The ExplorerThe Explorer€¦ · wireless sensor networks, data aggregation protocols, and various...

The Explorer M i VOLUME 1 MAY 2012 The Explorer Magazine An Occasional Research Publication of the College of Science and Technology at Texas Southern University VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 MAY 2012

Transcript of The ExplorerThe Explorer€¦ · wireless sensor networks, data aggregation protocols, and various...

  • The ExplorerM i VOLUME 1MAY 2012 The ExplorerMagazineAn Occasional Research Publication of the College of Science and Technology at Texas Southern University


    MAY 2012

  • Contents VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1MAY 2012 Contents ISSUE 1

    A Cl L k t COST R h C tA Closer Look at COST Research Centers

    NSF Supported Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology at TSUWei Wayne Li…………………………………………………………………………………………………………1

    The Center for Transportation Training and ResearchCarol A. Lewis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

    COST Faculty Research Highlights

    Cell Signaling and Cancer BiologyShishir Shishodia……………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

    Rydberg Atoms are Shaken in Distant Encounters with Slow ProtonsDaniel Vrinceanu……………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

    COST Faculty Opinions on Hot Research Topics

    Beam Me Up: A Trip to Alpha CentauriCJ Tymczak…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8

    Internal and External COST Faculty Collaborationsy

    Extending Research Capabilities Through Collaborators Yields FruitJason A. Rosenzweig……………………………………………………………………………………………….10

    Student Driven Research at the COST

    The Application of Traffic Software: Assessing Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) inAddressing Congestion on a Freeway CorridorSascha S. Sabaroche, Carol A. Lewis, and Thomas Graham…………………………………………………..11

    What a Worm Can Teach Us About Humans in SpaceNina Alaniz……………………………………………………………………………………………………………13

    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • A Closer Look at COST Research Centers

    NSF Supported Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology at TSUWei Wayne Li email: [email protected]

    Description of the CenterThe “Center for Research on Complex Networks

    (CRCN)” is a newly awarded NSF Center of Researchnetworks, which will discover and develop vehicleemission models and real-time intelligent network

    y @

    (CRCN) is a newly awarded NSF Center of ResearchExcellence in Science and Technology (CREST)worth a total $5 million dollars to be awarded over nextfive years. The Center’s multidisciplinary team, led byDrs. Wei Wayne Li (PI), Lei Yu (Co-PI) and C. J.Tymczak (Co-PI), as well as Drs. Oscar Criner(Director of Education) and David Olowokere (Directorof Technology Transfer), comprises a total of 14

    emission models and real time intelligent networkcontrol methods to reduce greenhouse gas andpollutant emissions, thereby improving urban airquality, and (3) distributed computational networks,which will develop and implement algorithms forcomputing on networks for which the resourceallocation is uneven.

    The research activities in the three subprojects willfaculty scholars representing 6 different departmentsin the College of Science and Technology (COST),including the Departments of Computer Science,Transportation Studies, Physics, EngineeringTechnology, Mathematics, and Chemistry (Fig.1). TheCenter will conduct research in complex networks,including: energy efficient wireless sensor networks(EEWSN) urban transportation environmental

    be conducted in parallel, in a interrelated mannerinvolving the disciplines of computer science (Drs. Li,Criner, Sleem, Khan), transportation (Drs. Yu, Qiao,and Qi), physics (Drs. Tymczak, Vrinceanu),engineering technology (Drs. Olowokere, Chen, andZhang), mathematics (Dr. Chilakamarri), andchemistry (Dr. Wei). The participants of the Centerconsist of both young and experienced researchers(EEWSN), urban transportation environmental

    networks (UTEN), and distributed computationalnetworks (DCN). This research will be integrated intoCOST’s science, technology, engineering andmathematics (STEM) curriculum/educationalprograms.

    The achievement of these goals will enable minorityand under-represented students to pursue advanced

    consist of both young and experienced researchers,engineers, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, andtransportation scientists at TSU. The aforementionedparticipants form an interdisciplinary cadre of expertscientists and engineers that can perform cutting edgeresearch of complex networks in wireless,computational, and urban areas and that canimplement educational, outreach, and mentoring

    graduate degrees, contributing to meeting the futurecritical workforce needs of the nation in STEM fields.The funded Center will have a tremendous impact onTSU students by providing financial support for aminimum of 20 graduate and undergraduate studentseach year during the next five years, while they workwith TSU faculty on cutting-edge research. To achievethe mission and goals of the Center we have

    initiatives in order to advance TSU’s goal of becominga leader in science and technology.

