The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1890-10-20 [p ]. · vuioiimof the act npproted «.» tobor 1,...

THE EVENING STAR PUBLISHED DAILY. Excopt Sundaj, AT THE STAK BUILDINGS, Worthwert Corner Pennxyiritii Aft. »ad 11th 0U tT Tt« Evening Star Newspaper Company, s. n. KAUFFMANN, /'reft. tff* F^t^txo St i* Is aerr*d to .ntMrrtb^T* !n the ritr by firri^n. ©c. tliefr own Account. ut JO cnts per week. ur 44< i * th p;*-* ut tbv coOJt^r. '-i Mru aarh. By mail.;>o»ta«. "" "" Bo< ;.:b one yr*r. *t>. %;x iiu/bllla, ji [For«rvJ at the I t «t uHkii ai Waaiuufton. D. C., u .K'ji.J-' l»«» mail matter J las U'bhilt STa».rtJbllab*«1 on filw-ll ¦ T'» po»t«ire prepaid »!* iru-nth*. SO cent*. tW.Ol mall mbarrti t»>n» rr'I»t ba paiU la »o r«l«r i*iit k»r..-«r tliar. it i aid for. Eatea of atlYtrtlaln* mad* known on iprimttoa. ftieniua tol. 17,071. washington. d. c.. monday. october 20. 1«90. tvo cent: SPECIAL NOTICES. -ria»Yon ir.r invitfd to see a iha«- TICAL DEMoN ^TRAITO* OF THE PERFECTION SI EAT fTTTBR. OS EXHIUT 1I>»N J>VR1XV WEI.* BEOI5- XI Si) OCTOBER ..'0. THE PIRFFCTION MEAT Cf'TTER WILL CVT RAW BEEF FOi: HAMEURGER STEAKS AND 13EEE TEA. IOOKED MEATS. CHICK¬ ENS. LOB-STERS. OYSTERS FOR CRO- Q1TTTES. MATERIAL FOR MIXCE HER AND FRUIT CARE. VEGETABLES FOB ROIT. PI LVERUE3 CRACKERS AND STALE BREAD. MATERIAL OFTEN WASTED CAS BE ETILIZfD WITH UTTLE TROt'BLr. I* PP.'PARING MANY TASTY DISHES. A RECIPE LOOK. CONTAINING sIXT* RECIPES. GIVEN WITH EACH MACHINE. BAKPER A ROSS, COB. I1TH ASD G 8TS. N.W.. OPPOSITE BOSTON DRY GOODS STORE. .1Mb ^-^i^OEFICK OF IHE CHESAPEAKE AND Potomac Tel. phone Company..A dividend i-f ».i c-BI. it-r.i.irt; will t* pay*bieoo th*'*J7th day of oc ol*r. lsixj. to tue st..kl.ol.iersof r iunl»t the c!c«- oi bus. Lea* r.u tue 17tn day of October. IHtfO. a: tRr office ot the tr- a-ure: of the comi any. (IIS# 14th at c.w . Waehii'ntou. D.C. 1 l.^irausfer bo..kswni be closed from the 18th to the iviu of Octoler luclus ve. saMIEL M. BRYAN, President CHARLES o BEEBE. ireaeuror. Washington. D.l .October 14, ls!»o o 16-114 W A > H1S(liosi D. C. < cTT14. 1 soor . Lorraine Mattice and CLaa. W. l.> i>ran Lav., this day fo: n I i copartnership under tlie firm pam« oi r l. r.dll.c* a. Co. for the transaction of Heal Estate BmIHM in ail na branches Me eollclt tii« patronage of our friends E. L. MATTIC. A CO.. «J17 F at. n w. F. LOKRAINh MA T f 1CE. ol5 0t CHAS. W. LYB1.AN. jHAVE TOUIi FCRNAOES. RAN.TeS AND Latrones >uiiui»dby a practical man belore cold weather r«>4iM J' 'S. E. HoD« . iO.N, 4».~> Sih si. B. - Luaay Iin i.oola repaired and Guaranteed. ol4«!t* »KOTlCE OF rc>R*EirrilE OF STUCK. stockholders in the Liuotype Com) any of tut- iiwtnet ot Columbia wbo III^ failed to pay the awnai«L:< beretoiore ordered by tli' Company aro hereby nctitud that their eli«-k snd all previous pay- C.en:r mvde thereon will be lor:e:ted mnlese all arrears ax- ) aul a> the of t.'ie treasurer. 019 14th st. n. w. wt*h'0 the ill! i rwi rili. I 1>)T ia«. t.iec. otiO, tie W statutes of tho l~. a., relating to the Instnet i. Columbia.) By oruer ot tho Board of Trustees, SAM I EL M. UKYAN, President Attest: FRANK V Mi>Ui.iO>. Secretary- e14-8w* Washington,IEC.Oct, 13. Ib00. __jI)R. Eb«ARD RooME HAS REMOVED B-JS hi* offi> » froin 11117 at. to 1845 14th at. a w. Office hours, 8.10 » m. and p m. oll-10t* _ -Tit: j. haktlimt hTlls 9- L-» rnui/ud fciai nice io 1331 F it., Roorna itui'i .«. Crst *' n>r. wUerv h> wtil uiaic a aim iaHy of Mecoai.ical Dentistry Liki made liefore ai.d lu- a»rleti luimediairly afUYextrurtion of leeth. oM-lui* kr- __o.LK !i Fl^HLl. H AS REMOVED HIS 9- oft .1.1 rvaidence Iron HiVI» K »t. to liC!.*> ( osnecti ut «v u.w., tu < \ or I Ilu" ,I>R. < M. N. LAT1MEU EA-> LEMuYED i * < rtit f* lo 14« '.> >. V. m\«. ilw. aul VUl H OUAU CUKI AKD WOOD tmni tue liriu 01 Ji'liN.^oN 1*41 1 HERS, tne must extensive rviuil deaiei» ;u the coma try, c4 -z&VRTvwI*. 11M MEM \ »B1 ATK. N.w , w;^L»*4 to inform hi* | at. >»i.h liiat, haviuv »ri»i-!»e<i hi» 1 v Mi.uii »¦> I'< ;q <n»Wotur »u the Dental L^i'artiueut ot tdo CoiumbitRU tM>cr»it>, he- wul Dow a* voto L;s wLu!e ti:x.o lu otiive irsctKe* r-- D ol.IN LEECH H AS 1«I MOVED HIS P- Oi£ce al.d resldeuid to b.. 1 VmryftTt. u. e 1 e.epboii* cull. N 5o*'. or^ce houra, s to 10 a^3i.. l to a and »o 7 :. o w o«-iin* Cr _._jOEiiCi OF 1 HE CoELEi TOR Ol TAXES, L.C . October 0. lSbU. l'urauiuit to the pro- vuioiim of the act npproted «.» tobor 1, lMlo. all ar- iMrafw of veneral iaxes prior t>> July 1, Issh, and aa>ir-»u.*»iita tor apvciai lniprovvb.e^la, :ni lud'.nir t.'ie lay.lit ft water mains, i.o* due to. abd tue ueiiator wui. h are held i»> tn>< Lis ncicf Ct.umbia, n.aj be laid nrr.l Ocloiier 31, 1SU0. with 0 perce tuin iu- triuat in lieu of ti.e rate »ul pcLaltie-i now hied by law. una ell accrued co«ia. E. G. LaVIS. Collector of laies. D C. CHARTERED BY CONGRESS 1818. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. of Waihiutrtuo, D.C. CAPITAL AND SCKPLLS $335,000 00 Has never contested a losa by fire, bat always makes prompt and liberal ad.iistrnenu. Da. DAN'L B. CLARKE. Preat. GEO. E. LEMON. Vica Preat, CHAS. a BRADLEY. Treaa. I. FENWICK YOCNG. Secy, WILL P. BOTELEK. Atat. Eacy. a27 3m ,XHL WADEbBOiiO BRoWN siUiE COM- i'ANY. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Yon are her*by u tilled that a meennfr of tho stock- ho^d'ts wi.l be lie.d MONDAY'. October ~7. lsWO, at 7:30 p.m . at Company's othce, So. *510 13th st., lo ronsluer the> ol accept'.! * an < flwr which lias oeen received to purchase the i^u^rry. Ti.e acce| t- aa<s- or reje« lion of stud <H~r snil > a decided by a v. te ol t. c stucahoidera at the tuue and place above inen- W J. NEWTON. 1 R. HILL, J. Mll.LER, BO BEE. l BOYD, j. g. Ht»i er, J. si'iiK.i, poolf. Majority of the Directora. aptember U7, lbJO. ^ o6-3w ,lSSTAMA>EOLS RELIEF FOli BEN- i n». Corns. ln*TO'vlnir an I Club Sella and! a.1 other foot troubles. J. J. GEoRUES A SON, ihircpcsiiala and Artist B- ot Makers, 1115 Pa. ava. Ladies' and Gents' Boots made to fit the most diffi¬ cult feet. Est*: listed ls<51. aV.7-lin MORAS, glStPA AVE. HAS 15 OF be-t ui ibaiiica to attend prompt to all orl. in I^trobe, - urt-ace and liaue Work. Have in stock Sexton's (irand at less than regular prices,Bibbs, S»-w LaiUmure Esnor Sun, Heath's urand Domestic and Perfect Latrvbee and 13 other patterns to se.ecl Inn. I Stsphone. t>84.2. a20-3m LACE CCB1AINS called for, taken down and laundrtcd with BtPEKloR FlMsH aiid delis. red at 50 CENTS PER FAIR. Satisfaction (uarautetsi iu every particular: YALE STEAM LACNDBY. ij'Z'Z loth a'.., near cur. of F, f. H. WALKER * CO. Telephone oall.1002-3. elS-5>a> TEMK)RARY OFFICE OF THE ftishlSuluN U-iX AND TRC8T COM- 1'AN Y. 1001 i st. n.w. CAPIl '.L il.uoo.uon.oo. 7bteeompan> issues cernflcstes of depotltbeatina futsrest as to.lows. CXi all" ail 0U1.U u< posited tor Dinsrtir daysor nioie, Lut lesa tnan six montlia, 3 |«r ci*.'. ver annum. -i^t per cent on deposits for more tban six mouths, but leas than a year, al.w e »tr cent on Ai icsiu ot one yuar or luu*< r. becuxed for sale. Money loaned. B. H. W AK> Eli, Eretideni. W. B. BOBUON. Secretary. DIRECTORS . John T. Ansa Georve F. Srhafer. Cl.ariea L. Bailey, John A llainlitoB, L. Barbour Thomas Somrrv1ll% Gsorge E. Bartol. Jobn A- hsoi*, H. a. iuu.ii.inA J. s. Swormsisdt, J. J I'ariUitfton. Hattersley *»'. Talbot^ Jc hn Joy Edeon. Georae TruesdelA Charles). Kiilman k H. Warner, Albert F Fox. A.A. WUaou, ft. C. Green. L. D. Wine, V ..ham IS. GurleK 8. W Woodward. Jobo B. Larner. Chaa. Beuj. WUkinaon. ala Jm A. a Worthloatou. »OAS F1XTCRE4 fLCMBlNG AND BXATIMO. R R SBEDD k BRO. an 30 A3^' 0tb at n.«. |f .sjRHEMBER, »- *7^ CAIMARD'S LARD IS NOT WHITENED WITH CHEMICALS AND IS FREE FROM AIX ADCLTARAIION. oli-iiw CERTIFICATES OF STOCK ASD Cheqnsa. Ai: u.ethrds rl Printma and JKravin*. OEDNEY A KoBEhlr, sah-.Tt 407 10th st.. Adjoining Poet Buildlna, JrST IssCED. WF.BsTr.K'S INTFRNATIOXAL DICTIONARY. It is Weisrtai 's L l.abrwVeil thorouirhiy re eolted and jaetly enrli bed in every part, after len years, by more ttu.u 1W k<frt.»n»ou tii« eUitona. work, at an tmmeuM cost of money. lUs pr** is rstlucsd. V ^ c- PCRsRJ L. Book'ellar. al»-J?*in.lp 4 l.i !>iu ST. N.W. TAMAB A laxative refreshing; SlUlt i. /.« r;**t Ten' to uie foa CONST IPATIOS, b#n: orrb«i<ls, Lila^ 21 DISS kss of aj g^atno ib4 mtesiiuul trout lea aud beaiiacLi- ariaUitf Uoui E G r. I L L O 5. 0RTLL0 5 Fue llambutraQe ol&-al»ml> toUl by all L>romfi»u^ Carpets. Jrcst orsned a beautiful lice of Wiltons. M xquetta, Velvet, E.siy Brussels. Tapestty and lnaraiu Carpeta; Wilton. Velvet an 1 Smyrna Cariwt Ruvs, ait si tee: lean,... Art bi^uaree, Wlliou and Smyms Ruks ana Meta in choice | atwrm. Lae cnrtauis, saeh i urtalua and liraprrles lo street variety. Thoee lurntehtna w01 ¦ad it tnelr advantaas w "xanune our stock befoce yaie-haamc. BooE. BRO. A A A CO.. 1X» Fat. SPECIAL NOTICES. MERCHANTS' MUTUAL PROTEC¬ TIVE UNION IS NOW ORGANIZED. AND THE BUSINESS MEN 07 THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO JOIN AT ONCE. The object of the MERCHANTS' MUTUAL PRO¬ TECTIVE UNION la to protect its member* against that clat-s of persons who do Dot p»y their debt*, in the following manner: l»t. Bv endeavoring to obtain for its member* debta over duo. 2d. By fumi»hln* it* member* with the name* of thl» class, In order that credit ma; be refuaod. To Accompliah these End*: lit. The manager ha* an efficient and reliable corr* of collector*, who will use every available mean* to ob¬ tain money due the m. mbera. 2d. To obtain from merchant* in general name* of l*rsons who have (ailed to meet their Juat obligation* ami puollsli lint of namea thus obtained, anddlatribute to the inamber* monthly. This Association i* entirely local and embrace* all branches of business of the District of Columbia. For further particulars inquire of J. B. BROWN, Manager, Officcs 1800 14th at. n.w. And Room IS, Central National Bank Building. SAMUEL MADDOX. Attorney. 402 Louisiana it» ol8-0t *-^S,FOR LEASE-TWO VERY FINE 3-STORY .OS. Residences on K st. near 20th; containing ID rooms and bath, and ull the modern tg: nicely finished in hard wood: nested byturuace; .out i f:onta; 475.70 iach. B. H. WARNER h CO. olK-Ut* BETTER ORADE8 LUMBER If BETTER SYSTEM OF BUSINESS!! LOWER PRICES ON THE LCMBEB I* CoMVON USE. GANG-SAWED BOARDS AT #1.15 Phil 100 FT. LIBBEY, B1TT1NOER h MILLER, SIXTH 8T. AND NEW YORK AVI. LUMBER AND MILL WORK. elS jj2»NEWYORK VOTERS WILL BE ISSUED Transportation Certificate* irom Congres- I' nal Headquarters, Madison Place, each evening from t to J o'clock, iron, this date to Nov. mber o. EDWARD C. O'BKAU, President. C. SOLON STEVENSON, Secretary. ©17-lw »- -^MASSACHUSETTS-REP BLICANS AT- tentiou.sp«cial rales for transportation bav- .ng t* en ootamed by tbo Massachusetts ISei ublican As» elation. all reptit>li< an voters who desirs to avail themselves ot said late* hlniild call between 4 and 5 p.m. any day upon Mr. 11. uj. P.Davis. i:ill> E St., president, or the recording *ecretary. i410 F st. Do not forget the neat nicotinic, WEDNKSDAY, <K'T. 22. 7:;W. at 1417 F at. W M. 1.8. CURTIS, Recording Becrtury. ol7-3t* PALISADES OF THE POTOMAC. LAND 1 .IPROVr.MI NT CO. CAlilAL $75u.OOO. 7,500 SHARKS AT «lU0 EACH. 8TILSON HUTCHINS, President. JACOB 1'. CLARK. Vice Presideut. lv 11 COITRELo, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS. AUQUSTI pi e. WOK. KINGTON. I* J .SUUA O. STANTON. SAMUEL T. a MORSELL, 1,500 shares of the Company's stock i* now offered for subscription at par. leu i>er cent payable on sub¬ scription and the talauce to be called a. required not to exceed 10 i er cent every three month*. Full uilormation upon application to E. 11. COTTRELL, ol7-3t 1418 New York are. yf-^SaDR CHARLES E. HAQNEB " IK^i lias i.eturn. d to the City and Resumed Hi* l'raci ice. Hours a* usual. ul7-3t* 1744 M St. j^^aTHt CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. This institution will receive for gratuitous medical and surgical treatment in its hospital and free dispen¬ sary Indigent children under the age of twelve year*, w.tnout distinction of r. ce. se* or creed. The enlargement of its buildings having Just been completed tL4 management is prej ared to accommo¬ date thos" who, for want ul room, couid not heretofore be admitted. For admi-slon or for treatment in the dispensary ap¬ ply at the hospital, Wat. between 12th and ldlhats. n.w. olG-lin j-^SjDK. 8. F. NEWTON, . - Dentist. 1107 H st. n.w., removed hi* offi. u and residence to 814 11th at ol0-Ut* »"^5»THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING Bfc- tween Warren Cboate, J. D. Croissant and s. A sixbiiry, Ui.di r the firm nauie ol Warren Choate * Co.. was dissoivisi instant, by mutual consent. WARREN CROAT E, J. D. CROISSANT, d. A. sIXBUKV. oLj-ilt WARUI N CIIOATE WILL C the lie il I .state, Inv.iralio and , Business at tilo Uth it. unti! he can find anj tion. wnich mill Is ouly advertised. He wi firn. name of Warren choate .V Co. He dei-ir suitable olK ._'» and to buy oihee fixtures Al. such pica** address WaRREN CHOATE tc CO., oie-:n tilullthst fioEN*LRGIZE MOMENTUM ENGINE. T he name horse power for «ne-tenth of th* coal, woram* at Lenuinirs. D.C. oltl-lni 20TB-NEW ISSUE OF STOCK. OPEN FOB SUBSCRIPTION. EQUITABLE OO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. "EQUITABLE BUILDING," 1003 F 8T. Shares are $2.50 per month. The 20th laaue of stock 1* open for subscription and payment. Pamphlet* explaining the object* and advantages of the Association are iurniancd upon application. Office hour*, from 9 a.m. to 4:34) p.m. daily. On tLe first Wednesday in each month the office will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Advances will be mad* promptly at 7 o'clock p.m. THOMAS SOMERVILLE. JNO. JOY EDSON, Sec'ry. oltt df-_^NOTI JE OF EXPIRATION OF LICENSES. Assessor'* Cilice, W ashii.gtou, 1<. C., Octo¬ ber 10. 