The Fire, The King, And the Particl

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Transcript of The Fire, The King, And the Particl

  • 8/22/2019 The Fire, The King, And the Particl


    Chapter 1 A Sword Falls in the Forest

    Chapter 2 The Village in the Valley

    Chapter 3 A Plan of ActionChapter 4 The Rsh of Falling !ater

    Chapter " The !ood #y$phs% Ca$p

    Chapter & A Ca$pfire 'ealChapter ( A Clear )le 'orning

    Chapter * A Rde Awa+ening

    Chapter , - A .o/en #ew PathwaysChapter 10 The 'other

    Chapter 11 The !ater Forest

    Chapter 12 The Salty .og

    Chapter 12 TheLa MartaChapter 13 !a+ing p on pen Seas

    Chapter 14 A Pirate%s ife

    Chapter 1" #o 'an%s sland

    Chapter 1& n the !indChapter 1( The !ilderness 'an

    Chapter 1* The RetrnChapter 1, The Awa+ening

    Chapter 20 5o$e

    A Sword Falls in the Forest

    The s$all wooden sword ct swiftly throgh the $orning air and crashed hard pon its

    opponent%s e6pertly placed cl78 The s$all 7oy with the sword reeled $o$entarily9 hislarge eyes wide9 7t soon9 he was p again and on his feet attac+ing the other two with/eal8 The s$allest 7oy :$ped o;er roc+s and ferns9 wa;ing his sword wildly8

    'eanwhile9 the tallest of the three defended hi$self against the onslaght with his short9

    thic+ cl7 and $ane;ered deftly arond trees as his yonger 7rothers attac+ed hi$relentlessly8

    The three s$all9 wooden weapons thdded against each other ;igorosly ntil a lodcrac+ ct throgh the crisp $orning air8 Ansh%s sword was 7ro+en8 The 7attle stopped8

    The little 7oy loo+ed sadly down at his splintered sword8 5is 7rother9 Aryan9 handed o;er

    his weapon wordlessly and threw hi$self pon the $ossy 7an+8 Ansh s$iled in than+s9

    and i$$ediately trned to res$e his 7attle with his oldest 7rother9 Agni8

    Aryan watched as his si7lings recreated a gripping scene their $other had read the$ the

    pre;ios night8 The Three )rothers lo;ed to play ad;entrers and fre

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    That $orning9 Agni ass$ed the role of his fa;orite character9 the wi/ard8 Fll of

    wisdo$ and $agical +nowledge9 Agni the wi/ard had :st resced a princess fro$ an e;il

    toad co;ered in 7lac+ sli$e 7y casting a spell that pt it to sleep8

    As Aryan watched his 7rothers play fighting9 he thoght that the role of the wi/ard was

    one that sited Agni well8 5e was two years older than Aryan and possessed anintelligence and ease of con;ersation that $ade hi$ poplar with other children and

    adlts as well8 5e was tall for his age9 and his head was co;ered with thic+ 7lac+ hair8

    5is straight loc+s often fell ntri$$ed o;er his eyes and arond his ears8 5e wasconstantly a$sing the inha7itants of the near7y town9 Village in the Valley9 with an

    endless strea$ of :o+es and riddles8

    Aryan fiddled with a twig as his yonger 7rother9 Ansh9 foght ;aliantly against thewi/ard8 !hat the s$all 7oy lac+ed in height and strength9 he $ade p for in spirit8 That

    day9 as $any others 7efore9 Ansh was a +night8 )ra;e and ;aliant9 Sir Ansh9 the warrior9

    rode atop his i$aginary 7lac+ horse $ade of stone and had :st assisted the lo;e-strc+

    wi/ard in rescing a 7eatifl princess fro$ the $onster of the la+e8 =;en thogh at that$o$ent9 for so$e reason none of the 7oys +new9 the +night and wi/ard were engaged in

    a 7attle to the death8

    Aryan stretched his legs and leaned 7ac+ on his ar$s to stare p at the lsh green canopy

    a7o;e hi$8 Aryan lo;ed to play ad;entrers too8 nli+e Ansh and Agni9 howe;er9 he wasrarely the sa$e character twice9 and his passion did not lie in the $oc+ 7attles that played

    ot so ;i;idly 7y the s$all strea$8 5e wold 7e content to slay no dragons9 defeat no

    ar$ies and resce no princesses8 5e si$ply en:oyed i$aging the enor$os9 e6citing

    world 7eyond the confines of their s$all far$ and the Village in the Valley8 n his $ind9he saw the tall snow-co;ered $ontains on which the wi/ard9 the +night and the peasant

    defeated the giant troll8 5e saw the long 7eaches of white sand where the +night9 the

    wi/ard and the parrot seller resced a 7oatload of treasre fro$ a $an-eating sTa+e that?@ shoted Ansh as he :a77ed Agni in the side with Aryan%s sword8 Agni triedto a;oid the 7low9 7t it was too late8 5is left foot splashed into the cold water8

    Agni stared at Ansh in a$a/e$ent for an instant9 and then he cla$7ered p fro$ thewater and resrrected his offense8 >%ll get yo for that9@ he pro$ised8 5e lnged for his

    7rother when sddenly9 a lod r$7ling 7attered its way throgh the dense spring foliage

    and 7rst into the 7oys% ears8 t was the footfall of horses co$ing fast8

    Aryan sprang to his feet9 and his 7rothers stopped their play8 All three loo+ed towards the

    rapidly approaching sond 7affled8 >!ho do yo thin+ that cold 7e@ as+ed Agni8 There

    was no ti$e for an answer8 For no sooner had the

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    nder7rsh 7eside the$ e6ploded9 and sddenly9 for $en on large and i$pressi;e horses

    were towering in front of the$ 7etween the trees8

    The 7oys stood9 staring at the strange ;isitors in stnned silence8

    >)oy9@ 7ar+ed the $an sitting atop the largest and $ost i$pressi;e horse9 >is thisBrand$other%s Far$9 7elonging to Sa$eer Angre of Village in the Valley@ The $an

    was tall and appeared al$ost gigantic de to his positioning atop the $assi;e horse8 5e

    was ;ery handso$e9 and his 7lond hair was well groo$ed despite ha;ing ridden throghthe dense forest8 5e wore the $ost i$pressi;e clothes the children had e;er seen8 5is

    eyes were a piercing green and see$ed de;oid of happiness9 and when he spo+e9 the

    corners of his $oth trned p and down at the sa$e ti$e9 reslting in an e6pression that

    ga;e the i$pression the $an despised e;erything arond hi$ and lo;ed hi$self for it8

    The children stood fro/en9 wooden weapons still in hand8 Their $inds raced8 !ho cold

    this danting $an 7e !hat did he want

    >!ell9@ as+ed the $an sharply8 Patience was clearly not one of his ;irtes8

    >es9@ said Aryan9 srprising e;en hi$self8 >This is or $a$$a and pappa%s far$8@

    Aryan glanced at his 7rothers who stood on either side of hi$ and was reli;ed to see they

    loo+ed as ner;os and nco$forta7le as he felt8

    >!ell9 they do spea+8@ The $an crled his pper lip disdainflly8 5e then trned to his

    riding co$panions and annonced8 >At last8 !e ha;e finally reached Village in the

    Valley8 thoght or :orney wold ne;er co$e to its end8 5ow do despise tra;elingsch distances only to 7e greeted with sch pro;incial rstics8@ 5e loo+ed at the children

    fro$ atop his horse9 n+indly sr;eying their 7are feet and $d coated legs8 Twigs stc+

    ot of Ansh%s hair at nsal angles9 and all three of the$ had a good 5a;e yo raga$ffins no $anners@ 7ar+ed the $an on the horse8 >Ta+e $e to yor

    father? The .+e of Chancell7erry does not ha;e ti$e to waste standing in the woods all


    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh ga/ed d$7fonded at the $an calling hi$self .+e8 Village in

    the Valley was part of the ;ast Dingdo$ of Chancell7erry9 o;er which the great and +ind

    Ding Drinios rled8 All the s7:ects of Chancell7erry lo;ed the +ing9 and he lo;ed allhis s7:ects8 5e was a high-$inded9 philosophical $an who 7elie;ed that as rler9 it was

    his responsi7ility to ensre happiness and prosperity throgh the entire +ingdo$9 and that

    is what he did8

    The children had seen the +ing once8 5e often tra;eled to the far reaches of the +ingdo$

    in order to nderstand what people needed $ost9 and :st the last year9 he had ;isited

    Village in the Valley dring the S$$er Festi;al8 The 7oys sally fond the Festi;al to

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    7e the highlight of the s$$er9 7t ha;ing Ding Drinios there $ade it all the $ore

    e6citing8 Their father9 the far$er9 offered Ding Drinios so$e of Brand$other%s Far$%s

    finest $il+9 crea$ and cheese9 which the +ing greatly en:oyed8 5e too+ a large !ere yo sent 7y Ding Drinios@ inDing Drinios@ the $an scoffed8 >5e no longer rles Chancell7erry9 and yo shold 7e

    gratefl for it8 5e was irresponsi7le and far too idealistic to 7e go;erning a +ingdo$8@The .+e tossed his head9 sha+ing his fla6en hair9 and contined9 > ha;e 7een sent 7y

    or new +ing9 'aridis9 to collect ta6es fro$ all those residing in his +ingdo$9 a tas+ that

    Drinios neglected dring his entire reign9 reslting in a terri7le deficit on the throne%streasry8@ The .+e $o;ed his horse closer to the children and declared9 >#ow9 ta+e $e

    to yor father9 or $st ha;e $y gards 7o6 yo a7ot the ears@

    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh were speechless8 They wondered what fate had 7efallen their7elo;ed +ing 7t were too afraid to as+8 Finally9 nder the i$patient ga/e of the .+e9

    Agni $stered a9 >Follow $e8@ Then he scra$7led p o;er the low 7an+9 e$erged fro$

    the wood%s edge and set off across the large field towards their ho$e8 Aryan9 Ansh andthe for $en on horse7ac+ followed8

    The 7oys crossed the field in a straight line9 tallest to s$allest9 Agni leading the way8Ansh%s short legs swished fast throgh the +nee-deep grass as he tried to +eep p with his

    older 7rothers% longer strides8 The .+e and his gards followed 7ehind the$8 !hen

    their s$all stone far$hose ca$e into sight9 Agni9 Aryan and Ansh 7ro+e into a rn8

    >'a$$a9@ they cried9 and their $other e$erged fro$ the +itchen door9 her hand held

    high to shield her eyes fro$ the 7right $orning snlight8 The .+e and his gards

    galloped to a stop 7eside the wide stone steps near the hose%s 7ac+ porch8 The Three)rothers collided with their $other9 en;eloping the$sel;es in her ;ol$inos 7le s+irt

    as the .+e spo+e fro$ atop his horse8

    > a$ the .+e of Chancell7erry9@ he annonced po$posly8 > ha;e co$e to spea+ to

    the $an who owns this far$8@ 5e loo+ed down at the 7oys% $other 7ehind who$ the

    Three )rothers were hiding8 >These rchins tell $e this is Brand$other%s Far$8@ 5e

    gestred at the children8 >So where is the far$er@

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    f calling her 7elo;ed sons rchins 7othered the 7oys% $other9 she did not show it8 She

    $erely s$iled and replied9 >o are correct9 this is Brand$other%s Far$9 and the far$eryo see+ is $y hs7and8 nfortnately9 he has ta+en so$e cheese to the $ar+et to sell

    and will not 7e 7ac+ ntil afternoon8@ She s$iled 7rightly9 >o are welco$e to stay and

    wait for hi$8 will fi6 yo so$e coffee9 if yo li+e9 and :st finished 7a+ing a 7le7errypie8@ The 7oys% $other was hea;ily pregnant9 and she stood with one hand on her hip

    while the other r77ed her protrding a7do$en8

    The .+e loo+ed down fro$ his tall horse at the short wo$an with fla$ing red hair8 The