    Impact on COSTThe goals of the education program in this Center

    are to: (1) increase the constituent pool of secondaryschool students willing to study STEM subjects, (2)the mission and goals of the Center, we have

    identified three interdependent research subprojects incomplex networks. The subprojects cover research in:(1) development of energy efficient wireless sensornetworks, which will explore and develop novelwireless sensor networks, data aggregation protocols,and various wireless communication models andalgorithms, (2) urban transportation environmental

    g y j , ( )increase the numbers of African American, Hispanic,and other minority students who choose to studySTEM subjects, (3) enhance the educationalachievements and research experiences ofparticipating undergraduate and graduate students,and (4) significantly increase the numbers of students

    1 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • Li WW, NSF Supported Center of Research Excellence in Science and Technology at TSU

    undertaking doctoral level study in STEM fields.The research experiences for undergraduates

    and graduate students component is designed toallow students to participate in research each yearunder the guidance of faculty members. Studentswill be required to perform research, provide a formalseminar on his/her work, and write a final report. The

    of policies for global environmental sustainability.Research carried out by the Center will be integratedwithin the STEM educational programs in the Collegeof Science and Technology (COST), particularlystriving to expand the pool of underrepresentedminority students pursuing advanced graduatestudies in STEM fields.

    level of graduate research will be more involved anddetailed than for undergraduates. However,participation by both in a large project will developtheir teamwork skills necessary in the professionalworkplace. For example, environmental sciencestudents are currently monitoring a network ofsensors for volatile organic compounds in theHouston area There are many research questions

    Achieving the aforementioned, will allow the Center,COST, and TSU to meet the critical STEM workforceshortage in our nation. The Center will also promoteand implement diversity in STEM disciplines througheducational outreach initiatives and extensive effort torecruit, retain, and train members of underrepresentedminority groups. The attempt is to prepare minoritystudents for leadership positions in the fast changingHouston area. There are many research questions

    that need to be addressed in this area. One sucharea is the pollution caused by the transportationsystem. The urban transportation environmentalnetwork is addressing a complex environmentalproblem to which students will devote considerableattention.

    Students will gain hands-on experience in the

    students for leadership positions in the fast-changing,global scientific, engineering, and government sectors.This is in line with our College’s mission, “The Collegeis dedicated to integrating sciences and contemporarytechnologies, through education, scholarly activities,and community service; meeting the needs of adiverse graduate and undergraduate studentpopulation while addressing critical urban issuesStudents will gain hands on experience in the

    remote accessible wireless sensor network (WSN)laboratory and will learn how to design and programwireless sensor nodes and use them to monitorenvironmental phenomena. Workshops will be heldon wireless sensor network and distributedcomputational networks that examine thedevelopment of real applications in the environment

    d St d t ill l b d t th t

    within a global economy.”

    and. Students will also be exposed to the mostcurrent methods for managing and utilizing highperformance computing for transmitting, collecting,and analyzing data from WSNs. Students will beexposed to the latest techniques for measuring andmonitoring environmental phenomena. We envisionover 20 graduate and undergraduate students peryear will be recruited and supported by the Centeryear will be recruited and supported by the Centerover five years. The mission of this NSF ResearchCenter is to conduct innovative and multidisciplinaryresearch in the area of complex networks; doing sowill provide a knowledge base for understandingcomplex networks including: energy efficient wirelesssensor networks, urban transportation environmentalnetworks, and distributed computational networks.F th thi C t ill t l d l t

    Figure 1. CREST Research team. Co -PI Lei Yu left front. PIWei Wayne Li top left. Co-PI CJ Tymczak bottom right. Photocourtesy of Hector Miranda.

    Furthermore this Center will catalyze developmentand implementation.


    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • A Closer Look at COST Research Centers

    The Center for Transportation Training and ResearchCarol A. Lewis email: Lewis [email protected]

    Description of the CenterThe Center for Transportation Training and

    Research (CTTR) is a transportation researchcomponent of Texas Southern University (TSU) As a

    Texas Southern University is a co-leader in theNational Transportation Security Center of Excellence-Petrochemical (NTSCOE-P) whose role is to

    _ @

    component of Texas Southern University (TSU). As acompanion to the Department of TransportationStudies, the CTTR is dedicated to conductingresearch on current transportation-related issues.CTTR conducts research and training in conjunctionwith the Southwest Region University TransportationCenter (SWUTC), a consortium that consists of TexasA&M University, Texas Southern University, University

    Petrochemical (NTSCOE P) whose role is toinvestigate and advance methods and strategies thatwill increase the resilience of the nation’s multimodalinfrastructure to terrorist attacks on the movement ofpetrochemicals. This center of excellence iscoordinated through CTTR. NTSCOE-P is deliveringproducts in a phased strategy through a multi-yearapproach. The related research focuses on the issues

    of Texas at Austin, Louisiana State University, and theUniversity of New Orleans. In addition, CTTR Directorand Associate Professor of Transportation Studies, Dr.Carol Abel Lewis, conducts collaborative researchfocusing on evacuation modeling during hurricaneswithin TSU, with the Severe Storm Prediction,Education and Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED)Center at Rice University and with the Center for the

    related to commodity flow, vulnerability assessment,and impact analysis involved in the design of a moresecured transportation system for transportingpetrochemicals. The core of the research developsmodels and tools that can be readily used for recurringanalysis and assessment of multiple scenarios appliedto petrochemical transportation security. One product,Petrochemical Incident Location System (PILS)Center at Rice University, and with the Center for the

    Study of Natural Disasters, Coastal Infrastructure andEmergency Management (DIEM) Center of Excellenceat University of North Carolina.