1MH). Nonce is hereby given that on the THlltIV llUi'l 1»Ai OF oc iollt lu IbllU, will ex- plrc all ItcenawgiM :. by the District ut Colun.bia to A|s>thecarlea. Auctioii.-ers, Hunks and Bankers, Brok- .rs, Clauu Agents, Contrwtorv. Cattle 41rokcrs, Com¬ mission Meiuhante, D'aiers in Distilled anl Eer- Ucnt. d Liquors, Miu>'» -nil Cordials, Distillers. I asm - akce Agents, Ice l>**a ers, kianufacturer* of Illuminat¬ ing Oss, Liiu and lire Insursnce Conipanbs, latent Ag. nta, l*uwubrokers, l*ropnet*>r* of Bur K«mjius, tiam- ple Koou.s. 1 ipiding Ho ». s, Hilliurd Bagatelle and J-nur Lind Tabi«*s. *shuffie bo..ids, D.wllng Alleys. Hotels. Livery Stabl. s. iuU llig'Ucu «. Ihces, Junk hh' p«, Deslers in 8«e< nd-liand Clothing, Dealers in Old barrets. Real 1 state A-"iit., Rectifier*, Restau¬ rants and Eatink- Houses. Lheaters. Vanity lb atsrs, tc. All pa. tn<s sua* igeil in th» above-described l.usi- n ss, trtilc* or prolesaious must promptly renew their li. enaes in wcurMscs .in a ae.Hon of lite laws of the Diatrict of i.cluuioia, via: "Thai every .-ers li liable lor a liivuse tax who uia> fail to I a/the ssme lietore tngiglng in the i.usjnesa^ shall, in addition to the llernae lux imposed, pay a flue or |>etisityof not leas than t » nor n.oru tbnn * »(» tor each oSense.'* By or¬ der oi the Comm ssioi.ers Distrn I ol Columbia, MATTHEW TRIMBLE, Assessor of District of Co- luinbts. o 1 lUt A GRAND CHANCE TO HAVE MOSEY. FOB 10 DAYS, COMMENCING 12 A.M. OCTOBER 14. CLOSING 12 AM.. OCTOBER 9*. ONLY FOR CA8H. WE OFFER A REBATE OF SIOOON EVERY *1,000 PURCHASE A REBATE OF S50 ON EVERY $500 PURCHASE A REBATE OF <25 ON EVERY <250 PURCHASE A REBATE OF <10 ON EVERY <100 PURCHASE A REBATE OF <1 ON EVERY <10 PURCHASE And *ame proportion for all sal** on rOBNITUBI and UPHOLSTERY GOODS, All rood* marked in plain figures and at thl* MMont 1 rices. JULIUS LANSBUBGH. sTO-la 13TH AND F 8T8. JtOYAL DZCOBATIVE COMPANY. V.Y. ave. and 14th *U WALL 1'AI» J(s L'.ncrnata Walton, Presse<l Leather, Gobelin TapMtrF. DCCOUAT1VE PAIN 1INU Br CompcUst Artui*. Window 8bsdss in all Colon. *11-J*a W. W. BoAMAX. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. tROCHDALE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. The regular quarterly meetlnir of this society will Le heldin Urand Army Hall. 141-' Penn- sylvsnis avenue (I'oat Room No. 2», on TUESDAY, -'lit instsot, at 8 o'clock snsrp. Important business. A full attendance is desired show trade card at the door. A. T. LoSGl.EY, President. -'W-St i. W. HSKSllA. swrttory. 5»DR T.J. JONES. DEMIST, HAVING RE- Vv3 turn. d to the city, will be | leaaed to see bl* friends audpatronaathis dental parlora.No. 'J'.IUOH M at. o'-'O-tlt ANNUAL MEETI NO OF T HI HTOCK- bolder* of the United State* Electr.e Light¬ ing Company will be held at Harper'. Ferry, Weft Vir¬ ginia, TUESDAY, November 11. 1S1H), at 1 o'clock, fur the electlou of director* and for auch other usinii* a, may legally come beP're thnu. 1 oils open from 1 10 to li p.m. Block tran»ler buoka closed Octo¬ ber .11. 1800. C. F. NORM r. NT. o'JO- law4t Secretary. »-\^S»TIIE VOTERS OK VIliGINlA WHO FAVOR the success of the republican party in the comn ir fall eloctiou ore requested to meet at the Cadets'armory, O *t. n.w. between 7th slid Kthats., at 7.HO o'clock THIS EVENING. JOHN H. HARKI- KON. president of tlio Virginia State Association. C. W. WH1 i li of executive committee. It* I HEREBY NOT I FY T H E PtTPLIC THAT BCS on and alter thin date, Octolier -0,1 will not bo r»»pon«.b u lor any debts contracteil by my wiie, Cora T. H' ldcr, as the has left my bed and board with¬ out Just cause. WM. D, H. UE1DER, Tenleytown, D.C. oao-at* OBLIGED TO COME. "Winter ia upon us.mildly aa yet,but upon us Just the aame. It wan a fortunate our- clia-e for you ond 1 that I secured the lliua Chinchilla overcoatings at a price which en¬ able* me to make them to order for $30. Remember, Matin lined, single breasted, with fly front, plush-lino 1 pockets, v< lvet collar and tailored <11 toe beat possible man¬ ner.and < nly <:$0 to pay. Only enougu Chinchilla to make about . dozen Overcoat* at thin price. Next time I buy prices may be hitcher and necessitate inr tacking another V to the six. making It sovon V'a. G. WABFIELD SIMPSON, "Expert In Trousers," o20 Cor. 9th and G ita. n. w. LESS THAN ASSESSMENT INSURANCE. It to It aounda doubtful, but it ia true, neverthe¬ less. that the Equitable idle Assurance Society's Policies are cheui'er than asse-smciii insurance. Here is proof of it: Take a HO-I'uyinent Life Policy lor 4;">,000 on the life of a man 33 yr«. Hu will pay iu all <3.330 m the 'JO yrs. At the end of that time the po.icy can be settled upon one ot three tollowiub* p-ans: ( Cssh value t4.02O.OO 1 J P-ld-up Policy {O.SOU <10 f I cash surplus i-'.siiO.v;.') ) Tlia man can withdraw the surplus. t'J.409.25, and retain his policy for <.">.000, fully paid up, which would niak- his insurance actually cost the i.ifference betwten the (3,330 and the »uiplus.-f..409.«!j.withdrawn, wuich would be<»~0.?o: in nee i|o.000 iusuisuce has coat hlui but *46 per year, or at the rate "f'i'.i '-'0 i er thouauud.alia in CM of the strongest compa¬ nies iu tne world. Have you ever looked at It trorn this standpoint* HOWES A HALL, Equitable Life Assurance Society, No. 1320 F st. n.w. 3 ORIENTAL RUGS AND CARPETS. D. E. VABZHABEDIAN k CO. Principal store, 1032 Conn. av«* Branch store, 620 14th at. Largest and moat complete sssortment of rare and choice Turkish and Persian Rugs, Carpets and Por¬ tieres. over 1,200 In number, at marvelously low prices. Intending purchasers should visit our new and prin¬ cipal store before making their purchases elsewhere, as, no doubt, thsy can make better selections at lower prices o20-3t »-^»IT BESTS WITH YOU, Luslneas has fairly opened with na and ws are selling more Fall Overcoats than we ever did. Have no doubt that we are selling our abare. It seems as if with our liberal way of dealing we .re entitled to a large share of your patronage. If you are tired of having us write about our Pall Overcoats It rest* with you to buy us out, then we will tell you about uttr the way, they are ready now. Why not call and see them! GEORGE SPRANSY, One-price Clothier, o20 434 7th St. B.W. ns-^^HLACK DIAGONAL PRINCE ALBERT lUOCK AND DHKHS St IIS, Einbiacing every grade desirable. Ihey are Indis¬ pensable. Nok'enileioku need bo «iliiouioue.t specially since they can be hud at sueh rea»>naL<le prices. Assortment is large and must respoud to your taste and pocket. NOAU WaLKEU & CO.. o20-3t 02j Pennsylvuula ave. DON'T SPEND ONE CENT POR CLOTHING UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR BLACK AND BLUE CHEVIOT SUITS, ONLY 912. CORKSCREW WORSTED DRESS SUITS, ONLY <13. TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES FALL , OVERCOATS, ONLY ttt. BTBASBUUGER'S GLASS OP FASHION, o20-lm 1114 and 1110 F st n.w. ,ALBERT PIKK CONSISTORY, No. 1, Ancient anil Accei>t<il Scottuli Uite, CuthiMlrml.lOUY U »t. U.W., \v*h)d!i-twu, D.C , (Xtober 17. 1800. The member* t»f Albert liko Coutiiktory, >o. 1, A. A. 8.R., ar-* rcquestfii iu at tbe Catb«ii;ul of the Kiitf on WKl>NKhi»AY. the Jf'itl mntaut, nt 6 o'clock r.m., sharp, for the I'liriono | rocee<liu»c to the flou»e i.t Uie T«>Di|'le. 4.M .'kt at. li. w.. uud cscortinK tho Grand Coi.niuimlrr. ofticem aud Mt iiiLers of tlie mi pre me (.'ouiit 1 * to th« i 'afht of tho hit.-, where, aiu-r wt.rkiua the 1 Lirtjr-third Degree, they will be lh<-tfuents of the Cousi!il<>ry. All metu'er«of the KiU- of the lower dey-reo* are frat» riia!ly and cordially invited to meet the uieinl^rn ol the Consistory at the tini*- and l'iace above ludi- cat d and unite In tormiug the escort. Other niemlx i* of th** ltite beiontriinr to this or the Northern Jurlhdictlon are al»o invited to unite With u*. Meint*er» will report to Sir John LL Ulcott, 3*-^°, mar-, in tlio uniiorui of their rank. iirethren ununitonii»*d will re|t>rt to him dreased in dark rlolhea, nlm k ¦lotn,h hats and white ^h/ve«. The atated iiK ung ot tlie Couaibtory on Monday, 20tu instant, will be abandoned. by ouler of the V.M .K. olH 3t Ki>liEKT BALL. 32<>. Re<ri«trar. MITUHA8 LODOK OF P£K*ECTION. A. ft A. Scottlah Kite, will confer no dcfrtM on 'ITEsDA V. 2Nt inataut. aa the cathedral has been plured at the diapoaal of the auprcmc council lor the entire week of its session. by order of the Yen. Mnat.-r. ALK1L H. MoLT, 3*J°. ^)18-2t# heeretary. BRICKLAY»R8, attention. ' 11.ere will be a special meeting of the Union Mii.nT'AV, Oct. UO, at S p.m., to adopt our new con¬ stitution, and every member u reuues.ed to be present. By crder of the Union. JAalEH M. Uu>CE, olS-Sit Recording becretary. PEKSONS wanting oranolituic Walks Iu Tile or In Block form, cellars and walla made dry snd sweet at reasonable rates, will call or address R RIORDAN. 611 N at. n.w.. general contractor for all kinds of pavement. olS-llt* UK&SltS. E. LORRAINE UATT1CE AND Cbaa W. Lybrand have formed a real estate Una under the style of E. L. MAT IICK A CO. Both EnUeuieu ure well known iu busiiieas circles, the rtn.r hating been for some time the general manager of th>< Washington Improvement and inveettueut Company. The> will be pleased to see and attend to the wants of their friends. Uave opened their office at HI? F at n. w. ois-at »^»WAICH REPAIRING. 1 make a spec.altv of Fine Watch Repair¬ ing at modeiate pricea Twenty-two yesrs of actual criencoat the bench. Diliicult tepaira solicited, work warranted. GEO W. SPIER, Expert Watch klaker aud Jeweler, o6-eoVm 310 9th st. n.w., near Pa ave. ^aOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS, DIS- L tnct of Columbia, Washington, October 18. lsl»0..In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congreas tusking appropriations to provide for the ox- Cses of the government of the District of Columbia the fiscal year ending June 30. 18U1. approved Auuust <i. ISUO. the ComUiiasloners of the District of Columbia hereby invite pro|<o«als for supplying gus snd electric lights at reduced rates for municipal lighting in the District of Columbia upon annual, five- year and ten-year contracts and upon any system, ilie act provides as follows: "That the Commissioners of tho Ihstnct of Columbia shall investigate, ascertain and report to the second session of the Fifty-first Con¬ gress what deduction may be made for gas ami electric lwhting. both for, five-year and for ten-year Ail" contracts, aud that they be authorised to Invite pro- i o*als for supplying said light at reduced ratea, and In thla they are not limited to auy one system." Full In- formation will be furnished ui-on application at this office, i be application should state w lietber informa¬ tion is desired concerning gee lighting, electric light¬ ing. or both. Aa these proposals w.ll be suboiittsd to Congress it is desirable that they should be received at this ofilce not later than MIVkMBKh TWEN T1ETH, 18V0. but proposal will be received at any tine before MARCH flusr, 1601. J. W. DOUGLASS. J. W. MOSS. H. M. ROBERT, Commissioners District of Co¬ lumbia. OlH-tit SasL I.tVI PRINCE. OF WASHINGTON C.H- > Ohio, desire to learn tbs whereabouts of °«d5iSsJT&sr- °** Washington News and Gossip, Index to Advertiseneats. AMTJ8EMENT8 p. 10 ATTORNEYS 8 Paaws 8 and 10 aitcmn resorts r»k-« io bicvcles rV« BOARDINQ BOOKS AND STATIONERY r»(.'c 7 BUSINESS CHANCES 3 CITY ITEMS pj. 10 COUNTRY REAL ESTATE p.*. 3 DEATHS p...* DENTISTRY ... 7 EDUCATIONAL Pages 2 and 7 EXCURSIONS. PICNICS, Ac. P>Htt 10 FAMILY SUPPLIES Sw 10 FINANCIAL .....Pige 10 FOR RENT 'Flat®) p^., « FOR RENT (Orncn. 1' ££ " FOR liENT (Rooms) Pure 2 FOK ItENT (Stores) Pure FOR BENT (IIovsK»> p~! z FOR RENT (Mikcellankous). Pi(T« 2 FOR SALE (Holsks) Pure 1 FOR SALE (I.ot«) o FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Pure 2 OENTLEMEN'S GOODS. p!. t hotels ;;;; HOUSEFURNISIIINQS. . £ e 7 ladies' goods J>Z® , LOCAL MENTION P-. 10 LOST AND FOUND p£r. 2 medical h!!« MISCELLANEOUS . 5 MONLY TO LOAN o NOTARIES PUBLIC £1 z OCEAN STEAMERS 7 POTOMAC KIVER BOATS P«*I l PIANOS AND ORGANS .' p^I 8 personal » - printers ;;;;; z PROFESSIONAL , X PROPOSALS Page 10 RAILROADS p " 7 SUBURBAN PROPERTY p-ure 3 SPECIAL NOTICES x WANTED (Help) Piute S wanted ( hochks) " WANTED (Rooms) | 7, WANTED (Situation*) . !pa»r« x WANTED (Miscellaneous) .P«*e 3 Statement of the circulation of The Evening Stab for the wcok ending October 18,18S0: Monday. Octobor 13. 