The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Perth March 2013 The Extension Hill Magne?te Project Asia Iron


Bill Mackenzie, Managing Director, from Asia Iron Holdings has presented at the Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Conference. If you would like more information about the conference, please visit the website:

Transcript of The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Page 1: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Global  Iron  Ore  &  Steel  Forecast  Perth  March  2013  

The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  Asia  Iron  

Page 2: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project


This  Document  is  Confiden?al  and  may  not  be  reproduced,  redistributed  or  passed  on,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  any  other  person,  or  published,  in  whole  or  in  part,  for  any  purpose  without  prior  wriMen  approval  from  Asia  Iron  Australia  Pty  Ltd  and  its  subsidiaries  (“AIA”).    

AIA  makes  no  representa?ons  or  warranty  (express  or  implied)  as  to  the  accuracy,  reliability  or  completeness  of  this  document.    AIA  and  its  respec?ve  directors,  employees,  agents  and  consultants  shall  have  no  liability  (including  liability  to  any  person  by  reason  of  negligence  or  negligent  misstatement)  for  any  statements,  opinions,  informa?on  or  maMers  (expressed  or  implied)  arising  out  of,  or  contained  in  or  derived  from,  or  for  any  omissions  from  this  document,  except  liability  under  statute  that  cannot  be  excluded.      

This  document  contains  reference  to  certain  forecasts,  projec?ons,  inten?ons,  expecta?ons  and  plans  of  AIA,  which  may  or  may  not  be  achieved.    They  are  based  on  certain  assump?ons  which  may  not  be  met  or  on  which  views  may  differ.    The  performance  and  opera?ons  of  AIA  may  be  influenced  by  a  number  of  factors,  uncertain?es  and  con?ngencies  many  of  which  are  outside  the  control  of  AIA  and  its  directors.      

No  representa?on  or  warranty  (expressed  or  implied)  is  made  by  AIA  or  any  of  its  respec?ve  directors,  officers,  employees,  advisers  or  agents  that  any  forecasts,  projec?ons,  inten?ons,  expecta?ons  or  plans  set  out  in  this  document  will  be  achieved,  either  totally  or  par?ally,  or  that  any  par?cular  rate  of  return  will  be  achieved.    

This  Document  is  not  a  Prospectus  nor  an  Offer  to  Subscribe  for  Shares.    

Page 3: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

JORC  Consents  

The  informa?on  in  this  presenta?on  that  relates  to  Mineral  Resources  is  based  upon  informa?on  compiled  by  David  Milton.  David  Milton  is  a  member  of  the  Australasian  Ins?tute  of  Mining  and  Metallurgy  (MAusIMM)  and  has  sufficient  experience  which  is  relevant  to  the  style  of  mineralisa?on  and  type  of  deposit  under  considera?on  and  to  the  ac?vity  to  which  he  is  undertaking  to  qualify  as  a  competent  person  as  defined  in  the  2004  edi?on  of  the  “Australasian  Code  for  Repor?ng  of  Explora?on  Results,  Mineral  Resources  and  Ore  Reserves”.  David  Milton  consents  to  the  inclusion  of  the  maMers  based  on  his  informa?on  in  the  form  and  context  in  which  it  appears.  

Statements  referring  to  explora?on  targets  that  refer  to  poten?al  quan?ty  and  grade  are  conceptual  in  nature  and  there  has  been  insufficient  explora?on  to  define  a  Mineral  Resource  at  this  ?me.  It  is  uncertain  if  further  explora?on  will  result  in  the  determina?on  of  a  Mineral  Resource.  

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•  The  Asia  Iron  Group  •  Asia  Iron’s  Assets  •  The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  •  Opportuni?es  and  Challenges  

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•  The  Asia  Iron  Group  •  Asia  Iron’s  Assets  •  The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  •  Opportuni?es  and  Challenges  

Page 6: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

The  Asia  Iron  Group  

•  Unique  100%  Chinese  owned  partnership  – 60%  State  Owned  Enterprise  Conglomerate  

•  Shareholders  are:  –  Steel  producer;  –  Clean  energy  investor;  and  –  Foreign  trade  and  economic  coopera?on  enterprise  

•  Ul?mate  Parent  is  the  Municipality  of  Chongqing  

– 40%  Privately  Owned  Enterprise  •  Raw  materials  trader  and  resource  investor  

•  HK  Holding  Company  Shareholder’s  Agreement  –  Vo?ng  rights  –  Financing  –  Offtake  

