The face of the path - F.doc

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  • 7/27/2019 The face of the path - F.doc


    The Face of the Path

    In order for the work of an initiate to have a focus that transcends perception it isnecessary to operate out of a system of symbols. Call them metaphors of existence, or

    innate filters within the psyche that sorts observation. Examples of this sort of

    psychological alteration are found within the hermetic vehicle as the viewing of all thingsas reflections of the divine. To interpret all experience as though it were a gift from some

    third party god would obviously alter all aspects of ones life and existence.

    Within the Left Hand Path this notion isnt the prevailing, it would in fact be somewhat

    the anti-thesis. Viewing all things as a reflection of cosmic will is to be viewed instead as

    a coping mechanism in dealing with turmoil. Rather then seeing strife as a medium for

    testing and personal insight which is plausible from this vantage they are instead oftenmerely relegated to off chance whims of a third party. To gain the benefit of this vantage

    an ulterior focus must be acquired though in order to avoid the notion of cosmic will

    which is outside our realm of belief.

    Initiates of the LHP must chiefly accept as an image that life is a journey. It is a solitary

    quest. This idea transitions into many parallels that subtly alter all other perceptions. Firstand foremost it means there is a direction. We are moving forward at all times, or we are

    failing innately at life in general. Secondarily there is obviously a destination. Stasis or

    complacency fails us in our journey and stifles us from reaching the ultimate goal ofbecoming.

    Another prevailing notion of acceptance is of the adversarial. In accepting that we are on

    a solitary journey all relationships and other persons need to be understood as lateraldistractions from this focus. While we are traveling forward it is acceptable to see that we

    may be accompanied for a time by others as guides, companions, or even as apprentices,but those that do not satisfy these criteria are enemies and vestiges of stagnation. Ajourney can only have one destination.

    With this understanding of life we can find our way back to the question of strife. In thisway all turmoil can be witnessed to be blockages or hindrances in our path to becoming.

    We can view these things then to be merely tests of our will and fortitude in respects to

    desire and aspiration. This though would seem to conveniently sidestep cause, and in

    honesty is more or less the purpose.

    In the same way as stipulating decorum inhibits the initiate from transposing their own

    understanding of moral constructs, it would also be a detraction to issue truth of origin.This is something that must be determined by the individual at some point along their

    journey of insight. It is one thing to see a rock before us and know we must go around it

    or climb it to get past. The intent of this articulation is to suggest understanding of saidoccurrence rather then accepting this as the place for our death. It is another thing to

    address the rock in hindsight and see it as a series of natural events that transposed it into

    our path.

  • 7/27/2019 The face of the path - F.doc


    We could accept that runoff from a storm that struck the region days prior caused the

    rock to find its way before us, or we could simply say that god put it there. These are two

    ideologies and must be accepted as equally plausible in accordance with the reason andunderstanding of the individual who encounters the obstacle. There are also other lateral

    justifications or reaches of the intellect that may be found to describe or rationalize the


    What was stated previous though is what must be expressed again, this is hindsight. It

    isnt of the path or of the journey to explain adversity. That is of the individual who findsthemselves traveling and is secondary to the burden of surpassing. It isnt of the LHP to

    tell you how to think inherently. It is a Path. It is a direction and a focus. Everything else

    is an individual question.

    The symbols used to describe the path in and of itself must be lacking in certain areas in

    order for them to be valid as constructs of observance. We can color and shade the ideas,

    alter the landscape if you will, but we can not categorically infer or confer meaning to

    singularities found in each individuals construct. Images are a language that can only beperceived in the way of artistic rendition. We can see the same things in art that are not in

    the realm of abstraction, but they are not doctrines of understanding.

    I can expound on the notion of a journey and describe the path as one of desolation. I can

    call it a desert to utilize ulterior methods of expression to confer more meaning. Thereason for describing it in this way is to show greater peril and adversity. It alliterates to a

    greater level the toughness and knowledge necessary in order to survive. It also describes

    the path in a way that suggests it is rarely traveled and is devoid of luxury. The journey is

    not one of beautiful scenery and soft grasses.

    This paints an accurate description of the LHP as a vehicle of becoming, but also satisfies

    what we have already looked over. We make it these images in order to confer meaningand understanding to the path itself, but we do not address otherwise what makes these

    things be as they are.

    Some things must be accepted and must be understood in order to ensure we are looking

    at the same picture. The LHP is hard. It is solitary. It is a forward directional focus of the

    individual to cultivate understanding of the self. For this we use these images. Everything

    else must be established by the individual and meaning must be proffered by theindividual to add depth and understanding.

    We travel the same landscape, but we live different lives. Our ordeals are differentthough they must be equally hard and perilous. What unifies us is our survival and our

    language, not our interpretation. Remember this when you place one foot in front of the

    other on the sands of becoming. It is going to be a hard journey that few are capable ofattempting, but even while you are alone there are others who also suffer and understand

    your struggle in this.