The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab



As part of the Brighton MA Graduates 2013 Exhibition, The Experimental Sounding Board hosts a 5 day laboratory set to explore our relationship between technology and human gesture. Through collaborative experimentation participating artists specialising in hardware, software, performance, music, improvisation, experimentation, acoustics, digital media, visual arts, science, technology, in both academic and non academic fields, come together to focus on developing ideas in an environment that will be open to the public.  PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: John M. Bowers, Debbie Guinnane, James Watts, Manoli Moriaty, Rachael Finney, Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as ‘The Conspirators of Pleasure’, Aidan Taylor, Andrew Jarvis, Rowan Forestier- walker, Lorah Pierre, Louise Harris, Nick Kilby, Luke Twyman and Adam Denton as ‘RECEPTION’.

Transcript of The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab

The Experimental Sounding Board hosts a 5 day laboratory set to explore our relationship between technology and human gesture Through collaborative experimentation artists will look at sonic and visual modes of improvisation Focus will be on the group to explore and develop ideas in a performance environment that will be open to the publicThe Open Lab brings together artists specialising in hardware softwareperformance music improvisation experimentation acoustics digitalmedia visual arts science technology in both academic and nonDFDGHPLFordmHOGV

PARTICIPATING ARTISTS John M Bowers Debbie Guinnane James Watts Manoli Moriaty Rachael Finney Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Aidan Taylor Andrew Jarvis Rowan Forestier-walker Lorah Pierre Louise Harris Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton


Artist participating online will include Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) amp John M Bowers (IpswichNewcastle) as well as AkionTransHuman Nick Kilby6KHҬLHOGLuke Twyman (Italy) and Adam Denton (Gateshead) These artist collaborations will be communicating with each other in their respective locations through out the course of the week Using online hubs for collective discussion those in the Open Lab and those online can develope the project in the virtual space of the internet

Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) John M Bowers (IpswichNewcastle)

Nick Kilby 6KHҬLHOGLuke Twyman (Italy)

Adam Denton (Gateshead)

Invited back from pervious Experimental Soundingboard event artists Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) + John M Bowers (NewcastleIpswich) will be streaming in each day from their respective locations They will work together continuing with previous ideas explored in a past ESB collaboration Using live action sonic manipulation through Pd sounds from the Open Lab will be sent back and forth Hacking and carving into their surrounding landscape acknowledging moments of language as symbol and ritual exploring the connections between the landscape history and psychogeography through intuition the preverbal states that which cannot be said or expressed through dialect and letters

Debbie Guinnane + John M Bowers


John M Bowers works with home-brew electronics self-made instruments and reconstructions of antique image and sound-making devices alongside contemporary digital technology He is concerned with making performance environments which combine sound vision and human gesture at a fundamental material levelHe is part of the Interaction Research Studio Department of Design Goldsmiths University of London and was a contributor to the Studiorsquos Prayer Companion currently on exhibition at MoMA New York He is currently lecturing at Culture Lab Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

John M Bowers

Debbie Guinnane is a visual artist researching into cross-disciplinary mediums that try to accommodate experience with an automatic response LQOLYHDUW8VLQJWKLVordmUVWHQFRXQWHUZLWKWKHOLYHH[SHULHQFHDVDprimary resource of information and a malleable sculptural material through formulations of representation her work begins with the process of the encounter and through the use of writing language and reinterpretation Currently pursuing a Masters in Visual Arts Practice (MAVIS) IADT Dublin Debbie has performed and written nationally and internationally She is also a member of the art collective pre form a group of six visual artists working with improvised performance practices based in Ireland


Debbie Guinnane

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Artist participating online will include Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) amp John M Bowers (IpswichNewcastle) as well as AkionTransHuman Nick Kilby6KHҬLHOGLuke Twyman (Italy) and Adam Denton (Gateshead) These artist collaborations will be communicating with each other in their respective locations through out the course of the week Using online hubs for collective discussion those in the Open Lab and those online can develope the project in the virtual space of the internet

Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) John M Bowers (IpswichNewcastle)

Nick Kilby 6KHҬLHOGLuke Twyman (Italy)

Adam Denton (Gateshead)

Invited back from pervious Experimental Soundingboard event artists Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) + John M Bowers (NewcastleIpswich) will be streaming in each day from their respective locations They will work together continuing with previous ideas explored in a past ESB collaboration Using live action sonic manipulation through Pd sounds from the Open Lab will be sent back and forth Hacking and carving into their surrounding landscape acknowledging moments of language as symbol and ritual exploring the connections between the landscape history and psychogeography through intuition the preverbal states that which cannot be said or expressed through dialect and letters

Debbie Guinnane + John M Bowers


John M Bowers works with home-brew electronics self-made instruments and reconstructions of antique image and sound-making devices alongside contemporary digital technology He is concerned with making performance environments which combine sound vision and human gesture at a fundamental material levelHe is part of the Interaction Research Studio Department of Design Goldsmiths University of London and was a contributor to the Studiorsquos Prayer Companion currently on exhibition at MoMA New York He is currently lecturing at Culture Lab Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