1800 30,496 Tuesday, October 14, 1800 30..'»1B Wednesday. October 15, 1890 30^484 Thursday, October 16, 1890 30,164 I* kidat, October 17, 18803O,'t!S0 Saturday, October 18, 1890 34/J07 10111 187,016 Daily Average 31,169 Corresponding Win, 1889...., 20,109 T solemnly swear that the above la a true and correct statement of tho circulation ot 1 be Evening Stab for the weekending Octobor 18,1890. Frank B. Noyes, Troasurer Eyknino Stab Newspaper Co. Subscribed and sworn to before in© this twentioth day of October, A.D. 189a John T. C. Clark, Notary Public. Government Receipts Today..Internal revenue, §365,530; customs. $726,904. Presidential Postmasters Appointed..The President has appointed tho following-named postmuatori: Albert Z. Mooro at Shelby, Mich.; Dorsey W. Trump at Marquoketa, Iowa. Denied From Rome..A cablegram from Rome says that the semi-official papers of that cjty that Baron Fava was recalled from Washington for Belling decoratioua. Tom IUnoeb at Cobinto..The Nary Depart¬ ment has been informed by the commanding officer of tho Ranger of his arrival on thai vessel at Corinto, Central America, yesterday. The 8an Fbancisco will within the noxt ton days bo put in commission and will most prob¬ ably be ordered as the flay ship of the Asiatic squadron. Promotion..Mr. Andrew Johnson has boen promoted to be assistant chief of tho division of customs, Treasury Department, vice James R. Lake, who was recently transferred to New York. Paymasteb Henry T. Wbioht, lately on duty in the bureau of provisions and clothing, has been detailed for duty iu chargo of the accounts of tho coast and geodetic survey in this city, in placo of Paymaster Dccring, deceased. The Nipsic Out of Commission..Orders have been issued puttincr tho U.S.S. Nipsic, now at Mare Island navy yard, San Francisco, out of commission. The Nipsic will bo dry-docked and repairs to the oxtent of $40,000 will be put on her. ¦ Army Officers Must Pay Duty ox Books. The Treasury Department has informed the Secrotary of War, in reply to an inquiry from him. that thero is no provision in the law au¬ thorizing tho admission free of duty of books for officors of the army. HoNons to the Memoby of Justice Mil¬ ler..A meeting of the bar of the United States Supreme Court wag hold in tho Suprome Court chamber today to tako action in refcr- eronce to the doath of Justice Miller. 8. F. Phillips was elected chairman, and James' H* McKenny secretary. After a committee of fourteen, with Senator Evarts as chairman, had been appointed to draft resolutions com¬ memorative of tho deceased justice, tho meet¬ ing adjournod until December 6 noxt, whon tho coinmitteo will report. The Rock Cbeek Park Commission did not go down tho cast side of Rock creek Saturday afternoon. It would have been a good deal of an undertaking for such a limited amount of daylight as then remained. The commissioners went down tho creek for about thrco-quarters of a milo, admired the wild beauties of the region.tho boulder-broken stream, tho impos¬ ing cliffs, the healthy growth of timber.and returned to thoir carriages at the bridge. It had been the original intention to walk down as far as Blagden's Mill, but tho plans were changed after The Star's report closodon Sat¬ urday. From tho military bridge the party drove to Bnghtwood, and reached the citv via the 14th street road. Personal..Mr. John Morrison of Glasgow, Scotland, F. H. Johnson of Louisville, C. B.' Schmidt of Omaha and C. H. Noble of the army and wife are among the late arrivals at the Ebbitt House. The Montreal lacrosse team arrived in the city Saturday and are quartered at Willard's. Charlos E. Field of Bangor, Me., H. R. Comly of Helena and J. W Bartlett of Roanoke are at Willard's. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchie of Pitu- £Ur.?' JrTinK WiUon of Philadelphia and 1 ! °' New York are quartered at the Hotel Randall. Mr. and Mrsi M. P Ma- i?neyT °j T?r2?t?> F- J" Co11'" °f Bradford, U o/' Webster of Bangor, Me., Charles H. Strong of Savannah and Mr. George E Weiler, proprietor of the Mansion House of Reading, Pa., and wife are at the Rices Hous* George A. McKay and Albert A. Munger of Chicago and E. H. Wen. of Pittsburg are at Welcker't. Mr. F. E. Warberg and daughter and Jlrs. Josephine Raphael of London, Eng.. who are visiting the olty, are staying at the Shoreham. Wm. L. Abbott or Pittsburg John A. Garver of New York, Mr. and ^ C. Bruce of Memphis are at the Normandie. H. O. Porter and daughters of London, Eng., Hugh Clark ?J Tex., are at the Arlington. Mr-and Mrs. A. H. Hanscam and Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hanscam and Lena Hanscam of Sionx Falls are at the Hamilton Hons* ~ Carpenter of Rome, N.Y., H. Gardner of Haumondsport, N.Y.. F. A. MorreU of Brook- '7.n TL»ngham. J. O. Wood, H. > ruaklin and E. j. Evans of Toronto and L. J. S" n °' Boston are at the Johnson. W. Williams and Jaa. H. Knowies of Boston. w b ®ol^bury ©J.Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. ~ McKay of Raoa, Tex^ & D. Thacher of Kansas (Sty, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eddy of In- dianapolis, Q. W. Ball of CloTeland, D. B. 1 of Oxford, England, are at the Si Js A FORMER WASHINGTON!AN Now Tells of the Attractions of Port Townsend, Where He Lives. For twelve Tear* A. Duddenbau*en was a clerk in tfao office of the treasurer of the United State*; subsequently ho held down a land office in Oxford, Idaho; todaj he it a pros¬ perous citizen of Tort Townsend, in the state of Washington, and at the same time is enjoy¬ ing a holiday among friends iu this city. Mr. Dnddenhausen think* there is bat one place ¦ nperior to the national capital and that i* Port Townsend. In everything tliat goes to make a town a thorough-going success no place is so well aupplied as is Mr. Dudden- hausen's legal residence. Location, business advantages, scenery, population, healthfulnes* and several other things too numerous to be mentioned in ono day combine to prove that Part Townsend either was. or ought to have been, the original *ite of the Garden of Eden. port towxsksd's mint advantages. "While the wretched inhabitants of Port¬ land," said Mr. D. to a Stab reporter, "an¬ nually iwim through fonr feet two inches of rain, we of Port Townsend *carccly put up our umbrellas for a rainfall of eighteon inches. If we wanted or needed more moisture we could probably get it, but wo havo everything niceiy arranged just now and are satisfied. "How is the senatorial fight getting along? Warm. Senator Squire, of course, wants to be re-olected, but his desire is no more vigorous than that of W. H. Calkins, and Mr. Calkin* will movo everything possible to prevent Squire'* return. "Why will he? Because he wants to come to the Senate himself. It is within the bounds of possibility that each may defeat the other, in which event a very pretty tight will ensue. There 1* no lack of material for that position. Allan Weir, now aecretary of stato, would bo a willing man and *o would Representative John Wilson. Under or¬ dinary circumstance* neither of them will suc¬ ceed. We shall be entitled to another Itepro- .eutative under the new apportionment and that will go to Weir. Wilson will be re-elected by a big majority. rOHMKB wasiuxotosiaxb kow ix Tax west. "Somo former Waahingtonians are doing well in the we*t. £. O. Graves, ex-chief of the bureau of ongraving and printing, i* ac¬ cumulating wealth a* president of a Seattle bank. At Omaha I (topped over to *ee ex- Treasurer A. U. Wymau. He is president of a batik and of a loan and trust company there, but his health is not as good as it might be. Ho will probably more out to Port Townsend in the spring. It will be a good thing for 1'ort Townsend and no less of a good thing for Mr. Wyman." A THOUSAND A YEAR. What Eighty-Four Clerks Appointed lo the Pension Oflice Will Get. The following official changes have been mado in the Department of tha Interior: Pension office.Appointments as clerk* at $1,OOJ: Chas. W. Hill, Cyrus L. Hall, Alex. E. Matheson, Goo. U. Meacham, J. Monroo Bush- nell, James H. Tobin, and Henry M. Gun* derson of Wisconsin, Georgo L Eelley, Victor L Dodge, William F. Craig, Charlea W. Brickcr, Thomas P. Gray, John Paisley, Alphonso A. Rice and John M. Jamison of Iowa, Daniel W. Harper, Jarne* G. Clayton, Henry B. Swearingcn, Theodore L. Gardner, Leopold Burger. Charle* A. Craven aud William S. Smith of Alabama, John B. Lichty, Geo. A. Gilliland, Israel C. Stockton, Gondy Mayfield. Richard D. Rush. Alfred R. l'enniman, William T. Cathcart and Robt. L Underwood of Illinois, Joseph L. Newman, Arehilli* B. Parkcy, Samuel M. Aruell. jr., and William H. Conner of Tennessee, Harold Tracy, William J. Elstun and Pcrcy S. Crowe of Indiana, Samuel Fiicher, Orrin B. Halltim, Robert L Nail, Carroll B. Carr of Kentuoky, Merritt L. Dawkius, John J. llycr, John F. Froeman, Fielding C. Miller of Missouri, Jesse B. Sims, Timothy F. Maurin of Louisiana, George D Kmerson, Geo. Lair.len- schlnger, John W. Stewart, Joseph W. Ellis, E. Grant Birdsell of New York, Charles Mc- Sorley of New York, Robert K. Jayne of Mis¬ sissippi, Albert H. Stevens of Mississippi, Wil¬ liam Simmons of Mississippi, John T. Manier of Mississippi. Thos. H. McDonald of Cali¬ fornia, Henry C. LaFoint of California. John W. Jones of California, Geo. A. Cratchtield of Texas, Alva C. Garrett of Texas. John A. McAfee of Texas, John T. Hart of Texas, John M. Johnson of Texas. Barney Babcock of Arkansas, Harry L Elliot of Arkansas, Hugh Lewis of Arkansas. John Gray Lucas of Arkansas, Chas. E. Harris of Pennsylvania, David B. Clinger of Pennsylvania. Lorenzo D. Marcellus of Massachusetts. John B. Wash¬ burn of Massachusetts, George E. Worcester of Massachusetts, Frank E. Potts of Michigan, Chas. C. Townsend of Michigan, Nathauiol N. McCullough of Illinois, isuiab F. Nickoll of South Dakota, Warren B. Esty of North Caro¬ lina, Chas. B. Williams of North Carolina, Frederick M. Youmaus of Ohio, Hanlon Marsh of Ohio, James C. Brelsford of Ohio, Lonis F. Coleman of Ohio. An Important Customs Decision. Application* have been made to the Treasury Department by importers who had tobacco in bonded warehouses prior to the passage of the act of October 1, 181)0, for permission to with¬ draw the same at the weights as ascertained at tho time of said withdrawal. These applica¬ tions aro based on the sccond proviso of section 50 of the tariff act which pre¬ scribes that "when duties are based on the weight of merchandise deposited iu any public or private bonded warehouso said du¬ ties shall be levied and collected upon the weight of such merchandise at the time of its withdrawal." Assistant Secretary Spaulding say* that after a careful consideration of the department is of opinion that Buch applica¬ tions cannot be grunted inasmuch as under the first proviso of said section special privilege is conferred upon merchandise, which, like tobacco, is subject to increased duties uuder the new tariff act of allowing it to be withdrawn for consumption at any timo prior to February 1 next upon the payinont of dutv at tho lower rates prescribed by the old tariff sets. Gen. Spaulding says further; "Mcrchandiae sub¬ ject to increased duty under tho new tariff act i* thus entitled to withdrawal at the old rates, which are lower than the now rates, and consequently it must be held that tho withdrawal entries for consumption of such merchandise made prior to February 1, 1891, must cover the same qualitv of merchandise as to weight*, a* if the entnea had been made prior to the date when the act of October 1, 18'JO, took effect: in other word* the department must de¬ cide that when the imporier shall elect to withdraw his merchandise uuder the first pro¬ viso, a rcweighing at the time of withdrawal cannot be allowed for the reason that tho good* BO withdrawn by virtue thereof must be treated as exclusively subject to the provisions of the law in foroe prior to the passage of "said act" Bids fob Fubxishixo Abtilleby Horses.. Bids were opened this morning at the offico of the depot quartermaster in this city in the War Department for famishing five artillery horses for use at Washington barracks. But two pro- Sosal* were received, as follows: J. Kaufman Son, $230 per hor*e; Jos. Bergman. (1.85. No award has yet boen made, as an examina¬ tion must be made into the condition of tho animals to determine whether or not they are suited to the work ahead of them. ? Hospital fob Fishsehin..Arrange¬ ment have been completed by Burgeon Gen¬ eral Hamilton, in charge of the marine hos¬ pital service, for the establishment at Solo¬ mon'* Island, at the mouth of tho Patuxent river, Chesapeake bay, of a temporary hos¬ pital for bay oystermen and fishermen. A large house has been rented from a restaurant proprietor on the island, and it will be fitted up with hospital accommodations. Naval Obdbm..Paymaster Henry T.Wright, U.8.N., ha* been detached from duty in tho bureau of provision and clothing and ordered to take charge of the accounts of the coast and geodetic survey. The order detaching As¬ sistant Engineer W. H. Creighton from duty at the Purdue University has been revokod. Lieut A. B. Spevess has been ordered to tho training ship Minn.ota. m i THE MAFIA SCOTCHED New Orleans' Murder Society in the Hands of the Police. A BRITISH ADMIRAL'S PLIGHT. Gov. Campbell Proposes Another Compromise. MR. CLADSTONE BECINS HIS TOUR- UNMASKING THE MAFIA. New Orleans Police Kunnlng Down the Murderer* of Chief Hennessey. New Oblsans, Oct 20..The police au¬ thorities insist that they we making good progress in the Hennessey assassination case; tbat they have the murderers in jail and will bo ablo to secure the necessary evidence to convict them. Tbo assassination, they assert, was ordered by tbo Matrangos. the head of one of the Sicilian gangs hero, and bad been planned long iu adtunce. Ainoug those iden¬ tified, and against whom the police claim to bavo all the needful evidence, are Machra, Matranger and the four assassins. The police regard tbe arrest of the two named as the most important made. They are men of grual in¬ fluence among the Italians, and very strong politically. Mr. A. J. Peeler, who has identified several of the assassins. has called upon tho mayor and asked for police protection. Mr. feeler said he has received letters threatening him v.iui assassination. An important arrest was made list night in tho person of Manuel l'olatek. The police claim to have positive information tbat he fired the gun tbat did such fatal execution on the night of tbe murder. The assassin who fired the gun at tho discharge of which Hennessey fell stumbled as he ran off anil came 1:1 con¬ tact with the gutter curbing. 