The First Autumn Offensive -...

The First Autumn Offensive 1.0 Introduction Welcome to the first Autumn Offensive. The AO is a one day event that will capture players‟ imaginations, and provide them with challenges that are not every day on the table. During the AO, you will be playing 6 games of Warhammer 40,000 with a variety of missions and challenges. The event is meant as a relaxing event without the die-hard rigidness of two-day events. So step up to the plate, enjoy your games, and have a (large) blast (marker)! Many of the rules are common for all of our events. They are included here for completeness, are probably redundant, and will never be used. Bu they are included all the same. The Autumn Offensive will not be included in any form of rankings system, national, local or otherwise. This is final! 2.0 The Most Important Rule EVERY player is required to read the Most Important Rule prior to AO. This rule can be found on page 2 of the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. It should be remembered at all times. “Don‟t be a dick”. 3.0 Before the Autumn Offensive 3.1 Army rosters You must create an army for the AO which will be used though out the event. Each army roster must: Include your name. Adhere to all criteria listed in Section 4.0 Contain all information required for play and reference, including characteristic profiles, and the point costs of units, upgrades, equipment, wargear and so on. Indicate which HQ choice is your chosen Champion. You‟ll need two copies of your Army Rosters during AO – one to hand in to the staff at registration and one to keep and use during your games. During the event‟s first round, the referees will randomly pick and check several rosters. During the second and subsequent rounds the top players‟ Army Rosters will be checked. If any errors are found, even if the mistake you made was an honest one, the appropriate penalties for an illegal army list will be applied (see Section 7.0).

Transcript of The First Autumn Offensive -...

The First Autumn Offensive

1.0 Introduction Welcome to the first Autumn Offensive. The AO is a one

day event that will capture players‟ imaginations, and

provide them with challenges that are not every day on the


During the AO, you will be playing 6 games of

Warhammer 40,000 with a variety of missions and

challenges. The event is meant as a relaxing event without

the die-hard rigidness of two-day events. So step up to the

plate, enjoy your games, and have a (large) blast (marker)!

Many of the rules are common for all of our events. They

are included here for completeness, are probably redundant,

and will never be used. Bu they are included all the same.

The Autumn Offensive will not be included in any form of

rankings system, national, local or otherwise. This is final!

2.0 The Most Important Rule

EVERY player is required to read the Most Important Rule prior to AO. This rule can be

found on page 2 of the Warhammer 40,000 rule book. It should be remembered at all times.

“Don‟t be a dick”.

3.0 Before the Autumn Offensive

3.1 Army rosters

You must create an army for the AO which will be used though out the event. Each army

roster must:

Include your name.

Adhere to all criteria listed in Section 4.0

Contain all information required for play and reference, including characteristic

profiles, and the point costs of units, upgrades, equipment, wargear and so on.

Indicate which HQ choice is your chosen Champion.

You‟ll need two copies of your Army Rosters during AO – one to hand in to the staff at

registration and one to keep and use during your games. During the event‟s first round, the

referees will randomly pick and check several rosters. During the second and subsequent

rounds the top players‟ Army Rosters will be checked. If any errors are found, even if the

mistake you made was an honest one, the appropriate penalties for an illegal army list will be

applied (see Section 7.0).

3.2 Requirements

You will need to bring all the things you need to play WH40K. Below is a list of items we

recommend that you bring along, but there may be others depending on your or your army‟s


This rules pack. THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Rulebooks, codices, and any official publications that you are going to use

Templates, dice (including special ones) and a tape measure

Two copies of your army rosters

Superglue (for repairs)

Three objective markers - 40mm bases are maximum size.

Your painted army.

4.0 Event rules

4.1 The Structure of the Autumn Offensive

Autumn Offensive is a new event. We shall be playing six rounds of singles games.

4.2 Common Rules

All armies have to be chosen from official codex books and army lists. Please see the list in

section 4.3.