    CTTR conducts basic and applied research to solveproblems and identify options for the improvement ofmobility. CTTR supports the academic curriculumthrough employment and training opportunities in

    Petrochemical Incident Location System (PILS),provides a historical perspective of hazardous materialincidents throughout the United States.

    CTTR’s research program is structured to providemodally-balanced outcomes that advance the state ofthe industry in transit, highway, and national security.The products of this research promote a transportationthat is sustainable in terms of the level and quality of

    research and demonstration projects for students intransportation, computer science, and urban planningand environmental policy.

    Faculty and students identify problems andsolutions to a variety of issues facing our society byapplying state-of-the-art techniques and researchmethodologies. These issues include transportation

    it I t lli t T t ti S t (ITS)

    transportation services, the resources commanded,the environment affected, and the quality of lifesupported. We are committed to this mission, whichimproves our communities and prepares the nextgeneration of transportation professionals.

    Impact on COSTsecurity, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),operation of intermodal systems, alternative fuelcomparison studies, suburban employmentgrowth/transit accessibility issues, policy, planning,and human resource management. CTTR maintains acreative research agenda, providing an environment toexplore relevant research that encourages criticalthinking and develops industry partnerships.

    • Graduate students conduct research and havepresented nationally on current transportation issuesincluding: 1)Analysis of Hazardous Materials in theGulf Coast Region: A Case Study of Houston, TX(Latissha Clark), 2) Identification of Gaps in theUnauthorized Petrochemical Release ReportingStructure (Shain Eversley),3) Evaluating the TexasTriangle Megaregion and Its effect on Airport andthinking and develops industry partnerships. Triangle Megaregion and Its effect on Airport and

    3 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • Airspace Capacity (Sara Land), and 4) The

    Lewis CA, The Center for Transportation Training and Research

    motivated secondary school students to pursuapplication of Traffic Software: AssessingEffectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit in AddressingCongestion in a Freeway Corridor (SaschaSabaroche). Gwendolyn Goodwin, CTTR staff andEisenhower Fellow, presented at the InternationalConference on Transport and Mobility for Elderlyand Disabled People (TRANSED) in China -DRIVING CESSATION: WHO GIVES YOU THE

    transportation careers and to address the need for awell-trained, qualified, diverse workforce in the 21stcentury. The NSTI is one of several educationalinitiatives of the Department of Transportationchallenging the country to work with youth of all agesand help them focus on skills in math, science, andtechnology. The CTTR is located in the 4th largestcity in United States Houston Texas (Fig 2 and 3)DRIVING CESSATION: WHO GIVES YOU THE

    RIGHT TO DECIDE? She was also the Eisenhowerpresenter at the 2011 Transportation ResearchBoard (TRB) in Washington DC presenting: TheImpact of Driver licensing regulations and Crashesand Fatalities for Seniors in Texas (Fig. 1).

    city in United States, Houston, Texas (Fig. 2 and 3),and, as such, will play a vital role in thetransportation landscape of the city’s future.

    Figure 1. Photo of Sascha Sabaroche (right) and Dr. CarolAbel Lewis (left) at Transportation Research Board (TRB)

    Figure 2. Houston, Texas. Photo courtesy of ShishirShishodia.

    Also, CTTR serves as an independent host site forthe National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI)in Houston and its surrounding areas, under theleadership of Mr. Khosro Godazi, Associate Director

    ( ) p ( )meting in Washington, DC in January, 2012. Photo courtesyof Dr. Lewis

    p ,of CTTR. NSTI is an educational experience thatbegan in 2001 and exposes high school students toall modes of the transportation industry via hands-ontechnical activities, field trips to transportationfacilities, lectures by transportation professionals,and on-site seminars, lectures, and academicenhancement exercises. The on-campus four-weeksession is designed to encourage a diverse cadre of

    Figure 3. Houston, Texas. Photo of Houston Buffalo BayouGreenway. Photo courtesy of Shishir Shishodia.

    session is designed to encourage a diverse cadre of


    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • COST Faculty Research Highlights

    Cell Signaling and Cancer BiologyShishir Shishodia email: [email protected]

    Dr. Shishir Shishodia, Ph.D., is an AssociateProfessor with 7 years of service in the COSTDepartment of Biology. In 1993 and 1997 heearned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Banaras

    guggulsterone (from gum guggul) have alldemonstrated potential chemopreventitive functions[2-6].

    Most of these agents in their crude form are used in


    gHindu University in India (respectively) beforemoving to Texas where he began his postdoctoraltraining at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

    Shishodia joined TSU in 2005 and quicklyestablished his research program within thedepartment, focused on the identification of novel“blockers” of nuclear transcription factors derived

    Most of these agents in their crude form are used intraditional medicine. However, unlike the rationallydesigned modern drugs, the plant-derived dietaryagents are affordable, effective, and have no knownside effects. Establishing a clear rationale to supportthese dietary agents through utilization of modernscientific approaches will empower the population atrisk and the medical community with the requisitek l d f tl i ififrom plant sources. Furthermore, his group aspires

    to determine phytochemcial anti-tumor,chemopreventive, and chemotherapeuticpotentials both in vitro and in vivo. Ultimately, thelab’s goal is to investigate the mechanism of actionof these phytochemicals.