•  “One  Team”  management  based  in  Perth  

Page 7: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project



•  1,500  km  upstream  Yangtse  River  

•  30+  million  popula?on  

•  Focus  of  China’s  “Go  West”  Policy  

•  Autonomous  Region  •  Rapid  Urbanisa?on  

•  Massive  Infrastructure  Build  

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•  The  Asia  Iron  Group  •  Asia  Iron’s  Assets  •  The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  •  Opportuni?es  and  Challenges  

Page 9: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Asia  Iron  Assets  

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•  The  Asia  Iron  Group  •  Asia  Iron’s  Assets  •  The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  •  Opportuni?es  and  Challenges  

Page 11: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  Configura?on  

•  Located  on  Badimia  land:  

•  Stage  1  project  configura?on:  –  Accommoda?on  village  and  airstrip;  –  An  open  pit  magne?te  iron  ore  mine;  –  Concentrator  producing  10  Mtpa  of  magne?te  concentrate;  

–  288  km  slurry  pipeline  to  Geraldton  Port;  –  Concentrate  storage  and  shipping  facili?es  at  Geraldton  Port;  –  160  km  water  supply  pipeline  and  borefield;  –  141  km  330kV  power  transmission  line;  

–  Power  supply  from  the  South  West  Interconnected  System.  

Page 12: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  Stage  1  Status  

"   Environmental  Approvals  "   State  approvals  "   Federal  approvals  

"   Granted  Mining  Leases  

"   Water  Licenses    "   Groundwater  extrac?on  licenses  


"   Land  Use  Rights  "   Heritage  agreements  "   Na?ve  ?tle  agreements  "   Private  landowner  agreements  

"   Key  Regulatory  Approvals  "   WA  Environmental  Approval  

"   Commonwealth  Environmental  Approval  

"   FIRB  Approval  "   NDRC  Investment  Approval  

"   Transport  Mine  to  Port  secured  "   Private  slurry  pipeline  corridor  


"   Power  Transmission  "   Network  applica?on  accepted  "   Private  spur  line  approved  "   Governmental  network  upgrade  

approved  and  commiMed  

"   Port  Services  Secured  "   10  Mtpa  MoU  with  Geraldton  Port  


"   >AUD$100  M  expenditure  since  Oct  2010  

"   Early  works  commenced  "   Highway  relocated  

"   120  person  village  constructed  "   Airstrip,  borefield,  village  acquired  

Page 13: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  Substan?al  Mineral  Resource  

JORC  Mineral  Resources  

Measured   293  Mt   43.4  %  DTR  

Indicated   372  Mt   35.3  %  DTR    

Inferred   882  Mt   36.0  %  DTR  

Total   1,547  Mt   37.2  %  DTR  

Ini>al  Pit  Ore  Reserves  

Proved   260  Mt   45.2  %  DTR  

Probable   210  Mt   42.0  %  DTR  

Total   470  Mt   43.8  %  DTR  

Conc  Grade   67.4  %  Fe  

Strip  Ra?o   1.66  

Page 14: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project    Compe??ve  Project  Economics  

•  Capital  Intensity  ($  per  annual  tonne  concentrate)  –  Southdown   10  Mtpa   ±  AUD$  290    –  Extension  Hill   10  Mtpa   ±  AUD$  300  –  Karara      8  Mtpa     ±  AUD$  320  –  Sino  Iron     27.6  Mtpa   >  AUD$  330  

•  Opera?ng  Cost  ($  per  tonne  concentrate)  –  Extension  Hill     ±  AUD$  54  –  Southdown     ±  AUD$  59  –  Karara       >  AUD$  74  –  Sino  Iron       ???  

Page 15: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  Flight  to  Quality  

To  be  successful  during  the  coming  flight  to  quality,  project  proponents  will  need  to  meet  a  more  rigorous  combina;on  of  financial,  commercial  and  risk  hurdles.  In  addi;on  to  sound  project  economics,  investors  will  demand:  

— A  resource  base  of  a  size  and  quality  comparable  to  other  regional  and  global  resource  projects.  

— An  asset  that  can  support  mul;ple  brownfield  expansions  once  the  ini;al  development  is  complete.  

— Quality  and  depth  of  management  with  a  track  record  in  developing  and  opera;ng  similar  assets.  

— Loca;ons  which  benefit  from  rela;vely  simpler  logis;cs  plans  or  have  access  to  infrastructure  or  infrastructure  rights.    

