lttchaaut enainittara • on klbbtnt.rop ttlnt GrUit u~ tt lnt n Dan) UMratUtla IUld ltu\t A ..-euat .r. lrf'olc I J.r 41h a rabhcM

W ntcben .

l b:r p,,.,, , .. ttntl r tw.t Mtr d tt " upncl'l.uocen tufatMIDE1t n, dlt Sh tn lbrec lr-ld n .. aBA•n • la lrUll\iJl& du ll .:ucb 1bD taMraUtelt• ::: Ww.n.oht a each ~ar-hc-.Jtl& • • r 4auhchtn ••UU.t a•au<Jba r cltt. Anbf'rn bin l oti tf'llliobU,t., Ihnen l olcend .. a.u­


~uehlatlll. ••• Al_.h anl>lacbl febhte \ft ••&•- ••· etta ttha~t h# t. htt tel~ \trrltorialen tl•l• 1a &re~laoh~ R•~•· I • tot ~•r An•tcnl , deO ft t Arabar, aln tl\ta tul~· •ol k . ••• ••111• o .. tv.• t hdt aur Ya,.,...}\•U Wl4 atlu aillt•rtt.cbto :.C•nld•o ba• l• .. • bal.. aunU"• ln ••r Le.c• atM. alob at lb•t &u reatartr.. Daut•ohlan4 arktnnt daber dta •ollt Un~bbnn,1~•1t ••r arobt.o en $\oattn . odtr wo tit noob ftlob\ e rntab\ ht, caaa AMpnlOb •ara>~f •~. al• h trrLAc:t a.

l.lotat•el:la ,,,

- t -

Davl aobt un4 ~btr bait n ln 4tn ln,lln4ern und J u4an 1• -aalAaa .. Ja tno~• u.nd dnd lA dta Eaapt aacu dtMa nr"bWid aa. lA aeta•r t,..ll_.l\loa•U• n Nr Ill• .a.n•ar UA4 atf\a praob:• ad Jhraa diU'~ch tb_,..n Prtnh•lrntl.r alt&thU\.eo ew.aob t a t h•\ao~ land a•rn t~• ~•l~ . •'' oan Arabarn tre~doohaftllob a~ .... nauar­~atun u4 lbftt e .... M aJ • •~r £rntoa..aa ihre r M\l.oulM llt l • ~~ x..vr ,,, •• ift&l-.,.. , ... ~.a .. t.n - r\i•.a , t a .. ._. , • •• oc­Uohtn at lltlrltc;~he und ttnanahlh Ununtt.l.t• '-"' ceto:~hr·tn.

'J• Ue Araber h lUea Yo,hrtH\&AI.• D ttlr a tnt n n watsen. &.•Pf &•etA loel-••4 au. Rrdu•• l ot Dttatacbla nd t.rat:r """1 t, tlaaa aofor\ lrt~&~ .. \ertpl •• lteferQ, aofern •iA I a& a u. d• •••n le­

tOrderu~ c•t~den • • rden kann. l u.:r walt•r• n &tOrte~ oar ltAS• l belttA dar beabtlob\l&t•n

fre .anhct.fUlOhU %QM..,..r'Mlt (la_rf teh lbtl.aa a tLhel.uiuU t a, 1Juoen irt·,..\at kretl.r aW".IUa_..en4an o~hr, fa U t •r Yt rb1Mtrt • • ln aollte. t laec ana.t r t n UnterbiMhr tter•~•o!Uo.tac.

Iclt ltltt•• •Uet• • ,_ebata ••••· Dh I u ll• ·­ntaebe kecttrunc let Ubt r • • in•c I~ll\ QAterrlob\t t ua4 atl .. t !ban.

Jhr rrt•ahtkre'tlr • 11"4. Cl.enA ewetfele to-. a1oht, Olole eel •

• • • t.tn4r'lollaa h tle&atetblaM. "M•UH &•" • 4al • • r at-. , .,. Aoll­••,...•hh e tob•r u.nd. l~lanta .. S..d.arl•&• b••t•&tl\ tat.

~t de a bt at•n •~n.thtn ~r lhr p•r.aAlioh•a t ohl• r &•h• a

""' fllr ""'" ',.. lrtolca ta lU.a •Uc•o ltotr'l\t a fUr 41• ON­blUbt Sa~• "in lch

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(!lture war a~inst the...Br.U.ieh, Genany ill p~pared to deliver to -yru

ilrmed1Atel7 military material, it the means tar trans porting this mater!i.l can be found.

In order t o further develop the .details d our friendly cooper­ation, I would like you to send your private secretary back to us; or, it he is unavailable, another emissary.

I request you to keep the contents of this communication secret. The Italian Government has been informed of its contents am subscribes to them.

I am sure your private secretary will inform you of his im­

pressions of Germany; i.e. that the victory of the Axis is certain a.nd Britain's downfall assured.

With best wishes t or your personal well-being and f or the further success of your vigor ous undertakings in behalf of the Arab cause, I r emain, your Eminence,

Very Devotedly

Freiherr von Weizaecker

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R-, 28 aprllt 1942-XX

Etnl nenza .

ln rlapoat.a all-a leuera 4a Vol t nvtat.a.l ogl 1ae1 ..

u.l • 'E<:eelltnu 11 Presuttnu <1el contt&Uo RaaefU4Al1 el OaJ­

lanl o a conrenma delle conver._l 10D1 avute con Vol, ho l 'oao­

rt est cOGA.nlcar't'l 1U.atlt.o •~&U• ; 11 ooverno ltal tMO ~pprez:za pttn!lln:.t:nu la tlcU.rc1a rt­

poa~ dal Popolo Arato ntlle Potenzt dtll'~sst t ntl toro o­

blet.Uvt t 1l suo t'-o dl prenoere alla l oU-a 1 c~nl ne:uct rtao •lla vtttorlQ rtnal t. &sso ha pl e­

n3 c~enalont per It ~•ptr1Z1o~ 1 ~ztoaa tl . da Vol espoate.

dtl Faest de l \'lctno 0:-te:n.e cr.e at.tual~r.tnu so!troao

ao t.t.o l 'oppreaolona lng;tat. Ho rert.anto t ' onor t d1 asalcuJ

r ~rVl • tn pltno t~.ccordo col Cover no seru;;aotco . 1 ' lD41 p~

dto.z.a e llber~ del F.utsl AraLl ctlt aC.t.t,&;,a..~.Unt.t sot rrono ao·'­

to t •oppresatone brtt.~nlc. ~ ~cht obltttlvo 4t 1 ooverco 1~ L 'I t~lta ~ ~ercto• ~ronLa. ~4 ~ccordart 01 Pnes l ~•­

bl dtl V1ctno Orlentt ct.t .orr rono tOtl.O l'op...

preas1one ognt ~osstl.lllt ~atuto cella loro lott.a

at 11 btr•~tont; a rtconoacert ia loro aovrant tl tO tn41pen.­

dtnza: a conatnttre alta loro untont. qualora quea~ ala

Ot tU.t:-&L.t C~.~G , l tnureaaau . co:tt pure au•nbolldoa·e d t l

Pocolare Nazlonalt £bra1co 1n ~~!tt~lna.

