The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

The focus on skills The focus on skills for improving students students engagement: Tuning María Pilar Canedo Paula Comellas educational structures approach Naiara Arriola Learning in Law Annual Luis Gordillo Conference 2011 UKCLE Ui it f University of Deusto [email protected]


Slides for the presentation by Maria Pilar Canedo Arrillaga, Luis Gordillo Perez, Paula Cornellas and Naiara Arriola Echaniz (University of Deusto) at the Learning in Law Annual Conference 2011.

Transcript of The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Page 1: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

The focus on skillsThe focus on skills for improving

studentsstudents engagement: Tuning

María Pilar Canedo

Paula Comellaseducational

structures approach Naiara Arriolapp

Learning in Law Annual Luis Gordillo

gConference 2011

UKCLE U i it fUniversity of [email protected]

Page 2: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

The Tuning LogoBackground: European BlueTuning fork – tuning structuresUniversity – Universal – UnionOpen-ended, co-ordinated, flexible UDiverse, multi-coloured, dynamic

Page 3: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

The TUNING project is a project by and for universities.

It is the Universities’ response to the challenge of the Bologna Declaration


Tuning of educational structures and programmes on the g p gbasis of diversity and autonomy

Page 4: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

WHY TUNING?Comparable Qualification

Comparable graduates

The objectives:

Comparable graduates


To identify common reference points from discipline and university perspective

To develop professional profiles and comparable and compatible learning outcomes

To facilitate employability by promoting transparency in educational structures (easily readable and comparable degrees):New skills for new j bjobs

To develop a common language which is understood by all stakeholders (Higher education sector employers professional bodies)stakeholders (Higher education sector, employers, professional bodies)

Page 5: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach


Line 1: Professional profileEquivalence in the capacities (be able to do). Line 2: Generic competencesC lt ti ith d t l d d i thConsultation with graduates, employers and academics on the importance of 30 generic competences and an evaluation of how well HE institutions develop them.Line 3: Subject specific competences (knowledge understandingLine 3: Subject specific competences (knowledge, understanding and skills)Mapping of subject areas and development of common reference points and subject specific competences of each of the pilotpoints and subject specific competences of each of the pilot disciplines.Line 4: Mapping of approaches to teaching / learning and assessment in different countriesassessment in different countries

Teaching methodologies. How to implement the skills and competences. Knowledge management as skill.Li 5 Q lit h tLine 5: Quality enhancement

Page 6: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Why Focus on competences?

1. Further transparency of professional profiles in studyprogrammes and emphasis on learning outcomesprogrammes and emphasis on learning outcomes

2. Shift to a more learner oriented approach to education

3. Growing demands of a lifelong learning society which requiresmore flexibilitymore flexibility

4. Need for higher levels of employability and citizenship

5. Need for a shared language for consultation with all stakeholders

Page 7: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach


Tuning Europa

Tuning Latin America

Tuning Rusia

Tuning Georgia

Tuning North America

Tuning Africa…

ALFADeusto International T i A d

ERASMUSECTS Tuning Academy


Page 8: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach


based on competences

centered on the student

Page 9: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Based on competencesDefine

The pathway we havefollowed leads us torecognise that wehave jointly found a

tway to:

Define thelearningcompetences andcompetences and outcomes

Page 10: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Identify the generic t d th i


competences and their relevance in a changing worldworld

Build consensus on the specific competences andspecific competences and their value to identify each subject area


Build jconsensus

Page 11: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Consult the different


social stakeholders (importance – carrying out)out)


Build consensusConsult

Page 12: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Analyse the results f th lt ti



of the consultation and redefine the different degreesdifferent degrees

Consult Identify

Build consensus

Page 13: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Designl the professional profiles and



professional profiles and build consensus on the most relevant competences for each of


pthem, combining both what is common for academic recognition

d h t i diff t (thand what is different (the specific features)Consult Identify

Build consensus

Page 14: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Measure the required



qstudent workload to reach competence levels (Credits)


( )Measure

Consult Identify

Build consensus

Page 15: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Develop the teaching



p gand learning processes of the competences



Consult Identify

Build consensus


Page 16: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Formulate the



required assessement processes


Measure Formulate

Consult Identify

Build consensus


Page 17: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach



Incorporate theDesign


Incorporate thelearningcompetences and outcomes into the

Measure Formulateoutcomes into theprogramme qualityenhacement

Consult Identify

Build consensus


Page 18: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach


A coherent




A coherent system based on

learning Measure Formulate competences and

outcomes that have been jointly

Consult Identify

Build consensus

have been jointly developed.