    The pro-inflammatory transcription factor,nuclear factor (NF) B is an inducible and

    knowledge necessary for correctly using a specificnatural product.

    In another study, the cell signaling laboratory isinvolved in investigating the effects of modeledmicrogravity changes and space like radiation in vitroand in vivo. We will identify biomarkers of stressfactors and develop countermeasures to the stresseffects to enable long-term human presence in spacenuclear factor (NF)-B is an inducible and

    ubiquitously expressed transcription factor forgenes involved in cell survival, cell adhesion,inflammation, differentiation, and cell growth.Genes regulated by NF-B have been shown tosuppress the apoptotic cell death program andinduce inflammation, proliferation, invasion,angiogenesis, and tumor metastasis. NF-B is

    effects to enable long-term, human presence in spacewithout incurring unacceptable health risks due tounavoidable exposure to ionizing space radiation [1].

    This laboratory is actively involved in studenttraining who are an integral part of our research team.The laboratory has graduated 4 MS students and 12undergraduate students. At present 2 graduatestudents and 2 undergraduate students are working

    activated by a variety of stress stimuli,carcinogens, and tumor promoters including:oxidative stress, inflammation, radiation,microgravity, bacterial lipopolysaccharides, andcigarette smoke [1-6].The focus of Dr. Shishodia’s research has been

    testing whether agents that suppress NF-Bti ti h th t ti l b i ff ti

    g gwith on the research projects. The laboratory alsohosts college students during summer through theRonald McNair Research Institute.


    [1] Tariq MA, Soedipe A, Ramesh G, Wu H, Zhang Y,Shishodia S, Pourmand N, Jejelowo O. The effect of

    activation have the potential as being effectivetherapeutics for treatment of various inflammatorydiseases, including some cancers. Novelphytochemicals like ursolic acid (from rosemary,apples, prunes, and plums), curcumin(diferuloylmethane from rhizome of curcumalonga), diosgenin (from fenugreek), and

    , , jacute dose charge particle radiation on expression ofDNA repair genes in mice. Mol Cell Biochem. 2011Mar;349(1-2):213-8.[2] Aggarwal BB, Bharti AC and Shishodia S. (2009)Tumor Necrosis Factor and its Family Members. InProtein Discovery. (Eds. Wadih Arap, Ph.D., RenataPasqualini, Ph.D. and Guy Salvesen, Ph.D) MarcelDekker Pp 15 54Dekker. Pp 15-54.

    5 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • Shishodia S, Cell Signaling and Cancer Biology

    [3] Shishodia S, Harikumar KB, Dass S, RamawatKG, Aggarwal BB (2008).The guggul for chronicdiseases: ancient medicine, modern targets.Anticancer Res. 28:3647-64. 4] Aggarwal BB,Sethi G, Baladandayuthapani V, Krishnan S,Shishodia S. (2007) Targeting cell signalingpathways for drug discovery: An old lock needs apathways for drug discovery: An old lock needs anew key. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.102(3):580-92[5] Shishodia S, Chaturvedi MM, Aggarwal BB.(2007) Role of curcumin in cancer therapy. CurrentProblems in Cancer. 31(4):243-305.[6] Shishodia S, Singh T, Chaturvedi MM. 2007.Modulation of transcription factors by curcumin.Adv Exp Med Biol. 595:127-48.

    Dr. Shishodia (left) standing with undergraduate and graduateresearch students in his research lab. Photo courtesy ShishirShishodia

    Dr. Shishodia (left) standing with collaborator Dr. Jim Briggs(UH—right) at Johnson Space Center during the launch oftheir NASA URC Microbial 1 mission on board the STS-129.Photo courtesy Shishir Shishodia.

    Dr. Shishodia (left) providing mentorship to one of his graduatestudent trainees. Photo courtesy Shishir Shishodia.


    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • COST Faculty Research Highlights

    Rydberg Atoms are Shaken in Distant Encounters with Slow ProtonsDaniel Vrinceanu email: [email protected]

    “Since I am an atom as big as bacteriaI’ve got to take microwaves serious.No matter what I do, I’ll be cryin’ …After they hit me, I’ll be an ion.”

    in such slow and distant collisions the angularmomentum does not change suddenly as in a normalcollision; instead, it occurs more gradually,accumulating its effect over many orbits. The electricfi ld f th l j til i d bit i


    So begins a poem written in 1974 by Peter Koch(then at Yale) during the stresses of preparing hisPhD thesis about highly excited atoms, oftencalled Rydberg atoms, or “atoms in high Rydbergstates.” The unusual properties of these atoms(some of which have been prepared with principalquantum number as high as n=105) arise becauseof their large size and small ionization potential as

    field of the slow projectile induces an orbit precessionof the Rydberg electron, from circular to elongatedshapes, for example. As a result, the cross section forthis process is enormous, reflecting the “action at adistance” characteristic of this phenomenon.

