The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1888-09-21 [p ]. · J0 For >*1« everywhere,or mailed to...

Vol. 73.No 11,027. WASHINGTON. 1). C.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1888. TWO CENTS. the evening star 'TBL1SHED DAILY. Except Sunday, AT THE SI aR BUILDING^ ¦ orthweet Com«r PecaiyiTXBu At*, uj ^ Th« Evening Star New»p*per Company, *. H. KAUFFMANN. r^tfL JJ** *""»» *t»» la nrwd to ¦nbantban la tta <"t hj r»rr»n. og tli»lr o*u iffoMl tt lOcratapaa Wr»k or 44c [«r m <uth Coptii it tb« couiiMr! | .*ta each By n.aii poeta** prepaid. jo mk a Moath one year ..> m luontna. t.l. (Entered it u>« Km: odtceat "TiinrlcuL D G. m ¦ruDi t UH n.ail mattar i In WBBBLT NTaB-PUUIahert OB Friday.a 1 ¦ Pearpoataae prepaid Six moclha. SO canta tw All mall auharrlptiona ni'iat a* paid to ad* B< paper sent Uxunr than ia paid for l ata* oi advriiai;.** knowu on application. SPECIAL NOTICES. . TO XV PATRONS. . _ E. W Hamblrton. of fm Hihn * Co. Kl6 .th -t n w l;a» returned to the city from hi* tr i to tlw Country Wii. be pi«aae 1 IomIui friauii. and cna- to'narm. a»17.18.213t TH' r.'.ooo WoBTH 0T HOUShHOLD OooDH which HoUaERH BkMAM> arc to fire itwty an FUIZ^.a for tli« i orr«ct no.ution of Cb« Bmr» tlUK ba« issued will be distributed at the S*/,U?*L PLLS' AK OKI, on SATURDAY otl'.i MBLtt :fc>. All auawer* niuit be aent to their ston.Noa. »5tl and »-£i 7TH 81 N.W., before tt tftUK K on the aeenajr of 1 I E>I>A Y. the ltith of stP t EM BKK, aa on the iiTtti the Juda-ea tn ke the.r eaaui.nation. Pleaae remember in order to at.nd n> nunceof Benin one of the 100 PRIZES f"ur answer to tba hUll S moat ba ABSOLUTELY . 'Uka t iu aeei* particular. Tba articles cum- pnuurf li 0 PRIZES an now on exhibition at -nt atore. whera they will remain until MONDAY, tba -4T11 lNal. Y, n are invited to call and Me BO SE a HI RMAN.V CASH aim CREDIT Fl'RNl 11 RE ASliCAKH.1 HOLME, sel 3w 8V1 and W.'a SEVEN! H *1. N7w. PUKE CID R AID PURE OLD CIDER Vln>-rsr delivered free: EMPIRjt .hiEAM CIDEJt ca. 611 7th Bt. n.w. Telephone. *>4» .». seW -'W EWUUABLE tJo-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. 'Evjlli A1LE BUILDING." 1003 F MX ASS* 8-CSW0.217 43. CIBce honra. fn>m » am. to 4 30 p ai. On tbe flnrt * edneeday In each month the uIBra will be open from . to* o'clock;i.m. Advauoaa wiii ba made promptly at 7 o'clock. Subacriptlona for abaraa In the 15th liien* received daily at tba office oi the Aaaociatiou, Enuiuue Build- in*. lOOJF st. Share* .ire $3.50 per month. . 1.000 advanced on each »hare. Pamphleta explaining the ol>j» t and advantage* of the Aaaociatiou are 1 unlimited upon application. THOMAS SOMERVILLE. Prat. JNO. jot EDSON. Sac'jr. je4 GROGAN'S INSTALMENT HOUSE, 730 ANl> 741 7TH 8T N. W. Cheapaet h. use In city to buy yonr Furniture, Cur- Mt». < il Cloth*. Mattltur* baby i arriaaaa, Hefnaera- U t*. Muvaa, kc. Every thing iu the houaeiuruishinff lihe noltj ota credit aa cLeai aa th« y can be bothcht whr it torvaah. MAKt and lav ALL CARPETS free OF my-'l COST. _ NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1'cBLISHED AV DAY. A SEW BOOK BY FRANK B. STOCKTON. AMOS KILIiRIdHT: His AnaciTmotra Expkki- J*Jt With otlier atoriea. By FKA \ K K. STOcR- 1 OX liniu, paper, 50 ceuta. cloth. 4 L25. Mr 9tockton'a latest work is contained in thi* col¬ lection of his inimitable shirt stories, and their de- pmtfBI humor m .*. iraah aa that dlaplayad in any of *Sa moot famous talea. V Mr. Stockton"* Stone*. 8 Tola. In a box. »7.50. UTTLE PFOI''.E A*d T bkib Homes ii» ¦kJ^Hiwa, W«ioua *ai> W*Taaa BY STELLA LOLIb 1. BOoK. B< autifu ly llluatrateii by Dan. ¦.ard aud Harry Beard Souara Sro, . 1.50. The boy or nrl who read* this book will be Baton- Med at the amoiiut of cunuu* aud entertain iiur ln- wniiaiiou whK'li it contain* about mseot-, l ue author with ad^ctiouate foudneea ana with a harm- ¦nyly aim;>le and winulu* style that will faacinata "ery yuum reader. NEW AND CNirOBM EDITION OF DONALD G. MITCH EL'S WORKS. . "2*° American writer since the daya of Waahinrton Iljtna nm the Eu<l:*h U'.rfuatfe as d.>»< 'Ik Marvel.' His buuks are aa natural »p Iuk flowers, and aa re- (reohinv aa suiun.rr nuns.". Tke Button TrarttenpL The followiiiir 8 Tola.. 1-nio. in a box. <10; singly, 91 «o: reveries OF a BACHELOR. dr jobns. M FAttM AT FDOfc.WOOD BOt NU IOuEXBUC DREAM life. JHDAYSAI fDGEWOOD. S>VE» sTOUIEA W-TuWN PLACES. AI.E OF THE INDIAN MUTINY. OB, Thi »i HiixiB. By 4ajUIS I'OUSSELiT. Traua- frt. m the iMi. h by Mary De HautrvlLle. With -u^nvm»on wood by A Marie. .V*w«ittiv«. 1 -mo. 41.oO. Exciting ad-veatnrea and an entertainimr thread of romaiice uiaka thi* book of aUrruiC interval lor boy*. '.'fur tuU t>y ail kuoAsrUrrt, or Knt, pottpaid, by CuARLLS StRIBNER'8 SONS, J> 743-745 broadway. NEW YORK- E. P. Roes AUTOBlO >R\PHY ixd LAST 3TORY, "QUEEN OF SPADES." £o<iiplete in Llpptncott's Ustruine for Oct, ready Sei t. J0 For >*1« everywhere, or mailed to any ad- drvae on recaivt of 25 con u. UtMNCOTTB magazine, Philadelphia. I" all Opening or NN N n OOC OO t L 2**nccooL £ ' ' li lo£°ooS Ll Ll: N NN * Vs THE * » f OO RRR AA II L O 0 R R A A II L O 0 RRR 11 L O O R R A A U I m OO B B NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS. SCOTCH CHEVIOTS. SHANNON TWEEDS. FANCY MIXED CASSIMERES, 'HE NEW BROAD WALE DIAG4DNALSI ETC, IN ALL THE « C' MBINATION COLORS AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Buainaaa Suit* to order from B20. Lraaa Suit* to order from B25. Fall Orercoata to order from. lie. Trvuaars to order from $5. sample* and SELF MEASUREMENT RULES> ON APPLICATION. «17 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., WASHINGTON. D. C. Owino ToThe Remarkable Success or TUB PALACE KING, s,.Ct'^r f ».»ce trade thi* year ha* nearly doubled .il »l manage.! widest repu- c.nTI * Jf ¦ i"»»at iismt with miuiaat «.rder» Ka.n IptloU IliOttt .UbtttAKltuL _ «j .vck«t De.icr HAY WARD * HlTCHINSON. wr eB*tom»r* are reminded that by plac in* their .,TK~r?.ot 1Ch>'ACra. latSobls. klej"aiid much money aavad"*"* T*1""'*1 "V MAYWARD * HLTCHINSON, «»»ton Hard Wax. mu.V'ili^dfor ^M1*acKjr* au3Q-3m.lp siaJVffiuJ!1 JSy-JSss .*^,,w ">e Unrest stock t HitAss Fli.t GOODS '<>1 ^fl Ornamenta waJ^seli ButoWs Hostwi Pouah. now a^araily usJd tur ae<i-lm.lp Home Decorations. *. *®w raselvinir aad showlaa soma of onr rail Iii-ponaUoaa of Malarial*, which are to be ap ln N"vettM aad Boat* Dacoratiooa. Amon« aoaie of the lataat at* a Pur* Liaau Bolton ShaeUua entirely new. Naw Moleakin tn sevea of the new Art tiraiy new Sew Colored Chaatola Skin* BalUac Cloth in all widiha. *M> New thadee la Ro(« Silk .or decorative art booms. .M MB e*. a. w., ¦ of New Wo SPECIAL NOTICES. » I H.REBY WARM ALL PARTIKJ OF tf iny Mary P. Dftiit, vllk tD7 .c^tin iny name, ** she has left n y uotue without inMt cniM I will i4t no h*ll» abe roatricl* hereafter. Just MUM. I will l+J no ows hJCHARD ^ DAS , September 20. 1888. *** C L. S C-FOCNDKV CIRl.XK WILL inert m 'he parlors of fonndry M.E. Church. corncr_14th and Q sta. nMONDAY, the 24th Init, st 7 p in Election ol officers. assignments reudinm. .-ubecr prions for CbiuUuuutn; nub rales fl 3o: al*o club rates lor book*at discount ENGLISHMEN -ST. GEORGE'S HALL. 11th st. n.w. EVEKY SATURDAY EVENING Literary and Mu.teal So.-able by the ST. utm-ot's SOC1E1Y and their friend*. Free admis¬ sion. All are eoidlally invited FRED O. ATKINSON.' Vice-President*. RICHARDROTHWELL.) ICS President*. JOHN COOK. President. ntl-2t CH AS. F BENJAMIN. Secretary. WaxsmoTO*. IX C.. Sept 20. 18SH. ^ i -.ish publicly to thauk the Pot mac. Fire¬ men's. and Franklin Insurance Companies of this city fur their prompt» ttlement of lorn caused by the de¬ struction of my isctory by fire also to expires my thanks to Mr. W Klley Deehle, In-urancebroker. 1319 f »L n.w.. for his xi-editioua adjustment oi the above loss Respectfully. It CHA8. MEMMERT. . STUDENTS OF THE NATIONAL CoL- LEGE OF PHARMACY will refer to Its ad¬ vertisement la the Educational column of this paper. sr21-lw ?- _^5,VVF.CIAL NOTICE s^5> Republics. » ol New York State are Invited to attend a meet!u« Tills VENINUat UM< Head¬ quarters. corner Mass. ave. and 14th st. n.w. It NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC COMMIT¬ TEE. HEADQUARTERS OF ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND TREASURER FOR THIS DISTRICT. 839 F St. N. W. (Second Floor.) Contribution* for defraying Uy legitimate expense* of tile National Democratic Committee in promoting the election of Cleveland and Tburman will be received at the above room* between 8 a. m. and 11 p. m. JAMES L. NORRIS, Advisory Committee and Treasurer for D. C. eevl-lm . A DEAD HORSE NO LONGER A DEAD __ LOS8-THE PENNSYLVANIA LIVE STOPS INSURANCE COMPANY notifies the follow- imr rolicy-holders having claims (for dead burses) In Augu-t asaca*meut to call at their office and receive tbeir money: A Richards k Co.. South Capitol and O sts.; Catherine McCarthy, loth and H »ts.n.e.. Pauline Ascliennech. 922 2d St. li e.; 1. 'I . 0'1>-11. Jr.. 710 13th*t n.w.; J. A Blundon, 3219 Ost. n.w.; W. T. K.-enan, 924 19th St. u.w K. M . Billlliger, Alexan¬ dria. Vs., H. W. Hhrham, 370 N st. aw.; Julm C Haw- ley. 1200 E st n.w.. W 11. Brown. 20th st. and P^nn- sy.vama sve. n.w . 1 liadeu* bean. 221 1st St. s.e.. M. Horan. 1d1."> 3d st. n.e.: J. J. Nuonan. 20th and I sta. u.w On September 3o the office ol the above company will be removed to «0S F st. n.w. EASTEKDAK k HALDEMAN. Managers. W M. D. EASTERDAY. Superintendent. se21 -2t* DRUG STORE. COR. »TH AND PA ave. Open all night In chance of registered pharmacist. se20-lm_ SCHELLER k 8TEVENS. GERMAN ORAL METHOD; EXFKRI- ___ enced teacher: testimonials from regular weekly class of 17 months standing, terius 41.50 per month. M. A WaTMON, Residence ol2 41th. st n.w. *e20-6f MORNING PAPER. ~Tue Philadelphia daily and Sunday Press is served in this city every morning at 8:15 o'clock. A sample copy of each paper can be obtained free at any news stand or of any newsboy. Leave your order for the paper at the uewstands with the newsboy, or at the ¦tore of J.T. CLEMENT. se20-2t* <114 9th st n.w. {»- - PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN ASSO- elation.A regular meeting ot the association will be held on FRIDAY EVENING, September 23, st 8 o'clock, in their quarters, room 3.', Le Droit Build- in*. Addresses will be delivered by several Member* of Congreae on the iasuea of the campaign. All repub¬ licans are invited to be present. se20-2t FRANK M. EVANS, President . CABLE TRANSFERS TO LONDON. PARIS and Other Points on the Contin nt Lr-WIS JOHNSON A CO.. Bangers. **20-10t 10th snd Pennsylvania ave. BUYERS, TAKE NOTICE! The fallowing merchant* on Capitol HiU have con¬ tracted with Clerks' A.ssetnbly 8451. K. of. L.. to clo^e on and alter SEPl EMBi H 20 their respective placea of business at 7 p. m.. Nat irdays excepted: J. Walie- meyer. 223 Psnnsylvaiua ave. a.e.; S. Fisher. 229 Pennsylvania ave. le.. Ww. Hahn ft Co.. 231 Pennsyl¬ vania ave. i.e.; J. A Hepettl. 317 Pennsy lvama ave. Ferd Frank. 33IS-333 Pennsylvania ave. ae. Organized labor will know where to deaL *e2u-3t . SPECIAL NOTICE TO OYSTER DEAL- ers..From this d y we will sell Oyster Fry Uuxea in .">oo lots for 45: or single hundred 41.10. SCUMID'S cox Factory. 317 12th *t n.w sel9-4w« REMOVAI J T. DYER HAS REMOVED his Real Estate Office to 1304 F St. sel8-2w THE AMERICA - ENEKG1ZER MANU- FAC1I KING COMPANY. Limited, of Penn¬ sylvania. have on exhibition. at No. 1418 F STREET NOttlHWEaT (Basement), THE ENERG1ZER, a very valuab.e adjunct to machinery. In cheapening Motive Power lor Street Railways, Steamboats, electric Light- iu*. Sc., y employing tne force of Momentum in Re¬ vo ving Mac hin ry. I It has met with the approval of the moat eminent en* iieer-> of the country. A limited number of the Shaxea of the SUx k of the Company are for aale. se 18 5t* IMPR0VEMENT NOTES AT THE CEN- TER MARKE1. IHt CENTER MARKET AGRICULTURAL MA¬ CHINERY AND MERCANTILE COMPANY'. The Directors of the Mashinytou Market Company have been lor some time considering a projositiou from the above-named company which ia understood to embrace leadin* manufacturers and dealers in farm- ins and uther kinds of machinery, seed* and hardware and fertilizers for a Ion* lease of tbeir large, commo¬ dious and very eliKible hall over the 9th-*treet win* of the Center Market The I'ropoaitiou is understood to be to substantially duplicate the Qmncy Hall Agricultural Machinery, Seed snd Fertilizlnjr Establishment over the market In boston, from which the country contiguous to the natioua. capital can be suppll d direct from the manu¬ facturers. aa New England la supplied from Boston, at manufacturers' prices. Pow.-r can easily be supplied to this 9th street Cen¬ ter Marker Hall, and all kinds of machinery. Including models of patentable uiacninery, put into oceration ther*. thus giving Washington a permanent exhibit of new machinery, and the thousands ot farmxi* who market hay. corn ana all their vaiioua product* at the national capital, opportunity to purchase from manu¬ facturer's and nrst nands farming utensils, sssds and fertilizers, thu» saving an en rmoua profit heretofore realized by middle men. The main entrance to this machinery hall la a wide iron »tair«ay at the corner of 9th and B streets south, of sufficient height and width to draw up and let down with well adjusted pulleys the heaviest and largest .arm machinery, wagons and carriages of every de¬ scription. This main entrance fronts and is Contigu¬ ous to the long lines ot farmers' and producers' teams three days m each week the entire length of B street, bs.ween 7th and 10th streets, an elevator for handling small machinery, iron and heavy articles, connects with the hall on the east side, also a stairway in th eastern tower and a commodious passenger ele¬ vator in the weater tower of tue 9th street wing, to- g r with the iron passageway from Pennsylvania aveuua, renders this spacious agricultural and ma¬ chinery market warehouse eligible and easily acosssl- ble fur this proioeed use. The arcade over the wholesale storea, containing one hundred rentable 'paces for the lignt goods sndfloWer tr*da. and all kinds of miscellaneous merchandising, which is reached directly iroin Pennsylvania avenue by the iron passageway and sidewalks, thus connecting every port.on of this uiuuinotb utart, will souu be ready for occup-ncy. as the cable cash railway »¦"< the counters or stands are being placed in position. The PEOPLE'S PAiiCEL DELIVER 1 CO. is making arrangements io establish an office m the wholesale market row, where they will receive market baaket* snd all kinds of parcels purcha-sd at the market and promptly deliver them at a very modetate rate. The Parrel Company will a,so receive telephone and tel-grapn messages irom housekeepers and promptly attsnd to pu chaaing and deliveung all thus ordered irom any market, relieving housekeep¬ ers from placing their orders persoualiy in incl* meut weather or from other reaaots desired. NOTICE 18 HEREbY GIVEN THAT A speels meeting ot the stockholders of the ANAcosiiA and Potomac riyi.r railroad Co. will he bald at the office of the company in Ana- CJStls T( EaDAX. October 10. 1888. at 2:30 p m. the object of sue- meeting being to authorise the Is¬ suance ol Arst-mo: tgsge bonds lor the purpoes of the company availing itacit of its franchises. H. A GiliaYsOLD, President J. B. PITCHER. Seerstary A Chnati. H. C. McCanley, 1 R B. Clark, Thoa. E. smithson, Directors. Jss. E. Hailsy. J. Z. » Uliama, ) sslo-lm DR- & H A. KLEIN SCHMIDT HAS PCS removed his office and residence from 3113 N *t n.w- to >Q4o N st n.w. *sld ttt* WALL GAS FIXTURES. & & 8HKDD * BR0. 432 9th St. N. W. Our stock is now replete with beautiful Gas Fixtures of new su eusraut design, and at prices that dsfy < petition. Our aasortmsnt embraces the latest and most artistic Wrought-iron Chandeliers. Braaa Gaa Flxturss. Lights. Bracksta. Gas Globes and 8hart*s of evsry vari¬ ety and Color. .I* M. S. BHEDD t BRO , 438 9th si ®^=!» FILES! I1LSS!! ULEaV! No ose need suSer. BUud. Bleeding. Internal or Protruding Piles, no mat er how long staadiiur speedily cured Treatment comparatively iitnluss* (no cuu Tig or tying), and no loss of time f rom busing scores of refsrsacas In sli parU ot the city. Coesoltsiion «-al« ^JJL^o^bSc^ free. [ssl4-«fj ofltos 8V« 9U st a.w. .PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN AS .CIA HON. Room 33. L* Droit Building. The rooms of this Associaitoa whl be opeo every svsolwr f?^k riv%.irrp^r efcosos eRow*. ^SiS^tZ1 SPECIAL KOT1CE.