— Partners  with  sufficient  financial  capacity  to  support  the  project  development  and  manage  the  comple;on  and  market  risks.  

ANZ  Insight,  Issue  2;  October  2012;  “Quality  MaMers  :  A  Progress  Report  on  Australia’s  Natural  Resources  Export  Opportunity”;  page  11.  

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Mineral  Resource  

 A  resource  base  of  a  size  and  quality  comparable  to  other  regional  and  global  resource  projects  –  JORC  Resource  Size  

1.  Jack  Hills     3.2  Bt  

2.  Karara     2.4  Bt  3.  Extension  Hill   1.6  Bt  (6  to  8  Bt  poten>al)  

4.  Southdown     1.2  Bt  

– Ore  Quality  (mass  %  recovery)  1.  Extension  Hill   ±  44%  2.  Karara     <40%  

3.  Southdown     <35%  

4.  Jack  Hills     <35%  

Page 17: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Expansion  Poten?al  

 An  asset  that  can  support  mul?ple  brownfield  expansions  once  the  ini?al  development  is  complete  

1.6  Bt  JORC  +/-­‐    6  to  8  Bt  

Page 18: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Management  Team  

 Quality  and  depth  of  management  with  a  track  record  in  developing  and  opera;ng  similar  assets  –  Relevant  experience  

•  Bulk  commodi?es  •  Greenfields  •  Brownfields  •  Infrastructure  

–  Discipline  specialists  •  Technical  •  Commercial  •  U?li?es  •  Opera?ons  •  Development  

–  “One  Team”  •  Australian  and  Chinese  Integrated  Management  

Page 19: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Loca?on  and  Infrastructure  

 Loca;ons  which  benefit  from  rela;vely  simpler  logis;cs  plans  or  have  access  to  infrastructure  or  infrastructure  rights.    – Slurry  transport  to  port  (280  km)  

•  Very  low  cost,  mature  technology  of  choice  

•  Private  corridor,  full  control  – MoU  to  u?lise  Geraldton  Port  

•  Load  and  discharge  port  constraints  matched  

– Access  to  SWIS  •  Regulated  transmission  and  genera?on  market  

•  Private  corridor  –  INDEPENDENT  OF  OAKAJEE  PORT  FOR  STAGE  1  

Page 20: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Financial  Capacity  

 Partners  with  sufficient  financial  capacity  to  support  the  project  development  and  manage  the  comple;on  and  market  risks.  – Chinese  SoE  majority  ownership  – Chinese  SoE  offtake  – Chinese  Regulatory  approvals  – Chinese  Debt  finance  available  

– Development  ?metable  has  been  delayed  due  to  delays  associated  with  the  poli?cal  changes  that  have,  and  are  occurring  in  the  City  of  Chongqing  

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•  The  Asia  Iron  Group  •  Asia  Iron’s  Assets  •  The  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  •  Opportuni?es  and  Challenges  

Page 22: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

Chinese  investors  have  generally  not  done  well  

•  Michael  Komesaroff,  former  Rio  Tinto  execu?ve:  –  “State-­‐owned  miners  have  wasted  billions  of  dollars  on  ill-­‐

conceived  ventures  in  Australia  and  elsewhere,  because  they  have  mistakenly  aLempted  to  copy  their  methods  at  home  in  a  foreign  seMng.”  

•  Chang  Zhenming,  Chairman  Ci?c  Pacific:  –  “Ci;c  Pacific  is  clearly  disappointed  with  the  performance  of  

MCC  to  date.”  –  "MCC  is  very  experienced  but  working  in  the  Australian  

environment  is  very  challenging  for  them  indeed"    

•  Colin  BarneM,  Premier  Western  Australia:  –  “…  the  ini;al  Chinese  investment  in  Western  Australia  had  failed  

due  to  lack  of  experience.  It  seemed  to  me  at  the  ;me  that  China  had  failed  to  dis;nguish  between  what  might  have  worked  in  a  developing  African  country  na;on  and  what  was  required  in  a  Top  20  na;on  such  as  Australia.''  