Reata tnttao cht 11 ttato t 11 con tenuto o l quee~a le t­

tara rtmarranno aaaolutasentt aegrett. r t no a cht aon ala d l­

tpoat.o o.t o.ccordo.

Yocll"tt U~lrt .

aldero.ztont. ilo1at!IZll , &11 ~aHa coa-

Amln ol Huaorlnl oren ~rtt o Paltatl na


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F l t


f ·t ..,.

li ~


Ae a Sequel t<> Tbie Requeat 400,000 Jewe llere SUbeequenti7 ltUlecl


Hie hoellency June 28, 1943

'!be IUniater of Joreicn Affaire for llllncarT

Your Excellency:

You no doubt knov of the otr~~Qtle betveen the A.rabo and Jove of Poleotine, -.hat ito baa been and -.hat 1t h , a lone and bloody fipt, broupt about by the deaire of the Java to create a national h011e, a Jevhh State in the !lear :&aot , vith tho help 1111d protection of lillgland and the 11ni ted Stntea, In tact, behind it Uoa tho hope mich the Jove have never relinquiohed, na:uzy, the dOIDination of tho -.hole world throuall this important, otratectc center, Paleetine, In effect , their progro.m baa, 0100111: other puzpoaee, al.....,.a aimed at tho encouragemaat of Jevieh emigration to Palestine and the other countrioe of the llenr Zaat . Bovovor, tho var, aa voll na tho underatendinc 'IIIlich tho mcmbara of the '!bro<>-Povor Paot hnvo of the roaponaibility of tho Jove for ita outbreak and finally thoir evil intentions tovarda thoae countrioe 'llhich protected them until nov- oll these nro ro<>aono for plncinc thcc under ouch vigilant control aa vill definitely etop thoir emigration to Poleatine or olao'llhero.

Lately I be.vo been info11:1od of tho uninterrupted offorte ' ma.cle by the English end the Java to obtain pemiesion for the Jeva 11vinc in 7our co1mt17 to le:tre for Paleatine via Julgaria nnd Turkey,

I have alao learned that theae negoti ations vere oucceaatul. aince eaoe of the Jove of Bunga~:7 have bad tho oBthfaction of emipating to Palestine via llulgaria and Turkey and thBt a groUp of theae Jove arrived in Palestine toward• the end of lnot March, !!'he Jevioh A.gency, which aupemaee the execution of the Jevioh progrom, haa pllbliehed n bulletin 'IIIlich containo il:lportont infomntion on the current negotiation• between the Jllglhh Goven~~:~ent 1111d the governmenta of other intereoted otateo to oeBd the Jove of :Balkan countrieo to Paleatine. !he Jovieh Agency quotea, a:~ong othor thinge, ito receipt of G outticient nuaber of imigrotion certificates for 900 Jevieh <bildren to be trnnoported from Bunga1:7, BCcompeniod by 100 a.dulto ,

To euthoriu thou Jove to leave your count17 under the above e1rcumatenceo and in this VIJT, would by no meano solve the Jeviah problCD and vould certainzy not protect your countz:y againot their evil influence - far from itl - for th1e aacapo would mnke 1t posolbla for them to ccmmunicnta and co1:1bine troaly vi th their racial brethren in SIUiliT countrieo in order to otrengthen their poaition and to cart a mo:re dengoroue influence on the outcome of the var, eapec1alzy oince, ao a conoequence of their long otay in your count17, tha;r are necessarily in " poei Uon to know many of your aecreto and also about your war effort . ~1 this comes on top of the terrible dollage done to the friendly Arab nation vhiCI. baa tilken lta place at your dda 1n tbh var and which cherioheo for your e0iml'17 the moat eincere feelings and the very beet viaheo. •

• t t 1


• •

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i ·Jl [~t~JI'=i!~i~l~~~~;!~i i i I rllr l•tti E · ~-~~- !!

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I t I ~~ f •s:r~~~~~~r~ ~r '' iJ!; liti_;;•ri:lf J·~



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1 r ...


J i !:i • .. • .. "' :

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I '



(Draft Found A8onc the Official Faporo ot tho llutti in Qo,...,;r)

O.rMn,T ltal7 ot·r ·1c1all7 deola,. their poltq t.o A.Nb

ootmt.r1 .. •• tollowa, aDd undtrt&h t.o orhn.t tht1r act.Joa to achJ•••

tbla pollQ't

(1) c.......,...s 1\al.r ............. ~·\4 w~- ot the Uab et.tee el.ntd7 ladepcdnt.a Irtq, fQpt, heLM, S.ucl1 U.bil.

and Yntn.

(2) o.r-.;, ...s 1\al.r a1oo roooplM u.. lnd~...,. ot tho

Arab eowttl'i .. ..,. andt:r t.b BrlUIIh -.nd.ate, ~ •• hltat.blt ud

TraDtjordu, or pnHD\ aolaaiN aade:r l:rltiah prot.HUOD, ncb It

lto.-.1 t, Doba7, 0.0 ffldrt.-o\lt..

(4) ftle ixla powtrt decla,.. aull and YOid the ruern.tione b7 ~ dth r .. pttct. t.o '-he :lnci~ence or £r:rpt encl the S\ldaa.

.-..Ml"ftl to huetlt Ult rtcbt to rendtr eecure bw ~rial OOIIU\1•

.. u .... ""'"""' tho s.daA ..,. .,.._,. wilh Igpt.

(5) o.r-.;, ODd 1\al.r will aot 1A...,.M •117 Jllrid1cal ob­

Jtot.lont t.o C!Oalplet.e lndept:nd.nct ot tbt Arab oouotrlet 11\lCh ••

h interpoted b7 Ult •nd•t.e ,,.,,__, t. hJpereritical invwtion ot

tM ~ or llttiont a.Dd or d.oo:red•• in order to cuoutlqe

tho1r ~ ub1Ucolo.