1'oUtek's riuht ear is badly mangled, as by a fall, und bis arm is seriously bruised Officer Cooper, who pur¬ sued tbe assassins some distance, positively identified l'olatek as tho man who leli down while running away. TUo Italian consul has represented to tho authorities that relatives of the Lallan prison¬ ers confined in the parish prisou complain that the prisoners have It n treated badly. Tho complaint of tho cou>il has been roterred to the crim mil court and will be investigated. The Italians in ti.e city are keeping very quiet. The fruit trade has been badly crippled by the assassination. WHILE OFFICERS DANCED. The Sailors in the Olllnj Were Tossed About by the laule. London, Oct. 20..This morning Admiral Seymour and 210 ofiiccrs, who had visited Scarborough to attend a bail given in their honor by tho mayor, again unsuccessfully at¬ tempted to rejoin their vessels. Tho ships, which on Saturday were compelled to put to sea in order to avoid being driven ashore by tbo prevailing heavy galo and tremendous Baas, aud which iu so doing had been obliged to leave the Admiral and his party on shore, had again ventured as close in shore m was possible, in order to permit the party to board. When the second attempt was made the wind had subsided considerably aud the force of the waves, while still formidable, had comparatively abated. Tno amelioration in these conditions was, however, ott'scl by a dense fog which followed the change. After a determined effort to reach tho war vessels Admiral Seymour aud his companions were compelled to return to land. Grave anxiety has been felt during tho existence of the storm for tho gunboat bpeed- well, which was left with but one ofiiccr ou board. Early in tho afte rnoon tho boats again put off for the lleet and shortly afterward Admiral Seymour ascended to the deck of the great armored vessel Camperdown. On board of tbe big war ship it was tound that thirteen men had had their legs, ribs or arms smashed by tho giving away of a cable and tho shipping of OB anchor. Three other vessels of tho fleet have signaled th# oe'currenco 01 fatalities, but nothing is yet wn as to their nature. HE TRIES AGAIN. Gov. Campbell I'roposcs a Compromise to the Ohio Legislature. Coixmbi'8, Ohio, Oct. 20..Gov. Campbell wi:i ¦end a special messago to the legislature on the convening of tho house this afternoon recom- monding the passage of a bill for a non-partisan board of improvements for Cincinnati and that the appointing power bo placed in the hands of the mayor as the executive olhcer of Luo city. _ OFF TO MID-LOTH IAN. Mr. Gladstone Cheered on the Beginning of His Scottish Tour. London, Oct. 20..Mr. Gladstone will be ac¬ companied by his wife througnout his tour of Beotlund. They loft Liverpool this morning. Four hundred persons gathered at the railway station at Wigau and Mr. Gladstone was heart¬ ily cheered. The crowd shouted that they did not waut him to make a speech, but wanted him to reserve hi" voico in order to be able to speak in Midlothian and demolish the torics. Mr. Gladstone nevertheless made a short speech in which ho said that Midlothiau knew what to do of herself. Nothing was left for him to do in that respect At Creston hundreds of persons gathered at the station to welcomo Mr. Gladstone and he was loudly cheered upon his arrival. When Carlisle was reached a crowd number¬ ing 1,500 persons was found waning the com¬ ing of the train. Mr. Gladstono delivered an address here. In the course of his remarks he said ho had no fear for Scotland and hoped tbat England would do as well iu the homo- rule movement as the people of the former country. Poaching on Portuguese Preserves. Zanzilab, Oct 20..Advices received hero by means of British vessels which have arrived from Zambesi river state that the British guu boats entered the river on October 8 despite the protests of the Portuguese authorities. The entire native population lined the bank of the river shouting, dancing and clappiug their hands. The Portuguese made a verbal pro¬ test against the gun boats entering tho river. m That Alleged Demand of Portugal. Lisbon, Opt 30..The government denies the statement published by the Coinniercio de Por¬ tugal and enfcnating from * correspondent at Berne that tie United States is aboat to send a fleet of war (nips to Lisbon to demand the pay¬ ment of tbe claims for damages arising from the seizure of the Delagoa bay railway. Arroeted as German Splea. Pabis, Oct 20..The Pet4 Journal announces the arrest at Belfort of a man named Dietrich and bis sister, both German spies. Plans of the forts and other military works of the city were fonnd at the house oocupied by Dietrich. The brother and sister had as an accomplice a Hanoverian spy named StahL Indignities to Traveling Americans. London, Oct 90..The Jfew publishes the following telegram from its correspondent at Igdyr, Armenia: "Two Americans * bo nave traveled in Armenia folly oonflrm my accounts, especially as to the arming of tbe Kurds. The Turkish officials annoyed the Americans in various ways and finally arrested them and de¬ prived them ot their passports, which were never retained to them after they were liber - .tail » I * ba RKADS LIKK A MOVKL Charles Ad«n>' Keturn After Forty Biz Yeart From His Horn*. TwoiUi. Oct 20. Forty-seven year* afro Charles Alatnt married Mm tWah Houston, siiter of Supervisor SI. F. Ho a* too and a prom* inent farmer of tbia (FayaMe) county. Mr. and iir*. A Jam* bad lived together J oat ota year, when oua evening Adama vent oat to milk cows, bat did not return and waa not heard of afterward, although Mr. Hoaatoa traveled much and spent a groat deal of money iu a vain search for his misting brother-in-law. Not long aft* r Adam*' disappearance a son waa born to Mrs. Adam*, bat the birth reaalted In the mother's death. The otiild waa cared for by tiio Houston* and grew to mauhood and is now living on hia farm, two and a half milsa wo*t of \ and alia. I'uriuu hia absence not the slightest rlue was had to Adama' whereabout* and he wa* supposed to bo dead. About throe we-ck* aco an elderly man. ap¬ parently about seveutv-tire vears o.d. inquired if the Houston* still lived here. and onV ing luformed that they did. left word that he would return and visit them in about three werkt. The stranger made good hia promise. and Krt- day the missing Adam* returned to this city. He did not any reason for leaving horn* .o abruptly, but said that h. w»a informed aooa after the child w»« borti that both the mother and cliild had die 1 and knew no better until informed by hi* fri< nd* here. Some four or five year* after the death of hia wife A Jam* says he married again and resided in Troy, N.Y. Four children where born to them, all of whom, together with th.-ir mother. have siu<-s diod. The truant father seemed overjoyed to know that he had a living son. and at once Lrocurcd a conveyance and started for his ease. ESCAPED WITH TI1K1K LIVES. A Plnttsburg Family Nearly Ilurned la Their Beds. PLATTsBrBO. N.Y., Oct 20..About 1 o'clock this morning an alarm of lire was sounded and iu a short tune the street* were Ailed with peo¬ ple. The eutiro east portion of the town wa* lighted up with lierce looking flauie*. It tu soon discovered that the l>odds' bakery was ablaze. An attempt to pound the fir© alarm proved a failure aiul the old method of shouuug "tire" had to be resorted to. Wiivu the firemen arrived it was too lata to save the butldiug and the work of saving the surrounding structures wax all that could be done. 'ilie building was completely consumed. It was occupied by I'. H. l>uili». tnuu^lactnrer of Mono food and a* a place of residence. The fire ha 1 so far advanced when discovered by Mr. litiilis that it was with great difficulty that ho succeeded in making his escape with his wile «ud hi* three children. Mr. Bullis' loss is placed at sjd.MiU. which include* §700 iu money wtuch ho had in the house. Every, thing in the building was destroyed. He had no insurance, 'liie loss to Sir. Podd*. tha owner of the building, will roach £3.000; in¬ sured 'or cl.oOO. The cause of tho tiro is not known. SAVED BY HEAVING LINKS. Sailors Rftciied In a Terrible Gale OS Lake Michigan. Rxcine. Wis., Oct. 20. A terrible gale blew over Lake Michigan Saturday. The sloop I'ath- fiti lor ol M.lwauaeo tried to uiako this port, but foih d. Capt. Clark of the tug Sill knew she cauid not weather such a storm on the lake and started out to help her. The wave* washed over the tag every moment threatening to ¦ink her. dfio uiauu^' d. however, to get close enough to the sloop to cast heaving liner. The crow of tiie Palhtiitdt r attached these to their bodies and, jnmpinf over, wore drawn ssfcly to the tug i.nd bro iglit »>hore. Several schooners have put iu tor shelter, but all vera considerably batten d 1 damaged. AN 1MPKE8S1V E OCCASION. Tho Consccrutlou of the New Illshop of London. London, Oxt. . Oct 10..The consccrution of the Very Rev. L>ems O'Connor, proid.ut of Assumption College, Sandwich, us bishop of London, took p!:ico at 1st. Peter's Cathedral yesterday. Archbishop Walsh of Toronto waa the consecrating bishop. Anion? tho ecclesi¬ astic dignitaries in att niaucu were Archbiahop Chary of Kingston. l>istiOps Maes of Coving, ton. Kv., Foley of iAtro.i, O Mahony of To- route. lUchter ot .Crand UapiJs, and O'Connor of Peterboro. H:gh mass was celebrated by Archbishop Waish, assisted by visiting olergy and local priests. At the conclusion of the mans the consecration took place according to the forms laid dowti by the Roman Catboho church. It was a most impressive occasion. OPPOSING OLD -METHODS. Dr. Parker of the London Temple In g Crusade Against Preachers. Loxdok, Oct. 20..I>r. Parker, the ecoentrio pastor of the City Temple, is making a crusade against old methods of worship and exhorta¬ tion. In his sermon, or rather address, yes* terday ho declared that preaching was no longer an effective instrument of the gospel. Tho preachers, ho averred, wore living in a fool's paradise. They were driveling theology instead of dealing directly with the daily l.fa of tho people. Dr. Parker recently invited correspondence from all clashes of people for tho purpose of learuinH the pnhtio thought of the efficacy of pulpit ministration. His remarks yesterday wore inspired by the re- sult of this inquiry. Suicide of n Congressional Nominee. Bochesteu. S. Y. Oct. 20..L a Emery, lata ticket agent for the 11. W. and O. R. R. in this city and nominee of the labor party for Con¬ gress in this district, committed suicido last evening at tho Livingston HoteL Ensy Way to ICcduee Majorities. London, Oct. 20..Tho conservatives have succeeded in having several thousand names stricken from the voting lists of Cork, thus dis¬ franchising nearly the samo number of liberal*. This is a savage blow at Mr. Paruell. who is one of the city's representatives in Parliament. It is apprehended in home rule circles that tha same plan will be triod is other sections of Ire¬ land with a view of getting rid of opposition majorities. An Alleged State Policy Game. New York, Oct. 20..A special from Leaven¬ worth, Kan., says the Timet of that city, yea* terday printed a letter from Kansas City, Kan., Charging that the Kansas Mercantile Associa¬ tion is running a policy game, and that tba concern sends to Topcka every mouth «3uu for division among certain state officials, The paper makes the direct charge that this money is sent to the state officials for their connivance at the scheme. Shot Down by a Mob. Charlotte, N. C.. Oct. 20..On Saturday as Silas Riggs was walking down one of tha streets of Winston he wss attacked by a mob of negroes. He ran into a bar room and appealed for protection. A few whites who were in the place run into the street and soon a lively tight ensued, which rc*Bcd in the death of Riggs. Several others JL re badly wounded. Jamos Scales is sup;>ose«fc> have killed Riggs, and a posse are n »i ulii Jpni him. Awarding; the Wages of SI a. Memphis, Tek*., Oct 20..E. K. Peterson, an employe of the Illinois Central road, shot and killed his wife at 10 o'clock last night. Peterson returned home unexpectedly and found his wife and 8. M. Maxwell together. The husband drew a revolver and fired twice at Maxwell, who drew the woman in front of himself and she received both bullets. Tha woman died within fifteen minutes. Pet was arrested and lodged m jail. A Coffee Poisoner Confe BaxTinobi, Oct 2a.Mary Motzdorff, sixteen years, who killed her brother, Jamas Motzdorff, and Mary Broadwater, her annt by strychnine, which was put in their coffee, plead guilty when arraigned for trial today, til remanded for sentence. The Locomotive Eaglaten. PrrrsBCBO, Pa., Oct SO..Today's the international convention of the Brother, hood of Locomotive Engineers was held with closed doors. The deliberations were withonft importance to the public. After Wednesday's excursion via the Pennsylvania railroad la Johnstown and Altoona the convention will ha in daily session for about two woehik Tonight the ladies of the local auxilery give a tion to the delegates. Edison Entertalna the New You, Oet 90l.The Const of Paris his salts left the eity this morning to Llewellyn Park to visit Mr. Kdieo spect his factories. The party will