John M Bowers

Debbie Guinnane is a visual artist researching into cross-disciplinary mediums that try to accommodate experience with an automatic response LQOLYHDUW8VLQJWKLVordmUVWHQFRXQWHUZLWKWKHOLYHH[SHULHQFHDVDprimary resource of information and a malleable sculptural material through formulations of representation her work begins with the process of the encounter and through the use of writing language and reinterpretation Currently pursuing a Masters in Visual Arts Practice (MAVIS) IADT Dublin Debbie has performed and written nationally and internationally She is also a member of the art collective pre form a group of six visual artists working with improvised performance practices based in Ireland


Debbie Guinnane

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Invited back from pervious Experimental Soundingboard event artists Debbie Guinnane (Ireland) + John M Bowers (NewcastleIpswich) will be streaming in each day from their respective locations They will work together continuing with previous ideas explored in a past ESB collaboration Using live action sonic manipulation through Pd sounds from the Open Lab will be sent back and forth Hacking and carving into their surrounding landscape acknowledging moments of language as symbol and ritual exploring the connections between the landscape history and psychogeography through intuition the preverbal states that which cannot be said or expressed through dialect and letters

Debbie Guinnane + John M Bowers


John M Bowers works with home-brew electronics self-made instruments and reconstructions of antique image and sound-making devices alongside contemporary digital technology He is concerned with making performance environments which combine sound vision and human gesture at a fundamental material levelHe is part of the Interaction Research Studio Department of Design Goldsmiths University of London and was a contributor to the Studiorsquos Prayer Companion currently on exhibition at MoMA New York He is currently lecturing at Culture Lab Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

John M Bowers

Debbie Guinnane is a visual artist researching into cross-disciplinary mediums that try to accommodate experience with an automatic response LQOLYHDUW8VLQJWKLVordmUVWHQFRXQWHUZLWKWKHOLYHH[SHULHQFHDVDprimary resource of information and a malleable sculptural material through formulations of representation her work begins with the process of the encounter and through the use of writing language and reinterpretation Currently pursuing a Masters in Visual Arts Practice (MAVIS) IADT Dublin Debbie has performed and written nationally and internationally She is also a member of the art collective pre form a group of six visual artists working with improvised performance practices based in Ireland


Debbie Guinnane

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome


John M Bowers works with home-brew electronics self-made instruments and reconstructions of antique image and sound-making devices alongside contemporary digital technology He is concerned with making performance environments which combine sound vision and human gesture at a fundamental material levelHe is part of the Interaction Research Studio Department of Design Goldsmiths University of London and was a contributor to the Studiorsquos Prayer Companion currently on exhibition at MoMA New York He is currently lecturing at Culture Lab Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

John M Bowers

Debbie Guinnane is a visual artist researching into cross-disciplinary mediums that try to accommodate experience with an automatic response LQOLYHDUW8VLQJWKLVordmUVWHQFRXQWHUZLWKWKHOLYHH[SHULHQFHDVDprimary resource of information and a malleable sculptural material through formulations of representation her work begins with the process of the encounter and through the use of writing language and reinterpretation Currently pursuing a Masters in Visual Arts Practice (MAVIS) IADT Dublin Debbie has performed and written nationally and internationally She is also a member of the art collective pre form a group of six visual artists working with improvised performance practices based in Ireland


Debbie Guinnane

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Debbie Guinnane is a visual artist researching into cross-disciplinary mediums that try to accommodate experience with an automatic response LQOLYHDUW8VLQJWKLVordmUVWHQFRXQWHUZLWKWKHOLYHH[SHULHQFHDVDprimary resource of information and a malleable sculptural material through formulations of representation her work begins with the process of the encounter and through the use of writing language and reinterpretation Currently pursuing a Masters in Visual Arts Practice (MAVIS) IADT Dublin Debbie has performed and written nationally and internationally She is also a member of the art collective pre form a group of six visual artists working with improvised performance practices based in Ireland


Debbie Guinnane

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Nick Kilby Luke Twyman and Adam Denton The group will broadcast from remote locations singularly and collectively The sonic material of these broadcasts will be received re-processes and re-projected into the Open Lab space Through the above they will investigating the potential of networked action How is physical response and gesture DҬHFWHGDVLQIRUPDWLRQraquoRZVDQGRVFLOODWHVEHWZHHQYLUWXDODQGDFWXDOspace


Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Reception is a platform whose starting point is the collaborative practice of artists Nick Kilby Adam Denton and Luke Twyman and a project which expands upon the ongoing work of the Audacious Art Experiment Through joint enterprise Kilby Denton and Twyman seek to explore the intersection and liminal space between experimental noise and Aktion nomadic ecstatic temporal community and interindependence virtualization and broadcast in the context of the live event and possibilities within the transformative experience of ecstatic moments found amongst audiences of exploratory and improvisatory artwork These questions are tested both through academic research and a series of events and works

A TransAktion performance of Disposal with Nick Kilby Connect The Dots Grain Warehouse 6KHҬLHOGDP3KRWRJUDSK



Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Artists participating on location at the Open Lab will include Rowan Forestier-walker James Watts Rachael Finney Andrew Jarvis Manoli Moriaty Aidan Taylor Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo Louise Harris and Lorah Pierre