    7oys% $other%s eyes were +ind and in;iting8 The only indication of her wariness was the

    protecting ar$ she wrapped arond the 7oys still hiding in the folds of her s+irt8 5er

    piercing ga/e was fi6ed s ha;e no ti$e to wait9@ he snapped8 >Tell $e where this far$er can 7e fond9 and will

    see+ hi$ ot8@

    The 7oys% $other s$iled and said9 >o $ay find $y hs7and near the $ain s a$ certain for an i$portant $an

    sch as yorself9 ti$e is o need not ride allthe way to the ;illage to spea+ with $y hs7and8 o $ay tell $e whate;er it is yo

    need to tell hi$9 and will 7e $ore than happy to pass the $essage along8@

    The .+e laghed $irthlessly8 >'ada$9 co$e 7earing news of great i$portanceregarding yor far$8 do thin+ shold spea+ to the $an of the hose8@

    The 7oys% $other was nrffled8 > nderstand yor relctance9 sir9@ she replied9 >7t thisfar$ 7elongs to 7oth $y hs7and and $e8 t was gi;en to s 7y $y $other9 and we share

    all of the responsi7ilities that co$e along with it8@ 5er ;oice was 7ree/y9 7t her eyes

    flashed as she spo+e8 >!hate;er news yo ha;e 7roght9 yo $ay tell $e8 5owe;er9 ifyo insist pon $eeting $y hs7and9 the path that rns in front of or hose will lead

    yo directly to Village in the Valley8@

    The .+e%s cold9 green eyes trned a $isty gray that rese$7led a s$$er stor$ clod8Est then9 the fa$ily%s large9 7lac+ cat darted fro$ the open +itchen door9 strea+ed

    lightning fast past the 7oys9 and slipped nder the fence that srronded the e6pansi;e

    ;egeta7le garden8 The .+e sat tall on his $assi;e horse9 loo+ing down at the 7oys%$other8 The e6pression on his face was a $i6tre of conte$pt and glee8 5is en:oy$ent

    was apparent as he spo+e8

    >'y dear lady9 sincerely dis7elie;e that a $e$7er of the wea+er se6 sch as yorself is

    $entally capa7le of nderstanding the infor$ation ha;e co$e to i$part8 Since yo are

    so insistent9 howe;er9@ he contined with a sneer9 > will 7e $ore than happy to infor$

    yo8@ 5is steely green eyes flashed as he went on8 >t is $y honor to annonce on 7ehalf

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    of Ding 'aridis9 rler of all Chancell7erry9 that the ta6es on this far$ are past de8 The

    +ing has no record of any contri7tion 7eing paid at all for the entire dration of yor

    residence here8 Therefore9 yo are to pay the s$ of 2* gold Rea$as9 or the +ing will 7eforced to sei/e yor property8@

    The 7oys% $other stood d$7fonded8 She was not hiding her feelings well now9 as shegaped at the .+e in a$a/e$ent8 The .+e snorted in delight8

    > +new yor $ind was far too delicate to process sch $atters8@ 5e trned away to facethe silent $en who acco$panied hi$8 >et s proceed to the ;illage8 5opeflly9 the

    far$er will not 7e as di$witted as his wife and children8@

    The 7oys% $other flshed red with anger and #ow9 listenhere9 $ister9@ she 7egan9 7t the .+e%s sharp ;oice ct her off $id-sentence8 >'ada$9

    ha;e dallied enogh on accont of yor ignorance8 ha;e no $ore ti$e to waste8@ And

    with that9 the .+e and his gards trned on the spot and rode off at a gallop9 lea;ing the

    7oys and their $other 7efddled in a clod of dst8

    The .+e and his gards rode the short distance to Village in the Valley in less than thehalf an hor the 7oys% $other had predicted8 The i$$ense 7eaty of the trail on which

    they rode o;erwhel$ed $ost tra;elers who passed along it8 .ense pine forests lined

    either side of the wide9 flat dirt path8 S$all tri7taries that ran downhill to the large

    !illia$s Ri;er crossct the roadway at odd angles8 S$all waterfalls srronded 7ycl$ps of ferns and $oss-co;ered roc+s9 and wild ani$als were a co$$on sight8 At one

    point9 the ri;er far 7elow was ;isi7le8 ts white rshing rapids slowed to cal$ green pools

    within $eters8 !ater cascaded slowly down sli$y green 7olders9 which reacheds+yward and ended in tree line8 All this 7eaty9 howe;er9 was lost on the .+e and his

    $en8 They rode hard and fast and did not notice any of their scenic srrondings8

    They cli$7ed p another hill throgh large trees and nder7rsh9 and then the trail

    descended slightly8 At the end of the ridge was a clearing9 and then the trail ct right to

    go down the other side of the $ontain8 Village in the Valley lay 7elow8 t stretched ot

    7efore the$ a s$attering of tiny wooden and stone hoses nestled a$ong the ndlatinggreen hills that rolled infinitely in e;ery direction8 The sn was cli$7ing higher in the

    s+y9 and the .+e pased to gage their distance8 >Another fi;e or ten $intes9@ he said9

    trning to the large gard on his left8 >That is9 if this trail leads straight down the hill8!ho +nows how $any twists and trns these 7$p+ins ha;e 7ilt in this road They

    see$ to +now nothing8 nstead of these incessant cr;es winding p the hill9 they cold

    ha;e $ad a nice straight road8@ =6asperated9 he $ttered9 >'ontain people8@

    The .+e was regretta7ly ignorant of so$ething the G$ontain people% he so la$ented

    had +nown for generations8 f the gradient of the trail is too steep9 it 7eco$es i$passa7le

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    and prone to landslides8 The 7est option is to create long9 cr;ing paths that gently ascend

    and descend the face of the $ontains8

    naware of this9 the .+e and his $en rode off down the cr;ing trail9 crsing it all the

    way9 nder a canopy of fresh green spring lea;es9 the 7eaty of which they ne;er noticed9

    not e;en for an instant8

    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh sat at their long wooden +itchen ta7le go77ling down their lnches

    as fast as their s$all $oths wold allow8 Their $other had pro$ised the$ they wold

    all go into Village in the Valley after lnch to find the 7oys% father and learn what theself-proclai$ed .+e had told hi$8

    >Slowly9@ said their $other as she $o;ed an e$pty sop 7owl fro$ the ta7le and

    transferred it into the sin+ 7ri$$ing with soapy water8 >f yo 7oys eat too And el7ows off the ta7le9@ she called o;er her sholder8

    $$ediately9 all three 7oys drew their ar$s to their 7odies and slowed the pace at which

    they were de;oring their sandwiches9 if only slightly8

    Agni was na7le to contain his an6ios criosity any longer8 >'a$$a9@ he said throgh

    a $othfl of sandwich9 >what do yo thin+ has happened to Ding Drinios !hy did the

    .+e say he is no longer or +ing@ 5e ga/ed at his $other with wide 7rown eyes8 Shetrned fro$ the sin+ fll of dishes to face her children8 =ach 7oy was co;ered in a

    considera7le a$ont of cr$7s de to their hasty eating8 She s$iled9 and dropped her

    eyes to e6a$ine the s$all 7le flowers arond the edge of the plate she was drying8 Shesee$ed to 7e gi;ing so$ething considera7le thoght8 !hen she finally spo+e9 her ;oice

    was light and airy9 clearly in an atte$pt to not worry her children any frther8

    > a$ not sre9 $y sweet 7oys9 what has 7eco$e of or 7elo;ed Ding Drinios8 That is

    so$ething shold also ;ery $ch li+e to +now8@ The 7oys loo+ed at each other9 concern

    apparent all o;er their faces9 while she contined8 >.o not worry9 darlings8 !e will find

    ot $ore fro$ yor father when we go into the ;illage8@ She trned 7ac+ to the sin+ fllof dishes and said o;er her sholder9 >#ow9 eat p8 ha;e so$e straw7erries and crea$

    for yo for dessert8@

    The Village in the Valley

    As the Three )rothers entered Village in the Valley along with their $other9 they were

    astonded to see it 7stling with co$$otion8 t loo+ed to the 7oys as if e;ery lastresident of the sleepy little town and srronding contryside were $illing a7ot the

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    town s

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    5e was content to spend e;ery day at the store9 chatting p csto$ers or sitting on the

    large wooden porch9 perched on the 7enches he had hewn 7y hand sing wood fro$ the

    srronding forest9 and reconting stories of his tra;els or of his s7seCecil9@ called the 7oys% $other9 addressing the white- haired old $an9 >wold yo $indwatching the 7oys for $e $st find their father8@

    >!hy9 certainly9@ 7ea$ed the affa7le old $an8

    >Than+ yo so $ch?@ she called8

    >npleasant 7siness going on today9@ said Cecil catiosly8 5e did not want to alar$

    the children8

    >es9 it is9@ said the 7oys% $other8 5er ;oice sonded tense8 > sholdn%t 7e long8 Than+yo again8 She )eha;e9@

    she too+ off throgh the 7sy seah9 %;e got a riddle9 a 7ig one9 @ said the 7oy with a frown8 >!ho is that .+e9 and

    what has happened to Ding Drinios@

    Cecil loo+ed a 7it disappointed that his atte$pted distraction had not scceeded8 Finally9

    he spo+e8

    >t see$s so$ething awfl has 7efallen or 7elo;ed +ing8@ 5is ;oice as dll and hea;y9

    and his eyes were dar+er than the 7oys had e;er seen8 >This .+e says he represents a so-

    called Ding 'aridis8 Srely9 that can only 7e Ding Drinios%s cosin8@

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    Cecil shoo+ his head8 >That rotten +id8 See$s he%s gone the sa$e way as his father8@

    The Three )rothers were confsed8 >!hat do yo $ean9 Cecil@ as+ed Agni8

    The old $an sighed8 >o see9 a long ti$e ago9 when Drinios and 'aridis were :st

    7oys9 their fathers9 Ding Droconos and his 7rother 'arsodos9 7attled for the throne8Droconos was rightflly the +ing of Chancell7erry9 7t 'arsodos was not content 7eing

    :st the prince8 So he tried to ta+e the crown fro$ his 7rother8 The 7attle did not last long9

    and Ding Droconos was +ind to 'arsodos after he lost8 o see9 'arsodos%s wife9'aridis%s $other9 had :st died8 Bood old Droconos figred that 'arsodos didn%t really

    want to 7e +ing8 5e was :st heart7ro+en and ta+ing it ot on his 7rother8@

    >Droconos 7egged 'arsodos to stay in the castle and let 7ygones 7e 7ygones9 7t'arsodos was too prod8 5e re:ected Droconos%s +indness9 left Chancell7erry City9 and

    disappeared into the forest to li;e in isolation8 5e ne;er retrned9 and no one +nows what

    happened to hi$8@

    >ccasionally9 tra;elers throgh the forest report seeing a large $an with wild 7lac+ hair

    lr+ing arond :st 7eyond the con;ergence of the !illia$s and the Ra:a Ri;ers8 So$epeople 7elie;e it%s 'arsodos still ot there li;ing with the ani$als in the woods8 So$e

    people say he fond rede$ption in the wilderness8 !ho +nows A lot can happen in 2"


    Cecil pased dra$atically to stro+e the white st77le arond his chin8 5e loo+ed arond

    at the children9 saw their faces rapt in attention9 and s$iled a little to hi$self8

    >)t as for 'aridis9 he was left 7ehind at the castle to 7e cared for 7y his ncle9

    Droconos8 Droconos did good 7y his nephew8 5e raised Drinios and 'aridis as

    7rothers in the castle8 The 7oys grew p together9 too+ the sa$e lessons in archery9:osting and 7attle planning s7:ects in which 'aridis e6celled8 Drinios was always

    7etter at political science and philosophy8 =;en in his yoth9 it was clear he wold 7e the