Your army has a maximum point limit of 1000 points. It can exceed its given points

limit. Not even by a single point!

Your army has to follow a special Force Organization Chart, detailed below.

Weapons, wargear options and upgrades chosen from the army list must be shown on

the unit/character.

Each army is limited to the characters/units/vehicles specifically permitted by its list,

and allies may not be used. Witch Hunter armies may use inducted Space Marines and

Imperial Guard as specified in the Codex because this is a standard feature of the lists.

There are no exceptions to this and players turning up with allies will not be allowed

to use them. Clarification: No Inquisitional Allies in Imperial armies, no Assassins

(except in Grey Knight or Witch Hunter armies), no Kroot Mercenary allies, and no

Deathwatch. This list is not inclusive and there are

other examples. None are allowed.

A player who invents his own Chapter,

Regiment etc. or uses an otherwise undetailed

Games Workshop one is at liberty to use any

appropriate Codex to represent it. Full WYSIWYG

must be maintained and the player should make it

crystal clear to his/her opponents what Codex the

army is using. An example of what is not

permissible is a player who uses models that look

like one recognized Chapter whilst using the Codex

of another one. Basically, don‟t be a dick.

There will be terrain allocated for every

table. Please feel free to modify it as needed for

each game. Just be reasonable with it. Again, don‟t

be a dick.

Special Characters may not be used in AO.

All vehicles must not have a total armour

value of more than 34. The armour value is

calculated by adding the front, side and rear armour together. In other words: A

Chimera (12/10/10) is permitted (12+10+10=32), a Landraider (14/14/14) is not


Forgeworld army entries may be used.

Army entries from the “Apocalypse” source book may not be used.

4.3 Force Organization

Every army must comply with the following Force Organization Chart.

Unit Classification Number

HQ 0-1

Troops 1-4

Elites 0-1

Fast Attack 0-1

Heavy Support 0-1

4.4 Permitted Armies

The following codices (in their most recent incarnation) are permitted at AO; Space Marines (Codex: Space Marines, Codex: Blood Angels, Codex: Dark Angels, Codex: Space Wolves, and

Codex: Black Templars).

Imperial Guard: Use Codex: Imperial Guard.

Dark Eldar: Use Codex: Dark Eldar.

Eldar: Use Codex: Eldar.

Tau Empire: Use Codex: Tau Empire.

Space Orks: Use Codex: Orks.

Necrons: Use Codex: Necrons.

Tyranids: Use Codex: Tyranids.

The Inquisition: Use Codex: Grey Knights, or Codex: Witch Hunters.

Chaos Space Marines: Use Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

Codex Daemons: Use Codex: Daemons.

In addition to these codex books, it is also permitted to use Forgeworld army lists. Please

check before the event to see that we are all in agreement as to what is being used.

5.0 Playing in the Autumn Offensive

5.1 Registration on the day

Before the start of AO you will register with the staff.

Upon registration, the staff shall require a copy of

your army list, along with your name, and any other

details that are required.

5.2 Timetable

The event timetable gives a complete overview of

what happens during the event and when. We have a

rather tight schedule to keep, and we would appreciate

it if everyone adheres to the schedule as closely as

possible. Your table number and the next opponent

you fight will be shown on the gaming schedule. After

Round One we‟ll use the results from the previous

rounds to generate the schedule for the next round (see

Section 5.4). Please stick with us while we prepare

these schedules. Be patient!

5.3 Your opponents

During the event, you will be playing several opponents. In any of the games, we shall

endeavour to make sure that you will not meet the same opponent twice. If you do, then

please bring your matching to our attention.

5.4 The Swiss system

Total Command Points accumulated (see Section 8.0) are used to rank the players after each

round. The participants in first and second place will fight each other, third and fourth will

face each other, and so on. This system ensures that after a hard day the winner will have

fought several challenging opponents and achieved some difficult victories in order to prove

himself a truly offensive Warmaster!