-F. WALLAl H, LOAN Broksr and Jeweler, tonusrly at 13o4 F si. >ovsd to 4OS IWlh st. opposus Palais Royal. Jo Uau on Matchsa, Diamonds, and JeWalry. "ve masss sstsUiehmsiit in the air. M-Jsi O. MET fisvs I m the city. Jy3-3m Washington Dews and Gossip. latest* Adreriias 8th T*«* AT-w***T».3d pan. Awnot Salsb.3d p(|«. Jd inure* Business Chances.6th nan HTl Ii r..4»--ttiU iwirc. COUNTBT ItOABD. '-idpAlfei OooirrmT Real Esiaxs. 2d pan Deaths. oth inn, Dkktuthi.3d nm Education al.4 th pin, Eiccuioia. Picnics, Ac..OUs pift Family SUPPLia.-Jd >»<», FINANCIAL.3d IIXI. Fob Kim (Flats).ad para. Fop Rent (Booms).2d pan Fob Ren r t Houaesi.ttth Fo* Burr (Stores).2 J pair*. Fob Rent (Miscel.ausoiu).2d pan Fob Biu (Houses) -6tb pa«. Fob Sale (Lots).Otb pane. Fo* BALECtflacellauoousl.Ith pan HooaEruBk'UdiMoa.3d pass. Ladies'Ooods.3J pair*. Local Mention.0tb i»aca. Loot and Found. 2d Mabbiaom.oth pmre. Monet to Loan.Oth pan Medical.:wl pairs. New pan Ocean Steam eb* -3d na/% Potomac Riveb Boat*.3d pair*. PiANoa and Oboa**. 3d pan Personal.2d pave. PsorEsaioNAL.4th mn Proposals.4th pan Railboads.3d pave. Special Notices.1st p%n Specialties.4 th pairs. Summeb Rrsobts.3d psn The Trades.3d ptura. Wanted (Help).^d pan Wanted (Situations).2d pan. Wanted (Rooms).2d pa<*. Wanted (Houses).2d pt<n Wanted (MisceUan»oa»)-2d ntn Pages 3 and 4 or To-dat*s Sta* Contain: The Doctors Adjourn; The Home of Yellow Fever; The Proposed Slierldan Statue; The Smltbsoman Institution Exhibit at Cincinnati; The Emperor of Austria's Jubilee; telegraphic news, etc. Government Receipts To-Dat..Internal reve¬ nue, $330,042; customs. >691,764. Among the President's Callers To-Dat were: Secretary Bayard, Senators Daniel and Barbour, Representatives Chlpman, Hayes, KUgore, Thomp¬ son (CaL), Henderson (N. C.), Calne, McDonald. Tracv, LaDdes, Allen, Oaten, T. J. Campbell and McKlnney, Commls doners Hail and Auderson, and Mr. B. A. Tlernan, of Terre Haute, Ind. Thi U. S. S. Yantic arrived this morning at the Brooklyn navy-yard from her cruise through the fishing grounds. The Chinese Bill Before th« President..The Chinese exclusion bill reached the White House this morning. The Bond offerings To-Dat aggregated $2,- 873,000, as follows: coupon 4 s, $900,000 at 130, 110,000 at 130, (25,000 at 130; Reg. 4'S, (1,100,000 at 130, (82,000 at 131, ex-lntarest, (45,000 at 129, ex-Interest, (25.000 at 129, ex-lnU re,t, (500,000 at 130, (10,000 t 130; coupon 4^'S, (10,000 it 107*; Reg. 4*'* (15,000 at 107*. (100,000 at 107*. (71,- 000 al 107>4. To ¦¦ Sent Back to Ireland..'The Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the Commissioners of Immigration at Philadelphia to expend (30 for the purpose of returning to Ireland Peter Finlay. wife, and three children. They arrived In Philadelphia In June last in gnod health, but since tben Finlay has developed peritonitis, and will probably not recover. The family Is now being supported by the Commissioners of Immigration, and Finlay is desirous of returning to his relatives In Ireland. Cannot Be Examined in Canada..Tbe superin¬ tendent of the Grand Trunk Line of Canada re¬ cently suggested to the Treasury Department that the baggage of passengers over that railway, des¬ tined for points In the Uulted states, be examined at Toronto, Canada, by a United customs officer stationed at that point Instead of at suspension Bridge. N. Y., as at present. In a letter to the col¬ lector at Suspension Bridge in regard to the sub¬ ject Assistant S creiary Maynard says that in view ol his statement that the (acuities for such exami¬ nation at suspension Bridge are ample, the De¬ partment sees no reason tor granting the request, more especially as the. statute prescribes that the baggage of passengers as well as all other merch¬ andise shall be examined within the territory of tM United States. Thet Relinquish 200,000 Acres of Land..The Marquette, Houghton and Ootanogan Railroad Company, of Northern Michigan, have definitely decided to withdraw all claims to the lands oppo¬ site the unconstructed portion of their road. The amount of land thus relinquished Is said to ag¬ gregate over 200,000 acres. It Is slated that the company has given a perpetual lease of their road to the Canadian Pacific Company. An Erboneocs Impression Corrected..A letter was recently received at the Treasury Department from a business firm at Danbury, Conn., which said that "an impression prevails among many of tbe worklngmen In this neighborhood, the princi¬ pal industry of which Is hatting.that hats par- tlally flnlsued may be Imported to this country as raw material, and that this is done tnrough the ] arbitrary interpretation of the tarlS laws by offi¬ cers In charge of the New York custom-house." Assistant Secretary Maynard has written a epiy lo this letter, in wuich he says that reports re¬ ceived from the collector and appraiser at New York indicates thai the impression referred to 1* not correct, Inasmuch as during the last three years there have been no partially finished hats passed at that port as raw material. The ap¬ praiser also reported that partially finished hats composed of fur are classified as manufactured of fur at 30 per cent advalorem under par. 435 T. L new, and » hen composed of wool wholly or in pari they ar< classified a manufactures of wool and pay duty under par. 3(33 of the tariff act. Re8ioned..John A. Bievins, of Missouri, a third- 1 class clerk in the Post-office Department, has re¬ signed. Professor Nbwcomb is still at the Chelsea Naval Hospital. His sickness is neurasthenia, atTectlng the nerves of one leg In such a way that be can neither sit nor walk. He is slowly improving. Natal Obders..Lieut-Commander W. A. Mor¬ gan ordered to duty in charge of the nitre depot at Maiden, Mass., October L Ensign Lorenzo sempie to the receiving ship Minnesota. Past Asst. Engineer Ralph Astor ordered lor exami¬ nation for promotion. Capu Allen Reed detached irom command of the Rlcumond and placed on waiting orders. Commander Oeo. w. wingate detacued from duiy in charge of the nitre depot at Maiden, Mass., and ordered to command the store ship Monongaheia, October 16. I Armt Orders..Second Lieut, Alfred Hasbrouck jr., Fourteenth Inf., has been granted two months' sick leave. A general court martial is appointed to meet at David's Island, N. Y., on the 24tu Inst. The detail Is as follows: Lieuu-CoLFred. .Wears, Fourth Inf.; capu Jas. Regan, Nlulh Inf.; Capt. Harry L. Haskell, Twelfth Inf.; First Lieut, Richard R. su edman, sixteenth InL; First Lieut. James A. lluiton, Eighth lnl.; First Lleuu Marion P. Maus. First InL, Judge advocate. Paymaster Oeo. K. Smith, granted twenty days' leave. Tuirty cavalry recruits have been asslgued to the Sixtu cav. surgeon Alired A. WooUhull, granted fifteen days' extension ol leave. Leaves o. absence have been granted as follows: First Lieut. Henry H. Ludlow, 3d artillery, one mouth from October 1; second Lleuu Herbert O. Squires, 7th cavaliy, one month from October 1; second Lieut. Julius a. Peun, Jr., 18ih lntaniry, three months from October 20. Tbe U. 8. & Constellation will soon sail from Norfolk for Portsmouth, N. H., tor the purpose ot taking on board the apprentice boys from the Saratoga and the Portsmouth, now on board the Constitution. Personal.Sir wilford and Lady Brett ot Eng. land, M. D. Mann ot Buffalo. J. K. Benjamin, J. W* Savin, and Max Bandler of New York, W. L. Shel¬ don of su Louis, Dr. Jas. Thorlngton ot Asplnwall, and Jos. Strong ot Terre Haute, ind., are at the Arlington. Seuators George and Vest. Represen¬ tatives Collins, O'Neill ot Missouri, Maison, and Campbell, lnapector-ueneral Dutnont, and Assist¬ ant PosUnaster-oeueral Knoll were in New York last nlghU C. R. Dow 01 boston, F. 8. Eve ot London, W. L. Bird ot Plllsburg, and Edwin Kick- ell ol Philadelphia are al WUlardl Surgeon- General Hamilton is ou his way from Florida. He passed lurough Savannah last nlghi. Gen. Hosecraaa and Gen. Johu F. Farnsworth ot Wash¬ ington ware in Cuicago on Wednesday. W. s. W son ot Baa Jose, CaL, Geo. W. Blake ol New York, E. B. tunings ot Boston. W Jas. V. WllaM of ins Army are at the su James..Mr. c. B. Beail. deputy clerk of the U. B. supreme court, and tanuur have returned from their »umm*r so¬ journ, ana are established al 1000 15th street aoriaweeu United States District Attorney Galvin, at Boston, ban brought twelve suits against Bowker, lorry ft Co. marble manufacturers, to recover Uie pen¬ ally lor aa alleged violation ot the contract-labor ww la importing marbie-cuitm Iron Italy. The pot te having refused a satisfactory reply re¬ garding the seizure ot a Greek vessel, the Greek government has ordered several Greek men-of-war to be put in immediate rsaillnsss lor ssa service- AT THiS CAPITOL TO-DAY. DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTBY. The Subject Discussed in the Senate. Proposed Substitute for the Agri¬ cultural Department Bill. PRIVATE BILLS IN THE HOUSE. The Senate. Mr. Stewart introduced a bin regulating'the pre- sentution of bills and Joint resolutions to the Pres¬ ident of the United Slates; which (after a brief discussion) was reierredtothe committee on rules, it makes it the duty of the Speaker of the House and of the President of the Senate to have bills PreJ£'n.Sr^uUon8 Presented forth wltn to the tiiThon P^30".i,n<1 to have the fact reported to theli respective houses. delat in preskntinq biliji to thi president. Mr. Stewart ulao offered a resolution reciting the statements in the public press that the p.esenta- , °n ot bllla to the President is frequently delayed o'^eral days, and sometimes for weeks, by the thatfhP^i o 0U ^roiled bills, and resolving wrtiMnuMh . ?? a brancuof the legislative de- the HoSL £ Government, call the attention of o Represent.,uvea to such delays in ? 8 10 ine President oi the United preS^t^uchhiii J!?!1"® 10 ^"""e118 officers to h^SLh!^.J^thout unnecessary delay. ¦J® to submit some remarKS,but as it had blU shouM hL i? Agricultural Depanment oui should be taken up immediately after th« SSSuS ilSSW6 deterred his thai bill would be disposed of day .TrStoSr 8enaM adJOUrn l°- TEAN8lKB 0F SIGNAL SERVICE. ».,u 110 milke the Department of Agri¬ culture one of the Executive Departments of the waa then taken up, the question be¬ ing on the amendment reported by the commitLM tM^rers th^isBaih1^6outthefliu»s^uo.which win . weather bureau of the siirnai sat vice to the Department ot Agrtcu.ture * 0F * MTAMHEWOr NATIONAL INDUSTRIES. r M|)rfiued himself as willing to wn^M - U,e WU' f0re8eelnK. however, that it Z°.rm th* est^hllahment (which he jnT be better X uentl,btne^lme°IliadlarrKw%o?\aue0creat!on1ofr2 bra,lclle8o, 'n&ssrM: u TH* a°mculturistb. ,*lr J41'1 that the proposition had originally takenthe form suggested by his colleague, but ripn ^ee° oppose<1 by the people interested in ag. rtcuiture, on the ground that they would be auh. merged and lost sight of, and wouid fail to receive t'ffC attenuon winch tnat^at^J^ Reaoan's substitute bill. Mr. Reagan sent to the clerk's desk and had read | t~ *rttullure» as the Interests of airricul- fflW«='irrArS either" subject that would omit MR. plumb's views. Mr. Pumb (who has charge of the bill) said that he was familiar with the general scope of Mr ^«*^*rrsru£,ursi tssnsfrssss&s wsfxssjf >&zivss!UL tusss. sk* *um>- THIS proposition to transpek thb weather BUREAU defeated. The discussion was continued by Mr. Call in favor of the transfer of the Weather Bureau, and VIU°C' 01 Iowa: Pilmer. Daulsbury, and Hale against it. Finally the vow waa taken on £ skw srss? sara;zzssssr Uuu*e ol Hepmenlailrm, MR. KILOOBB 0BJKCT8. On motion of Mr. Caruth (Ky.) the Senate bill R^rPa^d aulU0ll2lng the Louisville southern Kaiiroad Co. to construct a bridge across the Ken. lucky River in Kentucky. Ken" , rnf,r;f>0UgUerly <FU° unanimous consent U&SSlSjE^^ ® Wrnow | Mr. KUgore (Tex.) objected. A RAILROAD BILL PASSED. The Senate bill was then taken up forfeiting the grant of lands to the state of *d ?n suppression op TRUsra. Mr. Craln (Tex.) asked unanimous consent to rrrs.'srar.'srs: s1 SSsatr.SSSgSS blnailons or conspiracies Ue C0UJ" Presldent had cleared the ODDuwtioiwSr ?? llV Uon oi that character? *Ul 01 Way WiU» »eglsla- Mr. Hopkins (N. Y.) objected. AND DESERT Mr U ^ AMENDhD and PASSED. li^u'nrt n ,roui tiie committee on pub¬ lic lands, reported back the bill to susDenii ih. nran^aT/^rbr;^^^ oithe^ea^wSow'before^co2Urtngtl1* Pending the forfdiiure oi certain 10 re^tion to by congress to railroad coroora^^"0re Kranted alter, no act done or perform^ hr «n5na th»re- porauon suall in nov any such cor- cialm of any such corworaSnfthe /lght or by any suchgr^rS^inL HnU/r^ coverea istlug in the United statei n«ht how «- ture thereof. Thhj pron^on sh.n Sta,rl.Ulu ,ortel" io in anywise a fleet wTmrnts^rwa^.^nst rued now ejtlauug Iu behalf ^ li^ i "r.?, JTaJve ^ "Ifht cure the lorfeliJ^ m a£y or the^n^"^ de" ln any such grant. e '^da embraced . T*B 'Ritati bills. w2£sn.2£ X) vzrss 0ot ? private calendar. cluU) oa th8 _Exu»«aii«f PoMnutin. RtRCLT OP thb rorrMAETER-GENEHAI.'B nm«- tioatio* op aaciNT cuarbe*" The report ot Poatmaater-oeneral Dickinson in response to the uouw "ickinaon in low-tariff publication called I2SSeu^d^ini then^uirtbeof1^llnMUir-0<!neral quireueuu oi law and iT^?MiJ.Ued f1111 uon throuifh tne ^52Ul^? matter. iu reirnnt^seoond-elaai that poetaiaaterM ^./i the chaige of repubu^in Dancr* >. 0P®ned packages these ..AdvoiiS!!^' the 'D8erled <*ple«of Ohio, swore thattie rti» ^ P^tmas ter at BetueL ue package. <3 alleged conuineduS^^'0k,MM# wulcl1 »* w*» ZZWfSSSSX tor the LIBRARY building 1 la>etigauon eouumttwwmohave uata u^uorrowT waa mm»«i a nomination withdrawn. The Pr udent Has withdrawn from the Senate the nomination or John Fitxpatrick to be L'n.ted States marshal for the eastern district of Lould- Noxnf ATiom confirmed. The Senate in executive session confirmed the following nominations: Lieut. CoL Amos Beck, with, assistant commissary-general, to be colonel; *"J- Michael R. Morgan, to be assistant com mis- sary-generaL with me rank of lieutenant-colonel; Capt. Samuel i.cusiiing, to be commissary of subsistence, with the rank of major; Lieut. Col. HoDert 1'. Hugnes, to be iuspector-general, witn the rank of colonel; MaJ. George H. Barton, to be colonel. OPPOSING THE TRANSFER OF THE WEATHER BCREAC. In the Senate yesterday afternoon the blU to create an executive department of agriculture was debated. Mr. Chandler opposed the transferor the weather bureau. It was an und-nlable fact, he said, that there were fewsr defalcations, fewer corruptions, fewer misappropriations of money la works conducted by officers of the regu- r'viM h'nj * ' than In works conducted by AFRICAN COLONIZATION BOUNTY. In the Senate to-day Mr, Chandler Introduced a bin providing that out of the fund collected as the direct tax during the war a contract shall be f?a<'e *IM» the United States and Congo Steamship tran-sport all negroes who may want to eml- £5*'* ">Africa. Tue sum or $30 U to be puld tor S?Sr i4**4411, emlgraot, and eacu one is to be fur- nished witn sixty days' rations. MRS. NEWMAN'S ANTI-MOKMON PITITlON. A memorial presented by senator Edmunds to- day and signed by Mrs. Angle Newman in behair of the loyalists of Utah Territory makes a long and extended argument against the Mormon unurch and protests against "a dishonored star belntf placed upon our llela or blue." Mrs. Newman does not want Utah admitted as long as polygamy prevails there. J***"/ FIGHTING YELLOW JACK. An Unfounded Rumor .