    7est to go;ern the people8@

    >As they got older9 Drinios stdied nder scholars and philosophers and wor+ed with

    far$ers to de;elop new $ethods of increasing crop yields in order to help feed the

    growing poplation of Chancell7erry8 And of corse9 he was lti$ately identified 7y hisfather to 7e his sccessor8

    >'aridis 7eca$e a $e$7er of the Chancell7erry Ar$y9 the =lite9 they%re called8 5e wasselected 7y Borgants when he was 1"9 and when Beneral Breyson 7eca$e ar$y

    co$$ander9 he contined on 7t was 7itterly disappointed8 The way heard it9 'aridis

    thoght he shold 7e co$$ander9 7t Borgants didn%t thin+ he had the leaderships+ills8@

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    >!hen Droconos dies9 Drinios 7eca$e +ing8 This angered 'aridis8 5e%d always 7een

    a 7it :ealos of Drinios and felt a +ing shold 7e prepared for 7attle at a $o$ent%s


    >)t that was it9@ sighed Cecil9 >'aridis see$ed content enogh wor+ing as a strategist

    in the Chancell7erry%s ar$y8 And not long after his father%s death9 Drinios $arried a7eatifl yong wo$an who wor+ed as a teacher in the school of Chancell7erry City8

    Drinios wor+ed with his wife to i$pro;e the crricl$ arond the +ingdo$ and ensre

    e;ery child had the sa$e edcation that he recei;ed at the Royal School8 !ithin a year9the new school syste$ was p and rnning9 pro;iding high it appears 'aridis has o;erthrown Ding Drinios9 nodo7t with the help of the arrogant .+e he%s sent here to collect so-called ta6es fro$ s

    all8 Threatening to sei/e or land if we don%t hand it o;er8@ Cecil $ttered8

    >)t why does he need to collect ta6es@ as+ed Agni8

    Cecil loo+ed at the 7oys9 nsre of what to say8 >!ell9 don%t rightly +now8 And

    anyway9 %$ not sre if %$ the right person to tell yo this8 Perhaps yor $other or


    >Tell s9 please?@ 7egged Ansh8 >!e ha;e to +now?@

    >es9@ agreed Agni9 >and $a$$a and pappa sholdn%t ha;e to 7e the ones who 7rea+ the7ad news to s8@

    >eah9@ Aryan chi$ed in8 >!hat are ta6es anyway@

    Cecil considered Ansh8 5e was only se;en years old 7t loo+ed considera7ly yonger9

    de in large part to the flowing $asses of crls that cascaded down his to the $iddle of

    his 7ac+8 The disparity 7etween his appearance and relati;e $atrity was often re;ealedin the least li+ely of sitations li+e this one8 The s$all 7oy was staring intently at Cecil

    with his large 7rown eyes8

    >Ta6es9@ said Cecil9 >are $onies or other ;ala7les li+e :ewels or food that are collected

    to gi;e to the +ingdo$8 f corse9 Ding Drinios ne;er as+ed for sch donations8 The

    Royal Far$s spply $ore than enogh food9 cloth9 and pro;isions for the entire castle%spoplation8 The srpls is gi;en to the +ingdo$8 f corse9 we often send the finest of

    or har;est as a contri7tion to the +ing9 and any gold or :ewels in Chancell7erry are

    sally sent to the castle8@ The 7oys loo+ed srprised8 >!e don%t do this 7ecase we feel

    we ha;e to do so9@ Cecil reassred the$8 >!e do it 7ecase we lo;e the +ingdo$ so

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    $ch8 And what se are gold and :ewels to people li+e s !e prefer or great +ing to

    ha;e these fancy adorn$ents to 7eatify or capital city and the castle8@

    Cecil wagged a finger8 >n fact9 if recollect correctly9 there was a treasre tro;e fond

    on yor far$ not too long ago8 .own near the far end of the strea$8 or parents sent it

    off to the castle for Chancell7erry .ay9 do 7elie;e8@

    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh e6changed astonished loo+s8

    >n or far$@ as+ed Agni8

    >h9 yes9@ said Cecil8 >There was a large )t if 'a$$a and Pappa ha;e gi;en so $ch gold9 why is the .+e saying we owe

    ta6es for the far$@

    Cecil sighed8 5is sally yong loo+ing face 7etrayed his tre age8 >That is a difficlt

    So$e people are ne;er happywith what they ha;e8 They cannot 7e content with :st ha;ing enogh8 They always want

    $ore8 Their hnger is insatia7le9 and 7ecase of this9 they can ne;er 7e happy8@

    >'y gess is 'aridis has o;erthrown or 7elo;ed +ing in an atte$pt to fill thise$ptiness in his life9@ Cecil said8 > a$ sre he f corse9@ Cecil contined9 >no a$ont of gold or :ewels will e;er fill the ;oid in

    'aridis%s heart9 7t a$ sre he is naware of that8 A person can ne;er ha;e enogh of

    what they do not need8 All the riches in the Royal Treasry wold not $a+e hi$ happy8@

    Agni eyed Cecil closely8 >!hat%s the Royal Treasry@

    >The Royal Treasry is where all the ;ala7les gi;en to the +ingdo$ are stored8 t islocated inside of Chancell7erry Castle8 Anyone who wished to do so cold go and ;iew

    the ;ast riches of the +ingdo$8 Thogh a$ sre now 'aridis has the Treasry nder

    loc+ and +ey8%

    Cecil%s story was interrpted 7y the 7oys% $other calling for the$ fro$ across the s

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    and loo+ing tense8 The Three 7rothers Than+ yo for watching the children9 Cecil9@ said the 7oys% $other as she reached the

    7otto$ of the steps8 She then loo+ed at the children and said9 >Co$e on9 $y darlings8 et

    s get ho$e to spper8@

    The Three )rothers said good7ye to their elderly friend and started down the wooden

    steps8 Sddenly9 Agni stopped and trned8

    >Cecil9@ he as+ed9 the fear of his what do yo thin+

    has 7eco$e of Ding Drinios@

    The old $an shoo+ his head9 loo+ing sadder than the 7oys had e;er seen8

    > do not +now9 Agni9@ he ad$itted8 Tears 7ri$$ed in his pale 7le eyes8 >All we can do

    is hope he is well and will retrn to s soon8 Bo on now8 Rn ho$e8 will see yoto$orrow8@

    The 7oys trned and wal+ed down the steps9 setting off with their parents for their far$

    7y the strea$8

    A Plan of Action

    The Three )rothers ate their spper in relati;e silence8 The occasional slrp of stew wasthe only sond to 7rea+ the nsal silence8 Their father tired to cheer the$ p8

    >o +now9 7oys9@ said their father8 > saw so$e 7eatifl trilli$s growing on theshady side of the strea$ the other day8 o can go and pic+ the$ to$orrow for yor$other8 7et she wold appreciate it8 She cold pro7a7ly pt the$ in a ;ase 7y the

    +itchen window8@ 5e grinned at his wife who s$iled 7ac+8 The 7oys had 7ro+en for of

    their $other%s ;ases9 accidentally of corse9 7y +noc+ing the$ fro$ the +itchen windowwith ;arios 7alls and once with an errant cow patty8 Their father%s h$or9 howe;er9 did

    not a$se the$8

    >Pappa9@ as+ed Agni9 >2* gold Rea$as is a lot of $oney9 isn%t it@ All three children

    ga/ed so intently at their father that he +new he had to 7e honest8 ying to spare their

    feelings was not an option8

    The far$er sighed8 >es9 it is 'ch $ore than we


    Agni frowned8 The 7oys had only once in their li;es seen a gold Rea$a9 when a $an

    fro$ Chancell7erry .airy had co$e to 7y the calf of their ;ery 7est cow8 They had 7een

    a$a/ed at the si/e of the glittering gold coin9 al$ost as 7ig as Aryan%s hand9 shi$$eringin the snlight8

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    The 7oys relapsed into a stnned silence8 Their father tried once $ore to 7righten the


    >.o not worry9 $y 7ra;e 7oys8 !e will figre so$ething ot8 or $other and will get

    the $oney8 The .+e has gi;en s ntil the S$$er Festi;al to co$e p with it8@

    >And what happens if we do not get it@ as+ed Aryan8

    The 7oys% parents e6changed glances8 This ti$e9 their father hesitated to tell his children

    the trth8

    >f we cannot find the $oney9@ their $other said9 finally 7rea+ing the silence9 >the .+ewill sei/e or far$ on 7ehalf of the +ing8@

    The children were a$a/ed8 Aryan%s $oth dropped open8

    >!e will ha;e no place to li;e@ as+ed Ansh8

    >.o not worry9@ said the 7oys% father soothingly8 >!e will $anage8 As long as we ha;e

    each other9 we will 7e fine8@ 5e nodded his head and ga;e his wife a deter$ined loo+8

    She reached ot and too+ his hand with a reassring s$ile8 The 7oys contined to loo+concerned9 and their father desperately wanted to cheer the$ p8

    > do not +now a7ot yo 7oys9 7t %$ dying to try that 7le7erry pie yor $other has

    $ade8 5ow a7ot it9 darling@

    The 7oys% $other retrie;ed the pie and placed generos slices on each 7oy%s plate8 She

    then topped each gooey chn+ with a large spoon of whipped crea$8 The 7oys ate theirpie9 7t they did not en:oy it with their sal enthsias$8 And no one as+ed for a second


    After dinner9 the 7oys 7athed and got ready to go to sleep8 Their $other and father tc+ed

    the$ into their 7eds in the large roo$ they shared and +issed each 7oy on 7oth chee+s8

    After the candle 7y the window was 7lown ot and their $other closed the 7edroo$ door

    with a >Boodnight9 $y darlings9@ the 7oys sprng into action8

    Ansh and Aryan scra$7led fro$ their 7eds and :$ped in with Agni as he threw 7ac+ his

    sheets8 This was a difficlt tas+ as the 7oys% eyes had still not flly ad:sted to the dar+8Slowly9 the shadowy otlines of their roo$ too+ on a $ore defined for$ as the sli;er of

    $oonlight poring in their window 7etween the slit in the crtains 7egan to ill$inate

    their ;ision8

    >!hat do we do@ as+ed Agni8 t was a si$ple

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    >!ell9 $a$$a always says9 Gogotta +now what yo want to figre ot how to get

    it8%@ 5e loo+ed seriosly at his 7rothers8

    >Bood point9@ said Agni8 >!hat do we want@

    >!e want to +eep or far$?@ e6clai$ed Ansh8

    Agni nodded8 >es9 now9 how can we do that@

    The 7oys $lled o;er se;eral options8 Ansh sggested G+ill the .+e%9 which was

    enthsiastically agreed pon as the 7est idea9 7t was lti$ately deter$ined to 7e too

    difficlt of a plan to i$ple$ent owing to their lac+ of a cataplt and the si/e of the.+e%s gards8 Aryan sggested writing to 'aridis and e6plaining to hi$ their


    Agni was do7tfl8 >Fro$ what Cecil told s9 do7t 'aridis is the +ind of person whowold care a7ot s and or far$8@

    >eah9@ agreed Ansh8

    >And after all9 he is the person who sent this .+e in the first place9@ Agni e6plained8

    >o are pro7a7ly right9@ Aryan shrgged8

    Sddenly9 Agni was strc+ with an idea8 >%;e got it?@ he e6clai$ed so lodly that his7rother had to shsh hi$8 >Sorry9@ whispered Agni in a considera7ly softer tone8

    >Re$e$7er what Cecil said a7ot the gold and :ewels that were fond on the far$ that

    $a$$a and pappa sent to Chancell7erry City@

    Aryan and Ansh nodded8 >!ell9@ a fa$iliar glint glea$ed in his eyes9 >we can go find it

    in the Royal Treasry8 Then gi;e it to the .+e to pay for the ta6es8 t%s so si$ple8@ 5ee6clai$ed8 > don%t +now why didn%t thin+ of it 7efore8@

    Aryan and Ansh sat in silence staring at their older 7rother8 Agni%s plans were often