5.5 The ‘Warm-Up’ period

At the start of each battle you should use 5 to 10 minutes as a „Warm-Up‟ period. During this

time you should:

Swap army rosters with the opponent.

Discuss the table and the terrain on it (what effect will it have on lines of sight,

movement and the battle in general), and arrange it.

Clear up any potential rules problems that might occur during the game.

Discuss special rules and conditions for victory that apply to the scenario.

Ask questions about your opponent‟s army and the special rules that apply to it.

We advise everybody to be at the table in good time for each game and make the most of it.

5.6 Rules questions & sportsmanship

To assist the good atmosphere at AO and to prevent endless debates we use the following

system for resolving rules problems. If you are unsure about a rule you should look it up in

the relevant rulebook or codex. In most cases, referring back to the rulebook should solve any

uncertainties you might have.

If you are still unsure about what to do, or you simply cannot agree on a solution with

your opponent either:

Roll a dice to decide who is right in this

particular instance. 1-3 Player A, 4-6 Player B.

Call over an event referee, who will either

show you the relevant rule in the rulebook or roll a

dice as above.

Almost every problem will be solved using the

method above, but if a participant is found to be

violating Titan‟s code of conduct or is behaving

irresponsibly we use a warning system:

Yellow Card – This is the first warning.

Recipients will be warned about their behavior and

advised to calm down. We will deduct the

appropriate points from their overall score (see

Section 7.0). A second Yellow Card will count as a

red card.

Red card – If recipients don‟t adjust their

attitude and behavior at once they will be asked to

leave AO.

This all sounds fairly serious. Fortunately we have never had to send someone away from our

events and we hope we never have to. However, if the need arises, we will gladly dismiss a

particularly obnoxious player rather than have him or her spoil the fun for everyone else.

Simply put: Don‟t be a dick (still).

5.7 Interference

Only you and your opponent play the battles together.

This means that friends and onlookers who finish

their games early must not interfere or be involved in

the game in any way, keeping out of the way of the

players and keeping the noise down. Interfering with a

battle that is not your own will be considered a

Yellow Card offence and any interference should be

reported to a referee. Interference with the referees‟

tasks is also considered a Yellow Card offence.

In order to keep interference to a minimum, we have a

“Green Room”. You are encouraged to remove

yourself to the “Green Room” upon completion and

registration of your game. This not only makes the

other players‟ games easier, it also make the

tournament staff‟s job easier in seeing who is still

playing keeping an eye on games in general.

5.8 The 10-minute mark

During the round we will announce the 10-minute

mark. At this point you have 10 minutes left to finish

your game. In the interest of fair play we strongly suggest that you only start a new turn after

the 10-minute mark has been announced if you are both convinced that you can finish an

entire game turn. If you can‟t agree with your opponent you should call over a referee to make

the decision. The decision should not be made on the basis of strategic situation, solely on the

basis of fairness.

5.9 Determining the winner

To determine the winner of the game apply the rules specified in the mission. The degree of

victory decides the number of Command Points you receive for the game. It is these

Command Points that are reported to the referee. Once results are submitted, there is no

changing them (This is important! We mean it! No changing them!).

5.10 Registering your results after a game

After you have calculated the margin of victory and the Command Points you and your

opponent have scored you should register your result. You must register your score at the

referees‟ table within five minutes of the round ending. Any tables that fail to register a score

after last calls will have a no-contest result entered. This means 0 Command Points for

players who do not deliver in time.

5.11 The Difficult Opponent box

A game of Warhammer 40,000 is, per default, an enjoyable thing to do – otherwise you

wouldn‟t be playing in the event, would you? We at Titan believe that one of the most

important factors of the hobby is that we are all gathered to have a good time. To that end, we

desire that everybody at AO is fair, sporting, and has a good time. But that said situations can

arise where competitive spirit does burn strong, or personalities do grate together. This

potentially can spoil the gaming experience that we are after.