( m Caae of FeTer In Tbli City. HEALTH OFFICER T0WN6HEND BATS THERE IB SO danger of tellow fever spreading here even if a CASE SHOtTLD BE DEVELOPED.SURGEON GENERAL HAMILTON COXING HOME.HIS WORE AT camp ferrt. It has been rumored on the streets for several days that there was a case of yellow fever on Defrees street. The report appears to have no foundation whatever. The rumor started in the Government Printing office and soon spread In that neighbor¬ hood. When Dr. Townshend was asked what truth there was In the story he said there wts nothing in it, as be would have been notified had a case of fever shown itself here. It is possible that there are some persons from the South stopping on De- frees street which gave rise to the rumor. Dr. Townshend said he did not think there was any danger of the fever spreading in this city even If * refugee should be found to have 1L The persons who arrive her® are closely watched, and he hardly thought it possible for one of th m to have the fever without its coming to the attention of the Health officials. When the health offloer flrst took tlie yellow toTer persons were 4,te<110 .en<1 In reports of all suspicious cases 8KD?e Ul*t 0mo man* cases have but upon Investigation they turned Sm .llnPl« cases of malarial or other fever, P roua\. Th® UM case reported was that of a mulatto who died In South Washington. Ttte coroner was sent to the house and an autopsy was JThe complalnt was made by personi who knew thei deceased and who said that he turned yellow shortly beiore his death. Persona about wiM> kuew tlie man uaed to Joke about JJ* having the yellow fever, and in that way it was reported to the health officials. The autousy revealed the fact that death was due to Jaundice ana not to yellow fever. J passengers from THE SOUTH. The report of Train-Inspector Stratton shows that three passengers from the soutn yesterday stopped on Defrees street, but these arrivals could ca"86^ 1,10 rumor as it appeals t»bave started about three days ago. The followinir Der- sous arrived on the trains from the South yester¬ day and stopped In this city: H. G. Davis, Spar- tansourg, 8. C.j Mrs. S. S. Twiggs, Augusta, Ga. . Jf* wife and child, Spartanburg. S c ' ^ A- ^Vlngert, AsheviUe, N. c.; D. K. EbauglV and ntece- Soinerville, 8. C.; James Wright, Wilmington, N. C.; Kev. C. tr. Oney ana Ma'j SlW <£' C\?F* Lem°n. Cincinnati; Mrs. J. Postrell, Carte rsvllle, Ga.; Miss l. Miller Home, Ga.; B. E. Thomas, Irontoo, Ohio; F. i! K J* ^ Munc«. Louisville; E. B. Patterson, wire and culld, Cincinnati; w. E. Ledman, New Albany; J. T. Wedaiogton, Pitt County, N. C. About thirty passengers from ^j^th^ Carolina, Louisiana and Kentucky passed DR. HAMILTON COMING HOME. Surgeon-General Hamilton, having completed the work of establishing the refuge camp Perry left there yesterday for Washlngtoa Assistant Surgeon Pettus telegraphs to the Marine Hospital Bureau that the report that Galveston, Tex. has yellow fever is without foundation. There is uo yellow fever there. Surgeou John Godfrey has wired from Louisville, Ky., that a man died tuere dayoerore yesterday or yellow fever, a refugee from Decatur, Ala. Precautions have been laKn and no danger is apprehended. Acting Surgeon Hnett Goode, at Mobile, has eiegraphed that there are reliable reports of tiree case" at Jacsson, ilsi! ten at Decatur, Ala., aud one at Louisville Ky surgeon Kobblns, Oi Vlcksburg, Miss., under dat* of to-day, wires th .t the yellow lever has devel¬ oped at Jackson, Miss., and that there is absolute non-intercourse between that place and V"-)r>l?urg. Soeli ly Notee. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folaom left this morn¬ ing for a short stay at Saranac Inn, in the Adiron- dacks. They were accompanied by Dr. Ward, or Aiban^who has been a guest at Oak View for Dr. and Mrs. G. 8. Palmer have returned after three months on the coast of Maine and Mama chusetts. Miss Gertrude Phillips, of K street, wiu leave next week for Staunton, Va. Mrs. D. P. Heap is making her parents, Mr. and Kara vwi"uie,r new Mrs. H. L. Sumner has returned to the city. Miss Ella L. Davis has returned from Leonard- towu, Md., where she has been spending the sum- The Asiatic Squadron. MOVEMENTS OF NAVAL VESSELS IN THE PACIFIC. Hear Admiral Chandler, commanding the Asiatic station, reports to the Navy Department, under date of Kobe, Japan, AugustU7, that the Brooklyn aalled. Jrom Nagasaki for New York bv way of Honolulu aud cape Horn. Her sails are weu worn and she will probably require a new set at Honolulu. The Essex sS?ed from Yok^1 hama, August 17th, for chemulDa S « 'the" Utter"' SfJun* A Vapane^ man-o^war ^ntly^S afoul of the * Juniata in lhe^a<&t2S of Cbemuipo and carried awsv lower boom and Jib-boom but did no serious damage. The Juniata would sail from Chemulpo, August f0r Nagasaki, and th n proceed toNewYort by way^ or tmel Tue invalided men and general courun.artiai priionJJs of tne Brooklyn have been transferred to the Juni! ate for passage home. The Paiosls atNagaiuL an.i the Monocacy at Yokohama. The flagtSiSMarton wastosaum a lew days for a noohern cAui The general health of the squadron remal.!?ex' cellent. Ensign H. C. Poundstone taT b4n transferred the Brooklyn to theJunlaUL and Ensign olennie Tarbox from the Marlon to the I'V Uerx J. w. Matthews has been %- vauded to the naval hospital at Mare uuod, Alleged Railroad Dlacrlntlnatlon. TME INTERSTATE COMMISSION TAKE CP THE CHARGES AGAINST THE PKKXSTLVAX1A. VM^KU" The Interstate commission met In Dover. DeL yesterday to give a hearing oa the complaint of the Delaware State Grange against the Pennsyl¬ vania Kail road company. There were present of the commission judge Cooley, chairman, and Bragg, W. R. Morrison and flrhoopmsker. -www .- - bmu p»iuuunmMfci»p George H. Bates and Levic. Bird, of Wilmington! were counsel lor tue grange is. and JuttoeiSS^n of Philadelphia, and HonfoeavT M^Sy ver, counsel lor tue railroad com DauvTM r presented the grangers' caas, wff ooistaSfS three counu . excessive and uniuat it^ahL charges, bad train service and duSrh^tlSn in long-and-short hauls. Judge Logan, lor the rail- roa company, presented i genenl denWL The case was opened by examination of -"irnisfj the grangers. Jonn J. Kosa, of MlhortUileadme « .*«n, andNT. Maryland, a leading fruit grower, te»uned. ih «sar ssMir^t.v'SS^s A Dover special to the Baltlmors Am mm a the Is to-nignt Jour. 1 wgooaoim THE NEW LIBKARV BIIILDH6. the Sundry Civil Bill. The conferees on tbe suudry civil bill held a meeting to-day and decided to report back a dis¬ agreement on tbe pronation relating to tbe new Library building. Tbe Senate conferees Insisted upon tbelr intendment and tbe House conferee* insisted upon carrying out tbe prescribed policy of tbat body and stopping tbe work. The disagreement will be reported tbat tbe Sen¬ ate may declare Its will in tbe premises. Then another conference win be held. A STUBBORN- PIGUT IN PROSPECT. There Is every indication of a stubborn fight between tbe House and senate over tbe new Library provision of tbe sundry civil bllL Tbe Senate and Its conierees are unalterably opposed to tbe House plan of dealing wlib this important subject. Tbe Senate conf rees siy that to ad >pt tbe House policy of stopp ng work aud advertising for net* plans, Ac., will reopen the wnole Library controversy, piaclng it wnere it was prior to tue aioption of the Voorhe s bill, and that years wou.d Intervene before a completed buildlut could be hoped for. Hence tbe Senate is prac¬ tically unanimous in favor of carrying forward tb - work as proposed, placing It In cuarge of Gen. Casey. The House conierees seem opposed to Architect smltbmeyer and hold him respousibie tor everything that has gone wrong. Should lUe two houses be unable to agree upon any legisla¬ tion the Library bulldlug wlh remain under control 01 tue Commission, but there will be no money to carry on tue work. At tbe meeting of the conferees it was apparent from the first that tbe Senate conferee# wouid never agree to tne rejection of tbe amendment. One of tne House conferees expressed tne opinion to a Star reporter tbat finally an agreement would be reacued such as to secure tbe construc¬ tion of a library building. SAL.ADS FOR THE DOCTOR* A Rrilllnnt Reception to the Member* .I the Medical loafren. The great halls of tbe Army Medical Museum building saw the closing scene of tbe first session oi tbe American Medical Association last evening, when all the members witu tbelr friends united in a reception there. Tbe anatomical museum hall, containing all the skeletons of men and animals that erstwhile adorned the rooms of tbe old Ford Theater of tragic memory on 10th street, was brilliantly lighted up lor tbe first time with gas and decked with hospital flags, the red cross being tbe most promloeut. This medieval symbol was the favorite of tbe evening; the very salads had Maltese crosses of red beets on their upper surface. At the other end of the long hall is tbe library, and this was decorated for the recep¬ tion of guests. Bowls of cut flowers and pots of were placed upon the tops of the low book¬ cases, and the walls were hung with flags, a Hue German Hag being conspicuous. Gas Jets flamed here and there, and a number of parlor lamps turew softly lan-bient llgut turougb silken shades. Tue long hall that connected tuese two apart¬ ments afforded a pleasant promenade for the com¬ pany that began u> arrive alter 9 o'clock, on either side of the hall are rooms tuat were util¬ ized for supper, refreshment, and dressing rooms. A tew musicians were stationed in the balcony in the Museum, and Derlodlcally tes.ej the acoustic properties of it with their Instruments. Tue strict scientists deserted tbe hail during such experi¬ ments. A large rug was spread upon the soap- stone floor of tue library, beside the central divan, and upon that the reception party stood. Dr. Billings presented the company to the Princess Scnleawlg-Holsteln, who stood next to nun, and then u> Prof, von Esmarch, wuo stood next to his *>16. Tue others lu Uue were Mrs. Bl.lings, Mrs. J. Ford Thompson, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. J. M. Browne, Mrs. Roberts, of Phila¬ delphia, and Mrs. K. T. Bdes. The prin¬ cess, who Is above the medium he.ght of women and rather stout oi ngure, and Is probably forty-live or fifty years of age, wore uer blond hair dressed higu witu a buck upright bow at one side 01 her head, in Walcn gdsieued a diamond star. Her nose is iar*e and her eyes blue. She wore a decollete, sleeveless, trained gown of black satin, draped In olack lace and garnished with Jet. There were heavy epaulettes of Jet upon tue suouldera. Sue wore a necklace of diamonds aud black gloves, and held a large bouquet of white rosea. The princess had a pleasant smile lor ail presented, and a cordial greeting for thos she recognized as persons sue uad met before. Mrs. Billings wore stone- coiored silk, and held a buncu of pink roses; Mrs. Busey was in blue and wuite silk, and Mrs. Browne In white silk and lace, over louruundied persons participated in tue recep¬ tion. Among liieui were Mrs. Folsom, with Dr. S. B. Ward, of Albany; Dr. aud the Misses Ord, Dr. Otis, Di. Cameron, of Montreal Dr. anu Mrs. W. A. Hammond, Dr. Bum, Dr. Yarrow, Dr. T. Z. Sow¬ ers, Dr. T. M. Murray, Dr. and Mot Sternberg. Dr. Bidder, Dr. Browne, Dr. Burnes, Mr. aud Mrs. Wil¬ son, Senator aud Mrs. Dolpn, Dr. Davis, Senator Uawley, Major and Mrs. Poweil, Capu D. C. Baim- Une, Dr. i'ajior, tue Misses Bi.uu^s, Mrs. turn- ininga oils, ProL Knapp, of Bostou; Pi of. Clarke, Dr. J. a. Baxter, Dr. David Ferrler aud air. Victor Horslej, oi Loudon; Dr. W. W. Been, of Puiladeiphla; Dr. koou F. Weir, oi New York, and Dr. Hoover. At 10 UK) the supper and punch rooms .vere thrown opeu and were soon occupied. The supper table was effectively decked with flowers, and salads, croquettes, boned turkey, a .d tu il»e, and had lor a center piece a flue pickerel on a pedestal. Tue puyslcians assisted in the usual way and the suppiy oi had to be renewed mauy times, i ue event was a brl.llant sc n - and afforded a pieasaqt closing lor a scientifically pro¬ fitable cougress. Aud tue new Museum building proved Itaeu an available place lor socUl enter¬ tainments. The Doctors Dolag Homo. TBI TRAINS TO-1) AT SEARING A WAT Til MEHBERS OP TBS CONOaXSS. The final adjournment of the Medical Congress last evening was the signal tor the departure of the great majority oi the visitors wuo had come to this city to attend its sessions. The morning trains were crowded with doctors hurrying to tueir uouiea. bomu of the foreign guests will re¬ main in this city tor a short time and others will lake a tour through tue country before returning home. A number accepted the invitation to visit the Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, and spent to-day 1'u that city. Dr. BiUlngs, Dr. Busey and others from this city Joined tne Baltimore party. Tbe headquarters of the oommiiiee of arrangements at Wlilard's, wulcn hdk presented such a busy appearance during the past few days, was deserted this mornuig. Dr. Adams, who has assisted tne chairman. Dr. Busey, was mere gatuering togeluer ine papers and preparing to dually close up tue rooms. The local committee (eel satisfied with the manner In which tue ar¬ rangements were carried out, especially as ihey have beard so many oompdmeuts irom the vlslung members expressing tuemse*ves satisfied wilu what had been done. The vanous societies were provided with comlortabie and couveulent places of nic-eaug, and were able to carry out tueir pro¬ grams. Tue social features of the cougress were a.l pleasant events and greato' enjoyed. 11 is con¬ ceded thai this first meeting of tue congress was in all respects eiuineutly successiui. Tue proceedings of tue cougress will be printed, and each society will, as is me custom, publisu its own transactions. The next session of the congress wiU be held in tills city three years iroin this date. Tralawrocklsf Done by Striken. TUB WK0NG PRRIOBT SMASHED.A WASHINGTON MAN XUXXD.TRTI*0 TO UBS 1 HOT A RHUS* CAR. A freight train was wrecked on the Wabash Western HaUroad about fliteen miles west of SL Louis, near Bridgeport, Ma, Wednesday night, tieo. Hendrlck, engineer, and Louis H. Ketiler, fireman, were killed. Chaa. Williams, conductor, and Budoiph stoufar, a shipper, were badly in¬ jured. Kettler had Just relumed from his wed¬ ding tour, the fata, trip being his hrst oue out. I,JJ Monday, fo> the first time in its history, the cnicago, Burlington aud t^umcy Railroad ran lis owntralns into Su Louis. This was according to an agreement recently made with the Wabaau Western. On Monday there was a strike lu the Wabash yards, the union men refusing to hanu.e engines aud trains manned by men wno took the place of Burlington strik¬ en. Tne matter was compromised in some way, but much ill-temper was suown. A Burlington train was due over the Wabash Western at 8 o'clock Wednesday night. At Bridgeton the train was an hour late, and a Wabash freight train pre¬ ceded it and met tue late intended lor the belated train. The accident occurred at a switch, and an examination showed that tbe rails uad been spread, and a piece of iron inserted in such a way mat the train could not keep tbe track. At 3 o'clock Thursday morning an attempt was mads to wreck the train containing the puyslcians and officers returning from the first wreck. A log was rolled squarely across the track. The train stopped Ct in tune to prevent another disaster. The po> are looking tor the wreckers. Kettler, the fireman, was twenty-nine year* oid. Me was tne sjn oi Win. and Kosa Betuer, ot this city. His body will be brought here, and the funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from Bis father's hoots, 613 Uh street southwest. Judos Tbrrt in Barak AltuaInmctod..Tbe United Males grand Jury at Ban Francisco yester¬ day paMbied six Indictments UsRR Terry affair. Four sfV against Judge Terry m exhibiting * deadly weapon and for obstructing and assauiilag Marshal Franks am "»« assistants^ and (wo against Sarau Althea tor imparting the laarshsl In iZe exercise of his douea. War Sn DoCi Mabt in coacmajc..Miss Hebeooa Tebbetta, Us a*vsat.a yeer ohl daugh¬ ter o( Lewis IX TeOhetta. of St. Louis, etoped yes¬ terday with her islMrt coscbnsas, who Is aboot twice hsr age. Tue pair were caught at Ogte* Station, about twsaty saUsa dm the ctty. sod oiougat bank. They expected to get married at Ms&'sSffKU'jajss Telegram* to The Star. 'LYING TO ESCAPE THE FEVER Many Refugees Hurrying North. TRYING TO PREJUDICE PARNELL'S CASE Death of William Warren, the Oomelian. HOl'IDIMC THE IRISH LEADEN. Aa l adrrbaal AUcaapl to Prrtadlrc Ht» Caoe with ike ( .¦niMlo*. Special Cable Dispatch to The tvimmi St»«_ London. Sept. 2L.seiuorne is end avuring to prejudice P&rn-ll's ca* by travei-iung Gladstone's statement that the cabl >et In lw.' was satisfled thai the Biiipecu had no connection with crime in IivUnd He has written circu.ags to the mem¬ bers ot that cabinet at present opposed to til i«l- stone, and managed to a cure va^ue denials. HurUngton, however, hon-stl) quo es troui tue official speech ot Uladstonc in 1KS2 anuouuclu{ the release ot the suspects not witu crime, and admlUi that mis m.i» h ive u^-n owia,- a decision or the caoluet «vhl> h *>uieo( Glad¬ stone'* colleague* cannot now reuiembei. Crlaae Decreat My In Ensland. Special Cabl* lftspatcli tu l'*« I.vemnj Star. London, Sept. 2L.The judicial statistics for 1887, Just published, like every previous return since compulsory education began in 187U, shows a decrease of crlue and at tu- saui-; Urn la popu¬ lation. The total commitments to prison were 6,877, fewer In 1887 than In the previous year. BO.1BAMDI.tU \ TKAIX. Aa Oalragc by Hoodlum* on the Sab- urlxi of thicaj*. Chicago, Sept. 21..As the Chicago-bound Alton express train was passing :«IU street last night a number of unknown hood.urns perpetrated an ouu rage which, lor pure flendlshnesa, Is seldom equalled. The train was crowded with passen¬ gers acd moving at a rapid rate. Suddenly a shower of stones and huge chunks of cia» cam-' Clashing against one side of ibe train, breaking windows acd greatly alarming the passengers A man In the sinok-*r was sti uok by a heavy sione and knocked into the aisi"*. The splintered glass from the broken window flew in every direction. The man escaped with a bruised shoulder and a slight cut on the hand. Mrs. James Orange was seated by the window In the second coacn. A piece of flying glass struck her in tue face, inflict¬ ing a wound which may result in the lo** ot her lett eye. The glass cut through the lower Ud aua Into the white of the eye. Every car in the traic was bombarded by the rum int. The train was stopped as soon as possible and seaicb was made for the hoodlums, but they succeeded in escaping In the darkness. Death of Willkaw Warrra. A SUTCB or THB DISTINGCISBkb COMEDIAN'S MMA Boston, Mass., Sept. a-Wm. Warren, the actor, died at u o'clock this morning. Mr. Warren was born November 17, 1812, in Philadelphia. 