    7rilliant and cle;er9 7t :st as often9 they reslted in the trio getting into a lot of tro7le85is yonger 7rothers were nderstandingly apprehensi;e8

    >)t9 Agni9@ said Aryan do7tflly9 >the Royal Treasry is in Chancell7erry Castle8 Thatis really far away8 5ow wold we get there@

    >!e wold wal+9 of corse9@ Agni replied8 >nless we can find so$eone willing to lends a horse9 which pro7a7ly will not happen8 So we wal+8 f we tra;el throgh the forest9 it

    will only ta+e a few days to reach Chancell7erry City8@

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    n trth9 Agni had no way of +nowing how long it wold ta+e to reach Chancell7erry

    Castle8 5is 7rothers9 howe;er9 were et will 7e fn8 i+e a real ad;entre9@ Agni contined8 >!e can pac+ so$e food and set

    off to$orrow night8@ 5e grew $ore e6cited and deter$ined the longer he thoght a7othis plan8 >!e can sa;e the far$?@ 5e e6clai$ed Ta+ing treasre fro$ the Royal Treasry is stealing9@ he said95e 7atted the long thic+ lashes that ringed his wide 7rown eyes8

    Agni shifted his weight8 5is 7are an+les protrded fro$ the 7otto$ of his 7le pa:a$as8

    >The way see it9@ Agni e6plained9 >that treasre was sent to Ding Drinios for all of

    Chancell7erry9 7t he doesn%t ha;e it now8 'aridis stole the treasre along with the rest

    of the +ingdo$ fro$ or real +ing8 t%s only fair that we steal it 7ac+8@ 5e contined $ore

    deter$ined that e;er8 >t wold 7e li+e we were doing it for Ding Drinios to defend hishonor8 i+e Ro7in 5ood stealing fro$ the 7ad gys and gi;ing to the poor8@

    Agni loo+ed at his 7rothers in the dar+8 Aryan appeared s+eptical9 7t Ansh was


    >+ay9@ said the yongest 7rother8 >et%s do it8@ nce these words were ttered9 Aryan

    +new any resistance wold 7e ftile8 5is 7rothers always +new the 7est way to con;ince

    hi$ to go along with their plans8

    >5ow are we going to steal fro$ the Treasry@ Aryan as+ed with a sigh8

    Agni faltered9 7t only slightly8 >!e will ha;e to figre that ot when we get there9@ hereplied9 and Ansh s$iled confidently8

    Relctantly9 Aryan $ttered9 >All right9@ to which his 7rothers s

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    failed to notice as each of the three 7rothers slipped an e6tra 7iscit fro$ the plate on the

    ta7le into a hand+erchief which was then sho;ed into their s$all poc+ets8

    After 7rea+fast9 the 7oys% $other sent the$ ot to play as she did e;ery $orning8 After

    depositing the food they had spirited away fro$ the ta7le in the rc+sac+s hidden

    careflly nder Agni%s 7ed9 the 7oys trdged down the stone steps that led fro$ the+itchen8 The $orning was still yong8 .ew hng on the grass creating a lsh cool carpet

    nderneath their 7are feet8 The 7oys did not feel li+e playing8 Their $inds continally

    retned to their plan of lea;ing8 All three hoped desperately they cold snea+ awaywithot 7eing caght 7y their parents8

    Aryan sat down on a stone 7y the strea$ and tossed a stic+ into the fast $o;ing water8 5e

    watched the tiny twig as it trned rond and rond caght in a s$all eddy in the crrent8Then sddenly9 it 7ro+e free and washed rapidly downstrea$ ot of sight8 5e trned to

    Agni and Ansh and said9 >.o yo thin+ $a$$a and pappa will 7e ;ery angry that we are

    lea;ing withot telling the$@

    The $orning sn filtered throgh the trees and glinted on the light 7rown hair in Aryan%s

    crly $op8 5e peered pward at Agni9 his innocent face awaiting a response fro$ hiswise older 7rother8

    >f corse they will 7e angry9@ said Agni9 >at first8 )t then after we get the treasre andsa;e the far$9 $a$$a and pappa will 7e so happy that they will forget all a7ot s

    lea;ing withot telling the$8 They will pro7a7ly forget we were e;en gone8@

    Agni loo+ed down at Aryan who did not flly 7elie;e their father wold 7e so forgi;ing8Reading the do7t on his 7rother%s face9 Agni persisted8

    >Aryan9 we ha;e to do so$ething9@ he said8 >!e cannot let the .+e ta+e or far$8 !e:st cannot8@ Agni%s eyes pleaded with his little 7rother8

    The desperate tone in Agni%s ;oice tgged at Aryan%s heart8 >o are right8 +now yoare right8 %$ :st a little scared8@

    Agni s$iled9 and Ansh 7onced on his heels8 >There is no reason to 7e scared9@ said

    Agni 7rightly9 clapping a hand on Aryan%s sholder as they 7oys $ade their way p the7an+ and toward the filed8 >This is going to 7e so $ch fn8 #ow9 let s go and see if we

    can snea+ so$e cheese ot of the cellar withot $a$$a noticing8@

    )y the ti$e the 7oys were tc+ed into 7ed that e;ening9 their rc+sac+s were filled with

    7read9 cheese and ;egeta7les8 Ansh had insisted on pac+ing so$e peants as well8

    The 7oys lay silently in their 7eds listening intently for any indication their parents $ay

    still 7e awa+e8 After what see$ed li+e a silent eternity9 Ansh stirred9 na7le to contain his

    e6cite$ent any frther8 5e threw 7ac+ the 7lan+ets and 7egan to change his clothes in the


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    >All right9@ Agni whispered to his 7rothers8 >et%s go8 f we don%t go now9 we ne;er


    Agni and Aryan got ot of 7ed and 7egan to dress as well8 They plled on shirts and

    trosers as silently as possi7le9 and then stffed an e6tra set in their rc+sac+s8 !hen theywere ready to go9 the 7oys too+ one last loo+ arond the roo$9 wondering how long it

    wold 7e ntil they retrned8 )efore his 7rothers cold change their $inds9 Agni said9

    >+ay9@ trned9 silently opened the door9 and slipped ot on tiptoe8

    Ansh and Aryan gra77ed their 7ags and

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    they strea+ed across the field filled with $oonlight8 They had $ade it8 The cool air

    refreshed the$9 and they were filled with e6cite$ent8

    The 7oys were ot of 7reath 7y the ti$e they had reached the far side of the field that

    7ordered the forest8 Rnning with their 7ags was not easy9 and all three 7oys happily

    collapsed onto a large roc+ 7y the forest edge to e6a$ine the $ap and catch their 7reath8The $oon was al$ost fll that night9 and its incandescent light ill$inated the field a

    spar+ling sil;er-green8 )y contrast9 the towering forest had 7eco$e so dar+ that it

    appeared to 7e one solid 7lac+ $ass8 Tree tops and trn+s were transfor$ed into a 7lac+$onolith that stretched endlessly otward8 The 7oys e6a$ined the $ap9 sr;eying the

    7est rote to ta+e to reach Chancell7erry City8

    >This strea$ will lead s to the !illia$s Ri;er8 f we follow the ri;er north throgh theforest9@ said Agni9 tracing the thin 7le line on the ancient yellowed paper with his s$all

    finger9 >it shold ta+e s right to Chancell7erry City8@ 5e sThis is the !illia$s Ri;er9 and this is the Ra:a8 The two $eet here9@ he said9

    gestring to a place on the $ap where the two s$all 7le lines con;erged into one large7le line9 >and they flow all the way to Chancell7erry a+e8@ 5is finger stopped on the

    large 7le la+e depicted directly 7ehind the castle at the foot of a great $ontain range8

    Agni was e6cited8 5e rolled p the $ap and careflly retrned it to his 7ag8 5e then

    hea;ed his rc+sac+ o;er his sholder and started wordlessly into the forest8 Aryan andAnsh followed closely 7ehind hi$8

    nce the 7oys entered the forest9 they were plnged into dar+ness8 The sil;er $oonlight

    was na7le to penetrate the dense canopy of new lea;es9 which left the Three )rotherscloa+ed in the pitch-7lac+ of the forest night8 They fond that they once easily-na;igated

    7an+ that sloped to the s$all strea$ was now an o7stacle corse of +notted roots and

    :agged roc+s8 They scra$7led down the 7an+9 half-slipping9 ntil they finally slid downto the sandy edge of the strea$ on the seats of their pants8

    >Right9 we :st ha;e to follow the strea$ ntil it $eets the !illia$s8 Then we go north8=;entally9 we will $a+e it to Chancell7erry City8@ Agni%s ;oice spo+e fro$ the

    dar+ened 7an+8

    Aryan was frightened8 >Agni9 cannot see8 5ow will we do this in the dar+@

    >=;erything will 7e all right9@ Agni reassred hi$8 >Anyway9 we cannot wait ntil it is

    light8 !e need to get far enogh away 7efore $a$$a and pappa wa+e p9 7ecase theywill co$e loo+ing for s8 #ow9 let%s go8@

    The Three )rothers set off throgh the woods9 holding their 7ags and $o;ing in a straightline8 Agni was in the lead9 and Ansh 7roght p the rear8 After se;eral $intes of

    st$7ling o;er roc+s and wal+ing into 7ranches9 Agni stopped and trned to his yonger


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    > cannot see a thing9@ he e6clai$ed e6asperatedly8 Aryan repressed an G told yo so8%

    >!e ha;e to $o;e faster9 or we will not $a+e it far enogh away 7y $orning8@ 5is

    an6iety was palpa7le9 and his words hng hea;y on the cool night air8 Sddenly9 Anshwas strc+ with an idea8 >Can ha;e the candle@ he as+ed Agni8

    Agni hesitated9 >!e will only 7e a7le to se the candle for a little while9 Ansh8 t will notlast all night8 thin+ we shold sa;e it for an e$ergency8@

    >.o not worry9@ his little 7rother replied8 Ansh s$iled9 and Agni cold feel it throgh thedar+ness8 5e rela6ed a little9 dropped his can;as 7ag to the grond9 searched ot the

    candle and handed it to Ansh8

    > need a $atch9@ said Ansh8 Agni retrie;ed the s$all 7ndled he had ta+en fro$ the+itchen conter8 5e re$o;ed a $atch and strc+ it hard on the sole of his shoe9 hoping it

    wold light despite the dew8 The slfr tip sprang to life and ill$inated the srronding

    forest with 7linding light8 The 7oys s!e will $a+e a torch9@ he declared s$iling

    7roadly8 >!e :st need so$ething to pt on the end of this stic+8@

    Aryan reached into his 7ag and prodced a hand+erchief8 5e held it ot and as+ed9 >!ill

    this wor+@

    >That is perfect9@ said Ansh8 >et%s :st tear it into strips8@

    Aryan redced the hand+erchief to a handfl of long9 thin pieces that he handed to his7rother8 Ansh traded the cloth pieces for the candle and instrcted Aryan to hold the light

    high so he cold see8 5e then 7egan to tie 7its of hand+erchief arond the end of the


    After tying all of the pieces into a tight 7all9 Ansh as+ed for the candle8 5e pored hot

    wa6 onto the cloth 7all and lit it with the 7rning candle8

    The torch ignited9 ill$inating the $ass of 7shes in which the 7oys stood8 Ansh 7lew

    ot the candle and handed it along with the $a+eshift torch to Agni8

    >Shall we go@ Ansh as+ed8 5e flashed a s$ile to his i$pressed 7rothers9 and all three

    7oys set off along the strea$8

    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh were a7le to $o;e considera7ly faster than+s to the ill$inating

    power of their torch9 and within twenty $intes9 they fond the large !illia$s Ri;er8

    Aryan was gratefl for the torch%s light9 as he was

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    scanning the srronding dar+ nder7rsh ner;osly8 Any sond9 e;en a twig crac+ing

    nder his own feet9 cased his heart to 7eat nsally rapidly8 5e followed closely 7ehind