    Rydberg atoms are customarily created in the lab bylaser excitation, and they have been observed asconstituents in various astrophysical objects Moreof their large size and small ionization potential, as

    Koch’s poem suggests.The electron of a Rydberg hydrogen atom orbits

    the nucleus very much like a planet orbiting thesun (elliptically). Without affecting the atom’senergy, the eccentricity of the orbit, measured bythe angular momentum, spans a wide range ofvariation from circular to very elongated shapes

    constituents in various astrophysical objects. Moreimportantly, however, it is believed that, during theevolution of the early Universe, electrical charges inthe primordial plasma recombined to form neutralRydberg atoms before normal, ground state atomswere formed. The radiation emitted during that stageforms a background radiation that persists to this dayencoding crucial information about the early universevariation, from circular to very elongated shapes.

    This parameter is very important because itradically changes atomic properties. For example,a circular state persists for a much longer periodthan an elongated orbit in which the electronbecomes “bruised” every time it approaches thenucleus too closely.

    Regardless of how created, Rydberg atoms exist

    dynamics. This Cosmic Microwave Background ismeasured with extreme accuracy, and even moresensitive measurements will be available once thePlanck Space Observatory becomes operational.

    Many aspects concerning the collisions of Rydbergatoms with other particles have yet to be included inmathematical models and computer simulations of theformation of the early universe This is in part due toamong other atoms or parts of atoms, such as

    protons, that collide, sometimes head-on, with theRydberg atoms themselves. It is, therefore, naturalto assume that the angular momentum iscontinually adjusted in such collisions.Surprisingly, however, a group of researchers atthe Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics,led by Dr Vrinceanu of TSU has discovered that

    formation of the early universe. This is, in part, due toa lack of reliable calculations for the rates of theseatomic processes. In a search for agreement amongincreasingly precise observations, it is, therefore,crucial to have equally precise information about allatomic processes.

    Referencesled by Dr. Vrinceanu of TSU, has discovered thateven slow protons, coming toward a Rydbergatom, passing it at distances of 10 to 30 times thesize of the atom, can produce significant changesin the angular momentum of the target Rydbergatom [1]. The key for understanding this puzzlingand counterintuitive result is rooted in the fact that

    References[1] Vrinceanu D, Onofrio R, Sadeghpour HR,(2012)Angular momentum changing transitions in proton-Rydberg hydrogen atom collisions. The AstrophysicalJournal, 747:56 (2012).

    7 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • COST Faculty Opinions on Hot Research Topics

    Beam Me Up: A Trip to Alpha CentauriCJ Tymczak email: [email protected]

    We have all watched Star Trek and other show ofsimilar themes where the intrepid crew steps intotheir ultra high-tech space ship and zooms offacross the Universe. But the question that canthen be raised is “How possible is this really?”

    For example, recently CERN (Biggest particleaccelerator in the world located in Switzerland) hassucceeded in making and storing minute amounts ofanti-hydrogen. When matter and antimatter meet, theyannihilate in a burst of energy serving as the ultimate

    y y j@

    then be raised is, How possible is this really?The answer given by our current physicsknowledge is, “….not very likely.” For example, letus consider traveling to our closest neighbor, thestar Alpha Centauri (Fig.1). Alpha Centauri is 4.24light years from our solar system. This means thata beam of light will take 4.24 years to arrive atAlpha Centauri. Below, I show the time it would

    annihilate in a burst of energy, serving as the ultimateenergy source.

    Let us consider three possible energy sources forour interstellar spacecraft: nuclear fission, nuclearfusion, and antimatter. All three energy sourcesconvert a percentage of their mass into energy (thefamous E=mc2). For nuclear fission (e.g. Chernobyl) itis 0.1%, for nuclear fusion (e.g. H-bomb) it is 0.3%,

    take to get to Alpha Centauri using our existingtechnology (Table 1).

    Table I: Time to travel to Alpha Centauri

    is 0.1%, for nuclear fusion (e.g. H bomb) it is 0.3%,and for antimatter it is 100%. Now, let us consider thatthe energy generated from these fuels is used toaccelerate some “reaction mass” which propels thespacecraft forward through space (via conservation ofenergy and momentum). We will refer to the mass thatis converted into energy as “energy mass” and, as justmentioned, we will refer to the mass used to push the

    ft f d “ ti ” FVehicleSpeed (mph)

    Time to Alpha Centauri (years) spacecraft forward as “reaction mass”. For

    demonstrative purpose, let us assume that theseprocesses are 100% efficient. The Table belowindicates the time it would take to get to AlphaCentauri using the three aforementioned fuels types inrelation to the ratio of the rocket to the “energy mass”,as well as the maximum velocity our hypothetical shipcan attain.