(6) 0...-zQ" and ltAlJ' ncop!u ri&bt of ttt. U.b oouat.t"itt

to .. t.abUih their r~aUonal un1t7 throup one or 1101"1 ttderaUont in

af!COrdane. wlt.h t.teir O"ft 1Dt..~ttt e.nd • -1.tlu. Th• conmMDh ot U:le

.b:S.a • Ul illt.wpo .. DO objections to the Arab oount.rle• 1a tbeS!' etrort.

to CU'I"J out a J!l'OIJP'8 ai.Md at. \Mlr aatlOMl Ul'lity.

(8) OWMfl1 and Jt.l1 d~ nothlrlc bet.wr than to ... .U.b a.t.JOD -.jo7U., a cr-t proaperlt)o aDd a..-1Ac u llitcrrlcal and oatvnl role b Y1tal aad lepu..w I'Nnt.l.t:H. 1tl97

bope for • "" aid bett..w ord«r 1D the -o:rl4 ud tor ~e oo­

operaUoo • Uh Ut4l lxla per\1" oo the bub of r.ciproo&l 1Dt.T .. t. 'ftl.e7 uk of tbt &nb countrltt 'IJ:Iat in Paleetine and th•

at.tua quo be l'fl~t«t or Ute Chriatlan .t .. ton• and aburehtl and

to anUf'e to U!.• UM trM uwoh• of their rellcton•, •• .. n aa tbe Uftbl;~ ectJY1t7 ol t.htir 1001&1 • .Uare Wt.U.ut.toa. auob

u bolpi tal•, o~, aDd NhcH tor u. '


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--•-•u• otthlol.h .. t.•&u • ..,. ot .. l'

oc• •• n •at I H , .,. .,.....,.

L'Allooo ... o\ 1 11 \ 6\to ... , .... , otllo t tl l ... o\ ~

' l'-" , .... tolt\1'' ' .. , .. 1"" ......... , , .. ,..,. ,. .... ,, 0 oacacnt." l H I JieUII' 00 \e poUU4Uf t 0 ) L'AU •._. ot l'ltalh ............ , 1 1 1 ... ,. .. _.. , . ...

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1° ) L'lll• .... ot l ' l\&lt o ...... u .... , •••• 1 11M&,_._..

Ito , .,, .,.....,, M'IIO .... ,, -..auo (h l M U M et ,........

JGN.- l o) a- ot.,h- • t ooleaho .- oC~t~o ' " '"._..' -..t.•

·-·~ ... ''"' "• DrotN.r, o. .. . .. ...a.\).

1°) L'&J.l.-a_. ot l'lh J.h M ol .,..o\ a •owo.l • -. ... '*1-"• & oo 4U t o.,.,.., o t t o Lt._ W\1"''"' t .... t.a61,_. ....

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h I N t\ . . ........ MO .c-.atooU OM . ....... ...... I ...._..

h a.e.t.. , ..._. l ot ,._h\.e \"1 \Aou .. Ke ..,&.H 41'01.-'U.t

'"' · ·~ ·· ..,.. .. ~ .... ........ . 1° ) L 1 &J.t.._..,. o t 1 1 U.&I o M ~ .. ....._._, 1 1 ..... _,_, ~·

..-· &.L ....... , .. , & ru_ .. .......,~_, ••\roe ,., .. .,_...,. •••• •'- • - , ., • ....._., ..,.... h l e .-. le .,...... .. - ,., . ..... , • • •• • , , ..,,.... ...... , ,_ h loetl\ ...... u ...

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e.ou .. t c .... 1• 11:• v.a.U& aau c.aa l t .w• h t lil,.. &•~

<* .. folael ..... ,.....UOMt H lU l .... ,..,.... ........

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a •• r.t .. u .. •' ..... ..,.. ,., • ...,.... h e.on • .._ _;, ., Y • t!IIIIN h q11 .. U oa ... l l ... ll\e JUt• M f U ........ et .....

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• '

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___ ........ ~. : U. S. Haifllta on Palatine; I

· Threat of Arab• I• a Factor I ., ftiC.aA8 ' · ••MU•N .................. ..._.

L4d euocaa. If, Y ...... -WIIIl- a I i at ' u ....... Dtpon.oal _... , .. i - at u.. -. ,_lloe llult wUI - alloa&IAI u.. Anb COIIDtrioo, Ualtod ......

oi;;;;;;::::!5;&;R;;;;;;;;;;lpollcJ Ia otlll - dooldtd. ll wu

-- RllRCE ~ .=~~ .... - Pol-

- ., tbo - , • ._ -·

\N-· ·~-- ... -.......... % aoaalUA.M.. ""'uo....-IM&Ito­_.,._..,..,,._ moeb ,...n wuU U.. UaiW ltat..

l in-. ... -. .._., __ .. ns ..,...._ ..... __ d ,.., ___ ........ ""' ...

...... - .... -- l ...-... ... to...,....,.....,,' c:s·=+ua. ot 1M uasw Naa- lptdal

ta OommiU.. - ~ ,...... om. menct&.ac part.IU.. u w.U u to I ~u tb• .a..- o.nn:~Jtt.M ~ 1 'to mead.aUoN. W!l~ ...,. adopt4d t of u:Mnl.moualy. i fie 'ftlll Nltmnt aMmtd to lAdt·

cat• that the Unlt.ed llf.~ woukt < ·n• .upport parUUon, bu\ .,._.. .. t on for tM *'-* dtlqaUGa t • b&ve t.uLit'ld eLnoe UMn t.bat Mr. ' 011 Jl&riiW1 UMd oaiY tht ph,...

bo ·-· ..... ~- .... tbot- ' M furtlatr lboukt IN ,..... toto Jail J• Mt.antnL od A.a AIDW'kU ..--·· ...

diMd Lo CIDIUteM ~t- ,.... _ Jl.aMd nporU U...t Mr • ........., • ,_....., P" ..,,.._,.. to UM • cWtca'- ot \be ov. A.rU ....... , IMft ot lM UDILM NaUOU tMl • U. UDlted ataue atUI .....,.WaM

""aD Of"'l mlftd"' • ~ "fbto A.r&b dUC•t.. tt .... a&kL

uJced ror u opportunlt.J to dl.­cu. Lbt altua.UO.. ud Ult 1\Uldl• eoD at rort Totten wu tbU .,... ................ .......,_ ............. a&Jd that the Jtw'Lib Acenc7 tor P&M.ttiM UH1 other ZlorLilt npn­Mat.atJvee bAd DOt nquttted web a CMtUnl" wtt.b UM .leutt&r7 of ll.t-Ui, INt lhat bt woukl rl•• t.h.m &a oppor1Uftlty to •tat. lMtr YMWI if IM7 did.