On each report sheet, there is a small box that is labelled “Difficult opponent”. In the case of a

game that was marred by for example (and this list of things is not exhaustive) your opponent

repeatedly debating rules, situations and stretching tape measures, even after he was asked not

to, you should mark this box.

Do not be surprised that if you mark this box during the event, then a referee will come over

to you and inquire with you and your opponent, why one or both of you marked the box.

If you gain two ticks throughout the event, they will result (upon investigation) in a yellow

card. Another two will result in a second yellow card.

In all honesty, we are sure that these disciplinary guidelines will not be used, but they are

included for completeness.

5.12 Army painting

We want everybody who participates in AO to have an army that has been painted to a

minimum standard of three colours and a base. We believe that it is important that in our

events, the games that we play are better games if everything is painted, and the level of

enjoyment is increased for all parties. That said, it is perfectly acceptable for players to bring

armies that have been painted by other people.

6.0 Winning the Autumn Offensive

6.1 Deciding the winners of the Autumn Offensive

We will be awarding various prizes during the

weekend as reward to players who maintain high

levels of gaming, spirit and ability. Though out the

event, you will score points in several categories.

These categories are listed below. In order for us to

award these prizes, you have to make sure that your

report cards are filled in totally and correctly before

they are handed in to the results desk.

6.2 Command Points: “Warmaster”

At the end of AO your Command Points from each

round are added together. This figure represents your

overall gaming performance. The player with the

highest total will be deemed the “Warmaster”. If two

players have tied scores at the end of the tournament,

then the result of their game between them will be

used to determine the winner. If this game has not

been played, or resulted in a draw, then the quiz will be used as a tie breaker. Should this all

be equal, then we will have to celebrate two “Warmasters”.

6.3 The Titan Award for Great Gaming: “The Titan”

At our events, Titan awards a prize to the player(s) that have embodied the best aspect of

being a fair and good gamer. The Titan Award will be awarded on the basis of a simple

system. At the end of the tournament, you will be required to think over the games that you

have played, and to pick one of your opponents who you feel deserves this title.

This prize can also be awarded by Titan‟s 40K team to a player or players that they feel have

deserved recognition for selfless or fair gaming behavior.

6.4 The HQ Award: “The Bloodletter Award”

Your HQ choice is per definition your hero. During

the course of the games, make a note of the points

cost of everything the HQ unit/character slays in

combat. After the last game, add it all up and make a

note of it on the report card. The HQ that has killed

the most during the day is declared the most bloody

and dangerous warmonger of the tournament.

6.5 Army painting: “Best Painted Army”

All players will be asked to vote for their favourite

army at the event. The army that receives the most

number of votes is declared the “Best Painted” army

in the event.

6.6 Randomness

Do not be surprised that if during the event, pop-up

prizes are awarded…

7.0 Penalties We will penalize a participant for violating the rules or code of conduct of AO. Although it is

a rare occurrence, points will be reduced by the following amounts should the situation

warrant it.

Offence Penalty

Using an illegal army -5 per round army was used

Yellow Card -10

Red Card Ejection from the event

8.0 Scenarios Each round, we shall be playing different scenarios. For AO, we have adopted an approach

based on the “40K Fight Club” download. Each round, different objectives shall proved new

and exciting challenges.

Each scenario has three objectives. These are worth a varying number of Command Points.

The primary objective is always worth 10 points, the secondary objective is worth 6 points,

and the tertiary objective is worth 4 points.

Once the game is over, each player compared the objectives to the result on the table top. The

winner of each objective gains 10, 6, or 4 points, based on the level of objective. If an

objective is drawn, then neither player is awarded the Command Points that the objective is


If a player wins because the opponent concedes the game, then the score is recorded as 20-0

to the winner, irrespective of which objectives have been completed by which player.