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Project  Expecta?ons  have  not  been  met  

•  Karara  suffered  significant  cost  and  schedule  overruns  •  SinoIron  cost  and  schedule  overruns  are  catastrophic    

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Investment  Expecta?ons  have  not  been  met  

•  Karara  and  SinoIron  are  yet  to  reach  commercial  produc?on  – Unlikely  that  SinoIron  will  return  its  investment  

•  MCC  wrote  $360M  off  the  value  of  its  Cape  Lambert  Project  investment  in  December  2012  – The  Project  is  now  for  sale  

•  Sinosteel  paid  $1.4  Bn  to  acquire  Midwest  Corpora?on  – Weld  Range  Project  suspended  indefinately  

– Koolanooka  /Blue  Hills  produc?on  rate  ±  2  Mtpa  •  Project  life  ±  5  years  

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Chinese  Investors  face  unique  challenges  

•  Most  Chinese  business  is  between  SoE’s  – Government  is  always  involved  –  SOE  business  decisions  are  not  always  market  driven  

•  Chinese  governance  is  fundamentally  different  –  “We  will  never  copy  a  Western  poli;cal  system”1  

•  China  is  going  through  a  transi?on  from  a  planned  economy  to  a  market-­‐oriented  economy  – Western-­‐style  corporate  governance  did  not  exist  in  China  

before  1984  –  The  first  Company  Law  in  China  was  introduced  in  1993  

•  2006  Revision  has  219  clauses  and  21,000  words  •  2012  Australian  Corps  Law  has  1,538  clauses  and  690,000  words  •  Is  our  beMer????  

1Hu  Jintao,  Opening  Address;  18th  Na?onal  Congress  of  the  Communist  Party  of  China  (CPC)  8  November  2012  

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SoE  Challenge  #  1  “It’s  Complicated”  

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Challenge  #2  “It’s  Foreign”  

•  Its  more  than  foreign  language:  – Overcome  with  transla?on  and  interpreters  

•  Its  more  than  cultural  differences:  – Different  social  norms  and  values  must  be  respected  

•  Its  concepts  that  are  foreign:  – Different  paradigms  –  Issues  go  beyond  experience  and  knowledge  – Same  term  has  different  meaning  – “Corporate  governance  is  an  alien  concept  for  China”  1  

1  Young  et  al;  2007;  Corporate  Governance  in  China:  The  Role  of  the  State  and  Ideology  in  Shaping  Reforms;  The  Company  Lawyer  Volume  28,  No.  7,  p.204  

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Things  we  take  for  granted  

•  Role  of  Government  – Set  and  enforce  rules  

•  Transparent  Legal  Rights  – Rules  made  are  interpreted  by  courts  

•  Contractual  Obliga?ons  – Contracts  underpin  business  rela?onships  

•  Financial  Statements  – Balance  Sheets  show  Liabili?es  as  well  as  Assets  

•  Decision  Making  – Authority  and  accountability  are  delegated  

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Keys  to  Success  

•  Mutual  understanding  and  respect  is  cri?cal  – Acknowledge  that  differences  exist;  – Not  arguing  right  or  wrong,  beMer  or  worse;  – Compromise  outcome  must  be  achieved;  

•  Adapt  to  the  host  country  business  environment  – Governance  frameworks  are  fundamentally  different;  – Role  of  government  is  fundamentally  different;  – Cost  structures  and  supply  chains  are  fundamentally  different.  

•  Learn  from  others  that  have  succeeded  – Premier  BarneM  advised  Chinese  investors  to  follow  the  Japanese  model:  ''Buy  small  shares  of  big  projects  with  quality  partners.”  

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Closing  Remarks  

•  Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project:  –  Is  a  quality  project;  –  Stage  1  will  be  a  major  project  in  its  own  right;  –  Will  reach  its  full  poten?al  through  Oakajee  Port  development.  

•  Foreign  Investment  is  essen?al,  but  Australia  must  address  its  falling  compe??veness:  –  Australia’s  resource  endowment  alone  will  not  guarantee  market  

share  or  ongoing  investment.1    •  Chinese  investors  must  understand  and  adapt  to  host  

country  business  environment:  –  China  needs  to  learn  more  about  the  world,  and  the  world  also  

needs  to  learn  more  about  China.  I  hope  you  will  con;nue  to  make  more  efforts  and  contribu;ons  to  deepening  the  mutual  understanding  between  China  and  the  countries  of  the  world.2  

1  Port  Jackson  Partners,  Opportunity  at  risk:  Regaining  our  compe??ve  edge  in  minerals  resources,  MCA,  Canberra,  September  2012.  2  Communist  Party  General  Secretary  Xi  Jinping  at  the  Politburo  Standing  CommiMee  Members'  mee?ng  with  the  press  at  the  Great  Hall  of  the  People  in  Beijing  

Page 31: The Extension Hill Magnetite Project

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Extension  Hill  Magne?te  Project  

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