Transcript of The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1890-10-20 [p ]. · vuioiimof the act npproted «.» tobor 1,...

Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1890-10-20 [p ]. · vuioiimof the act npproted «.» tobor 1, lMlo.all ar-iMrafw of veneral iaxes prior t>> July 1, Issh,and aa>ir-»u.*»iita


AT THE STAK BUILDINGS,Worthwert Corner Pennxyiritii Aft. »ad 11th 0U tTTt« Evening Star Newspaper Company,

s. n. KAUFFMANN, /'reft.

tff* F^t^txo St i* Is aerr*d to .ntMrrtb^T* !n theritr by firri^n. ©c. tliefr own Account. ut JO cnts perweek. ur 44< i * th p;*-* ut tbv coOJt^r. '-iMru aarh. By mail.;>o»ta«. m« "" ""

Bo< ;.:b one yr*r. *t>. %;x iiu/bllla, ji[For«rvJ at the I t «t uHkii ai Waaiuufton. D. C., u

.K'ji.J-' l»«» mail matter Jlas U'bhilt STa».rtJbllab*«1 on filw-ll ¦

T'» po»t«ire prepaid »!* iru-nth*. SO cent*.tW.Ol mall mbarrti t»>n» rr'I»t ba paiU la

»o r«l«r i*iit k»r..-«r tliar. it i aid for.Eatea of atlYtrtlaln* mad* known on iprimttoa.

ftieniuatol. 17,071. washington. d. c.. monday. october 20. 1«90. tvo cent:

SPECIAL NOTICES.-ria»Yon ir.r invitfd to see a iha«-







^-^i^OEFICK OF IHE CHESAPEAKE ANDPotomac Tel. phone Company..A dividendi-f ».i c-BI. it-r.i.irt; will t* pay*bieoo th*'*J7th day ofoc ol*r. lsixj. to tue st..kl.ol.iersof r iunl»t thec!c«- oi bus. Lea* r.u tue 17tn day of October. IHtfO. a:tRr office ot the tr- a-ure: of the comi any. (IIS# 14that c.w . Waehii'ntou. D.C.1 l.^irausfer bo..kswni be closed from the 18th tothe iviu of Octoler luclus ve.

saMIEL M. BRYAN, PresidentCHARLES o BEEBE. ireaeuror.Washington. D.l .October 14, ls!»o o16-114

WA >H1S(liosi D. C. < cTT14. 1soor. Lorraine Mattice and CLaa. W. l.> i>ran

Lav., this day fo: n I i copartnership under tlie firmpam« oi r l. r.dll.c* a. Co. for the transaction ofHeal Estate BmIHM in ail na branches Me eollclttii« patronage of our friends

E. L. MATTIC. A CO..«J17 F at. n w.


jHAVE TOUIi FCRNAOES. RAN.TeS ANDLatrones >uiiui»dby a practical man belore

cold weather r«>4iM J' 'S. E. HoD« . iO.N, 4».~> Sih si.B. - Luaay Iin i.oola repaired and Guaranteed.ol4«!t*

»KOTlCE OF rc>R*EirrilE OF STUCK.stockholders in the Liuotype Com) any of

tut- iiwtnet ot Columbia wbo III^ failed to pay theawnai«L:< beretoiore ordered by tli' Company arohereby nctitud that their eli«-k snd all previous pay-C.en:r mvde thereon will be lor:e:ted mnlese all arrearsax- ) aul a> the of t.'ie treasurer. 019 14th st.n. w. wt*h'0 the ill! i rwi rili. I 1>)T ia«. t.iec. otiO,tie W statutes of tho l~. a., relating to the Instneti. Columbia.)By oruer ot tho Board of Trustees,

SAM I EL M. UKYAN, PresidentAttest: FRANK V Mi>Ui.iO>. Secretary-e14-8w* Washington,IEC.Oct, 13. Ib00.

__jI)R. Eb«ARD RooME HAS REMOVEDB-JS hi* offi> » froin 11117 at. to 184514th at. a w.Office hours, 8.10 » m. and p m. oll-10t*

_ -Tit: j. haktlimt hTlls9- L-» rnui/ud fciai nice io 1331 F it., Roornaitui'i .«. Crst *' n>r. wUerv h> wtil uiaic a aim iaHy ofMecoai.ical Dentistry Liki made liefore ai.d lu-a»rleti luimediairly afUYextrurtion of leeth. oM-lui*kr- __o.LK !i Fl^HLl. H AS REMOVED HIS9- oft .1.1 rvaidence Iron HiVI» K »t. toliC!.*> ( osnecti ut «v u.w., tu < \ or I Ilu"

,I>R. < M. N. LAT1MEU EA-> LEMuYEDi * < rtit f* lo 14« '.> >. V. m\«. ilw. aul

VUl H OUAU CUKI AKD WOODtmni tue liriu 01 Ji'liN.^oN

1*41 1 HERS, tne must extensive rviuil deaiei» ;u thecomatry, c4

-z&VRTvwI*. 11M MEM \ »B1 ATK. N.w ,

w;^L»*4 to inform hi* | at. >»i.h liiat, haviuv»ri»i-!»e<i hi» 1 v Mi.uii »¦> I'< ;q <n»Wotur »u the DentalL^i'artiueut ot tdo CoiumbitRU tM>cr»it>, he- wulDow a* voto L;s wLu!e ti:x.o lu otiive irsctKe*


D ol.IN LEECH H AS 1«I MOVED HISP- Oi£ce al.d resldeuid to b.. 1 VmryftTt. u.e 1 e.epboii* cull. N 5o*'. or^ce houra, s to 10a^3i.. l to a and »o 7 :. o w o«-iin*Cr _._jOEiiCi OF 1 HE CoELEi TOR Ol TAXES,

L.C . October 0. lSbU. l'urauiuit to the pro-vuioiim of the act npproted «.» tobor 1, lMlo. all ar-iMrafw of veneral iaxes prior t>> July 1, Issh, andaa>ir-»u.*»iita tor apvciai lniprovvb.e^la, :ni lud'.nir t.'ielay.lit ft water mains, i.o* due to. abd tue ueiiatorwui. h are held i»> tn>< Lis ncicf Ct.umbia, n.aj belaid nrr.l Ocloiier 31, 1SU0. with 0 perce tuin iu-triuat in lieu of ti.e rate »ul pcLaltie-i now hied bylaw. una ell accrued co«ia. E. G. LaVIS. Collector oflaies. DC.


of Waihiutrtuo, D.C.CAPITAL AND SCKPLLS $335,000 00Has never contested a losa by fire, bat always makes

prompt and liberal ad.iistrnenu.Da. DAN'L B. CLARKE. Preat.GEO. E. LEMON. Vica Preat,CHAS. a BRADLEY. Treaa.I. FENWICK YOCNG. Secy,WILL P. BOTELEK. Atat. Eacy. a27 3m


NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.Yon are her*by u tilled that a meennfr of tho stock-

ho^d'ts wi.l be lie.d MONDAY'. October ~7. lsWO, at7:30 p.m . at Company's othce, So. *510 13th st., loronsluer the> ol accept'.! * an < flwr whichlias oeen received to purchase the i^u^rry. Ti.e acce| t-aa<s- or reje« lion of stud <H~r snil > a decided by a v. teol t. c stucahoidera at the tuue and place above inen-


j. g. Ht»i er, J. si'iiK.i, poolf.Majority of the Directora.

aptember U7, lbJO.^


i n». Corns. ln*TO'vlnir an I Club Sella and!a.1 other foot troubles. J. J. GEoRUES A SON,

ihircpcsiiala and Artist B- ot Makers,1115 Pa. ava.

Ladies' and Gents' Boots made to fit the most diffi¬cult feet. Est*: listed ls<51. aV.7-lin

MORAS, glStPA AVE. HAS 15 OFbe-t ui ibaiiica to attend prompt to all

orl. r» in I^trobe, - urt-ace and liaue Work. Have instock Sexton's (irand at less than regular prices,Bibbs,S»-w LaiUmure Esnor Sun, Heath's urand Domesticand Perfect Latrvbee and 13 other patterns to se.eclInn.

I Stsphone. t>84.2. a20-3m

LACE CCB1AINScalled for, taken down and laundrtcd with

BtPEKloR FlMsHaiid delis. red at

50 CENTS PER FAIR.Satisfaction (uarautetsi iu every particular:

YALE STEAM LACNDBY.ij'Z'Z loth a'.., near cur. of F,f. H. WALKER * CO.Telephone oall.1002-3.


1'AN Y.1001 i st. n.w.CAPIl '.L il.uoo.uon.oo.

7bteeompan> issues cernflcstes of depotltbeatinafutsrest as to.lows. CXi all" ail 0U1.U u< posited torDinsrtir daysor nioie, Lut lesa tnan six montlia, 3 |«rci*.'. ver annum. -i^t per cent on deposits for moretban six mouths, but leas than a year, al.w e »tr cent onAi icsiu ot one yuar or luu*< r.becuxed for sale. Money loaned.

B. H. W AK> Eli, Eretideni.W. B. BOBUON. Secretary.DIRECTORS

. John T. Ansa Georve F. Srhafer.Cl.ariea L. Bailey, John A llainlitoB, L. Barbour Thomas Somrrv1ll%Gsorge E. Bartol. Jobn A- hsoi*,H. a. iuu.ii.inA J. s. Swormsisdt,J. J I'ariUitfton. Hattersley *»'. Talbot^Jc hn Joy Edeon. Georae TruesdelACharles). Kiilman k H. Warner,Albert F Fox. A.A. WUaou,ft. C. Green. L. D. Wine,V ..ham IS. GurleK 8. W Woodward.Jobo B. Larner. Chaa. Beuj. WUkinaon.ala Jm A. a Worthloatou.


R R SBEDD k BRO.an30 A3^' 0tb at n.«.


CERTIFICATES OF STOCK ASDCheqnsa. Ai: u.ethrds rl Printma and

JKravin*. OEDNEY A KoBEhlr,sah-.Tt 407 10th st.. Adjoining Poet Buildlna,

JrST IssCED.WF.BsTr.K'S INTFRNATIOXAL DICTIONARY.It is Weisrtai 's L l.abrwVeil thorouirhiy re eolted andjaetly enrli bed in every part, after len years, by morettu.u 1W k<frt.»n»ou tii« eUitona. work, at an tmmeuMcost of money. lUs pr** is rstlucsd.

V^ c- PCRsRJ L. Book'»-J?*in.lp 4 l.i !>iu ST. N.W.

TAMAB A laxative refreshing;SlUlt i. /.« r;**t

Ten' to uie foaCONSTIPATIOS,b#n: orrb«i<ls, Lila^21 DISS kss of aj g^atno ib4

mtesiiuul trout lea audbeaiiacLi- ariaUitfUoui

E G r. I L L O 5.0RTLL0 5 Fue llambutraQeol&-al»ml> toUl by all L>romfi»u^

Carpets.Jrcst orsned a beautiful lice of Wiltons. M xquetta,Velvet, E.siy Brussels. Tapestty and lnaraiu Carpeta;Wilton. Velvet an 1 Smyrna Cariwt Ruvs, ait si tee:lean,... Art bi^uaree, Wlliou and Smyms Ruks anaMeta in choice | atwrm. Lae cnrtauis, saeh i urtalua

and liraprrles lo street variety. Thoee lurntehtna w01¦ad it t» tnelr advantaas w "xanune our stock befoceyaie-haamc. BooE. BRO. AA A CO..

1X» Fat.







The object of the MERCHANTS' MUTUAL PRO¬TECTIVE UNION la to protect its member* againstthat clat-s of persons who do Dot p»y their debt*, in thefollowing manner:

l»t. Bv endeavoring to obtain for its member* debtaover duo.2d. By fumi»hln* it* member* with the name* of

thl» class, In order that credit ma; be refuaod.

To Accompliah these End*:

lit. The manager ha* an efficient and reliable corr*of collector*, who will use every available mean* to ob¬tain money due the m. mbera.2d. To obtain from merchant* in general name* of

l*rsons who have (ailed to meet their Juat obligation*ami puollsli lint of namea thus obtained, anddlatributeto the inamber* monthly.This Association i* entirely local and embrace* all

branches of business of the District of Columbia.For further particulars inquire of

J. B. BROWN, Manager,Officcs 1800 14th at. n.w.

And Room IS, Central National Bank Building.