Ia uy evu\. \M ~ np.rd· me u.. ro" Tol\ell ~ ........ to ... atleut ,...u,. ..... out by U.. ~ tllat U.. _.... .... ....,..,..,,_.._ c-...... • ..... &. c;w... I


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.... 4 ·,



Hodre Ex,utl U,..... = ':t. ur.=':to '::-..=: B1 Red• in lorN .S... ~~oo.:.::;:- ,.-tlal ...-

- ; .upport.. IDCMit d ••• ,. •• ben .... ---- - taM too -UIIy lloo Anb SIIOUL. Koroa. llept. 24- t1>reat1 of a thlr4 wor1c1 ,...., Jl


Uout. O.o. John R. BodJo, - llloul4 b&ck tbo Aralle. Amorkaa ocevpr.Uon -• ~om· -or 1M - -14 be cUt·

to tbo QenonJ A-mbly a -k mandor lA Kona. Ia a ooriM of ' &fO lwl beao eomplottiy noncom· fonDt, It Ia odalltlo4. mlllal on tba wl>ject ot ~- IAtorvlowo tbW week 1Adlcalo4 8omo cloloploo do DOt bellove It wu only ao a rooult of protoot tbat tba Amorle&D - ID Kona !bat lloo 1'1IIIDI - ID lloo Arab tro

··~ ~- of • -~ m!pt ~ • OomiiiUIIIat-J.d - -·~ _,_ · "- ~­m o-r mom~ tba ~·· upri.IIDC lA 1M - r- -'<a. - ..=.:-. ~--::-.... •-Call do'-pt'-. Wbo urJOd tbat It "'""' ~ ... ..__ · - -·· ol -- ~- - ~ ,... Ume tor tba Un1ll4 atotoo to --.. - ...u•u " uy ..-t. 11oo ...- 111>1ee. -rtvo - ~ of Ito pooltklft, : .. ~a.,r:::-~==-= ladWIInr !bat It miPt _.t tbat Mr. )(anbalJ ...- to 1&7 Ia .. tbo riot aplllla orNtllenl ~ .... --loft - - lO Wbat be did •Y - tba com· Kona. ,.,.. tr,1ftr to brtaC miUoo report. .., a ,_ rall ':t.u.o." ~ A. ~ ~lloo llo9W

OM lnll..ntlal 6olepto pn- a. omph•o!Md tbora W<IUid be "~'' " ta&tn. -- -dlelo4 tonlal>t tbat 1M 'Onllo4 00 ..,...~ 1q1011111r -- oloa on .._.. !bat -a• w, ~ of 011~ par· tbo Unllo4 Ita..._ olll7 "a tor tlnlOD oapporlo4 a "111·•-UUon. In tbo end would tavor COD· olp·IDIPirtd nYOIL" • llal&." bUt !bat, Ill tbo .- 11oo Unuanc. of tbe Brltlab manlkto, toella&' botW- J_. and Ara11o but would .,... to 1Upplylnr at made thlo tmpooolblo, W<IUid 0111>-l ... t part of 1M mUitory toreo Unl<m would lnalot u- ba'rlnr an port partition. A IJI....-al otaU Ulat probably would be noceaoory opportunity to obaro tbo nopoDOI· Ia tatrly e1- to 1M todonl otale to koop order. An American biUty tor an araa tbat boldo a key pro~ by tbo mlaorlty oC tbo opok .. man oald tonight. however, poo!Uon In tho miUtory otrotec of Unllo4 Natlono Commlttae, lllelud· Ulot tho PaleoUne quoruon hod \ho Near and MlddloiCaoL ~ Yurootovta. wldlo c--to­not boon dlocuaoed by tbe delega· Tho United NaUo1111 bat taltad vakta wpporlo4 tbo majority roc· tlon olneo Mr. Manh&ll'o opoech Ulua far to ootobllab an latama· ......,-uoa tor partltloD. and that ho had no knowJ.dp of Uon&l pollee toreo. Tbo ~r Mr. Qromyko'o -b did lndl· IUeh a prepoaal. autborlooa 11oo r-t powaro to cato loviot ou~or tbo rantral

The eleven memben of 1M ope- .,... --tb-lwl to pr<mdo priDCiplaa of to wlllcb tbo d ol Unllo4 NaUono oomml~ al· oucll a torea bUt tb1o D&turail7 lovlot U- lwl hltbortO beao thouJb dlolded be~ partlUOCI W<1U14 nQUin tbo -~ of 11M _,.y opp _. But ao -and a tadual ~. un&nl· lo<rlot UDloa ao well ao of tbo toar ....., tbo eo.tot Ualoa and tbo mouoly ..,- .., 1M tormlllatlaa olloor .-t powan. 'nM a-a1 tlllltad llotoo an ...,..... Ia a of tbo Brltlab mandate ao _, u Aaomf>ly bat DO _.. to on1or _., .-pllcalo4 .-,_ wltb praeUeable. TonDIDOUOn of tba _,_t - DOilbft Wllllal eo .aile a -mandoto Ia lmpllelt tn tbo ro~ W&nllnp lTOID Anb apolt- unW ....,pollad to do -doclalon ot the Brltlab Cal>lnet "' ot a tb1rd wortd war, In tbo .,_t In tbo oPIJI!oa of -oeeopl partltl011. 1M A.oMmbly -- part!· pta. tbo P•ooi-Ual -palp

Tho quootlon who W<aJld admln· Uoa. an partly ..._.,n,la tor 1M next ;y-. Ia OM of tbo prl:liciPal later tbe Holy Land durlnr tbe booltotlona owr United - _. tbo ltolo ~t ,.o­trana!Uon porlod to two laclepond· policy. lnvo of tbo obt _,..... t-OMio ba•o DOt JOt beao a* tnt otatoo. or to a foderaUzad Pal· ot tba Arab lAquo an now mom• to obtalll .-ptaiiOO of -ootiAe, Ia recognlaed u tbo noll)' bero ot tbo UAilo4 NaUol!a, and tbo - Two poelllllo Jlepu­fundamentel queaUon. o.kptae olxtb, Yemeni Ia ocbodulad tor ad· candllklel tor PrUIAioat. ao.. to the A-mbly ore convinced mlaal<m a t tb a Aaooml>ly. Ja adell- TbomaO II. Dewey and leDalOr tbot Groat Br'ltoln Ia not wlUinr to lion, tbo now Mool- atoll of Robert A.. Taft, bavo -U, -carry tblo burden alone, but tbe Pok10tan Ia oxpoolo4 to ~pport tbo doned tho ...-jorlty ,.port, too two otbor ootullona-mUitery toret Arab Loaruo ~ ptbor wltb RepftMI!taU" J....,. from Ole Unltod Btateo op a bl· It, ao oapoolod, a thlllo4 Stoteo l(arUII, lpoakor of tbo -. lateral boola, or an IAtemaUonal doclalon to back partlUOCI allonall4 Ja .WW of$Danlat .oe.o Ia forc.-ro betb oubjoct to aorloul ~ """ _....., tbo State tho Un1lo4 I It Ia pollltod objoctlono. ~t oxporto......,.- ...t. out, an ...U o&aDd l!r Goo