    Vehicle (mph) (years)

    Automobile 60 47 million

    Space Shuttle 17,580 161,700Saturn V Rocket 25,053 113,500

    can attain.As can be seen in Table II, the practical maximum

    that fission can give us, at best, is a travel time of 32years, which approaches the realm of possible.Fusion, on the other hand, would allow us to get therein 16 years under optimal conditions. This is animprovement over fission but still remains quite alengthy trip. However, antimatter is, by far, the best

    Voyager II Space Probe 43,396 65,500

    Light Beam 670,616,629 4.24

    Obviously, we will need to develop completely newtechnologies in order to travel to even our closest

    fuel which would allow us to reach our destinationwithin 4.25 years. Furthermore, if one would factor inthe time dilation, which a very strange effect that whenan object approaches the speed of light, the objectexperiences time at a different rate (slower) then the“nonmoving” universe. Our intrepid Astronauts wouldonly experience 4 months of travel time, therebyrequiring only 4 months worth of supplies for the trip!

    neighboring stars. What is needed is a morecompact energy source then chemical energycould ever provide, such as nuclear energy or,alternatively, “antimatter” [1]. What is antimatter?Antimatter is the mirror image of matter (Fig. 2).For every particle in nature, there is acorresponding antiparticle. Antimatter is real and ismade in particle accelerators across the world requiring only 4 months worth of supplies for the trip!


    made in particle accelerators across the worldevery day.

    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • Tymczak CJ, Beam Me Up: A Trip to Alpha Centauri

    Obviously, if we plan on traveling to our nearestneighbors, we will need an anti-matter “energysource” (Fig. 3) to achieve our goal.

    Table II: Time to travel to Alpha Centauri using Fission, Fusion and Antimatter

    Mfuel/Mrocket: The ratio of the amount of Energy Fuel with respect tothe mass of the rocket

    Vmax/c:The ration of the maximum speed the rocket will reach withrespect to the speed of light

    Time: The minimum time it would take to reach Alpha Centauri inyears

    Fi 1 O t t Al h C t iy

    Figure 1. Our nearest star ,Alpha Centauri.

    e- e+


    Figure 2. Antimatter. Mirror image of matter. Fig courtesy of Daniel Vrinceanu, Ph.D. Figure 3. Antimatter collision.


    [1] Antimattter, • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • Internal and External COST Faculty Collaborations

    Extending Research Capabilities Through Collaborators Yields FruitJason A. Rosenzweig email: [email protected]

    Collaboration between Dr.’s Rosenzweig andChopra

    During the Fall of 2008, Dr. Rosenzweig wasdrawn to Dr. Ashok K. Chopra’s research program

    g gj @

    At the symposium,Rosenzweig delivereda research seminarentitled “Aeromonas

    on account of its vaccine development aimed atthe plague bacterium, Yersinia pestis, on whichRosenzweig also happens to be an expert. Choprais a full Professor of Microbiology and Immunologyat the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)in Galveston, Texas as well as the Director of theSealy Center for Vaccine Development at UTMB.Chopra has biosafety level 2 labs as well as

    Fig. 1. Rosenzweig (left) deliveringa research seminar at the 10th

    hydrophila, a possiblemodel organism forlow shear modeledmicrogravity(LSMMG) studies:Unexpectedmodulation of otherenteric pathogens andChopra has biosafety level 2 labs as well as

    biosafety level 3 labs and animal facilities housedin the Galveston National Laboratory. Suchfacilities allow Rosenzweig to expand his cell-culture based studies to animal models of infectionusing more clinically relevant strains of Y. pestis.

    Professional Development of Rosenzweig

    The prestigious opportunity allowed for importantnetworking that continues to impact Rosenzweig’sprofessional development.

    International Symposium onAeromonas. Chopra (far right)watches closely. Photo courtesy ofAshok Chopra, Ph.D.

    enteric pathogens andYersinia pestisvirulence followingexposure to LSMMG.”

    Professional Development of RosenzweigFollowing 6-10 months of experimental planning

    regarding the use of several of Rosenzweig’s Y.pestis mutant strains in animal infections, whatfollowed was unprecedented productivity from theirinteractions. Between 2009 and 2011, Rosenzweigco-authored 4 peer-reviewed manuscripts injournals indexed on the premier search engine

    Impact of Collaboration on TSU StudentsThe most direct student impact from the

    Rosenzweig-Chopra collaboration has been on Ph.D.candidate Abidat Lawal, an Environmental Toxicologystudent who has been working in the Rosenzweig labsince 2008. Exposure to resources and the research

    i t t UTMB h ll d L l t tj p gPubmed [1-4].

    Currently, productivity and the publishing paceremains torrid. In 2012, Rosenzweig and Choprahave an invited book chapter on the influences ofspace-flight and modeled microgravity on bacterialvirulence recently accepted in Intech’s SpaceflightISBN 979-953-307-981-2 (due in print sometime in

    environment at UTMB has allowed Lawal to masteranimal infections, bacterial load studies, and host-cytokine profiling assays.

    References[1] Galindo CL, Rosenzweig JA, et al. Journal ofPathogens, vol. 2011, Article ID 182051, 16 pages,

    June). Also, Rosenzweig and Chopra just got afifth manuscript accepted for publication in thepeer-reviewed journal Expert Reviews VaccinesISSN 1476-0584 (also due in print in June 2012).In addition to enhanced publications yield,Rosenzweig also benefited professionally throughan invited seminar at the 10th InternationalSymposium on Aeromonas and Plesiomonas in

    2011. doi:10.4061/2011/182051.[2] Rosenzweig JA, Brackman SM, et al. AntimicrobAgents Chemother. 2011 Nov; 55(11):5034-42.[3] Rosenzweig JA, Jejelowo O, et al. Appl MicrobiolBiotechnol. vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 265–286, 2011 Jun 14[4] Lawal A, Jejelowo O, Chopra AK., Rosenzweig JAMicrob Biotechnol. 2011 Sep;4(5):558-71.Symposium on Aeromonas and Plesiomonas in

    Galveston, Texas on May 19th-21st, 2011 (Fig. 1).