11 . rather, wuo bore the same name wus a celebrated actor and manager who came to this country In 17WJ. Wil.lain Warren, the younger, made his debut in 1832 In the Arch Street Theater, Fblladelpula, as l ining Aort<uL. In "Douglass," the occasion l* lug a uenefli (or tue Elder Warren's lamuy, througu uuslness revers-s, having become peundesa. lie travelled until Oc¬ tober, 1840, when he came to Boston on an en¬ gagement with the Howard Aiheneeum where he played with great success uuul February, 1847, when lie JoiueJ the Bostou Museum Co., with which be remained unui 1804, wneu the Warren- Ortoh t'ombluaii >n was orgauizej. In the season of lSttj-T*! he returned to the boston Museum and from uiat time until tue season of 1*82-MU, « n-n ne retired froai the stage, he was au extremely popular member ot t..e stock company. Ues. MierlSaa'n Life. MRS. SHERIDAN AOAIN WAKNS TUK PUBLIC OP AL- LEUEP KRACDCLENT REPRESENTATIONS. Nbw Yoke, Sept. 21..The following telegram has been received by the general manager or the Assoc al**d Press, dated at Xonqultt. Mass., Sep¬ tember 20, and addressed to tue general mauager: "I have seen in several or tue New fcuglana news¬ papers a telegram which says that Mr. Frank Burr, who has written a Lie oi uen. Sheridan, was an intimate friend of my husuaud; thai Gen. Sher¬ idan alued him In the preparation of his book and in revislug 1L The statements thus made are alt untrue, lien. Sbendan was never an intimate friend of Mr. Burr, and ne not only never aided him in the preparation or revision of any book, but h ordered MBurr from his omce when that gen¬ tleman approached him on the subject last winter. I certainty can have no objection to Mr. Burr or any one else writing of inv uusband, but when it is proposed to foist Mr. Burr's bjok upon the pub¬ lic by false representations I believe that tue public will forgive me lor appearing lu the matter, particularly as I am prepared to prove that agents of Mr. Burr's publishers uave represented inat I am pecuniarily Interested In their book, a repre¬ sentation wnlcli is also raise, lor I have no pecuni¬ ary interest in any pubdcation about Gen. Sheri¬ dan except his own personal memoirs. I MKS. P. 1L SHERIDAN.'' Doctors Sightseeing la Haitii Baltimore, Sept. 21..This morning about flfly Of the delegates to the recent medical convention In Washington went out to Investigate the merits of the system ot ventilation ana insUiation of the waras tor contagious diseases at the Johns Hop¬ kins Hospital. Aa Oplaas Eaafflrr Railed. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 21..John W. Stone, one or the ogdensburg men arrested in connection with the great op>um steal, has given bill in tue U nited Slates District court in the sum ot fio.ouu. Lyttie and commissky expect to give ball u>-aay. Praf. Hara%ck'i Elrvtloa Caafii Berlin, sept. 21..Emperor William has con¬ firmed the election oi PruL Harnack to the chair oi cuurch history at the Berlin University, despite the protest ot the senior evangelical cooucll, which disapproved of his reilglou* views. This action Is regarded as a heavy Imow to the extreme church party. AccMeat to lbs (ierasBaie. A WHITE STAB STEAMER GOES AGROUND IK THE MERSEY IM A PWk London, Sept. 2L.The White star line steamer Germanic, while entering the Mersey last evening on her way from New York to Liverpool, weul ashore on Formby SplL The Germanic had a strange pilot ou board, and the weather at the time she stranded was very loggy. The steamer was floated on the rising ude * ituut assistance, and was safely docked. Sue Is uulnjured, aud *U1 sail for New York on her appointed date. The Basklaa Iaiportal Baali. St. PBTEBSBCBO, Sept. 21..The Journal de at. Ptlrrtbuury sajs: The Controliei, assistant finance minister and bourse committee have maue au investigation to ascertain tue amount ot bui- lion In the Imperial Bank, and lound it to be 221_4T2,4Uj roubles In addition to tue li.oou.uoo roubles guaranteed aga.nst the new credit notes. Texas Bwpabllcaa Csavsatloa. TU FUSION FACTION SECURES CONTROL OP THB TEM¬ PORARY ORGANIZATION. Fort Worth, Tex., tsepL 21..The republican Mate convention met yesterday, held two sessions and adjourned unui to-day wituout accompUsuiug anything detinue. The two sessions were aevoved mainly to a wrangle between the no-Ucsel or tuslon faction and the straigutouta, the lonner Bet uring the chairmanship. A resolution was in¬ troduced by Judge Osternout, ot BetU>n.dec taring tor a lusiou electoral ucaei witu tour union labor and three prohibition electors on it, but It was ¦mum Wis., Sept. 2L.The large cranberry war nouse owned by Geo. sacket, located on the marsh near this city, was destroyed b.v fire yester¬ day In tue building were 2,Ouu oar: eis of b rries, the entire crop of tue season, w were destroyed. I he total Kms is eeHmsiart at (30.000, hall covered by insurance. Boston, Mass., sept. 2L.Tue state oentral i mittee oi toe tabor party Have voted to call a state ooBveBUon to nominate a state ticket. Tb* con¬ vention will be bold to Boston September if" Nat Crwdltod la Paris, Sept. XL.Admiral Kranu, mlnlter of marine, received a telegram from Tabity i<****- a w..* .#. manllAa Max em ,><fa . A Iff Af a ft V IXUUlUC, IVLWTW H WN|iaui ai Will A aaaaa* # ----- day. but no mention was made to It ot any Og/t- lngto tue Marquesas group. Is oBrlil clrUes, therefore, no credit IB given to lbs report. qal^rob, m,y. (be OoveraaMat appro^rtauoa. >K>0.00Q^ m wxrumeit work w^Se l%*aat IM mJSwUM»B A O0L. Of IS atracto«*. was ibetowaK, I«hirm rraa Dnnar, ilk.. Mm At- l«Wti .. M#»P At > AhIii illfi, Cwtcaoo. Sept. 21..A Jispaieh tram Naafc villa, Teoa.. as a: At . IM boar lut ui«b: wrrniy retort wno b lardsd the Lo«i.ruM aud \ A»avui* train -' south of Docatur, AU.. srrtsad la this riiy. Officen ml tbe iraio at maiiotvN sta¬ tion. iulte» out. and Informed ibe reiiik~*s that they could not ue permitted to «««> at XaaAvtla. Twelve o( tne aumbrr ha I ticket* tor mis city. Those who dl 1 no pass tbr.m*n Decatur were ,.u low d o le«T . ibe t atii upon It* arrival hare. Tur .-Qii.tu U.r'r-d that several stopped at towns loog the road. It . a* teamed ib«t great ex. li-m.-nt pr vail.-d At Dee-atur and lb .1 laat nU-ht people 1M In all going id vebieHN ana on foot, train* are do. p. ruiiu.d to atup id iW riiy. It l* rep -nei t tial one b<jiidr*ii mura refugees ttora l> vaiur will arrive In tne city to. faf. 1 hey will not, however. b- allowed io get off le-re. Mo»t of tho,e who wcat through ai« OoauJ for point* nort a oi ttie ouio river. THVIOG TO Stftr OCT til r««TIL**l* ttesrHiH. !¦>«., "Hjpu iuvata. bla, Allien*, unl LIin -hione Cou .ue*, Ala., have qatnu lned a»*l!i-.l IKvatur. Ala. Vi.-i;«i>utg, Miss.. baa estaolliued aosoiuie uon-lnterr<>urse »it.i Jackson. Miss. La t*rau^>, Tenn., baa 4 lar- aiUivM against Uie » >r.X muHti wili. BSTaDi.tsa a an.rr-.u v graitim«A Nkw unuctvn. > (d. XI..A special to be yute rroui NatCaei, Ml-*.. dat'sl yesterday. aajrai Ibe city la in a fever of e». .teiuen' to-mgiit at yellow fever reports from anil the sbot- gu.i qua antlne will be edabuanesi at once. A I ir^e excursion party from Matcuet, whicb v,-.ited Jackson, are * ut ou from tbeir bo nes, ail traiae on tuc S atenet, Jackson auil Columbus Kai.r .ad b youd llaiu.lui i t**'u stopp- -0. A apactal tralu was a ut out at li o'clock l^uulu t<i bring In .he Natcuez iieo.ile from c.lope-re W.-lla, Har- r.ngiou anJ oLb r |Khgt* al >utf tbe road wuo bi« 11.1 o -a I J ». vho.i. By tuc uiiH^rua 411a anUM lu ltfTH veliow lever «a- k pi out ot Natoucz, and It la uellcved It can be lone again. Thrf ivill Prabablf be LfDrbML TW) km ikaur* im jall. ar nock truKiM, w. t., roa a aau>oK ikivl irunk Cmcaoo. sepu -L.A from Ch^yenn* sa> a: T*o men, en ruutr to Washington r**rritory ovci lauJ, su>,'t>''>l At Kock hpn i«( v w *i»r couuty, yesu-nlav noon, to purcuaae suppii'**. Tuev became .numlca.»vl an1 eng.tfe I Id a sa «>D brawl witu co.o.minor-v «>n - o( 1 Ue si ranker* ilrew a tux-aUooier .»uJ ..apiltsl It Into lue crowx Dick Uivh Mat lunaain kilW ana I'bll JiuafT.'f auil Uau Harrison wouu.l'-l. A tier t.i<- aiooil .( tne slraugcrs jump.' I luto luelr i an t Jr >v* rip. Ily .ut of town, l'wo frs wbofollaweA on (001 were ItreJ upon by lb- euiKrauia. lu I bo excuauge of Ml01 s oue slraii^er w .ui w .uuilej au4 O0.11 uor^eh ki.ieJ I'Ue in«-u were arre>ie.l. Tb« miners trlej 10 l.ike tue pilsoueraHorn tb<' ofB.-ef« wuen en routr to ]aiL Tuere is every probability Ibt-hi. u wili lx- lyncbi'X K.* » Sp in;* waA tue scene o( Ibe cblncae rtot wteral >ear> a«[u. 1 be . l.-iiteoi m bleu lej ibe auugulcr of tbe CUiua- lucu sua preJoiuiuauw tben. Sortilen DeMh of dd llllaals l awrrr. CIICM), lt*pt <1..Tbe lion. Wm. 11. Koblnaou, a wi-l.-kaowa lawyer and of ti.>ulD ru llliooiB, died suddenly at Ids b l ue in KairneM yesterday. At ibe la>l r> |>uba. an Mate (.-oavi-D- UOD Mr. KoUnsoa Was elected as . prealdeullal elector. Ibe stale central cuDimlttee ba* bee® Called to tueet on tbe :&ib luataut to DU IUA vacancy occasioned by bis oeatb. ^luNrrrd HI* UK Partner. Cmcauo, sept 21..A a|<eclal from Ouray, coL. aa)s: A brutal luuider Waa committed Wcjiie*. d^y nitbt several inllea from bere. c. U. 1 ross- wallue, wbo baa beeu proapeclliik lb tbla viclnliy lor bprlUaCDeid, Uulo, parlies, went lo a cabin wblcu be Uad not used lor aoine lime, and f .uud It occupied by at 1aliters. Uaruii:* fr.uu luem tbal a fo.mer partner of bis, named Johnson, given tbein peruusaiou lo use It, trosawallbii started for Junnsob's Cabin all u tbe at owed IA- tenllon 01 killing blm. tul« ilng tbr caUn bJ aroused Jonnr.un, aud dated bim to flirln, ai lua same lime drawing a revolver. Jobusou tbrew btmself out of bed and » 11 d crosswaltbe. Bab men struggled to tbe ceut-r of tbe cabiu, aneo Crosswaitbe lell ou tbe stove aud tired a aboL. Jobuaon staggered back, sbot tbruugb lb< beart, dying a morn ut lat- r. Uodge conkilng. « bo oc¬ cupied tbe cublu wltb Jobna.iu, seizod a rids aA cross Wall be rusbed out and D.ed, but tbe mur¬ derer escaped. '1 be murdered man * relatives ar* la Iowa. Hallrea4 I mi.' « "¦« ¦ THK AMFUJVM Of AIVaL CODraktB* AaVk 4 UTBI.* BaTTLk WITH rt'ks akb aaovkLic CDICAOO. bepL Wl.-A special¦ gj ver vol aavs: tor seveial days luere bas bet ¦ trouble brewing at A.peb and Denver jmJ RioU'aude about tbe rigbt ofwaf out ol camp and luto tbe Ltab Uue. tne uuarrel caused tbe sb< ddluK °f blood, and lurlb. r trjuble i* expected. Tbe Hlo urande trs^n was drawn out of tue street In accordance altb tbe orders ol tue city coudcII, but K *.» later Yesterday alteruoi.n, tbe Midland, b luff ready to complete IU track. men to clear tbe way. Tne men boarded UKlU® Grande cArs obstructing tbe track, aud to unload ibeiu, prv par^iory to getilQtf «i ol ibe Way. Mr. haters, of tbe Kiourande, »iod appealed bis men and Oid-red tneui^o beat. oS tbe Midland lorces. A couflict ensued. In w bleb auovela aud picks were itwiy usea aud sev. r.u men weie badly uuru I realdent boot., ot lue M.d.aud. was breasi and kuocaeu do a n aud badly injured, lb* city iuar»bal aud a number of deputies loen In¬ terfered, and wltn great difficulty »Ujpped tb» OrfUt and placed tne Midlaud meu un .er arresu l ue Midland applied lor an lujuurl on ag ^nat tb- K.o urande, aud one was Issued. Out tbe .alter road leiused to recognue IU l be oberltl aud tben too-posseaalou of the ground aud are lug uo b tradta and tbe train of cars par ilea. I be men WuO were arrested ** tor boldlnv- tbe ground witu W.nciu'^r" u^, nnes paid tula moinlug by Mr ^ uiond. Feeling la running verj blgu between ia* two compaiae*. FfMD Wall HnM Ntw Y OAK, »epu aa.Tbe fairly s eaoy tbls morning, mnat ol tbe' stocks bdmg uncbanged, or but slight fractlooA different either *W irom the -^"JiTe* laat evening; Loulsv.ile and NasbUile was_an ex ceptloo, bower, b- ltig down '»9*'. 'I"iv i^m «ui« and Northern Pacific preieired tbe leaders ol tbe market and lb ibose_stock. tber* was a very active trading, but tb^r^t ot ine lut was comparatively quiet, tbougb N..ltb*e»^., Lackawana, Lake snoie and a lew otber^ wer. promi nent, bome sllgut advances were mad over tbe opening prices as a rule, but the mark t soon became we k and 81. PauI loat I . Pacific preferred 1 per cent. Nortuwestern It "J. others smaller frac; lonn. Tbe dec"w? *a* panted by a aotnewbat iarg«T busiuesa. but it »« checked toward 11 t*lock abd tbe recoveries. Lacka^una was on the list, being beid at a sttAde »tXJV« tb<* oj^"» lug tbroughouu The markei developed feature and At 11 o'clock It was W rather heavy At or near the lowest pricea rea*.«e<j. A Lively taan»>f« ." *". V,r*,",i** tb« urcaucaKi maaa dome «aih» ow tbi fk»u» ¦aat'K. Special Correspondence of tbe Sew York *orld Whaauso, W. Va., 8 pt- IB..This ataie U . tbe ihrjesot an ACUve pollttcAl catu|>algu. tne one Southern atate where tbe ra<-e appears to have been eauilna ted from P«J" Ibe tariff U the ouiy que.tiou dlscu^luj^b" campaign in this stale. 1 be republicans arej*ork lug very bard; they are out local .I**",. luto tbe mountain districts l ipouodiug, < ^ight. ink and arguing tbe tAr.ff lasue. uu the question oi protection Alone this stateJ*0** * a large majority lor it. Tbe oemocratic (JlJMo tbe republican argumeut taluvarlaW/ «.*?? that the democrat c part) pollcj ln l be oi free trade. Tue democratic *r*^_ , in fnvor oi tbe hy^teua of protection* nud w ** a.toar . »i«ut In no way affect tbe question of Wag'-n. »a lu the mountain districts the . is very Utile considered. 1 bere are * itcrlculiuristb in tuls neighborhood, and m> it>7 follow tue prejudice.- au3 wlUlie therebcis ol that tune oppo* the trdoD men to-day lu ibe field ol PoU^'*fl.T.'{L^!?r k iu little, however, ot ibe Utter apiniof WAW* ^ Kx-rebei cbieltalus have bl, « ou republican tickets, aud lu some lustauoes u ^ taken tneir position within the gP*^ ,b.t me This lact waagiven me as snJ republican pai ty tb tbls state Id tbal in tbls one botitbern slate m u iM without becom.n. social ^i uere is of botu sides fight each otuer lalrlT. »" eveorwhere th# utmost freedom « man U called to MWM > gg male way tor expressing either democrat"; «. "vrssrr.. .»«. . s couveru to the republican paw>. A nu^ tbe manuiACturers ol Wueeang par- year their luteutlou of Joining thj ^.UeJuvA ty icr the purpose of tuaiut-aiuii^ J^P u avstem. The mosi notable of tbe * of tlS^ Hearncse*. latuer A«jd Uearues, i he latber, w as a DeU ^ HI* son nas been a democrat ' Morks cob- is supertuteuJent of the **** t nan*ed. Tbey trolled oy tola liUiW. lie U** *'7* lt^rt icu* have no. cbangea becau> ^LSSS? lar eutnusiasm for the rt p«o etaD<1_ tdmt because ihey prefer hau u> ^ u employ reasons are busaies. ooes. auo.^ cU^ngK «ul several hundrea aorluug mun tula talk have some effect upon « Dave go us Among Otbf ¦¦DS'a,**g ^jmnucan ueke* dm over 10 tbe support of »^J ^ Motxmrv «Ak iTlI^v A Mrooka. Ibe-s* um Aave^Dauied einp»o> over oue tho®. .aen "hum uf their employ « "and. eBeel upon tbe acuou ol tbe men. nm^t have.«..« utw« lb Wbe. UDg »b» 'luere Are «her manuiac lepub- lican ¦¦DS<*";.t?*,T| u £ pew te that they up t'ueir miuds fuuj wudi taey .|ij ZTXSo. The repobiicAbs bavs a most ijopuiar Jfnililaie 10T governor tbls yt»r.UAa. fue> proiess to be verj coufnien of elee.iug b ut l^iy baas tbeir couhaeuce snLireli upon t»* changes to thetr able brought about b> the dlseiw "jTai^ UM (itiwcrah Are dow squall} co°°^'n'' DM do DOt propose to y Mid the stAM wituiwt A aharuAtruggie. TlM Whole Of u si.«gl> ai Isvor of the procecwoo system, t tbe more the republlcaus do to <H^*ad tbe ideA ¦ tncy atd the note trtemts of this syste* »». thDt the democrattc panj is weklsg 5 3m lurthar they wui go la sscaiisg the this state. Wast Virginu baa graai jos^®"'^ la the way of aatwai wealth. I w-« i«d Ahai «xperta have olllciaiiy sstiMaled ths vaM»e ou*l aad trua to tats a tue atata <