t Ia upoclo4 tbat U tbo UQilo4 1nr pooiUoe Ill tba a-a1 - - UDllo4 - - Pri ll ' I ltotea lllould offer to .. pply part lily W<IUid be -oally ur-. Tt< en tiM ~ - ,_ oC of the mWta.ry toroa. tbe 8oYkt JloHO"IW. tbrtJ t1111111t Gaat _. a 111AD7 p;a lion• ..... ,.....,. .

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This 11 a JNrder otaatp . u. ta baaed

Blun~ly, thia 11 • 4o.an4 that tbe ortmtnela be brou&bt to

trlal. M•l11 or Mn aeae4 bere are io li\lrellberg rlsbt now.

PowerfUl rorce1 ere at work to aee tbet they ne• er rece a

court ot Juatlee. Yet e•1deoce ••• unco•ere4 in

Berlin leaa tban twenty 4aya aso - Jhow1na tholr complet& guilt .

The etate .. nta that ceraan dlploaata were not 1n•o1Ye4 lo the

oleucbtor or six &n4 • holt million people oro lies . Tbis

documen~ 1bowa that tb17 sat la on the oonte~ea and expedited

the uas aur4era. 9ft:..4-iv.. ~- ,..,_ ~~~ .. I These are the top aecret ainutea ot tbe greatest

aaaa aurder eonterence ln hlatory. It took place on :anuary

20, 19~2, ln Serlin, Am oroeeen Wanneee ~o . 56-S8.

Preaent - and suilty ot mur~er - were:

Oaulolter Dr . ~eyer and Re i chaamtsleiter Dr. Lelbbrandt

State S.cret&ry Dr. Stuckert

Stete Secretary Neu.ann

State Oecretary Dr. rrelaler

St~te Secretary Dr . Buehler

Under State Secretarr Luther

SS-Oberruebrer Klopter

kJnisterlaldlrektor xrttzlnger

SS-Oruppe4tuehrer Hormann

~S-Grvppentuehrer ~ueller

SS-Oberaturabanotuebrer lilichmaJ>n

SS· Obartuebrer Dr . Scboengertb ~a.&an4er ot tbe SecurltJ Pollee ao4 • 30 in tbe CO•ernment o eral

I tu6brer Dr. Lange / the securltr

Reich ~nlatrr tor the Occupied Eastern Terrltorlea

helob ~olatry ot the Interior

Com.lasloner for the rour Year Plu

Roicb W1n1atry ot luatioe

Ottlee ot the Go•ernor Ceneral

?ore lSD Ottl co

Forty Chancellery

Reich Chancellory

Reoe end Settlement llain Oftico

Melchasl cherheltahauptaat

1Roich llalo SocuritJ Orrico)

Security ~ollce end SO

Socv1 ty Pol1co end SD


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· ... • \

't'ho rirat to be killed, according to thio pliJl, wore 865 ,000 Jews

1n Prance , that 1a , attar al l Ger.m&n laws were exterminated.

A great draanet. wa.e to be awept aoroaa !'Urope, eta.r·ting i.n tho

West, aad ending in t he slaughter pena or the Beat. It involved

eleven million Jews, and over aix and e halt million were a ctual-

ly ldllod.

These ere the minutes ot the meeting:

"II. At tho beginning or tho mooting or tho Chlor or the

Security Pollee end the SD, SS-Oborgruppontuobrer HEYDRICH ,

repor·tad his appointment by the Re ichamarschall to serve e.e Com­

missioner ror tho Pro para tlon or tho Final SOlution or the

European Jewish Problem, and he pointed out then that thi s con­

terence had been convened in order to clear up the tundamentel

problema . The Reichsmar sohall •a re~ueat to have a dratt submit­

ted to him on tho organizational , physical and materiel require­

menta with respect to the Final Solut ion of the Europeen 1ewisb

Problem , necessitated this previous general consultation by all

t he centr al orrtces dir ectly concerned, in order that there

should be coordination in the policy. . ...... ln the course of this t inal solut ion ot the European

Jewish proble~ approximately eleven million J ews a re involved.

Under proper direction ~he Jews, in t he course or tbe final

solution. will be brought to the East in a suitable way tor use

oa labor . 1n big lebor ganga, With separation or tho sexes , tho

Jews capable ot work are brought to these areas and employed in

road-building, in which task undoubtedly a great part will natural­

ly perish .

'l'he remnant that finally is abl e to survive all this .... since

it is undoubtedly the pert with the strongest resis tance ...... must

be el iminated by turther means , slnce tbeae people, representine

a natural selection, are to be regarded aa the germ cell ot a new

Jewish development , should they be allowed to so tree .

1n the program or the practical execution ot tbe final solu-

Page 39: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand

tion, .truropo ia combed throup rroa the Wut to the ~an. The

Hoich oroa, including tho Prot octorato or Bohaaia and Koravia ,

Will biYI to be t•ken 1n a4T&DOe, alone tor rea•onl Of tbe houa~

inl probl .. and other aooia1-p011t1cal oecaaal tieo.

The •••cuatad Jewa are ~ro\l&bt. t lrat group by grou..p into

ttl IO•Called transit gbettoa , 1a order rrom tbere out to be

transported rarther to tba &lit •

... . . . Uth regard to tbo hondUng or the Plnel Solution in the

£uropoao ereee occupied end intluonced by ua, it woo propeoed that

t be ottloialo worklng on tbo aattor 1n tbe Foreign Ottlco obould

contor ~ith tbe respective orticlolo or tbe Securi ty Pollee oad

the so. Jn Slovaxio and Crootlo the matter i s no longer too 4i t­

t1cult, ea the most essential proble.m.a in thi s respect bavo

elreedy been solved there. In Roumonia likewise tho eovornment

baa a.enwh1le appointed a CO~Ialoner t or Jew1sb artairl. Por

aett11ng the problem 1n tiungary it will be necessary in the near

tuture to force \lpon the Bu..a.garlao so•ermeot acceptance ot an

adTlaor on lewiab probleaa .

oitb regard to taking up the preperatioaa tor tho oottling

ot tho problem in !taly, SS-ube rgruppentuebrer n!YDRICH th1nko

e l1e1aon witb the Police ~h1or 1n those matters is suitable .