Page 19: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:

-Tuning Europe

- Tuning LatinAmerica- Tuning LatinAmerica

Page 20: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:gMethodology

First part of the Consultation Process + P l t t/O li+ Personal contact/On-line process

- Graduates: Generic competences- Employers: Generic competences- Academics: Specific and Generic

competencesSecond part of the Consultation Process

- Academics: Specific and Generic competences

Page 21: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

1. Ability to analyse and synthesis2 Ability to apply knowledge in practice

Generic competences:

2. Ability to apply knowledge in practice3. Planning and time management 4 Basic general knowledge in the field of law4. Basic general knowledge in the field of law5. Grounding in basic knowledge of the field of

employment in practicep y p6. Oral and written communication in your native

language 7. Knowledge of a foreign language8. Elementary computing skills 9 Abilit t d h9. Ability to do research10. Ability to learn (independently)

Page 22: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Generic competences:11. Information management skills (ability to

retrieve and analyse information from different

Generic competences:

retrieve and analyse information from different sources)

12. Ability to give and receive criticism about your performanceperformance

13. Ability to adapt to new situations14. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity)y g ( y)15. Problem solving16. Decision-making17 T k17. Teamwork18. Interpersonal skills19 Leadership19. Leadership20. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team

Page 23: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Generic competences:21. Ability to communicate with non-experts (in the


Generic competences:

field)22. Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism23. Ability to work in an international contexty24. Understanding of cultures and customs of other

countries25 Ability to work autonomously and efficiently25. Ability to work autonomously and efficiently26. Project design and management27. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit27. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit28. Ethical commitment29. Concern for quality30. Will to succeed

Page 24: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

2. Ability for applying knowledge in practi

GRADUATES: Generic competences ranking

16. Decision-making6. Oral and written communication in your n

4. Basic general knowledge in the field of 15. Problem solving

1. Ability for analysis and synthesis (summy pp y g g p


7. Knowledge of a foreign language3. Planning and time management 10. Ability to learn (independently)

9. Ability to do research25. Ability to work autonomously and efficie

g easing p

14. Ability for generating new ideas (creati11. Information management skills

13. Ability to adapt to new situations30. Will to succeed

29. Concern for quality (wanting to succeed)g g g g position

17. Teamwork21. Ability to communicate w ith non-experts

5. Grounding in basic knowledge of the fiel18. Interpersonal skills (ability to relate

28. Ethical commitment (to work in an ethica

n in ran

20. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary 12. Critical and self-critical abilities (ab

23. Ability to work in an international cont19. Leadership

27. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit


0 1 2 3

24. Understanding of cultures and customs of22. Appreciation of diversity and multicultu

26. Project design and management8. Elementary computing skills

0 1 2 3

Ordered by average ranking position

Page 25: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

2. Ability for applying knowledge in practi

EMPLOYERS: Generic competences ranking

28. Ethical commitment (to work in an ethica6. Oral and written communication in your n

15. Problem solving4. Basic general knowledge in the field of

1. Ability for analysis and synthesis (summy pp y g g p


25. Ability to work autonomously and efficie17. Teamwork

10. Ability to learn (independently)16. Decision-making

29. Concern for quality (wanting to succeed)( easing p

14. Ability for generating new ideas (creati9. Ability to do research

3. Planning and time management 5. Grounding in basic knowledge of the fiel

13. Ability to adapt to new situationsy y position

11. Information management skills (ability t7. Knowledge of a foreign language

30. Will to succeed21. Ability to communicate w ith non-experts

18. Interpersonal skills (ability to relate

n in ran

23. Ability to work in an international cont12. Critical and self-critical abilities (ab

19. Leadership27. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

20. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary


0 1 2 3

26. Project design and management22. Appreciation of diversity and multicultu

24. Understanding of cultures and customs of8. Elementary computing skills

0 1 2 3

Ordered by average ranking position

Page 26: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Analysis of the generic competencesy g p



2. Ability to apply knowledge in practice

FOR EMPLOYERS2. Ability to apply

knowledge in practiceknowledge in practice1. Ability to analyse and


knowledge in practice1. Ability to analyse and

synthesis16. Decision-making4. Basic general

k l d i th fi ld

4. Basic general knowledge in the field of lawknowledge in the field

of law6 Oral and written

of law16. Decision-making6 Oral and written6. Oral and written

communication in your native language

6. Oral and written communication in your native language

Page 27: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

EMPLOYERS: IMPORTANCE Generic CompetencesIMPORTANCE, Generic Competences





Confidence intervals 95% confidence level


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Ordered by competence number