Bill and Ted play a scenario. The result of the game is as

follows, and they fill out their report card like this:

Bill wins the primary objective. The secondary objective is

drawn, and Ted wins the tertiary objective. They cross off the

report fields, and had back the report card to the referee.

The referees then enter the results into the database, and

calculate the result as:

If Ted had received a right drubbing in the game, was a grumpy

fat bastard, and conceded the game, the score would be

recorded like this:

8.1 Scenarios and rounds

Each round is a different scenario. All scenarios are

treated as standard scenarios in respect to placing and

controlling objective markers, reserves, deep striking


We shall not be playing declared scenarios. Each

scenario is produced prior to the game, and will consist

of a random collection of objectives. These are rolled

from the following list, and each one can only be used

once. They are rolled by the organizers, and then

announced to all the players.

Deployment in all rounds will be determined randomly

prior to the game, using the following table. These

deployments are described in the rulebook on pages 92

and 93.

Roll Set up

1-2 Pitched Battle

3-4 Spearhead

5-6 Dawn of War

All missions are otherwise treated as standard missions, and thus all standard mission rules

apply, such as scoring units. If the same objective is rolled in two different levels, then it will

be re-rolled.

Bill Ted

Primary (10) X

Secondary (6) X X

Tertiary (4) X

10 4

Bill Ted

Primary (10) X

Secondary (6) X

Tertiary (4) X

20 0

Primary objectives


d6 Name Rules Startup notes

1 Secure the


To win the primary objective, at the end of

the game, one player must control more of

the objectives on the enemy‟s side of the

table than the enemy has controlled on

theirs. If both players have the same

amount, the objective is considered a draw.

Once the players have decided what

table side they have, the players

alternate placing three objective

markers in on their side of the table (or

in their deployment zone if there is

one). These markers cannot be within

6” of a table edge or within 12” of

another marker

2 Seize Ground

The player that controls the most objective

markers at the end of the game wins this

objective. If both players control the same

number this objective is a draw.

Before deciding deployment zones,

players must determine the position of

d3+2 objectives, with players

alternating the placing of objectives.

The objectives may not be in

impassable terrain, or within 12” of a

table edge or another objective.

3 Booty

To win, at the end of the game, one player

must control more of the “real” objectives

than the enemy controls. Markers that have

not been inspected cannot be controlled. If

both players have the same amount, this

objective is considered a draw.

Special Objectives - A non-vehicle unit or

walker in contact with an objective may

inspect a single objective marker instead of

shooting and assaulting. Objectives 1 and 2

are real, 3 and 4 are removed, 5 and 6 are

booby traps (unit takes D6 wounds, AP-,

and the objective is removed). A unit

controlling an actual objective cannot enter

a vehicle or assault but may otherwise move

normally. The objective may be dropped at

any time and is automatically dropped if the

unit falls back. If the unit with the objective

falls back as a result of close combat the

opposing unit may gain the objective.

Prior to choosing sides, alternate

placing objective markers secretly

numbered 1-6. No markers may be

placed within 12” of a board edge or

9” of another objective.

4 No Quarter


The objective of this mission is to control

more quarters of the battle field that your

opponent. Divide the table into quarters.

Whoever controls more quarters at the end

of the game wins. If both players control the

same number of quarters, the objective is

considered a draw.

Irrespective of mission deployment,

this scenario is a Night Fight in the

first round.

5 Kill Points

To win this objective you must earn more

kill points than the opponent. If you both

earned the same the result is a draw.

And you thought there were special

rules for every scenario? Think again!

6 Capture and

Dig In

Each player gains a point for every round

they have each objective under their control,

but due to the mission of digging in and

holding points on the way the objectives

may only be held by scoring units not

embarked in vehicles. The player that gains

the most points wins the objective.

One objective is placed in the centre of

each table quarter, before the

deployment roll off.