402 Louisiana it» ol8-0t

*-^S,FOR LEASE-TWO VERY FINE 3-STORY.OS. Residences on K st. near 20th; containingID rooms and bath, and ull the modern tg:nicely finished in hard wood: nested byturuace;.out i f:onta; 475.70 iach. B. H. WARNER h CO.olK-Ut*






jj2»NEWYORK VOTERS WILL BE ISSUEDTransportation Certificate* irom Congres-

I' nal Headquarters, Madison Place, each evening fromt to J o'clock, iron, this date to Nov. mber o.


tentiou.sp«cial rales for transportation t* en ootamed by tbo Massachusetts ISei ublicanAs» elation. all reptit>li< an voters who desirs to availthemselves ot said late* hlniild call between 4 and 5p.m. any day upon Mr. 11. uj. P.Davis. i:ill> E St., president, or the recording *ecretary. i410 Fst. Do not forget the neat nicotinic, WEDNKSDAY,<K'T. 22. 7:;W. at 1417 F at. W M. 1.8. CURTIS,Recording Becrtury. ol7-3t*


CAlilAL $75u.OOO.7,500 SHARKS AT «lU0 EACH.

8TILSON HUTCHINS, President.JACOB 1'. CLARK. Vice 11 COITRELo, Secretary and Treasurer.


1,500 shares of the Company's stock i* now offeredfor subscription at par. leu i>er cent payable on sub¬scription and the talauce to be called a. required notto exceed 10 i er cent every three month*.Full uilormation upon application to

E. 11. COTTRELL,ol7-3t 1418 New York are.


IK^i lias i.eturn. d to the City and Resumed Hi*l'raci ice. Hours a* usual.ul7-3t* 1744 M St.

j^^aTHt CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL.This institution will receive for gratuitous medical

and surgical treatment in its hospital and free dispen¬sary Indigent children under the age of twelve year*,w.tnout distinction of r. ce. se* or creed.The enlargement of its buildings having Just been

completed tL4 management is prej ared to accommo¬date thos" who, for want ul room, couid not heretoforebe admitted.For admi-slon or for treatment in the dispensary ap¬

ply at the hospital, Wat. between 12th and ldlhats.n.w. olG-lin

j-^SjDK. 8. F. NEWTON,. - Dentist. 1107 H st. n.w., removed hi* offi. u and residence to 814 11th atol0-Ut*

»"^5»THE COPARTNERSHIP EXISTING Bfc-tween Warren Cboate, J. D. Croissant and

s. A sixbiiry, Ui.di r the firm nauie ol Warren Choate* Co.. was dissoivisi instant, by mutualconsent. WARREN CROAT E, J. D. CROISSANT,d. A. sIXBUKV. oLj-ilt

WARUI N CIIOATE WILL Cthe lie il I .state, Inv.iralio and ,Business at tilo Uth it. unti! he can find anj

tion. wnich mill Is ouly advertised. He wifirn. name of Warren choate .V Co. He dei-irsuitable olK ._'» and to buy oihee fixtures Al.such pica** address WaRREN CHOATE tc CO.,

oie-:n tilullthst

fioEN*LRGIZE MOMENTUM ENGINE.T he name horse power for «ne-tenth of th* coal,

woram* at Lenuinirs. D.C. oltl-lni



Shares are $2.50 per month.The 20th laaue of stock 1* open for subscription and

payment.Pamphlet* explaining the object* and advantages of

the Association are iurniancd upon application.Office hour*, from 9 a.m. to 4:34) p.m. daily. On

tLe first Wednesday in each month the office will beopen from 6 to 8 o'clock p.m. Advances will be mad*promptly at 7 o'clock p.m.


df-_^NOTI JE OF EXPIRATION OF LICENSES.Assessor'* Cilice, W ashii.gtou, 1<. C., Octo¬

ber 10. 1MH). Nonce is hereby given that on theTHlltIV llUi'l 1»Ai OF oc iollt lu IbllU, will ex-plrc all ItcenawgiM :. by the District ut Colun.bia toA|s>thecarlea. Auctioii.-ers, Hunks and Bankers,, Clauu Agents, Contrwtorv. Cattle 41rokcrs, Com¬mission Meiuhante, D'aiers in Distilled anl Eer-Ucnt. d Liquors, Miu>'» -nil Cordials, Distillers. I asm -

akce Agents, Ice l>**a ers, kianufacturer* of Illuminat¬ing Oss, Liiu and lire Insursnce Conipanbs, latentAg. nta, l*uwubrokers, l*ropnet*>r* of Bur K«mjius, tiam-ple Koou.s. 1 ipiding Ho ». s, Hilliurd Bagatelle andJ-nur Lind Tabi«*s. *shuffie bo..ids, D.wllng Alleys.Hotels. Livery Stabl. s. iuU llig'Ucu «. Ihces, Junkhh' p«, Deslers in 8«e< nd-liand Clothing, Dealers inOld barrets. Real 1 state A-"iit., Rectifier*, Restau¬rants and Eatink- Houses. Lheaters. Vanity lb atsrs,tc. All pa. tn<s sua* igeil in th» above-described l.usi-n ss, trtilc* or prolesaious must promptly renew theirli. enaes in wcurMscs .in a ae.Hon of lite laws of theDiatrict of i.cluuioia, via: "Thai every .-ers li liablelor a liivuse tax who uia> fail to I a/the ssme lietoretngiglng in the i.usjnesa^ shall, in addition to thellernae lux imposed, pay a flue or |>etisityof not leasthan t » nor n.oru tbnn * »(» tor each oSense.'* By or¬der oi the Comm ssioi.ers Distrn I ol Columbia,MATTHEW TRIMBLE, Assessor of District of Co-luinbts. o 1 lUt





And *ame proportion for all sal**on


UPHOLSTERY GOODS,All rood* marked in plain figures and at thl* MMont

1 rices.



L'.ncrnata Walton, Presse<l Leather, Gobelin TapMtrF.DCCOUAT1VE PAIN 1INUBr CompcUst Artui*. Window 8bsdss in all Colon.*11-J*a W. W. BoAMAX. 1


The regular quarterly meetlnir of thissociety will Le heldin Urand Army Hall. 141-' Penn-sylvsnis avenue (I'oat Room No. 2», on TUESDAY,-'lit instsot, at 8 o'clock snsrp. Important business.A full attendance is desired show trade card at the

door. A. T. LoSGl.EY, President.-'W-St i. W. HSKSllA. swrttory.

5»DR T.J. JONES. DEMIST, HAVING RE-Vv3 turn. d to the city, will be | leaaed to seebl* friendsaudpatronaathis dental parlora.No. 'J'.IUOHM at. o'-'O-tlt

ANNUAL MEETINO OF THI HTOCK-bolder* of the United State* Electr.e Light¬ing Company will be held at Harper'. Ferry, Weft Vir¬

ginia, TUESDAY, November 11. 1S1H), at 1 o', fur the electlou of director* and for auch otherusinii* a, may legally come beP're thnu. 1 oils open

from 1 10 to li p.m. Block tran»ler buoka closed Octo¬ber .11. 1800. C. F. NORM r. NT.o'JO-law4t Secretary.

»-\^S»TIIE VOTERS OK VIliGINlA WHO FAVORthe success of the republican party in the

comn ir fall eloctiou ore requested to meet at theCadets'armory, O *t. n.w. between 7th slid Kthats.,at 7.HO o'clock THIS EVENING. JOHN H. HARKI-KON. president of tlio Virginia State Association.C. W. WH1 i li of executive committee. It*

I HEREBY NOT IFY TH E PtTPLIC THATBCS on and alter thin date, Octolier -0,1 will notbo r»»pon«.b u lor any debts contracteil by my wiie,Cora T. H' ldcr, as the has left my bed and board with¬out Just cause. WM. D, H. UE1DER, Tenleytown,

D.C. oao-at*

OBLIGED TO COME."Winter ia upon us.mildly aa yet,but uponus Just the aame. It wan a fortunate our-clia-e for you ond 1 that I secured the lliuaChinchilla overcoatings at a price which en¬able* me to make them to order for $30.Remember, Matin lined, single breasted,with fly front, plush-lino 1 pockets, v< lvetcollar and tailored <11 toe beat possible man¬ner.and < nly <:$0 to pay.Only enougu Chinchilla to make about .

dozen Overcoat* at thin price. Next time Ibuy prices may be hitcher and necessitate inrtacking another V to the six. making Itsovon V'a.

G. WABFIELD SIMPSON,"Expert In Trousers,"

o20 Cor. 9th and G ita. n. w.

LESS THAN ASSESSMENT INSURANCE.It toIt aounda doubtful, but it ia true, neverthe¬

less. that the Equitable idle Assurance Society'sPolicies are cheui'er than asse-smciii insurance.Here is proof of it: Take a HO-I'uyinent LifePolicy lor 4;">,000 on the life of a man 33 yr«.Hu will pay iu all <3.330 m the 'JO yrs. At theend of that time the po.icy can be settled uponone ot three tollowiub* p-ans:( Cssh value t4.02O.OO 1J P-ld-up Policy {O.SOU <10 fI cash surplus i-'.siiO.v;.') )Tlia man can withdraw the surplus. t'J.409.25,and retain his policy for <.">.000, fully paid up,which would niak- his insurance actually costthe i.ifference betwten the (3,330 and the»uiplus.-f..409.«!j.withdrawn, wuich wouldbe<»~0.?o: in nee i|o.000 iusuisuce has coathlui but *46 per year, or at the rate "f'i'.i '-'0 i erthouauud.alia in CM of the strongest compa¬nies iu tne world. Have you ever looked at Ittrorn this standpoint*

HOWES A HALL,Equitable Life Assurance Society,

No. 1320 F st. n.w. 3


D. E. VABZHABEDIAN k CO.Principal store, 1032 Conn. av«*

Branch store, 620 14th at.

Largest and moat complete sssortment of rare andchoice Turkish and Persian Rugs, Carpets and Por¬tieres. over 1,200 In number, at marvelously lowprices.Intending purchasers should visit our new and prin¬

cipal store before making their purchases elsewhere,as, no doubt, thsy can make better selections at lowerprices o20-3t

»-^»IT BESTS WITH YOU,Luslneas has fairly opened with na and ws are

selling more Fall Overcoats than we ever did.Have no doubt that we are selling our abare. Itseems as if with our liberal way of dealing entitled to a large share of your patronage.If you are tired of having us write about ourPall Overcoats It rest* with you to buy us out,then we will tell you about uttr theway, they are ready now. Why not call and seethem!

GEORGE SPRANSY,One-price Clothier,

o20 434 7th St. B.W.


Einbiacing every grade desirable. Ihey are Indis¬pensable. Nok'enileioku need bo «iliiouioue.t speciallysince they can be hud at sueh rea»>naL<le prices.Assortment is large and must respoud to your tasteand pocket. NOAU WaLKEU & CO..o20-3t 02j Pennsylvuula ave.







o20-lm 1114 and 1110 F st n.w.

,ALBERT PIKK CONSISTORY, No. 1,Ancient anil Accei>t<il Scottuli Uite,

CuthiMlrml.lOUY U »t. U.W.,\v*h)d!i-twu, D.C , (Xtober 17. 1800.

The member* t»f Albert liko Coutiiktory, >o. 1, A. A.8.R., ar-* rcquestfii iu at tbe Catb«ii;ul of theKiitf on WKl>NKhi»AY. the Jf'itl mntaut, nt 6 o'clockr.m., sharp, for the I'liriono | rocee<liu»c to theflou»e i.t Uie T«>Di|'le. 4.M .'kt at. li. w.. uud cscortinKtho Grand Coi.niuimlrr. ofticem aud Mt iiiLers of tliemi preme (.'ouiit 1 * to th« i 'afht of tho hit.-, where,aiu-r wt.rkiua the 1 Lirtjr-third Degree, they will belh<-tfuents of the Cousi!il<>ry.

All metu'er«of the KiU- of the lower dey-reo* arefrat» riia!ly and cordially invited to meet the uieinl^rnol the Consistory at the tini*- and l'iace above ludi-cat d and unite In tormiug the escort.Other niemlx i* of th** ltite beiontriinr to this or

the Northern Jurlhdictlon are al»o invited to uniteWith u*.Meint*er» will report to Sir John LL Ulcott, 3*-^°, mar-, in tlio uniiorui of their rank.iirethren ununitonii»*d will re|t>rt to him dreased in

dark rlolhea, nlm k ¦lotn,h hats and white ^h/ve«.The atated iiK ung ot tlie Couaibtory on Monday,

20tu instant, will be ouler of the V.M .K.olH 3t Ki>liEKT BALL. 32<>. Re<ri«trar.

MITUHA8 LODOK OF P£K*ECTION.A. ft A. Scottlah Kite, will confer no dcfrtM

on 'ITEsDA V. 2Nt inataut. aa the cathedral has beenplured at the diapoaal of the auprcmc council lor theentire week of its session. by order of the Yen.Mnat.-r. ALK1L H. MoLT, 3*J°.^)18-2t# heeretary.

BRICKLAY»R8, attention.'

11.ere will be a special meeting of the UnionMii.nT'AV, Oct. UO, at S p.m., to adopt our new con¬stitution, and every member u reuues.ed to be present.By crder of the Union. JAalEH M. Uu>CE,olS-Sit Recording becretary.

PEKSONS wanting oranolituicWalks Iu Tile or In Block form, cellars and

walla made dry snd sweet at reasonable rates, willcall or address R RIORDAN. 611 N at. n.w.. generalcontractor for all kinds of pavement. olS-llt*

UK&SltS. E. LORRAINE UATT1CE ANDCbaa W. Lybrand have formed a real estate

Una under the style of E. L. MAT IICK A CO. Both

EnUeuieu ure well known iu busiiieas circles, thertn.r hating been for some time the general manager

of th>< Washington Improvement and inveettueutCompany.The> will be pleased to see and attend to the wants

of their friends. Uave opened their office at HI? Fat n. w. ois-at

»^»WAICH REPAIRING.1 make a spec.altv of Fine Watch Repair¬

ing at modeiate pricea Twenty-two yesrs of actualcriencoat the bench. Diliicult tepaira solicited,work warranted.

GEO W. SPIER,Expert Watch klaker aud Jeweler,

o6-eoVm 310 9th st. n.w., near Pa ave.

^aOFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS, DIS-L tnct of Columbia, Washington, October 18.

lsl»0..In compliance with the provisions ol the act ofCongreas tusking appropriations to provide for the ox-

Cses of the government of the District of Columbiathe fiscal year ending June 30. 18U1. approved

Auuust <i. ISUO. the ComUiiasloners of the District ofColumbia hereby invite pro|<o«als for supplying gussnd electric lights at reduced rates for municipallighting in the District of Columbia upon annual, five-year and ten-year contracts and upon any system, ilieact provides as follows: "That the Commissioners oftho Ihstnct of Columbia shall investigate, ascertainand report to the second session of the Fifty-first Con¬gress what deduction may be made for gas ami electriclwhting. both for, five-year and for ten-year


contracts, aud that they be authorised to Invite pro-i o*als for supplying said light at reduced ratea, and Inthla they are not limited to auy one system." Full In-formation will be furnished ui-on application at thisoffice, i be application should state w lietber informa¬tion is desired concerning gee lighting, electric light¬ing. or both. Aa these proposals w.ll be suboiittsd toCongress it is desirable that they should be receivedat this ofilce not later than MIVkMBKh TWEN T1ETH,18V0. but proposal will be received at any tine beforeMARCH flusr, 1601. J. W. DOUGLASS. J. W.MOSS. H. M. ROBERT, Commissioners District of Co¬lumbia. OlH-tit

SasL I.tVI PRINCE. OF WASHINGTON C.H-> Ohio, desire to learn tbs whereabouts of°«d5iSsJT&sr- °**

Washington News and Gossip,Index to Advertiseneats.