Transcript of The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1888-09-21 [p ]. · J0 For >*1« everywhere,or mailed to...

Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1888-09-21 [p ]. · J0 For >*1« everywhere,or mailed to anyad-onrecaivtof25UtMNCOTTBconu. magazine, Philadelphia. I" all Opening or 2**nccooLNN

Vol. 73.No 11,027. WASHINGTON. 1). C.. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1888. TWO CENTS.

the evening star'TBL1SHED DAILY. Except Sunday,AT THE SI aR BUILDING^¦ orthweet Com«r PecaiyiTXBu At*, uj^Th« Evening Star New»p*per Company,

*. H. KAUFFMANN. r^tfL

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J*Jt With otlier atoriea. By FKA \ K K. STOcR-1OX liniu, paper, 50 ceuta. cloth. 4 L25.Mr 9tockton'a latest work is contained in thi* col¬lection of his inimitable shirt stories, and their de-

pmtfBI humor m .*. iraah aa that dlaplayad in any of*Sa moot famous talea.

V Mr. Stockton"* Stone*. 8 Tola. In a box. »7.50.UTTLE PFOI''.E A*d Tbkib Homes ii»

¦kJ^Hiwa, W«ioua *ai> W*Taaa BY STELLALOLIb 1. BOoK. B< autifu ly llluatrateii by Dan.¦.ard aud Harry Beard Souara Sro, . 1.50.The boy or nrl who read* this book will be Baton-Med at the amoiiut of cunuu* aud entertain iiur ln-

wniiaiiou whK'li it contain* about mseot-, l ue authorwith ad^ctiouate foudneea ana with a harm-¦nyly aim;>le and winulu* style that will faacinata"ery yuum reader.


. "2*° American writer since the daya of WaahinrtonIljtna nm the Eu<l:*h U'.rfuatfe as d.>»< 'Ik Marvel.'His buuks are aa natural a» »p Iuk flowers, and aa re-(reohinv aa suiun.rr nuns.". Tke Button TrarttenpLThe followiiiir 8 Tola.. 1-nio. in a box. <10; singly,91 «o:


W-TuWN PLACES.AI.E OF THE INDIAN MUTINY. OB, Thi»i HiixiB. By 4ajUIS I'OUSSELiT. Traua-frt.m the iMi. h by Mary De HautrvlLle. With

-u^nvm»on wood by A Marie. .V*w«ittiv«. 1-mo. 41.oO.

Exciting ad-veatnrea and an entertainimr thread ofromaiice uiaka thi* book of aUrruiC interval lor boy*.

'.'fur tuU t>y ail kuoAsrUrrt, or Knt, pottpaid, byCuARLLS StRIBNER'8 SONS,

J> 743-745 broadway. NEW YORK-


"QUEEN OF SPADES."£o<iiplete in Llpptncott's Ustruine for Oct, readySei t. J0 For >*1« everywhere, or mailed to any ad-drvae on recaivt of 25 con u.

UtMNCOTTB magazine,Philadelphia.

I" all Openingor

NN N n OOC OO t L2**nccooL £' '

li lo£°ooS Ll Ll:N NN* Vs


* » f OO RRRAA II L O 0 R RA A II L O 0 RRR11 L O O R RA A U Im OO B B








Buainaaa Suit* to order from B20.Lraaa Suit* to order from B25.Fall Orercoata to order from. lie.Trvuaars to order from $5.



Owino ToThe Remarkable Successor TUB

PALACE KING,s,.Ct'^r f».»ce trade thi* year ha* nearly »l manage.! widest repu-c.nTI *Jf ¦ i"»»at iismt with miuiaat


IptloU IliOttt .UbtttAKltuL_ «j .vck«t De.icrHAY WARD * HlTCHINSON.

wr eB*tom»r* are reminded that by placin* their.,TK~r?.ot 1Ch>'ACra. latSobls.klej"aiid much money aavad"*"* T*1""'*1 "VMAYWARD * HLTCHINSON,

«»»ton Hard Wax. mu.V'ili^dfor^M1*acKjr* au3Q-3m.lp

siaJVffiuJ!1 JSy-JSss.*^,,w ">e Unrest stock t HitAss Fli.t GOODS'<>1 ^fl Ornamenta waJ^seliButoWs Hostwi Pouah. now a^araily usJd tur


Home Decorations.*. *®w raselvinir aad showlaa soma of onr railIii-ponaUoaa of Malarial*, which are to be ap lnN"vettM aad Boat* Dacoratiooa. Amon« aoaie of thelataat at* a Pur* Liaau Bolton ShaeUua entirely new.Naw Moleakin tn sevea of the new Art

tiraiy newSew Colored Chaatola Skin*BalUac Cloth in all widiha.*M> New thadee la Ro(« Silk.or

decorative art booms..M MB e*. a. w.,

¦ of New Wo


tf iny Mary P. Dftiit, vllk tD7.c^tin iny name, ** she has left n y uotue withoutinMt cniM I will i4t no h*ll» abe roatricl* hereafter.Just MUM. I will l+J no ows

hJCHARD ^ DAS ,September 20. 1888. ***

C L. S C-FOCNDKV CIRl.XK WILLinert m 'he parlors of fonndry M.E. Church.

corncr_14th and Q sta. nMONDAY, the 24th Init,st 7 p in Election ol officers. assignments reudinm..-ubecr prions for CbiuUuuutn; nub rales fl 3o: al*oclub rates lor book*at discount


EVENING Literary and Mu.teal So.-able by the ST.utm-ot's SOC1E1Y and their friend*. Free admis¬sion. All are eoidlally invitedFRED O. ATKINSON.' Vice-President*.RICHARDROTHWELL.) ICS President*.

JOHN COOK. President.ntl-2t CH AS. F BENJAMIN. Secretary.

WaxsmoTO*. IX C.. Sept 20. 18SH.^ i -.ish publicly to thauk the Pot mac. Fire¬men's. and Franklin Insurance Companies of this cityfur their prompt» ttlement of lorn caused by the de¬struction of my isctory by fire also to expires mythanks to Mr. W Klley Deehle, In-urancebroker. 1319f »L n.w.. for his xi-editioua adjustment oi the aboveloss Respectfully.


vertisement la the Educational column of this paper.sr21-lw?- _^5,VVF.CIAL NOTICEs^5> Republics. » ol New York State are Invitedto attend a meet!u« Tills VENINUat UM< Head¬quarters. corner Mass. ave. and 14th st. n.w. It



839 F St. N. W. (Second Floor.)

Contribution* for defraying Uy legitimate expense*of tile National Democratic Committee in promotingthe election of Cleveland and Tburman will be receivedat the above room* between 8 a. m. and 11 p. m.

JAMES L. NORRIS,Advisory Committee and Treasurer for D. C.



imr rolicy-holders having claims (for dead burses) InAugu-t asaca*meut to call at their office and receivetbeir money: A Richards k Co.. South Capitol and Osts.; Catherine McCarthy, loth and H »ts.n.e.. PaulineAscliennech. 922 2d St. li e.; 1. 'I . 0'1>-11. Jr.. 71013th*t n.w.; J. A Blundon, 3219 Ost. n.w.; W. T.K.-enan, 924 19th St. u.w K. M . Billlliger, Alexan¬dria. Vs., H. W. Hhrham, 370 N st. aw.; Julm C Haw-ley. 1200 E st n.w.. W 11. Brown. 20th st. and P^nn-sy.vama sve. n.w . 1 liadeu* bean. 221 1st St. s.e.. M.Horan. 1d1."> 3d st. n.e.: J. J. Nuonan. 20th and I sta.u.w On September 3o the office ol the above companywill be removed to «0S F st. n.w. EASTEKDAK kHALDEMAN. Managers. W M. D. EASTERDAY.Superintendent. se21 -2t*

DRUG STORE. COR. »TH AND PAave. Open all night In chance of registeredpharmacist.


___ enced teacher: testimonials from regularweekly class of 17 months standing, terius 41.50 permonth. M. A WaTMON, Residence ol2 41th. st n.w.*e20-6f

MORNING PAPER.~Tue Philadelphia daily and Sunday Press is servedin this city every morning at 8:15 o'clock. A samplecopy of each paper can be obtained free at any newsstand or of any newsboy. Leave your order for thepaper at the uewstands with the newsboy, or at the¦tore of

J.T. CLEMENT.se20-2t* <114 9th st n.w.{»- - PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN ASSO-

elation.A regular meeting ot the associationwill be held on FRIDAY EVENING, September 23, st8 o'clock, in their quarters, room 3.', Le Droit Build-in*. Addresses will be delivered by several Member*of Congreae on the iasuea of the campaign. All repub¬licans are invited to be present.se20-2t FRANK M. EVANS, President

. CABLE TRANSFERS TO LONDON.PARIS and Other Points on the Contin ntLr-WIS JOHNSON A CO.. Bangers.**20-10t 10th snd Pennsylvania ave.

BUYERS, TAKE NOTICE!The fallowing merchant* on Capitol HiU have con¬tracted with Clerks' A.ssetnbly 8451. K. of. L.. to clo^e

on and alter SEPl EMBi H 20 their respective placeaof business at 7 p. m.. Nat irdays excepted: J. Walie-meyer. 223 Psnnsylvaiua ave. a.e.; S. Fisher. 229Pennsylvania ave. le.. Ww. Hahn ft Co.. 231 Pennsyl¬vania ave. i.e.; J. A Hepettl. 317 Pennsy lvama ave.Ferd Frank. 33IS-333 Pennsylvania ave. ae.Organized labor will know where to deaL *e2u-3t

. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OYSTER DEAL-ers..From this d y we will sell Oyster FryUuxea in .">oo lots for 45: or single hundred 41.10.SCUMID'S cox Factory. 317 12th *t n.w sel9-4w«REMOVAI J T. DYER HAS REMOVEDhis Real Estate Office to 1304 F St. sel8-2wTHE AMERICA - ENEKG1ZER MANU-FAC1I KING COMPANY. Limited, of Penn¬sylvania. have on exhibition. at No. 1418 F STREETNOttlHWEaT (Basement), THE ENERG1ZER, a veryvaluab.e adjunct to machinery. In cheapening MotivePower lor Street Railways, Steamboats, electric Light-

iu*. Sc., y employing tne force of Momentum in Re¬vo ving Mac hin ry. IIt has met with the approval of the moat eminenten* iieer-> of the country.A limited number of the Shaxea of the SUx k of theCompany are for aale. se 18 5t*


IHt CENTER MARKET AGRICULTURAL MA¬CHINERY AND MERCANTILE COMPANY'.The Directors of the Mashinytou Market Companyhave been lor some time considering a projositioufrom the above-named company which ia understoodto embrace leadin* manufacturers and dealers in farm-ins and uther kinds of machinery, seed* and hardwareand fertilizers for a Ion* lease of tbeir large, commo¬dious and very eliKible hall over the 9th-*treet win* ofthe Center MarketThe I'ropoaitiou is understood to be to substantiallyduplicate the Qmncy Hall Agricultural Machinery,Seed snd Fertilizlnjr Establishment over the marketIn boston, from which the country contiguous to thenatioua. capital can be suppll d direct from the manu¬facturers. aa New England la supplied from Boston, atmanufacturers' prices.Pow.-r can easily be supplied to this 9th street Cen¬ter Marker Hall, and all kinds of machinery. Includingmodels of patentable uiacninery, put into ocerationther*. thus giving Washington a permanent exhibit ofnew machinery, and the thousands ot farmxi* whomarket hay. corn ana all their vaiioua product* at thenational capital, opportunity to purchase from manu¬facturer's and nrst nands farming utensils, sssds andfertilizers, thu» saving an en rmoua profit heretoforerealized by middle men.The main entrance to this machinery hall la a wideiron »tair«ay at the corner of 9th and B streets south,of sufficient height and width to draw up and let downwith well adjusted pulleys the heaviest and largest.arm machinery, wagons and carriages of every de¬scription. This main entrance fronts and is Contigu¬ous to the long lines ot farmers' and producers' three days m each week the entire length ofB street, bs.ween 7th and 10th streets, an elevator forhandling small machinery, iron and heavy articles,connects with the hall on the east side, also a stairwayin th eastern tower and a commodious passenger ele¬vator in the weater tower of tue 9th street wing, to-

g u» r with the iron passageway from Pennsylvaniaaveuua, renders this spacious agricultural and ma¬chinery market warehouse eligible and easily acosssl-ble fur this proioeed use.The arcade over the wholesale storea, containing onehundred rentable 'paces for the lignt goods sndfloWertr*da. and all kinds of miscellaneous merchandising,which is reached directly iroin Pennsylvania avenueby the iron passageway and sidewalks, thus connectingevery port.on of this uiuuinotb utart, will souu beready for occup-ncy. as the cable cash railway »¦"< thecounters or stands are being placed in position.The PEOPLE'S PAiiCEL DELIVER 1 CO. is makingarrangements io establish an office m the wholesalemarket row, where they will receive market baaket*snd all kinds of parcels purcha-sd at the market andpromptly deliver them at a very modetate rate.The Parrel Company will a,so receive telephone andtel-grapn messages irom housekeepers and promptlyattsnd to pu chaaing and deliveung all thusordered irom any market, relieving housekeep¬ers from placing their orders persoualiy in incl* meutweather or from other reaaots desired.

NOTICE 18 HEREbY GIVEN THAT Aspeels meeting ot the stockholders of theANAcosiiA and Potomac riyi.r railroadCo. will he bald at the office of the company in Ana-CJStls T( EaDAX. October 10. 1888. at 2:30 p m.the object of sue- meeting being to authorise the Is¬suance ol Arst-mo: tgsge bonds lor the purpoes of thecompany availing itacit of its franchises.

H. A GiliaYsOLD, PresidentJ. B. PITCHER. SeerstaryA Chnati. H. C. McCanley, 1R B. Clark, Thoa. E. smithson, Directors.Jss. E. Hailsy. J. Z. » Uliama, )sslo-lm

DR- & H A. KLEINSCHMIDT HASPCS removed his office and residence from 3113N *t n.w- to >Q4o N st n.w. *sld ttt*WALL GAS FIXTURES.

& & 8HKDD * BR0.432 9th St. N. W.

Our stock is now replete with beautiful Gas Fixturesof new su eusraut design, and at prices that dsfy <petition.

Our aasortmsnt embraces the latest and most artisticWrought-iron Chandeliers. Braaa Gaa Flxturss.Lights. Bracksta. Gas Globes and 8hart*s of evsry vari¬ety and Color..I* M. S. BHEDD t BRO , 438 9th si®^=!» FILES! I1LSS!! ULEaV!No ose need suSer. BUud. Bleeding. Internalor Protruding Piles, no mat er how long staadiiurspeedily cured Treatment comparatively iitnluss*(no cuu Tig or tying), and no loss of time from busingscores of refsrsacas In sli parU ot the city.

Coesoltsiion«-al«^JJL^o^bSc^free. [ssl4-«fj ofltos 8V« 9U st a.w..PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICAN AS.CIA HON. Room 33. L* Droit Building. Therooms of this Associaitoa whl be opeo every svsolwr

f?^k riv%.irrp^refcosos eRow*. ^SiS^tZ1S» SPECIAL KOT1CE.-F. WALLAl H, LOANBroksr and Jeweler, tonusrly at 13o4 F si.>ovsd to 4OS IWlh st. opposus Palais Royal.Jo Uau on Matchsa, Diamonds, and JeWalry.