    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • Student Driven Research in the COST

    The Application of Traffic Software: Assessing the Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Addressing Congestion on a Freeway Corridor

    IntroductionAccording to Anthony Downs in his book, Still

    Stuck in Traffic [1], congestion cannot be

    lanes and on-street transit lanes on SH 288, 2.)enhanced bus service to connect commuters toDowntown Houston, TMC, Uptown, and Greenway

    g g ySascha S. Sabaroche, Carol A. Lewis, and Thomas Graham

    Sascha S. Sabaroche email: [email protected]

    [ ], geliminated. Such a strong viewpoint heightenedthis author’s interest in determining ways in whichcongestion could be alleviated as well asidentifying the factors which have increasedcongestion over the years. This area has becomea topic of concern for many decades. Houston,Texas, suffers from traffic congestion and, as aresult seven of the eight freeways have High

    Plaza via general purpose lanes and direct connectorramps between US 59 and SH 288, and 3.) A light railtransit or bus rapid transit connection to the existingMETRORail Red Line at the TMC (This option wouldnot necessary be in the freeway median).

    Importanceresult, seven of the eight freeways have HighOccupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes in order toaccommodate greater volumes of traffic. OfHouston area freeways, only lack HOV lanesincluding State Highway 288 (SH 288), also calledthe South Freeway. It is noted that unique fromother highways in Houston that are affected by thecontinuing congestion, SH 288 corridor has the

    The aim of this paper is to address the ever growingtraffic congestion on SH 288 by contributing to thebody of knowledge for decision making on how best toimprove the freeway. This will also be beneficial whenconsidering alternatives to simply adding more lanesin order to alleviate traffic by getting more people offthe roads and into other modes of transportations,specifically a BRT system Also it will concentrate ong g ,potential to build a facility in the median. This work

    will explore the possibility of implementing BusRapid Transit (BRT) in that median.

    BackgroundSH 288 is one of many highways that is

    accessible to a number of employment centers in

    specifically a BRT system. Also, it will concentrate onconsidering whether the BRT is capable of alteringtraffic issues that exist on a major freeway (SH 288) inthe Houston area.

    MethodologyThe methodology included a review of the SH 288

    i l di l ti f T DOT SH 288 C idaccessible to a number of employment centers inHouston, including the Medical Center andDowntown Houston and links residential areas,businesses, and even large industrial andpetrochemical facilities. SH 288 was formallyopened September 5, 1984. The freeway itself isalmost five miles long within the 610 Loop. It wasdesigned to be an eight-lane freeway, leaving a

    id di f f t i f H

    including evaluation of: TxDOT SH 288 CorridorFeasibility Study, Metro SH 288 Screen Line Study,and consideration of BRT within the median of SH288. An analysis of the current conditions and possiblefuture growth scenarios based on the data availablewas also included within the methodology as well asan evaluation of data collected relevant to traffic itemsand analysis of data retrieved. The methodologywide median for a future inner freeway. Hence,

    this study will suggest developing that innermedian into BRT system. Other uses for themedian include a 2007 suggestion by Metro tobuild that portion of the freeway into one of thefollowing three alternatives: 1.) enhanced busservice to connect commuters to DowntownHouston, the Texas Medical Center (TMC),

    and analysis of data retrieved. The methodologyconcluded with a simulation of a roadway network,along with the synthesis and findings.

    •• Preliminary findings• Traffic simulation was done with the aid of

    INTEGRATION, a model which was chosen for thiscase study because it met the requirements to assessHouston, the Texas Medical Center (TMC),

    uptown, and Greenway Plaza via general purposecase study because it met the requirements to assessalleviating the traffic problems on SH 288. It was found

    11 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • Sabaroche SS et al. The Application of Traffic Software: Assessing the Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Addressing Congestion on a Freeway Corridor

    that there is a high level of unmet demand in the SH288Corridor. BRT could be a reasonable alternative giventhat there is a high level of traffic congestion accordingto the INTEGRATION run. Also, included is a potentialfor BRT where the bus riders for the metro region is 2.5percent of total trips. Houston metro operates buses inHOVs along freeway corridors where the percentage ofriders attracted was as high as 40 percent of totalriders.

    Houston, Texas Park and Ride parking lot. I-10 Katy Freeway park


    In our research we sought to analyze traffic volume

    and ride lot in Houston, Texas. Photo courtesy Shishir Shishodia.

    In our research, we sought to analyze traffic volumeand original distance data through traffic simulationsoftware: INTEGRATION. This is done by using one ofthe most concentrated areas in Houston, Texas.Further, we sought to determine whether it wasfeasible to implement a BRT system in the median ofState Highway 288 which was originally designed foradditional lanes or mixed lanes of traffic and

    Houston, Texas Freeways. US 59 Southwest Freeway in Sugarland, Texas. Photo courtesy Shishir Shishodia.

    commuter mobility. Based on our results after usingthe basic concepts of traffic simulation softwareINTEGRATION, this project can offer guidance togovernment officials in their decision makingprocesses.