!n occupied end unoccupied France t he taking or the Jows

tor eva cuotioo oon 1n ell probebility proceed wi thout groat

d1ttlcultioa .

unde r Stat e Secretary LU1fl!R (or roreign urrice) otatod

at thia po1Dt that in a more belie treatment ot thia problea

in a tew countries , such as in the Northern countries. d1tt1cul­

t1ee would come up, and it 1a theretore advisable to poetpone

tbeee countries tor the ttme being. In consideration or the

smell number or 1ewa in questi on here, this postponement con­

stltutoo anyway no approeiablo lialtat ion.

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On the other hand, the Foreign Offi ce sees no great dif­

ficulties for the Southeast and West of Europe.

• • • • • lV . In the course of the Final Solution plans, the

Nuremberg Laws are in a certain degree to form the basis,

and accordingly the compl ete settlement or t he problem is to

include also the solution of the Mixed marriage problems ."

This reporter has t ranscripts or the documents by which this

ghastly plan was put i n execution - and it bears the s ignatures

or German diplomat s . Not guil t y? Guilty in their own handwriting:

Well , the great Nuremberg trials were supposed t o set a precedent

for international j ustice. Unless these men are brought to trial

another - and a l oathsome precedent has been set - that a case

agai nst an international criminal - can be f i xed f rom higher up:

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-.., • •

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!))- C4/h "'-o ctk C"v -4-.. ...,_ ( ._{-A..-....

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~~::: ~- · a.._ ~.;.,t,.,.-t: ~ F11 h,

I •

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ROSil !KIS 1'!1011 YOU D OW 'IHO oA COL'• IF n .U n'ol II&!'

R1JI '1'llll Dm:CI\Aift' COL' W 1'UilS U lOT ! DlKD 'rO DO A G BBr COL '••

' /


I ) .

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ftia 1a a aul'dor oharc-, U 1a ba .. d Oil od4aaoo,

IUW>tly, thta 1a a 4eua4 that t he orl.aiJlala ba hroll&ht to

triaL llally or tho aaa naaad hero are la llllrOJibor& r1$ht now .

Powertul toroaa are at, work to ••• that t.ha7 n•••r tao• a

court or Justice. Yet 4ocuaentary ••ldaaoe ... UDoo.-re4 1D

Barlln laao than twe~tty dare &$11 - ahawlna their complet e sul lt.

The atotemanta that Gorman dlplomota ware not ln•ol•ed ln the

olau$htor or aix &ad a halt &illloa people are llaa. ftlo

4oc-uaea t abowa that tbe7 aat. 1D on the oonterancaa an4 erpe41ta4

the aaaa aur4era.

Tboae are tbe top aeoret minu·tea ot the greatest

maea 11.urder oon..taranoa in hletory. I t t.Ook place on l

20, 1942, 1n Berlin, A& Groaaon Wanaaao No. 56-58.

Present - &D4 gullt7 or murder - were:

Oaulolter Dr . Weyer aa4 Ralchaamtaloltar Dr. Lalbbr andt

State secretary Dr . Stuckert

Stete Secretary Neumann

State Socretary Dr. Frolaler

State Secretary Dr. Buehler

Under Sta te Secretary Luther

SS-Obortuohror Klcptor

Wln1otarlald1raktor !r1tztnsor

SS-Gruppontuehra:t I!Ot'l14.11a

SS-oruppentuobrar KUoller

SS-Oborsturmbanatuahrer llcba&n.a

SS-Obortuahrer Dr.Schoansorth Comcandor ot tho Security Police ond tho SD ln tho CO•ernaeat O.aeral

SS-Sturmbo.nntuahrer Dr. Lanse COCIIIl:&D dar or tho Security Pollee

Reich Wlnlatry tor the Occupied laetera Territories

Reich Wlnlotry ot the IAter1or

Oocnm1oo1oner ror the rour Year Plen

Rolcb Wlnietry or 1Uet1ce

Ottioe or tho oo•oraor General

Poroign Ott1co

Party Chancellory

Reich Chancellory

RICO end SOttlemtat lla1a ortlco


(Reich WD1n Security ort1co)

Security Pollee and SD

Security Pollee and SD

Page 46: The Following Pages Are the Best Available . D1Y1alon d•t•no1nc ~uroce ~cal nat Anclo-A~ertcan attae ~a. • On lanu"'f'Y 21, 1944 the Oeraan radto annovnced th.ll't •the Grand

Tho rirat to be killed, ·~~or41QC ~o tbia plan , woro 865,000 l ...

1D rranoe , that 11 , att er a1l Ge~n Zewa were e%ter.inete4.

4 grea\ 4r&~Aet wee ~o be ewept aorou IIUrope, a tartlJI& in ~be

hH, aud ecdllll! In tiM elau&h~er peu or ~be &aa~ . n 1uol•ed

ele•en alllion lowa, aud o•or elx and o hal t a1ll1on were aotual­

l:r killed.

Thoao are tho ainutee or tho a ootllls:

• II. 4t tho beSiQQ1~ or ~he a .. tlJI& or ~ho Chief ot tho

Soourity Felice ond ~ho SD, BS-Obersruppontuebrer HBYDRICH,

ropor~ed hi e eppo1ntaont b;r the Roicbamaraoholl to oerYo ea com­

aissionor tor tho Preparation of tho fiQ&l SOlution of tbo

European lewlah Problea, and be pointed out then that th1e con­

terence had. been oon'ftoe4 in order to olee_r up the tundemantal

probleu . Tho Roiobaaaracllall'o request to hOYe a 4rart aubait­

ted to hia on the orcanlzatiOMl, pb;raioal and ll&torial require­

menta with reapaot to the Final Solution or th• luropean 1ew1ah

Problem , necessitated t hla prevloue general cooaUltetlon by all

the ceutral ottlcea directly concerned, 1n order t hat there

ahould be coordinat i on in tho pol i ~;r. . ..... l o tho oourao or this final solution or tho Buropoan

l~oiah probl .. approxl&atoly olo•en a1ll1on lowe are in•ol•od •

•••• t/lldor proper direction the lowe I 111 tha couroo or tho tlllal

aolutlon , will be brou~1t to t he laet in a eultable way tor use

•• labor . lD big l a bor ganp I w1 th oaparation or tho aexu, tho

lewa capable or wol"'r. are broU&bt. to these erau and e:aplora4 U

road- building, 1n which task undoubtedly a groat part will natural­

ly poriah.