Secondary objectives


d6 Name Rules

1 Thinning the Herd

You will receive a single point for each enemy squad, vehicle squadron,

monstrous creature or character that you bring below half of its starting

strength (or number of wounds). The player that earned the most points wins

the objective. If both players have achieved the same number, then this

objective is considered a draw.

2 Burn the Witch!

At the start of the game each player must nominate their highest point cost

psyker. If a player does not have a psyker nominate the highest point cost

non-vehicle, non HQ model instead, in case of a tie the owning player may

choose which to nominate. To win this objective the opponent must kill the

model nominated. If both players achieve this objective it is a draw.

3 Breakthrough the


You will score one point for each squad or tank (excluding transports) that

has at least one model within 12” of your opponent‟s table edge. Vehicle

squadrons gain a single point. Whoever has the most points wins the

objective. If both players score the same amount of points then it is a draw.

4 Headhunting

For this objective you must destroy your opponent in hand to hand combat to

claim trophies of honor. You will gain one point for each enemy unit you

destroy in hand to hand combat. Fleeing units do not count (unless you

caught them and massacred them). Whoever has more points wins the

objective. If both players score the same amount of points then it is a draw.

5 Arch-Rival To win this objective you must kill the opposing commander. If both

players‟ commanders are dead the objective is a draw.

6 Kill Points The player that gets the most kill points wins this objective.

Tertiary objectives


d6 Name Rules

1 Cut off the Head To win this objective you must kill the opposing HQ. If both players achieve

this goal the objective is a draw.

2 Up At ‘Em!

To win this objective you must earn more kill points than your opponent. If

you both earn the same amount this objective is a draw. This objective will

be re-rolled a the start of the round if it is duplicated with the secondary


3 Hunker down!

To win this objective you must control more terrain features than the enemy.

To control or contest a feature you must be inside the terrain unless it is

impassible in which case you must be within 3 inches of the feature. If both

players control the same number the objective is a draw.

4 Grind ‘em to a Halt

Whichever player has destroyed or immobilized the most enemy vehicles

and killed the most monstrous creatures combined wins this objective. If an

army has no vehicles/ monstrous creatures they can achieve a draw by

destroying all opposing vehicles and creatures otherwise the opposing player

automatically wins this objective.

5 Revenge is a dish

best served cold!

To win this objective your commander must kill the enemy commander. If

the opposing commander is killed as a result of being run down or the “No

Retreat” rule during a combat involving your commander, than this objective

is considered achieved. If the opposing commander dies as a result of the

“Trapped” rule by a unit with your commander the objective is also

achieved. If both commanders kill each other then the objective is a draw.

6 Moral Victory

If you destroy the most expensive unit in your opponent‟s army and your

most expensive unit is alive you win. All other results are a draw.

9.0 Questions and enquiries Comments or questions can be sent to Chris on [email protected]. Any updates can be

found at

10.0 Time Schedule AO will have a relatively tight time schedule. We request that you respect this, and help us

keep it. Saturday

9:00 9:30 Doors open

9:30 10:30 Round 1

10:30 10:45 1st break

10:45 11:45 Round 2

11:45 12:00 2nd


12:00 13:00 Round 3

13:00 14:00 Lunch + voting

14:00 15:00 Round 3

15:00 15:15 3rd


15:15 16:15 Round 4

16:15 16:30 4th


16:30 17:30 Round 5

17:30 17:45 5th


17:45 18:45 Round 6

19:00 Rounding off/tidying up/awards/pats on back

20:00+ “Voksenbrus”?

11.0 Thanksyouverymuches Thanks to Mario and Luigi. This rules pack was written whilst my girls were occupied.


12.0 Version history. First draft.

Second draft. Silly correction that the team didn’t see when I asked them to look though this


Third draft: Mission specifications.


pponent's name


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)


Teritary (4)

Secondary (6)

Primary (10)

Mission O


y objectivesO

pponent's objectivesBloodletter points

Titan voteD



Ny Name

6 5 4 3 2 1