The Fire Starter Sessions Media Kit

CROWN ARCHETYPE THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS “…is the revolution you’ve been waiting for, it will shake-up and wake-up every aspect of your life… a blue print for moguls, spiritual rock stars, and lovers of life.” — Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet Gretchen Rubin, creator of The Happiness Project, raves of Danielle LaPorte, “[her] passion leaps off the page…reading a few chapters of this book will ignite you into action.” Martha Beck says, “Danielle LaPorte is scary smart, yet so kind and practical that she kindles the fire in you without causing you to feel consumed by the flames. She has the knowledge you need to succeed. Lean in and listen close. What she has to say is what our spirits need to hear.” Think: minister of mojo meets career strategist…with a sexy Goddess vibe. That’s Danielle. Or as she puts it, “I’m The Patron Saint of Ambition, with a purse full of permission slips…for you.” THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS (April 17, 2012) is Danielle’s apathy-kicking, integrity-infusing guide to defining success on your own terms. With her signature in-the-trenches truth-telling and humor, Danielle reframes popular self-help and success concepts to cut through dull thinking and fear, and get straight to one's core desires, pragmatism, and courage. Part sermon, part pep talk, and part Q&A, THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is oxygen for aspirations and a modern-day philosophy for people who want to believe that, "consciousness and cash can co-exist...that desire will burn the way to fulfillment...that all dreams are renewable." Each session in the book is accompanied by worksheets that are provocative and results- oriented. Danielle's unique personal narrative of loss and achievement from boardrooms to ashrams flows with stories of women and men who stopped playing it safe, and became freedom seekers and fear tamers. Deemed “the best place online for kick-ass spirituality,” over a million people have gone to for Danielle's straight-talk sermons on success and self-awareness. 40- something, tattooed, versed in Buddhism and P n’ L statements, Danielle is the former director of a Washington-D.C. think tank—even though she skipped college. In her one-on-one "Fire Starter Sessions" Danielle worked with thousands of women to help them get clear on what they really desired in life and work. This book is a storehouse of wisdom, with Danielle's signature sassy edge and humor. Witty, powerful and unique THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is an invitation to investigate what a life of true integrity feels like. LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

Transcript of The Fire Starter Sessions Media Kit

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THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS “…is the revolution you’ve been waiting for, it will shake-up and wake-up every aspect of your life… a blue print for moguls, spiritual rock stars, and lovers of life.”

— Kris Carr, author of Crazy Sexy Diet

Gretchen Rubin, creator of The Happiness Project, raves of Danielle LaPorte, “[her] passion leaps off the page…reading a few chapters of this book will ignite you into action.” Martha Beck says, “Danielle LaPorte is scary smart, yet so kind and practical that she kindles the fire in you without causing you to feel consumed by the flames. She has the knowledge you need to succeed. Lean in and listen close. What she has to say is what our spirits need to hear.”

Think: minister of mojo meets career strategist…with a sexy Goddess vibe. That’s Danielle. Or as she puts it, “I’m The Patron Saint of Ambition, with a purse full of permission slips…for you.”

THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS (April 17, 2012) is Danielle’s apathy-kicking, integrity-infusing guide to defining success on your own terms. With her signature in-the-trenches truth-telling and humor, Danielle reframes popular self-help and success concepts to cut through dull thinking and fear, and get straight to one's core desires, pragmatism, and courage.

Part sermon, part pep talk, and part Q&A, THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is oxygen for aspirations and a modern-day philosophy for people who want to believe that, "consciousness and cash can co-exist...that desire will burn the way to fulfillment...that all dreams are renewable." Each session in the book is accompanied by worksheets that are provocative and results-oriented. Danielle's unique personal narrative of loss and achievement — from boardrooms to ashrams — flows with stories of women and men who stopped playing it safe, and became freedom seekers and fear tamers. Deemed “the best place online for kick-ass spirituality,” over a million people have gone to for Danielle's straight-talk sermons on success and self-awareness. 40-something, tattooed, versed in Buddhism and P n’ L statements, Danielle is the former director of a Washington-D.C. think tank—even though she skipped college. In her one-on-one "Fire Starter Sessions" Danielle worked with thousands of women to help them get clear on what they really desired in life and work. This book is a storehouse of wisdom, with Danielle's signature sassy edge and humor.

Witty, powerful and unique THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is an invitation to investigate what a life of true integrity feels like.