"ve masss sstsUiehmsiit in the air. M-Jsi

O. METfisvs

I m the city. Jy3-3m

Washington Dews and Gossip.latest* Adreriias

8th T*«*AT-w***T».3d pan.Awnot Salsb.3d p(|«.

Jd inure*Business Chances.6th nanHTl I i r..4»--ttiU iwirc.COUNTBT ItOABD. '-idpAlfeiOooirrmT Real Esiaxs.2dpanDeaths.oth inn,Dkktuthi.3d nmEducation al.4 th pin,Eiccuioia. Picnics, Ac..OUs piftFamily SUPPLia.-Jd >»<»,FINANCIAL.3d IIXI.Fob Kim (Flats).ad para.Fop Rent (Booms).2d panFob Ren r t Houaesi.ttthFo* Burr (Stores).2J pair*.Fob Rent (Miscel.ausoiu).2d panFob Biu (Houses) -6tb pa«.Fob Sale (Lots).Otb pane.Fo* BALECtflacellauoousl.Ith panHooaEruBk'UdiMoa.3d pass.Ladies'Ooods.3J pair*.Local Mention.0tb i»aca.Loot and Found.2dMabbiaom.oth pmre.Monet to Loan.Oth panMedical.:wl pairs.New panOcean Steameb* -3d na/%Potomac Riveb Boat*.3d pair*.PiANoa and Oboa**.3d panPersonal.2d pave.PsorEsaioNAL.4th mnProposals.4th panRailboads.3d pave.Special Notices.1st p%nSpecialties.4th pairs.Summeb Rrsobts.3dpsnThe Trades.3d ptura.Wanted(Help).^d panWanted (Situations).2d pan.Wanted (Rooms).2d pa<*.Wanted (Houses).2d pt<nWanted (MisceUan»oa»)-2d ntn

Pages 3 and 4 or To-dat*s Sta* Contain:The Doctors Adjourn; The Home of Yellow Fever;The Proposed Slierldan Statue; The SmltbsomanInstitution Exhibit at Cincinnati; The Emperor ofAustria's Jubilee; telegraphic news, etc.

Government Receipts To-Dat..Internal reve¬nue, $330,042; customs. >691,764.Among the President's Callers To-Dat were:

Secretary Bayard, Senators Daniel and Barbour,Representatives Chlpman, Hayes, KUgore, Thomp¬son (CaL), Henderson (N. C.), Calne, McDonald.Tracv, LaDdes, Allen, Oaten, T. J. Campbell andMcKlnney, Commls doners Hail and Auderson, andMr. B. A. Tlernan, of Terre Haute, Ind.Thi U. S. S. Yantic arrived this morning at the

Brooklyn navy-yard from her cruise through thefishing grounds.The Chinese Bill Before th« President..The

Chinese exclusion bill reached the White Housethis morning.The Bond offerings To-Dat aggregated $2,-

873,000, as follows: coupon 4 s, $900,000 at 130,110,000 at 130, (25,000 at 130; Reg. 4'S, (1,100,000at 130, (82,000 at 131, ex-lntarest, (45,000 at 129,ex-Interest, (25.000 at 129, ex-lnU re,t, (500,000 at130, (10,000 t 130; coupon 4^'S, (10,000 it 107*;Reg. 4*'* (15,000 at 107*. (100,000 at 107*. (71,-000 al 107>4.To ¦¦ Sent Back to Ireland..'The Secretary of

the Treasury has authorized the Commissioners ofImmigration at Philadelphia to expend (30 for thepurpose of returning to Ireland Peter Finlay. wife,and three children. They arrived In PhiladelphiaIn June last in gnod health, but since tben Finlayhas developed peritonitis, and will probably notrecover. The family Is now being supported bythe Commissioners of Immigration, and Finlay isdesirous of returning to his relatives In Ireland.Cannot Be Examined in Canada..Tbe superin¬

tendent of the Grand Trunk Line of Canada re¬cently suggested to the Treasury Department thatthe baggage of passengers over that railway, des¬tined for points In the Uulted states, be examinedat Toronto, Canada, by a United customs officerstationed at that point Instead of at suspensionBridge. N. Y., as at present. In a letter to the col¬lector at Suspension Bridge in regard to the sub¬ject Assistant S creiary Maynard says that in viewol his statement that the (acuities for such exami¬nation at suspension Bridge are ample, the De¬partment sees no reason tor granting the request,more especially as the. statute prescribes that thebaggage of passengers as well as all other merch¬andise shall be examined within the territory oftM United States.Thet Relinquish 200,000 Acres of Land..The

Marquette, Houghton and Ootanogan RailroadCompany, of Northern Michigan, have definitelydecided to withdraw all claims to the lands oppo¬site the unconstructed portion of their road. Theamount of land thus relinquished Is said to ag¬gregate over 200,000 acres. It Is slated that thecompany has given a perpetual lease of their roadto the Canadian Pacific Company.An Erboneocs Impression Corrected..A letter

was recently received at the Treasury Departmentfrom a business firm at Danbury, Conn., whichsaid that "an impression prevails among many oftbe worklngmen In this neighborhood, the princi¬pal industry of which Is hatting.that hats par-tlally flnlsued may be Imported to this country asraw material, and that this is done tnrough the ]arbitrary interpretation of the tarlS laws by offi¬cers In charge of the New York custom-house."Assistant Secretary Maynard has written a epiylo this letter, in wuich he says that reports re¬ceived from the collector and appraiser at NewYork indicates thai the impression referred to 1*not correct, Inasmuch as during the last threeyears there have been no partially finished hatspassed at that port as raw material. The ap¬praiser also reported that partially finished hatscomposed of fur are classified as manufactured offur at 30 per cent advalorem under par. 435 T. Lnew, and » hen composed of wool wholly or in parithey ar< classified a manufactures of wool andpay duty under par. 3(33 of the tariff act.Re8ioned..John A. Bievins, of Missouri, a third- 1

class clerk in the Post-office Department, has re¬signed.Professor Nbwcomb is still at the Chelsea Naval

Hospital. His sickness is neurasthenia, atTectlngthe nerves of one leg In such a way that be canneither sit nor walk. He is slowly improving.Natal Obders..Lieut-Commander W. A. Mor¬

gan ordered to duty in charge of the nitre depotat Maiden, Mass., October L Ensign Lorenzosempie to the receiving ship Minnesota. PastAsst. Engineer Ralph Astor ordered lor exami¬nation for promotion. Capu Allen Reeddetached irom command of the Rlcumond andplaced on waiting orders. Commander Oeo. w.wingate detacued from duiy in chargeof the nitre depot at Maiden, Mass., and ordered tocommand the store ship Monongaheia, October 16. IArmt Orders..Second Lieut, Alfred Hasbrouck

jr., Fourteenth Inf., has been granted twomonths' sick leave. A general court martial isappointed to meet at David's Island, N. Y., on the24tu Inst. The detail Is as follows: Lieuu-CoLFred..Wears, Fourth Inf.; capu Jas. Regan, Nlulh Inf.;Capt. Harry L. Haskell, Twelfth Inf.; First Lieut,Richard R. su edman, sixteenth InL; First Lieut.James A. lluiton, Eighth lnl.; First LleuuMarion P. Maus. First InL, Judge advocate.Paymaster Oeo. K. Smith, granted twenty days'leave. Tuirty cavalry recruits have been asslguedto the Sixtu cav. surgeon Alired A. WooUhull,granted fifteen days' extension ol leave. Leaveso. absence have been granted as follows: FirstLieut. Henry H. Ludlow, 3d artillery, one mouthfrom October 1; second Lleuu Herbert O. Squires,7th cavaliy, one month from October 1; secondLieut. Julius a. Peun, Jr., 18ih lntaniry, threemonths from October 20.

Tbe U. 8. & Constellation will soon sail fromNorfolk for Portsmouth, N. H., tor the purpose ottaking on board the apprentice boys from theSaratoga and the Portsmouth, now on board theConstitution.

Personal.Sir wilford and Lady Brett ot, M. D. Mann ot Buffalo. J. K. Benjamin, J. W*Savin, and Max Bandler of New York, W. L. Shel¬don of su Louis, Dr. Jas. Thorlngton ot Asplnwall,and Jos. Strong ot Terre Haute, ind., are at theArlington. Seuators George and Vest. Represen¬tatives Collins, O'Neill ot Missouri, Maison, andCampbell, lnapector-ueneral Dutnont, and Assist¬ant PosUnaster-oeueral Knoll were in New Yorklast nlghU C. R. Dow 01 boston, F. 8. Eve otLondon, W. L. Bird ot Plllsburg, and Edwin Kick-ell ol Philadelphia are al WUlardl Surgeon-General Hamilton is ou his way from Florida. Hepassed lurough Savannah last nlghi. Gen.Hosecraaa and Gen. Johu F. Farnsworth ot Wash¬ington ware in Cuicago on Wednesday. W. s.W son ot Baa Jose, CaL, Geo. W. Blake ol NewYork, E. B. tunings ot Boston.W Jas. V. WllaMof ins Army are at the su James..Mr. c. B.Beail. deputy clerk of the U. B. supreme court,and tanuur have returned from their »umm*r so¬journ, ana are established al 1000 15th streetaoriaweeu

United States District Attorney Galvin, at Boston,ban brought twelve suits against Bowker, lorryft Co. marble manufacturers, to recover Uie pen¬ally lor aa alleged violation ot the contract-laborww la importing marbie-cuitm Iron Italy.The pot te having refused a satisfactory reply re¬garding the seizure ot a Greek vessel, the Greekgovernment has ordered several Greek men-of-warto be put in immediate rsaillnsss lor ssa service-



The Subject Discussed in the Senate.

Proposed Substitute for the Agri¬cultural Department Bill.


The Senate.Mr. Stewart introduced a bin regulating'the pre-

sentution of bills and Joint resolutions to the Pres¬ident of the United Slates; which (after a briefdiscussion) was reierredtothe committee on rules,it makes it the duty of the Speaker of the Houseand of the President of the Senate to have bills

PreJ£'n.Sr^uUon8 Presented forthwltn to thetiiThon P^30".i,n<1 to have the fact reportedto theli respective houses.delat in preskntinq biliji to thi president.Mr. Stewart ulao offered a resolution reciting the

statements in the public press that the p.esenta-,°n ot bllla to the President is frequently delayedo'^eral days, and sometimes for weeks, by the

thatfhP^i o0U ^roiled bills, and resolving

wrtiMnuMh. ?? a brancuof the legislative de-

the HoSL £ Government, call the attention ofo Represent.,uvea to such delays in

? 8 10 ine President oi the United

preS^t^uchhiii J!?!1"® 10 ^"""e118 officers toh^SLh!^.J^thout unnecessary delay.

¦J® to submit some remarKS,but as it hadblU shouM hL i? Agricultural Depanmentoui should be taken up immediately after th«

SSSuSilSSW6 deterred histhai bill would be disposed of

day.TrStoSr 8enaM adJOUrn l°-


».,u110 milke the Department of Agri¬

culture one of the Executive Departments of thewaa then taken up, the question be¬

ing on the amendment reported by the commitLM

tM^rers th^isBaih1^6outthefliu»s^uo.whichwin .

weather bureau of the siirnai satvice to the Department ot Agrtcu.ture


r M|)rfiued himself as willing to

wn^M - U,e WU' f0re8eelnK. however, that it

Z°.rm th* est^hllahment (which he

jnT be betterXuentl,btne^lme°IliadlarrKw%o?\aue0creat!on1ofr2

bra,lclle8o, 'n&ssrM:u

TH* a°mculturistb.

,*lr J41'1 that the proposition had originallytakenthe form suggested by his colleague, but

ripn^ee° oppose<1 by the people interested in ag.rtcuiture, on the ground that they would be auh.merged and lost sight of, and wouid fail to receive

t'ffC attenuon winch tnat^at^J^Reaoan's substitute bill.

Mr. Reagan sent to the clerk's desk and had read |t~

*rttullure» as the Interests of airricul-fflW«='irrArSeither" subject that would omit

MR. plumb's views.Mr. Pumb (who has charge of the bill) said that

he was familiar with the general scope of Mr

^«*^*rrsru£,ursitssnsfrssss&swsfxssjf>&zivss!* *um>-THIS proposition to transpek thb weather BUREAU

defeated.The discussion was continued by Mr. Call in

favor of the transfer of the Weather Bureau, andVIU°C' 01 Iowa: Pilmer. Daulsbury,

and Hale against it. Finally the vow waa taken on


Uuu*e ol Hepmenlailrm,MR. KILOOBB 0BJKCT8.

On motion of Mr. Caruth (Ky.) the Senate bill

R^rPa^d aulU0ll2lng the Louisville southernKaiiroad Co. to construct a bridge across the Ken.lucky River in Kentucky.


rnf,r;f>0UgUerly <FU° unanimous consent

U&SSlSjE^^®Wrnow |Mr. KUgore (Tex.) objected.

A RAILROAD BILL PASSED.The Senate bill was then taken up forfeiting the

grant of lands to the state of *d?n

suppression op TRUsra.Mr. Craln (Tex.) asked unanimous consent to

rrrs.'srar.'srs: s1SSsatr.SSSgSSblnailons or conspiracies

Ue C0UJ"

Presldent had cleared the ODDuwtioiwSr ?? llV

Uon oi that character? *Ul 01 Way WiU» »eglsla-Mr. Hopkins (N. Y.) objected.



li^u'nrt n ,roui tiie committee on pub¬lic lands, reported back the bill to susDenii ih.

nran^aT/^rbr;^^^oithe^ea^wSow'before^co2Urtngtl1* Pendingthe forfdiiure oi certain

10 re^tion toby congress to railroad coroora^^"0re Krantedalter, no act done or perform^ hr «n5na th»re-porauon suall in nov

any such cor-cialm of any such corworaSnfthe /lght or

by any suchgr^rS^inL HnU/r^ covereaistlug in the United statei n«ht how «-ture thereof. Thhj pron^on sh.n Sta,rl.Ulu ,ortel"io in anywise a fleet wTmrnts^rwa^.^nst ruednow ejtlauug Iu behalf^ li^ i "r.?,JTaJve^ "Ifhtcure the lorfeliJ^ m a£y or the^n^"^ de"ln any such grant.

e '^da embraced

.T*B 'Ritati bills.

w2£sn.2£ X)vzrss 0ot ?private calendar. cluU) oa th8

_Exu»«aii«f PoMnutin.RtRCLT OP thb rorrMAETER-GENEHAI.'B nm«-

tioatio* op aaciNT cuarbe*"The report ot Poatmaater-oeneral Dickinson inresponse to the uouw

"ickinaon in

low-tariff publication called

I2SSeu^d^ini then^uirtbeof1^llnMUir-0<!neralquireueuu oi law and iT^?MiJ.Ued f1111uon throuifh tne ^52Ul^?matter. iu reirnnt^seoond-elaaithat poetaiaaterM ^./i the chaigeof repubu^in Dancr* >. 0P®ned packagesthese ..AdvoiiS!!^' the

'D8erled <*ple«ofOhio, swore thattie rti»^P^tmaster at BetueL

ue package. <3alleged conuineduS^^'0k,MM# wulcl1 »* w*»

ZZWfSSSSXtor the

LIBRARY building 1la>etigauon eouumttwwmohave

uata u^uorrowT waa mm»«i

a nomination withdrawn.The Pr udent Has withdrawn from the Senate

the nomination or John Fitxpatrick to be L'n.tedStates marshal for the eastern district of Lould-

NoxnfATiom confirmed.The Senate in executive session confirmed the

following nominations: Lieut. CoL Amos Beck,with, assistant commissary-general, to be colonel;*"J- Michael R. Morgan, to be assistant commis-sary-generaL with me rank of lieutenant-colonel;Capt. Samuel i.cusiiing, to be commissary ofsubsistence, with the rank of major; Lieut. Col.HoDert 1'. Hugnes, to be iuspector-general, witnthe rank of colonel; MaJ. George H. Barton, to becolonel.OPPOSING THE TRANSFER OF THE WEATHER BCREAC.In the Senate yesterday afternoon the blU to

create an executive department of agriculture wasdebated. Mr. Chandler opposed the transferorthe weather bureau. It was an und-nlable fact,he said, that there were fewsr defalcations, fewercorruptions, fewer misappropriations of pub.lcmoney la works conducted by officers of the regu-r'viM h'nj * ' than In works conducted by

AFRICAN COLONIZATION BOUNTY.In the Senate to-day Mr, Chandler Introduced a

bin providing that out of the fund collected as thedirect tax during the war a contract shall be

f?a<'e *IM» the United States and Congo Steamshiptran-sport all negroes who may want to eml-

£5*'* ">Africa. Tue sum or $30 U to be puld torS?Sr i4**4411, emlgraot, and eacu one is to be fur-nished witn sixty days' rations.

MRS. NEWMAN'S ANTI-MOKMON PITITlON.A memorial presented by senator Edmunds to-

day and signed by Mrs. Angle Newman in behairof the loyalists of Utah Territory makes a longand extended argument against the Mormonunurch and protests against "a dishonored starbelntf placed upon our llela or blue." Mrs. Newmandoes not want Utah admitted as long as polygamyprevails there.


FIGHTING YELLOW JACK.An Unfounded Rumor .( m Caae of


It has been rumored on the streets for several daysthat there was a case of yellow fever on Defreesstreet. The report appears to have no foundationwhatever. The rumor started in the GovernmentPrinting office and soon spread In that neighbor¬hood. When Dr. Townshend was asked what truththere was In the story he said there wts nothingin it, as be would have been notified had a case offever shown itself here. It is possible that thereare some persons from the South stopping on De-frees street which gave rise to the rumor. Dr.Townshend said he did not think there was anydanger of the fever spreading in this city even If* refugee should be found to have 1L The personswho arrive her® are closely watched, and he hardlythought it possible for one of th m to have thefever without its coming to the attention of theHealth officials. When the health offloer flrst took

tlie yellow toTer persons were4,te<110 .en<1 In reports of all suspicious cases

8KD?e Ul*t 0mo man* cases havebut upon Investigation they turned

Sm .llnPl« cases of malarial or other fever,P roua\. Th® UM case reported was that

of a mulatto who died In South Washington. Tttecoroner was sent to the house and an autopsy was

JThe complalnt was made by personi whoknew thei deceased and who said that he turnedyellow shortly beiore his death. Persona about

wiM> kuew tlie man uaed to Joke aboutJJ* having the yellow fever, and in that way itwas reported to the health officials. The autousyrevealed the fact that death was due to Jaundiceana not to yellow fever.


passengers from THE SOUTH.The report of Train-Inspector Stratton shows

that three passengers from the soutn yesterdaystopped on Defrees street, but these arrivals could

ca"86^ 1,10 rumor as it appeals t»bavestarted about three days ago. The followinir Der-sous arrived on the trains from the South yester¬day and stopped In this city: H. G. Davis, Spar-tansourg, 8. C.j Mrs. S. S. Twiggs, Augusta, Ga. .