FOR RENT (Orncn. 1' ££ "

FOR liENT (Rooms) Pure 2FOK ItENT (Stores) Pure .»

FOR BENT (IIovsK»> p~! zFOR RENT (Mikcellankous). Pi(T« 2FOR SALE (Holsks) Pure 1FOR SALE (I.ot«) o

FOR SALE (Miscellaneous) Pure 2OENTLEMEN'S GOODS. p!. thotels ;;;;HOUSEFURNISIIINQS. .

£ e 7ladies' goods J>Z® ,LOCAL MENTION P-. 10LOST AND FOUND p£r. 2medical h!!«MISCELLANEOUS .5MONLY TO LOAN o




7SUBURBAN PROPERTY p-ure 3SPECIAL NOTICES xWANTED (Help) Piute Swanted ( hochks)


WANTED (Rooms) |7,WANTED (Situation*) . !pa»r« xWANTED (Miscellaneous) .P«*e 3

Statement of the circulation of The EveningStab for the wcok ending October 18,18S0:Monday. Octobor 13. 1800 30,496Tuesday, October 14, 1800 30..'»1BWednesday. October 15, 1890 30^484Thursday, October 16, 1890 30,164I* kidat, October 17, 18803O,'t!S0Saturday, October 18, 1890 34/J07

10111 187,016

Daily Average 31,169

Corresponding Win, 1889...., 20,109

T solemnly swear that the above la a trueand correct statement of tho circulation ot1 be Evening Stab for the weekending Octobor18,1890. Frank B. Noyes,

Troasurer Eyknino Stab Newspaper Co.Subscribed and sworn to before in© this

twentioth day of October, A.D. 189aJohn T. C. Clark,

Notary Public.

Government Receipts Today..Internalrevenue, §365,530; customs. $726,904.Presidential Postmasters Appointed..The

President has appointed tho following-namedpostmuatori: Albert Z. Mooro at Shelby, Mich.;Dorsey W. Trump at Marquoketa, Iowa.

Denied From Rome..A cablegram fromRome says that the semi-official papers of thatcjty that Baron Fava was recalled fromWashington for Belling decoratioua.Tom IUnoeb at Cobinto..The Nary Depart¬

ment has been informed by the commandingofficer of tho Ranger of his arrival on thaivessel at Corinto, Central America, yesterday.The 8an Fbancisco will within the noxt ton

days bo put in commission and will most prob¬ably be ordered as the flay ship of the Asiaticsquadron.Promotion..Mr. Andrew Johnson has boen

promoted to be assistant chief of tho divisionof customs, Treasury Department, vice JamesR. Lake, who was recently transferred to NewYork.Paymasteb Henry T. Wbioht, lately on duty

in the bureau of provisions and clothing, hasbeen detailed for duty iu chargo of the accountsof tho coast and geodetic survey in this city, inplaco of Paymaster Dccring, deceased.The Nipsic Out of Commission..Orders have

been issued puttincr tho U.S.S. Nipsic, now atMare Island navy yard, San Francisco, out ofcommission. The Nipsic will bo dry-dockedand repairs to the oxtent of $40,000 will be puton her.


Army Officers Must Pay Duty ox Books.The Treasury Department has informed theSecrotary of War, in reply to an inquiry fromhim. that thero is no provision in the law au¬thorizing tho admission free of duty of booksfor officors of the army.HoNons to the Memoby of Justice Mil¬

ler..A meeting of the bar of the UnitedStates Supreme Court wag hold in tho SupromeCourt chamber today to tako action in refcr-eronce to the doath of Justice Miller. 8. F.Phillips was elected chairman, and James' H*McKenny secretary. After a committee offourteen, with Senator Evarts as chairman,had been appointed to draft resolutions com¬memorative of tho deceased justice, tho meet¬ing adjournod until December 6 noxt, whontho coinmitteo will report.The Rock Cbeek Park Commission did not

go down tho cast side of Rock creek Saturdayafternoon. It would have been a good deal ofan undertaking for such a limited amount ofdaylight as then remained. The commissionerswent down tho creek for about thrco-quartersof a milo, admired the wild beauties of theregion.tho boulder-broken stream, tho impos¬ing cliffs, the healthy growth of timber.andreturned to thoir carriages at the bridge. Ithad been the original intention to walk downas far as Blagden's Mill, but tho plans werechanged after The Star's report closodon Sat¬urday. From tho military bridge the partydrove to Bnghtwood, and reached the citvvia the 14th street road.Personal..Mr. John Morrison of Glasgow,

Scotland, F. H. Johnson of Louisville, C. B.'Schmidt of Omaha and C. H. Noble of thearmy and wife are among the late arrivals atthe Ebbitt House. The Montreal lacrosseteam arrived in the city Saturday and arequartered at Willard's. Charlos E. Field ofBangor, Me., H. R. Comly of Helena and J. WBartlett of Roanoke are at Willard's.Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ritchie of Pitu-£Ur.?' JrTinK WiUon of Philadelphia and1 ! °' New York are quartered atthe Hotel Randall. Mr. and Mrsi M. P Ma-i?neyT °j T?r2?t?> F- J" Co11'" °f Bradford,U o/' Webster of Bangor, Me., CharlesH. Strong of Savannah and Mr. George EWeiler, proprietor of the Mansion House ofReading, Pa., and wife are at the RicesHous* George A. McKay and AlbertA. Munger of Chicago and E. H.Wen. of Pittsburg are at Welcker't.Mr. F. E. Warberg and daughter andJlrs. Josephine Raphael of London, Eng..who are visiting the olty, are staying at theShoreham. Wm. L. Abbott or PittsburgJohn A. Garver of New York, Mr. and^ C. Bruce of Memphis are

at the Normandie. H. O. Porter anddaughters of London, Eng., Hugh Clark

?J Tex., are at the Arlington.Mr-and Mrs. A. H. Hanscam and Mr. and Mrs.F. P. Hanscam and Lena Hanscam of SionxFalls are at the Hamilton Hons*~ Carpenter of Rome, N.Y., H. Gardner ofHaumondsport, N.Y.. F. A. MorreU of Brook-'7.n TL»ngham. J. O. Wood, H.> ruaklin and E. j. Evans of Toronto and L. J.S" n °' Boston are at the Johnson.

W. Williams and Jaa. H. Knowies of Boston.w b ®ol^bury ©J.Francisco. Mr. and Mrs.~ McKay of Raoa, Tex^ & D. Thacher ofKansas (Sty, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eddy of In-dianapolis, Q. W. Ball of CloTeland, D. B.

1 of Oxford, England, are at the Si Js

A FORMER WASHINGTON!ANNow Tells of the Attractions of Port

Townsend, Where He Lives.For twelve Tear* A. Duddenbau*en was a

clerk in tfao office of the treasurer of theUnited State*; subsequently ho held down aland office in Oxford, Idaho; todaj he it a pros¬perous citizen of Tort Townsend, in the stateof Washington, and at the same time is enjoy¬ing a holiday among friends iu this city.Mr. Dnddenhausen think* there is bat one place¦ nperior to the national capital and that i*Port Townsend. In everything tliat goes tomake a town a thorough-going success noplace is so well aupplied as is Mr. Dudden-hausen's legal residence. Location, businessadvantages, scenery, population, healthfulnes*and several other things too numerous to bementioned in ono day combine to provethat Part Townsend either was. or ought tohave been, the original *ite of the Garden ofEden.

port towxsksd's mint advantages."While the wretched inhabitants of Port¬

land," said Mr. D. to a Stab reporter, "an¬nually iwim through fonr feet two inches ofrain, we of Port Townsend *carccly put up ourumbrellas for a rainfall of eighteon inches. Ifwe wanted or needed more moisture we couldprobably get it, but wo havo everything niceiyarranged just now and are satisfied."How is the senatorial fight getting along?Warm. Senator Squire, of course, wants to be

re-olected, but his desire is no more vigorousthan that of W. H. Calkins, and Mr. Calkin*will movo everything possible to preventSquire'* return."Why will he? Because he wants to come to

the Senate himself. It is within the bounds ofpossibility that each may defeat the other, inwhich event a very pretty tight will ensue.There 1* no lack of material for thatposition. Allan Weir, now aecretary ofstato, would bo a willing man and *owould Representative John Wilson. Under or¬dinary circumstance* neither of them will suc¬ceed. We shall be entitled to another Itepro-.eutative under the new apportionment andthat will go to Weir. Wilson will be re-electedby a big majority.rOHMKB wasiuxotosiaxb kow ix Tax west."Somo former Waahingtonians are doing well

in the we*t. £. O. Graves, ex-chief of thebureau of ongraving and printing, i* ac¬

cumulating wealth a* president of a Seattlebank. At Omaha I (topped over to *ee ex-Treasurer A. U. Wymau. He is president of abatik and of a loan and trust company there,but his health is not as good as it might be.Ho will probably more out to Port Townsendin the spring. It will be a good thing for1'ort Townsend and no less of a good thing forMr. Wyman."

A THOUSAND A YEAR.What Eighty-Four Clerks Appointed

lo the Pension Oflice Will Get.

The following official changes have beenmado in the Department of tha Interior:Pension office.Appointments as clerk* at

$1,OOJ: Chas. W. Hill, Cyrus L. Hall, Alex. E.Matheson, Goo. U. Meacham, J. Monroo Bush-nell, James H. Tobin, and Henry M. Gun*derson of Wisconsin, Georgo L Eelley,Victor L Dodge, William F. Craig,Charlea W. Brickcr, Thomas P. Gray, JohnPaisley, Alphonso A. Rice and John M.Jamison of Iowa, Daniel W. Harper, Jarne* G.Clayton, Henry B. Swearingcn, Theodore L.Gardner, Leopold Burger. Charle* A. Cravenaud William S. Smith of Alabama, John B.Lichty, Geo. A. Gilliland, Israel C. Stockton,Gondy Mayfield. Richard D. Rush. Alfred R.l'enniman, William T. Cathcart and Robt. LUnderwood of Illinois, Joseph L. Newman,Arehilli* B. Parkcy, Samuel M. Aruell. jr., andWilliam H. Conner of Tennessee, HaroldTracy, William J. Elstun and PcrcyS. Crowe of Indiana, Samuel Fiicher,Orrin B. Halltim, Robert L Nail, Carroll B.Carr of Kentuoky, Merritt L. Dawkius, John J.llycr, John F. Froeman, Fielding C. Miller ofMissouri, Jesse B. Sims, Timothy F. Maurin ofLouisiana, George D Kmerson, Geo. Lair.len-schlnger, John W. Stewart, Joseph W. Ellis,E. Grant Birdsell of New York, Charles Mc-Sorley of New York, Robert K. Jayne of Mis¬sissippi, Albert H. Stevens of Mississippi, Wil¬liam Simmons of Mississippi, John T. Manierof Mississippi. Thos. H. McDonald of Cali¬fornia, Henry C. LaFoint of California. JohnW. Jones of California, Geo. A. Cratchtield ofTexas, Alva C. Garrett of Texas. John A.McAfee of Texas, John T. Hart of Texas,John M. Johnson of Texas. Barney Babcock ofArkansas, Harry L Elliot of Arkansas,Hugh Lewis of Arkansas. John Gray Lucas ofArkansas, Chas. E. Harris of Pennsylvania,David B. Clinger of Pennsylvania. Lorenzo D.Marcellus of Massachusetts. John B. Wash¬burn of Massachusetts, George E. Worcester ofMassachusetts, Frank E. Potts of Michigan,Chas. C. Townsend of Michigan, Nathauiol N.McCullough of Illinois, isuiab F. Nickoll ofSouth Dakota, Warren B. Esty of North Caro¬lina, Chas. B. Williams of North Carolina,Frederick M. Youmaus of Ohio, Hanlon Marshof Ohio, James C. Brelsford of Ohio, Lonis F.Coleman of Ohio.

An Important Customs Decision.Application* have been made to the Treasury

Department by importers who had tobacco inbonded warehouses prior to the passage of theact of October 1, 181)0, for permission to with¬draw the same at the weights as ascertained attho time of said withdrawal. These applica¬tions aro based on the sccond provisoof section 50 of the tariff act which pre¬scribes that "when duties are basedon the weight of merchandise deposited iu anypublic or private bonded warehouso said du¬ties shall be levied and collected upon theweight of such merchandise at the time of itswithdrawal." Assistant Secretary Spauldingsay* that after a careful consideration of thedepartment is of opinion that Buch applica¬tions cannot be grunted inasmuch as underthe first proviso of said section specialprivilege is conferred upon merchandise,which, like tobacco, is subject to increasedduties uuder the new tariff act of allowing itto be withdrawn for consumption at any timoprior to February 1 next upon thepayinont of dutv at tho lower ratesprescribed by the old tariff sets. Gen.Spaulding says further; "Mcrchandiae sub¬ject to increased duty under tho newtariff act i* thus entitled to withdrawal at theold rates, which are lower than the now rates,and consequently it must be held that thowithdrawal entries for consumption of suchmerchandise made prior to February 1, 1891,must cover the same qualitv of merchandiseas to weight*, a* if the entnea hadbeen made prior to the date whenthe act of October 1, 18'JO, tookeffect: in other word* the department must de¬cide that when the imporier shall elect towithdraw his merchandise uuder the first pro¬viso, a rcweighing at the time of withdrawalcannot be allowed for the reason that tho good*BO withdrawn by virtue thereof must be treatedas exclusively subject to the provisions of thelaw in foroe prior to the passage of "said act"

Bids fob Fubxishixo Abtilleby Horses..Bids were opened this morning at the offico ofthe depot quartermaster in this city in the WarDepartment for famishing five artillery horsesfor use at Washington barracks. But two pro-

Sosal* were received, as follows: J. KaufmanSon, $230 per hor*e; Jos. Bergman. (1.85.