    References[1] Downs, Anthony Still Stuck in Traffic: Coping withpeak Hour Traffic Congestion. 2004. Brooking InstitutePress Washington, D.C. ISBN 0-8157-1929-9Houston, Texas Freeways. I-10 Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas.

    Photo courtesy Shishir Shishodia.


    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004

  • Student Driven Research in the COST

    What a Worm Can Teach Us About Humans in SpaceNina Alaniz email: [email protected]

    Modeled Microgravity ResearchChanges at the cellular, molecular, and

    organism level must be understood to prevent,reduce and/or reverse detrimental effects causedby reduced gravity on humans in space C

    of food and prevention of eliminating waste from thebody. SMG-exposed mature adults exhibited hatchedoffspring within their bodies; offspring hatching insideof the dead hermaphrodites led us to conclude that themuscles of the valve had been hindered preventing


    by reduced gravity on humans in space. C.elegans is a microscopic, free-living, non-parasiticworm and was the first multicelluar organism tohave its whole genome sequenced. C. elegansprovides an optimal system to understand theeffects of environmental stress on biologicalsystems. NASA has officially adopted C. elegansas a model organism to study the effects of space

    muscles of the valve had been hindered preventingthe eggs to be laid.

    It seemed that the reproductive system was lessaffected when exposed to SMG for shorter periods oftime. Extracted eggs from cultures exposed to SMGfor lengthier periods of time took a longer time todevelop to the first larval stage and hatch. Longerexposure to SMG demonstrated lower reproduction

    and space-like conditions and has flown C.elegans onboard shuttle missions in the past [1,2].

    Currently, our laboratory has been examiningaging, behavior, development, reproduction, andmovement of C. elegans under simulatedmicrogravity (SMG) which mimics a state ofconstant free- fall. To generate SMG, our lab usesa rotary cell culture system manufactured by

    exposure to SMG demonstrated lower reproductionand increased mortality. Some physiological changeswere also observed. Thus far, our observation of C.elegans has provided useful data in the areas of SMGand reproduction.

    Publications and meetingsOur resulting data is now being written up in twoa rotary cell culture system manufactured by

    Synthecon Inc., termed a high aspect ratio vessels(HARV) which are connected to a rotating base.

    Single worms were examined for movement,esophageal pumps, reproduction, and aging.Worm movement and esophageal pumps weremeasured by counting the body bends every thirtyseconds or by observing the esophagus. For

    Our resulting data is now being written up in twomanuscripts that are currently in preparation. I havepresented my research, at the 12th Research Centersin Minority Institutions International Symposium onHealth Disparities in Nashville, TN. (December 2010),Texas Academy of Science at St. Edwards University(March 2011), Rice University (December 2011), andTexas Southern University Research Week (award 1stseconds or by observing the esophagus. For

    reproduction studies, eggs were checked thefollowing day for any hatching; if the any of theeggs hatched, worms would be observed daily.

    ResultsThe final population of all life stages of the

    SMG-exposed C elegans were reduced when

    place for oral presentation April 2011).

    Future plansAfter graduation I will be applying to Louisiana State

    University to continue my education and research. Iwould eventually like to teach at a university to bringthe joy biology to others.SMG exposed C. elegans were reduced when

    compared to the normal gravity controls. Anotherobservation was that SMG-exhibited a congesteddigestive system with unprocessed E. coli foodsupply. This has been a significant find in thatSMG compromises the digestion

    References[1] Selch F, Higashibata A, et al. (2008) Genomicresponse of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans tospaceflight. Adv Space Res. 41(5):807-815.[2] Leandro LJ, Szewczyk NJ, et al. (2007) Adv SpaceRes.40(4):506-512.Res.40(4):506 512.

    13 • (713) 313-7009 • email: [email protected]

  • The ExplorerMagazineThe ExplorerMagazineAn Occasional Research Publication of the College of Science and Technology at Texas Southern University

    Editorial BoardEditorial BoardEditorial DirectorLei [email protected](713) 313-7282

    Editor in ChiefOscar H. [email protected](713) 313-7923

    EditorJason A. [email protected](713) 313 1033

    Texas Southern University Science Center. Photo courtesy of the COST website.

    (713) 313-1033

    Associate EditorsShishir [email protected](713) 313-7912

    Desireè JacksonDesireè [email protected](713) 313-7778

    Future Texas Southern University Leonard H.O. Spearman Technology Building. Photocourtesy of the COST website.

    Editorial MembersFarrukh Khan, Fengxiang G. Qiao, Fawzia H. Abdelrahman, Xuemin Chen, Lila Ghemri, Edward Osakue, Xin Wei, Mark Harvey, Yuhong Zhang, Daniel Vrinceanu, and Hyun-Min Hwang

    College of Science and Technology • Texas Southern University • 3100 Cleburne Street • Houston, Texas • 77004