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

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Danielle LaPorte is the outspoken creator of the site that's been deemed, “the best place online for kick-ass spirituality” — — where over a million visitors have gone for her straight-up advice on everything from time management and the entrepreneurial spirit, to forgiveness and desire.As the executive director of a Washington-DC think tank, Danielle managed a team of futurists studying global trends for the likes of the Pentagon and the World Bank...though she never went to college herself. She ran her own communications agency, “promoting visionary people & projects,” including Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, philosophers, and a few old folk heroes, and has written company manifesto books for lululemon and Peer1. In her 1-on-1 strategy sessions, she's helped thousands of entrepreneurs get clear on what success truly means for them. A list of “Top 10 Blogs by Women That Might Change Your Life”, describes Danielle like this: “She’s confidently contrarian, feminine, decisive, and creative. She combines spirituality with sound business principles. She has an e-program (The Spark Kit: A Digital Experience For Entrepreneurs) and gives coaching sessions at $1000 a pop. She’s been listed, ranked and quoted. At the core of her success is her ability to write. She writes beautifully, lustfully, and poignantly.”A popular motivational speaker and former news show commentator, Danielle has been featured in Elle, Body + Soul, More Magazine, Flare, Vogue Australia, Better Homes & Gardens, Globe & Mail, The National Post, The Huffington Post, Entertainment Tonight, USA Today and

Danielle lives in Vancouver, BC with her Firefighter husband and young son. You can find her on Twitter @daniellelaporte + on Facebook:

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS:A SOULFUL + PRACTICAL GUIDE TOCREATING SUCCESS ON YOUR OWN TERMSFor interviews + media materials, please contact Sarah Breivogel; 212-572-2722 [email protected]


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HOT PRAISE"Danielle LaPorte is scary smart, yet so kind and practical that she kindles the fire in you without causing you to feel consumed by the flames. She has the knowledge you need to succeed. Lean in and listen close. What she has to say is what our spirits need to hear."– Martha Beck I Steering By Starlight

“… the revolution you’ve been waiting for, it will shake-up and wake-up every aspect of your life. Danielle LaPorte offers soulful wisdom to create a blue print for moguls, spiritual rockstars, and lovers of life. Skinny dip head first into this hot and fabulous book. I dare you.” ……………… — Kris Carr I Crazy Sexy Diet

“The Fire Starter Sessions is the new, bad-ass Artist’s Way.” – Linda Sivertsen I Generation Green

“Danielle’s work is jam-packed with keen insights and a force of energy that pushes you in invaluable ways. The content is practical and ignites the mind in ways that could change your career and life.”– Scott Belsky I Making Ideas Happen

“Danielle’s passion leaps off the page, and reading a few chapters of this book will ignite you into action.”– Gretchen Rubin I The Happiness Project

"A mesmerizing blend of soul, smarts and grit, The Fire Starter Sessions is a revelation. A virtual road map to more engaged state of being. One that starts in the heart and burns it's way into every fiber of your being." – Jonathan Fields I Uncertainty

"LaPorte has made something that's inherently difficult, look easy: make us aware that the power was with us all along. Harder than it looks. Well done, Danielle."– Hugh McLeod I Ignore Everybody

“Danielle does something incredibly refreshing with her work: she tells the truth, straight up. Money, failure, power, appreciation—The Fire Starter Sessions doesn’t leave anything out of the mix, and Danielle pours it on with a heaping dose of encouragement and possibility-thinking.”– Barbara Stanny I Overcoming Underearning + The Secrets of Six-Figure Women

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

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“ . . . fresh, compassionate, practical, sassy, designed (and design is one crucial way that content becomes useful), wise, engaging and, above all, different.”– Michael Bungay Stanier I Do More Great Work and End Malaria

"The Fire Starter Sessions shows us how to do what the world tells us we can't: be unapologetic about our deepest desires and live a life beyond our wildest dreams. Danielle reminds us that all the passion and inspiration we're seeking lies within us–and she guides us to uncover that beautiful fire and share it with the world."– Gabrielle Bernstein I Spirit Junkie

"The Fire Starter Sessions is a modern masterpiece that will impact millions of lives, for generations to come. It's outrageously inspiring, wise, and actionable. I simply cannot recommend it enough. Prepare for a religious experience. You're going to fall in love with this book."— Marie Forleo I

"I don't know about you, but a spreadsheet has never made my hair stand on end, my pulse race and my brain surge with creative ideas. Read this book and weep–with relief and joy–that you don't have to check your soul and humanity at the door to get killer business results."– Pamela Slim I Escape from Cubicle Nation

“Danielle has a ‘real’ voice. She puts out her true beliefs without sugar coating ideas to placate folks.” – Yvonne Bynoe I Who’s Your Mama?: The Unsung Voices of Women and Mothers, and The Encyclopedia of Hip Hop Culture

“Danielle is one serious Fire Starter, and you’ll be one too after reading this masterpiece. For best results, read in your igloo and emerge with a suntan.” – Chris Guillebeau I The Art of Non-Conformity“

Danielle LaPorte is the rockingest, most authentic and truly lovely guide to lucrative self-realization I know. Buy this book and find yourself...and your future.”– Rebecca Walker I To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

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Be strategic with your desires.Leverage your contradictions.

Make ease a metric of your success.Prioritize what's sacred.

Insightful, poetic, and just the right kind of brazen, Danielle reframes success + self-help — and burns some illusions to a crisp.

: Life balance is a myth, and the pursuit of it is causing us more stress than the craving for balance itself.

: Being well-rounded is highly over-rated. If you want to live from your own creative edge, you have to ride the tension of your contradictions, and focus on what makes you feel powerful.

: Competency is for suckers. Your most valuable currency is what comes naturally to you.When you focus on developing your true strengths, you enter your mastery zone.