    Agni9 occasionally gra77ing his rc+sac+ for protection8 The $iddle 7rother was glad to7e nderta+ing this trip with his $ost trsted co$panions9 e;en thogh it was scaring hi$

    half ot of his wits8 5e +ept re$inding hi$self that he wanted this sort of ad;entre9 and

    in order to 7e an ad;entrer9 he had to 7e 7ra;e8

    The Three )rothers wal+ed in al$ost total silence for what see$ed to 7e hors9 stopping

    only twice to drin+ so$e water8 They had tra;eled a long way already8

    Slowly9 the 7irds arond the$ 7egan to wa+e and sing8 At first9 there was only one lone

    ;oice ringing throgh the thin+ we sholdstop here8 !e ha;e co$e far enogh that $a$$a and pappa shold not find s8 !e can

    sleep for a few hors and then get going again 7y noon8 thin+8@

    The three 7oys cast arond for a place to sleep that wold conceal the$ well :st in case

    their parents did co$e 7y in search of the$8 lti$ately9 they decided pon a large pine

    tree with tall roots 7etween which they cold all settle8 Agni leaned against the tree%s

    large trn+8 5e was al$ost co$pletely hidden 7y its +notted roots8 Aryan and Ansh saton either side of hi$9 and each 7oy rested his head on Agni%s sholder8 !ithin $intes9

    all three children were fast asleep8

    f an o7ser;ant person had passed 7y that $orning9 they $ay ha;e spotted the three s$all

    7oys hddled together at the 7ase of the tree9 a +not of ar$s and rc+sac+ straps in their

    sl$7er9 shaded fro$ ;iew 7y the long9 draping 7ranches of the pine8 Fortnately for thethree yong heroes9 the only passers7y that $orning were the 7irds and insects of the

    great forest8 The Three )rothers re$ained hidden for the ti$e 7eing8

    =;en 7efore Agni9 Aryan and Ansh had snggled into their tree-root 7ed9 the 7oys%

    parents had wo+en p to $eet the day8 Their $other rose and went into the +itchen toprepare 7rea+fast8 Their father9 the far$er9 gra77ed a cp of coffee and headed to the

    7arn to $il+ the cows8 After the cows were 7athed9 $il+ed and led to the large pastre9

    the 7oys% father retrned to the far$hose where he was greeted 7y the s$ell of fryingpotatoes and eggs8 5e entered the +itchen throgh the 7ac+ door and inhaled deeply the

    aro$a of his soon to 7e de;ored 7rea+fast8 5e +issed his wife lightly on the chee+8

    >That s$ells wonderfl9@ he said with a little groan8 >%$ so hngry9 cold eat a horse8@

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    The 7oys% $other grinned8 >!ell9 %$ afraid there%s no horse for 7rea+fast9@ she said8

    >nly eggs and toast8@

    >!ell9 it%s no horse9 7t what yo%;e $ade loo+s wonderfl9@ her hs7and said8 >Than+

    yo9 darling8@

    The 7oys% $other s$iled tenderly at her hs7and8 >All right then8 =;erything will 7e

    ready soon8 !old yo go and wa+e the 7oys will set he ta7le8@

    The 7oys% father left the +itchen and proceeded down the hall to the children%s 7edroo$8

    5e opened the door and cold not 7elie;e what he saw8 All three 7eds were e$pty8 5e

    stood for a long $inte staring at the 7eds in a$a/e$ent8 5e then slowly trned and

    wal+ed to the +itchen8 n the way9 he pshed open the 7athroo$ door to see if the 7oyswere there8 5e entered the +itchen where his wife was placing stea$ing 7owls of

    potatoes and eggs on their long wooden dining ta7le8

    5e spo+e as if in a drea$9 >The 7oys are gone8@ 5is wife loo+ed p slowly8 5er s$ilefaded slightly8 Then she laghed8 >!hat do yo $ean9 darling Certainly9 they cannot 7e

    gone8@ She loo+ed at her hs7and for so$e +ind of e6planation9 7t he was withotwords8

    Reali/ation slowly spread across her face9 and she sddenly raced past her hs7andtowards the 7oys% 7edroo$8 t was e$pty8 She went fro$ roo$ to roo$9 $ethodically

    chec+ing each for any sign of her children8 She cli$7ed p the steps after chec+ing the

    final place in the hose they cold 7e9 the 7ase$ent9 and raced to the +itchen as 'ay7e they are otside9@ she sggested 7reathlessly9 7t 7oth parents +new this was not

    the case8 She gathered her thoghts9 and when she spo+e9 it was with resol;e8 >Bo rondp the neigh7ors8 For$ a search party8@ She plled a sweater o;er her nightdress8 > will

    start loo+ing for the$8@ And with that9 she rshed ot into the cool spring $orning9

    sla$$ing the door 7ehind her8

    The 7oys% parents and neigh7ors searched for the$ all day8 )y nightfall9 they were forced

    to retrn8 Their parents had wanted to contine9 7t their neigh7ors had insisted they rest

    for the night8 The far$er and his wife sat at the long wooden ta7le in the +itchen8 The$orning%s 7rea+fast still re$ained cold and neaten8 Their $other was still in her

    nightdress9 the 7otto$ of which was wet and co;ered in $d fro$ spending the entire

    day searching throgh fields and forest8 )oth parents had nearly lost their ;oices fro$shoting >Agni? Aryan? Ansh?@ so often8

    > a$ tired9@ the 7oys% $other said8 > thin+ will go lie down8@ She got p fro$ theta7le9 7t instead of going to the great $aster 7ed9 she went into the 7oys% roo$ and

    crawled slowly into Aryan%s 7ed8 She was plling the sheets arond her chin when she

    fond the note written in Aryan%s large $essy scrawl8

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    >'a$$a and Pappa9@ it read8

    >Agni said not to write this9 7t did not want yo to worry8 !e are going to sa;e thefar$8 !e will 7e 7ac+ soon8 o;e9 Aryan8@

    At the 7otto$ was another inscription8>P8S8 Please do not 7e angry8@

    The 7oys% $other cho+ed 7ac+ a lagh as she cltched the note against her chest8 Thenshe 7ried her head in the pillow that s$elled distinctly of Aryan%s hair and 7egan to cry8

    The Rush of Falling Water

    !hen the Three )rothers awo+e feeling hngry9 the sn was high in the s+y8 They rose

    and stretched9 sha+ing sleep fro$ their s$all 7odies8 Then they wal+ed the short distanceto the 7an+ of the !illia$s Ri;er where they washed their hands and faces in the cold9

    clear water8

    They retned to the clearing in which they had slept and en:oyed a late-$orning 7rnchof slightly stale 7read9 cheese and 7lac+7erries8

    > was hngry9@ said Ansh9 lic+ing cr$7s of cheese of his 7erry-stained fingers8 5es$iled to his 7rothers who loo+ed e!e had 7etter get going8@

    The 7oys set off again throgh the forest9 stic+ing close to the ri;er9 which ct a path

    throgh the forest8 After an hor or so9 the 7rothers heard the sond of rshing waterahead of the$8 Agni loo+ed e6cited8

    >Breat?@ he e6clai$ed8 >!e $st ha;e reached the falls8 That is where the Ra:a and

    !illia$s Ri;ers $eet8@ 5e threw his 7ag to the grond and 7egan r$$aging throgh itin search of the $ap8

    @See9@ he pointed to the $ap as Aryan and Ansh stood peering o;er his sholder8 >TheRa:a co$es fro$ the west9@ he traced the lines on the $ap with his finger8 >So we%ll ha;e

    to cross it and contine north8@ Agni rolled the $ap and placed it 7ac+ in his 7ag8 Then he

    too+ off at fll speed toward the sond of rshing water8

    The con;ergence of the two strea$s was a sight to 7ehold8 The 7oys 7rst fro$ the forest

    at the top of a cliff and were i$$ediately in awe of the scene%s i$$ense 7eaty8

    >!ow9@ said Ansh8 >t%s so 7eatifl8@ )eatifl it was8 n their left9 the !illia$s Ri;er

    $o;ed gently forward and then cascaded down a series of large9 green roc+s9 s$ooth

    fro$ years of constantly flowing water8 t then dropped ot of sight9 pl$$eting o;er theedge of the ledge into a 7eatifl arcing waterfall8 As the water fell9 it created rain7ows

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    of $ist8 At the 7otto$ of the ledge9 the Ra:a Ri;er flowed fro$ the right to for$ a large

    pool at the 7otto$ of the falls8 The !illia$s swelled and contined peaceflly on9 $ch

    larger than 7efore9 sna+ing a path ot of sight throgh the towering trees8

    >5ow do we get down@ as+ed Aryan as he peered down the sheer drop to the water


    >!e ha;e to find a way9@ Agni said8 5is 7row was frrowed in irritation8 5e loo+ed

    arond for a soltion on the forest floor 7t fond nothing8

    >!ell9@ said Ansh finally in a ;ery $atter of fact way9 >we ha;e to find so$e way down

    there8 et s go this way8@ 5e gestred to the right of where they stood8 >'ay7e we can

    find a place where the 7an+ isn%t so steep8@

    Agni and Aryan loo+ed at the wide !illia$s Ri;er8 ts srface was cal$9 7t it swept

    rapidly o;er the ledge8 They +new their little 7rother was right8 >+ay8@ Agni grinned8

    >ead the way8@ 5e held ot his ar$s in a sweeping 7ow8

    Ansh s$iled an ill$inating9 gap-toothed grin8 )eing the yongest9 he rarely got to leadthe 7rothers at anything8 5e That is strange9@ said Agni9 and he $o;ed closer to the arch to get a 7etter loo+8 >

    wonder what this is for8@

    The Three )rothers approached the steps and e6a$ined the enor$os arch8 t was

    co;ered in e6tre$ely intricate car;ings that depicted ;arios flora and fana of the forest8Aryan stood with his nose inches fro$ the wood and traced the car;ed roses with his

    finger8 They appeared so real that the only way to tell they were wooden was that they

    were 7rown8

    >!ho do yo thin+ 7ilt this@ as+ed Ansh8 > don%t +now9@ Agni replied as he ga/ed p

    in awe at the gigantic arch8 t was 7eatifl8

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    Ansh started down the steps8 >!here are yo going@ shoted Aryan8 Ansh trned to his

    7rothers who stood hesitantly nder the great arch8 >.own the steps9@ he said si$ply8

    Then he trned and contined downward8

    >Ansh9@ called Agni9 as he and Aryan hrried to catch p with their yongest 7rother9 >

    do not thin+ it is a good idea to go down this way8@

    Ansh trned again to face his 7rothers8 >!hy not@ he as+ed innocently8

    >!ell9@ said Agni slowly9 >we ha;e no idea who 7ilt this9 or why9 or when it was 7ilt

    e;en8 t cold 7e nsafe8 And $ost i$portantly9 we ha;e no idea where it goes8@

    Agni and Aryan loo+ed worried9 7t Ansh was nfa/ed8

    >!ell9 it o7;iosly goes down9@ said Ansh9 totally npertr7ed 7y his other 7rothers%

    concern9 >which is the way we need to go8 So we can either try to go down the hillside

    here9 which is really steep and slippery9@ he pased 7riefly and then contined9 >or wecan wal+ down these nice wooden steps that were pro7a7ly 7ilt so people cold go p

    and down the hill8@

    Ansh wheeled arond to start 7ac+ down the steps and fond hi$self face to face with a

    ;ery strange loo+ing $an8 The $an9 if the creatre 7efore hi$ was indeed a $an9 hadarri;ed nnoticed ot of nowhere8 The children stood a$a/ed and na7le to spea+8