"the re~~nant that finally 11 able to au.niYe all tb1• -- •lnee

1t 1a undoubtodlr tho part with tbo s t royut rulatanco -- 11uat

be eliminated by turther meana , a1noe these people . repreaantlns

• natural eeloot1on , ara to be rasarded aa the aer.m cell or a new

lewioh da•olopment , should tha7 bo allowed to 50 troo.

ln tho program ot tho pr aotioal execution or tho final aolu-

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tlon, !uropo h ooabed tbrouah troa tho Woot to tho !aet. Tile

Reioh oroa, including tho Protectorate or Bohomia and ~oraYia,

will have to be taken in a4Yanoe , alone tor reasons ot the hous­

ing probl em and otbor aocial-poli t i col nocaaeitiao.

Tba evaouato4 l ewa are brought t1rat group bT group 1nto

tho oo- callod transit sbottos , in order tram thoro out to bo

transported !arthor t o tho !aat •

• • • • With regard to the handling or the fiDel SOlution 1n tho

European are as occupied and influenced by us, l t wa.s proposed that

the orrioiela working on the matter 1n the roreisn orrioe should

confer wi th the r espective orticiolo or tho Security Police end

the SD.

In Slovakia and Croatia tho matter 1e no longer too d1t­

ticult, a e tho moat ossentisl problems 1n thi a rospect hoYe

already been solved thoro. In Roumanie likew1ao the government

has moan~•lle appoint ed s comnisaionor t or Jewish nt!air s . Por

settling tho problom 1n Hungary it ~~ll bo neceeaary i n tho noar

tuture to force upon the Uu.nsarian eovernment acceptance or an

advisor on Jewish problema.

~itb r egard to takine up the preparations tor t he settling

ot tho problem 1n I taly, SS-Uborgruppontuehror H!YDRICH t hinks

a liaison with the Police Chief 1n those matters is suitable.

ln occupied and unoccupied 7r anoe t he tOking or the Jews

t or evacuation oan 1n all probability proceed without groat


Under State Secret ory LUTHER (or Foreign Of! ico) stated

at this point that 1D a more basic treatment or this problem

1n B tew countri es . euoh as 1n the Northern countries , d1tr1oul­

tiee woul d come up, und i t i B t hororora adYiaablo to postpone

these countries tor tha time being. In ooneidoration or tho

amall number or 1ewa in question here , thia postponement con­

atitutaa anyway no appreciable limitation.

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on the other band, the Foreign orr i oe sees no great dif­

ficulties tor the Southeast and West ot Burops .

• • • • • IV. In thA cour se ot the Final Solution plans , the

Nuremberg Laws are 1n a certain degree to f orm the basis,

and accordingly t he complete settlement ot the problem i s to

include also the solution of t he Mixed marriage pr oblems. "

This report er has t r anscript s ot t he documents by which this

ghastly plan was put in execution - and it bears the signatures

ot German diplomats . Not guilty? Guilty in their own handwriting !

Well , the great Nuremberg tri als were supposed to set a precedent

tor i nternat ional jus tice . Unless these men are brought to trfal

another - and a loathsome pre cedent has been set - that a case

agai nst an internati onal cr iminal - can be t i xed f r om hi gher up!

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-- Berlin, 20 lltt.rch 1942 (Pck)

Reference to the RSlA ta.t lett e ra ot 9 llarch 1942 - IV B 4 a -- 3233/41 Secret (1550) - and ot

ll llarch 1942 - IV B 4 a - 3233/41 Secret (1085)

Subject : Evac11ation of 6;000 Jewa from Franc.e.

Ret. 0 III 216 5 Secret 272 Secret

O!!iciale handlinll: Legation CollDoillor Rademacher Legation Secretary Waage

State Secretary (=ften Initial: l'f,and (

Under state Secretary tor the Politieal Di 'Wieion (Handwritten Initial: w, and date)**

Under8tate Secretary tor Di'Wiaion De11taehland (Handwritten Initial: L11, and date)"""

Past LetterJ

On t bo part of the F'oreign Ortice no objections are raiaed

(l~ )o.a.Jw.::tJ... to the deportat ion of 6, 000 Jen of French nationality or

_. 1 t.L .tateless Jewa (Handwritten aarginal IF"ffiiil insertion:

·-.·11 0./ti ""'t~ ) ~ ·: ........ "" ..( ta:"""' i;.. ( ,..t~ ,.,......II - • • ¢ {PD 15. :) to the Concentration Camp

f. o:t...:;) (Upper Silesia) . -ert-t~-&llll>aao¥--in

~ Parl&-Hhowieo no-ol>jecU.....,-h&......Geeft..,..,.....eed. (Translator ' s

( U }7 rl note: La.t sootence crossed o11t in pencil)

J.. ..u "'J ~" ')./ N 'I~ By order ot

\ ) SiV>ed: Rademacher i<> E ,· d,""..._ · (Handwritten: t~ and date)H'" X

2. Pile cow (Handwritten: R and date>-(Photoetat : 261425)

* We1zsaecker,"*lloel1118l1D, PLuther, "*"* Rademacher ~ Jl )( f , lJulr"


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1? lin, den .:a u 1942 ( .Pck)

dna Reichaaioberheitabauptoat -ITB4-

&U D 111 ~o) g 272 g

z.Rd . voo SS-OberaturmbannfUbrar Bieb..aann

B e r l 1 n W 62 ------- ---lurfUratena tr.l16

Aut die dortigen Schnellbriefa vom 9 . •~r& 1942 - IV B 4 a -- }233/ 41 g (1550) - uod voa Ll. Mara 1942 - I V B 4 a - 3233/4lg


Betri!ft: EYakuieruog von 6 . 000 Judeo aua Praokreicb. Schnallbrie!!

Ret.: LR Rademacher LS Waage

2 . z.d . A.

r ~ • .(, • • ' ( ,, I H ,\( I ,•

' ..,/..., .., . I• ' I ~ '·1\.