Page 28: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

EMPLOYERS : ACHIEVEMENT, Generic CompetencesACHIEVEMENT, Generic Competences





Confidence intervals 95% confidence level


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Confidence intervals 95% confidence level

Page 29: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach





Blue line: Importance

12 6 1 29 25 15 4 28 16 10 30 18 21 11 13 3 17 8 9 12 14 5 27 7 20 19 23 22 26 24

Blue line: ImportancePink line: Achievement

Page 30: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach



IMPORTANCE, Generic Competences




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Confidence intervals 95% confidence levelOrdered by competence number

Page 31: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach



ACHIEVEMENT, Generic Competences




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Confidence intervals 95% confidence levelConfidence intervals 95% confidence level

Page 32: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach



IMPORTANCE vs ACHIEVEMENTGeneric Competences, ordered by importance



11 2 6 15 25 29 16 4 10 11 30 13 3 21 18 8 9 14 28 12 7 5 17 27 23 19 20 22 26 24

Blue line: ImportanceBlue line: ImportancePink line: Achievement

Page 33: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Specific competences:

1 Demonstrate knowledge of principal features of the

p p

1. Demonstrate knowledge of principal features of the legal system including general familiarity with its institutions and procedures

2. Demonstrate knowledge of legal principles and values in a wide range of topics extending beyond the core curriculumbeyond the core curriculum

3. Demonstrate some in-depth knowledge of specialist areas

4. Demonstrate critical awareness in the analysis of the legal order

5 Abilit t id tif d l i l l5. Ability to identify and apply primary legal sources

Page 34: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Specific competences:6. Ability to identify and apply all legal sources of

Specific competences:

relevance for a specific legal issue7. Ability to identify societal concerns and values

b hi d l l i i l d lbehind legal principles and rules8. Ability to identify contemporary debates and

engage with these while accurately reporting theengage with these while accurately reporting the applicable law

9 Ability to make a distinction between reasoning9. Ability to make a distinction between reasoning founded on law and policy-based arguments

10. Ability to identify and work with principal10. Ability to identify and work with principal aspects of a foreign legal system

Page 35: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Specific competences:11. Ability to act independently in planning and

d t ki l l l t k

Specific competences:

undertaking complex legal tasks12. Ability to identify and comprehend legal issues13 Abilit t id tif l t l l (i l di13. Ability to identify relevant legal (including

procedural) issues from a large body of unstructured factsunstructured facts

14. Ability to create new or imaginative solutions through approaching a problem by using legalthrough approaching a problem by using legal material in different ways

15.Ability to decide whether factual circumstances are ysufficiently elucidated for a legal decision

Page 36: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Specific competences:

16. Ability to render a reasoned legal

Specific competences:

y gdecision

17. Ability to draft legal provisions y g p(legislation, contracts)

18. Ability to conduct legal research for y ggiving legal advice

19. Ability to be aware of the need for a ymultidisciplinary view of legal problems

20. Ability to conduct academic legal y gresearch

Page 37: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

Specific competences:21. Ability to present knowledge with range of professional

Specific competences:

presentation skills (oral and written)22. Ability to write fluent and technically sophisticated prose,

i l l t i l t lusing legal terminology accurately23. Ability to read a range of complex works within and about

law and to summarise their arguments accuratelylaw and to summarise their arguments accurately24. Ability to work in cross-disciplinary teams as the legal expert of

the team and contribute effectively to its taskthe team and contribute effectively to its task

25. Ability to advise an interested person on the possible outcome of a case, and outline alternative strategies , gleading to different solutions

Page 38: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Tuning Law:Results

26. Ability to identify and collate relevant statistical or numerical

Specific competences:y y

information and use it in a report

27. Ability to use relevant IT-tools, i.e. word-processing, y p gstandard information retrieval systems, web-resources, and ability to specify technological tools needed for personal support

28. Ability to reflect on own learning

29. Ability to seek and make use of feedback

30. Awareness of the ethic dimension of legal work

31. Ability to use a foreign legal language

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Page 40: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Ranking of specific competences

Most appreciated competencesDemonstrate knowledge of principal features of the legal system including general familiarity

ith it i tit ti d d (1)with its institutions and procedures (1)Ability to identify and comprehend legal issues(12)(12)Ability to identify and apply primary legal sources (5)sources (5)Ability to make a distinction between reasoning founded on law and policy-based arguments (9)founded on law and policy based arguments (9)Ability to render a reasoned legal decision (16)

Page 41: The focus on skills for improving students' engagement: the Tuning educational structures approach

Thank you for your attention

E-mail:mpcanedo@deusto [email protected]



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