: You're an artist, and that's that.When we're giving our best, we're being artistic. When you're bringing your whole self to the party, you're making poetry happen — and you do it all the time, naturally.

: Screw your principles (they might be holding you back.)

: We have ambition backwards. Getting clear on how you want to feel in your life + work is more important than setting goals. It's the most potent form of clarity that you can have, and it's what leads to true fulfillment.

: Be the giver. Force it if you have to.Make generosity part of your growth strategy and you will cross that sacred divide where love is no longer a concept but is your soul made manifest. You. Giving. Love. Gorgeous.

THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS is the permission slip you've been waiting for — to fully want what you want and go for it, to expand your consciousness and your cash flow, to up the ante on your dreams, to be incredibly generous with your love. This is a modern-day pep talk and soul-centered Q&A for people ready to shine brighter than they ever have.

After Danielle LaPorte's straight-talking sermons and burning questions about your truest desires — from career to relationships — you'll be clear that the only permission you need to shine ... is your own.

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

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TALKING POINTS Overwhelmed? Feeling stuck? Waiting for permission to go get what you really want? Lean in and listen up…

You think that, as a culture, we've got ambition backwards, and that goal-setting could be holding us back from fulfillment. Talk to us about going after what we want.

… Success is actually a very personal thing, but we tend to buy in to large-scale definitions of it. We inherit ideas of achievement. And so, our goals are as predictable as grocery lists. Everything we're going after "out there" is driven by a desire to feel a certain way, so it's actually much more empowering to first get clear, and then go after what will make you feel exactly that way. It's an inversion of ambition, and it's a total game changer for how you create your life. …

SEE SESSION 4: The Strategy of Desire

You've got an almost anti-management approach to time management.

… I'm not a big fan of it, though I am a very big fan of being über productive. Time management systems can be problematic. The very thing that is meant to help makes us free is actually enslaving us. …It’s about shifting into how and why you use productivity tools, going from "tyrant time" to "power time". …

SEE SESSION 12: Calling All Sovereigns of Time!

How do you focus when you have multiple ideas or passions? How do you unfreeze and just get started?

… Movement is almost always better than non-movement. Pick something, anything, and gear up. … Physicists have confirmed: the universe is always expanding, and this includes you. Everything is progress. … Quick n' dirty can be genius. … I have an eleven point "Credo for Making It Happen", it starts with this mantra: You will figure it out.

SEE SESSION 10: Make Stuff That Feels Good to Make + SESSION 16: Just Start Now

Talk to us about fear management. How do we not let it get the best of us, how do we become fearless?

… Trying to not be afraid is like trying to not be curious. It's a natural, unavoidable emotion and you can learn to leverage it. Fear always comes bearing insight. Fearlessness isn't the goal—self-leadership is. And it starts with respecting fear, and then doing the opposite of what it's telling you to do. …

SEE SESSION 7: Fear + Other Tough Stuff

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]

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People are afraid of words like "brand" and "sell". What's "The Fire Starter" mind-set for putting your work out into the world?

… Everyone is a brand — 9 to 5'ers and entrepreneurs. And it's simple: your brand is your character, it's not about contriving an "image". It's about promoting the truth — integrity branding — and that's done with transparency (which is very sexy, by the way), consistency and having positive pride in what you're offering. …

SEE SESSION 11: How You Show Up In The World

How does THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS help people who are afraid to access their own hotness, the soul fire, as you put it?

… THE FIRE STARTER SESSIONS asks you a lot of questions. It's inquiry-driven, because this is self-help not “drink the kool-aid”. I am righteous and opinionated, but none of it works unless you look within for your own answers — in fact, that's the whole point. Self-expression, not mimicry of ideals.

The book is packed with stories of people who were afraid, wounded, courageous, intelligent-but-seeking, and how they busted out and got all free 'n' hot with their lies and careers. Myself included. I've faked it. I've been burnt. Now, creativity sovereignty rocks. I'm at home in my life and my life feels more amazing than I dreamed it would — and I dream big and deep.

And, the book is rather poetic. Beauty counts for so much when you're in need of inspiration, and this is told and presented in a way that's really unlike any other "motivational" material out there. Good design and loving-kindness, all in one package. As an author, it's a dream come true for me.

SEE SESSION 4: The Burning Questions

How do love and money go together?

Perfectly! Firstly, you've got to be clear on your purpose for money. You may not need it for the reason you think you do, you may be skimping out on yourself. … Generous people have more to give. …

SEE SESSION 13: Money: More Is More. Enough Is Plenty+ SESSION 15: Be The Giver

Why this? Why now? Why you?

Why this? Spirituality has to be practical if it's truly holistic. Consciousness and cash. Ambition and inner peace. Freedom and devotion.

Why now? We're hungry. We're craving freedom, meaning, soulfulness.

Why me? I'm making my own search — the losses and the wins — accessible to other people who are ready to shine brighter than ever. I'm choosing to show up — and I wrote my own permission slip to get here.

LAUNCH: April 2012, Crown Archetype INTERVIEWS: Sarah Breivogel 212-572-2722 [email protected]