    >That is e6actly why these steps were 7ilt9@ the $an said8 5is ;oice was sonded li+e

    wind 7lowing throgh treetops8

    Aryan shrn+ 7ac+ 7ehind Agni as his older 7rother $o;ed catiosly forward and

    placed his hand on Ansh%s sholder8 The creatre 7efore the$ was definitely the oddest-loo+ing person they had e;er seen8 5e was not $ch taller than Ansh9 thogh he see$ed

    to 7e a flly grown adlt8 5e was thin 7t $sclar9 and his s+in and hair were green and

    had a ;einy !ho are yo@ 7lrted Ansh9 7t as soon as the words were ot of his $oth9 he wanted

    to swallow the$ right 7ac+ in8 This $an scared hi$9 and he did not want to offend thestrange creatre8

    > cold as+ yo the sa$e thing9@ said the $an9 sonding a$sed8

    The 7oys stood staring8 They were poised to rn away 7t fro/en to the spot8 After a long

    and nco$forta7le pase9 the $an as+ed9 >!old yo children care to tell $e what yoare doing ot here in the forest alone@

    The 7oys hesitated8 They woldn%t dare tell this stranger a7ot their secret $ission of

    treasre stealing9 7t they had to tell hi$ so$ething8 lti$ately9 fear of what the odd

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    green $an $ight do to the$ if they refsed to answer otweighed any reser;ations they

    had a7ot re;ealing their plan9 at least in part8

    > a$ Agni9@ said the 7oy9 stepping forward a little8 >These are $y 7rothers9 Aryan and

    Ansh8@ Agni faltered9 nwilling to go on8 The s$all $an saw Agni strggling and ca$e

    to his resce8

    >Breetings8 a$ A7hinor of the Forest #y$ph Colony8 et $e assre yo $ean yo no

    har$8 o see$ shoc+ed8 Perhaps yo ha;e ne;er 7efore $et a ny$ph8@ The Three)rothers shoo+ their heads in nison8 >As sspected9@ replied A7hinor with a s$ile8 5is

    teeth were especially white8 >!e ny$phs rarely interact with h$ans8@

    Thogh the children were initially affronted 7y A7hinor%s strange appearance9 afterseeing hi$ s$ile9 they were instantly at ease8 5is s$ile radiated a gentle 7ene;olence that

    reassred the sha+en threeso$e8

    >So now +now yor na$es9 and yo +now $ine8 a$ a wood ny$ph9 so $y place iso7;iosly here in the forest8 )t yo 7oys9@ he sr;eyed the children9 noting their dirty

    trosers and hea;y rc+sac+s9 >certainly see$ to 7e strangers here8 !hat 7rings yo otthis far into the forest@

    Agni decided to tell the trth8 So$ething in A7hinor%s green face and deep 7rown eyestold hi$ he cold trst the ny$ph8 Thogh he was certain that after hearing the tale9

    A7hinor wold thin+ they were cra/y8

    >!e are trying to sa;e or far$9@ he 7egan9 a hint of relctance in his ;oice8 >o see9so$ething has happened to or +ing9 Drinios9 and now there%s this .+e who says he

    wor+s for the new +ing9 'aridis9 who is apparently Drinios%s cosin8 And the new +ing

    wants 2* gold Rea$as9 or they will +ic+ s off or far$8 So we are on or way toChancell7erry City to see if we can stop the$8@ 5e stopped short of telling the ny$ph

    e6actly what they planned to do in the capital city8 Stealing fro$ the Royal Treasry was

    not so$ething he was co$forta7le ad;ertising to strangers8

    A7hinor stood loo+ing at the 7oys critically8 Cold they 7e telling the trth 5e opened

    his $oth to inh9 Cornelis?@ e6clai$ed the ny$ph as the ani$al lic+ed his face8 >o startled $e8@

    A7hinor dropped the golden 7ndle onto the step at his feet8 The creatre sat wagging itslong9 flffy tail8

    Ansh was fascinated 7y the odd-loo+ing ani$al8 ts coat was pale 7rown and white andwas crled into tiny ringlets all o;er its s$all 7ody8 The creatre%s 7ody was slee+ li+e a

    cat9 7t it had the long9 floppy ears of a ra77it8

    >!hat is that@ as+ed Ansh8

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    >This is Cornelis9@ said A7hinor8 5e glanced down at his loyal pet8 >5e%s a Blspin8@

    Cornelis the Blspin $ade an nsal noise that sonded si$ilar to a 7a7y laghing8

    A7hinor chc+led9 as if he%d :st heard a rather a$sing :o+e9 and to Agni and Aryan%s

    great srprise9 Ansh giggled as well8

    >!hat are yo laghing at@ as+ed Agni nder his 7reath8 Ansh sppressed his laghter

    long enogh to e6plain8 >5e $ade a :o+e8 A7ot $y ears8@ Agni loo+ed confsed8 >!ell9they are pretty 7ig9@ Ansh said9 his eyes still spar+ling fro$ laghter8

    >Really9 Corny9 it%s not ;ery nice to $a+e fn of people who are gests in or forest9@

    A7hinor scolded8

    >t%s all right8@ Ansh flashed his gap-toothed grin8

    >!hat are yo tal+ing a7ot@ Agni as+ed Ansh9 still staring at his little 7rother8

    A7hinor :$ped in8 > forget8 o h$ans cannot nderstand Blspinese8 t%s a sha$e9really9 7ecase it is )t yo see$ed to nderstand8@

    Ansh shrgged8 5e was h9 %$ sorry8 !e cannot9@ said Agni9 hrrying to catch p with the wood ny$ph8 >osee9 we are actally in There are gra;ely i$portant $atters we

    $st discss9 yong $an8 There are things yo $st +now 7efore yo contine with yor:orney9 and ha;e so$e there are perhaps a few things to discss

    with yor 7rother here as well8@

    The 7oys followed A7hinor down the weathered wooden steps8 Snlight filtered thogh

    the srronding tress in long slanting shafts that fell in pools on the large cl$ps of fernon the forest floor8 t was already afternoon8 Aryan%s sto$ach gr$7led9 and he

    wondered how long it had 7een since their h$7le 7rea+fast8

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    >o $ay stay at the ca$p tonight8 t appears yo are in need of so$e food and rest9 and

    perhaps a 7ath8@ A7hinor loo+ed again at the dishe;eled 7oys8 Stic+s stc+ at odd angles

    fro$ Aryan%s crly loc+s8 >!e can get those clothes washed as well8@

    >That is ;ery nice of yo9@ said Aryan9 gratefl at the prospect of a hot $eal8 >!e slept in

    the roots of a tree this $orning9 and it is not as co$forta7le as a 7ed8@ Aryan r77ed hisnec+9 sddenly re$inded that it was aching8

    A7hinor chc+led and rffled Aryan%s hair9 which cased the 7oy to dc+ away slightly8> a$ sre it was ;ery nco$forta7le for yo9@ he e$pathi/ed9 nodding his head


    The Three )rothers followed A7hinor down what see$ed to 7e an endless series of steps8ccasionally9 they passed ad:oining staircases that led off in different directions into the

    forest8 At the entrance to each set of steps was a large arch li+e the one at the top of the

    hill8 Biant and ela7orately car;ed9 each towering arch 7ore a different set of car;ings8

    So$e were adorned with depictions of ri;ers9 and so$e were co;ered in tiny hand-hewnflowers8 Aryan decided he 7est li+ed the arch which had pine trees engra;ed on its

    srface8 The firs were i$$aclately detailed8 =ach needle was indi;idally car;ed9 and a;ast ;ariety of different pine trees were represented8

    >These arches are so 7eatifl9@ said Aryan who was 7eing nsally tal+ati;e8

    >Than+ yo9@ said A7hinor8 > a$ sre the artists who car;ed these will 7e $ore than

    happy to hear sch praises8 Tonight yo can $eet a few of the$ if yo%d li+e8@

    Aryan was ecstatic8 5e lo;ed art9 and the thoght of $eeting a real life artist was terri7ly

    e6citing8 >A7soltely?@ Aryan agreed enthsiastically8

    A7hinor s$iled8 >Fine9 then8 will arrange it8@

    >=6cse $e9 A7hinor8@ Agni9 who had 7een hanging 7ac+ and ta+ing in the forest9rshed forward to spea+ with the wood ny$ph8 > was wondering what these arches are

    for8@ 5e loo+ed down at the short green $an8

    >That is a ;ery good o see9 the pri$ary

    o7:ecti;e for all natre ny$phs is to protect the wild li;ing things8 !e wood ny$phsprotect the forests9 the !ater Forest ny$phs protect the !ater Forests9 and so on8@ 5e

    pased for a $o$ent and wal+ed in silence staring p at the 7eatifl green lea;es

    o;erhead8 5is s$ile softened8

    > grew p ot here in natre9 as do all ny$phs8 'y childhood was spent 7arefoot on the

    forest floor9 playing with stic+s9 :$ping in piles of dead lea;es8@

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    >Est li+e s?@ e6clai$ed Ansh e6citedly8 5is words rshed ot in a torrent8 >!e play

    stic+ fights 7y the strea$ all the ti$e8 And we hate to wear shoes9@ he added

    e$phatically8 The 7oys glanced down at their feet clad in their leather footwear8 All three7oys noticed si$ltaneosly and for the first ti$e that their new co$panion was not

    wearing any shoes8

    A7hinor followed the 7oys% ga/e fro$ their feet to his and laghed8 The children 7egan

    giggling as well8 They laghed for That%s the $ost we%;e laghed since westarted this trip8@

    > +now9@ said Agni8 5e then trned to A7hinor and said9 >o didn%t finish telling s

    a7ot the arches8@

    > did not@ A7hinor as+ed9 a$sed at his own forgetflness8 >Forgi;e $e9 7t things are

    often not so straightforward8 'ch li+e the ra$7ling strea$s or twisting ;ines yo find

    growing in this ;ery forest9 so$e stories $st 7e told in an indirect fashion8 t is onlyafter yo co;er a lot of grond that yo $ay reach yor end destination8 n fact9 $ost

    things do not flow in straight lines8 >

    The Three )rothers were confsed9 7t they let A7hinor contine ninterrpted8

    >Sch is the story of or Arches8 o $st first nderstand the heart of a ny$ph 7efore

    yo will +now the significance of or Arches8@ A7hinor s$iled gently at the children9

    searching for any sign of nderstanding on their yong open faces8

    >t is 7ecase we so lo;e the wild li;ing things that we dedicate or li;es to ensring their

    protection and har$ony8 !e are their conser;ators8@

    >!hat do yo protect the$ fro$@ as+ed Agni8

    A7hinor loo+ed sad8 > a$ sorry to say9 7oys9 7t $ost often9 we protect the$ fro$h$ans8@

    The 7oys were shoc+ed8 >!hat do yo $ean@ as+ed Aryan9 eyes wide8

    >!ell9 yo see9 h$ans are ;ery intelligent9@ A7hinor e6plained delicately9 >so it is ;ery

    easy for the$ to ots$art the wild li;ing things8 The h$ans se their $ighty 7rains to

    create grand and ela7orate in;entions that so$eti$es in:re the plants and tress8@

    >)t why wold anyone want to do that@ Ansh as+ed9 his 7rown eyes wide8

    >That is also a ;ery good ha;e often as+ed $yself that

    e6act sa$e thing8 Fro$ $y o7ser;ations9 it see$s that the h$ans are :st too s$art for

    their own good8 They rely so $ch on their intelligence and see$ to ha;e forgotten that

    so$e things cannot 7e nderstood with logic alone8@

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    >i+e what@ as+ed Agni8

    >!ell9@ said the wood ny$ph9 >7eaty9 for e6a$ple9 and lo;e8@

    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh $ade faces8 Their reaction a$sed A7hinor so that the ny$phlaghed a lod ringing lagh that echoed throgh the h9 no9 children9@ he said with a chc+le8 >o ha;e $isnderstood8 did not $eanro$antic lo;e8 5$ans see$ to nderstand that well enogh9 with all the falling in lo;e

    that happens a$ong the$8 )t that is only one +ind of lo;e8 was referring to the lo;e

    one finds in si$plicity9 in acts sch as lying on yor 7ac+ and staring at the sn throgh

    the forest canopy9 or letting the clear water of the strea$ por o;er yor fingers8 All ofthese things are 7eatifl9 all are $anifestations of lo;e9 7t $ost h$ans 7eco$e so

    in;ol;ed with their intellect that they forget these things can stir their hearts8 .oes this