No award has yet boen made, as an examina¬tion must be made into the condition of thoanimals to determine whether or not they aresuited to the work ahead of them.? Hospital fob Fishsehin..Arrange¬

ment have been completed by Burgeon Gen¬eral Hamilton, in charge of the marine hos¬pital service, for the establishment at Solo¬mon'* Island, at the mouth of tho Patuxentriver, Chesapeake bay, of a temporary hos¬pital for bay oystermen and fishermen. Alarge house has been rented from a restaurantproprietor on the island, and it will be fittedup with hospital accommodations.Naval Obdbm..Paymaster Henry T.Wright,

U.8.N., ha* been detached from duty in thobureau of provision and clothing and orderedto take charge of the accounts of the coast andgeodetic survey. The order detaching As¬sistant Engineer W. H. Creighton from duty atthe Purdue University has been revokod.Lieut A. B. Spevess has been ordered to thotraining ship Minn.ota.



THE MAFIA SCOTCHEDNew Orleans' Murder Society in the

Hands of the Police.


Gov. Campbell Proposes AnotherCompromise.


UNMASKING THE MAFIA.New Orleans Police Kunnlng Down the

Murderer* of Chief Hennessey.New Oblsans, Oct 20..The police au¬

thorities insist that they we making goodprogress in the Hennessey assassination case;tbat they have the murderers in jail and willbo ablo to secure the necessary evidence toconvict them. Tbo assassination, they assert,was ordered by tbo Matrangos. the head of oneof the Sicilian gangs hero, and bad beenplanned long iu adtunce. Ainoug those iden¬tified, and against whom the police claim tobavo all the needful evidence, are Machra,Matranger and the four assassins. The policeregard tbe arrest of the two named as the mostimportant made. They are men of grual in¬fluence among the Italians, and very strongpolitically.

Mr. A. J. Peeler,who has identified several ofthe assassins. has called upon tho mayor andasked for police protection. Mr. feeler saidhe has received letters threatening him v.iuiassassination.An important arrest was made list night intho person of Manuel l'olatek. The policeclaim to have positive information tbat he fired

the gun tbat did such fatal execution on thenight of tbe murder. The assassin who firedthe gun at tho discharge of which Hennesseyfell stumbled as he ran off anil came 1:1 con¬tact with the gutter curbing. 1'oUtek's riuhtear is badly mangled, as by a fall, und bis armis seriously bruised Officer Cooper, who pur¬sued tbe assassins some distance, positivelyidentified l'olatek as tho man who leli downwhile running away.TUo Italian consul has represented to tho

authorities that relatives of the Lallan prison¬ers confined in the parish prisou complain thatthe prisoners have It n treated badly. Thocomplaint of tho cou>il has been roterred tothe crim mil court and will be investigated.The Italians in ti.e city are keeping veryquiet. The fruit trade has been badly crippledby the assassination.

WHILE OFFICERS DANCED.The Sailors in the Olllnj Were Tossed

About by the laule.

London, Oct. 20..This morning AdmiralSeymour and 210 ofiiccrs, who had visitedScarborough to attend a bail given in theirhonor by tho mayor, again unsuccessfully at¬tempted to rejoin their vessels. Tho ships,which on Saturday were compelled to put tosea in order to avoid being driven ashore bytbo prevailing heavy galo and tremendousBaas, aud which iu so doing had been obligedto leave the Admiral and his party on shore,had again ventured as close inshore m was possible, in order to permit theparty to board. When the second attempt wasmade the wind had subsided considerably audthe force of the waves, while still formidable,had comparatively abated. Tno ameliorationin these conditions was, however, ott'scl by adense fog which followed the change. After adetermined effort to reach tho war vesselsAdmiral Seymour aud his companions werecompelled to return to land.Grave anxiety has been felt during tho

existence of the storm for tho gunboat bpeed-well, which was left with but one ofiiccr ouboard.Early in tho afte rnoon tho boats again putoff for the lleet and shortly afterward Admiral

Seymour ascended to the deck of the greatarmored vessel Camperdown. On board of tbebig war ship it was tound that thirteen menhad had their legs, ribs or arms smashed bytho giving away of a cable and tho shipping ofOB anchor.Three other vessels of tho fleet have signaledth# oe'currenco 01 fatalities, but nothing is yetwn as to their nature.

HE TRIES AGAIN.Gov. Campbell I'roposcs a Compromise

to the Ohio Legislature.Coixmbi'8, Ohio, Oct. 20..Gov. Campbell wi:i

¦end a special messago to the legislature on theconvening of tho house this afternoon recom-monding the passage of a bill for a non-partisanboard of improvements for Cincinnati and thatthe appointing power bo placed in the handsof the mayor as the executive olhcer of Luocity.


OFF TO MID-LOTHIAN.Mr. Gladstone Cheered on the Beginning

of His Scottish Tour.

London, Oct. 20..Mr. Gladstone will be ac¬companied by his wife througnout his tour ofBeotlund. They loft Liverpool this morning.Four hundred persons gathered at the railwaystation at Wigau and Mr. Gladstone was heart¬ily cheered. The crowd shouted that they didnot waut him to make a speech, but wantedhim to reserve hi" voico in order to be able tospeak in Midlothian and demolish the torics.Mr. Gladstone nevertheless made a short

speech in which ho said that Midlothiau knewwhat to do of herself. Nothing was left for himto do in that respectAt Creston hundreds of persons gathered at

the station to welcomo Mr. Gladstone and hewas loudly cheered upon his arrival.When Carlisle was reached a crowd number¬

ing 1,500 persons was found waning the com¬ing of the train. Mr. Gladstono delivered anaddress here. In the course of his remarks hesaid ho had no fear for Scotland and hopedtbat England would do as well iu the homo-rule movement as the people of the formercountry.

Poaching on Portuguese Preserves.Zanzilab, Oct 20..Advices received hero by

means of British vessels which have arrivedfrom Zambesi river state that the British guuboats entered the river on October 8 despitethe protests of the Portuguese authorities.The entire native population lined the bank ofthe river shouting, dancing and clappiug theirhands. The Portuguese made a verbal pro¬test against the gun boats entering tho river.


That Alleged Demand of Portugal.Lisbon, Opt 30..The government denies the

statement published by the Coinniercio de Por¬tugal and enfcnating from * correspondent atBerne that tie United States is aboat to send afleet of war (nips to Lisbon to demand the pay¬ment of tbe claims for damages arising fromthe seizure of the Delagoa bay railway.

Arroeted as German Splea.Pabis, Oct 20..The Pet4 Journal announces

the arrest at Belfort of a man named Dietrichand bis sister, both German spies. Plans ofthe forts and other military works of the citywere fonnd at the house oocupied by Dietrich.The brother and sister had as an accomplice aHanoverian spy named StahL

Indignities to Traveling Americans.London, Oct 90..The Jfew publishes the

following telegram from its correspondent atIgdyr, Armenia: "Two Americans * bo navetraveled in Armenia folly oonflrm my accounts,especially as to the arming of tbe Kurds. TheTurkish officials annoyed the Americans invarious ways and finally arrested them and de¬prived them ot their passports, which werenever retained to them after they were liber-.tail »


* ba

RKADS LIKK A MOVKLCharles Ad«n>' Keturn After Forty

Biz Yeart From His Horn*.TwoiUi. Oct 20. Forty-seven year* afro

Charles Alatnt married Mm tWah Houston,siiter of Supervisor SI. F. Hoa*too and a prom*inent farmer of tbia (FayaMe) county. Mr.and iir*. AJam* bad lived together J oat otayear, when oua evening Adama vent oat tomilk cows, bat did not return and waa notheard of afterward, although Mr. Hoaatoatraveled much and spent a groat deal of moneyiu a vain search for his misting brother-in-law.Not long aft* r Adam*' disappearance a son waaborn to Mrs. Adam*, bat the birth reaalted Inthe mother's death. The otiild waa cared forby tiio Houston* and grew to mauhood and isnow living on hia farm, two and a half milsawo*t of \ and alia. I'uriuu hia absence not theslightest rlue was had to Adama' whereabout*and he wa* supposed to bo dead.About throe we-ck* aco an elderly man. ap¬parently about seveutv-tire vears o.d. inquiredif the Houston* still lived here. and onV ingluformed that they did. left word that he would

return and visit them in about three werkt.The stranger made good hia promise. and Krt-day the missing Adam* returned to this city.He did not any reason for leaving horn*.o abruptly, but said that h. w»a informed aooaafter the child w»« borti that both the motherand cliild had die 1 and knew no better untilinformed by hi* fri< nd* here. Some four orfive year* after the death of hia wife AJam*says he married again and resided in Troy,N.Y. Four children where born to them, all ofwhom, together with th.-ir mother. have siu<-sdiod. The truant father seemed overjoyed toknow that he had a living son. and at once

Lrocurcd a conveyance and started for hisease.

ESCAPED WITH TI1K1K LIVES.A Plnttsburg Family Nearly Ilurned la

Their Beds.

PLATTsBrBO. N.Y., Oct 20..About 1 o'clockthis morning an alarm of lire was sounded andiu a short tune the street* were Ailed with peo¬ple. The eutiro east portion of the town wa*lighted up with lierce looking flauie*. It tusoon discovered that the l>odds' bakery wasablaze. An attempt to pound the fir© alarmproved a failure aiul the old method of shouuug"tire" had to be resorted to.

Wiivu the firemen arrived it was too lata tosave the butldiug and the work of saving thesurrounding structures wax all that could bedone. 'ilie building was completely consumed.It was occupied by I'. H. l>uili». tnuu^lactnrerof Mono food and a* a place of residence.The fire ha 1 so far advanced when discoveredby Mr. litiilis that it was with great difficultythat ho succeeded in making his escape withhis wile «ud hi* three children. Mr. Bullis'loss is placed at sjd.MiU. which include* §700 iumoney wtuch ho had in the house. Every,thing in the building was destroyed. He hadno insurance, 'liie loss to Sir. Podd*. thaowner of the building, will roach £3.000; in¬sured 'or cl.oOO. The cause of tho tiro is notknown.

SAVED BY HEAVING LINKS.Sailors Rftciied In a Terrible Gale OS

Lake Michigan.Rxcine. Wis., Oct. 20. A terrible gale blew

over Lake Michigan Saturday. The sloop I'ath-fiti lor ol M.lwauaeo tried to uiako this port,but foih d. Capt. Clark of the tug Sill knewshe cauid not weather such a storm on the lakeand started out to help her. The wave* washedover the tag every moment threatening to¦ink her. dfio uiauu^' d. however, to get closeenough to the sloop to cast heaving liner. Thecrow of tiie Palhtiitdt r attached these to theirbodies and, jnmpinf over, wore drawn ssfclyto the tug i.nd bro iglit »>hore. Severalschooners have put iu tor shelter, but all veraconsiderably batten d 1 damaged.


Tho Consccrutlou of the New Illshop ofLondon.

London, Oxt. . Oct 10..The consccrution ofthe Very Rev. L>ems O'Connor, proid.ut ofAssumption College, Sandwich, us bishop ofLondon, took p!:ico at 1st. Peter's Cathedralyesterday. Archbishop Walsh of Toronto waathe consecrating bishop. Anion? tho ecclesi¬astic dignitaries in att niaucu were ArchbiahopChary of Kingston. l>istiOps Maes of Coving,ton. Kv., Foley of iAtro.i, O Mahony of To-route. lUchter ot .Crand UapiJs, and O'Connorof Peterboro. H:gh mass was celebrated byArchbishop Waish, assisted by visiting olergyand local priests. At the conclusion of themans the consecration took place according tothe forms laid dowti by the Roman Catbohochurch. It was a most impressive occasion.

OPPOSING OLD -METHODS.Dr. Parker of the London Temple In g

Crusade Against Preachers.

Loxdok, Oct. 20..I>r. Parker, the ecoentriopastor of the City Temple, is making a crusadeagainst old methods of worship and exhorta¬tion. In his sermon, or rather address, yes*terday ho declared that preaching was no

longer an effective instrument of the gospel.Tho preachers, ho averred, wore living in afool's paradise. They were driveling theologyinstead of dealing directly with the daily l.faof tho people. Dr. Parker recently invitedcorrespondence from all clashes of people fortho purpose of learuinH the pnhtiothought of the efficacy of pulpit ministration.His remarks yesterday wore inspired by the re-sult of this inquiry.Suicide of n Congressional Nominee.Bochesteu. S. Y. Oct. 20..L a Emery, lata

ticket agent for the 11. W. and O. R. R. in thiscity and nominee of the labor party for Con¬gress in this district, committed suicido lastevening at tho Livingston HoteL

Ensy Way to ICcduee Majorities.London, Oct. 20..Tho conservatives have

succeeded in having several thousand namesstricken from the voting lists of Cork, thus dis¬franchising nearly the samo number of liberal*.This is a savage blow at Mr. Paruell. who isone of the city's representatives in Parliament.It is apprehended in home rule circles that thasame plan will be triod is other sections of Ire¬land with a view of getting rid of oppositionmajorities.

An Alleged State Policy Game.New York, Oct. 20..A special from Leaven¬

worth, Kan., says the Timet of that city, yea*terday printed a letter from Kansas City, Kan.,Charging that the Kansas Mercantile Associa¬tion is running a policy game, and that tbaconcern sends to Topcka every mouth «3uu fordivision among certain state officials, Thepaper makes the direct charge that this moneyis sent to the state officials for their connivanceat the scheme.

Shot Down by a Mob.Charlotte, N. C.. Oct. 20..On Saturday as

Silas Riggs was walking down one of thastreets of Winston he wss attacked by a mob ofnegroes. He ran into a bar room and appealedfor protection. A few whites who were in theplace run into the street and soon a livelytight ensued, which rc*Bcd in the death ofRiggs. Several othersJL re badly wounded.Jamos Scales is sup;>ose«fc> have killed Riggs,and a posse are n »i uliiJpni him.

Awarding; the Wages of SI a.Memphis, Tek*., Oct 20..E. K. Peterson,

an employe of the Illinois Central road, shotand killed his wife at 10 o'clock last night.Peterson returned home unexpectedly andfound his wife and 8. M. Maxwell together.The husband drew a revolver and fired twiceat Maxwell, who drew the woman in front ofhimself and she received both bullets. Thawoman died within fifteen minutes. Petwas arrested and lodged m jail.

A Coffee Poisoner ConfeBaxTinobi, Oct 2a.Mary Motzdorff,

sixteen years, who killed her brother, JamasMotzdorff, and Mary Broadwater, her annt bystrychnine, which was put in their coffee, pleadguilty when arraigned for trial today, tilremanded for sentence.

The Locomotive Eaglaten.PrrrsBCBO, Pa., Oct SO..Today's

the international convention of the Brother,hood of Locomotive Engineers was held withclosed doors. The deliberations were withonftimportance to the public. After Wednesday'sexcursion via the Pennsylvania railroad laJohnstown and Altoona the convention will hain daily session for about two woehik Tonightthe ladies of the local auxilery give ation to the delegates.

Edison Entertalna theNew You, Oet 90l.The Const of Paris

his salts left the eity this morningto Llewellyn Park to visit Mr. Kdieospect his factories. The party will