( I I

Seitene dee Auawartigen Amt a

tzstehea kel•e ieieftken gegen die sep}asbe Abachiebung von i nsgeeam

6 . ooo/Juden franz~eiacher Staata­a.ngeh~rigkeit bzw. eteat'en1ose~

Juden nach dem ~o£z.e~:rt.~9f,s.~~ge Auschwitz (Oberechlesien) . ~ t •n• 1 e¥' Deutsshen -Bcrtschaft Fari

&1&4- e\>sw'ell•..a.<l-.kaa oicht ge-

lm Auttrag gez . !lademacher


I, n lit -

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ConCerense Rtsord

I. The following peuona took part in the conf erence

on the Final Solution or the lewish Problem held on 20 January

1942 i n Ber l in, Am Crossen ~annsee No . 56/58:

Gauleiter Dr. Weyer and Re i ch Ministry for t he Occupied Reicbsaatale l t er Dr. Lelbbrandt East ern Territories

~Sta te Secretary Dr. Stuckert Reich Ministry of the Interior u

~State Secret~ry Ne .. ann Comaisaloner for the Four Year Plan

St a te Secretary Dr. Preisler Reich Minis try of Justice

St ate Secret~ry Dr. Buehler Office of the Governor General

Under State Secret •ry Luther Foreign Office

~SS-Ober!uehrer Klop!er Party Chancellery

/Minist~rlaldirektor Kritzlnger Reich Chancellory

SS-Oruppenf uehr er Hol'lllann Re ce nnd Set tleaent ;.lain orttce

SS-Gruopentuehrer Mueller Rei chsalcherheitshauptamt SS-Obersturmbannfuehr er

Bicbmann (Reich Main Securl ty Ot't'lce)

SS-Oberfuehrer Dr.Schoengarth Security Police and SD Commander of the Security Pollee and the SO l n the Government General

SS- St urmbannfuehrer Or . Lange Cemmander of the Security Police~ t he SD for the Oeneraf Uistrict Latvia, as Deputy of the COIIUnder or t he Security Pollee and the SD for the Reich Commissaria t for t he Oa tland.

Secur ity Police and SD

// I! . At the bealnn1ng or the aeetlng the Chief or the

Security Pollee and the SD, SS-Obergruopenruehrer HEYDRICH,

re ported hi s appointment by the Re1chsaarscball to serve as

Co=aissioner r or the Prepa ration of the Final Solution of

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the European Jewiab Proble•, a.nd he pointed out then thla

conference had been con•ened in order to clear up the funde­

•~ntal problema. The Aelch•••r•ohall't request to have e

drsrt submitted to h1a on the ora•niaational, phyalcal and

•eterlal require•entl with r eapect t o the 11nal Solut ion of

the European Jewtah Proble•, nectllitated this previous

1eneral consultation by all the central ornc:::es directly

concerned , 1n order that there ahould be eoord.t.natlon ln tbe

pollCJ .

In the cou.rse or tnt a ttnal tol~ o'f . the European

Jewish probl~ appro~laattl7 eleven allllon Jews are 1n•ol•ed.

hey a re distributed among the lndl•ldutl countries as tollowa:


Orlglnal Reich Territory Austria Eastern Territories Government Carnal Bialystok Prot·ectorate Bohem.18 and Moravia Eathonia - free ot Jews-Latvia Lithuania Belgium Oenaark Prance I Occupied Territory

Unoccupied Territory Greece The Neth~:rland.s Morwey

B. Bulgaria England Finland Ireland Italy including Sardinia

Albanis Cr oatia Portugal Rumania , including Beaaarabia Sweden Swtt%erland Sorbh Slo•akla Spain Turkey (European part) Hunc•rr

~- Ukraine 2 994,684 ~te Rusoian, oxcludlns Bta1y•tok "6,484

Total: over

.!!.ml!u 131 , 800 43,700

420, 000 2,284, 000

400,000 74,200

J,500 34,000 4),000

5,600 165,000 700,000

69,600 160, 800

1 , )00

48,000 350, 000

2 ,)00 4, 000

58 ,000 200

40,000 3 , 000

342 , 000 8 , 000

18,000 10, 000 88 , 000 6,000

55 , 500 742 , 800



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Under prop~r direction the Jews, 1n the course ot the

rinal solutlon, Will be brought to the East in a suitable way -t or use os labor. In bi g labor gangs, •lth separation or

the sexes , the Jews capable or work are brought to these

areas and e01ployed in road-building, in which taok undoubtedly

e gre>t part will naturally perish .

The remnant t hat rinally is able to survive all this-­

since this it is undoubtedly the pert with the stroncest

resistance--must be elb1inated by further means, stnce these

people, representing a natural selection, are to be rega rded

as the germ cell or a n~wish development , should they be

al.lo" ed to go free. fseo the 8)rp&Plal'\ee of--b:l&-~

In the program or the practical execution ot the

final solution , Europe i s combed through from the West to the

East . The Reich area, i ncluding the Pr otectorate of Bohe~ia

and Moravia, will have to be t aken in advance, alone for

reasons of the housing problem and other social-political

necessities .. •

The evacuated Jews are brought first group by group

into the so-called transit ghettos , in order !rom there out t o

be transported farther to the East • ..- . ~ ..

With regard t o the handling of the Final Solution

in the European areas occupied and i nfluenced by us , it was

proposed that the officials working on the matter i n the

Fordgn Office should confer "ith the respect.ive offlcioJ..\ of

the Seeurity Police and the SO.

In Slovakia and Croatia the ma tte r is no l onger too

dif·ficult, as the most essential problems i :'l this respect

ha ve already been solved there. In Ro~ania l ikewise the

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government has meanwhile appointed a commissioner tor Jewish

affairs . For settling the problem i n Hungary i t will be

necessary in the near future to f orce upon the Hungarian

government accept ance or an advisor on J ewish problems.

With regard to t aking up the pre parations for the

settling o f the problem in I t aly, SS-Obergruppenfuehrer

BEYDRICH thinks a liaison with the Police Chief in those

matters i s sui t able.

In occupied and unoccupied France the taking of the

Jews for evacuation can in all probability proceed without

gre~t difficulties.

Onder State ( orf. .:; ""-r l {-« )

Secretary LUT~R stat'd at this point

that in a more basic treatment of this problem in a few

countries, such as in the Northern countries, difficulties

would come up, and it is therefore advisable t o postpone

these countries for the time being. I n consideration of the

small number of Jews in question here, this postponement

constitutes anyway no appreciable limita tion.

On -the other hand, the Foreign Office sees no great

difficulties for the Southeast and West of Europe.

IV. In the course of t he Fi nal Solution plans , the

Nuremberg Laws are in a certain degree t o form the basis,

and accordingly the complet e se t tlement of t he problem

i s to include also the solution of the Mixed marriage pr o­


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