Jf* wife and child, Spartanburg. S c'

^ A- ^Vlngert, AsheviUe, N. c.; D. K. EbauglVand ntece- Soinerville, 8. C.; James

Wright, Wilmington, N. C.; Kev. C. tr. Oney ana

Ma'j SlW <£' C\?F* Lem°n. Cincinnati;Mrs. J. Postrell, Cartersvllle, Ga.; Miss l. MillerHome, Ga.; B. E. Thomas, Irontoo, Ohio; F. i!

K J* ^ Munc«. Louisville; E.B. Patterson, wire and culld, Cincinnati; w. E.Ledman, New Albany; J. T. Wedaiogton, PittCounty, N. C. About thirty passengers from

^j^th^ Carolina, Louisiana and Kentucky passed

DR. HAMILTON COMING HOME.Surgeon-General Hamilton, having completed

the work of establishing the refuge camp Perryleft there yesterday for Washlngtoa AssistantSurgeon Pettus telegraphs to the Marine HospitalBureau that the report that Galveston, Tex. hasyellow fever is without foundation. There is uoyellow fever there. Surgeou John Godfrey haswired from Louisville, Ky., that a man died tueredayoerore yesterday or yellow fever, a refugeefrom Decatur, Ala. Precautions have been laKnand no danger is apprehended. Acting SurgeonHnett Goode, at Mobile, has eiegraphed that thereare reliable reports of tiree case" atJacsson, ilsi!ten at Decatur, Ala., aud one at Louisville Kysurgeon Kobblns, Oi Vlcksburg, Miss., under dat*of to-day, wires th .t the yellow lever has devel¬oped at Jackson, Miss., and that there is absolutenon-intercourse between that place and V"-)r>l?urg.

Soeli ly Notee.Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Folaom left this morn¬

ing for a short stay at Saranac Inn, in the Adiron-dacks. They were accompanied by Dr. Ward, or

Aiban^who has been a guest at Oak View for

Dr. and Mrs. G. 8. Palmer have returned afterthree months on the coast of Maine and Mamachusetts.Miss Gertrude Phillips, of K street, wiu leave

next week for Staunton, Va.Mrs. D. P. Heap is making her parents, Mr. and

Kara vwi"uie,r new

Mrs. H. L. Sumner has returned to the city.Miss Ella L. Davis has returned from Leonard-

towu, Md., where she has been spending the sum-

The Asiatic Squadron.MOVEMENTS OF NAVAL VESSELS IN THE PACIFIC.Hear Admiral Chandler, commanding the Asiatic

station, reports to the Navy Department, underdate of Kobe, Japan, AugustU7, that the Brooklynaalled. Jrom Nagasaki for New York bvway of Honolulu aud cape Horn. Her sails are weuworn and she will probably require a new setat Honolulu. The Essex sS?ed from Yok^1hama, August 17th, for chemulDa S« 'the" Utter"'SfJun* A Vapane^ man-o^war ^ntly^Safoul of the

*Juniata in lhe^a<&t2S

of Cbemuipo and carried awsvlower boom and Jib-boom but did no seriousdamage. The Juniata would sail fromChemulpo, August !» f0r Nagasaki, andth n proceed toNewYort by way^ or tmel Tueinvalided men and general courun.artiai priionJJsof tne Brooklyn have been transferred to the Juni!ate for passage home. The Paiosls atNagaiuL an.ithe Monocacy at Yokohama. The flagtSiSMartonwastosaum a lew days for a noohern cAuiThe general health of the squadron remal.!?ex'cellent. Ensign H. C. Poundstone taT b4ntransferred the Brooklyn to theJunlaULand Ensign olennie Tarbox from the Marlon to the

I'V Uerx J. w. Matthews has been %-vauded to the naval hospital at Mare uuod,



The Interstate commission met In Dover. DeLyesterday to give a hearing oa the complaint ofthe Delaware State Grange against the Pennsyl¬vania Kailroad company. There were present ofthe commission judge Cooley, chairman, and

Bragg, W. R. Morrison and flrhoopmsker.-www .- - bmu p»iuuunmMfci»p

George H. Bates and Levic. Bird, of Wilmington!were counsel lor tue grangeis. and JuttoeiSS^nof Philadelphia, and HonfoeavTM^Syver, counsel lor tue railroad comDauvTMrpresented the grangers' caas, wff ooistaSfSthree counu . excessive and uniuat it^ahLcharges, bad train service and duSrh^tlSn inlong-and-short hauls. Judge Logan, lor the rail-roa company, presented i genenl denWL Thecase was opened by examination of -"irnisfjthe grangers. Jonn J. Kosa, of MlhortUileadme

« .*«n, andNT.Maryland, a leading fruit grower, te»uned. ih

«sarssMir^t.v'SS^sA Dover special to the Baltlmors Am mm a

theIs to-nignt

Jour.1 wgooaoim


the Sundry Civil Bill.The conferees on tbe suudry civil bill held a

meeting to-day and decided to report back a dis¬agreement on tbe pronation relating to tbe newLibrary building. Tbe Senate conferees Insistedupon tbelr intendment and tbe House conferee*insisted upon carrying out tbe prescribed policy oftbat body and stopping tbe work.The disagreement will be reported tbat tbe Sen¬

ate may declare Its will in tbe premises.Then another conference win be held.

A STUBBORN- PIGUT IN PROSPECT.There Is every indication of a stubborn fightbetween tbe House and senate over tbe new

Library provision of tbe sundry civil bllL TbeSenate and Its conierees are unalterably opposedto tbe House plan of dealing wlib this importantsubject. Tbe Senate conf rees siy that to ad >pttbe House policy of stopp ng work aud advertisingfor net* plans, Ac., will reopen the wnole Librarycontroversy, piaclng it wnere it was prior to tueaioption of the Voorhe s bill, and that yearswou.d Intervene before a completed buildlutcould be hoped for. Hence tbe Senate is prac¬tically unanimous in favor of carrying forwardtb - work as proposed, placing It In cuarge of Gen.Casey. The House conierees seem opposed toArchitect smltbmeyer and hold him respousibietor everything that has gone wrong. Should lUetwo houses be unable to agree upon any legisla¬tion the Library bulldlug wlh remain under control01 tue Commission, but there will be no money tocarry on tue work.At tbe meeting of the conferees it was apparentfrom the first that tbe Senate conferee# wouid

never agree to tne rejection of tbe amendment.One of tne House conferees expressed tne opinionto a Star reporter tbat finally an agreementwould be reacued such as to secure tbe construc¬tion of a library building.

SAL.ADS FOR THE DOCTOR*A Rrilllnnt Reception to the Member*

.I the Medical loafren.The great halls of tbe Army Medical Museum

building saw the closing scene of tbe first sessionoi tbe American Medical Association last evening,when all the members witu tbelr friends unitedin a reception there. Tbe anatomical museumhall, containing all the skeletons of men andanimals that erstwhile adorned the rooms of tbeold Ford Theater of tragic memory on 10th street,was brilliantly lighted up lor tbe first time withgas and decked with hospital flags, the red crossbeing tbe most promloeut. This medieval symbolwas the favorite of tbe evening; the very saladshad Maltese crosses of red beets on their uppersurface. At the other end of the long hall istbe library, and this was decorated for the recep¬tion of guests. Bowls of cut flowers and pots were placed upon the tops of the low book¬cases, and the walls were hung with flags, a HueGerman Hag being conspicuous. Gas Jets flamedhere and there, and a number of parlor lampsturew softly lan-bient llgut turougb silken shades.Tue long hall that connected tuese two apart¬ments afforded a pleasant promenade for the com¬pany that began u> arrive alter 9 o'clock, oneither side of the hall are rooms tuat were util¬ized for supper, refreshment, and dressing rooms.A tew musicians were stationed in the balcony inthe Museum, and Derlodlcally tes.ej the acousticproperties of it with their Instruments. Tue strictscientists deserted tbe hail during such experi¬ments. A large rug was spread upon the soap-stone floor of tue library, beside the central divan,and upon that the reception party stood. Dr.Billings presented the company to the PrincessScnleawlg-Holsteln, who stood next to nun, andthen u> Prof, von Esmarch, wuo stood next to his*>16. Tue others lu Uue were Mrs. Bl.lings, Mrs.J. Ford Thompson, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Morgan,Mrs. J. M. Browne, Mrs. Roberts, of Phila¬delphia, and Mrs. K. T. Bdes. The prin¬cess, who Is above the medium he.ghtof women and rather stout oi ngure, andIs probably forty-live or fifty years of age, woreuer blond hair dressed higu witu a buck uprightbow at one side 01 her head, in Walcn gdsieued adiamond star. Her nose is iar*e and her eyesblue. She wore a decollete, sleeveless, trainedgown of black satin, draped In olack lace andgarnished with Jet. There were heavy epaulettesof Jet upon tue suouldera. Sue wore a necklace ofdiamonds aud black gloves, and held a largebouquet of white rosea. The princess had apleasant smile lor ail presented, and a cordialgreeting for thos she recognized as persons sueuad met before. Mrs. Billings wore stone-coiored silk, and held a buncu of pink roses;Mrs. Busey was in blue and wuite silk,and Mrs. Browne In white silk and lace, overlouruundied persons participated in tue recep¬tion. Among liieui were Mrs. Folsom, with Dr. S.B. Ward, of Albany; Dr. aud the Misses Ord, Dr.Otis, Di. Cameron, of Montreal Dr. anu Mrs. W. A.Hammond, Dr. Bum, Dr. Yarrow, Dr. T. Z. Sow¬ers, Dr. T. M. Murray, Dr. and Mot Sternberg. Dr.Bidder, Dr. Browne, Dr. Burnes, Mr. aud Mrs. Wil¬son, Senator aud Mrs. Dolpn, Dr. Davis, SenatorUawley, Major and Mrs. Poweil, Capu D. C. Baim-Une, Dr. i'ajior, tue Misses Bi.uu^s, Mrs. turn-ininga oils, ProL Knapp, of Bostou; Piof. Clarke,Dr. J. a. Baxter, Dr. David Ferrler audair. Victor Horslej, oi Loudon; Dr. W. W. Been, ofPuiladeiphla; Dr. koou F. Weir, oi New York, andDr. Hoover. At 10 UK) the supper and punch rooms.vere thrown opeu and were soon occupied. Thesupper table was effectively decked with flowers,and salads, croquettes, boned turkey, a .d tu il»e,and had lor a center piece a flue pickerel on apedestal. Tue puyslcians assisted in the usualway and the suppiy oi had to be renewedmauy times, i ue event was a brl.llant sc n - andafforded a pieasaqt closing lor a scientifically pro¬fitable cougress. Aud tue new Museum buildingproved Itaeu an available place lor socUl enter¬tainments.


OP TBS CONOaXSS.The final adjournment of the Medical Congress

last evening was the signal tor the departure ofthe great majority oi the visitors wuo had come tothis city to attend its sessions. The morningtrains were crowded with doctors hurrying totueir uouiea. bomu of the foreign guests will re¬main in this city tor a short time and others willlake a tour through tue country before returninghome. A number accepted the invitation to visitthe Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Baltimore, andspent to-day 1'u that city. Dr. BiUlngs, Dr. Buseyand others from this city Joined tne Baltimoreparty. Tbe headquarters of the oommiiiee ofarrangements at Wlilard's, wulcn hdk presentedsuch a busy appearance during the past few days,was deserted this mornuig. Dr. Adams, who hasassisted tne chairman. Dr. Busey, was meregatuering togeluer ine papers and preparing todually close up tue rooms. The local committee(eel satisfied with the manner In which tue ar¬rangements were carried out, especially as iheyhave beard so many oompdmeuts irom the vlslungmembers expressing tuemse*ves satisfied wiluwhat had been done. The vanous societies wereprovided with comlortabie and couveulent placesof nic-eaug, and were able to carry out tueir pro¬grams. Tue social features of the cougress werea.l pleasant events and greato' enjoyed. 11 is con¬ceded thai this first meeting of tue congress wasin all respects eiuineutly successiui.Tue proceedings of tue cougress will be printed,

and each society will, as is me custom, publisu itsown transactions.The next session of the congress wiU be held in

tills city three years iroin this date.

Tralawrocklsf Done by Striken.TUB WK0NG PRRIOBT SMASHED.A WASHINGTONMAN XUXXD.TRTI*0 TO UBS 1 HOT A RHUS* CAR.A freight train was wrecked on the Wabash

Western HaUroad about fliteen miles west of SLLouis, near Bridgeport, Ma, Wednesday night,tieo. Hendrlck, engineer, and Louis H. Ketiler,fireman, were killed. Chaa. Williams, conductor,and Budoiph stoufar, a shipper, were badly in¬jured. Kettler had Just relumed from his wed¬ding tour, the fata, trip being his hrst oue out.I,JJ Monday, fo> the first time in its history, thecnicago, Burlington aud t^umcy Railroad ran lisowntralns into Su Louis. This was accordingto an agreement recently made with the WabaauWestern. On Monday there was a strike luthe Wabash yards, the union men refusingto hanu.e engines aud trains manned bymen wno took the place of Burlington strik¬en. Tne matter was compromised in some way,but much ill-temper was suown. A Burlingtontrain was due over the Wabash Western at 8o'clock Wednesday night. At Bridgeton the trainwas an hour late, and a Wabash freight train pre¬ceded it and met tue late intended lor the belatedtrain. The accident occurred at a switch, and anexamination showed that tbe rails uad beenspread, and a piece of iron inserted in such a waymat the train could not keep tbe track. At 3o'clock Thursday morning an attempt was madsto wreck the train containing the puyslcians andofficers returning from the first wreck. A log wasrolled squarely across the track. The train stoppedCt in tune to prevent another disaster. The po>are looking tor the wreckers. Kettler, thefireman, was twenty-nine year* oid. Me was tnesjn oi Win. and Kosa Betuer, ot this city. Hisbody will be brought here, and the funeral willtake place Sunday afternoon from Bis father'shoots, 613 Uh street southwest.

Judos Tbrrt in Barak AltuaInmctod..TbeUnited Males grand Jury at Ban Francisco yester¬day paMbied six Indictments UsRRTerry affair.Four sfV against Judge Terry m exhibiting *deadly weapon and for obstructing and assauiilagMarshal Franks am "»« assistants^ and (woagainst Sarau Althea tor imparting the laarshsl IniZe exercise of his douea.War Sn DoCi Mabt in coacmajc..Miss

Hebeooa Tebbetta, Us a*vsat.a yeer ohl daugh¬ter o( Lewis IX TeOhetta. of St. Louis, etoped yes¬terday with her islMrt coscbnsas, who Is aboottwice hsr age. Tue pair were caught at Ogte*Station, about twsaty saUsa dm the ctty. sodoiougat bank. They expected to get married atMs&'sSffKU'jajss

Telegram* to The Star.


Many Refugees Hurrying North.


Death of William Warren, the Oomelian.

HOl'IDIMC THE IRISH LEADEN.Aa l adrrbaal AUcaapl to Prrtadlrc

Ht» Caoe with ike ( .¦niMlo*.Special Cable Dispatch to The tvimmi St»«_London. Sept. 2L.seiuorne is end avuring to

prejudice P&rn-ll's ca* by travei-iung Gladstone'sstatement that the cabl >et In lw.' was satisfledthai the Biiipecu had no connection with crimein IivUnd He has written circu.ags to the mem¬bers ot that cabinet at present opposed to til i«l-stone, and managed to a cure va^ue denials.HurUngton, however, hon-stl) quo es troui tueofficial speech ot Uladstonc in 1KS2 anuouuclu{the release ot the suspects not witucrime, and admlUi that mis m.i» h ive u^-n owia,-U» a decision or the caoluet «vhl> h *>uieo( Glad¬stone'* colleague* cannot now reuiembei.

Crlaae Decreat My In Ensland.Special Cabl* lftspatcli tu l'*« I.vemnj Star.London, Sept. 2L.The judicial statistics for

1887, Just published, like every previous returnsince compulsory education began in 187U, showsa decrease of crlue and at tu- saui-; Urn la popu¬lation. The total commitments to prison were6,877, fewer In 1887 than In the previous year.

BO.1BAMDI.tU \ TKAIX.Aa Oalragc by Hoodlum* on the Sab-

urlxi of thicaj*.Chicago, Sept. 21..As the Chicago-bound Alton

express train was passing :«IU street last night anumber of unknown hood.urns perpetrated an ouurage which, lor pure flendlshnesa, Is seldomequalled. The train was crowded with passen¬gers acd moving at a rapid rate. Suddenly ashower of stones and huge chunks of cia» cam-'Clashing against one side of ibe train, breakingwindows acd greatly alarming the passengers Aman In the sinok-*r was sti uok by a heavy sioneand knocked into the aisi"*. The splintered glassfrom the broken window flew in every direction.The man escaped with a bruised shoulder and aslight cut on the hand. Mrs. James Orange wasseated by the window In the second coacn. Apiece of flying glass struck her in tue face, inflict¬ing a wound which may result in the lo** ot herlett eye. The glass cut through the lower Ud auaInto the white of the eye. Every car in the traicwas bombarded by the rum int. The train wasstopped as soon as possible and seaicb was madefor the hoodlums, but they succeeded in escapingIn the darkness.


MMABoston, Mass., Sept. a-Wm. Warren, the actor,

died at u o'clock this morning.Mr. Warren was born November 17, 1812, in

Philadelphia. 11 . rather, wuo bore the samename wus a celebrated actor and manager whocame to this country In 17WJ. Wil.lain Warren,the younger, made his debut in 1832 In the ArchStreet Theater, Fblladelpula, as l ining Aort<uL.In "Douglass," the occasion l* lug a uenefli (or tueElder Warren's lamuy, througu uuslness revers-s,having become peundesa. lie travelled until Oc¬tober, 1840, when he came to Boston on an en¬gagement with the Howard Aiheneeum where heplayed with great success uuul February, 1847,when lie JoiueJ the Bostou Museum Co., withwhich be remained unui 1804, wneu the Warren-Ortoh t'ombluaii >n was orgauizej. In the seasonof lSttj-T*! he returned to the boston Museum andfrom uiat time until tue season of 1*82-MU, « n-nne retired froai the stage, he was au extremelypopular member ot t..e stock company.