    $a+e sense to yo@

    The 7oys were confsed8 >)t we do those things all the ti$e8 They are fn?@ said Ansh8

    >That is correct? They are fn?@ said A7hinor happily8 >o are ;ery good 7oys8 a$

    )t9@ said Agni9 >yo still ha;en%t told s what these arches are for8@

    A7hinor laghed at hi$self again8 >h9 $y9 a$ 7eco$ing forgetfl in $y old age8@ The

    Three )rothers loo+ed at hi$ criosly8 >!ell9 a$ not that old9@ he chc+led8 >Thogh a$ starting to get so$e yellow hairs9@ he said9 rnning a hand o;er a honey-colored

    patch in his dar+ green $op8

    >Anyway9@ he contined9 >it is 7ecase of this lo;e of wild 7eaty that we dedicate or

    li;es to its protection8 And in or desire to ensre its safety9 the natre ny$phs far and

    wide wor+ together9@ he swept his hand in an inclsi;e gestre9 >can;assing forests9 andfields9 and sandy 7eaches for any sign of threat we cold pre;ent9 or disaster we cold

    a;ert8 So$eti$es9 we tra;el great distances8 So we created a ;ast networ+ of stairways9

    7ecase it is easy to get lost8 The car;ings on the Arches tell s which direction a

    staircase leads8@

    >That is aweso$e9@ said Agni9 greatly i$pressed with not only the arches9 7t with

    A7hinor%s winding response8

    >!ell9 we $ade it9@ A7hinor annonced8 The children loo+ed down8 #ot far away9 the

    wooden steps ended at another great Arch8 )eyond it was a collection of $iniatrewooden strctres nestled in a clearing of large towering pines8 So$e 7ildings were

    $ade of wood9 so$e of $oss and stone8 So$e were on the grond9 and others were 7ilt

    in the 7ranches of the trees the$sel;es8 The 7oys stared in a$a/e$ent8

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    >This is where we stay9 the wood ny$phs of Chancell7erry Forest8 This is or ca$p8 .o

    yo li+e it@

    The 7oys $anaged a wea+ nod that $ade A7hinor grin war$ly8 )t in fact9 they did li+e

    the ca$p ;ery $ch8

    The Wood Nymphs Camp

    A7hinor led Agni9 Aryan and Ansh down the last few step9 7eneath the large woodenarch adorned with car;ings of tall trees9 and into the wood ny$ph%s ca$p8 The 7oys

    loo+ed arond9 trying to ta+e in as $ch as their eyes wold allow8 The ca$p was

    a$a/ing9 and all three 7rothers i$$ediately felt it wold 7e a wonderfl place to li;e8Aryan ga/ed p at the wooden strctres perched high in the 7ranches of the trees

    towering a7o;e the$8 Another wood ny$ph9 a ;ery short $an whose s+in was $ch

    dar+er green than A7hinor%s9 crossed o;er the clearing on a swinging 7ridge $ade of

    twisted ;ines8 5e spotted the children and A7hinor9 and raised a hand to wa;e8 5is

    e6pression was one of a$se$ent8

    >!ell9 hello there9 A7hinor9@ the dar+ green $an called8 >o had an e;entfl e6peditiontoday9 then@ 5e eyed the 7oys and grinned 7roadly9 and A7hinor laghed8 > certainly

    did9@ he called 7ac+8 > will tell yo all a7ot it tonight o;er dinner8@ A7hinor wa;ed

    good7ye to the ny$ph on the ;ine 7ridge who salted 7ac+ and started off again8

    Agni loo+ed arond8 The ;ine 7ridge on which the $an had 7een standing was part of a

    hge networ+ sspended in the air a7o;e the$8 nterconnected 7ridges ran in all

    directions8 So$e crisscrossed o;er the clearing9 while others lead off into the woods8

    The Three )rothers fonds the$sel;es ad$iring the wood ny$phs% ingenity that wasapparent in al$ost e;ery place they loo+ed8 Agni was srprised to see that not all theny$phs were green li+e A7hinor and the $an on the 7ridge8 They were all in ;arying

    earth shades9 greens and 7rowns and yellows8 So$e were e;en white8 5e watched as a

    dar+ prple ny$ph with deep red hair grasped a long piece of ;ine9 too+ a rnning leap9and hrled herself acro7atically throgh the air9 grasping long ;ines that hng arond the

    ca$p li+e a trape/e artist8 Finally9 she ca$e to rest on a 7ridge at the opposite side of the

    clearing8 She ran a hand throgh her long9 red hair and wal+ed ot of sight 7etween thetree hoses8 Agni was i$pressed8 5e noticed there were other ny$phs sing the hanging

    ;ines in a si$ilar fashion9 7t none were nearly as s+illed as the ;iolet-colored wo$an8

    Cornelis the Blspin had ta+en an o7;ios li+ing to Ansh8 As they wal+ed down the dirtpath towards a s$all wooden ladder at the end of the clearing9 Cornelis followed the

    s$all 7oy and wagged his golden tail8 Ansh tal+ed to the Blspin in low and e6cited

    tones9 and Cornelis replied with a series of sonds that were half 7ar+ and half child%slaghter8

    Agni and Aryan had grown accsto$ed to seeing Ansh interact with ani$als with schfa$iliarity8 Their yongest 7rother often 7ar+ed while playing with their for dogs8 Their

  • 8/22/2019 The Fire, The King, And the Particl


    $other%s large grey cat also had a distinct fondness for Ansh%s lap8 !hen their father9 the

    far$er9 $il+ed the cows in the e;enings9 Ansh always acco$panied hi$ to the 7arn

    where he had ;ery serios con;ersations with the new cal;es8 !ith the appropriatea$ont of encorage$ent9 the s$all 7oy cold con;ince s$all 7irds and sFollow $e9 7oys9@ A7hinor instrcted as he started pward8 Reali/ing what his

    $aster was doing9 Cornelis ga;e a little yelp and scaled the tree li+e a sAnsh9@ Aryan as+ed as they cli$7ed the narrow wooden ladder9 >how can yo tal+ to


    > don%t +now9@ replied Ansh with a shrg8

    Aryan helped Ansh off the ladder and onto the long 7ranch8 After all three 7oys were

    safely on the platfor$ at the top of the ladder9 A7hinor led the$ onto one of the ;ine


    > wanted to 7ring yo p the ladder for now8 o can try the swinging $onts later if

    yo li+e8 :st thoght it wold 7e 7est to get yo settled and fed 7efore yo%re down

    there flipping arond8@ A7hinor trned onto a short9 swinging 7ridge that ended at thewooden door of a tree hose8 5e +noc+ed8 A $o$ent later9 a s$all9 $idnight colored

    ny$ph with pale 7le hair answered the door8 5er eyes were light grey9 and she wore a

    yellow tnic dress $ade of lea;es8 She peered o;er ri$less glasses at A7hinor and the7oys9 and s$iled +indly8

    >h9 darling9 so good to see yo9@ said the wo$an in a $elodios ;oice as she hggedA7hinor war$ly8 She was $ch shorter than hi$9 and her head 7arely reached his ar$pit8

    >So good to see yo8 And yo%;e 7roght gests8@ She released A7hinor fro$ her

    e$7race and s$iled at the Three )rothers8

    >es9@ A7hinor replied8 >'other9 allow $e to present 7rothers Agni9 Aryan and Ansh8@

    The s$all 7le wo$an s$iled8 >o fellas are :st in ti$e8 was :st doing a little7a+ing8 Co$e on in8 The granola 7ars shold 7e done any $inte8@ Est then9 as if on ce9

    Agni%s sto$ach ga;e a lod growl8 The wo$an ga;e a little lagh9 and nodded9 and then

    shered the Three )rothers throgh the s$all door8

    As soon as the 7oys entered the hose9 their noses were greeted with the war$ scents of

    ;anilla9 honey and cinna$on8 The $oth-watering aro$as filled their nostrils9 and all

    three were sddenly actely aware of their hnger8

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    The s$all wo$an flitted a7ot the hose li+e a h$$ing7ird8 >t loo+s li+e yo 7oys

    ha;e 7een tra;eling for a while9@ she called o;er her sholder as she went throgh adoorway $ade of tree 7ranches8 She re-e$erged with a platter in her hands8 >et $e get

    yo so$ething to eat now9 and we%ll all get 7etter acA7hinor9wold yo co$e with $e for a $o$ent need :st a little help in the +itchen8@

    A7hinor s$iled at the 7oys and followed the 7le wo$an ot of the roo$8 The Three)rothers loo+ed arond8 =;erything in the hose9 fro$ the roo$ to the frnitre to the

    wall hangings9 see$ed to 7e growing ot of the forest itself8 The $yriad of chairs that

    decorated the roo$ were the strangest the 7oys had e;er seen8 There was a tall stool $ade

    of twisted ;ines that had a seat $ade of wo;en grass8 Another $assi;e wooden chairstood in the corner8 ts pillows9 which were $ade of green lea;es9 were srprisingly soft8

    Cornelis was already napping in a 7all on one of the tall wooden stools8 The 7oys

    decided to settle the$sel;es on a large 7ench that was so $assi;e9 it easily

    acco$$odated all three of the$8 They sat on the green $ass and e6a$ined its srfacewith their fingers8

    > thin+ this is a stone9@ said Agni so$ewhat srprised8 The 7oys prodded the 7ench%s

    spongy green srface8

    >o are right9@ said Aryan8 >t is stone9 and it is co;ered in $oss8@

    The Three )rothers sat on the srprisingly co$forta7le stone 7ench and too+ in their

    nsal srrondings8 The 7ranches of the tree on which the hose was sitated grewthrogh the walls and floor8 They spported the ceiling and created a 7eatifl9 +notted

    shelf pon which a large painting sat8

    As the 7oys sat gaw+ing at the a$a/ing tree hose9 the tiny wo$an flew 7ac+ into the

    roo$ followed 7y A7hinor8 The large wooden platter in her hands was now stac+ed high

    with wonderfl-s$elling9 odd-loo+ing sBranola 7ars9@ she said and placed the plate on the tree st$p ta7le in front of Agni9

    Aryan and Ansh8 The 7oys stared at the plate heaped with the strange yet appealing-

    loo+ing confection8

    The wo$an laghed8 >.ig in8 a$ sre yo will li+e the$8 A7hinor sed to lo;e these

    when he was a 7oy8@

    The children loo+ed fro$ A7hinor to the granola 7ars8 Agni too+ one8 t was still war$8

    5e ;entred a tentati;e 7ite8 t was delicios8 )its of oat and straw7erry were heldtogether with stic+y honey syrp8 5e let ot a little $oan8 >This is so delicios9@ he said

    to the 7le ny$ph9 casing her to s$ile 7roadly8 >o gys ha;e to try this9@ he said

    encoragingly trning to his 7rothers8

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    Aryan and Ansh each pic+ed p a piece and ni77led on a tiny corner8 Their eyes went

    wide9 and soon9 all three 7oys had co$pletely de;ored the piece they had ta+en and sat

    loo+ing longingly at the heaping plate 7efore the$8

    >=at as $any as yo li+e9 7oys8 et $e rn and get yo so$e honeysc+le $il+8@ The

    7le wo$an stood and disappeared again to the +itchen8

    >Than+ yo9@ Aryan called9 and his 7rothers echoed hi$8

    >o%re welco$e9@ called the wo$an fro$ the +itchen9 and the Three )rothers helped

    the$sel;es to $ore of the granola8

    >These things are delicios9@ Aryan said as the wo$an reentered the roo$ carrying threelarge wooden $gs filled to the 7ri$ with a sweet-s$elling9 $il+y soltion8 >!ell9 than+

    yo9 dear9@ she said9 and placed one $g 7efore each 7oy8 >And yo can call $e

    Talllah8 That%s $y na$e9 after all8@ She s$iled at the 7oys who dran+ rapidly8 They

    finally e$erged with white $staches drawn on their pper lips8

    Talllah sat on the hea;y wooden chair with the leaf cshions and fi6ed her piercing 7lega/e on the Three )rothers8