Rowan Forestier-walker (Ripe)

James Watts (Newcastle)

Rachael Finney (Brighton)

Andrew Jarvis (Brighton)

Manoli Moriaty (Manchester)

Aidan Taylor (Wales)

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo (London)

Louise Harris (London)

Lorah Pierre (Brighton)

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Invited back from previous Experimental SoundingBoard Rowan Forestier-walkerLVEDVHGLQ(DVW6XVVH[8VLQJordmHOGUHFRUGLQJVKRPHPDGHinstruments and found objects cassette and reel-to-reel manipulation she creates immersive soundscapes She performs and records under the name Embla Quickbeam



Embla Quickbeam

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

James Watts is an artist currently based in Newcastle UK His focus is on environments and situations which engender a primal sense of awe examining notions of the ritual and the sublime through vocals installations and performances



James Watts


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome


Aidan Taylor live at SuperNormal

Aidan Taylor is a musician from Wales researching into opto-electronics in musical instrument design and performance Performances are subject to the space in which they take places through the relationship between light and sound Focus is on homebuilt hardware and the recycling of materials

Aidan Taylor

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Rachael Finney is an artist writer and lecturer living and working in the Southeast UK Working primarily with sound video and performance her work explores the material qualities of voice She aims to explore the split between voice and language


Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Andrew Jarvis is studying Digital Music and Sound Arts at Brighton University He is experienced in coding environments such as Pure Data DQG6XSHUampROOLGHUDQGLQPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXQGGLҬXVLRQV+HDLPVWRGHYHORSVSDWLDOPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDULPSURYLVDWLRQYLDPXOWLGLҬXVLRQsurround sound


Andrew Jarvis

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Manoli Moriaty is a composer of electroacoustic music based in Manchester whose research is currently in interdisciplinary collaboration Using computer based system involving eight separate modules generating sound live sample manipulation is controlled by motion sensors


SSFF 2012 - Manoli Moriaty performance with Alex AlexandrouManoli Moriaty

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Simon Underwood + Poulomi Desai as lsquoThe Conspirators of Pleasurersquo are an experimental free improvising noise and electronics duo exploring WKHOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHSRVVLELOLWLHVRIPRGLordmHGLQVWUXPHQWVDQGPDFKLQHVLQFOXGLQJDSUHSDUHGERZHGDQGPRGLordmHGVLWDUPRGLordmHGVWORSKRQHVradios and cassette players sonically twisted toys and slide projections plus other bits of sonic and visual electronics in relation to human gesture Poulomi Desai is artist director of Usurp Art Gallery amp Studios


The Conspirators of Pleasure at Usurp Art Gallery Poulomi Desai on Prepared Sitar 3RXORPLHVDLS

imon Underwood +

Poulomi Desai

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Louise Harris is an electronic and audiovisual composer She is currently lecturer in music at Kingston UniversityLouise specialises in the creation of audiovisual relationships utilising electronic music and computer-generated visual environments Louisersquos work has been performed and exhibited nationally and internationally including Piksel Festival Bergen Norway (2012)Louise is a strong advocate of open source and repurposed technologies Her particular research interests are the nature of the audiovideo relationship in abstract audiovisual art and the creation of self-sustaining and symbiotic audiovisual systems


Cs1 by Louise Harris

Louise Harris

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Lorah Pierre is an artist whose practice focuses on experimentation across a number of disciplines Utilising obsolete materials self-built hardware and a DIY ethos installations and performances develop out of temporal spaces Her multi-dispaplinary approach has led to a number of collaborations with scientists performers and musicians to realise sound and sculptural installations live performances commissioned sound-works as well as workshop and laboratory participation

Lorah is also the founder and curator of platform The Experimental Sounding Board


Lorah Pierre performing with Ewa Justka at ESB iii

Lorah Pierre

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

The Experimental Sounding Board Open Lab is part of the Brighton MA UDGXDWHV([KLELWLRQThe platform was created by Lorah Pierre to allow for collaborations ZLWKLQYLUWXDODQGSKVLFDOVSDFHVWRHPHUJHLQGLҬHUHQWJHRJUDSKLFDOlocations


Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome

Participating artists of The Experimental Sounding Board

Alessandro Altivalla Matt BalaamNicholas Mark BoonJodie RoweJohn M BowersUmberto ButtigiegDanielle CastelinoRebecca DavisManni DeeGen DoyGraham DunningLaura GahanDebbie Guinnane Dave Hamilton-SmithLaila Hansen Duncan Harrison

Johannah HendersonNancy Howard-Price Ewa JustkaJoshua LegallienneDaniel MackenzieAdam ParkinsonLorah PierreEmbla QuickbeamAlexnander RossDani SmithSteve ThompsonJames TranmerDisa WallanderChloe WallaceKarl M V WaughNorman Yspmael


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome


The West Hill HallSpirit of GravityClub Zygotic Bang the BoreJohn Warr7KH0$)LQH$UWJUDGXDWHVRICharlie HookerAmy CunninghamSean DowernaacutegrannavarslaRhizome