LEUEP KRACDCLENT REPRESENTATIONS.Nbw Yoke, Sept. 21..The following telegram

has been received by the general manager or theAssoc al**d Press, dated at Xonqultt. Mass., Sep¬tember 20, and addressed to tue general mauager:"I have seen in several or tue New fcuglana news¬papers a telegram which says that Mr. FrankBurr, who has written a Lie oi uen. Sheridan, wasan intimate friend of my husuaud; thai Gen. Sher¬idan alued him In the preparation of his book andin revislug 1L The statements thus made are altuntrue, lien. Sbendan was never an intimatefriend of Mr. Burr, and ne not only never aidedhim in the preparation or revision of any book, buth ordered MBurr from his omce when that gen¬tleman approached him on the subject last winter.I certainty can have no objection to Mr. Burr orany one else writing of inv uusband, but when itis proposed to foist Mr. Burr's bjok upon the pub¬lic by false representations I believe that tuepublic will forgive me lor appearing lu the matter,particularly as I am prepared to prove that agentsof Mr. Burr's publishers uave represented inat Iam pecuniarily Interested In their book, a repre¬sentation wnlcli is also raise, lor I have no pecuni¬ary interest in any pubdcation about Gen. Sheri¬dan except his own personal memoirs.


Doctors Sightseeing la HaitiiBaltimore, Sept. 21..This morning about flfly

Of the delegates to the recent medical conventionIn Washington went out to Investigate the meritsof the system ot ventilation ana insUiation of thewaras tor contagious diseases at the Johns Hop¬kins Hospital.

Aa Oplaas Eaafflrr Railed.Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 21..John W. Stone, one or

the ogdensburg men arrested in connection withthe great op>um steal, has given bill in tue U nitedSlates District court in the sum ot fio.ouu.Lyttie and commissky expect to give ball u>-aay.

Praf. Hara%ck'i Elrvtloa CaafiiBerlin, sept. 21..Emperor William has con¬

firmed the election oi PruL Harnack to the chairoi cuurch history at the Berlin University, despitethe protest ot the senior evangelical cooucll, whichdisapproved of his reilglou* views. This action Isregarded as a heavy Imow to the extreme churchparty.


MERSEY IM A PWkLondon, Sept. 2L.The White star line steamer

Germanic, while entering the Mersey last eveningon her way from New York to Liverpool, weulashore on Formby SplL The Germanic had astrange pilot ou board, and the weather at thetime she stranded was very loggy. The steamerwas floated on the rising ude * ituut assistance,and was safely docked. Sue Is uulnjured, aud *U1sail for New York on her appointed date.

The Basklaa Iaiportal Baali.St. PBTEBSBCBO, Sept. 21..The Journal de at.

Ptlrrtbuury sajs: The Controliei, assistantfinance minister and bourse committee have maueau investigation to ascertain tue amount ot bui-lion In the Imperial Bank, and lound it to be221_4T2,4Uj roubles In addition to tue li.oou.uooroubles guaranteed aga.nst the new credit notes.


PORARY ORGANIZATION.Fort Worth, Tex., tsepL 21..The republican

Mate convention met yesterday, held two sessionsand adjourned unui to-day wituout accompUsuiuganything detinue. The two sessions were aevovedmainly to a wrangle between the no-Ucsel ortuslon faction and the straigutouta, the lonnerBet uring the chairmanship. A resolution was in¬troduced by Judge Osternout, ot BetU>n.dectaringtor a lusiou electoral ucaei witu tour union laborand three prohibition electors on it, but It was

¦mum Wis., Sept. 2L.The large cranberrywar nouse owned by Geo. sacket, located on themarsh near this city, was destroyed b.v fire yester¬day In tue building were 2,Ouu oar: eis of b rries,the entire crop of tue season, w were destroyed.I he total Kms is eeHmsiart at (30.000, hall coveredby insurance.

Boston, Mass., sept. 2L.Tue state oentral imittee oi toe tabor party Have voted to call a stateooBveBUon to nominate a state ticket. Tb* con¬vention will be bold to Boston September if"

Nat Crwdltod laParis, Sept. XL.Admiral Kranu, mlnlter of

marine, received a telegram from Tabity i<****-a w..* .#. manllAa Max em ,><fa .A Iff Af a ftV, IVLWTW H WN|iaui ai Will A aaaaa* # -----

day. but no mention was made to It ot any Og/t-lngto tue Marquesas group. Is oBrlil clrUes,therefore, no credit IB given to lbs report.

qal^rob, m,y.1« (be OoveraaMat

appro^rtauoa. >K>0.00Q^m wxrumeit work w^Se l%*aatIM mJSwUM»B A O0L. Of ISatracto«*. was ibetowaK,

I«hirm rraa Dnnar, ilk.. Mm At-l«Wti .. M#»P At > AhIii illfi,

Cwtcaoo. Sept. 21..A Jispaieh tram Naafcvilla,Teoa.. as a: At . IM boar lut ui«b: wrrniyretort wno b lardsd the Lo«i.ruM aud \ A»avui*train -' south of Docatur, AU.. srrtsad lathis riiy. Officen ml tbe iraio at maiiotvN sta¬tion. 1« iulte» out. and Informed ibe reiiik~*s thatthey could not ue permitted to «««> at XaaAvtla.Twelve o( tne aumbrr ha I ticket* tor mis city.Those who dl 1 no pass tbr.m*n Decatur were ,.ulow d o le«T . ibe t atii upon It* arrival hare.Tur .-Qii.tu U.r'r-d that several stopped attowns loog the road. It . a* teamed ib«t greatex. li-m.-nt pr vail.-d At Dee-atur and lb .1 laatnU-ht people 1M In all going id vebieHNana on foot, A» train* are do. p. ruiiu.d to atup idiW riiy. It l* rep -nei t tial one b<jiidr*ii murarefugees ttora l> vaiur will arrive In tne city to.faf. 1 hey will not, however. b- allowed io get offle-re. Mo»t of tho,e who wcat through ai« OoauJfor point* nort a oi ttie ouio river.

THVIOG TO Stftr OCT til r««TIL**l*ttesrHiH. !¦>«., "Hjpu iuvata.bla, Allien*, unl LIin -hione Cou .ue*, Ala., have

qatnu lned a»*l!i-.l IKvatur. Ala. Vi.-i;«i>utg,Miss.. baa estaolliued aosoiuie uon-lnterr<>urse»it.i Jackson. Miss. La t*rau^>, Tenn., baa 4 lar-aiUivM against Uie » >r.XmuHti wili. BSTaDi.tsa a an.rr-.u v graitim«ANkw unuctvn. > (d. XI..A special to be

yute rroui NatCaei, Ml-*.. dat'sl yesterday. aajraiIbe city la in a fever of e». .teiuen' to-mgiit atyellow fever reports from anil the sbot-gu.i qua antlne will be edabuanesi at once. AI ir^e excursion party from Matcuet, whicb v,-.itedJackson, are * ut ou from tbeir bo nes, ail traiaeon tuc S atenet, Jackson auil Columbus Kai.r .adb youd llaiu.lui i t**'u stopp- -0. A apactaltralu was a ut out at li o'clock l^uulu t<i bringIn .he Natcuez iieo.ile from c.lope-re W.-lla, Har-r.ngiou anJ oLb r |Khgt* al >utf tbe road wuo bi«11.1 o -a I J ». vho.i. By tuc uiiH^rua 411a anUMlu ltfTH veliow lever «a- k pi out ot Natoucz, andIt la uellcved It can be lone again.

Thrf ivill Prabablf be LfDrbMLTW) km ikaur* im jall. ar nock truKiM, w. t., roa

a aau>oK ikivl irunkCmcaoo. sepu -L.A from Ch^yenn*

sa> a: T*o men, en ruutr to Washington r**rritoryovci lauJ, su>,'t>''>l At Kock hpn i«( v w *i»rcouuty, yesu-nlav noon, to purcuaae suppii'**.Tuev became .numlca.»vl an1 eng.tfe I Id a sa «>Dbrawl witu co.o.minor-v «>n - o( 1 Ue si ranker*ilrew a tux-aUooier .»uJ ..apiltsl It Into lue crowxDick Uivh Mat lunaain kilW ana I'bll JiuafT.'fauil Uau Harrison wouu.l'-l. Atier t.i<- aiooil .(tne slraugcrs jump.' I luto luelr i an t Jr >v*rip. Ily .ut of town, l'wo o® frs wbofollaweAon (001 were ItreJ upon by lb- euiKrauia. lu Iboexcuauge of Ml01 s oue slraii^er w .ui w .uuilej au4O0.11 uor^eh ki.ieJ I'Ue in«-u were arre>ie.l. Tb«miners trlej 10 l.ike tue pilsoueraHorn tb<' ofB.-ef«wuen en routr to ]aiL Tuere is every Ibt-hi. u wili lx- lyncbi'X K.* » Sp in;* waAtue scene o( Ibe cblncae rtot wteral >ear> a«[u.1 be . l.-iiteoi m bleu lej ibe auugulcr of tbe CUiua-lucu sua preJoiuiuauw tben.Sortilen DeMh of dd llllaals l awrrr.CIICM), lt*pt <1..Tbe lion. Wm. 11. Koblnaou,

a wi-l.-kaowa lawyer and of ti.>ulD rullliooiB, died suddenly at Ids b l ue in KairneMyesterday. At ibe la>l r> |>uba. an Mate (.-oavi-D-UOD Mr. KoUnsoa Was elected as . prealdeullalelector. Ibe stale central cuDimlttee ba* bee®Called to tueet on tbe :&ib luataut to DU IUAvacancy occasioned by bis oeatb.

^luNrrrd M» HI* UK Partner.Cmcauo, sept 21..A a|<eclal from Ouray, coL.

aa)s: A brutal luuider Waa committed Wcjiie*.d^y nitbt several inllea from bere. c. U. 1 ross-wallue, wbo baa beeu proapeclliik lb tbla viclnliylor bprlUaCDeid, Uulo, parlies, went lo a cabinwblcu be Uad not used lor aoine lime, and f .uudIt occupied by at1aliters. Uaruii:* fr.uu luemtbal a fo.mer partner of bis, named Johnson, b.tdgiven tbein peruusaiou lo use It, trosawallbiistarted for Junnsob's Cabin all u tbe at owed IA-tenllon 01 killing blm. tul« ilng tbr caUn bJaroused Jonnr.un, aud dated bim to flirln, ai luasame lime drawing a revolver. Jobusou tbrewbtmself out of bed and » 11 d crosswaltbe. Babmen struggled to tbe ceut-r of tbe cabiu, aneoCrosswaitbe lell ou tbe stove aud tired a aboL.Jobuaon staggered back, sbot tbruugb lb< beart,dying a morn ut lat- r. Uodge conkilng. « bo oc¬cupied tbe cublu wltb Jobna.iu, seizod a rids aAcross Wall be rusbed out and D.ed, but tbe mur¬derer escaped. '1 be murdered man * relatives ar*la Iowa.

Hallrea4 I mi.' >¦ « "¦«¦THK AMFUJVM Of AIVaL CODraktB* AaVk 4 UTBI.*BaTTLk WITH rt'ks akb aaovkLic

CDICAOO. bepL Wl.-A special¦ gjver vol aavs: tor seveial days luere bas bet ¦trouble brewing at A.peband Denver jmJ RioU'aude about tbe rigbt ofwafout ol camp and luto tbe Ltab Uue.tne uuarrel caused tbe sb< ddluK °f blood, andlurlb. r trjuble i* expected. Tbe Hlo urande trs^nwas drawn out of tue street In accordance altbtbe orders ol tue city coudcII, but K *.»later Yesterday alteruoi.n, tbe Midland, b luffready to complete IU to clear tbe way. Tne men boarded UKlU®Grande cArs obstructing tbe track, audto unload ibeiu, prv par^iory to getilQtf «iol ibe Way. Mr. haters, of tbe Kiourande, »iodappealed bis men and Oid-red tneui^o beat.oS tbe Midland lorces. A couflict In w bleb auovela aud picks were itwiyusea aud sev. r.u men weie badly uuru I realdentboot., ot lue M.d.aud. wasbreasi and kuocaeu doa n aud badly injured, lb*city iuar»bal aud a number of deputies loen In¬terfered, and wltn great difficulty »Ujpped tb»OrfUt and placed tne Midlaud meu un .er arresul ue Midland applied lor an lujuurl on ag ^nat tb-K.o urande, aud one was Issued. Out tbe .alterroad leiused to recognue IU l be oberltl audtben too-posseaalou of the ground aud arelug uo b tradta and tbe train of carspar ilea. I be men WuO were arrested **tor boldlnv- tbe ground witu W.nciu'^r" u^,nnes paid tula moinlug by Mr ^uiond. Feeling la running verj blgu between ia*two compaiae*.

FfMD Wall HnMNtw YOAK, »epu aa.Tbe

fairly s eaoy tbls morning, mnat ol tbe'stocks bdmg uncbanged, or but slight fractlooAdifferent either *W irom the -^"JiTe*laat evening; Loulsv.ile and NasbUile was_an exceptloo, bower, b- ltig down '»9*'. 'I"iv i^m «ui«and Northern Pacific preieiredtbe leaders ol tbe market and lb ibose_stock. tber*was a very active trading, but tb^r^t ot ine lutwas comparatively quiet, tbougb N..ltb*e»^.,Lackawana, Lake snoie and a lew otber^ wer.promi nent, bome sllgut advances were madover tbe opening prices as a rule, but the mark tsoon became we k and 81. PauI loat I

.Pacific preferred 1 per cent. Nortuwestern It "J.others smaller frac; lonn. Tbe dec"w? *a*panted by a aotnewbat iarg«T busiuesa. but it »«checked toward 11 t*lock abd tberecoveries. Lacka^una wason the list, being beid at a sttAde »tXJV« tb<* oj^"»lug tbroughouu The markei developedfeature and At 11 o'clock It wasWrather heavy At or near the lowest pricea rea*.«e<j.

A Lively taan»>f« ." *". V,r*,",i**tb« urcaucaKi maaa dome «aih» ow tbi fk»u»¦aat'K.

Special Correspondence of tbe Sew York *orldWhaauso, W. Va., 8 pt- IB..This ataie U .

tbe ihrjesot an ACUve pollttcAl catu|>algu.tne one Southern atate where tbe ra<-eappears to have been eauilna ted from P«J"Ibe tariff U the ouiy que.tiou dlscu^luj^b"campaign in this stale. 1 be republicans arej*orklug very bard; they are out local .I**",.luto tbe mountain districts l ipouodiug, < ^ and arguing tbe tAr.ff lasue. uu the airatt.niquestion oi protection Alone this stateJ*0** *a large majority lor it. Tbe oemocratic (JlJMotbe republican argumeut taluvarlaW/ «.*??that the democrat c part) pollcj l» ln lbeoi free trade. Tue democratic *r*^_ ,in fnvor oi tbe hy^teua of protection* nudw **a.toar . »i«utIn no way affect tbe question of Wag'-n. »alu the mountain districts the

.is very Utile considered. 1 bere are*itcrlculiuristb in tuls neighborhood, and m> it>7

follow tue prejudice.- au3

wlUlie therebcis ol that tune oppo* the trdoDmen to-day lu ibe field ol PoU^'*fl.T.'{L^!?r k iulittle, however, ot ibe Utter apiniof WAW*

^Kx-rebei cbieltalus havebl, «ou republican tickets, aud lu some lustauoes u

^taken tneir position within the gP*^ ,b.t meThis lact waagiven me as snJrepublican pai ty tb tbls state Idtbal in tbls one botitbern slate m u

iMwithout becom.n. social ^i uere isof botu sides fight each otuer lalrlT. »"eveorwhere th# utmost freedom «man U called to MWM >ggmale way tor expressing either democrat"; «.

"vrssrr.. .»«. . scouveru to the republican paw>. A nu^tbe manuiACturers ol Wueeangpar-year their luteutlou of Joining thj ^.UeJuvAty icr the purpose of tuaiut-aiuii^J^P uavstem. The mosi notable of tbe *

of tlS^ Hearncse*. latuer A«jdUearues, ihe latber, w as a DeU^ HI* sonnas been a democrat 'Morks cob-is supertuteuJent of the ****

t nan*ed. Tbeytrolled oy tola liUiW. lie U** *'7* lt^rt icu*have no. cbangea becau> ^LSSS?lar eutnusiasm for the rt p«oetaD<1_ tdmtbecause ihey prefer hau u> ^ u employreasons are busaies. ooes. auo.^ cU^ngK «ulseveral hundrea aorluug

mun tula talkhave some effect upon «Dave gousAmong Otbf ¦¦DS'a,**g ^jmnucan ueke* dmover 10 tbe support of »^J ^ Motxmrv«Ak iTlI^v A Mrooka. Ibe-s*um Aave^Dauied einp»o> over oue tho®..aen "hum

uf their employ «"and. eBeel upon tbe acuou ol tbe men.nm^t have.«..«utw« lb Wbe. UDg »b»'luere Are «her manuiaclepub-

lican ¦¦DS<*";.t?*,T| u £ pew te that theyup t'ueir miuds fuuj wudi taey .|ij

ZTXSo. The repobiicAbs bavs a most ijopuiarJfnililaie 10T governor tbls yt»r.UAa.fue> proiess to be verj coufnien of elee.iug b utl^iy baas tbeir couhaeuce snLireli upon t»*changes to thetr able brought about b> the dlseiw

"jTai^UM (itiwcrah Are dow squall} co°°^'n''DM do DOt propose to yMid the stAM wituiwt AaharuAtruggie. TlM Whole Ofu si.«gl> ai Isvor of the procecwoo system, ttbe more the republlcaus do to <H^*ad tbe ideA¦ tncy atd the note trtemts of this syste* »».thDt the democrattc panj is weklsg53m lurthar they wui go la sscaiisg thethis state. Wast Virginu baa graai jos^®"'^la the way of aatwai wealth. I w-« i«d Ahai«xperta have olllciaiiy sstiMaled ths vaM»eou*l aad trua to tats atue atata <