    >So $y son tells $e yo 7oys are in the $iddle of a rather grand ad;entre8@ The 7oysshifted nco$forta7ly on the stone 7ench8 They sddenly started chewing ;ery slowly8

    >'y $other has said yo 7oys $ay stay here tonight9@ A7hinor inter:ected9 rescing the

    7rothers fro$ Talllah%s trst yo will not case her any tro7le8@Agni swallowed fast8 >h9 of corse not8@

    >h9 honey9@ said Talllah soothingly9 > a$ sre they will 7e ;ery good 7oys8@ Shega;e the 7rothers a At any rate9 they cold not possi7ly gi;e

    $e as $ch tro7le as yo and A;ana++ar did8@ She laghed $errily9 and her s$all 7ody

    shoo+ head to toe8 >h9 do yo re$e$7er that ti$e yo two pt straw7erry 7o$7s in)eatrice !ood%s chi$ney thoght the wo$an wold die of shoc+8@

    A7hinor s$iled9 recalling the long-forgotten incident8 >h9 re$e$7er8 )t it was not

    $e8 t was all A;ana++ar8 was sch a good 7oy9@ he declared with a $ischie;os grin8

    Ges9 yo were9@ said Talllah indlgently9 wrapping her ar$ arond her son%s waist as

    he stood 7eside her8 >o were :st as good a 7oy as yo cold 7e8@ She released hi$ andadded9 >)t that doesn%t $ean yo didn%t pt those 7o$7s in her chi$ney8@

    A7hinor 7ent low to +iss the top of his $other%s head8 @ $st go9@ he said as he stood8>o children can stay here for now8 'y $other will see that yor clothes get cleaned

    and that yo get a 7ath8 will retrn 7efore dinner and ta+e yo arond to see $ore of the

    ca$p8 !e can tal+ $ore later8 For now9 :st get so$e rest8 o loo+ ;ery tired8@

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    t was tre8 The 7oys were e6hasted8 The war$ honeysc+le $il+ was $a+ing the$ feel

    sleepy9 and their eyes were 7eginning to droop8 A7hinor said good7ye and headed ot the

    large wooden door8

    The door thdded to a close9 and the Three )rothers were left sitting in silence with

    A7hinor%s $other8 Talllah got p fro$ her chair and 7egan pic+ing p the e$pty $gsand e$pty platter8 >o 7oys $a+e yorsel;es at ho$e8 +now this $st all see$

    strange to yo right now8@ She glanced at the 7oys whose faces see$ed to confir$ her

    pres$ption8 > ta+e it yo ha;e ne;er $et any wood ny$phs 7efore8@

    Ansh shoo+ his head8 >#o9 $a%a$8@

    >That is what figred9@ called Talllah fro$ the +itchen8 She retrned with a dishtowel$ade of +ss root and 7egan wiping cr$7s for$ the tree st$p ta7le8 >!e ny$phs ;ery

    rarely ha;e need to interact with h$ans8 o see9 we prefer to stay in the ninha7ited

    areas where we can 7e srronded 7y the wild li;ing things8@

    She stood and ga/ed p at the ceiling where a large can;as tarp had 7een rolled 7ac+ to

    e6pose two giant holes in the ceiling and tops of the walls8 The treetops of the foreststretched ot of sight in 7oth directions8 Talllah sighed as she too+ in the sight8 >t is

    actally thin+ yo children had 7est get a 7ath9@ she said +indly9 eyeing their dirty

    clothes8 >!e shold pro7a7ly get these clothes washed9 too8 will show yo to the roo$where yo%ll 7e sleeping here in :st a $inte8 will :st finish washing these dishes first8

    o 7oys feel free to loo+ arond9@ She said with a lagh as she noticed the 7oys%

    ner;os appearance8 All three children sat stiffly on the sofa and criosly glanced

    arond the roo$8

    Talllah was poised in the doorway8 >.o not worry9@ she s$iled8 >o can%t 7rea+

    anything8@ She rapped hard on the wooden doorway and then disappeared into the+itchen8

    The 7oys cold hear the wooden dishes clattering into a sin+8 They sat silently listeningto Talllah cleaning for a few $intes8 Then na7le to sit idly any longer9 Ansh slid his

    short 7ody off the roc+y 7ench and planted his feet fir$ly on the wooden plan+s of the

    floor 7elow8 5e crossed to the opposite wall to e6a$ine a photograph $ore closely8

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    >Anshy9 what are yo doing@ as+ed Aryan in a low ;oice8

    >#othing9@ replied Ansh8 > a$ :st loo+ing at this pictre8@ Ansh so

    cannot $a+e ot in this photo9 7t A7hinor is the spitting i$age of his father8@ She ran a

    hand across the glossy pictre9 which Ansh saw was actally a large leaf that had 7een

    sta$ped and stained to prodce the i$age8

    Talllah trned to the Agni and Aryan8 >A7hinor is li+e his father in so $any ways9actally8 5e%s s$art and serios9 7t good-hearted8 t was no srprise when A7hinor

    followed in his father%s footsteps and 7eca$e a professor8 5e always did lo;e to teach8@

    She $o;ed 7ehind the large stone sofa to a tall wooden case growing ot of the wall8 t

    was filled with trophies9 +nic+-+nac+s9 fra$ed photos and pieces of paper8 >This9@ she

    said as she re$o;ed a photo fra$ed in 7lac+ granite9 >is A7hinor the day he recei;ed his

    Ph.#9 .octor of #atre Philosophy8@ She s$iled widely and handed the photo to Agnifor closer inspection8 t was ;ery hea;y8 Thogh this pictre was in ;i;id color9 it also

    appeared to 7e printed on so$e type of glossy leaf8 Agni scanned the faces8 A yonger

    loo+ing A7hinor stood in the center9 prodly grasping a piece of paper with 7oth hands85is face was co;ered in a 7road s$ile8 Talllah stood on tiptoe with one 7le ar$ arond

    her son%s waist +issing his chee+8 A tall wood ny$ph9 the color of new lea;es9 stood on

    A7hinor%s left8 The ny$ph was $ch larger than any other the 7oys had yet seen9 and hehad hge 7lging $scles that were apparent in the photo8 5is hair was light 7le9 :st

    li+e Talllah%s9 and he was s$iling a gigantic s$ile8 ne of his enor$os ar$s encircled

    7oth A7hinor and Talllah8

    >!ho is that@ as+ed Agni8 Talllah gla/ed at the pictre lo;ingly8 >That%s $y other son9

    A;ana++ar8 5e%s A7hinor%s older 7rother8@ Talllah ga;e a wistfl sigh8 >t is so nice to

    see $y two 7oys together8 t is sch a rare occasion any$ore that those two are in thesa$e place at the sa$e ti$e8@ She gently too+ the photo 7ac+ fro$ Aryan9 who had 7een

    inspecting it9 and retrned it to its place of honor ne6t to A7hinor%s displayed Ph.# that

    read >Central #y$ph ni;ersity8 >

    >!hy are they rarely in the sa$e place@ as+ed Aryan8

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    Talllah $o;ed away fro$ the cp7oard and san+ into a chair opposite the stone sofa8

    >!ell9 A;ana++ar was always a 7it of an ad;entrer8@ She pased and eyed the children

    as they sat in rapt attention8 >#ot nli+e the three of yo8@ She s$iled8 Agni9 Aryan andAnsh flashed prod grins at each other8 Talllah went on9 >=;en when he was :st a 7oy9

    A;ana++ar was always getting into things8 5e wold cli$7 trees9 or the o7ser;ation dec+9

    all the way to the top of the canopy :st to see if he cold8 5e wold po+e holes in theri;er ice in winter to go swi$$ing8@ Talllah shoo+ her head and laghed8 >5e was

    always pshing9 testing the li$its of his en;iron$ent8 Scared $e half to death8@ Talllah

    shoo+ her head and leaned in9 resting her chin on her hand8 >t was no srprise when9 10days shy of his 1*th7irthday9 A;ana++ar annonced that he wanted to 7eco$e a #y$ph

    Scot instead of going on to the ni;ersity8 #ot only that9 7t he had already applied and

    7een accepted into their training progra$ that is condcted three +ingdo$s away in

    #agaland8@ Talllah loo+ed into the children%s faces8 > do not +now if yo 7oys willnderstand9 7t as a $other9 there was a tiny selfish part of $e that really :st wanted to

    refse to allow hi$ to go8 =;en thogh we lo;e or 7oys and ha;e always wanted the$ to

    follow their drea$s9 Alistair and were torn8 !e +new 7eing a #y$ph Scot was

    A;ana++ar%s drea$ and wold $a+e hi$ the happiest he cold 7e9 7t we were relctantto allow hi$ to enter sch a dangeros profession9 +nowing that he $ay go on a $ission

    and ne;er retrn8 #y$ph Scots tra;el $ost of the ti$e9 so they do not really ha;e aho$e8 A;ana++ar can only ;isit once a year8 t was a difficlt decision9 7t we had to let

    hi$ go8 t was hard on $e9 7t learned yo ha;e to let go of what yo lo;e the $ost8

    And as it trns ot9 did not need hi$ here to 7e happy9 and ha;ing hi$ gone didn%t$a+e $e lo;e hi$ any less8@ Talllah loo+ed at the 7oys who wore confsed 7t polite

    e6pressions8 She laghed8 >!ell9 $ay7e all that is a 7it o;er yor heads9 7t a$ a fir$

    7elie;er that a sol is ne;er too yong or too old to learn8 o thin+ a7ot what said8

    'ay7e a little 7it of it will sin+ in8@

    She hopped p fro$ her chair and hgged all three children tightly8 >Co$e along now9

    yo three9 and gra7 those 7ags of yors8 will show yo the roo$ where yo%ll 7estaying9 and then yo can get a 7ath and a nap8 a$ sre yo will want to 7e rested for

    dinner8 A7hinor says yo ha;e o 7oys need to wa+e p now8 !e will 7e going down for dinner

    shortly8@ She eased the door open a little farther and stc+ in her hand and placed the endof a ;ine into a 7owl of liSee yo in ten $intes9@ said Talllah9 and she closedthe door 7ehind her8

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    Agni9 Aryan and Ansh cli$7ed ot of the large soft 7ed they had 7een sharing8 Talllah

    had gi;en each 7oy a pair of short pants $ade of lea;es8 They had politely declined9e6plaining they had another set of clothes to wear9 7t Talllah had insisted8 >This way9

    all of yor clothes will 7e clean when yo lea;e in the $orning9@ she had said and set the

    folded leaf pants on the edge of the 7ed9 lea;ing the three towel-clad children no $oreopportnity for discssion8 #ow9 the children e6a$ined their new gar$ents in the

    twin+ling light8

    >These pants are actally They are not itchy li+e thoght they wold 7e8@

    >They are pretty nice8@ agreed Agni8

    The 7oys left the 7edroo$ and headed into the 7right hall8 =;ery roo$ in Talllah%s tree

    hose9 inclding the hallway9 had at least one window8 A large9 glass-less window

    stretched the length of the hallway and loo+ed ot onto the ca$p8 #ight had fallen9 theforest was dar+9 7t the clearing 7elow was ali;e with candles and twin+ling ;ines8

    Torches and lanterns ill$inated the pathways on which the poplation of the 7stlingca$p wal+ed8 The soft aro$a of s$o+e filtered throgh the window8

    The children fond Talllah sitting in a large chair $ade of ;ines reading a 7oo+ 7ycandlelight8 She loo+ed p9 saw the Three )rothers9 and pro$ptly pt her 7oo+ down8

    >!onderfl9 yo are ready8@ She stood9 7lew ot the candle and